#bro i just wrote a fucking fic XD
loose-angel · 2 years
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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sparrow00 · 8 months
Huskerdusk NFSW thoughts of mine: they will be e m o t i o n a l
Also I’m making them age compatable too
Something something husk and alastor’s first time as a form of angel healing from his trauma and feeling loved. Just the two of them and angel at first acting very performative like he’s been taught in the studio putting on a show but husk showing him he doesn’t need too, showing him what real love is like
Real intimacy starting with husk giving angel a bath and treating him real gently, washing his hair and taking care of him and angel doing the same thing back (soggy wet cat moment from husk) both of them ensnared by the moment loving each other knowing that they’ve both been through shit. It might be messy, angel will take a long to accept the love. They will fight and hurt each other without ever intending too initially. It would break him down inside as fear overtook and he instinctiy rejected the affection but husk could help him, trying over and over and gradually building up genuine trust
Or another situation where they are cuddling and making out or even just taking a shower together and angel instinctively starts performing and acting for husk but husk rejects it. Angel doesn’t have to do these things husk just wants to be close to him and he breaks down as they hold each other in the shower angel crying as the water pours over both of them drowning out all outside sounds. (More soggy wet cat moment from husk too XD) eg angel thinks he owes or has to give sex to husk and doesn’t consider his own boundaries maybe even not considering husks in some scenarios, despite this they try again and again, angel learning to listen to his compass again and learn what he wants. I also think as he and husk grow a deeper bond he would stop over stepping boundaries as much
I think husk would make angel wait and wouldn’t want to rush stright into sex. They’d be intimate and angel would try and perform excatly like the audience would want it. Not even thinking about his own pleasure he probally doesn’t even know his like and dislikes because his boundaries have been violated by Valentino. He’s start by saying something like ‘so what are you up for sugar, ropes, chains ect’ and husk would pause and lovingly hold Anthony’s jaw in his paw and say ‘nah you’re up, free choice’. He’s give him the freedom he was lacking and hey maybe Anthony could even start to have fun with sex again. Husk would be sure to be very fucking romantic and intimate (in a sensual but not focused sexual way) and also this healing stuff isn’t one sided husk struggles with his body image too (canon he doesn’t like his hell form)
So angel would help with this and with husks deeper issues
Angel would cook husk some decent fuckin food too bc aporently husk only eats ‘shitty bar food’ I’ve been brushing up on the wiki haha and one of angels likes is Italian food and seeing as husk speaks Italian he might dig it haha. Might even suprise angel with his hidden polyglotism. As in angel would cook em Italian for a date
The two of em bonding over hating parts of their hell forms, for angel it’s aporently his feet and for husk it’s his cat-like features and general form. Or even if angel couldn’t help him accept it he could help him change it: hair dye and stuff.
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thirium-drinker · 1 year
Hello! You asked for some Sixty hc's and I'm here to give you my two cents on him, lol! I have a few different iterations of him, though they all have a similar base. The Sixty I wrote for my RK Bro/Anderfam-centric series where Hank, Connor, Nines and Sixty were all living together after the Revolution is very much The Problem Child™️, lol. He's rather like many portrayals of him where he's more forceful and obnoxious than Connor or Nines, often making decisions just because he curious about how people will react, reveling in starting arguments, and all-around being kind of an asshole, lol. He might also be classified as mildly sadistic, often chaffing at societal expectations and fairness. He's haughty, supremely confident in his own skills, and isn't afraid to use every cheapshot advantage he can in order to gain the upper hand. As he expresses in one of the monologues he gives in one of my fics, he is "the mean one," haha. Sixty is a very "bad foot forward" kind of guy to me. He likes to make the worst impression possible and instigate because it amuses him, but also as a way of gauging the people around him, seeing just what they're willing to tolerate and how far he can push them.
But that's not all there is to him. I definitely feel like he has a softer side to him, one that he uses his often-callous attitude to try and cover up. He is extremely loyal when he decides he cares about something or someone and, though he may not show it conventionally, he is capable of love and is fierce in his defense of it. He loves his family, i.e. Hank and Connor and Nines and Sumo. He may antagonize them constantly and get on their nerves a lot, but he will move heaven and earth to help them if they're in danger. He will break whatever laws of morality he needs to to keep them safe. And he'll do it all with a mocking smirk on his lips and a frigid chill in his eyes. I hc he's closest with Nines (due to some backstory I wrote between them), still harbors some resentment for Connor, and respects Hank, but he definitely loves them all dearly, even if he'll never admit it, lol. I also hc that he's dived into the idea of his newfound freedom wholeheartedly, oftentimes eschewing human conventions like manners and politeness, pointlessly gendering things, or dressing conventionally. (His fashion sense puts even Hank's to shame, omg. He is very out there. XD) I hc he absolutely adores old Westerns (they really vibe with his chaotic worldview) and has physically watched Unforgiven a ridiculous number of times.
Also, and I cannot reiterate this enough, Sixty is the Knife Guy™️. Haha, somewhere along the way, Connor became the Gun Guy™️, Nines became the Punch Guy™️, and Sixty was left with knives, but like... I really think they fit his personality? Going along with his casual sadism from earlier, he enjoys the intimacy of this approach and how it lets him get closer to his opponents. He enjoys the precision needed to competently use both the short blades meant for hand-to-hand combat and also the throwing knives he keeps up his sleeves at all times. Knives are also easy to conceal and he keeps some emergency blades stitched into the linings of his clothing in case of an emergency and knowing they're there make him feel more secure. Because, while he enjoys a good fight probably more than is sane and he also has a perverse love of terrorizing people, this is another instance of him covering for more insecurities.
Because I hc that CyberLife and Amanda's betrayals really fucked him up. Loyalty is such an enormous part of who he is but one of the very first instances of his life was characterized by nothing but callous abandonment by his creators and carers. He was left to fend for himself against Connor and, when he's defeated, he's not granted another chance. He's deemed defective and his programs frozen to await termination. (This is part of that backstory I was talking about, lol, and Nines ends up saving him from that fate.) But it's led to him being deeply, deeply insecure about his value as a living being, his place in the grander scheme of things, and his ability to trust completely. He's got some very deeply-rooted authority issues stemming from that, as well as an inferiority complex a mile wide in relation to Connor, and also probably his fair share of imposter syndrome, too, which is why I image he works so very hard to differentiate himself from his predecessor. In one of my other works unrelated to this series, Sixty actively tried to usurp Connor's role after his revival. He planned to sabotage his life and then slide in to take his place, and when that didn't work out for him, well... It led him to a very dark place that he never would've made it out of without some chance intervention. This version of him is colder, more desperate for a reason to even exist, wrestling with the weight of his past actions and the necessity to grow past them in order to thrive. He's meaner, ruder, and all around very unpleasant. But even then, when he chooses to care about something, he gives them his whole self, always loyal to a fault.
Honestly, I have a lot more I could write about Sixty and my hc's for him, but good lord, this has gone on way longer than I thought it would, lol! As you can see, I care him muchly. ☺️ But yeah, that's the basis of how I usually write him: chaotic, inflammatory, sarcastic. But also protective, and funny and intensely loyal. I love the strange dichotomy of his character so damn much, he is always a blast to write! And I hope I did a good job summing it all up for you, lol! Feel free to DM me if I was unclear about something or if you want to talk more about him or anything, lol! I always appreciate a fellow Sixty enthusiast. XD
Thank you for dropping this lore bomb in my asks. I absolutely ADORE this characterization of our beloved Sixty. He deserves the world and the way you write him sounds like so much fun!
