#btw my bday went pretty well
akaakeis · 1 month
hi sav !! 2, 15 and 21 for your ask game !! i wanna make sure you’re drinking enough water AND eating enough!! make sure to eat and take care of yourself <33333 i hope your day was great(and you can totally talk about it to me if you’d like!!)
aaa hi dear!! so happy to see u in my inbox <3 i think u double sent this ask so ill just reply to this one !!
2 - Show or talk about your most recent work of art? (Does not have to be a drawing or painting. Anything counts.)
ooo i would say my most recent work of art is this oikawa oneshot !! im definitely proud of it :) i was gonna talk about and show a recent drawing but since anything counts.. this is the most recent <3
15 - Have you drank a liquid recently? (If not, find something to drink!)
YES I HAVE!! i have a drink from the airport its a kiwi strawberry vitamin water thingy and ITS SO GOOD I LOVE IT SM??? DONT FORGET TO DRINK SOMETHING AS WELL SAE
21 - Something you are excited for?
aaa i don't have anything that im particularly excited for at the moment! OH im excited for this hoodie that i ordered to arrive tho!! it's a tour hoodie for niki- shes one of my fav music artists! <3
...also since u offered 😼 my day was really weird idk? let me give u a rundown!! so picture me staying up until like 4 am for my cousin's bday party screaming karaoke, dancing, having pillow fights, giving a speech... all that... i was so so so tired bro omg. when i gave my speech i cried so yeah and i also lost my voice during karaoke since we were singing bruno mars a lot 😭 BUT THAT WAS ALL YESTERDAY FOR ME ONTO TODAY!! when i wake up im exhausted im dazed and confused fr AND MY THROAT HURTS!!!
so i get out of bed and we have guests over (i was sleeping over at my cousins house btw) and theres this one woman w a daughter my age- she's super friendly and she really likes me idk 😭 she sees me and she keeps lightly pushing and tapping my shoulders and like... putting a hand on my knee? as she talks to me? one thing about me, im not the fondest of physical touch unless i initiate it so that was super duper uncomfortable blergh
BUT AFTER THAT I HEADED TO MY AUNTS HOUSE BC WE HELD THE PARTY LAST NIGJT THERE so we went over to clean up!! it was pretty smooth and i was listening to an audiobook as i cleaned bc i had to read some chapters for homework!! so that was kinda nice!! and then after cleaning up i had to go to the airport
AND AT THE AIRPORT IT WAS SO BAD SAE IT WAS SO BAD IM NOT JOKING so as u already know im 15, a MINOR!! so im flying w my mom and we go to the security checkpoints and the officers keep telling me to go ON MY OWN through a checkpoint (which i cant do, because i dont own an identification badge?? idk why they were trying to make me) so my mom had to go through arguing w an officer who was saying i could do it even though im a minor... but we got through fine after that!! THEN AFTER THAT WE WERE WAITING TO BOARD BUT THEY NEVER ANNOUNCED BOARDING?? anyway we were last call and this one flight attendant was pretty rude to us (presumably bc we were last) and was just generally giving us a hard time so that was annoying... BUT IM BACK HOME NOW!! yap session over
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Hii I hope you don’t mind me jumping on the advice train :)
I’m 26, a bi girl. The past year my dad introduced the woman he was dating to me as they’d get married. She has a couple siblings and the one we care about in this story is her brother. Decades ago when her brother was 30ish he married a woman (we’ll call her R) and had a daughter.. they divorced when the girl was a toddler but they’re cool with each other, no grudges etc. He now plans to marry the woman he met and R married a couple years ago with a man and had another two kids. So this is the background info.
Since my dad was planning to marry, his wife to be invited all the women to her bachelorette party and I went too. So that’s when I met R. (I had met her daughter before, she’s 20 btw and she’s 44). At first, I was like ooookay she’s pretty, and mind you I never was into older people, but there was something about her. When we had our first proper conversation she was really open, telling me all sorts of things of when she was young, how she’s cool with her ex’s new woman.. and i really started to admire her cause that’s a rare mindset.
I had then seen her another time which is uneventful but the third time I saw her was at the wedding. I couldn’t help but comment how pretty she looked and I think maybe I gave myself away by doing that because 1. If I was the type to praise in the ‘being a girl way’ all women’s looks why did I only compliment her xdd and 2. You don’t really feel that comfortable complimenting someone in their face if you’ve only seen them three times in your life..unless you’re interested in them right?XD Well later when we were at the dinner party a couple things proceeded to happen.
The dinner party was huge. Each family would be sat at different tables and she wasn’t sat in ours but when the music was playing and everyone was dancing she passed by our table for a little chat with me (I was sitting there lowkey bored). She said she’s going out to smoke and she’d love to chat but the music is loud but she’ll come by later. And so she did. Half an hour passed and she came and sat in our table, next to me. Jejjdjdjdjjdjd
She looked pretty and I couldn’t comprehend that this woman liked me so much as a person that she came and sat to chat with me so I had a lil gay panic. Keep in mind I’m usually shy and girls intimidate me so me being so expressive and flirty with her is really something that comes out on its own and i really need to control lol. So I really really tried to control the urge to flirt with her and would purposely focus on other things around the venue lmao. I offered her my drink but she had hers. Then happy bday song was playing for someone and I asked her her bday and she proceeded to tell me her sign lmaooo like the effort I had to put in order to avoid saying ‘Cool we match’ jsjsjsj it was crazy. But see I think she knew I like her otherwise why would she add her sign? She knew what I was up to.
