#buck x sister
newobsessionweekly · 5 months
Diamonds and dreams
Tim Bradford x Buckley!reader
Crossover The Rookie x 911
Fandoms: The Rookie, 911
Summary: Tim teams up with your brother, Buck, to plan the proposal. You get hurt in the process, unintentionally, but it's for a good cause.
A/N: Another crossover, and I don't think I'll stop here. I love so much both Tim and Buck. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this and I'm open for requests! I'm sorry if I made some mistakes while writing, english is not my first language, but I'm trying to improve. Thank you so much for your support so far. Take care of yourselves, bubs! I appreciate everything single one of you! Lots of love! ❤️
Warnings: Swearing ? Maybe. Bunch of fluff and banter anyways. Not proofread yet
Fluff | A bit of angst
Requested: No
Words: 4.9k
Requests are open for Tim and Buck.
GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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For the past three years, your life took unexpected twists, one after one. You didn't know back then how impactful a police officer doing his job would be to your life. You never expected to fall for the all-so-serious officer, whose indignation spoke volumes in the presence of firefighters.
Tim had only one opinion about the other branch of first responders — reckless, not so sharp, and definitely idiots, but they mean well. That was before meeting you.
After a massive earthquake hit LA, the chaos that followed can't be described. People running around looking for the close ones, screaming, and a lot of pain. LAPD was sent on the streets to maintain order while LAFD rushed to rescue everyone in need. They were hand in hand and, for the first time in his life, Tim was following the orders of a firefighter— you.
He complained at first, but when he understood you were more than a reckless woman, he obeyed. Back then, Tim saw in you a seriousness that made him eat his words. The way you pushed yourself aside for the safety of the civilians, the way you disobeyed the book in a risky situation, questioning everything you knew for the people. You allowed him to help, and he was there by your side the whole time, mesmerised by the way you gave everything you had, pushed away any fear and doubts and crawled into wrecked precincts to save every single one of them.
There was a huge difference between the two branches of first responders. LAPD was trained to save the law, maintain order, protect the vulnerable and punish the guilty, while LAFD was trained to protect and save regarding the guilty and they've seen unimaginable things, making them aware the life is short and you need to cherish it every second.
And when you showed him that ugly side of your job, Tim never saw you the same again. Drawn by your determination and dedication to save every soul and by your love and beauty you carried around, he fell for you, hard.
But he never accepted the real dangers of your job. Actually, he never accepted that your dedication was so profound, that you'd give your life to save another without second thoughts. He couldn't bare the thought of losing you some day due to your 'dedication'.
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You’re both standing in the middle of the living room, the air thick with tension that’s been building for weeks. Tonight’s argument was inevitable, ignited by the underlying fear and frustration that’s been simmering beneath the surface.
Tim’s heart pounds in his chest as he looks at you, his concern turning into frustration. He knows that firefighting is dangerous, but seeing you take unnecessary risks feels like a constant weight on his shoulders.
“Damn it, Y/N!” he exclaims, his voice loud and filled with anger. “You can’t keep ignoring orders and putting yourself in danger! You’re a firefighter, not a one-woman hero team!”
You clench your fists, feeling defensive, his words sounding like an accusation. “I know what I’m doing, Tim. Sometimes you have to take risks to save lives.”
“Fire isn’t something predictable,” Tim interjects, his voice firm. “When you're dealing with an armed suspect, you can see the next move in his eyes. But with fire? It's nothing like that and, when it happens, it's probably too late."
His words cut deep, and tears fill your eyes as you try to make him understand. You feel misunderstood, judged, and it hurts.
“Predictable or not, I trust my instincts,” you shoot back, your voice shaking. “Sometimes you have to go with your gut, Tim, not just follow orders blindly.”
"But at what cost?” Tim retorts, his face flushed with frustration. “How many times do we have to argue about this before you realize that you’re not invincible?”
Your eyes fill with tears, the weight of his words hitting you hard. “I’m not saying I’m invincible,” you reply, tears streaming down your face. “I just believe in doing whatever it takes to save lives, even if it means bending the rules sometimes.”
“Bending the rules?” Tim’s voice cracks, hurt evident in his expression. “Y/N, this isn’t a game. Lives are at stake, including yours!”
You’re openly crying now, the tears blurring your vision as you try to make him understand. “I need you to trust me, Tim. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
“I need to be able to trust that you’ll come home safely,” Tim says, his voice softer now, filled with genuine concern. “I can’t keep worrying every time you’re on shift, wondering if you’re going to make it home in one piece.”
"But this is who I am, Tim. I can’t change that.”
Tim’s thoughts swirl with a mix of love, fear, and frustration as he watches you, torn between wanting to protect you and knowing he can’t control your choices. “I need some time to think,” he finally says, his voice filled with resignation.
Without another word, you grab your bag and head for the door, leaving Tim standing alone in the living room, his face a mask of regret and worry. As you make your way to Lucy’s apartment, the weight of the argument pressing down on you, you can’t shake the feeling that something has changed between you and Tim, something that might be impossible to repair.
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You stand before Lucy’s door, eyes red-rimmed and cheeks streaked with tears. With a shaky breath, you knock softly as your heart is pounding in your chest. The door swings open to reveal Lucy’s shocked face, her eyes widening at your disheveled appearance.
“Y/N? What the hell happened?” Lucy’s voice is filled with concern as she wraps you in a comforting embrace, feeling the tension in your body.
Tamara rushes in, eyes wide with worry. "Are you okay?”
As Lucy's comforting embrace envelops you, a mixture of relief and despair washes over you. You lean into her warmth, grateful for the solace she provides amidst the chaos of your emotions. Tamara's worried expression only adds to the weight of the situation, highlighting the gravity of the rift between you and Tim.
"I’m so sorry,” you stammer, tears threatening anew. “I didn’t know where else to go. I can't go to Buck like this and –"”
Lucy steps back, creating space for you to enter, "You're always welcome here, Y/N. You know that."