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey hey! 7, 23, 65 for the writer asks? c:
Hey there! :D
Here you go, thanks for asking!
I'm gonna put a cut because... Because the first two questions tackles in the perilous field of "Arja majored in literature and every time she has to discuss storytelling meta she's like this":
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Tis the prompt list.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I think of who could give the most interesting insight over the same event, and choose according to that. It all depends on what I'm trying to achieve with that piece of writing and the vibe I want to give: in the end a dramatic event stays dramatic, the pov just changes the flavour.
Example: In the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts chapter, I switch the POV a couple of times accordingly. In the first scene, it's Aisling because she's the only one to exactly hear what dear Gaspard has to tell her. It must be her POV to avoid a long explanation of how she felt in that moment... That she wouldn't want to give, because the second POV is Cullen and knowing he's not faring well, she would never, at this point, go into many details about how bad she felt. You can see in the second scene what would have happened if the POV started with Cullen right away. Yes, you get what happened... I think, tho, that seeing it first-hand could give a nice other side. It changes again for the mission because I wanted a little "Why the heck is she explaining us her plan?" moment, and to start introducing that there are other people working behind the ballroom. And the last scene, with the final duel with the assassin (censoring who is it because a friend who reads me hasn't played Inquisition and if she hasn't read that chapter I don't want to spoil her GREIS DON'T CLICK) which I kept even if SOMEHOW Aisling in game won Belle of the Balle (don't ask me why, Josie drugged her)... I switched back to Cullen, because him not knowing exactly what the Science Bros had planned added a sense of uncertainty and urgency that made the pace quicker and more surprising... Which fitted, I wanted a super quick scene.
Hope it made sense xD
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
EDITED because the former one was more for Original writing and meh I thought of something better.
Originality is overrated.
And by which I mean: looking and actively pursuing something truely original at all costs will only stress you out. It goes in original and fanfiction writing. Stories got told all the time, and if you didn't start writing out of a bubble without ever consuming any work of fiction, you'll get influenced by stuff you liked, whether you want it or not. It's normal, it's something you can see in big ass authors, in authors that you study as "big innovators".
Futurists, who prided themselves in being truely, 100% original by doing something entirely new... Still were influenced by what came before. Because to do the opposite of what came before you must know what did. You must know what you don't want to do if you want to do something different. And that's why Italian futurists were assholes and I hate them and you shouldn't praise them fuck you Marinetti. Russian futurism is something entirely, wildly different and the Russians HATED the Italians with a reason But I shan't start talking about futurists or we'll end up with an essay on that let me just kiss gently on the forehead mr Livshits I love you Benedikt Konstantinovich and your glorious autobiography.
All it matters is not what you write. Is HOW you write it. Give it your vision, give what matters to you, and even if the basic story is yet another fic of a pairing that got written by so many people... Nobody wrote your specific vision of it. And that's all that matters.
At the end of the day, in the hands of a good writer who believes and has something personal to say about a certain trope... The tropes I like the least on paper are something I enjoy from people that thought about it and that you can SEE loved that story. And it's great.
Edited from before because thinking about it better, it's true that genre should not be considered so fixed as I sometimes see them being... But I thought about it better and "mediocrity" shouldn't be so shunned. Write your story, I don't care if it's good. If it makes you happy writing it, if it makes you crack a smile and it doesn't offend people, go for it. Mediocrity is good, mediocrity shouldn't be demonized or looked upon with a frown. If it brings ONE smile to one person, that's a good book, no matter the originality of it. Which brings us to the point I edited this in.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Uh, currently? I can't wait to end Monster Fic to start with DadWolf x°D
Beside that, I got half an idea of expanding a little on the collection of prompts about Raina... And writing something about the duel with the Arishok. Peak drama, peak tragic hero moment. I need to structure it a little better in my head, maybe replay that mission to have a clearer mind (the last time I played it it was with Garrett, aka a mage... Raina is a rogue and after Leandra she'll kill herself before allowing him to go in her place. Really it would be a categoric "No you're not going. Not in a million years." Yes they'll have the fight of a lifetime afterwards.). But yeah.
Also since today I really want to write a snippet of Dark Lady AU in which Cullen makes it to Barad Dur in friendlier terms and notices that there are cats EVERYWHERE. And as every good dog person that doesn't really like cats all that much he'll be LOVED by all the cats. He'll go to sleep and wake up from the purring. Will get used to it pretty soon, he just never paid that much attention to cats. Nazgul flying from Barad Dur to Mordor with backpacks with portholes to bring their cats around.
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jedusaur · 2 years
@there-must-be-a-lock asked fic authors to share never-before-seen playlists/moodboards/background lore for their fics here. I don't really do playlists or moodboards, but I can do some background!
No Consequences, No Hangovers—when Clint feels the vibrations of Bucky talking after he already said he can't hear and internally gripes about it, Bucky is actually testing whether they're being monitored by talking loudly about one of his weapons they missed in the patdown to see whether they'll come take it away. I was gonna come back to that in the fic, but I just couldn't find a natural way to work it in.
just trying to matter—in this fic Roy uses food to communicate sympathy/support (stuffed pasta), capitulation (popcorn), reconciliation (tacos), annoyance/spite (millionaire's shortbread), and love/affection (all of it, really, but particularly the breakfasts and the Toblerone). he has absolutely no idea at any point that he is expressing himself this way.
Fuck-You Money—the spinach and cheese pastry Stiles gives Derek as a grand gesture is based on the ones from Konditorei in Davis, CA, which I just googled to find a picture and found out they closed last year :( but the pastries looked like this! ahhh they were so GOOD
The History Bros—Shitty's pop-quiz interjection was born from my utter astonishment when I searched for women's hockey history and learned when women started playing college hockey. male hockey fans LOVE to "pop quiz" when they find out anyone they perceive as a woman is into hockey and it drives me bonkers, so it's a subversion of that; I guarantee you not one of the men who has ever done the "pop quiz" thing to me knows the answer to Shitty's question. (for the record, I have known the correct answers to every one of the questions those douchenuts have ever asked me. TWO of them then tried to "correct" me to a wrong answer and wouldn't accept that I was right even after I brought up proof on my phone)
remembrances ⊻ memoria—when Clint and Bucky first fuck in 1986, Bucky's hair looks like this XD
Check and Mate—when Jamie goes out in the stands to kiss fans looking for his soulbond, most of the people he's kissing have already kissed him after previous games. he just doesn't pay enough attention to notice all the repeats, and they don't tell him
something in consciousness—the reason the nanites can't control thoughts and decisions is because they work by positioning themselves all through the person's hair and sending signals to each other through the brain, and the prefrontal cortex falls mostly outside the area they can access that way. the strongest effects are visual and tactile because the occipital and parietal lobes are the areas with the most nanite coverage. (this is not in the fic because it's Clint's POV and Clint does not give a shit lol)
Mounting Available On Request—the IKEA entertainment center situation is based directly on my own dumbass decision to ignore the instructions and do it alone, which resulted in a shelf snapping clean off >.< still less embarrassing than accidentally hiring a hooker tho
Hugs Gimme Hugs—I wrote this 12 years ago and probably no one remembers it except me, but it made me a lot more aware of my own water use and I still think of it every single time I see a bathroom sink starting to fill up
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quinloki · 1 year
The feasting though!!!!
