#bug and java situation
system--down · 1 year
Meet The System!
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The Host🌹
*Aesexual (Maybe grey? Far as I can say is that I am definitely not into sex or having sex like...at all. ^^" but I am not sex repulsed??)
*Likes to use the water color brush in my art but have yet to discover the skills of "Consistancy" and "Clean" in art LOL
*Depressed-- it can hit hard sometimes...
*Friendly though!
*Smoll bean of an adult
*College Student (Working on my Bachelor's degree right now!
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Gate Keeper (outer)
*First Responder
*First appeared to the Host at the age of 8 by the name of "Gary"
*Tends to change his name from time to time which is why he keeps " " around whatever name he is using at that time.
*has gone through 2 other names before he became "Niss"
*Likes Cats.
*has file on everyone in the System, any questions, he's the one to ask--
*Is called "Big Brother" in the Scape
*A bit moody and a little grumpy but is actually much softer than he often leads people to believe.
*stands around 5'8 (Not too tall, surprising for a gate keeper)
*Co-fronts more often than you think but is generally triggered when the Host is feeling attacked or afraid or hits a severe depression wave. He is protective of the host (much like a "Big Brother" usually would be, hence why he has earned that name in the scape.) he stands around 5'8. He's not a very tall man. He is also much like the file keeper, keeping everyone in the system in line and annalyzes a situation before he figures out who is best to take the wheel when the Host Dissociates, or keep from an unwanted switch by sliding in himself.
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Protector (outer)
*Made his first fronting attempt when some room mates fucked Akarii over so he decided to fuck them over back...
*Fairly hot tempered.
*Quite vulgar
*Showed himself more through roleplay as "Valentino"
*Pretty funny guy when not angry
*Very Verbal
*Foul mouthed
*Stands at exactly 6 feet in the scape.
Valen tends to be triggered when the host is under high emotional stress, irritation and anger...or if people talk about him. Chalk it up to his vanity--
Akarii is not very confrontational, where as Valen very much tends to be. For whatever reason he becomes sharply triggered when the ex comes into play...he really does not like that guy. No one in the system does but Valen would very much rip him 10,000 new holes if he were allowed to.
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*Total Social Bug
*Loves to gossip
*Tells the Host "I Love You" all the time, very often every day multiple times a day....we haven't figured out why but it's nice.
*Loves to shop (especially for clothes
*Often dresses the Host up in pastels, and pinks and cute shit-- if it's pastel? Or pink? You can bet it was an Anjay Pick!
*Loves strawberry (As well as the color pink it seems)
*Is the tallest of the alters standing at 6'2 in the scape.
*Very friendly
*Loves to talk and chat
According to some reading, it's possible for an alter to have multiple functions and for more than one alter to have similar functions--
He helps with the social anxiety and taking care of the host affectionately and emotionally. Functions as the BFF/Bestie/Someone to care for the host affectionately and emotionally. He is also the keeper of the music. ❤️
Vaux ⚡
*Tends to "Mommy" the host.
*An internal motivator
*Lights a fire under their ass to get things done (such as taking care of themself, cleaning, getting work done.)
*Likes working with the production technology at school and so often fronts during those classes.
*A bit of a nag.
*likes the Monster Java Mean Bean
Vaux gets triggered often when the host deals with their toxic mother. As well as during school or work to keep them going or just take over when the host is too tired. He works as a sorta parental figure and motivator. He also very much enjoys technology and multimedia and gets a happy stim anytime they have a production to set up for filming.
*Tends to "Daddy" the host.
*Doesn't really front too often.
*Is usually the one who does the cooking of "real food"
*Grumpy old man
*Hates "that processed shit"
*loves cooking steak
*Not a very social creature
Wallace offers the "Fatherly role" in the system. He doesn't really socialize or front often unless he's cooking "real food" for the host.
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*Is an anthro bunny
*Protector of The Host's Gender and Sexual Identity
*Believes in Retail Therapy
*Gets along well with Anjay which is often bad for Akarii's wallet...
*Also doubles an an OC RP Muse
Vio is triggered when it comes to The Host's identity in both their Gender preferences and sexuality orientation. He gets a bit snippy if these things get disrespected and ignored.
*Doesn't talk much.
*is the reason the host has so many squishmallows and stuffed animals
*Loves anything cute fluffy colorful and pastel.
*Her favorite bubble tea is Cotton Candy with rainbow pearls
Bubble is the system's little. Gaara is usually the one that keeps her maintained and entertained in the scape. She doesn't talk too often but Anjay will often talk for her. The two of them are particularly close.
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Gate Keeper (inner)
*Portrays similar traits to Gaara from "Naruto"/"Naruto Shippuden" which is the character he derrived from.
*Made a sudden "Awakening" late in the night...
*Valen does not like him very much...at all.
*Not too much of a talker
*Generally docile unless pushed, but does tend to try to keep the peace.
*Likes Desert Roses and Cacti
*Halos (seedless orange fruit similar to a tangerine) make him curious...but he enjoys eating them.
*Brings a little fear to the system given his abilities within the scape which consist of but are not limited to--
--putting up walls to block out other members of the system from knowing what he and the host talk about--
Or for blocking out unwanted memories that affect the host's emotional state or psyche
--Preventing further or sudden and unwanted switching between alters
--Locks out other alters from co-fronting when he's fronting, unless otherwise decided by him that he finds it nessasary or safe and okay to do so.
--Being able to Bring a sudden sort of "calm" over the chaos of the system.
*Keeps the little in check and prevents her from fronting during serious or important situations.
Gaara awoke suddenly one night and no one understood how or why. But given time studying him and talking it's been noticed that he seems to front when the host is experiencing an emotionally unstable state of mind. Triggered by emotional situations such as high depression or intense emotional turmoil that affect the Host he takes over and stands guard to protect the host from any further emotional turmoil or damage. He can also create "Sand walls" within the scape that work as blocks to unwanted alter switching and/or blocking out unwanted memories that affect the Host's emotional state or state of mind.
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Protector (Inner)
*Portrays similar traits to Neji Hyuuga from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden which is the character he derived from.
