#bro i spent like two years i was away Pining for a Real Person
animatedrapture · 1 year
11 is being generous
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The Cut And Run
(thank yous to @autumnslance for giving an more accurate description!)
Otherwise known as Estinien caught feelings for Riven and ran away because ew.
(snarky commentary ahead)
Following a particularly passionate night after the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Estinien ran away from both Riven and his burgeoning relationship with her because Oh No He Had Caught Feelings and basically they didn't reunite until well after she had returned from the First and the Scions were happily back in their bodies.
If you ever watched Sex and the City, remember this episode?
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(if you haven't, tldr, Carrie's boyfriend spent a night with her after they were attempting to work through their problems, then ran away like a little bitch the next morning after leaving a Post-It as the breakup medium all because he couldn't handle not being as successful an author as she was)
In Estinien's case, oh No The Feelings Ew I Have Caught Them.
Snark aside, getting serious. Estinien still was working through and processing a lot of stuff post HW/pre StB/post StB. It did not help that he and Riven were both extremely slow burn throughout HW. All the yearning, all the pining, all the get to know each other, a stolen kiss/grope or two--oh and yes you saved my very self from getting assimilated like the Borg into the very dragon I'd sworn vengeance upon.
(Big brother feelings for Alphy's somewhere in there too)
Riven was also dealing with a lot of stuff as well. She had Zenos and every single fucking red flag he was tripping for her, the emotional backlash of getting her ass kicked not once, but twice--and what she had to do to become stronger, liberating Ala Mhigo and Doma, Cid and Nero's Most Excellent Adventure, Hien's dealings with Yotsuyuu...
Oh yes and the guy she totally had the hots for finally reciprocating. However from the get-go the relationship had problems that neither side wanted to acknowledge at the time--Estinien bottling up and holding himself back, and Riven picking up on this but totally starry-eyed and rose-colored glasses and not following that gut feeling of hers to fully call Estinien out on his bullshit.
Now when Estinien did pull the Post-It maneuver, Riven was hurt. For all her naivety, she had poured the entirety of herself into the relationship. And on a more intimate level--Estinien had been her only lover in years. Prior to that, Riven had been in full oblivious demisexual mode (unless Estinien was around), inadvertently laying to rest the hopes of one Ser Aymeric and Lord Hien for her affections.
(Also four big brothers were very keen on putting a certain Hingian prince through the wringer.)
Estinien pulling his bullshit was also a major blow to Riven's self-confidence. She started to withdraw from her friends, but a confrontation from the Bro Squad made her confess what happened. Augustine, Reinhardt, Mathye and Sebastian (with help from Krille and Tataru) helped Riven rally.
(With a certain elezen going to #1 on the hit list)
With the Scions starting to become comatose however, trying to figure out what happened to them, along with events building up with the Empire--it was a stressful distraction for Riven. The fear was very real that she would lose everyone she cared for to this strange affliction.
Then Ghimlyt happened.
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On Estinien's side, that was was the first breaking point for him to realize that his feelings for Riven ran far deeper than infatuation or lust. For Riven's part, it gave her a chance to speak with Aymeric (and Alberic) about Estinien while she was recovering, and start to truly understand what was probably driving his actions.
(Not that she hadn't already been aware, but now she was being given a chance at a deeper comprehension of his personality.)
This, combined with the events of the First--while it didn't quite strip Riven of her rose-colored-glasses view, she did return from Norvrandt more battle-hardened, mature, and well...thanks to two particular jackasses--
(long live the gremlin).
She'd had time to come to terms with her own feelings for Estinien as well--they were also just as deep, but then there was just the little matter of he fucking ran away the morning after and really did he think so little of her that she wouldn't care about his own issues? Because to give Riven some credit, she had tried. Not a very good attempt, but she had.
On Estinien's side, he was going through hell. Riven and her battle-brothers had seemingly disappeared, the other Scions weren't any help, Krille and Tataru were putting him through the wringer for what he'd done in Ala Mhigo, Orn Khai and a certain fucking Garlean also had sharp words for him on the matter, and oh yes where the fuck was Riven was she okay was she safe--
It turned out that after all, he was not immune to Feelings.
So wisely, Estinien decided to face the Scary Feelings head on. He would Accept The Feelings And Yes He Would Not Hold Nothing Back...
Which meant seeking out a certain brunette, having a Talk, surely she would be logical and reasonable...
Riven: Fuck You.
Estinien: Huh?
The Bro Squad:
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(Estinien, realizing he has to fight through four angry big brothers to get to Riven)
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wutheringmights · 3 years
I just read the newest chapter and I loved it! ♥ ♥ ♥ I was wondering if you had some hcs about the engineer that you could share?
Awww I'm glad you like it! I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what "HCS" meant before realizing I'm a tired idiot who can't read lol
But yeah! I got some headcanons for the engineer/Spirits I can share!
These headcanons are a mix of things I generally believe for any iteration of the Hero of Spirits and a few things exclusive to CTB. It's pretty obvious which are which.
Technically this is slight spoilers since most of this is not mentioned in-story, but Warriors is a such a self-centered asshole that I'm not sure when I can get him to explicitly ask about Spirit's backstory lol
This got super long and kind of just became me talking about Spirits's entire backstory, so enjoy:
Spirits is sixteen during the course of Spirit Tracks, mostly because that was the vibe I got from him when I first played the game (I made him younger for CTB)
He's not descendant from Wind (who I maintain disappeared instead of settling in New Hyrule); instead, he's Aryll's great grandson
His family name used to be Outset, but when everyone who originally immigrated from Outset island took on that last name, they changed it to Aryll to reflect the family matriarch
So Spirit's full name is Link Aryll, though there is a branch of his family that uses Macaryll instead
The Aryll/Macaryll family is huge; everyone has at least six aunts and uncles on all sides of the family and they can trace back how they are related to Aryll
"I'm Grandma Aryl's third son's second daughter's fifth child." -someone Spirits is related to, probably
He actually never met his great grandmother; she died before he was born.
Spirit's dad was full-blooded Lokomo while his mother was Hylian; his mother passed a few months after he was born after never truly recovering from childbirth while his father died in a fishing accident when he was eight
He went to live with an aunt and uncle who owned a general store; their relationship was polite at best. The aunt and uncle told Spirits upfront that they intended to give the store over to his cousin when he was older so Spirits needed to come up with his own life plan
Spirits didn't necessarily mind since he never wanted to work in a store for the rest of his life, but the ultimatum made it clear that they didn't care for him like a son
To this day, their relationship isn't strained and he doesn't hate them. But whenever they meet, he's overly polite; they're more acquaintances than family
He's cool with his cousin though. They have different interests so they aren't best friends, but they're okay.
Spirits also always had his spirit-sensing abilities. It's really like a sixth sense to him, as normal and automatic as seeing and hearing; he actually didn't realize this wasn't normal until he was a little older
His abilities at this point are limited to sensing vague ideas of a person's spirit (if they're light or dark, etc.), and seeing ghosts (which are really rare. You have to have a lot of power yourself to become one)
(Note: I'm not the only one who headcanons Spirits as having spirit sensing abilities; if you know who can up with the idea, please let me know so that I can tag/credit them!)
The elder of his village told him that select Lokomo had minor spirit sensing abilities, and those who did were traditionally made elders of their villages; being more of a follower than a leader, Spirits adamantly dismissed that idea and refused to be trained on how to hone his spirit senses. He also never learned any of the religion behind it
Which was a little worrisome since his abilities are way stronger than most
Besides, he's always liked trains and it's been his dream to travel around the kingdom as an engineer; being some town's elder would get in the way of that
Anyway, Spirits had to pass a written exam before being accepted as an apprentice engineer, so he's very studious and has a lot of drive (pun unintended?)
He went to live with his Uncle Niko during his apprenticeship in another town; Niko isn't related to him, but he's been a friend of the family for so long that everyone secretly thinks he's actually related to someone and they just forgot who
Niko is his real family, hands down. Those two are as thick as thieves and bring out the wild side in each other
A preteen Spirits used to think Niko was a little lame and kind of embarrassing, but now that he's older, he's all for Niko's weird old man-ness and has even picked up on some of his weird old man-ness himself
That being said, they're both disasters. Neither can clean or cook or do any kind of housekeeping and their shared house is cluttered with Niko's art projects and Spirit's half-finished tinkering
Growing up, Spirits had no idea he was related to the legendary Hero of Wind; Aryll died before he was born, but even in life she was filled with too much grief over her missing brother to discuss it often. Within the family, being related to the Hero of Wind is a rumor at best.
Of course, Niko knows but keeps it a secret from Spirits; once he got back from his LU-adventure, Wind told Niko about the curse of the Hero's Spirit. Then he went missing post-New Hyrule's founding, which really drove the terror of the curse home. Niko thought he could keep Wind's family from falling victim to it by not inadvertently encouraging them to follow in Wind's footsteps
So Niko kept it a secret
And obviously, that didn't work
Spirits' quest to save New Hyrule resulted in him realizing that he needed to embrace his Lokomo heritage and get a handle on his spirit powers; Anjean gave him a little training during his quest but afterwards he traveled around the kingdom to find as many people as he could with abilities like his
They were all really excited to teach him what they knew, especially the religious aspects of the abilities; Spirits is still not the most religious person, but he at least understands and embraces the cultural significance of what he is able to do
This is where he learned how to read a person's Spirit to get an idea of their life experiences and the kind of person they're like; he can also detect where a person is without having to put much effort into it
At Zelda's encouragement, he also got more sword training from the Castle Guard. She offered him a place among them, but he turned it down in favor of remaining an engineer. He still helps around as a swordsman when he can and will act as Zelda's body guard
Speaking of which, he and Zelda are 100% in love. Their relationship started out as puppy love but over the years as matured into a deep connection built on mutual respect
When he's working on designing new engines or parts for his trains, he occasionally brings his drafting materials to the castle gardens so that he can work alongside Zelda; sometimes she falls asleep leaning against his arm and he has to be careful not to shake her awake as he works
Whenever she need to go anywhere in the kingdom, she rides in his train and teasingly criticizes his conducting; he takes a lot of pride in his conducting, but he lets her get away with it since her critiques are objectively hilarious
He keeps a tiny pictograph of her taped to his dashboard
But there's a bit of a problem with their relationship, and it's that he doesn't know if he wants to be the prince consort or not. He does love her, but that would mean giving up being an engineer in favor of being stuck at the castle all of the time
Plus, he's doing great as an engineer; he's saving up to open his own garage that produces his own train designs
Eventually, he leaves for the War of Eras
His experiences with Warriors leaves him more sure than ever that he doesn't want to be the prince consort, resulting in him ending his relationship with Zelda shortly after he returns home
It hurts for a long time to be around her since all of his old feelings keep coming back, so he keeps his distance for a long time; it takes a few years for him to go back to hanging out with Zelda as friends
But now she's approaching marriage age, and he spends a lot of time when he's on body guard duty super jealous of these princes and ambassadors from foreign kingdoms who try to court her
But again, he knows he can't be in a relationship with her so he respectfully and silently pines over her (I'm just a sucker for pining, okay?)
Okay, more random headcanons that are a little less sad
Spirits likes super spicy food, but since he can't cook to save his own life, he just eats whatever he can get his hands on
He's super dirty all of the time, just the epitome of scrappy; there's always a smear of oil somewhere on his person
He actually really hates bathing and only keeps his curly hair in check to comply with train safety regulations
He's really polite and a little shy, but once he loosens up, he gets talkative and personable
He's also very contemplative; he likes conducting so much because he gets to spend long stretches of time alone with nothing but his thoughts
His trauma/stress response is to shut down; he goes quiet, loses energy, and sleeps for longer periods of time
He tends to gravitate towards socializing with people who are older than him, which gets him labeled as being no fun by his peers (despite having someone as cooky as Niko for a uncle)
Post-adventure, his best friend is Linebeck III. They're drinking buddies. Neither can really explain why they even like hanging out as much as they do
(I just like the idea of Linebeck accidentally getting attached to one kid and his whole bloodline getting forever tangled with Wind's; they're bros for multiple lifetimes)
Not only is Spirits good at designing and building new machinery, but he's great at tinkering; he can fix almost anything and will buy broken things on purpose just to have something to fix
No one really knows he's a hero; he doesn't like the attention and, at his request, Zelda did her best to keep his involvement with Malladus a secret
Because not many common people know about his adventure and records of New Hyrule are very rare, he's considered in Warrior's time to be a forgotten hero; some scholars believe that a Hero of Spirits may have once existed, but if he did, no one really knows who he was or what he did to serve the bloodline of Hylia
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
Fic recs for taehyung? I love your stuff btw I’ve read them all uwu
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As a beacon of extra-ness in an already extra world, I am entirely incapable of just recommending fics like a normal blog. No. I’ve got to wax on like a bloomin connoisseur. I have compiled some (but not all) of my favorite works in several different categories and sorted them accordingly. This crazy list is so long I had to add a “keep reading”... but I simply couldn’t bear to leave any of these off the list. They are all so good!
Fics have been divided into 8 categories. Some are under the cut. 
Insomnia by @hobiwonder
This is one of those fics I read and literally could not stop thinking about. It is wildly hot and honestly hilarious. Poor reader cannot sleep and the beautiful bro she’s tutoring offers a rather unconventional solution.
(Ego) Hoe Chronicles: KTH by @suga-kookiemonster
Listen. If you find a niche fan blog devoted entirely to Ego Tae... I’m not gonna say it’s mine. But it’s probably mine. I once told suga-kookiemonster that I would literally read a story about Ego Tae going grocery shopping on a Wednesday night and I stand by that. In this lurid romp, the reader falls into the clutches of everyone’s favorite bohemian sex lord and he rails her into another dimension.
Falling, Falling, Gone by @johobi
Pining (mutual or otherwise) is not really my thing, but I would straight up read Jo’s laundry list if she posted it. As usual I was blown away by how everything she does seems somehow better than any other version of it. This reader is really unique as well, and her relationship with the wildly popular soccer star Tae comes to a sexy and hilarious head at a sort of bachelor auction. With sharp dialogue, delightful subtext, and fantastic side characters, you really shouldn’t miss it. It’s pretty much perfect.
A Friendly Favor by @baeseoul
This is the classic “teach me some sex for another woman” trope and it is done so well. Sweet best friend Tae is looking to benefit from your experience, but his is not the only world about to be thouroughly rocked.
Officer Kim and the Criminal Crush by @ddaengyoonmin
This is one of the best twists on childhood friends to lovers I have ever seen. Tae grows up to become a cop and reader grows up to be a societal menace. I won’t spoil it, but it’s the perfect blend of nostalgia, tenderness, and smut. This fic technically doesn’t have a name so I had to give it one to link it. It’s part of an AMAZING series Zoe did that I also highly recommend.
Out of the Blue by @jimlingss
This is one of those stories that blooms throughout the narrative until you are left with this gorgeous flower at the end. I loved the journey of these two characters. It was real and it perfectly captures the experience of finding your soulmate in the person you least expect.
Sin Pijama by @brilliantlybasicb
This fic is a switch culture fic. It is wild wicked hot and this Tae is unreal. I love the way he lets the reader think she is in control just long enough. It is a wild romp with an adorable sequel and honestly you should read it.
Girls Like You by @jjiminah
I was in jjiminah’s asks IMMEDIATELY about this fic because I had FEELINGS. The reader begins wordlessly teasing and tempting Tae on their morning bus ride every day until he is literally losing his mind. Everything that follows is fire. Jjiminah has hinted she will wrote more for these two and I NEED IT.
Sighs and Sonnets by @btsaudge
This fic is beautiful. Like it’s basically art. This is a bad boy who is bad for you. But he has the soul of a poet and the stroke game of a renaissance master. Bittersweet and seductive, this fic is a full experience.
The Text by @taetaesbaebaepsae
Tae is your friend with benefits but it looks like feeling may have been caught by one or more parties. When you attempt to soothe your aching heart with another pretty boy, Tae decides to stake his claim. This was very sexy. The whole fic was sexy.
Monster by @neonlights92
Monster and all of its companion series about each of the boys is one of those fics that I reread constantly and also just think about constantly. This is one of the best mafia AUs out there and it’s characters are vivid and unforgettable. Tae’s stubborn resistance to his lovely new wife in contrast with her quiet, clever strength really brings this story to life. A word of warning. The masterlist links are a bit messed up. To read part two you must click on part three. And to read part three must click on part four. The link to part four is at the bottom of part three (or you can just search it on her site. It is definitely all there though).
Dichotomy by @kpopfanfictrash
There is a reason the incomparable Shanna is on this list three times. She is truly incomparable. This is childhood friends-to enemies-to spouses and it is wonderful. I adore this Tae. He is sharp and vulnerable and occasionally heavy handed, but truly a gem. This fic also features one of the best angry sex scenes I’ve ever run my eyeballs across.
Chism by @kpopfanfictrash
The world-building in this story is genuinely awe inspiring. You could write series upon series within this vivid universe. The god of Winter is missing and Summer’s heat burns unchecked for many years. The reader is a warrior with a unique ability tasked with guarding a very interesting prisoner. This story is so good. I mean it is really bloomin incredible. It’s hard to say what I liked best about it, because it was stellar across the board.
