#bubbline human au
lemonpoet · 1 year
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I did this ages ago. 🌸inspired Bubbline fanart for the road🌸
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neosuchoo · 11 months
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Gumlee If it was good /j
Human bubbline my beloved featuring Timmy
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at-weeb96 · 1 year
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Humanized Bubbline; Obsidian Edition
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missusmags · 1 year
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her latest album is called 'reasons why i love my candy girlfriend' and its 39 hours long
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rune-tisms · 8 months
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typical adventure time art dump
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steemyart · 10 months
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Something based on this fic by foliejpg ((Smut warning)) If you're interested and you're an adult, the followup pic is on my bio
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cuhreestina · 10 months
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college au. they get to suffer like i suffered
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anaugust · 1 year
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Another Bubbline doodle 😌 Human AU but I have no sense of style
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goofys-left-ballsack · 3 months
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gerblinbones · 1 year
Hello! Love your could be worse au! I was wondering three things. All of these are queer, because I want to start LGBT+ history month on a high note!
One:Does Bubbline have the same relationship that they have in canon? Like, with the whole multi-century breakup and eventual get back together?
Two:What does Gumlee look like in this au? Do they have the exes to lovers dynamic too, or the more wholesome dynamic that they have in Fionna and Cake? Have they even started dating at all?
Three:do Finn and Ghoulio does is gay? I’m joking, I’m joking. But in all seriousness, what does their friendship look like by the end of the show, and does Ghoulio have a redemption arc beyond downgrading the seriousness of his crimes?
Sorry to bother you! Love your au and your art!!!
Hi!!! Thank you so much :) super happy to answer all of these!!!!
1. Yes! They’re just as dramatic and pining as in canon. That stays the exact same, and actually ends up impacting how Marshall and Gumball’s relationship pans out.
2. They’re really sweet, like in Fionna and Cake. But with Gumball’s best friend and Marshall’s sister being so bitter about each other for centuries, it makes it very hard for them to get together for a really long time, despite consistently having feelings for each other for hundreds of years. Very Romeo and Juliet-y, just more silly lol.
3. Honestly, I wanted to keep Finn’s relationship status ambiguous at first, but the idea is actually kinda growing on me. As for their friendship though, they’re super close and hang out all the time. He ends up denouncing all his crime and evil doing, and goes on adventures with Finn and Jake every once in a while (usually alongside Marcy and PB). Their friendship was already a little unconventional in terms of stereotypical male friendships as there’s a tenderness between them, albeit platonic, so it’s a tossup how their relationship develops. I feel like that’s partially up to how the people into my au jive with Ghoulio’s character once I flesh him out more.
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anthurak · 11 months
So as a follow-up to my post about Marceline's super tragic and angsty prequel to the Elements Arc hidden in the episode ‘Ketchup’ yesterday, here’s a fun little ‘What-If?’ idea I’ve been thinking about for a while that could branch off from it:
If Marceline really did go all ‘feral, angry vampire girlfriend warpath’ on Patience both for what she did to Bonnie and also to find a way to help Bonnie, what if Marcy went a little… further?
So that when Finn, Jake and BMO later return to what was once the Candy Kingdom in Skyhooks, we see that Marceline, even ‘Marshmaline the Campfire Queen’, is conspicuously absent.
Then later, when Finn, Jake and Ice King are traveling through the new, desolate Ice Kingdom, they start hearing a soulful, sorrowful tune echoing through the otherwise silent wastes. A song sung by a very familiar voice…
And when the trio finally get inside the new Ice Palace, they find not Patience St. Pim, but rather Marceline the Ice Queen.
Basically, what if in her rage at Patience and desperation to find some way of helping Bonnie, Marcy actually devoured Patience’s soul, and thus inadvertently became the NEW Ice Elemental herself?
Now funny enough, I feel like this change wouldn’t actually have much of an effect on the Elements Arc itself. For one, I highly doubt that Marceline would be in any condition/willingness to actually help Finn and Jake. Remember that the effects of Ice Elemental contamination induce overwhelming ennui and depression.
So if that got dumped onto Marceline of all people? In the midst of her losing Bonnie to her own elemental corruption? Yeah, at this point I think our girl isn’t going to have the will to do more than stay cooped up in her new ice tower singing angsty, gay love songs for her lost candy girlfriend/soulmate with her new ice-fox backup choir. Now of course they would certainly be THE ANGSTIEST and GAYEST love songs you ever did hear, but still.