*focuses his protection more on the "inside" rather than the "outside"
Neji is very curt and straight to the point. He doesn't pussy foot nor sugar-coat.
If Neji does not like you, he will out right say that he does not like you. And if you annoy him, he will say so. He is not particularly friendly, yet not unfriendjy either-- really, he's just not really all that social except with the host. And even then it's mostly scolding them about the living situation. Triggers that pull him out are generally persistent irritations. But...every once in a while he likes to front particular so he can enjoy a cup of tea...he tends to favor Oolong and earthy blends.
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brainerhub · 3 months
How does Xamarin Mobile App Development Effectively Reduce Cost?
Xamarin Mobile App Development
Developing a mobile apps to meet ever-increasing expectations in today's fast-paced technological environment requires the use of the right tools and a methodical approach. Businesses are also worried about mobile apps' longer development cycles than those of traditional online applications.
One such development platform that can provide you a competitive edge in creating, testing, and releasing mobile apps for Windows, iOS, and Android is called Xamarin.
Shared Code
As you may already be aware, mobile apps function best when they are designed with a specific device in mind. Xamarin efficiently gathers the code written for an application specific to one kind of device. This makes it possible to repurpose it for developing an app version compatible with various device types.
Consequently, mobile app developers can avoid wasting time and effort developing two separate apps from scratch, one for one platform and one for another, by using Xamarin. The development process can be greatly shortened by sharing code, which lowers expenses!
Reduced Costs
Should companies insist on developing mobile apps using the traditional native method, they will need three different kinds of developers: one with expertise in Objective C for Apple apps, two with expertise in Java for Android apps, and three with expertise in C# for Windows apps. As you can imagine, a developer may find it challenging to switch between all of these languages.
Furthermore, the number of skilled developers needed for each app separately will be significantly reduced as more businesses assign teams to work on particular Mobile app development platforms through Xamarin app development.
Full-Featured Package
To use Xamarin, one only needs to be conversant with C#. With Xamarin Studio, developers can create apps for multiple platforms without having to switch between multiple Integrated Development Environments (IDES) because it comes with all the Software Developer Kits (SDK) required.
Your mobile app should usually result in increased user engagement or a strong return on investment.
To get the best results, you must make sure your app is of the highest calibre before it goes live. In this situation, quality analysis and testing are essential. The Xamarin Test Cloud powers your app's functionality by automatically testing it across a wide range of devices. This will lead to the delivery of a superior product at the conclusion of the development process.
After the app is released, you can use Xamarin Insights to monitor and examine usage and performance patterns that reveal trends and sound the alarms about unplanned crashes, as well as how users interact with your apps. With the use of these exact statistics, users can monitor patterns of behaviour from previous iterations of the mobile app and use the insights to create customised, new versions.
Xamarin mobile app development can significantly reduce costs for businesses and developers in several key ways:
Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms:
Using Xamarin, developers can write a single C# codebase and share it on Windows, iOS, and Android platforms. This saves time and effort during development by removing the need to create and manage distinct codebases for every platform.
Reduced Development Time:
Developers can use shared libraries and code with Xamarin, which expedites the development process. By using a single codebase, projects can be completed more quickly because fewer lines of code need to be written, tested, and maintained.
Lower Maintenance Costs:
It is less expensive to maintain one codebase than it is to maintain separate codebases for various platforms. Reducing the resources required for continuous maintenance, bug fixes, updates, and feature additions can be applied once and propagated across all platforms.
Access to Native APIs and Features:
With Xamarin, developers can create high-performance apps that have a native look and feel by having complete access to native APIs and features. As a result, integrating native features becomes simpler and less expensive, and platform-specific developers are no longer required.
Component Store and Libraries:
Through the Xamarin Component Store and NuGet packages, Xamarin provides a rich ecosystem of pre-built components and libraries. Common functionalities can be swiftly integrated by developers, saving time and money by eliminating the need to create everything from scratch.
Xamarin is among the least hazardous cross-platform or native development tools that can be chosen by any company. There are mobile apps available for iOS, Windows, and Android from the manufacturing, food, logistics, media, automotive, entertainment, and other industrial sectors. It is utilised by any well-known Xamarin App Development Company to maximise its field-mobility operations in real-time. In order to quickly enter the app market, businesses are selecting Xamarin to go mobile and strategically manage their mobile app development.
Do you have any reservations about Xamarin being the best cross-platform mobile app development framework for your needs? To help you make the best choice possible, Fullestop is available. If your company is looking for a Mobile Application Development Companies in india , get in touch with us right now!
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fluffyartist132 · 4 months
What's your opinion on the bug and Java situation?
What is this, an interview? I'm a little scared of saying my side by this point and I'm staying out of it, but WH!Exposer is just kinda annoying, so I have them blocked on Twitter because I'm just done hearing about it.
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equitymatch · 9 months
The Future of ChatGPT: Exploring Potential Applications and Limitations
ChatGPT has been recognised as a trending topic in conversational artificial intelligence (AI) due to its capacity to provide meaningful and contextually appropriate replies in a conversational situation. It makes use of deep learning methods, especially transformer models, which are quite successful in operations involving natural language processing. ChatGPT has aided in the adoption of AI chatbots owing to its capacity to deliver responses that are human-like and take part in substantive discussions. Due to its adaptable nature and versatility, it is a useful tool for client service, virtual assistants, instructional platforms, and other situations where a conversational tone reminiscent of a human is preferred. Developers and researchers are constantly looking for methods to improve technology to make it more durable, dependable, and useful for a variety of real-world business processes. Moreover, startups have also started exploring the advantages as well as the limitations of ChatGPT so that entrepreneurs are aware of using ChatGPT well to gain startup funding. Startups in platforms like EquityMatch have already started exploring these concepts.
ChatGPT has potential applications across various domains, but it also has its limitations. Here are the potential applications and limitations of ChatGPT any business must be aware of.
