#bruh getting his hair color right is so hard
skzfaker · 1 year
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I just wanna taste it, make it hot
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venusrising91 · 8 months
Noise Complaint
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Pairing: Wonho x Male reader
Genre: Smut, enemies to lovers/hate to love (no plot just vibezzzz)
Summary: Your new nextdoor neighbor, Wonho (Lee-ho) is a loud, inconsiderate gym rat. He keeps you up all hours of the night with his seedy escapades and you're sick of it. 
Word count: 2,014 (2 pages)
T/W: aggression, physical violence
It was 4am and you had work at 8, yet rest was as far from your reach as the sun would be once it rose. 
Short hours. 
You had short hours to get some much needed sleep. But no matter how hard you’d tried, you hadn’t been able to reach the REM state and it was all thanks to your obnoxious, ridiculously muscular neighbor, Lee-ho. 
    For the third time this week, giggling voices and blaring music, followed by high-pitched moans had kept you wide awake. Usually, after one or two rounds with whatever girl he’d picked up scouring city night clubs, the mewls and slaps and yes daddys would subside, and you could finally drift. But tonight, he seemed to have endless energy. You heard his date come four times. Back to back.
    It was almost 6:30 by the time they wore themselves out.
    You’d barely slept. At the office, you struggled to keep your eyes open, staring through slits at the charts on your computer. The project manager noticed you nodding and called you into her office after the meeting. As head graphic designer, you were expected to oversee and execute this assignment—because securing this client would ensure you a raise next quarter, but the arrival of your new neighbor had thrown a wrench in your performance.
    She threatened to take you off the project and her disappointment was all you could think about on your commute back home.
    In the apartment lobby, you pressed the button on the elevator console so hard it nearly jammed.
    “Sup bruh.” You whipped your head around and there was Lee-ho, all 6 feet of him, donned in gym wear and sipping on some colorful drink. You clenched your teeth.
“Hey,” you mumbled back with listless regard.
    The elevator doors opened and Lee-ho walked gingerly ahead of you. Before he could step inside however, his cell slipped from his pocket. As he bent you couldn’t help but notice his butt: firm, round, muscled. You tore your eyes away and carded your hair. Inside, the music was soft and unobtrusive. The exact opposite of Lee-ho.
“How you feeling?” he asked, plunging his hands into his pockets.
He snorted. “Oh yeah, me too.”
    “I’m sure you are.” You glared at him, slightly envious of the angle of his jaw, of how much sharper it was than yours. And envious also of the broad span of his chest, his neat features, his lips, his hair. He was by all accounts, an objectively better looking man than you and this only added to your irritation.
    “What d’you mean by that?” asked Lee-ho, quirking his brow. He must have sensed your frustration because now he was folding his arms, closing up. You didn’t care.
    “You know the walls that separate us are paper thin, right?”
    “Yeah, and?”
    The doors slid open on your floor. “I can hear everything. All the time.” You stepped out before him, stalking down the hallway.
    “My bad, dude. I’ll keep it down,” he shouted after you. There was a smug air about his tone and you ignored him as you shoved your key into the lock. It was only 7pm but you were exhausted. After a quick dinner of leftover pasta, and an even quicker shower, you went to bed, desperate to get back the hours you’d lost. You drifted in minutes, sleeping soundly, until loud music and moans yanked you from your dreams at 2am.
    You leapt from the bed, pulling on a robe, not bothering to tie it. It took less than two minutes for you to reach Lee-ho’s door. You pounded on it furiously, on and on, until he swung it open. For a moment, each of you stood silently observing one another. He was fully nude, sweating and cupping his genitals as his eyes swept over you. They lingered on your chest, you noted, then trailed up to meet your gaze. Despite your robe, you felt suddenly bare, and exposed. Quickly you tied it, covering yourself from him.
    “What the fuck, dude?” said Lee-ho.
    “Keep it down.”
    “Yeah and what if I don’t?”
    “I’ll write a formal complaint. You're violating code of conduct with this shit. Some of us have actual jobs, you know?”
“I have a job.”
“Gym bro influencer and fuckboy does not an occupation make.” This was rude, and uncalled for. But you were sleep deprived. Lee-ho's shoulders slumped down a measure—he appeared somewhat diminished in the face of the insult and you almost felt bad for him. Your eyes fell on his abs however, and then, without meaning to, dipped even lower, catching a glimpse of what was too large to be completely covered by his palm. Even his cock was better than yours—he didn’t need your pity. Without waiting for a retort, you turned and stormed down the hall.
Back in your bedroom, the beginnings of an erection tugged at the tender flesh between your legs. And by the time you lay back in bed, you were rock-hard, and aching.
    In the morning you shaved and contemplated calling out, but you really couldn’t afford to. At work, you tried to concentrate but all you could think of was Lee-ho, of his throbbing head, peeking up from behind his hand in the middle of the doorway. You didn’t like men. At least you thought you didn’t. You’d had a few girlfriends in the past and once or twice thought about experimenting with a guy back in college but no one ever drew you in. No one ever attracted you the way—
    Enough, you weren’t doing this. What were you thinking? You weren’t into dudes and especially not ones you despised as much as Lee-ho. He probably never had to work for anything a day in his life. Just had to show up and collect everyone's praise and adulation. 
    Back at the apartment, you took the stairs to avoid crossing paths with him. Thankfully it was Friday, and you could catch up on your shows without feeling guilty for missing the sleep that was so hard to come by lately. 
After dinner and a shower, you binged a season of a new show on Netflix, and dozed off halfway through. But a short while later, a sharp knock on the door jolted you awake.
    You shuffled to it, half-dazed. Waiting on the other side was Lee-ho, glaring a hole through your forehead.
    “You know, you’re a real asshole?” he declared. 
    “Could say the same about you.”
    “What you said the other night—you don’t talk to people like that. I want an apology.”
    You scoffed and made to shut the door. But he stopped it, forcing it open. “Get off the door and fuck off,” you clipped.
    “Or what?”
    Impulse and anger drove you to shove him, which was stupid. His arms alone were twice the size of yours. He shoved you back and you stumbled into your apartment. Lee-ho stepped over the threshold, letting the door slam behind him. Then his hands were on you again, crashing into your chest. It knocked the air from your lungs. Enraged, you swung and missed. He caught it and wrapped his hand around your throat, pinning you against a wall. His face was inches from yours as he strangled you, but slowly, his grip loosened. Each of you were panting. He smelled expensive, like Tom Ford—the scent filled you, clouded your head and senses. His breath on you was warm, his lips resting short inches from yours. He brought them even closer, until the tips of your noses were grazing.
“What are you doing?” you whispered.
    “I—I’m not—I’m straight but…your…” he trailed off, hand sliding across your chest.
    “You wanna fuck me, that it?” Neither of you said a word, only stood there, gazing, panting. Then your hand traveled down, until it landed on his crotch. You palmed his cock, and found it was already hard for you. After the other night, you couldn’t get it out of your mind. Once it was in your mouth, he made the most helpless sounds, cupping your head and guiding you as you swallowed it again and again.
    “Fuck, your throat feels s-so good,” mewled Lee-ho. You fought against your gag reflex, getting harder each time he shoved it in, down to the hilt. Your eyes watered. You never thought the taste of cock could turn you on this much. Women were lovely and all but this was something else entirely. It was like satisfying some primal urge you never knew existed until now. You squeezed his balls gently, sucking him all the while. He came in minutes and stood over you shivering as the orgasm rippled through him.
    You rose, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Lee-ho dropped to his knees, pulling down your boxers. He took you in his mouth and it felt like the world stopped spinning. His tongue swirled around the tip, one hand cradling your heavy balls, the other gripping your ass, a finger seeking the rosebud. He tried to slip it in but you panicked, bucking away like a spooked horse.
    “I thought you said you were straight?” you whispered.
    He popped your cock from his warm mouth. You twitched as he smirked up at you. “Chicks like it sometimes. I figured you might wanna give it a try. Feels tight though, got any lube?”
    You hesitated, wondering what it would be like to have his finger circling inside you. There was nothing but heat and silence as you stared down at him. “In the bedroom,” you said, breathlessly.
    As you lay on your back watching his chiseled body shift in the dim light, he slathered the lube you kept in your bedside drawer onto his middle finger. Then he drizzled some over your erection, spreading it with long strokes.
    “Fuuuuuck,” you whined, arching at the pleasure, at the way he gripped you.
“You like that?” With this, he slid a finger inside you, taking it slow. The pressure had you arching even more. Once he eased you past the initial pain, all you could do was moan and claw and look down at your rock-hard cock as he pumped you in two places, at different paces. In the front he squeezed tight, giving you fast, steady strokes, but in that pulsing spot between your cheeks he worked you soft and deep, taking his time as his finger explored your depths. The pressure was glorious, and you felt your entrance contracting around him. “You’re dripping for me,” he cooed. You looked down at yourself as he gripped the base, a long rope dangling from the tip onto your stomach. He licked it, dragging the pad of his tongue along your abs, then swallowed you whole. After a few hard sucks he pulled back, finger still buried in you, coaxing out spasms you couldn't control. Fuck he was so attractive, you never thought a man could make you feel this good.
    The next moment, you were shooting ropes in the air, convulsing under him and fisting the sheets as he drained you. He let you pant there, chest heaving, before taking your length back into his mouth. He sucked and finger-fucked you through your sensitivity, ignoring your loud moans and cries. You asked him to stop but you didn’t mean it. You wanted more and he gave it to you. All night. After your third orgasm you could barely stay conscious.
Lee-ho crept beside you, watching as you shivered your way through the leavings of your latest high. 
    “I’m s-sorry,” you muttered between waves of it, “about the other day. You’re right, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.”
    He chuckled. “It’s fine. I’ll be quiet from now on, promise.”
    You couldn’t quite keep your eyes open, and drifted then, still tingling from what he'd done to you. Your rest went uninterrupted for the first time in weeks. But when you woke, Lee-ho was gone.
    From then on, the noise had stopped, just like he'd promised. But a few times a week, just before bed, there came a knock at your door, and a smirking, half-naked Lee-ho waiting on the other side of it.
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey dude, do you possibly have any suitcases for Johannesburg? I’m there for work cause my employer owns a stake in a gold mine but I can’t find my luggage and I’m meeting with the mine supervisor soon. If you have one it would be appreciated.
In fact, I would have a suitcase. I can make it available to you with pleasure. At first sight it looks very suitable. Suits, shirts… Just what you need. Okay, already at first sight the suits are a bit too fashionable for you… You prefer rather classic dark blue. But what should you do? You need something to wear. But as you look at yourself in your bathroom mirror in the hotel room, you wonder if you shouldn't go naked. The suit is three sizes too big for you. And still too tight at the hips. Who should wear something like that? You have no time to think or change anything. You grab your laptop bag and head out.
In the elevator you have to loosen your tie knot a bit. It was probably tied too tightly. You look really silly. But at least you seem to have gotten a little color in the few hours you've been here. But maybe it's the tinted mirror in the elevator.
On your way through the hotel lobby to the exit, you feel the pants adjusting to your body. Or vice versa. Very strange… In any case, the pants are no longer tight on your stomach. And the legs are no longer too long. As you step out of the cool lobby onto the street, the warmth hits you like a blow. You wipe your forehead with your hand. And over your head. There is no hair! Your head is bald. But you seem to have grown a beard. The doorman calls a cab. You get in and tell the driver your destination. You are a bit frightened by your voice. A huge bass fills the interior of the cab. The driver turns to you and says that he would normally only drive fucking white people to this address. It would be nice to be able to drive a tie-wearing bruh.
You have no idea what the brother is talking about. You look again at the agenda of the appointment on your cell phone. And search LinkedIn for the supervisor's profile. A white guy with a Dutch-sounding name. Sure, like all the managers here. The driver keeps pulling you out of your thoughts and asking you questions about soccer and rugby. At first you are annoyed, because you actually wanted to prepare for the meeting again. But after a few minutes you are in a passionate discussion. Rugby is more your sport than soccer. The driver says that he is not surprised. You look like a professional rugby player yourself. You laugh boisterously. And you flex your biceps. But not too hard, so as not to burst your sleeves. And as a farewell, you give a generous tip.
The technology at your Johannesburg branch works perfectly. You get into the building with your door card without any problems. The iris scan in the elevator recognizes you immediately and automatically takes you to the right floor. There, a pretty hot fellow is waiting for you and asks you to follow him into the meeting room. Cute little white ass… You wonder if it would hold out to be fucked by you. In the conference room he asks you if he could bring you a coffee. Yes please, you answer. Black. Like you. He grins. And licks his lips. You slide him your business card. He should get in touch.
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There's nothing better than appointments where your conversation partner feels superior until he sees you. You are a colossus. With excellent taste and polished manners. And a razor-sharp mind. It only takes you a few minutes to tear the supervisor's report apart. You're already looking forward to the audit. The main thing is that you get that cute ass as an assistant.
Perfectly fitting pic found at @seasoned-men-of-color
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eunoiaaaivy · 2 years
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made this one for my beloved! @vespersposts
-cw: just me simping
gom + secret characters + luxury brands
a/n: not really high in the fashion field so please, i'm sorry!
