#brokenandlonelysouls: the master
iamthemaster · 10 months
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Edit for @brokenandlonelysouls for Simm!Master & Tenth Doctor
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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vxidlight · 1 year
@brokenandlonelysouls said: "Well its no wonder you feel like shit" (caring memes) (Simm Master to Ten) (since the gremlin awake XD)
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"Why do you care?" The Doctor asked, groaning as he walked. He could feel the poison in his body spreading from the wound in his arm. He needed to get back to the TARDIS and get to the medical bay soon before it overcame his system. He'd be okay for a little while.
"Come to gloat?" He asked the other Time Lord, through his teeth. He was holding back the poison in his system and it was requiring all his focus.
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deathxproof · 1 year
The Doctor was still asleep and had his face in the pillows. He hadn't been sleeping well in a long time. He opened one eye and mumbled something. "I'm too tired.. Kosch" (Eleven to Darvill Master)
The Master let out a lengthy sigh as he leaned beside where the Doctor had passed out at the moment. “Yeah, that’s funny, because I can see that pretty clearly…” Arms were crossed, and he leaned down to his level, giving his shoulder another nudge.
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“And using that name to get your way.. does not work... every time. — I’m not that soft.” But speaking of that being that soft… “… C’mon, if we’re pushing to exhaustion, I’m at least getting you into a bed.”
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tcbefearless · 11 months
@brokenandlonelysouls For Hal
Tom had insisted that Amelia taught him to waltz wanted to feel like a proper gentleman he had said. After what seemed like weeks of asking, the young Holmes finally gave in to the werewolf. Amelia had moved everything to the side, her phone on the Bluetooth speaker to classical music. "Alright Tom" Amelia commented, "place your hand here and here" she guided, "straight back" Alex was watching from the sofa that had been moved slightly, a grin on her face.
"and 1..2..3" of course Amelia led to begin with so he could get the rhythm of it, "on the balls of your feet, I step with this one and then you go back with this one" Although Tom simply wasn't getting it. "Oh maybe I'm just not good at this!" He was already getting frustrated, Amelia gave a sympathetic smile. "Maybe you need a demonstration first" Amelia decided eyes going toward Hal, offering her hand to him. "Come on Hal, let's give master Thomas a proper demonstration" Amelia commented, Alex grinned at the vampire "Oh go on Hal! It won't be for long and it will help Tom" She tried to encourage.
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kingofthewebxxx · 11 months
Light/Dark Triad Test
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You tend 69.33% more toward the dark triad than the light triad.
You are 98.4% darker than the average person.
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“What a coincidence, it says 69%…..”
Tagging: @baby-royalty, @malumxsubest, @watson-twins, @vyrulent (Lucy), @resignedworkaholics (both pleaseee 🤓), @dontcxckitup, @tealeavesandthorns, @collidingxworlds (Big bro and Seb if you don't mind), @uselessdevice (Rufus), @governmentofficial, @deathtransformed (Gem), @hvbris (Deidre), @ladamedemartel, @brokenandlonelysouls (craziest master) and you!
Please tag and steal people if you see this
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eyes-blazing · 8 months
Emrys-Aiden Ris Lokison
Emrys Roleplays + Emrys Headcanons + Emrys Vibes
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Face Claim: Drew Roy
Age: 21
Birthday: September 18th
Orientation: Pansexual(preference male)
Height: 6 Foot 4 Inches
Eye Color: Green
Species: Demi-God
Main Verse: Marvel MCU
Distinguishing Marks: 7 Tattoos(info on them upon requests) and three lobe piercings on his left ear and two lobe piercing on his right.
MCU Verse-
Main ship with: Nate Sanders at @agentsanders
Main Loki @brokenandlonelysouls
Emrys Lokison was born September 18th just outside of New York City. As the Son of Loki and a Warrior from another demention he spent the first 8 years of his life living and training in Asgard with his twin sister Pyira. But after an incident involving bullies and perminate scarring Loki and Emrys mother Sera decided it would be safer for Emrys and Pyira on Earth.
By the time Emrys was thirteen years old he had become addicted to drugs and met the person who he then thought would be the love of his life. The person he thought he would be with forever. But one foolish mistake ended that, and his loves life, leaving Emrys broken and alone.
After five years of training under various influences Emrys became a master marksman and strong enough to know that he’d be able handle almost anything the world threw at him. Using his fathers glamor spell he hides the scars that he is ashamed off and went out into the world to try and loose the ghosts that haunt him.