Potential Applications of ChatGPT
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Computer Coding
It is possible to compose codes in computer programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ using ChatGPT as it is a potent AI tool. It could create portions of code with answers after using natural language processing to comprehend the queries sent by users (Israelsen, 2023). This machine-learning technology has the potential to transform the way people build software applications. Software developers could have access to a strong tool for constructing powerful programs without wasting time manually programming them as a result of the capacity of ChatGPT to transform written input into working code lines. In natural language programming, ChatGPT could produce sample codes, code snippets, and copy-pasteable actual computer codes. This makes it suitable for app-building tasks like developing new ones or fixing bugs in ones that already exist. Thus, companies seeking a more effective way to create software may consider harnessing ChatGPT's capabilities to enhance efficiency and save expenses.
Fraud detection
In the future, ChatGPT could be used for fraud detection. ChatGPT can help in the analysis of written content, such as client communications, transactional information, or user profiles, to spot trends suggestive of fraudulent activity. ChatGPT can identify suspicious activities, uncommon language usage, and discrepancies that might be signs of fraud by analysing vast amounts of text data. Moreover, the use of ChatGPT can help a detection system for anomalies find out-of-the-ordinary or fraudulent behaviors. ChatGPT may be trained to identify variations from expected behavior and highlight instances of probable fraud by using a dataset that comprises both honest and dishonest encounters. Hence, banks and other financial service companies may identify and avoid fraud in real-time using ChatGPT, saving both money and time on inspections (Frąckiewicz, 2023). 
Future virtual tutoring services for a range of subjects and academic levels could be provided through ChatGPT. Furthermore, ChatGPT can conduct dynamic and customised dialogues with students as the tool can evaluate their abilities, spot their areas of shortcomings and strengths, and adjust its replies correspondingly. ChatGPT may provide practice questions and tasks depending on the topic or subject under discussion and it could offer instant feedback after students complete these tasks. It could assist in spotting mistakes, giving justifications for poor responses, and giving tips to lead students in the right direction.  ChatGPT can function as an online library, offering knowledge and resources on a variety of subjects. As a result, ChatGPT can deliver tailored coaching to help learners enhance their ability to think critically rather than become immersed in the technicalities of learning.
Limitations of ChatGPT
Absence of emotional intelligence
ChatGPT cannot understand completely or react to emotional stimuli equivalently to humans as it is an AI language model without actual feelings or sympathy. Moreover, ChatGPT may fail to deliver sympathetic replies or psychological assistance to individuals who are frustrated, anxious, or suffering various emotions as a result of their educational experience. ChatGPT may not be able to properly de-escalate tensions, resolve disputes, or handle sensitive interactions when disagreements or miscommunications occur. Thus, ChatGPT could be unable to respond appropriately in some circumstances, particularly where the discussion necessitates emotional intelligence or empathy (Marr, 2023). 
Biased responses
ChatGPT could inadvertently reinforce biases seen in the information it was programmed on or pick up biases from interactions with users. In addition, ChatGPT might have prejudices in terms of linguistic and cultural perceptions. The learning information, which is mostly based on current web information, may reflect societal biases. Therefore, the model might prefer particular linguistic idioms, cultural allusions, or viewpoints, thereby marginalising or excluding other populations. ChatGPT could be impacted by biases that are present in user interactions. The replies produced by ChatGPT may be affected if users engage in biased conduct or consciously contribute biased information during conversations (Arnold, 2023).
Cannot handle multiple tasks parallelly
Although ChatGPT is a strong language model, its main purpose is to provide answers in response to a single query or topic at one moment. ChatGPT might have trouble managing numerous duties inside a single chat. It frequently concentrates on the most current topic or prompt and might not fully remember previous conversations or activities. As a result, it may become difficult or inconsistent to carry on consistent conversations about various subjects or duties. The natural simultaneous processing capacities of a human brain are not present in ChatGPT, even though this tool can produce logical responses according to the given context. Therefore, the model may encounter difficulties when balancing several activities at once.
In conclusion, as mentioned, ChatGPT has many potential applications in the future as well as limitations. The main limitation of ChatGPT is that it lacks emotional intelligence, however, this might be tackled in the future; therefore, it will remain as a limitation until it is addressed on a future date.
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teleconhaikus · 1 year
I’m annoyed today.. I have to do a basic lift and shift of all the common library interfaces stored in frontends because someone thought it was good to copy pasta away everything as we go into every single frontend sooo we need another spot for all of that to handle, as is obvious, deprecation, new endpoints, modifications to handle validation and error and bugs etc.. but in the process am finding a lot of boiler plate code which is just like veryyyyy obvious everyone came from a Java background switched to web and didn’t once bat an eye. We have a billion getters and setters, we have no type aliases or other items which are strategically created for Typescript so that you do not need to define a class to use for simple items like in this situation a matrix which is now an internal class which supports getting elements... WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THIS CODE??? You can literally define this with an array of arrays or I guess some call this a “jagged array” but because JS says and is written in all things “Functions serve as a first class citizen” you never really need a class.. not really, not unless it entirely makes sense whereas in a lot of old coding languages like say Java or C++ you do need a namespace and and that namespace does define classes and objects usually first and then those objects hold actions, Javascript can instead behave more often as first methods that then act on many things.. this creates less bloat and code boilerplate and often is one of many reasons people say they hate web coming from OOP driven design but truly it is just different and everyone’s hateful and I am going a bit insane because I am doing what is an inherently wrong bad practice like I feel itchy all over doing it but if I do it the right way, it will never be complete.. it’s too big, so I gotta first chop off my leg to save my face or whatever then repair everything best I can but I am making the problem worse because I have to move all the unnecessary typings and objects and constructors to a third place and then try and find a way to fix that and I guess.. Idk I wanted to vent, but I also wanted to just sorta rubber ducky and console myself in the process..
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Java Programming Assignment Help: Unlocking the Potential of Java with Expert Assistance
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Java programming is a versatile and widely used language in the world of software development. Its flexibility, scalability, and platform independence make it an ideal choice for creating a wide range of applications. However, mastering Java programming concepts and completing assignments can be a challenging task for students, especially those who are new to programming or face time constraints. In such situations, seeking Java  assignment help from experts can prove to be invaluable. This article explores the benefits of availing professional assistance for Java programming assignments and how it can enhance your learning experience.
