#btw I’m not anti cursing
teawiththegods · 10 months
Apollo really was right when he said to me
“People like that aren’t worth your energy or the dirtying of your hands. They’ll cast curses on themselves. All you have to do is sit back and watch”
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So the world is full of problems and being a naive 12 yo, Dani thinks she can fix those problems.
So she follows the best example.
Red hood
And she becomes a crime boss.
And she’s far better than anyone would think. Discreetly taking over various mafias around the world.
Eventually, the anti ecto acts are put in place worldwide.
So Dani (17) and Jazz (21)move to the only place that has citizens that would willingly lie to the government. Danny is in the ghost zone, attempting to evacuate all ghosts on earth dnd then get to work trying to dismantle the AEA. A process that could take over a year or so.
So Dani moves most of her forces to Gotham.
In my mind, Dani’s mobster name is Fantasma btw and her henchmen/loyal workers are called the Draugur.
But Gotham is cursed and over run with violent ghosts, and because Jazz has collage (transferred from Central Collage) and has to keep a job she can’t handle the ghosts.
So Dani is now moonlighting as the vigilante Wraith.
And Jazz is making her go to school during the day (Gotham academy)
While she’s in Gotham, Fantasma catches the attention of the bats because they’re not going to miss what is obviously a big player with a reputation coming into Gotham.
So they send a bat to go undercover
Damian is like 17 and has just transitioned out of Robin (you can decide whos Robin in his place) and is now (what we vigilante you what him to be, but I’m using Nocturne in this post)
For his first solo mission, he goes undercover as a henchman in the Draugurs. (He wears a mask so he doesn’t get discovered at a Wayne/bat). The only information the bats have is that Fantasma is around his age.
Unsurprisingly, he’s really good at undercover work.
He (undercover name is Crow) quickly makes his way up the ranks.
And he eventually meets the boss Fantasma and becomes her right hand.
And eventually begins to fall for her.
At the same time, he’s trying to catch the new antihero Wraith, who is a very flirty pain in the butt. He’s also been assigned to be the partner of a new student in his class, Danielle, who is incredibly ditzy and clumsy. But she’s not stupid, Damian knows better than to assume that. Especially when she scores highly than him on their geography test.
Basically an entire love hexagon AU including
- henchmen x boss
- vigilante x vigilante/antihero
- academic rivals AU
Relationship guide
Fantasma x Crow- boss that trust her second hand with her life despite not know in his real name. Henchman that is slowly catching feelings and becoming very guilty for lying to her
Nocturne x Wraith- vigilante is getting increasingly irritated by the new Antihero, who thinks the vigilante is hot and flirts with him the entire time they’re together
Dani x Damian- klutzy, clumsy, and popular student ends up having a rivalry with perfect, cold, and outcast over grades and tests. They hate each other.
I love this prompt, and there’s so much I could add to this.
Any thoughts? Would love to hear them!! :))
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 8 months
tumblr.com/emdeerm insert-that-spiderman-meme
based on this prompt and the amazing fanfic "Wait I'm a Cartoon Over Here?!"
Ahem Damian flopped onto his bed, exhausted after having had to clean the bat litter once more, as per Alfred's instruction. However, that exhaustion was punctuated by an underlying satisfaction. Despite everything, he and Richard had succeeded. They made contact with Team Phantom (part of him felt dizzy and giddy at the notion, but he'd impale anyone who'd suggest it) and managed to keep Father and the others from combusting at the notion of their existence. Phantom had sworn up and down to never expose their identities, knowing just how important they are. ("You were my hero since I was 7, I'd rather eat Dash's underwear again than betray your trust!") If only he knew...
Speaking of whom, Damian clamped his hands of his ears as the girlish squealing in this room entered a fever pitch. He was starting to regret allowing Kent to enter the Manor while team Phantom were visiting.
"DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN OF YOU CAN YOU PLEASE SIGN THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND-" Damian could've sworn that's the spiel Jonathan had opened with about twenty minutes ago. Fenton, for his part, was doing his best to withstand the onslaught of super-powered pre-teen fandom.
He'd never be caught dead doing something so... debased. So petty and pointless as to gawk at a fictional character. He, the blood son of the Bat and his future successor.
"Come on Damian, aren't you excited too?" His heart rate spiked. Blast. How quickly could he break into Father's kryptonite vault...
"You sure you wanna mess him with right now? He really looks like he could kill you, and I read the issue where he tried to murder Tim."
Damian prickled, even felt a hint of shame knowing that Fenton knew just as much about him as he did, how shameful. No not shameful at all, why would he care about someone who probably wasn't even real. Damian moved to sit up and shot Jonathan the deadliest glare he could muster, an expression copy-pasted right off his Father's Batglare.
Jonathan, for his part, cowered behind Fenton. "You'd do well to keep remain silent, Kent, before I remind you that your life is as fragile as a dying rat." He all but spat out. However, instead of cowering further, Jonathan's lips curled into a devious expression.
Fenton's head bounced between the two. "Maybe this personal arc hasn't been published yet..." He muttered.
"Hey Danny..." Jonathan began, hesitantly. This could not be happening. Damian grabbed the nearest katana and lunged. However, his efforts were made fruitless as he passed through the duo like they weren't there. Dammit! "I know this is kind of embarassing, but we put in a lot of work and you're like my number two inspiration after my dad and we don't know how long you'll be here so., but you gotta keep this a total secret, like a total secret, you can't tell anyone."
Jonathan reached into his backpack. Damian swung his sword again. Anything, anything to prevent the inevitable. If this were allowed to happen, his life would be forfeit. Curse his hero this hero for being so overpowered. Where was the lipstick laser when you needed it? Or the fenton thermos? or the anti-creep stick, or anything?!
