noblevicartstudio08 · 3 months
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Heaven says...
Attack on @munnybot / @bugsbloom of Hax!!
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prcttyinpcnk · 4 months
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@bugsbloom asked: Mudkip, Froakie, and Litten c:
Gotta ask em all!
mudkip: what meme could better describe your muse?
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I dunno if this counts but.... yeah.
froakie: is there someone your muse considers very similar to themselves?
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More than anything, she wants to be just like her mom. She looks up to Roselyne and values her opinion of her more than anything else, really. Roselyne is her hero, her mentor, her idol, she's everything.
litten: how easy is it for your muse to get angry?
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It's a bit of a toss up. Sometimes Phiona's temper is really hard to predict. There are tell-tale signs when she's about to blow her top, but really it just depends on the circumstance. Most of the time she can keep her cool, but she can't go a solid week without losing her cool at least once. When she can't keep her friends/loved ones safe, when she fails, when someone says something nasty about someone she cares for, or someone she cares for doing something stupid. Again, it really depends. She can go from 0 to 100 real quick if in the wrong mood.
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curseofbreadbear · 5 months
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bugsbloom asked: 🎵 For Circus Baby, Cassidy, Cassie, Buster, and Glamrock Freddy (both normal and Proto!)
*breaks knuckles*
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End Me - "Tell me I can still prove myself after all these years" // "You know, she's still in me; I'm still a girl who tried to be the perfect daughter" // "I have no sympathy. I've lost my will to care, I'm tired of my life being a nightmare"
Drift Away - "And then she smiled, that's what I'm after. A smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter. Happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching her drift away" // "You keep on turning pages for people who don't care, people who don't care about you" // "And still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there; everyone's gone on without you" // "Aren't I a fool to have happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching her drift away?"
Copycat - "I'll become what you like; this is what you wanted, right!? Sacrifice all I know, I will teach myself to let go" // "I'm starting to talk like you do; here we go, I'll be gone soon"
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What You Want - "Now here's a gift that I can relish; a victim who dies, but cannot perish. Every word that I hear you scream, every second you plead, I will be sure to cherish" // "You know you're gonna burn with me, wait 'til you see what I've got in store" // "I'll always come right back just to watch you fall! And every time we find you, you hide behind these walls; we're gonna break them down!"
Lost Children - "Tell your friends that I'm gone; they won't even care, they won't even stop to find me. Tell your friends that I'm dead, they won't even care, they won't even stop to mourn me"
Handlebars - "Look at me, look at me, driving and I won't stop; and it feels so good to be alive and on top. My reach is global, my tower secure, my cause is noble, my power is pure" // "I can do anything with no permission, I have it all under my command"
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The Party Isn't Over - "I'm just lost, it's true, with some déjà vu...like I've been through this over, and over, and over again" // "The party was over, but you're gonna throw it again; throw it over, and over, and over again. It's our show and you know that it won't ever end. Don't bite off more than you think that you can chew, 'cause the party isn't over for you."
