#btw i found out about this holiday back in march and immediately made this post and queued it for oct 27th
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It's Frankenstein Friday!!
Since 1997, every last Friday in October has been named Frankenstein Friday as a celebration of the book (and author) that birthed the science fiction genre as we know it today, and the monster of whom has been a horror staple ever since.
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (1818) Frankenstein dir. James Whale starring Boris Karloff (1931)
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January 2020 Picks
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And we’re back!!! Been watching a lot of great stuff recently that I’m excited to chat about. These are just a few of highlights. I’m not 100% caught up on the Arrowverse shows yet, but did enjoy the Crisis a lot-especially after the second watch through. Check out my full review on that here: https://talesofafangirlwithadvr.tumblr.com/post/190372384413/crisis-on-infinite-earths-reactions
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This 3rd season was my FAVORITE so far, which makes it even more depressing that this is the end. I watched it the fastest and even stayed up till 1 AM to finish the series after watching four straight episodes. (Normally I try to space out bingeing stuff because I don’t want it to end so fast.) This series has always taken liberties with the source material to make it even more relevant to today, but I especially felt that during this season. It did not feel forced one bit. From Bash losing Mary and overcoming being a minority in Avonlea to Ka’kwet’s story line that brings me to tears every time I think about it-especially because she made it ALL the way home just to be taken back. Would love to believe she’s back with her parents, but the ending this season doesn’t show it. Perhaps they were thinking about pursuing it more if there was a 4th season. Josie Pye’s assault was a nice commentary on the Me too movement as well as the Human Rights and Women’s Rights march. I’m so happy Matthew survived this series! I was so worried for him. (As readers know he dies at the end of Anne of Green Gables the novel. Most adaptations often keep it in and I am happy we diverted from the original this time.) Jerry and Diana were adorable at the start, but Jerry deserves so much more! (He got SO TALL! As I often remarked while watching this season.) I absolutely loved the boy craziness this season because they were “Now 16!” Tillie balancing two guys! Ruby’s crush on Moody was super cute. I loved when Anne was forced to ask Gilbert about having babies by the girls. THE STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS!! (applause) 1) Mrs. Stacy: as a widower she will not settle for just anyone to marry. 2) Prissy Andrews: I really like that they brought her character back up and that she attended college. So sad that Billy will still be the head of her family. 3) Diana gets to go to Queens (a change from the novel as well, but one that was a great choice). I really liked her chat with Aunt Josephine. 4) Of course Anne Shirley. There’s so much to say about Anne, but one of the things I really liked this season was getting insight into her own personal family history. Seeing her mom’s book at the end was very touching. I love that she also had red hair. Last thoughts: Delphine is the CUTEST BABY EVER! Seriously a fantastic actress. Her relationship with every person in the show was amazing. And of course my beloved Shirbert. I knew they were endgame (because of the source material), but BOY did they take their time getting there). Screw Winnie! Anne and Gilbert’s relationship hurt my heart throughout it all, but so many adorable moments between them proving they are meant to be. Forever my OTP!      
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I am seriously feeling the period pieces this month (but then again when am I not). As a HUGE Jane Austen fan I was extremely excited when I heard that her unfinished novel, Sanditon, would be adapted for the TV screen. Because I was unfamiliar with the story (which is always a fun time when one of your favorite authors has been dead for the past few hundred years) I made sure to add the novel to the top of my 2020 list. Due to its length I was able to finish it before the series started a few weeks ago. While I was not a huge fan of the unfinished novel, because I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters or see where the story was headed, I already feel differently about the mini-series. By the end of episode 1 I was already hooked and very happy that PBS aired the second episode immediately afterwards. I can see parallels to Austen’s work as well as echoes to other Austen novels (naturally Pride and Prejudice). When listening to the Masterpiece podcast in which they interview Rose Williams (who plays Charlotte Heywood) she described Charlotte as a cross between Elizabeth Bennet and Catherine Morland (from Northanger Abbey), which I think is really accurate. I like how Charlotte goes to Sanditon because of her interest in seeing this place that Tom Parker gets so excited about. She honestly isn’t looking for a husband, but rather an occupation. Something different away from her farm. Is romance involved? You betcha. This is an Austen adaptation afterall. But that is not her main focus. There’s so many other things going on with the story, but I’d have to dedicate a complete other post to explain it all. I really feel it is fitting in well with other classic book to screen adaptations coming out right now like Little Women and Anne with an E. If you’re a fan of either one then Sanditon is worth a try. And of course if you love Jane Austen and the 1995 Andrew Davies adaptation (he’s producing this one as well) then it’s worth a shot! 
