#btw they said this because the person claimed to be able to speak to the ''real'' Kokabiel
theemporium · 1 year
Just a thought but Sirius or someone having a thing for you for ages and at some point you finally get together but Remus James and Peter just don’t believe it because you’re so opposite and Sirius just trying to convince them but they don’t believe him until they walk into you kissing or something. Love your work btw <3
kinda changed it to sirius being with someone they never expected but i hope you enjoy it! and thank you!!🖤
“Pads is dating her?!”
Remus and James stood in front of Peter, lips parted in shock at the rumour that just left their friend’s lips. They had been in the common room, respective textbooks sprawled around them when Peter came rushing in, eyes wide and cheeks flushed at what he had just seen.
At first, they thought their friend was taking the piss and waited for Sirius to jump out from the shadows with a grin on his face, claiming it was all a prank. But no Sirius had appeared and Peter kept talking and—fuck, they just couldn’t quite believe it.
In all honesty, it was shocking enough that Sirius had settled down with one person, let alone that he was dating you of all people. 
You stood for everything they assumed their friend hated, purely because you would’ve been Walburgha Black’s number one choice to marry her eldest son off with. 
You were raised with the pureblood etiquette, speaking prim and proper and not even allowing yourself to use slang as you spoke. You were a Slytherin, and proud to be so. You were crazy smart and you were the image of pureblood royalty, though the cold shoulder you usually gave people and the snarky attitude didn’t exactly make it easy for even those with a pureblood complex to approach you. 
Even if for some bizarre reason their friend had fallen for you, the fact that you liked him back was shocking enough to keep both boys seated on the couch as Peter retold the story for the thirteenth time. 
“I’m calling bullshit,” James said with a shake of his head. “This must be some elaborate prank he’s pulled off.”
“And what? Got her involved?” Remus asked. 
“Maybe it’s someone with a polyjuice potion,” Peter supplied. 
“Or maybe Pads is actually dating her,” Remus said before his nose scrunched up. “Yeah no, he’s definitely up to something.” 
It took less than five seconds to work out where Sirius was with the help of the map that was quickly shoved in their pocket as all three boys began rushing towards the courtyard, so sure that whatever Peter had seen had to be false. 
Because there was no fucking way that Sirius Black was—
All three boys quickly drew to a stop when they noticed you both. You were sitting on a picnic blanket, leaning back on your hands as you nodded along to something. Sirius, however, had his head propped on your lap, talking away as his hands moved animatedly to the point they could have sworn they saw your lips twitch into a smile. 
“Holy shit,” James gaped at the sight. 
“It could still be a prank,” Remus said, though he didn’t know how much he really believed that himself. 
And just when they thought they couldn’t be shocked any further, you leaned down to press your lips against the wizard, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss. 
“Moony, are you seeing this?” 
“I’m seeing this, Prongs.” 
“Right, great because I think I’m gonna faint.” 
What they couldn’t see was the way Sirius’s lips twisted into a grin as he continued to kiss you, his fingers expertly pulling the clip out of your hair until it cascaded around you both. 
“Your friends are still staring,” you informed him, the words whispered against his lips as you began to pull back but he was quick to chase you. 
“Let them stare all they want, love,” he murmured as his thumb lightly brushed over your thumping pulse. “I bet they are fucking confused.” 
“Such crass language,” you hummed. 
Sirius smirked. “Gonna punish me, love?” 
You shook your head in amusement, pulling back fully despite the way Sirius playfully pouted in response. “You wouldn’t be able to handle my punishments, Black.” 
His eyes gleamed at the challenge. “Is that so?” 
“You are all bark and no bite,” you informed him and the boy was quick to scramble up, his hands darting to your sides as he crawled over your squirming body. 
“I can show you just how hard I bite, love, you just gotta ask.”
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foreverautumn89 · 2 months
I know!!! Who should Jonathan apologize to next? LONNIE? or Vecna?
No I'm not saying Steve is like Lonnie or Vecna at all just to be clear, but I'm saying thats how absurd it is for the fans to suggest it. It's that level of insanity to me that they think Jonathan should be the one to apologize for STANDING UP FOR HIS FAMILY AND HIMSELF. He isn't the one who did something wrong Steve did something really wrong, but apparently Steve has nothing to apologize for/never has done a thing wrong in his life according to them. we know how this fanbase works and know their logic: Steve is hot. Jonathan is gross. Steve is always justified in all he does. Jonathan is a monster. '#hope J dies s5 fingers crossed'.' You know the usual...
Yes I have seen alot of people saying that Jonathan should apologize to Steve for what happened during the fist fight yes. Let's zero in on that shall we?
Jonathan should apologize to Steve for punching him repeatedly AFTER:
-Steve bullying torturing and humiliating him for years
-publicly humiliating and torturing Jonathan multiple times while Jonathan was going through hell and just lost his little brother/the only person Jonathan really had
-Steve once again humiliating and hurting Jonathan this time around for doing absolutely wrong// for the high crime of Jonathan saving Steve's gf from certain death and comforting her like her friend afterwards and Steve not able to act like an adult and ask them what was going on LIKE A FCKING ADULT instead of flying off the handle and throwing a hissy fit temper tantrum that his girlfriend sat next to someone else ::GASP::
So they're saying that: Jonathan should apologize for punching Steve after
-Steve said that he was a queer/insulting gay ppl when the whole town knows Jonathan's little brother is gay Troy brought it up about 12 mil times the town knows]
Steve said Jonathan was like Jonathan's abusive father that just used Will's death as a paycheck
Steve insulted Joyce [Jonathan's mentally ill mother], that btw just lost her child and was also going through hell and suffering and Steve decided to verbally beat up on her too
and finally Jonathan should apologize to Steve who insulted Jonathan's DEAD BABY BROTHER himself, called said brother a screw up and basically said that its Wills own fault that he died
SO yeah I completely agree with the fans that Jonathan owes Steve a big apology and Steve has absolutely nothing to apologize for 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
That's another thing: They keep claiming oh Jonathan deserved it because of this or that. Ok what did Will and Joyce do to deserve Steve's cruelty?
And this is once again why I laugh at the people who claim Steve never did anything wrong. I'm not surprised you ppl are the type of trash that would find nothing wrong with someone doing that to another person especially who just lost their little brother who was the only person he had btw and Jonathan didn't even do anything wrong to deserve the fist fight with Steve. He was being punished for saving Nancy's life. What kind of psycho takes Steve's side in that situation? [To be clear I'm saying the ppl who said Jonathan was worse than Vecna/deserved to be abused by Lonnie are trash not all st fans in general]
[ lets also remember that Jonathan did apologize in a way/show he was sorry-actions speak louder than words he saved Steve's life like how many times that night-he told Steve to go in the 1st place trying to save him before the thing showed up, then he actually saved him, then he saved Steve again from getting caught in the trap himself and attacked by the demogorgon that way.]]
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
Ive made my stance on oppenheimer discourse very clear but one detail of it that really bothers me is the "movies about sad white men are always bad" attitude, and i didnt really know why until i was able to sit down and parse it out.
Here's the thing. I have a film degree, I've spent more time in movie theaters than I have sleeping and I've easily seen more films and shows than all of my peers combined. Which isn't a flex btw, I'm a little hermit who prefers the warm embrace of a cinema seat to human connection and is the most annoying mfer imaginable during family movie night; don't be like me.
But I know hollywood, I know cinema history, and I know the legitimate frustration this attitude comes from. Hollywood doesn't like to take risks, they have to historically be dragged kicking and screaming into any territory that isn't a guaranteed profit, which usually means that we get periods of stagnation where every film is the same goddamn formula over and over again until audiences get sick of it and stop buying tickets en masse. Hollywood also tends to reflect the dominant culture and the sociopolitical issues of the time, but not SOOO much that you'd rock the boat. As an exec, you wanna hit that sweet spot where audiences relate to your films without them being so blatant that they'd cause them to question things that weren't acceptable to question. Noir was a picture-perfect example of that.
And in the modern day, that DOES tend to translate into the weird genre of Sad White Man Who Regrets Killing Foreigners movies. Like American Sniper. But I've seen American Sniper, so I can speak on how lowkey disturbing I found it, and the history it's based in and the goals it had as an art piece were to make you sympathize with a system of corruption. And here's my unpopular opinion: if done RIGHT, those films still have a place within the cinematic sphere of influence, like if you made a film exploring the psyche and experiences of what leads a man to willingly participate in a system like that, but that's not really what it was.
Now let's move onto Oppenheimer and other films like it. I don't think these films are at ALL equivalent to films like American Sniper, even if they follow a sad white man who regrets killing foreigners. You are looking at the bare bones surface level of it and assuming its contents both real world and dramatized and judging it based on that instead of the, well, actual film.