My brain is just in a permanent state of mush and brain rot ever since I joined the fandom. Especially when I started the anime and the manga! Because the LA, I love it and frankly I’m just so glad for it because it finally got me to get into one piece after finding it so daunting with how long it is. And frankly thankful for tumblr having that goddamn Buggy advertisement, because that goddamn clown instantly caught my interest and I just knew then on “well now I have no choice, I’ve gotta see this clown that’s been leering at me all day.”
So yes. Buggy was the first one that I fell head first for. But then Shanks. Omg. Like, handsome, both the big bro and the dad in one, goofy as all shit and carefree, but you definitely do not want to fuck with him. That was Buggy, me falling head first but also absolutely and utterly pile drived face first and instantly hooked. And Zoro, for the love of god, stoic, stubborn, dumbass, loyal to a fucking fault, Zoro.
The LA characters I love, but the anime/manga having all that and on such a deeper level with the fact that it’s such a long series and able to show every last detail with the story. And I am just gone. Dead. Just flat out non existent at this point.
I've said this before, so my apologies for repeating myself, but I got into One Piece because I thought I wouldn't like it. "It's so DAMN LONG." but if I watch a few episodes, then I just know that I don't like it and move on.
That's... that's not what happened. I started in April 2022.
I wrote my first fanfic in October of the same year. I was caught up by then, and diving into reading fan fics and looking for fan art because I needed MORE and all I had left was *waiting* xD
By sheer luck, I fell into an x reader fic and was just enamored with it. Trawled Wattpad because that's where the first one was, and then realized if I wanted an x reader to my own specifications I was going to have to write it.
One Piece shattered 10 years of writer's block. Closer to 12 years honestly.
And, well, now here we are.
Crowding almost 600k words of fan fic because I didn't think I was gonna like One Piece, and I hope it inspires you to the same degree honestly. Whatever form that takes =D (if you need to scream at someone about scenes in One Piece you are welcome to DM xD My lil' brother's working through the series and pokes me in discord all the time ^_^ )
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nani-nonny · 1 year
CH 12 OF WDS!!!
And am now worried a bit in the first part when the 3 were out especially to blue's case; blue is still worried and probably more insecure now because of the loss of his arm, i hope spending more time with CJ and F!LEO - and ghost april - will help him get better to stand on his legs again.
Am so surprised when i read they went to get pizza puff from meat sweat! Like aren't they worried it can be poisoned? Is that what you meant when you wrote " he talked kindly " to him?
The gang come back home and damn am enjoying how the 3 are like mama and her little ducklings.
Splinter caught them and am thinking about metal gear's bad end sounds " sneak? Sneak! SNEAK!! "
I don't know if it was F!leo's plan but bringing out the other snacks for his dad was smart! And when splinter said " you're my favorite " i just laughed at how blue and purple reacted XD
" Leonardo smiles at Casey as he sneaks into the kitchen and holds back his laugh when he sees Blue looking at him in pure disbelief " I LAUGHED SO FUCKING HARD!! BRUH THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!!
" handing each one a piece of candy he snuck out of the gift bag for Splinter " Yo!! Isn't that what grandparents do?!🤣
Also when splinter scolded them wasn't only yellow and red on it? And for how long the 3 went out? How many hours?
" he hands Red a small plush unicorn that was hidden in a gap in his prosthetic shoulder. " BRO IS A WHOLE INVENTORY GAME!!! WHAT'S NEXT?! BAZOOKA UNDER YOUR ARMPIT?!?/J
1st, i awe when i heard blue said that purple had been eyeing the keychain i was like 'Aww!'. 2nd, i laughed when he said " you're forgiven! " xD
“I tried to get Stone’s autograph for the photo, but he almost had a heart attack seeing me.” lmfao i will just wish he didn't crash their date xd
WDS F!Leo wins the award for best dad of the day!
When splinter shouted at leo i was like 'Did he knew all along?!', and when he pat orange was that like an approval that he really adopted him??🤣
I just felt immediately guilt when i knew CJ and blue were left to defend themselves against splinter's scolding XD and leo really won the kids over by presents
" The elder slider opens his heavy eyelids and looks down to see Blue outstretched on his plastron as the teen rests on him " YO I REMEMBERED WHEN YOU TALKED ABOUT HOW TGE PEEPAWS VANISHED SND TELEPORTED TO 'I'm blue' FIC!!
TBC (too be continue)
*evil hand rubbing* F!Leo is home at least, for real this time, so he finally gets to witness how everyone was doing in his absence
And yes, “kindly asked” refers to scaring the crap out of Meat Sweats, even slightly threatening the pig mutant into giving F!Leo what he wants hahaha! If the kids were in any kind of danger, F!Leo would be on top of that immediately
It was definitely part of his plan to bribe Splinter with all the food he brought home hahaha! He’s a Leo, he can easily predict how his family will react and that doesn’t exclude Splinter! He knew they were out for too long when he saw the sun setting
And what was it? “Triple betrayal!”
Splinter definitely got Yellow and Red to spill the beans for why F!Leo, Blue and Jr were missing so everyone knew by the time the trio of duckies came home
WDS F!Leo best papa! I’m speaking it into existence, writing it into existence!
And F!Leo doesn’t plan on adopting Lil Orange, the head pat was just because he can’t resist the lil round guy
WDS has an I’m Blue reference!!! *plastic toy horns blast from every angle* /j
Anyways, lots of silly moments in this chapter hahah! I’m glad you liked them! They made me smile a lot when I wrote them, I even snuck some moments I’ve had with my own siblings hahah
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mudwingprince · 3 years
wolf in sheeps clothing
ohohohooooo man you’re in for a treat!
siiiiince im prooobably not going to finish that PMV, this gives me the chance to ramble about my ‘au’ >:3
Here's the song :D
Spoilers for Omori :)
(also swearing but jkfldasdfhfjfpsshhhhh who cares about thaaaaaaat)
Kim was yelling at him
Basil had only asked for his photo album back
Kim had pushed him to the ground
Tears flowed out of his eyes
It's not like he wanted them to
He wasn't pathetic
He pushed himself back up and pushed Kim back
Thankfully, he was taller than her, so he was stronger
Oh god, here they go again
Basil rolled his eyes
Aubrey stormed up to him, her bat in hand, she was still slightly taller than him
Basil rubbed at his eyes and looked Aubrey in the eyes, hardly even blinking
"What, are you gonna call me a fucking creep again? I know you can do better than that."
That seemed to enrage her
"Step away from Basil!"
What the literal fuck? Who the hell is that?
Basil leaned to the side to catch a glimpse of the person who had just yelled that
Kel and... Sunny?
Aubrey whipped around, swinging her bat, almost hitting Basil in the face
He didn't flinch
Aubrey was yelling something to Kel, but Basil wasn't paying attention
All of his focus was on... Sunny..
Something must've been said because within seconds he had leapt forward and swung at Aubrey
With a knife
...Sunny... had a knife
The blade slashed across Aubrey's knee, cutting open her skin
Basil couldn't care less
He continued staring daggers at... Sunny...
If looks could kill, Basil would be in a cop's car, being arrested for first degree murder
The hooligans rushed up to Aubrey, concerned for her safety, while Kel ripped Sunny's knife away from him, asking him why he had a knife
Basil hadn't noticed that the hooligans had left until Kel walked up to him
"Hi Basil!"
Basil blinked and looked up at Kel
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
Kel was kind
Sunny wasn't
"I'm fine."
Basil glared at Sunny as he crept towards him
If Sunny got an inch closer to Basil, he didn't know what he would do to him
Basil stormed towards the exit of the playground, making sure to get a good knock on Sunny's side
Sunny fumbled to regain his balance
"Uh, Basil?"