The Afternoon - "See the footprints in the cave? I would follow them if I were brave, to find out why there's no second set of footprints in the cave" // "If you take another look in the workings of your pop-up book, there's a secret message left there for you" // "If you choose a place to dig and you make a hole that's deep and big enough, you will find exactly what you need"
In Fact - "Step one: light me on fire. Step two: walk clean away. I won't burn long and evidence of your done-wrong will be gone in seconds, I swear" // "Oh, that's right; I did nothing and you were the mean one. In fact, you even broke my good tape deck. In fact, I don't wanna be friends"
Awoken - "I've stoked the fire, seen more pain than you can know" // "Pushed by desire to change the way my steam will flow. Now I've awoken and I'm taking back control" // "I try my best to block out the screams, but they're haunting me in my dreams" // "I man these wretched machines; day in, day out, the grinding wears on my brain, undermining my sanity, making me question my reality"
I'll Be Good - "I never meant to start a fire, I never meant to make you bleed; I'll be a better man today" // "I'll be good and I'll love the world like I should; I'll be good for all the times that I never could" // "I've been cold, I've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death. Maybe I'm waking up today"
Epoch - "Everyone makes mistakes; I've had more than my share, but it's okay 'cause I'm gonna repair it" // "Take it back to the start, I've had a change of heart; I know we can make it better than it ever was" // "We are free to choose our destiny and be the way we want to be, a second chance, you just need to believe"
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It's Getting Crowded In Here - "It's something quite peculiar, but we must outmaneuver the ones I've known for so long; they seek your foreign presence, unwelcome adolescence, yet something tells me they're wrong" // "If you need a safe place to hide, or a kind of partner in crime, in me you can always confide; your escape is a metter of time" // "We're facing all this terror, but when we work together, we'll find an answer that's right"
You Are The Music - "You can learn music, let me teach you three simple chords; with a D and a G and an A, you'll reap the rewards" // "You are the music, you are the pulse and the pitch and the time and the tune and the groove" // "You got a knack for the notes and a tantalizing touch with the tune, you got me over the moon"
When Can I See You Again? - "Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you; go see the world 'cause it's all so brand-new" // "Joined at the hip, your sidekick needs you; life is a trip and the road map leads you" // "Let me know before I wave goodbye, when can I see you again?"
The Purple People Eater - "I commenced to shaking and I said "ooh-wee," it looks like a purple people eater to me! It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater. Sure looks strange to me!" // "I said, "Mr. Purple People Eater, what's your line?" He said, "Eating purple people and it sure is fine. But that's not the reason that I came to land; I wanna get a job in a rock n' roll band!" // "I saw him last night on a TV show; he was blowing it out, really knocking 'em dead, playing rock n' roll music through the horn in his head!"
Monster - "What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?" // "Confused, mind bruised, it seeps out; face-down, home town looks so grey" // "Convexed, you bend, twist, and shout; stand up, brush off, get moving"
Used to the Darkness - "Then my eyes got used to the darkness, and everyone that I knew was lost and so long forgotten after you" // "I'm just a man, I'm only flesh and bone; I can't bring it back on everything I've done. Now there's no one else left to love, I'm used to the darkness"
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horrifichaunts · 6 months
🌟🎀💯✨💫😊💖☀️❤️!!! You're a talented mun and a sweet person!! I'm always happy to chat with you whether it's about characters or otherwise! :D
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Kindness jump scare! If i'm a sweet person and your a sweet person, who's flying the plane ?!
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salvenged · 7 months
❝ I know you're there, I can sense you. ❞ — @fazerbrain for Mimi!
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𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐓 !   but   how   could   he   have   possibly   known   he   was   in   his   midst ?   sensing   him   doesn't   seem   possible   but   he   has   no   means   of   disproving   it.   so   he   watches,   silently,   just   like   he   always   does.   not   moving   in   the   shadows   --   he's   learned   to   pretend,   to   hold   very   still   !   to   pretend   he   isn't   there   !   [   𝗔𝗡𝗗   𝗜𝗧   𝗔𝗟𝗪𝗔𝗬𝗦   𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞𝗦   !   ]
ears   move   upwards   with   a   soft   mechanical   click   before   lowering   once   more.   fascinating,   or   at   least   it   would   be   as   soon   as   he   figures   out   if   and   how   he   truly   knows.   but   for   now   he'll   cast   a   look   to   Source-Afton   and   blink   owlishly   before   turning   back.
I know you're there . . . 𝐍𝐨 , 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 !
fine,   he'll   wait   him   out   --   eventually   he'd   have   to   either   venture   into   the   dark   close   enough   to   reach   . . .   or   vacate.   then   mimic   could   continue   his   goal   of   finding   that   cabinet   the   mouthy   one   mentioned.
❛   . . .   ❜
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ycungmagick · 8 months
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“ You may not remember, but something waits for you. ”
Independent, Semi-selective, Fandomless OC RP & Ask Blog for Ophelia Miller, The Witch of The Evergreen Forest!!
