#bro what if he's secretly a pigeon person
tricornonthecob · 1 year
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while I wait for poll results I also did this.
Do you remember his pigeon phase. I remember his pigeon phase.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
Oooh that’s true..I think for me I just thought Nagi would have a different calibration for closeness and since he literally had 0 friends before I can see him having a kinda inaccurate scale of levels of closeness LMAO
Honestly Otoya being the most chill is so funny him balancing it out with being a cheater is WILD HSDHJS
I LOVED cadence always thought she was so pretty!! I lowk liked Luna too (beginnings of angst huh) but also her theme was just gorgeous!! The wedding movie literally was the highlight of my childhood HAHA and the songs??? Don’t even get me started I remember recording the audio so I could listen to it on my phone LMAOO
Also NO STOP I WAS GONNA MAKE A POKEMON REF IN A PREV REPLY but I was like maybe i should stay away from potentially obscure references…do you have a fav game?? I personally love diamond and pearl LOL I can def imagine Otoya purposely grabbing a shedinja or a ninjask or a scyther for the sake of his aesthetic but secretly owning some really cute fairy types or something….like a flabebe or dedene….sometimes I close my eyes and imagine him as a faithful man LMFAO
Actually I found you through peregrine via the nagi tag first LMAO I was lurking a good handful of tags at the time and I was like omg this writing slaps….and then that just led me to your entire page LOL Unfortunately did not find you via the Karasu tag hahahah I remember at the time I was already thinking like WOW this tag a little dry and I don’t see all too much posted that often…imagine my shock when I start checking the Karasu tag like oh boy I did NOT know what dry meant clearly…I actually think I read peregrine awhile ago, didn’t touch tumblr for a bit after I got a bit busy, came back, forgot what happened, and proceeded to reread LMAO I just remember it being like “wasn’t I reading something before I fell off the face of the earth…” but anyways (hoping I’m not mixing up my fics and memory but I do distinctly remember reading peregrine first…I remember it catching my eye because I was like KIRA??? /pos When I clicked on the masterlist for it LMAO)
UGH YUKI BENCHED?? Get bro in the game I’m not going to lie I would’ve preferred seeing the fruits of yuki development over whatever Kiyora crumbs are being thrown to us like pigeons….TABIEITA HEADING A TEAM??? I would die of happiness they would so dominate omg…I think it’s on top of the fact that the have their own egos too and own drives for soccer (and healthy lives outside of soccer (well not the cheating but)) that makes them such a strong duo, like rather than depending on each other they embody the devour concept a lot more…tabieita reunion in u20 World Cup please i beg…
Prepping for a Yap session soon i think the chapter releases like today or tomorrow??? Getting locked in rn
But first IM RUNNING TO READ THE LAST INSTALLMENT I WILL BE BACK WITH MY THOUGHTS!!!! I know im going to eat this up thank you for your service o7
- Karasu anon
nagi to me feels like a character who has a lot of difficulty genuinely connecting w people so it would take a LOT before he considers someone a close friend. i think eventually he will find other friends/people to care abt in bllk but it’ll take a while fs!!
THE SONGS IN THE WEDDING MOVIE PLS CHILDHOOD ME WAS BUSTING DOWN TO THEM!! and omg i am such a pokémon lover…i really liked x but mostly for nostalgia not because it’s the BEST game yk?? alpha sapphire and pearl were also rlly fun. i haven’t played the new games yet but everything pre-gen 6 will always hold a special place in my heart 💖 PLEASEE LMAOO otoya gets pokémon x/y and ofc he has to pick froakie as his starter because greninja but then the star of his team ends up being like clefable or sylveon or smth JDJDSKKS he never lets karasu near his ds because he always gets bullied for his team of cutesy pokémon + greninja…meanwhile karasu only uses pokémon he thinks look cool even if they suck otherwise so if he ever battles against otoya he loses miserably 😭 pleaseee kaneshiro knew otoya would be too strong if he faithful he has to nerf my man somehow 😪
PLSS kira is lowkey villainous in peregrine…i didn’t want to make any actually lovable characters be the ‘second lead’ (said loosely because it’s so obvious nagi is the main guy) but i wanted it to be someone from canon and he was the best fit given what i needed him to do 😫 hehe that’s def a crazy journey but i’m glad you found me 🫡
I’M SAYINGGG yuki had his moment and then vanished bruh…i actually do like kiyora (him in the anime w that coloring is basically exactly what a male animated version of me would look like so i’m biased) but i wish his development didn’t come at the cost of previous characters…bllk has such a huge cast that it’s hard to balance it though fs so i do get it 😔 TABIEITA WILL COME BACK TRUST ‼️ people on social media say karasu won’t make it to the top 23 and i’m like??? he’s kinda carrying pxg atm icl he just has NO help plus he’s against isagi and ng11 kaiser so ofc it’s going to be difficult. overall though he’s one of the few players we’ve seen who actually plays really well midfield/defensively plus they’ve introduced this dynamic w hiori so i’m pretty sure he’s making it…as for otoya he’s ranked like number 10 rn i think he’s safe 😭 but he and bachira might be the only barcha players to make it because they are in fact the only relevant ones 😓
AHHH I’M SO READY epinagi release weekends are like a monthly holiday for me DJDJSJSJA have fun w the next part of fwtkac i hope you like it!!