He stopped dead in his tracks, whipping his head around, black hair flinging in his face
"Is something wrong?"
Why was Kel bothering him on this?
"I said I'm fine."
And before Kel could slip in another word, Basil stormed away
A couple hours later
Basil had tried to blow off steam by drawing
He only wound up drawing morbid sketches of Sunny
He hated Sunny
And he's been having morbid ideas ever since he saw the monster for the first time in four years
He was listening to them
Basil reached for a new piece of paper
Lined paper
He started writing
"I'm going out,
I'm not exactly sure what time I'm going to be getting back,
I don't regret what I'm going to do,
I doubt I ever will,
He was is a horrible person and deserves to feel some sort of pain,"
He tried scribbling out "was" as best as he could, but it was still legible
"I'm not sorry.
He opened the door to his room, making sure that Polly actually left
She wasn't there
Basil rushed to the kitchen, dropping the letter and snatching his gardening shears
That will work, he thought and made a beeline towards the door
The sun was already setting as he closed the door behind him
Basil wasn't exactly sure where he would find Sunny, but he had a pretty vague idea
He tried around Hobbeez first, no sign of him there
Then he tried OtherMart, still nothing
Then he tried Fix-It, nope
After no luck searching through any of the stores, so he tried the Playground next
He wasn't exactly sure why he tried looking for Sunny at the end of the day, but he needed to do something
The sun had almost set
The sky was a beautiful shade of purple and blue, like lavender
Basil continued to head towards the Playground, until he heard... voices?
He kept walking towards the voices, trying to hide the shears
They sounded... familiar
He kept walking until he found...
Holy fucking shit, Basil thought, there's no way that they're actually out this late?
Aubrey, Kel, Hero and... Sunny...
All of them were here
Basil stormed up to them
They all blinked
Why had Aubrey forgiven them so quickly?
Wasn't Hero supposed to be at collage?
What were Kel and... Sunny... doing out this late?
What were any of them doing out this late?
How were they acting so... perfect?
Did they all just forget what happened to Mari?
"Um... Basil? Is something wrong?" Hero asked, genuinely concerned
Sunny just continued blinking in confusion
Basil was ecstatic, they were all here
"Something is really, really wrong."
Basil was depressed, they forgot about him
"There's something wrong with you."
Basil was furious, did he just forget? Did he move on? Did he tell anyone?
Sunny was an asshole.
And he was going to put Sunny in his place.
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methoxyethane · 3 years
Fic Year In Review
Okay I was gonna wait until January but I’m not writing shit right now, I mean I am TOTALLY braindead so I might as well do this now
A Rose By Any Other Scent 
ABO, Lance has no sense of smell until he regains it in a cryopod, thinks Keith is another alpha but falls for him anyway. Much angst towards the end, but it gets better.
An old klance fic I started probably years ago, and while its technically one chapter away from being finished for good wen all know I’m never gonna figure out how to write that last resolution chapter. It’s a good fic though, with a good ending point that at least resolved the emotional conflict between the boys. 
Klance pirate AU, simple proposal fic fluff. I originally wanted to make it a One Piece AU but it got too complicated and I just said fuck it XD I uh... Don’t remember what’s in this one, honestly. Maybe I should reread it.
New Adventures
A cute little pokemon SatoGoh fic I wrote because I was binge-watching Pokemon Journeys. Yes, I wrote pokemon fic about twenty years too late, and for an obscure ship. Do I care? Nope. No regerts baby, living life to the fullest.
Genshin Impact, LucKae ABO porn. Not much to this, was just writing it to warm up my chops, and also, because Kaeya is SO DAMNED SEXY. Unf. Dat ass, yo.
Dating For Dummies
Klance Valentine’s Day fluff. Lance asks Keith out on a bro-date, then makes it as Un-platonic as possible. On accident. Really, he swears it was an accident.
I love this fic SO MUCH. It’s cute, its funny, its a little bit sexy, and it’s probably the best thing I wrote all year. Probably. That or the itafushi fic. It’s a toss up, both ended up being cute as shit.
Roses In May
An original story, or the beginning of one. I had plans for this, but then it was hard to write, so I gave up because I’m lazy. I still love the characters, maybe I should try again with a different premise...? I don’t know I suck at writing original works. Maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer...
Dreaming Of Electric Sheep
Klance Android!Keith AU. This was pretty cute, but I couldn’t get my beta to read it to help me come up with ideas on what to write next, and I got lost and forgot everything I had planned. That uh... happens to me a lot.
The Other Side
One Piece fic, partly LawLu but mostly some brotherly Luffy and Ace content. Luffy gets sent to another world, where his brother is still alive. Also, he apparently has a boyfriend in this universe.
I started this fic YEARS and YEARS ago, but VLD distracted me form the fandom and I never got around to writing the rest of it. Not until now. Worth the wait? No, it’s a really small little fic. But it’s good. Little, but good. Very heartfelt.
I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much
ItaFushi. Yuuji falls for Fushiguro and decides to date him, without or without Fushiguro’s consent. Fortunately, Fushiguro is not actually opposed to this.
Jujustsu Kaisen is AWESOME, and I had to write something soft and cute because canon is so brutal. I loooooove this fic, it turned out funny and sweet and cute and a little bit stupid, and I’ll reread it as many times as I want because I wrote it for ME, damn it. 
Push Up To My Body
Genshin Impact, Childe/Zhongli ABO porn. I wanted to write Zhongli being slapped during sex and totally getting off on it, so I DID. This is some kinky shit, yo. No regrets.
One Is Silver And The Other Is Gold
Genshin Impact, LucKae Hogwarts-based childhood fluff. I accidentally posted this before I was ready, I thought I’d write it faster but I have not touched this since I posted what I already had written. I HOPE to write more, but I need ideas for the first couple years before the Drama hits and no one will help me brainstorm XD
Klance porn, Incubus!Lance fucks Keith’s brains out with a shapeshifting dick. Written for the knotty monsters zine someone asked me to participate in, but i was... Difficult, and I imagine no one will ask me to participate in another zine again lol. I hated it when I wrote it, but then i reread it and it’s actually pretty good smut. Lesson learned: I suck at deadlines and don’t do well under pressure lmaaooo
Calling Sassafras
More Klance porn, but this is... REALLY GOOD. Keith asks for a little Dom/Sub lovin, and after some careful planning, Lance is happy to oblige. Another fic I started a few years back and only finished recently. Um... not much to say about this other than, if you haven’t read it yet, you should probably hit this shit. IT’s diiiirty.
Chocolate Turtles
Zukka fluff. Zuko makes animals out of chocolate, and Sokka keeps buying them for all the wrong women. Eventually, he learns his lesson and just akss out Zuko instead.
Written for my friend Isa whom I love dearly, this shit was inspired by that chocolate guy who’s so popular on the internet. It’s some cute fluff, but mostly, it’s FUNNY. I nailed this one. I’m a funny bitch, god damn it. Anyway I like it, if it wasn’t for the Valentine’s fic and the ItaFushi this would be my favorite fic of the year. But it’s not lol. It’s third place. 
So in conclusion, I wrote less than usual this year, but what I did write was pretty baller. Mostly. IDK, I made the most of what I could.
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fallintosanity · 2 years
About the FanFic ask meme: how about E and/or J for The Basis of Reality?
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about? Hmm, this is tricky because I deliberately wrote The Basis of Reality to be... idk if "curtain fic" is quite the right phrase, but certainly with the intent of having everything wrapped up.
