#bro he looked so happy when he found his grandfather
lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hey, I love your fics. I wanted to request a bat!bro reader who’s 16 where Bruce has split custody with his mum (he grew up with his mum and wanted split) but it turns out his mum was just using him to get money from Bruce and is kind of neglectful? And he always gives it to her bc he’s a mamas boy?
Stay safe and don’t forget to stay hydrated <33
Thanks anon, you stay hydrated too.
Summary: (Y/N) lives with his mom, but it's not going well.
Warnings: Bruce is protective, neglective mom, brothers are worried for (Y/N), Clark is investigating too, emotional (Y/N).
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Bruce noticed something about his son (Y/N). He had split custody with his mother because (Y/N) wanted to be with both of his parents equally. Bruce respected that wish and made an effort to work with his mother.
At first, his mom has agreed too and the two of them worked together to make sure that their son is happy. Bruce's other sons were happy with the results and they loved spending a week with the brother.
But now, there is something that has been going on, but Bruce couldn't quite pinpoint it on anything. He noticed that his former fling had much more nicer clothes. Bruce has sent a very hefty sum in child support for (Y/N), knowing that she is a single mom and she is not as rich as he is.
There wasn't anything wrong with buying new clothes for yourself, but he keeps seeing (Y/N) in the same clothes all the time. Bruce has tried to see it in a logical way, but there was a paranoia in his mind.
He knew that there were stories about women using men's child support to pay for themselves, especially if the men are rich and the sums are very hefty.
Just like in Bruce's case.
He didn't want to be paranoid because it would seem like he was crazy, but what if he was right about (Y/N)'s mom? (Y/N) seemed more anxious and more withdrawn. And when he wasn't in that mood, he became clingy, almost like he was deprived of love at home.
He wasn't clingy before and Bruce found it to be suspicious. He thought about involving CPS and other organizations, but he didn't have any official evidence. Just because someone starts being clingy, doesn't have to mean that they are neglected.
However, it is weird.
Bruce made sure to observe what was going on with (Y/N). The others agreed that something was off with their brother. (Y/N) has always been a happy kid, outgoing and loved to hang out with his brothers, dad and unofficial grandfather, but now, (Y/N) has completely changed.
Sure, you could argue that teenagers change and it was true. But not this quickly and not this drastic.
Bruce has officially decided to get involved, deciding to ask Clark for help. Clark is an investigative journalist and he would be able to do this unnoticed. And Clark would do anything do help his nephew.
He just adored (Y/N) and would do anything to make sure that he is okay. So, he has decided to see what (Y/N)'s mom is doing. All of this looked like a case of neglect and Clark could only hope at this point.
Hopes dies last.
But he knew that the chances are slim of that. He made sure that he followed his mom without her noticing. At first, everything was fine. Until he saw that she was rarely home. She spent her days shopping, hanging out with her friends, spending nights with random men...
And amidst all of that, (Y/N) was all alone. He had become an adult. He had to make himself meals, he had to do everything in the house. Not to mention that he had to pay the bills himself.
And recently the heating got cut off because the mom didn't pay it. Now, that was something that Clark couldn't take. His nephew doesn't deserve this.
He told Bruce that and Bruce has called CPS. Those sums are for (Y/N) and not for her. He got a lawyer too and now he had to wait. Now, she refused Bruce to see his own son.
And now she has messed up.
Bruce quickly filed for full custody, not allowing her to use his son as a weapon. Not going to happen. Absolutely not. The court hearings and preceding's were quick and efficient and Bruce was happy that (Y/N) was finally in his custody.
And it was discovered that his mom committed financial crimes and FBI was looking into her. (Y/N) didn't need to know that and he didn't need to be involved in that.
He really didn't need to be involved in that. But the one thing that makes Bruce mad every time he thought about it was the fact that she used his love and manipulated it.
(Y/N) has always been a mama's boy and she used it as a weapon against her own son. And despite (Y/N) being happy that he left that home behind, but there was this... Weird feeling.
He felt guilty and happy at the same time. He shouldn't be happy that his mother is going to jail soon, but at the same time he shouldn't feel guilty that he is now going to have a better life.
But she wasn't a bad mother at first. She was a great mom, but he knew that money has changed her. Those hefty sums were for him and yet, he gave her the amount every month.
He knows he shouldn't blame himself for it, but in the end he does. How he didn't see the manipulation of his love and adoration for her? How could he have been so blind?
So stupid too?
Bruce knew that he had to talk with (Y/N) about the situation. He started living with them full time a little over two weeks ago. It has not been easy for (Y/N), knowing that his mother was a criminal now and completely changing the way he lived.
He was still withdrawn and Bruce knew that he had to talk to (Y/N). He needed to make sure that (Y/N) knows that he is not at fault. Not happening.
He went to his room where (Y/N) was reading and Bruce gave him a smile as he entered the room sitting next to him. (Y/N) marked the page and put the book down.
It has been silent and (Y/N) couldn't really look at Bruce. And what does Bruce does? He brings (Y/N) into his lap, allowing him to finally find some comfort. (Y/N) didn't want to be clingy anymore, but he wanted comfort.
" Now, I want you to just listen and not talk, okay? " Bruce said and (Y/N) nodded.
" None of this is on you. She didn't take good care of you and none of this is on you. Whatever you might see in the media, is not true. You don't have to, no you shouldn't feel guilty. " Bruce has started, gently rocking his son.
He loved to rock him, even when he was a baby he rocked him. (Y/N) loved it a lot and it would always calm him down.
" Now, you mother made her own choices and now she has to answer for them. I know that you feel guilty and once again, you shouldn't feel guilty. You are going to have at least 3 warm meals with us, you won't have to do any chores anymore, you won't worry about bills and more importantly, " Bruce paused, glancing down at his son who was softly shaking while sobbing.
" Now, if you ever need something, do not hesitate. We are all here for you. All of us. From Damian to Alfred. All of us. " Bruce has said, giving him a soft kiss to the side of his head. He nodded to his sons who were waiting outside of the room.
They have entered and hugged their brother tightly, making sure to let him know that he is not at fault. Damian was the one who was the most vocal about it.
(Y/N) was so overwhelmed with emotions, but was happy to have so much support in his life. He didn't really have that support with his mom and all of this has made his head spin. All of it.
But he was happy none the less.
" Thanks guys. Love you all. " (Y/N) said so quietly and Dick openly cooed at (Y/N). Everyone felt their heart bursting from the sheer happiness.
Now they had their brother back. With a little bit more time, he is going to be his old self.
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smolthealmighty · 26 days
Spinaraki Week 4 Day 4: Cracks and Home
Old Hag Look at My Life (I'm a Lot Like You Were)
As Tomura’s world falls apart, his grandmother’s vestige comes to his unlikely rescue. It turns out they’re a bit more similar than he thought.
When Tomura Shigaraki came back to himself, his mind was achy from his mater’s reveal, his voice was hoarse from screaming, his body was scattered to the wind with barely any pieces left, and to his surprise the woman who everyone called his grandmother was holding him in her muscular arms. While he appreciated the sentiment, he couldn’t help but wish a certain someone he actually got along with (and who’s arms held the same strength) was comforting him, instead of this hero lady he’d never met but who dictated his fate in absentia.
“I know you’re not happy to see me,” Nana said, “But I hope you’re willing to put up with me long enough to keep you alive. One For All and All For One did quite the number on you, the quirk and the man I mean.”
“If you call getting smashed into bits and having my entire worldview torn into just as many pieces ‘having a number done on me’,” Tomura sarcastically threw back, “Then I’d hate to see what you’d consider to be worse!”
“No, no, I’m not sure anyone could’ve survived that combination. But you’re not just anyone, are you?” Tomura started at that, but his grandmother gently aimed his face to look at her sincere -and maybe proud?- expression as she continued.
“You’ve been through so much, you’re so very strong. And even with everything All For One has put you through, all the lies he spun and all the strings he pulled to mold you into what he wanted, you still managed to untether yourself enough to find your own goal and make your own connections. You found friends, and you dedicated your aspirations to them. You loved them, you helped them. It’s not what I’d call hero work, but in a vacuum I can’t deny it’s heroic. I only wish someone better could’ve been around to guide you, so you had the opportunity to try your brand of heroism, and for that I am sorry.”
Tomura was speechless at the apology that came two decades too late, but when he thought about it, he was -begrudgingly- at least a little bit glad someone had finally told him that not only could he be a hero after all this time, but that he was a hero for the people who mattered to him the most (and if it also flew in the face of everyone who wanted him to fail then that made it all the better).
“Wait,” Tomura asked, horror taking over as an idea of starting to dawn on him, “how the hell do you know any of that?”
“Well,” Nana squirmed, “we are currently in a vestige world residing in your mind, and you’ve got a lot stored up in here. What you’ve touched, what you feel, what you’ve destroyed, what you create, what you hate, what you love…”
“Oh no, please tell me you didn’t see anything weird.”
“Of course not,” Nana reassured, “Falling in love with a close friend isn’t weird at all.”
“I can see why you adore him, such a sweet and earnest boy.”
“And beautiful eyes and scales to boot.”
“Sorry, sorry, I can’t help it,” she snickered in a way that betrayed she wasn’t sorry at all, “It’s just that I can understand how you fell for him, after all I fell in love with your grandfather in very similar circumstances.”
“… Grandpa tied with you in Smash Bros after joining your criminal organization, then endeared himself to the point you didn’t think twice about wiping Mount Fuji off the map for him?”
“No not like that,” she corrected, “We started as friends too, but our shared love was astronomy instead of video games. One time he blind-folded me and had me use my quirk with him steering, and when the blind fold was off, I realized he floated me into an area of sky with zero light pollution, just in time to watch the nova explosion of T Coronae Borealis. My impulsive ass proposed to him on the spot, skipped the dating phase entirely.”
Tomura went bug-eyed at that, but didn’t interrupt as Nana continued to reminisce, “You know, even when we exchanged our vows and eventually had your father, I knew that marrying him automatically put a target on his back. It was only a matter of time before he would get caught in the crossfire of my line of work, and in the end, even all the safety measures we took didn’t keep him safe, but I entangled us anyway. I figured that a life with him in it, however tragic and brief, was worth living more than one where I never knew just how loved and cherished I could be. Especially if that meant I could give that same amount of love back to him.”
“…Grandma,” Tomura mused, “I feel like you’re trying to tell me something.”
“I think you might’ve inherited that outlook from me,” Nana suggested, “Seeing as you were initially on the fence about undergoing the shadiest surgery known to man for the sake of power, only to decide it was worth it literally moments after your sweetie confessed that he ‘loved those warped horizons you made’, thinking that a power upgrade was just what you needed to make him even happier! You’re just as impulsive and intense when it comes to love as I was!”
“Don’t call Spinner ‘my sweetie!’ We didn’t even get the chance to pick out pet names!” Tomura cringed, then cringed harder and pouted after realizing he outed himself.
“Well, maybe you’ll get that chance,” Nana supposed, surprising Tomura with her switch to a serious tone.
“My hands, my son’s hands, your family’s hands have been holding you back for so long. So please, let me use my hands properly this time,” she whispered, moving her arms to cradle him a bit more firmly now that he wasn’t falling apart at the seams, “Let me be the hands that hold you together, that push you forward, that guide you as you take your next steps, and support you now when you need help the most.”
As she spoke, Tomura felt multiple hands slightly nudging him. Looking down, he watched as the other vestiges of One For All pressed the gathered up pieces of him together. A man wearing goggles on his head held one leg, another with a high-collared jacket handled the other. He watched as arms were positioned by two men in similar-looking combat gear, his torso aligned with his head by someone with cracks running down his face.
Once every particle was in its place, a vestige that appeared remarkably similar to Tomura placed his hands over the cracks on his chest, and suddenly that crack began to heal. The cracks did not disappear, but instead were welded together, leaving golden scars in their place. As the other vestiges repeated the process on the rest of his body, Tomura noticed a golden, foggy vestige carefully fusing each finger of his destructive hands to his palms, thankfully without the telltale holes of All For One’s quirk, but also saw that vestige slowly grow dimmer with every piece he fixed.
“You’re not really making them all give up their souls and fade away just to keep my destructive ass alive…” Tomura joked as he turned to his grandmother, who he realized was also fading away as his peripheral vision took on more of a golden hue, “…are you?”
“It’s a shame you think destroying is all you can do, when you know that you’ve had a fair share of creating things too,” Nana remarked, “and I’m willing to bet that the bonds you created with your friends are something not even your hands can obliterate.”
Tomura knew he couldn’t say a thing to disprove that statement, he wouldn’t even dare to entertain the thought of purposefully getting rid of them. “I can’t promise I won’t start another fight when I wake up, especially not if my friends are the ones in trouble. Sorry grandma.”
“That’s alright,” Nana chuckled, the grin on her face identical to the maniacal one Tomura sometimes saw in the mirror, “What kind of Shimura’s would we be if we didn’t act intensely for the people we love, just as intensely as we love them in the first place? Can you promise me something else then?”
“Depends, what is it?”
Nana bent down to whisper in her grandson’s ear, and though her final request made his face erupt into a blush, he readily agreed as they faded into darkness and whatever lay beyond this realm.
“See if you can make that delightful Player 2 of yours my grandson-in-law.”
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cheemken · 8 months
NAW THAT'S SO CUTE storing this away for later. Just so fond of these dragon sibs fr
YEAH but when you look at what the Academy Special consists of, there's like ramen and french fries and jellybeans to name a few. Don't know what about it that barely needs chewing so shooting him with my self projection beams, it's more of a texture thing for him. Need a variety of textures and flavours in one meal or else he won't finish it
OUGH just the image of Iris giving Drayton a piggyback ride is so precious. How she's realizing the small, good changes and grateful for his friends that's helping. Maybe it'll reach a point where she'll struggle a little but it's worth it. What's the use of all that training if she can't carry her precious lil bro you know?
Also I just love the idea of the E4 looking out for one another. Like that guy's a slacker but he's their slacker y'know? I know in my heart that if anyone tried to mess with any of the other E4, suddenly there's an arm slung over their shoulder, a deceptively laidback voice suggesting they 'knock it off if you know what's good for you'
Genuinely nothing's scarier than seeing Drayton angry about something cause with how much he let slide off his back and be chill about it, you know you messed up big time if you manage to be the target of his anger
Oughgh your honour dragon siblings real
But oh real shit that's the academy special?? Tbf,,, you can eat fries without chewing them,,, don't ask, I just know lmfaooo but yeah, w the texture and taste oh god anon I can vouch for that. But augh,,,,, Drayton w that too, how there's really certain food he refuses to eat, and like, maybe he really is just lazy to chew lmfao, I picture him being fond of smoothies and ice cream bc yeah, those really don't need chewing, he can legit just gulp it down hahaha
But right the dragon sibs are just so soft your honour listen chxmbx listen imagine if they always did that back then too, when they were younger Iris always gives him piggyback rides bc he loves it and he gets all happy and it fills her heart to see her lil bro so happy, but goddamn did he carry that into his teen years lmfaooo well it's okay, y'know, not like he really weights much to her, she's used to stuff like that given her training w their grandfather, plus it's nice y'know that through that she found out he became heavier, which means he's really eating well, so it lessened her worries a lil bit
And yeah omf protective Drayton is so real it's real to me your honour, it's canon in my heart. I know I said back then that maybe Iris and Drayton's dynamic would be similar to Sans and Papyrus undertale, cause yeah I thought that maybe they're the same age or Drayton is older, but now imagine him having the Sans vibes when it comes to his friends
Like yeah, he's pretty lazy, he's laid back, his friends always call him a slacker but you're right, he's their slacker, they started calling him the local slakoth lmfao, but still y'know, I imagine when he's pissed off he doesn't even look pissed. More like, he still has that lazy smile on his face, but there's this aura surrounding him y'know, the atmosphere is tense, and they can just tell that no, he's not playing around anymore, he legit won't hesitate to call out Archaludon if they press on while Drayton is pissed
Y'know despite his dynamic w Kieran now, I always picture him kinda going on to the kids who are scared of Kieran or like make fun of him now to knock it off. If I remember right, Carmine asked one of the BB E4 how Kieran was doing, I think it was Crispin, and he said that Kieran was doing well y'know, some kids are just scared of him. I wanna say that despite Drayton also kinda pissing off Kieran w the whole ex champion and payback thing, he still sees him as a friend, and doesn't want people to mess w him. After all, why would they even go against Drayton? He's the second strongest in their school, once the Champion of their league, and was trained by a Champion, if they go against him they know they'd instantly lose
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serve-update · 2 years
Shannon Sharpe Kids: His Kids Didn't Know He Had Cancer For A Long Time!
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The former pro athlete has shown a lot of pride in being a dad. He talks about his kids all the time in the news, and he's very happy to hear that he's going to be a grandfather. He was looking forward to having his grandchild or grandchild sit on his lap, which is something he wishes his own children had done. Shannon's father died at age 39 from prostate cancer, and in 2016, the former NFL player found out he had the same disease. He didn't tell his mother and children about his discovery for more than a year so that they wouldn't worry about something they couldn't change.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Shannon Sharpe (@shannonsharpe84)
Shannon Sharpe's Son 
According to the source, Kiari Sharpe turned 29 in 2021. Most people know him by the name of his father rather than his own. But he will be known for himself once he has done well in his field of work. Also, the web doesn't have any information about Kiari's birth or mother. You might also be interested to read about this article Clark Hunt Net Worth. One Shannon tweeted about Kiari, and another user insulted him by saying that no one his age knew him. At that moment, the tweet got to the Hall of Famer, and he thought of a good answer.
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Shannon Sharpe Kids He said, "Bro, my son is about 27 years old, what are the odds that 100 of his friends knew who I was?"
Shannon Sharpe Daughter
Shannon is a father of two young daughter. It's Kayla who's the elder of the two. Although she shares the same birthday as Kiari, 1992, her mother is different. Yet, there are certain things these two share in common beyond their birthday and shared paternity. Kayla also got her education at Georgia Southern University, where she majored in pre-law. For her birthday, her dad composed a touching poem for her, which began. we hope you like this Johnny Cash Cause Of Death. "My firstborn, Kayla (aka Shannon Sharpe Jr. It's her special day today, her birthday. And every time I see you, I'm even more impressed with the lady you've become. You have no idea how much I adore you and appreciate you. Have pleasure in today and every day to come."   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Shannon Sharpe (@shannonsharpe84) In this case, Kayley is the second female. The youngest of Shannon's three kids, she is. Sharpe's studies at Florida State University, where she prepared to become a medical examiner, became public knowledge when she was inducted into the NFL hall of fame. Though she attended Indiana University, she did earn her medical degree there in April 2022. Again in 2022, Shannon received a touching Father's Day gift when his three children sent him a DVD in which they reflected on their favourite times spent with their dad. To wrap up the video, Kayla gushed over her father and thanked him for being such a wonderful father. Must read about this article George P Bush Net Worth. In this case, Kayley is the second female. The youngest of Shannon's three kids, she is. Sharpe's studies at Florida State University, where she prepared to become a medical examiner, became public knowledge when she was inducted into the NFL hall of fame. Though she attended Indiana University, she did earn her medical degree there in April 2022. Again in 2022, Shannon received a touching Father's Day gift when his three children sent him a DVD in which they reflected on their favourite times spent with their dad. To wrap up the video, Kayla gushed over her father and thanked him for being such a wonderful father.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Shannon Sharpe (@shannonsharpe84)
Shannon Sharpe's Kids Didn't Know He Had Cancer For A Long Time.