One of the biggest differences here is that Oppenheimer WAS an important historical figure just, objectively. Even removing all western racial influence from the equation, you can not look me in the eyes and tell me that the man who invented the atomic bomb in the middle of the largest world war of modern history was not an important historical figure. If you try to make THAT argument just based on the sad white man-ness of him, I'm sorry but your point is already moot, because it's not based in historical fact anymore but your own personal subjective feelings. He IS an important historical figure, he's not soldier number 648 in the middle of a massive battlefield who followed other peoples orders.
And also to be completely honest, you are a huge fucking liar if you try to claim that people like Dr. Oppenheimer are not interesting. Flawed people who make flawed decisions with complicated variables are what make for good fiction, so when one exists in the historical record, of course they are going to interest people. They are going to be studied and interviewed if they're still alive and have their entire lives and every word they said picked apart and analyzed because they are interesting. You are straight up lying if you try to act like these people arent interesting enough on their own to have media made about them, regardless of what identity they had that fits into the opposing side of the 21st centure culture wars. This attitude reminds me a lot of the people who claim that the only reason anybody could find true crime interesting is because they MUST want to fuck jeffrey dahmer or whatever. The argument just doesnt hold up because all it takes is one person going "thats not what i find interesting about them" to collapse that entire absolutist argument.
So yes, hollywood absolutely has a racism and war glorification issue. But I take issue when these accusations are just made blindly against any historical dramatization based on nothing but the poster. If you're going to talk about hollywoods sad white men issue, at least make sure the films youre citing actually fit that bill AND that you actually understand whats WRONG with those sad white men movies, because its not just the presence of a sad white male protagonist, its a conglomerate of various sociopolitical issues that must be present within those characters and what they represent.
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faulix · 1 year
btw, since people love lying about me on this website:
i have not known lolthia for a year like they claim. i first learned of lolthia about a month ago when i noticed their racist treatment of my friend. it was by chance we learned of their goretober list that had abuse glorification with prompts like medical/drugged torture, kidnapping, and stalking. we were able to see that lolthia had a pattern of writing yandere, murder, and other gross topics with a quick search of their blog. THAT is why i decided to say something and call them out. period
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i find it kind of hilarious that you're claiming to have blocked me from servers and discord so you don't have proof. i wonder if you would even know my discord, yknow, the one handle i haven't changed in years. i mean, surely if you have me blocked you would be able to pull that up easy right? let's not forget the fact that you're claiming to know me personally when you cannot even get my pronouns right.
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the funny part about this is that barely anyone who rb'ed your callout weren't even your mutuals, with a good amount of people actually adding in the notes how fed up they were with your bullshit. i am not a big enstars blog. i'm not even talking about enstars right now. i am a small blogger with less than 100 followers who ships with the only two minor characters in enstars. a majority of people who have rb'ed your callout are not big enstars bloggers. we are small time selfshippers just trying to have a fun time on tumblr dot com. the only one who is willfully taking themselves out of the fandom or even the circle of enstars selfshippers is you. you willfully create harmful content, you paint yourself as the victim, and you refuse to apologize for multiple things such as your racism and suicide baiting.
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i am nice to others because they are not winding up their victim complex to make me look like the bad guy. again, if you have legitimate proof that we were once friends: look at your blocklist (or your server blocklist) and post my handle. i dare you. but then again, you probably couldn't do that considering you don't know what the username is. i think the funniest thing about it is that you can't even be bothered to post the server name, can't even bother to explain how we met (shocker considering i've only been into enstars actively for like barely a year now), it is you saying "well this is clearly my word against his" when you can't even provide the basic proof that you and i ever knew each other. you probably DON'T want me to post the ask where you said that you had finally found me and lamented that we could even be friends now if i would take back my words and be the bigger person. but then again, you kind of admitted that yourself when you said you didn't know who made the callout and even said it could be multiple people because you didn't know, but hey, let's take back that and spin it as a long rooted hate campaign by me. x
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btw, when i first made this post, i held off on posting it because i haven't received nonanon asks for this, so i was able to chalk it up to you just trying to send more anons toward me to get me painted as the villain, but since this morning i woke up to you making a callout post about me that was filled with lies and fake screenshots it's about time i speak up. you may have deleted it, but don't worry, i made sure to screenshot everything you said and put it in an imgur album to refresh your memory. right here, don't worry, i took every screenshot word for word so you can remember what you said.
i'm not going to post every single screenshot to this. i think it would be insane behavior to make this post even longer. so let me just some up my feelings:
in your fake screenshots not only did you try to blur out what my name was (probably because these are not actually talking about me, but hey, you thought you could make it work, right?) but you proceed to, once again, continuously use the wrong pronouns for me, which is kind of weird since you're claiming to have known me for a year.
let me reiterate this so you get it through you thick skull: i use he/it pronouns and have been doing so for years now. your callout and screenshots repeatedly uses the wrong pronouns for me. do not even bother claiming you didn't know or that i recently changed them as my past blog and every single friend i'm close with will testify to my pronouns, and i'm absolutely sick of you misgendering and degendering me and my identity. considering you've been sending me several asks you could have easily looked and my pronouns in both my description and pinned, but hey, that's another lie for you, right?
then you post a screenshot of a server main chat, but it's very convenient of you to 1.) not get the server name and 2.) leave out the date you sent it, yknow, the things that you could at least say we shared together. i wonder why you didn't bother to get that information if it was so important. oh wait, i do! it's because you are deliberately lying about me to paint yourself as the victim.
i'm not going to even dissect the lies you weave together because, once again, you are speaking without proof. this is not a case of "my words against his" you are deliberately spreading lies on the grounds that you think no one will fact check you, you tool. again, if i was such a danger to you that i would deliberately make several accounts to surpass your "ban", why would you not post my discord username or the "alt accounts" i made to protect others for safety? why don't you do so now? oh! it's because you don't know them and are lying through your teeth.
i did not send you an ask where i told you that you needed to change your goretober list to get rid of the necrophilia. if i did, how about you post it with my url and call me wrong. not to mention the biggest thing i called you out on was the fact that you were glorifying and romanticizing abuse with drugged torture, kidnapping, and stalking. but sure let's gloss over that part because that would make you look bad!
there is nothing out of context in what you said or did, it is in plain english, several screenshots where you demonized a selfshipper of color because "they were more popular than you", pulled several excuses out of your ass to ship with a 16 year old, and put suicide baits in the main enstars tags, oh but don't worry! in your eyes the enstars fandom deserved it! and you want to paint yourself as innocent? give me a fucking break.
and the absolute gall of you to proclaim you acted like this because of your bpd, which you're still rb'ing sad bpd posts now. the nerve of you to assume i am not neurotypical when i have been struggling with autism and adhd all my life, and my own bpd for the past 14 years since i was diagnosed. it is not an act of ableism to call you out on your disgusting behavior towards people of color and abuse victims. i don't care about your backstory. you know exactly what you are doing and say that you are "exploring dark themes". no one believes you, and no one ever will. and miss me with that "i didn't know the shipper's race" as if you did not see the commissions you were directly complaining about them that shows them as not white very obviously. but hey, what's one more lie for you?
just so you know: every single ask you have sent me i have kept. from where you pretended to be 10 different people, all from your original ask where you think we should "just talk it out" without you taking any accountability, thanking me for the callout, pretending to be anons sticking up for you, and even threatening me with fake evidence that i have been in enstars servers sending death threats. but hey, since i didn't respond to those so you could have ammunition as so you could say i'm stalking you and villainizing you, i guess the next step would be a callout!
i will never be as obsessed with you as you are with me. you are the stupidest person on this planet if you genuinely thought i would not catch wind of what you were doing, from sending me and my friends and mutuals several asks to deliberately lying about me on your own blog. you have sent me over 50 asks in 24 hours, spamming my inbox with anons, but you couldn't even bother changing your typing style. you can't be bothered to tell people to watch out for this discord user because, again, you don't even know who i am. you can spin a web of lies to cover your ass, but barely anyone sees through it, and no amount of anons you send yourself will never convince anyone, especially strangers who has seen your blog. i do not care about how you no longer can look forward to your sick goretober where you glorify the abuse that real people go through. i am a grown adult with a job, school life, friends, pets, and so much more. maybe you could be the same if you shaped up and stopped being on tumblr. touch some grass for once. no one will believe you. i will not delete your callout. you have deliberately done horrible acts and acted like you were being demonized because "the enstars fandom and selfshippers are mean and cliquey", as if people don't see right through what you post without care and how you act. either apologize for what you have willfully done or log off and deactivate. i don't care which. leave me alone, leave my friends and mutuals alone, and grow up.
btw, i figured i would also throw this in the enstars tags so people would know about your horrible act and how you have treated me and demonized me for the past two days for standing up for my friends and the people you've hurt. here's the original callout btw, just in case anyone's new here! i don't care how badly you say this affects you because, again the only person trying to demonize you is you yourself. you lie about every aspect to save your ass and i will not take it. i mean, you tagged my "callout" with enstars tags (despite the fact that i never interact with the enstars fandom and have been talking about brc for the past month) but hey! if you wanna act like a clown i'll treat you like one.
you are an absolute moron if you think 1.) anyone would believe you considering your past behavior and 2.) thought i would just lay over and start crytyping for an apology. you are 20 years old acting like a spoiled toddler who got punished for throwing toys at others. i have more resolve, a backbone, and friends that will always care for me and support me, sorry if you can't relate. fuck you
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digitaldavis · 11 months
Rough thoughts on the movie in no particular order now that I have a moment:
Going in with the heavy hitters 'cause I can't stop thinking about it but Lui's claims that he is the first person to ever partner with a Digimon are unsubstantiated and lack hard evidence - also, unless it was explained in Kizuna and Tri, I'm pretty sure Digimon Adventure contradicts this?? (I'll check into this when I have more time, don't @ me).