Obsidian by @kpopfanfictrash
In the pantheon of delicious Tae incarnations, Obsidian Taehyung is essentially unrivaled as a grey witch who moonlights as a sexy rock star. His extremely erotic clash with a white witch detective plays out as the two of them track down a sinister killer (with the help of some truly memorable side characters).
Out of this World by @ddaengyoonmin
This one is really unique. Tae is a merman scientist on the water planet of Neptune and when the reader and her misguided crew crash into his sea, he takes it upon himself to improve inter-species relations. This fic features excellent world building alongside several twists and surprises. Clever scientist Tae is downright irresistible.
Picking Flowers by @jamaisjoons
So this story is a journey - truly a beautiful one and it’s a gorgeous addition to the hanahaki genre. There is real pain and I cried real tears, but gosh it was so sexy and so worth it. I was surprised by how truly immersed I ended up in this piece. I lost track of everything else. The end is insanely satisfying, but the journey is really what makes this fic unmissable.
Until Yesterday by @jimlingss
This fic destroyed me slowly then slowly put me together again piece by piece. When I say I went through it - I WENT THROUGH IT. The story is loosely based on the movie “The Vow” and it is just fantastic. Beautiful and tender till the last word.
The Foolish Muse by @bibbykins
This is the story of someone who is deeply in love, but knows they deserve better. It is a sexy and evocative work with allusions to mythology that fit seamlessly into the narrative. I think my favorite part is Tae discovering how much the reader meant to him and what choices ultimately lead them to a really delicious conclusion.
Back to You by @ladyartemesia
The last time I did a fic rec list, it got like 700 notes. Ya girl is not makin the same mistake again. I spent hours on this list. My work is comin along for the ride. Kim Taehyung is the love of your life, until one day he disappears without a trace.
Vacancy by @ppersonna
This one is the only idol AU on the list and I normally don’t read those, but Lindy’s work is too good to miss in any setting. I am thrilled I took a look because what I found was a glimpse into a beautiful relationship that weathers and eventually overcomes the challenges of loving in the limelight. There is a LOT of emotional depth and symbolism which really elevates everything about this lovely story. The reader’s internal struggles in the face of her lover’s fame are extremely well done.
▨ HYBRID and ABO ▨ (alpha/omega)
Eye of the Tiger by @opaljm
I am beyond hype about this story which is (very) loosely inspired by Zootopia and features a cocky tiger Taehyung and a fiesty prey hybrid he needs to fake date in order to keep panther Jimin from murdering him. (Tiger Tae got a tad too frisky around Jimin’s mate and now things are dangerously awkward.) This story is already so freakin good. I cannot wait for the rest.
Silver and Blue by @taetaewonderland
What happens when you get on the wrong side of the right werewolf? Very sexy - very crazy times. Chronologically this is the first of the Silver and Blue series which follows barely civilized were-Tae through his courtship and eventually his relationship with the spunky reader. Holla to all my impreg kink homies. This is the fic for you.
Heat Run by @ladyartemesia
As I said before, the last time I did a fic rec list, it got like 700 notes. Ya girl is not makin the same mistake twice. I spent hours on this list. My work is comin along for the ride. Alpha lawyer V is a man of many secrets, but his well ordered reality spirals wildly out of control when he crosses paths with a fiery omega set on saving the world from his wicked ways.
Beautiful Stranger by @interludemoonchild
This was a wild ride from start to finish. Taehyung is a tiger hybrid shifter who escapes from the circus to be close to a veterinary student he bonded with. There is a lot of interesting twists and surprises in this one. I was definitely screaming at the end.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by @jingabitch
A very young wolf hybrid Taehyung adopts you as his pet human when you are just a kid. After Tae leaves to serve in the military he returns to an adult version of his sweet little princess and chaos ensues. Mind the tags for this one folks. It’s excellent, but there are very triggering themes throughout.
Level of Restraint by @lemonjoonah
This is not strictly a Tae fic in that he is only one of three major players in this twisted masterpiece. Lemon is the undisputed queen of the surprise twist and this one is truly brilliant. People dropped this fic in the discord calling it the best fan fiction they had ever read and I am not here to argue with them at all. Fair warning, every word - every inch of this fic is sexy and it’s delicious brand of titillation is wrapped around your psyche good and tight by the end.
Four by @luxekook
The quadruplets next door are fueling your very lurid fantasies. It turns out they have some fantasies of their own... You will need water if you read this fic. This is the original patented Kim Taehyung Horny Hive Mind 4D Experience™
The Heat Wave Series by @curly-bangtan
The original story (chapter 1) in this series is definitely famous, but I don’t know how many people have read all 9 chapters and if you haven’t, you are really missing the incredible journey of two very horny idiots stumbling recklessly towards real and amazing love. Everything is set off when the air conditioner breaks and a pair of wild roommates shed their inhibitions along with their clothes.
Flicker by @chimoona
So this fic started out with adorable neighbor dynamics and ended with erotic rope tying. Baby I was ABOUT IT. This was so bloomin hot and also like sweet and tender. Really a sexy and sentimental treasure.
Not Your Typical Flower Shop Story by @jungtaeyoongles
This story goes from “aww” to “WHAT THE-” real quick. Fast paced plot and twist after twist turn the whole flower shop au upside down and then inside out. I can’t say more because spoilers but like - WOW.
▨ TABOO THEMES and DARK FIC ▨ (Sex Work/Power Imbalance/Very Unsafe Sex)
Extracurricular by @ppersonna
One of my favorite professor-student AUs. The reader writes her gorgeous professor a borderline erotic analysis of several major works of art and he feels compelled to discuss it with her privately. Lindy really outdid herself on this one. It is scorchin. Professor Tae is actually really sweet and somehow that just makes the whole thing hotter.
Akrasia by @nitaescence
This is insanely hot. Emphasis on the insane because it’s basically a super erotic romp where you have sex with a man you don’t know (Taehyung) on a crowded public bus. I literally felt my blood pressure going up the longer I read. Whew.
The Client by @jungkookiebus
This one hit me right in the feels. Taehyung is a sweet and lonely man who has a standing Wednesday appointment with an upscale sex worker. As the story progresses, feelings become involved on both sides. When I say I am checking her page thrice daily for part three... This is so engrossing. And this Tae. I just want to hold him.
Daffodil Dreams by @sombreboy
Tread carefully ladies and gents. This story is excellent, but it is easily the darkest fic on the list and, if you choose to read it, please read the trigger warnings carefully. The reader is a psychologist called in to analyze a very dangerous criminal. As their sessions progress, however, several boundaries are crossed.
Obey by @jjkfire
Taehyung is the most feared and ruthless member of the local mafia and you are the world’s most inept escort. You needed a job, but had no real interest in sex work and you’ve managed to fly under the radar as a glorified waitress until Kim Taehyung himself walks into your agency and decides that you’re the only girl he wants. Oh my gosh I loved this story so much. It was downright amazing and there is a surprise at the end that makes everything even sweeter.
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toothpastecanyon · 4 years
A Name From the Mailbox, Chapter 1
Dipper finds out the author's name before Not What He Seems. It's not the person he expected.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
“Step right up to the Mystery Shack, folks! Name’s Stanford Pines, Mr Mystery!”
Dipper looked up as Stan came through the door. He watched his uncle shoot him a winning grin before turning it on a group of unsuspecting tourists.
“This right here’s the gift shop! I know this kinda place is usually the last stop at your museum or whatever, but we do it different here, folks! Look around; everything’s weird, and it’s for sale! Buy something. Seriously, we’re not moving on till everyone buys something.”
He looked at the tourists milling about the counters, and jumped slightly when Stan appeared next to him.
“How’s it hanging, kid?”
“You look like you seen a ghost or a shower or something.” Stan flipped up his eyepatch. “You been staying up too late again? I told you you were working the till today.”
He stared at his uncle’s face. Underneath the table, his hands clenched a piece of paper.
“Uh, Grunkle Stan?”
“Can I… can I ask you somethi-“
“Hey, tourists coming your way.” Stan jumped up. “Tell me after the tour, eh?”
“But-“ Dipper watched him walk off. He made a face, and looked down to the note in his hands he’d taken from a mailbox in the woods.
“You like that shirt, kid? If you throw in another one, I’ll make it two for the price of three!” Stanford Pines stood before the line, leaning on his cane. “No refunds!”
    Dipper frowned.
    “There’s no way he’s the author.”
    “Aww, c’mon, Dipper!” Mabel swung her feet as she sat on her bed. “You said the same thing about McGucket, and look what happened there! Maybe Grunkle Stan really wrote it?” She grinned. “Maybe he knows about unicorns! We should ask him, Dipper! Dipperrrr!”
    Dipper stood in front of his corkboard. He pressed Stan’s picture against the centre, and then hesitated. “It just… it doesn’t line up. If he’s the author, what’s the deal with the six fingers? And the whole Mystery Shack thing - why would he just drop all his research to open a tourist trap in the middle of nowhere?”
    “Maybe he’s doing it in secret?”
    “Maybe, but… it just doesn’t make sense that it’s him.” He rolled his eyes at the photo of Stan posing with his wax twin. “I thought that the author was gonna be someone who actually likes the supernatural, for one. Stan doesn’t even want to talk about it with me.”
    Mabel watched him sigh, and slump against the bedrest. She came over, and put a hand on his shoulder.
    “Hey, bro, maybe you should tell him!”
    “Why? It took raising the dead for him to admit magic exists at all. I don’t think he’d admit to it even if he was the author.”
    “Oh, yeah, karaoke night! We should do that again!” She giggled at his expression. “I’m joking, goober. But really, you should just ask him. He promised to be more honest with us, right? Maybe if he knows you know, he’ll know it’s okay to let you know what he knows, you know?”
    “What he promised was that he wouldn’t keep any more secrets,” Dipper muttered, but he rose to his feet. “Fine. I guess it’s worth asking first. You think he’s in the living room?”
“Yeah, I saw him watching that weird fancy soap opera when I went to find Waddles. He tried to change the channel before I saw it, but he can’t hide anything from me!”
“Apparently, he can.” Dipper picked up the journal, stared at it for a moment, then put it under his arm. “Let’s go, Mabel.”
The two of them made their way down the stairs, and into the hallway. The light of the TV left a harsh glow on the floorboards as they stepped into the living room. Stan was sitting there in the dark; Dipper looked at his face, and for a moment he really tried to imagine Stan as the author, as the man who’d spent years in the forests of Gravity Falls, who’d made dozens of intricate illustrations and detailed notes on the oddities within…
Then Stan met his eyes, and he jumped. Stan jumped too, and quickly changed the channel.
“Oh, kids! I was looking for something to watch, but there’s, uh, nothing on.” He coughed. “You wanna put on a movie, or something?”
“Ooo, Dream Boy High!”
“Mabel!” Dipper shot her a look. “That’s not why we came down here.”
“Oh yeah?” Stan scratched his chest. “What’s up, kid?”
Dipper took a deep breath. He clenched the journal against his chest. “Uh, Grunkle Stan?”
“You know the, uh, the journal, right?” He watched Stan’s face carefully. “I’ve spent - we’ve spent, um, all summer so far trying to figure out who the author of it is, and - you’ve lived in Gravity Falls all your life, right?”
“More or less.” He frowned. “Why? I told you, I don’t know nothing about that spooky journal of yours.”
“But we’re starting to think you do, Grunkle Stan! We think… you’re the author!” He waited for Stan to say something, but he just furrowed his brow and turned up the TV. “We found this - this mailbox in the woods that knows everything, and we asked it who the author was and it said Stanford Pines!”
Then Dipper saw it: a flash of something across Stan’s face. He stared at Dipper for a moment with wide, shaken eyes, and Dipper blinked.
“It… it’s true! You are the author!”
“Stanford…?” Stan shook his head. “Kid, I’m not the author.”
“You found this out from what, a mailbox in the woods? Oh yeah, that’s a real smoking gun.” He chucked, but now Dipper heard something distinctly forced in it. “You really, heh, really found me out!”
“But Grunkle Stan-”
Stan stood up quickly. “Hah, listen, kid, the only thing I’ve been writing for thirty years is attraction signs, and I pawn most of that off on Soos! You really think I’ve got time to wander off into the forest and write all the stuff that journal’s talking about? I got a business to run!”
“But it was an all-knowing mailbox, it couldn’t be wrong…” Dipper clicked his pen. “What about that boarded-up room in the shack, with the mind-switching carpet? That doesn’t make sense, someone had to have made that, and you said you had this Shack built yourself!” He followed Stan into the kitchen. “And hey, why’d you build it so far out of town anyway? And right next to the secret bunker and where this journal was hidden?”
“Secret bunker?” Stan raised an eyebrow. “When’d you kids go down a secret bunker?”
“Like a week ago!” Mabel grinned. “We fought a shapeshifter and Dipper’s inner emotions!”
He frowned. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, you kids went down in some spooky bunker? I thought you promised not to go looking for trouble with that journal!”
“And I thought you promised you didn’t have any more secrets!”
“And I don’t!” Stan shook his head. “Yeesh, kid, I mean, I don’t know what to tell you! I’m not your nerdy author!”
He grabbed the journal. “And I’m taking this stupid thing.”
“Hey, Grunkle Stan!”
“I should’ve done it the second I laid eyes on it. You kids get into enough trouble without a literal roadmap to all the weirdness in this place.”
“No! You can’t do that!” Dipper clenched his fists. “Give it back!”
“Whoa, Dipper, calm down, alright?” He stashed the journal under his arm. “Look, it’s for your own good. Your head’s getting way too wrapped up in this mystery stuff; I think you could do with a break.”
“But I’m so close to getting to the bottom of all the big secrets of this town! You can’t take it away now!”
“I’m sorry, kid, but I just can’t trust you with it!” He tried for a grin. “C’mon, how’s about we have some real summer fun rather than this conspiracy junk? Y’know, put on some popcorn, throw on a show… heck, I’ll even let you pick. Don’t get used to it, alright?” He chuckled. “So, what do you say, kids?”
“Yeah!” Mabel looked to her brother. “You should pick Dream Boy High, Dipper! Dipper?”
Dipper looked up at his Grunkle’s face for a moment, took a deep breath, and then spoke. “I say,” he started, “I’m gonna go to my room, and I’m gonna find out what you’re hiding from me, journal or no journal!”
Then he turned and walked out of the room. Stan watched him go, then looked to Mabel, who shrugged.
“I guess he’s not up for it tonight? Anyway, I’ll get the popcorn on, Grunkle Stan-”
“Hey, hey, hold your horses.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “You know, it’s gettin’ late and all. Let’s do this some other time, okay?”
“Oh, really?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “You just want to watch your old man soap opera, don’t you!”
“Heh, sure.” His smile faded a bit. “That’s my secret.”
“Okayyy, but I say we are gonna watch Dream Boy High together this summer!” She gave him a hug. “Night, Grunkle Stan.”
“Night, pumpkin.”
She made her way towards the doorway, and then stopped. “Oh, and Grunkle Stan?”
There was a pause. “Are you the author?”
“What?” He blinked. “No. I have no idea what Dipper’s talking about.”
Mabel grinned. “Yeah, I kinda thought so. It sounded really cool, but can’t see you writing that journal.” She looked up at him. “You sure you don’t know anything about unicorns, though?”
“No, kid. I had a horse with a cone taped on its butt once, though. The Corniune!”
Mabel giggled, and they both shared a laugh at that. She stepped away.
“You’re silly, Grunkle Stan. Love you, enjoy your old man show!”
“Goodnight,” Stan said, and watched her skip up the steps. He heard the attic door open and shut, and then sighed. The smile fell from his face, and he stood up, brushed himself off, and looked down at the journal in his hands.
Six golden fingers gleamed at him from the cover, and he rolled his eyes.
“All-knowing mailbox in the woods, huh.” he muttered. “Thanks for telling me about that one, Poindexter.”
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Still drinking the Vincent juice so here’s some more headcanon fun from the Blakeworther OT3 corner
Saw the idea a while ago that Vincent hadn’t noticed how close he’d become to Victor or how handsome Victor was because he was too wrapped up in his rivalry with Albert, and I like that. But consider:
The same dynamic but with Albert and Victor
I know the reason there’s no ship content of just the two of them is because they don’t cross paths in canon, they don’t meet, they don’t mention each other ever. But the thing is, when Taylor pointed out to Albert that he had to leave “all his friends” in G4, he didn’t argue the plural, so that implies he was thinking about more than just Vincent. Maybe by getting up in Vincent’s face every week, he got in proximity to Victor and they had a weird...frienemyship. Like “I’m supposed to hate you because I’m on Team Vincent, but also you’re kinda fun to hang around, so I dunno where that gets us.” They wave at each other if they pass each other on campus.
Victor subconsciously notices that Albert is a beautiful man (and very attractively eccentric) but shoves this down hard because he’s on Team Vincent in this rivalry. So then he ends up getting super jealous of said rivalry, but he thinks that’s because Albert is taking up Vincent’s attention away from him. When in truth, he wants in on the ability to tease BOTH of them.
They make the split. Over in G2, Taylor brings up that Albert must miss his friends, plural, and for a split second he’s just like “Also I really miss the redhead” but that was never his focus so he just ignores that.
He reconnects with Vincent. And in doing so puts himself in proximity with Victor. And from here on is total conjecture because for all we know he’s not allowed within ten miles of Revenge House in canon, but walk with me through AU town.