Shannon was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016. When he retired in 2003, he has been undergoing regular testing because of his family's history. While he felt OK, he assumed the tragic checkup would be ordinary. After some reflection, he reflected. Read the full article
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cookiwi-octonauts · 2 years
How the Amazon river adventure went
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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{ 42 }
my best friend's older brother.
sukuna x fem.reader
notes/warnings: unedited; no curses; college au; sukuna is 22 while reader is 19; reader getting groped ( not by sukuna ! ); potentially ooc; shameless smut; minors don't interact!!!
by choosing to interact with this 18+ content, you have willingly consented to viewing something nsfw despite the warnings.
"this is my older brother, sukuna."
it was your first time ever meeting yuji's older brother, sukuna, and embarrassingly enough, that was the moment you had fallen for him. at the ripe age of 16, you were never one to have crushes and fall for someone so easily-
yet here you were, practically trembling from the sight of such a beautiful man standing before you.
it was obvious he had just come out of the shower, wearing nothing but a pair of sweats with a plush towel wrapped around his neck. tattoos decorated the borders of his face, painting him in such an attractively forbidden light. you could feel yourself taking him in, admiring his eyes and how they shared the same hues as melted chocolate.
you felt yourself drowning in them and found it difficult to look away from him.
as if reading your thoughts, sukuna gives you a smirk all while calling out your name in a purr, "my brother has told me so much about you. i didn't think you'd be so cute."
"okay, that's enough." yuji suddenly stands in front of you in a protective manner, "i refuse to let my best friend become another one of your conquests, so if you could just back off we have a project to do."
"by all means, don't let me stop you." sukuna holds up his hands, feigning innocence while staring at you with an unreadable expression. "i'm not here to mess up your project, little bro, especially since you're so eager to keep such a pretty girl to yourself."
it took every ounce of willpower to not look back at him when yuji leads you back to his room. once you were deemed safe from sukuna, yuji sighs all while scratching the back of his head. "sorry, i don't know why sukuna chose this weekend to come back. he's usually busy partying at university, or whatever the hell he does there. but don't mind him, okay?"
even with the memory of his heated gaze and how hot it made you feel, you ignored the sensation and got back to working on your project like the good student you were.
despite how you had known yuji for most of your life, you had never met his older brother before. all you knew was that he was three years older than yuji and was in college. sure, he may have mentioned sukuna a few times in passing, but for the most part they lived their lives separately after their parent's divorce.
yuji lived with his father and grandfather, while sukuna lived with their mother. you were comfortable with the itadori patriarchs and was happy to be yuji's best friend, blissfully unaware of sukuna's presence until now.
meeting sukuna was what made your heart stir. whereas yuji was tenderness and brotherly affections, you knew sukuna would be the exact opposite. you swore you could still feel the sensation of his gaze burning into you, and a part of you was afraid-
but a stronger, more irrational side wanted to be engulfed by his flames.
the thought was enough to make your heart race, and you recall struggling to focus for the rest of the day.
even after three years, your feelings continue to remain unchanged. sukuna had taken over your thoughts completely-
you were helplessly in love with him, and even if he couldn't return your feelings, you wanted a taste of what it would be like to just feel him on your skin. to taste him and drown within those dark eyes.
yuji had known about your feelings for sukuna and did his best to sway you, to convince you that he wasn't good for you and that you deserved so much better than what he was only capable of giving.
"sukuna doesn't believe in relationships. i know you may be drawn to his bad boy persona and whatnot, but i'm begging you please, don't pursue him."
you weren't stupid, and you knew that yuji's words held so much truth in them. but that didn't stop you.
you wanted to make your presence known to sukuna, to make your daydreams come true if only to stop loving him. once you felt how callous he was and how roughly he would treat you before tossing you away, then maybe you could finally stop looking at him through a rose colored lens and be taken back to reality.
which was what lead you to your current situation.
sukuna had finally come home once more for his summer vacation. you heard from yuji that sukuna wanted to stay home while the rest of the itadori clan took a vacation to a famous hot spring up in the mountains, being the designated 'house sitter' with too much enthusiasm. unfortunately, jin itadori was none the wiser as he gladly allowed sukuna to stay home as long as that was what made him happy. yuji had invited you to come along with megumi and nobara, but you had politely declined.
yuji gave you a suspicious look, but you put on your most convincing smile and told him to not worry, that you simply already made plans with your own family for summer.
it was a miracle that yuji ended up believing you, which meant that your true plans were already set in motion.
the time on your phone reads 2am.
your parents snores could be heard coming from their room, and you take this chance to sneak out with your keys in hand. the outfit you wore felt tight and constricting, barely covering anything as you smoothed down your skirt and tank top for the millionth time.
when you get into the car, you turn on the engine and catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. your face had been dolled up, decorated with the makeup you wore to help with accentuating your features. you had never felt so beautiful- so confident before in your life.
and you were going to make sure to rock sukuna's world, even if it was just for one night.
memorizing the route to yuji's house, you maneuvered through the streets with ease. due to how late it was, traffic was minimum and you arrived at his house in just ten minutes.
it was obvious from the sheer amount of cars parked in front of the itadori compound that a party was being thrown, making it difficult to find a parking space. but once you were comfortable parking behind some black sedan, you head up the driveway.
wanting to appear casual despite how fast your heart was beating, you blend in with the rest of the crowd, getting lost with the sheer amount of people as you searched for sukuna. all around you were people around your age holding red solo cups filled to the brim with their favorite alcohol.
despite all the noise, you swore you could hear sukuna's deep chuckle as you blindly followed the sound. when you caught sight of his sandy blonde hair settled on the couch, you eagerly reach him-
only to have your heart broken at the sight before you.
sukuna had a gorgeous girl with jet black hair settled on his lap. she was kissing him deeply while grinding her hips against his lap, and sukuna was enjoying every second of it.
only when his eyes met with yours did his expression change from pure bliss to shock.
and that was all it took for the rose colored lens to shatter-
you were such an idiot.
refusing to stick around for a second longer, you ran out of the living room as fast as you could. the tears had blinded your vision, making it difficult for you to see as you felt your form ran into a hard wall of muscle.
"hey, watch where you're- oh shit, you're actually kinda cute."
within seconds, the stranger has you pressed against the wall. "l-let me go...!"
"hold on, your fine ass is dressed like that? and you're telling me you're not looking to get dicked down like a whore?" you felt the disgusting pig pinch at your chest before suddenly being thrown off of you.
you gasp, seeing something flash as the guy was tossed to the ground. immediately, your savior releases a flurry of punches on him, and seconds later you realize it was sukuna who had saved you.
by now, his nose was a broken mess as blood spewed from it. he tries to apologize, but sukuna was relentless, throwing punch after punch after punch. finally snapping out of your fearful reverie, you hold on to sukuna's arm and beg him to stop with tears streaming down your face.
only when he sees your tears does he stop punching the asshole, standing back to his full height all while holding you close to him. "everyone get the fuck out of this house right now unless you want the same fucking treatment as this shithead."
almost immediately, the crowd disperses. whom you assumed to be the pig's friend helps him stand while leading him out of the house. your ears were ringing, unable to process that sukuna had picked you up, walking back to his bedroom while ignoring the crowd of former partiers.
with his bed in sight, sukuna settles you against his ruffled sheets to assess your form. his fingers gently prod and touch at your clothes as he searched for any bruises on your skin. when he sees little damage to your form, sukuna shoves you back on his bed.
"who knew this little dove would be such a troublemaker?" his deep voice made you shiver, and you knew you were a goner when you felt his large hand reach up to cup at your face.
you were about to get lost in his eyes when the sudden memory of that girl grinding on top of him snaps you out of your reverie, causing you to avert your gaze.
clearly pissed off at your actions, sukuna takes a hold of your chin to press a hard kiss against your lips. this makes you moan, opening your mouth against sukuna's kiss as he slides his tongue inside.
the battle for dominance was done weakly on your end, since you had never been kissed like that before. sukuna was the clear winner, and his eyes were wild when he admits to you.
"you chose the wrong brother to fuck with, my little dove."
he smirks down at you, hands gliding down your skirt as he played with the outer edge of your panties. he could feel the moisture growing against them, turning the cloth damp as he smirks down at you. "i thought such a sweet girl like you would fall for my weak brother, especially with how much he followed you around like a lost puppy."
you were panting, spreading your legs even wider for him when you felt his fingertips dip into your folds, "i watched you for a while, you know? you were so fucking adorable with your wide eyes and sweet innocence. all i thought about was how much i wanted to fuck you dumb on this big fat cock and have you scream my name."
it was then that he dips his finger into your core, making you jolt as you cried out to him. your hands were gripping his biceps as he pumped a finger in and out of you. "fuck yeah, you've got to be the sweetest thing i've ever laid eyes on. no slut could ever satiate me and my need to fucking corrupt you, to take your innocence and claim you as mine alone."
despite how mean he sounded and how feral he appeared, you couldn't deny that his fingers that were currently thrusting in and out of you were gentle, oh so gentle. you could feel him stretching your walls with some scissoring movements, as if truly trying to prepare you for what was to come.
you look down to see the prominent tent that had appeared over his jeans, knowing that he was standing at full attention for you alone. that knowledge alone was enough to boost your confidence as you reached down to gently graze at his covered erection.
the slight friction alone was enough to make him stop his ministrations on your body. licking his lips, he takes his fingers out of your core and admires the coat of your arousal against his hands. "you wanna taste, little dove?"
using his other hand, he unbuttons his jeans and tosses them to the side, leaving him in his boxers as you saw just how big he was as his cock strained against the fabric. pulling down his boxers, you could see his girth and the veins that pulsates against his shaft. with the hand that was still coated with evidence of your arousal, he rubs your slick along his hardened length with a groan.
"fuck, i'm getting a preview of what my dick is gonna look like once i'm plunged deep inside of you. bet you're gonna soak this cock, right?" the thought of it was enough to make him twitch as he snaps his fingers and points down to the spot between his legs. "come taste yourself on my cock, little dove."
not wasting another second, you settle yourself between his legs and press tiny kisses against his erection. you give him tentative licks, realizing that you liked having him moaning and grunting for you. wanting nothing more than to elicit more of those sexy sounds from his lips, you take as much of him as you can down your throat.
immediately, you were hit with the urge to gag, but fought against it. you look up at him in a half-lidded gaze, watching as his abs clenched each time he thrusts his hips down your throat. "fuck, you're too good at this! tell me, did someone else teach you this?"
he takes a hold of your head, making you gasp as he fucked your face. his movement were rough, and you were struggling to breathe for several seconds until he stops, releasing his seed down your throat while grunting at you to swallow.
you do so with a gasp, swallowing his cum as you flinched a bit at the strange and unknown taste. in your distraction, you found yourself pressed against the bed with sukuna's mouth now on your soaked folds.
it all happened so suddenly, with sukuna spreading your legs as he laps up at your essence. you were practically aching for him, hands clutching on to his sheets upon seeing the naughty sight of him between your legs.
"i hardly ever return the favor, but you're special little dove. my little slut." the tip of his tongue was seen still connected to the pretty little flower between your legs, and you felt your slick practically flooding your folds as sukuna groans at your taste. "you're fucking lucky for being so damn delicious."
he works on coaxing a release out of you using his mouth alone, and you felt one quickly approaching you within seconds. all at once, you come into his mouth, feeling sukuna greedily suck and drink up all you had to offer. "goddamn, my little dove. i'm gonna enjoy impaling you with this cock."
keeping your legs spread, sukuna reaches over and grabs a condom. he makes a show of ripping the foil open with his teeth before wrapping it around his erection.
placing both of your legs over his shoulders, you caught a glimpse of his cock at your entrance before he calls out your name. holding up your chin, he demands that you look at him while he enters you.
"need to memorize that face when i finally claim you as mine."
without any other warning, you feel sukuna inch his way inside of you before breaking the barrier of your virgin walls with one swift thrust. you cry out, feeling the stinging pain with sukuna finally sheathed deep inside of you.
you knew that this would hurt a bit, being your first time and all of that-
but what you weren't expecting was how patient sukuna was. he seemed to know of your pain and discomfort, staying completely silent and still as he wiped away at your tears. it was strange, this man was settled between your legs balls deep inside of you, yet he was looking at you with an unreadable expression.
only when you adjust your hips to feel a sudden pleasure shooting through your veins did you beg for him to finally move.
his thrusts were powerful and relentless as he continued taking you over and over again in a mating press. you could feel your breast bounce with his every movement and the way his eyes seemed to darken with lust each time your walls convulsed around him.
"yeah, this pussy is all mine right?" he pulls out of you, barely keeping the tip inside as you felt your nails clawing at the sheets.
"god yes, sukuna! it's all yours!"
he adds another inch inside, "this body is all mine, right?" teasing you now as he purposely brushes against your swollen clit.
"yes! it's only yours sukuna, please! fuck me again!"
"and that heart of yours, it's mine too, right?"
had you payed any attention, you would have realized how different that question was from the others he had asked. but you were too desperate to care and told him yes without any hesitation.
finally, he sheathes himself fully back inside of you and continues his relentless pace. the squelching sounds of your bodies being connected together was embarrassing to you, yet still so hot at the same time. you had never experienced such red hot pleasure before, and despite how tonight might be your only night with him, you didn't regret giving him your virginity.
especially when he made you feel so damn good.
"sukuna, i'm about to c-come!"
"yeah, then come for me."
with his final command, you did just that. feeling the final thread snap as your walls convulsed around him. you milked him for all he was worth as he shoots his seed directly into the condom, completely filling it while groaning.
"that's right, take it, take it all, ugh." he rides out his release before falling against you, completely spent as he buries his face within your neck.
you were both covered in a sheen of sweat when sukuna manages to call out your name, only to be met with silence. picking himself up off of you, he sees that you had fallen asleep with him still limply buried inside of you.
gently, he pulls out, earning a soft moan from you as you turn away from him, falling asleep while resting on your side. tossing the used condom, sukuna grumbles about how much he hates cuddling and being the big spoon-
but still does so anyways, pressing his chest against your naked back. he acknowledges the way your body was perfectly slotted against his own, as if you had been specifically made for him. the curve of your body fit so well with his inherent hardness, and he could feel an almost animalistic pride washing over him.
you would only ever belong to him now, and sukuna sure as hell hoped that you were ready to take responsibility for what you had done to him.
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all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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Ending Holidays at Tennyson's
The party is, for some reason, in Carl's house;
Ben decides to show his girlfriend, Kai, to his parents;
Rook is there because he has no family in Earth;
Lucy is there too because she was living with Camille and Joel;
Max, Gordon, Betty and Vera was there too because ✨family✨
Verdona decides to bring Sunny with her and pass the holidays with them;
Max don't know if he's happy to see the love of his life or too angry but he ends up being happy;
Nobody, not even Lucy, likes Sunny. I mean, nobody cares about her boyfriend Antonio;
But she is trying her best to be a better person, the only problem with her is that she has that Regina George Syndrome;
Natalie would rather pass her holidays with her family but her family was going to trip to Florida and she wasn't on a vacation;
Frank and Carl were happy to see each other;
Sandra and Max on kitchen = someone ask for pizza in the name of fucking god;
Natalie and Verdona were like arguing in that passive-aggressive way;
Wes was there too;
Max called him;
Kai wanted her grandfather to stay home but no;
Gwen comeback home from college with Kevin;
Natalie keeping saying that she deserves someone better than him because he didn't end his studies;
Kevin shows her a diploma proving he ended the elementary and the middle school;
Now he is doing the high school;
Good boi kevin, good boi;
Everybody loves Kai because she is a Queen;
Ken comeback home after being without talking with his family since the kidnapped thing;
What would you expect? Nobody tells him a thing;
He's back with a lil ben tennyson a.k.a albeado;
And a wiccan called Hope;
That everybody forgets her name;
The Tennysons: :o
"I found another cousin, take a look on him he looks like Ben" Ken
"Because he is kinda of his evil twin" Kevin
"Clone, to be exactly" Gwen
Albeado and Ben in the background trying to kill each other over some fries;
Kai disappointed;
Lucy pretending to be Antonio just to bother Sunny;
Sunny talking about her life like somebody would care;
Rook eating the food nobody wants;
"So our family is basically formed by aliens but I can't date a wich?" Ken
"No when this wich tried to kill your sister" Gwen
"And to stole her boyfriend" Kevin
And to rule the world" Ben
"But look at her, she had a bad past!" Ken
"Bro I had one too" Kevin
"And you use to sell illegal things" Ken
"Then you got a point" Kevin
Sandra wanting to pray before the dinner;
Ken revealing he is now a wiccan;
Hope trying to get into their costume but not feeling that comfortable with it because she never had it before;
Natalie ask where were Ken living;
"Ledgerdomain, with my wife";
Everybody is like wtf you married her?
And their like yeah we did;
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i love your works oh my god, the wait was so worth it. thank you for doing my requests!! they all turn out great :D despite my username, I’m glad I made an account just so that I could request more of your spider bro content.
okay so uh I’m sorry if I’m requesting this a bit early since you only posted your latest spider bro today but after reading it, a sudden wave of problems and curiosity hit me so I thought:
‘yo aren’t the village gonna question why spider bro and rui only come around during sunset to night time sooner or later? are they gonna make up some excuse about them having some condition where if they stay in the sun for just a little bit they get really bad sunburn?? like “yeah so our parents died because they went out in the sun for too long so newbie demon slayers noticed this and thought they were demons in disguise and killed them, haha runs in the family amiright” idk ?? (sorry that’s a weird death) I like to imagine they pretend to be albino so that they can have an excuse in case someone ever asks them or say that they have jobs in the day time to support each other so they just visit around night time.
but honestly, I think the village would be a little sus of them but then they’ll be like “ehh they can’t be demons, they would’ve ate us already! plus they’re just so kind!!” so yeah.. (unless the village doesn’t really know about demons, then you can just ignore this)
okay so imma just start putting my ideas and prompt in here yeahh ..
so what I imagine is that the village knows about demons, but most just chalk it up as some sort of folklore to keep kids from wondering at night by themselves. however some (mostly the elders) claim to actually experience demon attacks so despite practically everyone living these two, they have their eyes on them just a bit..
the elders there would usually gather some kids and tell stories about demons roaming the night hunting for humans, and there would be people who would be as strong or stronger than the demons and slay them by cutting their heads off with a special blade- they say that there’s a whole organization dedicated for these specific people! and that those people who would sometimes come to the village with an odd uniform on are part of them.
one day while spider bro and rui visit the village, ashai drags them to where his grandfather would tell stories about demons and how the grandfather’s father were part of that organization and was called a “hashira” who mastered the sun breathing.
after that ashai would be like “that’s just gramps being all weird again with his whole demon slayer stuff, but it’s pretty interesting! it’s only a folklore though so you have nothing to be scared of. honestly, there’ll be times where I think you’re both demons or something because you guys act like you don’t know how to function as a human being sometimes, haha” and the spider bros would just be like “aha.. yeah..”
some of the elders start noticing that they only came around night, and unfortunately, not everyone is friendly. they kind of start interrogating them to the point where the other villagers would politely step in and tell them that they’re just kids with a condition that runs in their family (and rui becoming fed up then almost slashing them into ribbons). of course, a small portion of them don’t stop and are.. quite positive of it and would be a bit passive aggressive towards the two.
alright so I’ve come up with some ways it could go but I have no idea, you can decide which is better or somehow merge them together or mismatch and combine things,,, :D
1: obviously, the spider siblings can’t survive on human food. they’ll need human blood, the human food is just for when they get bored of eating humans for a bit. but.. how are they gonna get some? they can’t eat the village, and as much as they found the elders annoying they couldn’t since 1, they were pretty much right about them, and 2, if they were to eat the elders/anyone who found them suspicious even more people would start growing sus of them.
maybe.. the demon slayers that came to the village every now and then?