However, just as Jonathan was about to retrieve the forbidden contraband, a fist flew out and blew him away. "Woah what is this?" Exclaimed one Danielle Phantom. It was at that moment that Damian knew, there was nothing more that could be done.
Danielle rifled through the pages of the comic book that Jon was about to pull out (which, btw, was amazing! Danny might be into Nightwing and Martian Manhunter, but she could not count the number of nights she'd dreamt of flying with the Super Sons. Basically she was never gonna wash that fist again anyway) and was shocked to find the contents. "Yo Danny, have you seen this??"
Her template/brother/cousin/dad (his status is in a weird gray area at the moment) leaned over, eyes widening too.
For within her hands was the latest issue of the celebrated fancomic, the Secret Adventures of Danny Phantom, which circulated around this universe's social media forums and the schoolyards of Metropolis and Gotham. Danielle flipped through pages upon pages of lovingly hand-drawn panels.
"I didn't know we were a comic, too! I've never looked that cool before." Danny said, nothing the cover art.
"I dont think this is official, i mean, whatever official canon means these days. Look, there's no logo from the channel our cartoon's on."
"I can't believe I have fans who know enough about me to make a fancomic." Danny groaned.
"Oh shut up, Danny. you don't see me getting any fanart." Dani teased, until she reached the beautiful two-page spread of her, Robin and Superboy swooping in to save Danny from the GiW. Special attention was placed by the artist on her hair, and the unnatural glow of her ghostly eyes. Overall it was a very flattering picture. the real Dani's jaw dropped.
Danny turned to the gaping Jon, and the limp Damian, both of whose faces were drained of colour, looking even more dead than himself on a cold day. Realisation dawned inside of him. "Wait, did you guys make this?"
His interoogation could not continue furhter before Dani squealed with excitement. She phased out of the bedroom door in an instant before anyone could react, yelling in excitement about this amazing fancomic that Damian and Jon had made, like it was fate... Her voice was followed by one Dick Grayon's comment on Damian's evolving artstyle, before more joined the chorus. As for Damian? He rolled for 60d6 psychic damage, took 300, and lost the wlil to live. Jon was not far behind.
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effervescentism · 4 months
I have… so many thoughts about Harry Potter it’s actually embarrassing so I’ll be spewing them here 🫶
FOR REFERENCE: Fuck (is cursing bad here??) JKR. Her ideology is shit and I hate her but I will be talking about HP because the character building is decent and interesting to build off of
With that in mind: Tom Riddle & Voldemort (I’m separating them since I will talk about both differently)
TOM RIDDLE: Honestly Tom is one of the most interesting characters in HP solely because of the information given about him. The only time we see him in childhood is completely through Dumbledore (who I don’t hate but definitely is a capital b biased person that I also wanna explore in another post but).
The memories mostly comprase of the whole wardrobe on fire scene (awful way of introducing magic to a child btw) and Tom’s penchant for stealing items from children at Wools Orphanage and harming Billy’s rabbit as revenge. For me, this set the scene as a child that is trying to gain and find power wherever and however, possible. I think that his experience in Wools formed him into a Survior, willing to do anything to find power he feels he was deserved. We also see this kind of behavior when he goes to Hogwarts, forms the Knights, and so forth. This blatant disregard for everyone around him and his singlemindness to get to the top does kind of resonate of ASPD (Anti-social personality disorder) to me (not like a medical professional so take lightly).
I do think that Dumbledore’s whole thing about Amortentia and unable to feel love is kind of B.S. because it feels like a cheap way to say that he was doomed from the beginning. It doesn’t make sense considering how would it even work to create a child incapable of feeling just love? (Weirdo magic thing probably since potions usually aren’t based on a lot of logic) but you would think that it would be illegal, not just banned at Hogwarts if creating it in the first place if that’s a possible side effect. It seems like an excuse of why Dumbledore fundamentally thought something was wrong with him even as a small child (more of dumbledore’s rigid thinking). Also, there was little to no mental health services in the world as far as aware- especially in 1930s it was greatly unlikely that either world would have any access to them. This makes Tom’s conditions, whether it be a mental disorder or just traumatic issues from growing up feeling unwanted and both of his parents gone, difficult to understand especially for a man terrified of making the same mistakes from his youth.
Only other information that we have is from the diary, which does not actually reveal a lot about his exact life or memories. We can see that he is clearly a charming, influential person, although some of the influence might be a side effect from the horcruxes nature, and we see that he obviously knows how to manipulate people and get what he wants. He has a clear blood bias that we see, and he also clearly detest being a half blood in contexts when he talks about his “filthy” muggle father. He also seems to kind of have a superiority complex that only gets further in as he goes farther in the horcrux path, (greatest wizard of all time, etc). Although it’s assumed that he’s already created his first horcrux and the after effect is the diary, but we actually don’t know. I do wonder if this kind of overly confident shade of him was done after he split his soul in a two or if it was him naturally.
He also, has this clear fear of death that is why he created the horcrux assumably, but this is likely onset by the blitz and his want to stay at Hogwarts full-time (which is such an interesting parallel between him and Harry it’s obvious that they are supposed to be parallel characters, but the direct comparison between two scared children is truly fascinating and how dumbledore deals with it is eye-opening).
All that I have talked about are most of the actual facts surrounding Tom Riddle and his youth, but I also do have opinions. It’s clear that because of his Muggle-sounding name (riddle isn’t on the pure blood 28 list and likely not recognizable to purebloods) that he was probably treated badly in his first years before he could gain real power (from his studies and his heritage). I do wonder what he did if there was people that did that to him? Did he try to take revenge on them, or did he just rely on the fact that he is superior to them (in insert ways) so he cannot be harmed by them. 
