#btw this will eventually be part of a series. i will do the 1989 singles as well
foreseeobstacles · 1 year
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1989, but it's midnights instead (+a variant cover my friends liked)
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guns-n-zeppelin · 5 years
Never Say Die - 1989-1997
@lauravic asked: Hey! I just binged Never Say Die and loved it and it’s really unfortunate that it’s discontinued. Could you maybe tie it up for me and everyone else and maybe tell us just key events of what was gonna happen? Like did Axl and Amy ever figure things out and end up together? Or what you meant in the beginning of the series when Axl said that “Amy died in 1997”. Just key points to rest our minds? If not, then it’s completely fine, I just had to try and ask. I love your stuff btw
Masterlist - Never Say Die
A/N: Sure thing, love. I’ve been meant to do this actually for a long time but lmao i’m lazy af. Also, sorry i took so long to answer haha. Hope i’ll let y’all out of your sufferings now. It would have been great to finish this honestly but i’m too unmotivated to do anything pfft. Also don’t have time but uhuh. ALSO i haven’t updated this legit in 2 years probably and still i get almost every day notes to this story and the chapters, i thought at this point this would have been long forgotten or something. Wild. I’m really glad and flattered how many of you have liked my story, it always brightens my day a lot to hear positive comments :’) But i think this has atleast some of the main / biggest key events that would happen. I’m not sure if i forgot couple of them or something, but here’s some atleast. I mean, 8 years is quite a long time but khgjlh. These are just like, the biggest probs. This is reallyy shortly explained but i hope you’ll get some kind of picture of the future events.  I’m rly bad at summarising (is that a word) things, but let me know what you think for the last time ahah. But thank you again, everyone, for reading my stories :’) I truly appreciate it! Hugs <3
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Quick Summary
Dave and Amy weren’t dating and neither were Axl and Erin, even though some time later Axl would end up back together with Erin again for a while. Amy and Axl took distance to each other, though Amy still kept seeing with the other guys. Some weeks passed and Amy and Axl went back to being friends, both of them managing to pretend that nothing had happened.
Amy had done some studies about journalism for some time, also before her death in her ‘original life’, and in 1989 went all the way to London for one year to try to finish them. So she ended up moving there, saying it was just one year. They would still keep in touch somewhat regularly, although it was pretty hard. After her studies, Amy got an offer of a permanent job as a journalist in London, which she took and ended up staying there much longer.
In 1990 Amy started dating a man named Adam, a young police officer, who she would later marry and have a child with as well in 1994.
Also, in the beginning of 1991, Amy met Randy again, the same man who she had met a few years ago at the record store. Though now, he was in London with Amy’s mother. At that moment, she finally found out who her father was. Randy Castillo, who would die in 2002 while future Amy had just turned 5 years old.
The next time Steven, Izzy, Duff, Slash and Axl met Amy, was in 1991 at their gig in London. They spent all time together they possibly were able to during that short time, catching up and all that. Axl had met Stephanie and Amy told the five of them about Adam as well. Steven and Scarlet were still together and Steven told Amy, that he was planning to propose her, but hadn’t told anyone else yet.
Adam and Amy had a daughter in summer of 1994, but only after two months since their child Amber was born, Adam died – he was shot on his chest. After 3 months since they had kept his funeral, Amy decided to return back to the USA, not being able to stay in England any longer. Needing to get back to her friends.
Amy was still friends with Jon as well, even after the past years and their broke up. She met with him too and chatted together catching up, her introducing him to Amber too. Amy hadn’t informed anyone else except Scarlet, that she would be coming back there, so it was a surprise to all of them. But things had changed a lot since Amy left, new faces coming up and down the stages and couple of familiar ones missing. Izzy and Steven had been replaced already, so she wasn’t able to meet with Izzy again at that time atleast. Izzy would meet Amber as well later though of course.
Matt Sorum and Dizzy Reed had already heard a lot about Amy and were eager to meet her personally. Both of them had heard about Axl and Amy’s quick affair together, but decided not to mention it to either of them.
Amy and Axl were now both single and during time both of them felt old feelings getting back up again, but refused to confess them to even themselves. But they would still get back together eventually in the 1996, when Amy was ready to date anyone again after Adam had died and when it didn’t feel like cheating on him anymore.
And Axl knew, that he would propose Amy some day, and so he did after a year and they got married for a short moment in June 1997.
But everything changed in autumn 1997, right on the day of Amy’s birthday. Unfortunately Amy died from a heart attack. She wouldn’t be able to be alive at two different places at the same time and at that exact moment she would be born elsewhere to her parents, in a hospital just a few hour drive away. Scarlet, Amber’s aunt, raised Amber, who had just lost both her mother and father by the age of 3.
It took a long time for Axl to move on from Amy, but the last time he would ever see the girl he once loved, would be in 2013 when a 16 year old girl with a Led Zeppelin t-shirt on walked past him on the streets of Los Angeles with her friends Leo and Amelie.
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(A/N2: I basically obviously ignored some parts how some of their lives went like idk Steven’s especially but doesn’t matter lmao spare me with that)
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