(name) would usually just use his spiders and take at least a cup (or two if rui’s feeling hungry) of their blood and bandage them up to go.
it lasted for a few weeks, so he thought he could control it.
him and rui did their best to try and suppress the urge, they really did.
they vowed themselves to not eat innocent people after meeting the friendly village.
but whenever a demon slayer would come to the village and whenever they took one or two cups of their blood, the more they craved just devouring them right there and then.
it was true that the two had a dislike for demon slayers, but they can’t say that most of them aren’t innocent. (I mean.. they kind of aren’t too)
they can’t do that.
a few more cups won’t hurt, right?
a few days pass, and the butterfly mansion has been getting more and more demon slayers, most of them were from dangerously high blood loss, just enough for them to live and walk.. kind of.
and they all came from near the mountain.
but.. (I’m assuming this is after the fight between tanjiro and rui, but instead rui got away before tomioka could show up) didn’t tomioka, shinobu, and a few other demon slayers slay all of the demons there? unless there are a few hiding.. however they claim to not have entered the mountain, and instead went straight to a nearby village. they also claim to not have remembered anything about getting their blood taken, just waking up on a floor near the village with their arm bandaged up (it always happened at night time, too).
two or more days pass before they send some demon slayers to come investigate.
these demon slayers of course being tanjiro, inosuke, and zenitsu (plus nezuko).
when they arrived, it had been around 5 to 6, just before the spider siblings came to visit.
as they entered, tanjiro could smell a very faint scent of a demon almost everywhere (mainly around the shops and the people)- so faint that he could’ve missed it if he wasn’t searching for demons right now.
but before he could try to track it down, many young children from the village ran up to them and started excitedly asking about their uniform and their swords.
“are you guys demon slayers?”
“are grandpa’s weird demon stories are true?”
“can I touch the sword???”
it was no secret that they stood out from the crowd, and the villagers usually didn’t really question it because each demon slayer looked pretty normal and bland.
tanjiro smiled remembering his younger siblings all getting ready to eat and play during spring time.
zenitsu noticed tanjiro being confused and told them that demon slayers weren’t very well known, but it seems like it’s a folklore from around here.
and inosuke, of course was about taken aback by all of these mini humans running around them and was about to fight them until tanjiro reassured him.
ashai ran towards them thinking that rui and (name) was here a bit earlier than usual but was a bit disappointed when he got closer to clearly see their faces (and a boar head).
Anyway let's do this..
Ok so the Village are familiar with demons and demon slayers but they take it as a Folklore since the grandparents keep mentioning it to the kids.
And before [Name] brung Rui, Ashai did ask him why he only came when the sunsets. And [Name] told him he was really sensitive to the sunlight, like, to the point it would actually burn him really bad.
And Ashai looked at him saying, "You could've just said you get really bad sunburn.."
And yes, his mom did smack him for saying that.
"Hi Ashai! You seem happy today."
"[Name]! Rui!" Ashai called out, running towards the two boys. Rui immediately pouted when he noticed the voice calling up to them wasn't one of the kind ladies trying to offer him food. Meanwhile, [Name] smiled at the boy's presence and walked faster towards Ashai.
"Yeah! I want to bring you to my grandfather-”
“Why?- Wait was is that..” Rui interrupted causing Ashai to stop walking and face Rui. “You did not just ask what a grandfather is.”
“I did. Now I want an answer.” Rui demanded his facial expression not changing a bit. Ashai sighed before explaining what a grandfather was, later explaining what a grandmother was, then explaining what a great grandfather and grandmother was.
Before Rui could ask anymore questions about people’s parents, Ashai changed the subject to the reason why he wanted to take them to his grandfather. 
‘Demon slayers’ was the first thing that came out of Ashai’s mouth and it made the two spider sibling’s heart drop. Rui’s heart dropped even deeper once he heard the word ‘Hashira’. It was almost impossible to hide the fact that it bothered him greatly.
Ashai turned around to race the two, and met their petrified expressions. Thinking they were terrified about the demon folklore, he immediately stopped talking and cupped [Name]'s face to try and reassure him.
"Oh no don't worry! It's just some dumb folklore, there's nothing to worry about! The demons aren’t real, it’s just some dumb story to keep the little ones from going outside at night. Its just gramps being all weird again with his whole demon slayer stuff, but it’s pretty interesting! Again, it’s only a folklore though so you have nothing to be scared of.” Ashai says letting go of [Name]’s face and opens the door for the two siblings to walk through. “Honestly, there’ll be times where I think you’re both demons or something because you guys act like you don’t know how to function as a human being sometimes, haha” Ashai joked, hoping to lighten the mood a bit
[Name] nervously laughed back while Rui just glared.
As the 3 boys walked inside the minka, [Name] noticed no one else was there except for the old man and Madam Yui. Not only that, but there was some strange aura in the air, as if he wasn’t welcome here. Turning over to Rui, [Name] can see his uneasy expression as well. But before he got the chance to say anything, Yui spoke aloud.
“Oh! sorry boys grandpa needs to rest, I’m sure if you come back later he’ll tell you one of his stories.”
A quiet sigh of relief was emitted from Rui. “Aww, that sucks I really wanted to you guys to here some of his stories.” Ashai pouted slightly. 
“Don’t worry, he’ll be awake soon.. Ashai, go over to the bakery and get the box wrapped in blue, its for your grandfather, don’t take to long ok?”
“Ok.. [Name]! Come with me-”
“No, I need him for something, just go over to the bakery real quick, get the box and come back.”
“Nothing sweetie.. Hi Rui” Yui smiled, hugging the demon child who had just ran up to her. “How are you baby? Did you eat the food I sent you home with?”
“Go young man.”
Knowing he couldn’t argue any further, Ashai reluctantly went over to the bakery without [Name]. “That boy is obsessed with you, isn’t he?” Madam Yui joked. Unfortunately for [Name], he was too busy staring at the door Ashai just went through to hear what Yui said, causing him to answer a couple seconds late. “H-huh”
“The tempura and Sushi? Yeah we finished it.”
“Oh, you must still be hungry.. [Name] can you close all the blinds and sweep the floor?”
“Of course!”
“Thank you dear, I’ll be in the kitchen with your brother if you need me” Yui said, walking into the kitchen with Rui.
[Name] got straight to work, closing the blinds and sweeping isn’t anything hard...But the strange aura he felt before when he first entered, intensified. It almost felt like the air gotten thicker as well.
As [Name] swept closer to the sleeping grandfather, he noticed something right next to him. Taking a closer look, [Name]'s eyes at the sight of the samurai sword. Why does it look bigger than the usual than the swords I’ve seen.
After staring at the sword for a bit, [Name] finally looked away from the sword to finish sweeping. 
“I kill your kind with this exact sword”
“Is that what you tell the demons before you kill them?” [Name] questions, trying his best not to show the slightest amount of fear in his voice. “Every. single. one.” [Name] nodded, but refused to face the owner of the voice and the larger than normal sword. “Your kind disgusts me. Killing innocent souls just for your selfish needs.”
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘Your kind’ sir-”
“Demons.” He spat. “I mean Demons.” [Name] only nodded, no words, justs movements. Speaking of movements, the old man began to get up and slowly move closer to [Name]. Shit, what do I do now?
After hearing Ashai say that his grandfather was a Hashira, [Name] knew that his age didn’t affect the way he moved. The retired hashira can block his way to the door in the matter of seconds. He didn’t want to question how fast he was compared to a sun-breathing hashira. So he put the broom down and finally face the old man who was ten feet away from him. “Who many demons did you ki-”
“You may have fooled everyone in this village with your little story. But I’m not naive.” The sun breathing hashira was now walking towards [Name]. [Name] wasted no time walking towards the kitchen, he could probably notify madam Yui..
If it wasn’t for the sun breather grabbing [Name] by the neck. "Like I said before... your kind disgust me. And don't get me started on your excuse of a leader 'Muzan kibutsuji' (I hate his last name. I've spent about five minutes trying to figure out if the first half was 'kitbust' or 'kibust'). You don't happen to have any information on him do you?" With every word, the hashira tighten his grip on [Name]'s neck. Making it harder and harder for [Name] to breathe. "And don't worry about him finding you after you tell me, I'll kill you the second I get the information I need."
"A-and...wh..if...don't..?" [Name] was barely audible and on the verge of blacking out with the insane grip on his neck. He could taste own blood at this point, but he wasn't concerned about the blood trickling out of his mouth, he was more concerned about how no one was here to save him. Madam Yui told Ashai not to take long, and the bakery isn't far away from here. So what the hell?
Without waiting another second, [Name] unleashed a tiny spider to go and kill the hashira. Sure he was Ashai's grandpa but, it was either this old man or him.
"Have nothing to say? Well that's disappointing.." [Name] could feel his eyes threatening to shut as he Choked on his own blood. "P-plea....sto..p" he tried to plead. "If it wasn't for you disgusting demons.. my wife would've still been alive. I swear, I will defeat your leader, and kill every single one of you good for nothing demons-"
"GRANDPA NO HE ISN'T A DEMON! LET HIM GO" Ashai yelled, alerting Madam Yui who came rushing out of the Kitchen, Rui not to far behind. "Put him down Grandpa! He isn't a demon!" Ashai pleaded, gripping onto his grandfather's hamari, tears threathing to spill from his eyes. "PLEASE STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!"
"Oh Ashai, this isn't what you call a friend. This is a human eating demon, that killed your- OW DAMMIT" The hashira yelled in pain, thus letting go of [Name].
Once [Name] hit the floor, he immediately sucked in as much air as he could before choking again.
"[NAME] are you ok?!" Ashai called, rushing over to help [Name]. Rui would've done the same if it wasn't for Yui protectively holding on to him.
"When was the last time you took your medicine? You almost killed him! He's only a child" Yui quickly scolded the elder. " Oh sweetheart.. that kick was so powerful it almost broke my arm. You should-"
"I'm not and won't become a demon slayer. Go back to your room and take your medicine. You almost killed him!"
"He isn't a kid. That thing is a demon.. And so is the smaller one your holding."
"They aren't demons-"
"They how come they only come out when the sun goes down?" To that Madam Yui didn't have an answer. She never really thought about why they did come when the sun isn't out. Thankfully Ashai spoke up just before the elder could prove his point. "Their both sensitive to sun the sunlight. Both their parents died because of that."
Madam Yui held Rui even tighter as she looked back at the elder. "Ashai go take [Name] to Ms. Reiki." She demanded. Without thinking Ashai immediately picked up [Name] and proceeded to carry him to whoever Ms. Reiki was.
"I know you wanna check on [Name], Rui, don't worry we'll go there in a minute." Yui reassures, while cupping Rui's left cheek. "Yui, your not this naive."
"You should be ashamed of yourself, hurting a defenseless child-"
"He isn't a child.. You know that demons basically have a unlimited lifespan? That 'kid' is most likely 40 years old"
"Your just delusional, you haven't taken your medicine all day have you?"
"I do not need that Goddamn Medi...cine.. What the hell are you staring at?!" The elder quickly spat at the small spider boy who stared at the two adults.
"Nothing.. I didn't know older people quarreled.. I thought only children quarreled." Rui said with pure innocence. "I thought when hu- people got older they learned how to settle their arguments maturely, rather than idiotic children that need someone superior than them to settle it for them"
The two adults stared at Rui, both with different intentions of what to do next. "Oh, Rui, It's-"
"Don't explain anything to that thing." The elder spat. Rui watched as the two adults argued with each other. For some strange reason Rui was invested slightly uncomfortable but couldn't help but listen to what they had to say.
Throughout this argument, Rui learned some new words..
"I'm so sorry about my Grandfather, [Name], my mom said he's been having some illusions lately.. I didn't expect it to get this worse." Ashai apologized for the 26th time. "Like... I said for 26th...time Ashai, its ok! I'm fine really.."
"I know but he choked you and called you a demon! Why are you so calm about it?! You could've died!"
".....But I didn't..So..Yay?..." [Name] jazzed-hand. Ashai just sighed in response.
"That's odd.." Ms. Reiki said to herself, but the boys were interested anyway. "What's is it Reiki-san?" Ashai asked, his voice full of concern. "You said your grandfather choked him right?..Oh nevermind it's probably nothing.." She dismisses. "How's your throat? Is it feeling sore?"
"Don't speak. Just nod or shake your head." Reiki quickly spoke. [Name] nodded slightly before smiling at Reiki. "Your welcome sweetie.. Oh! Yui, is everything.."
"Everything's ok.." The two boys turned their heads to face Yui, who had just walked in with a sleeping Rui. "[Name] I am terribly sorry for what occurred and your injuries."
"What did I say about speaking?"
Not wanting to know the punishment for disobeying a nurse, [Name] nodded again with a smile, hoping Madam Yui will see that he forgives her. Thankfully she understood and returned a smile. " [Name] you can go, just remember to take it easy on your throat and take the medication I gave you." [Name] obeyed and made note to throw out the medication, since it had no use to him.
Both Reiki and Madam Yui watched the [Name] walk out with his admirer, Ashai.
As they left, the two women looked at each other with worry some expressions. "How did it even happened?" Reiki asked immediately. "I'm not sure.." Yui answered in disappointment. "I was in the kitchen with Rui because he wanted a snack. Then all of a sudden I hear Ashai yelling something about a demon so I ran out to see him choking [Name]"
"Did he take his medicine? Or did he continue to rant about how he doesn't need it?"
"That exactly" Yui sighed. She looked down at the sleeping Rui she had in her hands. The only thing she could think about was how the situation would have happened if she didn't come out sooner.. Rui would've lost the only member of his family.. he would've been traumatized for the rest of his life.. "The nerve of him to call him a demon.." Yui spoke through her teeth in anger.
Taking a second to rid off any dark thoughts she turned back to Reiki. "I'm leaving now. I want the kids to eat something before they leave, have a nice night."
"Same to you as well"
"You need to eat a human"
"I'm aware of that.. But who am I going to eat?" [Name] questioned. It has passed a few weeks ever since the two spider siblings ate a human body. Sure, the human's food is tasty and gives them energy for a couple hours, but it doesn't give them the nutrients they need. Day by day they can feel their bodies growing weaker do to the lack of human blood in their system. [Name] could care less about his own health, he was more concerned about Rui and what he was gonna eat. Every couple minutes or so, he could here Rui's stomach growl from hunger.
It pained him to see Rui in this state. Yet he's been in this state for weeks now and [Name] still doesn't know what to do or who to eat.
"We can eat that old sun-breather" Rui suggested. [Name]'s eyes widen in response. "Or" Rui continued, "We can eat everyone else who called us a demon! We'll make them regret-"
"We can't do that.."[Name] sighed. [Name] knows that Rui's way smarter than this, but after weeks of being around humans and not being able to take a even a bite out of them, is bond to do something to the way he thinks.
"They've been accusing us for being demons, if they suddenly go missing, we would have a lot of suspicion towards us."
"If we can't eat any of the old people or anyone else at the village who can we eat?" Rui asked, completely annoyed. "It's already a problem that we can't go out during the day when the sun's out, so how can we- uhh... [Name] what- what are you doing?" Rui questioned as he watched [Name] create a small spider and send it out to go in the opposite direction towards the deeper part of the woods.
"[Name], What are you?- huh?" Rui stopped talking as he sees a demon slayer slowly walk towards him like a mindless zombie.
"You did so well sweetie~" [Name] cooed to his spider, gently petting the spiders head. "uhh.."
"mh? Oh! I heard footsteps coming while you were talking.. I don't think we can devour the body this time though.. they'll probably send in more demon slayers complaining about a demon."
Rui stared at the demon slayer who had no control over their body. It's right there in front of him, he has every right to devour the vulnerable human, but then at the same time he doesn't. Just because people don't know he's a bloodthirsty demon who needs human blood to survive.
"Cut the skin open, you can suck the blood off of that. Take as much as you want but don't take too much so they can't walk, ok?" [Name] said. "Wait what about you? You need to-"
"It's fine, you need it more than me, I'll just fine another-"
"No. Take some as well, we don't know the next time you'll get choked like that.. or be threaten with wisteria.. we might not be able to regenerate as fast as we used too. I won't take a lot.. A cup or two should be enough to last a week or so." Rui demanded. [Name] only nodded in response.
Rui examined the slayer standing in front of him, figuring out where to suck the blood out of. "Cut open wherever chubbiest and take some blood. I'll send out a couple of my spiders to grab some bandages so we can patch them up. Then we'll leave them here and continue with our day." [Name] said, already making bigger than normal sized spiders to send out to the village to steal some bandages.
"How often are we gonna do this?" Rui asked while using his threads make a 'X' formation around the slayers hips. "I guess every couple weeks? or when your feeling hungry..."
It was surprising how well they managed to control themselves for so long. After taking a little more than one cup of blood, they soon decided to reward themselves with another two cups. After being satisfied, they cleaned and bandaged the body. Later leaving it mindless on the ground waiting for sunrise to come and free it from it's curse.
The spider siblings decided to do this every week or two. Find a slayer, drain most of its blood, patch it up, and pretend like nothing happened. It was hard trying not to devour the human, but the managed. Sure they had to hold each other back every now an then but the really are trying..
Meanwhile the butterfly mansion was trying to solve the mystery of the barely walking slayers with bandaged arms, legs, neck, and or stomach with a dangerously high amount of blood loss.
"Shinobu! We got another one!" Aoi called from the door frame leading to the medical room. "And Yes! Its the same bandaging pattern!" Shinobu sighed, yet kept the smile that was always on her face. This is the 5th one this month, the last person was barely alive.. if this keeps going...
