#brother's ex-girlfriend
thatpunkmaximoff · 9 months
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Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 3 out of 5
This was everything I hoped for. I loved everything about Beck Sinclair and was rooting for him from the beginning. That man did everything just to get a face-to-face with his little brother’s ex and I’m not even mad about those little white lies.
And Margo! I loved that she didn’t immediately trust Beck straight away and got on his nerves early on. I mean she caved pretty fast to his advances and she tried to keep her wits about her, but a girl can only handle so much when it comes to a man like Beckham Sinclair lol.
The only thing I was let down by was that I think his little brother Carter deserved more punishment than what Beck delivered. A single punch wasn’t enough. He deserved a hospital stay for being a creep.
Now enjoy my rambling thoughts…
* Ex-boyfriend’s VERY attractive older brother has entered the picture. Game on.
* “Are you done?” // “Done with what?” // “Eye fucking me.” — God, I already love how blunt he is.
* Dude, wtf 😂 You seriously bought the company she works at because she was ignoring your calls 🤦🏻‍♀️
* What happened that “one night that weekend” 🤔
* “Say his name again, and I’ll bend you right over this table and fuck you until the only name you can say is mine. You’ll be so full of me you won’t even remember who you were thinking about before.” — woah, where tf did that come from 🥵
* And here I was worried about nothing interesting happening for a bit. I’m not even 30 pages in 😂
* God, Beck is so… bossy. It’s hot and annoying at the same time.
* He’s gonna give himself a serious case of blue balls with all this tension lol.
* The shopping spree. I love it. And Beck being a little shit in the dressing room.
* Aw fuck. Carter still loves Margo? Wtf. Dude cheated on her for the duration of their relationship! She better not even THINK about getting back with him.
* “Smack my ass again, Margo, and I’ll bend you over my knee and return the favor.”
* Oh my god. The email he sent her! 😂
* Of course they’d finally fuck after a snow storm hits. Also… how many chapters has it been already?! Nothing but smut lol.
* Goddamn. So Beck’s been pining for a while, huh. Margo too, but she won’t admit it so freely.
* “I’ve made a home out of Margo, even at risk of knowing she may never find a home in me.” — oh my god 🥺
* Awww. He slipped the engagement ring on her finger while she was sleeping. And then fucked her silly while the whole plane crew could hear 😂
* Lmao. She really likes teasing him, huh. She likes the punishments.
* Goddamn, Margo. I applaud you. Blowing Beck while his brother/your ex was in the room is *chef’s kiss* 💋
* I knew Carter was going to show up to the dinner. Fuck! And then to call Margo a whore.. fuck that dude. Beck should have decked him.
* They both want the relationship to be real! And it is!!!!
* Beck!!! What lies are you scared of Margo finding out?! Everything was going so well and now I’m scared 😒
* Carter needs to get his hands off of Margo right fucking now! Knowing he only sought a relationship with her to “take something from his brother” just pissed me off. He knew beck was interested and he swooped in before his brother could. Fuck this dude. Beck needs to beat the shit out of him.
* I don’t care that Beck paid Ruby to run that article on him. He liked Margo long ago and he told a little white lie to get her in a relationship. That’s fine! Carter is the true creep here.
* Oh my god… my babies just need to kiss and make up 😭
* Ugh. He deserved more than a punch. Oh well. At least Beck has him scared now.
* The portrait she drew 😭 oh my god. I love my babies so much.
* She got her dream job AND he proposed for real! I’m so happy.
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pokeberry5 · 2 months
maybe more stephtim for the sketch prompts if u feel inclined? your last art of them blessed me haha <3
this has probs be done before but:
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with bonus ariana bc i have a lot of feelings about her. the good boy ml to steph's bad boy in our quintessential shoujo love triangle. except i dont believe in love triangles <3
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i really like the thought of ari being unfortunately weak for the hero type who can't therefore treat her like she deserves and steph being into goody-two shoes with a (badly hidden) rebellious streak
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sinclairstarz · 9 months
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guesss who finally finished this early 2000s mike after like 4 months😍😍😍
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felsicveins · 6 months
Would John Dory take his brothers to see one of Patty’s fighting matches?
I think Branch might enjoy watching one of those. I’m not sure what Bruce, Clay and Floyd’s reactions would be.
Probably!! Maybe if she had a match that came close to pop village she would offer him a couple of tickets
I mean it's entertainment! I think they would all enjoy watching it a normal amount (save for Viva who might enjoy it a little extra 😉) (if Viva got a ticket lmao)
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marcsnuffy · 3 months
caught myself telling someone I can't bring myself to completely dislike Nagi because sometimes he really reminds me of my younger brother and I had to stop and heavily consider the fact that I should be worried about my younger brother
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shaking and crying
i love the coffin of and and leyley
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cattapz037 · 4 months
Spoiler ahead
Ben’s reaction when Darius said he was in love with Brooklynn was the same reaction I had when Darius first said it two episodes earlier
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piratecrew · 2 months
the most humiliating realization is that every off-screen character in twst that ive been obsessed with before is related to ace somehow
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angels-creative · 5 days
i hate being the main character I HATE IT
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marshvlovestv · 4 months
It makes me sad that "CW show" is such a shorthand for bad TV, because when I think of the CW the shows I immediately think of are Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and iZombie, three of the wonderfully bizarre and unique and wholly entertaining television series I've ever had the pleasure of watching. No, none of them are anywhere near perfect, but nothing is, and man I love all three of those shows so much.