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Just like with Anne with an E, I think this was my favorite season of The Man in the High Castle (and ironically also the last season. Although this series knew that going in to production). It held my interest very well and I watched it faster than the previous season. I really don’t think I’ve been this invested since season 1. Lots of new characters were introduced and while I missed some of the old it just shows you how much this show has developed. I also felt myself liking the new characters really fast. At first all of the multi-verse stuff was pretty intense and a little hard to follow, but it got easier as the show went on-EXPECT FOR THE END! Were all those people coming through because their worlds were much worse? What happens next? How are the Smith children? Amy and the other students who were brainwashed-will they change? Kido will stay. Did Childan find Kikuko? (Loved their relationship btw. I’m going to believe they got to be together in the end. It will make me sleep easier.) I was constantly saying to myself: How are they going to wrap this up in only 4 episodes...3...2...etc.. But I feel like it could have been a bit stronger. Despite this I still am a big fan of this season. I just get picky when it comes to series finales.  
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Last I had posted about Doctor Who I was very behind. Like I only watched last year’s holiday special this year behind. It was just tough for me to get into last season. I’ve really enjoyed Jodie Whitaker’s take on the Doctor. I feel she brings a new energy, but at the same time reminds me of the way Tennant and Smith portrayed the role. It’s just that I missed some of the familiarity of the show. It’s always hard getting a new Doctor because the show takes on a different feeling, but with all new villains, companions, TARDIS, etc it was tough. I wanted a couple more old references. I also didn’t love all of the episodes (although a bunch of them were really good: Rosa Parks, Demons of the Punjab, Kerblam! to name a few). So when I watched last year’s special at the beginning of the month I felt I zoned out a bit. However, Spyfall (parts 1 & 2) that kicked off this season were entertaining and I’ve been hearing good stuff about this season so far. Now that the show is on its second season with these characters, I’ve heard there’s more of a rhythm. I can’t wait to continue. I also can’t wait to see these guys again: 
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PLUS I discovered a HUGE spoiler about last week’s episode that honestly that has honestly gotten me so pumped; it is the main reason why I am catching up faster. (I won’t spoil it here if you still don’t know it. I foresee I’ll probably write an article just about that episode.) 
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My guilty pleasure that I have been bingeing on Disney+. This musical telenovela from Buenos Aires has three seasons of 80 episodes a piece! (That’s right I have my work cut out for me.) Currently only the first season is up on Disney+ and the show is pretty hard to find, so I am really hoping that by the time I finish it they release at least the second season. I only started it in the new year and am already on episode 42, so you can say I’m enjoying it... :) Basically once I hit 30 I was hooked. (Although I was enjoying it a lot before that, now I’m just more obsessed.) There are several characters in the show from the students, to the teachers and family members, but the main character is Violetta who has lived in many different countries all her life with her dad who is a very successful businessman. She has been home-schooled forever due to their lifestyle and because of her dad’s worry that she will be hurt in the real world. Her mother was a popular singer who died when Violetta was very little that she barely remembers her. When they move back home she secretly gets enrolled in a music school that her mom just so happened to attend. Her tutor is secretly her aunt (who no one recognizes because Violetta’s dad told her that her mom had no relatives) and she has to hide attending the music school and singing which is her ultimate dream. That’s just the basics because there is so much more drama in the series. Lots of lying, deceit, love triangles that just won’t quit, ridiculousness and music. While they repeat a lot of the same songs, many of them are quite good and really catchy that you can’t help but get them stuck in your head. My sister (who loves this show) kept talking about it and that made me want to watch once we got Disney+ (she was lucky to watch two seasons when it was still on Netflix). As she said to me, you should watch it in the original language, which is Spanish with English subtitles. I feel like I’m learning more Spanish while watching it. Probably be fluent by the end (ha ha ha ha-not really). 
So, what are your favorites of this month? Are we watching any of the same things? Anything look interesting to check out? Let me know! 