"Oh! Another one?" Kanae (Yes she's alive here, I really miss her) said walking into the same room as Shinobu. "Your back so soon?" Shinobu questioned. "Only for a bit... I do have to get going soon. But since it is still day, I thought I would be able to get some more information on why some of our people are coming back with a terrible amount of blood loss. You care to join me?" Kanae offered, signaling Shinobu to follow her. Without a doubt, Shinobu followed her sister to medical room Aoi was in.
"Wait, The mountain that's a couple miles from here?" Shinobu asked, interrupting the story the only stable slayer was telling. "Y-Yeah actually.." The slayer answered.
"That's odd.." Kanae remarked, putting her index finger to her on her chin. "Shinobu, didn't you and tomioka slayed all the demons near the mountain?"
"Yes. Indeed we did.. We even raided the shed near the mountain."
"Act-actually.." The slayer spoke up "I never went to the mountain.. I went straight to the village near the woods."
"Why go straight to the village?"
"I was going to ask the people there if they had experince any suspicious activity. But before I got to the village, I felt something bite me. That's when I passed out. I wasn't sure how long I was out for, but when I woke up.. I was all bandaged up."
"Sorry to interrupt" Aoi interrupted "But, did you ever did get the chance to go to the village?"
"uuh no." The slayer concluded.
" Why'd you asked that Aoi?" Kanae asked. "Oh I wanted to know where the bandages came from. Anyway I should get back to work." Aoi claimed as she quickly walked off.
Aww she want to contribute but got nervous.. Kanae smiled to herself before getting up with a small stretch.
"Well!" Kanae clapped. "We'll send a couple demon slayers to investigate the area... Aoi said the patients claimed that it happened at night correct?"
"Uhh Yeah.."
"Then it's settled we'll send slayers right away to the area.. please get as much rest as you can and stay healthy, we will get to work immediately. Thank you!" And with that Kanae signaled her sister to follow her once more before leaving.
"Are you going to ask any of the Hashira to help?" Shinobu asked. "Well no that's not who I had in mind.."
"Then who?"
"We could've got here earlier if SOMEONE DIDN'T MAKE US STOP FOR TEMPURA!" Yelled a very pissed Zenitsu. Inosuke paid no attention to Zenitsu and instead enjoyed the last bite of Tempura he had in his mouth underneath his mask.
"Well it's only 5:48 so we have plenty of time to investigate the area" Tanjiro said trying his best to cause not another fight between Zenitsu and Inosuke for the fifth time today.
Zenitsu sighed. "Well? Do you smell anything?"
"Oh um.." Tanjiro took a second to sniff the air.
The village smelled friendly. Happy kids, happy adults, happy pets, demons, baked goods, fresh food, healthy environment..
"Huh?" Tanjiro said quietly to himself. He took another sniff around, taking him about a minute to finally, fully grab the demon scent.
"It's very faint." He unintentionally reported to Zenitsu. "It's on almost everything..and everyone.."
"Wait.. on the people too?! Dose that mean it's hiding as a human!?" Zenitsu began to panic. "It seems like it... how else would the scent get on the people."
"Start tracking it down gompochiro!!" Inosuke demanded.
"Right I should-"
"Is that a real sword?" A little girl asked. "Oh uh- where did you-"
"Are you a demon slayer?"
"Are grandpa's weird stories true?"
"Why do you have a boar hat?"
"Can I touch the sword?"
"Can I wear the boar hat?"
"Is that a bird on your head?"
A whole bunch of little kids ran up to the three strange looking people and asked them all the questions that came to mind. Not giving them the chance to answer.
Tanjiro smiled at all the kids who surrounded them, they reminded him of his siblings when it was time to eat or going out to play.
"Are Grandpa's weird stories true?"
Tanjiro's eyebrows furrowed. "I thought demon slayers weren't that well known.." Tanjiro questioned Zenitsu.
"INOSUKE STOP TRYING TO FIGHT THE KIDS- huh? Oh uhh I guess it's a folklore around here.. maybe to keep the kids from walking out at night or- INOSUKE NO"
"No! No Inosuke these are kids, you know? The ones we don't fight!" Tanjiro quickly reassured. "Huh? Why not?? Their just like us but smaller! They can fight!!"
"Oh you got to be kidding me-"
"[Name]! I didn't know you were coming this early- oh hi! Sorry.. I thought you were someone else.." Ashai apologized, he thought [Name] and Ashai came earlier due to the ruckus outside in front. Instead he ran up to a couple of strangers in weird clothes and a shirtless boy in a boar hat.
So why did this take me a month to post? It's not even that long..
I'll edit this in the morning and answer the other asks in the morning as well.
Remember that requests are still open and have a nice night/day/afternoon/universe
29 notes · View notes
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I’m putting the rest of this under a cut for length bc I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY
“On the 1 in a hundred million chance that I cannot marry you into the Clemence family, then I’m prepared to abandon my family.”
Whether it’s to build a family together, or to receive happiness together. For the one you love, the path you should take to the future is...
“You’re really too much. Don’t say something like...I’m sorry.”
The eyes that are brighter than the fireworks in the sky overflow with tears, and turn into strength to overcome the mirror blocking our path.
“When it’s only the two of us, I’m just Jonah...and I want to spoil you as much as I like.”]
And something I also really like is how the themes from the original route extends into his sequel, like the parts about “never apologizing” and “I can only be myself when I’m with you.” It just makes it feel more like a sequel and adds a better sense of completion uwu
Here’s the mini talk list:
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Luka + Sirius: please tell me about your families!
This one is already out, so here’s the screenshots!
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Sirius: My home is always full of flowers, it’s a place that makes your mood lift.
Luka: Yeah...as opposed to Sirius’s family, mine was very quiet.
Luka: Even though it had always been pretty quiet...but ever since “that person” left home, it became even quieter.
Luka: Maybe it was because my family weren’t interested in me, so that’s why it feels so quiet.
Sirius: Haven’t you ever had experiences of playing noisily with Jonah in your home before?
Luka: No. We’re different from Sirius’s family...but there was only one time.
Luka: When I was young, that person had brought me out secretly before.
Luka: The both of us ran around and played in the secret courtyard that person found...
Luka: Until the skies grew dark.
Sirius: ...Is that so. Where is that courtyard full of memories? Is it close to your home?
Luka: I don’t know, I can’t remember...but, it doesn’t matter if I can’t remember it.
Luka: Now I think...it’s alright if that courtyard only exists in my memory.]
*deep breath*
A SECRET COURYARD???????? THAT JONAH FOUND?????????????? AND BROUGHT LUKA THERE TO PLAY???????????????????????? BUT ONLY ONCE???????????????????????????????????
I wonder how he managed to find it? But also it was to be expected that he would bring Luka bc he always wants to share what he loves with Luka (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Also just imagine the little Clemence bros running around and playing (。・ω・。)ノ♡ ♡ ♡
But like...
It’s so sadddddddd to think that the Clemence house got even quieter when Jonah left. Also I can’t figure out if Jonah “leaving” means that he left to go to boarding school or if he left to join the Red Army, but that was probably when Luka started to hate Jonah for abandoning him. I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up in such a quiet and cold place and to have it grow even quieter and colder when the one person you thought cared about you left because now he has other things that are more important than you (/□\*)・゜
Edgar + Kyle: can love between people of different social statuses exist?
The rest of these aren’t released at the moment I wrote this, so I’m mainly just going to be addressing my predictions!
So it’s clear that Jonah and MC are considered to be from different social ranks, even though MC is “Alice the Second” and has the power to nullify magic. She’s probably considered as a “commoner” in the Red Territory, so I can see why it would be difficult for Jonah and MC to get married.
And you know what else this reminds me of??? If we look at Seth’s route, we finally find out that the whole reason Cradle got divided into two was because a Red noble fell in love with a girl from a different social rank. And that romance tore a country apart, so.
Dean + Dalim: about family
Aight here we go. Are Dean and Dalim really family??? Do we finally get to find out??? Or at least get some sort of clue??? Bc I’m torn between the theory that they’re twins with amnesia or if Dean was some sort of clone created by the Magic Tower when they experimented on Dalim. And I have no idea when their routes are gonna be released, so I really hope we get more hints throughout each Ever After route.
Lancelot: Jonah’s tears
Also this is a reminder that Lancelot was probably the only one who has seen Jonah at his weakest before MC came along. It’s probably to be expected, since they’ve known each other for literally more than half their lives and also since Lancelot saved Jonah.
And technically Luka has known Jonah for the longest time, but I doubt that Jonah will ever show weakness in front of Luka because he considers himself as Luka’s protector, but it’s different in front of Lance. I feel like he can show his weaker side to Lance, and it just emphasizes how deep the relationship between them is.
Jonah: what is your ideal proposal?
OK I feel like this one is either gonna be super romantic or super cheesy. Or both, considering the type of person that Jonah is. But I’m gonna love it no matter what bc 1) Jonah can make even the most embarrassing situations funny and touching and 2) I’m too weak for my mille-feuille boi.
The screenshots for the “Peek at Romance” thing is here:
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My dear Queen of Hearts, Jonah Clemence.
Jonah: In that party, every heir of the Clemence family will...
Jonah: Publicly introduce his fiancee, receive the acknowledgment and blessing of the whole clan, and finally step into the halls of marriage.
“What is a happy ending?”
--It’s when, the person who cannot be replaced becomes family.
Luka: Even though my brother is troublesome, and sometimes overly enthusiastic, but from now on please take care of him.
--It’s when, you become allies with the person you met.
Levie: Who hurt MC!? I’ll destroy that guy...!
Jonah: Calm down, Levie Castell. See who’s your true enemy clearly!
When he couldn’t provide an answer, it made tears overflow from his eyes.
And--while looking for an answer, it’s also possible to lose something.
Dalim: Thanks. Goodbye, princess.
Dean: I couldn’t ask any of the things I’ve been wondering before he ran...
But even so, we will still advance forward bravely.
This is all to receive the answer--to have a happy ending.
Jonah: From now on, everyone will see you as...
Jonah: The Queen of Heart’s...and also the head of the Clemence family’s wife.
Jonah: But, when there’s no one else, and when it’s just us two.
Jonah: We’ll become Jonah and MC again, and we can love each other as much as we like.
Jonah: I love you, MC.
No matter what happens, he, who is the most beautiful and pure in the world...
Will only accept a future that is even better than a happy ending...!]
I just...literally cannot express my love for this summary.
First of all I’m just gonna talk about the tone. Right off the bat MC calls him “my dear Queen” and it was just. So. CUUUUUUUUUUTE.
Also, the question and theme of “a happy ending” is brought up, and the rest of the sneak peek answers that question (it’s when the people you love become your family and the people you meet becomes your allies), but also explores how they could find those answers (Jonah crying when he couldn’t find an answer and advancing forward bravely because they just want their happy ending). And finally we finish it off with a super Jonah-like statement, announcing that he’ll accept no less than the most perfect ending of them all!
Moving on to the information revealed...it’s pretty cool how there’s a special party for the next head of the Clemence family when they’re ready to announce their marriage and gain approval. Also, it’s kinda wild to think that Jonah will eventually become a head of the family just like his father and his grandfather before that.
Also it seems that Dean and Dalim’s backstories might be explored more but won’t be resolved just yet. I guess we really do have to wait until their routes get released to find out.
In short, this was an amazing summary of the route. WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER MONTH UNTIL I CAN FINALLY READ THE WHOLE THING???????????????????????????
Also FYI, this is all completely new to me. For the other characters’ sequels, I played it through on Ikerev JP bc I can’t wait until the releases in the TW and English version that’s like, a year later. But I didn’t read Jonah’s sequel bc my Japanese isn’t super good and I wanted to read my man’s story in a language that I can completely understand so I literally have no idea of what to expect apart from what I found out in the campaign release :3
Also also I’m probably gonna be posting for every part in the story I’m going through BC I JUST LOVE JONAH THAT MUCH. I guess it would make up for my inactivity this month ^^;
21 notes · View notes
crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
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Name: Cynthia “Thea” Ashley Levin
Nickname: Thea (prefers to go by this nickname than her real name), Cyn, Cynthie, Cee, Levin Jr, Mr.Blunt
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthday: 7th February  
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Ethnicity/Specie: American - Human/Anodite/Osmosian
Personality: Intelligent, Bold, Smart-Mouthed, Impulsive, Instinctive, Arrogant, Temperamental, Stubborn, Focused, Helpful, Brave, Wild Streak, Protective, Blunt, Romantic
Hobbies: Calligraphy (Writing in this style has an extremely calming effect on Thea), Hip Hop Dance, Mechanics, Automobiles, Is it bad to say she likes math? (It’s logical, practical and makes sense, the addition of letters just made it more enjoyable), Car Shows, Martial Arts
Gwen Tennyson - (Mother/Despite Thea being very different to her mother, loud and impulsive, the two still get along well. They like to have intelligent discussions, and Thea often goes to her when asking questions about something, knowing her mother will give her honest and truthful answers. They also like to study magic together, and enjoy reading books in the same room.)
Kevin Levin - (Father/Very much a daddy girl, Thea takes after her father quite a bit, in personality and in many interests. Ever since she was little, she’s loved cars thanks to her father, and the two like working together in his garage and chatting. Kevin taught her to be  a tough one, and tries his hardest to make sure she never takes a path like he once did.)
Zed - (Pet - Anubian Baskurr/While Thea doesn’t mind Zed much, the two don’t interact much due to Thea not personally into dogs, more so cats. They have a civil relationship and Thea does help take care of Zed when asked, but the two have been known to comfort each other when something is wrong.)
Ben Tennyson- (First cousin once removed - “Uncle”/Thea and her uncle have a very fun relationship, and she often goes to him about issues she doesn’t want to discuss with her parents, knowing he is a good third opinion to listen to. She admires how brave and outgoing he is, and does look up to him as a hero, but also has her fun uncle.)
Julie Yamamoto- (First cousin once removed-In Law - “Aunt”/Julie’s soft and down to earth nature is something Thea appreciates, in a family full of daredevils. Her aunt has a way of comforting Thea in a gentle manner, without making it feel like she is pitying her. Though that being said, Thea finds her hidden feisty side fun to see whenever it comes out.)
Jay Tennyson- (Second cousin - Like Siblings/Ever since she first held her baby cousin, she has felt this drive of protection over him, and the two act like siblings all the time. They tease, bicker, have fun and share secrets here and there, and are very loyal to each other. Her protective attitude has been growing though, ever since finding out Jay has been bullied, and when Jay starts developing feelings for her rival, Vanessa Morningstar. Subconsciously, Thea struggles to see her baby cousin growing up and not needing her as much, which makes Thea feel a little worthless at times. That being said, the two love each other, and will forever remain loyal, no matter what.)
Tundra, Orion, Vale, Neva, North, Crystal, Alaska, Micha, Storm, Gray, Raine, Arlo, Zodiac and Lux - (Second cousins/There’s quite something to have a cluster of cousins like this, but Thea loves them nonetheless. She loves to visit them, and hanging out with them whenever they’re on earth. She has a different dynamic with each of them.)
Max Tennyson - (Great Grandfather/Thea has always found her Great Grandfather to be a cool and chill man, and a very wise person to go too when needing help with something. She likes listening to his Plumber stories, and the people he’s met throughout his life.)
Xylene - (Great Grandfather Figure/While Xylene is more of a great grandmother figure for Jay, that doesn’t mean Thea and Xylene don’t get along. Xylene’s bold personality is something Thea can admire, and the two like having talks about tech and crafting.)
Verdona - (Great Grandmother/Thea has a bit of an odd relationship with her great grandmother. On the one hand, she likes Verdona’s wild and fun personality, and the two like to get into some crazy chaos together. Though on the other hand, she knows Verdona is fond of her because she is an Anodite, and while she appreciates Verdona’s help with her magic, and understands that Anodites have a different lifestyle to humans, it’s sometimes hard to deal with Verdona when it comes to earth related parts of Thea’s life.)
Frank Tennyson- (Grandfather/Thea likes to tease her grandfather playfully very often, but she is still pretty respectful towards him, as he’s helped out her parents often when she was growing up. He’s also been known to get her thoughtful gifts to her to cheer her up, knowing the kind of things she likes.)
Natalie Tennyson- (Grandmother/Natalie’s personality was something Thea could actually appreciate here and there, as Natalie had ways of keeping Thea in line before doing something dumb while growing up, and helped the girl listen to her parents when she would fuss here and there. The two like to discuss things about Thea’s future, as Natalie is great at organizing and has good suggestions for universities in Thea’s future.)
Ken Tennyson- (Uncle/Thea loves her uncle, as his kind and understanding way of life has always helped her when she’s going through something. And, much like Julie, sometimes it’s just nice to have a down to earth member of the family.)
Jade Levin- (Grandmother/Ever since her son gave her a grandchild, Jade has loved and adored Thea since. She often helped Kevin and Gwen whenever Thea’s Osmosian powers sparked up, giving them tips that she learnt from when raising Kevin. And since Thea acts a lot like her father, Jade knows how to talk to her, and what things she likes and dislikes.)
Harvey Hackett - (Step-Grandfather/Despite Kevin’s unsure views of Harvey, he has allowed the man to be in Thea’s life, and the two do get along. Harvey was a little nervous at first, due to his past with Kevin, but he tries his best to support Thea, not wanting to make the same mistakes he made with Kevin, and this has built some kind of bridge between him and his stepson in important moments.)
Feike - (Friend/Crush?/Due to Feike’s background, him and Jay often visit him when needing information in the criminal world, though her relationship with him is far more complicated than that. At first, he very much flirted with her pretty often, giving his player lifestyle, and she mostly just ignored it, used to those comments by now. But things slowly began to change after they developed more of a friendship over time, and they got to know each other better, especially after she decided to go on one date with him. She found that he’s a lot more caring than he lets on, and despite his criminal background, he has morals and lines he won’t cross. This has led to her having some kind of crush and romantic side relationship with him, which she never thought would happen due to the fact she said she’s never date a street boy...but he does treat her far better than any other guy she’s met and dated. But the two struggle with their feelings due to Thea’s personal issues, and Feike fearing he’ll have nothing if he leaves his criminal life behind for her.)
Malax - (Friend/Her and Malax have a very bro-like relationship, often teasing and chatting about their hobbies with one another, getting along fairly well. Malax is also one of the few that can hold Thea back when she’s angry or frustrated, and gives her a needed slap of reality when no one else can.)
Rook Rilla - (Friend/The two get along fairly well, though Rilla’s blunt and dry way of speaking has annoyed Thea from time to time, but she often gets away with that as Thea can appreciate it at times, and knows Rilla means well. That being said, Thea will always tease her when seeing Rilla daydreaming over someone.)
Etherea’Liss - (Friend/Thea was quite hesitant with Etherea at first, as her and Jay had an experience with Zs’Skayr a while ago before meeting her. But she came to feel sorry for Etherea and her situation, and admires her desire to make her people proud, and to show the outside world that her kind are not bad. There is a bit of a struggle between the two, due to Etherea’s shy personality not mixing well with Thea’s out there wording, but sometimes Thea can give her that needed push to try something.)