Lucy leads you to the couch and wraps her arm around your shoulders as you found a small measure of comfort in her presence. The unspoken understanding between you eases some of the ache in your heart, reminding you that you're not alone in this struggle.
Tamara places a comforting hand on your knee, her eyes filled with empathy as Lucy spoke, “Come on, tell us what happened."
You take a shaky breath, trying to steady your voice as you recount the intense argument with Tim. “We had a fight, a really bad one. He said he needed some time to think.”
Your love for Tim is boundless, a deep-rooted connection that fills your heart with warmth and joy. Every moment spent with him is a treasure, each shared smile and whispered promise a testament to the depth of your affection. And being so far from him, it was a nightmare. Leaving so abruptly, both of your anger and frustration bottled inside, this tore you apart.
Tamara’s eyes narrow, her tone incredulous. “Tim said that? What could possibly have happened?”
“He thinks I’m reckless, that I put myself and my team in danger,” you explain, the sting of his words still fresh in your mind.
The pain of your fight weighs heavily on your soul, a sharp ache that refuses to fade. His words cut deep, leaving you reeling with a sense of loss and betrayal. The thought of losing him, of facing a future without his love, is almost unbearable.
Lucy shakes her head, her eyes filled with empathy. “Tim’s always been by-the-book. He values rules and order. But being a firefighter isn’t always black and white.”
You nod, wiping away tears with the back of your hand. “Exactly. But he just won't listen.”
Lucy sighs, her eyes softening with understanding. “Tim loves you. He’s just scared. Scared of losing you.” She can see the pain in your eyes, the uncertainty about the future of your relationship.
“I know,” you sniffle, trying to hold back the tears. “But it’s not just about him being scared. It’s about understanding who I am and what I do.”
Tamara nods, her expression thoughtful. “Sometimes love isn’t enough, Y/N. Sometimes two people can love each other deeply but still be incompatible in some ways.”
“I don’t want to lose him,” you say, feeling the weight of her words. “But I also don’t want to lose myself.” You grapple with the conflicting emotions, torn between love and self-respect.
Lucy chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood. She stands up, heading to the kitchen to prepare some tea. “You won't lose him. He’s stubborn as hell, but he loves you. You know that."
Tamara smirks, leaning back on the couch. “Well, men are from Mars, right? We’ll never fully understand them.”
Lucy laughs, raising her hands in mock surrender. “True that. But hey, if anyone can knock some sense into Tim, it’s you, Y/N.”
Tamara smirks, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she leans back on the couch. “You know, Y/N, I like you more and more. Just so you know, everything you’ve said tonight will be used against Tim tomorrow.” She winks playfully, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “Lucy’s going to make his shift a living hell.”
Lucy chuckles, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Oh, you bet I will. He won’t know what hit him.” She laughs, the tension in the room further dissipating with their playful banter.
You can’t help but laugh along with them, grateful for the light-hearted moment amidst the emotional chaos. “Just promise me you’ll go easy on him. He’s still my guy, after all.”
Yet, even in the midst of your despair, your love for him remains steadfast. It is a beacon of hope in the darkness, a guiding light that keeps you tethered to him, even when the distance between you feels insurmountable.
Tamara raises an eyebrow, her grin widening. “No promises,” Lucy says with a playful shrug.
You shake your head, chuckling at their antics. “Alright, alright. Just remember, I’ll have to deal with him after you two are done.”
After a moment of silence, Tamara's face brightens, an idea forming. “You know what we need? A girls’ night. We could all use a little distraction, right?”
Lucy grins, nodding in agreement. “Absolutely. Some wine, some movies, and some girl talk. It’s just what the doctor ordered.”
You smile weakly, grateful for their support. “That sounds nice.”
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Meanwhile, across town, Tim and Buck find themselves in the comfort of Tim's living room. With beers in hand and the soft glow of the TV providing background noise, both men seem to have left the weight of the day behind them, engrossed in their own world of laughter and banter.
But Tim's thoughts are consumed by the image of you, tears staining your cheeks as you walked out the door. Each memory of your tearful departure cuts him deeply, a sharp pang of guilt and sorrow gnawing at his heart.
Buck takes a swig of his beer, glancing over at him with a curious expression. “So, how did the fight go?”
Tim sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I think I overstepped a little. She was crying and she left. It broke me to see her like that and let her go."
Seeing you hurt because of him breaks him in ways he never imagined. He would give anything to erase the hurt he's caused, to mend the fractures in your relationship. But he knows that sometimes love requires sacrifice, even if it means bearing the weight of your pain.
Buck nods understandingly, setting his beer down on the coffee table. "It's all part of the plan, Tim. We knew it would be tough, but it's for the best." He tries to reassure Tim, understanding the struggle his friend is going through.
Tim looks at Buck, gratitude in his eyes. "I know, I know. It's just hard, you know? Seeing her hurt and knowing I'm the cause of it, even if it's for a good reason."
Buck places a comforting hand on Tim's shoulder. "At least this will buy us some time. Where's she now?"
Tim smiles slightly, the tension easing from his shoulders. "At Lucy's. She texted me when Y/N got there. She'll be crashing on Lucy's couch."
Buck chuckles, picking up his beer again. "Good, at least she's safe. Lucy will take care of her. She always does."
Tim nods, a grateful smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, Lucy's been great. I'm glad she's there for Y/N."
The two men sit in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of their secret plan hanging in the air between them. It's a plan born out of love and a desire to create the perfect proposal for you, but it comes with its own set of challenges and emotions.
Buck's voice is filled with excitement. "You know, once all of this is over, and you've proposed, it's going to be amazing. Y/N is going to be over the moon."
Tim smiles, the vision of his future with you filling his mind. "I know, Buck. I can't wait to make her my wife."
Amidst the pain, there's a profound love that anchors him, a love so deep it eclipses the darkness of your current strife. You're more than just his partner; you're his rock, his solace, his reason for waking up each day with a smile. Your laughter brightens his darkest moments, your touch soothes his weary soul, and your presence fills his life with a sense of purpose and joy he never thought possible.