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MIDORIMA SHINTARO: [GEORGIO ARMANI, BURBERRY, BALENCIAGA] come on, MY MAN WOULD LOOK SO HOT WITH THEM. like bruh?? i think they suit him very much çause shintaro is a picky one and plus he looks hot with them. especially black. LIKE RAWR IT HAS ME ON A CHOKEHOLDHAHDJAJDJJDJAJJ. it just clicks that they fit him so much. he's elegant and came from a high class family so boy, it's definitely his signature along with a bmw or porsche-
AKASHI SEIJURO: [ LOUIS VUITTON, GEORGIO ARMANI, BURBERRY] another fine guy- he'd definitely nail the louis vuitton one. LIKE BRO GREW UP RICH AND YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T LOOK FINE WITH THESE!??? bruh- and don't even get me with the georgio armani one. ugh, another one who'd definitely nail the black collection. IM SO WHIPPED- definitely can turn up with an audi sports and nail that stuff.
AOMINE DAIKI: [BALENCIAGA, ROLEX, RALPH LAUREN] UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGhhhhhH, can't get enough of me picturing him in one of those photoshoots where he's holding his freaking collar and that dead look in his eye, so fierce and hot. OR JUST IMAGINE BRRUUUUUUUH, another collection with another color supposedly dark blue holding his hands like do you know that pose?? where they look like they're praying, sitting down on a stool or something cubic, and they're just kissing their hands that's in a praying position like ughhhhhhhhausyusaudhsh. DOWN BAD.
ATSUSHI MURASIKABARA: [DOLCE AND GABBANA, BURBERRY, LOUIS VUITTON] NAUR- STOP. I NEED SPACE TO BREATH MIDORIMA WAS ALREADY ENOUGH TO KNOCK OF MY OXYGEN FROM MY LUNGSHSHSHEHSHS. anyways bruuuh, he's tall, hot, gorgeous and fit enough for modeling. Murasikabara modeling panel when? honestly, he'd slay them. Like even in the backstage?? He's not even doing anything and bruh- expect him looking hot with that louis vuitton bag wrapped around his body from right to downwards and him looking at the screen, eating lollipop, not even knowing the fact the camera was at him and he's just standing there eating the dang candy and having his hands on his pockets like 😩😩😩.
KUROKO TETSUYA: [HERMES, ROLEX, LOUIS VUITTON] UGGGGHHDHDHDHDHDH, bruh the roles one!? That one photoshoot, where he sharpens his already monotone eyes and is like looking at the camera while having arms looking like it's fixing that dang watch. LIKE UGH. AND BRUUUH HERMES!? HE'D LOOK SO FINE OH EM GEE. AND THE LOUIS VUITTON BELTS?? POSTING THEM ON HIS INSTAGRAM WEARING THEM!??? LIKE UGHHH!!!! HE JUST LOOKS SO FINE!!
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Special characters!
© eunoiaaaivy
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whimsi-clown · 3 months
Note: The last time I watched this movie, I was a wee little babe. So I guess I'll be in for a wild ride.
Damn, so many people kissing in just one or two scenes. Good for them, I guess, considering they might not see each other again.
Pfft- Did I just see a background character carrying a pig? I wonder who among the crew owned that pig.
*John Smith jumps into a stormy ocean to save Thomas.*
Most relatable line I've ever heard. Thank you, nameless side character.
"You'd do the same for me"
Nah, man. They wouldn't be able to do acrobatics like you do.
Damn, the first actual introduction of the villain, Governor Ratcliffe, and the first thing I'm greeted with is the god-awful angle of his nose holes staring back at me.
Wait a minute, is this dude wearing lavender eyeshadow?? Damn, good for him. Wish I could pull that off.
Oh damn, I keep forgetting this movie is racist. I remembered it so differently.
It has very pretty visuals though.
First intro of Pocahontas and the bitch be smoldering into the distance with the wind flowing through her hair. What a woman.
Pocahontas: *high dives off a cliff into the water.*
The female best friend of the protagonist: "Show-off"
You took the words right off my mouth, nameless character number 2. Show-off indeed.
"I especially love his smile"
*Shows character with a serious face.*
Another relatable line.
Damn, this bitch is absolutely fearless. Just kayaks herself off a raging waterfall and narrowly avoiding the large rocks in her path.
"Men like Smith, don't they?"
Well, I mean "like" as in admire or "like" as in a gay way? Cuz either way, it's probably a yes.
"I've never been... Popular."
Gee, I wonder why. Also Wiggins is so adorable man. Wtf.
The way he says "success will be mine at last" is so weird, is it just me?
Damn, this whole time, I thought the old shaman like person with the chief was an old woman with a really deep voice.
How many times have I already seen this guy's nostrils? 5, 8 times? Seriously, I like Governor Ratcliffe, but even I'm getting tired of him hautily raising his chin up to show off his second set of eyes.
Ngl, I kinda like how this girl be slowly creepin' like a graceful spider of sorts while stalking a man.
Wish I could do that without looking stupid and dumb.
Bruh. Guy loads a flintlock pistol and jumps through a waterfall. How is that thing still loaded? How is it gonna shoot??
Ok, this bitch has serious plot armor. She just met the guy and heard him speak english a couple of times once, and already she can speak english because she "listened with her heart."
Is that what I have to do in order to understand math now?
Pfft- I'm getting Avatar vibes from this whole interaction with Pocahontas and John Smith.
The big blue alien Avatar that is.
Ugghhh. I'm cringing so hard. John Smith is digging his own grave. Stop dissing her people and culture in front of her man. That's so ick.
Yea gurl! Pop off in musical!! Beat that boy's small minded view in song!!! Eviscerate that man's perception of reality!!!! PAINT WITH ALL THE COLORS OF THE WIND!!!!!
Damn, ngl, Ratcliffe is kinda attractive... If he didn't have those weird ass front pigtails constantly on. Like, he wears two ribbon bows for his front hair but leaves the rest of his back hair untied? Is this old rich people fashion??
AHAHAHAHAH, I'M LAUGHING SO HARD AT THESE MENS REACTIONS. John Smith looking like he just won the crazy award while looking up at a talking tree. And then the two nameless character's facial expressions when they fell to the ground and see the tree roots move. XD
... I hate to say this, but damn does Ratcliffe have big boobs. Is he secretly wearing a corset under that purple blouse? XD
Screw John Smith and Pocahontas. Percy and Miko are the real love team here.
Change my mind.
"I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without you."
Ok. I hate John Smith, but damn is that not a romantic ass line.
Could have been said better, though.
Dear god the face he makes when he looks at her and the way he leans into her touch like a man starved.
I know the Savages song is bad, but like... Why does it sound so good? Why do I like it?? What is wrong with me??? Is it because Ratcliffe is singing it???? Do I like Ratcliffe now????? Man, I need serious help.
Girls got balls, willing to take a hit for a man. Is this how it actually happens in the real story of Pocahontas? Idk history, man. I'm just vibing.
Hm. A weird little detail I noticed in Governor Ratcliffe is that his face slowly grows red when he's angry or frustrated, like, the change is subtle enough that you don't notice it until it's there.
Why am I paying so much attention to him?
Damn, girl knows where her priority lies and sticks with her peeps.
Good for her...
I just noticed I say "Damn" a lot...
Just finished the movie, it was surprisingly ok
Welp. Time for Pocahontas 2.
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orchid-harmony · 2 years
Adoption Comes in All Sizes
This be for you @colossal-red
I hope you enjoy it ^^
"Thank you so much mate, you're a real life saver."
"No problem Phil, I owe you for the many times you helped me."
"Still, you're a life saver."
"Do you need help bringing the tree to your house Phil."
"I would appreciate it."
"Alright, you need help with carrying the tree to the car?"
"You really asking that question?"
"Hey, just cause you're pretty strong and have a semi-buff body, doesn't mean that you can't use a little help with carrying a tree to your car."
"You know what, why don't you get my car closer so that you won't worry about me carrying the tree from here to my car?"
"Alright, be right back."
As his friend went to grab Phil's car, Phil took a look at the tree.
It wasn't too big, but it also wasn't too small, it was enough to fit inside his home.
Phil smiled, he couldn't wait to set up his new tree and decorate it.
After a bit of waiting, he saw his car.
Phil picked the tree up and carried it towards his car.
His friend got out of the car, giving Phil a glare.
"Bruh, I didn't tell you to carry the tree to your car."
"Does it seem like I care? No."
His friend sighed.
"Well, if you happen to get cramps on your old back, don't even dare call me."
"I'm not old!"
"Yeah, keep telling that to yourself if it helps you sleep at night."
Phil playfully rolled his eyes.
"Talk to you soon mate?"
"Yeah, good luck setting up the tree."
Phil then puts his newly bought tree on his car trunk, making sure that it won't fall off.
He hops inside his car then drives off.
Phil was finally home.
He made sure to get three from his car and carry it inside his home, which was decorated head to toe.
He didn't want his house to feel more empty than usual.
After his wife's death, he promised himself that he would keep going, and sometimes, it's hard, but he manages.
He sighed, "Can't really do much about it anymore."
Phil then puts the tree down then adjusts the position of the tree.
"Well, now it's time to decorate the tree."
Phil then went upstairs to the attic, once he was in the attic, he looked around to find the crate that had the Christmas tree decorations.
"Ah, there's the Christmas tree decorations crate. Better take it down."
Phil then picks up the crate, and brings it down to the tree.
He puts the crate down, he was feeling a bit tired, but he ignores it in order to finish decorating.
He opens the crate then puts the lid down, revealing a lot of ornaments and decorations.
He takes some of the ornaments and puts them on the tree.
As he kept decorating, in the corner of his eye, he saw a small bit of pink.
Before he could dwell on it, the small bit of pink disappeared.
Phil blinked, once, twice, before he shrugged it of as nothing and was just his one imagination.
Though, after putting more ornament in the tree, he saw a small speck of brown.
Usually, the brown would be the wood, but, the brown stuff was on the leaves.
But, after a few seconds, the small speck of brown disappeared.
Phil was starting to get suspicious.
First, he saw a small bit of pink, and now he saw a small speck of brown.
He's starting to believe that it wasn't his own imagination tricking him.
Phil frowns, the next time, he would see another color that shouldn't be in the tree, he would catch it and inspect it.
And he did what he said he would do.
The last time Phil notices another color in his tree, it was the color blond, the blond in Phil's hair, but there was more shade in this blond color.
Phil paused for a second, then immediately, grabbed whatever was in his tree.
When he brought the thing close to his face, he didn't expect it to be a small, blond child, with animalistic traits.
He sees the terrified look, plastered on the kids face.
Phil then registers small yells, he looks up to his tree, finding two more tiny children, they also have animalistic traits.
Phil then looks back to where the tiny blond child was.
He carefully looks at the animalistic traits, noticing that those were borrower traits.
Phil's eyes widened, he had three, tiny, borrowers in his tree, and they were children for god sake!
"Let go of our brother you asshat!!"
"Yeah, let him go!!"
Phil blinks again, registering the words, these borrowers were all brothers.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that you three were children."
"We're not children, at least me and Techno aren't!"
"Wilbur, what fuck man?! We weren't supposed to say our names to a human!"
"Well, at least he doesn't know Tommy's name."
"...Wilbur, you're a dumbass."
Phil slightly laughs at the two borrowers antics.
"So, you're names are Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy, am I right?"
"Why should we tell you?" Techno said.
"Well, you are in my house, in my tree, and you also said each other's names."
Phil then raises his hand that was holding Tommy.
Wilbur and Techno immediately back away, before realizing that Phil was just giving their brother back.
Tommy got off of Phil's hand and went straight to his brothers, crashing into them with a hug.
The two other brothers hugged Tommy back.
Phil smiled, happy to see that the three borrowers were okay.
Wilbur turned to Phil.
"What's your name, human?"
"My name's Phil, how old are all of you three?"
"Me and Techno are both 14, meanwhile Tommy is 5."
Phil's heart ached, these small children had to live and protect each other from what Phil assumed a very young age.
"Well, if you boys don't mind, I could adopt the three of you."
Wilbur's eyes widened, before nodding.
"Please do, we would absolutely love it to have a parent to look after us."
Phil smiled fondly, he bets that he and his now new sons would be happy with each other.
Sorry that this seemed a bit short. But, again, I hope you liked it!!
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Could I ask 9 and/or 4?
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got two people asking for 4 so i'll get to it lol but first:
9. What are your file name conventions
well it depends, usually now they're p straightforward (often for organizational purposes)
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sometimes tho they're kinda funny
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4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
oh there's probably a LOT honestly that i'm just forgetting abt but for one i'll say a certain bitch: FUKASE
ohhhhh my god. love that bastard but also wtf dude. aside from wildly inconsistent characterization in my stuff (b/c honestly he's a really interesting character who has a lot of potential for different interpretations, imo) I KEEP FUCKING UP HOW I DRAW HIM 😭😭 i'll forget some detail or another (like on his outfit or the fucking x thing near his mouth or the little flag on his head), colors aren't always consistent cause i keep changing them (sorry my guy your current red is kinda too high contrast and i got color theory shit going on in my things), I CAN NEVER FUCKING DRAW HIS HAIR RIGHT EVEN THO ITS NOT EVEN THEORETICALLY THAT HARD OF A HAIRSTYLE, not even his height's fucking consistent either he's a goddamn mess. award goes to him for sure in being THE most inconsistent variable vocaloid bitch in my shit, not just hc/portrayal-wise but also drawing wise because FUCK even if i draw him somewhat often HE LITERALLY LOOKS DIFFERENT EVERY FUCKING TIME
len's hair is also a bitch sometimes but for some reason i (usually) have less trouble w/ his hairstyle compared to fukase's WHICH IS SOME FUCKING BACKWARDS ASS LOGIC BRUH THE HELL
weirdly specific artist asks
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
My live blogging notes got too long, so I have to split them in half.