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ilovemesomekames · 3 years
MLB x TMNT 2k12 if they meet each other
Watched Miraculous New York and at some point they got into a sewer and you bet your ass I immediately thought of them
(these are only convos I personally think they would make if they ever meet) //a bit of spoilers warning
Pretty long so under the cut : 
Leo : So... you're telling me that this guy can turn people into villains?
Ladybug : Um, yes?
Leo : And these villains drive off from negative emotions?
Chat : That about sums it up.
Leo :
Ladybug : I didn’t know there were five turtle miraculous-
Donnie : We aren’t Miraculous, we’re mutants. We got exposed by mutagen, a chemical substance that makes any creature exposed to it will be affected in a myriad of ways, from growing in size and intellectual capacity, merging with inorganic materials such as metal, or gaining superpowers such as telepathy or telekinesis
Ladybug :
Ladybug : So like a Miraculous-
Donnie : No-
Chat : So you’re mutant... turtles... who are ninjas?
Mikey : Yep
Chat :
Chat : Cool! Wanna team up?
Mikey : Kung food? Guitar villain?? Mr. Pigeon??! Dude, these villain names are so lame!
Chat : Heh, it is a bit weird
Hawkmoth, secretly listening : ...is it really...?
*in a fight*
Chat : What's wrong? Feline a little tired?
Mikey : Nah, bro. I'm feeling paw-some!
Leo : I must say he's a fur-midable opponent
Donnie : Yeah, but this is starting to be a cat-tastrophe
Mikey : You’ve been through space too?
Chat : Yeah! Someone got akumatized and sent a whole train to space. How about you?
Mikey : Oh, we went with this robot who’s once a human so we can go back in time and stop a buncha alien dudes who wanted to put a black hole on the earth just so they can wipe out another race of alien dudes.
Chat : What
Mikey : What?
Ladybug : I'll just use my lucky charm and everything would go back to normal!
Raph and Marinette in her room, with photos of Adrien all over her wall, Adriens schedule, and gifts for Adrien that lasts for 30 years.
Raph :
Marinette : So, uuh...
Marinette : You think it's too much?
Raph : Too much?! This is creepy!
Marinette : Yeah... maybe I should make the gifts just until his 25th birthday....
Raph, facepalming : Oh my god how is she worst than Donnie
April : You know, that Marinette girl kinda remind me of someone but I can't quite put my finger on it...
Donnie : Hey April!
April : Oh.
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saturnwritings · 4 years
—kenma, kuroo, bokuto and akaashi go cake shopping for y/n’s birthday, chaos ensues. 
pairing(s): offscreen kenma x reader (with a light dusting of bokuaka because i am legally obliged to)
word count: 1307
a/n: i’m so sorry this is so stupid omg but i wanted to post this cause it was from an activity in english where we practiced dialogue obviously reflecting characters' personalities. this was originally with voltron characters but i decided to change it B)
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“Stop goofing around! Don’t you remember, Kenma brought us here to buy a cake for y/n’s birthday!” Akaashi yelled at Bokuto, who was trying on party hats made for 5 year olds. No matter how many times he reprimanded Bokuto and Kuroo for getting side-tracked, they never seemed to listen - and Akaashi was starting to lose his patience. 
“Kenma! Kenma! Look at this cake topper - it’s a pigeon! Didn’t you name a pokemon that looked like this after y/n? I think we should get this for her!” Kuroo all but yelled. To anyone else in the store he would have been mistaken for an overly excited child. 
Kenma almost rolled his eyes, but when he saw what Kuroo was gesturing at, his eyes lit up ever so slightly, however Kuroo, ever so knowledgeable in the subject of Kenma, noticed it right away. 
In his head, Kenma was feeling soft. He was surprised Kuroo remembered but then again, y/n was mad at him for a whole week for naming a Pigeon after her of all Pokemon. He almost smiled at the memory when Bokuto cut off his train of thought.
