#brownie fae
Prompt 60
For completing an especially hard contract, Geralt is given a present from the fae. "Your perfect love", they call it. When Jaskier is shoved toward him, Geralt wishes he could say he was surprised. Geralt quickly gains his shock back, however, when upon his bard speaking, he finds he has been completely drained of his personality. Jaskier speaks as concisely and directly as possible, with no embellishment or flowering of his words - Hell, he doesn't even speak with emotion or tone in his voice. Geralt demands to know what they've done to Jaskier, only for the fae to teleport them out. Geralt goes from mage to mage, sorcerer to sorcerer, healer to healer, priest to priest, hoping desperately that someone, anyone, can revert Jaskier back to himself. Jaskier no longer sings. He barely talks. He doesn't wander off, or dance in place, or reach out to Geralt. His eyes have even dulled in color, now a blank gray, always looking hazy and glossed over. Nobody can heal Jaskier. Or so it seeems! I love happy endings SO two options (or any you come up with but you know what I mean) Option 1: Geralt marches back to the Fae's woods and demands they speak to him, as they've disrespected him by not giving him his prize for completing their contract those months ago. When they bring him in, affronted at the idea of what he is implying, they are shocked when he berates them for at least a full hour over how much he loves the traits his bard once had that they had thought he found annoying. "So you never gave me my perfect love." He finishes. They all converse for a moment, before nodding. "It seems we underestimated you, Witcher. We apologize for the misconception." And thank the gods, Jaskier slumps in place and looks to Geralt with bright blue eyes. "Geralt? Wh- What's going on?" Only to then be kicked out of the fae realm again. Oh well. At least Jaskier was cured. Option 2: TRUE LOVE'S KISS BABBYYYYYYYYYY
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More specifically about the suits. I'm picturing cyberpunk type stuff but lets be honest, Humans are humans. There's going to be helmets covered in fauxhawks and stickers, someone's going to opt out of everything practical in preference of a prehensile tail, we're going to express ourselves in thousands of ways. But functionality/general aesthetic I'm picturing for Katie, at least, is starting to form in my mind so you're going to get that. I mentioned a back mounted drone thing and I'll be honest, it's pretty inspired by Stray. One shoulder has a little thing like that, but probably in grey or black to blend in with the average guts of a ship. Maybe the drone itself is clear so that it's even harder for the giants to notice. The other shoulder has a speaker that can pop out that amplifies her voice to communicate if need be. I picture the grappling system to launch from the wrist but the line is actually attached to the waist and the suit works and supports like a rock climbing harness. Backpack is full of all sorts of tools, and Human-Grade adhesives and anchors. Cable management is hella important and superglue and duct tape have evolved to have built in pest repellent.
The Helmet itself is pretty cliche cyberpunk, but it's definitely got gills for aqua or other liquid adventures. There's a mic and earpiece in it of course, often synced to the little drone so she can scout rooms without exposing herself. It's got a little projector as well, mostly used to throw schematics up in place while you work on a problem. (think Ironman).
People have mentioned Magnet boots in the tags and replies, and there's definitely something there. I joked about rollerskates because I LOVE the idea of a little human zooming around underfoot across the smooth floors of a ship. Katie probably has some highly grippy-yet-silent shoes that are closer to those a rock climber would wear; form fitting but not restraining, flexible but still supportive. You need to be able to FEEL your foot placement running across wires and climbing up cables. There's also some ship-rats who insist on running around barefoot. there always have been and there always will be.
I like the idea of the suit having instead of typical oxygen tanks, algae tanks of some kind? like the oxygen is coming from plants that are growing symbiotically from the wearer's waste. They would be small. I Don't like putting too much on the back of this kind of thing because humans need to roll to absorb impact, and even with lower gravity there's a lot of fall risk in this industry. That's one of the reasons as much as possible is on the toolbelt and only bulkier tools would be in the back pack. in emergency you can attach it to the drone and have that hover in a safe spot until you call retrieval. So maybe the plants would be in a living space and the air just circulates through the suit, then you hook up to the plant take to refresh overnight? We know that For sure there's lots of plants and algae tanks in the homes of humans living in space, but Brownies like Katie don't exactly settle well. She's got the wanderlust in her that her parents realized they couldn't conquer, so instead they bought the best gear they could.