He shows up in G4 to start hassling Vincent again. And hassle he does. Vincent hassles back. One day during a meeting of the two, Victor comes by to bring Vincent home and Albert suddenly remembers that man, he missed this dude too. And he wasn’t fighting with this dude, not really, so he’s just like “Would you want to go hang out sometime? We could take a long, solitary walk in the dark woods around the wastewater pool. ...Or go to a bar.” And Victor picks the non-murder option of course.
So they go out, just the two of them, no Vincent, and oh, goodness, this is the most legitimate FUN they’ve had in years. They trade Vincent-related gossip, they talk about old memories from college, Albert gets to rattle off FISH FACTS, he dares Victor to get the number of some rando and Victor actually comes back with it to prove he can, Albert sketches Victor on a napkin and signs it and gives it to him to keep, they’re just having a real good time. At some point dancing happens. And their entire mindset is that they’re just two bros catching up after a post-college hiatus. It...doesn’t even occur to them that they’re both pining for the same person and this should set them at odds.
When all of a sudden it hits Albert like a freight train, when he looks at Victor in just the right light, that all this time he spent egging Vincent, he never noticed that VINCENT’S FRIEND IS ALSO BEAUTIFUL AND FUN TO HANG OUT WITH.
So to test the waters, Albert admits that he maybe. Kinda. Sorta took up serial killing and demonology.
Victor guessed that because Albert has no subtlety, but reassures him it’s okay because Victor definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent did books for a corporation that murdered and cannibalized half of G4 and he only saw a moral qualm with this once Vincent got hurt.
(Future adventures of just the two of them may now include CRIME and potentially even random murder.)
And now Victor’s realizing it, oh no, what if he just wanted to be Albert’s rival all along? But he definitely has feelings for Vincent here and now - is it BOTH of them? Is he simping for BOTH of them?
The best part is that this is probably the scenario that would get Vincent to actually make the move to initiate throupling up. Because Vincent might be reticent to tell Victor JUST how deep his trust and loyalty for him goes, preferring to present it as mere friendship. And he DEFINITELY wouldn’t want to admit, even to himself, that he’s so absolutely glad to be trading insults with Albert again. But when Victor comes home from the completely platonic date, and Vincent hears how Victor talks about Albert, and then he has to field a call from Albert the next day that “Your best friend had fun with me last night and not you” -
Vincent figures it out. They’re into each other, too. And at this point he has a choice:
1. He can continue to play dumb, make entirely sure there is no dating between the three of them whatsoever, and then, when Victor finds out that Vincent held him back from getting not one but TWO of his dream men because of his pride, die at Victor’s hands, most likely. That’s...to say nothing of what Albert might do. And all this is only possible if he can get away with NOT ending up in a situation where Victor says “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have feelings for either of us.” Because if that happens, it’s all over.
2. He can just come out with it, fess up, say he’s noticed the other two getting close, and point out the very obvious solution to all this.
He goes with the option that won’t get him murdered or, worse, interrogated to confess on terms that aren’t his own.
Making one leg of the triangle “devoted soul mates who’ve always had each others’ backs,” one “mortal archnemeses who have decided to fully acknowledge the romantic/sexual tension,” and one “two bros who caught feelings and so decided to be partners in crime, and they are LIVING”
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Treasure Hunt
Please enjoy the first chapter of my new fic "Treasure Hunt"
I will reblog with some authors notes. You can also read on AO3 under the username "inthemiddle2" (If I link it doesn't show up on tags, sorry) Final Word count:4499!!!!
“And you came to me for help because……?”
“Because you’re a greedy asshole.”
Two weeks prior….
“Marc, I don’t understand why I can’t just come with you!”
“Because Marlene, you’re about to finish up Uni, there’s still a lot of stuff for you to wrap up here… and you have the ceremony in two weeks”
Marlene let out a huff throwing her arms to the side, “Why do I even have to walk in that stupid ceremony, I’ve already done it once before. Besides what’s the point if you’re not going to be there, you’re the only one who cares about it.”
Marc stopped his packing with a quick roll of the eyes before turning around to face her, “Marley, I’ll be back in time for the ceremony, which is a big deal because you’re becoming a master!” He tried to get her excited, throwing his hands up and punctuating every following word, “Marlene McKinnon, Masters of Cryptology and Ancient History’, becoming an curse- breaker, like your ol’ bro.”
Marlene had to fight the sides of her mouth from twitching upward, “You’re the only one who calls themselves a ‘curse-breaker.”
Marc zipped up his duffle, “Marley, I’ll be back for the ceremony and then you’ll be done and you can join me on my next adventure.” He walked to the front door and gave her once last glance “I promise, finish up with your studies and then you can come with me.” He tried to give her a look of hope and understanding.
Marlene muttered a quick “fine” under her breathe and then lunged into his arms. She wouldn’t tell him but she was really going to miss him these up coming weeks. Curse-Breaking, as her brother liked to call it, was a bit of family tradition. Both her parents were in the field, which meant they were constantly traveling during her childhood. Gone for long periods of time of trying to chase down one ‘treasure’ or another. Marc was 12 years older than her which meant as soon as she was born her parents felt he was old enough to care for her while they were away.
“Stay out of trouble okay, kiddo?”
Marlene rolled her eyes, “I’m 23 years old you know, I can handle myself for two weeks.” She gave him a light shove out the door. She quickly checked her watch and saw she was running late to meet James. James was Marlene’s best friend, when Marlene was 11 Marc was getting to the age where he was having to travel more for work so Marlene was enrolled in a boarding school. Her mom’s best friend, Mia, had a son Marlene’s age who had been going to a boarding school since he was eight so off Marley was shipped away to Scotland. It was like no time had passed for her and James, they were instantly inseparable again. They spent the next seven years getting into all kinds of trouble but when it came time for Uni James went back home to London, to Hogwarts and Marlene went to a school in Glasgow. She had finished up her history and exploration degree there but had returned to London to attend Hogwarts for her yearlong master’s program. She was glad she had Marc and James to return home to, she need people to hang out with in the city and so began their tradition of getting a pint every Friday.
Marlene scanned the pub for James, she quickly found him because of the unmistakable red head with him. James had met Lily at Uni orientation and had been pining over her ever since, they had finally gotten together the winter holiday before Marlene had come back. You wouldn’t know it had only been a year in half though, they were perfect for each other. Marlene happened to know that James was hoping to pop the question this coming Christmas, Marlene however didn’t think he’d be able to wait the 7 months. She felt a sudden rush of nerves as she approached the group, doing a quick scan to see if he had shown up. She hadn’t expected him to, he never did if she was going to be there but still any time it was more than just her and James, she wondered if he would finally buck up the courage.
“Marley!!” Well, James had definitely spotted her, and had already had a couple pints it seemed. He was out of his seat and arms around her lighting fast. James was a professional football player for Chelsea.
Marlene let out a giggle, only Marc and James called her Marley, “Hiya Jamie! Had a few, have ya?”
James just gave her that dazzling lopsided grin, “Yeah well you’re late,” Marlene was always late places, “Marc left today, yeah?”
James could tell she was a little down about the whole thing, even after all this time, she always was when he left.
“We’ll lets grab you one and you can tell me all about what treasure he’s chasing this time.” Marlene said a quick hello to the rest of the group; Lily, Remus, Mary, and Peter. She hadn’t know them before moving back to the city, they were all James’ friends from uni but they quickly accepted her into the group. With the promise of bring back some for everyone she and James made their way to the bar.
“Another round please Tom, and an extra for Marley here,” With a nod from Tom, James turned to Marlene, “So? What’s the gold this time? And how long will he be gone?” James and Marlene used to love hearing the stories her parents and Marc would tell them when they were little, usually a little embellished with Pirates, witches and wizards. James had idolized Marc growing up, he believed everything that came out of his mouth as fact.
Marlene turned to James with a big grin and said “Oh Jamie, you’re going to love this one! Its real, like really real! The Hogwarts treasure, Marcs figured it out- well mostly, but he sure of it. The sword, diadem, cup and even the locket! And with it gold, lots of it!” Marlene had rushed it all out almost in one big breathe. She was staring at him wide grin and big eyes waiting for him to react.
James just stared at her, “Marley, what are you talking about? That’s an old ghost story, and even if it was true its rumored that some Riddle guy stole it all like a couple hundred years ago. No one alive, heck most people dead, haven’t seen that treasure.” He gave a little laugh, “There’s no way it’s real or could even be found.”
“Come on James, its Marc, you know how he is, he doesn’t actually leave the office himself unless he’s sure!” Marlene pleaded with him. Marc had mostly done code translating desk work. Marc claims that’s just what he’s best at and gets more done if he hops from translation to translation rather than solving one and chasing down a lead for weeks that might go nowhere, Marlene knows it’s because of her though, he always needed to be close by to care for her.
James glanced at her hopeful eyes, he had always been bad with telling her no, taking a drink from one of the pints Tom had brought, “Alright let’s say it’s not some old witch tale, what’s he got that makes him so sure?” He said it with just a hint of a smile that let Marlene know he hadn’t truly grown out of their pirates and treasure hunting days.
Marlene was giddy, “Last week they were cleaning out old archives down in the ‘dungeon’ and I guess no one’s really cleared it out in a while but you know how it used to be an old dorm? Well between boxes and things, there was still stuff past students had left behind. So they sent all that stuff to the archives office to see if any could be displayed for ‘Hogwarts History’, kind of an invasion of past students privacy and property if you ask me-“
“Marley, focus.”
“Right, sorry, anyway I guess Marc was sorting through the stuff and he came about an old diary, like really old. And it belonged to….” She took a dramatic pause, really wanting to build it up for James “Tom. Riddle.” She waited for his reaction eyebrows raised in anticipation.
James loved seeing her getting excited about this kind of thing, she had had a rough spring semester, “You’re serious?” She gave a quick glare but for another reason, he was quick to apologize, “Sorry, but I mean Tom Riddle, you mean the guy who supposedly stole all of the treasure. I didn’t even think he was a real person..”
“Well, believe it Jamie. He’s real and his diary gave some clues as to where he hid all the treasure!” She squealed, James wasn’t sure when it happened but he had just realized she had already drained her pint, and Marley was a light weight. After finishing her excited squeal she went to start on another pint, taking big sips.
“Oi! What’s taking so long, some of us are trying to get a nice buzz before the long weekend!”
Remus was shuffling through the crowd, he always worked the graveyard shift at the library on full moons for extra cash because it was said to be haunted and nobody wanted to work it. The full moon was tomorrow night.
Marlene turned, after downing half her second pint, “Lupe!!” Throwing her arms around him.
“Hello again, Marlene, what’s taking you two so long?” he was ever so slightly holding her up, she seem just a tad off balance.
“Just talking ghosts and long lost treasure.” She stated matter of fact. At this Remus quirked an eyebrow over her shoulder to James who just gave a smile and a shrug. Grabbing the pints they could, not letting her carry any, they made their way back over to the group.
“Oh finally, you’re back, Pete passionately telling us about how they switched the detergent for the towels at Stamford” Mary said with a roll of her eyes, James had gotten Peter a job at the stadium.
The group let out a collective laugh while Peter had a blush creeping up his face, “Well I just worry the change in scent with mess with guys head, that’s all. Don’t you agree James?”
James turned at the sound of his name, previously whispering something Lily’s ear. He gave a quick shrug, “Yeah, sure I guess, really its whatever Petey”
The night continued on in much of the same fashion, by the time it was winding down James had just returned from walking Lily out, her and Mary sharing a flat just a block away. He could tell from across the bar he was going to need to walk Marley home, he would walk her anyway but she was talking wildly with her hands and leaning very close to poor Peter, who looked a little afraid of her.
“-And then I want to use it to go to Peru for a few month you know, live off the grid, no electricity, even no pluming!” She looked so excited for the prospect of having to go into a hole in the ground but Peter just stared right back at her.
“Alright Marley, let me walk you home” James said with a sigh
“Oh Jamie really, I’m fine,” She stood from her chair and rocked nearly tripping and falling flat on her face but his quick reflexes caught her.
“Oh I know but Marc would kill me if he knew a let you walk home alone besides, I basically pass it on the way to my place” Marlene knew she needed the help but she was glad he just blamed it on the Marc thing. Bidding Peter a goodbye, she wrapped an arm around James and they strolled home.
As they walked the few block home, they talked about this and that and had somehow landed on the stars. As Marlene looked up she let out a deep sigh, “I’m sorry if I ruined things. But I tried to be civil.”
James still had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and he just pulled her closer, with a quick kiss to the top of her head, he began to reassure her, “Marley, you didn’t ruin anything. He’s been a real asshole lately. And a coward, I love the guy but I’m proud of you for what you said.”
He was one Sirius Black. James’ best friend from Uni, they had been random roommates freshman year and continued to live together until the graduated, then James moved in with Remus and Sirius got his own place. Marley had met him briefly over the years when she would come home for the holidays but really didn’t know him. When she moved back a year ago and James brought her into their group she got to know him better. He was funny, and careless but she liked that about him. Marlene, working on her masters, was often stressed and uptight so it was nice that he was carefree. Nothing had ever happened between them besides a little flirting until after the past winter hols.
Marlene would go out with James early on Fridays but would often skip the later, wilder group hangs because of school. One night James had gotten her to stay out and well one thing led to another and pretty quickly her and Sirius were seeing each other. Marlene didn’t want to think too much about it with trying to finish school so she figured it would just be this fun thing to help ease stress until she finished uni but honestly things started to move fast and not because of her. Sirius was pursuing her, constantly talking about how much he liked her, talking about all the fun things they would do during summer once she finished school, he was the one who brought up being exclusive. Marlene had started to let her guard down, and then one day out of the blue, he calls her up and tells her ‘he doesn’t have time for a serious relationship right now but he hopes they can still be friends because of the group.’ Right. He wouldn’t want things to be weird for the group, he’s worried about their feelings.
Marlene was hurt by the conversation but she wasn’t going to let carefree playboy know that, she quickly told him it was no big deal they had only been going out for like a month and a half. He wouldn’t need to worry about things being weird on her end. It was a 3 minute conversation and that was it.
Honestly Marlene was more mad than sad about the situation. She decided to call him the next day, all she wanted was a simple apology for being tossed aside like nothing. So She called explained how she felt she deserved at least an apology when he was the one pursuing the relationship, he didn’t apologize. He just said “sorry for the mixed signals”. Sorry for the mixed signals? It wasn’t mixed, it was one signal and then dramatically the opposite signal. Marlene was so infuriated that that was all he had to say but she also didn’t want to cause drama in a friend group that she joined late. When he clearly wasn’t going to give her more, she said that now that was out in the open and she (kind of) said what she needed to say they could be cool, there wouldn’t be any weirdness and hung up. That whole conversation lasted 5 minutes and Marlene is pretty sure she rambled for the first 3. They hadn’t spoken since, he hadn’t gone out with group once when Marlene was there.
“Mar? Earth to Marley?” James had pulled her from her thoughts, she hadn’t even realized they had made it back to her doorstep.
“Huh, sorry I just got zoned, you were right I might have had one too many” She said with a small smile, hoping he would believe that was all it really was.
“Alright beautiful, I was just asking are you sure you don’t want me to stay the night?” James said it with a teasing smile, when Marlene was younger she was terrified of staying home alone so anytime Marc had to travel she would go stay at James’ house (she did this well into her 20’s).
Marlene rolled her eyes and gave him a shove, “Yes, you dolt. I haven’t been scared of staying home alone in like two years.”
With a ruffle of her hair and a quick hug, she was up the stairs in bed.
The next week passed by rather unceremoniously, she finished up her final studies and worked on the last of her paper. She was going to skip Friday night drinks this week because she wanted to focus on getting her paper done, besides James and Marc were planning quite the pub crawl for the Saturday following her graduation ceremony.
She hadn’t heard much from Marc, which wasn’t unusual on his trips. He had sent her a quick text letting her know that he made it to his first stop last Friday night and this morning she received a letter. Marc loved to write letters and Marlene loved to tease him about it, telling him it made him old. The letter didn’t say much, just that he thought he was on to something and the diary seemed to be leading him in the right direction. He was looking forward to her ceremony and he had talked to mom and dad, they wouldn’t be able to make it, shocker. With that small but expected disappointment she refocused on her work.
Before she knew it, it was Saturday morning. She ran down the stairs, on special occasions Marc would always bake her blueberry pancakes but when she rounded the hall into the kitchen it was empty. That’s odd. She had assumed Marc had gotten in after she went to bed.
“Marc?” She gave a quick shout but no response. Maybe he was still asleep, he did just have a two week trip so she padded up the stairs to his room but no it was also completely untouched.
Marlene had a frown on her face and pulled out her phone. It rang like it was on and charged but still went to voicemail.
“This is Marc, sorry I missed your call, I honestly don’t know how to work this thing but leave a message and Marley will show me how to listen and call back”
“Hey Marc, its Marley and its Saturday. I just wanted to touch base before the ceremony but I’m just going to assume you’ll meet me there. Remember 10 o’clock sharp. You still owe me pancakes, see you soon.” She ended the voicemail and checked the time, if she got ready now she would have time to stop at the diner on the way in and grab a muffin.
Marlene peaked around the curtain hoping to spot Marc. She was bundle of nerves, she hated this kind of thing. The only reason she was walking in this dumb ceremony was for him. As she scanned the crowd she was beginning to think that no one had shown. I mean sure, she hadn’t invited anyone because again, dumb ceremony but still felt a twinge of disappointment that she was alone.