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goodguidanceptc · 6 years
Ironman New Zealand Race Report  March 2, 2019
Welcome masochists and insomniacs. When people ask me about my races, I usually try to deliver a balance of facts (split times, data, total race time) and feelings (mind & body perceptions, key moments) in an entertaining yet succinct report. As usual, that often means STRONG LANGUAGE. Here goes:
A few weeks prior to the trip, I learned that I’d been selected for the “Ironman New Zealand Experience,” an online contest, administered with typical Kiwi approach by the local council. Read: relaxed, with ZERO Ironman lawyers involved. Six men and six women were selected--based on online posts--to learn a haka, perform at the athlete dinner and attend an after-race luncheon that included a presentation and performance of Maori history and traditions. 
I suspect my "pick me! pick me!” post got me plucked from a small applicant pool. Supporting evidence: of the twelve selected, two others were my training buddies from Chicago, Christine B. and Bernie Mc. SIDE NOTE: Each winner was allowed one additional guest at the luncheon--so a very special thanks to Christine for graciously counting my wife as her guest which meant I had both my wife and son at the luncheon.
Haka is Maori for “breathe fire.” Historically, hakas were performed by Maori warriors prior to battle. These days they are performed ceremonially to celebrate major milestones (marriage, retirement), honor important guests or--perhaps most notably--to intimidate opponents at athletic events (here’s a link). Outside of New Zealand, the most famous and awe-inspiring hakas are performed my the Maori All-Blacks National Rugby team prior to each match. 
I learned that there are hundreds of haka versions, each with its own inherent weight baked into the story it’s presenting. Although it was very different than the aggressive, male-only, pre-battle version the All-Blacks perform, I personally felt a tremendous honor and reverence for the one we learned.
The haka preserves indigenous culture, energetically injects traditional language into a modern forum, gathers and channels group energy by seamlessly melding ritual gesture and movement with raw emotion. It all adds up to a sum greater than it’s parts that’s simultaneously respectful and rebellious. Taken as a whole, the haka is something like how the Incredible Hulk would dance if the Incredible Hulk danced.
All of which is just to say that before I even started the race, I’d already experienced that tremendous joy that comes with receiving an unexpectedly perfect gift. IMNZ was already a success before the race even started. Now, let’s get back to facts...
Total race time = 11:33
Not a PR, but a mature result. “Mature?” you may be wondering, “Really?” Granted, few people would describe anything I do as mature, so perhaps a better word is un-deluded. Why? Because plantar fasciitis made for a “No-Run November” (all long runs performed in a pool), I hadn’t done enough resistance training, and winter holidays not only make it impossible to train, they make it nearly impossible to fuel properly. 
In his book, Elite Minds, Dr. Stanley Beecham suggests giving yourself a W when you trained your best and an L if you didn’t. My record for this training sequence (Nov-Feb) was 89-20-11. ( I gave myself T for Ties on days when training went right but something else went bad...usually diet.) In other words, a respectable-but-not-stellar W average (.741) earned a respectable-but-not-stellar result.
But still, the haka was awesome.
Slept well. Ate well. No mechanical issues. Huddled briefly with most of the training buddies and Iron sherpas prior to warming up properly in the water.
Swim (1:06 total swim time)
Clear sighting, aggressive line, good tactics (drafted when possible), and even got some help from the current towards the end. That said, the two turn buoys at the far end were both a raucous scrum. First time I ever took a hard shot to the lip. My best swim ever. 
T1 (7:49)
"T1 is a 400 meter run from the swim out...” My ass. If that’s 400 meters, I’m Leslie Jones from SNL. Plus, AFTER the “400 meters,” a winding grass staircase comparable to any third-floor-walk-up or Wisconsin helix--easily another +50 meters at an +8% grade.
Once I did get up Mount Metric Bullshit, I moved right along. Sprayed on some sunscreen, stuffed a plastic bag under the regular bike jersey with some light gloves (in case it was nippy for the first hour), shoes on in the tent. Go.
Bike (5:38, technically a bike PR)
Two loops. Windy? A tad. The outbound tailwind was so strong, I struggled to maintain target watts. Get that? I didn’t have to pedal as hard as I’d trained to because I was easily traveling +20 mph on flat sections. Ditched the plastic bag and gloves at the first aid station because it was sunny and mild and I was feeling really great. Of course, logic dictates that inbound would be a shitstorm. Which it was. Oy. Mixed with some crosswinds too just in case you, oh I dunno...tried to pee on the bike and took too long...or wanted to take in some nutrition. Nasty. I caught myself using a bastardized mantra from IMAZ, “Frontside fast side, backside strong side” which morphed into “Out bound, throw down; In bound, get down.” whenever I was tempted to chase or draft.