Comprehensive Understanding of Java Concepts: Java encompasses a vast array of concepts, including object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, multithreading, and more. Assignments often require students to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios. Professional Java programming assignment help provides you with access to experienced programmers who possess an in-depth understanding of these concepts. They can guide you through the intricacies of Java and ensure that you grasp the fundamental concepts required to complete your assignments successfully.
Timely Completion of Assignments: Academic life can be demanding, with multiple assignments, projects, and exams to handle simultaneously. This workload can sometimes lead to insufficient time for effectively completing Java programming assignments. By seeking assistance, you can alleviate the stress associated with meeting deadlines. Experts in Java programming assignment help services can efficiently tackle complex problems and deliver solutions within the stipulated time frame. This ensures that you submit your assignments on time and avoid any penalties for late submissions.
Customized Solutions and Code Optimization: Java programming assignments often require writing efficient and optimized code. Professionals offering do my java homework help have the expertise to analyze problem statements, devise effective algorithms, and produce optimized code solutions. Their experience and knowledge enable them to craft code that adheres to best practices, improves performance, and meets specific assignment requirements. By observing their code solutions, you can gain insights into writing efficient code and enhance your own programming skills.
Debugging and Error Resolution: Debugging is an integral part of the programming process, and it can be particularly challenging for beginners. When faced with a bug or error in your Java code, seeking help from experienced programmers can save you significant time and effort. Java programming assignment help experts possess the troubleshooting skills necessary to identify and resolve errors efficiently. They can guide you through the debugging process, helping you understand common pitfalls and providing valuable insights into effective debugging techniques.
Learning from Experts: Engaging with Java programming assignment help services allows you to learn from seasoned professionals who have practical experience in the field. By studying their solutions and explanations, you can gain a deeper understanding of Java programming concepts and techniques. You can also ask questions and seek clarification on any doubts you may have. This interactive learning experience fosters your growth as a programmer and equips you with the knowledge and skills to tackle future Java programming challenges independently.
Java programming assignment help provides students with invaluable support to overcome the challenges associated with completing assignments. From gaining a comprehensive understanding of Java concepts to ensuring timely submissions, customized solutions, code optimization, and expert guidance in debugging, seeking professional assistance empowers students to excel in their Java programming endeavors. By leveraging the expertise of seasoned programmers, you can enhance your learning experience, build a solid foundation in Java, and unlock the full potential of this versatile programming language.
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The Dangers of Silent Helpers
Today’s lesson was about constructors in Java.
Basically to keep the object-oriented hierarchy working properly the system has most classes expand from object. And when they expand from each other, they automatically reach for each other’s constructors.
If you have your Shape class and your Rhombus class and then you don’t make any constructors at all, the compiler will give you the basics to keep things smooth. When you call
Rhombus r = new Rhombus();
it’ll go into your Rhombus class and look for your constructor. Not finding one it’ll insert a line of code that says
right at the start of your code, kicking the ball up to Shape. It’ll go into your Shape class and look for a constructor. Not finding one it’ll insert another super(); as well as inserting “extends Object” onto the end of Shape, and kick the problem up to Object. And Object has a constructor by default.
By having everything that doesn’t have a constructor point to the thing supporting it in the hierarchy AND having everything without explicit support have implicit support from the Object class which is guaranteed to have a constructor, Java makes sure everything has a constructor without the coder having to write one for the many, MANY classes where the constructor would be empty.
This does mean there’s a default behavior where the system is adding code to your file without telling you.
Imagine you write a class with a constructor that takes an argument. And then you write a child class for it and don’t write a constructor at all for it. This will throw an error. The system will be generating a call to a constructor and the automatic call will have no arguments. But it won’t generate a constructor for you in its parent class or kick the problem up to Object, because you DID write a constructor there, just not of the type it’s looking for.
The trouble here is that the computer tells you the error is you’re calling a missing constructor, which is, strictly speaking, not true. IT is calling a missing constructor on your behalf.
This is just one of those situations you have to learn about so that you’re not stuck on two lines of problem code for an hour. And it’s the kind a programming instructor likes to teach because it’s at that intersection of theory (It’s easier to understand what this is if you know how constructors work) and practice (you need to know this so you don’t get stuck on this very common shape of bug all the time).
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krninformatixb · 2 years
Best Selenium Training in Bangalore
Testing is significant for the product advancement process for the checking mistakes, imperfections to watch that the item will work fine with no product bugs and consequently give a decent nature of the outcome. Many centers are trying that are situated in and around Bangalore.. The preparation is predominantly centered on the essential testing ideas and the course will begin with Selenium Training in Bangalore and other approaches. The course will give the end preparing projects and continuous based direction process. The Selenium Training in Bangalore is for the most part utilized for web applications and to plan the internet browser.
There are a few testing automated devices given inside the product framework program. The preparation is likewise centered on the fundamental ideas of java basic strategies that are increasingly included in the Best Selenium Training Institute in Bangalore. KRN Informatix is designed to familiarize test professionals with the basics of web applications using selenium testing. Testers can build, improve and maintain scripts using both the Selenium IDE and the Selenium Webdriver 2. The target is the software testers that are looking to automate the testing of web applications using Selenium. These testers may be new to test automation and, therefore, can include quality assurance professionals, managers or team leaders who are responsible for interaction with testers or who need to make sure tools are being fully and properly applied.
Also See: Automation Testing Training in Bangalore
The test campaigns can contain several tests to run as it quickly understands the benefits of automation. This is the subject of the Selenium Training platform. This Selenium training in Bangalore will take you into the tools of this platform to simulate a real activity on a website and perform the tests process.
Selenium Training in Marathahalli
One of our main branches is at Marathahalli, which is normally placed among the most populated IT enterprises. The Selenium Training in Marathahalli introduces to our establishment to get the genuine IT feeling that can be figured out the ideal place for experts as well as a fresher. KRN Informatix is a standout among other Selenium Training in Marathahalli giving a maximum number of placements to our students.