The implication that Ukkomon made all of the Digimon hostile towards one another so that the Digi-Destined would fight to defend themselves and therefore Lui is nonsense and even if there is nothing to directly contradict it in Adventure and 02, I'm gonna hard pass on that canon because it lends itself too much to the idea that all Digimon would just be wholesome and good if not for Ukkomon making them fight and that feels like it excuses the things that Devimon, Piedmon, MaloMyotismon, and the other villain Digimon did or removes their free will?
Also, have I mentioned what Lui said didn't make sense???? Lui might be closer to Tai's age so it's feasible he could have become digi-destined around the same time as Tai but DUDE, Owikawa and Cody's dad discovered the Digital World and Digimon when they were kids????? AND THAT WAS AGES BEFORE LUI WAS BORN. It just doesn't make sense unless this is some alternate universe where that didn't happen or Lui is a time traveler or something (which is possible they did time travel...)
Speaking of, I'm so interested in the implication that Lui went back in time and talked to his mom about his younger self and she seemed to snap out of it for a second, like, if that was a permanent change do you think he created another alternate reality in that instance?
Moving on though, Davis. DAVIS. Seeing him in the film cured my depression. His reaction to Lui's mom was so so so Davis and I felt so strongly about it and then Ken's immediate "we can't we could ruin our own future" response is exactly how I've always imagined a time-travel AU would go between them.
ALSO: DAVIS AND KEN. The flirting. Ken just straight up grabbing both of Davis hands. (He's so COMFORTABLE WITH HIMSELF NOW) Ken throwing himself off Paildramon after Davis. I'm LIVING. The little high five they did to congratulate themselves. Ken's remark that summoning Paildramon was a little much seconds after I was like "wow that's so gay and unnecessary". Both of them were just so on point in this film. Davis was upbeat and optimistic and just believes the best in people/digimon so hard and when his tendency to charge in got in the way Ken was there to mellow him out so he didn't do anything rash.
Yolei did feel kind of off for some reason in the film but that might have been because I was so excited for the film that I couldn't pay attention to everything that was happening. I was only able to see it once and I missed so many things I know it. I can't wait for it to be released physically so I can own it and just rewatch it a dozen times.
Speaking of Yolei, though, I cannot believe the film framed her like Uhura trying to come between Kirk and Spock (which is comically absurd btw). In nearly ever scene possible it's Davis, Yolei but slightly offset and then Ken beside Davis. Like the animators are desperate to push the Kenyako narrative, like, clearly they know about the Daiken feelings being very strong with fans but they were trying to visually remind us painfully hard that, hey, actually the pairing is Kenyako. But buddy did that feel forced and it's probably why Yolei felt off to me.
J U S T I C E F O R C O D Y. That's all.
Kari actually didn't have very many major lines in the film I felt like but I loved the little scenes of her at the beginning, actually, though, she was kind of just there next to T.K. the entire time because the film also framed them together so hard it's SO WEIRD THEY AREN'T CANON.
T.K. though. God he was just so T.K. in this film. The trauma of losing Patamon in Adventure and then whatever happened in Tri like. It was just the most T.K. thing to do and say when they were talking about what they had to do. But also, I loved whenever the cops showed up and Davis goes "WHAT, HOW DID THEY FIND US?" and T.K. was like "ARE YOU KIDDING!???? YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND SUMMONED A GIANT FLYING MONSTER!!!!"
Honestly, this movie was everything I ever wanted really. About three minutes before we went into the movie I was talking about ghost game with my friend and how I wished it hadn't been for kids because it had such great and frankly horrifying concepts and everything was just sunshine and rainbows for children and nothing bad ever really happened which was disappointing.
And then I watched The Beginning. This movie felt so much like coming home from the start because I felt like I knew these character's so well (I lost count of how many times I sat in the theater and said a thing, only to have one of the character's also say the thing a second later), and everything was so bright and nice and then it became an eldritch horror show.
Let me tell you, when I watched the trailer for the first time I said to my friend "dude what was with that trailer??? The music????? Why is it so sinister???" and, despite that, I still did not see the horror coming and neither did anyone else in the theater. Everyone and I do mean everyone went very still and quiet and tense the second the first hint of bad began. We were all so unprepared and it was very upsetting.
As I was leaving the theater, I heard a woman fighting with her husband over having brought their very little daughter to see the movie. The mom clearly thought it was a fun kids movie because it was animated and whoever is in charge of American films absolutely thinks all animated movies are for kids so it wasn't rated which is how the film industry always handles anime films.
They seem completely incapable of understanding that animation doesn't equal child friendly. Watching it, though, it's never been more clear that a Digimon movie was for older audiences than watching The Beginning. Like, this film was not for kids. This film was for us. The setting. The themes. The fact that 79% of the entire movie is exposition/dialogue...
When the little girl's dad asked her if she liked the film as it ended, he sounded strained and his wife was complaining that the film was going to give her nightmares and while his daughter said yes, she liked the film it was in a way that you could tell that no, she didn't really because she had no idea what was going on - it was bright and colorful and there were cute characters sometimes so that was probably fine but she couldn't have been older than six so it was probably very boring for her.
That is one of my few complaints about the film, actually. It was nearly all talking and exposition. I wish there had been more action. I wish it had been a little more light hearted and goofy at times. The eldritch horror/really messed up part of the movie felt like it went on forever but that might have just been my lack of prepardness for it. I was just so shocked even while my brain was like "yes, this is what we always wanted I AM LIVING" - also because I imagined that kind of awful, dark underbelly of the world of Digimon existing for the character's I already know and love.
Nothing is going to stop me from headcanoning that Davis reaction to Lui's mom being The Worst was so immediate and visceral because he's dealing with his own trauma from his mom's refusal to accept that he's trans, okay?
I didn't care a great deal for Lui and Ukkomon obviously disturbed me to no end - I know it wasn't Ukkomon's fault, they didn't know better but also it's fair to say that I was scarred for life about Lui's parents and the baseball bat scene and I would probably like Lui a lot more if his story weren't all conjecture and exposition. Also he was so negative (understandably) and was such a downer the entire film, honestly, thank god Davis and his endless queer energy was there to breakthrough to Lui and help him see the light of queerness friendship.
Anyway, did I mention Lui's claim that he's the first ever human to partner with a digimon doesn't make sense to me? I've thought about it a little more and, fine, maybe it's possible that Lui could be the first person to partner with a Digimon but the idea that everyone else became Digi-Destined because of him and Ukkomon still doesn't sit right. Oikawa didn't get a digimon until he was an adult and died and so even though he knew about Digi-World he technically didn't become Digi-Destined and the Digital World could have existed for ages before anyone partnered with a Digimon. Those things aren't mutually exclusive, I have to remind myself, but it just doesn't feel right to me and their claims being baseless seems more legit.
Okay, I'm done, that's it for my rough thoughts on the movie, I think. They probably won't get any clearer. I'm gonna use the film to further my Trans!Davis/Daiken headcanons for sure though.
One last thing though and it's that my friend said he hated Lui because Lui took away from the 02 kids and I had to remind him that Willis exists in Hurricane Touchdown and the majority of that film is Willis and Davis talking/fighting and the other kids just existing. It's not some wild new Digimon format to have a new Digi-Destined to center the plot around.
And speaking of the plot, a final thought is on the bit where their Digivices weren't relevant anymore. That isn't off-brand either actually. I don't like that they disappeared because I have an emotional attachment to them but I understand that the narrative was not needing to prove their bonds with their Digimon and therefore anyone can have strong bonds of real friendship with or without a Digivice aka being Digi-Destined - it also makes sense with the whole "we didn't need the tags and crests to Digivolve our Digimon because our real strength comes from within" narrative that the OG Digimon Adventure established. The Digivices and tags/crests were just tools to remind them of their bonds with one another.