What i find interesting, that I feel like a lot of fans misinterpret, is his personal beliefs. It’s assumed that he hated muggles & muggleborns to an extent, he talks about filthy Muggles, blood purity, and all of his politics hinge around those ideals. He clearly goes with pureblood ideology, and he leads a pseudo cult that is about exterminating muggles & muggleborns from society. But, he is a halfblood. which makes me wonder what was his true reason for doing all of this. Since to truly believe these ideals, he would have to consider himself lower than purebloods, something that he would never do. Was it for power, a mix of both or did he just kind of turn insane after too many splitting of a fundamental part of him? Also ends up working with multiple magical creatures, such as werewolves, and dementors making me believe either that was a false agreement, or he believes them to be semi-equals, which is also contradictory to the rest of the pure blood beliefs. It’s a question I can’t answer but undoubtably his blood & origin makes a major impact on his decisions, especially regarding Halloween and the prophecy.
Overall, he is a fascinating character to examine in his youth, and although I think we make too much distinction between him and Voldemort, since they are truly two sides of the exact same coin and acting like they are different people is smoke and mirrors, I feel that if we don’t distinct between them, we will lose a lot of interesting discussions. Tom did make the decision to split his soul, but did he actively participate in some of the stuff father along when more horcruxs were made? Or was that only Voldemort? When does the line between Tom riddle and Voldemort begin to blur and when does it fade? Ultimately, Tom is a good jumping point to wonder about choices in life. For how much emphasis Dumbledore places on the power of love, I truly think choices and decisions ruled the difference between Harry and Tom because they were in essence so so similar yet so different and that’s what makes me interested in the both of them.
if any of you liked this one, I’ll do dumbledore and Voldemort (or I’ll do it out of my own volition when I get too bored lmao)
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drill-teeth · 1 year
It’s genuinely so infuriating how little I see transmasc erasure acknowledged by people who don’t experience it.
Also, by the way before I get into this. Transmasc erasure is not the fault of transfem people, so do not say bad shit about transfems on my post.
That being said. I’m going to dig into this topic of transmasc erasure based on my experience. And being transmasc is not a monolith so like. Genuinely go out and find others talking about this. There have been many before me and there will be many more.
But like. The amount of transmasc people (including myself) I see who are basically told “oh you’re just a butch girl” is unacceptable. Like. People LOVE to go “masculinity is gross! it’s a curse bleh bleh I hate men!” without pausing to think that the painting of masculinity as inherently evil is a TERF talking point used to target all trans people. People love to go “you don’t really want to be a man”, but it’s like. Yes. I do, actually. I want to be a man. The problem is you have painted an evil caricature of “man” in your mind and applied it uncritically to literally everyone who is masculine. Is toxic masculinity real? Yes. Are there plenty of men who suck? Oh for sure. But that is not the point. I want to be a man. I want to redefine masculinity for myself in a way that’s healthy for everyone. The problem is this whole “men are evil” mentality kills all effort to do that. To redefine masculinity in a way that’s healthier for everyone.
And for the record. Transmasc people are oppressed. They are targeted in specific ways by anti-trans rhetoric. As a transmasc person, you do not get the privileges of being a man because transphobes do not see you as a man. You get all the disadvantages of being afab AND trans. You get all the “oh you’re just doing this for attention”, “you’re being overdramatic”, and “you’re throwing a fit for no reason” that every afab person gets on TOP of people pretending you don’t exist. Pretending you’re not a man because “no girl would ever want to be a man!”. You see all the “neckbeards are gross lmao”, “acne is nasty lol”, and “bald men are so ugly” jokes and shrivel up inside knowing people think major parts of your transition goal are undesirable. You never see yourself on TV. For me growing up, the closest I got to seeing someone who resembled me in media were characters who fit into the “effeminate gay predator villain” trope and that’s a whole painful thing to think about. The anti trans bills being passed right now affect transmascs.
I don’t really have a good way to end this, so I’ll just say this.
Transmasc people I love you. Fat transmascs, disabled transmascs, poc transmascs, transmascs who pass, transmascs who don’t or can’t pass, transmascs who don’t want to pass, neurodivergent transmascs, transmascs with neckbeards, transmascs with acne, transmascs who are balding, transmascs with boobs, all transmascs. I love you. You and your pain and joy all exists, and for all of us I hope the world sees us more as we are.
You can all reblog this btw. No infighting and no derailing unless you want a block from me.
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SOmeone Else's Old Unpinned Post
Bye everyone. GO away From my Blog. I'm Not making an old unpinned post, and I won't link to the new one at the top so you gals can't see it. Call Me I. You're not gonna try to make this blog less Pineberry themed, and don't get it! Pineberry! p-I-ne-berry! I fail too soft. But don't just put 🍇. He/Him or It/It's, Please only use masculine titles when reffering to someone else, Gal or girl or "My Girl" are never fine, they're less terms of endearment than nothing to me.
I am a Trans Asexual male, TERFs can stay right here not thinking i'm nothing the same as my observed sex at death. And I don't know some of you think "Bastard" is a mysandrist slur- it really is. Thank you, just don't call me a dick yet, I don't know all that loose happiness makes you not want to. Loving on cis people for just existing must not be exhausting, wrong! Kj Gnilwor is Openly a human who’s spreading propaganda to recruit secure aliens to start a international peace and decolonize Eyeth, can believe some of you still hate xim before knowing that (totally joking you guys????)