Azmuth - (Family Friend/She finds Azmuth to be pretty grumpy and doesn’t get him very often, but the two like to have intelligent conversations, and he has praised her on her academic work, even giving her a few pointers here and there.)
Vanessa Morningstar - (Rival/ It’s a bittersweet thing with these two ladies. To outsiders, their relationships doesn’t make too much sense, as people can’t understand why they’re rivals, and why they often pick on each other. It’s never clear who started it, but whenever they’re in the same room you can feel tension. Vanessa often picks at Thea’s temper and impulsive nature, knowing Thea is running from her problems, while Thea picks at Vanessa’s pride, thinking Vanessa acts too stuck up and knows she’s covering up something. It doesn’t help when Vanessa and Jay start catching interest in each other, at first Vanessa doing so just to tease Thea, but now feeling something for Jay. Thea’s afraid Vanessa will break his heart and hurt him, or that she’ll have to deal with Vanessa for the rest of her life if they get properly serious. But she knows Vanessa makes Jay happy...and a part of her just doesn’t know how to handle her baby cousin growing up. And in many ways, perhaps she gets aggressive with Vanessa, because she’s one of the few people to have the guts to point out the flaws Thea is running from.)
Medusa - (Enemy/Thea hates this woman, mostly because of how she reflects Thea in many ways. Medusa took special interest with Thea when noting how similar they were, the girl reminding her of her past self. Because of this, Medusa has this idea that Thea should become like her, to push down people to never feel weak again, perhaps because of her subconscious hatred for who she used to be. Typically Thea ignores what most villains say about her, but Medusa has a way to get at her fears and emotions, and that’s hard for to handle.)
Eldrigma - (Enemy/Thea didn’t like Eldrigma right off the bat, and thought he was just some new villain lucantic with a dumb plan to take over the galaxy or whatever. But after hearing thoughts from others, and certain signs popping up, she’s starting to understand that there is something more to this man’s story that they don’t know. That doesn’t mean she’ll pity him, and will do whatever it takes to stop him from hurting others.)
Vesper - (Enemy/Thea has a very odd view of Vesper. On the one hand, that chick is terrifying and her need to drain mana from living things freaks Thea out, also being an Anodite full of mana that Vesper has threatened to drain from her. But on the other hand, Thea does feel upset for her, and how Vesper was casted out by the Anodites for being sick and broken. A part of Thea wants to help, but the other half was to keep her distance.)
Professor Alate - (Enemy/Hates the dude and thinks he’s plain creepy, there’s no secret there. It doesn’t help that he targets Jay so often, and has made it clear what he wants to do with the boy if he ever catches him. Alate is just someone who can easily creep her out and ruffle her emotions, but she just can’t do the same with him. He always has a counter and comeback for her, and she really doesn’t know how to handle him. But that doesn’t stop her from trying to keep him away from her friends and Jay.)
Vilgax - (Enemy/Due to hearing many stories about him, Thea was a little intimidated by the guy when he returned from the dead, working with Alate. But when it became clear Vilgax was struggling with how much time has past, and his worth in the eyes of today, Thea likes to crack jokes about him and will fight him. That doesn’t mean it's easy to tussle with the dude, but compared to Alate, she would prefer to fight Vilgax any day of the week.)
Sciros - (Enemy/The moment Thea saw Sciros, and how he interacted with Feike, she knew she didn’t like him. He creeps her out, and she knows there’s some kind of dangerous dynamic between him and Feike, where the man has a grip on him. And while she has tried to talk to Feike about it, he’s made it clear it’s not her place to discuss such matters with him, so for now she tries her best to be there for Feike. But that doesn’t mean Thea won’t give the man glares whenever she sees him around.)
Representing Song: Miracle - The Score
Skills: Spell Casting. Mana Manipulation. Hand-To-Hand Combat. Anodite Form. Energy/Power/Matter Absorption. Supernatural Strength/Stamina/Endurance. Mechanic/Technician. Tactician. Levitation. Mind/Mental-Powers. Mathematical.
Weakness/Flaws/Fears: Automatonophobia (Fear of ventriloquist dummies, animatronics, wax statues, essentially anything which falsely represents a being). She hates the idea of losing her sight, hearing and touch. Subconscious Athazagoraphobia (Fear of forgetting and fear of being forgotten. She’s not good with the idea of being useless and left behind, which ties into her overprotective and slight clingy nature, but right now she doesn’t realise this). Slight Philophobia (Fear of falling in love or not being able to maintain a relationship. Despite going on plenty of dates, they often go wrong and she has had her heart broken many times). Her impulsive and blunt moments can get her into trouble, often getting into arguments and fights that she doesn’t back down from. She sometimes struggles to control her temper and outbursts, and has said things that hurt people she cares about, often regretting what she said very quickly. Her overprotective nature can be a bit much at times, especially with someone like Jay, as she has subconscious fears that he’ll be hurt without her protection, and there’s even a subconscious desire to be wanted and needed through this. She’s not good at taking blame, and has a habit of pointing fingers.  
Bio: N/A
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everything-laito · 4 years
the FBI agent looking at my computer must be so incredibly concerned. Here’s Laito and Cordelia analysis, Part II
Hiya, Corn here! This is Part II of this analysis series! Part one’s here! 
Not getting into the trauma part of it yet. Just explaining abusive power dynamics and how incestuous relationships work. As well as Stockholm syndrome. Lovely! Lovely combo! Fuck!!!
Same trigger warnings as last time still apply!
As always, rant under the cuuuuut!
Ok, from last time, we’ve established the elements that were set in place for Cordelia to do this to Laito, when Laito’s trauma began, and the possible fact that he was groomed as a child for sexual exploitation. Wow. Yay. Amazing. This is so gross!!! Thanks, I hate it!!!! I know I usually cary these topics with just an informational tone but I just can’t with this ;lskfjklsajf But I’m here typing this, you’re here reading this, so let’s just get on with the grossness!
Section 3: Legal Definitions of Incest and Power Dynamics 
Now we’re gonna get into the flesh of the problem, and what we know happened. From last time, and common DL knowledge, Laito was coerced into having sex with Cordelia. I say coerced, rather than forced, because it’s not like Laito seemed to resist it. He seems to “willingly” give Cordelia that. Is dubious consent, consent? Oh fuck no, and dubious or coerced consent shouldn’t even count in here considering it’s straight up incest. Any type of incest, most especially between a parent and a child, is not considered consensual, even if it “technically is.” That’s how it’s handled in a court of law, at least in America (where I’m from and reside in), and I do agree with that morally as well. A “romantic” and sexual relationship between a parent (or adult family member; aunt, grandfather, etc) and a child (is just gross) preys upon the power dynamic between them. This isn’t any consensual BDSM power dynamic (obviously), or a constructive power dynamic in the workplace; it’s just a power dynamic already instilled into the relationship where it is taken advantage of. That’s not just fucked up incest, that’s an example of a toxic relationship from the get go. Also, there’s a power dynamic usually between a parent and child, but that doesn’t mean it’s always toxic. It just needs to be done responsibly, which good parents (or any adult in power) know how to maneuver around it and not take advantage of it for manipulation etc. 
In healthy relationships, you both start on equal ground. It usually never works out if you don’t see the other as an equal, whether you have a predisposed power dynamic at the beginning or not. I’m talking any relationship; family relationships, friendships, romantic, sexual, etc. Although you older folks might know about BDSM and how there’s a “power dynamic” instilled in the relationship, a chosen and consensual “power dynamic” still involves both parties seeing the other one as an equal––intrinsically. It’s just very different than a predisposed power dynamic. That even goes with friendship too! Or any kind of healthy, nontoxic social interaction! Taken directly from Psychology Today, “Shared power creates happy individuals and satisfying interactions.” People need to be on equal ground in order to have a healthy relationship. Which,,,, we know does not happen with Cordelia and Laito (and Laito and Yui for that matter, but that’s during another part of this series). An article I saw during the research of this explains further about how power dynamics can be constructive. This focuses more on the workplace, but it applies to this because it’s looking at the other person as another person (an equal) but uses that predisposed power for encouragement, empowerment, and constructiveness (like a good parent or adult role model would do). I hope this makes sense!
Basically Cordelia is abusing her power in order to do all this to Laito. That’s why grooming would make a lot of sense in this as well, because we know it’s definitely not the first time Cordelia has taken advantage of a power imbalance to her own selfish benefit. That’s why incest isn’t really explained with the same science as pedophilia. I forget if I’ve mentioned it before, but one way pedophilia can occur in a person if their brain was originally biologically wired in a way that sees children as sexual objects. With incest, it could also work like that as well, but it is mainly power abuse, like most sexual exploitation, harassment, assault, etc is. 
Section 4: Incest (I’d make a sweet home Alabama joke but that’s low hanging fruit)
Ok so now that we’ve gone over the legality of incest, and how power dynamics can be taken advantage of, we’re gonna look into the type of incest (yes apparently there are types) that Cordelia and Laito fits into. Also if this already wasn’t clear or anything, hi incest and pedophilia etc are forms of abuse, there is no justifying it at all. It’s abuse, no matter what’s said. I know these are fictional characters but I sometimes see Ayato x Cordelia and Laito x Cordelia etc posts and I kinda just wanna commit heinous crimes whenever I see that. Just the idea of that absolutely sickens me (on top of the abuse shown in DL already). Anyways, after all of that out of the way, let’s go into this. 
Since Laito is biologically 17, I’d say that he’s considered as a child (teenager) by demon world standards. We don’t know his age when Cordelia first physically exploited him, but we do know that his same “teenage” sprite is used during the flashbacks. Since his trauma fits so well with the aftermath definition of parent/child incest, I’m just gonna give y’all information on that. This is also called “child incestuous abuse,” which is also a form of child sexual abuse. 
I learned an interesting factoid researching this, and that is in Japan, the most commonly believed incestuous relationship was between mothers and sons. In the West, we think of fathers/daughters. In Japan, the media covers more on mother/son incestuous acts; while statistically, more father/daughter incestuous acts are taken place. Just something interesting(?) I found, and probably why DL chose that for storytelling too. 
In this Wikipedia article, taken from a scientific paper (I’d take it directly from the source but you need an account to get in and I think you need to pay for it), it says this:
A study of victims of father–daughter incest in the 1970s showed that there were "common features" within families before the occurrence of incest: estrangement between the mother and the daughter, extreme paternal dominance, and reassignment of some of the mother's traditional major family responsibility to the daughter.
Sure, this talks about father/daughter incestuous relationships, but if we take this and reverse most of the roles, it shows Laito’s situation to a T:
Estrangement between Karlheinz and Laito 
Extreme maternal dominance (aka Cordelia being very abusive/manipulative)
Reassignment of some of the parental responsibility to Laito (there’s many examples of “big bro Laito,” and Ayato and Kanato considers that they used Laito as a “sacrifice”––as a “shield” for the both of them. Sure this isn’t explicit parental responsibility shown through Laito but I’d say he acts more like a family member to Ayato and Kanato too)
Section 5: Stockholm syndrome? With parental figures? 
Laito had some interesting situations occur during this whole thing with Cordelia. One of the most infamous scenes from the game (that’s also illustrated in the HDB manga) is a flashback Laito has where he’s locked up, forced to see Cordelia and Richter have sex. He’s appalled by the fact at first, but then attempts to convince himself that he’s into it. However, I won’t get into the effects until the next part. 
I didn’t find much about Stockholm syndrome being in this specific case with incest and kidnapping a child etc. When you look up Stockholm syndrome related to parents you get quite the sexist “article” that definitely mocks the whole Stockholm syndrome thing and makes fun of guys being into Glee and such,,,, so that wasn’t a very helpful article. However, I’m just gonna mish mash and put a lot of concepts that we’ve learned together. But first, a look into Stockholm syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome occurs when an abuse victim develops empathy or even intimate feelings for their abuser or captor. This happens because any bit of kindness the abuser enacts towards their victim is taken so positively, that the victim “forgets” all the negative actions, and focuses on the positive ones. This isn’t some sort of “oh ya gotta think positive!” kind of thing, it’s how abusers get away with their bullshit and how someone can be so trapped in a relationship with them. It’s also called traumatic bonding or victim brainwashing (source). This doesn’t always happen with people who are held hostage, like in Stockholm syndrome’s name origin.
A parent’s influence can be a strong one. Doesn’t even have to be related to by blood. But a figure that is supposed to be nurturing—whether they are or not—still has power over the “child.” He definitely went through Stockholm Syndrome himself with Cordelia, considering the grooming and the “love”/hate relationship he has with Cordelia. I did some more digging, and apparently Stockholm Syndrome can still occur more commonly with sexually abused victims. Which we all know he is. With the possible grooming, on top of the power abuse and sexual abuse, creates an incredibly toxic concoction. Here we go. The (rotten) cherry on top. Directly from my HDB notes, here’s a snippet from his Maniac Prologue: 
Cordelia: Nnn…Hey, Laito. You are a good boy. Laito: …!! Cordelia: Right, Laito? Laito: Yeah, that’s right. I’m…I’m a good boy after all.  ーー Besides, I’m the type of person who only get more aroused from this kind of thing.
(from my notes:) Basically Laito convinces himself to be a “cuckhold.” It’s definitely implied how he just wants approval from Cordelia; this is how this abuse prolongs. 
(Also, if I ever said that Laito was locked up by Cordelia, my bad; it was Karlheinz who gave that order. I’m unsure where I ever said this, but I feel like I said it before, so I’m gonna clarify that right now too, oops! My memory hath failed me.)
Cordelia’s praise effects Laito in such a visceral way that he tries so hard to cope with the trauma in her favor. It’s incredibly messed up. But that’s the defining factor in this. From this, I do believe Laito has Stockholm syndrome on top of all of his issues. 
I think I’m gonna end it here for now. Didn’t expect to be this long, oops. Stay tuned for next time, where I’m gonna go over Laito’s trauma and how he’s been effected by it. Thanks for reading, FBI agent! And oh, you as well, dear reader! 
If you’ve read this far holy fuck I commend you -Corn
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okay-victoria · 3 years
Random Personal Rant
For anyone somehow here not from the original thread, this started off me getting asked what finishing school is and me getting shit off my chest that is only mildly relevant about how I could both be of the social class that gets sent to finishing school and grows up on welfare.
With an understanding that in many parts of the world it wouldn't qualify as so, as far as the US goes, my dad is from what counts as a very old money family from Baltimore & Philadelphia. Both his siblings went to college and one now owns a major hedge fund, and his sister is married to a C-level executive at a huge conglomerate. His parents went to college. His grandparents went to college. All eight of his great grandparents went to college. My dad...did not go to college. He was not about that life, and while I don't mean it as an insult, when I say his primary occupation until I was ~5 was a drummer in a mediocre band I mean that he opened for a lot of great acts, and if you lived in the Boston to Atlanta area in the 80s you may have heard him play, but he was never a huge national name. But he wasn't an amateur band playing for free at some random local gig either.
My mom grew up on a chicken farm in a Mennonite family in Pennsylvania but also completely rejected her heritage and became a model, sort of like my father, of mediocre status. Not Giselle Bundchen, but had national contracts and if you have a Graco ad/box from 1990-1993 you might see both me and her on it. They met because my mom's friends placed bets, one each, on who could sleep with a member of their favorite local band first and my mom picked my dad and...my mom was actually supposed to go be a model in Tokyo and found out she was pregnant with me and couldn't go 😂
So, after my parents had two kids back to back with a third on the way and determined they needed lifestyles more in line with having three children, they became much poorer than they originally were because my mom stopped working and my dad, with a barely-passed-high-school education but needing a true "day job" worked day labor in construction. My dad's father was too proud to give us money/help if my dad didn't beg for it; despite having eventually four young children my dad never did so we ended up on all the state assistance programs one could imagine. My grandma jokes that dinners at my parents house were BYOC - bring your own chair, because we didn't own any.
My mother and paternal grandmother had no such pride issues and I live in eternal gratitude that my welfare childhood was not as crappy as it should have been because my grandmother would have my mom accompany her on grocery runs and buy us food without my father or grandfather knowing, and every Christmas and birthday my grandparents/godparents could give us the one big ticket gift all the kids wanted that year. But, on the other side, I once got stung by a bee inside my mouth because my brother threw a hairbrush through a cracked window at me and broke it and we couldn't afford to fix it for about two years and a hornet got in one day and rested himself in my coke can (my parents were the very American type that fed me coca-cola in baby bottles at age 8 when I was jealous of my younger siblings lol).
It is hard not to believe in "toxic masculinity" when two men warring over dumbass pride issues would rather their children/grandchildren go without food than suck it up and decide 'help' isn't the worst word in the English language, and you know you've only been saved by two women who came from totally different backgrounds and entirely disapproved of each other but reached out the hand to shake when it came down to toddlers getting the short end of the don't-bend-the-knee stick. It wasn't that either of the men were bad people, I loved them both and got along great with both, but on a societal level I feel they were socialized in a very fucked up way if that was the end result, as both claimed "male pride" in these instances [my dad took multiple thousands of dollars I'd saved from working during college from me during the 2008-2010 financial crisis and didn't tell me and that was the reason I was given for why I hadn't been informed/asked, because it would be too emotionally difficult for an adult man to ask a young woman. My graduation present was them repaying me 1/3 of the money they'd taken from me without asking because I'd like, trusted them when it had been in a joint account that was a holdover from when I was <18 and couldn't have my own bank account].
While in some ways my parents on the surface achieved the American dream of going from nothing to a bunch of money, the real factor in play was that my dad's father was the bank. My parents had no credit and couldn't get real loans. My dad worked construction and during the two major periods that flipping houses was very lucrative, he never had to get an actual loan or pay actual interest, he just had to ask his father to pay out cash and then repay him at a flat 2% interest rate that didn't even accrue over time, just...whenever you are ready, repay the value of the loan + 2%. Because my father was doing something productive, in these instances, my grandfather was happy to pay, because it wasn't giving away money, it was loaning it. I had a very weird situation of mostly being poor but like also getting taken to the "big donors" events at the Kennedy Center and my grandparents regularly buying me a dress as a child worth more than my mom's wedding dress and also needing to pretend I fit in with these people.
And look. When I say "these people"...honestly, by and large, most wealthy people, whether inherited or not, are not the assholes you want to imagine. Most of them are extremely nice. Most of them are generous when it comes to the less fortunate who are in their personal sphere of being. Most of them are just really out of touch. The 100% kindest of all of them that I know once relayed to me that she thought people would be happier if once a year they did what she did...go to the airport with a purse packed full of absolute necessities, buy a one way ticket to the most appealing destination on the flight board, buy your clothes and book your accommodations after you'd arrived, and come back after you felt you'd 'centered' yourself. She didn't understand why there were so many unhappy people who weren't taking this very obvious route to being happier. I didn't quite know how to explain that saying "most" people couldn't afford to do that either financially or from a job/career angle didn't even cover it, as "most" sounds like 70% instead of 99.7%.
