wintergirl238 · 2 years
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I wish I could put into words exactly how it feels to live everyday with an eating disorder - how it feels to live everyday with depression, and anxiety, and such a strong hatred of myself and everything I am.
I think maybe the words just don’t exist.
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vacant-home · 5 years
Mad at myself for not appreciating my LW when I had it.
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wintergirl238 · 2 years
I’ve got this feeling that my life is going to end in tragedy
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wintergirl238 · 3 years
I always thought once I had the help I need from professionals who knew what they were doing, I’d be able to recover just fine. I’m now realising it’s so much harder than I ever thought. Im on the verge of giving up. Im already failing.
I guess I’ll just be like this forever.
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wintergirl238 · 3 years
I don’t think anybody cares.
Not my friends, not my family, not even the one person who should care about me most.
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wintergirl238 · 3 years
Thought I’d be dead by 21
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wintergirl238 · 3 years
I feel so empty.
Nothing makes me happy anymore.
All I want to do is be alone.
All I can think about is death.
I’m just so so empty.
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wintergirl238 · 5 years
I don’t want to get better. I want this illness to kill me.
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
I’m attempting to restrict again so I’m going to start doing a food log everyday to motivate myself. Wish me luck x
Day 1:
Goal - 600 cal
- red apple (60)
- banana (86)
- black coffee (5)
- lite soda (18)
- brown rice cakes (262)
- avocado (168)
- diet soda (12)
- sugar free gum (10)
- diet soda (11)
- coffee with milk and sweetener (21)
Total: 653 cals
Cals burned: 299 (walking)
Net cals: 354
Goal reached 🌟
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
I feel like I can’t do this anymore. Life. It’s all too hard. I don’t like who I am. I don’t like anything about myself. And I can’t change who I am and I can’t accept myself for who I am, so where am I left? Hating myself for the rest of my existence? I don’t want a life like that.
I keep telling myself that if I just lose weight, then at least there will be one thing about myself I won’t hate, and maybe then I’ll feel like my life is worth living. But apparently there’s nothing in my life I can control, not even my weight. And that thought makes me want to die. I’m stuck living a life I don’t want.
I just want to be put out of this misery.
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
Day 3
Goal - 400 cals
Completely failed 😭 I binged about 1500 - 2000 calories and then purged as much as I could.
I managed to go two days. Wow I’m pathetic.
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
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Day 2: How tall are you? Do you like your height?
I’m 173.5 cm. I don’t really like my height. I wish I was shorter than that. Maybe I’ll be okay with it when I hit my goal weight though 🤞
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
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Day 1: Your stats
I hate how much I weigh right now 😣 I’m so ashamed. Anyway here are my stats:
HW: 71kg
CW: 66kg
GW1: 55kg
UGW: 52kg
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
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I need to get back to this + more. I never hit my goal weight but I was getting so close at the time I took this photo. I hate how my tummy and legs look, but seeing them makes me determined to get the body I so desperately want. I can and I will reach my goal weight.
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wintergirl238 · 4 years
I just binged on an entire jar of peanut butter 😭😭😭 That’s 3000 calories 😭😭😭
I tried to purge but absolutely nothing will come up and I’m so scared of all the weight I’ll gain.
I hate myself ugh 😑
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wintergirl238 · 5 years
I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this
I want it to to stop
Why did I let myself get sucked into this void?
It’s caused me nothing but pain and misery
But I’m trapped now and I don’t think I can ever escape
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