DC Verse-
Emrys Harper was never a normal boy, he always knew it. He could always feel his "father" inside of him.
The women who gave birth to Emrys was genetic scientist, and a crazy one at that. Convinced that the Joker was the perfect man she stole the Clowns blood from a crime scene and used it to create a clone of the Joker with in her own body. But the child didn't turn out as expected.
Emrys resented his "father", resented the insanity that he had inherited, resented his mother for trying to bring it out of him. So he fought it, learned to control it, got his "mother" locked away in Arkham.
Emrys Harper was never a normal boy, he always knew it. He wasn't going to let his "Father" win.
Shadowhunter/TMI Verse-
Emrys Harper was born four hundred and seventy three years ago with the black and feathered wings on his back and a mother who hated him. He spent his childhood locked in a barn, watching humanity through the cracks in the wall. Learning what they were like, learning what their weaknesses were, learning all he could about how to kill them.
When he turned 18 his mother set fire to the barn, tried to burn the demon out of him. That only enraged him. He lashed out with every bit of magic he had, decemating the family farm.
When he woke he was surrounded by Shadowhunters, they said he was a danger. A threat. They said he was powerful and he couldn't very well argue.
It took one hundred years for his "penance" to be paid, one hundred years to be released from their prisons, and since then...he's wandered.
Emrys Harper never found a home.
(Mun Note: Sometimes I will play Emrys as a fallen angel in this verse, I will let you know if that is what I’m planning on before doing it)
Teen Wolf Verse-
Main ship with: Scott McCall at @mccallofthewild
The youngest son born into a large Kitsune Skulk. A fire type kitsune who chafed against the rules.
Emrys Harper left home almost the minute he turned 18, only stopping in Becon Hills because...well it was interesting.
(Mun note: This is my most changing verse. It really depends on your muse and what we discuss as to what Emrys background will be. I apologize in advance.)
Decendance Verse
Emrys Teach is the only son of Blackbeard and a siren. He grew up keeping himself away from the rest of the island and the other kids his own age due to the constantly renenfored idea that he was not wanted. His father had at one point been a good father but with the death of his wife(a side affect of Blackbeards own magic) he slowly lost control on his drinking and rage, taking it out of his young son. Emrys inherited his fathers storm magic, though he doesn't have a good control over it as of yet and each time a lightning strom happens he can "feel it under his skin". He has a few lichtenberg scars from when he has been struck.
(If Emrys is still on the island then he is aware of the magic in him but can't do anything with it. If he's off the island then he can feel it but has no control)
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protectxthem · 11 months
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@brokenandlonelysouls asked: "Chicken noodle soup and Sprite are not medicine." - Simm Master to your Ten
unprompted asks/ask my muses questions | Always Accepting
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"The humans say it is." He purses his lips together, looking over at the shorter Time Lord. "If you're so smart.. Then what would be medicine?" He asks, putting the canned chicken noodle soup and bottle of Sprite back down. His gaze drops to the two and then moves back to the other.
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twinhearts · 2 years
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·̇·̣̇̇·̣̣̇̇·̇ ❉❯ 𝓓𝓱𝓪𝔀𝓪𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 ❮❉·̇·̣̇̇·̣̣̇̇·̇
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@brokenandlonelysouls 𝙏he Master had always been good at pushing buttons. It was just what he did and winding the Doctor up had always been a bit amusing too him. He narrowed his eyes. ❝I was minding my own bussiness before you came and kidnapped me.❞ he growled. The time lord was tense and then he soon smirked again though.  ❝Its the only way to ever get your attention when I need it, or you just are too busy with those companions. ❞ He was angry as well. But he still always failed to see why the Doctor was annoyed.                                    ●○●○●○●○●━■━●○●○●○●○●
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The Doctor ran a hand through his hair and slouched back into his chair. There really was no arguing with the man, no matter what he did or said it always came back as his fault. Too bad he had a horrible stubborn streak and didn't know when to give up.
"And I was minding my own business when you came and tried to take over my body." He stated with a waggle of his finger. "Like you said, we're not so different."
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anywherexwhen · 3 years
💤To tell them to go to bed. (Simm Master) (This could go badly XD)
[from this prompt]
"Aren't you going to buy me dinner first?" The Doctor teased, weakly.