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storywriter12 · 1 year
Would anybody be interested in me writing a Hans Gruber book per-events and the events of film one, my character is his ex girlfriend they've just broken up and she goes and stays with her brother John mcclane
Is this a good idea to write about I'm think to mabe do a ending where he doesn't die I don't know yet
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gaal-dornick · 10 months
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tantaliart · 1 year
what you need to know about my group’s ismark is that he is deeply abnormal in ways
tell me about your group’s ismark please I want to know
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wonderbutch · 8 months
u guys r not ready for the tim and cass siblingisms stuff i have planned for the rh!sb au btw
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thatringboy · 8 months
Man I did like five Belobog side quests in a row to try to finish them all before moving to the next planet and they all involved someone crying or reevaluating their views on family and responsibility and I just wanna say hey that’s not fair
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Zotating KA in my brain as usual,,, so I wrote something about them... a bit of their Sundering Lore in very vague confusing terms. But I had fun writing it up.
(repost cus I forgot you can just Do That on tumblr n post long shit directly into it. For ur convenience, enjoy.)
The cut splitting your lips is healing well and you are glad, so glad, because it is the last one.
“Was that really so difficult?”
He’s amazed it took so long, but he never gave up on you. He’s so nice to you now, sticky-sweet, don't-leave-me-with-these-animals kind of clingy- you heard him say it once, to a friend, when he thought you were asleep.
You’re really his now, he lets everyone know. You’re real proud of the fact; real proud even when Gnat beats you bloody again. She’s just jealous, so you don’t get mad. You’re so good at not getting mad anymore. Not good for the baby, so you watch yourself. Just enough not to break something back. Gnat’s taller than you, her kicks sting real bad, but you think if you were mad enough… She better watch herself, you tell her drooling blood and stomach acid onto cobblestone. She makes some kind of joke, but you know women only think of themselves- she’s only hurting you because she cannot have you. People do it all the time. You’re a hot commodity, you've got a whole bright life ahead of you. He says you’re all one big family, but he’s the only family you need. Too many voices just serve to confuse you when they’re all telling you their own truths. You know it's all derivative, interpretations of the one grand source- and he purrs them straight into your ear every night.
Twenty years later Orwell tells you “You know how I knew?”
You don’t remember coming to his room, or the crying, or the whole-body-tremor desperation when you’d told him how scared you were that it might be a girl.
But he’d listened and he’d schemed, and all his great plan ever did was leave you all alone to fend for your own self.
Gnat, when you see her again, outlines the path of your life as follows: parasite, cockroach, rat, breeding stock, herd dog.
She’s sorry at least for all the times she personally was the cause of your suffering. “He only told me to do it the first time, the rest was all me.” We all wanted to be special. Never really about you. Take it as you will, never really a compliment to be his favorite, should’ve seen him for what he was, should’ve saved you. You don’t need saving of course. Never did. You saved yourself. After all these years, you’re still doing it.
You don’t like the sound of Jewel’s name on her tongue, but it doesn’t stop her from saying it. His name is the only thing you like about him. It’s too soon, you’re not ready, you only just now started letting him in-
“The whole family was robbed of him,” she says, “when those aristocrats took you for their broodmother.” She has her own ideas of what your arrangement must have been.Though you recall with disgusting clarity the one sharp moment that Anna-Marie found you painting and rushed to rub your swelling abdomen while cooing “How delightful! He’ll be talented, too, won’t he?”
Every flake of individuality you ever exhibited cataloged away as favorable traits with set probabilities of showing up in the next generation. You felt like a great big pampered cow, but Gnat doesn’t need to know how right she is. She's wrong about so much of the rest of it. End of the day, you chose this. You signed the papers. You closed your eyes when you heard the first scream and didn’t open them again until they were all out of the room.
Then she lets you know he was in on it. But then he had that deal with you on the side. Orwell wanted you looked after, but they were all too far away -too dangerous to come back in so soon. And you were so fragile after It happened. But the Commander took you, and then he took your son. You still remember the dazed shock of being dumped at a spacious, yet entirely empty room at the back of the Watchguard barracks, body raw, lying on a cot all alone in the dark, discarded the moment they got what they wanted.
You had the rank, but nobody in the Watch even knew you. You had to fight to earn their respect, make them listen to you, even when you could barely stand. It brought the anger back. Not just pregnancy hysterics, this was you all along. You didn’t keep it in check anymore. Not restraining yourself spelled the difference between life and death.
“He was supposed to look after you.” He never answered Orwell again and he’d thrown you right into the thick of it, the one place your brother could not reach you.
After everything it's that realization that hurts the most. You had always respected the Commander for having done so much for you. It’s the same pattern, only each time it gets uglier, less coherent. Another boot you’ve prostrated yourself under with a smile. The thought makes you sick.
When he had come back, he hadn’t been thinking of what's best for you, killing Nadine was only getting rid of the competition. Nobody wanted that, to be fair. You cannot visualize yourself anywhere else but here, though at one time you had believed her. But it’s another command put in your head- the desire to leave was never really yours. You’ve never wanted to leave anything, anyone.
Gnat says they’re ready to welcome you back, but you still have to convince Orwell. Something about you the last time he saw you had made him cautious- maybe it had opened up the old wounds- and now he needs you to prove yourself before you can be let back into the fold.
“Consider it a very late abortion,” Gnat’s horse-toothed grin leers back at you,” it has to be worth the sacrifice.”
After all, it took nearly all of Him to put you back together. The least you could do is pay back the difference.
“Let him know he has a family that wants to meet him. Tell him he can be a part of it.” Who knows, maybe there’ll be enough left over to even give you something special, too.
You’re left there at the old bone well considering your options, though there aren’t many. One loathsome thought drifts above them: You want Jewel to live. This complicates things.
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