“Samantha Mathis”
Oh shit, she was next.
“Marlene McKinnon”
Straightening her shoulders she walked out on stage. As soon as she stepped out from behind the curtain there was a loud cheer from the back left corner. She took the diploma shook hands and turned out to the crowd for her picture. Rather than looking at the camera man she zoned in on the cheering group in the back. There was James, jumping up being the loudest as usual, and the rest of their group. She smiled for the first time that day and continued of the stage. The rest of the ceremony seemed to pass quick.
Marlene was bidding Samantha goodbye when arms scooped her up from behind and twirled.
“James stop, you’re going to make her sick” Lily admonished lovingly
“Yeah besides you have to share her with the rest of us!” Mary said before lunging for hug. The whole group had come, minus two of the usual boys. Marlene hadn’t expected him to show but maybe a congratulations text at least would have been nice. James had also mentioned that Peter had some family thing come up but he said ‘congratulations’.
Marlene just laughed and said her thank you to the group. She was looking around with a frown on her face.
With a huff she turned to James, “Have you seen Marc?”
James gave her a confused look, Marc would never miss this, “No? you haven’t seen him today?”
“No, you think I should be worried?” She was biting her lip into bits.
“I’m sure he just got held up and forgot to charge his phone. You know how he is” James was doing his best to reassure her, “Look we made a reservation for lunch and maybe he’s just planning on meeting us there. If we don’t hear from him after lunch, then we’ll worry ok?”
Marlene still felt hurt that he would miss this after he made it a big deal but she gave a shrug and headed to lunch anyway. Everyone tried their best to help get Marlene’s mind on other things and she did her best to let them. About halfway through lunch she felt a buzz, she quick grabbed her phone from her bag. It was a text from Marc!
“Hey Marly, got held up. Gonna b longer than I thought. Not sure when I’ll b home. See u soon XX”
Marlene read the text again, he didn’t even mention the ceremony. Sure she hadn’t wanted them to make a big deal about it but still she worked really hard for this. She really wasn’t in the mood anymore. James had just paid the bill and the group was gathering up to go to the next place, He glanced over to see what Marley was staring at. He felt a wave of relief when he saw it was a text from Marc.
“See Marley, he’s just chasing down a treasure for you. I know it sucks he wasn’t here but he knows how excited you were about the Hogwarts treasure I bet he didn’t want to come back empty handed.” He was giving her the best encouraging face he could.
“Yeah, you’re probably right, he can be so hyper-focused sometimes. He probably doesn’t even realize what day it is.” She was trying not to show how let down she was feeling, “listen Jamie, I’m really thankful for lunch and all but I was up early this morning and the ceremony really took it out of me. I think I’m just going to head home.”
“Oh Marley are you sure? I could come with you? We could build a fort and watch a movie.” He could tell she was trying to hold it together.
“Yeah I’m sure but you go and have fun, honestly I’m probably going to go home and take a long nap.” Marlene gave James a sad smile.
Marlene really was exhausted by the time she got home. She took a quick shower and changed into her favorite lounge clothes, as soon as she hit the bed she was out like nox. When Marlene woke she glanced at the clock on her nightstand to see it read 6pm. She could believe she had slept for that long, but then her stomach growled and she knew sleeping through dinner had been a mistake. Pulling out some left over take out from the week before she sat down and decided to give Marc a call. It went straight to voicemail again. She flipped over to the text he had sent her.
“Hey Marly, got held up. Gonna b longer than I thought. Not sure when I’ll b home. See u soon XX”
It was odd but it the more she read it, the more paranoid she got. I mean “Marly” that’s not how Marc usually spelt it. And the “b” “U”, she was constantly teasing Marc about how he texted like an old man, always full sentences and proper grammar. AND he hadn’t even mentioned the ceremony. She knew she was being paranoid but she just couldn’t get it out of her head that something was wrong. Maybe it was that she was alone in this big house or the talks of ghost and pirates but by the time she had finished her orange chicken, Marlene was sure that this was not a text from Marc.
Ok, so somebody had taken Marcs phone and texted her. Now what? She was pacing around the kitchen island, her lip beginning to bleed from biting. She needed to confirm her suspicion, she decided when he didn’t answer yet another call she would try a text.
“Hey Marc! No worries on getting home, Mom happened to be passing through and decided to stay a few days. See you soon X”
Alright that would work, Marc knows him mom would never stay a few days, also she was in the Andes for the summer. Now we wait.
Her phone buzzed almost instantly, odd she thought, if he was near the phone why couldn’t he just answer her call?
“Great! Glad she can keep u company!”
Definitely not Marc. Happy she hadn’t been going crazy and making theories in her head, but also NOT Marc. Marlene quickly grabbed her things and went down to the station.
“So you’re telling me, that your brother was off to find the long lost treasures and gold of some old university and he’s been kidnapped. And you know this because he texted you the letter ‘b’ instead of the word ‘be’?”
The officer was looking at her with a unimpressed face.
Marlene gave him a sheepish smile, “Well, yes.”
“Right. Ok, do you know where your brother was going?” His voice was full of disinterest.
“Well no, not exactly. He didn’t say, just that he had a lead he wanted to check out, and he would be gone for a couple weeks” Marlene at least had the decency to look like she knew it was far-fetched.
“Ok Ma’am, he was only supposed to return yesterday so it’s likely he just got held up. If you don’t hear from him in a week, come back and I’ll see what I can do.” With that he got up and ushered her to the door.
Marlene stepped out into the rain with a disappointed frown. Fine. If he wasn’t going to take her seriously, she would just find Marc herself.
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thesterekcollection · 5 years
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The Sterek Halloween MasterPost
Hallow's Warmth by raisesomehale | 6.8K
Derek and Cora own the little coffee shop downtown, Stiles is the regular and talkative client that Derek may or may not be infatuated with, and the cold weather is extremely inconvenient considering it dusts Stiles' cheeks with a rosy shade of red and causes his breath to frost over in white puffs whenever he laughs.
Pining and Halloweenie things ensue.
Just a Little Hocus Pocus by secondstar |16.8K
On All Hallow’s Eve when the moon is round, a virgin will summon us from under the ground.
Stiles lights the black flame candle, bringing three witches back from the dead who need his soul to survive the night.
Little Red Riding Hood (you sure are looking good) by aohatsu | 10.2K
Stiles hangs out with werewolves. Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.
Masque by JenNova |3.5K
Derek's not sure he can remember what he was trying to achieve here.
“That's not really a costume,” Stiles' voice returns, curling into Derek's ear. Derek suppresses a shiver.
“It's a costume,” he says, shocked by how rough his voice sounds. He needs to get out of here.
Disco Cops by GotTheSilver | 3.1K
“You don’t need to protect me, Stiles.”
“Officer of the law here,” Stiles says, his smile twisting into a dirty smirk. “That’s my job.”
“Not in those shorts.”
“How about out of these shorts?”
bonfires burning bright (room in my coffin tonight) by  hito | 12.2K
Stiles may hate Halloween, but he loves working at the Haunted House -- at least until the new girl steals his cushy job in the office. But she also introduces him to the guy he's had a crush on for years, so he supposes she can't be a total witch. That doesn't mean Derek isn't a vampire.
Marked for Later by  hazelNuts | 5K
The Hale and the McCall pack have an uneasy truce. Now, when a witch has been killing people in both their territories, Derek and Stiles have to go undercover and actually work together to stop her.
‘We’ll go as a couple, of course. Then we either ask her if she wants a threesome, or I complain to her about my dick of a boyfriend. That role shouldn’t be too hard for you,’ Stiles grins, delighted at Derek’s horrified expression. ‘Now all we need are costumes.’
always the sidekick (never the superhero) by  mirrorkill | 44.4K
Wherein Stiles wears spandex, Derek does too, and "convince" doesn't mean what Lydia thinks it means.)
And Also, I Love You by alisvolatpropiis | 7.1K
Derek didn’t look at all like Stiles expected. After all, he deliberately chose a school where being a nerd was cool, so he certainly wasn’t expecting his hotter-than-a-thousand-stars roomie to be an actual cool person. 
borders and horizon lines by magneticwave |14.8K
“Let me do this nice thing for you, Derek, no strings attached,” said nobody ever.
Dude, Werewolves by mysecretashes | 29.6K
Stiles gets partnered with Cora for a history project, and they become bros. Also, he kind of falls in love with her older brother, Derek.
Intermediate Braiding Skills by  apocryphal | 10.4K
In which Lydia assembles her Halloween costume, learns to make friends, and shamelessly exploits her father's crush on Stiles Stilinski.
reason to stay by  bleep0bleep | 12.5K
It's the last week of October, and a small town baker has run into his first crush again. Fate might have other ideas. Stiles tries for romance with a little help from what Beacon Hills does best— Halloween.
sure to lure something bad by  lazulisong | 4K
Stiles has the best worst ideas, or so he thinks. Derek isn't so sure about that.
Stiles dresses up as a werewolf, Derek dresses like Red Riding Hood, NOTHING ends in tears.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday | 21K
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
wishing to be the friction in your jeans by thatworldinverted | 3.3K
Stiles is just trying to go to work every day and earn a paycheck. It's not his fault he keeps getting distracted by six feet of muscle and the angriest scowl this side of the Cascades.
I'm Your Boogie Man by  Jmeelee | 4K
Five times Derek and Stiles ended up accidentally wearing couples costumes on Halloween, and the one Halloween they ended up a couple.
Everybody Make a Scene by  skoosiepants | 4.4K
Stiles and Derek have some kind of unspoken Halloween decorating competition that also involves baked goods and flirting.
The One With the Treats by  mikkimouse | 1.6K
Stiles really hadn't wanted to go to Satomi's inter-pack Halloween party. He'd spent the past week trying to summon up a horrible illness or some other excuse, but all he'd managed was a slightly scratchy throat that lasted all of two hours.
Veils and Moonbeams by  kaistrex (weishen) | 2.6K
Because if anyone would become an (illegal) Animagus to surprise the boy they liked, it would be Stiles Stilinski.
Treat Cute by  Cobrilee | 1.2K
Derek loves Halloween because he gets to let his wolf out. This Halloween gives him a different reason to love the holiday. (It gives him Stiles.)
The Accidental Hale Brood by  Julibean19 | 42.3K
The one in which Stiles and Derek have been BCPD partners for years when they are assigned Halloween duty and run into a couple of kids from the orphanage. One fake marriage and two real adoptions later, they somehow become a family.
Little Red Riding Hoodie and the Sourwolf by  SourWolfie (pieprincess_andthe_fallenangel) | 7.2K
The one where Stiles wears a revealing little red riding hood costume to Lydia's Halloween party.
Something Wicked This Way Comes by  Acherona, trulywicked | 13.3K
“I’d rock a dress and heels better than you ever could but no. I have an appointment to watch paint peel.” Stiles started to walk away with Scott.
“Prove it.” Jackson smirked when that made Stilinski freeze.
A Boy in Wolf's Clothing by  kyaticlikestea | 5.2K
Five times Stiles turns to the wolf for Halloween, and one time the wolf turns to him.
Something Spooky, Something Blue by crossroadswrite | 2.4K
Derek sighs and boredly stuffs a handful of gummi bears in his mouth, straight out of a Halloween candy bowl Aunt Olivia insists in buying every year even if they never get trick or treaters this far into the woods.
He tilts his head and tunes back into the boys’ conversation, which has been the prime time entertainment of the Hales for the past ten minutes or so.
Can I Keep You? by  wearing_tearing | 16K
After practically being raised watching Buffy, The X-Files, and Ghostbusters, Stiles liked to think his reaction to seeing a shimmery shadow resembling a seventeen year old boy floating ten inches above ground and glaring fiercely at him wouldn’t be to let out a high pitch scream, try to karate chop him, and then, when that obviously didn’t work, throw a basketball at him.
A basketball that just went right through the boy’s stomach.
or, the Sterek Casper AU.
You’re the Only One(sie) for Me by  mikkimouse | 8.4K
Stiles buys Halloween costumes online and badgers Derek into wearing one for a party at the Preserve, because they're friends now and friends do those kinds of things. It's all fun and games until he and Derek turn into their costumes.
Stiles probably should have done a little more research on the seller.
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eatingmyownwiener · 4 years
✨ shorasheiji au hcs where eiji is the siren ✨
i had this idea for a couple months but can't bring myself to write anything even tho i'm full of ideas so i'll drop them here if anyone wants to write something idk. btw, this au is based on the show siren (i haven't watched it whole yet but i feel inspired hahaha) this post will be only about shorash.
- ash is a fisherman and writer. he likes to sit in his boat in the middle of the ocean and just write stuff. he's books are well known; the book are something between extremely gory/horror or fantasy. he also writes short stories for max's magazine. he was adopted by blanca and natasha. yut-lung is his adoptive brother (i love aus where ash and yut-lung are brothers). he's still in school, but already has his own apartment next to the sea.
- shorter owns a restaurant and also has a gang. don't ask, he doesn't know how it happened either. his dad left him when he was still a baby and his mother passed away two years after he was born. nadia was the one who educated and raised shorter.
- shorter met ash bc ash spent most of the time looking out the window when he went to chang dai, the restaurant in the same street as ash's apartment, as if he was in another world. nadia told her lil bro who ash was and shorter read a book that wasn't a recipe book in years. he liked it and went straight up talking to the author abt the book.
- ash felt immediately his personal space (?) being invaded by the owner of the restaurant being so close to him but didn't see any malice coming from the dorky guy. at first, it kinda made him uncomfortable that man staring at him for a long time (but really loooooooooong time) but now he just wanted that man staring at him the whole time.
- shorter got an invitation to go fishing after two months of conversation with the blond and accepted without thinking twice (his sister scolded him bc he had work, but he couldn't just miss the opportunity to go fishing with ash lynx). shorter felt really happy about it and even put on his lucky shorts (they're pink with pineapples all over) and a his favorite Hawaiian shirt. needless to say he looks extremely sexy and ash makes fun of him when he sees him.
- while they're in the middle of he sea, ash felt inspired and started to write something while listening to shorter ramble abt random things. it wasn't distracting, at all. in fact, ash liked listening to shorter's voice.
- shorter constantly asks when will the fish appear and ash just tell him they won't appear if he doesn't shut up. shorter pouts and sits next to ash, grabbing a beer. shorter points out how beautiful ash is out of nowhere like it's something common and gives a detailed list of why ash is a literal angel sent from heaven. this, of course, makes ash a blushing mess tho he tells shorter "shut up, i'm trying to concentrate"
- they end up just catching two fishes and both were shorter's. he feels extremely happy. they say their goodbyes after ash took them back to the shore (that thing where it's a parking lot for boats, idk the name). ash thanks shorter for the time and hopes they can do it again. shorter is completely down for it and is excited to see the blond the next day at his restaurant.
- one time, they were lying on shorter's bed (aka ash's safe and fave place) just staring at the ceiling after they got tired of playing. ash told shorter, his bestie and crush, abt the sexual abuse he suffered as a child (that canon story) and abt a older brother that went missing when he was fishing. that's why he likes to fish. he hopes he'll find his brother someday. shorter hugged ash and kissed the top of his head "he'll appear someday. don't lose your hope". ash lets more tears roll down his cheeks and rests his head on shorter's chest. that scene that made him feel like no one would never hurt him again.
- they start dating after a year and a half. it was mutual pining bc they're dumb (yes, dumb/oblivious ash lovers, where are you at?). it just sorta happen. ash accidentally kissed shorter one time and it became a habit until shorter presented ash lynx as his boyfriend to nadia.
- they're dating which is nothing different besides the amount of kisses shorter gives ash and tells him every. single. time. how much he loves him. ash blushes or sometimes teases back only to see shorter be the blushing mess. which is now ash's favorite thing.
-ash has a neutral relationship with shorter's gang. he'll only mess with them if they mess with him, and vice versa. ash meets sing for the first time when he visits shorter at one of his secret hideouts. sing is a fan. he tried not to let it show but when ash asked him where shorter was, sing's voice cracked. at the end he was able to get an autograph thanks to shorter. he keeps it inside his pocket all the time; it's a lucky charm.
- (nsfw) ash was able to have sex with shorter twice and they were amazing. ash can only have sex with shorter if they're on ash's room with the curtains all closed, shorter has the day off the next day and that day and ash finished a short or an arc from one of his books. shorter and ash lost all their energy bc if they start they will only end until they can't move anymore. shorter is a service top djkdjkdks the next morning they take a bath together and it's ash's time to spoil shorter by giving him kisses, gentle touches him and washes his mohawk in the most gentle and softest way possible (shorter loves ash's hands and always makes sure to say it at least once a day).
- shorter calls ash by his real name most of the time bc he thinks it's pretty.
- when shorter met blanca and natasha for the first time he knew ash was adopted but thought natasha was his real mom bc they look very alike. shorter wasn't very welcomed by yut-lung but he tried to. at dinner, yut-lung and ash had a fight that blanca couldn't stop. shorter ate the food and complimented it; natasha gave a delicate smile as a thanks before pulling her sons' ears to make them stop yelling. after they left, ash was still all pouty bc the dinner didn't go as planned. shorter kissed ash and told him he looked very sexy yelling; ash rolled his eyes even though his cheeks turned pink. shorter then dropped ash at his place and ash invited his boyfriend for some cuddles and watch a movie.
