#btw. two people encouraged me to post this so I Am posting it
spamsandsuch · 4 months
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spamblue content after like a whole year
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pathetic-gamer · 29 days
Can you say more on The Burning Wheel? The information on the site doesn’t distinguish it much from other TTRPGs that I can tell, aside from being a D6 system. What makes it unique and worth playing? (You don’t have to provide a huge rundown haha I’m just curious!)
Sure! I tried to keep this short and failed miserably, but I'd be happy to expound even more upon specific things later, if people want more :)
(Please note that, as with any ttrpg, it would be hard to claim any of the things mentioned here are wholly original to The Burning Wheel. It would be even harder to claim that no other systems have used these mechanics or philosophies in the 20 years since The Burning Wheel came out. I am not going to claim either of those things - its the combination of them and the play experience they have resulted in for me that make it unique, so that's the angle from which I'm writing this post.)
So. why is it worth playing? How is it different?
I could talk about the skill learning system, the war rules codex, the whole concept of versus tests vs bloody versus tests. But to me, there are two main ways that it stands out from other systems: its treatment of role-play as a mechanism, and the overall philosophy behind the game's design, including the concept of setting clear expectations.
(using section headers to break up the text lol)
How it uses role-play:
The most obvious thing to point out is that there's a whole set of encounter mechanics for social situations or debates (Circles checks, Duel of Wits, etc.) - sort of the epitome of crunchy role play. But thats not what I'm getting at! What I'm getting is the fact that good role play is integral to the way the game functions.
Let's go back, all the way to character creation: When you're burning a character, you selecting life paths (page to squire to knight, etc.) with their associated skills and traits, then tie them in a pretty bow with beliefs and instincts to guide the character's actions. All of these things feed into each other to make a complete character. Easy! Familiar! We all know how to make a character, even if the numbers and labels are different!
What really matters to this engine once you're playing is whether the character you're acting as matches what you built. If it doesn't, the rules nudge you to redefine your character until it does through systems of rewards, penalties, and consequences. You are rewarded for sticking to and acting on your traits, beliefs, and instincts through different types of points distributed and voted on by fellow players, which can be used to alter the course of events or turn the tide of a bad situation later on. If you're not living up to a trait, on the other hand, you can lose it and all its benefits. (Took the fortitude trait, but ran from trouble one too many times? tough luck! the other players voted to take away that trait and now you can't call on it in moments of peril.) The beliefs and traits of a single character can end up at odds with each other, resulting in characters having to make choices that in other systems might seem insignificant or carry few lasting consequences, but here may alter the function of your character.
It's not all punitive measures, btw! One of my characters caused problems for everyone else by refusing to put away a weapon when someone else was in danger, playing off of an instinct that states he draws his weapon whenever his master does. After the session, another player suggested everyone consider nominating the Brave trait for him the next time we update them. As a character-type trait, it has no effect when rolling dice but does mean that henceforth and forevermore, anyone who interacts with him will notice a sense of bravery. Delightful!!
Also, the beliefs of different characters are practically guaranteed to stray from one another at some point, which is the primary source of inter-PC conflict. Because the mechanics of the game encourage and reward sticking to your beliefs or following your stated instincts even when it makes things significantly harder or causes problems, you're much more inclined to do it. As someone who is terrible at not slipping back into the same kind of character over and over again, I think this fucking rules.
I'm playing with a group of people I've been gaming with for almost five years, and this has opened the way for much richer dynamics between our characters than any of the other systems we've played, in part because as players we're less interested in acting on concensus to drive the plot forward. Working as one unit simply isn't the goal, and if it was, we would play a different system that encourages and rewards that.
the game's philosophy, aka setting intentions and also reading rules:
Now we're starting to get at the philosophy behind the game's design: It believes you have to know why you're playing burning wheel instead of literally any other game. This isn't a system you play on accident. It's admittedly a complicated game with a LOT of rules. It asks for a huge amount of engagement from all of the players, not just the GM - something like inter-PC conflict can only work well if everyone is on the same page (figuratively, but also literally lol) and ready to help adjudicate rules, ask for tests, discuss intentions, etc. Dream scenario for a chronic rules lawyer lol.
Obviously any game will be more fun if everyone has actually learned the rules before they start playing, but this is one where it's extremely difficult (if not impossible) to play if most players haven't learned them, and deeply rewarding if they have. It really operates on the expectation that everyone is putting in work, and everyone has respect for the time and effort the others are bringing to the table.
It's hard to put a finger on how this all impacts play other than the obvious elegence of People Knowing What Theyre Doing, but on a purely emotional and meta level, knowing that everyone is investing so much time and effort to play a game with you is just.. idk, it feels special and makes the time itself feel even more valuable. In that sense, the satisfaction of playing the game isn't coming from the game itself, but is still shaped by it.
(In my mind, this is the #1 reason to try the game, but as @thydungeongal alluded to yesterday, finding people willing and able to do it is also the #1 hurdle to, like, actually having a good time. it would be completely miserable otherwise.)
Also, for a game that does not boast a collaborative nature the way some others do, it is honestly pretty fuckin collaborative lol. I don't know that this was Luke Crane's intention in designing the game, but closing out sessions by going through and grading everyone's work and giving each other glorified gold stars, you will inevitably end up discussing and dissecting things, learning from people's character work, and seeing where and how you can improve individually and as a group. It creates a table culture that values honest expressions of discomfort or dissatisfaction, and also of appreciation and celebration. It's after-care. It leads naturally into setting intentions and expectations for the next session. It just feels really nice!!!
That's obviously a table culture that can be cultivated anyway, and it's a practice my group has learned to be very intentional about facilitating, but it's just interesting how The Burning Wheel of all systems manages to support that. I think that's what the website means when it says playing this changes how you play other rpgs lol
So yeah, idk how much more to say and also I'm sooooooo so eepy and was like an hour late for work, so its a weird brain day. but there you go lol
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eph-em-era · 1 year
hey so i am so so pleased they hired an intimacy coordinator this time around! and you can tell that the actors are much more comfortable too! the intimacy is much much better!!
let's do a lil intimacy breakdown from my knowledge as an IC in training and a director just in general
(this is a long post so it's under the cut)
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fact is, there's some awkwardness in the ed/stede s1 kiss, which i am ninety percent sure is due to body placement. i'd wager there was a discussion on set that was like "hey this is a stunning shot, we love what it looks like, let's get the actors in" and they got the actors in and got to the blocking for the kiss and everyone was like "hey this is a bit awkward but we'll muscle through" - cause that awkwardness fits the character arcs.
but it's not actually all that easy turning all the way to one side to kiss someone without moving where your legs are! it's weird! it's an awkward angle! - or more accurately, it's the angle that two people would kiss at if it was a very impulsive, awkward surprise; or if your two lead actors are very good friends faced with playing lovers for the first time and not sure what to feel about that (we've all been there) - there's reticence, but it fits the scene so it's fine.
(Lucius and Pete and Olu and Jim also have moments of intimacy, which for the most part are fine, and I suspect that's a combo of a) their staging is SO MUCH BETTER, b) character choices, c) different directors and d) less of that "OMG WE'RE PLAYING LOVERS NOW" anxiety)
~~onto season 2~~
for the record, intimacy direction isn't just for kissing/sex scenes, ICs can come in for intimacy building exercises and additional blocking, as well as things like nudity, childbirth or any similar sensitive work, but I'm going to be talking mostly about kisses in this. anyway!