And then, then what does she do. Out of nowhere, for no reason, she places her hand and grabs my knee.. I was wearing a skirt. On the part of my knee I spilled some water before she came which didn’t dry up so obviously when she put her hand there she felt it and I placed my hand on top of her hand and said ‘sorry that’s just water’. (Okay placing my hand on hers was also on purpose). But then what does she do??? Instead of removing her hand completely, she pulls up that part of my skirt that got wet, and places her hand on my knee again!!! Gay panic mode activated. I was desperately looking for a distraction in order to avoid my reaction but honestly what is that??? What does that even mean when you read it? It can’t be anything other than a flirt move. I mean, placing your hand on someone out of sympathy or because you like the person is one thing but grabbing their knee? And not just that, but pulling their skirt up and grabbing their knee again?? Like ‘I don’t care if you wet your skirt I’ll put my hand on your knee either way’ this is sending meeee
I couldn’t stop thinking about that the whole night and I really really did not want to react because 1. What if I’m reading things wrong (even though I don’t understand what else that move meant) and 2. This is a woman who has kids and a husband. And 3. The other option is she had suspicions I like her and was testing me but why would she go to such lengths and not just ignore it
So fast forward a couple of days which were mostly spent by me daydreaming about her, I saw her for a fourth time when I suggested she brings her daughter to my dad’s place so we play card games. I knew R would drive her there so I prepared myself to figure out if her move that night was something I misunderstood or if it really was something. So I decided, since I could not be verbally expressive in that context, to notice her body language.
And I noticed that while I was hugging my dad’s wife R did not break eye contact with me and smiled. Then when we all sat inside she’d be the one to turn to me and involve me in the conversation and she would tell jokes and directly look at me to make me laugh. So then, when she was about to leave and started walking towards the door, I purposely joked ‘no don’t leave us with them’ and observed her body language. Instead of standing there and going ‘but I have to take the kids home blah blah’ like any 40y old mother would, she smiled and walked towards me and just stood by my side hearing them all reply to my lame joke.
Like idk maybe she’s like this in general or maybe I’m overthinking but I really cannot label her knee move other than a flirty move and then my observation experiment gives away that she is indeed interested in me and it doesn’t prove that it’s romantically but at least it’s something
It’s been weeks since the last time we met cause obviously it needs to be a specific occasion but honestly I never thought I’d be in a place to have a crush over a milf and she has kids and I would love if she had an open relationship with her husband or if she didn’t mind a fling but I honestly don’t wanna hurt her family. I think the safest way is to wait for more opportunities which would show she feels the same way and just choose to daydream rather act on it. But I honestly can’t control my words when she’s around. It’s not even that she’s super hot, it’s just her energy draws me in.
I’m so sorry this is so long I hope you found it entertaining at least. Sending loveee
hi! i'd be happy to give you advice, so i absolutely don't mind you jumping on the advice train haha. first of all, i'd like to say that i completely understand why you would find yourself attracted to her because she definitely seems to have an aura that can pull you in. also, given everything that you've told me, it does seem that she's been flirting with you a little bit... whether it's intentional or not, it's hard to tell, and the fact that she has a family only complicates things. i think that the only way of figuring out what her true feelings towards you are is by talking to her about it. i know that might seem a bit scary, but in my opinion, having a conversation about it is better than guessing.
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shortnsweetgf · 2 months
i feel you may be getting more than you bargained for
im poly btw. t4t etc etc etc whatever. anyways. up until yesterday i had two gf’s, one who was ldr and the other who’s my roommate’s sister. literally broke up with the first one last night bc poly stuff wasn’t working for her which is hence why i asked this other person to make me a drink, and she knows why bc she went how are youuuu and i was so tired and i’m like hm. i don’t know her well enough to be honest and thought about it for way too long so i was just silent for like a minute and then laughed and went im fineeee and she was like THAT was a response. n then i was blushing bc fuck she’s CUTE. like damn im over here trying to be normal. the amount of times i’ve sat in this kitchen looking at someone with heart eyes while my roommate is semi oblivious is embarrassing. anyways. like i said. best behavior. im leaving them be. plus i have work tomorrow
housing situation is a whole mess of its own but, my roommate’s sister isn’t *actually* his sister, she’s found family but they consider each other that. when i first met her she was wearing like tight leggings and a crop top and i was trying so so hard but i was looking and she said since seeing me she had already decided she’d be down if i was. roommate had a bday party and we ended up talking more and cuddling and yeahhhh. it was pretty great tbh. she’s so sos so so so cool (she’s also like 8 years older than me but that’s besides the point) and so nice and she drives a lime green motorcycle and i’ve ridden on the back of it and tbh it wasn’t as scary as i thought it was gonna be! i trust her. anyways she’s picking me up from work tomorrow and we’re going to this arcade bar that i’ve never been to with her friends and i’m nervous bc i haven’t met her friends, it is still a work night, night stuff isn’t always my scene and i still need to get my new loops. but anyways being with her is like hella new, like, maybe a little over a week and given things with the last person i told her i want to take things slow (ish) given how we started and it seems like we’re on the same page. so a lot going thru my head rn.
one, heartbreak bc literally last night and. OH FUCK. OH FICK FUCODJDJDJ okay. so. call me an asshole if u want but we broke up over text which is a whole thing and i apologized for it bc i should’ve waited. but she kept wanting like. like complete and total resolution and i didn’t want to lie to her. anyways i felt like i should resolve this more so i said we could call tn and i totally. fucking. forgot. gonna kms it’s way too late now, tf am i supposed to say to her. i was dreading that phone call but now i’m kicking myself im sitting here like half tipsy and a little giddy and FUCk
OH THIS GOT WILDER im not sober enough to know jow to answer yoh rn but good luck bestie i hope everything works out 😭
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girlievirtual · 3 months
some thoughts on being kind to myself
i had such a great weekend :) on saturday i went clubbing with some friends, then on sunday it was my brother's bday, so i got to hang out with my family; and later i had some friends over for dinner and they stayed until like 2 am, i had such fun 🫶
but sunday was a day where i didn't study for any of my exams, where i ate junk food for the first time since starting to pay attention to eating healthy, and where i didn't sleep at all so today (national holiday btw) i lost my alarm and woke up at midday. today was the day where i was meant to "get back on track" but sleeping in really made me feel like i wasn't going to be able to deal with everything that i "had to" do today (studying, working out, meal planning etc).
on days like these i struggle a lot with not being harsh to myself, so today was a HARD self esteem day. i planned on restricting heavily for this week bc of having bday cake yesterday, and don't do anything besides studying and working out (of course no time for relaxing, meditating, working on hobbies). but after all it's important to acknowledge that the key for a better life is balance, and having a weekend where i prioritize having fun and enjoying my social life is also an important part of my journey.