- a week later, ash invited his boyfriend to go fishing with him on his day off (tho he offered they could do other things). shorter accepted it, excitedly.
- when they were at the sea, ash noticed the fishing rod had caught something so he went check it. it was a big fish since it pulled ash into the water. ash didn't believe what he saw before shorter came to save him, who also took a glance at the big fish with dark hair.
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stonerbella · 4 years
Part two and three of this post can sort of act as a stand alone fic so here you go ROSELLA AS LAB PARTNERS:
Rosalie was early to class the next day. She was never early for class. On time? Of course; she wasn’t a slacker, even after decades of highschool. But she had never been this early. Yesterday she had sat alone at the two person desk - as she was known to do. But today she saved a seat for the girl who had caused Rosalie to get no sleep. Luckily, or unluckily in this case, Rosalie had spent all night pacing her room and when that got too cramped- the forest. Thoughts of the brunette newcomer had been driving her mad and she was intent on finding out what made this human so exceptionally different from the other ones.
She smelled the girl before she entered the room. She didn’t wear fruity perfume like most teenagers. Instead she smelled of the world around her. Pine, rain, worn car interior. There was a hint of cheap Strawberry shampoo too. The drug store kind that did nothing for the hair but left each human with a generic yet trackable scent. But either she didn’t use much or she hadn’t washed her hair in a few days because the scent was soft. And yet the smell practically had her salivating. This was unlike her. She had spent decades in schools just like this, surrounded by hundreds of teenagers that made her feel nothing. She was the queen of feeling nothing. And yet here she was, all senses on overdrive as the new girl walked through the door.
If her heart could still beat it would have broken through her chest the moment she saw the smile that accompanied the look of recognition as the girls’ eyes met. Rosalie smirked- or at least she hoped she looked that calm- as she patted the empty seat next to her. The brunette sat down, her bags clumsily falling to the ground as she dropped them next to the table.
“Thanks.” she muttered, pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. The action sent another wave of scents across the table and Rosalie contemplated holding her breath for the rest of class. She hoped nobody would notice. No. She couldn’t do that. Not if she planned on spending any real time with the girl. So instead she took a deep breath and let the intoxicating scent burn down her throat. She hid her reaction by looking toward Mike Newton who had just realized his desk mate had switched teams. He grumbled in her direction and Rosalie simply flipped her attention back towards the girl, tossing her hair over her shoulder in the process. The girl laughed and it was music to the vampire’s ears.
“It’s perfect. Everyone gets what they deserve.” Rosalie responded to the brunette's earlier remark.
Just then Mr.Banner walked into the room. Rosalie cursed herself for not having used every moment to talk to her deskmate before class. However, her mood quickly changed as Mr. Banner spoke.
“Today we are working in pairs.”
She could hear her newly appointed partner’s heart speed up. And she certainly didn’t have to look her way to know it was accompanied by a small blush. This girl was going to be the death of her. Again. Her second death. Undeath?
Rosalie shook her thoughts away, focusing her attention on the instructions containing what they would have to do today.
“Today we are talking about sustainable energy! Ooh! Wow! So fun! Okay calm yourselves.” He hushed the already silent room of students. “Today we will be making solar power fans! Or- smaller versions of them anyway. On each table you will find all of the parts you need. It’s a biiiiit tricky but I have the utmost faith in all of my lovely students.”
Someone groaned in the back of the room and half of the class snickered. It didn't seem to rattle the man, though. And how could it after what was no doubt a life full of bad jokes and failed punchlines.
“Your instructions are on your tables. First pair to finish gets-”
The rowdy boys in the back joined in with an admittedly accurate impression of their target,
“Yes boys! You’re absolutely right! Now what are you staring at me for? Get to work!”
Rosalie turned to her partner and found the girl staring at the sheet of instructions. She looked...sad almost?
“Is something wrong?” The blonde asked before she could catch herself. In all of her time at all of the other schools, she had never once found herself asking a human this simple question. And yet here she was, genuinely invested in knowing the answer.
The remark seemed to pull the other girl out of her thoughts and she blushed. She would HAVE to stop doing that!
“Oh, it’s just- I’ve done most of these labs before at my old school. I was kind of hoping for an easy day and-”
Rosalie was already grabbing the instructions and separating the parts.
“And this one’s new?” She finished the brunette’s thoughts out loud. “Don’t worry. It’s not in the curriculum. He does it every year though. My brothers told me about it.” The lab itself was actually a favorable one for the vampire. Anything to do with tinkering, engineering, using her hands; those were where she shone the brightest.
“Emmett, right?” The human recalled.
Rosalie didn’t want to admit how it made her feel when the girl remembered things from their previous conversation. “And Edward. Also Jasper.”
Her eyes widened in response and Rosalie found herself smiling.
“And there’s also my sister Alice.”
The brunette's jaw dropped just slightly before she remembered.
“Adopted, right. All of you?”
“Dr. and Mrs. Cullen are quite the overachievers, aren’t they?” She responded jokingly. And after a moment, more sincerely, “They truly went above and beyond with what they were given.” She shook her head, annoyed with herself for letting her emotions get to her in such a public place. So unlike herself.
“Anyway, my brother says the key to this lab is modifying what you were given…” Rosalie mumbled the last bit as she got to work, grabbing the wires and a pair of pliers. None of her brothers had taught her this. In reality it was Rosalie’s handful of engineering degrees and love of working with machines that had taught her these simple yet effective tricks.
The human leaned in, suddenly intrigued and before she knew it she was quietly explaining her movements aloud.
“So the problem is that Mr.Banner uses the wrong tool to cut all of this wire. He’s cutting in bulk for efficiency, but not necessarily for results. That’s why you have to strip the wire….just a bit…'' She made a point to keep her movements slow and human-like. Just enough to go a bit faster than her cocky male classmates.
“That way when you connect the wires-” She handed a pair of wires for her partner to twist together. She did as she was directed and handed it back. “-there isn't that extra plastic in the way and….there.” She connected the final wire and the fan came to life. It’s unstable legs wobbled, barely able to support the movement of the tiny propellers.
“Done!” The brunette shouted enthusiastically before remembering her surroundings and blushing yet again. The two competitive jocks in the back let out a collective, dramatic, and obnoxiously loud sigh.
“We were almost done though! Bro Banner we were almost done!”
“Not fair!”
Rosalie looked back at the boys table; they were far from finished. Mr. Banner cut off their various pleads and huffs.
“First off. Mr, not Bro. And you can still finish! Everyone who completes this will get a prize!” The jocks perked up then.
“Oh yeah?”
“What is it?”
“Can I sell it?” As if on cue the bell rang and everyone rushed to leave, prize forgotten.
“You’ll figure it out tomorrow! Rosalie! Bella! See me for your prizeeee!”
Bella. She liked hearing the name. She hadn’t let herself use it often for fear she would become too attached. But that clearly was going to happen regardless so she figured if she was already going to hell she was as well do it thoroughly. She and Bella- god. Bella. It sounded so good, even when spoken just in her head.
She and Bella made their way to the front desk and a frazzled but still smiling Mr. Banner.
“I have to say girls, you two make quite the pair.”
If Rosalie could, it would have been her turn to blush.
“I don’t suppose you want this spray painted prop onion, so as your prize I hereby give you tomorrow off! Well, kind of. I’m not gonna make you sit here and watch your classmates finish the lab. Instead I’m going to let you girls get a head start on the lab write up that’s due at the end of the week! You can even go straight to the library tomorrow and check in with Mrs.Budd. No need to come here first.”
A second bell rang as a final warning to get to class, the two of them hurrying to the door.
Rosalie turned to see what had caused Bella’s exclamation.
“What’s the prize for everyone who finishes the lab tomorrow?”
Mr. Banner smiled mischievously, already internally laughing at his own joke.
And with that the two ran their separate ways, attempting to make it in time for their next class.
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thatlittledandere · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31 and 40 for that shipper ask meme (sorry for picking so many but those questions are GOOD)
You're right, they absolutely are. I'm sorry in advance that this is gonna be LONG and I'm on mobile so I can't even add a read more;;
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had
So I'm SURE there were relationships I was invested in in movies and cartoons I watched as a child (I've always been a sucker for romance, even though there was that period when I didn't want to admit it) but I can't remember anything from very far back;; So it was either Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter or Ichigo and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew, whichever I read first.
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life
GOSH. You can't do this to me. I guess Romione because it was the time in my preteens when I was becoming more aware of... stuff, in general, abs the two cemented my love for friends-to-lovers. Then Ioryuu, because I've never been AS invested in and passionate about a ship before and likely never will. Nothing can compare to that intensity and ngl I miss it;; I miss the genuine hype I felt in my heart that made me interact with people and make things. So many things. I honestly can't think of a third one with such a lasting impact, sorry;;
3. What's your current OTP?
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I imagine Souyo scenarios in my head every night before falling sleep and every morning after waking up, this is not a joke not an exaggeration. I still feel a little traitorous saying this on tumblr but their dynamic IS somewhat similar to the way I see Ioryuu so-
4. What's your current NoTP?
I don't think I have one? I have dislikes, some of them strong, but I don't see any of them often enough to be, like, actively angry. I have better uses for my time than willingly exposing myself to stuff I don't like.
5. Do you have any poly ships?
Not generally, juggling two characters is enough work lol. The only poly ships I've ever really actively shipped are Niels, Duncan and Natalie from the web comic Niels And the Gang by humon and Kinatsuen from Boueibu, but neither are actively on my mind much these days.
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
BOY HAVE I EVER. I've seen someone on tumblr have a side blog for self-shopping and not gonna lie, it's an excellent idea. My late teens were spent reading character x reader fics on Quotev and I started my fic career with the same genre. I don't really know what to do with myself when I DON'T actively ship myself with a character, which is my state of being now that Yosuke surpassed Yoosung as my favorite character;; Ibushi and Yoosung are the biggest ones but man oh boy I have shipped myself with characters from early age and I'm showing no signs of stopping! There's a reason that I main dating sims.
15. Have you ever "shipped at first sight"?
Not for long. I SUCK at forming first impressions. Usually if I start thinking I'll ship something, I end up not being so invested in it after all, and instead shipping something I swore off at first lmao. Which leads us to...
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked
As a rule of thumb, all of them. I don't understand HOW it keeps happening but somehow almost all the ships I truly care/d about (that I didn't start shipping through osmosis before knowing them in the source material) started out as something I thought I "wouldn't be able to get behind." Gajevy. Shikatema. Sasunaru. Doctor/Rose. Karabita. Atsutodo. Kiribaku. Yoozen. Enatsu. Freaking IORYUU. EVEN SOUYO. IT'S BEEN YEARS I REALLY SHOULD KNOW THE PATTERN BY NOW
17. Talk about a pairing you've stopped shipping romantically
Like, I started to think they're better as friends after all? I guess NaLi. Then again, I mostly only shipped them out of spite in the first place because I wanted a counter for N/a//Lu, which I never liked at all;;
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping
Now this time I can say for sure that there isn't one. I can't come up with ships myself and stay on board if there isn't content for it, canon or otherwise;; It's not a conscious decision or anything, it's just how my mind works. I get attached to stuff by exposure, whether from fans or the source material, and if the source material has enough content for two characters for me to pick up on and become interested, it's guaranteed to be enough to become a somewhat popular ship.
21. Is there a ship you just don't get, but have nothing against?
Actually... That's the extent I go to with notp'ing these days. I'm passionate about the right to ship whatever you want so by proxy I can't have anything "against" a ship, even if the sheer thought of it existing makes me nauseous. And I know how to think from points of view other than my own, so I can usually see the appeal, even if it appeals to me personally less than eating dog shit while walking barefoot on rusty nails that are also on fire.
That said, the only ships I have on my Tumblr blacklist are Yoo//ra/n and Suza//lu/lu because they're both popular ships for characters whose tags I am/was following and therefore get suggested a lot even if I want following anyone who ships then. Oh, and all B/LMa//tsu ships! I generally can't feel good about incestuous ships, but can and will fight for their shippers' right to do as they please as long as they stay respectful. (never saw blmatsus who weren't respectful. saw a plethora of anti-blmatsus who were absolute demons. actually the reason i moved away from the last remnants of my anti mindset was that i didn't want to be associated with THOSE anti-blmatsus, when the shippers they wanted dead were all such sweet people. food for thought.)
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
All of them?? Lmao I don't understand this question, isn't shipping all about liking the chemistry between characters? Or the potential for it I guess, in which case the chemistry is whatever you want it to be, which is great B) I'm sorry I keep accidentally dodging questions I'm bad at choosing examples from a long, unordered list
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing?
Hhhhhhh I shipped Jerza for years and was still unsatisfied with their ending, Jellal didn't get to heal enough and we didn't really see them working through their past in an effective way and getting comfortable around each other. It's like they were supposed to be friends to enemies to lovers but the last part didnt really develop and their relationship stagnated at the stage were they were both just permanently awkward out of regret, and couldn't bring themselves out of it even though everything was forgiven forever ago. Or I've forgotten a lot of stuff that happened. Very likely. Is your a case of bad writing or good writing not working out the way I wanted it to? You're asking the wrong person.
25. Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs/graphics or similar?
EYUP. Harumichi was my otp for like a whole year before I saw a single episode with them lol. It was crazy, but it was REAL. I've also went into shows already paying attention to things I knew my friends/people I follow shipped, kind of hoping I'd get into it.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic I'm writing these questions down from screenshots and I cropped the rest of this one out by accident rip
Eeeh I go for the obvious. Best friend pairs, obvious pining, some rivalry with sexual tension, though I don't really know what to do with those. Then there's the fact that I never see it coming sick Persona 5 reference bro and start shipping the couple I thought "should just be friends" at first. This is more about my relationship to the ships than their dynamic but it's very constant...
27. Is there a ship you've shipped for most of your life?
Hmmm well I got into HP and started shipping Romione sometime in mid elementary school so it's definitely been more than half my lifetime since, but I don't really know if I "ship it" anymore. I didn't start disliking them or anything but for me, "shipping" is an active intrest in a fictional relationship, so if it reaches the stage where I like it, in theory, but I don't have the feels, it doesn't really count. That's why I can say I like ships without shipping them. It's gotta be actively on my brain, man.
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love
I haven't mentioned Kannao once, which is criminal. So here's some of what I imagine their future to be like :D I've been getting new Persona followers recently so here's something for you to unfollow me over lmao
So first of all I ignore the canon that Naoto goes back to the city for her detective work after her first year of high school, shhh she stays in Inaba, only taking the occasional jobs. She and Kanji start dating during the spring break before their second year and get more comfortable with each other, so that the next summer they're still cute and very much themselves (which means somewhat reserved) but not as awkward anymore :) I haven't thought about what happens after they graduate but they get married in their early 20s and have a son <3 (Chie and Yukiko adopted their daughter only slightly earlier. They may or may not have had a bit of a competition going on) ((yes Souyo are very much together but if they end up having children I haven't thought about it it's later))
Kanji manages the textile shop and Naoto helps when she's free from detective stuff. They live in Inaba but Naoto is away quite often for her gigs;; She takes up a few jobs less when Kouta is little though so he wouldn't feel less close to his Mom than his Dad.
Both Kanji and Naoto suffered from unfair expectations growing up, so they try their best to make up for it with Kouta's upbringing. They want him to feel comfortable being himself and free to express himself the way he wants; they make sure he knows he'll always be loved and supported, and to never be ashamed of who he is. As a child it doesn't even occur to him that many social norms and social expectations exist, because Naoto and Kanji pretty much let him do whatever as long as he isn't hurting himself or anyone else. They might go a little overboard though, giving into Kouta's whims without much consideration at all. The Amagi Aunties enforce rules and keep kids grounded in reality much better lmao
40. If you could change one thing about your otp, what would that be?
HMNGHNMHGNMGH I WAMT YOSUKE'S INTERNALIZED BULLSHIT ACKNOWLEDGED!! It's there AtlUS!! Stop pretending oh my god.... I love the Dancing All Night story mode (so far. I am by no means done); Yosuke gets cool moments and Yu's internal monologue really shows how much he appreciates him. The dynamic is so much better than with a silent protagonist, and thank god they didn't go with the tactless anime Yu (as fun as he is). I know there are a bunch of nods to the cut romance across spinoffs but mannnn... I wish they were more serious about it. At this point it's not even that far-fetched to think Yosuke has feelings for Yu that he may or may not be aware of, and I know that Yu as the player character can't be too tied down to one option in canon, but still... Even the clown gets tired of jokes at some point. One can dream.
40 ship questions
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 22 Roundup!  Go give our fabulous creators some love!