Anyway, that's it. I'm shutting up. This post got so long I'm sorry but also if anyone wants to share their thoughts on the movie or my bad takes but in a fun way that's cool feel free. I'm always here to talk about Digimon and how this is gonna influence all my future headcanons things but seriously don't @ me out of malice. K THX
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Since this is a safe space, I too have my confessions for the Summit Audio and other plot stuff as well. This is very long so bear with me
*drum roll 🥁🥁🥁🥁*
I am disappointed with Darlin's storyline! :DD
What the hell happened to character development? And can we please keep talking about how it's getting annoying when Darlin just stands there while everyone else just speaks for them? I've been waiting for so long for the moment where we get to see that Darlin' finally stopped hopping on the fight/defensive option immediately without thinking shit through.
Cuz I know damm well they were already planning on giving Alexis the business when they heard her voice. I was waiting on them to be more verbal and civil with their confrontation rather than jumping to "You know I've fought vampires before, right?" Like COME ONNN MAN
I agree with the other recent confessions in this blog cuz yeah, will they ever get the agency they deserve?? And what the hell was up with Porter coming in to "save the day" and Sam zipping back out of know where (btw where the hell have you been bro??). And even when Alexis left, Darlin still wasn't able to get a word in.
Does Darlin notice this too or are we never gonna get that moment where they finally snap and make people remember that they are an adult and can progress their life by making their own decisions. They don't always need someone for that and it takes away from their "independence".
Plus ( as much as I love my cowboy) woulda been more upset to Sam when he not only not listened to Darlin talk as they told him what bullshit she said to them and give them the reassurance they needed in that moment, mf started sayin shit like "she's a real person under there, I know it" because no way in hell would I believe that if the person we're talking about is proud of ASSAULTING a person she "claims to love" and also waited until the Monarchal Summit to confront Darlin where there's tons of people around to confront them like a pissy, jealous school girl.
Also I feel like Darlin and David's relationship hasn't been done well enough. Not even just them and David but just the pack in general. The smash tournaments and Solstice party's are cool but when are we actually gonna have a video where it's just the pack? No mates, Sam included and it's just the four of them? (i.e. David, Ash, Darlin, and Milo)
To me, it makes a lot of sense why Darlin felt out of place cuz they don't get mentioned a lot when they're not around, only when Sam is included in the conversation. It feels like they don't exist without their mate around so it's not fully Darlin's fault that they left and ended up in the wrong crowd.
And it's frustrating to see those chat group posts where it's supposed to be The Packs Mates Groupchat thingy but instead of Sam they put Darlin in. Or Sam is there but so is Darlin. Like huh??? Is Sam a part of the damm pack now???? All the more reason why I get Darlin' almost leaving the pack, they seem as someone who's forgettable.
Erik should at least give Darlin a nickname name or some code shit to address them without just having to say "my pack member" or "my partner", and (my least favorite) "Sam's mate". Just give them the nick name Tank like everyone else so you don't have to worry about addressing them by saying anything vague and unspecific.
Sorry but Darlin feels too much like a character than a listener to be written as someone who just stands there from the sidelines and watches as everyone speaks for them. I NEED them to be making a decision that continues the plot, not someone who made it for them. They deserve better as a character and I will die on that hill. BUT that's just me. Have a good day/night!
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
You don't have to publish this ask but I just need to vent to someone who might understand, cause like, I'm over here like "I don't like fh or scott sorry, I promise though I won't talk about it or maintag just letting you know so you don't waste time since I know there's overlap between us, also I have a lot of interesting ideas about them still but I won't talk or write about them because I know that would make some of you upset and more than anything else I want everyone here to have a fun time and ship and let ship <3" and these unproblematic only fh fans will turn around and be like "oh so you're homophobic? You're the most annoying person on the planet? You're just trying to start a ship war? You're the problem with fandom" like BITCH?! Never met people so determined to make their actually quite comparatively good and healthy fandom toxic
This is where it stops being funny and actually genuinely really upsets me, is that very few people dare to talk about "toxic" Flower Husbands, let alone maintag it (and they should be able to! Because it's not fucking hate? Its valid discussion and expression of opinion that doesn't attack anyone). A few people have been more vocal about it recently and I've seen more people besides you come forth NOW, because you didn't want to upset anyone or get shittalked etc in the past for holding a different opinion to the overwhelming majority. I know people who've joked "am I just insane? Am I just stupid for seeing something here that everybody else is vehemently against?". There's evidently people who have just shut up because otherwise they'll get burned at stake, or they stay in their own little circles
And then a few too many FH posts that dare even imply any negative qualities about FH from a character standpoint get a little bit seen, and suddenly FH tag is full of 10 people defending their ship's honor because how dare you!! The way these people are so fucking volatile about fuck-all upsets me so much. Like, haha, we've been proven right I guess! You DO get burned at stake. These people probably aren't even bothering to read any such FH interpretations if they even SEE any, and don't just see 5 other posts claiming "oh my god can people just shut up about toxic FH and write characters breaking up for NORMAL reasons" (genuinely baffling concern that I've seen like at least 3 times btw??) that just leads them to believe that this is a wide-spread "problem" that needs neutralizing? They take even the thought of such posts as personal attacks that prohibit them from shipping FH for some reason? Like dude I fucking dig FH? Just for not always the same reasons as the majority but I guess I've sinned and shouldn't be allowed to speak lol. And these people don't HAVE to read interpretations they don't like, goddamn, look past?? Block if it hurts you that much?? As you said, the Tumblr traffic fandom is largely really kind and healthy so I can't fathom where the hell these guys come from. And then they proclaim the people who have largely shut up or kept to themselves "the problem", and that's the exact response that has been feared lmao
sorry. Long answer but fuck. I'm so sorry anon. The Flower Husbands scene is truly miserable if you dare think of them as anything other than cuddly and cute and teasing at most. Your interpretation is invalid because. ? homophobia I guess lmao
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c2-eh · 2 years
Charles being jealous
Hiiii anon, your wish is my command. Btw, I know this is late af, but life, midterms and now finals :)) (better late than never no? idk, hopefully) enjoy <3
The cold wind grazed Charles' cheeks, coloring them red. He snuggled deeper into his puffy red Ferrari jacket and adjusted the beanie on his head.
It was pretty cold outside, but Charles still wanted to watch Carlos do the testing and enjoy seeing F1-75 flying around the track for the last time.
Leaned against the wall of the garage, Carlos' for the day, he watched him step out of the car. Carlos doesn't know he's here, as Charles messaged him 3 days ago that he won't be coming.
It's true Charles wrote that with jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach, igniting a bigger fire within him, he desperately tried to console.
His calm Saturday evening was destroyed by no other than Lando. The fact that it was him wasn't surprising — that boy has been making Charles' life difficult for a long time (Brazil for example). What made Charles see red, was him with Carlos.
At the wedding.
Both dressed to the nines, smiling at the camera, their eyes sparkling and creasing at the sides from the wide smiles plastered on their faces.
His grip on the phone turned so strong, he had to put it down, in fear of either breaking the phone or his hand. He sulked, dragging himself across the appartement, Carlos' happy a glowing face haunting him.
When is he gonna be the source of it?
Charles knows he is able to make Carlos smile, even laugh to the point he's crying or clutching at his belly from the force of it.
But Carlos never shares it to the world. Never uses a term 'charlos', the name for them Ferrari admin invented, as often as he uses the 'carlando' one.
Carlos claims Lando and him are only friends, but Charles' brain has a problem believing it.
The thought makes Charles shiver. He wants to be more than friend and the thought of him not even crossing that line, makes him want to stomp his foot like a child and force Carlos to like him.
Which is incredibly stupid, because rational part of Charles' brain knows, they already are at the friendship point.
"Hey, Charles. What are you doing here?" Carlos' voice tears him out of his daydreaming and brings him back to his surrounding. He sounds normal to any other person, but Charles knows him well enough, to hear the real emotions behind.
"Hi. What, I can't come to see the team?" and you stays unspoken.
"I messaged you after the wedding and you said you are not coming," Carlos points out with tilted head and Charles wants to kiss him stupid.
"I changed my mind," he snaps and rolls his eyes at the mention of the wedding. He didn't mean to sound so defensive, but the damage has been done.
Carlos looks at him with narrowed eyes and nods curtly, not saying anything. Charles watches him move to take off the top of his suit and tie it around his hips.
"How was the wedding?" he says before he even registers he's speaking. His tone sour even to his own ears.
Carlos looks at him with scrutinizing gaze and slightly shakes his head after. It confuses Charles.