the pinterest-green juices-pink pilates princess-academic weapon image of wellness that we all have is great but health is not only that: doing anything that makes me feel good is an act of wellness.
and getting back on track really seemed impossible as soon as i woke up but then i noticed that, because of trying to organise myself during the week, i was pretty ahead on my studies, and i could make some space for walking in the park which is, not only a great exercise, but also a relaxing and fun activity that i enjoy. so literally nothing is lost 💗
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kyuuxmizu · 11 months
Pics from my 2nd and 3rd visit to the Gintama x Prince Hotel Restaurant Collab 🥰
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For my 2nd visit, I celebrated Gin-chan's bday XD Btw, they changed the 順番 of the BIG acrylic stands.. I wonder why? XD
I ordered Kagura-chan's oyakodon, Shinpachi's drink, and Gin-chan's special birthday cake 🎂🥰
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Third time I went with a friend (after lining up for and purchasing the Donki goods lol) we reserved the private tatami room ☺️
I ordered the Shinsengumi platter, Sougo ginger ale, and Gin-chan parfait. 🥰
Shinsengumi platter was so tiny (it was also something that I could cook by myself tbh)
I honestly preferred the Yorozuya cha-han I ordered (while being expensive as well) during my 1st visit...
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Everything in this collab is so expensive tbh. Food portions were small but prices ranged from 2000-3000JPY 😓 the Gin-chan birthday cake was 3000JPY; it was tiny and just full of icing 😨
(Out of all the Gintama cafe/food collabs I've gone to, I would say Capcom cafes collabs were the best, especially the 2nd one during the end of 2021~)
The ambiance is good tho and the BIG acrylic stands are a sight to behold -i want to steal one of the Gin-chans- Also the merch are pretty affordable XD
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Oh yeah, about the Don Quijote merch, they started selling those on Oct 14 10:00. By 10:30, most of the goods got sold out already, it was insane 🤣🤣 (I lined up like around 9:50 I was already 14th in line... O.O) I really wanted the chibi acrylics 😭😭😭
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Anyway, good thing all of the products are up for post event mail order, so I can still get the chibi ones!!
Mail order link at Medicos: https://medicos-e-shop.net/products/list?category_id=1102&pageno=1
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obxsprincess · 7 months
heyy girl, how are u? i know ive been kinda missing but i might need your advice on something bc im very confused and unsure (and my friends are being kind of unhelpful bitches lol
So, im in college right? and theres a lot of fraternities around, and I met this guy, a friend of a friend, and he lives in a fraternity.
So far so good right? We kinda flirted with each other for a few days until a party last night where we finally hooked up (i was drunk but everyone said it was pretty hot :)) but i had to leave bc my roomate was very sick so i never got to talk to him abt anything else basically. And my friend said tomorrow they'll have a small party to celebrate a bday on that fraternity, and everyone keeps saying i should lose my virginity to this guy (ik shocking im a virgin), but the thing people dont understand is that i get attached very quickly and to me our kiss basically locked in, so im kinda nervous ill get attached and he wouldnt want anything serious w me
Reading it back it feels kinda dumb but specially for people on campus and SPECIALLY on fraternities is very rare for u to get kinda together w someone so quick, so I DUNNO WHAT TO DO
- 💋
hiii babes, ofc ofc im always here to help!! and remember not even my opinion should persuade you into anything, cus I can only go off of my own experiences with virignity loss and hook ups 💞 but I hope my insights helpful!!
I lost my virginity at 16 back in high school (a long time ago and not at all saying ur guy is like this ! cus he probably isnt! especially cus hes an adult so I hope to fucking hell he isn’t) and it definitely happened very fast and quick, texted for a few days, made out, and then met up to have sex. in summary it ended with my nudes being leaked around the school and almost a felony on my name (for sending them?) but the thing ive took out of it (and only reason for the story, im srry cus I was so young so it might seem weird to include) n held close is to remember trust is one of the most important parts of sex really! because your putting your pleasure and body into someone elses hands, but also your emotional trust because sex is so much more than just getting physical for a few minutes, and its important to remember that the lingering thoughts shouldn’t ever be negative, or the guy broke the trust you put in him. truly the after sex reaction is just as important as being taken care of during. in my experience, because I didnt know the guy well, I went into it blind not knowing what I total asshole he was.
and trust, in my eyes, means knowing you’ll be treated right afterwards no matter what, even without a relationship basic aftercare if the bare minimum. and to me it doesn’t seem like you are convinced he’ll do that for you ! so pls pls be careful 💞 who knows ! he might be an amazing guy but if you arnt ready to take that step yet, don’t ! because the good ones are always willing to wait. I would say text him/talk to him in person if you have to too. because and I’m hoping not but you never know, his and your friends might have ‘talked’, and sex might be on his mind too. so if you feel comfortable, get on the same page with him with whatever you decide angel !! you deserve to lose your virginity and be glowing afterwards, its so much better than regretting it 💗 whether u choose to get to know him better or lose your virginity to him, stay safe bby and use safety <3 (pls make sure to discuss possible STD history on his side too btw !)
hope this helped a little love, love you and never let anyone pressure you please, cus fuck that
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pawjamas · 1 year
BTW my wife and i went by this big plant nursery nearby where we live and it’s gorgeous, i got to briefly check out all the plants they had - they have EVERYTHING !!! anything you can think of, and they also have a butterfly garden/encounter experience that i went to with my best friend one time.
this time however i actually looked around the nursery at their plants, i’m mainly looking to get flowering plants and possibly some more succulents? also !!! there’s a kitty cat that lives at the nursery 🥺 they were so sweet they were a handsome black and white kitty with a big fluffy tail, my wife took a video of me petting them.
we did have to leave early with no plants gotten that time as i had a dr appointment, it was my first appt with my new PCP and she was pretty nice ! she recommended a neurologist to me for those fainting episodes i had late last month that sent me to the ER. i’m also going to be prescribed my meds by her now and all my meds will be Free which is still so surreal to me but so so great ;;;
also also (so much good stuff happened today haha) i finally found a good therapist office where i’ll be able to get therapy again !! they seem like a perfect fit overall, most of their staff seems to be well versed with ppl who deal with PTSD and autism which are my main concerns for getting therapy for, mainly just figuring out more healthy ways to deal with these disorders as they impact my functioning/daily life.
it’s been a very good day overall, very productive and just lots of progress being made to get care for my mental & physical health. i’m going to bed to get some rest before doing lots of stuff for my bday tomorrow :3 gnnn ❣️❣️
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linabirb · 1 year
HELLO LINA!! 6, 7, 12, 21 for the violence ask game please and ty!!
