determinate-negation · 11 months
any time diasporic jews protest i see a social media storm mocking both the presence *and* absence of religious items depending on what's convenient to say, joking about checking how many are brisim, and stating that no diaspora are halachically jewish — in fact they're probably all sexist crazy messianics 🫥 i'm tired
they will slander us no matter what lol. they hate jews who have a religious opposition to zionism and they hate jews who have a secular or moral opposition too. they call us self hating for not defining ourselves through ethnonationalism and fake jews for refusing to engage in psychotic anti arab racism. they love to speculate that jewish activists arent actually jews and claim that its fringe extremist groups. never mind that american jews are not united on israel, a majority of american jews support restricting us aid to israel, a growing number of (mostly younger) americans jews explicitly consider themselves anti zionist, and most secular or unaffiliated jews arent zionists. additional issues with the methodology of this study are that interfaith and secular jews are underrepresented in the data despite this being a pretty significant proportion of the american jewish population
despite the reality, this is what the people who speak on behalf of jewish institutions and jewish publications think of us lol. the disdain they have for diaspora culture and history is palpable
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magiclove · 1 month
As you’re my favorite Irish-speaking blogger, I’d like to ask what you think of Kneecap? Both the group and the film (if you’ve seen it)
Ah go raibh maith agat! — déanaim mo dhícheall <3
I like Kneecap, I’ve been listening to them since CEARTA came out! Some parts of their aesthetic are not for me, but that’s fine, I like the music.
I don’t listen to much of that genre in English. There were a few rap artists around in Limerick when I was a teenager and used to listen to their stuff, particularly Rusangano Family, little of Denise Chaila, I listened to some London grime stuff when I was in the UK, for a sense of place, and recently I really loved the Stormzy + AP Dhillon collab, Punjabi sounds unreal in this style of delivery.
As far as Kneecap go, my friends and I are much more interested in their tracks totally in Irish, so there was a little disappointment at the amount of Béarla in the new album HOWEVER I think Fine Art is a much better album creatively and musically than anything they’ve done prior to this. They were always funny (‘brisim achan riail seachas fuckin caol le caol’ still makes me laugh), but their sense of humour came out more on the new stuff.
Favourite tracks are probably I bhFiacha Linne (“SLÁN!”), and above all Better Way to Live, not just because I adore Grian Chatten but because the whole thing is so Church of Oasis … listened to Drug Dealin’ Pagans yesterday and got a great kick out of it even though I am allergic to Manchán Magan lol
They’ve lovely Irish 7 I like the west Belfast accent very much. And they did teach me the Nordie Gaelic slang for MDMA so I’ll be eternally grateful srl. I assume and hope they’re not doing as much ketamine as they pretend to, or they’ll lose their touch on that wordplay that they’re so good at.
For the film, I haven’t seen it and I don’t know that there’ll be a screening where I’m based, ‘cause I’m not in Ireland. I’d say it’s probably good!
If you’re looking for more Irish-language rap, I recommend Súil Amháin :) he’s more from my side of the country, so maybe that’s part of his draw for me, but he really is class. Murda Meaisín’s my favourite track.
GRMA as an gceist :) tá súil agam go mbeidh tráthnóna deas agat! x
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eirxair · 8 months
Do you listen to or like KNEECAP?
Or in other words an brisean tú achan riail, seachas focan caol le caol?