Here's ending the war:
Why do we have to wait a month between every step in this offensive... I know why, but like, why. Claude keeps mentioning that we're waiting for the Alliance lords to send more troops (including minor lords, per explore dialogue), but why are they still not getting in line about this. We're marching on the damn capital, can we just do it already?
I do know why, and it's because the calendar system was poorly thought out.
Flayn's parents met at a church in Enbarr. She definitely seems to be muuuuch younger than the other dragon people.
Blurb for the Enbarr battle says we're vastly outnumbered, which is after explore dialogue says that a good chunk of Empire forces is occupied in the former Kingdom.
Enbarr is the largest city in Fodlan, and it's also a fortress.
More "we want to save Rhea" dialogue.
Bye, Hubert. Bye, Death Knight. You went down in one hit each and didn't amount to anything.
Suddenly, Dedue. He's been in hiding at Enbarr for a while.
Claude thinks Dimitri was hard to understand. I saw him like twice, so I have no comment on this.
The background of a talking scene shows high cliffs around Enbarr.
"I don't want to kill Edelgard" and "Is there no way to walk the same path as Edelgard"... "She's a fellow student to all of us. If there's a path that we can walk together, that would be preferrable." Bruh
We kill Petra twice, I guess? Sucks for her.
Giant Demonic Beasts, cool, cool. They have artificial crest stones produced by the Empire.
Dedue goes straight through an enemy. Is that legal??
Edelgard says her and Claude's ideals aren't far apart, but she can't "entrust" Fodlan to him because he doesn't have "sufficient knowledge of this land's suffering." ok.jpg
....................Oops! I wanted Claude to hit her once, have her survive and then do other stuff, but he critted. Well, at least he got MVP and got motivated. Good on him, I guess.
Why is Byleth here for the cutscene. "My teacher, claim your victory" whose teacher am I "Even now people across the land are killing each other" because of you!! "The path lies across my grave, it's time to find the courage to walk it" BRUH
Hubert gave a letter to an Imperial general to hand over to us. And then he expositions about all the lore the story didn't get around to providing in a more reasonable way. Basically, the Agarthans hate both dragons and human, they were the ones who nuked Merceus.
Also, Rhea is in a secret chamber. "Residing," for sure.
Suddenly, Rhea.
Wait, speaking of, what happened to Dedue? He was just holding a chokepoint for like three turns. Tbh I expected him to attack Edelgard, but he never did?
And for that matter, what happened to the Almyran army? If we're going to be sooo outnumbered attacking the capital, shouldn't this be where they show up? And, you know, having them help during the climax of the war would be more natural than at some random fort that gets nuked immediately after?
Anyway, Rhea. She's got pointy ears, so cute, but she doesn't look well... Byleth has such a weird expression in that CG. Of course, I would also have a weird expression. Their hair color is pretty much the same in that image.
Rhea only says that Nemesis used to be a bandit, he plundered the Tomb and "somehow" obtained the Sword, then went to Zanado and slaughtered the children of the goddess, gaining more power from their corpses. Rhea says she doesn't know a bunch of details, so she's holding out on us (because Claude is there, or??)
Nemesis could not have done this on his own, so he must have been directed by those who slither in the dark. Now, a thousand years later, they also used the imperial army to plunge Fodlan into war, but Edelgard was using them right back.
We reason out that, since the Agarthans kept screwing around, some of the children of the goddess must have survived.
The Agarthan base (Shambhala) is just south of the Goneril territory. So... Hrym?
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m1ckeyb3rry · 12 days
AHAHAAH IM CRYING Richard cranium is actually so genius but so out of pocket but props to whoever thought of that alternative name LMAO
Bro I exclusively associate that “Who is that fine babe” audio with this one tiktok about Yuta and the cockroach curse from the culling games LMFAOO (hoping you’ve seen it before it was pretty viral iirc) but I’m laughing reader and Tullia calling otoya out and I imagine he’d be super defensive like “NO??? WTF IM ONLY INTO WOMEN AND SHE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HIM HER BEAUTY MARK IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF HER FACE”
No he SO WOULD LMAO the epitome of someone who would do that shit otoya being so naive he’s like “yeah Chris Prince is my homie!! Look at all this swag he’s got I’m even one of his top subscribers” and then he gets duped
Otoya having his eevee battle hounding to channel the dark type LMFAOO that’s so in character and Karasu sneaking in and taking the gible is SO FUNNY reader and otoya like “WTF yk garchomp is a ground type right???” “I thought you only wanted flying types???” and karasus just like “I never said that you shouldn’t assume things about people (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)” it’s even funnier if you imagine that while otoya and reader are fighting to determine who gets to battle it Karasu doesn’t even have to whittle its hp down the gible just likes him and hops into the ball (maybe it’s the hair affinity yk) but wait about otoyas greninja idk how realistic this is to this au because like you said he probably ends up using sylveon as his signature but imagine he eventually got to ash-greninjaify is greninja
TEAM X that’s such a big brain name the amount of thinking you put into naming things never fails to amaze me the whole luna scion of santalune too
There’s now only two vibes to Barou edits pokemon au angst or hot crack (every now and then I go back and watch that Barou edit you showed me before like I can’t stop thinking abt it) I’m crying for multiple reasons but wait this is actually kinda funny we have the that satosugu edit audio vibe for the pokemon au and then the nasty dog audio for oaeu barou the difference in vibes is insane READER WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM goodbye that’s my last straw
HOUNDOOM CUKTURE LMFAOAOSHAHA uhhh do you mean behavior..? I lowk feel like there might’ve been another word that fits too but that’s the first one I thought of but I’ve also seen the word ritual be applied to animals Karasu thinking she’s dead and being scared shitless too maybe he’s tearing up in a rare moment of mediocrity (by his terms ig ykwim) time to brainstorm od a dumbass meeting I’m sure you’ll cook with that
OOH RIGHT almost forgot that people irl also breed pokemon to get shinies (myself included) ok but you read my mind when I first thought abt it too one that came to mind was shiny metagross…also because I was like wait its colors kinda slap right??? Also think my brain was primed by us thinking about Steven stone too LMAOO the blue accent on the mega one also just kinda adds to the vibe yk but wait also Lowk mega shiny houndoom’s red parts really match Barou with his red highlights in LOL too bad we don’t rlly see him alive to fight with mega houndoom yuki with shiny steelix would def steal the show LOL
I wasn’t aware that goodra looked like that shiny LOL put you’re so right imagine when he first sees it he’s like “it reminds me of lemon tea” and he likes it even more LMAOO wait shiny aegislash does go hard and I feel like it also matches the barou family vibe LOL
Ok pause…imagine also when the magikarp evolves and mc first sees the red gyarados her first thought is “aww it’s red and kinda angry looking, reminds me of my cousin” SHSHSHS the scam is so funny Otoya fr being like thank GOD I wasn’t the only one who got scammed that would’ve been embarrassing LMAOO
OK PAYSE THE LATEST CHAPTWR??? I guess we all knew igaguri HAD to be in there at some point because of the hints being dropped from kaneshiro but BRUH YUKIMIYAS FACE OF BETRAYAL and the way we fr got no more elaboration on Kunigami wc omg I have no words also the battle of the balds is actually crazy work I had to stop myself from laughing but speaking of maybe I didn’t pay attention but who’s being subbed out for Loki? I’m praying that Karasu still gets a moment to shine but also the way kiyora has barely done anything else besides that one pass to Kaiser is crazy too anyways crossing my fingers and manifesting
Also unrelated but I’m going back and reformatting the LNs just for my own sake because I want them to look cleaner and I’ve already found like five typo ridden sentences in the first chapter of yukis omg if you want the cleaned up version though lmk and I’ll send it back here LMAO
- Karasu anon
I WAS HOWLING WHEN I SAW IT LIKE WDYM RICHARD CRANIUM??? anyways that’s not even the craziest one but i can’t remember any better ones LMAO
no because yk if photoshop exists in this world tullia spends reader’s ENTIRE gym battle editing yayoi’s hair onto tabito and then when the battle’s over and she’s done editing she shows it to otoya like “smash or pass” and otoya’s like you can’t fool me that’s karasu he has a mole and yayoi doesn’t but tullia’s like bro?? you didn’t answer the question??? and he just LEAVES (to go catch swablu) and it’s never mentioned again LMAOAO honestly reader and karasu have such a cute dynamic but tullia and otoya are MENACES to each other (what’s funnier is tullia has a full team for the entire story but otoya only has a froakie at first and that does NOT stop him from talking shit 😭 i know froakie is sweating bullets staring at tullia’s fully grown lanturn and lilligant like bro…pls don’t make me fight her…)
HELPPP I BET OTOYA PAYS FOR THOSE CHRIS PRINCE PERSONALIZED GREETINGS TOO LMAOAO omg otoya being a chris prince stan is one of my fav things FKLGJS imagine chris prince also dabbled in contests when he was younger so he’s actually also lowkey yukimiya’s mentor?? which is why yuki knows for a fact that his product placement is bullshit (imagine otoya is watching one of his personalized chris prince videos and yuki sees him because he’s helping reader train and he’s just like “oh chris just hires a ditto to film those for him they’re not real” and otoya is like WHAT THE FUCK)
okay wait speaking of yuki listen to the arc i’ve come up with for him…basically he meets reader and co somehow and is talking about how he’s a coordinator and obviously karasu and otoya being dicks are like “LMAOOOO MALE COORDINATOR 🤣” so then yukimiya’s like okay if you think i’m weak do you want to battle?? and then he proceeds to absolutely wipe the floor with him…at that point in time karasu only has his birds so yuki’s steelix alone is sufficient and otoya only has the second-stage evolutions of greninja, ampharos, and blissey so they’re all still on the young side…yukimiya’s breloom makes QUICK work of them and then he’s like “didn’t you know battling is part of contests 😐” ofc reader is like omg that was insane and also you’re super hot so she asks him to train her and he tells her he will if she enters a contest so she’s like okay and enters her houndour (who still hasn’t evolved into houndoom yet because this arc takes place relatively early on in the story) and tullia enters her lilligant (otoya and karasu def respect yuki now but they still can’t bring themselves to do a contest) and yukimiya trains them both and when they get to the contest reader and houndour absolutely COOK like they DEVOUR the competition but when it comes to the final round she’s disqualified on a technicality; yukimiya goes to argue for her but he finds out that the real reason she was disqualified is because houndours/houndooms are considered bad luck/symbols of death and the judges wouldn’t allow one to win the contest!! so it’s kind of like baby’s first look at corruption SLDKFJSD tullia ends up winning which is implied to be deserved (it was literally a tossup between tullia and reader but because houndour is a fire type and lilligant is a grass type reader would’ve likely won the battle) but it’s still unfair overall because reader didn’t even get a chance to prove herself (it’s also what drives yukimiya to align himself with the gym leaders/e4 in the final confrontation so he does pull up again!! with chris prince hehe)
SFKJGKSD no i 100% pictured karasu just going fuck it and throwing the pokéball at gible and the gible is just genuinely really friendly and LOVES people so it would’ve gone with literally anyone?? like there was no need for them to battle it at all they’re just dumb 😭 pls and the entire time tullia’s watching and karasu’s just like 🤫 at her and she lives for the drama so she keeps her mouth shut HAHAHA
team x just felt so perfect especially because their whole thing is to get rid of training?? like X training idk if that makes sense LMAOAO i really like it though!! and yesss the scion of santalune just rolls off the tongue so nicely…i think it’s funny if all of reader and co have celebrity crushes i def think luna should be one!! like otoya’s is yayoi (and lowkey chris prince if we’re being real…), karasu’s is probably anri…i would say tullia’s is luna but LOWKEY i can’t even lie luna is just a male tullia so it would be a little weird 😭 description wise anyways given the blond hair and green eyes (although i imagine tullia’s hair to be a bit more of an ash blond and her eyes to be a bit of a more muted green??) maybe she’ll have a celeb crush on loki or noel noa and reader will have one on luna 🤔 he’s like the seventh gym too so at that point the nagi slowburn will have progressed a bit so imagine nagi just has insane beef with luna as well as karasu because reader literally won’t shut up about him
PLSSS whenever i see a barou edit my first thought is like DAMNNN BAROU I NEED YOU and my second thought is like barouuu please come home your baby sister misses you 😭😓💔 no because the difference in oaeu barou and pokémon au barou is insane…i mean honestly i think everyone but karasu and otoya act super different when you compare the pokémon au to the oaeu LFKJSJLK one thing abt tabieita though they will be a bunch of rude dumbasses in every lifetime
nooo i don’t think it was behavior…maybe ritual??? although that doesn’t sound quite right either UGH anyways you got what i meant LMAOO anyways yes karasu is 100% crying because like reader’s his baby ykwim like he watched her go from a fuckass girl with one singular pokémon to an idiot that got scammed into taking on a magikarp to one of the best trainers in the entire region he’s so attached to her wdym she is DEAD?? but then she’s actually alive and he’s so relieved he doesn’t care that he’s being mediocre (like in the egoist bible when he said he doesn’t mind being mediocre if the world is ending…that’s the vibe he gives in that scene) he’s just so happy that she’s okay 😭 and then he tells her to return her houndoom because he’ll look after now 😩 then she’s like what about barou and his houndoom??? so he’s like it’s okay garchomp will take them (he’s the one who carries reader out #strongking) and she’s like please tell garchomp to be really careful because he’s my family and i don’t want anything to happen to him and ofc karasu’s team “fuck barou” because he doesn’t know the truth yet but he thinks of reader so highly that he actually does tell garchomp to be careful with barou because if she loved barou then that’s good enough for him