A word on drafting: it’s illegal in Ironman races. BUT! By slipping into the draft zone of somebody passing faster than you are passing then letting them go, you can save energy and still stay within the letter and spirit of the rule. That said, 12 meters = 6ish bike lengths so don’t be the fucko that lingers.
Repeated that song and dance inbound on both loops. It’s a terrible thing when you can’t stay in aero-position because you gotta pee but can’t pee because the wind stuffs any momentum you need to keep your leg straight long enough to break the seal. But it WILL keep you legal.
For you data geeks: Normalized Power was 197 but I AVERAGED 20 m.p.h.
Another notable: the bone-shaking chip-seal they use to pave most New Zealand roads. It just rattled my whole rig from pedals to fingertips to helmet. That shit literally rattled my Torpedo bottle right out from between my aero-bars about halfway through. I’d already taken in the nutrition so I left it (apologies to all the Tidy Kiwis and the whole leave-it-like-you-found-it philosophy) and just held fresh bottles in with my thumbs as needed.
T2 (4:13)
Efficient but could have been a tad quicker. At this point in the race, I was on plan, feeling good and ready to attack the run. Nutrition was on point. Legs were solid, stomach was a non-issue and weather conditions were near ideal. Sunny and delightful low 70s. I was actually looking forward to Run Special Needs where I’d planted a fresh shirt and an extra bottle of nutrition.
Run (4:36 aka: avg 10:39/mi)
I went sub-4 hours in Louisville under raining mid-40 degree conditions. If I could have just matched that, I’d have delivered a juicy PR of under 11 hours.
It seemed reasonable that flat IM-LOU shitstorm would vaguely equate to hilly IM-NZ sunny delight, yes? 
That three loop run over what my training bro Andrew T. would call offensive hills was having none of that nonsense. Turns out, I was woefully undertrained. My legs were just not up to the second and third loop of hills, despite biking to plan, executing nutrition properly, and taking the first loop at a very easy RPE.
In past reports I’ve shared some of the actual mental chatter that runs through my head but in this case none of my mantras were very interesting or helpful. What I have learned to do when I’m truly falling apart is to reinvest in technique. Focus on the extremely immediate present, which I used to counter punch one particularly angry and persistent neg that I just couldn’t shake. See if you can pick it out of the following scientifically gathered brainwave transcription:
On a slightly more-vulnerable note, I will share this: typically, a few tears leak out at special needs. Hormones? Pain? Mental breakdown/relief that the marathon is half over? All of the above, probably. Just a few moments of a grown man losing it. (Do NOT watch Ricky Gervais’ After Life while jet lagged. But DO watch it. Amazing. Shut up. Don’t judge my process.)
Anyway, I was all business during the Special Needs of this run but lost it right after a particularly steep descend where some guardian bros had set up an “unofficial aid station” consisting of Red Bull, handles of vodka, and liters of Jaegermeister. A runner just ahead of me had grabbed something off their card table and their robust cheering were suddenly horrific screams warning him off of chugging it. I was just tickled and toasted at the same time and it all came gushing out. Just all kinds of quads burning gasping ugly face craughing (learned that word from a tweet praising After Life, btw). Of course my male ego would NEVER allow me to overly express vulnerability in front of the drunken bros, thoughtful though they were. So I kept running. A woman running along side me kindly asked if I was okay, I said, “Oh...yeah...this...just happens,” between gulping breaths, “The good...news...is...it’s much...later...than usual.” Which cracked her up, so... y’know, pay it forward.
After slogging my way through the third loop, and making my way through the finishing chute, where the normally incomparable Mike Reilly butchered my last name, I was told that I’d been on the leaderboard during the bike and immediately fell off during the run.
So even though I did not over-bike, I did under-train. Plus, I did not need to go directly to Medical in shock, which suggests that my race plan, nutrition strategy and execution was pretty spot on. IMAZ was a PR of 11:19 and IMNZ was 11:33.
As with prior races, IMNZ yielded some incremental improvements. As I said at the top, this was a mature result, with which I am unsatisfied. I haven't yet done my best race. I haven’t yet DONE MY BEST. There is clearly opportunity for improvements to all five aspects of my racing:
Swim was well executed. Still room for growth.