The two men raise their beers in a toast, their smiles reflecting the hope and love that fills their hearts.
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Tim glances over at Lucy, his voice filled with concern. "How's Y/N holding up? I haven't heard from her since that night."
He can't shake the self-loathing that grips him, the regret for letting things escalate to this point.
Lucy raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "A bit pissed at you, but she's safe."
"I hate myself for that. I really don't like this whole...situation. Especially letting her go and forcing her to sleep on your couch."
He never wanted to hurt you, never intended for things to unravel like this. And the idea of you sleeping on Lucy's couch, away from him, fills him with a sense of emptiness he can't bear.
She chuckles softly, her tone teasing. "You could've called, you know. Women like that kind of thing."
Tim lets out a sigh, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I figured as much. I just thought... well, some space might be good."
Lucy's teasing only adds to his discomfort, her playful jabs hitting a little too close to home. He knows he should have done a lot of things, but fear and uncertainty held him back, clouding his judgment with doubt.
Lucy raises an eyebrow, “Space, huh? Sounds like a classic Bradford move. But you might want to pick up the phone. Y/N deserves to know you’re not pushing her away.”
Tim chuckles, shaking his head. "Trust me, I plan to. I just needed some time to... you know, plan everything out, to get it right."
Lucy grins, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But you better make this worth it, you hear me?" She nudges him playfully. "And soon. She might love you and might be willing to wait for you, but don't test her patience."
Tim smiles, gratitude evident in his gaze. "I will, Lucy. And thanks, for everything."
Lucy waves him off with a chuckle. "Don't mention it. Just remember to thank me after she says yes." She winks at him, her smile warm and supportive.
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You've been camping on the girls' couch for the past three days. It wasn't all that bad; some time off work was just what you needed, and your fight with Tim allowed you to sort through some old stuff.
When you were about to drift off to sleep again, Lucy burst into the living room. "Alright, couch potato, time to get up!”
You groaned, pulling a pillow over your face. “Five more minutes, Lucy.”
With a chuckle, Lucy yanked the pillow away and extended her hand. “Come on, Y/N. It’s time to get some fresh air. You can’t stay on my couch forever.”
Reluctantly, you accepted Lucy’s help to sit up. “What happened to ‘you’re always welcome here’? My free stay at Hotel Lucy is over?”
Lucy laughed. “Exactly. It’s check-out time, Missy.”
You smirked, slipping on your sneakers. "Well, send the bill to Bradford; he's the only one at fault for this."
With her keys in hand, Lucy grinned. “How about a ride along? A little patrol action might be good for you.”
Raising an eyebrow teasingly, you countered, “Trying to get rid of me, Lucy?”
She chuckled. “Just trying to help you get some fresh air. And maybe a little distraction.”
As you reluctantly rose from the comfort of Lucy's couch, a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. The past few days had been a rollercoaster of hurt, confusion, and a desperate longing to mend things with Tim. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope – hope that today could mark the beginning of reconciliation, of healing the wounds that had torn you apart.
“Alright, alright. But only because I’m craving some fresh, questionable coffee from the station.”
“Deal. But you’re buying the donuts!” Lucy teased.
“Deal. But only if they have sprinkles.”
Suddenly, Lucy stopped and appraised you, shaking her head. “Oh no, no. You can’t possibly leave the house like that. Off to the shower with you, you’re starting to smell like my couch.”
Stepping into the shower, the warm water washing away the remnants of doubt and insecurity as you made a silent vow to yourself. Today would be the beginning of a new chapter for you both, a chance to rebuild what had been broken and to forge a stronger, more resilient bond.
You returned to find some of your clothes laid out on the couch, courtesy of Lucy and Tamara. Raising an eyebrow, you turned to Lucy. “Don’t you think that’s a little bit extra?”
It wasn't exactly what you'd wear for patrolling, but considering Tim probably handed them to Lucy, you couldn't really complain.
Just then, Tamara emerged from her bedroom with a smirk. “You should be thankful I didn’t pick the outfit.”
You chuckled, wondering why she wasn’t at school. “Fair enough. Shouldn’t you be at school by now?”
Tamara waved it off, pulling out her makeup kit. “I’ll miss the first period to do your makeup. You owe me.”
Sighing, you looked between Lucy and Tamara. “Come on, girls. It’s just a day of patrolling. Nothing special.”
Lucy shook her head, her eyes serious. “No, hun. Today you’ll be right next to Tim. Breathing in his neck. You need to show him what he’s missing.”
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The engine's soft hum reverberates through the car as Tim navigates the streets, the tension inside as thick as the fog rolling in from the bay. Lucy rides shotgun, her mischievous glances back at you adding to the palpable unease. Seated in the back, you stare out the window, attempting to distract yourself with the passing scenery, anything to escape the suffocating silence.
Lucy's voice cuts through the tension like a knife, her cheeriness a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere. "Hey, Bradford," she chirps. "How about we make a quick stop for some coffee and donuts? My treat."
Tim's eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, briefly meeting yours before he nods. "Sure, sounds good."
Pulling into a local coffee shop's parking lot, Lucy practically leaps out of the car, leaving you and Tim alone for a fleeting moment.
"You could've called," you murmur softly, finally breaking the suffocating silence. "Three days, Tim."
Tim's grip tightens on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. "I know, Y/N. I'm sorry. It's... it's complicated."
Before you can delve deeper, Lucy returns with a tray laden with coffee and a box of donuts. She hands you a cup before settling into her seat, her eyes glinting with an inscrutable knowingness.
As Tim lifts his coffee to his lips, you notice the slight tremble in his hand. "Everything okay, Tim?" Lucy inquires, her innocence a thin veil over her ulterior motives.
Tim clears his throat, averting his gaze. "Yeah, just a bit tired, I guess."