“We should totally get it! Oh, and-” Bokuto got cut off by Akaashi.
“Guys, we need to focus! We’re never going to get anything done if you keep getting distracted. We need to pick out a cake for y/n! I swear, it’s like I have two children to babysit!” Akaashi scolded. Bokuto and Kuroo exchanged looks. Kuroo pouted and turned away to avoid getting punished, Bokuto’s hair tufts deflated ever so slightly.
“Sorry, Akaashi.” Bokuto slung his arm around Akaashi’s shoulders, “We didn’t mean to cause you so much trouble…” He said as he leaned his head on Akaashi’s. Bokuto glanced sideways with puppy dog-like eyes, Akaashi simply let out a sigh (they all knew he wasn’t really that mad).
Kenma looked away from the exchange to see Kuroo rearranging some wooden letters on the shelf they were on. So far, Kenma could see he had H-E-N-T-A. Further in the distance, he saw a 2-for-1 sale for black forest cakes. 
“Let’s just get the chocolate cake, they’re on sale and everyone likes chocolate, I guess.” Kenma explained while pointing at the sale sign. Bokuto gasped and pulled away from Akaashi, only to grab his hands and clutch them tightly. 
“Can we? It’s in our budget isn’t it?” Bokuto’s eyes sparkled. Akaashi was slightly shocked Bokuto was able to remember the budget of ¥2,500, the chocolate cake sale falling just short. He thought for a second, but ultimately shook his head. 
“It’s not healthy for us to get two cakes… And remember your birthday last year? We could barely finish that one fruitcake.” Akaashi recounted. 
“Fine, whatever…” Bokuto pouted and let his eyes wander around the store until his eyes landed on another cake. “How about this one then!” Bokuto walked over to an angel's food cake that looked about 40 centimeters in diameter. “The angel on the top kinda looks like you though, Akaashi!” He said with a dopey smile, Akaashi’s cheeks flushed and his eyes slightly widened. Before he could say anything, though, Bokuto continued, “And it’s almost the size of Kenma!” An exaggeration, of course. 
“Oh, come on! We all know Kenma’s the size of a mushroom! That’s not saying a lot.” Kuroo expressed, finally directing his attention to the conversation and away from his wooden letters. Kenma huffed. 
“Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.” Kenma declared, getting ready to square up. 
“I’m sorry Bokuto, it’s way out of our budget.” Akaashi said softly, keeping in mind the set price they had decided on beforehand. Secretly, he wanted to get the angel’s food cake purely because of Bokuto’s earlier comment.
“Fine!” Bokuto whined, admitting defeat. “Hm… Kenma! What’s another kind of cake that y/n would like?” Bokuto asked, hoping Kenma would know.
“How about this mixed-berry cheesecake?” Akaashi asked, browsing the cakes in coolers.
“Why don’t we just get a blueberry one? It is the superior fruit after all.” Kenma said, dead serious. 
“But where’s the fun in that?! Why have just one berry when you can have multiple!” Bokuto exclaimed. They all understood this; they know Bokuto’s the type of person who likes to go all out. 
“Let’s just get that one, then. I mean, it's in our budget.” Akaashi shrugged. Kenma huffed.
“Aw, Kenma! If you want, I can pick off the strawberries and raspberries for you?” Kuroo taunted. 
“Whatever, Kuro! It doesn’t matter, I’m not that picky. And, it’s not even my cake! This is all for y/n!” Kenma countered. Kuroo’s face morphed into a disheartened expression, not liking that his best friend was paying so much attention to someone else and not him. He was just clingy that way. 
Kenma turned to Akaashi. “Let's get that cake then, how much is it?” He asked, looking like a child who got his video game privileges taken away. Akaashi frowned.
“Kenma, if you don’t want it, it’s fine. y/n is gonna be happy with any cake you choose, I’m sure of it.” Akaashi said, sounding like a supportive mom, Bokuto and Kuroo seemingly vanished. Kenma glanced around the store, he spotted a colorful cake with a calico cat cake topper not too far from him.
“What about this one?” He asked as he walked towards it. Secretly, Kenma really liked cats. Akaashi, upon further inspection, found it to be a funfetti cake with dollops of frosting on top surrounding a cat cake topper. He looked at the price.
“It’s ¥2,160. We can get it if you want?” Kenma’s eyes lit up for the second time that day. He nodded mutley and picked up the box of the cake. 
As he and Akaashi headed towards the register, they heard a scream followed by a large crash coming from a few aisles down. Their widened eyes exchanged a look and they both knew what the other was thinking: Bokuto and Kuroo.
