#bro i didnt move him or anything near him that motherfucker was facing right the last time i looked at him
harpoonsnotspoons · 4 months
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gulescamisade · 7 years
MN, Ground:  Day 27
DAVE: -Jesus Christ they're finally here. it's been a long time but motherfuckers he is coming HOME because of that cheesy bullshit that is home being where the people you care about are. He's slow to get his feet on the ground, taking in the scenery first, before following the others up to the house-
ARADIA: -they're here...-
DIRK: -everyone get the fuck out of the way. dirk is here to greet everyone, but especially family... which right now means dave so hello dave you're gonna get a brother hug... he doesn't really know the extend of the damage done to him so he doesn't know how to be MINDFUL OF IT...-
DAVE: -it's a relief seeing dirk alive and okay, but he doesn't have a lot of time to process it with the hug he's given and the way it gives him such a sharp pain. He grits his teeth, patting dirk on the back and wincing while in this brother hug- LOOSER NOT SO TIGHT
DAVE: -YA TOO STRONG YA ASSHOLE- its cool its like a love back break i get it we just gotta respect the property of my spine
DAVE: anyway sup
MITUNA: -Hops down as well, everyone is here wow look at this brotherly bonding. Gay-
MEULIN: -She ALMOST tackled Dave, but instead she's here to try to nuzzle between Strider tiddies.-
MEULIN: -Just. Right there in that hug.-
DIRK: You-- Oh. Hello there.
DAVE: -thank you Meulin for being thoughtful- also hey meu I dont think you can even see my lips moving right now but the sentiment is there
MEULIN: (^・ω・^ )
MITUNA: ehehehe
ARADIA: -watching from the roof-
RUFIOH: -also watching from the roof...-
MITUNA: -He's gonna inside. Pauses to wave at Aradia-
HESONY: =just hanging out with the dragonfly, dont mind him=
ERIDAN: -gazing from inside the ice cream truck in his stupid ice cream man geddup. The things he had to do to get everyone here on time... Horrendous. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-12/2/15/enhanced/webdr07/enhanced-22416-1417551805-3.jpg -
DIRK: -nuzzles meulin's hair a little...- She's got cool shades that transcribe everything around her. I wonder who got her those.
ARADIA: -hops down to greet more properly. mituna first- hows your arm or lack thereof
MEULIN: (○`ω´○)
DAVENFORTH: -Climbs out the back of the ice cream truck, bandaged and wearing his own shades again. Walks over to the nephew cat sandwich- Aint yall just adorable
DAVE: some anime asshole probably -fuck it's just nice to be with his brother again-
MITUNA: oh i75 how youd 7hink i7d go my balance i5 fucked
QIRIN: =just....eyeballing the Alaska group. What the shit happened to all of you?!=
KURLOZ: =Get over it, he's just going to get out and walk right into the cabin/house. He doesn't know you hos=
DAVE: -he can't help but smile a little at his uncle- yo uncle dave nice job wreckin the presidents -from this angle no one can see the scar on his neck and he is thankful for that-
MINDFANG: -What Didnt happen. Also shes standing near the dragonfly too, eyeing Hesony. Hes had it real good for a while.-
HESONY: =Hello Mindfang, he sees you looking, but the fight in him has pretty much died. They kept their promise.=
MINDFANG: -They sure did, and now there is no real reason to keep them around so she is just pondering that.-
ARADIA: yeah i figured ARADIA: -pauses and then just lightly and carefully hugs him- welcome back
KARKAT: =Is also out and about somewhere but he knows you hoes. At least everyone else didn't go through hell=
DAVENFORTH: -It's okay, you can't see the scar on his eye. His face, his beautiful face.- Thanks but ro did the part that wasnt getting my ass kicked you should congratulate her
DAVENFORTH: You look like you went through some shit
DIRK: -lucky bastards, everyone can see HIS scar..-
DIRK: -smiles a little at brunc, but oh fuck here she comes... the mom-
ROXANNE: -Shes getting out of the truck after Derek and Riley, she wasnt going to be in the way of that, no sir.-
DAVENFORTH: -Observes-
RILEY: -she's running at them and nearly collides into the boys and meulin consequently, wrapping her arms around their shoulders- OH THANK FUCK.