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Title: Choose your destiny Collaborator: Kalee60 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Abandonment Issues Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Shrinkyclinks, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Light Angst Summary: Steve Rogers had been waiting for his soulmate for a lifetime. And was still waiting. Actually, he was sick of waiting, if they didn’t want to find him, that was their business, but he couldn’t wait around any longer. Not when a cute guy just moved into his apartment block that he wanted to get to know better. Bucky Barnes had spent his adult life trying to find his soulmate, and although he didn’t want to give up on his one true partner, it was disheartening. He was starting to think that maybe he should take Natasha’s advice and meet new people. Like the cute guy in the apartment block he’d just moved in to. In a world where your soulmate’s vision is overlaid on yours at different times, and finding them can prove tricky, will two weary men whose other halves seemed impossible to locate, find something together instead? And what happens when their soulmates seem to be closer than either of them expected? Word Count: 4241
Title: Unusual You Collaborator: abitnotgoodiebag Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - surprise dancing Ship: BuckySam Rating: Mature Major Tags: homophobia, minor violence, semi-public sex (ish) Summary: Maybe he’s not even human, ‘cause only an angel can be so unusual. He’s a sweet surprise, Sam could get used to. Word Count: 7506
Title: I Had A Plan Collaborator: avidreader6 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - I Had A Plan Ship: BuckySam Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Getting together, minor smut, mission fic, nsfw gif inspired, sexual content Summary: Sam and Bucky get together after a mission gone sideways Word Count:745
Title: Guarding You - Chapter 1: En Garde Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y2 - Bodyguard Ship: WinterIronHusband Rating: Explicit Major Tags: AU Bodyguard, AU College/University, College Student Tony Stark, College Student Rhodey, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Fluff, Angst, Happy Ending, Dorks in love, Falling In Love, Fade to black sex, slices of life, Mention of alcohol, creep tries to creep on Tony, James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a Good Bro, Pining, Minor Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau/Nick Fury, mentioned dog, betrayal, Violence, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Injury Recovery, Clint Barton Trolls People Summary: As Tony Stark always managed to get rid of the bodyguards Howard sends, the older Stark decided to try a different agency, one he knew had specialized bodyguards.The man he ends up hiring seems competent enough.James "Bucky" Barnes gets a job which leads him back to college. He might or might not gets into trouble with his neighbors Tony Stark and Rhodey Rhodes.And those troubles might lead to something neither of the three could have anticipated. Word Count: 2585
Title: Afterglow Collaborator: trekchik Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U4 - KINK: AFTERCARE Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Steve basks in a little aftercare. Word Count: 347
Title: [Art] Bingo Clusterfuck - Chapter 6: fire away Collaborator: Call_Me_Kayyyyy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Soulmate Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: art, sexual content Summary: You're born with the outline of your soulmark but the color doesn't fill in till you meet your soulmate. Not everyone is born with a soulmark, Bucky never had a soul mark before hydra got their hands on him, and it didn’t matter because he never expected to find love no matter how well his recovery went. Steve was born with the faded shape of a star on his right shoulder, being sickly his whole life he never imagined he’d live long enough to meet his soulmate anyway.One day coming out of a coffee shop Steve slammed into the other person going through the door and landed on his ass, his coffee unsalvageable. The massive guy he crashed into, who felt more like metal than muscle, reached his hand out to help Steve up. The second he gripped Bucky Barnes hand the skin of his soulmark began to itch and fill in red. They got to know each other fast, and though neither of them felt like they deserved the other, they just couldn’t stand to be apart. Steve felt safe, and Bucky felt needed, and they both felt seen for who they really are.No one can quite explain how and why this happened but no one can deny it either, Steve and Bucky were just means to be.
Title: family man Collaborator: jurassicworjd Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Meeting The Family Ship: BuckySam Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff  Summary: Sam has always been a family man, and Bucky’s heard so many wonderful stories about his family. Sam suggests Bucky comes with him to meet them on his next visit, but just the thought of meeting new people gives Bucky anxiety. Word Count: 2334
Title: Iron Dad Collaborator: hddnone Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C4 - reunion Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Humor, fluff, interrupting kids Summary: Bucky just wants to sex up his boyfriend after a long day, but Tony being the Team Dad to the next generation makes that difficult. Word Count: 887
Title: Life is a Circus Collaborator: jamesbuckystark Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Occupational Hazard Ship: WinterIronHawk Rating: Mature Major Tags: Violence, Animal attack, Blood and gore Summary: The Avengers as a found family of circus performers Word Count: 1408
Title: [Podfic] Marvel: Internet War - Chapter 1 Collaborator: shadow-ravin Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - Peter Parker Ship: Stucky Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: podfic,  Bucky Barnes Returns, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes-centric, US History teachers are so fucking done with this shit, Coming Out, Boys In Love, Steven Grant Rogers’ Star Spangled Ass, Kamala Khan is such a fangirl, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes Summary: Podfic of Marvel: Internet War by Lasgalendil Author's summary: Bucky Barnes vs. The Internet
Title: [Art] Bingo Clusterfuck - Chapter 7: Well you're a real tough cookie Collaborator: call-me-kayyyyy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U5 - Surveillance Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: art, Shield Agent Bucky & Steve, Burlesque, surveillance, USO Outfits Summary: Steve and Bucky are S.H.E.I.L.D. agents on a fact finding mission about an "enhanced" individual. They're known to frequent this burlesque club, so the boys donned some USO themed costumes and put on their best star-spangled tease. They end the night with leads on the suspect's abilities and associates, a couple of crisps dollar bills, and more than few phone numbers. They start packing up, knowing they have reports to file before the night is over. Bucky turns to Steve and asks, "So your keeping the outfit right?" Steve responds with nothing but a smirk as he heads toward the door, he was already planning on holding on to them both!
Title: Guarding You - Chapter 2: Guard Your Heart Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity, Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Thirst (for Fighting_for_Creativity) Ship: WinterIronWar Rating: Explicit Major Tags: AU Bodyguard, AU College/University, College Student Tony Stark, College Student Rhodey, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Fluff, Angst, Happy Ending, Dorks in love, Falling In Love, Fade to black sex, slices of life, Mention of alcohol, creep tries to creep on Tony, James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a Good Bro, Pining, Minor Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau/Nick Fury, mentioned dog, betrayal, Violence, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Injury Recovery, Clint Barton Trolls People Summary: Bucky complains about his job and realizes that he might have a crush on a certain genius. But that was impossible, right? Word Count: 9906
Title: You Promised Me! Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - image prompt Ship: Bucky/Reader, Steve/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: love triangle (kind of), the snap, angst Summary: You and Bucky were like two peas in a pod. You two loved each other more than anything in the whole world… then the snap happened, and you spent five years without him in your life. During that time, you grew closer to Steve and learned to fall in love him. Now, everyone who died because of the snap is back, and Bucky doesn’t know you and Steve are now a thing. Who will you choose? Bucky or Steve? Word Count: 2.6k
Title: Aria in B♭ - Chapter 5 Collaborator: 27dragons, tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: fisfan, Y5 - Accidental Feelings Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, attempted rape/noncon Summary: Lord Stark has his faults -- a bit too fond of a drink, a little too reckless at cards, and entirely too happy to flout his good fortune in his rivals’ faces. But a man as wealthy and powerful as Tony Stark is bound to have a few peccadillos. What he is not, is the sort of man who would force himself upon another unwilling, unlike Lord Killian, who seems to have taken a particular shine to an opera singer in the troupe Killian is hosting. Tony rescues Mr. Barnes from Killian’s untender mercies, moves the troupe into his own home, and takes Mr. Barnes as his bed companion for the season. The arrangement provides protection for Bucky and the troupe from Killian’s spite, and tweaks Killian at the same time -- a win all around, as far as Tony is concerned. He wasn’t counting on Bucky being so utterly charming and wonderful, or for the possibility that he might actually, after so many years a bachelor, fall in love. Word Count: 18,803
Title: [Art] Bingo Clusterfuck - Chapter 8: Put up you dukes Collaborator: call-me-kayyyyy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - Rifle Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: art, sexual content, airport, sex toys, tsa agent, weapons Summary: A TSA agent is taking apart Bucky’s carry on with indescribable look on her face. Something between rage, confusion, and pure joy. “Mr. Barnes how exactly would you explain this,” holding up a rubber phallus that was borderline terrifying.
Title: I Was Cold Collaborator: trekchik Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B5 - Intercrural Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky wakes up cold and Steve is a convenient heater. Word Count: 697
Title: [Art] Bingo Clusterfuck - Chapter 9: Knock me down, it's all in vain Collaborator: call-me-kayyyyy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C1 - Nightmares Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: nightmares, friends with benefits, cuddles Summary: Bucky has a nightmare so bad it breaks Steves heart to see him in so much pain. “Sorry you had to see that Stevie, they’ve been a lot better lately.” “This happens a lot?” “Yeah but it’s better when I’m with you” “Well I’m not going anywhere pal.” Steve says while cradling Bucky’s head to his chest.
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nnq · 5 years
modern!au k(lance)
they're all in their 20's except for Shiro who's 30 and coran who's 50
first of all. miss me with that 'pining roommate' shit. I love miscommunication and making characters that r sexy bffs with one another
Lance meets Nyma through a Craigslist ad he put up saying he needed a roommate. the moment they met was a tragedy for everyone but them because they're that powerful and beautiful
lance with tousled hair, wearing a half-unbuttoned silk shirt and designer jeans, Michael kors sunglasses pushed up atop his head, arm wrapped around nyma: hi guys this is my roommate, nyma!
nyma, with her blonde 3-ft long box braids down her back, perfectly manicured red nails, bodycon dress and loubitons, hand on lances waist: hey
allura, shaking and on the verge of tears: STOP MAKING US LOOK POOR AND UGLY
Lance is in school for marine biology and Nyma works as a hairdresser and the both of them are small beauty gurus on YouTube that collab with one another
lance: hey guys we're going to be trying out the new anastasia pallete we got today :)!
nyma: and by got we mean shoplifted from sephora
they're also insta baddies and both gender non-conforming baddies. Nyma is a nonbinary lesbian icon and lance is a nonbinary bicon.... those are like the fucking BEST senses of style
anyone with eyes can see that nyma is into and ONLY into girls but of course... heteronormativity.
rolo: I still don't get why you're dating lance. he's super annoying.
nyma: he doesn't bitch nearly as much as you even when he's got my cock in his ass
they do this thing where when people assume they're a couple they pretend they're some kind of kink couple and freak everyone out
which is why when hunk and pidge meet nyma they're like :eyes: but when nyma flirts with pidge lance doesn't even bat an eye and then lance starts pining about Keith's greasy mullet and his bags under his eyes and nymas got this look on her face that perfectly resembles a man who's lost all sense of normalcy and righteousness in his life and now sits in a bar every night listening to this dumb romance novel type shit and then pidge and hunk are like. oh. no they're just gay.
speaking of keith. he's one of those gays. one of the quirky emo gays that never sleeps and listens to 'coffee and cigarettes' on repeat and has like 3 strings of lights in his room and not only is an art major but ALSO a photographer. and yet somehow he still has the will to wake up at 5 am every morning and go to the gym like some kind of HEATHEN.
Lance knew Keith in high school for 3 years until he got expelled for fighting at the end of his junior year. He was also universally crushed on and was the bad boy jock of the school with a heart of gold so naturally Lance pretended to despise him so he could pine for him in peace
that all goes down the drain when Lance recognizes Keith in one of his classes and goes through the five stages of grief because a) he's hot and b) Lance is openly bi now so he doesn't have an escuse to not tolerate him
(He wasn't gonna do anything about it until he was put in a group with Keith a few weeks into class and he off handedly mentioned he went to Keiths high school, and Keith claimed he didn't remember him, and Lance was just a tad bit upset but was gonna leave it at that except after like 5 days of working together Keith slams his fists into the table and is like 'HOLY FUCK LANCE MCCLAIN?' And Lance is like. w. What.)
turns out Keith does remember lance. very vividly, actually. because he was the guy that everyone kind of had a crush on because he was so nice and charming to everyone he met, and Keith was SO gone for him. he just didn't recognize him tbh, which makes sense, bcuz in high school lance wore blue contacts and had straight hair and now he just wears glasses occasionally and leaves his hair wavy. Keith is gay and stupid don't blame him
keith, bursting into Shiro and Adams apartment at 2 pm: SHIRO HOLY FUCK
adam, bags under his eyes, underneath the covers of him and shiros bed: good fucking god not again
I'm tired of talking about ppl other than Lance and nyma though so I'm gonna talk about them for a bit because im love
as I said Lance has wavy hair and his actual eye color is brown but as he was growing up he was hella insecure about it that's why he wore blue contacts.... nyma caught him once trying to put them on again and put an end to All That Real Quick
nyma has brown eyes too and they're super dark, almost black, and that shits breathtaking bro. she usually has her real hair dyed blonde all the time and permed but she also likes to wear wigs and get braids too because she knows she looks damn good in them. everyone is jealous.
lance has tons of super light freckles. Enough said. nyma has a birthmark on her hip that's kind of shaped like a horse if you look at it from the right way
lance: you were a horse girl as a kid weren't u
nyma: how fucking dare. how fucking dare you say that. I really do have to laugh.......
nyma: obviously I was a warrior cats stan
lance's sense of fashion ranges from 'i went to California for a week once and now I can't stop wearing sweatpants and slides' to 'It's surprising I haven't gotten robbed at this point'. Lance is a scholarship baby so all the money he saved up through countless jobs and the one he already has at a coffee shop almost exclusively goes to clothes and kombucha
Nymas sense of style is definitely more on the eccentric side but since she looks good in EVERYTHING she gets away with it. think dollskill but with more neon colors and designer. she's the kind of person that never wears the same shade of lipstick for a whole month and has a box full of makeup palletes that are almost untouched and everyone who has seen it is both jealous and in wonder FENTYWAYS...
Keith goes over to lance's apartment for a project of sorts and immediately assumes that Lance and Nyma are a thing (they're very platonically affectionate, Nyma will kiss lance's cheek and they cuddle sometimes) which is disappointing but it's not a surprise considering Lance is so Lance and everyone else acts like they are dating so that must be the case, right?
lmao you thought.
nyma: holy shit. holy Fuck. God, allura is so hot. I would probably die if she brushed past me. I would die happily knowing I've been blessed by the touch of an angel.
lance: yeah haha she's really pretty.
keith, struggling to not choke on his coffee hearing All This at 9:31 A.M. in starbucks:
Keith asks if he can take photos of the two of them for his photography insta and they both jump on it so they can flex being sexy and afterwards Lance thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and Keith is sent REELING into gay mayhem.
lance: do you think that was like..... too much.
nyma: i think men are dumb that's what.
I mean u can't really blame Keith because Lance and Nyma are constantly joke-flirting with one another on social media and are in almost every one of the others photos in some way, or at least tagged, so by the time Keith actually works up the nerve to ask about that, it's been WEEKS since Lance kissed him and he's been miserably failing to ignore it
keith: so.... how's nyma doing?
lance: she's good! She's spent all day dying one of her wigs so she went for a coffee run lol. probably will hang with allura and shay later too
keith: and.... that doesn't make you jealous?
lance: LOL no.... they could never compete with me (talking about being Nyma's best friend)
keith: oh.... well, it's good that you trust each other a lot in your relationship.... you seem like a really good boyfriend
lance: wat the fuck did you just say.
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as soon as lance explains that nyma is not his gf and they're just bffs Keith is like ohthankgod.jpg and almost accidentally asks lance on a date before he stops himself and is like.... dumb gay bitch calm DOOOWWWNN
after that it becomes very obvious that nyma and lance r just friends at least for Keith mostly through dumb shit they say to one another
lance, sitting with hunk, pidge, and Keith at the library: hey guys wanna see something cool.
pidge: go for it
lance, clearing his throat: she think she bad but I'm better, these bitches tryna play catch up-
Nyma and Lance have self-care nights every Friday, sometimes Allura or Shay will come, and very RARELY Keith if only to spend time with Lance. also? Allura and Shay are dating, die mad about it.
They do waxing, exfoliation, mud masks, moisturizing treatments, hair masks, painting nails.... need I go on. it's basically whatever they want to do that week and when Keith reluctantly agrees to participate one day Lance goes mental
lance: OK so here's what I'm thinking. it's obvious you haven't really had a self care day for a while, which is like, fine, you do you, but holy shit are your split ends bad. I was thinking maybe I could trim them and then we could do a hair mask? Oh! A face mask would be good as well, even though you've practically got perfect skin. I'd offer to wax but for first timers the pain is a bitch to handle on the face. I'm not sure if you'd be an acrylic kind of guy but I have some black nail polish that I could put on- wow, your hands are really big compared to mine, and they're so soft, haha, isn't that crazy? so what do you think?
keith, still reeling from the fact that lance is going to touch his hair, face, and hands in the next several hours: uh......yeah..... sounds great.
nyma, sitting on lance's bed in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, smoking a blunt and readjusting her sheet mask: *long exhale* christ
Shay got Lance into the whole healthy organic food thing and in turn he got Nyma into it so they're both the bitches who drink nothing but Fiji water and almond milk and will offer you a plate of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a snack. we Stan a vegan couple.
keith: these are actually really good.
nyma: we usually put them on our eyes, but go off I guess.
nyma: nah I'm just fucking with you, we have different cucumbers for that
by the end of the night Keith feels like he's been cleaned by a car wash and he's dizzy from all of lance's thoughtless affection and when lance says he can stay the night because it's already late, Keith mindlessly blurts out 'only if it's with you' and nymas like.... um. Wig.
keith, laying stiff as a board on one side of lance's bed: uh
lance: oh my God you gay bitch get over here and spoon me. also kiss me on the fucking lips bro.