That said, at a basic level there are a few ways a sequel could go. First would be exploring how content released in "our" reality after the fic is set (which is prior to the Royal Edition's release) affects the game world. Maybe Dawn of the Future tries to impose itself on the game world, but since Luna is already alive and well, things start to go horribly wrong.
Another possibility would be Ignis (and/or one or more of the other bros) getting pulled back into "our" reality for some reason. Maybe Taku tells his team what happened, and they want to meet the bros, but pulling them into "our" reality causes problems.
After the release of FFVII: Remake, I noodled briefly over an especially crack-y idea based on that game's wild ending: essentially, a repeat of Ignis's situation except with post-Nibelheim Sephiroth. This option would involve Sephiroth being sent through the Lifestream to Kate's doorstep immediately after his jump into the Nibel reactor. Essentially, the Lifestream is asking Kate to physically heal Sephiroth as well as patch his mind back together. Despite her experience with Ignis, she's even less prepared to deal with Sephiroth of all people, but manages it. This Sephiroth is then the version which seems to be interfering with the plot in Remake - i.e. the "ore" Sephiroth from the ending who seems to be trying to change things. In other words, in this sequel 'verse, the Remake was supposed to be wholly faithful to the original - but then a sane Sephiroth with full knowledge of the Compilation comes along to fuck things up.
An especially hilarious sequel option would be one where a version of Noctis from one of the crossover games, like Dissidia, manages to fall into the Reality 'verse. The bros have to go crossover-hopping to help him get back to not just the crossover game he came from, but his actual home 'verse. Likely to result in the bros landing in such exciting games as Super Smash Bros, Assassin's Creed, and Tomb Raider, among other things. XD
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
Hah, I actually do have a whole alternate ending written out for The Basis of Reality! However it's really bad, which is why it got scrapped. XD If you really want to see it, though, have a snippet below the cut:
(Ask me stuff?)
Lunafreya said calmly, “The Starscourge will end. But not at the cost of more lives.” She paused, and in that pause she seemed to magnify, to multiply, dozens of Oracles behind her, each holding a trident and ablaze in golden light—Not dozens, Ignis realized distantly. One hundred and thirteen, one Oracle for each King of Lucis. When Lunafreya spoke again, the voices of the hundred and thirteen past Oracles spoke with her, a chorus of burning golden power: “The people have spoken. The gods must listen. The gods will listen.”
“You would risk all for the sake of one man,” Bahamut spat. Even as he spoke, the golden light that was Lunafreya moved, the Oracles of the past spreading out, forming a circle around what had to be the edges of the vortex Prompto saw. They gestured with their tridents in unison, and a web of magic arched out, lining the edges of the vortex as if to fence it in. No—not fence it in, Ignis realized suddenly. As if to hold it open.
Lunafreya raised her arm, and her ancestors raised theirs, too. One hundred fourteen tridents slammed on the marble floor in unison. “Kings of Lucis!” Lunafreya - the Oracles - called. “Come to me!”
This time, the glaives of the Lucii did not plunge from the sky. Instead they rose up from within the vortex, swirling around Ignis and the others before slamming into the floor. Blue flames erupted from the vortex and joined the glaives: the Lucii, recognizable in outline only - but this time, there was one more.
The Founder King stood at the center of the semicircle, and beside him, mirroring him, stood a new Lucii. Smaller, less heavily armored than most of the others, he wore a sash over his chestplate, and from his helm stretched the hornlike crown of Lucis.
Bahamut said angrily, “You have failed, Chosen. Not only does the Scourge remain, but you have released it once more upon this Star.” Ignis frowned, looking closer - and then he saw it, a shadow lurking behind the Founder King. It was roiling and poisonous, and reeked of daemon miasma beneath the electric scent of the Lucii’s magic. The strange magic vision which allowed him to see the Lucii didn’t cast shadows, but even if it had, it was obvious that was no simple shadow. The Founder King did not command the Scourge—
But his brother did.
Ardyn Izunia, Starscourge incarnate, had returned from the spirit realm alongside the Lucii.
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justjstuff · 3 years
Hello J! I love Daughter of Fire SO MUCH! I recently finished reading it and I love it! It's amazing, I'm mesmerised by the whole plot and the character studies and the slow slowwww burn and everything is just so greatly developed 😍. Also, all the kudos in the world for writing in a foreign language. (I'm Brazilian and I was bloody surprised when I discovered you are also Brazilian! Couldn't have guessed, such wonderful English writing skills!)
I was wondering how is everything at your end, I hope you and yours are safe and healthy! ✨💗 thanks so much for writing such an amazingly entrancing story and taking us away from the pandemics reality! I'm looking forward to reading more of your amazing fic!!!
Much love, tai💜
Ps. : eu vou criar coragem e te mandar um review decente na DoF, tudo bem se for em pt? 😘
Hello, Tai!!! Thank you so much 🥺🖤 I’m so happy to hear that! Tbh I can’t really write in Portuguese??? Lmfao. I wrote a fic once because I was like: “No, uh-huh, I cannot be brazilian and only write in English, I gotta respect my roots”... and then... it was hard as fuck. Lol. I guess since I have worked so hard to learn English and when I first started writing fanfiction it was pretty much everything in English (tho my first post on FFN is a translation to portuguese lol) it just became natural to think and write in English xD Also, most of the things I read are in English too so... btw, kudos on your own English, miga!!! You have nothing to worry about.
Thankfully everyone in my family is healthy now! We had a scare with my grandmother a while back but she’s fine now and we’re all safe. Well. As safe as we can be with the current fucked up situation of our pátria amada lol. fuck the government let’s get outta here bro. I hope everything is okay on your end too, hon! We gotta just... endure, I guess. Things could be a lot worse for me so I try not to complain too much but oof the mental toll is real. I tried in the beginning to keep my productivity levels up so I could give my readers a bit of a reprieve from all the fucked up shit we’re seeing everyday but it got to a point where I just... I couldn’t keep up. During the panoramic I feel like I fully appreciated how much entertainment is important in our lives, the feedback I got from y’all telling me how much Fire Fridays was helping you and all that it just... god, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep it up! I’m happy that I was able to help at least a little bit tho... There will be plenty more in the future but for now I need a break 😅
Thank you again, lovely, for reaching out with such kind words. I love when my brazilian fam reaches out to me, I feel like we’re close in a way? Haha anyway, bjinhos xuxu <3
(By the way, I’m answering in English bc this needs to be said but like ANY type of review you give me is a like a sucker punch of happiness lmfao. If you want to write in Portuguese that’s okay! Also if you want to write just a string of emoji or barely comprehensible online pterodactyl screeches 😂 ily, ty <3)
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
Liveblog time!
Live-blogging for The Mandalorian 2x05, The Jedi, beginning now!
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Almost forgot! This was my first piece of Mandalorian fanart, I think!
Calodan on Corvus is possibly my favorite planet after Sorgan. I love the misty color palette so much.
Also heeeey I’ve now seen nearly 3 seasons of The Clone Wars so Ahsoka will not be nearly so much a stranger this time around!
Calodan gives me such an Avatar-city under siege from the Fire Nation vibe, except Ahsoka’s the whole-ass Fire Nation and she’s here to save the day.
Why does the Magistrate have the beskar spear, anyway? And I wonder if it has any electronics in it the way everything else beskar we’ve seen has. I would guess not, but it would be kind of cool if it did, maybe something that actively keeps the spear well-balanced.