That is why short of getting crushed she's not going to be very seriously injured; she could survive in the void for a short period of time in that thing, it's puncture and slash proof, basically anything but blunt force trauma is going to bounce right off. The suit is armor, and it's all about safety. grapples and ziplines and tools are all well and good, but they mean nothing if you get cut in half by a cord snapping or a pissed off space-bug.
Obviously phasers and blasters and all sorts of weapons exist. We love making every kind of science into weapons. Katie relies on what the galactic committee classifies as a "Laser cutter and defabricator" and what humans call "Laser Rifles." She's also got a bunch of tools for cutting through metal that would work on pretty much anything if she needed it too. One of the most important tools, though, would be the spray can- (What did you think i was going to say?) A little can nozzle that can be dipped in anything you use to write, and then sprays it on a surface. Humans communicate through ten foot tall letters out of necessity when talking to Giants, and Graffiti artists figured that shit out forever ago. Katie's model is fancy and can dye the ink different colors if needed. Spray color coding wires and parts is always helpful, especially working in unfamiliar systems.
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caninecordyceps · 19 days
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The brownies!
Brownies are a small species of fae that live in forests or populated areas like cities or towns. They are around 1'2" to 1'5" feet tall and live in colonies of 50-100 . They live in complex tunnels dug out under ground, or in houses or buildings. They are a very social species and get along well with other creatures. It has become very common for brownies to share living spaces with other species, as they can be very helpful and kind if treated similarly. However, if they feel wronged, colonies are able to move in less than a day. Brownies have two compound eyes and three simple eyes, and have good night vision. They also have very good hearing. They have short legs and arms, and normally walk bipedally to use their arms, but can run fast on all six limbs. This posture also makes it easier to crawl through small spaces and tunnels. Their tails are noticeably large and thick, brownies use their second stomach to store food for future use or sharing, which is located in their tails. Brownies live in eusocial societies, where there is one queen, reproductive males, and workers. Workers can be male or female, and female workers are able to take over the role of queen if the queen dies. After a queen dies, a ceremony will be held where workers who wish to compete will fight for the title. Queens are much larger than other brownies, as well as reproductive males. Certain males and born queens will become travellers and leave to find other colonies. Brownies have several designated places that they regularly meet up at the same time each year to meet other colonies and form new ones. Worker brownies have many different roles, and can pick which roles to be in, although certain groups of brownies will have less access to certain roles or activities due to the time or year they were born in. Often broods of brownies will be very close with each other and follow each other into the same field. More recently, some brownie colonies have a role dedicated to taking outside jobs. While brownie colonies are often very close to each other, their society is very strict, and some workers choose to leave the group and live their lives separately, normally with fellow brood members accompanying them.
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eightyuh · 7 months
Why are Fae such assholes >:/ they're being so mean to Freya!!
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In short, fae like to play with mortals to pass the time! They are ageless creatures that live on for eternity ... their only immediate desires are for amusement
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briefbestiary · 3 days
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A 2ft (0.6m) industrious brownie, but one not to be angered.
Her most famous tale involves the death of her son, for when the two lived at Fincastle Mill they protected it from would-be trespassers. However, once upon a night, a girl made her way in to get flour for a cake. Brownie-Clod went to drive her away, but was tricked upon asking for her name, for she said she was "Mi fein" which means herself. When he came close, she threw an entire pot of boiling water she'd made while she worked upon the poor dobie. He ran to his mother, but she could do nothing to save him. When Maggy asked who had done the deed, he repeated "Mi fein" from which Maggy could only believe he had caused the fatal wounds himself.
It would be some time before Maggy would, while merely passing by a window, overhear the girl gloating to friends about how she had outwitted a brownie. Maggy was filled with such righteous fury that she picked up a stool. The stool was thrown with such force that the girl died immediately upon contact.
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lillylunala · 1 year
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A short size-shifting fairy hailing from the Feywild, Rootletum's surroundings influence his emotions, and his emotions influence his body in turn. At the drop of a hat, he can turn from a helpful, friendly and easygoing Brownie to a bad mouthed, spiteful and grumpy Boggart.'