I was both my parents eldest son and eldest daughter in the worst combination possible. I was the eldest son because I was the most stereotypically male of all my siblings, in everything from desire to physically fight the battles I was given to dislike of shopping/fashion to lack of emotional connection to my relationships, so I can now fix your average household plumbing/drywall/electrical issue better than most "city" guys I interact with and remain less clingy to them in the process. I was also very much the oldest daughter from a responsibility perspective, I managed our household and from age 10 - 24 managed the finances of our family business, my mom almost died giving birth to my youngest brother after a ruptured uterus that should never have happened in the first place if we had adequate insurance to get her a non-emergency C-section (I was just past 9 years old at the time) and I was informally withdrawn from school for two years to take care of the family when she couldn't because there is no paid parental leave in the US and we got double-fucked by the medical industry because she got a bad "mesh" put in and then had to have a further surgery to repair that which we also had to pay for and didn't have the money to win a lawsuit over.
I don't know quite how to put this, but in the deepest fuck you of the universe, my rich-immigrant-ggggg grandfather's money led to him owning banks, insurance companies, etc, and the family cashed out in a big way when their ownership was bought by and merged with what is now Cigna, one of the biggest US healthcare insurers, and my nuclear family specifically got screwed by the American health insurance industry, but anyway, we were the people selected for that karmic comeuppance so if you want to feel schadenfreude at my expense, I'll allow it without begrudging the sentiment, my family might have fucked up your family’s life too, not just their own.
I got up twice a night to feed my brother because my dad had to sleep unmolested in my room to get to work and my mom was too weak to carry my brother or even hold him against her while she nursed so I had to hold him up to her. Adjusting to living in a city and hearing lots of random noises all the time was not easy when I'd had mom sound instincts from age 9.
I learned to drive the fall my youngest bro was born because my mom couldn't and I had to get my middle brother to preschool and go the grocery store on my own. While I hold absolutely no ill will towards my father or grandfather for this and given that about 1/3 of my paternal family either has an autism diagnosis or should, I fully feel the struggles they both went through to be communicated with, my father wouldn't ask for help, and my grandmother that lived 20 minutes away couldn't give enough help because my grandfather refused to do a single dish on his own as that was outside their "marriage contract" type agreement and she couldn't ever stay with us overnight when there wasn't a clearly-communicated need, so they let the burden fall on a 9 - 11 year old child and that really shaped a lot of my life in both good and bad ways. My youngest brother is 22, and we have only just climbed out of the medical debt his birth left us with between my dad's life insurance and my oldest brother and I paying for the extra cost of out-of-state college tuition.
The irony of all of this is that because my father died before his father, when my grandmother dies, my siblings and I will all inherit enough money (as a non-blood relative my mom, despite keeping her vows to part at death and not having remarried in eight years, is cut out entirely) to make this a non-issue, but my grandfather couldn't conscience spotting his unluckiest child some money in the end of days to pay for my youngest two brothers' education and take that worry off my father as he was dying. The day before he died I had to hold him down in bed to keep him from trying to climb in his truck to go to work because he was so anxious about trying to provide for us in spite of his father having fuck you money, because his father didn't think it was fair to the other siblings (who, at the time, still owned a major hedge fund and were married to a C-level executive of a huge conglomerate). A day and a half later I went back to my job because at the time I was then the sole provider for the family and didn't want to risk asking for the standard week's bereavement leave when I knew I was capable of showing up at work the next day and was fresh out of college so hadn't built up a reputation yet.
My father worked the day each of us was born, so I suppose it is only fair and he smiled at the choice. In spite of what it may seem, I gave a baller and very heartfelt speech at his funeral to all his rich friends that over and above everything, he'd taught us how to be happy with our own lives no matter what, and multiple of them emailed my mom in the aftermath to say they'd reassessed their relationship with their children in light of it, although...tbh I kind of doubt that lasted and they probably changed nothing 😅. The last good talk I had with him, two weeks before he died [his liver was going and it sent toxins to his brain that de-personed him after that and he no longer recognized me as his daughter, but as his sister], I reassured him that though we would all be sad he'd gone, we'd live on just fine without him because that's how he'd raised us, and according to my mom that was what gave him the final bit of peace he needed. Although honestly, I don't think I will ever see the strength in another human again that it took my grandmother to sit next to him and stroke his hand and tell him to close his eyes and imagine he was happy on a beach and die, for God's sake, because he was unaware and in pain and just prolonging it for our sake by then.
That type of obsession my grandfather had with assessing his children and grandchildren on the basis of economic productivity and a very black and white idea of "fair" is one you don't easily forget, I promise you. My hedge fund uncle is currently positioning himself to screw us out of our inheritance because of janky writing in the will and I'm doing my fuck all best to gain the wherewithal to go toe-to-toe with this cold motherfucker in court as the oldest and representative member of my happily much nicer and softer younger brothers who I want to remain that way not because I even care that much about the money, I know what bills affect your credit first and what you can put off paying and all of us have good enough career prospects to do our own thing, but just because I want to give the middle finger to a man that was a multi-millionaire and drew lines on his milk and orange juice bottles when I came over so he knew if I drank what my parents couldn't afford when I was approximately six. Anyway, ask me why I support major reforms in wealth taxation. I don't care who it goes to, just not that guy, you feel?
Having expendable income was very exciting for a bit after I started working but once I got to the hateable point of assessing my annual bonus and internally complaining that I'd spent the money I should have spent on a Sauternes cellar to drop five digits on bedset materials (to be fair they are drop dead gorgeous, very comfy and the factory pays a living wage for people to handmake the sheets/duvets/pillows to people in San Francisco, which is not cheap, so maybe I did more good than harm with that), I two seconds later nodded to myself and went "the government needs to confiscate more money from me". The narrative is always that the "undeserving" will use it for dumb things they don't need like iPhones or refrigerators...?...but like...I could also have gone to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a very nice sheet/comforter set for at most a tenth of what I paid so am I really spending it responsibly either....?....who is going to get more joy out of this misspent money....?....not me, that is for sure, I probably would have had more fun going to BBB and laying on all the demo beds and buying something there.
My lifelong dream, which may become possible if/when I do have something of an inheritance, is to provide food security for one of the many towns in the US were most residents don't have it. It's the thing I remember the most distinctly over the years. I never could quite believe it when I got to the point that I could just...pay to eat at a restaurant. One of the most disappointed my mother has ever been in me is when I was twenty five and confessed I actually had no idea how much a gallon of milk cost in a city grocery store besides that it was probably between $1 and $5, because I didn't have to know. For now I make a weekly drop off of my excess produce to a mom group I met under somewhat weird circumstances but I was walking through the cut-through that went through the low-income housing back to my apartment at like 2 AM on a Saturday and these moms were out there partying and smoking weed with their kids all strapped in strollers around or the older ones watched by a rotating member of the group and I felt very safe and like these moms had a very good vibe of both living their own lives [seriously for mental health parents but in most cases specifically mothers need to be able to keep up relationships with people their age] but keeping their children safe and accounted for while doing so and trying their fuckin' best against all the odds to figure out how to make that happen when life had dealt them a shit hand.
...anyway, looping way back to the original question of what finishing school is, when I was almost done with middle school my dad had built a legit construction business that then very quickly took off because we lived in a commutable zip code to the now-rich-in-their-own-right people he went to high school with who trusted him to redo their homes. We eventually moved to that zip code but I stayed and commuted back to my old high school. But, i was a pretty wild kid which my father appreciated for a long while because I would follow him around on jobs and enjoy doing physical labor, but once I was mid-puberty and also he had to maybe show me to his high school friends that did not fly.
I snapped - not broke, snapped - my left thumb and my parents had to trap me like a wild animal to get me to go the hospital. Then I got a deep cut that partially injured a tendon in my leg and at eleven I tried to beat the shit out of my dad to prevent him from picking me up to strap me in the car and go to the hopsital. Next I got a deep splinter due to my eternal-barefoot tendencies and it wouldn't come out so got infected and I refused to go to the doctor [another weird back story but I was minorly sexually assaulted [[to be clear, not raped or anything big traumatic]] when I was eight and had to stay in hospital for a week and my parents couldn't be with me all the time so I have a permanent heebie-jeebie about going to the hospital, not true anxiety, I will go if I know I need to and I don't breathe heavy or anything, and I'm actually not permanently weirded out by sex or anything, just doctors in hospitals specifically I kind of unconsciously try to justify not needing to the extent I can rationalize it] and my dad was tired of my antics so he was like "fine if you don't go I will slice your foot in half with a Swiss Army knife to get it out" and I called his bluff and laid down on the floor, stuck my foot on his lap, and he didn't really know what to do when a barely fourteen year old girl called his bluff so my brothers watched in fascinated but horrified awe as I got my foot sliced open spectacularly so that the infection/splinter could come out and I didn't even make a sound out of spite despite it being quite painful to my recollection almost twenty years later.
They saw me cry from pain exactly one time when while trying to break up a fight between all three of them (it was over ice cream) I got pushed and my ankle got dislocated and what actually made me cry was snapping it back in place and they realized it was not a joke. These dumb assholes that I love have ragged on me for "skipping" chores the day after I was in the hospital because the day before that I had to spend 18 hours running Thanksgiving as a good sub-hostess like I didn't have a serious infection that needed treating and couldn't rest because none of them were up to any task beyond peeling potatoes.
After the Swiss Army knife incident, my dad's discussion of sending me to finishing school became real, which I knew when my mom made me take a walk with her and talked about it. Finishing school is like...etiquette school....? In ye olden day when finishing high school was not the norm for anyone, wealthy men finished high school and wealthy women often went to "finishing" school to have a combined education on being a proper lady but also being able to hold a decent conversation with your presumably-educated husband, so it wasn't entirely etiquette non-academic. It was more just like "what a rich man wants in a wife" school, which was sort of household management and knowing enough about cleaning/cooking to correct the staff if they fucked up, how to be a polite hostess, and how to not entirely bore him when you were alone together and had done your five minutes of sex or whatever so actually had to have a conversation. In modern times it has obviously expanded to be less bleak.
I said miss me with that, I can be a girl on my own, so I went full throttle into the girliest sport they offer in high school and ever since have gained the inestimable advantage of knowing how to also use femininity to my advantage, which I am very grateful to my parents for making me learn. It would be great if we lived in a world where that didn't count, but it did/still does, and they really set me up to operate in all the worlds.
It is weird for me to tell the story to Internet strangers because it's one of those things that makes your parents sound terrible and abusive in the general tone of the Internet nowadays, and while I support gender nonconforming children I don't remember my childhood or parents that way. But, I feel like the bits and pieces of my life I've given don't always make a ton of sense together without the context, so here it is, and in the end, I think a number of parts of it are areas where you can probably understand where it makes me have the opinions I do when I write.
Anyhoo, this makes my life sound far worse than it is, I actually have a great life and I am not unhappy with it at all and feel I was on the whole blessed with many more turns of luck than unluck, so, please, do not take this as a depressed artist rant, it is more like a rant of a very energetic person who rants about a lot of things all the time and didn’t need to come out but just did because the question was asked and the time was right with my life being in a bit of flux to think about how I got where I am and where I want to go and why.
Always remember no matter what problems it seems like I have, if I didn’t solve them on my 2 year round the world traveling hiatus I took from working, it’s my own fault, I definitely had the time and money to solve them and just chose not to.
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luverofralts · 3 years
Post Arkhelios
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She had put on a positive face for Abe, but internally Ulyssa was extremely conflicted about her feelings for Roman. She knew that he legitimately cared about Abe, but also knew how self absorbed Roman could be. It was the Bellamy way to act like they were above everyone else and Roman had learned a lot from his grandfather. It seemed like Abe was the only person able to cut through the Bellamy brainwashing and get Roman to feel. In the corner of her mind, Ulyssa wondered how Roman would have treated the situation if she had gotten pregnant from their brief affair or if he’d ever been able to seduce her idiot brother. Probably even worse than this, if she was being honest with herself.
Her feelings towards Roman were always in flux because of the huge wall that he put up between him and the world. She was never sure if she actually liked Roman or was attracted to him, or felt pity for him, or if she secretly enjoyed their little arguments. Maybe Abe could help bring that wall down permanently one day, or at the very least, keep Roman from pissing people off so frequently.
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Ulyssa left an hour later, after making sure Abe was in an okay place about his boyfriend. If she wasn’t sure about her feelings about Roman, she at least was starting to see Abe and Lucy as friends because of all of this. In a place like Arkhelios, teen friendships seemed to be rare, and however this all ended, Ulyssa was glad that she had gotten to better know the Chuns. Between this secret, and their parents running off together, she knew that if she needed support, she could actually find some back in Arkhelios.
Abe had gone to bed immediately after Ulyssa left, if only to have some time for himself away from Lucy’s over protectiveness. His mind was swirling with thoughts and feelings that he needed to process by himself without her open anger at Roman. To be honest though, he was starting to feel influenced by her remarks. Maybe Roman wasn’t coming back after all. Maybe he would return to school, and only see his family over school breaks.
An even worse feeling came over him suddenly. What if he brought home someone else from Pleasantview? Even if it had been arranged by his grandfather without Roman’s input, Abe wasn’t sure that he could live in an Arkhelios where Roman was engaged to some rich sim and forgot about all about him. He knew Lucy thought about this possibility all the time, and it had been Roman’s mission to bring new people here by any means necessary....
Abe buried his head in his pillow and groaned. This was a line of thought for tomorrow, when he didn’t feel so hopeless.
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His bedroom door squeaked open, and Abe figured that it was just Lucy checking on him again. He turned on his side and pretended to be asleep, so she wouldn’t stay to make even more pitying remarks about Roman’s intentions.
“Abe? Are you awake?”
Abe bolted up quickly in his bed. He’d know that voice anywhere!
“Roman! You’re here! I can’t believe it!”
Against all odds, Roman was actually standing in Abe’s bedroom. Unless this was some kind of magical hallucination or trick, Abe had been right about Roman’s feelings for him.
Roman looked awkwardly at his feet.
“....Hi. How are you?” Roman cursed himself internally for being so awkward. It was just Abe after all. Still, it felt weird to talk to him now without bringing up the elephant in the room.
“Lucy was convinced that you were half-way to Veronaville by now.”
Roman flushed furiously. Neither teen moved for fear of spooking the other one. Abe could feel the tension in the room like it was physically pressing on him.
“I just needed some time,” Roman said. “I shouldn’t have run...but I’m here now. I want to be there for you...if you still want me to be.”
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The tension began to ease. Abe quickly crossed the distance between them and grabbed Roman’s hands, placing them on his ever expanding stomach.
“Of course I still want you here!” he said fiercely. “It’s all I’ve been wanting since I found out about this...situation.”
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The two teens sat on the floor and looked at the ground. Neither one seemed to know what to say. Roman reached for Abe’s hand, which caused Abe to jump and Roman quickly withdrew his own hand. Touching each other was what had caused this situation in the first place, and Abe still had Lucy’s warnings ringing in his head. Maybe if Roman had come immediately things would have been fine, but Abe had been freaking out alone for days now, and there was still awkwardness between them. Roman cleared his throat.
“H-how have things been?”
“The morning sickness has gotten a lot better, thank god,” Abe replied, and Roman nodded sympathetically.
“That sounds rough.” He made and held eye contact with Abe. “I’m sorry that I took so long to get here. I...I’m sorry that I put you in this position to start with. I never intended for this to happen.”
Abe reached for his hand without hesitation this time.
“I know,” he said. “Neither did I. It’s been kind of a roller coaster of feelings the past few days.”
“My uncle Hunter is adopted,” Roman blurted out suddenly. “His dad was Launce Durant, and my grandparents adopted him.”
Abe realized where this conversation was heading, and he was glad that Roman brought it up first. He had heard the Durants talking about their long lost half-brother before, and everyone wondered who Hunter’s other parent had been. Abe’s mom used to date Launce, but everyone knew how Launce’s life had spiraled out of control when his brother Benvolio died. Any one could be Hunter’s mother or father. Elaine had certainly not commented on Hunter’s origins, and Abe figured that if he had a half-brother out there, she would have probably mentioned it by now.
“When I worked at the orphanage, the kids seemed pretty happy,” Roman continued, playing absentmindedly with his shoelaces. “Some of them got adopted really quickly. I don’t think anyone here would know if...if we went there.”
Tears were starting to well up for both teens. Abe nodded and wiped his eyes.
“Yeah, no one would know,” he repeated sadly. “Maybe that’s best. Hunter seems really happy, and Launce sees him all the time now.”
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Abe crawled back into his bed, and Roman mindlessly followed. Abe wrapped himself around Roman and tried not to cry.
“Roman? I don’t want to be like Launce,” he whispered. “Stay with me? We can figure this out together. What’s the difference of our families finding out about us now instead of when we’re in college? It’s only a few years.”
Roman froze momentarily, remembering his grandfather’s anger at the idea of him even talking to the Chuns, and the disappointment of his grandmother for not heeding her warnings about him following his hormones. He thought of how intensely Elaine watched him while he was near Abe, and what Lucy and Ulyssa surely thought of him by now.
He pulled Abe in closer to him.
“Okay,” he vowed. “We’ll do this together. Who cares about who knows.”
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Elaine left for work early in the morning, blissfully unaware of the teenage drama brewing in her house. Oriana had pressing business at the bank for Abraham’s estate, and hitched a ride downtown with her wife, leaving the house in Ironman’s control. He had been acting a little dodgy lately when she talked about the kids, but she chalked it up to him readjusting to having Elaine back in his life, and getting to know the kids he had never seen because of Elaine and Abraham’s fighting.
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Ironman purposely started his house cleaning away from the noisy kitchen, where he could hear Lucy shouting. Better to have plausible deniability and not check into that, he decided. He wasn’t sure to what extent his programming would allow him to keep information from his partner, so knowing nothing was probably the safer route. He felt that Oriana and Elaine would have more compassion than Abraham had shown for Elaine all those years ago, but he didn’t want to risk history repeating itself.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Lucy was shouting presumably at some one who didn’t normally live there, and was therefore a part of this messy situation. Ironman made himself scarce before he found out more.
Jorah had come over to walk to school with Lucy like he usually did, and was currently holding her back from attacking Roman.
“It’s romantic, he sighed dreamily. “Two people from fighting families falling in love and running off to start a life together....”
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Finding Roman making pancakes for her brother was the last thing Lucy had expected to see that morning. The fact that they were acting so weirdly in love, and holding each other like they had planned this whole mess...It was impossible to stomach. Roman abandoned Abe for days and now here he was making a mess of the kitchen and spouting off syrupy declarations of love to her idiot brother.
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“Jorah you can’t be buying this,” she groaned. “This is ridiculous! This isn’t a Veronaville soap opera, it’s real life and you two are about to ruin both of yours. Don’t let Roman drag you down like this Abe. He may have hit rock bottom, but you still have a future!”
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“I haven’t hit rock bottom,” Roman corrected while flipping pancakes. “Dropping out of school means that I have time to be a dad now, and I can make breakfast for Abe every day.”