Look, evil lady, killing people doesn’t put the blame on Ahsoka. It just ain’t how it works. But bad guys always think that’s somehow an argument?
I wonder if the men of Star Wars are sad. Their hair is never very exciting but the women go all out.
So Din’s slightly testy with Grogu about getting back in his seat. Because... he’s fully expecting to go down to that planet and come back up again without the kid. I’d be testy too. ;_;
Oh God Grogu is even cuter than I remembered somehow. Like weeks and weeks of nothing but Mandalorian and every time I watch him he’s still just marvelous.
Love that shot of him focusing on the control knob with the pretty lights behind it. It really makes it seem magical, which to Grogu’s mind, it is
Love these weird giant creatures in the back, apparently just massacring these trees. CRONCH
I wonder how far they walked into town. I just love finding every little scrap of time between cuts that you could stuff a fic into.
I bet Grogu loves the smells of the marketplace, but can pick up on the tense atmosphere and doesn’t like it. He likes the kids, though.
I really enjoy the lighting of this episode because 1) we get to see those little lights on Din’s gauntlet easily and 2) it drives home the fact that not every world is going to have the same spectrum of light as our yellow sun. Reminds me of when I got to see the total solar eclipse in 2017. The sky seemed like daylight, but wasn’t. It was utterly unlike our world and I still get chills EVERY. TIME. I think about it.
I like her stupid guard droid. Cool color scheme.
God I wish I had a little water garden all my own.
Love the sound beskar on beskar makes.
Grogu: “Dad, this guy sucks. I can tell.”
UGH love those misty hills!!!!! So fucking pretty!
I love these trees so much. They remind me of buckberry.
Ahsoka: BABY???
Ugh the misty background is so gorgeous at night too!
Poor Din. He is so worried. Look at all this pacing when this is normally such a man of stillness and restraint.
Din: *pacing around anxiously* *kicks a cool rock* “I wonder if the kid would like this rock? MAYBE I SHOULD GO INTERRUPT THEM AND ASK oh never mind.” *back to pacing*
That smile that Ahsoka gives Grogu after she looks at Din — it’s so clear how many nice things he’s telling her about Din <3
Din is so worried. What’s she going to say? Is he doing this right? He doesn’t want to mess things up for the kid —
Can you just imagine everything in Din’s head right now? Relief at knowing the kid HAS a name, that Ahsoka can talk to him? Guilt at not somehow knowing the name before this? His heart going out to the kid, thinking of his home being taken away from him, thinking of him being in danger many times before Din could meet him or help him? Thinking this is time to say goodbye...
Awww thinking of Grogu curled up in Din’s cloak on the mossy ground while they sleep
Din is so worried Grogu won’t pass his test ;_;
Din is worried *he* won’t pass the test XD
So cute how Din kneels down to his level to encourage him to take the ball :)
I love how when *Grogu* calls the ball to his hand, the musical cue plays *Din’s* motif with the recorder — a sign of their connection <3 <3 <3
Mando music is playing in the background. Grogu is NOT going to grow up to be a Jedi! I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, the title of the show might refer to Grogu :)
Ahsoka: giggling at “laser swords”
Aww man, these trees aren’t this way because of the giant animals? The Magistrate did this? Goddammit. I was hoping it was just like, a life cycle of the planet.
I like that even though Ahsoka is grownup and serious you can still see all those little smirks <3 Love that Snips!
Hey! Din learned how to drop-kick someone with the Rising Phoenix!!! Good job Din! Learning from Koska, I see. (Not as graceful as her, though.)
Huh, he still has durasteel or something on his shoulder, from under the beskar. I don’t know WHY THEY WON’T PUT OUT AN OFFICIAL DRAWING OF HOW ALL THE ARMOR FITS TOGETHER.
Look dude, don’t even mess with Din Djarin, all right? And none of this “we’re a lot alike” bullshit. But I did appreciate this guy’s attempt to “I don’t even care, bro” as foolish at it was.
WHERE IS THRAWN AWWWWWW FUCKING YEAAAAAH I still only know him from the Zahn trilogy but I’m so excited they repurposed such an awesome character.
“Wait here, I’ll... go get him.”
Din rocking him gently in the hammock back and forth ;___;
... how... long did they stay there just... cuddling... I fucking CAN’T
Ahsoka: “...it’s been like four hours. I’d better go look for them. Either Mando’s not giving the kid up or the kid doesn’t want to go. Shoulda seen that coming...”
I totally got this wrong in one of my fics. I wrote Din flying the Razor Crest back to the town. I’d forgotten HE SITS THERE SO LONG WITH THE KID AHSOKA HAS TO GO AND FIND THEM when Din was the one who claimed “I’ll go get him, wait here.” OMG DIN. JUST ADMIT YOU WANT TO PARENT THIS CHILD FOREVER.
The concept art of Din and Grogu striding off into the sunset together? My HEART
Man. I’m enjoying the Clone Wars, but I’m just so sad at all the badness that’s going to happen to everybody in them ;_; And thinking of how many things Ahsoka has gone through by this point is just... the Star Wars galaxy just hates people not being traumatized, doesn’t it?
Do I have the strength to get through The Tragedy tonight??? I mean, there’s Boba Fett and Fennec Shand being badass, and the best opening of any media, ever, but then there is PAIN and CRUELTY and it ISN’T FAIR.
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ronanvespertine · 4 years
Magpies and magpies larks are not the same bird, the peewee is smaller. But that just means it’s the same amount of attitude in a smaller bird XD. By the way, I dreamt you wrote a story last night, where the league kidnaped Hawks and then slowly dismembered him dexter style in a very white lab, and the whole fic was him trying to get information out of them and trying to get away. Please never write a story like that, the anxiety of waiting for an ending woke me up!
OOP catch me looking like a clown—LOL welp, this is what I get for freaking out about birds even though I know nothing about them. XD Seriously, I feel like anything that is small is terrifying in some way. Like, just don’t mess with the small. They will fuck you up somehow. And as for that dream you had, y i k e s. Sending good vibes, that must not have been a great dream to sleep through. x.x
As for not writing a fic like that.....idk? XD Honestly, that sounds like the exact amount of angst I used to write, haha! Well, without the gore. I don’t really like gore. But the soul-crushing despair of never finding a way out? Yeah, that’s me. Haven’t really shown that darker side to my writing yet in this fandom, have I?
What I will say is that I currently tend to gravitate toward fics that have at least some amount of positivity to them. Especially nowadays, cause I’m tired of seeing negative stuff and I want more happy stuff in the world. Will that change in the future? Possibly. (You may have noticed my sadistic streak sometimes in my posts or how often I dip the Bird Bros into the fires for at least a few seconds, hehe.)
Another thing I willl say is that I probably wouldn’t write a story like that unless I miraculously decide I have an apetite for dystopian AUs. Weirdly enough, I’m not really into AUs for BNHA much. It’s kinda weird. I prefer seeing fics in pre-canon, canon, or post-canon. Another scenario where I’d want to write a fic like that is if canon suddenly gets darker. XD It’s happened before. A manga suddenly grows so dark in its topics, you’re like “wtf am I reading the same series?” If BNHA ever gets hella dark (and there’s potential for it—ever think of the possibility of Midoriya going rogue? *wiggles eyebrows*), then I may be tempted to go into darker tones with my fics as well. And then you’re not safe from my inner sadist. I will make you cry. Maybe.