Finally sharing here one of one of my D&D characters, Rootletum is a Wild magic Fairy barbarian! A bit more info can be found on his Art Fight page
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kpop-bbg · 10 months
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starset-mnqn · 9 months
One fanon thing that really bothers me is the amount of people who treat Hiro as a stoner. Like?? Dude was really freaking out about not trusting plants when you talk to them in the garden after the 5th floor is first opened. Do you reallyyyy think they'd be doing a weed when they think like that? Hiro is probably incredibly scared of doing a single drug. They probably don't even take cold medicine. There's also the inherent racism behind this headcanon. Can we please think a lil critically before calling a character of color with dreads and is characterized as unintelligent, to the point of being held back several times, a stoner? The game's writing for them is already racist enough. We don't need fanon adding to it.
Besides, are we really gonna look at the cast of THH and pick Hiro as the obligatory stoner? Chihiro is RIGHT THERE. We all know programmers be getting high as fuck.
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🦋 Other names: Brùnaidh, Gruagach, Broonie 🦋 Origin: Scotland 🦋 Offerings: Milk, cream, porridge, small cake, honey 🦋 Appearance: Short, rotund, wrinkled, and with a lot of curly brown hair. They usually appear naked and wearing rags. When offended will take the form of a Boggart
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[Image ID: Brownie sweeping the floor]
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Brownies are a type of hobgoblin and house spirit that live in homes of humans they have grown attached to. They tend to work late at night, tiding the house. They were traditionally left offerings every week and given a stool in-front of the hearth so they would have a place in the home. They can bring good luck into the home of someone they have befriended. If one is unhappy they will get upset, bring bad luck and cause trouble in subtle ways.
They don’t like too many food or dinks but is also said to only offer them food and drinks. If the offerings become payments for their work they will leave the home
They never like it when you talk about them out loud, becoming nervous and suspicious that you are criticizing them even if your not. If they think they are unappreciated they will get upset, leave and never work again. They are helpful and should be cared for as well as welcomed as a family member.
It is also seen as extremely rude to offer them clothes and will take it as that you don’t think their clothes are suitable and will leave. Also even though they tidy the home they still like an already neat home and dislike places that are too dirty and cluttered.
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Thought: JDB’s furry ass begs chosen to turn him into a werewolf super duper badly (no idea how your werewolf lore is so idk if that would even work but it’s funny to me 💀💀) and chosen refuses to do so
jdb: pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
chosen, remembering the one time john said his hair looked dumb: you would make a horrible werewolf
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blueisquitetired · 1 year
FaeU Akari!
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More info under read more
- She is a two and a half foot tall brownie* made of divine holy light (don’t tell Volo though, he’d get weird about it)
- Her garvantula is an alpha named Lemon and her rowlet is normal sized and named Mint! Lemon is her royal steed and she is coming for your kneecaps
- She’s 15! Kinda! She’s been 15 for her entire life (ten years) but she’s still 15!
- Was created by Arceus specifically to help with the pokedex, but she sews in her free time.
- Has a missingno named Vanilla** that she has to keep under a blanket because it gives people migraines if they look directly at it
*Brownies are a small, helpful type of fae that are known for breaking into people’s houses to cook, clean or repair. They are usually craftsmen of some kind and have a helpful and kind disposition. Be careful not to complain about their work though, less they undo it in an instant. No locked door can keep them out- but they make cruddy thieves for several reasons.
**Vanilla will not show up in the fic proper to prevent a long winded explanation that adds nothing to the plot. I’m sorry.
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treias-world · 1 month
Treias Lineages: Brownies
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Brownies, also known as House Gnomes, Home Gnomes, or Borrowers, are tiny mouse-like humanoids that have developed a culture centered around sharing a home space with other much larger peoples. They are one of the very few fae lineages that openly live among and interact with non-fae.