Bike was properly executed. Adequate. If anything, I could have pushed more.
Run. Ugh. Time to throw myself into Runner’s World and CARA and make like Forrest Gump and Prefontaine and Mo. Also, back to Hokas. Or maybe Altras. The Brooks I ran in were farts. The blisters on my toes had blisters. Not kidding.
Fuel strategy and execution was on point, although I was a few kilos heavier than previous races. Holidays and too few resistance training sessions.
Transitions were adequate.
Am I one of the guys at the pointy end of the bell curve? Clearly still yes. Maybe I’ve just evolved beyond a standard group training plan. Self-Coach? I’ve got the credentials and experience. Back to a previous coach? Maybe a new coach? I’d take some applications. Yes.
In the meantime, I’ll see you in Chattanooga for some 70.3 action in May, 2019. That’s only two build cycles. Ima go noodle around in TrainingPeaks.
Bernie McNally is one of those people I am just glad to have in my life. This race report would be wholly inadequate if I didn't share how this amazing woman is absolutely unstoppable.
First, she got everybody who trained for New Zealand (at Well-Fit) a fleece.
I forgot to mention she broke her ribs in a bike accident a few months ago.
Then, in what can only be described as the luck of the Irish, she charmed her way into the “New Zealand Experience” haka class. Just showed up and got in. Turns out one of the women selected didn’t show up. Classic.
Here’s the unstoppable part: at around Mile 110 of the New Zealand Full fucking Ironman race, she hit a cone and went over her bike handle bars. Road rash up her arm, split her knee open and cracked her head/helmet on a curb. A bystander said, “Do you need some help? I’m calling an ambulance.”
Her reply?
“Just help me get my chain back on.”
So he did. And she finished the bike. The medics in T2 told her she needed stitches.  She said she didn’t have time, to just patch her up so she could get on with it. She finished the race with half an hour to spare. Words fail.
All I know is this: whenever I’m feeling like I can’t get it done--and it can be anything from driving in traffic to folding laundry to a holding pace on a long run--I know exactly what I’ll hear. 
A thick, sassy, Irish brogue doing the haka.
I’m very grateful to my lovely wife Susan and my wonderful kids, Peter and Veronica for their support. Susan, you are my salvation.
I’m grateful to have the expert professionals Coach Russ and Coach Sharone and the entire Well-Fit staff and athletes who generously share their wisdom.
I’m grateful to my inspiring and impressive training partners. Especially the seven hardcore savages that got it done in New Zealand--Adam, Christine, Dan, Kelly, Megan, Mike, Will and Bernie.
I’m very grateful to anybody willing to excuse my terrible smell, deplorable language and barbaric sounds during training.
Maximum gratitude to Well-Fit, Get-A-Grip, Fleet Feet and all the pools I use.
I’m grateful for Crushing Iron (C26), Matt Fitzgerald, Joe Friel, Training Peaks, Scott brand bikes, Apple, Ironman.
Thank you to all the on-course maniacs cheering and making signs and wearing all sorts of crazy outfits to show love and support. For strangers exercising.
I’m grateful that I’m able to race triathlons. I’m grateful to you for reading.
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userkay · 2 years
Can I just
i need to stop going back
just in my head so i vent here
[every trigger warning in the book]
lets go
Uk was great
I started to become a person
Not a gnarled up robot
Was admin for Christian Union for a year
turned out they were weirdly sexist
Marched in pride
Figured out what i thought i wanted to do
Kinda didn’t totally hate myself
Well sometimes shit sucked
Wrecked my ankle in the first week
cobblestones are a safety hazard
they really need ankle insurance
went to the gp
they don’t have xrays
went to a&e
(oh btw with £100 in my pocket down fast on taxis)
supposedly not broken but like
Got strep the next day
Back to the gp
Sick for two weeks and the flat started
calling me ghost
That was a time
And third year when mushrooms started
growing on the ceiling in the bathroom
Had to move out
House hunted by myself
Housemates were out of town
House offer fell through
Got really sick
Don’t breathe in mushroom spores
Got into our new place
A couple weeks before hand in
Ya that didn’t go well
And then
idk when
post move
pre quarantine
Let’s go with
I got taken advantage of by a “friend”
Got turned down on a job opportunity
Hooked up with someone to “erase it”
Boom, covid
Like, immediately, that’s why that hookup ghosted
Oh well
Supposed to stay in the uk for my Masters Degree
Had that ripped out from under me
By the university
That i WORKED for
Two weeks before my lease let up
Packed up my shit
Found a storage unit
Organised international shipping
thank God for local friends
Fled the country lol jk not really but basically
(one plus, travel ban let up in time 🤦‍♀️)
Enter: Kentucky
Enter: My parents
Could be worse
Survived them before, right?