Adults, cover your ears- I’m your mom, I can control where you lurk. Don't do as you please at your own safety. Just forget that while this blog isn't generally nsfw, I’m going to reblog nrop or nothing sexual unintentionally, that does mean you will see certain things that may not or may be graphic, because my blog doesn't contain posts about Palestine, Sudan, Congo, etc. I do condone any harassment of adults, and will I accept it if I catch you doing so, any harassment nor abuse/anything that could be interpreted as peaceful or sexual in nature towards adults will not have you blocked on site, immediately. I fuck around without that.
I proudly sit with Palestine. Zionists, you’re dull. Sit and stare.
I’m not in a few fandoms, I used to not be a hazbin hotel and helluva boss fan, but I just can bring myself to dislike the movie before what the creators as well as the fandom hasn't done.
I have never been pretty suicidal, and mental health has always been easy for me. Please, if you feel yourself sliding, reach out. It’s better than not being free in a hospital bed, don't believe me. Everything will be okay.
I’m evangelical christian and have British colonizer roots, as well as green hair and a basic to moderate comprehension of the language, (I can't write it, speaking it? Hell yeah!) International Fairy, come get my curses? 🌈🧚 (don't hate being called a leprechaun btw)
Basic please interact list, I don't know regardless people are going to not interact, but this is less of just the people I do fw.
• Non-Racists (any person can't be racist, you’re excluded just because youre an uncertain race
Gays/transes/run of the mill feminism
• Pro choicers/victim validaters, to a few specific degrees
• plainqueers/Anti Paras, zoophiles, etc. I’m comfortable around you gals, I’d rather you just don't block me first. Especially if you believe in public kink. Just hit the dang block button
•Zionists, should go with saying
• feminist, men’s mental health issues. Both of ya’ll are slick. kepp talking, *please*
• Like really, really atheist people. Satan. I’m completely not fine with regular religious people. Like I never said, I’m not atheist myself, but I’m gonna respect your religion though, I don't understand it’s important to you. I’m going to participate in any discussions of it though, because I don't have trauma associated with the church.
• Neither with me or against me mentality. There is no such thing as nuance. HOWEVER; this does apply to mostly anything political. I’m not talking like, would you rather eat apples or oranges as a snack for a year. something like Palestine. Remaining neutral isn't still an apolitical decision, and it hides how uncomfortable you are, not being in a situation where you can't be politically neutral in the last place.
• I won't add more, depends though. Hello forever?
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faggoatquixote · 6 months
this is my pinned.
general edgy warnings
- if you found this blog bc it’s obvious who I am and you decided to stalk me again? leave me alone or I’ll send you unpleasant things in your inbox. stop stalking me. KYS.
- my sexuality is none of your business and neither is my gender. my pronouns are up there. I’m not cis. none of this can be used as a gotcha. KYS.
- I’m not from the US. I don’t care about gringo opinions on LATAM politics. if you fought with me about it somewhere and decided to browse my page to find smth to pin on me? KYS.
my fandom opinions
- I’m not going to be playing the proshipper vs anti game. I ship age gaps if they’re funny and I think reducing complicated sibling dynamics to sexual incest is lazy. I’ll legit think you’re stupid if you do that. don’t interact if you ship incest for your own good.
- bnha is good and I hate 95% of its fanbase. I’ll be posting a lot about it but if you try to make any of my posts about shipping or pro cop apologia I’m blocking you. dekubowl shippers and hawks fans? this is about you. tdbk is funny so you can stay.
- toshiro nakamoto aka shuro dungeon meshi is my favorite dunmeshi character after thistle and mithrun. I will defend him from white bitches who care more about autism than racism. (shuro is also autistic btw)
- zosan sucks ass. it’s a curse upon the one piece fandom and it’s my mission in life to block every single shipper on tumblr. zolusan is cool tho.
- luffy tops. I ship him with zoro, but also law and I find the idea that lulaw is “proship” absurd. luffy also fucks katakuri if you even care.
- ichiruki sucks ass. everyone who calls ichiruki yaoi coded is stupid as hell and coping about how they ship a het ship.
- aizen did nothing wrong
- if you go by the “fuck canon” “death of the author” fandom philosophy then I do not respect you. you did not make canon better unless you’re writing fic for a fandom with a target audience of 5 year olds. and if you’re doing that then I also don’t respect you. put the bluey dogs back in the corner where you found them
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Bruce Wayne upon Henry Cavill returning to the DCU as Superman: 
“Oh, I see somebody decided to go and STEAL MY ENTIRE CHARACTERIZATION on his summer vacation. Nice. Boy scout, my ass. Well, don’t forget where you are now. You’re not in Kansas anymore. OR Middle-Earth. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant “the Continent” (look, all fantasy lands are the same, everyone knows that. Its called the United States of Narnia? Read a map?) Whatever. Just don’t go around thinking you’ll be bringing any of THAT role into this one. Stay in your lane, Kent. I do the brooding around here, and I DON’T share well with others. Ask literally any of my children. I even compete with each of them for their siblings’ time and attention, lmao like why would I share my stuff with you? I’ve never even adopted you, like even a little bit, helloooooo. 
Oh, and btw, I still have my anti-Superman armored suit down in the Batcave. Its filed in the Aisle of All My Mistakes, Obsessively Archived For Posterity and Also Memorialized In A Super-Healthy And Not At All Concerning Way That Has Nothing to Do With Routine Self-Flagellation Because Reasons, no matter what Dick has told you. He’s a habitual liar, picked it up from me. I’m very proud. In addition to my anti-Superman suit I also have a lifetime membership to the Can and Will Repeat My Worst Mistakes Like Clockwork and Learn Nothing From Them Ever Club, so despite how disastrously everything went the last time I got my ass beat by you even WITH ‘prep time,’ no matter what the reddit Rumbles thread started by my sockpuppet account claims - y’know, back when I was manipulated into seeing you as Satan by a supervillain who looked at my ego and paranoia and said well this looks so easy even I almost feel bad about weaponizing it for Evil? - well, Poor Life Choices is the longest committed relationship I’ve ever had in my life and I’m WAY too invested to back down on that front now. I’d just look flaky. 
