fropish · 7 months
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I offer food
GRRRR BORK BROKR BRORK BORK BORK BORM BORK BORK BORK osehaglfhosaheofijowahsgoihoarsbaousbeurg
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cosmic-gemstone · 8 months
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I don’t have any proper pictures of her in the game because I’m on console and mods seem to be very limited, but here’s a Skyrim Qessyn. J’qeema, I’ve called her. College of Winterhold student and destruction magic aficionado. As well as being a very short Cathay.
(In this verse Tekrurk is Cathay-raht and Ufobu is Suthay. Streylk and Eohisae are Cathay like her and I’m undecided on the three older siblings, Kyzid, Cakhos, and Brork.)
She has a verse too, if anyone ever wants a thread.
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s-4pphics · 9 months
need click finale sequel plz im going isnane bc that ending brorke my HEART???
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
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Sniff. Bark? Bork. Brork. Heck. Borf. ...Bark? Bjork. Bark. ...Boo. Breh. Bork.
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
barks at u /pos
BORK BRORK hii / positive
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Humans Are Space Orcs.
Brork was sent to the Human Quarters on the ship, well he was invited because the Humans were having a game night, he told his roommate that he was unsure because Humans still scared him, his roommate made him go, locking him out of their room until he returned. 
He was waiting in the Common Area, it was fitted with a place to make and prepare food and some gaming consoles and such, the room was decorated however, with large pieces of paper on the walls, some had strange designs, others were quite funny, others had big writing and people’s faces on them. It was strange. 
Zlark moved over a few minutes later, he was a regular at the Human Gaming Night, and good at something called ‘Mario Kart.’ Zlark looked at Brork, putting some Magma Rocks in his mouth and eating them before he looked at the wall and at the posters.
“What are they?” Brork asked, blinking his three eyes and looking at a poster with faces and big text that said ‘Star Wars.’ 
“They are posters, much like the notices and advertisements we have on our planets.” 
“What exactly do they do?” 
“Nothing, they just sit on the wall, sometimes they fall down but the Humans fix them quickly, ones such as this one are seen as an appreciation for whatever is on the poster, this one is Star Wars, Star Wars is a franchise back on Earth, about that whole situation with Vader.” 
“. . .Do they know it’s based on a real thing?” 
“I have chosen not to tell them, they seem to really enjoy believing it’s one of the best things to ever happen and not feel guilty about it.” 
“. . .How strange.” 
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skelescrawl · 3 years
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From the Ask Teen Frisk blog. Sniff. Bark Bork. Brork.
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i feel bad for reki in that scene because he was obv just not in the mood for ppl to talk to him but also miya rlly deserved an explanation mshdjshd heart brorke </3 next ep... please....
PLEASE give Miya an explanation in the next episode
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chimaexcubitor-a · 4 years
[Dog rp.] - @ketzerhund​
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Agonizing pause.
〔 [ BRORK. ] 〕
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elijah-leex · 5 years
Text ✉ Willow
Elijah: you knowww
Elijah: i miss you a shit ton and you don't carer
ELijah: i also don't carre that you brorke up wiht me
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bonesandbrimstone · 5 years
lethallittlespiderx replied to your link: Live-Action Ghost Rider Series No Longer Moving...
I feared it would turn into another Swamp Thing where they would decide it was too expensive
// That’ what it sounds like, that and Hulu seemingly wanting one thing and the creative team set on another. new brorke yesterday of rumors that Feige wants to use Ghost Rider in the MCU, too, so that might’ve played a part in it too, if true.
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cosmic-gemstone · 2 years
Qessyn and her siblings were born in two sets of three, Kyzid, Cakhos, and Brork being born first, and Eohisae, Streylk, and Qessyn being born four years after them.
Just Ufobu and Tekrurk having to raise three newborns alongside three four year olds. Especially with Tekrurk being in the military.
Other COs: -angry and shouting-
Tekrurk, who is raising small children: Thank you for not drinking the weapon cleaner when my back was turned.
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screaming-memes · 7 years
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
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actually after that, you have to say ‘bork, brork, heck, borf, bark, bjork, bark... boo. breh. bork.’
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doggo-kiri · 5 years
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Bark bark bork boof brork boof brrrrark
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