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Beautiful! Kind, lovely, tender! The backdrop is super nice too. Honestly, the Lucius/Pete stuff has really been so nice all the way along; that's great casting! Especially in S2E5, everything reads as very earnest and space is used very well.
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Archie and Jim. Now, we don't have anything to compare it to from S1, but I'm flagging it cause yeah, they definitely have similar staging to Ed/Stede from S1E09. I would say there's a much better range of movement in this one, likely because they're sitting on the floor, braced against the bed, so they can compensate for the weird angle better than E/S could. This might come off as a lil rude but it's also more likely that these two actors are slightly more flexible and can make this staging work better than Taika and Rhys.
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Cannot for the LIFE OF ME find a gif of their hug, but they have fantastic chemistry! despite only showing up for like 2/3s of one episode. I've seen people whining about how they absolutely should have kissed - and you know what, I would have liked that too!
however, I suspect that what happened here was that one or both of the actors didn't want to kiss on screen, and voiced their objections to the IC, who found a work around. It was likely not cause of any kind of ill will or homophobia, for the record - sometimes you just don't want to kiss people. Maybe you're sick, maybe you're feeling weird, maybe you're just not in the right headspace, but a kiss might be off the cards that day.
This is behaviour we want to encourage, btw. The goal is to ensure that actors feel comfortable and that the shot isn't be all end all. I've done something very similar, we had 20 mins to get the blocking done and the actors weren't at a point where kissing felt comfy, so we did a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
it is better that the actors are comfortable than your ship is fulfilled.
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Hey yknow what I was saying about how ICs aren't just used for blocking, they're used for chemistry building? That's what they've HIT ON HERE. This is genuinely a very lovely kiss. It's deeply appropriate for the characters, and it's private and simple. things get a little more raunchy, and hands start moving, but then it's stopped, for a narrative reason, and the chemistry remains with the hand hold. It's really very nice, well blocked and well performed. the hand placement! the tenderness! it's great. there's none of that s1 reticence, whether that was from characters or actors.
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I think the intimacy work, much like the writing and the characterisation is much, much stronger in this season, and that's to the show's benefit. I know we're only halfway through, but I'm thoroughly interested to see where things go in the remaining episodes. I will update this post if anything exciting crops up in the final five.
and this is why you need to hire ICs! they make life easier for actors, directors and crew alike!!
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swanshapedheart · 3 months
Poorlittlekoi’s statement
Disclaimer. I, the poster, am not Koi
I am someone putting her thoughts and response to her situation into the public as I was encouraged to do so. I feel it is also necessary to bring this up as well.
I do not want to be affiliated with controversy any further.
“this whole situation has messed with my head to the point where i cant even send a text to most people without worrying they are gonna leak it or use it against me in the future,, svlvnsore was just bored and found me really annoying shown in screenshot one…. not only that they also called me out for heavily referencing or tracing when they reposted an artpiece thats doing the same thing. Svlvn said they are on my ass because i didnt credit who i referenced, when the person they reposted didnt do the same either proof in screenshot two three and four. Another thing i caught on to is that they SPECIFICALLY said they didnt care that i self harmed or did horrible things to myself when they posted about me. i have anxiety, i overthink! of course im going to do bad things to myself, im mentally unwell. proof in screenshot 5… and for screenshot 6, this is only an assumption, but saying that svlvn "didnt know" is something that really throws me off. when someone makes a callout post on someone else, there will OBVIOUSLY be harassment. thats just my thought, i feel like they knew what they were doing since him and his bf arent very good people either. especially holding onto old dms and gathering them up to use it against me, when they could have handled the situation privately with me, rather than hide it behind my back.
all of this could have been prevented if they handled it differently, and that goes for me as well.
im fully aware im in the wrong, but these people are wrong in some places too. and i want people to realize that.
many artists in tcc trace, reference, all the time. i dont understand why im slandered for heavily referencing something, not tracing. theres proof of an artist doing this FROM THE ORIGINAL ARTIST BTW in my dms right now but i dont get them involved
am i handling this situation immaturely? maybe, but arent they doing the same by harassing me? absolutely.
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when it comes to someone being racist/homophobic, people feel the need to harass this person to make them feel worse about what they did. this isnt how you handle a situation. harassing someone to the point they attempt suicide is just as bad as what i did, possibly even worse.
now i have recover slowly until i have the chance to even feel comfortable with myself again. i understand what i said and did was wrong, and im sitting here attempting to change and apologize to the people ive offended and hurt, but throwing that apology under the rug and making it seem like im guilt tripping is ridiculous.
so they cant say i didnt try to apologize, but nobody is guaranteed to accept my apology and thats okay. but putting it out there as if im guilt tripping when im giving reasons why i said it is not even giving me a chance to change
when it comes to growing up with a HUGE racist family, these words and beliefs become apart of my vocabulary and thoughts. its very hard to change that especially when i was always told "its just a word" and i hear it daily! growing up with these slurs has become so normal for me to say it just slips out with no worry, but ofc im seen as guilt tripping when i say this.
its different for each person, i saw a comment saying they grew up in a southern family and they dont say it, but thats them, not me.
people at school and during family events would peer pressure me into saying this slurs multiple times because they found it "funny." i slowly believed that as well.
i was a young teen being taught the wrong things, and seeing other people in tcc say it made me feel like i should say it as well to fit in and be edgy, since thats what the community is like
this situation is another lesson for me to learn, but other people in it need to learn that harassing someone isnt okay, either. especially when im trying to change, it doesnt make it any easier.”
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parisiterileymoon · 4 months
Yoo i just read your angel dust x reader in the 40s and it was great! If you ever need to write something in italian i'll gladly translate it for you (i am italian)
Btw are your requests open? If so then can i ask for a sort-of follow up to your aforementioned post? Reader goes to hell after getting shot by angel's dad, some years pass and angel dies too but they don't know they both went to hell and assume the other one is in heaven and one day they meet again out of luck and recognize eachother after having a conversation in a bar or something like that (btw if you could refrain from calling him anthony too much it would be greatly appreciated, nothing against that it's just that my dad is named antonio and it feels kinda weird to read a fic with my dad's name lol, but if you want to call him anthony anyway i don't mind at all), thanks for reading!
If my request violated any rules please tell me so that i won't make the mistake again
You are incredible! I adore how detailed this request is. I will use as little “Anthony” as possible lol.
Angel dust x reader (1940s follow up…or part two?)
C/W: cannon typical violence, grief, loss, mildly suggestive, survivors guilt, regret, crying LOTS of emotions.