Lucy's smirk is unmistakable as she reaches for a donut. "Well, these should help with that."
Taking a sip of your coffee, you feel its warmth spreading through you, but it does little to dispel the tension in the air. However, there's a shift—a subtle change in the atmosphere. The silence is no longer suffocating; instead, it's pregnant with anticipation, each breath heavy with unspoken words.
Finally, Tim speaks, his voice laced with vulnerability. "Y/N, about the fight... I never meant to hurt you. I just needed some time to sort things out."
You meet his gaze, the sincerity in his eyes tugging at something deep within you. There's a weight to his words, a heaviness that speaks volumes about the distress he's been wrestling with.
As the shop continues its journey, the tension remains, but it's tempered now by a sense of curiosity and cautious hope. Unbeknownst to you, Tim's anxiety isn't solely about your relationship, and Lucy's scheming grin betrays her satisfaction with how her plan is unfolding.
Throughout the day, Tim's behavior had been perplexing, he carefully avoided any calls that hinted at danger. It felt as though he was intentionally shielding you from harm, a protective barrier wrapped around you even as you yearned for the adrenaline rush of the job.
But the tranquility of the day shattered with Nolan's urgent call for backup. The gravity of the situation hit you like a sledgehammer, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Dispatch, this is Officer Nolan, requesting backup at my location. Officers under fire, need immediate assistance,” Nolan’s voice is clear and urgent.
Without hesitation, Tim accepts the call, urgency in his voice for the first time that day. “Roger that, Nolan. We’re en route.”
Tim accelerates towards the scene, the Griffith Observatory coming into view. The iconic building stands majestically atop the hill, its silhouette against the clear blue sky adding a surreal beauty to the unfolding situation.
As you arrived on the scene, the deafening sound of gunfire filled the air, drowning out any semblance of normalcy. Lucy and Tim sprang into action, their movements swift and purposeful as they navigated the chaos.
"Stay in the car, Y/N!" Tim's command pierced through the chaos, his tone leaving no room for debate.
But as you sat there, the abrupt silence that followed sent a chill down your spine. Lucy's panicked cry for Tim shattered the stillness, sending your heart into overdrive, “Bradford!”
Ignoring Tim's orders, you bolted from the shop, desperation fuelling your every step. The scene before you was a tableau of chaos and confusion, the beauty of the Observatory juxtaposed against the violence that unfolded within its walls.
You searched frantically for any sign of Tim or Lucy, all you found was Tim's abandoned radio, a silent witness to the turmoil that had unfolded.
The setting sun cast long shadows, casting an eerie glow over the scene, a reminder of the fragility of life in the face of danger. And the tension is electric, like the calm before a storm. Tim’s voice crackles through the radio, cutting through the silence.
“Y/N Buckley, can you hear me?"
Tim's heart races with anticipation as he waits for your response. He's nervous, hoping that you'll hear him clearly. He wonders if you'll be able to sense the nerves in his voice, hoping that you'll understand the significance of what he's about to do.
Grinning, you grab the radio. “Loud and clear, Bradford” you replied, your voice steady but your pulse quickening with each passing second.
A pause stretches out, thick with anticipation. “Close your eyes, Buckley. And this time, try not to defy a direct order.”
Rolling your eyes but intrigued, you humor him and shut your eyes, taking a deep breath of the crisp air, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through your veins. You focused on the sound of Tim's voice, letting it wash over you like a warm embrace as he began to speak.
"You and I, Y/N, we’re a wild ride,” Tim starts, his voice unexpectedly tender. “Who would’ve thought our journey would lead us here, to this crazy, beautiful moment?”
As Tim's voice crackled through the radio, a surge of nervous energy swept through him. He had rehearsed his words a thousand times in his mind, but now that the moment was upon him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt.
The weight of the ring in his hand served as a reminder of the gravity of the situation, filling him with both excitement and trepidation.
A soft touch grazes your hand, sending a thrill up your spine. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“You challenge me, drive me nuts, and somehow make me a better man,” he continues through the radio, a hint of a smile in his voice. “And damn it, I love you for it.”
You can’t help but smile, a warmth spreading through you. As you listen, you feel tears prickling at the corners of your closed eyes. Tim's words resonate with you, stirring something within yourself that you can't quite put into words.
You want to open your eyes, to see the man you love more clearly, but you also want to savor this moment a little while longer.With each word, you feel your heart swell with love for Tim. His vulnerability, his honesty, it all takes your breath away, leaving you utterly captivated.
"Open your eyes, sweetheart," Tim's voice breaks through your reverie, pulling you back to the present moment.
With a flutter of excitement, you obey, slowly parting your eyelids to reveal the sight before you. There is Tim, his eyes filled with love and longing as he slowly kneels down before your eyes, a small velvet box in his hand. The sight of him, vulnerable and trembling, fills you with a sense of awe and gratitude as the setting sun casts a golden halo around him, the cityscape stretching out behind him in a breathtaking panorama.
Tears of joy well in your eyes as you take in the sight of the ring in his hand, your heart overflowing with love for the man who means the world to you.
“Y/N Buckley,” Tim’s voice wavers just a bit, “will you marry me?”
For a moment, you are stunned into silence, your mind reeling with the weight of his question. You feel a surge of emotion welling up inside, threatening to spill over at any moment. This is it, the moment you've been dreaming of, the moment you've been waiting for since you laid eyes on Tim, few years back.
Tim chuckles, a nervous but endearing laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
"Yes, Tim. A thousand times, yes!" your voice choked with tears, as your words ring out into the night, a declaration of love and commitment that echoes through the air.
With a trembling hand, Tim slips the ring onto your finger, sealing their promise with a simple yet profound gesture. As your eyes meet once more, you share a moment of perfect understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the love that binds you together.
Without another word, you're in each other's arms, holding onto each other tightly as if trying to make up for all the time you've lost. In that moment, nothing else matters but the overwhelming love you share, a love that has weathered every storm and emerged stronger than ever before.