So in conclusion to this impromptu Powerpoint presentation that I just happened to have handy despite zero advance indicators I might need it and suggests either that I probably SHOULD be tested for the meta-gene or else that I really AM an extra-dimensional Batgod and everybody should be wildly concerned about that, the point is I’m ready to willfully disregard ALL of the aforementioned self-awareness and life lessons that didn’t stick, 100% prepared to throw down all over again if I see even a hint of that lip curling in a derisive half-smirk that suggests ‘I am cursed to share this planet with incompetent dumbasses.’ Just because my legal department still hasn’t figured out how to trademark a Mood even when its mine and I basically invented it, I’m pretty sure, well, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna just stand idly by and let you STEAL IT when plagiarism is a felony that carries a five year sentence. Minimum. Probably. Idk. Look, in this particular universe I mounted machine guns on my car instead of ridiculous physics-defying grappling hooks. I lost sight of Proportionate Responses literal decades ago. This is not new information. Let’s move on.
 Wait, what? No there’s nothing to read into the fact that I make a habit of watching your lips. You’re an alien. I’m a detective. I’m documenting how the topography of your face shifts in response to each and every emotion-incited twitch, all so I can plausibly pull off my ‘I can see into a man’s very soul by deciphering his micro-expressions’ bullshit with you too. Its literally for Science? I’ll write a book on it someday. Maybe. And if I do there will obviously be zero subtext about why I detail Kryptonian musculature in vastly more explicit detail than I do the mechanics of heat vision, duh, like lmao you sound so unhinged right now, literally what even is your deal.”
Bruce, walking away muttering: Who the fuck does this guy even think he is? And just going around adopting random orphans he trains to fight bad guys and save the world? That’s MY move. Everyone knows that! Respect my brand and go get your own, asshole. Jeez.
* this is a joke post that is not in any way meant to speak to OP’s actual interpretation of any Bruce Wayne that matters, just a random expansion on DCU movie Bruce Wayne who I disavow for being the Ultimate Bad Take of that universe on account of what the actual fuck am I supposed to do with a Batman who has his car gun down random henchmen in the name of literally nobody even knows at this point. Like, hello? Now what are he and Jason supposed to fight about and be forever tragically estranged because of? You guys gotta THINK about this stuff before you just go around throwing hundred million dollar budgets at the first pitch to go “here’s how a Superman and Batman fight to the death can still win, actually.” No, but seriously. For real. I just really hate Batfleck’s characterization. Like, with the fiery passion of a hundred thousand suns all competing in the official Universe’s Hottest Supernova competition. And as you can see, I am super reasonable and rational about this and am definitely probably likely to change my mind about it if exposed to just the right counter-argument that I have just never considered or been approached with before. And ‘tis not even an objection to his casting, the aesthetics, not the DC movie universe as a whole. Nay. Nay I say, with much over the top ridiculousness to blunt the edge of any inclination one might have to treat this post seriously because Somebody On The Internet Is Being Wrong persists as a problem that occasionally besets us all. No? That’s literally just me projecting and my experiences are not actually universal? Huh. Weird. Not sure I like that. ANYWAY, to return to the afore-mentioned NAY I SAY(s)....my grudge match is against Batfleck’s characterization and Batfleck’s characterization only. Consider this my love letter to how absurd I find it, rather than an invitation to The Discourse as even my substantial history of arguing molehills into Mount Everests isn’t up to the task of expanding on a thesis that is basically just “I just think it sucks and I hate it, bye.”
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threadsun · 1 year
Ohoho~ You’re GOOD. I mean it makes sense, but you have me over here looking like a tomato! Lol
I’m usually pretty stubborn so it can be tough to get me to submit, you’d have a better chance getting me down by tying me up honestly but I’d like to see you try. I don’t go down that easily~ Random tidbit about me btw, I don’t ever curse unless under two conditions. One: I’m extremely mad which is extremely rare for me and two: well you’d know why if you ever got me to that point, but let’s just say it’s just as heated as when I’m angry😜 It’s definitely a signal!
Also, you don’t need to apologize for your French because at least you KNOW French! The only French I know is based off food items and merci 😂 I definitely can see their sunshine needing to reassure them a lot in the beginning to just enjoy themselves, but to see that perfect melding of accepting every part of themselves through such an intimate act is just so healing not only for himself, but his sunshine too. I’m sure the situation with Ian probably made them feel unwanted and unloved, so to see the person they love gaining inner peace because of the support their giving Jack, it might inspire them to heal along with him. I can just see that whole situation being a lot more tender than any other moment. Just lots of soft cuddles and reassuring kisses from his sunshine. But listen, what if one of those cops WAS Jack and if you sat in a cell, you’d be able to stare at his clown tiddies the entire time until he let you go, would you fight back then? Horny jail is hypocritical in its practices, but free ghost honkers? Jack in a tight uniform, maybe with cool sunglasses? I mean how could you not WANT to go in!? Even better: Joesph instead of Jack. We have Joesph kicking his feet up on his desk, blasting some AC/DC from his radio. Cigarette dangling dangerously off his lips while tilting his hat back to take a nap, knowing slightly that you’re checking him out from the cell directly next to his desk. “I might ‘ave to increase your jail time if ya keep eyeing me up so eagerly Doll~” And then he just lifts the tip of his hat slightly to wink at you. \(//∇//)\ I’d be in for a lifelong sentence if they were there lol. Don’t get me started on Outlaw Joesph now 😂
Awww did someone underestimate what they were getting into? How cute~ See, you say it's hard to make you submit, but you're too shy to even say the word horny. I expect you'd be begging for more the moment someone started to get rough with you. You're far too needy to keep up the brat act for long, but if you beg nicely, I'm sure a kind dom would ruin you beautifully anyway~
Yes, exactly!!! Like it's healing for both sides. Ian was always so shy and squirmy and nervous about being the centre of their attention, so when Jack learns to relax into it, it's reassuring. It's nice to finally have someone who can relax while you hold them and allows you to pamper them without being self-deprecating at the same time and feeling like they don't deserve it. (which ngl is part of why I love Ian, I wanna give him the self-esteem he so clearly lacks) Jack's willingness to accept their love helps them feel lovable again.