70 years. 70 years is how long it’s been. 70 years since you have seen him. It was startling at first. You never thought you would see him again. For a while you just held eachother. You sat there, your face nuzzled in his fluff. “Oh my god I have so much to tell you.” He smiled down at you. He began to talk about the family. You didn’t listen. You just stared at him. At how beautiful he is. You held his bottom set of hands and rested your head on his chest. You’ve never seen him so happy. This beautiful man you have been waiting for him for what it feels like an eternity and he’s finally here. You are in his arms at last. “Hey are you listening?” “No. I’m not. I’m sorry but…you look so happy. I can’t help but think…I mean it’s like- my whole brain is occupied by the thought ‘holy shit…this is it. This is what I have been waiting for. What I have been wanting.’ I’ve waited seventy years, my angel.” Tears well up in both your eyes. “Oh…oh my god.” He grabs your face and pulls it up to his. He kisses you. Not a kiss full of heat, but not with any less passion. A kiss filled with love and adoration. A kiss from a man missing the love of his life for 70 years. 70 years filled with pain and agony. For a moment, he forgot his pain, suffering, trauma, and tears. You are his everything. You are the reason he wanted to hang on. The shred of hope that you might reunite. “I thought you went to heaven” he said after he pulled away. You shake your head. “Why?” You laugh pitifully “I’ve done terrible things…” he sighs. “Because you regretted it. Every time. Every time you shot or stabbed you felt horrible. You brought flowers to their graves. You cried, tha-that can’t mean nothing!” He looks confused and angry. How dare they deny the love of his life entry to paradise? You are the kind of person to cry when Bambi’s mom died every time. Without fail. You put a chocolate smile on his pancakes once! “You’re too good for this shithole, (____)…too good.” His voice shakes as he said your name. You kiss him. Comforting, passionate, painful, sweet, and loving. “If I went to heaven I would’ve never seen you again.” You looked into his eyes. There were so many emotions swirling between the two of you that night.
I think the moral of this story is that…I don’t know hold on to the people that love you.
I cried well writing this. Any feedback is encouraged. Thank you for reading🫂
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ravioliet · 5 months
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ok so let me be cringe on main for a minute here (this is a joke btw i know cringe isn't real). odd squad mlp au for your consideration
please ask me questions about this by the way i have so much for this. i'll put some of the basic info (it's a lot more than that now but in my defense it started as a basic summary) and a few more drawings under the cut though please look at it with your eyes thank you
so for some basic explanations we have Olive who is a unicorn, Otto who is a pegasus, Olympia who is a part unicorn earth pony (which i'll explain in a sec), and Otis who is a full blooded pegasus (which i'll also explain the importance of in a moment). i haven't drawn Ms. O, Oscar or Oona yet but they are an alicorn (formerly an earth pony), a unicorn, and an earth pony respectively
Olive and Otto are the only two that i've come up with cutie mark designs for so far (they are so hard to design..) but Olympia and Otis have them too, they just get them mid-season. specifically after the talent show. i'm designing them side by side so that they kinda match because they get them at the same time and also they're besties your honor, but anyways theirs are a little fireworks design and some sort of a swan design because y'know. the ugly duckling story. and also i think part of his talent is dancing and like swan lake exists etc etc. and yes this does mean that he's a little bit scared of his own cutie mark at times but he just tries not to think about it and usually covers it with his wings anyway. all four of their cutie mark meanings are kinda abstract personality trait related things
Olive got hers after stopping the pienado because character development moments, which also kinda means that she's sorta tied to Todd because of this which she Does Not Like. i'll need to make a whole other post about Todd in this au because he's definitely a guy, but anyways while they were partners Olive was a blank flank and despite how good at his job he was Todd was one too and it was like one of the only things they really had in common, but it also ends up being one of the reasons he goes rogue because not only is Todd bored but he's also frustrated because he's tried everything he can think of and won every award he possibly can and he still doesn't have a cutie mark even though he feels like he definitely should by now because this has to be his talent. why would he be so good at it if it wasn't? he doesn't get his cutie mark until after he reforms btw, because before then he was either too certain about his talent being something else or too busy causing trouble to entertain himself that he never really took the time to stop and discover that his actual interest was gardening and that's when he finally gets his cutie mark. in my head i have this alternate version of Otis's tomato speech where when Todd is like "i'm Odd Todd it's who i am" Otis is just like "that's not what your cutie mark says" and it's very silly but anyways i'm gonna circle this back around to Olive real quick
so on top of Todd's cutie mark being in gardening he also has a sort of side meaning as well in the sense that he's a little bit like the CMC and has a sort of knack for encouraging character growth in others whether he realizes it or not because. encouraging plants to grow.. encouraging people to grow... the whole villain rehab thing...... you see what i'm getting at here. but the funny thing is the first pony he really did this to was Olive and it was completely unintentional. he didn't know that she would get her cutie mark by stopping him, at least not consciously, but she did. it probably takes him quite some time before he actually puts together the fact that he's had that talent the whole time.
Otto's cutie mark is a lot sillier. he actually doesn't know how he got it or what it means (as mentioned earlier it's symbolic but he doesn't know that. also shoutout to Shroom aka Evillandscaper for suggesting a paper crane because i did NOT know what i was gonna make it) he just kinda walked into work one day and Olive was like "oh cool you got your cutie mark?" and Otto was just like "WAIT I GOT MY CUTIE MARK?????" cue a whole silly filler episode involving the two of them trying to figure out what it means and also Olive having a crisis over the fact that Otto can do that pegasus thing where they use their wings like cartoon hands. both of these become running bits from then on. also i drew this comic about it and it might be one of my favorite things i've made for this au honestly
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and on the topic of cutie marks as i previously mentioned, Olympia and Otis both get theirs after the talent show and they're also matching a little bit. theirs are also personality things but in addition to that Otis's is also for dancing and Olympia's is for magic, and you may be wondering how an earth pony can be a magic talent and this is where that half unicorn thing comes in!
so Olympia is half unicorn half earth pony which i don't think is too uncommon on its own, but the thing that makes her weird is that she inherited traits from both sides instead of just one over the other, so she actually has unicorn magic but no horn to actually use it with so she's unable to cast actual spells or anything but her magic will kinda spill over at times, especially if she's emotional, and cause things to happen like that one time she exploded into glitter when interviewing Olive or of course the fireworks! she's kind of like the Pinkie Pie character who just does unexplained things sometimes she's just very silly. fun fact in her ref you can see that her mane and tail are sparkly and that's because they kinda just perpetually look like they have glitter in them, but the thing is it's not really glitter it's all just magic. i imagine her coat is like this as well but i just didn't draw it in
also as a side note it came to my attention that she bears an uncanny similarity to Sparkleworks from G3 and i have absolutely no idea how that happened At All. like they have the same cutie mark and everything it's so weird. i've never even watched G3 i'm a G4 kid i legitimately have no clue how the hell this happened. i did make this out of it though
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anyways for Otis, he's a pegasus of course but he's specifically a Cloudsdale weather pegasus, which yes i did make up but hear me out. so basically in my mind pegasi born in somewhere like Cloudsdale are more likely to have weather talents or like. stronger abilities in controlling the weather and such, which means stuff like larger wings and weatherproof wings and feathers to make it easier to deal with storms and stuff like that, so basically all this is just an excuse for me to give Otis waterproof feathers like a duck. but anyways since he was still raised by the ducks he doesn't actually know he's from Cloudsdale or anything so he just thinks he's weird for the feathers thing
okay i have. way more but i'm cutting myself off here so i don't overload everyone with information but anyways, please ask me about them, and also here's some extra drawings i've done of them :3
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independent-variables · 6 months
Having now finished binging all of your star wars fics, I come here asking for some recs. Just any of your favourites, bonus points if it will cause emotions (and tears).
Also can't stress enough how much I love your writing, it's so so brilliant <3
(this is neptunesenceladus btw, tumblr hates me and won't let me send asks with a side blog so you get this one)
HI!!! Good to see you, good to see you <3 Always happy to provide recs <3 <3 <3
I want you to know I went through my bookmarks and pulled like sixty fics and had a brief moment of panic, so this is not all of my recs just the first... thirty, or so. If none of these are appealing, oh boy, do I have more!