The term Brownie is the accepted Trade Common Language term for them, but they tend to prefer to be called by their full family name and title, as a sign of respect. It’s a common way to refer to gnomes of any nationality/society/lineage in general (as opposed to other societies where it's usually only used in formal occasions/nobility). To say "these are the brownies that live in my house" is considered highly disrespectful as it's a shared home. Many in modern times don't mind calling them neighbors or roommates instead of lengthy titles, but it's still rude to declare a home shared with brownies to be the home of JUST the larger dwellers. Brownies take pride in their craftsmanship, and often trade their skills for a space they can call their own.
They’re typically very warm hearted, helpful, and highly magical as all fae are. They require very little of their neighbors, being very resourceful and skilled in many trades, but to require some type of trade of goods or services if they’re are to help beyond their own needs.
Brownies usually don’t grow taller than about 12 inches tall, but can be as tiny as 3 inches in height. Their tails are partially prehensile but seem to mostly aid in balancing while carrying many things. Despite their diminutive size, they can easily care 2 or 3 times their weight.
Brownies love gifts from their neighbors, but a gift of clothing usually is a sign of goodbye. If a brownie family is moving out, or their neighbors are moving away, a gift of clothing is a final going away gift. It started as a brownie tradition, and continued on with neighbors after learning this aspect of their culture. Many neighbors can misunderstand the importance of gifting clothing, so usually proper manners dictate that the brownie family refuses the offer at least once if their neighbors are unaware (and explain of course).
Brownies also love stories of all kinds. Their perspective of being very small and somewhat fragile fae doesn’t usually offer much in terms of adventure and so they fuel their imaginations with the stories of others. A good story is great for trade with a brownie.
Families are usually moderately sized, typically around 5 to 7 per family. Some houses may have several families living within, and depending on how well they get along, are some of the most well run and kept homes ever. But try not to get in the middle of brownie family feuds.
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rachelillustrates · 3 months
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Thank Gnome it's Friday!!
AND time for another "Tock the Gnome" world building post, dear readers!!
This week, as you can see above, we are looking at what a certain group of helpful fae are like in this realm.
Full notes here 💫🏡🏕️💫
🌼 For Shanna 🌼
Bonus art and stories ~ Prints, comics and more!
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fairylandblog · 3 months
Fae Brownies
In Scottish and English folklore, brownies are some of the most loved and mysterious of the fae. They are an intriguing mix of the everyday and the supernatural. For hundreds of years, people have been fascinated by these small home spirits because of how hardworking they are and the strange things they do. Because brownies are usually small and humanoid, people often say that they aren't more than a few feet tall. In different stories, they look a little different, but they all have wrinkled faces, wear dark or earth-colored clothes, and look generally messy. They prefer to conduct their activities at night, when everyone is asleep, to avoid detection. Because they are active at night, they can do their helpful work without being seen or interrupted.
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A brownie's job usually includes a lot of different chores around the house. Some of these are sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, making butter, and even taking care of the yard. Their extensive work demonstrates that they have a deep understanding of family life and a genuine desire to assist the families they work with. Many stories highlight the benefits of having cookies around, as they simplify daily tasks and enhance the family's health. Brownies only want small gifts to show how grateful they are for their help. Most of the time, these gifts are food, like a bowl of cream, a piece of cake, or some other simple treats. These small and simple gifts show how humble and happy brownies are. They value small acts of thanks over material things. However, the bond between a brownie and the family can be touchy. If a brownie doesn't feel valued or loved, it might act out or even get mean. Some of the things that can cause a brownie to leave the house or engage in annoying behaviors include not leaving out food or gifts, insulting it, or even attempting to give it clothes, which is often interpreted as an insult to the brownie's role as a caregiver. Even though they are small and difficult to find, brownies have a big societal impact. Many types of writing, art, and modern media depict brownies as cute, hardworking, and somewhat mysterious. Generation after generation has woven their stories into the rich tapestry of folklore.
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The idea of faerie brownies illustrates how people often attribute human traits to unknown forces that influence their daily lives. It was tempting to believe that an unseen, helpful spirit did all the housework before modern conveniences. Brownies represent the mixing of the normal and the supernatural, giving a magical account for the little, unexplained acts of cleanliness and order that might happen in a clean home. Brownies' stories can help us understand the beliefs and ideals of the people who made them. They stress how important it is to show respect, be thankful, and be kind to others. The history of brownies is a lesson that people and nature can live together in peace. It shows that even small acts of appreciation can help people get along and work together. Folklore has a lot of stories that mix the everyday with the supernatural. Brownies are a positive example of how people in the past tried to explain and give personalities to the invisible forces that affected their daily lives.