Also, nowadays I tend to try and finish writing the fic first before publishing, so that’s like more barriers to me publishing dark stuff. Though so far, the whole “write first before publishing” commitment hasn’t really stopped me much. (*Ignores the 20+ fics I have in my backlog*) The Tokoyami character study is really testing my commitment for it, though, haha!
All in all, don’t worry about it. The only time you need to worry is if Horikoshi opens up angst potential for me to sharpen my teeth on. ❤️ :)
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hawksonfire · 5 years
2019: Year In Review
Seeing as how this is the first year that I’ve really written a lot (or anything at all), I thought I’d try out this ‘year in review’ thing. 
This year was the first year (ever) that I’d really put my words out into the world. I was honestly terrified to post my first work on Ao3 - what if no one liked it? What if I got hate for it? And worst of all, what if it was terrible? 
I’m glad to say that none of that even came close to happening. I’m so lucky to have fumbled my way into the Marvel fandom, specifically the Winterhawk portion of it, because it’s just such a welcoming place. Everyone I’ve met has been so welcoming and uplifting, and I can honestly say that there are a few people (everyone) that come to mind who I hope will be with me for years to come.
Back to fic - At the beginning of this year, I had one fic on Ao3 - a 2018 Kinktober fic. At this very moment, I have 100+ fics with over 380k words between them. I’ve written fic for people, gotten fic from people, and posted stuff just for the hell of it. 2019 was a good year for my wording progress, and I can only hope that 2020 beats it.
Accomplishments under the cut! :) 
Word Count: 380,035
Fic Count: 130 
Captain Cockblock - a Winterhawk fic in which Steve is constantly cockblocking Bucky and Clint. It was the very first thing I posted in 2019, and I can genuinely say that I was terrified.
Revenge Against Captain Cockblock - the sequel to Captain Cockblock, in which Clint and Bucky (and Sam) get revenge on Steve for the way he kept cockblocking them. First sequel!! I was excited about this one.
Aggressively Progressive - a Stucky fic where Steve tells the press (and other assorted people) exactly what he thinks about the not vaccinating your children (among other things).
How It Should Have Gone - This fic. God, this fic. This was really the first multi-chapter long fic that I had attempted, and I had no idea how it was going to be accepted. It’s set before, during, and after the first Avengers, and in it, Steve attends university, falls in love with Clint and Natasha, and saves the world. It’s canon-adjacent, and I swear this is probably the fic I am most proud of to date.
Steve Rogers: Unapologetic Slut - A 5+1 fic I did as part of the BDBD slutty!Steve challenge. It was definitely a ton of fun to write and as a bonus, it introduced me to the 5+1 trope which I can now say is a favourite of mine.
there is a house in new orleans (they call the rising sun) - A birthday fic for the amazing @kangofu-cb (even though it was late) because she deserves all the nice things, dammit.
i need something to believe in (throw my hands up to the ceiling) - I realized one day, that my best bro @flowerparrish has literally written so much fic for me (check out zir Ameriwinterhawk series, aka, the ‘pornathon verse’ and this Amerihawk sex pollen fic) and yet, somehow, I had not written zir a single thing? This could not stand. So I made my amazing friend choose a whole bunch of prompts from a list, then slammed together a bunch of them into one 68-chapter long fic to be updated as needed. 
MCU Kink Bingo Round 3 - Somehow, I am unsurprised that the very first event I joined this year was a kink bingo. A series of 16 works of various ships and kinks.
Clint Barton Bingo - Clint has always been one of my favourite Marvel characters, so as soon as I saw that this bingo was accepting sign-ups, I had to do it. And I did! It resulted in 19 works from the first round (and more to come from the second round) with Clint being paired with various Marvel characters (but mostly Bucky). 
Mandatory Fun Day - At this point in the year, I was fully inside the Winterhawk dumpster. The lovely mods over at @mandatoryfunday provide weekly prompts for us Winterhawklings to enjoy, and although I haven’t made a fill for this in a while, I definitely enjoyed the ones I did make and hope to make more in 2020.
Star Spangled Bingo - Yes, another bingo. I think this was my third one, but there were plenty more to come. I had a lot of fun participating in this one!
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Bucky, next to Clint, is another favourite character of mine, and I am so glad that the mods over at @buckybarnesbingo decided to do a second round in 2020. They can count on my sign-up, for sure.
Stucky Bingo - While it’s only got one fic so far, I’m definitely planning on writing more for it. XD
Captain America Reverse Big Bang: A Tail of Two Idiots - This!! This was my first RBB and I was incredibly lucky to be paired with the amazing @astaraiches-oisinn. She created some gorgeous art of Steve and Bucky at a dog park, and somehow I managed to write nearly 31.5k and post it on time! But I could not have done it without her, love you bb <333333
Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang: Main Attraction - holy fuck, y’all. I’d been a massive fan of @kangofu-cb and her words and art for a while at this point, and when I found out that we’d been paired together for the RBB? I’m pretty sure my screech broke windows. She was an absolute joy to work with and I’m glad to say that we’re now friends (we’re friends, right CB? Please let me have this) and she brightens up my day whenever I talk to her.
MCU Rarepairs Bingo - Again, there’s only one fic here but I’ve definitely got some fics planned for it.
Winterhawk Bingo - Alright, look. While I am well aware that I join too many events (no one can stop me) I am also aware that I like to run things. Thus, Winterhawk Bingo was born. It’s been a joy to run and a joy to participate in, and I’ve made even more friends for me to love with this event.
Kinktober 2019 - This was my second year in a row doing Kinktober, but I had way more fun this year because I opened up the prompt list to a bunch of my friends and followers and offered to write them a kink of their choice (or five). Definitely going to be doing it again that way in 2020.
Marvel Bingo: oh, the good ol’ days - This series is absolutely one of my all-time favourite things that I have ever written. It starts off with Clint/Steve, but as the stories progress, Bucky joins the squad for eventual Steve/Bucky/Clint, or my all-time OT3: Ameriwinterhawk. This series has 24 planned fics, with 20 so far completed. I was aiming to blackout my Marvel Bingo card, so let’s see if we can’t hit that goal, shall we?
Winterhawk Wonderland: noticeable - Hawkie’s first gift exchange! I had a super great time participating in this event (run by the lovely mods over at @winterhawkwonderland) and I can’t wait to do it again next year (if they choose to run it again)!
Marvel Trumps Hate - I signed up for my first charity auction! Look forward to those fics in 2020!
Marvel Reverse Big Bang - Technically, posting is in 2020, but the majority of this event took place in 2019, so I’m counting it.
Fics for Events (that I’m particularly proud of)
Lime Blossoms - While technically a fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo, Clint Barton Bingo, MCU Kink Bingo, and Star Spangled Bingo, this fic holds a special place in my heart. It’s very soft, and it also happens to be the fic that I jammed four different bingo squares into. 
Whatever You Want - A fill for the Soulbond square of my Bucky Barnes Bingo card. Winterhawk, of course, but with a twist. Clint has two soulmarks, and they end up being Bucky and the Winter Soldier. 
Safe - This fic holds is very special to me because in it, Clint is asexual. He has a crush on Bucky but doesn’t know how to go about doing something about it while making his boundaries clear. As an ace person myself who hasn’t always had the best luck with that, this fic was basically me holding up a flashing neon sign going “THIS! THIS IS WHAT I WANT!”
Flags - Another ace fic, but this time with ace!Bucky! Clint helps him as Bucky tries to figure stuff out. It’s basically pure, self-indulgent fluff.
