#btb waif
okamirayne · 8 months
Happy New Year Rayne! 🥳 Re-reading HHU and just wondering…how does Kakashi get on with Waif? Or vice versa right? 😆 I know Kakashi prefers the k-9s to the kitties. Just for my own BtB head-canon bc it looked like Waif was pretty chill with Ibiki and Raido so wondering how the copy-nin faired! 😘
Heya Anon!
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Happy New Year to you too, sweetie! 🙌🏼
...how does Kakashi get on with Waif? Or vice versa right?
Ha, yes, vice versa alright. Waif is not sold on Kakashi. Might have something (or everything) to do with the ninken company Kakashi keeps, or perhaps something to do with Waif’s weird but random territorial antics with Genma — that said, right you are re: Raidō.
Waif shares very well with Raidō and would probably attach himself permanently to the Namiashi if he wasn’t already masochistically taken with Genma — for whatever reason that is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😉
So yes. While the worst Raido and Ibiki get are cat hairs, Kakashi has a few bloody souvenirs from Waif — though to be fair, so does Genma. Solidarity.
Genma’s solution:
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Attack back.
Kakashi’s solution:
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Mists himself in cat-repellent…🍋 …which is preferable to smelling like dog.
As for Waif’s absurd level of ease and comfort around Ibiki? It’s a mystery to the world and an insufferable annoyance to Ibiki. 😉
Thanks for revisiting HHU despite its WIP status. 🙏🏼
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