Like the big danger for Finn and Jake isn’t that Marceline tries to keep them there or is otherwise antagonistic, it’s that her music is so sorrowful/angsty it actually carries the depression-inducing elemental contamination that threatens to sap people’s will to go on and making them think of lost loves. Which could lead to some interesting character-moments for Finn: Like Marceline’s song first dredge up his old feelings for Bubblegum and Flame Princess, but Finn is actually able to push through the depression and yearnings because he’s moved on from those feelings and can recognize that the relationships they represented have either ended (Flame Princess) or never existed in the first place (Bubblegum). And when the songs make him think of Huntress Wizard, Finn is able to push through because he has a far more casual relationship with HW and doesn’t have the kind of deep yearnings for her that would easily paralyze him with depression.
Of course the most interesting part of this new version of Winter Light would be the potential meeting and conversation between this new Ice Marceline and Ice King/Simon. From Marceline potentially musing on how she now knows how Simon feels, to Ice King possibly having a weird, distorted heart-to-heart with Marceline where we see just a glimpse of Simon.
Following this, I don’t see this change having much of an effect on the rest of the arc, with perhaps one small but still noteworthy addition: When Finn, Jake and IK flee the new Ice Kingdom, Finn calls out to Marceline something to the effect of if she does miss PB so much, she should go see her. Then later during Hero Heart when Princess Bubblegum candifies Phoebe and the rest of her flame army, Marceline actually DOES show up in a dramatic and very impressive display of power, possibly with her own ice army. Finn at first thinks she’s here to help, but it turns out Marcy isn’t here to fight, but simply to see Bonnie. And when her followers also start getting transformed by PB, Marceline simply accepts the candification herself to become Marshmaline. Simply because now she CAN be with Bonnie.
You know, all to really dial up the ‘All is Lost’ vibe of that episode.
Now this means that Skyhooks II and the end of the arc play out the same as they did originally, with Finn and Ice King managing to hit the LSP-shaped elemental-reset button and undo everyone’s elemental corruption. I mean, maybe Bonnie and Marcy have a Big Damn Kiss a season early after they get de-candied, but I think it’s easy to imagine they probably already had a BDK off-screen in the original XD
Of course I think we can all agree that the real interesting angle to this change is the potential of Marceline being the new Ice Elemental on rest of the series. Admittedly, it is a bit hard to imagine the existing plot-points for the rest of the series being affected much by Marceline now having some ice powers. Aside from her Dark Cloud kaiju form she breaks out in Come Along With Me now likely being a Dark BLIZZARD form.
Instead, the really interesting potential of this change comes in how this might affect Marcy’s dynamic with Simon and how she might go about adapting to her new abilities. I think we can all agree it would be fun to see Marcy and Bonnie trying to figure out their new elemental powers together. Though consider this: If Bonnie was visited by the spirit/past-incarnation-memories of Chatsberry, what if Marceline ends up being visited by the spirt of Urgance Evergreen? You know, the being who made the Ice Crown?
Really makes you think where something like that could lead…
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lemonpoet · 1 year
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Marceline and Bubbs human AU again! Been working a lil bit on my artstyle 😊
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reliixx13 · 5 months
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Hi all!
It’s my humanization of rottmnt Donnie ! 💜
I had started to drawing it like half of year ago,but remembered about it just now.
I dunno what to add. Please follow my friend fanfic If you like the humanization tmnt theme, I left link in previous post:)
Have a good day
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at-weeb96 · 1 year
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Varmints Bubbline (Human Bubbline AU)
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ksan-nooo · 1 year
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They're humans here, Marceline just has had vampire ear surgery lol (we don't talk why Bonny is so pink)
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somepsychopomp · 1 year
toxic yuri custody battle pt. 1
As promised, I'm trying to write a fic where bubblegum and marcy survive the fall at the end of The Star and Bonnie is stuck raising Finn.
This first chapter is just to set up the rest of the fic but in the future, I'd love for Bonnie to get intensely attached to Finn & for Marcy to constantly threaten to turn him just to get back at Bonnie (and maybe she likes them both despite them being prey...)
(There will also be lots of rage-filled toxic love/hate yuri)
“...you could join me…”
All day, the only thing Bonnie could hear was The Star’s mocking tone echoing in her dome. 