"Good. You would've know that, if you replied to my messages," his voice is clipped and Charles shivers, whether it's from cold or Carlos' tone, he's not sure, "or even read them for that matter."
And Charles doesn't know what to say to that. It's true he left Carlos on 'delivered', his pettiness and jealousy getting the best of him. But he can't say that.
Carlos isn't his and he's not Carlos'. It would be irrelevant and stupid to throw this on him.
But maybe, just maybe, he could confess, which would put their friendship at risk.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Carlos takes the water bottle to leave, after Charles failed to reply.
"Forget it," Carlos waves his hand in front of his face. He leaves Charles standing in the middle of the garage with his head full of unwanted thoughts.
People pass by him and pat him on the shoulder, saying their hi's, but Charles is barely aware of his mouth moving and replying.
Charles knocks on Carlos' door later, 3 swift hits against the hard material. After couple seconds he hears Carlos' voice, "come in."
Ever so slowly, Charles opens the door and steps inside. Carlos' room looks tidy, unlike Charles' one. The further he goes, he can feel Carlos' typical scent fill his nostrils.
Carlos is standing at the counter, fixing himself another coffee. It's 5pm, so Charles is sure it's his second, maybe even third.
He doesn't speak, only waits for him to make a first move.
"I'm sorry," and Charles means it, he just doesn't know why he sounds like he couldn't care less.
"Sure. Is that all?" Carlos' back is facing him now, his black t-shirt streched on his wide shoulders Charles dreams of so often.
"No, it's not. I'm sorry I was an asshole and I ignored you for 3 days. I was just-" he cuts himself of
"Just? You were an asshole, Charles. It's not only about ignoring me, but your last messages were so mean like, what did I do to you?" Carlos finally turns and Charles wishes he didn't. He looks sad, as if someone told him his dog, Piñon, ran away.
"You didn't do anything. I was," he takes a deep breath. Now or never, "I was jealous."
Carlos' scrunches his eyebrows in that cute manner he always does when he has trouble understanding an interviewer or the team member talking rapidly in Italian. His big brown eyes squinted and his lips look even more pouty than usual.
Lord help me. Charles is trying so hard not to throw himself at him.
"Jealous? Of what?"
"Damn Carlos, think," Charles pinches the bridge of his nose. He adores Carlos but sometimes Charles thinks Carlos is living on different planet.
"Me at wedding? What's so bad about it," Carlos wonders and Charles snaps.
"For fucks sake, no. I was jealous of Lando! He was with you at the wedding and the pictures you took with him made my blood boil and I know I have no right to say this, but I fucking wish you didn't go with him. I wish I was the one with you, because I like you."
After his outburst, Charles avoids Carlos' gaze for a moment, before he briefly glances back at him.
"I like you too, we're friends, so I still don't understand."
And Charles wants to die. He really has to spell it out for him. Gosh, why does he love such a dork. It's endearing and exhausting at the same time.
"No Carlos, I mean I like you, more than a friend. You make me feel safe. You make me laugh and feel all warm inside. Just at the sight of you, my brain goes either blank or haywire and I-," he stops and swallows down the lump growing in his throat, "I want to be your boyfriend and this is so unfair of me, just throwing it at you like that. I just... I had to."
As he finishes, he doesn't feel any lighter or whatever it is you are supposed to feel. He is still anxious, cold gripping at his heart, while he waits for Carlos to speak up.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting that," Carlos says and smile grows on his face and Charles feels a spark of hope, "I think I like you too."
His voice is teasing and Charles wants to smack him and kiss him at the same time. His voice trembles a little when he speaks up again, "you think so?"
"Well, considering I've been trying to flirt with you and send you signals, since I came to Ferrari, yeah. Guess I know so."
"You what?" Charles' eyebrows fly to his hairline and Carlos chuckles. He steps closer and puts his palm on his cheeks - his thumb gently stroking the mole under his eye.
"I kind of gave up after summer break. I thought you weren't interested, that's why this is kinda surprising to me. You always hept me at arms length and... yeah. I am glad I was wrong."
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to," Charles says and leans his face deeper into Carlos' big warm palm. He fingertips are calloused from all the driving. And honestly, holding a golf stick.
"Will you kiss me, please?" Charles asks and blinks up at Carlos, who only nods slightly.
The kiss is everything and nothing like he expected. Carlos' lips are plump, but chapped and he is so so gentle, as if he was scared Charles would break under his touch. Charles presses his lips harder against him and brings his hand around Carlos' neck.
They kiss for a while, just unhurried locking of the lips, when they hear someone call out to Carlos.
"We will talk more later, okay?" Carlos says and with one last peck, he goes. This time, he leaves Charles smiling to himself with a warm feeling spreading inside.
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shiftingconfessions · 10 months
I feel like there have been a couple of race changing confessions recently so I wanted to explain why I (personally) am not comfortable with it.
For a lot of people their race has a huge impact on both their identity and their experiences in life. Unfortunately due to the structure of most societies in this reality, these experiences can often be negative for a lot of racial groups. This can allow people to bond against a common enemy so to speak. Because of this, there can often be a community formed. These communities are also formed through shared experiences, negative and positive, and other important cultural touchstones (language, food, clothes, music, etc.)
The issue with race changing is that you are taking a culture that you are not part of, and changing a part of yourself that is intrinsically tied to who you are and how you are able to move through the world, to be this other culture instead. Most commonly I see this with shifters who are white changing their race to be a poc in their dr. Technically, yes, there are infinite versions of yourself and so there are ones where you are every race even races that don’t exist. That being said, that is not something you have ever consciously experienced for most shifters. You have been whatever your cr race is for your entire cr life. That means that those are the experiences you know, that is the culture that you get to claim. Don’t let your admiration of another culture lead you to steal from others.
People of every culture and race have to experience the downfalls of being that race as well. So trade your set of issues in for another set of issues if you want, i can’t control you. But it feels odd, especially in a reality that operates by a similar set of rules as ours.
Honestly though people can do what they want. This is really just me and my thought process on why I would never race change, you do you though, it’s your journey. However if you have been feeling on the fence about it, here are some alternatives!!
If you have a dr that is location based, it doesn’t hurt anyone to change where you were born and raised! for example if you are not korean but have a k-pop dr you can be born and raised in korea, you can keep your race and maybe your parents (if they aren’t from there) can have moved their before you were born. You can also be a foreigner in a location based dr. People move all the time, script you are fluent in the language and that people don’t discriminate against you for being different.
If you really want to experience a certain culture, you can have yourself be adopted into a family of that culture maybe? that way you can be included in the customs. But i would recommend that you retain your own racial identity. And hey who knows maybe you can share bits and pieces of your own culture with them as well!! (btw if you are trying to run away from racism and being discriminated against, just script it out. It won’t make your dr a magical unrealistic sunshine land, it’s okay to not wanna keep racism.)
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bisluthq · 4 months
Taylor is not going to be on the right side of History like she claimed once. She won’t take a stand on anything, I mean really speak out. Her only stand was something personal to her, for a brief period of time, during which she also supported Kesha against a producer who also wrote and produced many songs for Katy. That was before Katy and she apparently ended their feud. Lately, it has been crickets for her. Everything she does is always performative.
ehhhh I don’t like this take at all for all the reasons I’ve just said. I think it’d be equally performative for the big artists to like post about rafah acting like they can make a difference when the ICC wasn’t able to. Again, please don’t get me wrong - send Bibi and the entire cabinet (including Benny!!! Fuck him also!!!!) to fucking JAIL. Fuck those dudes. Bring back the hostages. Work towards a two state solution because that’s the only way forward and radicals ON BOTH SIDES who deny that are fueling the fire. Let’s stop letting Ashkenazi (white) Jews run Israel because they’re the minority and if we wanna talk about apartheid like that’s how apartheid worked just btw - the minority running the country - so idk let’s let middle eastern Jews who were displaced in 48-55 run the only country they can legally be in and not be murdered in (ideally)??? Idk???
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demonsfate · 4 months
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since @coldbloodeddevil inspired me when i was kinda talking to them about it, i thought i'd make a separate post about devil / abaddon & my process when writing him regarding 'redemption'. the funny thing is, when tk8 was first announced, i kinda,,, assumed devil was Dead. a lot of y'all from the Older Days may have remembered all the jokes i made about him being dead & excluded from tk8. the reason for this was because jin using devil moves. at the time, i had assumed this meant jin had taken control over devil at the end of tk7, and i assumed he did it through a similar method that kazuya did in tk4 over his devil. at the time, i didn't realize jin would only have control over the powers for like, one chapter of the game LMAO.
but at the time, i was pretty certain jin would either "kill" devil in the story, or devil would at least become "dormant" within. i would've never guessed that the game would've ran with that retcon i despise so much lol. i can't say i've never considered the idea that jin & devil may have a truce. that was a theory i had due to jin using the powers & devil still being around, as well as certain game articles claiming jin can be heard "calling out" to his devil for strength in the very early game trailers. (which uhhh... i guess he kinda ends up doing in the actual game itself lol) again, i still wasn't expecting that retcon. also, i can't say i wasn't expecting devil to become a good guy either, just because... i did kinda "guess" it in an old post from 2022!