Week Day Classes:
KRN Informatix provides end to end training on selenium and manual testing from very basics to high end including Real time project. The Selenium Training conducted by Real time professional, Mr.Prathap kantam having 7+ years experience in Selenium Automation. All the Java topics required to learn the selenium will also be taken. After completion of each and every class, the video of that class will be recorded and given to the individual student. At the end of the course training will be given on one real time project. KRN Informatix provides placement assistance and resumes preparation done by faculty. The Online Selenium Training in India can be taken either online courses or offline. The Weekdays Selenium Training in Bangalore will be scheduled from morning 7.00 am to 8.30 am and 8.30 am to 10.00 am. The evening batches will also be taken from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. The students can use their lab facilities available after the session to understand practically the concepts and will be able to work with different tools. The questions and answers will be explained on spot by the experts.
Also See: Java Selenium Training in Bangalore
Exploring Selenium Testing Training in Bangalore - The Benefits and Opportunities Ahead",
Selenium Testing is a comprehensive course designed to help professionals learn the fundamentals of software testing using the Selenium web automation suite. It covers topics such as web application architectures, test automation frameworks, advanced scripting techniques and best practices for testing web applications with Selenium. The program is designed to give participants hands-on experience in designing and executing automated tests while also learning how to integrate them into existing development processes.
The training starts off by introducing participants to the basics of Web Application Architecture and its components such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. After that they will be taught various ways of finding elements on a webpage and working with different types of user interface controls like text fields, buttons, etc. Participants will then move on to learning about writing test scripts using the Selenium language (Selenese), functions available in it and other related tools like TestNG & JUnit for running multiple tests concurrently or remotely from different machines/browsers etc. 
Also check: Automation testing Course in Bangalore
As part of this training program, students are provided with detailed practice sessions which include actual coding tasks along with tips & tricks from experienced trainers who have successfully implemented projects using selenium in their organizations before.
A Comprehensive Guide to Selenium Testing Training in Bangalore
To begin with, let’s take a look at how Selenium works and what it can be used for. Put simply, Selenium is a suite of tools that helps automate web browser activities such as clicking links on a page or filling out forms – something that would otherwise need to be done manually if done without automation technology like Selenium. It also supports multiple programming languages including Java, C# and Python which makes it an ideal choice for organizations using different development technologies as well as allowing them to develop cross-platform solutions easily with just one toolset. 
Also See: Software Testing Training in Bangalore
When looking into taking up a course related to Selenium testing training in Bangalore you have plenty of options available both online and offline depending on your preferences as well as budget restrictions if any exist at all! For starters there are several institutes providing comprehensive classroom-based courses where you can get hands-on experience from industry professionals while learning the basics of selenium testing along with other associated concepts such as writing test cases & debugging code etc., Alternatively, if you prefer learning remotely then there are numerous eLearning platforms offering certification courses covering all aspects related to selenium testing ranging from basic level topics right up through advanced ones giving students/professionals complete control over their own learning pace & schedules! 
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Digital Asset Management System - Quality Assurance Testing
Executive Summary
With the overwhelming response they got in the initial week of agreement, the Client Firm defied the hesitant approach of trying the independent QA testing services. They started with a small monthly assignment just to see how it could help them – the encouraging results from our expert QA team made them feel safe and they extended the business relation. Thus the supposed monthly trial ended up in a relationship of over 24 months! A dedicated team of 5 test engineers with a QA Lead were involved in the Project, working simultaneously with the Client Side development team. The service from our high potential enterprising team, the zestful thought “Constructive Ways to destruct an Application” and a combination of various testing techniques including Manual and Automated services helped us to make the product very stable with logging about 2500 bugs for 2 products. The tests were carried on Cross Platform (WIN XP, 2000 server, Vista, Mac OS X etc), Cross Browser (IE 6, 7, FF 2x, 3x, safari etc), including the Web and Desktop environment.
About our Client
Client: A Photography Services Firm
Location: Norway
Industry: Software
Business Situation
A product with a lot of business potential but without any planned QA cycle made the client worried with hundreds of calls from unsatisfied customers every day. This made them realize that their baby needed to be doctored. That is when they planned to outsource the project for testing. And as opportunity knocks the doors at right times, they were contacted by Mindfire at the same time, which turned out to be a success mantra for one of the finest product we have seen down the line.
Connected with RSA Secure keys, used Hardware Dongles for license certificate files for the products, and worked over a shared environment with our test lab. The Applications were developed using C#, C++, .Net , Java. The Configuration files contained the setting details of the applications, so customizing Layouts, setting up the appearance, search filters, print catalogues and a lot other features were manipulated by editing the configuration files.
The Application data such as Meta Data, files/ folder details, their sharing permissions, locations etc were stored in XML files which can be manipulated.
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priteshs · 2 years
Android or IoS: Which is Better | Comparative Study
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Software engineers are frequently perplexed when deciding whether to develop for Android or iOS. Despite their architectural similarities, these systems take different approaches to development and maintenance.
Not only do the two systems differ in terms of development, but also in terms of design and marketing strategy.
We’ll look at the distinctions between iOS and Android app development in this article. We’ll weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each OS before estimating the cost of a sample app. You’ll know if iOS or Android is a better fit for your project by the end of this article.
Languages for programming
Different technology stacks are used in iOS and Android application development. The first uses the Swift proprietary app development language, while the second leans largely on Java or Kotlin as an alternative.
Which stack is the quickest and most straightforward to master? Most mobile app developers believe that developing an iPhone app development is easier than an Android mobile app development. Because Swift is more readable than Java, it takes less time to learn how to code in it.
However, as Kotlin evolves, the tables may turn once more. The language is expected to replace Java in the near future since it is intuitive, modern, and simple to read.
Environment for development
The integrated environment is another significant difference between iOS and Android development.
Android developers use Android Studio, a Google-developed proprietary tool that debuted in 2013 and boasts a broader set of capabilities. Cross-platform support, great readability, and a wide range of development and debugging facilities are all included in this integrated development environment. Hire android developers at Inwizards to get the best mobile app developed giving you a leading edge. With the team of geeky developers, we’re the perfect place to give a reality to your idea.
iOS developers, on the other hand, use Apple’s XCode software. The Apple-backed solution comes with a number of bug-fixing tools, is straightforward to use, and covers the whole range of iOS devices.