Tim's lips meet yours in a tender kiss, a sweet yet passionate embrace that speaks volumes more than words ever could. You cling to each other, lost in the intensity of your emotions, your hearts beating as one in the darkness.
As you pull away, breathless and flushed with emotion, you share a smile that lights up the night. In each other's arms, you find solace and strength, knowing that no matter what the future holds, you'll face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart.
Nolan chimes in through the radio, his voice filled with laughter. "Bradford, are we breaking out the champagne or what?"
Tim's smile widens at Nolan's words, and he glances over at you with a playful twinkle in his eye. "Hold off on the champagne, Nolan," he replies, unable to suppress a laugh. "She said yes."
Murmuring softly, Tim leaned in close to your ear. "I guess I didn’t mess this one up, huh?"
You chuckled softly, leaning into his embrace. "Not this time, Bradford."
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kenneth-black · 4 months
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327 notes · View notes
buckleyx · 2 years
pls a fic about buck from 911 with reader who is v short (like 5'2) and he likes to cuddle on her chest lots of fluff thanks
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner! - This is such a pretty Gif <;33
Author’s note: Hello it is I. I'm back baby!! NEW EPISODES NEW ME YEAHH. Enjoy my friend as I feed you with this content.
I was really inspired by this request so thank you, thank you, thank you anon.
Evan buckley x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: FLOOFFF and cuddly Buck but also mentions of the coma he has in season 6
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"I'm cold." You whined, pulling the blanket closer to your chest. Buck smiled, stretching his arms before moving closer to you. The couch made a funny sound as he smoothly tried to scoot over. You giggled at the action which made him crack a smile of his own. The corners of his mouth curled up, the sound of your laughter sounding like heaven to his ears.
Since Buck's accident, he's been pretty much stuck at home. Not that you really minded, helping him recover was one of your top priorities now. You even took some time off of work. Just a couple weeks, just until he was feeling better you promised.
"Feeling better now?" He asked. You pretended to hesitate, nuzzling your face against his chest. "Yeahhhh, I'll be alright." You teased. Another chuckle escaped his lips, pressing a kiss to your head.
Oh, how he wished he could stay in this moment forever. He felt so at ease, so peaceful and safe when he was with you.
You thoughtlessly watched the tv show that was playing while you played with the soft cotton hem of his shirt. Twisting it around your fingers. Unconsciously Buck was doing the same thing but with your other hand. His finger caressing the palm of your hand.
You stayed like this for a couple of minutes before the silence was interrupted by soft yawn. Buck pushed his face to the side before blinking a few times. Evan would feel tired often, something the doctors warned him about after he woke up from the coma.
You noticed it in him too, after a few simple task he would already be feeling sleepy. He hated it. Especially during moments like these. Even after sleeping full hours he still would feel like he hasn't slept a wink. He just wants to be with you, do simple things again with you. But it takes time. Healing takes time.
"I'm I such bad company?" You teased, perking your head up to look at him, a smile plastered on your face. Evan laughed softly while caressing your cheek with his thumb. "You? Never!" He smiled but couldn't help but feel a slight quilt forming about ruining this beautiful moment.
You noticed the shift in his eyes and wanted to tell him for the millionth time that he doesn't have to apologize or feel bad about this. He needs to heal.
Before he could say anything you poked his side, tickling him to take his mind of it. "Hey!" He laughed loudly before tickling you back. You jumped up at his fingers tickling your skin. You playfully fought back, making your way from his chest to his torso. You carefully sat up and strangeld his torso. He rested his hands on your hips to help you sit up as you proceeded to tickle his stomach. A playfull "yelp" escaped his lips as he tried holding your hands, laughter filling the room.
After his failed attempts of winning you over he called for a truce. It fell quiet again as you both tried catching your breaths after all the giggles. Here and there a small giggle manged to escape again, making you both smile like children.
Buck sat up again, positioning your hips so you were sitting more comfortable on his lap. Your legs strangled his torso. His hands grabbed your cheecks. He played with your hair before peppering your face with small kisses. "I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered. You smiled, looking at his lips before giving him a kiss. His eyes fluttered shut, deepening the kiss at your approval.
"I love you." You whispered back after a few seconds. The buckley secured his arms against your back before swiftly switching positions. You were laying with your head against the couch, he gave you a loving smile and a kiss before resting his head against your tummy. He wrapped his arms against your upper body, nestling his nose against your skin just like you did before with him.
He felt so happy, so goddamm lucky to have you. How he wished he could capture moments like this forever. Dream in them away and stay with you forever.
911 Taglist: @roseelone @skz-enhypen @sydneysaldana @bxbyyyjocelyn @teenwolfgirl90 @barzy90 @deetle625 @barzy90 @multifandoms-saidwhat @boomboysimp @jessiroseblud @maddieslaysworld @briannareneea985 @classical-memeician @gingergirl06 @147poundsofteenwolf @alicentt @persie123 @chloepluto1306 @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites @daphne-turner
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898@reality1escaping @musicsavedme98@zombiedixon89 @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog @sluttyreader  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @asimplystrangemisfit @911readercollection
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typicalopposite · 4 months
And so maybe I have been thinking a lot about the clipboard!118 proposal… and looking at it from the other side of things.
Tommy has had the ring a couple months now. He maybe, sorta, kinda impulsively bought it after their last date left him 100% sure Evan was the one. He just hasn’t figured out how to go about popping the question.
Logically he knows he could just casually ask him over a morning coffee, and Evan would be as speechless and emotional as if it were the most extravagant proposal to ever be proposed. But as much as Tommy would prefer a more casual approach, he still wants it to be something special. He wonders what would be most special to Evan.
And then the idea comes so easy.
The 118.
He goes to Eddie, spins the idea of getting everyone to help with the proposal. Eddie thinks it’s an amazing idea and he FaceTimes Hen and Chim to share the idea. Hen is the one to suggest the clipboard. Tommy has questions, but they all just vaguely insist its an inside joke that he will definitely get and Tommy leaves it at that.