HI HI TARU thank you for sending these! (i'm going to get executed after this)
6. "which ship fans are the most annoying?"
twst: *sighs and gets closer to the mic and whispers* malleyuu.
no listen. fine. okay. i get it. it's like the most popular mc ship. maybe the most popular ship in general. but. can y'all stop acting like it's canon at least for a second. it's one thing when you just go "oh they're cute and i think it's possible for them to become canon!" but it's a completely different thing when you go "THIS SHIP IS OBVIOUSLY CANON AND IT WAS WRITTEN TO BE CANON AND ACTUALLY THIS WHOLE GAME IS ABOUT THEM". and i say that as someone who actually liked this ship when i first got into the game but then i started to realize that i enjoy other ships much more and listen to each their own but i genuinely hate how people make such a big deal out of EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION. yes call me a hypocrite because i act the same when it comes to my ships but at least i do it either with my friends or alone and i'm not actually trying to make other people feel bad about their ships or something. sure, i want to believe that most shippers don't have a "goal" like that, but sometimes.. it really does feel like a lot of those posts are just there to say "btw these two are canon and i won't let you forget it". and like?? so many people like to just make things up to make it seem like it really is the superior ship like remember how we talked about that one bday vignette line and i went through all the bday vignettes to show that mc saying malleus looked good in that outfit wasn't special and it wasn't them being especially nice to him and they complimented other guys too but some people went "SEE THIS IS PROOF THAT THEY'RE CANON". like sure, whatever, do what you want, but idk?? maybe don't claim that mc is giving him "special treatment" or something when it's not the case.
milgram: i don't think this fandom talks that much about ships, but even when some people do, i don't really mind? like idk i haven't really seen any people like that yet so yeah.
7. "what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?"
twst: HMMM this one is interesting because uhhh basically i started to hate pretty much all twst characters that i hate not bc of the fandom but simply because i don't like them? like i simply don't like those characters bc i either find them annoying, can't relate to them or i knew/know people like that irl and that makes me want to punch them even more. so yeah i don't think i have one! but if i already mentioned malleyuu. well. *gets closer to the mic again* malleus fans is this guy your uwu pure little soft baby or is this guy a cool powerful prince who doesn't even have to do anything because he's that cool. come on. come on yes i liked him too. yes i found him relatable too. but now i just really wanna say that. idk! maybe him not having any friends is kinda his fault! like this game tries so hard to make you feel bad for him it's embarrassing. it doesn't feel like a funny "haha get it he's based on maleficent" thing anymore. and i say that as someone who has anxiety and finds socializing extremely tiring and who doesn't have any irl friends. like sorry guys this is not your poor little meow meow and i am so tired of this fandom babying him and going "HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR" every time they see him. i'm not saying that finding him relatable is a bad thing bc i found him relatable too, but like. guys. please. again as someone who is also kind of a loner PLEASE. TALK TO PEOPLE. DON'T BE LIKE THIS MAN AND JUST GO "oh no nobody wants to talk to me :(" I KNOW HOW HARD IT CAN BE TRUST ME. i have so much more to say but i'll stop here bc sol's essay exists and it does a better job explaining it.
milgram: no characters here either bc i don't really have any character that i dislike or hate, like the worst thing that i can do is to just. not care about that character sjskslssdks and ngl. there's a lot of characters that i don't really care about
12. "the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them"
twst: *GRABS THE MIC* ONE DAY I WILL WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT WHY ROLLO UNIRONICALLY HAS MORE PERSONALITY THAN SOME "MAIN" CHARACTERS. listen. listen maybe it's just because i'm so tired of nrc characters that i need someone new. maybe. but the masquerade event really felt like a breath of fresh air and i will never shut up about it unless they make an event that is just as interesting. and twst has a lot of good events! ngl i actually kinda enjoy event stories more than the main story! but idk something about the masquerade is just. so. like they really gave us a whole new character (who is also voiced by hiroshi kamiya but also gets like two-three voicelines not counting the battle voicelines.), a whole new school, a whole new city, so much new lore, so much new worldbuilding-related stuff AND THEN JUST MOVED ON. I'M MANIFESTING PART 2 SO HARD. I WILL LITERALLY COME BACK TO WRITING FOR TWST JUST TO WRITE IT MYSELF IF WE DON'T GET ONE. (i'll be kinda ok with it if they make a halloween event that is just as fun but still..) but okay okay let me just. explain why i find this guy so interesting.
yes i also made fun of his design at first but now he's literally one of my fav characters to draw and not even bc i like him as a character. yes his outfit is extremely detailed and hard to draw but something about drawing it is so satisfying! also idk i love how tired and 😐 he looks bc dude same!! (i still don't know if he has dark circles or he wears eyeliner btw. i think he clearly has eyeliner in the trailer but in the actual game it's more like dark circles??)