This list is not in any order other than bookmark order, most are on the shorter side, most are Gen and I am pretty sure all are complete. I tried to warn for stuff that could be a squick when I remembered.
False Dichotomy by nsmorig
Starting off strong with my favorite Cody fic of all time. If you read nothing else on this list I encourage you to read this (if the tags are not a squick) because it will re-shape your brain and shatter your heart into tiny pieces. Basic premise is Force Sensitive Cody gets captured by Dooku and survives torture, experimentation, and imprisonment while trying to figure out his relationship to the Force and to his personhood, and the ways those things are connected. 
What's in a Name by Sankt
This is about Fordo post war and it’s phenomenal characterization. 
The Last Poem of Jedha by schweinsty
How Bohdi Rook becomes a rebel and writes a poem. 
you're like a loaded gun by kazhan
Ok this is E and also Underage, so maybe it’s a skip, but it’s teen Boba/Cal trying to navigate sex and love and secret identities and it’s so fucked up and so good. 
chicken, cattle and cat by deniigiq
Obi-Wan and Maul living in domestic dis-harmony on Tatooine. What more could you ask. 
Little things [are the reason to live] by i_will_bite
Clone medics navigating a slightly hostile working environment and trying to make it less hostile T-T
Two brothers (and a kid) by meerlicht
What if. Waxer and Boil just stayed on Ryloth, with Numa. What then? 
with poise, with grace by andeemae
Stone falls through a hole in a roof and falls in love. Beautiful clone/OC romance and very cute kids, doesn’t shy away from the difficulties of being a clone in love with a civilian. Very much an inspiration for me.
second time around by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters
This is another one I wasn’t sure I wanted to put on here because it deals briefly with rape, but it’s such a wonderfully fucked up take on Anakin and Rex’s relationship. Or, how Vader views Rex. 
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
If you are looking for an epically long series to get invested in I highly recommend checking this one out. This series and its sister-series are some of the best characterization and worldbuilding for Jedi I have ever had the pleasure of reading and it is a fix-it in all the messy, hard, terrible ways people don’t usually write fix-its. 
Shape-Changer by Fialleril
This is a foundational fic for me. Incredible Tatooine worldbuilding. Inspired me to write the way I write. 
The Sun Is Bright, The Sun Is Blue by ambiguously
most things may never happen: this one will by jaigeye
This is brutal but what if you were a droid and you had to dissect a person. 
Bad Deal by FettsOnTop (GTFF)
Boba/Lando my beloved. A brief look into their relationship and into Lando’s thoughts leading up to Han and them’s arrival. 
and the Force is with me by sauntering_down
Rex and Ahsoka and the way the war changed them, and what they can and cannot do in the aftermath. 
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by yellow_caballero
The Fox fic of all time. What if you were trapped in a time-loop with a ghost from the future but your life is so monotonous and simultaneously bizarre you don’t even notice. 
Fishhooks by yellow_caballero
The Boba fic of all time. This author does not write much for SW but every time they do it’s iconic. What if you were a teenager running away from home but also a perfect clone of your father created to be him but better but also his because you will never escape his body and his ownership and his love. What then. 
Staring into open flame by SLWalker
This is such a beautiful and heartbreaking read, it’s basically exploring what would have to happen for Maul and Obi-Wan to have a genuinely healthy and happy relationship post murder and bisection. 
Energy Drink Fox by carrinth
The crack comic of all time. What if Fox had space Monster.
lost cause by catboydogma
The foundational Dogma fic. The fic that got me wondering about how clones spend their time on Coruscant. 
the married au by dharmaavocado
Clone rebellion my beloved. Basic premise is the clones took over Kamino and then went out into the galaxy as a mercenary army of sorts. Rex and Cody are finding their place in the world, creating business partnerships, falling in love, manipulating public perception of clones. (Background clonecest, not between Rex and Cody.)
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slythereen · 11 months
I agree, if Charles went to RBR it would actually be the best, PR-wise, for RB and him.
If anyone starts talking about Charles betraying Ferrari? The absolute shade Christian would throw out into the media about how Ferrari didn't treat him right.
People hating on him once he starts winning? Red Bull would bask in the media attention for being the villain team and having two drivers destroy the competition. They would post videos of getting booed and see it as a sign of superiority. You're right, they would definitely eat that shit up and throw it in everyone's faces.
And Charles in Ferrari media always gives PR-media-trained-perfect-angel-boy, but we all know Charles is actually unhinged and insane and can be snarky as hell. RB would allow him to not be a robotic PR boy for once in his life.
Honestly, it would be best for everyone, and most importantly, entertaining for us.
you know, i actually am not sure how demonic charles would be on main about it all. on one hand, yes, ferrari absolutely has a hand in how buttoned up his media persona is — but, he's been with them for so long (is ferrari the team that sent him to media training with sky? or was that earlier?) that it's definitely influenced his natural approach, i think. careful and deliberate is ingrained in him.
don't get me wrong: he has his moments. he's not afraid to get a little sassy, he will toss shade, but significantly less than other drivers (and half the time he gets kidnapped by silvia and returns suddenly happy with ferrari again). i can see the sudden shift in pr management from transitioning from ferrari to rbr going two ways.
first, charles doesn't really shift much. his personal brand is very polished and serene. it may have originated with ferrari, but it's part of the image that he has also helped to craft for himself. he may just me more relaxed and freer with his cheeky commentary, less likely to get scolded behind closed doors (but everyone knows so it may as well be in the paddock), generally be a slightly spicier form of charles... but he'd still be gentle about it. playful about it. not abandon his main persona very much, because a) i think a lot of it is genuine but b) a switch up would make it look not genuine. so non-robotic but not the fullblown rbr villainy that would entertain me greatly.
or: rbr as a brand encourages it. they will tell him he can do it, likely (within reason/without it blowing back on the team, naturally). they may even craft scenarios where he can be "real" on main. red bull gives you wings, after all, and charles' have been clipped for years. and charles, if he moves to rbr, knows what he is signing up for. if he wants to cohesively integrate into the rbr image and marketing (which he would want/need to) he would need to embrace a shift in his pr approach. that's something he would need to be committed to in advance. he might full-send it, or at least send it harder than expected. it might be part of the new marketing angle he's taking.
a combination thereof may be closer to the how the brand book would be put together. a happy middle ground, maybe. if you think about it, charles' shift in messaging supports it, too: "i don't care for pole, i want to win" "max may have the best car but that doesnt excuse his talent. the driver winning is still extremely talented even with the best car, btw. (pls remember that when i have the best car and suddenly am winning again)". it's little but it's noticeable; he's repeated it a lot.
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toxycodone · 2 months
oxy help meeee theres a post with 10k notes going around about how posting about your kinks means those are actually your morals and values and beliefs and two of my mutuals reblogged it
show me the damn post 💀 because…huh? People like this are so funny to me because like. Okay. I can almost guarantee they’re fans of genshin/hazbin/etc. and bend over backwards to defend that shit meanwhile. (Like if you want to bring up the stuff you enjoy showcases your moral beliefs argument…two can play at that game.)
but also like…it’s literally not that difficult to understand at all that kinks/fetishes ≠ moral ideas. Not only is that incredibly harmful because it is extremely common for victims of acts of sexual violence to develop fetishes/kinks based on what happened to them (A VERY COMMON HUMAN PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON BY THE WAY.) but…it always sets us back way further when we have arguments like this.
a big big thing that bothers me about this too is like…where is anyone even getting the idea that just because someone may have a kink or fetish that they’re going to act on it? Just because something makes you aroused does not imply that it will ever come up in your sexual life. It doesn’t even mean you will engage in content surrounding that topic…? To go even further a kink or a fetish doesn’t even mean you’re going to be aroused by this in a sexual sense. Sometimes it’s just something you enjoy in a more average type of sense. Again, psychology and brains are extremely complicated.