LMAOO steven stone reminding us of his presence everywhere we go…maybe hiori just moonlights as the champion of the hoenn region and pulls up to check on his preserve in kalos occasionally /j HAHA no i agree if only barou got to live a bit longer 😭 his battle against noel noa is televised and reader watches so we do see him in action there!! right before he dies 😓 shiny goodra is just so warm and comforting looking for some reason?? very nagi coded…and agreed shiny aegislash gives major barou family vibes i think between barou’s anime color being red and houndoom being red(dish) + black it’s safe to say that the entire barou family theme is red and black!! which lowkey makes shiny gyarados fit right…
HAHAHA PLS maybe the REAL reason why reader isn’t scared of her gyarados is because she’s used to people (aka barou) who look scary and intimidating and constantly pissed off but are actually just big sweethearts on the inside…reader the gyarados whisperer for that FR HAHAH i bet those people who like check your pokémon’s happiness (they exist in-game idk what the logic for them to be there in the au is but let’s pretend) are SO surprised when they see reader coming with her gyarados because they’re expecting it to be furious but it’s actually super chuffed!! my headcanon is that most gyarados are super angry because they basically are thrown into fights that they cannot win as magikarp for the sake of gaining battle experience and evolving but reader never even uses her magikarp to battle or anything…like during their downtime it’ll play in the water with tullia’s lanturn and (for the arcs/moments that they’re present) chigiri’s gorebyss/isagi’s lapras/yukimiya’s azumarill but she’s not tossing it out whenever she’s facing off against nagi or team x grunts or whatever she actually just takes very good care of it and treats it like a friend!! it evolves when reader and co are captured on a team x ship and they manage to break free and they’re going to fly away on karasu’s birds but then reader realizes that magikarp’s pokéball is still in the dungeon?? for some reason maybe because it’s shiny anyways she gives the rest of her pokémon to karasu/tullia/otoya and tells them to leave if she’s not back within a couple of minutes because she won’t leave without magikarp but she doesn’t want to bring the others or her pokémon down with her…anyways while she’s sneaking around a bunch of team x grunts surround tabitullieita so they reluctantly fly away (karasu does tell his staraptor to stay in the area and keep an eye out just in case so it’s not like they totally abandon reader) meanwhile more team x grunts find reader and they’re like ok time for you to deadass walk the plank we’re done keeping you alive so she’s pushed off of the ship and left to drown BUT then magikarp releases itself and she’s like don’t worry magikarp i don’t regret saving you even if i had to do it again i’d go back and find you which prompts it to evolve just because of how much it loves her and wants to protect her 🥹 then she and gyarados destroy the ship #slay #girlboss and she rides it back to the beach where tabitullieita are depressed because staraptor just told them that the ship reader was on was sunk by a gyarados (it was too far away to realize reader was riding the gyarados the entire time LSFKJSD)
kunigami: chesnaught idk why but chesnaught just SCREAMS kunigami to me
bachira: ludicolo HELP the dancing…the unseriousness…the lowkey rlly good typing…it’s somehow so perfect
kaiser: absol the diva energy is so strong with these two
mr. mikage: gardevoir (maybe this is why reo wanted a gardevoir??), cloyster, gogoat, flygon, gigalith, and kangaskhan (mostly as a reference to when reader was supposed to have a kangaskhan HAHA)
IGAGURI IN THE CHAPTER IS CRAZYYYY please yuki’s little 😯 made me so saddd GET MY BOY IN THE GAME he’s so so much better than IGAGURI like who invited bro?? and yeah idk who loki replaced but i’m pretty sure that means it was probably just a random pxg player LMAO because i think it would’ve been mentioned if it was a bllker?? or maybe i’m just slow and missed it too…if it’s anyone from blue lock though it would def be like tokimitsu bro has done NOTHING this entire time even zantetsu and nanase have contributed more (karasu was carrying for a solid while so it’s 100% not him) and LMAOOOO PLEASE BATTLE OF THE BALDS HAD ME CRYING it’s just so insane for no reason?? bald on bald violence goes crazy though fr…
HAHAH i don’t remember there being that many typos tbh?? that’s crazy though maybe i just psychically reader your mind and knew what you were talking about
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twinstarlovers · 2 years
I think ima be in my mars red hair era for 2 years for sure like my Scorpio Venus is gonna be strong. A lot of black sexy clothes idk. But yeah I read hair colors go w a certain planet so red is mars which is about energy, passion & shit & I see it. I was pink hair tbh. Not like bright pink but like a dark pink idk, I think it would only look good if my hair was straight all the time actually idk I could rock it regardless. But like later on in life ima start doing dark colors like midnight blue, dark purple, all that will be close to black lol or I might do black w red streaks type shit. I have my dads genes when it comes to getting white hair & I already have some lol. I’ve had them since I was like 14 lol. #trauma. His started at 18 so yes I think it’s trauma & genetics but anyways not the point. The point is that I think I might want my white hair to grow in like I kinda want it. I love how it looks. It’s like ethereal af even tho it’s showing my ass is about to die but still. My grandma from my dads side dyes her hair black all the time. She should be having full on white hair but she cares how she looks as a Capricorn so she doesn’t wanna look old. Actually now that I’m thinking of it, white is cute & all but ima look old af so I should be dramatic & put color like white w black streaks or sum cus I may look old but don’t get it twisted IMA STILL BE ME. I give old vibes already & its ugly af.
Okay but I’ve been emotional af & triggered cus im on my period cus it’s not fair you having fun in college & making friends but anyways let me stfu but I feel better saying shit out loud cus yes but what triggered this is this college murder case you’ve probably heard about. If you haven’t heard about it then don’t look it up, I’ll tell you in person LMFAO. No but yeah that case literally triggered me cus they was in college & they looked happy & I thought of you but anyways someone posted shit on tik tok about cities & to guess if & they were all so pretty. Idk where I wanna live. New York is cute for the buildings ofc but it’s tooooo crowded & there’s this case I watched that happened in New York & I’ve been traumatized by the energy of New York ever since. I watched this case like 3 years ago. I could go to New York to go but I don’t think I can live there. I feel like sometimes certain cases hit so hard that I feel the energy of it like it literally comes through the screen, it’s actually annoying. I actually had a panic attack over the case cus they did a Netflix series about it & it was sooooo good but incredibly sad & triggering. So yeah new York is a no. Those people aren’t dead tho. So idk why I’m saying a case actually. I love mysteries & murder cases & all of that shit but the downside of it is always the energy that I get from watching it. It’s always eerie & bad like 16 wishes energy LITERALLY. Something was off about that movie. It’s not even on Disney+ . It was poorly made too which I think is part of it but idk bruh, they probably put some evil energy/spirits in that movie. I even tried to look it up on google like if anything sketchy would pop up about that movie & it even popped up on my tik tok & I would look at the comments to see if people would say anything but literally nothing, people loved it. LIKE WHAT. Anyways where was I idk I forgot. Oh right so yeah um I kinda wanna live in Chicago, it’s so pretty. I wanna live in Miami but the heat is a no. I don’t wanna live somewhere where it’s hot all the time. I need all seasons. My fav season is winter. It could change to fall but I haven’t experience the Halloween vibe of fall so. Well Christmas is in winter but mmm the vibes of winter still happen outside of Christmas like the midnight blue sky, the cold, it’s so intense & pretty. The outfits are great. I’m scared to celebrate Christmas & Halloween. I’m literally about to cry now lol. I think it’s most definitely my period but just in general tho, it makes me sad. I still need to try trick or treating. I remember I would be inside watching others trick or treating & my parents would purposely turn of all the lights & shit so nobody would knock. I wouldn’t even eat the candy fr. I don’t trust other people’s food usually lol. Idk. Especially candy. I barely eat candy actually but the point is walking like a kid & looking at the houses. I wish I was a kid so I can actually knock on the doors & people not be weirded out. Brah, I couldn’t even celebrate someone else’s bd at school like if it was someone’s bd or it was a holiday & the class would have a lil party, I would be sent to a different room by myself & sometimes even if I was in the little parties, I couldn’t eat the cake or whatever cus my parents told me I would basically be eating evil energy into me. Even if I would bring it home, they would throw it away & shit. I never understood why Mother’s Day was bad growing up like I would make my moms a Mother’s Day card but she would just throw it away & say it’s bad cus Mother’s Day should be everyday like wow. It’s not that serious. So when Mother’s Day came up, I would say I could make the card but I won’t get to take it home cus my mom won’t appreciate it or anything so there was no point. Idk. Anyways bruh I really be talking out my ass but anyways where was I even at. Chicago & Miami but yeah Miami is way too hot so no. Umm like maybe 3-4 years ago I was really into Canada for a minute because of the buildings & my police show was made in Canada & the vibes of the show & the view of Canada… brb
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kitasfox · 3 years
Hiii foxy how are you?,Hope you are doing great <3 anyway,just let me tel you something,I had a daydream(?) And It was like makki and mattun like fighting over you and trying to get your attention,but like you being the sweet as bimbo you are you fail to realize it,they both kinda get pissed off and are like "let's teach our little doll a lesson for being so oblivious"
Ahhhh-please,that's enough internet for today
Byee take care foxyyy
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a/n: FUCKING FINALLY I HAD THE CHANCE TO WRITE THIS CUZ DAMN- YOUR MIND ANON!! I had a good time writing this 🥴 thank you for sending me this babe!!!
THIS POST IS NSFW! Minors do not interact or I'll bite.
warnings: threesome,,, maybe dub-con cuz the reader is fucking dumb, bimbo reader, spitting, fingering, all that shit, name calling
@hqintheclub taglist form
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Okay but,,, imagine if it was OIKAWA'S LITTLE SISTER TOO BRUH
Oikawa's dumb, pretty little sister, a slut just like his big brother, letting people do whatever they want to her since she's too stupid to even understand what's going on.
For what reason, no one knows, Oikawa thinks leaving you to his trusty teammates is a good idea when he can't make it home that night. Oikawa knows you're a little stupid, doesn't want her sister to be alone all night.
So he calls his friends over to stay a night at his home.
Hanamaki is the first to arrive, you spend the day together, watching movies, playing card. He teaches you a game, strip poker, he tells you, a game that leaves you with only your bra and skirt, whereas he hasn't removed even an item.
"'s not fair!" You cry out brattily, looking around to at least find your lace panties you had to remove, the feeling of being nude under your short little skirt a bit too embarrassing, and- well, maybe it makes you a little, just a little.. wet.
"You have everything on you, and I-" you keep whining as you keep looking for the panties, you swear they were right there a second ago, did you lost them already? "Did you see my panties?"
"Aw, baby, it's not my fault you're so bad at this game." Hanamaki mocks you, watching you with amusement as you keep looking around for the pair or royal blue panties.
"Ugh, I swear they were right here." You pout. You sit on your knees, pressing your face down and pushing your ass high up to try and see under the couch-
"Fuck!" You hear the man curse behind you, you don't think much of it, definitely don't think it's because of how your short little skirt bunches around your waist, giving Hanamaki a show of your pretty little pussy and fuck- he's fucking hard.
"I can't find it!" You whine, standing back up. Your eyes fall on the man, eyes much darker than they usually are, a dangerous twist to his usually docile expression. "Makki?" You tilt your head, "what's wrong?"
Before he can answer, the doorbell makes the both of you jump in your places. You run towards the door, knowing who it is, already.
"Hey, sweetheart."
"Mattsun!" Hanamaki hears you chirp his best friends name, who enters the room with you hanging on his arm like a pretty little prize. "Why are you half-naked?" Mattsun raises an amazed brow. "Was Makki teaching you strip-poker?"
"Yes, but he keeps winning!" You pout, you look so adorable when you do, your glossed bottom lip jutting forward, making him wonder how you'd look pouting like this under him, too.
"Oh," Matsukawa turns his gaze to the pink haired man, spreading on the couch, a visible tent stretching his pants. "Without me?"
"You were late." Hanamaki grins, pulling something from his pocket, something royal-blue colored, and laced. "She was just looking for her panties."
Before you can see it, Hanamaki stuffs the material back in his pocket.
"Your panties?" Matsukawa repeats with a wide grin, turning to you, who looks embarrassed, hiding your face by strictly looking at your shoes. "You're not wearing them right now?"
Now he can guess what had Hanamaki so hard in his pants. Well, he can guess very well, as it's the same thing making him go hard, as well.
"...I couldn't find them." You whisper, playing with the hem of your skirt. "I swear they were right here but-"
"Oh, dumb girl," Matsukawa pulls you into a hug when your voice starts shaking with embarrassment. You're quick to wrap your hands around his large body, letting him comfort you as his lips are mere inches away from your ears, hands tracing the material of the skirt.
Matsukawa pushes your body closer to himself, hands starting to wander around your ass over your skirt, kneading your pretty ass, stretching the material over your pussy and making you cry out a surprised whimper.
You don't say anything but his name as his fingers press on your pussy from over the skirt, pinching the skin of your ass, feeling the dampness over the cloth.
"Mattsun-" you whimper as his lips ghost over the shell of your ear, his hot breath giving you goosebumps.
"My dumb, little girl," he repeats, this time with a grin as you start to hump his larg fingers, pressing on your oussy from over your skirt. "-I always knew you were just a dumb little slut."
Your body freezes against his as you process your friends' words, tears that were just drying into he corners of your eyes starting to well again. "What-?"
"No, he's right." Hanamaki finally stands up from his seat to walk towards you. "You really are a stupid whore."