They both started speed-walking to the aisle they heard the crash and lo-and-behold, Kuroo and Bokuto, as well as an alarming amount of the surrounding area, were covered in frosting and cake crumbs. 
Kenma and Akaashi stood frozen as an employee came running. The employee’s eyes bulged and when things were about to get even messier, another, older looking employee also came running and sighed. The first employee was just about to start yelling when the second cut him off.
“I’m sorry, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” He said solemnly. Kenma felt sorry for the man, he looked so done. Akaashi stepped forward, bowed and started apologizing on behalf of his friends. When he was done, Kenma finally built up the nerve to speak.
“Uhm, is it okay if we still buy this?” He held up the cake box and the man sighed.
“I suppose, but please have your friends wait outside.” Kenma saw Akaashi look pointedly at Bokuto and Kuroo, and they got the message and left the store to wait right outside of the entrance. 
Kenma and Akaashi paid for the cake (Akaashi offered to pay but Kenma reasoned that it was, after all, y/n’s birthday, so it would be most fitting if he paid, but Akaashi pays for the damages, though) and they met up with the Bokuto and Kuroo, still covered in cake, outside. Bokuto looked inside the cake box.
“Aw hell yeah! You chose right bro! Everyone knows funfetti is more epic fun!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. 
bonus: you hear a knock at your door. kenma walks in holding a box, followed by akaashi and a cake covered kuroo and bokuto. you decide not to ask. you all spend the day hanging out, eating funfetti cake, playing video games and performing general clownery. the end.
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ashen-laguz · 5 years
For the characters meme you reblogged last night I was too busy reading to know about: Matt, Yuuya,and, Claude.
favorite thing about them
GOOD PROTECTIVE BIG BRO… ;W; I am a sucker for older siblings who just want to protect their siblings, cause it’s just… just so kind and loyal of em, even if it’s to a fault… Yuuya’s such a good bro, he’d do anything for his bro… 
least favorite thing about them
to be completely honest?? his own route. It’s definitely not the worst in the game, but it’s… definitely one of the worse ones imo. I never really liked it as much, he shines more in bbl and holistar and stuff like that, but like…. while his route aint bad, it’s not… the BEST. It’s just kinda “ehhh.” 
favorite line
“Time will pass, and places will change. The first of flowers in spring, the rainbow right after a storm - All beautiful, and none can be captured and held forever. No matter how fair the flower, it will rot and fall to pieces if you never let it go. But memories will never hurt you. The flower withers, the star falls and the rainbow fades away, but you will always remember their beauty.”
This is just straight up one of my favorite quotes in anything ever. 
Second tho would be him telling The King to fuck off cause his pain is his own to carry, it’s his own responsibility, and…. OW that hurts but also serves as a prime example of what a mature and wise person Yuuya truly is underneath his flirtatious act.
Hi hello, Leone JB is a father figure to Yuuya and no one can ever take this headcanon away from me, therefore this is the ultimate brotp. 
Also Yuuya and Hiyoko. I’m not super into their dynamic as a romantic thing, but as a close friendship as they turn into the coolest spy duo birdkind has ever seen? Fuck yeah, that’s rad
…………………………..I’m trying to stick with canon instead of indulging in rp trash…
i really am….
but i don’t HAVE any canon ships for yuuya. I’m pretty neutral on most of the ones I have seen, so my nly choice here is Skyuuya which
Yuuya/Sakuya (plz keep that incest outta my sight kcool) and Shuu/Yuuya (I… I joked about the ship when I first got into hato, and i’m all for jokes bout it, but like… n o……..)
random headcanon
Yuuya’s actually incredible with kids, or just… anyone younger then him. He’d “babysit” Sakuya a lot when they were way younger and Sakuya hadn’t processed his Father’s ideals yet (which wasn’t proper babysitting since Yuuya wasn’t much older then Sakuya, but still) and has essentially been single-handedly ensuring the Pigeonation infirmary runs smoothly at times (i.e. helping kids who might have annoyed Shuu/been a prime experiment target for Shuu, keeping Anghel the fuck away from Shuu, being a more calming nurse to help anyone who was too scared to deal with Shuu… yeah) and thus has been good with those only a bit younger then him… most certainly helps take care of Miru and Kaku a lot…. So yeah, very good with kids. He wouldn’t really think of himself as good with em, but he’d be a fantastic babysitter if ya ever needed one
unpopular opinion
please excuse me as i blare my ace headcanons across the universe for all to hear!