i'm biased yes but the way he smiles is cute. like idk i think his smile is very soft :)
say what you want. say that he's manipulative because i agree this guy really did lie and really did betray everyone's trust, i'm not here to deny that, but i just want people to understand that this guy is not. like. as evil as they want to think he is. i'm not here to say that he's the kindest and most pure twst character or anything but i just want to say that if we don't count his goal and the way he tried to achieve it, it's clear that he really likes the city of flowers and he cares about it a lot, even if he's manipulative, he's very polite and nice to people, also based on what nbc students have said, he's a good student council president ("but he's just being manipulative-" AND SO WHAT?? BY BEING NICE (even if he's not sincere about it) HE'S ALREADY BETTER THAN MOST DORM LEADERS. RIDDLE (i say that as a huge riddle stan and apologist)?? LEONA?? AZUL (yes azul is also all nice and polite but let's be honest for a sec and admit that he's.. not really good at making it seem like he's not here for his goals or you know *mr.krabs' voice* FOR THE MONEY, basically it's obvious that he's not being honest, meanwhile with rollo, even if it's a lie, he actually makes people feel like he cares)?? NO SERIOUSLY I CAN GO ON JUST LOOK AT ALL THE DORM LEADERS except kalim. live laugh love kalim.
the fact that this guy is doing all the work, like taking care of the belltower, the gargoyles, etc, makes me cry every day. again, he really is doing more than some dorm leaders. and no, don't go "but (character name) did this thing once", like i'm pretty sure rollo does all those things every day.
listen. i'm gonna say it. when he was like "we should get rid of magic", i had that "the villain is kinda right" moment. because i'm sorry but twst is not really doing a great job at making us (or at least me personally) believe that magic can be good. like idk man. of course he should've done it differently, but i kinda think he was onto something. (wait oh no this sounds like a good fic idea-) i usually never agree with villains like that, but in this case.. idk, with all the overblots, people using their magic to do questionable things or to just be mean, etc..
have you seen me talk about T H E S C E N E on the server. wanna see me do that again. okay. AGAIN SAY WHAT YOU WANT. SAY THAT HE WAS GOING TO USE MC FOR SOMETHING. SAY THAT HE JUST HATES MAGIC USERS (which he does but that's not the point rn). BUT THAT ONE SCENE WHEN HE MEETS YUU SHOWS THAT HE'S ONE OF THE FEW CHARACTERS WHO ACTUALLY WENT "hey isn't that too much work for someone who's magicless" AND THAT'S ALREADY SOMETHING. i can say more but that will sound like i'm being biased (and i already sound like that) so i won't. NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I WANT ROLLO AND MC TO INTERACT AGAIN IN PART 2 SO BADLY. "oh yuu will just hate him" guess what. i've never said that i want their relationship to be all cute and soft. enemies to lovers IS GREAT.
a reminder that malleus himself acknowledged that this guy's magic is really strong and that he's very talented. HE SOMEHOW BROUGHT BACK THE FLOWERS THAT WENT EXTINCT. (again a good fic idea-)
i can say something about the nrc characters too but tbh all of them have a fanbase so i don't think i can say much. i could say something about the rsa characters and i love them but i'm gonna be honest.. they really should give us more rsa content. give me a whole rsa event. do it cowards.
milgram: again, all characters have their fans, so i can't say that anyone there is unpopular, but i still have some things to say. tbh i'm not.. a fan of how, like, some (or even most) people who like amane just like her because "well she's a cute child!! therefore she's pure and innocent and has never done anything wrong!!" yes this is coming from an inno voter and her biggest apologist and at first i really did like her bc she seemed cute, but after i listened to her vd, i ended up liking her even more because it's like.. idk, something about her behavior is so accurate. like, yes, she's a victim. yes, she's a child who was brainwashed and manipulated. but that doesn't mean she will go "oh noooo help me pleaseeeee :(" or anything, no, she will go "no, my god is always right and i've also never done anything wrong so i think you know what to vote me" AND THAT'S SO COOL. I LIKE CHARACTERS LIKE THAT I LIKE CHARACTERS WHO CLEARLY WENT THROUGH A LOT BUT THEY'RE NOT BEING EXACTLY SYMPATHETIC. and it makes me so sad to see some people ignoring those traits and turning her into a completely different character. thankfully i haven't seen that many people do that, but still, i remember watching her vd and seeing some people go "oh no i thought she was all cute but she's actually so annoying". like wow people really will stan any cute child character until they find out that child character has a personality and they're not as perfect as they imagined them to be. and that sucks. but also yeah i wish i could see more content with her! she definitely has her fans, but still..
also i have some things to say about yuno: she's definitely very popular, but i'm not a fan of the fact that some people like.. idk, it seems like some people like her just bc "oh well she confessed that her "crime" is abortion, soooo she's innocent and she's better than most characters there" like SHE'S SUCH A DEEP CHARACTER I CAN TALK ABOUT HER FOR HOURS. I LOVE HER NOT JUST BC OF HER PERSONALITY OR HER PINK AESTHETIC I ACTUALLY RELATE TO HER A LOT AND. I KNOW SHE MOST LIKELY WOULDN'T LIKE TO HEAR ME SAY IT BUT I LOVE HER AND SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY AND I'M NOT SAYING IT BECAUSE SHE'S "pure" OR "her crime isn't even a crime". i know she may seem like a "flat character" but i swear she's deeper than that. it may sound like i'm overthinking stuff but hey, overthinking stuff is this project's whole point.
21. "part of canon you think is overhyped"
twst: i'm gonna say it. main story is. kinda boring. like i couldn't care less about the updates or new chapters or anything, again, i'm more interested in the events. i get it, the whole point of the main story is overblots and the overblot gang's backstories, but tbh i got tired of it after like chapter 4. i get it, it's literally the main story, of course people will talk about it, but i just.. can't make myself care about it.
milgram: THIS ONE ACTUALLY MADE ME THINK BECAUSE.. tbh nothing about it feels overhyped to me, at least right now? like i feel like the whole project is almost based on this feeling like "what's gonna happen next" or "what should i do" or "how should i react to this". so yeah again i don't think i have anything to say AGAIN I'M SORRY JDFKSLDLD. i could talk about the novels, but also.. not that many people know about the novels or are interested in them, so yeah, i definitely can't say they're overhyped. i could say how i'm not really that interested in the ninth and tenth mvs and the purge march is the only mv that i'm excited for rn, but that's just, again, me being biased and i definitely wouldn't say those mvs are overhyped. i also really want to see them! i just don't care about those characters as much.
