#brought to you by apolitemelody getting piled on when I checked tumblr for saying transmascs need support
bumblebeerror · 2 years
Your violent reminder that if you:
Don’t think ace/aro/aroaces are lgbt+
Think Pansexuality is transphobic/biphobic/homophobic
Think Queer is a slur even if I’m using it to describe myself and other queer people
Believe in drop the T
Don’t think non-binary people exist/are lgbt
Don’t think transmascs deserve support/don’t believe that transandrophobia is real or significantly a problem
You should leave my blog. I don’t want you here. If you said that shit to my face I would actually just like to bite your arms off.
You don’t get a discussion. You don’t get me legitimizing your dumbass inter-community squabble that you wanna have because someone who fits in one of those catergories hurt your feelings once or whatever. I don’t care.
We fought hard for this fucking community and I’m sick and goddamn tired of watching little factions of it decide that it’s acceptable to try to tear out parts they don’t like. It’s goddamn stupid that we’re not even done fighting for rights but y’all just can’t fucking wait to tear us apart! You’re dismantling the tent before we’ve had a chance to fucking sleep in it. The point is we all get the right to be treated like everyone else. And that includes the people you don’t fucking like.
I’m here. I’m queer. And I’m not fucking nice about it anymore.
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