Differential design for each system
iOS and Android app development are both built for mobile app development and share the same software design concepts. Because neither touch nor a stylus can click with 100% precision, the smallest clickable areas for iOS and Android are 44px and 48px, respectively.
The navigation and architecture organization are the primary differences between the design philosophies of iOS and Android.
Fragments are portions of a user interface that are frequently used to browse between activities, enter a value, and so on.
In the iOS application architecture, view controllers are employed. Page view, tab, split view controllers, and other forms of such are utilized in app development. You can use a view controller to control the entire screen or just a section of it.
A developer can write controllers in code or organize images in a storyboard and save it as an XML file. As a result, the rate of development increases while the risk of making mistakes reduces.
Compared to Android apps, the iOS framework is easier to manage and less prone to bugs. An iOS app is easier to create due to the system’s design.
Complexity of development
When it comes to app development difficulty, Android falls far short of iOS. It has a lot to do with the fragmentation of devices. While Apple has a small number of devices and hence a small number of screen sizes to care for, this is not the situation with Android. Depending on the screen size, density, and OS version, there are dozens of various screen styles.
iOS is the most difficult to create in terms of complexity.
Well going forward with the selection of a single app development platform as Android or iOS, is simply based on your budget and the app requirements. Else whatever your chosen platform is we are always ready to feed you with our skilled and easy to afford iPhone app development and hire Android app development services.
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sneha640 · 2 years
What Does a Web Developer Do?
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The answer to the question, "What does a web developer do?" lies in their capability to make websites with the help of programming and coding. A web developer first understands the design concept of a website and then builds it using different programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java, and HTML. Web developers might often work alongside UI and UX design teams to develop and maintain various websites and web-based platforms that are easy for visitors to navigate through. They may also collaborate with the digital marketing team and other developers to optimize the performance of a website.
Front-End Developer Responsibilities
Here are some of the basic tasks that a Front-End Developer might be responsible for:
Working with UX Designers, Graphic Designers, or Web Designers to help ensure web design ideas can be made into a website that is easy to use
Change design (wireframes or sketches for a website) into code that a web browser can read and show on your screen
Organize or structure a website so that it is convenient to find through a search engine (this is part of Search Engine Optimization or SEO)
Developing websites that work and look great on every screen, from 24-inch desktop or computer monitors to five-inch Smartphone screens (this is called responsive website design)
Testing websites and fixing bugs or other problems
What Does a Back-End Developer Do?
Back-End Developers work on behind-the-scenes systems and structures that are not visible to visitors but which allow the application to perform what is required. Web developers in back-end development tend to be skilled at problem-solving and logic and work with variations of computer programming languages such as Ruby, Python, and SQL.
Back-End Web Developers will also select to specialize in mobile application development and work primarily on Android and iOS apps. Using languages such as C++, and Java, HTML5, a Back-End Web Developer who focuses on app development would need to consider some different approaches such as swiping functionality, scrolling dimensions, and more standardized app design elements.
Web developer tasks and responsibilities
As a web developer, you can work for an agency or company, or as a freelancer taking on projects for individual clients. Your daily tasks will vary depending on your work situation, but day-to-day responsibilities might generally include:
Designing navigation menus and user interfaces
Writing and reviewing code for websites, typically XML, HTML, or JavaScript
Integrating multimedia content onto a website
Troubleshooting issues with performance or user experience
Collaborating with web designers, developers, and stakeholders
Testing web applications
Skills a web developer must have to be successful
Not only for software developers but for everyone who wants to be a good professional, communication is a skill that needs to be enriched and improve and kept in optimal working order. Whether it is to give instructions correctly to your teammate or simply to maintain and manage a friendly or cordial relationship with the rest of your colleagues, clear and precise communication is extremely crucial.
Being a software or web developer is a pretty lonely profession since you could spend hours sitting in front of a desktop without changing a single word with another human being, but this doesn’t mean that you should completely put aside your capability to show interest in the feelings of others. 
You have to know a few things before deciding to be a web developer: it is not an easy or ample task. Making an application or a web page takes time; hundreds of hours in front of the pc doing a repetitive task can need a lot of patience, one of the most important soft skills for every professional. You must have the capability to give yourself time, to put up with long hours of tasks or work, and be able to put up with yourself; sometimes we are our biggest barrier.
An open mind and ability to adapt
Some years ago, web developers worked with a “waterfall” model, then they adopted a more agile approach and this was the biggest change. Precisely because of scenarios like this, having an open mind and being open to changes is important for every web developer.
At Rootstack we have a team of professionals in website design and design ready to offer the solution that your organization required in terms of technology, to have a dynamic and effective website focused on its visitor and thus increase the agency's productivity.
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deepalimalhotra · 2 years
Why is Automated Software Testing Important for Businesses?
It is getting harder and harder to consistently deploy high-quality software in today's fast-paced digital world, much alone meeting the demanding customer expectations. As a result, QA experts need a high level of code coverage methodologies. As a result, test automation testing companies are quickly replacing manual testing in many businesses.
Effective test automation has been acknowledged by organizations as the key to increasing code coverage. This article lists numerous advantages of switching from manual testing to automation testing.
Automated testing: What is it?
When a software tool or group of software tools directly tests your applications without any human involvement, such a process is known as automated software testing from automation testing companies. This entails the testing tool providing data to the application being tested, comparing the outcomes with what was anticipated when the test was written, then repeating the process.
A single automated test can be designed and executed as many times as required. This reduces costs, work, and time. Additionally, it is compatible with the continuous testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CD) methods used in software development.
Why Do We Need Automated Testing from automation testing companies? Scalable, trustworthy, and repeatable outcomes are produced via test automation. This implies that testing may be completed more quickly and effectively. More significantly, testing a wider range of code can be applied to various platforms and situations. This is accomplished quickly and with little manual assistance in assessing quality after each update to the code.
If properly implemented, test automation from a QA automation company can also be used to check the accuracy of production and affordably offer the following advantages.