MITUNA: -A hug is probably the nicest thing he's had in a week. He loops his good arm around Aradia and squeezes and rests his chin on her head.- 7hank5 arayray
DIRK: -starting to get emotional... with his parents and his brother and his uncle and his cat all right here...-
DAVENFORTH: -Gets sad about his cat-
RILEY: -they're getting smooches on the head- my babies.
DAVE: -he winces a little at the first collision but he's okay and WOW WAY TO BE EMBARRASSING MOM- hey
ERIDAN: -disgusting... this clan of humans in their natural habitat... how do you tell them apart. Eridan fears for himself.-
ARADIA: you get to actually rest for a little while now
ROXANNE: -Eridan dont be a downer.-
MITUNA: yeah righ7 7he 5creamy a55hole5 ate back
ERIDAN: -He's always a downer. And eating a dreamsicle in the ice cream truck.-
ARADIA: who karkat
ARADIA: we have a lot of screamy assholes mituna
MITUNA: he ha5n7 been 7ha7 bad ac7ually i mean7 um i mean7 7he dead one5
ROXANNE: -Also enough of watching the striders reunite, as cute as that is, shes going into the house on a quest to find her own daughter, where is rose where are you hiding her.-
DEREK: -places a hand on dave's shoulder during all this... that'll do pig-
ARADIA: oh that makes so much more sense
REDGLARE: -Oh, hey, hello. This. And everyone. And people. She's limping. She's tired. She's been keeping herself awake for the flight, and some of the pains have been keeping her from conking out anyways, but she's not quite ready to pass out on the floor. She hobbles over to the nearest thing she can sit on and sits.-
DAVENFORTH: !!!! -Walks over to Redglare and just kind of stands there, taking this all in. She looks so tired, and like she went through literally hell. His eyes linger on her a little too long- You mind if i sit here
REDGLARE: s1t. REDGLARE: 1 s4w your 1m4g3s.
DAVENFORTH: -Groans a bit as he sits next to her.- I think they did too much justice
REDGLARE: You 4lso brought b4ck th3 s1lly... m4sk m4n 4ct.
REDGLARE: 4t l34st 1t s3rv3d 1ts purpos3.
DAVENFORTH: Got something against dave skellington movies
REDGLARE: 1 th1nk 1 w4s cl34r 3nough.
DAVENFORTH: Sex symbol
REDGLARE: uh-huh.
DAVENFORTH: -Sighs- Were gonna have a marathon when we get back im gonna get you an entire devils food cake and everything
REDGLARE: Th4t's...
REDGLARE: -snorts.-
REDGLARE: opt1m1st1c.
REDGLARE: You'll t3mpt th3 odds. Just c4ll 1t 4 sl1c3.
DAVENFORTH: Like youd just want a slice
DAVENFORTH: -Doof. He grins a little- So two slices huh
REDGLARE: On3 4nd 4 h4lf.
DAVENFORTH: One and three fourths
REDGLARE: You know wh4t.
DAVENFORTH: -Puts an arm around her. He's just glad she's alive.- About time i win one
REDGLARE: Oh, shut up. You k1ll3d 4 world l34d3r.
DAVENFORTH: I had help
REDGLARE: Sudd3n bout of hum1l1ty?
DAVENFORTH: Sudden bout of getting crushed
DAVENFORTH: Probably would have a lot more worse for wear if it hadnt been for roxanne
DAVENFORTH: I got sloppy and almost lost an eye or life for it you know whichever
DAVENFORTH: Not that ill get sympathy from you
REDGLARE: couldn't poss1bly 1m4g1n3 wh4t th4t's l1k3.
DAVENFORTH: Nope only me
REDGLARE: Won't b3 4bl3 to do much l1k3 th1s. Sp34k1ng of.
DAVENFORTH: Well get you back up and running
REDGLARE: 1'm not runn1ng 4nywh3r3. C4rry m3. 4ss.
DAVENFORTH: Like a bara princess
REDGLARE: Wh4t do3s th4t m34n.