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sirenofstyxx · 1 year
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🕸"Alright let's do this another time because let's be honest, this won't be the last"🕸
The name is Spider-Menace, the one and only wall crawler of earth 2018. I was bit by a radioactive spider but unlike others mine was mutated and fused with a symbiote. While Venu was unable to fuse with me, they somehow managed to mutate me into a weird half symbiote...thing. My insides might be goo. Anyway yeah that's me but I'm more interested to see how this "Spider society" thing is gonna go. I've already met someone pretty cool at least so...there's that"
HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!!! It's extremely late ik but I wanted to squeeze out one thing. Tho by the time you are reading this it's July lol. Opposite of companies ig so that's fun.
ALSO!!!! I WATCHED SPIDERVERSE AND I HAVE BEEN SCREWING AROUND WITH THIS DESIGN FOR WEEKS!!! BUT ITS HERE!!! My spidersona, Spider-Menace, or The Spider-Menace if you'd prefer. Like I said in this universe they were bit by venom who was fused with a radioactive spider which kinda liquefied his insides into a symbiote. While they don't have traditional symbiote things, like a full monster form, they have some abilities. Menace is also working with venom to find the scientists that caused all this to hopefully give venom the ability to infuse with his spidery host, who is affectionately called Sneaks or lil spy. If Menace is referring to both of them, she usally just called them spy-ven, much to venom's displeasure. Spyven also lives in a hatch on the back of Menace's "pedipalps" which also act as headphones to cancel out extra noise and tune in to things they need to listen to. Most of this stuff is diy or stolen btw. Menace is also currently part of the Spider society and has recently become close with Doodlebug(my partner's spidersona who I will post doodles of. Lol)
Also wanted to show off my headshot I made in better detail with a genderfluid lesbian pride web for fun.
Also unrelated but it was my bday and i went to a waterpark as well as pride in NC!!!! It was really fun and was my 1st real pride festival!! Saw some mandos which was a lil surreal. Anyway happy pride hope it was as good as mine!!
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meongppangz · 2 years
every month of 2022 tag game thingy thing / tagged by @euijin (doing this here<3), @hyunsung and @seungs thanku friends... 😿💛🌻
firstly don't expect much there are months where i only giffed once . and most likely there are no fav sets then so i will just add in random sets that i liked instead <3 i am a cheater i am felix <3
january: most popular - hyunjin being tired of felix this is the first time i giffed since like thunderous... where i showed up like twice and never again<3 / favourite - i do love hyunjin being tired of felix but now let's have changbin being tired of skz but also grape lino...
february: most popular - oddinary trailer this is like the only thing i giffed and it isn't a fav so let's go to the next month... / favourite - daengnyangz i love them and i love this part but also i love how lonely st came out
march: most popular - seungchan cobra hug i do like this one it was cute and chan was so happy... as for seungmin... he wanted to be out of there... / favourite - seungchan is cute but have u considered skz flying kisses or skz silly relay
april: most popular - jeongin mpl endings this was so cute... i should continue this... i agree w everyone here but also / favourite - mora's fave skz songs i love mora's sets a lot personally.. had to include..
may: most popular - fav ji maniac stages happy that y'all liked it... i did nawt... / favourite - i have several again... arirangz thunderous poses, vlog and 2min, vague hand gestures, self explanatory
june: most popular - hyunjin turning jeong into himself u see i thought this was cute but i also dislike how i made it so. glad y'all are happy... / favourite - u see i would say seungin but i also don't like how i made that so. jeongsung 🥲 also i like how this hyunjin turned out...
july: most popular - pretending i didn't delete this set and i actually made it in july it is seungbraces indeed sorry to u all... i was kidding... happy 20th anniversary to seungbraces btw, this is also my fav as well<3 / favourite
august: most popular - looks around... to no one's surprise except mine it's changbin bday i didn't realise how much y'all liked it... thanku i also love it too... / favourite
september: most popular - virgo line... who is the successor... none other than jisung congratulations jisung u won... nothing at all<3 / favourite - i have to include the rest of virgo line i can't separate them... felix / seungmin fun fact all of these were made last minute bc i can't plan for shit
october: most popular - chan bday u guys really liked this one... this one was made last minute so like, no. / favourite - sweats.. idk how to choose but like c143 relay i love giffing skz relays they're always so silly..., tmi time vague hand gestures, sboard i like how it turned out idk..., lino birth 😢
november: most popular - red jeongin another month where i only giffed one thing, i feel y'all but also i hate this set. / favourite - pretty maniac jeongin he's so pretty here... i mis s u long black haired jeongin come back to me don't make silly mistakes abt ur hair anymore 😿
december: most popular - y2k felix i understand y'all... but also / favourite - y2k maniac lino i just like how this came out...
if u went thru all of these thank u but also gws... i'm indecisive and speak a lot thank u for coming to my ted talk see u next year
i shall tag: @jizung , @connecteds , @seungminhos , @huiracha and @strayz ofc u don't have to do it if u don't want to... and if u've done it already pls show me 👺
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peachfuzz-nygma · 5 months
i’m literally going to cry, i adore you so so much and this was the sweetest post ever, i don’t even have words (and it’s HARD to shut me up)
you are such a gift to this world, and to my life, and i’m so so thankful every day that i found your blog. i think my entire universe will come together when i get to see you (my riddler) in your full riddling glory
this is the most beautiful start to my birthday, and… just btw… knowing you have pinterest is a bonus little surprise (i live on that app)
i hope you have an amazing day, and that if and when you have a work shift that it goes so smoothly and slowly so you get some brainiac time. in the meantime, i’ll leave you with this:
I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked, I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I?
(when you work out the answer, know that mine has been given to you)
it made my heart so incredibly warm when i read this. i’m a gift to this world?? well, lucky you bc it’s your birthday!!! (sorry i had to). i’m also so thankful to have you as my special green heart anon!!! i hope you know it really does cheer me up when i see you pop up in my notifications <3 can’t wait to post my cosplays in two weeks so you can see them!!!
i did have work today and it indeed went pretty smoothly (even though i had a migraine which sadly didn’t end up going away yesterday). i hope you have an amazing day too. not only bc it’s your bday but because you deserve to have good days everyday!!!