“haha he’s funny flirt so ofc he horny, right? :) “ N O! A lot of how he acts is a mask of charisma he puts on! A lighthearted act to lower everyone’s guard and ensure they don’t think too much or too suspiciously of him while he’s secretly doing Dove Party work!!! Not to say everything about his lighthearted attitude is a lie, it is a genuine part of him, but also a lot of it is definitely a mask and facade! And I am almost CERTAIN that has to include the more overt flirts from him! For real, the more he really shows his true colors, the more subdued that sort of stuff from him is, so!!
I know it’s not a common headcanon but you will never be able to pry ace Yuuya out of my cold, dead hands, and that’s that
song i associate with them
there is but one appropriate answer
i cannot hear this song without thinking of my stupid idiot bird son and if you say you can, you’re lying
more serious answer, the vibes of fairytale are such strong yuuya vibes it hurts
favorite picture of them
i was gonna try to find some specific pretty moa artwork, but i know in my heart. this is still the funniest thing i have ever seen. 
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Claude von Reigan
favorite thing about them
hard to figure out just one thing, cause when it comes down to it? there’s so much shit about claude that’s just so suited to my taste that it hurts. 
I think just… The general air about him though? That ‘laid back and chill and goofy, but I’m schemin and have a million mysteries and so no one really knows if they can trust me ;3′ air about him is just. Good. So good. You want to draw me into a character in five seconds? have them simultaneously laugh while also making me wonder wtf their deal is, wonder if they can truly be trusted and what sorta shit they’ve been through but like… without giving me easy immediate answers. Make me fucking work for the answers, all while making me laugh. That’s what I like to call “how to get Yu attached to a character” and I love it so goddamn much cause it always feels like there’s more I can find out about this shit head. 
least favorite thing about them
oh he sure gets heavily overlooked in the routes that aren’t his own, huh. he sure is just There, huh. 
favorite line
i can’t get over him agreeing to chew out the almyran king in his supports with cyril. i know there’s so much better, so many objectively funnier things, so much cool deep shit i could use, but just. “If I ever come across the king of Almyra, I’ll give him a stern talking to”
in hindsight, that’s actually the funniest bit in three houses, don’t @ me about it
Hilda or Lysithea. Claude’s dynamics with those two are just hilarious but also just nice and cute, vry good and I love em =w=
Claudleth, regardless of Byleth gender (let Claude be bi, nintendo.) I’m not usually the person who is particularly passionate about Player Characters ships, but like. Honestly this is best path for Claude’s personal arc, in my honest opinion, and the two help each other be their very best so to stay important to each other for the rest of their lives is truly the good shit. 
I don’t have any Claude ships that I’m passionately against tbh?? Not enough to declare it a NOTP anyways. I mean. Dislike Claude/Lorenz, but not to a super strong degree, and besides that, I’m chill and just neutral bout most Claude ships I’ve seen. Def prefer most of his dynamics platonic, but….
random headcanon
1. Claude’s definitely got quite a few scars on him that never properly healed, just from all sorts of random scraps and stuff he’s been in. We know he’s had to deal with some racism from both Almyrans and Fodlans which is exactly why he covers his identity, has commented on having to learn to lick his wounds, but like… That may have just been a saying, but I’m willing to bet it means he’s genuinely gotten some physical abuse for being half-almyran half-eastern fodlan, honestly, so like… That probably leaves  some nasty scars on a guy. 
2. More upbeat of a headcanon, Claude messes with all sorts of weird shit as a natural schemer!  He’s made poisons and fucked with all sorts of traps, and a bunch of stuff like that!
If he’s certain something aint lethal or serious? Sometimes he’ll just. test if it’ll work on himself, just like. “Hmmm. This one will make me feel super sick in about a week. I’ll chug it now, and head to the infirmary the second anything starts to feel wrong, see if it works out like it’s supposed to.” better then letting anyone in on his schemes after all >:3c
claude plz no
unpopular opinion
dear lord i don’t participate in fandom enough to know what’s popular opinion and what isn’t….
i DO know however that i’ve seen too much “haha claude’s just the funny meme man! he’s not as deep as [insert my favorite house leader here] but we love him because Goofy Boi” from Dimitri stans and Edelgard stans, and I’m just here to tell yall
i am fully prepared to slaughter if i hear that one more time. claude’s backstory and intrigue might not be as in your face as the other two, but he’s a superb, deep, and intriguing character too and taking him (or any character in three houses, really) just at face value is doing an extreme disservice of a lot of the intricacies of the writing in this game
….ALSO also i think i’ve seen folks complain about Claude’s ending with Byleth not being more ‘romantic?’ but. I really like it. The fact he comes back once he has his goals completed shows his true devotion and loyalty, but…. any of the endings where he steps down from position as king of Almyra feel more Yikes to me, cause those are the ones that just feel very against his character. He’s a goal-focused man, he’s not just gonna step down. The Claudleth End feels more natural; he’s still devoted, he still comes back for Byleth, but also he’s not giving up on his goals that are what’s truly the most important thing to him. Sacrificing character motivations for ship isn’t romantic. Figuring out how to manage your motivations and romance is. 