"I'm not!" You cry out, wondering why Matsukawa's fingers are still pressing on your clit like that, making you forget your hard earned words. "I'm not a stupid- a stupid whore!"
"Aren't you?" Hanamaki threads his fingers through your hair and pulls, making your head snap back to meet his cruel grin. "Aren't you the one, pantiless, standing in a room with two grown men?"
"But- but I couldn't find it-"
"Bending right in front of me like that only minutes ago-" Hanamaki pushes two fingers through your lips, he wonders if it's reflex you welcome them so easily, starting to suck kn them like a little bitch. "Showing me that pretty pussy, you think I didn't notice how wet you were?"
"Oh, you should feel her now, Makki." Matsukawa interrupts as he finally pushes his fingers under your skirts, feeling your naked pussy, dripping.
Your eyes wide as he pulls them back out, fingers shining with your wetness. "Look how wet she is. Do you believe her, Makki? You believe she's not a whore?"
"Such a pretty face," Hanamaki's hands push your cheeks together, creating an adorable pout, "I would've believed her if I hadn't seen how much of a whore she can be with my own two eyes."
"Please!" Your breaths start quickening as you feel Matsukawa's hardened cock pressing against your ass, you start rubbing yourself on him in return.
"Please?" Hanamaki laughs at you, hands already pulling on your bra, "please, what?"
"Are you accepting you're a slut, pretty girl? Is that what it is?" Matuskawa keeps stretching the skirt over your pussy, making you squirm between the two man, making you feel dizzy, mind blank.
"Say you're our dumb slut, and we'll fuck you, doll." Hanamaki grins at your pathetic face, at the drool starting to drip from the corners of your lips.
"-'m not- mmh!!" A soft pat to your pussy makes you cry out in pleasure, your knees shaking, making you worry you might fall over.
"Try again, baby."
"I'm-" a gasp falls from between your pants, "I'm your stupid whore!" You finally manage to cry out, a loud moan eliciting from your lips when Matsukawa grins, "Good girl."
"Oh, look at that," Maki laughs at you, hands already pulling on your bra, exposing your tits, "she liked that."
"Did you, dumb girl?"
"Y-yeah," you mindlessly agree as you're too focused on the feeling of his fingers now circling your clit, the burning sensation killing any thought that was in your head. "Liked it."
Matsukawa's fingers are big, you always knew it, but never realized how much bigger than yours. Even one of his fingers are enough to stretch your tiny little pussy, but Matsukawa's never been the type to settle for anything less than he'd like.
With the second finger slipping in you, your legs can't hold you up anymore, your throat sore from the moans and cries, and pleasure screams, Hanamaki's hands groping and kneading your tits, pinching your nipples.
"Oh, poor baby," Hanamaki holds your face by the chin, leaning closer enough to feel your hot breath against his face. "Too bad praise is the last thing you'll be getting today."
As soon as he finishes his words, his fingers press on your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, spitting in it with a smile. "Whores like you don't deserve anything better."
Your eyes widen as his spit rests on your tongue, mouth still agape, Matsukawa's large fingers slipping in and out of you and its all so much-
"Come on, baby," Hanamaki's voice finally pulls you out of your daze, "get on the floor, face down, ass up, show Mattsun here, too, just how pretty you look like that."
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we-have-bangtan · 3 years
Pairing: Doctor! Yoongi x Patient! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Crack (??), Ex's, smut
Warning: Swearing, smut (just an old memory)
Synopsis: When Yn is forced to go to the hospital after falling down the stairs of her office. The doctor who was to attend to her was none other than her ex-boyfriend Min Yoongi.
A/n: let me know if you like it! And give me a reblog to support me!!!
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Yn turned over onto her back, her eyes still closed. She wondered silently why her normally soft bed was hard today. With another roll, she landed with a thud on the cold, hard floor, jolting her awake.
When the blinding lights of the room filled her vision, she suddenly regretted opening her eyes. She sat on the floor, rubbing her eyes to clear the sleep from them, oblivious to the drool on her chin. Her eyes opened in confusion when she saw the IV line on her wrist, her gaze following the line, attached to a bottle mounted onto an IV stand.
She sprang to her feet immediately, taking in her surroundings: the IV stand, the white bed, white walls, the hand sanitizer mounted on the wall, the white floor tiles, and the white blinds that kept the sunshine out.
A hospital? She guessed as she took in all the equipment, the machines that beeped every few seconds were a dead giveaway. Is this a private room? She asked herself, trying to find any clue which hospital this was when the door swung open.
Min Yoongi entered the room, wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He walked over to her side and encouraged her to take a seat on the bed.
"Where am I?" Despite the fact that she already knew the answer, she inquired. "Take a wild guess," Yoongi replied dryly as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. Yn racked her brain for the name of the hospital; she was certain she knew which one Yoongi had been working at, but her mind was blank, displaying only a buffering page similar to that of a 2004 Dell laptop.
"Did you really hit your head that hard?"  Yoongi said what he was thinking, a little concerned for her safety. "Do you have a headache? Can you recall what you ate for breakfast or what happened just before you passed out? "He questioned.
"My head hurts a bit, so for breakfast, I had cinnamon crunch with milk, and lunch I had a sandwich. Walking down the stairs is the last thing I recall," She responded. All of her responses matched what her coworkers had told them, leading Yoongi to believe that Yn simply didn't know where he worked and that her head was okay.
He was irritated that Yn had no idea where he worked, but he forced his resentment to the back of his mind before informing her that she was in a private room at Asan Medical Centre in Seoul. "Wait, are you serious?" She yelled as she struggled to get out of bed.
"Yes, seriously," he explained, forcing her back onto the bed "You fell down the stairs in your office and one of your colleagues brought you in; you were unconscious for 5 hours; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you," he added. "Why on earth do you have no idea I work at Asan?"He demanded once he was done briefing her.
"I would have noticed if you hadn't blocked me on all your social media pages," Yn said after some thought. She hisses, reminding him why she was blocked in the first place. "I wouldn't have had to block you if you hadn't started tagging me in those dumb Facebook memes," he retorted as he paging one of the nurses to come to change the IV bag.
"Is there something bothering you? Aside from your head," Yoongi inquired, reaching for his fancy click pen, which Yn had given him in college. "You still use that?" She inquired, her gaze falling on the royal blue color of the pen, the brand name has faded over time. He calmly replied, "I started using it once I got my residence, now answer the question."
To search for any injury, Yn moved her limbs around, starting with her feet. She turned them around to look for any discomfort before moving on to her legs, which were still perfect.  She eventually tested her shoulders and despite her best efforts, winced in pain as she raised her left shoulder.
"Left shoulder, okay. Do you feel nauseous?"  Yn shook her head as Yoongi asked more.
"Any ringing in your ears?"
"Is that gray hair on your head?" Yn interjected, pointing to a few strands at the start of Yoongi's hairline. He dismissed her and instead scribbled a note on his clipboard.
"OK, so you don't have any concussion symptoms, your hearing is good, and you're not feeling dizzy and your eyesight is better than ever before considering the fact that you could pick out my gray hair from that far. We still have some blood work to do and I'm putting you on observation tonight in case any symptom pops up, you're free to go home after that," Yoongi informed.
He reasoned that saying anything else would be unprofessional of him. Heading for the door when, "Yah, why am I in a private room in the first place?" Yn intervened, preventing him from leaving. Yoongi replied, turning around to face her, "I figured it would be more convenient for you."
"Bruh, do you have any idea how broke I am," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her stomach. "I ain't a hotshot doctor to be able to afford a private room in Asan Medical Centre," she sneered. "Who said something about you paying?" asked Yoongi. As he returned to her side. "So, who is going to foot the bill?  You? " She inquired, he nodded, causing her jaw to drop. She was perplexed by his words and asked, "Why would you do that?" "What good is it to be a hotshot doctor?" He shrugged.
The mental picture of a very sleepy and confused Yn, with her hair all tangled up and a tiny spot of drool on her face had made him soft, and there was no stopping his heart from falling head over heels for her all over again as he walked out of the room, the smile he had been battling slowly crept into place...
Yoongi peeked into Yn's room after his shift, his shoulders slouching from the stress of his job. He had his coat and stethoscope wrapped over his arm, his hair slightly damp from the shower he had taken, his white t-shirt clinging to his body.
When they were dating, one of Yn's 'rules' was that if he wanted to get close to her, he had to shower after returning from the hospital because she hated the scent of antiseptic. With the scent of antiseptic all over her, he wondered how she was doing.
He discovered her in bed, knees drawn up to her stomach, phone in hand, the screen almost brushing her nose as she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram. Her food, which had been left on the side table, had not been touched.
He warned, walking into the room, "You'll go blind if you keep doing that." Yn's head snapped up at his voice but calmed down when she saw who it was. He drew up a stool next to the bed and checked what Yn had received from the hospital. Soup, kimchi, rice, and pickled radishes were served on the side (Yn hated those). "Is the food not to your liking?" Concerned about her dietary habits, he inquired.
"They don't have any salt or spice," she replied as she stowed her phone. Yoongi grimaced after taking a sip of the soup. There was no salt or pepper and was as bland as raw tofu.
"SEE!!" Yn screamed, delighted that she had been proven right, but Yoongi, not one to concede defeat, put on a display. "How come it's so salty?" His face scrunched up in exaggeration as he groaned. "Stop acting, I can see right through you," Yn said, raising an eyebrow to call him out on his nonsense.
"All right, fine, you're right," Yoongi conceded as Yn yanked the sheets off herself and reached for his shoulders. He thought it was strange, but didn't say anything when she gently rubbed the spot near his collar, the tension in his shoulders dissipating as she applied pressure. He'd always thought Yn had magical hands. It felt like a miracle to have her hands on him again, something he had never expected to feel again.
"Can you tell me what I can do to get you to order me a plate of jjajangmyeon?" Yn asked. Yoongi thought, Darn it, I knew it was a trap, but he was too relaxed to say no. As she worked out the knots in his muscles, he melted under Yn's touch. She was no longer connected to the IV, enabling her to freely move about the room.
"I knew you were only in it for food," he chuckled, moving away from her to grab his phone from his coat, "What else did you think I was in it for?" Yn jested, playing along as she massaged his shoulders.
"Only jjajangmyeon?" He questioned, scrolling through the options, Yn looking at the phone from over his shoulder. "Order some side dishes too," she added, Yoongi let out a groan when Yn put pressure on THE SPOT at the back of his shoulder blade, the sound making Yn blush. "Stop that, people will think we're filing a porno," Yn scolded lightheartedly, continuing her ministering.
"I don't think we need to film any more of those, I have a whole collection already," Yoongi teased. His gummy smile showing up when he felt Yn's hand round his throat, threatening to choke him. "I think it's the other way round," he scoffed. His heart going into dangerous territory.
Yoongi remembered the night he had discovered Yn's choking kink, it had been a very eventful night. He had just come back home from the hospital when he had heard moaning coming from his bedroom, he had walked inside, totally unprepared for the breathtaking view that awaited him.
Watching porn wasn't considered cheating by Yoongi as long as Yn showed him what she was watching so he knew what they were getting into. When he walked in on Yn in his rotating chair, her legs spread out on the armrest, touching herself to a film about choking, he was pleasantly surprised. He went up behind her softly and wrapped his fingers around her throat, not putting much pressure. When Yn groaned for him, he felt himself harden in his pants and murmured, "You like that baby."
"Stop imagining it," Yn snapped, pushing away from Yoongi, "How do you expect me to just stop, those were some great moments of my life," he chuckled when his phone rang. It had something to do with the meal. He went to get the dinner by himself, leaving Yn alone.
When he returned with her dinner, he delivered it to her before saying his goodbyes and preparing to leave. "Enjoy your meal and get some sleep," he added as he gathered his belongings. "Where are you going?" Yn inquired. "Home??" Yoongi answered, taking his phone from the table when Yn stopped him. "Did you have dinner?" she asked, opening up the takeout box to reveal a generous serving of jjajangmyeon.
"Not yet, I was planning on getting some on the way," He answered, waiting for Yn to say anything. "Then you should stay and give me some company, it's not like I can finish all this on my own," She mumbled. "You sure?" Yoongi confirmed, taking his place on the chair as Yn grabbed the chopsticks from the bedside table, letting him have the wooden chopsticks that the restaurant provides.
They both dug into the meal, savoring every mouthful. In the otherwise peaceful hospital, just the sound of them slurping their noodles and the beep of the monitors could be heard. The majority of the patients were fast asleep, and those who were awake were taking special precautions to avoid making any noise.
Yn was the one who broke the stillness by inquiring about Holly. He said, licking his lips to get rid of the sauce, "She's good, I got her a ribbon for her ears the other day." He was intrigued about Yn's cranky cat, Buster, who had scratched Holly once. Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach as Yn replied, "We had to put him down."
Although he was simply a large, sluggish cat who refused to get his butt off the window pane, Buster had been Yn's pride and joy, her support system. "That must have been difficult," Yoongi paused, unsure of how to express his condolences.
"It had to be done; he was in a lot of agony," Yn shrugged, shaking her head to clear her mind. "How are the boys doing?  I haven't seen them since we broke up" Yoongi's six other friends were the subject of Yn's inquiry. He assured her everyone was ok. "You might see Jungkook tomorrow," he said, explaining that he had taken the day off today. "Does Jungkookie work here?" Yn inquired, quite surprised by the information. "Yes, he's an intern trying to get his residence, surprising isn't it," Yoongi admitted.