He goes to Bobby and Athena’s next. Bobby isn’t Buck’s dad — Tommy has already set aside a day to speak with him and Buck’s mom regardless of the tension in theirs and Buck’s relationship — but he is extremely important to Buck and Tommy (hell anyone who watches their interactions) can see the feeling is mutual. Bobby couldn’t give his blessing fast enough.
The day comes and Eddie is off to start what will be a chain reaction of Buck being bounced around from person to person. After Hen takes him from Maddie and Chim’s, Tommy comes out from the room he’d been hiding in to ride with them to the station.
“You ready?” Chim asks, eyes turning soft as he straightens Tommy’s tie.
“Of course,” Tommy replies. He is, he really is. Maybe more than he has been for anything else in his life, ever.
“You got the ring?”
“Right here.” Tommy pulls the box out of his pocket.
“Is the ring in it?” Chimney asks, face now serious.
“Uhhh… yeah, it should be,” Tommy laughs.
“Have you checked…”
Tommy blinks, but Chim’s eyes are focused on the box. Tommy opens it and reveals the band inside.
Chim’s face softens once again, a big smile spreading across it and he pats Tommy on the shoulder. “Alright then… let’s go get you engaged.”
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disasterbuck · 17 days
Buck: I knocked up Eddie's sister 😁
Eddie: BUCK!! That is NOT how we're telling people!!
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fangirlforlife97 · 6 months
I finally got caught up on s7 of 9-1-1 and can I just say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'M SO GLAD FOX CANCELLED IT SO THAT ABC COULD SAVE IT!!!! Don't get me wrong I still enjoyed the show, I still loved the characters and wanted Buddie before but I feel like in a way FOX stopped trying or caring and the show started to feel different. Even after so many minutes in the first episode of s7, it felt different in the best possible way. Two episodes in and the show is the best it's been in a while and I'm so happy it was picked up by a network that saw its potential and cared. The show was starting to feel kind of stifled in a way and it wasn't the actors fault, now it feels like new life and energy was breathed into it. It reminds me of a time when 9-1-1 was at its best, s7 is already so freaking good and I can't wait for what the rest of the season and series has in store on ABC!!!!??!!!!
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garbinge · 3 months
Evan "Buck" Buckley & F!Diaz!Reader (Eddie Diaz's sister) 30 Day Fic Challenge (26/30)
Word Count: 937 words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Trauma, blood, spoilers for s4e13 of 911, heartbreaking, crying, sibling trauma. All Writing Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989
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Your feet were moving faster than your brain could think. Eyes searching for the emergency room entrance, as fast as you wanted to find it, a part of you wished you could just keep going in circles, it would push off the inevitable. You knew you reached where you were supposed to be when you saw the crowds of press near the ER doors. It was all blocked off, only opening being where the ambulances could drive up. 
You saw someone with a firefighter shirt on, seeing the symbol and 118 on the shirt and before you knew it you called out to him. 
Two people’s heads turned, a red haired woman and Evan Buckley. His face looked even more sick as he made eye contact with you. You pushed through the crowd and ran up to him, your hands grabbing onto his arms in an alarming manner.
“Where is he? What happened?” In your panic, your eyes moved from him to inside the hospital and then back to him. “They’re saying a firefighter was shot, Hen called me and told me to get down here that Eddie’s in the ER, please Buck.” You were frantically searching for answers, hopeful for him to tell you that the news had been reporting wrong and that your brother was okay. You turned your head to the woman close to Buck and she offered you a soft smile. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” You moved your hands away from Buck but he grabbed them before you pulled away completely. 
“It’s Eddie. He was shot. He was right in front of me.” Buck started to spiral before taking a deep breath and getting it together while gripping your arms tighter. “He’s in surgery, that’s all I know.” 
You felt your knees buckle and someone's arms behind you to steady you. They were petite, which made you assume it was whoever was standing with Buck. 
“Christopher.” You mumbled under your breath, the only thing that your mind could clearly focus on right now, your nephew. 
“I can talk to Christopher,” Buck started to move before both you and his friend were stopping him. 
“Let me drive you both,” She spoke up looking between you. 
“You should stay here, be here when he’s out of surgery.” Buck spoke to you, swallowing all his tension and stress despite his hands still shaking. “I’ll clean up and talk to Christopher and bring him here to see you.” 
You agreed, not really sure what else to do in this circumstance. Before Buck turned around to walk away he shook his head and lightly jogged towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. You both said nothing, just embraced each other tightly. Buck was one of your brother’s best friends and in turn, one of yours. When you showed up at your brother’s doorstep looking for a place to crash, you were met with a tall dirty blond man versus the brunette you were expecting. As you settled into LA, Eddie’s friends became your own. Game nights, dinners, all of it brought you close with each one of them. It was at that moment that it hit you. 
“Taylor. You’re Taylor.” 
The woman smiled and nodded. 
“I’m sorry–” You began to say to the woman, you were in full denial right now, not letting the news of what Buck had told you happened really sink in just yet. 
“No, please, don’t apologize, if you need anything just let me know, I’m here for all of you.” She smiled lightly again. 
“All of you?” You frowned looking back at Buck. 
“Hen and Chimney are here.” 
You shook your head in response. “My parents, I should call my parents, I guess someone should call Ana.” Now you were starting to spiral as a trauma response to this all, thinking of all the people you needed to call, your parents, Eddie's girlfriend, Christopher's caretaker, Carla– and you were sure the list would go on as your brain kept thinking. 
“I can handle Ana and Carla, you call your parents, and I’ll meet you back here with Christopher.” Buck was more level headed as he thought through next steps. 
“Christopher.” Your heart broke as you said his name again and all Buck could do was bring you in for another hug, this one being quick to ensure you didn’t get worked up to the point that you wouldn’t be able to talk with the nurses inside. 