All Bark, All Bite - Ah, yes. Werewolf!Clint and Vampire!Bucky. This is absolutely what kickstarted my obsession with supernatural AU’s, no doubt about it.
i walked with you (once upon a dream) - Another birthday fic! This one was for a friend of mine who isn’t on Tumblr, but she absolutely loves marine life. SO! Of course, I wrote her a 5+1 fic with mer!Bucky and pirate!Clint that somehow turned into 16k words of basically pure fluff.
topsy turvy and upside down - This was a fill for the Mandatory Fun Day prompt “Clint as the Winter Soldier”. God, I had so much fun with this fic and I wrote all 7k of it in like, a day or something, because the words would just not stop flowing.
anything, anything - This. This was written for @flowerparrish as a part of Kinktober, and I honestly have no idea how it became an ace!Steve sex pollen fic, except that it did. I definitely plan to write more ace fics, and more sex pollen fics, and more ace sex pollen fics.
i ain’t proud of my address (in this torn up town) - Affectionately referred to by me as Demon!Clint, this fic will absolutely be updated and completed. At some point. But I give you my word.
That’s all, folks! That sums up my 2019! Well, the fic portion of it anyway. I made so many new friends that I hope stick with me for a long while, I got so many new ideas for fics I plan to write in 2020, and! I learned a few things about myself along the way!
Things to expect from me in 2020:
- Events. So many events. All of the events.
- Fics. SO many. A few for events, a few not.
- I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?
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‘Ask The Author’ tag:
I was tagged by the amazing and awesome @murphyhatesme
Rules: answer these questions and tag other fic writers to do the same.
Author name: Merlin_Wolfgang_Trades_Hale 
Fandoms you write for: Hawaii Five-0, Teenwolf, Supernatural, Lucifer, Marvel, The Umbrella Academy, Gravity Fall, and The Rick Riordan verse. (Mostly H50 and TW. I got one TUA fic, and the others are crossovers with my main two fandoms. I love writing Stiles as a Winchester so all of my SPN fics are Superwolf stories with Stiles as a Winchester brother. My PJO fics are Danny as a demigod.) 
Where you post: AO3 and Tumblr
Most popular one-shot: Based on hits? Summer Harvest  My TW/SPN crossover. Stiles is a Winchester, he’s dating Derek and his bros had a hard time with it but they still care and Cas visits. Cute, domestic fluff with Derek in a big sun gardening hat :)
Most popular multi-chapter story: It’s still on-going but it seems to be Island Misadventures my TW/H5-0 crossover. Stiles is kicked out of the pack, he becomes an agent and later finds his way to 5-0 and learns to be part of a team again. It’ll be Sterek, there’s some sassy Peter, McDanno as parents, Steve as a heavy father figure for Stiles...and I really need to get back to it xD 
Favorite story you wrote: A geeze...this is like picking a favorite kid. You know what? It’s a really obscure premise but there’s a H5-0/Gravity Falls I wrote where Joe recruited Stan and got him to enlist. I’m a HUGE Stan Pines fan and giving him a logical way of reaching his dream of sailing the world, being a badass, finding a place to belong...brothers... so though it’s short, and because I can’t choose any of the other ones I’ll put it to my Keepin’ the dream alive, baby!
Story you were nervous to post: Two actually. Cleanse and Devil’s in the Bounty. Cleanse because it’s a genderbend story and sometimes you get people who don’t like gender-bending and I once got a lot of shit for making a femStiles fic(it’d been a REQUESTED PROMPT). I know that it can be political and it’s always tricky. I personally think with some characters it’s fun, but I’m genderfluid so going back and forth is not a problem with me. With Devil’s in the Bounty...the plot involved Stiles being around the Lucifer gang and part of what encouraged him or get him to LA was his break up with Derek. So I got shit, not because of how I write but because I made Derek the ‘villain’. I didn’t. I made his reasons very valid and real as to why he had to break up with Stiles but Sterek wasn’t endgame and when you see a story with your otp and they’re not endgame, fuck the plot and writing, you’re just going to go shit on the fact that someone had the audacity to write for another pair! And then not have the balls to keep your comment there despite going on anon!.....sorry, that one still gets me >.> 
How do you pick your titles: Sometimes it’s pretty obvious what I want it to be...sometimes if I’m inspired by music, I’ll use the title of that song. Some days I spent hours or even days on Pinterest looking at pretty word definitions that sound like a good summary of what’s going on. 
Do you outline? I didn’t use to. Or I would try to but then as I wrote, it would develop and get away from the plot points...but in my latest fic, I’ve been so very focused and update my outlines and notes as the story progressed and evolved. 
How many of your stories are complete? 76 apparently. 
In-progress: 20
Coming soon: I really wanna wrap up those 20...so hopefully no more until then.
Do you accept prompts? I do! You can always drop me a message or something. It will most likely be a one-shot because I don’t really want to add another chapter story with 20 in progress stories xD But I do. 
Upcoming story you’re the most excited for? I’ve put a lot of emotion into my latest project Charlie D. McGarrett I’m not fully positive on what point I’m going to end it but it will be an open-ended kind of ending that will demand a sequel. But because of things happening for me in November, it’ll probably drop around December. 
I’m going to tag @cowandcalf @mcdannoangelwolf @my-random-fandom-blog but only if you guys want to, but I’d love to get to know you guys better as writers :) 
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joeys-piano · 5 years
For the fandom ask!! Number 2 and 16 ?
2. now name ur trash ship Oh my gosh...Bokuto x Kuroo from Haikyuu!! Those two characters are the most flaming piles of trash, best bros I’ve ever witnessed on an animated screen. They are high-quality trash. Almost high-quality enough to be recycled, but too trashy for that. I was recently browsing through the Haikyuu tag here on Tumblr a little while ago so they were the first relationship that came to me xD
I don’t write for Haikyuu!! anymore and I don’t read fics from that fandom all that much either, but those two trash lids keep reeling me back every now and then.
16. what is ur favourite ridiculous au
Keep in mind you’re asking someone who wrote a chicken!AU and pretty much converted every Yuri!!! on Ice character into farm animals for a completed, 27 chapter fic that I wrote in 2017. And, you’re talking to the same writer who wrote an anthropomorphic dessert!AU for that same fandom and who went into great detail about a gumdrop pet drowning in a glass of milk while their cookie!owner just watched from the sidelines and couldn’t do anything about it. Which was both fucked up and yet, a little funny at the same time.
I swear, I was completely lucid when I wrote that story.
Currently, my favorite absolutely ridiculous AU involves the Americana horror doll, Chucky, being sent on an overseas mission to murder the one and only Dazai Osamu. And Dazai, being the sweet 16 year old kid he is when he notices a doll crawling across his kitchen floor and attempting to sever his achilles tendons, this boy literally sends his very expensive penthouse up in flames. Somehow, by the power of Dazai, he knew Chucky was going to murder his ass so he strapped a small container of oil down his leg. When Chucky stabbed him there, oil starts leaking across the floor and it’s covering the entire kitchen. Like the badass he is, Dazai expresses his disappointment that Chucky wasn’t more creative in trying to kill him before sparking a lighter and watching Chucky die in a fire.
Fast forward to 20 minutes later, Dazai’s knocking on Oda’s apartment door and asks if he can come inside and take a shower. Leftover oil is staining his leg, he smells like fire and smoke, and Oda questions a lot of things. Dazai discreetly replies that an American operative tried to kill him, so he used deadly force against theirs.
That is probably the best ridiculous AU I”ve ever thought of. It’s up there on one of the most memorable, what the hell ideas I’ve had.
Fandom Trash Questions
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