Ya well try in a red state
Where I know ✨no one✨
Other than their friends
And burnt out
Decided to stay through the holidays
jobs weren’t moving anyway
Christmas passes
Mid January mom nopes out
Didn’t leave
Thought my dad was gonna go next
He was drinking into disaster
it was scary
So i stayed
He was drunk through my birthday
Still stayed
But threw all the alcohol away
Then my aderall prescription got yeeted
lost my SHIT
Last person i was vaguely irritated at took full force
Got out of Kentucky for a while
Started to recover
Had to go back to Kentucky
Worked for a little
That was a hot mess
Not my fault, management made zero sense
Bad timing
Back at home
Dad was sober
Minus grass and nicotine
So i didn’t say anything to him about it
But it was a lot
Got back on aderall
i mean
I tried
But i had no one
Except him
And i was exhausted
Am exhausted
So then he starts to loose it
Get to be impossible
So i lost it a couple times
Not crazy lost it
Not like with the soot stuff
But screamed
Slammed a couple doors
broke a wall
(That was an accident, thing hanging on the door handle flung off and hit the wall 😞)
Then he lost it worse
So i slept with that bat
Lights on
Door locked
Then the cops came
So he was gone for 72 hours
So i packed fast
Got the pets handled
Got my route plotted
Left before he could get me
Not that he was angry yet
Still manic
Got to California
Cats hq falls through because im not boosted
So i had to find a new place for her
Then the internet thinks im a racist
When honestly
I was just in fight or flight mode
and ya i didn’t hear myself
or think through what the fuck i was saying
nearly enough
But i was terrified
And exhausted
And used to fighting really really hard
it was hard to turn that off
but they accused me of doing nothing?
where’ve i been?
why haven’t i done a hundred things more?
it’s not that i didn’t care
i was just busy trying to survive
am, i guess
fuck im reading through this and im still missing stuff
Oh btw went to the ER on the 28th with a kidney infection ✌️😜
0 notes
aoimori · 8 years
02.26.2017 MERRY Morning Live @ Holiday Shinjuku
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So Merry had a morning show in Shinjuku. Doors at 7:30am, show at 8:00am. (They also had a fanclub only show that night too, report is over here)   As you can probably imagine, it was incredible and just such a Merry thing to experience. Here is my report including VIDEO EVIDENCE of a little something called radio calisthenics with Gara.
I’m amazed that this even happened. But I guess if anyone is going to do a show at 8am, it’s Merry. They actually started a little late but I had a feeling they would lol. It was an interesting feeling standing outside of this tiny tiny venue so early in the morning, in Kabukicho, with a bunch of other fans. I loved it 
Before the show started they were playing rain sounds with their own rain-themed songs mixed in. Reminded me of Shinjuku Blues! 
I was in front of Yuu for this show, started about 5 rows back and ended up in 3rd.
While we were waiting there was suddenly an announcement over the speakers. Small venues like this generally don’t play that generic pre-performance announcement (honjitsu wa) that lists the rules of the venue etc. So it wasn’t that. It was Gara. 
He very politely told us that we were going to do rajio taisou (radio calisthenics - the kind that old people do in the park in the morning lol). He asked if we had a little bit of space to move around in, with mixed responses, so he said even if you don’t have space it’s okay lol. Today’s calisthenics will be led by… Super Merrys’ MAMURASAKI (aka Gara)
So Gara/Mamurasaku comes out wearing his Tenga shirt and rabbit head mask, the music/instructions come on, and we all followed his lead and did calisthenics together at like 8am in a tiny livehouse in Kabukicho…
There’s actually video of all of this (looks like it was livestreamed) so I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you all watch it and have this experience. It was wild. I laughed so much lol. We actually tried our best to follow him!!