Buck and Taylor left, leaving you standing inside the hospital entrance standing on the mat in front of the welcome desk. Despite Buck’s efforts you weren’t able to talk with them, you couldn’t say anything. All you could do is stand there and look down at the blood that must’ve been on Buck which transferred over to you in one of his many hugs. 
It was then that you heard someone say your name along with someone else saying excuse me. As your mind came to you saw the nurse leaning their head down to look at you over the front desk and then turned to where you heard your name being called. 
Hen. It was Hen. The minute you saw her, the floodgates opened. The ache in your heart finally reached the lump in your throat and any attempt to talk was met with sobs instead. Hen was quick to hold you and walk you over to the waiting room. She placed you in between her and Chimney and just consoled you until the tears eventually dried up. 
“God I’m sorry, I must look a mess.” 
“It’s alright, we all are.” hen squeezed your leg and the three of you sat there, your hearts pounding as the seconds passed waiting for the news if Eddie was going to make it out of surgery.
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t3rraria · 5 months
Teenage!buck: so, come here often?
Teenage!Eddie, who was invited to the grant-nash (Buckley) Household for dinner and is also bucks boyfriend so knows the house like the back of his hand: no
Teenage!buck: damn I'll show you around
Oldersister!hen: Evan if you don't shut the fu-
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coolgenie · 2 years
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Evan "oh you think that sexy zaddy Eddie Diaz over there is cute, wait till you meet his adorable angel of a son - wait who?!" Buckely.
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evita-shelby · 7 months
Beware the Ides of March!
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Grab your knives and togas and join me on this Tumblr Holiday where we celebrate the murder of Julius Caeser.
🥖send a prompt for a moodboard or a fic where the only requirements are: must have a murder, a knife, and/or a party
🍷 write a fic or a moodboard with the same requirements from the list above
🫒 let's play Caption This! Send a gif or picture of a character(ocs welcome!) And I'll supply the caption. You can also send the caption and i will find the gif or picture
🗡 the Gladiator Arena: send me a poll and the participants and let's see who wins the fight!
Won't be restricting myself to just peaky characters, every character I've written for be it a cillian murphy character, BBC's World on Fire and now, Masters of the Air
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iamharryhale · 1 year
May: Can you teach me how to hoe?
Buck: Rude.
Buck: *sips beer*
Buck: But yes.
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newobsessionweekly · 6 months
9-1-1 Masterlist
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Eddie Diaz
One Shots
Let me help you
The one where Eddie keeps secrets from you and he doesn't let you help.
You are home
The one where you are kidnapped and Eddie comes to rescue you.
Family ties
The one where Buck's little sister is dating Eddie.
Love and tragedy (male!reader)
The one where you are involved in a multi-car pileup and Eddie is one of the first responders.
Embracing scars (trans!male!reader)
The one where Eddie embraces your top surgery scars.
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Evan "Buck" Buckley
One Shots
Join me (18+)
The one where the desire is too much to be handled.
Dine, wine and rewind
The one where Buck had a rough call and you surprise him with dinner to make him feel better.
Look at the stars
The one where you get hurt on a call and Buck tries to distract you from your pain.
Listen to me
The one where Buck messed up and tries to make things right.
Those eyes
The one where Buck loves everything about you.
Shattered reflections
The one where Buck pushes you away, but you don't give up.
Dreams series
I've been thinking
The one where you and Buck consider starting a family together.
Things take time
The one where you and Buck try for a baby, but life's not fair.
911 x The Rookie
Under the radar (Buck x Bradford!reader)
The one where your brother, Tim, finds out you're dating Buck in a not so pleasant way.
Diamonds and dreams (Tim x Buckley!reader) (coming soon)
The one where Tim, your boyfriend, teams up with your brother Buck and plan a proposal.
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redraspberryleaf · 5 months
I'm a big bucktommy fan, but I also think it would be glorious if buck goes to his first pride as a bisexual man and is just having the time of his life with rainbow facepaint and glitter on the LAFD float. Eddie goes along to support his best friend, and he's having fun, but then he turns to buck, and you see his face get all soft and contemplative...
Andrew in Drag by The Magnetic Fields starts playing either from a float or just as the episode sountrack, and realization slowly dawns on Eddie's face—cut to hen smirking. End episode.
Bonus points if we get a scene of buck actually doing drag♡
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buckleyx · 1 year
I just read the cute story of Buck showing the kids the firetruck. I LOVE IT
Can I request a little story of Buck and reader having fun with Chris and Eddie making a comment about them being good parents?
More fluff!
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING ANGEL and thank you for the love for the open house fic !! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEE BUCK WITH KIDS !!!
Evan Buckley x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: FLOFFFF
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"Wait!" You pleaded, holding your hands in the air. Chris let out a giggle as he and Buck walked closer to you. The orange water gun in their hands ready to be fired. You couldn't hold your laughter as they cornered you further into the backyard.
It was Friday night and a massive heat wave just hit Los Angeles. Buck and Eddie just finished working overtime so you promised to take care of Christopher until the end of their shift. When the tired firefighters came home they couldn't help but notice the wholesome life hacks you tried out to help Christopher cope with the warm temperatures. One of them ofcourse, water. When Buck eyed the water guns and balloons he couldn't stop his own excitement from growing. The little kid in him awoke and was ready for the water game of his life.
"What do you think Chris? Should we let y/n go?" Buck teased, resting the water gun against his shoulder while raising his brow.
"Nooooo!" Chris laughed before he and Buck started shooting the water at you. You tried your best to stop the water with your hands but the cold liquid splashed against your side. You squeeled loudly, throwing your head to the side so the water wouldn't hit your face. After you fell completely soaked, you managed to call out for a truce.