Yn burped after she finished her dinner, making Yoongi laugh at how cute she looked. Once Yn had freshened up, Yoongi said, "Ok, now that you've finished eating, I'll go home, and YOU'LL go to sleep." "You always leave," Yn remarked, rolling her eyes. The words weighed heavy on his mind as he tucked her in. On his way out, he turned out the light and gave her one last look before walking away.
Yoongi slouched his shoulders again once he was in his car. The words Yn had just said reverberated in his mind. Since he had broken up with Yn, the words "You always leave" had tormented him. He had been in love with her, yet he was the one who had abandoned her. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, HE LEFT HER. It was painful to recall the details of their breakup.
Yn crying into his chest, asking why she wasn't enough. Him holding her as fiercely as he could, not knowing if he'd ever get another chance. His cowardice had broken both of them that night. He'd run away from one of the most precious part of his life, and he still regrets it.
They had broken up because of him. Yoongi always believed Yn deserved someone better than him, she was too good for him. She had yelled at him when he had told her that. Saying that it was her who got to decide who was worth her time and affection, and if h really thought h didn't deserve her then maybe he should make himself deserving, she had said that that was the solution for Yoongi's thoughts, breaking up was not the solution, but he was stubborn as a mule, refusing to see how he was destroying both of them and everything they had.
And now here he was, striving to be less of a wimp than he had been all those years before. He remembered how enraged the boys had been when he told them what he'd done. "Have you gone insane?" All Yoongi could do was nod when Jin Hyung asked. Yes, he'd gone nuts, which was why he'd been insane enough to let her go. He had no problem admitting it.
He cruised around the deserted roads, far too late in the evening for anyone to be out. He considered calling Jin hyung for advice, but he opted against it because he assumed he was already in bed. For the rest of the night, he was alone with his thoughts, his mind eating away at him, keeping him awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, contemplating what they could have been if he hadn't been a coward.
The next morning was the same as any other, the only difference being the speed of Yoongi's car when he was on his way to the office. The usual 60km/h had escalated to 80km/h and he was certainly a little too excited for someone who was going to be at the hospital for the next 18 hours.
He was walking up the corridor to Yn's room after exiting the elevator on the third level when he heard screams. "MOVE, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE!" shouted Yn as Jungkook pushed her wheelchair down the slanted corridor quicker.
What the fuck!!, Yoongi thought as he saw Jungkook climb onto the wheelchair's back supports, watching in horror as the two of them laughed and giggled their way down the corridor at full speed (which wasn't much speed btw), completely disregarding the 'no noise' and 'no running' placards which were stuck to the wall.
He quickly stepped in the way, feeling a little sense of joy watching Jungkook's eyes widen in fright. Bringing the wheelchair to a screeching halt a few inches away from Yoongi. "Good morning, Hyung!!" he said cheerfully as if he hadn't just broken every regulation in the hospital.
"Can you tell me what you're up to?" His gaze fell on Yn, who appeared to be having the time of her life. "Relax, Yoongo-boongo," Yn remarked. Yoongi frowned at the old nickname, which he had pleaded with Yn to abandon.
"This is risky, you know," Yoongi said, "especially since you wounded your shoulder," He added, quick to understand that Jungkook had no idea about Yn's wounded shoulder. "You hurt your shoulder?!?" the younger one screamed. Yn scowled at Yoongi for giving up that knowledge so easily. Yoongi justified himself by saying, "Don't look at me like that, he was going to find out regardless."
"Yes, but you didn't have to tell him so early, now he won't let me have any fun." She whined, Yoongi scoffed at that, "he isn't supposed to make you have 'fun', he'd supposed to take you to get your x-ray done, it's on the first floor."
Yn pouted as Jungkook nodded at the instructions, pushing the wheelchair with Yn still in it towards the elevator. "Without the wheelchair," Yoongi clarified, making Jungkook pout as well, helping Yn out of the wheelchair.
They both sulked like kicked puppies in the elevator and Yoongi could not stand it. "Ok, fine, take the freaking wheelchair, but just be careful." he said, finally giving in. The two of them gave him bright smiles. Yn sat back in the wheelchair just as the elevator door slid open and Jungkook rolled Yn out.
They're fortunate. Yoongi thought to himself as he went about his rounds that Namjoon owned the hospital. While Yn was getting her x-ray, he checked in with his patients. Yn had a good night's sleep and awoke fairly early, according to the nurse in charge of her surveillance. She felt a minor headache, but nothing else was wrong with her. Only the shoulder was a big issue, and they were unable to determine what was causing the pain.
It took 2 hours for Yoongi to check up on all his patients and meet with a few others in the clinic when Jungkook barged into Yoongi's office with an envelope. "Jungkook you can't just barge in like that," Yoongi groaned as he quickly gave the patient their prescription before sending them out. Telling the receptionist to not send any more patients, he turned all his attention to Kook.
"Now, what's wrong?" He asked, spinning in his chair to face the intern. "Noona's reports are here" Jungkook informed, holding out the envelope. "So fast?" Yoongi questioned. It usually took a day or two for the reports and none of the radiologists took Jungkook seriously, dismissing him as just an intern. He found it suspicious that they had given the reports back so early.
"Namjoon hyung was there for an inspection, he got it done when he saw noona," Jungkook said with a cheeky grin. Yoongi nodded at the explanation. Namjoon always had a soft spot for Yn regardless of if Yn and he were together. He pulled out the reports, scanning through them. "Where is Yn now?" He asked, putting the reports back inside. Jungkook informed that Namjoon had taken her to her room, playing along with Yn's wheelchair drama.
Yoongi rolled his eyes at that, but Jungkook didn't miss the quiver of his lips. Jungkook followed Yoongi upstairs to Yn's room, where they found Yn squishing Namjoon's cheeks. Jungkook joined them, laughing, and Yn hastily let Namjoon free. "So, Doctor, what do you have to say?" Yn asked as Namjoon got out of the chair, rubbing his red-tinged cheeks.
"You must slow down with the usage of your shoulder. You appear to be putting a lot of tension on it; fortunately, it's only strain and nothing dangerous." Yoongi said, instructing Yn to apply heat and ice packs to the affected area. "Are you going to issue me a leave sick note?" Yn inquired as she got out of bed.
"Nope, you can go back to work just fine as long as you don't do any heavy lifting," Yoongi said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Yah, Yoongi-ah pleaseeeee write me a sick note," Yn pleaded as she searched for the t-shirt she had worn when she had come into the hospital yesterday. "Nope, and are you really going to wear that?" He asked, surprised that Yn hadn't called anyone to come to pick her up.
"Yeah, I need to head home," Yn answered, gathering her things, "Wait, you can't wear that, I have a spare shirt in my office I'll get that," Yoongi said, getting out of the chair while Namjoon and Jungkook exchanged knowing looks.
"We'll get it hyung, don't worry," Jungkook assured, dragging Namjoon with him. The two of them got into the elevator before spilling the tea. "He is SO whipped!" Jungkook exclaimed, pushing the button to go downstairs. "So is she and did you know Yoongi hyung was footing her bill and he got her a private room?" Namjoon asked, amazed at the extent his extremely tsundere hyung was going to for Yn. "He's pretty much in love all over again, and the nurse said that Yoongi hyung spent more than an hour in noona's room," Jungkook informed with a giddy smile.
"Jin hyung NEEDS to know about this," Namjoon exclaimed but made no move to call their hyung, quickly going to Yoongi's office and grabbing the gray FG shirt which was in his locker before going back upstairs.
As soon as the boys returned to the room, Yn grabbed the t-shirt. She hurriedly removed the hospital gown she had been compelled to wear. Yoongi was quick to respond, instantly stepping in front of Yn so the two younger men wouldn't get a glimpse of his lovely ex's exquisite body, and only pulling away once Yn was covered in his shirt.
"You didn't have to do that, I was wearing a tank top beneath," Yn said, tucking the shirt's hem into the jeans she had worn the day before. "For safety reasons," Yoongi shrugged, avoiding eye contact as though it weren't a big concern that he was covering up his ex. Namjoon's sniggering at the entrance went unnoticed.
"Noona how are going home?" Jungkook asked, checking the time realizing it was his lunch break. "I'll take a cab, don't worry," she assured, grabbing her phone and keys from the bedside table. "I'll drop you home, it'll be hard to get a cab at this time over here," Yoongi said, following after her into the hallway as Jungkook and Namjoon watched.
As she approached the elevator, Yn commented, not really trying to stop Yoongi from coming with her, "There's a thing called uber Yoongi, I'm sure I'll catch a cab." "Jesus woman, will you ever accept aid without a fight?" Yoongi moaned as he snatched her wrist and brought her downstairs to get his keys.
"Aish is so stubborn," Yn grumbled as she trailed behind him, her hand slipping into Yoongi's. They didn't seem to be aware that they were holding hands.
"Jin hyung will be so happy hearing about this," Jungkook exclaimed, watching Yn and Yoongi argue like an old, married couple while holding hands as they went to the hospital parking lot.
"They look cute, 10$ that they get back together by the end of the month," Namjoon bet, moving away from the window of the private room. "Hyung, you literally own the hospital, I'm just a flimsy intern, how could you expect me to pay 10$," Jungkook whined making Namjoon laugh as Yoongi’s car spedmout of the driveway.
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realcube · 4 years
jealous haikyuu!! boys
summary: the haikyuu!! boys getting jealous over you talking to a boy but as it turns out, that boy is in fact your relative 
characters: third year gym squad (lev, hinata, bokuto, kuroo, tsukishima & akaashi)
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thank you to anon for this sweet request! 💖
(y/n) = your name
(b/n) = brother’s name
tw// sexual references, swearing
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Lev Haiba 
he was already in a sour mood from practise bc kenma, kuroo & yaku had all ganged up on him so he was getting beat left, right & centre 
so he was feeling extra confrontational when he laid eyes on you laughing and chatting with some other guy, in the spot where you usually stand and wait for him after practise 
he was so mad >:( 
like he just had a shitty day at school and now some punk was trying to flirt with you- and you didn’t seem to be uncomfortable either 
grrr like he had spent 90% of the day looking forward to seeing you and now you were talking to some other guy like he didn’t even exist :( 
a part of him knew that he was being overdramatic but the other part of him was like ‘all feelings are valid, lev. 💕💖💗’
like he literally worked so hard to be the best boyfriend possible and this guy thought he could just swoop in and steal your heart??? without even letting you braid his hair yet??? 
yeah, lev had spent too much money on cat keychains to lose you this far into the game 
also he loves you pls don’t leave him rn (y/n) 😭
so he marched up to you with a frown, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on the back just like he usually does as a greeting, ‘hi, babe.’ he murmured.
your attention immediately shifted onto your boyfriend and you automatically pouted upon seeing his glum expression, ‘hiya. are you okay, hun? rough day at scho--’
he held your hand by his lips and muttered from behind your knuckles, ‘who’s this?’ he inquired, vaguely gesturing to your brother
‘oh, lev! this is my brother! i don’t think y’all have met yet.’
lev blinked rapidly at what you just said, ‘brother? like- male sibling.’
you nodded while simultaneously quirking an eyebrow at his need for clarification at the simplest piece of information, ‘yes. my male sibling.’
lev let out a heavy sigh of relief as his lips curled into a smile, softening his grip on your hand, allowing you to pull it away, ‘ah, okay.’
then he turned to your brother and stuck out his hand, ‘nice to mee-- you don’t look anything like (y/n).’ he chirped, all trances of sadness leaving his face - it was kinda creepy how quickly he was able to do that 
model tingz
your brother shrugged, ‘yeah.’ he hastily took lev’s hand, giving it a firm shake before turning on his heels, ‘i should really get going now, bye!’ he called out before rushing off, quite intimidated by the fact you had a skyscraper for a boyfriend 
lev turned to you, a warm smile now gracing his features
‘uh, where did all your gloom go? you looked miserable just a few seconds ago!’ you inquired, playfully poking his cheek
lev shrugged, poking your forehead in retaliation, ‘i don’t know. i’m here with you now so i guess i don’t have a reason to be sad.’ he said nonchalantly, forgetting the fact he had gotten the results for his midterms today and he had failed maths horribly
but who need maths when you’re a model yk?
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Shōyō Hinata
bruh- hinata didn’t even notice you were talking to someone UIEFGBVFE
once practise was over he literally just ran up and threw himself at you 
he has selective vision, he only sees the things he wants to see and rn, all he wants to see you under the moonlight 🥺
so he wraps you in a hug and peppers your face in kisses just like he usually does when he greets you after practise
then he noticed that there was some guy standing next to you, aggressively tapping your shoulder to request your attention even though hinata was clearly trying to tell you about his day at practise 
he unintentionally scowled at the boy before cocking his head to the side and asking, ‘who are you?’ 
although this tone of voice didn’t seem too nasty; given the context - accompanied by the sour look on his face - the question seemed to have threatening undertones
you’re brother blinked rapidly before uttering, ‘i’m (b/n).’
he continued to stare daggers at the guy, ‘what do you want from (y/n)?’