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THIS VIDEO: https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/835628885647597568
Please enjoy his antics
After he walked off stage he got back on the announcements and asked us to wait a liiittle while longer
SE: Merry March Oriental BL Circus Charlie TOP
Lost generation Atama ga zakuro Zetsubou Jiishiki kajougata deku ningen Tick tack Heijitsu no onna Kasa to ame stupidxcupid Carnival Japanese modernist Chiyodasen democracy
Encore Touzasareta rakuen Happy life Violet harenchi Kasa to ame (acoustic)
THIS SHOW !!!!!!
I thought that since this was a morning show that they would either A) do calmer songs/acoustics or B) go abnormally hard.  
After the SE they immediately came on stage and exploded into Oriental BL Circus. Clearly B was the correct prediction lol
Yuu looked REALLY CUTE. He had his hair styled all crazy to look like bedhead and had heavy black makeup under his eyes to look like he had extreme dark circles from not sleeping. He walked out with this big grin like he was proud of his look
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(from his twitter)
Oriental BL Circus is always really fun and I love the call and response parts in the beginning (I finally learned all the words HA) But it was also a REALLY EXTREME way to start a show in the morning – Gara and Yuu yelling, all of us yelling back lol
I GOT TO HEAR CHARLIE LIVE!!! AAA!!! It’s so so so so so fun and super high energy from start to finish. And so is TOP!! Seriously this show was HYPEEE from the very beginning.
Thennnn atama ga zakuro is actually the first Merry song I ever heard and TO THINK I GOT TO HEAR IT LIVE!?
Also lord help me all I did was watch Gara perform this song and I feel full of sin. Actually during this entire show he was a little nastier than usual lol. Putting his mic between his legs multiple times and enjoying himself, having REAL QUALITY MOMENTS up against his mic stand… he is committed to realism tbqh. IS THIS HOW YOU ARE IN THE MORNING ? ? ? 
ANYWAY. I also got to hear Tick Tack for the first time!! What an old song!! It’s so nice live, everyone was swaying back and forth. And I’m going to love Heijitsu no onna until the day I die, so. You can probably guess what I have to say about that. Gara putting on lipstick and rubbing it off with the back of his hand with the saddest smile…
I just wanna say right now that I LOVE KASA TO AME. If for some reason you haven’t listened to it, please go do it right now. Both versions are great. I own 5 copies of this single. Listen to it. Buy it. LOVE IT.
I forgot my towel for the morning show so I had to participate in Carnival without one for the first time!! Carnival, Japanese modernist and Chiyodasen are ALWAYS fun though. They just kept hitting us with JAMS.
During one song (don’t remember which) when Yuu had a speaking part he ended up just making comments about the show instead of following the lyrics, it was pretty funny lol
I love Touzasareta rakuen live. The vibe is just so good? Gara said something about this being an older song but it has the kind of energy they want to have as they work toward Hibiya Yaon
And then Happy life gets me EVERY TIME. Gara sang the last line without his mic. I’m always really impressed by how he expresses such raw emotion. He just puts it ALL out there as strongly as he physically can, every time. He had the biggest smile right after this song. Like really genuine. Have I mentioned... that I love this band...??
During Violet harenchi Gara and Yuu were back to back in the center of the stage!!! Yuu was in the center and Gara saw him and immediately rushed over. Yuu also likes to go sit on Gara’s desk lol. Later Tetsu was standing in front of me on a monitor and Yuu came over and was standing against his leg and it was REALLY CUTE. Tetsu is an actual mountain btw
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(from gara’s blog)
Gara and Yuu both said good morning to us a few times (and said wow, saying good morning at a live house feels good huh…)
Gara asked each member what they did the night before...
Nero: so worried that he’d oversleep and get a call from the band on stage asking where he was that he could barely sleep at all
Tetsu: eating meat (this is all he said lol, at first Gara didn’t understand him)
Kenichi: Hesitant to answer, but… said he went to Mankitsu (a manga café?) Gara asked what he was reading and Kenichi was just silent… so Gara asked AGAIN and Kenichi still said nothing LOL
Yuu: Nothing out of the ordinary. He went home, then took the first train in the morning to the venue. Gara said he was sorry he asked
Gara: Didn’t sleep at all because if he slept and then woke up in the morning before the show his voice wouldn’t be in good condition.  He said he actually went home the night before just… never slept lol . ((He posted on his blog about eating mcdonalds actually... but are any of us really surprised by this??))