song i associate with them
i’m. not good with music associations with characters so. i’ll fill this in later if i have ideas. if not, well… you know why.
favorite picture of them
all according to keikaku
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favorite thing about them
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. rping someone who is just… just MEAN is honestly way more fun then it has any right to be. Or, well… Maybe not mean perse, but definitely blunt at the very least. Often times, while I love rping me some good ol’ fashioned in character conflict, I always get nervous to do so because I feel like the person I’m rping with is gonna take it personally? But like. Matt’s just like that. So I can just write as bluntly as I want and there’s no risk of it being taken personally, and it’s just… Fun. Freeing. The good shit~
least favorite thing about them
This is on me entirely, but the lack of attention his Spiral counterpart has gotten. Spiral Matt’s slightly different from p5 RP Matt and it’s a shame he hasn’t gotten as much chance to shine because I love his spiral self just as much as his P5 self. 
favorite line
hI HELLO MATT AND SIGGY IS GENUINELY, UNIRONICALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE DYNAMICS I’VE EVER RPED OKCOOLTHANKS. Thank you Sigmund for being the goddamned adult figure Matt needed to be able to look up to in his life. Thank you Matt for being an actually reliable phantom thief that Siggy could put a bit of trust into. 
….Also sorry for, uh, traitor thing, Siggy…. ;w;’
Besides that, Matt and Lila were also fucking fantastic bros… and there was a very cute friendship with Cassie there that doesn’t deserve to be overlooked, even if it was pretty lowkey in comparison to other dynamics Matt had.
also within spiral, matt and icabod are friends now and they’re the stupidest friends who get along and work together way too well and it’s god awful and i love it
Matt and Luca was cute, funny, and broke my heart into a million tiny little pieces, and I’m pretty sure that’s a sign of a good ship. Pretty sure.
notps with oc trash is hard cause??? there wasn’t really?? ship options that anyone would even bring up or anything that I could call a notp???
…ehh i’ll just put a “Matt/Any Girl Ever” here and call it a day
random headcanon
maybe this shit with my own ocs is a bad idea… cause “headcanons” are just… Canon…..
unpopular opinion
grossly ooc as matt would never want any trace of online activity about himself, so sadly i can’t make it canon, but still funny
song i associate with them
social climb Good
also love like you is just,,, just vry matt/luca from matt’s perspective,,, cause Yes….
favorite picture of them
everything about this is my favorite thing i drew cause of p5 rp and no you can’t change my mind. #LetMattHaveHisManyDads
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culturalgutter · 6 years
At first it was the way the bears were stacked atop each other that appealed to me. I’d see ads for We Bare Bears while watching other shows and think, “That is adorable/charming/cute/apealing?” Their shape, the color arrangement. Just the whole stacking thing. But one weekend shortly after the 2016 election, I made myself chocolate chip pancakes and decided I’d watch an episode of this bear cartoon and see what was what. I ended up spending the day watching episode after episode of We Bare Bears.  My first episode—or at least the one that I remember most clearly—was, “The Demon.” In it, Ice Bear and his friend Chloe Park face the terror of the neighbor’s little dog after Chloe accidentally loses her hoody to the fiend. It is nicely done with Chekov’s potato gun appearing in the first act appearing again in the third. It has elements that I most like about the show at its best. A reliance on character to drive the plot, conflict and action; diverse characters; a careful calculus around consequences; appropriate stakes; and, resolutions that tend toward ending in a better place than the episode began. These elements aren’t easy to pull off, especially in an eleven minute episode.
In We Bare Bears, three bear bros, Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear, live together in a cave in the woods. We Bare Bears is set in the Bay Area.  A lot of cartoons and shows are set supposedly non-specific anywhere or everywhere that only make them seem even more the product a specific place, often, ironically enough, California. But We Bare Bears goes ahead and lets their place be their place and then sees what stories they can tell. You might have suspected from their names that these bears are not biologically related. The bears are a chosen family with Grizz as the oldest brother and Ice Bear as the youngest. And even though Ice Bear is, as he says, “best bear,” all the bears have their own charm. Grizz is an outgoing and enthusiastic brown bear. His wants to be cool and to have a lot of friends. Sometimes he tries too hard or is too caught up in his own enthusiasm. But he tries hard and when the bears befriend Chloe, he learns some Korean to try be a good friend and maybe to reassure her father and grandmother that being friends with bears is alright. Grizz loves 1980s and 1990s action movies and has made a couple of his own “Crowbar Jones” shorts, starring himself as Crowbar Jones and “Pando,” a comic relief sidekick clearly inspired by Panda.