He couldn't stop shivering. He had absolutely picked something up on that last moon they'd visited. He felt feverish. Exhausted. Could barely keep his eyes open. But he couldn't sleep. Couldn't risk closing his eyes, because some tiny part of him knew that this had to be a dream... and when he woke up, The Master would be gone.
He leaned back against the wall, sliding slowly down to the floor of the hallway, as he waited for the room to stop spinning. "I'mfine..." he mumbled, his words a little slurred. He forced his eyes back open again, and managed another thin smile. "Just... need to sit down for a minute."
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13thx · 4 years
@brokenandlonelysouls​ cont. from here
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“-what?” Okay, congratulations. The Doctor has officially caught The Master off guard. That hadn’t happened in a while. Not since they were hopping around history playing a game of cat and mouse. He faltered, eyes shifting to the door; tempted to take the option of leave him, and get on with it. But - no. He couldn’t. This - right here? Would be too much of a distraction. “..You’re going to have to explain yourself.”
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jesscmy · 2 years
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@brokenandlonelysouls continued from x
The Ravens were often afforded a sort of intimacy with their Lord that was unheard of between him and others in the Dreaming. Jessamy knew that as well as she knew that she was not technically a Raven any longer, but that did not mean that she suddenly knew how to put space between them.
"My Lord," She reached for his hand and squeezed it.
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"It is possible I was brought here to hurt you," Even if she was alive because of his siblings, that might well be true. "You are my master still. I serve you. If you wish me to go, I will, but you do not owe me anything."
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iamthemaster · 10 months
❛ it’s safer to be feared, than loved. ❜ -Your Dhawan Master from President Loki (lol I dunno they could be chaotic)
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He is taken back by the statement, but tries to hide it with a dry chuckle and smile. It seems he's found a kindred spirit, but won't think too much on it. After all, he's used to others backstabbing him, even himself. "I'm guessing you have some experience in the matter?"
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vxidlight · 11 months
@brokenandlonelysouls from the Simm!Master said: 𝙏he Master smirked as he looked at the Doctor. ❝ I always survive.. I thought you were smart enough to figure that one out. ❞ He had such a strong will to survive he always found ways to come back. Even if it meant stealing bodies like he had with Bruce all those years ago.
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"I should've known you'd show up sooner or later." He always had a knack for it. The Master was a pro at coming back to life. How he hid from the Doctor's senses however was another mystery. It felt like no one in his head. Maybe, just maybe there were others out there.
"How did you survive the Time War?" He asked.
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mcumultibitches · 3 years
Stop putting me in master lists without asking please.
Muse Info for Mobile Users:
Please read characters bios before interacting with them, even my canon characters. I work hard on them dammit 😤 (Except Sylvia's, I've got her info in my brain but I still gotta post it 😂)
Non-Selective muses: Anyone feel free to reply to their stuff or send them memes!
Pietro Peter Maximoff
Alfhildr Eira Sjöfndottir
Sjöfn Ságadottir
Balder Freyrson (OC}
Jörmungandr Lokison Ormr or Ori
Rebecca Patricia “Patty” Barnes
Esther Sophia Brooks (OC)
Peter Maximoff
PSA that I don’t have the extension so I wait for 3-4 replies before cutting my posts
Semi-Selective Muses: If we’ve rped before feel free to reply to things from them or send them memes!
Tony Stark
Mary Teresa Parker née Fitzpatrick
Selective Muses: Please message me before replying to their things or sending memes
Sylvie Friggasdottir
Ulysses Stark
List of people always welcome to reply to selective muses: (this includes all of their blogs)
Muses to come:
Also selective
Wanda Maximoff
OC Daughter of Nat&Bruce
Leopold Fitz
Lincoln Campbell
River Tam Marvel Crossover
Thor Odinson
Pietro Maximoff(Maybe???)
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iamthemaster · 10 months
❛  you look like you're freezing. come on, let's warm up inside.  ❜ -Ten for Simm :D
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The Master never liked asking for help from anyone, especially the Doctor, but he found himself himself stranded outside in the cold. It wasn't anything new for him to endure, and yet, here was the Doctor coming in like a hero again. He couldn't help but give a dry chuckle. "I don't need help, nor did I ask for it." And yet, the stubborn Time Lord follows him inside, seeking the warmth. "How did you find me anyway? Have you been keeping tabs on me?"
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iamthemaster · 10 months
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Edit for @brokenandlonelysouls for Dhawan!Master & President Loki
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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