Her knuckles were bruised dark pink from punching vampires and, more than once, her own tank out of frustration. Repairs were going painfully slow, far longer than the original sixteen hours that Tank originally proposed. After all, she was working alone, was still recovering from her injuries, and had to handle attacks from stray vampires foolish enough to consider her easy prey. 
And then there was the child.
Word count: 1822
Bonnie only barely escaped with her life. 
Her plan gone to shit, the fall, The Star… 
In those moments of weightlessness, she was ready to accept her own death in exchange for The Star’s demise. When she was young, she had visions of rebuilding the world after the extinction of the vampires at her hand. A permanent home, perhaps even her own nation. Peace and prosperity under a blue sky.
But with the non-vampiric population crashing, with all plant life withering and dying out from the endless dark skies, Bonnie was willing to lay her dreams to rest along with every other ally she watched perish.
She was ready to put this all behind her.
But she didn’t die in the fall. And she couldn’t kill The Star, either. 
The horde of vampires sent to save their princess pulled Marceline from Bonnie’s grip and left her to plummet to her death. Before she could think, her centuries of survival instincts kicked in and she unsheathed two of her stakes. Bonnie gouged them into the side of the vampire hive to slow her fall before making her escape into the decrepit tunnels and sewer system below.
The vampire drones chased her, of course. They sought vengeance for their princess and the approval of their king. 
But even then, Bonnie refused to die. She returned to her tank with her clothes in tatters, none of her stakes or other weapons remaining. Covering in wounds oozing sugary syrup. 
All she wanted was the armored safety of her tank. What she didn’t expect was that damned child. 
“Ah, ma’am!” the Tank A.I. said, “Your heart rate is erratic and you are bearing at least five wounds that will require immediate-”
“Can it!” she said. Bonnie could feel her hands shaking. She walked past the baby playing on the floor, almost stepping on him. The interior of the tank was listing from side to side. Or was that her?
The panels within her mobile home slid open to reveal their stockpile of medical supplies. She sat herself in the little alcove and tried to focus on what to do next. Bonnie’s first instinct was to reach for the jet injector already primed with anesthetic. 
She hesitated.
When she had a team, she could immediately dose herself with pain killers and trust that either Huntress or Martin would patch her up in her addled state. Now, she had no one. 
Without a word, Bonnie grabbed one of the hundreds of stakes they had and clenched it between her teeth. She set to work cleaning and sewing her wounds herself. All the while, Tank kept talking to her. She was updated on the auto-repairs the tank was able to make on its own, primarily to internal systems. But the treads and other exterior damage would take at least two hands to fix. So on and so forth. She wasn’t really paying attention and Tank knew it, too. But it helped to have something fill the silence, something other than her labored breath. 
When she was done, the stake she used as a bit was pockmarked with imprints from her teeth. She threw it to the ground, spat out some splinters, and finally allowed herself to reach for the anesthetic. 
“Oh, ma’am.”
She snarled and clenched her fist. “What?”
“The baby!”
She looked. In between long and slow blinks, she saw the human child waddle across the floor. He was reaching for the stake. Bonnie didn’t think it was a big deal, she wielded a stake herself the moment she was big enough to hold one. But the pointed end was much sharper than the baby’s discarded toy sword, and because of her biting, the wood had splintered a bit. 
Bonnie, unwilling to get up from her seat at the infirmary station, merely kicked the stake farther away. The baby paused and looked at her with bewilderment. 
She narrowed her eyes and thought, If you start crying, I sweat to-
Then the child changed course and came right up to her. He put his hands on her bloodied boot and slowly raised himself to his feet. He smiled at her. 
“Where… where’s the others?” Bonnie asked. She was beginning to slur her words. One way or another, she wasn’t going to keep awake for much longer. Her wounds and fresh stitches throbbed beneath their itchy bandages. 
“What others, ma’am?” Tank asked. 
Bonnie swore under her breath. Those strange outsiders from another world, they didn’t make it, then. And they left their fucking baby in her tank. 
Tank said, “Please, you need to rest. I can keep watch over Finn.”
She blinked. “Finn?”
“My recordings indicate that at least once, our new friends referred to the child as Finn.”
“Oh,” she said, tired. Bonnie would have to decide how to handle the situation later. She finally injected herself with those blessed drugs and crawled into her sleeping tube. As she began to lose consciousness, Bonnie heard the hydraulic slide of her tube doors opening. She wanted to tell Tank to close them, but she could no longer find her voice. 