Follow back from @vicsmusehub
Written and loved by Noble Vic.
Contains mentions of violence, gore, traumatic events, cults & horror
Art credit to myself and @bugsbloom
Personals and Non RP blogs DNI!
Please read rules before interacting
Promo template by @candyredmusings
PSD: @kurocommission
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Howdy there, welcome to my rp blog where all my love of spooky machines is stored. 
This is an 18 + indie and selective multi muse side blog for characters from FNAF and The Walten Files (small hiatus on those muses till episode 4). Lovingly penned by Red(she/they). Personals/non rp blogs do not interact!
Now as the music begins to play and the curtains open up, sit back and enjoy the show.
Just try and ignore the staining, the last guy disappeared. 
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Promo // Ask, hc, and ooc banner 
Really cool peeps who I think you should check out when your done looking around here.
@hollow-port @curseofbreadbear @behindslaughter @faztastiic @redgentleengie @staystillgregory @braveburned @astraljams @overcastmuses @polaroidxcamera @kiddscove @androidafton @fazeruined
@muutos @liluminarium @bravevolunteer @loveasachoice @lastafton @jackokinnies @zcmbierabbit @pumpkinspicejava @bugsbloom @fczbecrspizzc @funbonded @trapton @entitytcken @ @nicolenostalgia @khalaesi @manebloom @chaosmultiverse​
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curseofbreadbear · 4 months
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bugsbloom asked: ☕ Rambley should get to ramble about something, as a treat!
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❝ Ooh, ooh, ooh!!! You picked the right raccoon for the job! ❞
[Rambling was his namesake, after all! What to ramble about, though? His mind raced with countless possibilities -- fun facts, rides, his friends, trains, Rambley & Pals...how could he possibly choose?? ( There was a reason that information kiosks prompted him -- he could hardly contain his excitement, let alone his mouth, otherwise! )]
❝ Sooo! Did you know that Mollie Macaw, the best pilot you ever saw, MAKES her own planes!? Now that's talent! I could tell you anything you'd ever wanna know about trains, but I don't think I could ever build one myself! ❞ [Partly because he was an artificial intelligence without a physical body -- hey, maybe someday!] ❝ And, and, she has her own brand of soda -- but you probably knew that, huh? Bird Up is still pretty popular to this day! ❞ [...According to a fairly outdated infographic stored in the park's database. Still! They'd outsourced Bird Up to grocery stores, so hopefully...it was still around, right?]
❝ You've met Finley, too, right? Well, it's a pretty well-known fact that he loves collecting sea shells! If you find some for him, he'll be your bestest friend -- aside from me, of course! ❞ [An awkward laugh; that might be a huge assumption on his part, but he hoped the feeling was mutual!] ❝ Indigo Park isn't suuuper close to the sea, but I'm sure you can find something! Here's a hint -- ❞ [Rambley "leaned in," his sprite growing bigger on the screen; he placed an outstretched paw beside his mouth, giving the effect that he was actually whispering.] ❝ You can dig them up in Oceanic Odyssey! ❞
[Rambley paused; in place of his hyper voice, a robotic, pre-recorded message played.] ❝ Oceanic Odyssey is closed for repairs. ❞
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[When Rambley took over again, his ears lowered; that seemed to be the case with a bunch of their rides right now. That wouldn't be a good first impression...] ❝ Ha, well...guess we'll have to visit another time. Can't leave Finley hanging forever! ❞
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prcttyinpcnk · 6 months
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“ You can't ignore us, This is where the ghoul kids rule!”
Independent/Selective/Private Fandomless OC blog.
Follow back from @vicsmusehub
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art by: myself & @bugsbloom
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
promo template by: @candyredmusings!!
PSD by: @somresources
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ycungmagick · 8 months
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New icons done by the lovely @bugsbloom !!
Bonus under cut!
Pizza Tower Ophelia Jumpscare
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ycungmagick · 8 months
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New banners for Ophelia!!
Template by: @candyredmusings
PSD by: @kurocommission
Art by: @bugsbloom
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