‘the maths homework answers.’ your brother chuckled, continuing to playfully poke your shoulder until hinata swatted his hand away
‘she doesn’t owe you an--’
you were extremely confused as to why hinata took up such a serious demeanour but then you realised that he had never met your brother before, so hinata probably thought there was just some creepy harassing you for the homework answers
although you were charmed by your boyfriend’s attempts to be ‘scary’ for you, you still felt the need to intervene
‘oh, shōyō. that’s my brother, by the way.’ you hummed, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck
both your brother and your boyfriend slowly turned their heads to look at you, sharing the same dumbfounded look
‘your brother?!’ hinata exclaimed while your brother now looked rather offended, ‘you didn’t tell your boyfriend about me- rude!’
to be fair, your one year anniversary with shōyō was approaching so you feel foolish about not telling him about your brother sooner- it’s just that it never really crossed your mind
‘i’m fucking leaving.’ (b/n) spat, turning on his heels; trying to make it seem like he was storming out because he was upset that you hadn’t mentioned him to your boyfriend but in reality, he was just getting tired of prying at you for the homework answers
‘i’m fucking leaving too!’ hinata hissed, imitating your brother’s actions until he got the gate of the school, then he turned back around and shuffled back over to you 
he pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder and squeezing your waist tight as he whispered into your ear, ‘do you have any other secret siblings that you want to tell me about?’
you giggled, pressing a gentle kiss onto his collarbone ‘i don’t think so.’ 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
mans thought you were leaving him 🥺
like why would you talk to another guy when you had a cool ace bf already? (˘・_・˘)
in bokuto’s mind, that could only mean one thing;
and the fact your brother was wearing a jersey didn’t help either
like, he doesn’t often get jealous when you talk to other guys but this one was wearing a JERSEY FFS!!! that meant he must be cool >:(((
also, you were laughing!
yeah, you sometimes laugh when you talk to akaashi or boys in your class but this time it was different 
the guy looked familiar but bokuto couldn’t put a finger on who he was - but he knew that the guy wasn’t from Fukurōdani as the colors of his jersey were a fruity teal and white - and this made him feel even more uneasy
bokuto knew what he had to do
he had to win you back by being thE COOLEST ACE BOYFRIEND!!
he ran a hand through his hair to it was extra spiky before swaggering up to you; chin up, back straight and chest puffed out
‘sup, doll.’ he said with a wink, forcing his voice to deepen
you sighed, upon hearing this unusual nickname, it didn’t take you long to figure out what was going on
bokuto didn’t even let you reply as he dropped to one knee and gently took you hand - making both you and your brother’s breath hitch in unison, thinking that you were about to witness a proposal and knowing bokuto, that didn’t seem completely impossible
however, instead of pulling out a ring; he pressed a tender kiss against you knuckles before pulling the pair of earbuds you had left at his house yesterday, out of his pocket and lowering his head as he held them out for you
‘i humbly offer these to thee.’
‘how did you go from a pimp to prince in 3 seconds?’ you inquired, snatching your earbuds from him while shooting him a disapproving look 
(b/n) couldn’t help but snicker at your boyfriends little performance, ‘i see he’s not changed a bit.’
bokuto hummed, looking over to meet eyes with your brother 
(b/n) smiled shot him a warm smile, ‘hi, bokut--’
‘do i know you?’
you instinctively gasped while your brother just laughed, ‘i’m (b/n); (y/n)’s brother. we met once after one of your games, remember?’
bokuto did not remember - at all - but he trusted that it did happen as that’d explain why he seemed so familiar
to avoid appearing any more ignorant, bokuto just nodded in agreement, ‘oh, yeah! it’s all coming back to me now.’ he chuckled awkwardly while getting up from his knee, ‘you just look so different with your jersey on, man.’
you rolled your eyes at how poor bokuto’s lying skills were but perhaps you should be more disappointed in your brother as he actually fell for it 
‘oh, for real?’ (b/n) asked, looking down at his chest while wondering if jersey really did the trick
needless to say, bokuto never forgot your brother’s face ever again lmao
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Tetsurō Kuroo
upon exiting the building (after practise) and seeing you conversing with some guy by the school gates, he wasted no time in ripping his shirt off and parading over to you 
he mentally reassured himself that he had no need to be jealous bc there was no way you’d leave his fine-ass for some average guy that made you laugh by the school gate-- WAIT YOU WERE LAUGHING!?!? ◉_◉
 i mean, kuroo had made you laugh before- but you were just being so nice to this guy who he’d never seen around the school before which stressed him
plus, the guy looked like he was in college so kuroo was extremely worried that you might leave him for an older guy bc he had heard from yaku that some ppl like older men 😭😭
he could not let this happen ✋
his shirt now served as a scarf hanging around his neck as he strutted up to you, placing his hand on your shoulder to grab your attention
he wasn’t sure whether to go for the intimidation tactic or perhaps redirect your attention off of the guy and back onto your dearest boyfriend; so he went with both
‘(y/n)?’ he spoke, lowering his voice so it was more raspy - like his morning voice which he knew you were obsessed with
although kuroo is not ‘chemistry nerd’ smart, he definitely knows how to play his cards right IEFBERGLIEABVR
you hummed in response, swiftly turning to look at him before letting out a cackle upon seeing your half-naked boyfriend standing behind you
‘hey! don’t laugh at me!’ kuroo whined, his mask of confidence quickly shattering
‘put your shirt back on, tetsurō!’ you panted through guffaws, clutching your chest to prevent your heart from beating out of your chest 
honestly, it was quite hot but ofc you’d never admit that so you just had to hide your desire behind laughs
while you were laughing, kuroo turned to look at your brother, trying to form a glare but it looked more like a squint tbh
‘and you are?’
(b/n) wore a stunned look at how quickly your boyfriend’s attitude changed, temporarily unable to think up a reaction but then blurted out, ‘(b/n). you?’
(b/n) cocked his head to the side while backing up slightly, ready to make a run for it as soon as kuroo replied
kuroo didn’t intimidate (b/n), per se, it’s just that (b/n) wanted to get as far away from this interaction as possible as it generally made him feel uneasy
‘i’m (y/n)’s boyfriend.’ he said lowly with a menacing smile
‘cool.’ (b/n) voice cracked as he adjusted the strap of his bag before launching off into the horizon on his heels
a smug expression was plastered on his face as he gazed proudly at his work - he had managed to scare off an upperclassman with sheer manliness
by now, your laughing fit had died down and your lips formed a frown as you watched your brother bolt over to his car, hop in and drive away - presumably, back to your home
‘hey.’ you moaned, watching until his car turned a corner and left your vision, ‘he was my ride home!’
kuroo’s soul almost left his body upon hearing you say that, ‘you shouldn’t be getting in cars with crusty, older men anyway!’
you rolled your eyes, ‘he’s my brother, dumbass!’
IEHFBEVJEAU kuroo shut tf up immediately 😶
 ‘oops- my bad.’ he snickered before jogging out the school gates, ‘have fun walking, babe!’ he threw up a piece sign before disappearing round a corner in a similar way that your brother did 
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Kei Tsukishima
tsukishima had just finished practise, he walked out the gym to notice that you were talking to some guy next to the vending machine
he literally almost had a heart-attack bc he thought it was kageyama 
but no
tsukishima never really got jealous when you talked to other guys bc he knew they really had nothing in comparison to him lol
i mean, tsukishima knew he was a catch: he’s lanky, bitchy, tall, rude, emotionally-distant, tall, untrusting, tall, insecure, surly, a horrible cook- did i mention he’s tall?
ok so maybe he wasn’t as much of a catch as he originally thought but the fact he is tall is really the thing that’s holding together his façade of arrogance
so imagine his shock when he sees you happily chatting away to a guy that’s 6″4 !!!!!!
for clarification, tsukishima is 6″2
tsukishima passed away on the spot 💀⚰
he had already logged onto Instagram and removed the ‘Taken 🔒’ out of his bio 
there’s no way he’s gonna be able to win you back now  ✌😔
he’s had his time has your tall bf- it’s time to resign
not before he indulged in some bitchery ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
he practised the scene 10 times in his head before executing it, starting by striding up to you and slipping an arm round your waist, pulling you against his chest
his eyes held a penetrating stare on your brother from above the edge of his glasses, he snickered mockingly as his index finger pushed the frames further up the bridge of his nose
honestly, tsukki tried his best to hide it but he was genuinely quite nervous not only bc he actually had to look up slightly to hold eye contact with the guy - which is something he’s obviously not used to - but also due to the fact he simply could not come up with a good insult for this guy; even though he was usually quite good at spotting people’s insecurities ‘:(
hence, all he could to was produce a deriding chuckle which was aimed towards the guy in hopes that it was make him feel half as insecure as tsukishima was feeling rn
‘what’s so funny?’ you asked, clueless to your boyfriend having an internal breakout while standing right beside you 
tsukishima rolled his eyes, realising that the guy seemed unfazed by his dirty looks so it seemed as thought tsukki would have to crack up the pettiness
‘who’s this chump, (y/n)?’ tsukishima leaned in to semi-whisper in your ear, but loud enough so your brother could still hear 
‘tsukki!’ you gasped at your boyfriend’s choice of words before scolding him further, ‘that’s my brother- he’s a 3rd year!’
tsukishima paled
he bowed to the point where he was basically a right angle ‘m-, uh, my apologies, sir. i ha-, um, i had no idea you were related to (y/n).’
your brother reassured him it was fine but tsukki was apologising for another 5 minutes after that 
he promised himself never to get jealous again after that (ಥ _ ಥ) it only leads to trouble 
no matter how tall the guy is either- 
he swore that if he ever saw a 9″ guy talking to you and it upset him, he’d just close his eyes 😑
he probably should’ve promised to stop running his mouth too bc that’d probably result in a lot less trouble but- baby steps, y’all LMAO
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Keiji Akaashi
i can’t really imagine akaashi as the type to get jealous tbh
and if he does, he deals with it pretty well
like if sees you talking with a guy in a way that bothers him, he’s definitely not confrontational enough to deal with it right there so he’d wait until y’all are alone at home or sumn 
but you had been acting especially distant lately 
so when he spots you hanging with some random guy next to the water fountain, he kinda snaps 
he stalked up to you so he could take your hand in his own, asking if he could borrow just a moment of you time so he could talk to you 
you accept, of course, wondering what this could possibly be about 
he explains how he’s been feeling and you feel quite bad tbh
you weren’t aware that you were detaching yourself from him but you had to blame your schoolwork tbh
once you expressed how schoolwork along with the stress of your job had really been getting you down lately so you asked you brother for assistance, he immediately pulled you into a hug
the last thing he wanted was or it to seem like he was desperate for your attention bc although it was nice, he respected how you had to prioritize other things/people
in fact, he only brought this issue up bc it was beginning to eat him from the inside out - his insecurities telling him that you had lost interest in him and like anyone else, he desired a bit of comfort
you reassured him that you hadn’t ‘lost interest’ in him and you separation as well as you current closeness with you brother was all to do with your workload and hopefully, sometime in the near future, you’ll be able to sit down, relax and just watch a movie with akaashi
that was all fair and lovely but there was still one thing that continued to bother him
‘who’s that guy you were talking to?’ he inquired, gesturing to your brother who was awkwardly standing alone by the fountain
‘my brother.’
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
sorry in advance for the sheer amount of ideas and words
whenever tommy encounters a dementor he either appears unaffected or he starts screaming and crying and just goes catatonic since whenever in the presence of one or more dementors the person(s) around them relive their worst memories
also since tommy is a phoenix in this au I propose: 2b2t tommy. aka Bloodletter aka the risen aka the phoenix
it’s perfect bc more angst
ooooo what if he’s the son of Death? like he’s the actual angel of death, not phil. everyone just assumes it’s Phil bc the description of the angel of death fits him rly well. blond hair, blue eyes, British accent, wings, extremely skilled at fighting and survival in general. so like tommy summons Death cuz he misses his mum and everyone is freaking out bc this child just summoned the embodiment of death and then fucking hugged her and said hi in such an excited and happy voice and I just. this < 3 besides he’s called the zombie child for a reason
and tommy encounters a bogart and there’s the sounds of explosions and screaming and crying and it constantly switches from techno to vilbur to schlatt to eret to dream to phil to a bloodied and bruised tubbo and somewhere in there there’s the disc confrontation and it’s just “it’s okay tommy, I’ve lived a long enough life” “what will I be without you?” “yourself” and there’s also tubbo saying that it’s him and tommy against the world and there’s a chorus of “it was never meant to be” and then there’s “kill me phil! kill me! murder me right now!” and then “tommy, let’s be the villains” followed by “you wanna be a hero tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE” and there’s Dream saying “it’s not your time to die” and then there’s “I’m sorry please dream I’m sorry please-“ “sorry doesn’t cut it tommy” and then more explosion sounds and then there’s schlatt saying “my first decree as president, as emperor of this great country, is to REVOKE the citizenship of wilbur soot and tommyinnit” then schlatt saying “do you know what happens to traitors tubbo? they get executed” followed by techno saying “I’m sorry tubbo. I’ll try to make this as painless and colorful as possible” followed by the sound of tommy shouting tubbos name and fireworks and then techno saying “welcome home Theseus!” and laughing and then techno saying “blood for the blood god” then there’s a chorus of “flames for the phoenix” and “the angel of death” and “bloodletter” and then there’s the sound of wilbur saying “let’s blow that place sky high!” and “everyone betrayed us tommy! you can’t trust anyone! tubbo? he’s going to betray you!” and Dream saying that everyone hates tommy, how he’s his only friend, how he doesn’t have the guts to- how this is for tommys own good, and then tommy shouting for Sam and phil and Dream saying that he’s stuck with him, it’s going to be just like exile and the whole time tommy just looks so so tired and sad and apathetic and he’s kinda dissociating ig while everyone else is just. staring in horror and fear and shock
tommy gets hit with the crucio curse and he just powers on
anygay, moving on from the angst (for now)
mandrake: *screams*
tommy: *screams louder to assert dominance*
Ranboo: uh, should we stop them?