Panda, aka, Pan-Pan, is as his name implies, a panda. He’s also an otaku loves anime, manga, Japanese and Korean pop music and K-dramas, though likely not Vampire Prosecutor, more say, Boys Over Flowers and those body-switching romantic dramas, like Secret Garden (2010). Panda loves the idea of being in a relationship, but it’s probably a good thing he isn’t. He has a waifu body pillow named Miki-chan. Panda is intensely involved online hoping for likes and shares and trying to meet his true love. He’s an otaku who doesn’t read or speak much Japanese or Korean.  He’s allergic to everything and is vegetarian while his brothers love meat. Panda is sweet and sensitive but also capable of becoming resentful to the point of supervillainy.
Ice Bear always refers to himself as “Ice Bear,” except that one time he was conked on his noggin and started wearing a man-bun and hanging out with tech bros. His room is the bears’ refrigerator, where he knits and watches figure skating. Ice Bear was nonverbal as a cub and his affect does not necessarily reflect what he is feeling on the inside. Ice Bear comes across as neurodivergent and probably on the autism spectrum.
Ice Bear is clearly the coolest and arguably as he claims, “best bear.” He has what Grizz and Napoleon Dynamite would call, “skillz.” He speaks Russian, Korean, Pigeon and, I expect, many more languages. He likes axes, throwing stars, martial arts, salsa dancing, cooking, knitting and making robots. Ice Bear also has a secret life his brothers don’t know about. One revealed particularly in two episodes that are We Bare Bears influenced by Drive (2011), general Nicolas Winding Refn-ness and by John Wick, “Icy Nights” and “Icy Nights II.”* The song playing when Ice Bear enters the city in “Icy Nights” recalls “Nightcall” from the Drive soundtrack.
Grizz befriends Wyatt the biker at a gas station in the desert.
The bears make friends, though. They befriend Chloe Park, a 12-year-old Korean-American child protege who comes to study them for a college biology course. Chloe is stressed and lonely being the only tween in university. And they are also friends with Ranger Tabes, who reminds me of Rosie the camp director from Lumberjanes. Tabes out for their part of the forest. And they are friends with Charlie, a bigfoot voiced by Jason Lee, so I always kind of think he’s Earl from My Name Is Earl. Charlie also hosts the Halloween episodes, each a little horror anthology. (One with a fantastic take on Scooby-Doo).
We Bare Bears has some superficial similarities with Polar Bear Cafe, which also features a polar/ice bear, panda and grizzly bear–as well as a llama, sloth and penguin. Polar Bear Cafe‘s Panda is obsessed with being cute.  Like Ice Bear, Polar Bear is responsible and can drive a car. I enjoy his attempts to teach Penguin to drive.
“Ice Bear is responsible.”
There is a grizzly bear who gets most of his clothes from the Harley-Davidson store. But Polar Bear runs a cafe. There are a lot of puns. And the show skews towards a younger audience. That said, I think We Bare Bears make a little nod to Polar Bear Cafe with the “Coffee Cave” episode, in which the bears turn their cave into a cafe. Ice Bear becomes a barrista to facilitate Grizz hanging with cool people and Panda tries to make time with a woman he thinks is cute.
I enjoy We Bare Bears‘ references to film, tv, games, comics and cartoons and even Walt Whitman. When the bears work “shushing the unshushable” in an Oakland cineplex, there are a slew of film references that would warm the heart of the most cantankerous cinephile. In another episode, the bears recall films like Phase IV (1974) and Empire of the Ants (1977) as they obey the wishes of a queen bee.
The bears listening to the queen.
Ranger Tabes in peril!
Panda is pursued by a virtual reality Doof Warrior from Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). And there’s a bit from the beginning of Quincy Jones’ Ironside theme in “Bear Cleanse” when someone is secretly eating cake. It might’ve been taken from Kill Bill (2003) or from Lo Lieh dangerous fists in King Boxer/ Five Fingers of Death (1972). Grizz knows it from Kill Bill, but Ice Bear definitely recognizes it from King Boxer. I like that the creators are using art that they like. And art that I like, too.