Chris smiled widly, running over to Eddie once he noticed his dad step outside on the patio. Buck carefully walked over to you, a mischievous smirk plastered on his beautiful lips. You panted slightly, whipping the water from your face as you looked over at your cocky boyfriend. His face fell once you mirrored his expression. He noticed the dangerous sparkle in your eyes, meaning you had something planned. Before he could react, you grabbed the gun Christopher dropped and started shooting at Buck. The Buckley shrieked loudly. Then proceeded to walk over to you once the gun ran out of water. You laughed loudly, trying your best to quickly run off. You didn't came far, Buck managed to catch you by grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to his chest. You both couldn't contain the giggles passing your lips as you fell to the ground. You tiredly reached over to your boyfriend. One hand rested on his stomach as the other holded your waist after giving it a playful tickle. You noticed that the water slowly absorbed in the material of his shirt. The short sleeves hugging his biceps perfectly. 'God.' You thought, admiring your boyfriend. Before you could wonder further, your train of thought was quickly abrupted by Buck's lips pressing a soft kiss against your temple.
Chris and Eddie walked over, a wide smile on their lips as they helped you both get back up. "You're smart, Chris. Running off to stay dry." Buck praised. "But I have some bad news for you." Before Chris could react, Buck grabbed him in the air. Hugging him tightly so the water could absord against his skin. Christopher let out a cheerfull yell before hugging Buck back. Eddie smiled in content. A warm feeling took over your chest as you admired your boyfriend. You loved how good he was with kids, especially Christopher and Jee-Yun. The little play dates he would organize and the amount of effort he would put to make them smile. Buck was a perfect uncle and hopefully someday a perfect father.
"I saw you guys at the open house yesterday." Eddie admitted as if he could read your mind. His arms were crossed, pressed against his chest. "You'd make great parents." He looked over at Buck and the smile on his son's lips. "Just saying." He chuckled, throwing his hands up after noticing your wondered expression. You bited down on the inside of your cheeck, trying your best to stop yourself from getting red. Eddie smiled before walking back inside to prepare tonight's dinner. Buck managed to hear what Eddie said. His eyes gazed at yours. His stomach dancing with butterflies at the thought of seeing you as a parent. He couldn't hide the shit eating grin from forming on his lips. He tried playing it cool by putting Chris back on the ground and helping him inside to his father. You followed their action and still deep in thought took place in your friends couch.
Maybe Eddie was right. You thought. Maybe you're ready.
A few moments later Buck wandered in, taking place next to you in the couch. "Christopher is helping Eddie with dinner." He said. "But I think we should check every 5 minutes, because Eddie and cooking." He joked, secretly knowing it was true. You snickered, sinking further into the couch.
"So," Buck started, stretching his arm so you could curl closer in his side. "I heard what Eddie said." Your head perked up, gazing at your boyfriend's beautiful eyes. "What do you think?" You asked.
"I think we should think about it." Buck admitted, caressing your face with his thumb. "Maybe do some research for what works best for us. Doesn't mean we have to do it now. Just... so we can think about it and look things over."
You smiled, you couldn't expect a better answer. Starting with kids can be scary, so you praised your boyfriend for also wanting to take it slow and get informed first without jumping into things. "I'm really happy you say that." You admitted, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"A little Buckley." Buck dreamed. "I can get used to that idea."
911 Taglist: @roseelonee @persie123 @nycbaddie @mrspeacem1nusone @ittzzgillianj @princessamericachavez @campingmonkey @barzy90 @911readercollection @rapunzelflynnrider @stark3y-l3cl3rc-p3t3rs @essienoe @chloepluto1306 @zephyrmonkey @ittzzgillianj @quacksonhq @x-hey-its-paige-x @essienoe @sweetwerewolf @babygirlwilly @100layersofdaddyissues @yvonne-dump @callsign-serpent @crazycrowncollecter @wallawegi @imaginesofdreams @xgreywardencouslandx @daddysfavoritesexkitten @cluster-buck @maddieslaysworld @darlingkiara @missarreaga @p0is0nivy1 @1234-angelika @lectoramaniaca @yokan033 @j-worlds-blog @quacksonhq @ikhluv @maseybabys @bisexualblckcanary @riskytaiker @roseymendes @strangerpotternatural @essienoe @acrosscosmic @persie123 @idekwhatmyusernameis1 @batsy-bats1 @not-leaprvt @pinkpunkdynamite
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist:  @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89  @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @911readercollection
Let me know if you want to be added for future work!
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hamletshoeratio · 6 months
They actually did it. The sons of bitches actually did it. We got canon bi Buck!!!! I'm actually in tears. Do you know how rare it is to get representation like this? So often in media, it's the one type of queer love story or the one coming out story. We rarely get to see characters discover their sexuality in later life because the media we do get on coming out typically only portrays characters experiencing that as a teenager, despite the fact that it's not everyone's journey. B99's Rosa Diaz is the only character I could think of that canonically embraced her sexuality as an adult. Greys' Callie Torres too i think. After years of speculation, Buck has too, and we get to see him on this journey. Buck is now in or is entering his 30s, and is on a new journey of self-discovery as he embraces a part of himself he hadn't known about before. Fans get to rejoice because we were right; we always saw him. I've seen some people complain that buddie still isn't canon, and can I just ask; do they hate storytelling? Judging from Oliver's comments, if they do make it canon, they want to do it right, they want to tell a good love story that happens to be queer. Not to mention, Eddie is still with marisol; if Buck and Eddie had kissed in this episode, they'd be cheating, which would perpetuate outdated and harmful stereotypes about bi people. We have never properly gotten a will they won't they slow burn canon queer love story. It's why Destiel is called the last great American queer bait, it is the closest we've really come to getting one which is... yeah. Still hate their ending. I do think buddie will happen, but I also want it to happen in a satisfying way that will reward the fans. I trust abc far more than I trusted fox to do so, more than that I trust Oliver who has basically been in the trenches for years because he agreed with us.
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neapeaikea · 6 months
ngl, I was nervous after the date (even if I totally get Tommy dumping his ass, and I am obsessed with how he managed to do it in such a non-confrontational way) but oh man.
When he showed up in that hoodie for coffee? Yees. Yeeeeeees. Thank you Tommy, Lou, and the clothes department.
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