Purpled: no, I wanna see who wins
(tommy wins)
tommy: *vibing and trying to be all tough and intimidating*
thestral: *comes up to him and gently headbutts him and demands pats*
tommy, crying: I would die for you
Tommy gets a feral af great gray owl that has been returned to the shop many times bc she is simply untamable and he names her Clara and he is the only one that she tolerates
the ghosts are like “bruh you’re supposed to be dead” and tommys just vibing like “lmao yeah ik”
he has white streaks in his hair
the purplish white streaks are from the lightning strike, and the white bangs are from, well, he’d rather not say
he sees a niffler and he’s just like “finally someone who understands!!”
literally anything: *happens*
tommy: that’s weirdchamp but pog on
*when Phil gets summoned*
Phil, in an echoey and booming voice: WHOMST
tommy, in the distance: FUCK YOU PHIL
Phil, going back to normal voice: tommy?? didn’t you fuckin die???
labinnit canon pog?? tommy literally made in a lab and the staff finding out about it and going what the actual fuck???
okay but consider this: tommyinnit in hufflepuff, ranboo in gryffindor, purpled in ravenclaw, and tubbo in slytherin. tommy is loyal and kind, ranboo deserves to bond with neville over being anxious memory boys tm in gryffindor, from what I’ve seen purpled is pretty intelligent, and tubbo literally has nukes
harpy/phoenix hybrid tommyinnit pog?? he eats anything and everything he can get his hands on??? he squawk
Holy shit. Okay. This is all amazing though. This is all amazing. I love all of your ideas.
Also about the house things, that's true. That's very true. That does make sense and that's why they are so hard to put them in houses. I do like the current ones though but it does make sense for that.
Anyways ouch on the boggart thing. Ouch.
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Send in the Aegis'
Shulk: Mythra, you know how Pyra is basically an alternate you that you created?
Mythra: I mean, that's missing an entire segment of information and details, but sure. What is it?
Shulk: Well, was Pyra the only one you made?
Mythra: ....Honestly, no. There were others. I kinda panicked and made a whole bunch in case Pyra didn't fit. Though, handling them all was too much trouble, so I just put them on lockdown. 
Shulk: Come on, I'm sure they can't be that bad.
Mythra: You want to meet them? Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Mythra closes her eyes and glows for a split second.
Shulk: ...Uh, Mythra?
Mythra: They'll be out in a second. 
She twitches. Her hair goes from blonde to white, and changes into ponytails. She has a big smile on her face.
Joyra: Hi, everybody! Isn't it a super amazing great day?
She twitches. Her hair becomes a dark blue while her hairstyle becomes long and droopy, covering an eye. She seems sad.
Gloomra: Ugh....She calls this a great day? I should've stayed in bed...
She then changes to pink, her hair in a bun. She didn't put it in a bun, it just got that way.
Lustra: Ah, but romance is in the air, my Aegis Sisters. Tis a beautiful day to fall in love.~
Her hair then goes to a floofy hairstyle, now being the color of a rainbow. Her sword has turned into a gigantic mic. 
Laughra: HAHAH! Hey everybody! It's great to be here, I'll be here all week. Hey, have you seen that Bowser? Talk about clingy, am I right? Ha! But seriously, these are all jokes. Laugh with me!
Shulk laughs, very confused. Her hair then changes to green, while the hair style changes to a short haircut. She now has sunglasses.
Coolra: Ey! Who's up for some football, huh?
She then changes into the last "alt", who has pitch black spikey hair.
Evilra: Heh. Nice place you got, Shulkie. I could have some serious fun with this stuff.
She then changes to Pyra, who simply blinked.
Pyra: ...Well, it's been a while since I've heard from them. Shulk? You okay?
Shulk: Give me a minute...it's a lot to process. But, I don't think they're that bad. You can probably have them talk to the other Smashers. 
Pyra: Really? Well, if you think so. Later, Shulk!
Later that day.....
Joyra goes over to Simon.
Joyra: Hello, grandfather dear! How're you this wonderful day?
Simon: Lady Mythra...Pyra? I can't tell who I'm talking to, but I'm not your grandfather. And I must say that I'm not doing all that great. These shoes of mine are too hard, the birds are getting to close...and the sun hurts my eyes.
Joyra, ignoring all that: Joy! Isn't it a beautiful day? Aren't these birds simply lovely? Isn't it great to be alive?
Simon: ....
Joyra, agressively: (。◕‿◕。)
Gloomra had her leg stuck in a door. Isabelle approached her
Gloomra: Ow...Ow.....
Isabelle: Oh, hi Mythra! I like what you did with your hair. Blue looks good on you! Do you think you could assist me with some tasks for the Mayor?
Gloomra: What's the point of doing any tasks for some Mayor? We do him, he thanks us, we some more, he thanks us some more, then what? Poof, we're gone. Nothingness, emptiness. We're all dust in the wind. The worst part is I'm going to probably outlive all of you. 
Isabelle, scared: ...I...I don't want to be dust in the wind...
Later, again....
Coolra is walking down the street with an unmatched level of coolness.
Coolra: She shoots, she scores! Ya girl Coolra is fo sho swag, bruh! (She begins checking herself out in the mirror) Oooo! Looking good! Who's that hottie? Oh, it's only me! 
Coolra sees Sonic.
Coolra: Ey, it's the Speedster himself! 
Sonic: Uh, Pyra? What're you doing?
Coolra: I'm walking 'ere! You got a problem with dat, ya skateboardin' Needlemouse Boi?
Sonic: Needlemouse Boy?
Coolra takes Sonic's skateboard and begins absolutely shredding with it, riding on buildings, doing flips, catching insane air. She even grinded on a bench.
Sonic: Woah, check it out! Pyra's got the moves!
Coolra, handing the broken board back to Sonic: Heh. How 'bout next time you get a board that can handle the Coolra style? Later, Prickles the Hamster!
Sonic: ....This was a birthday gift....
Later, once more...
Pit was playing on his Switch when Laughra approached him.
Pit: Hey, Mythra! Want to play the new Warioware with me?
Laughra: Do I? Does Bowser ever cry himself to sleep? Hey, why did Knuckles cover himself in mayonaise? Because he wanted a Knuckle sandwich! Hahahaha!
Pit: ????
Laughra: Hello! Anyone home in there? Don't tell me you need your mommy to tell you to think! Paging Mr. Pit! Palutena called. She wants her flightless idiot back.
Pit, a bit offended: Uh, Mythra? Are you okay? You're being mean in a weird way.
Laughra: I'm weird! HAHA! Come on! You want weird, you should see the type of fanfics Robin writes. And what's the deal with that Kazooie?
Later, after that...
Rex: (Eating a sandwich) Oh, hi Pyra. What's up?
Lustra: To read thee a book and to take in thine beauty, dear Rex. Is Nia around as well?
Rex: Uh, yeah. She's in the back.
Lustra: Ah. Then I will focus on you until she comes. Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Nay! Even Shakespeare is inadequate to describe thou's perfection!
Rex, blushing: P-Pyra, come on. The others will hear.
Lustra: As you wish, darling. But before that...could you gift me with a kiss?
Rex: ....(faints)
Later, hopefully the last time...
Evilra was standing on the side of the road with a pie. She saw Luigi coming and smirked.
Evilra: Hey, Stringbean. Want a pie?
Luigi: Oh boy! Sure!
Evilra proceeds to smack the pie in Luigi's face, knocking him to the ground.
Evilra: (snickers evilly) You can't beat the classics!
Luigi: I-I'll say...
Evilra: (poses)
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adorethedistance · 4 years
My Joy - Artist!Reader x Alive!Luke Patterson
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: I can’t think of any potential triggers, it’s platonic and romantic fluff. If you find something triggering please let me know and I’ll add it!
Words: 1217
Summary: While Luke works on a new song, you hustle to finish an oil painting that’s due the following day. To follow the prompt of ‘joy’ you attempt to picture all your best friends in oils.
“Bruh,” I curse, using the tip of my littlest finger to dab the smudge of brown paint off of my canvas. Mess up after mess up, any and all sense of patience is starting to waver. This piece is due in 12 hours and I just can’t seem to get it right. What am I doing wrong?
“What’s wrong?” Luke says from across the room, sensing my less than subtle frustration.
“I messed up Julie’s hair.” Oil paints are a blessing and a curse. Working wet paint into wet paint makes for a nicer finishing texture, but putting brown into white is a hard mistake to fix. “Remind me again why I took AP art?”
“Because you’re amazingly talented and you need the college credit?” I lift my eyes from the canvas to see Luke sticking his tongue out at me, and then turning back to his journal.
“Don’t ‘whatever’ me! I’m just answering your question,” he teases before holding the cap of his ballpoint pen in his mouth. For the past two hours, it’s just been me and Luke out here in Julie’s mom’s studio. He’s been writing lyrics and playing with melodies on his trusty acoustic, and I’ve been trying to capture the band’s essence in a 11”x18” oil painting. It’s comforting, the sound of his gentle strumming and mindless singing under his breath. His concentration face of switching between furrowed and then lifted brows, and his ever twitching lips have been distracting me for the better half of an hour. So I wanted to make sure I got his hair color right and may have been using him as a live model, sue me!
“How’s the song coming?” I ask, cracking my back and looking away from the canvas.
“I’m not going to enable your procrastination, Y/n.” The audacity of this boy.
“You play two shows at the Orpheum and suddenly you’re too good to be your girlfriend’s distraction!” I tease, earning an eye roll from the boy across the room. “I’m basically done anyways. Humor me guitar boy,” I set my used brush into the murky cup of water to my right. Luke fake glares at me before looking back down to his journal page. Making sure he’s got the right key, he strums three different chords before taking a measured breath.
“Her face belongs in a gallery.
Does she even know what she means to me?
How am I to face her? To tell her?
That she, is all, I see.
There’re so many words that go unsaid.
All these thoughts stay in my head.
They could fill a million pages
As the light of you withstands the test of ages,” He trails off with one last strum, and then chokes the strings with his left hand. Looking at the top of the page, in the margin of his song book is my name, doodled in bold.
“I know, it’s rough I just have to work out all the syllables and shit but I think the melody is really pretty.”
“No, I just- wow.” He laughs smugly and shyly all at once.
“Well, you’re the inspiration so it’s all thanks to you.” Tugging his bottom lip in between his teeth, and smiling at me from behind the six string. “Can I see what you’ve been working on?” I hesitate a moment. Luke always tells me my pieces are perfect and ‘better than he could ever do’ but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m shy about my work. My art doesn’t often turn out the way I’d like it to, so I tend to keep my audiences to a minimum.
Then I remember the song he’s just shared with me. He was willing to sing about how he thinks of me, the least I could do is show him my painting. I mean, it is of him for one.
“Yeah,” I nod softly and then stand from ‘his’ couch we’d been sitting on. Luke fishes the guitar strap over the top of his head, and then allows me to lead him to my piece. As I turn to lead him to my easel, he slips his warm, calloused hand into mine and follows patiently behind me. A small gesture that will forever make my heart flutter.
“Okay, before I show you, we’re doing critiques in class tomorrow, so if it’s bad, say something now before it’s too late.” I’m rambling to cope with the nerves. I’ve sketched the band before but I’ve never put them into paint.
“Ta-da,” I sing in a hushed vibrato, and then quickly look between the canvas and Luke’s face, gauging his reaction. His smile drops completely, and wonder pools in his kind, doe eyes.
“Is it okay?”
“This is incredible.”
“You don’t think I’ll get bullied during critiques?” He laughs at my question which breaks his trance. There’s still a sense of amazement in his face.
“Come here you dork,” he smiles and pulls me into a hug from behind. His arms wrap around my shoulders, and his head is resting on top of mine.
“You are the best artist I’ve ever met.” Luke kisses the top of my head, taking in my scent, committing it to memory.
“I’m the only artist you’ve ever met.”
“The compliment still stands,” he says defensively, lowering his face to press against the side of mine.
“I might actually hang this one up somewhere,” I bring my hands up to grab onto Luke’s arms resting across my torso. The longer I look, the more mistakes I find, but I can't seem to bring myself to care. I love my subject matter and no matter how my technique improves, these guys are too perfect for me to ever capture. And I’m okay with that.
“What’s going on here?” Reggie speaks on behalf of the rest of the band. Julie and Alex follow suit, curiously stepping into the now visual and performing arts studio, courtesy of me spending all my free time here.
“Y/n painted that picture of us from dinner after the Orpheum... the second time,” he clarifies, inviting them in.
“That turned out amazing Y/n, I love that you kept the waiter in,” Julie takes in the image.
“He gave the picture character. It’d be wrong to take him out of it,” Luke laces his statement with sarcasm which earns a scoff from me.
“After peer review tomorrow, I wanna frame it but I don’t know where,” I ponder the various rooms of my house that have open wall space. The color palette isn’t really complimentary to any of the rooms in my house so maybe-
“You should frame it here, that is, if you want to,” Alex offers. I see right through his generosity and smile at his hinting.
“I think the studio is a perfect place for this piece,” Julie, the actual resident of the property, agrees and begins to scan the room for empty wall space. Then, I hear Reggie speak up,
“What made you want to paint us?”
“Well… our prompt was joy, so I almost did a self portrait of me painting, since that’s where I feel my joy. But then I realized I should picture what brings me the most joy in life, and... that’s you guys.”
A/N: I had no homework this week and forced my mom to watch the show. Then I realized how much I loved the JJ x artist reader rabbles I came across and HAD to do one for Luke! Inspiration for these characters is hitting and if I don’t have a massive workload, I’ll probably write more during the week. Would y’all want more Luke and/or Charlie content or potentially an Alex x male!reader fic?
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