#buddhisminenglish buddhism
gooindy99 · 1 year
In this video, I’m going to tell you BUDDHISM AS A PHILOSOPHY : BUDDHIST TEACHINGS AND PHILOSOPHY  #buddhisminenglish #buddhism Uncover the philosophical depths of Buddhism in this thought-provoking video. Journey into the rich intellectual tradition of Buddhism as we explore its philosophical underpinnings and profound insights into the human condition. From the Four Noble Truths to the Noble Eightfold Path, we delve into the philosophical teachings that guide practitioners towards enlightenment and liberation. Join us as we unravel the layers of Buddhist philosophy, discovering its relevance and applicability in the modern world. Whether you're a curious thinker or a spiritual seeker, this video offers a captivating exploration of Buddhism as a philosophy that holds timeless wisdom for a meaningful existence.
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The continuation of similar items is deceptive In our daily life, meditating on subtle impermanence is especially important. For the continuation of similar items, meditate that it’s changing moment by moment. In this way, you won't find its nature, and your attachment will disappear. We consider things as changeless, so we become attached to them.
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Buddhism In English
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I am following along with the youtube channel called “BuddhismInEnglish”. This is a channel run by a Monk from the Mahamevnawa Bodhignana Monastery, Hewagama in Kaduwela, Sri Lanka. He posts videos weekly about Buddhism and different ways in which it can change your life. Some of the videos that he posts include “Buddhist Way Of Discipline (Sila)”, “The Most Inspiring Statement Of The Buddha”, “Be Grateful For Everything”, and “3 Main Buddhist Practices”. These are only a couple of examples. This man has hundreds of videos in hopes of spreading peace to anyone he can. Something that he mentioned in his video “What Is Buddhism?” that really stood out to me was the answer that he had to that very question. He says “Is Buddhism a religion? Is it a philosophy? Is it a way of life?”. He claims that the answer is all of the above. Buddhism is too complex for it to only be one of those things. This was very insightful to me since I have always just assumed it was a religion. Hearing a Buddhist Monk talk about his perspective of it was very helpful for me in understanding more about what Buddhism truly is.
This relates to our course topics for numerous reasons. One being that Buddhism is not the main religion here in the U.S., as well as English-speaking countries in general. Approximately 1.2% of the U.S. population is Buddhist. While this is quite a small percent, it still shows that it exists here. A Bishop of the BCA was able to give a speech about the Past, Present, and Future of BCA (Buddhists Churches of America). He seemed quite confident that Buddhism would be the predominant “religion” (in his terms) in the somewhat near future. He says this because it is an incredibly inclusive “group”, and that it is a life of gratitude and fulfillment. While it is not the majority here in the U.S., some would say that it can be more inclusive and welcoming than, say, Christianity. An example being one’s sexual orientation. Thousands of people in the U.S. can feel like they are unaccepted or don’t belong in a church if they happen to be gay. This is a huge problem in our country that has caused tons of people to turn away from religion; whether they necessarily want to or not. This generates so many thoughts and conversations regarding the values that are prioritized in our country. https://rafu.com/2023/07/the-past-present-and-future-of-the-bca/
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People often say that in order to be healthy, it’s important to eat good quality food, to get enough sleep, to exercise enough, and so on and so forth. However, it’s just as important, or perhaps even more so, to make sure you don’t end up with a build-up of stress in your daily life.
Stress is known to cause a loss of immune cells and to trigger various illnesses. So then, how can we reduce stress and become both mentally and physically healthy? One thing that has a huge impact on our stress levels is our mindset, or our mental habits.
So in this video, let us learn about mindsets that improve health and guard against a build-up of stress, based on the Buddhist teachings.
Please see more videos on my channel -> https://youtube.com/@buddhismstheoryofhappiness
#buddhism #buddhisminenglish #mindset #wellbeing
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