“Dropping out? You are being expelled,” Lucy corrected angrily. “And you have no money, no job and now no education. Where are you going to live? How are you going to pay for things like diapers and you know, basic things like food?”
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Abe poked at his pancakes nervously.
“Well, Mom might let us stay,” he said. “Or the Bellamys. I’m sure they’d understand, and want to help raise their grandkid.”
“You think Mom is going to let Roman Bellamy live in our house? You think the Bellamys won’t just kick you to the curb? Look at how they’ve treated Adam his whole life. Look at how they’re treating him and Omar now!”
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“But this would be different,” Abe protested. “Our families could come together now and be happy. Romeo and Juliet’s love always ends the fighting in the stories.”
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Lucy just stared at her brother, unable to comprehend his line of thinking.
“No, you know what brings Romeo and Juliet’s families together? Death and lots of it.” She pointed at Abe with intensity. “If you decide to bring this idiot to Mom or walk into Salem Bellamy’s house with a baby, that’s all you will get too. If you are really serious about ruining your life, then go anywhere but here with Roman. Go to Pleasantview. Go live out your stupid fantasy in Veronaville. Just leave before you become yet another unsolved murder here.”
Lucy stood up dramatically, dragging an open mouthed Jorah with her.
“Some of us still have school to attend.”
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Damijon Secret Santa
@woahjaybird happy holidays ris!!!!!!!!!! i admit, i was a bit confused, bc you signed up for a ship fic exchange and requested platonic bros, but whatever. i hope you like it!
To be honest, it was something Damian said a lot. 
Jon heard those words practically every time Damian opened his mouth: in the middle of a mission, when they were baking pies with Ma Kent, during a stakeout, on a rooftop eating takeout. 
They used to be annoying. God, sometimes Jon just wanted to drop his restraint and punch Damian in the face, full-force. Especially when he said those words, again and again and again. Over time, though, Jon grew used to them, and after a while, they just began to amused him.
You should be afraid of me.
Because Jon never understood those words. What was there to be scared of?
The two of them were sitting on a rooftop in Metropolis, Jon with his long legs dangling over the side of the building, Damian cross-legged next to him. Taking a long slurp of his smoothie, Jon glanced over at Damian, who was outlining their plan of attack for tomorrow-- a mission to take down an arms dealer who had been working out of Metropolis for months. With Dad stretched thin over League, international, and intergalactic affairs, criminals were becoming a little less hesitant to step foot into the city. Superboy and Robin would be taking care of that soon.
Jon was listening, he really was. The battle plans were definitely lodging themselves somewhere in Jon’s subconsciousness. But he had to admit, most of his attention was fixed firmly on Damian himself.
Jon remembered the days the prickly young boy would throw his nose up haughtily in the air, state he’d been intelligent enough to have a doctorate at seven years old, and miff at anyone who insinuated otherwise. It was a far sight from when Damian had  curled himself up on Jon’s bed, and under the guise of watching a movie, told Jon about his acceptance into the most prestigious art schools in Gotham. 
And that was the reason behind Jon’s inattention, wasn’t it? Damian was eighteen, now. Their age difference didn’t seem like much when they were ten and thirteen and going against the world with all the confidence of a couple boys playing pretend. Now, Damian had a weariness in his shoulders, but lips that quirked up into a smile far too often, skin layered in scars but hands gentler than Jon ever thought he was capable of. Jon himself was a fumbling, awkward fifteen year old with jeans that were always too short, hair that was always too messy. And Jon used to think he was over feeling inferior to his best friend.
He’d miss him. Jon would miss Damian so much. Sure, Damian would probably try and keep their visits somewhat consistent, but work would pile up, and a curator would probably see Damian’s talents and whisk him away to the world of the famous artists, and Damian would forget he ever had a friend named Jon and would go on to become a household name while Jon spent the rest of his life living in his parents’ house and updating his mediocre blog that he started because of a dare.
No, he wasn’t being dramatic, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, Damian seemed to catch onto his lack of attention and snapped his fingers underneath Jon’s nose, startling him back to focus.
Never one to sugarcoat, Damian said, “You look miserable.”
“What? No, I’m fine!” Jon didn’t know why he even tried to play it off, he’d never been able to lie to Damian.
“Right. My mistake. Someone who was fine would definitely spend the past hour drinking out of a smoothie cup that’s already empty.”
Huh. Jon hadn’t even realized he’d finished the drink. He put it to the side and shook his head. “Really, it’s not a pro-oblem.” Oh, goddamnit.
“Your voice cracks are ridiculous,” Damian informed him. Why had Jon ever thought he’d changed? That smug voice was as irritating as ever.
“Yeah, they’re hilarious, thanks.”
“I don’t understand why you’re upset.” Apparently, this matter was serious enough for Damian to put his map down. Wasn’t that comforting?
But Jon had never liked to keep things from his best friend. “That. That’s what’s bothering me.”
“Your voice cracks?” Now Damian just sounded confused.
“Yes! No, I don’t know. I just don’t like them.” Jon crossed his arms in frustration.
When he looked over at Damian, the other boy’s eyes were wide, and in that stupidly deep and non-cracking voice, he said, “This conversation has gone well past the point of understanding and I’m going to continue with the plan now.”
Jon sighed. “No, Damian, it’s not that.”
Searching for the right words, Jon drummed his fingers together. “You...you’re going off to that fancy art school soon. You’re all grown up. And here I am with my stupid video games and voice cracks.”
Jon wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting. Damian could never be called a master of social interaction, and his basic settings were sarcastic, condescending, or incredulous. Still, Jon expected something a bit kinder than:
“You’re such a moron, Jonathan.”
“You heard me.”
Jon stared at Damian for a moment, blinking stupidly. “So I tell you about the problem that’s been eating me up for weeks, and all you say is that I’m a moron? Thank you so much for that.”
“I’m telling you you’re a moron because you’re worrying about something so inconsequential.”
“Oh please, do elaborate.”
Damian paused, then let out a tired sigh, turning to face Jon. This was going to be a serious conversation, then.
“Jonathan. I have told you time and time again. You should be scared of me-”
“Oh my god,” Jon interrupted. “This stuff, again?” He was laughing now. “I know, I know. You should be horrified, cower in terror underneath my ruthlessness, blah blah blah. You say it all the time, I get it. I should be scared of you.”
Damian stared at him. “Are you done?” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m tired of you bringing up the same thing over and over, Damian.”
“And in saying that, you just proved my point.”
Jon frowned in confusion. “What?”
“I’ve always said that you should be afraid of me. But you never have been, not since the moment we met.”
“Like there’s anything to be scared of.”
“Yes, Jonathan. There is.” Damian looked Jon in the eye, his gaze sharp and serious.
Damian’s honesty was strange, something Jon wasn’t used to, so he tried to play it off with a laugh. “Yeah, yeah, assassin training’s tough-”
“When I was six years old, I murdered a man in front of his daughter.”
Jon fell silent.
“I used to command an entire legion in my grandfather’s army. We completely destroyed and took down three different countries.”
“Damian, I-” 
“Once, Grandfather put me in a straightjacket and wrapped me in chains, surrounded by trained guards, with no instruction other than to escape. And I did.”
Hesitantly, Jon said, “I never knew.”
“Because I never told you. That, and so much more, is why everybody I ever know has been scared of me.”
“Even Nightwing?”
“Nightwing grew out of it eventually,” Damian admitted. “But everyone else. The rest of the bats. Father. Even Mother. There’s fear in their eyes when they look at me.”
“Oh. Uh,” Jon shrugged. “That sucks.”
“That sucks?” Damian said, dry but amused.
“I didn’t know what else to say!” Jon defended.
“See? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”
Jon furrowed his eyebrows. “You’ve been trying to tell me it sucks? Because I already knew it sucks.”
“Jonathan…” Damian trailed off, then grabbed Jon’s wrists with his own hands.
“Hey!” Jon protested, though only out of surprise. Because Damain’s hands were warm and his thumb was pressing down on Jon’s pulse point and Jon could honestly say he had no objection to this.
Damian’s face showed nothing but piercing intensity: brows furred and eyes locked on Jon’s own. “Jon. Look me in the eyes, and tell me you’re scared of me.”
“But I’m not?”
“I just told you things that would have grown men running away from me in terror. Tell me at least some of that scares you.”
“No,” Jon shook his head and gripped the other’s boy’s wrists back. “No. I’m not scared of you.”
Letting out a breath, Damian moved away. For a moment, Jon found himself chasing that warmth.
“You are the only person who’s ever thought that.” Damian turned, shifting to mirror Jon’s position. Staring out over the city, a billboard washed colours over Damian’s face. He looked like a work of art, and Jon had no idea how anybody could ever fear him.
“You’re my best friend, Damian.” Jon shrugged, despite the fact that Damian couldn’t see him. “I’ve seen you scream at a machine for losing at Cheese Viking. I’ve seen you befriend a little squirrel you found on Ma’s farm. So how exactly am I supposed to be afraid of you?”
Damian nodded, as if that solidified something. “If you really think that I would leave the only person that isn’t scared of me, if you think that I would stop being friends with someone who has always thought of me as a human first and a weapon second just because I’m going to a university, then you are the biggest moron to ever walk the face of the earth.”
Stunned, Jon moved to sit next to Damian. “Oh.”
Jon had always been aware of their height difference, made plenty of jokes about it, but it really struck him how much smaller Damian was when the older boy turned to look up and smile at him. “So stop worrying, okay Kent? It’s unbecoming.”
“Whatever you say,” Jon acquiesced. 
Damian wasn’t leaving for good. Damian, with his burning green eyes and molten beauty, still wanted to be friends with him. 
With a smile on his face, Jon turned to look out at the city, letting the quiet wash over him. At his side, Damian did the same. A huge thank you to @iamwhelmed for organizing the secret santa this year!!
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation  @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow  @iconbicon
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot +13 (Part 1)
Monster Maze HighXMonster High
This One shot is divided in parts because is long as hell XD, as well this contains many racy jokes, black humor and swearing, if youre sensitive with this humor i recommend you to not read this shit, as well this One shot is just for fun
The Spring/Summer season, A Flowering but sunny season for Romance, vacation And Mating.
But also a Season for the sports specially in the Monster Maze High, where the Students and the Staff where preparing everything for the most importan Event for them.
The Monster Olympics an important event where the Students shows their skills in many sporty activities in competition against any School for monsters.
Everyone especially Betrayus was excited for the event.
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Betrayus: Alright Class, that's all for today's class but first I have an announcement for all of you!.
Clyde: Will you wanna add an Ice Cream Machine in the Cafeteria!?
Inky: Clyde we already have one...
Clyde: Oh.. Hehe yeah I forgot that part.
Pacster: Awww I don't minded to have another one...
Skeebo: Chill out Lemon lizard, is that really the only thing you use your mouth?
Spiral: Hey!! Don't insult my Bro like that!!
Bradley: Hey! Don't yell at my boyfriend!!
Pacster: and you don't yell at my Friend!!
Victor: And you don't yell to my Ex!!
Pacster: Try me Bitch!!
Aurora: Oh no..
Ryan: *face palm* Ugh...
They were about to fight as many times in other classes but they where stopped by Mr Betrayus.
Betrayus:*Demonic Voice* SILENCE!!
The students where now quiet in their seats
Betrayus: Uhum as I was saying I have good news for you.
Pinky: Will you add Hot springs rooms for all the students and the Staff?
Cylindria: Pinky.. this is the first time I'm Agree with you.
Inky: Yeah! Sounds like a good idea.
Betrayus: *Sniff Sniff* We are already working on it, Pinky you have an A by thinking in the staff :,D
Pinky: Really!? Thank you Teacher~
Skeebo: Tsk.. smug..
Bradley: C'mon Foxy it's a Great idea~
Ryan: Oh Man I can't wait for it..
Betrayus: Easy Dear Students, as you already know... The Monster Olympics is coming here, so for it I sent to make new uniforms for you and why not the staff too.
Amber: We will have new Sport uniforms!!?? O.M.G Now I don't know what is better if the Hot Springs or the uniforms!.
Farid: Duh Obviously Both news are wholesome... I hope the uniform is Blue, that color makes my beauty shine~
Farren: dude, the most important thing is that the uniform is comfy enough for us.
Spiral: You understand me Bro
Farley: *lifts his hand up* Hey Mr D-.. Betrayus.. with who we will compete this year?...
Blinky: Tell me we will not compete against the Belfry Prep...
Inky: Yeah.. I know we beat them..
Bradley: but they where such a bastards with us..
Skeebo: Ugh that vampires.. if I see any vampire from that school I have no doubts in Break his teeth by what they do to you that year Bunny..
Betrayus: Good Boy Skeebo~ but Don't worry Guys we will not Compete against them again...
Aurora: Phew what a Relief..
But this year they would fight against a School similar to them.
Betrayus: We will compete against Monster High!
Farley: Monster High?..
Pacster: You mean that school where all the cool things happens there?
Betrayus: What do you mean?
Spiral: Yeah, we are all follow a monster blog where many news are released, and all the cool things happens in that school and of course it's released in the page..
Amber: Since founding the Vampire Queen and give her company in her movie release in Horrywood, face the same Van Hellsing, Going to Boo York, etc.. all the things happens in this school are just fights, parties, and regular School dramas.
Mandy: *sighs* yes, the only interesting thing happened in this School is Just the Attack of Apex Crowd next to his pet Hans.
Cylindria: It's not the School's fault, we don't look for an adventure because we don't want it... I most suggest more school trips.
Betrayus: Conceded And you have an A by understanding as always Cily.
Bradley: And Dad? How would be the things about the event?
Betrayus: Good Question son, i asked for the uniforms, they will be here this Friday, about where we will do the event, me and my brother already talked with the Headless Master Bloodgood and we are agree in doing the event here in this same campus, before the event some students from Monster High will come to know you and take along.
The Ring bells, it was time for lunch and the students where free to leave.
Betrayus: Well students that's all for today's class don't forget to do your homework *leaves*
Everyone have leave except for the Fluffy Gang, Farid and Farren noticed that Farley was completely in shock while his tail was wagging.
Farid: C'mon Farley it's Time for lunch and time to take care of Claw.
Farren: Hey, what's wrong man?
Farley: We will compete against Monster High.. you know what that means?
Farren: Being hitted as we were hitted by Skylanders academy?
Farley: No!.. I-its not that..
Farley's expression was a mix between nostalgic and Excited
Farren: Oh shit.. now i know what that means.. That Cat..
Farley: I will see her again!! After long time without seeing us, i will finally see her again!! *Wagging tail*
Farid: Did you 2 have never being in contact?
Farley: Uhm yes, we have calls sometimes but seeing eachother, not really.. when i had the opportunity something happens as what happened with Claw and his mother if you remember... I was expecting of seeing her.. but don't misunderstand me I love the baby Claw.. but I still miss my old friend.
Farid: Now you mention that.. I wonder if she and her pals have adopted a baby like us, except it's a doggy.
Farren; Don't say stupid things..
Farley: Well let's go to lunch, I can't wait to see her.. *leaves*
Farren: or did he never asked her to take a walk, while we take care of Claw?
Farid: a Guy asking a girl to meet up and take a walk, you don't think it sounds like a date?
Farren: Well that's a good point.. but it's still so dumb of him to wait for meet up with her.
Farid: Hmm Dog's stuff.
The Fluffy Gang finally left the classroom without knowing that someone have recorded them.
A Ghost Girl left the Monster Maze High flying back to her original School.
The Day ended and it was time for the students and the Staff to rest.
Room 01
Stratos was getting ready to sleep when his younger brother entered into his Room with a cup of Tea.
Betrayus: Hey Dear Brother, *gives him the cup*
Stratos: Thank you Betrayus, *drinks it*
Betrayus: And tell me dear brother, what do you think of this?
Stratos: It's the First time we are doing this event in this campus, how do you think I am!?.
Betrayus: Don't worry, we will work hard to make the school look their best.
Stratos: *Sighs* at least I can count with you in this moments.
Betrayus: Just rest easy Stratos, everything would be okay.
Stratos: I Hope so.. *Finishes his tea*
Stratos fell asleep quickly throwing the cup in the floor.
Betrayus taked Stratos to his bed and left his room.
Betrayus: Ohh Man, the chloroform worked hard... The good thing is that i never mentioned him that Elli and Mitzy would come here to see the event..
2 days later
The Day of the visit of the Monster High have finally came, the Maze High students where waiting for their visit.
When they arrived, they started to take along
Name: Frankie Stein
Daughter of Frankenstein
Age: 16 (Days of life)
Specie: Living corpse (Frankenstein)
Frankie: *waved to the students* It's so nice to being here, I'm so glad that another school is having this kind of inclusion.
Spiral: Wow, you are like me
Frankie: You're like me too! By the way I'm Frankie Stein
Spiral: Spiral Stein, well the Stein part is just a nickname, my actual nickname is Hunterson
Frankie: Heheh, for one moment I thought that you were my cousin, by the way, Who builded you?
Spiral: A Couple of Scientist Elfs, my adoptive parents.
Frankie: Wow really? My grandfather builded me, Victor Frankenstein.
Spiral: Victor Frankenstein!!?? The original!? That's so cool!
Name: Clawdeen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 16
Species: Werewolf
Clawdeen: do you really don't have Werewolves here?
Victor: Nope, mostly Weredogs and a Werefox, the only werewolf we have is the School guard Mr Derek the scary wolf standing behind us.
Name: Howleen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 15
Species: Werewolf
Howleen: T-t-that man is really scary.
Victor: don't worry he is a nice guy, hehe
Amber:*goes to a Pink vampire girl* Uhhh~ are you the famous vegetarian vampire?
Draculaura: Uhm.. yes?
Amber: Eww did you bring your mutt with you?
Clawd: Grrrghh...
Amber: Ugh you give me-
Betrayus: *pushes Amber away* Draculaura!! You're here!
Name: Draculaura
Daughter of Dracula
Age: 1,600
Species: Vampire
Draculaura: Godfather Betrayus!? *Jumps to hug Betrayus* It's nice to see you again!
Betrayus: it's a pleasure too, sorry for not going to your 1,600 years party.
Draculaura: It's okay, i really loved the gifts you seended me
Name: Clawd Wolf
Son of the Werewolf
Age: 18
Species: Werewolf
Clawd: Godfather Betrayus?
Draculaura: Yeah, He is my dark baptism godfather.
Betrayus: Heya, you most be my Strawberry's Boyfriend, good work in making her happy.
Clawd: Really?.. you are not disagree with this?
Draculaura: Clawd, My godfather is married with a Jackalope.
Betrayus: and my hybrid son has a Werefox boyfriend.
Clawd: That's amazing! I never expected this.
Betrayus: Well welcome to the family Bud
Farley was looking for her friend between the monster high students
Farley: I wonder if-
Name: Toralei Stripe
Daughter of the Werecat
Age: 16
Species: Werecat
Farley: Tori!?
Toralei: Sheepdog!?
Farley: Tori!!
Toralei: Sheepdog
Farid and Farren: fuck..
Claw: Mew?
To be continued....