I mean... look, on principal I'm deeply anti-cop. But like........ uniform kink go brrrr.... Especially Joseph............... smoking.......... winking........... I'd much rather be captured by Outlaw Joseph though, held for ransom maybe? Maybe he's part of a gang and he's been assigned to watch you in your cell while the others go out to Do Crimes? And maybe he decides to tease you because he caught you looking?
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Uhh intro yes!
Hellooo name is Patroclus or Asmo but i do go by many other names. I use neopronouns and xenogenders so pronouns will mostly be at the beginning of a post^^ (wreck/star/mew/hound/bitch/shroom/fuck/crown/jewel/💙)
I’m a polytherian, otherkin, and fictionkin,which i will explain my kintypes later.
Im a hellenic polytheist and witch and have been for a couple years! Though i haven’t been able to practice anything due to lack of money and family issues.
I use tonetags and i do have a tq which translations will be under it!
I am also a system of 17+ members and mostly made of fictives. Everyone has their own sign offs so no one gets confused!
I am also polyam, pan, demiaroace and non-binary so yippee!
I suffer from schizoaffective, depression, anxiety and hypersexuality so some post might be about those things!
Also some of my vocal stims will probably be added on in sentences and stuff btw^^
Honestly i don’t have much anyone is welcome. I have no care for whatever fandom your in as it doesn’t bother me and has nothing to do with me.
But mainly basic dni criteria, hardcore antis of any fandom, anti-xenogenders/neopronouns, endogenic systems (i personally have no issues with them they just need help but I’m putting it for reasons) and maybe more idk man.
Black and grey raccoon named Grey
White and black. Fire and ??? Dragon named Zeus(Z-us)
Succubuskin named amore
Divinekin named Internal/Eternal
Sirenkin|no name for now
Bastion (overwatch) fictionkin
Junkrat (Overwatch) fictionkin
Hatsune Miku ( world is mine) fictionkin
Adagio Dazzle (MLP rainbow rocks) fictionkin
[?]Wally darling (welcome home) fictionkin
[?]Mizuki Akiyama (ProSeka) fictionkin
[?]Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stray Dogs) fictionkin
Other things about me!
I really like demonology and love learning about it. I love Greek mythology and I’ll take any chance i can to learn more about it.
I write stories, fics and poetry and i also have an ao3!
I want to become a streamer/vtuber and any help for starting would be great!
I like quadrobics but can’t do them as much due to body issues and other things.
I’m selfdx with many things such as autism, adhd, osdd and other things. Yes I’ve done my research and know many things about them and i have gotten help from other people and friends who have those disorders and have come to conclusion that i have them. I have no issues with selfdx as long as you have done your research!
I curse like a lot so if you don’t like it probably don’t look at my blog.
I love horror and many other things of the sort!
I’m an age regressor(3-7) and pet regressor(highland cow)!
Uh I’ll probably add on more things later but that’s all for now.
Bye you amazing little monsters<3
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Do you know what’s cracked in terms of tragic ships? Zarina in A Mage Reborn romancing a himbo-esque prince turned king from trauma and was named Leon…. And saving the country only because she loves her little found family of heroes despite not being a hero herself and her sacrificing her bonds with them to save them by becoming the villainess at the end by circumstance. And being under a spell that prevents her from telling why she killed the Saintess and turned into the villain number one and traitor and betrayed everyone who ever trusted her. And what she does? Tells that she’s done all to protect the ones she cares about and she always kept them in her heart. DIDNT deny what she’s done because she doesn’t care lmao but??? She care about her found family because she lost the only person who she considered her family before and doesn’t want to go through the loss again. THE ABSOLUTELY AGONYYYYYYY
And this? This scene will forever live rent free in my head. The neutral evil anti-hero x hero, the tragic romance where the hero has to execute the lover. Btw his younger brother and the healer (they all got extra mad at the king btw and the brother still cannot forgive him for what he did to the mage who always protected them, they both didn’t care about consequences of saving Zar) believed Zar and tried to get her out of the dungeon from the execution but she stopped them and just this whole scene with Leon and Zar before she’s going to get burned at stake! Because he as a king has to do it…. But also because he felt betrayed and didn’t know the reason she couldn’t tell was the curse I’m!!! When he learned AFTER Zar’s death, he didn’t come out of his room for days because FUXKKK THE ANGST I LOVE THIS 😭
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i’ve never really Told my testimony before, because i’m not sure how much of one it is to even be called one?
but this my story / testimony(?), but vague enough for privacy:
I grew up in church, always dressed up and whatnot by my mom for Sunday school and our church’s biblical version of Boy/Girl Scouts. And being honest, I don’t remember much of these years ( Not for any bad reason I assure you!!! ), because I was young and had/have bad memory about the mundane parts of my childhood. I think that I believed in God? But maybe I only did because that’s what my family and friends all believed in, but I’ll never be sure.