I know this website is notorious for people who do not have sex but if you guys are going to start sex discourse I think a major key should be. That you engage in the action. And humping your body pillow doesn’t count. BUT ALSO. As someone w compulsive thoughts from OCD this pisses me off even more because some of the fetishes I have are extremely not common but don’t derive from any trauma I’m aware of and I’d ask myself “am I a SAer/pedo/etc.” because I was so concerned and posts like that feed into that weird psychosis shir. I brought this up to my psych and literally her answer was “anyone who is a sexual criminal is not going to second guess themselves or try to mitigate harm/ensure consent.” And I was like. Oh real.
BUR ALSO. HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY AND SEXUALITY ARE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED. You cannot define someone’s morals based on what gets their dick hard. I know it’s difficult for some of you on this website to understand because you stay inside and read manga and play video games all day, but life is not this black and white.
If taboo kinks concern you, for the love of fucking God please go pick up a book. Something academic and ideally peer reviewed (no you can’t find that on Ao3! close that tab for once in your life.) AND READ. Read about modern sex theory and human psychology. Understand that fear and arousal are actually two very very similarly stimulated points in the brain. Did you know someone can develop a taboo kink/fetish because they literally find the action so abhorrent irl that the brain can just get confused and mistake it for sexual arousal? You can find something incredibly gross irl and would never consider acting on it but your brain can be like “damn that’s hot” because it’s essentially a giant squishy supercomputer. It’s not immune to glitches!
also it’s time to break some mutuals. You don’t owe anyone online your time, effort, companionship btw. You can just block and move on. In fact I encourage it. 💀 do not waste time or effort on tumblr people.
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huanted-dennys · 9 months
Hi!! I just wanted to say that I am obsessed with your Bluestreak x Sunstreaker art!! It is amazing! And I am so happy to have found a fellow Bluestreak x Sunstreaker shipper! I'd love to hear any headcaonons you have about the two of them??
And tell me about m8 i can’t find many other sunny and blue shippers it’s a true tragedy UnU
maybe after i answer this i’ll post a comic of them i never finished cause there really isn’t enough fan works of them seriously :0
If u have any headcanons yourself btw i’d love to hear them
(my headcanons beneath the cut)  i warn u i’m very bad at articulating my thoughts so this is gonna be messy
- I love the differences in writing between blue and sunstreaker, how blue is talkative and energetic but can be seen as too much, while sunny is very reserved, and creative but incredibly cocky
- sunstreaker being more quiet and blue being more talkative complement each other so so well. blue doesn’t have to be scared he’s gonna overwhelm sunny (and if he does he trusts sunny to tell him) and sunny isn’t shooed aside in conversations because he only talks when he feels what is he says is important.
- 100% believe tho in terms of couples they would be the most obnoxiously in ur face couple on the ark, pda all the way baby. sunstreaker wouldn’t really give a shit what people think and bluestreak is really just vibing and happy to be around him
u name it, hugs, cuddling, little pecks throughout the day, u cannot get away from the pda.
- Sunstreaker got a shovel talk from prowl and smokescreen (mostly prowl and jazz made fun of him afterwards for being so protective)
bluestreak did not, however, get one from sideswipe because it is constantly implied to everyone that if one twin is picked on the other is right around the corner ready to start throwing elbows
- sideswipe and smokescreen were definitely on the side making bets on if they would get together
smokescreen lost a lot of money
- sunstreaker taught bluestreak how to defend himself in close hand to hand combat and in turn bluestreak showed sunstreaker how to locate snipers and avoid there line of sight
- bluestreak doesn’t paint but loves sunstreakers art he thinks he’s super talented and has art sunstreaker gives on display in his habsuite
- before only sideswipe was allowed to call sunstreaker nicknames (sunny, sunshine) in private
even tho that never stopped sides from embrassing sunstreaker in front of all their peers
but bluestreak is allowed to use ‘sunny’ in public. sideswipe thinks it’s hilarious 
not ship related ig?
- bluestreak isn’t actually related to prowl and smokey but they adopted him as a younger brother and jazz as kind of a brother in-law
-bluestreak had a family before the fall of praxus but lost them all in the bombing
-sunstreaker and sideswipe grew up near and working in the gladiator pits
- sunstreaker stopped painting for a long time after they joined the war and sideswipe tried to encourage his brother but it wasn’t until they landed on earth that he started again
sorry if this was long and poorly written I have to work midnight shift tonight and i’m very eepy
if anyone has any headcanons throw em at me >:}
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simp4konig · 9 months
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!! 🎄🎁
It's Christmas! I myself am celebrating for a three-day period with my family 😊, and I wanted to celebrate it with everyone here, too! ☺️🫶❤️
Was wary that I wouldn't write this in time, but, thankfully, I wrote it *just* in time! 🙇🏼‍♀️
I want to take the time to thank everyone for this amazing year I've had! 💫🚀✨🌠 I created this account around mid-August, with my first post being on the 17th/19th (if you can count an anonymous reblog as a post 🤭), and in less than half a year, I've made so many memories and had so many memorable interactions that I cherish and will cherish from here onwards.
Thank you to all my followers (all 412 of you!!!! 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💞💞💕) for deciding to follow this profile of mine.
I acknowledge updates haven't always been regular, and I know that I have not posted a fanfiction in nearly two months, but I want you all to know that with the new year, I will best this year's best and do even more of my hardest to give you regular updates. No official promises, though. I don't make promises, but I *do* give my own devotion. 🤧💔
I honestly feel so horrible for having an inactive account, and from the bottom of my heart, please accept my apology. I promise to do better, and do more for you all. 😓
Still, thank you to all of my followers that like my posts on a regular basis! I see you, and appreciate you. 👀💞
And, I would like to devote an entire section to all of my mutuals. You people all mean a *lot* to me, and I thank you all for just being here 🥹🥹❤️🙏❤️❤️✨:
Thank you, @puff0o0🎅.
You were the inspiration for this account.
Had you not inspired me with your Self-aware AU series, and your COD works, I doubt I would have written anything. But it was you, your character, and your writing, that inspired me to write my own works, and I'm so happy to have you here, eventhough, I'll admit, I'm a total POS at times and tell you to kill yourself every day <33
I genuinely appreciate you so much, and I'm glad that you're not only a mutual, but someone that I can call a friend. I still remember how excited I got when you followed me back! 🥹🥹🥹🥹💓💓💕💞💞💞💞💓💓🤧🤧💕💕💕💕💕
It's an honour for me, really, and, although I'm not the best at words sometimes, please, I want you know that you've made a meaningful impact on my life.
Thank you, @simpforkonig🎄.
You were one of my earliest mutuals and I had really enjoyed talking to you.
I see you 👀, liking my fanfictions and posts eventhough some of my posts are downright unhinged. 🤗💫
I'm thankful to have you as a mutual, a silent presence that makes me smile. 🥰❤️
Thank you, @abysslovesyou🦌.