A RIDDLE!!!! i think i know this one!!! it’s heart <3 (takes your heart and holds it tightly yet softly. i’ll keep it safe)
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
My brother didn’t allow me to message you until the aries season was over because he didn’t want to accidentally wish you a happy early bday. Which btw since I get to decide on the placement of his message, I’m going first: Happy (probably late) Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day and that you spent it surrounded with people who love you. And now from the man himself: ‘YOOOO ARIES THATS WHATS UP! See, that’s why we fucking clicked because we are basically the same fucking person! TWINS some would call it! Tell her Happy Birthday and that she’s the coolest! I knew we had a connection that ran deeper than our man Brian!!!’
And so that you know, he is making ALL of his friends watch qaf with him. Just 7 dudes hanging out watching Britin. So I’ve been receiving texts and updates about them going insane over qaf from my brother the way you did (except funny enough their reactions are normal) And also his friends more than once a day text me ‘but they end up together right?!’ They are also watching the firefighter show, well actually they all started watching that in 2020 on zoom and when that episode aired where the guy is finally kissed by a man, they went absolutely INSANE! Think of hetero men reacting to their favorite sports team winning and its basically the same thing. And now they’re doing that to qaf and my brother is dying the same way I was with him. The torch has been passed. And he only briefly almost kicked someone out because they said Mikey isn’t THAT annoying. They grow up so fast
AWW!!! Y’all are too kind. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I had an incredibly fun birthday - went to Vegas for the weekend and pretty much did nothing (I rarely drink, I don’t gamble, and I’m not a club girlie) except go to see Rupaul’s Drag Race Live. It’s a show I’ve wanted to see ever since I saw Vegas Revue on prime in the early days of the pandemic. (It’s actually been a drag intensive last 6 months or so… I’ve gotten to see so many incredible shows.)
I am beyond belief at the idea of these 7 (straight?!) dudes sitting around watching this unapologetically and in-your-face queer show. I love how they’re rooting for Britin and for the bi character on that 911 show. The idea of a group of straight men automatically makes me nervous; I’ve not had many good interactions with straight men in group format. This gives me hope. This is the allyship we need.
Mikey isn’t that annoying?!?! fdjhfdhjksgfhjsfdhj LMAO. I’m glad he almost got kicked out. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but some opinions are objectively wrong.
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namuneulbo · 1 year
week ninety-six
ill tell u ab my bday in detail and then the rest is up to interpretation uwu!!
i picked up me, c and l from school at around 14:30. apparently w was there too? i saw his iconic orange car but but i was talking to l while he was walking outside so i didnt see him :c all of them knew but me TT
we listened to bangers in the car and we parked a bit outside of the central part of vasa so we walked a tiny bit. we walked around some stores. carlings, bikbok, cubus... we went to normal so i could get ear plugs bc i forgot mine at home but then we decided to go to tiger instead bc the queue was so long. they were cheaper there anyways. i looked at calendars for sooo long until i just decided on a pretty sage one. i think the layouts even better than my current calendar so its all good. it was worth the struggle of looking through all of the different calendars. its so good and it was so cheap compared to other stores. i also got some fake blood for halloween.
then we struggled to find a place to eat. l was stubborn ab wanting sushi. c and i wanted pizza. i was craving sushi more between those two so we decided to just split into pairs so i went for sushi w l. it was so good!!!!!!!
then we went for coffee and then i left to go to the cinema to watch oppenheimer w her brother. me, c and l waited outside of the club, right outside the fast food restaurant. the clock was 19 so doors were open but we decided to wait before entering to not seem,,, too excited. since yk,,, we know the ppl playing.
i just realized i never mentioned who we went to see. we went to see a the police cover band. its made up of three guys from our school, d, n and w (yes, that w).
well, as we were waiting outside, n and w walk out the fast food place... it was so funny bc we were just talking and c was facing the other way and me and l react at the exact way like we just make a lil "omg"-face at c and turn a lil quiet for a second. i got eye contact w william literally the second he opened the door but like we didnt wave at each other until him and n had gone a bit further away and c decided to turn around and wave at both of them. they took a further route to get to the club which was funny bc we like realized a bit later that like,,, they took the longer route??? why would they do that??? to avoid us??? it was just a bit silly TT
later on we get inside, we pay the entrance fee and buy alcohol. i got a beer. we sit down and our seat seemed pretty good until more ppl came lol. first set i saw mainly w bicep and second set i switched places w l and saw more face and neck/jaw action. during the interlude i realized his mom and his sister were sitting like.... right in front of us and i got a little nervous they mightve heard me saying something ab him at some point ...... like what if his mom has heard me go like "LOOK AT WS BICEP!!!"... :(
after the show im like "okay, lets go say something to them" but c refused to take the lead at first (w good intention i think, probs to push me to talk to them and not just stand awkwardly behind c as they talked w them). i was a bit scared at first but then i just yoloed and stood up from our seat as like a "lets fucking do this!" and we all collectively went to d first. hes the least scary and n had like,,, already left. d was SO nice TT it was like mainly me talking w him (and i think that was kind of like planned by c and l bc otherwise i wont really take the lead or initaitive). he greeted us first since he probably saw us standing there as he was talking to some others. he greeted us all w a fist bump each and then went like "okay now lets do one w all of us!!" and we shared a foursome fist bump. i love fist bumps theyre so friendly and nice TT then he was like "yeah so cool u guys came all the way here to see us!! i saw u guys singing along in the crowd and it felt so awesome!". THEN he turned to me was like "congratulations btw!" (WHICH IS SO CUTE STOP HE REMEMBERED IT FROM MY STORY I POSTED EARLIER TT) and i was like "omg! thank u! thank u! it was like perfect timing for u guys to play here tonight since like i like the police!" and i also told him they played my fav two songs. then he asked me a bit ab when we got to town and stuff. hes so nice TT
then the scary part. he left to road. ws standing like,, a two meters away MAX. hes talking to some others so i told c and l like "okay but lets just wait until they finish talking!!!" but they talked for so long and c was like "okay, either we talk or we leave" and i just come up w excuses for a bit and then cs like "l, yk he can hear us, right?" and i was like "yeah but im sure hed appreciate us waiting for our turn!!". after a while c once again threatens to leave so i just yolo it and walk up, i stand for like two seconds waiting for him to notice me and when he does i did a lil thumbs up and was like "u played well!!" and he was like "thanks" and then i told him they played my two fav songs and did like a lil pray/thank thing w my hands and he got a little intrigued and asked me which ones and i was like "invisble sun and dont stand so close to me!" and he did a lil confirming nod and i decided to end it there and just like told him it was really good. i also like,, had to think for the title for dssctm bc in my head i said the songs in the other order and bro my mind just goes blank when i talk to him.