Nyma owns a cat named Beezer that she stole from her old roommate (rolo) but calls her beebo because quote 'beezer is so fucking lame bro i hate men'. Lance owns a Russian blue mix called, you guessed it, Blue, that he found stuck in his apartments basement only a few days after moving in. Nyma and Lance are WEAK
lance: ohhhhh look at my pretty baby sitting on the table all cute and relaxed!!! look at that baby!!! fantastic stuff!
nyma, putting her head on beebos belly: You Are So Soft And So Chubby I Would Die For You
pidge would also die for the both of them
OK I'm tired and uninspired so I'll stop here but I MAY ADD MORE LATER
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mamashitty · 5 years
Samwell Elementary Chapter 7
a new pov this time around. y’all can read the story here on my tumblr or on my ao3.
Shitty is seated cross-legged on the floor in Maisie’s room. She is in the process of figuring out how to braid his epic flow. She pulls his hair a lot less than Jack does, Shitty notices and files that information away for later. It is always good to stock up on chirping material for the future. Except, just as Shitty is musing over that, Maisie tugs his hair back rather painfully, and Shitty bites back a wince that his badass hockey niece does not even notice.
“Uncle Crappy?” Maisie asks.
“What is it, Corndog?”
“Do you think Mom is going to love me less after the baby is born?” It is not very often that Shitty hears the fear in Maisie’s voice. Her whole life she seems to face any situation head-on. She is always grabbing life by the horns. He finds himself frowning, not liking the question, and not liking that this is a worry that Maisie has floating around in her adorable little head. He tilts his head back so that he can look at her. He wonders if she has asked Jack or Camilla this question yet, or if he is the first one. He forces himself to flash her a smile and then he is sticking his tongue out her. Maisie lets out a giggle, though it sounds forced to his ears.
“Maisie, your Mom is going to love you the same as she does now, brah.” He says, putting as much conviction into his voice as possible, and hoping that Maisie hears it and understands it. Maisie is the first kid that he has spent any real amount of time with, she’s the first one he proudly calls a niece. The first one he gets to be some form of Uncle to. This feels a bit like a test to him, a test he is really just putting on his own shoulders. He does not want to fuck this up. He wants and needs Maisie to know that she can always come to him, no matter what the problem or concern is. He loves this little girl. She is a perfect mix of Jack and Camilla. And completely her own person too. Shitty remembers clearly her as a baby, and the first time he babysat her, and how she got mad. She was somewhere between six and nine months, no longer that scary kind of blob that newborns are, something a bit more sturdy and something that could move. He remembers she was screaming at the top of her lungs, and nothing he did could cheer her up. He was on the verge of panic calling Jack and Camilla when she reached up to grab his sunglasses and chew on them. She began to laugh. And Shitty, his heart still racing, had started to laugh too. Jack and Camilla had come home to Shitty and Maisie just shouting and laughing at each other. They had really connected after that, even though Shitty had been smitten with her the first time he saw her.
“Are you sure?” Maisie asks, her voice quiet. Shitty reaches behind him, tugging Maisie onto his lap and giving her a tight hug. She melts into it and her arms wrap around his neck.
“I am positive, Maisie-Daze,” Shitty says, before adding. “Every time I meet a new friend, I don’t love my other friends any less. Love has a way of growing, brah. Your Mom and Steve will love you and your brother or sister. And you are going to love them too, and be the best big sister in the fucking universe,” Shitty knows better than to swear in front of Maisie like that. He has had practice with it, after all. But he does it on purpose because something tells him, Maisie will like it.
And she does, she lets out a giggle as soon as he lets the f-bomb drop. “Uncle Crappy!” She admonishes him through giggles. When they subside, she pulls her head back to look at him. “But are you sure?” She asks, and he hears a hint of a quiver in her voice.
“I am abso-fucking-lutely certain, Corndog. Neither one of your parents will ever love you any less than they love you now. And if you don’t believe your Uncle Crappy, you should ask your Mom.” Shitty finishes, vaguely wondering if he said the correct things or not. Hoping that he did. He watches Maisie and she looks like she is really mulling over what he said. He watches her nod her head.
“Okay, Uncle Crappy. You swore again!” She adds, laughing.
“Please don’t tell your Papa,” Shitty jokes, before adding. “And, remember, you can always come talk to me if you need to, Corndog. Thank you for talking to me about this,” he finishes. He has always spoken to Maisie like she was a little adult. Not so much in the content of his words, that he usually keeps as kid-friendly as possible, but just in the way he talks to her. Shitty isn’t one for higher-pitched voices and dumbing down his speech for kids. He thinks Maisie appreciates it.
“Okay,” Maisie says, and he feels like he is losing her a bit now, that she is shifting from serious mode and wanting to get back into fun mode. She hops off of his lap. “Wanna play hide and seek?” She asks, and Shitty grins.
“Heck yes, I do!”
It is a few hours later. and Jack is finally home. Maisie is sleeping, Shitty had had to do bedtime. He had fun with it though, he read her three books for bedtime even though her parents usually just read one. He and Jack are seated on the couch in the living room. Shitty had already filled Jack in about Maisie’s frankly heartbreaking question. They had talked about it some and he knows Jack will talk to her about it tomorrow. He had sent Camilla a text message too about it. He feels like that was the right course of action. Silence has fallen between the two friends. Shitty is only half paying attention to the documentary that Jack put on. He’s nursing a beer, knowing that it is getting that time when he should leave. Jack’s bedtime is quickly approaching, after all.
“So, you coming to the Halloween party this year?” Shitty broaches, affecting as much nonchalance as he can. Shitty knows Jack does not have a game that night. He also knows that Maisie will be staying the night over at Camilla’s.
“I don’t know, Shits,” Jack says after a beat and Shitty wonders if Jack’s mind had immediately gone to Bitty or not. He decides it is time to go for broke.
“You’ll miss the costume that Bitty is wearing. It is going to be a beaut,” Out of the corner of his eye, because Shitty can be smooth and not outright stare at his best friend, he sees Jack tense for a moment and then relax.
“Really? Eh, that is nice.” Shitty notes that Jack’s attempt at nonchalance pales compared to his. Shitty shifts his position on the couch so that he can stare his friend down.
“Jackie-Jack,” Shitty says, adopting as firm a voice as he can. “You like him. You should come and hang out with him outside of school and outside of those five-minute chats you bros have before you and I go jogging.” He sees Jack opening his mouth, likely to denydenydeny. Shitty interrupts. “Brah, I have seen how you look at him and those coffees you bring him?” Shitty decides not to mention the looks he has seen Jack give Bitty when Bitty is wearing that Falconer's shirt. Jack is not subtle. Jack is also frowning now and Shitty only feels a teeny bit guilty about that.
“Shitty, even if I do find him attractive and even if I do enjoy talking with him… he’s Maisie’s teacher. That seems inappropriate, plus he just got out of a relationship with someone,” Jack is hedging. Shitty supposes his concerns are somewhat valid but they get in the way of Shitty’s dream. The dream that two of his best bros might actually be able to find happiness together. Jack is not subtle in his looks and neither is Bitty. Shitty can fucking taste the pine between the two of them.
“Jack, Trevor was a fucking douche,” Shitty starts with because that is easy. “Their relationship… it was not… well, it was not awful but also not the best. And Bitty is the one who gets to judge whether or not it is too soon, but you gotta’ give him a chance to do that. The teacher thing… maybe it is a little inappropriate. But, brah, you like him. I haven’t seen you like this with anyone in a long time. You deserve to be happy. And, also, it is just a party.” Shitty finishes.
Jack stays quiet for a while, likely mulling it all over. “I will think about it, Shits.”
“Sweet!” Shitty exclaims and he clumsily closes the gap between the two of them on the couch and smacks a wet kiss on Jack’s cheek.
Shitty and Bitty are seated at the kitchen island. Shitty has bravely volunteered as taste-tester. Bittle wants all the treats he is making for the Halloween party to be perfect. He claims half of what Shitty has eaten today is just not good enough, but Shitty, oh Shitty he begs to differ. And has countless times but Bitty just lets out a huff and reworks the recipes. Shitty is certain he will gain fifty pounds tonight alone, and he does not mind one iota.
“I invited Jack to the Halloween party. Brah, I invite him every year but I think this year he might actually come,” Shitty says, hopefully as smoothly as he wants it to be. He might be just a little high but nothing that he can’t function with. Nothing that impairs his taste buds any, a point he has argued over and over with Bitty over the course of the night.
“Jack? He won’t be busy with Maisie and Camilla?” Bitty asks, and there seems to be a strange tone to Eric’s voice and fuck maybe Shitty is higher than he realized because he is having a difficult time deciphering what that tone means.
“He has plans to go with them for trick or treating and then no plans. No game or anything,” Shitty explains and he notices the way Bitty tenses up, pausing in whatever it is he is doing to the baked goods. Probably something to make them epically delicious. Shitty can feel his mouth start to salivate at the thought of what those baked goods will taste like. He wants them in his mouth and down his belly stat! Wait, he is supposed to be focusing on Bitty and Jack and trying to encourage one of them to make maybe think about making the move on the other. In their own time, of course, but hopefully, that own time will be sooner rather than later.
“Seems kind of strange that he won’t be spending the night with them, doesn’t it?” Bitty asks and there is that tone again. Annoyance? Maybe even anger. Bitty’s Georgian twang has gotten thicker. Shitty frowns.
“Not really? I mean Maisie has a bedtime and they might let her stay up a little later because it is Halloween but, she’ll go to bed with plenty of time for Jack to come out and play. And Camilla is probably going to want to spend the evening with Steve, brah.” Shitty explains, hoping that settles whatever concern is in Bitty’s mind. He wonders if Bitty has the same concerns as Jack, the whole appropriateness thing with being Maisie’s teacher. This whole plan of his, half-baked though it is, suddenly seems more complicated if that is the case.
“Shitty. If Jack decides to come to a party and not spend his free evening with his pregnant wife then he is not the sweet man he acts like,” and Shitty wonders if the weed he smoked broke his brain some.
“Pregnant wife? Bro, no. Camilla and Jack are divorced. She’s with Steve and the kid is Steve’s, not Jack’s and…” and suddenly Shitty is laughing, harder than is probably warranted given the situation. Bitty spins on his heels to stare at him and Shitty notices how red his face is. He feels guilty about laughing and tries to stop. He manages to finally stop the laughter and sort of curses the weed gods for making him so giggly. It isn’t right laughing at Bitty right now even if it is kind of funny. Suddenly, the vague comments he has made in the past two months are starting to add up in Shitty’s head.
“Brah, did you think Jack was some kind of like… nice asshole? He’s single as fuck,” and Bitty is definitely Jack’s type but Shitty stops himself from saying that. Bitty is worrying his lower lip something fierce. He looks on the verge of saying something when the timer on the oven dings. He busies himself with getting the baked goods out of it and Shitty watches him, only pausing in his watching, to spin on the barstool for a moment, before he returns to just staring at his friend. Probably creeper level of staring.
“I was a little confused. Lord, Shitty. The man keeps bringing me coffees whenever he drops Maisie off. He always seems so interested in what I have to say, and I could not tell at first if he was just being polite or if it was something more. And then if it was something more that was just wrong because I thought he was with Camilla,” and Bitty lets out a groan. “I probably embarrassed myself around him so many times.” He watches as Bitty hides his face in his hands.
“Bitty, Bits… don’t worry. Jack probably never noticed you saying or doing anything embarrassing,” and if he did, Shitty thinks silently, he probably did not mind. Bitty is silent for a few minutes.
“I hope he comes,” he says, quietly and Shitty breaks out into a grin.
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sombrz · 5 years
Hello please talk about king explosion murder
THE BOY!!!!!
can you believe i spent months trying to be lowkey about my bakugou ships? it took me a while to even admit he was my favourite despite the fact i knew from the start i’d end up a bakugou stan. i never had a ‘oh no this kid’s a mean terrible person’ phase - it was a ‘oh, i can’t Reveal my character tastes like this. not like this.’ phase.
this got…..long. so uh. under the cut it goes:
ANYWAY: i ship bakugou with…..uh…….a lot of characters. kiribaku is the easiest to explain - dumbass jock boyfriends who do shit like baku using kiri as a hammer to make mochi. and kiri being gung-ho about testing his unbreakable mode (which, btw, was motivated by bakugou’s words!!!) by having bakugou fucking. use howlitzer impact on him. you know how i feel about bro ships (hint: i love them). how kiri went from ‘man this bakugou guy is nuts!!! we have to stop him!!!!’ to ‘wow bakugou is so manly and cool and i wanna be by his side’ in the span of (1) one-on-one convo. HE LIKES BAKUGOU SO MUCH. IT’S CUTE. LIKE, I DON’T THINK BAKUGOU GETS HOW HAPPY HE MAKES KIRISHIMA LMAO. how bakugou so readily accepted kiri as an equal - bakugou, who only had two categories for people [extras vs rivals], never thought to seriously think of kiri as anything but an ally and a friend, people always talk how kirishima was the first classmate bakugou even bothered remembering the name of, and with reason, since it says a lot. kiri’s got quite a bit of mlm subtext going on, tbh, and bakugou’s the source of almost all of it. soooooo there’s that too. 
but i’ve also fallen Deep into bakudeku. it’s the shared development, okay. the history and complex emotions and the slowburn to becoming partners. there’s just so much, and they’re so ENTRENCHED in each other. for better or worse, for how much they might dislike the fact they can’t stop thinking about each other, they just can’t help it. they couldn’t understand each other at all but somehow still knew the other inside and out. and deku’s been so smitten since he was like a baby 3 year old and it breaks my heart. it’s honestly one of my favourite shounen rival ships bc it keeps subverting your expectations. and every episode/chapter that deals with their issues and nudges them closer to the ideal - the endgame - is guranteed to be among the best. they’re the backbone of the series, and i love watching them grow together. the fact that they’re currently HEALTHY RIVALS AND TENTATIVE FRIENDS (like deku feels so comfortable gushing over bakugou to his face again and bakugou is so invested in deku’s improvement & is only snappy w/ him out of reflex lmao)….that bakugou is deku’s secret keeper and deku is the one person bakugou allows himself to be vulnerable around……HOO BOY. i just imagined bakugou holding out his hand for deku to take - or accepting deku’s hand at all - and died.
ALSO, TODOBAKU….my darkhorse ship, which hit me in the face one day when i realized how a) hilarious they are together and b) how the series keeps shoving them together (sometimes literally - thanks slidin’ go for giving them the group hug they deserved). i love how they’re so different yet similar - bakugou is loud and obnoxious while todoroki is stern and quiet, but they’re both rude prodigies who needed to be jumpkicked into realizing that they could become better people with the help of others instead of letting anger and bitterness swallow them up. and the provisional exam course made it so they were forced to hang out with each other 95% of the time for three whole months and i LIVE FOR THAT. i love how funny they are - todoroki is snarky & doesn’t even bat an eyelash over bakugou’s tantrums but genuinely tries to be nice and make friends with him! bakugou is so petty and wants todoroki’s attention soooo bad but don’t think i haven’t noticed that most times we’ve seen him genuinely smile has been in todoroki’s presence (ok, then todoroki reacts to it and bakugou instantly goes back to a snarl but STILL). also the fact that the narrative doesn’t want us to forget that bakugou eavesdropped on todoroki telling deku about his family, and bakugou is always Alert and keeping an eye on todo whenever endeavour is involved bc he’s sympathetic and y’know??? cares????? SO GOOD. AND THEY’RE SUCH A GOOD TEAM - SURPRISINGLY IN SYNC AND THEIR QUIRKS MATCH UP AND I LOVE THEM!
GOD, HORI…..BAKUGOU/URARAKA WOULD BE SO GOOD. like, can you *imagine* the sheer potential of a ship that you only really have them interact during one goddamn tournament fight and yet it becomes arguably the most popular het ship in your series (w/ only the main character and his canon love interest as real competition????) i love them though, like,,,,i find it so interesting that uraraka has shown, despite again - minimal onscreen interaction - that she understands bakugou better than most. she knows how he’d handle their fight and uses that to her advantage. (and while she still lost, she gained his respect and a new drive to get stronger!) she’s the one who brings up how HE’D feel about the plan to go rescue him - that his pride would prevent him from easily accepting help. i’m desperately trying to figure out a way they could animate that omake where uraraka plants herself in deku’s seat and demands that bakugou bury the hatchet with him while gently but firmly calling him out for his root issue of fear and his defense mechanism of violently pushing deku away. and it managed to calm him down and honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he ruminated on those words for a while. IT’S SO GOOD, WHY WASN’T IT IN THE STORY ITSELF!!! and like, the mere fact he respects her a lot and ended up *psyched* to continue fighting her - and after he’s told deku had nothing to do with her plan, i don’t think he’d make that mistake again, which makes it easier for him to understand her back. he knows she’s smart and talented and that everyone else was wrong to underestimate her. also, i love that uraraka thinks bakugou is like…..funny? he’s out there threatening to murder kaminari and uraraka’s like ‘hahaha :’’)))’ bc she has such a Bro/vulgar sense of humour. like, i think they’d have a lot of fun together. LET THEM TALK MORE, PLS!!!!