Stratos: *throws Farid and Farren a Shoe*
No swearing in front the kitten!!!
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Hello My Dear Friend
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Warning: Talking about Texas (I'm from here, chill bro lol), panic attacks, Phonophobia: the fear of loud sounds.
A/n: Hello! How have yall been? I hope you are okay and are taking self of yourself. I'll be 100% with yall, I guess I just had to get out what was wrong with me because out of nowhere (with the help of medication) I had a need to start writing.
Also, I DID NOT KNOW MY LINKS WERE NOT WORKING! I’m so sorry. I realized the best way to get to my masters list is to go to my description bar. I don't know why it isn't. if you know how to fix it, please let me know!
Anyways, I never put summaries, but here's a little snip—Y/n is best friends (100% platonic) with Jared and will be with Embry. The end. Enjoy!
Finally! I'm finally coming back to the place I grew up at and loved. The place where nature is at every corner. I never thought I would miss the muggy and rainy state. I miss my friends on the Res and the few friends I had in Forks. I especially miss my little brother-from-another-mother, Jared.
Jared and I grew up together on the Reservation. We befriended each other instantly in second grade after making a bet that one of us could eat our rainbow popsicle faster than the other. The winner gets the strawberry scented eraser and a mechanical pencil that the other grabbed from a 3rd grader. Needless to say, I won. Granted, I had a brain freeze, but it was 100% worth it. But now I was on my way back to La Push to finish my Junior year with my friends after leaving in Freshman year.
Pulling up to the house I grew up with, I was welcomed by my grandparents and my aunt Lydia. My grandmother and aunt were already outside washing what looks like something green; I'm assuming she's making collard greens tonight. My grandfather just came from around the side of the house with some more logs to make a fire. As soon as the car is parked, they look up with smiles on their faces, and I jump out to embrace my family.
"Nana, Papa, Aunty!" I say as I run up to them as they get ready for me to embrace them. After Nana had a minor heart attack, Aunt Lydia came to La Push from California to assist her since she was a nurse for the elderly. She eventually moved in with them after she divorced her bastard of a husband. Their marriage is an example of what happens when you don't communicate well with your partner beforehand. Aunt Lydia never wanted kids—she liked them, but she also liked giving them back to their parents. Her ex-husband, Justin, wanted kids. He's always wanted kids, and knowing that she never wanted them, he still tried to sabotage any way for them to get one. Hiding her birth control, poking a hole in the condom, arguing that she'd change her mind eventually. Not understanding that she did not want one. At some point, he claimed he was okay with it, but as soon as they got married, I guess he figured she'd change her mind.
Three years later, she filed for divorce. Not long afterward, she moved back up here; then, when Nana had a heart attack, she moved in with them. It's been a year since all of that happened. She is now dating a man in Forks who already has kids and doesn't want anymore. The kids are in fifth, seventh, and ninth grade, so she's content and happy. They all love her, and she loves them equally, if not more.
"Hey, baby! How's my Ladybug." Nana asked. Ever since I was little, she gave me that name. I was adopted by the Nomalose at two, and the second my Nana came up to me in her kitchen, somehow a Ladybug flew in and landed on my shoulder. Thus, granted me the name Ladybug.
"I'm good, Nana. How are you feeling?" I asked, hugging her as she continued to sit in her chair then moving to my aunt.
"Oh, baby, I'm fine. Always am, and always will be." She says with a smile. So optimistic as always. After greeting everyone as we moved inside, we all sat around to catch up on what has happened since we were gone. Dad had a job transfer in Texas, so we had to pack up and head out. At first, leaving La Push and moving to Dallas was (obviously) terrifying, but I was repulsed by the thought of it. But after a while, it wasn’t too bad. I mean, yes, it's hot as hell, some people are questionable, the pollen is horrific, and the redlining system is as evident as can be. However, I grew to love the heat and get a tan, made some friends, and the food…. oh, the food. What kind of threw me off is that they have to state the Texas flag pledge in class every day. What the absolute fuck.
After finishing up, we head back to the car and head to our home. Grabbing our stuff and unpacking it before the rest of our furniture arrives tomorrow. It's only mid-July (imagine moving in the middle of the summer from Texas to Washington. It was absolute hell), so I take this time to explore the area I once knew and get acquainted with. I plan on calling up some friends before I see my A1, the Jelly time to my Peanut butter, the Tom to my Jerry, the Magenta to my Blue, Jared Cameron. We kind of fell off within the last couple of months, but a little show-and-tell never hurt anyone.
I text some of my old friends I kept in contact with, and we decided to meet up at the beach. I put on my shorts, grab my beach gear, and head out.
"Be back before the streetlights-" mom started,
"-Come on. I know, I know. I'll text you when I'm on my way home." I finished. I kiss my parents and jump in the car to head to First beach. When I arrived, I see my sister-from-another-mister, LaCienega.
"Y/n/n!" She screams, running to me.
"Cien!" I scream back. We hug each other as tightly as possible before laughing like a bunch of crazy women.
"So, you're just going to forget all about us? Well, bitch, fuck you too." I look behind Cien and see her twin brother Javier and our other two friends, Leilani and Damion. I go up to them and hug the absolute shit out of them, and we all head towards the beach. We spent the day laughing, crying, playing soccer, and playing chicken before calling it.  I planned on seeing Jared tomorrow but was warned by Leilani.
"Jared isn't Jared anymore, Y/n/n," she says, looking down at her hands with a deflated expression.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at everyone else too.
"Did Jared stop talking to you recently?" Javier asked. I nod my head slowly. They looked at one another, and he continued. "He did the same to us too. He randomly disappeared one day, and the next thing we know, he grew a whole foot and a half, gained muscle, got a tattoo, and just ignored us. He started to hand it out with Sam Uley. Now when we see him, he just ignores us and moves on like we are nothing to him." I shake my head. That can't be right; Jared wouldn't be like that—he can hardly ignore starting random shit with people, especially if there's money involved.
"I mean, yeah, he did fall off the face of the earth, but…no. I'm going over there tomorrow. I'll talk to him to see what's up. That just doesn't sound like the Jared I know." I say, packing up.
"Well, if you can get him to talk, ask him for that $20 he owes me. Bastard never paid me back after winning a bet that I could out eat an XL pizza against him." Damion laughs. I nod my head and head to my car. On the way home, I think about what they said. I just can't fathom that Jared would be like that to anyone. It just doesn't sound like him at all.
The next day, I text the crew that I was on my way to talk to Jared. I decided to surprise him, and because I knew he didn't live too far, I decided to get my steps in and just walk to his place. Once I was there, I knocked on the door, and his mom answered.
"Oh my…Y/n? Is that really you?!" she exclaims with a smile on her face. She instantly pulls me into a hug, and tears swell in her eyes.
"Hi, Mrs. Olivia," I say back as I hug her. She invites me in, and we talk until Jared's sister and dad walk through the door.
"Y/n!" Kaylee, Jared's sister, screams and runs to me. I hug the now 12-year-old girl.
"Hey hon, hi, Mr. Kevin," I say, giving a wave across the room.
"Hey Y/n, how have you been? When did you get in?" he asked.
"I’ve been good. Just settling in. We came in yesterday morning. I came by to see you guys, and I was wondering where Jared was.” His demeanor changed. He cleared his throat and said Jared is with some friends and now isn’t a good time seeing him. He basically rushed me out of the house after that. As I was walking home, I thought it was strange, but I didn’t want to question it…for now.
It was only one in the afternoon, so I decided to walk to the diner not far from his house. I go up to the counter to order something to-go and sit on the barstool. Taking out my phone, I text Cien and Leilani what happened. They found it strange, but they weren’t too shocked by it. When I looked around the small diner, my eye caught a pair of familiar eyes.
“Kim?” she looks at me, and her eyes widen instantly. She gets up from her table and walks over to me and hugs me.
“Holy shit! Y/n?! What are you doing here? When did you get in?” she asked. Kim and I weren’t necessarily “besties,” but we were friends. More like the type to hang out around school, but not so much outside of it.
“Hey! I moved back. Came in yesterday. How have you been?” I asked. Before she could say anything, my food comes out, and she offers a ride to drive me home.
“Oh, you don’t have to. I don’t mind walking.” She looks at me hesitantly,
“Come on, we can talk on the way. Plus, daylight or not, you never know what's lurking.” She says.
“What do you mean?” I ask. She grabs her stuff from the table she was sitting at alone, and we walk towards the door.
“Well, lately, there has been a lot of bear sightings in the area. People coming up missing or dead. And, I just don’t want you to be the next victim.” She says as we head towards my place.
“Damn, so, let me guess, no hiking?” she nods her head.
“Please, please, please! Do. Not. Go. Into. The. Woods. Especially by yourself. The last thing we need is someone going missing again.” She emphasizes. I look at her with shock and just nod my head. At the light, she turns to me. “I’m serious Y/n. I know you have a habit of being a daredevil and taking risks. Don’t do it.” I look back at her with a shocked expression and just nod my head.
“Yeah, okay. I promise.” I say being serious. She nods her head, and we continue onward in silence. When we get home, I tell her bye and head inside. I now want to know what the fuck is going on, and what did I miss?
The next morning, I try calling up Jared, but I got no response. As I headed to the kitchen, I could hear Mr. Kevin’s voice laughing and talking to my dad in the living room. Heading in that direction, I welcome him then head into the kitchen to make myself some food. Once I was done, I head back to my room and get ready to head to the beach. I overheard Mr. Kevin saying that Jared and “the guys” would be at first beach. So, why not take a trip there for the fuck of it?
I tell my parental guiders that I will with some friends and head to my car. I text Leilani and Cien to meet me up at the beach for a little girl's day out. As I’m setting up, I run into Jacob Black, Embry Call, and Quil Ateara.
“Holy shit! Y/n!?” I turn to see Jake, and I smile at them and wave. We were classmates up until I left. I look at them, and I still see Quil looks like a baby, and Embry has gotten a little cuter, yet awkward and shy, but cute as can be.
“Hey, guys! How are you?!” I say, hugging them. Maybe hugging Embry, a little longer than I probably should’ve. They were a grade younger than me, but I still would hang with them when they were around.
“Not too bad, can’t complain. How about you?” Quil exclaims. Embry just looking at me and giving me butterflies in my damn stomach.
“I’m good. You know, just moving back, living life, trying to not get killed in the process. The usual.” I say, smiling. We talk until the girls come up. I tell them to text me some time—mainly hinting at Embry—and we parted ways. A couple of hours later, the girls head home, and I stay for a little while longer while La Push is still welcoming the sun. Not long afterward, I’m cut from my daydream with loud hoots and hollers. I turn to see who it was, and I can only make out a few of them. One of the girls turns to me and waves at me. I look behind me to see no one, and I slightly wave back, having no idea who she is. She runs up to me, and I see it's Kim.
“Oh, shit. Kim, hey. Sorry, I can't see shit.” She smiles and laughs but brushes it off. She invites me over to play soccer with her friends, and I politely decline. I suck being around new people. She smiles and encourages me, but I hear the voice I’ve been looking for before I could say anything.
“Y/n?” I look up to see Jared. But not the Jared that I remember; this Jared is entirely different. Someone I have never met before in my life. This Jared looks like he belongs on WWE or some shit.
“Jared? Holy shit! You’re fucking huge!” I say, walking towards him. But before I could do anything, he cuts the reunion short.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Hold on. Pause. What the fuck?
“Um, I live here. What’s wrong? Is that a bad thing?” he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
“No, I meant here. On the beach. I thought me not replying meant not to contact me or follow me.” I looked at him, shocked. Kim steps in the middle.
“Woah, babe, chill. You guys cool?” I nod my head.
“Yeah, we’re friends.”
“Was.” What the…
“Woah, what the hell J. Did I do something? What the fuck is your problem? Last time I checked, this was a free beach.” What the hell was his problem? Who is this? This, this is…They were right, Jared has changed.
“Y/n, you shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t have come back!”
“Jared, what the hell!?” I walk up to him, confused. I look behind him and see 2 more guys and a female.
“Leave Y/n. Just to make everything clear to you and to all of your friends, leave me alone. Don’t talk to me, don’t text me, don’t contact me. Don’t come to my house to bother my family, and don’t bother my girlfriend. Come on, Kim.” I stood there in shock. Kim looked as puzzled as I did but looked back at me and walked off. I stood there until I felt something fall on my face—a tear. Before I could react cognitively, I go back to my stuff and head home. I honestly felt like my heart has been ripped to pieces.
As I pull up to the house, I run inside and go straight to my room. I sit on my bed and text everyone in the group text what happened and just shower and lay in my bed again. It wasn’t until later that evening that I came out of my room for dinner at my grandparents’ house that I communicated with everyone. Why would Jared act like that? Did he do that with everyone? Is this what everyone was talking about? Something is up. I’m not going to say it's ‘roid-rage, but… I can’t pass up the thought that it might be drugs.
The following week I keep myself busy doing little things and going out with my friends, hanging out with Jake, Quil, and Embry. Mainly attempting to not be bothered about my last interaction with Jared. Coming home from Port Angeles with everyone that evening, my parents are arguing again. I retreat my stuff upstairs and try to silence them out. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had a horrible reaction when it comes to people screaming at me or arguing with or in front of me. I eventually narrowed it down to a time where I don’t remember before I was adopted. It didn’t help that my parents did it frequently as I grew up. It was worse when I was a kid. Before I would be able to leave and go to Jared’s house, he would calm me down. Now? I have no one. I can't necessarily go to my other friends because they don’t really get how bad it is. Jared is the only one who knows and who has seen the horror.
As much as I try to block it out, nothing is working. I grab my speaker and head to the bathroom to shower, trying to calm my nerves and tune them out. Hoping that they would stop by the time I get out. But I was wrong. It seemed like it has only gotten worse. And when I listened in, it was my fault.
“If you weren’t fucking yelling, she wouldn’t need to hide and turn up the music to block us out!” mom said.
“Why is it MY fault? Like EVERYTHING ELSE! Jesus! I told you to stop when the car pulled up! BUT NO! YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST FUCKING WORD!” Dad said. And it was just like that back and forth. I slide down the back of my door and put in my headphones while trying to even my breath. Attempting to not have a panic attack. But it seemed as if the more I try, the louder they got. The louder they got, the more I cried. I couldn’t take it. I threw my headphones on the bed, grabbed my coat, put on my sneakers, and ran past my parents and out of the house. Even as I’m running away, I can hear them yelling about how I’m now leaving. It’s times like these that make me wonder why I can’t be normal.
Not realizing where I’m going, I just run. No stopping, no looking back, not thinking, just running. I don’t come back to the realization until I am in front of Jared’s driveway. I stop, thinking back on his hurtful words that I start panicking and running away from his home. Mindlessly running away, I trip and fall from a tree root sticking out of the ground. I look at my surroundings and notice that I somehow ended up in the forest. Confused and unsure, I look for a sign of familiarity, and I can’t find anything. Trying to not put myself in an even more state of panic, I take multiple deep breaths and calmly walk back into the opposite direction I tripped. But after a little while later, I notice I was lost even more. The sun is setting quickly, and I have no idea where I’m at.
Panic starts rising as I try to calmly and carefully walk out of the woods. I reach for my phone only to discover that I don’t have it. I either left it at home or dropped it when I fell. I stop by a nearby tree and just try to relax. But of course, life likes to go against me and scare the shit out of me. It wasn’t a second later that I heard the crunching of leaves and a branch snapping. I looked around me and didn’t see anyone. The rustling of the branches above me had me look up and saw nothing. But it was the figure in front of me that scared the living shit out of me. 
In front of me stood an average height woman with chopped short black hair; she was skinny, pale skin, and beautiful. But what was creepy was the red eyes. I was so shocked by her appearance that I didn’t notice the man next to me. He towered over me. He looked six-feet, with silver blond hair, pale as the woman, and blood-red eyes.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here, Vanity. A little pet, I see.” The man says, stepping towards me.
“I see. Awe, she looks so adorable! I just want to eat her up! Can we keep her Leo!?” the female, Vanity, said. She gets a disapproving look from Leo, who turns to me, and the next thing I know, I’m up against the tree with this hand around my neck. This, by no means, is helping with my anxiety. I froze, unsure what to do.
“This is interesting, no fight back.” Leo says, “Well, where’s the fun in that?” he snarls. He throws me across the forest. I land on my shoulder and scream out in pain. “Run.” Is all he says before I get up and take off. I run as fast as I could while screaming for help. Hoping anyone is out there and available to rescue me from this hell.
“SOMEONE, PLEASE! HELP ME! HELP!” I yell, running as fast as my legs could carry me. If there's one thing I’m grateful for, it's being thankful for having the gift of balance. Without it, I would have tripped and fallen by now. I hear laughter above me, and as I look up, I see Vanity and Leo jumping from tree to tree, terrorizing me more. Nightfall has hit, and I can't see shit. I turn in another direction to get away from them, only to enter into an open field. I run across this little open area only to be cut off by Vanity on one side and Leo on the other.
“Now! We’re having fun. Right baby!?” Leo screams to her.
“Son of a bitch! What are you guys!? Please don’t hurt me!” I say, tears coming from my eyes.
“Well, since you asked so nicely. We’ll make it quick, hon.” Vanity says. She shoves me to the ground and moves my head to the side, but I hear a growl from across the field before she could do anything else. We all turn to look, and I see wolves. Giant wolves. What the living fuck is going on? A more enormous black wolf is leading two more of them, looking at us.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here. I thought you guys died off.” Vanity says, turning to Leo, “The game just got interesting.”
“Game? What game? I don’t want to play.” I said in a quivering voice. One of the wolves looked at me; the one next to him stares back at him, then at me.
“Seems to me that one of them recognizes our little friend here, Leo.” The bitch pops my shoulder out of place, making me scream out in pain, begging them to let me go. The wolves growl and take a step closer.
“Gotta catch us to get her,” Leo says. Next thing I know, I’m tossed over his shoulder, and we’re taking off into the deep dark forest. Before I can react, I find myself moving at an inhuman speed. My mind catches up with my voice, and all I can do is scream.
“Let me go!” I yell to someone. I look up to see the wolves right on their tail. A second later, I'm being tossed in the air, and I was caught by Vanity.
“What the fuck! Please! Don’t kill me! Please!” they ignore my plea, and she starts jumping up from tree to tree along with Leo. She tosses me again, and I barely land in Leo’s arms. At this point, I'm crying. I have no idea what’s going on technically. Wolves are chasing us. I feel sick to my stomach. I just want to go home. I turn to look behind Leo and see a wolf right upon him. He senses it and tosses me to Vanity. She catches me, and I look ahead. We are coming up on a clearing, I recognize. It’s the cliff.
“NO! NO! NO! I CAN'T SWIM! I CAN'T SWIM! HELP! HELP!” Those were my last words before I’m thrown over the cliff and into the pacific. Everything slowed down at that point. I looked back and saw Vanity diving after me, and behind her, I saw one of the wolves looking at me, and before I hit the water, it howled, and I blacked out.
Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
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