DAVENFORTH: Ripped to shit
JOHN: - I didn't get to rp it but you can bet your ass John vigorously rubbed himself on Dave, Aradia and Dirk. Because! He was worried! And he missed them! For Dave it's extra vigorous. -
DAVE: -JUST STEER CLEAR OF THE BACK and we will be good-
JOHN: - Hair gets floofed and refloofed-
JOHN: - Also you get more medical attention because he doesn't trust these non uu people to do it right. -
DAVE: -be my servant-
JOHN: -after all the emotional reunions and fussing over everyone as much as they'll allow him....john honestly feels kind of uneasy and restless. eventually he finds himself sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, dumping out every piece of medical equipment in his sylladex and carefully cataloguing it. it's probably not necessary but he just really needs something to do.-
DAVE: -plops next to John and sits- hey
KANKRI: -It sure was kind of crazy with all the reunions, and after he was settled he managed to find John....dumping stuff on the floor with Dave.-
KANKRI: -Awkwardly stays hidden at the doorway to the room to watch for now.-
JOHN: -taking down how much he has of everything on a little note pad. looks round at dave and only dave since kankri is being weird and evesdropping- hey, man.
DAVE: havent seen you in like a month
DAVE: crazy shit huh
JOHN: yeah. if i had to say the shit was anything, i might use the word crazy.
DAVE: what about ape shit
DAVE: we turning this all primate primape reverse darwins theory of evolution
DAVE: we start as fuckin advanced as hell creatures and then just go back to the monkeys
JOHN: is this your roundabout way of expressing that earth really blows because if so i grudgingly gotta agree..earth really blows.
JOHN: i mean i had expectations for how much it was going to blow but the batterwitch really hit it out of the park.
JOHN: which is impressive because the bitch banned base ball.
JOHN: how do you ban baseball.
DAVE: you cant ban baseball
DAVE: baseball lives on in our hearts or some shit
DAVE: you either hit a home run or strike out
DAVE: but seriously i forgot all about queen troll
DAVE: until like now
JOHN: i mean...i'll forgive you, seeing as you had a lot of shit on your plate.
JOHN; ...baseball puns.
JOHN: and i'm really glad you were able to make
JOHN: a home run.
DAVE: ... DAVE: terrible
JOHN: c:
DAVE: how would i have gone another day without your goofy ass
JOHN: -feels the urge to hug him again, but he just leans on him instead.-
JOHN: -what if he just kind of sits on all his friends and protects them.-
JOHN: -crushes them lovingly under his ass.-
JOHN: -would this protect them from the 10 billion things that want to kill, hurt and take them away from him.-
JOHN: -these are the questions.-
DAVE: -lets it happen. He can't get too mushy even if he wants to scoop his best friend up in a hug and just stay like that for ten hours. So that's the most he can do. Let him- who the fuck vacations in minnesota
JOHN: -it's okay dave. he understands strider psychology by now. he knows u love him.-
KANKRI: -Finally walking in after watching that whole exchange.- I think that at least s9me pe9ple must have, at the very least 6ef9re all 9f these redicul9us new take 9ver laws that have 6een implemented. Perhaps they name f9r the scenery.
JOHN: maybe they tried to get out of minnesota but they couldn't, so they made the best of it.
JOHN: -ends up talking at the same time as kankri ???-
KANKRI: -Its like they are linked. Except not.-
KANKRI: -Also he is just going to casually sit on the other side of John.-
KANKRI: What are the tw9 9f y9u up t9?
DAVE: its minnesota
JOHN: talking about minnesota and dancing around the fact that dave adores me.
JOHN: -just sitting there like :)-
KANKRI: Yes it is? And what a69ut it 6eing Minnes9ta makes it less desira6le then anywhere else?
JOHN: i'd say "it's an earthling" thing but
JOHN: i don't think that's a thing anymore.
KANKRI: I d9n't kn9w, I think that there still can 6e "earthling things." 
KANKRI: Whatever they c9nsist 9f anyways.
JOHN: then thinking minnesota is a snowy boring wastleland is probably one of them, to answer your question.
JOHN: although idk this place looks pretty nice.
KANKRI: It has 6een the nicest part 9f earth I have visited s9 far.
KANKRI: Then again I d9nt feel like I have adequate experiences t9 c9mpare it t9...
DAVE: -literally just watching them talk so easily with each other and kankri hasn't even gone on a rant yet-
KANKRI: -That's because he feels like he doesn't really need a lot of words for John to get him.-
DAVENFORTH: -In the cool of the morning he finds himself sitting lake side, holding a mirror up to his face and peeling at the bandages around his eye. Great, yeah that was definitely gonna scar. At least he could see, even if it was a bit blurry. His face was started to heal up too, the swelling starting to subside despite there still being bruising.-
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