What she did detect were two chubby hands feeling their way in the cool darkness of her tube, pawing at her dirty boots and ripped pants, before coming to rest near her hip. 
Bonnie fell asleep to the sound of her guest’s shallow snoring. 
“...you could join me…”
All day, the only thing Bonnie could hear was The Star’s mocking tone echoing in her dome. 
Her knuckles were bruised dark pink from punching vampires and, more than once, her own tank out of frustration. Repairs were going painfully slow, far longer than the original sixteen hours that Tank originally proposed. After all, she was working alone, was still recovering from her injuries, and had to handle attacks from stray vampires foolish enough to consider her easy prey. 
And then there was the child. 
Against what would usually be her better judgment, Bonnie left the entrance to the tank open. She had to come in and out too frequently to keep it closed, but despite Tank’s best efforts to keep the child occupied, the baby was still determined to crawl outside and get himself killed. 
There used to be a good few human settlements at a distance from the vampire hive. A handful with populations in the hundreds. One with a population in the thousands, well guarded and heavily armed. More than one would’ve been happy to take in the baby, to give him to some parent who’d lost their own child to disease or vampires. 
But as Bonnie said to The Star, the population was crashing. Had crashed, even. Those settlements were almost all gone now. All that remained in this wasteland were loners and tiny groups of survivors. 
There was no one else who could take in the child. 
And as much as Bonnie was concerned with the big picture -slaying The Star and the Vampire king, driving their kind to extinction- not even she could simply abandon an infant to the elements. 
That still didn’t mean she was happy to have him around. Humans aged slowly, it’d take at least a decade before he’d be able to fight. 
Bonnie grunted and heaved as she refitted the tank’s metal plates, ignoring the way the stitches in her side pulled and ached. It wasn’t pleasant, but it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as when she had to replace the treads or get the tank off its side. 
A little voice in the back of her head asked her, what was ten or so years to the hundreds she already lived?
She had survived alone, in groups, as a child, and as an adult. Martin and Huntress and all the allies she had before were all born into this world, too. And they put up a good fight. She still never would’ve condoned bringing a child into this world, but he was already here now. And he was stuck with her as much as she was stuck with him.
A shrill voice giggled behind her. Speak of the devil. 
Bonnie raced back to the entrance of the tank and caught the baby before he could tumble over himself. She set him back inside. 
“Stay,” she said, as if he were a dog. As if there were any dogs left in this world. 
But the baby only cooed at her. He brandished a small, wooden sword and waved it through the air. It looked like a stake that Huntress hadn’t finished whittling, but in the hands of a little kid it might as well have been a mighty blade. Bonnie hadn’t noticed it when she first returned, but her tank was littered with ripped up toys and more than one damaged A.I. sensor. 
It seemed like the baby ran out of worthy opponents in the tank and sought a greater challenge elsewhere. 
Or he was just restless and Bonnie was merely projecting on him. 
The baby babbled his nonsense and seemed to ignore her. He slapped his sword against the floor of the tank as he gazed up at Bonnie.
Then he hiccuped and made a series of alarmed sounds. 
Bonnie felt a shiver go down her spine and spun on her heel, stake already sailing through the air. 
She missed the vampire that’d snuck up on her. It hissed and lunged, but killing was like second nature to her. Bonnie had another stake in her hand before she knew it and a moment later, the vampire was replaced by a cloud of dust. 
“Excellent eye, young man,” Tank said. 
Bonnie went to retrieve the stake she threw. “Hey, I was the one who got it.”
She sheathed her weapons and absentmindedly touched her eye-patch. Since losing her eye, she was loath to admit she lost some of her depth perception. Hitting targets at even a mild distance was a little more challenging than she was comfortable with. 
So she made up for it by expanding her arsenal and improving her hand to hand combat. 
Bonnie returned to the child and picked him up for the very first time, examining him. 
He smiled at her, his free hand grabbing at the air. He seemed interested in her pink hair. 
“Sugar’s bad for babies,” she said. 
The child ignored her. 
Bonnie sighed. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to rebuild her team again, get herself some more people she could rely on. 
“Sorry you had to wind up in this world. But maybe…” she said, staring at his innocent eyes, “Maybe you’ll do alright.”
Bonnie would never call herself the nurturing type, but she liked the idea of having someone who could carry on her work if she were ever to bite the big one. 
The Vampire King had his ward, maybe what she needed was one of her own. 
Letting his fist close around her finger, Bonnie said, “Welcome aboard, Finn the human.”
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