It is *ME* that loves *YOU*, btw!! 😽💓💕🙈💖✨💞💕💕
I will forever remain your No.1 Appreciator™. 🦸🏼‍♀️🦸🏼‍♀️🌠
My interactions with you always brought a smile to my face, and I will always dedicate my works to you even if you are not tagged anymore.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and your encouragement. It all has meant, and still means, a lot to me. I hope that I can get around to finish all your RQs before I am rotting on my deathbed LMAOO 💔💔⚰️🥀🧟‍♀️🪦
Thank you, @aethelwyneleigh27🍪🥛 (thank GOD🙏 even tho im atheist 🛐, that my phone had your user saved. With my dinosaur arms🦖, it'd have taken me YEARS to type your name out ☠️☠️💀).
You are genuinely one of the loveliest people I've ever met. 🥹🥹💓 You are so kind to me, so genuine, and it's not often that one meets someone like you.
I still remember how I had short circuited when, when I went to follow you, it displayed that we were mutuals and you had been following me all along, like??? 😭😭😭 What an honour????? 🥹🥹🥹💓💓💓 AND THEN YOU ADDED ME TO YOUR TAGLIST AND I WAS LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAADJDJSJSJA😭😭😭😭💘💘💘💘💘💘
Somehow, it's due to your amazing writing that I have fallen HARD for Ghost. 😓 The Dad! Simon series is one that I have been reading lurking from the shadows reading, can't believe I blew my cover my liking your post LOL 🤡. Anyways, thank you for honouring me with your follow. 🥹💓🙏✨
Thank you, @nevadancitizen🎁.
I STILL can't get over that it was ME that inspired someone to write something 💔😭😭✋💗💗💘💘💘💘.
Your fanfictions were and are great! It's an honour to have you as mutual, given your writing is a pleasure to read. ☺️☺️🫶✨
Thank you, @trepaika (no Christmas emoji because you don't celebrate it, so have a cookie 😘🍪).
You're a good friend of mine, and I appreciate you beyond words, even when you say nothing in the group chat aside from sending that GODforsaken gif of Tom Hutcherson 😘😘 LMAO 😭❌
Okay, but in all honesty, you're so lovely to talk to, and I'm glad to have you as a mutual, and friend. 🥹💖✨✨💓💕💕
Thank you, @skeletalgoats☃️, for... erhmmm?... being SO unhinged that you aren't even connected to the door frame, I guess? 💀☠️☠️
OKAY, but seriously, you're hilarious. I find your energy infectious, and even thought I do a double take when I see the stuff your little noodle has boiled, I like it this way. 🤧🤧💖
Thank you, @nightlyvoidz🍻.
I may not know you well, and you may not know me well, either, but you're genuinely the most sweet person I've met.
To me, you're wholesome, and I think you're really lovely. 😇💓
Thank you, @dobaddo🐻‍❄️.
Please forgive how tumblr wants to cockblock our conversations by refusing to send me notifications 💔💔😔🙏 That aside, I think you're really funny, and I love how we have loads in common (ehhh, stuff I won't list for obvious reasons 🥶🥶). It's a great day when we actually have the occasion to talk a little, about everything and nothing HAHA 😝🩷🩷💓💞
And, finally, I would like to thank for a final time all of my followers: the oldest, the most recent, the ones that check in on me, the ones that lurk from the shadows, the ones that like my posts, the ones that reblog, and especially the ones that leave comments. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank *YOU*! for blessing me with my own little corner of the internet. 🥰🫶❤️❤️❤️🙌✨✨❤️
Have a wonderful Christmas (or, a wonderful time if you don't celebrate it💪💪😎😎💯🙌)
Until next year! 🚀
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beemynumberone · 4 months
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All The Colours (4/7)
-> In which Idol!Minghao and Actress!OC convey their heartfelt messages through colours.
-> slowwwwburn romance. friends to lovers. no smut.
-> constructive feedback is always appreciated!
All pictures are from Pinterest, I do not own them.
Writer’s note: Hi! I am writing these scenarios to placate my active imagination and hopefully make someone’s day/night. I do not intend to hurt anyone/anything through this fic.
Thank you for picking up my story and happy reading!
*btw, Yile is pronounced as Yi Le (in Chinese pronunciation), it is not supposed to rhyme with Kyle
Part 4: Green
Yile’s POV:
Life was getting more consistent. Yile would wake up, have breakfast and a cup of coffee, attend casting calls, work meetings and look through scripts. After all that, she would gym, go grocery shopping, talk with Xinhui and do a rigorous skincare regime. Maybe squeeze in journaling if she felt like it. She loved feeling productive.
She sighed for the nth time that day.
“Boy problems?” Xinhui questioned.
Yile sighed in response. “I don’t know what to do Xinhui! Minghao asked to be friends two days ago. I’m still not sure what to tell him.”
“Why though?”
“Because I’m afraid that people would misunderstand! He’s a K-pop idol for goodness sake! Everyone knows that some fans, no matter how understanding, would turn their backs if they knew that their oppa had a female friend.”
“Seventeen has plenty of female friends though?”
“Yea I know. The other problem is, I might like him a tiny bit more than just friends. I don’t know if I can handle being just friends with him. I don’t wanna ruin things you know. I want to be honest with him from the start and not lead him on.”
“How noble of you.” Xinhui commented wryly.
Now that Minghao had made the first move, he had gained an extra point in Yile’s book. His confidence was appealing. During the events, Yile became more and more certain of her feelings for him. Whenever she caught him staring at her in the events with the most ridiculous puppy eyes, her heart strained to stay still. Even as she was mingling around, his eyes were still glued to her. This was all so heart-wrenching and tiring and painful.
“What should I do Xinhui” Yile was ready to pull her hair out in frustration.
Minghao’s POV:
During his break, Minghao was anxiously scrolling on social media. Why hadn’t Yile replied to his message? It had been two days. Alright, it was only two days. But TWO days?? Were people this indecisive in accepting a friendship?
Vernon sauntered over to him. “Whatcha thinking? You look constipated.”
“Just waiting for a reply.” Minghao sighed.
“From the girl you told me about yesterday?”
Minghao nodded. Vernon brows knit together in deep thought.
“Since you gave her two possible answers, could it be that her reply isn’t any of them?” Vernon offered.
A lightbulb went off in Minghao’s mind. His friend was a genius. But why would she have a different answer than yes and no? He asked his friend so.
”Maybe she wants something more than friends?”
Or something less than friends, Minghao thought sadly.
“Hoi, don’t think so lowly of yourself Minghao!”, Vernon spoke. “Nobody in their right minds would reject your offer. I can say from firsthand experience that you are a really good friend and that anyone who thinks otherwise is well, dumb.” Minghao smiled at his friend’s passion. “Thanks for encouraging me.” “Anytime man.”
As they went back to filming, Minghao’s phone pinged.
Yile’s POV:
“I can do this. I will do this. I am doing this.” Yile said under her breath. Her fans on Instagram were also awaiting updates on what she was doing so this wouldn’t be too “out of character”.
@Wangstergram posted:
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caption: What if today, we were just grateful for everything? - Charlie Brown 😊🍀
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Also shorter ones today… mostly related to our previous replies and posts!
Anonymous asked:
After seeing Eel Floyd with Riddle
I gotta know -
Did Floyd slip and slide in Riddle?