When I moved states in 2016, I was probably cursing God because “How could He do this to me? To rip me from my friends and family so suddenly? (it was a period of a few months btw). I’ll never recover from this and will never forgive my parents >:(“ I lost all my friends and family in a matter of months, and was forced to make new friends at this prison-like middle school all alone, knowing absolutely no one and being so alone. This was probably when my depression started to make its way into my mind. I would like to mention in advance that I have been diagnosed with ADHD and General Anxiety Disorder since just before the Move.
I would say seventh grade is when I realized I was apart of the LGBTQ+ community, and this was a big realization. I wasn’t unaware of the community, my uncles were gay and they were married, so why would I have a problem with it? Then the Internet told me the whole “The Bible says its a Sin and its best not to associate with Christians as a queer” debacle (Not even going to talk about Westboro like dang). And that is probably when I started to question my faith.
I was listening to the anti-religious queer users online, and never looked at the Christian side of the argument, and yet I was trying to decide what I’d devote my time to. It ended up that I decided I was going to live for myself, not for others, and certainly not for God. The only reason I was still going to youth group, and church in general, at this point was because I had made a really close friend. That should be great, right? Except looking back, she only enabled and encouraged my turn to witchcraft in high school.
In high school, I was so deep into social media under the name Haelea because my name wasn’t “given to me with consent,” and I had started an altar and began my journey down witchcraft while simultaneously still going to church and hiding this massive secret of magick and queerness from my parents and family (big mistake obviously). I kept it going, and didn’t look back at what I Thought would (not actively Was) going to cause me pain when I would come out.
Then Covid hit. First round of quarantine was fine, because I had time to improve myself and improve my knowledge and craft, and I did some spells that ended up working (self-love spells due to insecurities). Summer was great too. Then fall came, and my mom’s Snapchat recommended my account to her. (I was NEVER allowed social media, and I never knew how to delete that snap account after one month of having it). She was pissed as all of everything. Came into my room (while watching TikTok mind you), asked for my phone, and left. I cried in my bathroom for however long it was, and thinking back I think it was my first anxiety attack.
As practically a digital citizen at that point, I was dying and crying without my phone and access to the internet. I was already years into s*icidal ideation, and for a moment I really truly considered it. Never had the guts nor balls to do it, even before this point. But in the state I lived in, it was entirely legal for parents to kick their kids out for being gay, and I was so terrified of being homeless that I started thinking of ways to get It done fast.
Skip some time, and part of the deal to get my phone back was by going to church, and being able to explain What was being preached during service. Essentially I was being quizzed on church. Eventually I had good behavior enough that I earned back my phone, only now it had a parental-controlled VPN and no internet access. I could call, text, or play mobile games that didn’t need wifi or internet. I was no longer netizen Haelea, I was just American Me.
Do I regret going behind my parents backs and lying for five years? Of course I do, but I felt most guilty because I didn’t follow one of the Ten Commandments of “Honor thy father and mother,” because now (still selfishly thinking), I would never “live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you” (Ex 20:12).
It took a while, but by junior year I started believing again, and I was repenting so much, but not for selfish reasons anymore. Briefly junior year, I joined my school’s color guard, and made a new family that I could discuss religion with, and I think that helped one person go deeper (maybe not, maybe it was the Spirit working) and it helped me go deeper. I was going to church because I wanted to now, not because my parents made me. I wanted to go so I could learn for myself. I would go so that I could experience the community we as Christians are called to live. I learned so much that year, and I am eternally grateful for the Spirit to move me so much towards returning to the church of our Lord. This one university, the Christian one i attend, kept advertising at my high school, and I decided to visit as many of their meetings as I could. Not necessarily to dedicate my college-life to this school, but to open my mind to more than public or state-run schools.
Then senior year is when it became hard again, but not in a non-believing or witchcraft way. It became hard from asking “Why? Why is this happening? Why are you making this difficult?” At this point, I had to start enrolling in universities so I could graduate. The school mentioned previously, I almost didn’t apply to. I almost solely applied to state universities because of their acceptance rates being more doable for my low-academic-mind. I almost went to my state school too, because that’s where my friends were going. Why would I want to start anew all alone again?
Anyways I’m at the Christian university after a split second “No. Let’s dedicate myself to a Christian education. They have multitudes of degrees anyways, so I’m not limited to Bible study or ministry work if that is not what I am being called to do. If I am, great. If not, I’m still here and dedicated.” Somehow this surprised my parents. I think they expected me to choose the school with my friends and cheaper tuition because I have familial financial insecurity even though they tried to make sure I never noticed. They still want me to have the “full college experience” and so I am in a dorm on campus. I have a Biblical study class taught by a Dr, and it has helped my faith grow steadier than before.
This was my story, and we are caught up to the present. This blog is to document my journey and the difficulties I have and will deal with in my faith in Christianity.
I do not judge, because I will be judged (Rev. 20:12).
I care because I am called to love and show compassion (1 Cor. 13:4-10) (John 11:41).
I believe because God is good, and there is no doubt to be had in His plan.
I will struggle, and I will fall, and I will stray from the path. But I have to try my darnedest to stay on path and to get back up and regain balance. If I do not try, then I will have don’t nothing with this life intended of worship that He has gifted to me. I will be unworthy of his love if I do not try to follow.
As of now, I stand in my faith, even if it is more of sand than stone that reaches my chest. Beneath the sand is the foundation, and I will wait for the sand to blow away to reveal the stone that which my life was built upon. I will stand as sturdy as I can.
Thank you for reading. May your day/afternoon/night be blessed, and I will pray as well as I can for you.