anyways we leave, we walk up the stairs and i say a quiet "well played rizz" w a lil hand sign. then continue the bit a little more comfortably as we walked out and continue on ab how im such a rizz god (i am delusional, as u can tell).
we get home and i eat quickly before heading out to the bar to meet some friends. it was a short meeting and like everyone left but i got some sweet "happy bdays" and shugged a beer.
my mom messaged me in the car from vasa and says she talked to a guy who knew me named f (she misspelled his name, it starts w a p). she put a lil sus emoji too, the blushy one w a hand covering its mouth... anyways it was the drummer guy from my grade who works at the bar and apparently they talked for so long and i asked her like what they talked ab and she never answered but just continued saying how nice he was and how he knew i was in vasa earlier... idk if she was hinting something TT
sotw: lorna shore - ...and i return to nothingness
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meimeimeirin · 1 year
UWAAAA rin jie, i'm glad you liked the gift! it wanted to opt for smth more poetic for your birthday but it ended up being a silly little thing of doing eyeliners for genshin charas instead 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
how i came up with it was super random btw like please— i am not joking but when i was thinking of what to write for your birthday, i literally pulled up the splash arts of zhongli and alhaitham and squinted at them for minutes 😭 until i just went "huh, the both of them wear eyeliners—" and boom! inspo came and i added in some other charas too hehe but the fact that i was staring at them like they're family heirloom portraits (so true /lh) or smth LMAOOO
anyway, how was your day yesterday, rin jie?? did you go out to celebrate anywhere special? >:D my day was pretty alright!! i caved in and spent my guaranteed pity on wanderer to pull for yoimiya (sorry pookie /j) but i still have 120+ pulls left, so i think i might still get him even if i lose my 50/50 when he gets a rerun! DID YOU GET KIRARA BTW?? SHE'S SO CUTE 😭 and i hope your miko is faring well in your care too, hehe~
- lia ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ
it ok i love silly fics just as much PLUS it was super floofy and i get to see zhongli placing his head on my palm like a kitty so WORTH IT HDLSHDLS
FAMILY HEIRLOOM PORTRAITS LMAOOOOO ngl woth me as the wife i'm definitely making those family heirloom portraits. their beauty shall be perserved and passed down the generations. our children and grandchildren and grandfrandgrangrandgrandchildren shall know where they got their handsome genes from <3
IT WAS GREAT HEHEHE i was happi the whole day i'm hskdjskd went to a lil tea shop, treated myself to a nice and very fulfilling dinner, and bought myself a few things hehe it wasn't anything too grand since i didn't have anyone to celebrate w/ me physically but i already had an early bday bash with my friends last weekend so 💕 i am satisfied hehe
ohoho congrats for getting yoi!!! yeye 120+ pulls is still a lot and you'll have lots of chances to stock up!! I DIDN'T GET KIRARA SADGE ;w; srsly miko really said "no kitty, only foxy" sobsob i wanted to see if i can pull for al haitham so the moment i got miko i just stopped pulling shdksjdkd
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delcakoo · 2 years
my sister ended up surprising me today for my birthday :( because i ACCIDENTALLY ended up sending her an email titled 'birthday blues' about how said i was and that my birthday being around the corner was leading me towards a depressive episode and the first thing sh told me when she saw me today was YO I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA JUMP OFF THE ROOF OR SMTHG and i was like ???? and she was like THE EMAIL and i was like CRAP THAT WASNT MEANT FOR YOU but yea that happened
but it was nice and all, she decorated me room and got me a whole bunch of stuff and im really happy
its forty minutes to midnight here so im just wasting time until its midngiht and i can *officially* blow the candles of my cake :'D OH AN IM WATCHING THE LAST EPISODE OF BUSINESS PROPOSAL BCS I STILL HADNT FINISHED IT AND OMG THE F L U F F I LOVE SOBS
also also my chem test went really well :DD !! but now i have a math one to do D:
but yessssss how was ur weekend babes ?? i hope it's going well ~
ok bye now hehehe
~<3 aka vallllll mwah mwah i love youuuuuuuu
i’ve heard a lot ab business proposal but.. idk why i ahvent enjoyed any romance kdramas much but maybe i havent watched the right ones T-T GL ON UR MATH TEST BTW AHH UR GONNA DI GREAT
my weekend has been pretty good :D working on cue cards for history so 🧌🧌☹️☹️ IM ALIVE THO SIGH. AND I LOVE U TOO MWAHHH HAPPY BDAY AGAIN AISHSJNS <3333
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italeean · 2 years
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thank you for being such an amazing friend for all these months :] youre so sweet n i always have so much fun when im talking to you!!!
i wish you the best of birthdays, take care n treat yourself well!!! hoping for lots of tickles to come your way, and im so glad to be able to call you a friend <3
I could tell you that I have fun talking to you and that you're one of the sweetest people I've ever met, but I think you know that already... so I gotta be more original 😅 I'll try... I just hope it won't get too sappy
Thank YOU for being an amazing friend to me, idk what I did to deserve such an amazing person in my life, but I'm sure that your friendship is the best gift you could ever give me <3 (your drawing is a very, VERY close second)
Rimani la persona meravigliosa che sei e non cambiare mai 💚🤍❤️ (Keep being the amazing person you are and don't ever change)
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