i havent listened to all their songs but ive heard most og them, love the ones ive listened to bc their absolutely class, my fave one rn is get ur brits out bc i think its funny to hear people name dropping NI politicians + the bbc theme tune type soundtrack scratches my brain right
in other words, brisim achan riail, seachas focan caol le caol (i love c.e.a.r.t.a its acc so catchy and also helps me remember caol le caol leathan le leathan☠️)
cant wait to watch their movie as well
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simmybri · 6 years
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Paolo & May Rocca
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bris-j-blog · 7 years
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인스타 감성 (insta gamsung.,☆)
Hideko&SeoJiWon TS4 Pictorial Classic Autumn
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lthasmusic · 6 years
tu surasi 
mus mažus 
kai tais krantais 
brisim kartu 
pasiimk mane 
į vandenis gilius 
aš nuskęsiu tavo akyse 
aš nuskęsiu
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misspepita · 6 years
LESSON TWO: BASICS 2 -Slender with slender and broad with broad. -Broad vowels: a, o, u -Slender vowels: e, i -Any vowels on either side of any consonant should match. -Look at the last vowel in a verb to see if stem is broad or slender. -->ex: dún - broad -->ex: bris - slender -First conjugation: one syllable, ending is added on to stem. -->ex: dúnaim (I close), brisim (I break) -Second conjugation: more than one syllable, root + stem. To conjugate, remove stem and replace with ending. -->ex: oscail - oscailte tú (you open)
LESSON THREE: PHRASES -Old and formal greetings, most likely NOT used: Dia duit - hello (to one person) ["God to you"] Dia daoibh - hello (to multiple people) Dia is Muire duit/daoibh - the response ["God and Mary to you"] -vonas atá tú? - How are you? -slán - bye -le do thoil - please - maidin - morning -go maith - well/good --> tá mé go maith - I'm good -ní - not --> ní bean me - I'm not a woman -fáilte - welcome -comhgairdeas - congrats (co-har-dess) -brón - sadness, sorrow -To have: be (bí) + at (ag) at me: agam at you: agat at him: aige at her: aici at us: againn at yall: agaibh at them: acu -->ex: Tá oráiste agam (I have an orange) -To speak: +The literal acting of speaking: Labhraím Gaeilge - I speak Irish +Having the ability or knowledge to speak: Tá Gaeilge agam - I can speak Irish
LESSON FOUR: FOOD -There is no "to like" verb. Instead it is maith (good) + le (with) with me: liom with you: leat with him: leis with her: léi with us: linn with yall: libh with them: leo -->ex: Is maith liom arán - I like bread
LESSON SIX: PLURALS -There are no indefinite articles (a/an) (a) boy - buachaill boys - buachaillí -Definite articles (the) the boy - an buachaill the boys - na buachaillí
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Irish Notes (Duolingo) - #4
Reminder: This is in the Connacht dialect.
“Caol le caol agus leathan le leathan.” / “Slender with the slender and broad with the broad.”
This is a saying that’s meant to help group vowels. The slender (caol) vowels are: e, i; and the broad (leathan) vowels are: a, o, u. The rule is this: the vowels on either side of any consonant should match (both must be broad or both must be slender).
i.e., The last vowel in dún is broad, so you’d use broad endings to conjugate it. The last vowel in bris is slender, so you’d use slender endings to conjugate it.
I. The First Conjugation. In the present tense the ending is, generally, added directly onto the stem of the word.
i.e., practice verbs: dún - close, ól - drink, bris - break
dúnaim - I close
dúnann sé - he closes
brisim - I break
briseann sé - he breaks
ólaimid - we drink
In present tense verbs, mé and muid aren’t often used & can be incorporated into their verb to make the ‘synthetic form’.
II. The Second Conjugation. The words come with a root and a stem. To conjugate them, you remove the stem and replace it with an appropriate ending.
i.e., practice verbs: bailigh, ceannaigh, oacail, and inis
bailíonn tú - you collect
ceannaímid - we buy
insím - I tell
osclaíonn sibh - you open
III. Irregular Verbs. Only 11 of these babies! Some of them can appear regular, but they all have at least one tense where they don’t obey the standard rules.
abair - say
beir - bear/carry/bring
bí - be
clois - hear
déan - do/make
feic - see
faigh - get
ith - eat
tabhair - give
tar - come
teígh - go
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1-told-you · 5 years
Ruduo jau prasidėjo
Tuoj ryte, kai gersim kavą, bus šalta kojų pirštams. Tuoj tems dar greičiau ir greitai grįšim iš darbo degant gatvių šviesoms. Tuoj be perstojo lis, o vakarus leisim su arbata ir filmais, o ne mieste su vynu. Tuoj kris lapai, tuoj brisim per balas, tuoj nešiosim šiltus megztinius. Ruduo yra labai gražus metas, kupinas nostalgijos ir ramybės. Paskutines šiltas dienas išnaudojam atsiminti vasarai, o kai vėsu, mėgaujamės tuo, kad galima drybsoti lovoje. Nors pirmi rudens ženklai jau yra, niekas nenori pripažinti, jog vasara iš tiesų eina į pabaigą ir, regis, trumpai, trukusi, vėl negrįš iki kitų metų. Šiais metais taip ir nenuvažiavau prie jūros, nepavažinėjau dviračiu mišku, nepadariau daug dalykų. Vasara buvo sunki emociškai ir kasdien priversdavo susimąstyti, kiek aš visko praleidžiu. Vis dėlto, ji praėjo greičiau, nei tikėjausi. Noriu, kad tai tęstųsi, noriu, kad nedingtų tie šilti vakarai ir saulė, žali medžiai, šiltas vanduo. Noriu, kad dar pasiliktų, bent trumpam.
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simmybri · 7 years
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Leo seems to be worn out after a day of Playing with Tiara!
Custom Dog Bed by --> @coupurelectrique
Poses --> @simming-for-fun
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simmybri · 7 years
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simmybri · 4 years
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Before & After Paolo Rocca
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simmybri · 4 years
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simmybri · 7 years
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Bridal Party
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simmybri · 7 years
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simmybri · 7 years
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