THOSE ARE MY MAIN SHIPS BUT I ALSO SHIP HIM WITH THE REST OF THE BAKUSQUAD! BOTH PLATONICALLY AND ROMANTICALLY! I HAVE NO SHAME! baku/kami is so underrated and great - kaminari is just as much bakugou’s bff as kirishima is, tbh, and he has absolutely No Chill which makes their interactions - especially the further the story goes and bakugou’s edges soften - so much fun. one moment, he’ll be casually commenting that bakugou is the worst and needs to change his whole rotten personality - then the next second, he’ll be sprawled all over him, calling him kacchan and defending his honour from actual haters. and bakugou just fucbdhfhd lets this happen. bakugou likes kaminari enough to just let him. do whatever the hell he wants. ALSO, THE BAND. admittedly, sero is the only one with enough common sense and actual standards to avoid dating bakugou (’HE’LL NEVER BE BEAUTIFUL’ ghdhfhd sero) but i still adore them. sero’s so tricksy and loves playing the reverse psychology trick on bakugou, who just constantly falls for it. i bet he was the first person bakugou let just hang out in his room, and he probably appreciates that sero actually gives him his space when he needs it! i can’t believe baku/sero is the Real ‘bakugou pining’ ship. @ hori: GIVE MINA AND BAKUGOU ACTUAL INTERACTIONS, GDI. i’m forced to headcanon their whole dynamic from near-scratch. whereas kiri and kami are more the type to glue themselves to bakugou’s back, i imagine mina’s the type to actively drag bakugou along places. she probably cried when she found out that a) his parents are rich designers (’BUY ME CLOTHES, BAKUGOUUUU’) and b) his glycerin-based quirk and taking after his mom means he usually has perfect skin and has never broken out in his life. she doesn’t speak to him for a week until he takes her out to dinner and buys her a cute dress. and i’m super fond of baku/jirou. i love that their dynamic is like…..while the rest of their friends are doing dumb shit For The VineTM, they’re on the sidelines waiting for shit to hit the fan. they’re punk buds and prob do that couples clothes switch thing a lot just to see if anyone notices. jirou bosses him around and he takes all her advice seriously and like, they trust each other! they have great team synergy! she was the first person bakugou both consciously protected and asked to protect him in turn!! DID I MENTION THE BAND?? i also ship him with camie! it’s just such a funny concept to imagine - like imagine you’re in class 1A and bakugou shows up out of nowhere with a hot girlfriend who talks. like that. and she makes him laugh??? and no, seriously, does he actually understand what the hell she’s saying???? WHAT’S HAPPENING. but yeah, she very casually teases him but also seemed comfortable w/ him right off the bat and i know in my heart that bakugou relented and let her have his phone number. also, i find it funny people started shipping him with shindou after bakugou was the one to call him out for being duplicitous. bakugou’s the type of character that just needs to interact with another character once and *someone* out there will be like ‘what if………..they were dating’ and that’s so valid of them.
good bakugou ot3/ot4s: kirishima/bakugou/uraraka, todoroki/midoriya/bakugou, todoroki/inasa/camie/bakugou. i reblog a looooot of kirishima/kaminari/bakugou and bakugou/uraraka/midoriya even tho i don’t actually ship either as an ot3 that much, oops? they’re good ships tho.
is there something i’m missing? I MIGHT BE MISSING SOMETHING.
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acrobaticcatfeline · 6 years
Summerville Nights chapter 1!
ok so this is the fanfic based on the prompt by @romantichopelessly.
summary: It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So let’s get into it.
warnings: cursing, piningness? i don’t really think there’s anything else, let me know if there if though.
ships: pre logince, pre moxiety
taglist: @anyay666 @emocinamonroll @noahlovescoffee @voices-and-stardust @treechildoffical if anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know!
more below the cut
Summerville high school is known as one of the best schools in the US in athletics, curriculum, and even the arts. Its giant too, the size of an average community college campus and many amenities provided are free to any student or alumni. The school has a lot of luxuries by being in a wealthier neighborhood and still being a free access public school. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So, let’s get into it.
It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. The 4 of them hadn’t been able to tour the campus and the giant pristine halls set them all in shock at the beauty of it all; who knew a high school campus could be actively gorgeous. Virgil Lee was the first to come back to the present, mostly because his older brother Remy was quick to drag him over to freshman orientation. The smaller kid quickly turned and ran forward to the open doors of the huge auditorium. He gave his brother a punch to the arm as a farewell before meeting up with some of his friends in the audience. They spent quite a while just talking about the different sports the school offered; of course, Virgil was the epitome of the high school jock. (not really but don’t tell him that). He wore his jeans hung slightly low, and a purple muscle tee with his middle schools’ mascot across the front, and his jet-black hair fell across his violet eyes gorgeously; his family always did say they were the best thing about him. He had to pause his conversation when he saw a really fucking cute goth boy walk in, he made a mental note to introduce himself later before jumping right back into the midst of his previous conversation.
The next to come to his senses was a tiny frail kid named Logan Sanders. That was because he had been shoved into a wall already, probably for his choice of outfit; a deep blue knee length skirt, a black button up and a matching blue tie, as well as a little teal butterfly hairclip. He scurried away and into the auditorium searching for anyone he knew and running straight for Virgil, his longtime best friend. He was always grateful for Virgil’s awareness, because he could run straight into the other and be lifted up instead of falling over; something extremely important he thinks as he’s barreling toward the jock full speed. Virgil’s grin was wide when he caught the feeling that his nerd was running toward him and spun around to lift the tiny thing up before he bulldozed them both over.
“sup Lo? Haven’t heard from you in like a month, everything been alright?” Virgil questioned softly with a small smirk.
“oh yeah, uh, anxiety hit like a metaphorical truck again, sorry about that. Hey, I already got shoved into a wall today! It is a new record!” Logan’s small smile was quick to fall when Virgil’s face fell, and his hands turned to fists. Maybe he said a bit too much?
“who? Where? I’m gonna kill them how dare they? They need to grow the f-” Logan covered his mouth before he spouted more incriminating words. He gave another weak smile as he pulled his hands away again.
“it is fine! Calm down, I don’t even know if it was on purpose or not, it is okay. Lets just sit down and wait this thing out” Virgil slouched before nodding.
“only for you nerdling”
The next to come to was the same goth boy Virgil saw, the bad boy Patton Fernandez. He had to snap out of it, if anyone saw him smile for long, they’d start asking questions that he was unprepared for and people were already staring. He sauntered into the auditorium with his hood pulled down showing off his dirty blonde hair that faded into pastel blue and his eyebags that were only partially eyeshadow He was surprised he even made it on time today, usually when he’s actually able to sleep, his alarms can’t do shit to wake him from a week of sleep, but here he is, at 7 am on a Monday regretting his decision to not bring his headphones. Granted his mom dropped them off at the office for him, but he couldn’t get them until after orientation and its really loud in there. He’s supposed to meet his best friend though, and he’d suffer far worse for him and to be honest, he already had. All he had to do was wait for his service human and he would be fine. Speaking of which.
Roman Washington was the last to refocus, mostly because he was so tiny no one noticed he was there. He ran into the assembly and made a beeline to his goth friend. He ran into him for a big hug and Patton didn’t even stumble. The boy started jumping in excitement and his giant circle glasses were bouncing just as much. The two of them couldn’t be more dissimilar, Roman was tiny, colorful, and loud but introverted where Patton was tall, dark and gloomy, and quiet but extroverted. When Roman spoke everyone heard, but he didn’t talk much. Patton was rarely heard, but never stopped talking, mostly for his own sanity. Even so, these two have been inseparable since they met.
Roman was about to start ranting to Patton about his weekend but the lights in the room dimmed and the orientation started. Oh well, Roman would be able to tell Patton all about everything when they go home to Patton’s. I mean its his super epic birthday extravaganza and Patton was… pretty much the only one who was invited. It’s not his fault people are scary! Although he once shouted at someone for calling Patton a broody emo because excuse??? Patton isn’t BROODY he’s d e p r e s s e d, and he’s not EMO he’s g o t h and if anybody has an issue, they’re gonna have to get through him first. And his tiny frail body that knows nothing about how to protect himself. Yeah lucky for him most people are scared of the look Patton gives to anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to mess with his friend. In other words, there’s two guys walking over to them and-oh. Roman sees a boy walking towards him and he’s wearing a really cute skirt and a tie? Oh, geez Roman was always a hopeless romantic but geez. He not-so-subtly starts fussing with his bright red sweater vest and fixes the button up underneath it. He pats at his green slacks and is suddenly very aware of how nerdy and awful he looks and wants to disappear. He steps behind Patton and hyperventilates while fussing with his glasses that are far too big for his head suddenly and oh geez oh geez. Patton was having a similar freak out because there’s a really cute guy but he’s obviously a jock and jocks like to torture him and he’s not keen on this happening right now, so he just sits down. He was not ready to punch his poor heart yet.
Virgil had grabbed Logan as soon as the lights dimmed and dragged him over to the cute goth boy because cute boy? Possible friend? Possible more than friend? Yes please. Also, the little nerdy boy with him looked like he was totally Logan’s type and we all know its bros first, so yeah, that’s how he made his way over to the two. Logan was maybe possibly slightly enamored with the boy Virgil pointed out to him. He shouldn’t be, he doesn’t get it, although he’s always been one to fall for darker skinned guys, and holy crap he was so pretty-aesthetically of course-it’s not like Logan finds him attractive or anything, just aesthetically pleasing. His darker skin matched with a white button up and a blood red sweater vest beautifully is all. And him fiddling with his hair and tie was just a fidget he did, not him trying to look nice for the cu-the boy over there. Of course not.
When they got over, they simply sat in the row behind them and chatted quietly together until it was over. Patton was gearing up, getting ready to tell them off as they were leaving, but the jock was offering him a hand up? He took it suspiciously and went reeling at the smirk the guy wore, thinking he was about to be pranked. He drew back quickly before looking around him. All he saw was Roman and this little nerdy kid exchanging shy nerd glances of pining. He immediately fixed the jock with a glare.
“do you have an issue with me kid? What could I have possibly done to heed you waltzing your happy ass all the way over here out of your way?” oh he felt bad for that. He didn’t like being mean, but he has to protect himself. Maybe if he’s intimidating enough, he’ll just leave? Oh, nope he’s smiling now, did he set himself up? Oh, is there a supervisor that just heard him curse out this dude? He didn’t even swear that badly! Shit.
“wow wasn’t expecting that. I do have an issue with you in fact, you are illegally cute, and I was hoping I could possibly befriend you?” oh. Oh no this is worse, gosh his cheeks are bright red now he’s sure of it. He scowls at him before shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
“yeah sure thanks for the joke dude real funny I gotta get to class I don’t have time for people poking fun at me right now.” He pulls one arm back out and grabs Roman’s hand and heads off.
“hey, wait!” he pauses for a moment, the voice being new. “um, mr person, my friend isn’t joking with you, I promise. He’s not like that. He’s really nice actually um, and I would also be pleased in befriending you and your friend. If that’s ok with you. Uh, I’m Logan and his name is Virgil.” Patton smirks slightly and turns around. He analyzes the look on the smaller boys’ face before nodding.
“hm. Ok. I’ll believe you for now. Names Patton. This one is Roman. See ya round later, I guess. Virgil, Logan.” And he turned back and continued to class with Roman.
Logan and Virgil were left in awe for a moment before rushing to their class too. Logan kept spouting about how dare he introduce him to a pleasing person and make him feel… things!!! He didn’t even talk at all, but he was figuratively falling for this, this… dark skinned beauty!!! Its not allowed and Virgil was definitely buying him dinner tonight to make up for this entire ordeal thank you very much! Meanwhile Virgil was in stunned silence because geez that Patton guy, oh he’s so cute and feisty and he wants to see that cursed smirk every day now. He hadn’t ever had such fierce desire to know someone, he hadn’t had such a fierce desire to do anything other than sleep. And maybe run on a good day. But he has a goal now at least. He was gonna woo the goth.
The 4 didn’t reunite until after school that day. Logan was seated in the field across from the football practice and was studying already, hoping to get to a comfortable week ahead. He nearly threw his book out of his arms when someone tapped him on the shoulder, but he settled for snapping it shut…on his tie. Great job. He opens it and sets it down before turning to see the two he met earlier. He adjusted his glasses and gives a small smile. Patton was squatting next to him, and Roman was standing a foot or so behind him. Logan went back to his textbook when it seemed like the two weren’t about to start talking. He was paying enough attention to hear the sounds of two backpacks thudding to the ground as well as some footsteps and two people sitting down. As long as they didn’t try to hurt him everything would be fine. They didn’t seem like they had any malice directed at him, so maybe he could focus a bit more on his studies, maybe he could trust them? No definitely not, no way, even Virgil would say it’s a bad idea he bets. Plus, it seems like they’re talking now Logan you might want to listen.
“so, what’re you doing hanging out here dude? You don’t have any extra crap like Vee does?” Logan tilts his head over at Patton who is the one talking, very quietly in fact.
“oh uh, not that start yet. I plan on joining gsa and maybe the debate team? I do not know quite yet, Virgil usually helps me make decisions as I am quite indecisive. Also, he owes me dinner tonight, and as much as I would usually let him off, he said he would take me to Olive Garden and while I logically know its objectively bad Italian food, it is a guilty pleasure of mine that I have been craving. Thus, why I am sitting here studying and waiting for him to be done with practice.” He says rather easily. There’s a beat of silence before Patton speaks again.
“so how long have you two been a thing?” Logan squints in confusion.
“um, I am not quite sure as to what you are talking about? If you are inquiring about our relationship, I cannot quite remember. I think I was about 3?” there is sputtering, and Logan is only even more confused.
“you’ve been dating since you were 3!?!?! Please tell me you’re joking?!” ohhh. Oh, that makes more sense now.
“oh no, I seem to have misunderstood you. Virgil and I are in a completely platonic relationship. We have been friends for that long.” There was a sigh of relief as well as a small giggle that sounded, and the giggle set Logan’s chest into overdrive, gosh that must have been Roman and that was the literal sound that happens when you ascend past this mortal world; pure and hopeful and did Logan just actually die? That’s the only reasonable explanation. Welp he said he platonically loved Virgil before he went to practice so no reason to regret. Wait what’s that voice.
“Pat you should have known, he literally walked over and said you were cute while dragging him along. You’d have to be really silly to drag your boyfriend along to call someone cute! I mean unless you’re poly but most teenagers don’t mess around with polygamy in high school and I dunno, but I told you!” the giggle sounded again, and Logan managed to turn to him in time to see the large toothy smile that broke out on the near charcoal skinned beauty. And yup, Logan was so gone. Virgil owes him dinner for a week now yup that’s what’s happening.
“um, are you ok Logan? Logan? Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?” that pulled him right back.
“what?! No! um, I mean, I’m fine it’s just uh, it’s a bit warm don’t you think, I mean it’s august and I’ve worn dark colors all day its fine I just need to cool down for a sec sorry.” Oh no there went his metaphorical chill. He used contractions! Gosh how could he have done this it’s embarrassing he wanted to be cool and calm and now he looks like a complete imbecile. Of course it was just then that the whistle ending practice sounded. There was shouting and running and suddenly Logan grabbed his bag and started packing hurriedly before standing.
“I uh, I am sorry, but I must be leaving, I hope to see you both tomorrow?” he rushed while trying to remain calm. Of course, the two others stood, and Patton gave a smirk.
“well we might bump into each other tonight. I was actually taking Roman to OG for his birthday dinner tonight as well. Maybe we can hang there, god knows with sports for him and theatre for Ro, it’ll be hard to chill anywhere else. I’ll be sure to book a table for 4.” Oh shit. That cheeky goth just winked. Oh god what does that mean what is he planning what did he just sign up for??? He nods, and waves then bolts to the locker room.
Logan was a regular there, as he had accompanied Virgil to every tryout for the team, so when the guys saw him, they paid no mind. He walked to the hallway directly next to where he knew Virgil was and slid to the floor, covering his face and pushing his glasses up to rest on his head. Virgil peeked his head around and snickered softly as he rushed to finish getting ready. When he was finished, he tapped Logan on the shoulder and they started on their way.
“I might have accidentally signed us up for something and I need you to promise not to yell because its freaking me out too and you yelling would make it worse ok? And I know you don’t yell at me but yelling in general might cause a panic attack right now” Logan blurted out while they were walking. He is acutely ware of the fact that he’s fidgeting with his tie but he’s nervous ok? Cut him some slack! Virgil glances over to him with a curious look as well as a promise in his eyes. They’ve learned to communicate without words after as long as they’ve been friends.
“well uh, you know how we are going to Olive Garden? Well apparently Patton and Roman were going too and Patton said he was going to get us a table for 4 and I sort of want to just go home and curl up in a ball but also like Roman’s voice is so nice and his giggle is like literal angel bells Virgil, his giggle is the sound that you hear after you die and I cannot handle it Virgil what have you done I knew I was gay but this is a lot and I don’t know what to do Virgil what do I do?” Virgil had to set his hand on Logan’s shoulder to help ground the now panicking boy. After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit he looks over to see Virgil with a small smile on his face. He takes his hand off his shoulder as he speaks.
“first off dude, I wouldn’t yell at you or near you if I have the choice, you know me I hate losing my temper. Secondly, that’s pretty cool! I did wanna hang out with them more they seem really interesting. Thirdly, it seems like you’ve found your dream guy lo. I’m glad I could drag you headfirst into your destiny. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Plus, the kid looks like head over heels for you too. So just relax and go with the flow. You’ve got this.”
They both gave each other a look of confidence and a nod as they headed to the dreaded Olive Garden meet up. Will they survive? Maybe. Will they realize just how totally gay they are for the goth and the nerd? Most definitely. But the only way to know is to stay tuned!
thank you for reading!!!
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