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this was before the story trailer even dropped too btw lol. the funny thing is, instead of theorizing that retcon, i theorized basically what i ended up doing with this blog. (y'know, instead of the idea that devil was always a Protecting Jin, it was that jin just purifies him instead)
but seriously speaking, before the release of tk8, i wasn't actually... planning on redeeming abaddon. why? it's as i also said before the game dropped - i could never see jin & abaddon working together because, at the time, they both hated each other more than anything. another reason is because, much like harada, i was depicting both jin & abaddon as "tragic" in their own ways. yes, jin is the much more tragic one, but abaddon had his own tragedy, too. abaddon finding out that he was nothing more than a tool and so desperately trying to avoid this fate and to become a real person, only to have ultimately failed this. abaddon is also a creature who doesn't understand emotions properly, and would never be able to comprehend love in the right sense as well. (even though i once intentionally left it vague for the longest time - abaddon was always meant to "like" jin, it's just that... abaddon didn't like jin in the proper way a human would - again, viewing jin more as property, and abaddon also still chose himself over jin - no, chose his ambitions over jin.
to me, abaddon was pretty much pure evil in the sense of human morality. most of the "good traits" he had all came from jin. (such as caring about jin's friends because jin cares about his friends, and their Stronger Emotions tend to affect each other)
anyway, to avoid a huge paragraph - the point was, in a way, abaddon was supposed to be tragic, too. being a fucked up little creature. the point i was originally gonna make though is that jin is a tragedy who is sympathetic because he tries hard, but always ends up coming up short due to mere misfortune. meanwhile, abaddon is also a tragedy, but unlike jin - abaddon is immoral, and hurts people because of his "feelings" or "desires." even if it was also always canon that many of abaddon's negative feelings were indeed implanted from his creator, azazel - abaddon still hurt & killed thousands, if not millions of people. abaddon is a tragedy who deserved to end in further tragedy.
so yeah! i was not planning on redeeming abaddon. which is kinda funny, 'cos like... had tk8 played out differently, i'm unsure what i would've done with this blog since i consider abaddon to be just as important as jin on here and i want to keep writing him. which leads me to talk about how tk8 did redeem devil... except in the most unfavorable way imaginable. but i didn't actually mind the concept of devil being redeemed, whilst it goes against my initial vision, it's not something i didn't loathe the idea of writing - unlike tk6 jin, where i absolutely HAD to rewrite that in order to make this blog lol. so like, abaddon being "good" now is not an idea i felt the need to completely write off, just... how it came to be lol. (y'know, him just being purified by K-Magic!)
plus, for this blog, it's still a way for me to not only write abaddon, but place him in different scenarios as well. (a new take on him rather than him just being screechy to everyone he comes across... even though, admittedly, that was really fun to write! xD) why do i not entirely mind the idea of a "redeemed" abaddon? although i still believe abaddon deserves death for what he did lol, it's just that... his circumstance is different. people must question how much of him is to blame if he was ""influenced"" by his creator, and has now been wiped of that influence and would never do anything like it again. there's also the consideration if he's even considered the same person because of this drastic change - humans cannot have their souls "changed" or "purified" literally like a devil can. and finally, he shares a body with jin and so far... there hasn't been a way to truly get rid of devil without getting rid of jin or vice versa it seems. so you can't execute an innocent, not only an innocent - but one that saved the world, just to get to the other guy.
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A FINAL THING i want to say is that . . . just because abaddon is a "better" person now - your muse DOES NOT have to forgive him or even be nice to him. that is not expected on this blog at all. no matter what, abaddon still killed and harmed a lot of people - and all out of selfishness or an irrational hatred. i am never trying to intentionally write him to make people feel sorry for him (at least not in a "uwuuu presh baby" way) or to say "yah he's better he's forgiven." abaddon is just trying to be a better person now, and help when he can. it's up to another person if they want to forgive him or not. and like i said, if they don't - if they even wanna oppose abaddon because he was once cruel, then definitely go for it. with abaddon rn, i'm more so just trying to explore a theme with a devil who's had his nature changed / suddenly became more Angelic, rather than an actual proper "redemption arc".
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lunathegalacticwolf · 7 months
It's about time I said some actual OC personalities and stuff like that.
These are for my ScaredyCatz AU I'm working on. I'm collaborating with @spookykittyzzz
Anyways, here are my OCs I'm using (these are just some rough ideas, so anything I don't mention will be left up for interpretation)
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- Friendly
- VERY protective over Pomni
- Kinda hates Jax (he mean)
- LOVES headpats
Random stuff
- He is an animal, but his species is unknown, but he definitely isn't a dog or cat (and my forbidden pet au kind of implies he isn't a raccoon either tbh, but that's for me to know and you to find out)
- He gets aggressive and VERY bitey when someone is rude to Pomni
- He absolutely hates when his species is assumed (hell, he forgot his own species when he entered the circus)
- He has no mouth (Zooble and Kinger have entered the chat)
- The eyes on his head and tail are completely functional
- He can only speak in static, whines, chitters, or yodel noises, no actual words. (Mostly yodel noises when he's happy or angry)
- He's trained similar to how a dog is trained (he isn't a dog though, I've already established that)
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- Sweet
- A bit clumsy
- Very nerdy
Random stuff
- She is an animal, a black Labrador Retriever specifically
- Ever since entering the circus, she could speak English and she stopped being able to understand animals (she even forgot she WAS a dog to begin with)
- She likes to eat chocolate (only in the circus, not in the real world because sHe'S a dOg)
- She has the freckles in the real world, but that's just because it's the beginnings of vitiligo (which is absolutely beautiful btw, google it)
- She's able to eat her red paw and it'll appear back a few seconds after being eaten, it's basically her infinite peppermint stash
- Same with the chocolate drips on her back and head
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- Energetic
- VERY obnoxious
- Kind of annoying
Random stuff
- They can speak, but they can only say "Gloink," their own name, "Gloink Quee," (not a misspell, I did that on purpose) or "Gloinks Come." (Yeah, basically a lot of gibberish)
- They're against the Gloink Queen
- They've been in the cellar before out of curiosity (yeah, they hated it)
- Since they can't say many words, no one knows their actual gender, so everyone just calls them whatever they want
- They get along with Ragatha the most
- They have their own room, however, they prefer to be with Ragatha (she's their bestie)
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- Sweet
- Kinda naive
- LOVES cuddles
Random stuff
- She was created after Bubble was and he claimed her as his "baby sister"
- When she's confused, she makes cat chirp noises (look it up if you don't know what that means)
- She may or may not have a crush on Sun and Sun may or may not be too stupid to get the hint 😏 (gay people) (Disclaimer: Cloud is a consenting adult)
- Bubble calls her his "baby sister" just to be annoying
- When she's annoyed, she has the blankest expression imaginable (basically this: 😑)
- Her voice sounds like Wolfychu (look Wolfychu up on YouTube if you don't know who she is)
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- Kind of flirty towards men
- A bit mischievous
- LOVES pranks (you totally can't guess who his best friend is lol)
Random stuff
- He's a smooth talker (as in deep, calming-type voice. Basically, he sounds like Spyro)
- He was a rapper in the real world
- He's still a teenager, specifically 15 years old
- He's VERY gay
- His digital avatar is a wolfdog. Thought I'd say that so you don't mistake him for a full wolf or full dog.
- He has a skull tattoo on his upper back (Zooble "totally" didn't do it at all)
- He calls Jax a "Jaxrabbit" (yeah, I'm SO funny)
God, this took SO freaking long. And yes, Jax DOES give the nicknames just to be rude like he does with literally everyone, so you can give them a nickname you think Jax would call them if you want, idrc.
If information on Iveri is needed, it's all on my Wattpad page, IndigoTheHusky.