Did Riddle magically goldfish form and the two had merman sex???
Honestly I wasn’t thinking about Riddle also becoming a merman, but they absolutely have to have merman sex at some point, otherwise it just isn’t fair (to me) lol
And to answer your first question, yes, there might have been some slipping and sliding in Riddle involved~
Anonymous asked:
re: the gaslighting Jade ask. I randomly stumbled on your blog from other ones, and I literally blocked you because shroudcest triggers me. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own safety. As long as it’s properly marked for (which yours clearly is since I blocked you the second I made a tumblr), really all we can do is filter the things that hurt us out.
(im agreeing with you btw. draw what you want i cant stop you. just feel like i in particular make a point worth mentioning from seeing that. you can answer this or not bc obviously i probably wont see it anyway)
Anon! Whether you see this reply or not, thank you very much for writing this despite having us blocked lol
You really are making a good point, and I am glad that you are taking care of yourself and avoiding uncomfortable stuff. I really encourage it. Thank you for understanding and for approaching this issue with respect.
Have a good day.
Anonymous asked:
Gaslighting IS Jade’s love language. Also mushrooms.
Facts, Anon <3 He doesn’t waste his gaslighting and mushrooms on those he doesn’t find entertaining love!
Anonymous asked:
Honestly I can totally see Cater as the kind of guy that now and then buys a random manga just because the cover looks aesthetically pleasing, although if they are BL they are probably more oriented towards shonen-ai than explicit content. But also he wouldn't really read them because he finds the stories and characters a bit ridiculous (is he a bitter anti-romantic? or maybe his sisters used to collect shojo manga and he associates the love story genre with them?). I bet when he had roommates he had fun leaving one of his manga lying around, just to see people's reaction and go "aw, shoot, you saw it? that's sooo embarassing..." or something like that
To be honest, I can see that too. Cater seems like someone who isn’t all that into anime and manga, but is aware of it enough to recognise that the cover is pretty and that there is something gay inside (he might figure out the latter thing later as he looks inside the book lol). His sisters really could be into it though, so I can see him having certain associations.
lol Cater’s roommates “finding” his manga though… Don’t act so coy, Cater 😭
Anonymous asked:
Goddammit! Idia, you cannot escape me for long, one way or another, your chest will be licked! *shakes fist at the sky*
I love how this is turning into a Looney Tunes cartoon…
Anonymous asked:
Idia doesn’t have nipples. He accidentally shaved them off. Tragic 😔 L in the chat for his nipples.
Damn. I’m afraid I have bad news for the previous Anon.
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any HCs for Neige and/or Chenya?
We do have HCs about Neige/Vil and Chenya/Riddle (1,2)!
Anonymous asked:
It is I, 🐩 anon,
So I got a friend into twst and tell me why her favorite character is goddamn Crowley? I'm currently trying to convert her to Divus supremacy. Enough about this. Let me ask my silly little question.
Is there anything about TWST's story plot that you dislike or wished it was worked on more? Or character you wish were more fleshed out? 
Your friend has quite the taste… She is probably a genius of sorts 😔🙏
I feel like I was pretty vocal about it, so I am sorry for talking about it again, but I really didn’t enjoy how Ch2 was handled and Leona in general, to be honest. I wrote a post about my grievances a whole year ago, but my stance didn’t really change. We’ve rewatched the majority of the main story since then, and I thought that maybe with fresh minds and fresh eyes we would enjoy Leona at least to some degree, but unfortunately it didn’t really help. The events don’t really help either…
There might be some other things, but this is the one I think about every time when we talk about the flaws of TWST writing.
Anonymous asked:
what is your notp?
A bunch of Leona ships come to mind, i.e. Leona/Malleus, Leona/Vil, Leona/Idia 🤔 But also a bunch of Trey ships, like Trey/Jade or Rook/Trey…
Anonymous asked:
if you had to go on a date with one of the twst boys who are you picking? i'm picking idia
Idia is a great option, Anon; he would be so uncomfortable and awkward, getting nervous about the smallest inconveniences and whispering “thank god” every time you don’t force him to do something… I would pick him to, but my second option would be Jamil. I think he’s pretty chill.
Katsu would've picked Jade because of course, this is the best pick.
Anonymous asked:
any old fandoms that you feel out of love with?
Can’t think of any, Anon… I feel like we never fall completely out of love with anything, just move on, but there is always an opportunity that we’ll come back at some point. Things like Homestuck are still on our minds constantly lol
There are some titles that we kind of started watching, but then stopped because it wasn’t fully out yet, and since then we kind of lost interest for this thing. And with some of these titles it’s very unlikely that we’ll ever go back, but it’s never 1000% impossible. But then again, it’s not like we loved these titles…
Anonymous asked:
Funfact: The crowley that crowley is named after used to perform sex based magic with men
Damn I hope this is what our Crowley also does. This is his dark secret that is very poorly hidden
Anonymous asked:
I think Riddle would be a really good teacher's pet
Oh he would <3 He is a teacher’s pet.
Ironically, I feel like this makes him a bit boring for Crewel…although it depends…🤔
Anonymous asked:
What is a ship you rarely draw but you love
I don’t draw any of them enough, I love them all! Waaaaah :(
I feel like I don’t draw Sebek/Silver nearly enough for how much we love them, Rook/Epel is also a rare one but we love it, Sebek/Idia could use more love, anything with Jamil too…
Anonymous asked:
Please share with us a full list of the preference of the TWST boys? Top or bottom? I typed up a list for you to use!
Anon, we have a list in our pinned post! But since you’ve typed up a list, I’ll go through the list again :) We also have a post in which we explain our reasoning for each choice, so you can read it too if you’re interested.
Oh! And if you meant some other types of preferences, please let me know. In that case though, we have a list of the boys’ kinks, which isn’t the same thing, but pretty close; so you can read this one too if you want <3
Riddle – bottom
Ace – top
Deuce – bottom
Trey – top
Cater – top
Leona – bottom
Ruggie – top
Jack  - top
Azul – top
Floyd – top
Jade – top
Kalim – top
Jamil – bottom
Vil – bottom
Rook – top
Epel – bottom
Idia – bottom
Ortho  – top
Malleus– bottom
Sebek  – top
Lilia  – top
Silver– bottom
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Hey! Dunno how to format this, but I got tagged by @femboty2k for a thing!
Femboty said
"now the tag game was to introduce yourself with:
one tv show
one movie
one album
one video game
I, however, liked that they did two and I am ALSO cute and get to do whatever I want so im gonna do two, too."
So thats what I'm gonna do too because that's fun and I ALSO get to do whatever I want <3
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TV SHOWS: Steven Universe (+the Movie & SU:Future) and Samurai Jack!
These two are all time favorites of mine and have been (and continue to be) super inspirational as a visual artist and storyteller! Not to mention that they are so fun and easy to put on and have fun with! They're def two of my biggest comfort shows. Honorable mention to runner ups She-Ra & the Princesses of Power, Gravity Falls, Craig of the Creek, ATLA, and Columbo!
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MOVIES: One Hour Photo and Ringu!