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rustedleopard · 3 months
I didn't read Harry Potter back when it was exceptionally popular and JK Rowling hadn't yet exposed herself as a transphobe, so when I did read it (when I was in my teens -- still before JK Rowling exposed herself -- and I had already read Twelve Kingdoms, which is an exceptionally good fantasy series btw), I couldn't help but feel a bit duped. Like, everyone and their mom was hyping it up to be an amazing, life-changing story and I read it and it was just... Alright? There wasn't anything about it that made me stop reading and go "holy shit, I'm going to carry this part of the story forward with me for the rest of my life." It was just. Tepid. At best.
Anyways, there's really no point to this post beyond some personal musings and the suggestion to, oh yeah, stop supporting JK Rowling and read better fantasy stories, because there are plenty out there.
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House Spirits
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I finally got a chance to set up a space dedicated to my house spirits on my altar.
More on my work with House Spirits below!
My History Working With House Spirits
When I was a kid, I was introduced to the concept of English/Scottish Brownies through the Spiderwick Chronicles and quickly became obsessed with trying to attract a brownie to my own home. I took one of my small miniature tea cups, filled it with half n' half and set it in a place in the house that I was sure wouldn't be seen by my parents or disturbed by my cats. I did this for quite a long time and even, as per the advice of the Spiderwick Field Guide, occasionally scattered flour on the ground as a way to try to see evidence of little brownie footprints. Brownies weren't the only Fae that I tried to make contact with when I was younger, but they were the ones that I was most persistent with. I loved the idea of a little creature making a home within my own home and living with my family and I. I never got the tangible "evidence" I was looking for as a kid, but I undoubtedly felt a presence. So, looking back, I most certainly succeed in attracting a brownie (or at least a house spirit) and it wasn't until recently that I came to the realization that I may have done so by giving the spirit offerings, even if I didn't call it that at the time. It's things like this that make me feel like I was destined to be a witch and a pagan~
Since I started walking a bit more of a Pagan path in my witchcraft, specifically since I started venerating the Norse gods, I have been feeling an urge to return to my work with land and house spirits. I've always felt their presence and feel that I should honor that presence. I'm not sure why it took me so long to actually start, but since coming back to my practice, I've been feeling that need to honor the land and house spirits around me even stronger than before. One of the final pushes was actually from when I was going through the back-log of videos I hadn't watched from Jacob Toddson. He's one of my favorite Norse Pagan creators I found very early into my own path venerating the Norse gods. About a year ago, he made a video about house spirits and after watching it, it truly inspired me to actually take the steps to honor my own house spirits.
I do intend to do some work work with the land spirits around my home as well, but I want to do more research into the beliefs of the local indigenous tribes of the area before I do so.
Making a Space for My House Spirits
In making a space for my house spirits, I knew that I wanted to do it in a way that was reminiscent of the way I interacted with them as a child. Having lost my original miniature porcelain tea set from when I was a kid (it's probably floating around somewhere in the depths of my parents' house lol), I started looking online for anyone selling a set like the one I used to use. After a bit of searching, I found a set that was just like one of the ones I had. It even had the same pattern! So, I ordered it. In the mean time, I started making my house spirit a little home. I bought and modified a birdhouse, painting it a dark wood color and mounting some moss on the roof. Then while looking for stuff to make flower crowns for midsummer, I stumbled across a little gnome statue that felt perfect as an idol of my house spirit. Once I received the tea set, I was ready to welcome in my house spirit. I reorganized my altar, making space for him, and set everything up, complete with an offering of heavy cream. I invited the spirit to make a home and told him that I hope he feels welcome in his new space. The experience and the energy felt nice and familiar and I'm happy to have a little space on my altar for my house sprit to call home~
I plan to continue to give small offerings and light a candle for my house spirit. I want to to become an everyday practice if I can manage it and have been thinking of maybe giving him offerings in other ways besides food. Maybe little trinkets to keep in his house~
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