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lo-fi-charming · 2 years
A child wanting to experiment with gender expression isn’t really an indicator of like having a trans identity per say. It means she is being influenced by our culture to associate some characteristics with being a boy and some being a girl: e.g., she is being culturally indoctrinated to believe in gender roles. Instead of going along with that sexist thinking, you could ask her what it means to be a boy, and why she can’t do or be those same things as a girl
hi anon! this is straight up some weird terf shit, and i wonder if you realize that?
for the benefit of my followers (and because i love an excuse to talk about my art/ocs) here is the comic anon is referring to
right, so, id say the main problem with this ask is you immediately dismissing a child's thoughts and feelings about their gender simply because they are a child. if only due to the fact that you and i, as Real Life People, should be able to have a mutual understanding that since i, a Real Person, am saying that the fictional character is gender-fluid, that would mean they're gender-fluid and there's not room for interpretation or argument bc i SAID they are? gender-fluid? and this is my character that i made up?
if your issue is simply seeing a comic depicting a young child Realizing Some Things About Gender, well that's definitely a you problem.
and i really must note it here, bc it's so amusing to me: this claim that victoria is only asking to be a boy all of a sudden bc they, like, want to do something but think they cant bc it's a Boy Thing? but nothing in the comic implies that. vic doesn't ask "can I be a boy tomorrow so i can go play in the mud and eat bugs and wrestle the other boys, activities which are forbidden to me because i am a girl, btw what's up with that?", they just ask it out of the blue with no apparent trigger. and the 'mommy/daughter day' line is only in there so i could have vic ask about "switching back" and realize that yes, they can be a boy or a girl (or neither or both) whenever they feel like it.
the thing is anon, if there was actually anything you brought up worth discussing, it's currently only in service of delivering a weird, terfy rhetoric, and thus is no longer worth attempting to have a constructive conversation about. im so sorry if you're having to learn this way..... maybe you should take a day or two to reexamine your personal reaction to my lighthearted comic and see how you feel afterwards
so... yeah? um this ask was very surprising to see, lol, and that's speaking as someone who's gotten transphobic anons on this account before. it's like im collecting all the variants... blatantly transphobic, transmed bullshit, and now terfy bullshit... wow! super cool
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dieamoric · 2 years
Can you literally just educate yourself before you open your fucking mouth? I just came across your straight privilege post too and my god, you are the only one here so far out of touch with reality its unreal.
Bisexual people in opposite sex relationships get the same type of passing privilege as white-passing POC. If you are less likely to experience oppression or violent based on how others perceive you, you have privilege.
Privilege does not equate to actively oppressing other people, and it shows how truly ignorant you are that you're claiming that its oppressive to address privilege and perception differences.
If I am a bisexual man in a relationship with someone, regardless of their gender, who passes as female presenting, and I am not the victim of violence the way the gay, male presenting couple behind me are, I have privilege, because I am also queer, but I am being treated differently because the 'type' of queer I am means bigots can perceive me as not queer.
Now that's not my fault. At all. But if I am actively ignorant of said privilege and using it to dismiss the concerns of the gay couple by saying 'well I'm also queer and I don't get targeted' that is, very much, me being a privileged asshole who is refusing to acknowledge that by being able to pass as 'straight' I am afforded different treatment.
Its the exact same way white-passing POC have privilege in that they may not be the victims of the same level of, or type of racism as dark-skinned POC or POC with obviously 'ethnic' features. Again; absolutely not their fault. But a fact none the less.
Please just actually sit back and think about whatever the fuck you're posting, because its painfully obvious you're only speaking from your own point of view and opinions, which are wilfully ignorant at best.
anon are you black or a nonblack poc? i desperately want to know because if you are white like me you have 0 business equating colorism and racism to this discussion.
you also apparently have no ability to comprehend what you are reading and you put words in my mouth about what i was trying to say. which is insanely frustrating btw and anxiety inducing so thanks for that <3
there is so such thing as "straight passing privilege"
period. point blank.
i find it interesting how you are going after bisexual m/f couples here and not gaylm or lesbian or transhet couples that may appear """straight""" at a glance based on gender presentation of the people in the relationship. why is it that only bisexuals in m/f relationships have this so called privilege?
having our bisexuality ignored or erased isn't privilege and this isn't fucking oppression olympics "well gay people have it worse!"
do you want me to break out the suicide rates of bi people compared to gay people? what would that accomplish here? you clearly are stuck in your own ignorant opinion and anything i say is going to get twisted into something it's not.
it's very telling you are either not bisexual yourself or you haven't spoken to another bisexual person outside of your echo chamber that has you convinced that bisexual people have it better than gays or lesbians because we can also be in m/f relationships.
i'd tell you to talk to me when you finally realize you're wrong here, fundamentally, but i don't think i wanna hear from you again.
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sassycordy · 2 years
What is the sga debacle?? Did he do something specific?? I only know that he also made the shows Dark Matter and Utopia Falls which both have diversity and representation so that makes me hopeful for the same treatment in a new stargate series.
hi! whew im so sorry im just getting to this lmfao. truthfully ive been rly busy and this is such a serious topic that i wanted to make sure i chose my words carefully and laid everything out in the best way possible. 
disclaimer section! im not the best person to speak on this topic ahha. I just got into the fandom last year and it was only a few months ago that i started to hear some of these issues that existed previously (so if any veteran stargate fans wanna hop in on this and explain things in greater detail, please do)! also this is not a call out post or canceling thing. this is simply a hey-these-things-happened-and-maybe-we-should-be-careful-with-who-we-interact-with-and-trust type thing. anyways without further ado, here’s some of the sketchy shit that went down behind the scenes of stargate atlantis! (all sources are posted in the comment/replies btw)
> let’s start with the decision to kill off carson beckett because thats where the first weird comment pops up. now a lot of people claim that this was a move made by writers & producers to shake up the show and “make the actors feel less secure.” i’ve never been able to find that direct quote although ive heard people say that someone openly admitted it on the audio commentary/bonus features on the atlantis dvds soo take that however you like aha.
> after the sudden exit of paul mcgillion, tori higginson left the show a few episodes later anddddd ok this is where things escalate. this is an interview she gave where she openly talks about everything that went on behind the scenes. but to summarize, the writers ignored all of her input and refused to grow the character further when she had clearly outgrown the “Hammond” role. joseph mallozzi states in his blog post that brad wright himself was very fond and loved the weir character and he claims that the decision to write her out was because of “just simple logic.”(1) however, torri tells a different story. (2) 
“Honestly? I found that quite shitty, to be honest (laughs).Oops. But I found out, because I kept going to them, I kept going up to them saying ‘I have a feeling my character, you’re not doing anything with me, and you guys have me for six years and I don’t want to, you know, be here not doing anything. Let me know what’s going on.’ And they kept saying “no, no, no, it’s great. We love you. We love you. Things can be great.’ And I said ‘well, if that’s the case, can we do something with her’ and they kept reassuring me that nothing - and the very last day of filming season three, as I finished filming the last scene on the last day I was called up to the office and was told that my character was going to become recurring if I chose to be. So, I thought that was not very, um, dignified, way to deal with it, and I was a bit surprised. So I was—so my reaction was one of yeah, I was a little bit surprised. I was a little bit upset by how it was dealt with. But I wasn’t upset at the decision because I understood it. I kept going to them saying ‘I get, I get what’s going to happen, just give me some notice so I can pack my apartment and move back to L.A. Really. So I wasn’t upset with the decision. I was upset with how it was handled.”
she was led on and told her role would be reduced after the filming of season three which is uh. absolutely insane to think about considering she’s the main female lead of the show. And this is just my personal opinion but i think its interesting timing that as soon as brad stepped down, joseph mallozzi and his writing partner, paul mullie got rid of her. It’s also pretty telling that there was some bad blood behind the scenes because she didn’t even reprise her character in season five for the ghost in the machine aka the episode where they “kill elizabeth” off. although i do wanna mention that since then, jm has posted that he believes elizabeth would actually still be alive today and is just in stasis somewhere waiting to be found …which is nice. i guess. maybe they shouldn’t have fired her in the first place but hey whatever. 
and to end the torri section, here’s another quote that i think is the real reason she was let go from atlantis.
Question: And now Amanda Tapping seems to be doing exactly the same… just filing an episode. Torri said “Well, no. I understand that it’s a club, and you know, some people.. .you know. I think they didn’t like me constantly rapping on the doors saying ‘excuse me, why aren’t there any women writers or any women producers on the show?’ I think it bothered them. And so, Amanda, bless her, just had a kid so... bless her, man, she needs that gig more than [me]… you know what I mean? So I have no issues with any of them. I understand how it works. It is a bit of a political game and… I’m not very good at politics (laughs). I’m like Weir. I just want to act.”
> now this is where the joe flanigan of it all starts to come in. he’s been vocal about defending torri higginson and openly saying how bad of a decision it was to kill her off. (3) and his interview with dial the gate was enlightening on a few topics. (4)
his character didn’t get a backstory until season 3. tptb literally told him, “john likes ferris wheels” and called it a day. which is actually mind boggling. they gave him nothing to work with and somehow he turned it into gold. 
he’s also said many times and in different interviews how terrible it was that the writers carried over from sg1. the cast would pitch ideas but would be shut down because they would sound “too much like an sg1 ep” which is ridiculous considering how many atlantis scripts are just a rip off of sg1 eps anyways.