Oh boy! This was a harder choice than the two shows, but not by too much. An honorable mention to runner ups Scream (1996), Everything Everywhere All at once, Ginger Snaps, Re-Animator, Bride of Re-Animator, Good Will Hunting, and Dead Poets Society. I really, truly don't know exactly why these two are my favorites above all the rest, but they are. They both hold a really fond place in my heart <3 BTW I prefer The Japanese Ringu over the American The Ring, despite them both being good. I just like the style and pacing of the Japanese one more. I always get super excited when I see Sadako pop up anywhere! I love her in DBD. One Hour Photo has an incredible and underrated performance by Robin Williams, one of my favorite actors, in a role very different than the ones he's most famous for. I love how creepy and almost dream-like the movie is!
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ALBUMS: Meliora and Switched-On Bach
These two albums are really significant to me, enough that I own both physically! Ghost is one of my favorite bands ever from the theatrics and story to the music itself. I found Ghost through Meliora, and in my heart Papa Emeritus III will always be my first and fav papa~<3 Switched-On Bach (and Switched-On Bach 2) are beautiful pieces by Wendy Carlos. I know Wendy wants to be defined by her music and not her trans identity, I completely understand that, but whenever I listen to Switched-On Bach I get emotional about the fact that trans people like me have always been here making incredible art for themselves and each other<3 plus I love Moog music, its so fun! Honorable mention to runner ups Transgender Dysphoria Blues, anything by Garbage, anything by Abandoned Pools, and the rest of Ghost's discography post Meliora!
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Games: Payday 2 and Team Fortress 2
These two are games I don't really play much anymore, but I once played them RELIGIOUSLY. Day in and day out these two sequels were my entire LIFE for a long time. Countless hours of fun, challenge, and playing dress up! Stylistically, they are both influential to me as well! Honorable mention for runners up Portal, Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Plants vs Zombies, DBD, Undertale, Deltarune, Borderlands 2, and Bejeweled 3!
My close Tumblr friends don't like being tagged in stuff like this, but I encourage anyone who sees this to do it if they want!
have a wonderful day!!!!!
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skaruresonic · 10 months
Sorry for venting in your inbox, but I need to talk about something
I did not participate in that discussion you had with that user who more or less said that it's rude to add negativity to a post (I won't make names, but you know what I'm talking about). And yet, I found out that I was blocked.
I have two hypotheses: one, they found out that I comforted you when I wished you a happy birthday (literally the only time I even mentioned the incident in public), so I was put in the category of "people who would attack me", or two, I am simply commonly associated with the Bad People, maybe there's a blocklist going around.
Isn't it fun? I barely even talk about IDW and I don't really interact much with the Sonic fandom anymore, but I'm still worth being blocked by association <3
I didn't follow that person so I won't sleep over it. But you know. Makes you wonder why we stick with the "bad clique" :^)
Possibility three: someone told them about your associations with us and they responded accordingly. This is what I'm talking about with keeping tabs on people. Someone is always holding a microphone up to your mouth, even when you say nothing.
You can never be taken on an individual basis because you're not an individual, you're part of The Haters(tm). That's why everyone was all "ummm isn't Your Group going to issue a statement? omg Greeny ur the only moral one" about Random's tweet.
All the more sickening when they mock us for being part of a "clique," as if A.) they don't belong to "cliques" of their own, and B.) gee I wonder why.
Funny how they got annoyed when I took "I consider only what you, the collective, write" to mean they tar us with the same brush. Maybe because, uh, you do.
At least their actions align with their words in that regard, though. That's all I'll say on the matter.
No, I do not have a "narrative" I'm pushing, somehow it just never occurs to people that I'm only trying to explain things as I see them. And yeah, I do get upset, because it's an upsetting experience, to be told that merely being a little snarky is the same thing as harassment.
It's not. I don't know how to explain that in a way that won't get taken as "harassment" - doing it calmly and doing it loudly will produce the same disdain anyway - so there's no reason to try.
Isn't it fun? I barely even talk about IDW and I don't really interact much with the Sonic fandom anymore, but I'm still worth being blocked by association <3
Same. I don't mind being blocked, btw. In fact, I'd encourage it. If you feel I'd be too toxic to interact with, by all means, help yourself. Curate your online experience. Just don't declare yourself morally superior for it, is all I'm asking.
Recently starting to wander into the weeds with my own work, and while it can be a lonely experience, it's also been something of a healing one because I don't feel fandom breathing down my neck. Would he Say That? I don't quite know yet, but finding out is a part of the journey.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
Hey so I was reading the screenshots of asks on your post about having 1,801 followers. One, congrats btw. Two, it reminded me and prompted me to ask, why do people hate you so much? I don’t understand why they do. The only thing you’ve done is educate people in a respectful tone. Why has people had DNI’s not to interact with them if someone follows you? Also I’ll never for the life of me get why people are anti endo. Even if supposedly science or whatever can’t prove it, why do they discredit people’s actual lived experiences? They insist lived experiences must be impossible since they think plurality supposedly only happens because of trauma and they’re stuck on their mentality. Sorry for my rant.
Ty for all you do and being a nice person.
As for why people dislike me, you'd have to ask them. I'm sure you'd get a lot of answers. A couple of them might actually contain some truth!
The simplest, most boring truth is that anti-endos hate outspoken pro-endos and when they find someone who is too outspoken, they'll comb over and twist whatever that person says in order to justify attacking them.
Of course, that's not the entire truth.
See, when that happens you can rollover, you can try to change their minds... or you can play into it and decide that while you may not be able to control whether people hate you or not, you can at least control what they hate you for. 🤷‍♀️
And so that's what I ultimately decided on after a year of harassment and an attempt to get be banned under false pretenses.
If I were to say what my greatest sin in syscourse is, it's probably this. Feeding them things that I know they would take out of context to pass around to their followers as examples of how terrible I am.
For example, once bragging about teaching people to "dissociate and hallucinate" in one post last year. Something which, if I had clearly phrased it in a less threatening way like "I can link to switching and imposition guides," wouldn't have gotten the same engagement from the other side. Yet saying I teach people to dissociate and hallucinate is something not a single pro-endo or pro-tulpa would care about because everyone who know me knows what I'm talking about.
And then when an anti-endo who was looking for something to use against me takes the easy bait, I get a chance to talk about how actually not all hallucinations and dissociation are harmful, and many cultures around the world have safe hallucinatory and dissociative practices, making the anti-endos look foolish.
Actually, one of the anons in that post yesterday, and some others who found my blog through anti-endos, made me think using the infamy anti-endos gave me to my advantage would be helpful. (And yes, I realize "you should make anti-endos hate you more so they'll give you free advertising" was probably not the intended message.)
So yeah, I occasionally feed them little nuggets to add fuel to the fire.
I dislike toxicity when it's aimed at other pro-endos who may be vulnerable. I dislike it when pro-endos send hate to anti-endos because that reflects back on our community and risks escalation.
But when hate is aimed at me from anti-endos, I think that's useful. I have thick skin. I can take everything they throw at me and then turn it back on them.
And I hope, maybe, if I make myself enough of a target, that will keep the anti-endos too distracted to go after other people on this site. Like how the Punisher puts a skull on his bullet proof vest so the bad guys will focus their aim there instead at more vulnerable parts of the body. I think I make a good vest. 😊
I try to avoid anything truly harmful. I discourage harassment. I don't send hate mail. I don't throw around slurs or profanity. But if I'm being honest, I do try to encourage the perception of me being a malicious and dangerous person amongst anti-endos.
But again, they hated me long before that. I only resorted to this particular strategy after they had already decided I was an evil ableist because I had the nerve to use science to promote endogenic plurality.
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