Increased test coverage
Faster feedback cycle
Enhanced resource efficiency
Improved bug detection
Increased reusability of the test suite
Faster Development and Delivery
Removed human-imposed limitations
Higher accuracy
Better reporting capabilities
Reduced costs
Faster cross-browser testing
How Do Automated Tests Operate?
Test automation can be applied with any framework that has widespread best practices, industry standards, and testing tools as part of any business testing strategy. The two most popular types of test automation frameworks are keyword-driven and data-driven.
Table formats are used by keyword-driven testing frameworks to establish keywords for each function and execution strategy. Software testers without considerable programming experience can develop test scripts using the keywords. Software testers can write scripts that are compatible with various data sets and offer comprehensive coverage with fewer tests thanks to data-driven frameworks. To get the best of both worlds, hybrid-driven frameworks mix two or more methods. Many businesses favor the numerous Open-Source tools and frameworks like Selenium and Cypress.
Selenium is capable of automating and running test parameters in a variety of web browsers and computer languages, including Java and Python. Cypress offers a debugger for further tests and covers end-to-end, integration, and unit tests within a browser.
What types of tests ought businesses to automate?
Business-Critical: It is best to automate and schedule a test's regular execution if it is considered to be crucial. In this manner, it can guarantee that this test is always performed.Repetitive or tedious: Any test that requires repeatedly doing the same task is better automated.Determinant: Tests with obvious right and bad answers are amenable to automation.Repeatable: It is desirable to automate a test if it can be and will be repeated frequently.
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hgllearn · 2 years
Way to Begin a Software Testing Career
In case you are fresh out of college or you're trying to shift careers, you may need to consider a career in software testing. That is one of the most in-demand for positions in company environments in recent times, and it can pay pretty well too. There is a lot to find out about software testing so earlier than you submit your resume, ensure to read this article and apprehend what this profession is all about.
What do software program testers do?
This is largely synonymous with quality control and actually the technique with the aid of which application quality is tested and progressed. Software program testers are responsible for discovering and documenting bugs in software with the usage of tools like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Web or Software Bug tracking. They act because of the bridge between the organization that makes the software, the company that orders the software, and the end-users.
Organizations employ testing in every phase of the product life cycle from requirement specifications, design, coding, and eventually to user recognition. If you want to start a profession in testing you must recognize that many complex software structures require in-intensity analytical and technical skills to test them. You need to be skilled in exceptional computer programming languages like Java and C++ for unit testing, and you will want adequate scripting capabilities for automation testing.
Characteristics of a best software program tester
The first thing you want to do before applying for a job in software testing is to take inventory of your talents. You want to ask yourself when you have an awesome draw close of the primary and more superior concepts of software testing. In case you trust that you have had sufficient training in college, software testing courses online or at your preceding company, then submit that resume. Just remember that it cannot be confused enough that technical expertise is vital to start your profession. In case you think you're lacking in unique abilities then make an effort to enroll in courses or seminars to enhance them.
Additionally, it's important for a software tester to communicate nicely now, not simplest to the client however additionally to his or her co-workers. Maximum of the time you'll be working in teams, and as such it's important to preserve a harmonious relationship with them.
An excellent software tester additionally needs to have good analytical and judging skills. Finding kinks inside the program and knowing how to restore them are essentially the bread and butter of testing jobs. Know that once you start working as a software tester there will be a whole lot of critical thinking to your give up. So apart from technical skills, numerous recognition and concentration might be anticipated of you.
Within the final analysis, a good software tester needs to have brief mastering abilities. So if you need to begin a career in software testing then you must be eager to learn and also you should be at ease operating with new software programs without the need to learn drastically by a developer.
A lot of demanding situations are in keep for you because the sector of software development is exciting and dynamic. Put together both mentally and physically when you go for your interview, research the organization properly, and sell yourself by highlighting your strengths and abilities.
HGL Learn is one of the Best software training institutes in Hyderabad. We are providing professional educational services SAP training, Dotnet, Java, Data science, DevOps, Hadoop, Salesforce, Python, Core Java and other courses offered with a job orientation.
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incipientinfotech · 2 years
Best Java Development Tools to Streamline Your Workflow
Java provides a platform for developing and distributing application software on a wide range of computing platforms, including embedded devices, smartphones, and supercomputers.
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A DevOps technology used to manage source code, Git is essential for Java developers. Git is a free version control system that allows multiple engineers to collaborate on nonlinear development projects. It is an open-source version control system for managing large and complex projects. Features:
– Retains a record – Free and available source – Supports non-linear development – Performs backups – Scalable – Facilitates cooperation – Branching is simple – Distributed construction
Often used in projects to achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery, Jenkins is a Java-based, open-source automation server.
With Jenkins, you can deploy Java applications on Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-like operating systems, regardless of the platform.
A web interface that includes error checking and integrated help makes Jenkins easy to install and set up. – Available Plugins: There are hundreds of plugins in the Update Center that integrate with every CI and CD tool. – Extensible: Through its plugin architecture, Jenkins can be extended to provide virtually limitless functionality. – Simple Distribution: Jenkins can share tasks among many computers and as a result, things will be more quickly accomplished. – Jenkins is an open-source tool supported by a large community.
Apache Maven
Maven is a software tool for managing and building projects. It handles project development, reporting, and documentation through a centralized database. An important feature of Maven is dependency management, which is based on the concept of the Project Object Model (POM).
Since many of our Java applications rely extensively on third-party libraries, manually downloading the JAR file for each one can be time-consuming and hard. This is where Maven can help because it automatically downloads them all. Features:
– A simple and fast configuration that adheres to industry best practices to launch a new project or module in seconds – Java plugins are easy to create using this tool – Easy setup with immediate access to new features – Ant tasks for dependency management and deployment outside of Maven – A publication on the management and distribution of releases – It encourages the use of a common repository for JARs and other dependencies – Maven versioning– Maven offers conventions – Extensibility, reusability – Better quality in delivery – Less time
IntelliJ Idea
It provides comprehensive support for building online, mobile, and hybrid applications.
– Compares source code across all project files and programming languages – It lists the most relevant symbols for the present situation. – It enables translingual refactoring – Automatically detects duplicate code parts – Inspections and immediate repairs – Editor-centric environment – It facilitates the usage of static methods or constants
In Agile development, Jira is used for tracking bugs, tracking issues, and managing projects.