> and finally the whole whispers debacle. now i don’t really know a lot about this, so I'll just link the tumblr post that first brought this to my attention! (5) there’s also the whole “the writers stopped taking notes from the cast after season 3 and specifically started to shun joe out”  thing (which is very obvious in seasons 4 and 5) so i’ll also link another great tumblr post because they explain it so much better than i can. (6)
> there’s also the fact that once it became clear that universe was not doing well, both bw and jm turned and blamed it on atlantis and even sg1 fans.
“I don’t think if we, for any reason, go away, it is an issue necessarily of the quality of the product that we’ve been making. I think getting moved on the schedule has hurt us. And the fact that some of the fans that liked SG-1 and Atlantis were so angry that they have deliberately hurt us, which is unfortunate.” (7) Brad Wright. 
Jaso967060 writes: “Heck I think alot of people from “that other site” could be won back if some changes are made. (Finding out the Destinys Mission and the crew working together more instead of tearing each other down…and having more action…changes like that.)” 
Answer: Disagree. Given that their deluded mission statement is to see SGU cancelled in order to pave the way for an SGA return, I doubt that very much. (8) Joseph Mallozzi
this post is getting too long so i won’t go into the whole “stargate atlantis viewers were not the right demographic the writers wanted” thing. because yes this may have been said by one of the writers (i don’t have a source but so many people bring it up and it makes sense considering the type of show universe is). also joe flanigan talked about how the writers and producers disrespected atlantis fans and he sorta mentions this quote too so im gonna link it. (9) also i would just like to say huge shoutout to joe for not caring to be diplomatic lol. 
but yea. please take this post however you would like. all of this happened years and years ago so one can only hope people have learned from their mistakes. and if a fourth stargate show is ever made, I just pray they'll finally have women and poc writers/producers/directors as main contributors. also joseph mallozzi has done so many interviews with dial of the gate in recent years, so i would check those out if anyone would like to hear his current thoughts on stargate. (if you do, please message me because i would love to know if he acknowledges any of these topics ahah). 
and to end this lovely post, let's reminisce on that one time joe flanigan called the writers of atlantis “rodney mckays” <3
“Because the writers are all McKays – they are the collective Rodney McKay. It’s a whole load of little McKays running round up there in the offices.” (10)
so sorry this took a million years to respond to ahha. and i may have gotten a bit sidetracked but i hope i answered your question !!
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stucky and stuckage. steve and/or bucky getting so fat that they keep getting stuck in only narrow spaces at first, but as they get bigger and wider they start getting stuck in doorways and other, wider spaces that any normal-sized person would be able to fit through with ease. bonus points if the one who gets stuck is teased by the other about just how fat theyve gotten while theyre trying to squeeze through a doorway
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Before I actually talk about your ask, which is a great idea btw, the idea of someone getting stuck and enjoying it always makes me think of a part of my kink awakening when I was a kid that I need to talk about 😅
It's a book called "Snot Stew" by Bill Wallace and the basic part of it is that two kittens are left to fend for themselves, humans find them, then they become pets. One of the kittens is relaxed and comfortable around their human owners, the other kitten isn't. The kitten that is comfortable eventually steels the other uncomfortable kitten's food as well as eating their own food. Which... and I think you can see where this is going 👀... leads to that kitten getting fat. There are descriptions of said kitten waddling around, getting fatter and fatter, until one day the kitten gets stuck in a hole in the fence outside of the house when trying to come back into the yard! The kitten is too fat to come back inside. And there's a harrowing situation/climax in the book because of the stuckage that then leads to the moral that you shouldn't be greedy and should share all the time because it will come back to bite you.
You all fucking know what part my brain latched onto-
The stuckage.
Anyway. Yes. Stucky and stuckage.
Unbeta'd stucky belly kink. Warnings for consensual fat shaming, humiliation, semi-public kink, weight gain, immobility, etc.
Bucky getting a little chubby and trying to do the thing™️ where you slip through a door as it closes so you don't have to reach out and grab it yourself, re-opening it. Except. He doesn't make it. The door closes on his softly curving belly and vaguely thicker thighs and butt, Bucky thinks nothing of it though. There could be any reason for that, not necessarily because he's gaining weight.
Immediately my brain thought of this as Bucky getting fatter and fatter.
Bucky getting so fat that they keep getting stuck in only narrow spaces at first, but as they get bigger and wider they start getting stuck in doorways and other, wider spaces that any normal-sized person would be able to fit through with ease.
Bucky getting stuck between the wall and Steve when Steve sneaks past him in their apartment hallway. Bucky is more flustered by having Steve so close to him, a goddamn wall of muscle, than he is flustered by feeling himself squish into the wall.
Bucky getting not exactly stuck but hitting his widening hips on corners, tables, chairs, and everything. He's not used to the size of his body anymore, exploding out. Wider and wider. Heavier and heavier. Steve notices the bruises coloring his softening flesh, he kisses them while saying things in a worshipful tone that... wouldn't be nice if he weren't all about Bucky's increasing fat. "Getting all fat and clumsy on me, hm Buck? Gonna start waddling around soon under all this thick, soft fat? Make your ass bruise easier than an overripe peach as you start losing your balance, growing more, huh, fatty? Could bruise you like this, just barely pinching your fat tummy. You poor big baby."
Bucky getting stuck in the tighter spaces in their apartment, like the tiny tiny supply closet they have. If Steve isn't there, Bucky let's himself enjoy the moment (unless he's running late to do something else, then he huffs in frustation), the feeling of his plush fat squished will never get old, then tries to shimmy his way out or calls Steve over to help. Speaking of which, if Steve is with him, Steve makes a big deal out of it. Faking his "hardest" shoves and pushes, claiming he can't get Bucky out and they're gonna have to call the fire department so they can cut the drywall or furniture or whatever is around him, entrapping him. They're gonna have to call and... "then they'll come and see nothing but a big, fat whale stuck. Beached on land. Struggling to do anything for himself. So fat and useless."
Bucky getting stuck in diner booths because he's too big. Fat belly pouring over the edge of the table where it cuts into him. Blushing hard and stifling moaning burps as Steve covertly tries to slide him out, whispering in Bucky's ear, "if you break this booth, they're gonna make us pay for damages and we both know we can't afford that and also afford your huge fucking appetite or your tent sized clothes, so c'mon, get a move on. Or should I say get a moove on, you huge cow." His whispering does not ease Bucky's blushing or his moaning. Nor does it help his situation because he's a lot more reluctant to get up when he has an erection than when he doesn't (not that the major tent he's pitching will be visible under his massive stomach, hanging low, even as stuffed as he is).
Bucky getting stuck in his car. His belly is too wide and heavy, pressing against the steering wheel and center console and door of his little car and he has to call Steve to help him out. Steve says he will only help him out if Bucky will go in Steve's truck to a drive-thru after. Bucky's stomach growls. He has to agree. All the way to the drive-thru (actually, the drive-thrus, as in multiple, because Bucky is too fat to be satisfied after just one), Steve has one hand on Bucky's massive thigh, squeezing and saying terrible things in that smooth, sweet voice. It makes Bucky's head spin and his nerves ignite with heat. "Eventually, y’know, when you're craving fast food and you eat yourself outta fitting in my truck like you did your own fucking car, I'm gonna have to get a crane to put yoy in the bed of the truck and take you from drive-thru to drive-thru that way... I just hope you never get over the weight limit so we can't do that either."
Bucky getting stuck in doorways. Wide hips and rolls and rolls of blubber pressing against the walls. Steve finding him when he's unsuspecting because Bucky didn't call out, so used to getting stuck by this point, having gotten so large... Steve just walks right into Bucky's fat ass. Literally. He's looking down at his phone, not forward as he wanders through their apartment until BAM! He's stopped by Bucky's huge figure, literally bouncing off of him and back a little ways. Steve groans in arousal once he realizes what's happened. Then, he growls, "you stuck, fatty?" as he gropes Bucky's doorway-wide ass, grabbing handfuls of fat, sticking his fingers in between the tight rolls of blubber around his sides and back, pinching his wobbling thighs, petting his fat arms... Bucky shudders under his touch, feeling like prey under a predators paw. (Steve may or may not go with the porn approach of trying to fuck him until he becomes unstuck, thrusts jostling his huge body enough to slip free and crash down onto the floor with a moan. All of his fat jiggling and making him finally come in combination with Steve's dick sliding between his cheeks because said cheeks are too fat and round for Steve to slide all the way inside his hole 🤤)
(kinda like this art by @namjoonscutetummy )
Also, just, Bucky getting stuck on the couch when it gives out under his massive ass 😳 (is he then stuck on the floor? 🤔 if the couch is in two pieces on either side of him?)
Enjoy the thoughts 🥵
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