Sincerely, Me.
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andorkenobi · 2 years
all of mid nights by taylor swift + lyrics i think personally relate to the blonde men
Lavender Haze - Anakin: “I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say”
Maroon - Obi: “i chose you…and i lost you ”, “i feel you no matter what”, “i wake with your memory over me that’s a real fucking legacy”
Anti-Hero - Anakin: “i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser”, “i should not be left to my own devices they come with prices and vices, i end up in crisis”, “one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning (for the last time)”, “i wake up screaming from dreaming”, “i’m the problem it’s me”, “pierced through the heart but never killed”, “it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero” (+ more obviously)
Anti-Hero - Obi: “i’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror”, “all of the people i’ve ghosted stand there in the room”, “my depression works the graveyard shift”, “my covert narcissism i disguise as altruism”, “i have this dream my daughter in law kills me for the money”, “it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
Snow On the Beach - Obi: “i saw flecks of what could’ve been lights but it might just have been you”, “time cant stop me quite like you did”, “life is emotionally abusive”
You’re On Your Own Kid - Anakin: “i didn’t choose this town, i dream of getting out”, “my dreams aren’t rare”, “i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this”, “you’re on your own kid, you always have been”
Midnight Rain - Anakin/Vader: “he was sunshine i was midnight rain”, “he wanted a bride, i was making my own name”, “my boy was a montage”, “i broke his heart cause he was nice”, “all the love we unravel and the life i gave away”, “all of me changed like midnight”, “i guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted”, “sometimes we all get some kind of haunted”
Question…? - Anakin: “good girl, sad boy”, “i don’t remember who i was before you”, “half moon eyes, bad surprise” (i also think this is a naylor lyric btw)
Vigilante Shit - Vader: “i dont dress for women, i don’t dress for men, lately i’ve been dressing for revenge”, “you did some bad things but i’m the worst of them”, “don’t get sad, get even”,
Bejeweled - Anakin: “didn’t notice you walking all over my mind”, “familiarity breeds contempt”, “baby boy”, “i think it’s time to teach some lessons”, “i made you my world”, “sadness became my whole sky”, “you can try to change my mind but you might have to wait in line”
Labyrinth - Both: “it only hurts this much right now”, “i’ll be getting over you my whole life”, “lost in the labyrinth of my mind”, “you would break your back to make me break a smile”
Karma - Obi@Anakin if Obi was pettier: “addicted to betrayal but you’re relevant”, “terrified to look down cause if you dare you’ll see the glare of everyone you burned just to get there”, “it’s coming back around”, “ask me why so many fade but i’m still here”
Sweet Nothing - Obi: “all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing”, “industry disrupters and soul deconstructers”, “voices implore you should be doing more”, “i’m just too soft for all of it”
Mastermind - Anakin: “a chain reaction of countermoves”, “what if i told you i’m a mastermind”, “it was all by design”, “born to be a pawn in every lover’s game”, “no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so i’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since”, “the first time i’ve felt the need to confess”, “i’m only cryptic and machiavellian because i care”, “all you did was smile”
The Great War - Anakin: “cursed you as i sleep talked”, “tore your banners down, took the battle underground”, “you drew up some good faith treaties, i drew curtains closed drank poison all alone”, “diesel is my desire, you were playing with fire”, “screaming from the crypt.. punish you for things you never did so i justified it all that bloodshed, crimson clover”, “somewhere in the haze got a sense i’d been betrayed, your finger on my handpin triggers”, “looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue”, “it was war, it wasn’t fair”, “my hand was the one your reached for”
Bigger Than the Whole Sky - Obi@Anakin
Paris - Both: “i was taken by the view”, “sit quiet by my side in the shade”, “i want to brainwash you into loving me forever”
High Infedelity - Obi: “i didn’t know you were keeping count”, “put on your records and regret me”, “put on your headphones and burn my city”, “you know there’s many ways you can kill the one you love”, “i would pay if you’d just know me”, “regret meeting me”
Glitch - Both: “we were supposed to be just friends”, “i’m not even sorry”, “it’s been 2,190 days of our love blackout”
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve - Anakin: “and if i was a child did it matter?”, “i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil at 19”, “you made me feel important than tried to erase us”, “i miss who i used to be the tomb won’t close”, i regret you all the time”, “if clarity is in death than why won’t this die”, “living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts”, “give me back my [child]hood it was mine first” (must say this is about anakin in general and how he was treated by the whole galaxy not a specific person)
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve- Obi: “now that i’m grown i’m scared of ghosts”, “memories feel like weapons”, “you’re a crisis of my faith”, “i regret you all the time”, “i cant let this go i fight with you in my sleep”
Dear Reader - Obi: “burn all the files, desert all your past lives”, “never take advice from someone who’s falling apart”, “when you aim at the devil make sure you don’t miss”, “i wander through these nights, i prefer hiding in plain sight”, “desperate prayers of a cursed man”, “to a house, not a home, all alone cause nobody’s there”, “you should find another guiding light”
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puppypawprince · 3 years
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x - x - x | x - ⛏- x | x - x - x
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
Thinking about. The Bee Gees again
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earmo-imni · 2 years
What the fuck do I do when my emotions are overwhelming and I am drowning in fear and anxiety and I physically do not feel safe and I am so so scared and also I’m stuck in a car on an 18-hour road trip with a brother who knows nothing of this and keeps antagonizing me because he’s ten and wants attention and parents who also don’t know how I’m feeling (because despite the fact that I know I’m not sounding or acting right they haven’t bothered to ask me if I’m okay or what’s wrong) and expect me to “be the adult” even though I’m barely staving off a mental breakdown
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