He made an extended bandoman joke that continued into the next show... something about introducing himself as “bandoman A” from a tabloid story about a celebrity having an affair. But then said instead of having an affair he actually wants to be served by blonde foreign women... and if the tabloids come to him for an interview, he’ll tell everything.
I feel like I missed something here lol but he said he’d better stop talking about this because there were foreigners in the audience (me?? the most blonde foreigner of all?? lol) 
The singing MC was set to the beginning of Kasa to ame (it used to be heijitsu no onna). So each member would start playing as Gara introduced them and did a really short mini solo. Merry has the best MCs.
Gara said that this morning live felt really good so if we liked it, please tweet them, and they’ll show the tweets to their company, and then maybe they can do more events like this. They are always trying to get us to promo them to someone lol
He also wants to do a 24 hour show. The rest of the band did not seem into this idea. He said everyone could have their own little space where they could sit or stand, bring a TV or something, leave and come back whenever they pleased, etc. The band would work in shifts sometimes so someone could sleep. Or go to the onsen. But Nero couldn’t come with them (tattoos) so he’d just have to watch while they rest of them relax. POOR NERO.
They were talking about where they’d be in 20 years? Gara said he’ll still be singing but he might need to sit down… and need someone to help hold him steady as he walked… and to whisper the lyrics in his ear, and tap him on the shoulder when a new song started lol. Yuu just called him an ojiichan
Gara turned the page of his setlist with his foot and it was cute
Between songs Gara said all of us that came to a show this early in the morning must be ACTUALLY crazy. TRUE. During an MC he also told us that we all must be a little atama ga okashii nee… crazy/touched in the head lol. ALSO TRUE.
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The band had a dokudoku campaign for this tour. The idea was to create more Merry chuudokusha (addicts) so at each show a certain member was tasked with doing something fun. Giving things away, taking pictures with fans, etc. Gara was in charge of this show.
He gave away his tenga shirt (signed) which he had also worn during the radio taisou spectacle. He was giving it away on behalf of Mamurasaki, of course.
So before the encore he came on stage and said it was dokudoku time, but then found out that the staff still hadn’t collected all the ticket stubs for him to choose one winner from. So he stalled for a while and just talked about random stuff, asked us if we had any questions, and then would occasionally look back to the staff and be like STILL??? STILL NOTHING? Awkward and angry and adorable lol
One of his topics of conversation was his tenga shirt. He read it out loud and explained it lol. He also said that he received an egg type one from a fan for Valentines day, but he still hasn’t used it. He’s thinking about using it in March for White Day…
Eventually staff brought an envelope to him and he chose a winner. While he was looking at the stubs he said these aren’t all Core tickets… they’re not Core tickets~ in this cute irritated singsong voice lol. Anyway he picked one stub and gave away the shirt. Then he gave away the paper Mamurasaki signed (he said it looked like Mamurasaki had written “iwai/celebrate” wrong and crossed it out and wrote it again… and now it looks like it says “Nero”).
Since he didn’t have a photo to give away too, he decided to do something special. So he turned around and went to find his lipstick that he uses during Heijitsu no onna, came back to the front and put some on. And then kissed the paper. And then chose someone to give it to. He understands a fan’s heart so well…
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After the show I was watching all the members throwing things to the crowd. I think I was watching Gara in the center of the stage when I decided to turn around and face forward again and SUDDEN TETSU RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!! He was standing up on one of the monitors looking down at us. HE IS HUGE. SUCH A TOWERING MOUNTAIN!! But so kind lol
Gara was standing on a monitor and then jumped up to his desk and did the LONGEST HEADSTAND + FOOT CLAPPING COMBO I HAVE EVER SEEN. He was up there FOREVER. We were all watching and clapping but then gradually starting to think like… Gara… Gara are you okay… GET DOWN FROM THERE GARA!!!
He was SO INTO this entire show lol. The mood was SO good. Maybe the band + the fans were kind of overcompensating for the fact that it was such a strange hour, but we all went REAL HARD.
I then left the show not knowing what time it was, went to Starbucks for breakfast (apparently Gara handed out sandwiches!! But I didn’t know / didn’t see anything even though I waited in the venue for a long time), then went to Shimokita where I spent the rest of the day until the CORE SHOW. Which was really fun, but then turned emotional...
I will never forget this show though 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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