While the structure is episodic, there is no total reset at the end of every episode. “Icy Nights,” for example, uses a number of elements from earlier episodes—Ice Bear’s modified roomba, for example. And human characters who are almost doppelgangers of the bears, Tom, Isaac and Griff, appear first in “Panda’s friend” and then in two more episodes, “Bro Brawl” and “The Mall.”
The show alternates between episodes featuring the bears in their presumably current adult forms with ones about the bears as cubs. If you must have origin stories, the baby bear episodes provide them and do a pretty good job. The baby bear episodes also do a good job of capturing a kids point-of-view. In general, I prefer the adult episodes, but that might be because I am an adult. As always, I don’t begrudge kids’ interests being put before my own in cartoons meant for kids.  I do, however, very much enjoy “Los Escandalosos,” in which the baby bears become a tag team in a kids’ lucha libre league in Mexico. There are some sweet luchador names in that episode and mariachis sing a ballad about los Escandalosos. Incidentally, “Escandalosos” is also the Spanish name for the show. I appreciate the pun making the title, “Scandal Bears.” It only took me two days catch it, but I did.
I also appreciate that We Bare Bears rarely translates the Spanish, Korean or Russian in the show. The writers relies on us to understand generally what is going on and not freak out when we don’t understand specifically what is said. There are times when we don’t understand something and that’s okay. I particularly appreciate that while we learn why Ice Bear knows Russian, we don’t see when Ice Bear went from non-verbal to verbal. Neurodiversity isn’t exactly the same kind of plot point as that time a Russian man in the arctic took in Ice Bear. At the same time, if the writers did decide to show the first time Ice Bear spoke, I trust them to do right by him and neurodivergent folk.
The bears are trying to participate in the human world and figure out how they fit into it. They not like they other animals anymore, but that’s okay. Though it might negatively impact their health as they prefer to eat, say, pizza bagels over bamboo and seals. And they’re not quite like humans cause they’re still bears, and that should be okay, but it’s not always.
Panda being hassled by the Man.
Daniel Chong talked a bit about how one of the things he was thinking of when creating this show was the ways that this experience paralleled being a minority in America and particularly, racism in America. Sometimes people react negatively to the bears and it’s just those people’s thing, not the bears, though it is particularly distressing to Grizz.**
I mentioned before that I appreciate that whatever shenanigans the bears or a single bears cause or are involved in have appropriately calculated stakes and consequences–and not just in the sense that a cartoon meant for all ages should probably not have a lot of gruesome death in it. The person most responsible for shenanigating takes most of the damage and uninvolved people or innocent people caught up in it are not as subject to the shenanigans.*** And that’s a relief to me. It’s not a cartoon that relies on either the pleasure of someone finally getting what they deserve–one day that Roadrunner will get his/her due!–or on the shock of, say, Ren’s cruelty to Stimpy, Jerry’s cruelty to Tom the Cat or Woody Woodpecker’s flat-out sociopathy.
Sweet jean jacket.
When the bears dig a cool jean jacket with a tiger on the back out of a dumpster, they get a run of good luck. The luck is low level, but the bears are ecstatic. Ice Bear says, “This is the best thing to happen to Ice Bear” and they all agree.  Panda finds money in the pocket. Grizz gets three high fives in a row. Ice Bear finds coupons for salsa dancing lessons.
The rain stops. Streetlights go their way. Pizza bagels are on sale. A cash opens up at the grocery store and they are first in line. But when the jacket’s curse is revealed, it operates on the same level. They each want the jacket for themselves and end up fighting. Joss Whedon’s We Bare Bears would straight up have killed one of them, but instead Panda accidentally punches his own face.
They realize, ‘We’re not wearing this jacket. This jacket is wearing us. We have to get rid of it.” The temptations the jacket uses to try to get them to take it back are things like pizza mistakenly delivered to their house. All of which are stakes and consequences appropriate to the situation. We Bare Bears is about critters and people mostly trying their best and screwing up sometimes. It is a pretty gentle cartoon, though there are both shenanigans and hijinx. It seems to me that in its own way going the chill and gentle route can be more avant-garde than another manic cartoon.
*I see a little Tokyo Drifter in the part where Ice Bear is silhouetted in red, too.
**There is a thing here where I talk a bit about the Prime Directive and the ways that it is kind of butts, but we have bears to discuss.
***This is a more complicated calculation when Panda goes bad in “Braces.”
Carol Borden isn’t going to lie. She kind of covets that jean jacket.
Ice Bear is Best Bear At first it was the way the bears were stacked atop each other that appealed to me.
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