In Agile software development methodologies like Scrum, for example, teams are able to create ‘Sprints’ in a much more efficient manner, meaning teams can take measured, controlled and (theoretically) shorter breaks from each other.
– It offers tools to map big-picture needs, document your plans, and tie the roadmap’s goals to the team’s everyday tasks.
– Excellent for agile: As a result, one tool provides a unified view of all user stories and can create reports for multiple sprints, like burndown charts, sprint velocity, etc. Users are also able to manage and monitor tickets across sprints and releases. Work effort and job allocation in a team.
– The problem and project tracking software integrates well with several well-known third-party programs, such as Hipchat and Slack, simplifying the communication of concerns and response to alerts. In total, more than three thousand applications are available on the Atlassian Marketplace to enhance the functionality of the software.
– Extremely adaptable: A variety of items can be created and modified in Jira, including tables, forms, timelines, reports, and fields. Each firm can also have its processes customized to meet its needs.
– The program can be used by developers, project managers, engineers, managers, and other non-technical business people.
JUnit is an open-source software tool for performing tests on the Java programming language. This vital instrument for test-driven development and deployment has quickly become a part of many developers’ standard repertoire.
– Preparation of data input and creation of fictitious items
– Input of known data into databases
– Annotations allow fixtures to be executed before or after each test.
– Tests can be developed and executed with JUnit
– It has got some annotations for test method identification
– Helps make statements about what’s being tested
– Using JUnit tests makes coding faster, which results in better code.
Java-based Gradle is a project automation tool that extends Apache Ant and Apache Maven. The tool is also used to develop Android apps by default.
Instead of using XML to declare project configuration, Gradle uses Groovy as its domain-specific language (DSL), making it easier to configure project dependencies and customize them to meet your needs.
Combining elements from various construction tools, it has the flexibility and control of Ant, the dependency management of Ivy, the preference for convention over configuration, the plugins of Maven, and the Groovy DSL on top of Ant. One of the top Java development tools, this tool is in the top 10.
– Better modeling of dependencies with the aid of the Java Library plugin decreases the size of the build classpath.
– It has a remote build cache with practical administration tools
– Gradle Wrapper enables the execution of Gradle builds on uninstalled computers
– It enables both partial and multi-project builds
– It readily conforms to any structure
– Its intelligent classpath prevents wasteful compilation when a library’s binary interface has not changed.
There are such countless producers and open-source supporters in the Java environment that it is difficult to gather a rundown of Java programming devices and innovations without barring numerous huge firms and undertakings. By and large, this rundown of Java programming instruments ought to give an adequate comprehension and assist you with turning into an equipped software engineer. Additionally, if you need to Web & Mobile App Developer, Contact Us
Source: Best Java Development Tools to Streamline Your Workflow
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iammariagrace · 2 years
7 Ways How Coding Helps Kids Develop Analytical Thinking
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Why is it necessary for kids to learn code?
The main reason is that computers have become an unavoidable part of our world. Therefore, figuring out how to program will allow your kids to get more from a Machine regarding usefulness and productivity. For instance, they would have the option to build a basic program to automate tedious tasks. another reason is that the Pandemic has adversely affected all fields, and education as well. A lot has changed in today’s world, including the ways we approach basic learning. Classes have shifted to online platforms, and teaching kids has become the new prerequisite for preparing them for the future. There are many kids' coding languages like Python, Java Ruby, scratch, and C++. In with you can enroll your kids for their smart learning.
Well, there are various advantages if you are thinking about a computer programming course for your little ones. Here we have listed seven simple ways that Coding can help your child to think logically:
Coding teaches that mistakes don’t result in failure:☝🏽
Coding is one of those exercises where a kid’s one mistakes and second, third, or fourth chances are just ethical. Truth be told, they are standard. Subsequently, Coding teaches to give your kids confidence, and not to fear their mistakes, Coding teaches that careful discipline brings about a hopeful future.
Coding teaches innovative problem-solving skills:💁🏼‍♀️
Logical thinking is the ability to analyze a real-life problem-solving situation and devise a strategy to solve the problem in an easy way. It is a life skill that helps an individual stand out in their career and helps them navigate through all situations effortlessly. The fundamental of Coding is to break down a huge problem and decode them. Different efforts to fix an issue are regular, and it help children with figuring out how to attempt other methods until the bug is fixed.
Coding teaches similar relationships utilized in analytical thinkin🙋🏼‍♂️
Coders should seek, commit errors and attempt again until arriving at the desired end. Just by learning how to code, kids will become more familiar with related examples. When your kid fails and tries again they can learn from their mistakes.
·       Coding makes math more fun and engaging 👨‍🏫 
 If you want that your kid should join the science and technology branch with curiosity then develop creativity in the minds of your kid with exciting courses like Robotics for kids and a lot more at Goglobalways.com site for more courses like Gorobo and Robogenious.
Coding teaches and promotes literacy:✍🏽
Learning programming means learning a new language.  Sure, it may not be Spanish or Italian, but learning how to code uses some of the same skills we develop when we try to learn a new language.  To be able to code effectively, a programmer in your kid needs to use his /her logical ability to think.
Coding teaches there is the possibility of more than just one right answer:👩🏽‍🎓
 Enrolling them in Robotics and coding classes will help them develop these skills while enhancing their creativity.  They learn to analyze all the options available to them and have to come up with a way to solve any challenges in their life. Solving a problem is a satisfying feeling. And there is nothing better than seeing your child proud of a particular challenge that they have completed using their creative minds.
·        Coders are in high demand in the upcoming generation 💡💯
According to statistics and Wikipedia, STEM graduates have been contributing to the Indian economy with well-paid salaries locally as well as abroad for the last two decades. 67% of all new STEM jobs are in the field of computing, yet only 11% of STEM graduates are in Computer Science. That’s a serious shortage of techies in today’s generation. Also, there are an increasing number of businesses that rely on computer coders, not just those in the technology sector.
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trustrenta · 2 years
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