#bum bom bom bom
Got any grapessss?? 🦆
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quinnsanestuff · 2 years
while i feel like the last two episodes were kinda rushed i definetly really enjoyed this drama, both the leads were really likable and i love that it ended without yeorum finding a definitive answer to where she wants her life to go
i think it could have used 2 more episodes for all the things that happened at the end
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totally-bing · 8 months
bum bum. bum bum bom boom. bum bum. bum bum bom boom.
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keii4ii · 9 months
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봄봄이와 범범이 (Bom means spring in Korean, and Bum means tiger in Korean)
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yoonjikooka · 7 months
#15. Olhares apaixonados nunca mentem ( Winrina)
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Capa teste, não disponível para futura doação.
p.s: Sugestão por @dallo-stan (vulgo, uma das minhas inspirações.). Um design simples e romântico com Winrina, confesso que quando li a sugestão, não se passava nada na minha cachola, ainda mais com tons pastéis, porém, hoje á tarde resolvi fazer um bolo de laranja e BUM! surgiu a ideia, assim, literalmente do nada surgiu. Bom, gostei do resultado e espero que tenha ficado ao seu agrado<3
Para mandar sugestões, clique aqui
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ct-multifandom · 1 year
Hey, I just introduced your boyfriend to some people he never met before. Yeah, he walked into the room, froze, and struck a pose as a spotlight turned on over his head with a click, and the room darkened. The Ghost Trick Original Soundtrack was there, and it said, “BOM BUM bubububububububububububububu BOM BUM bubububububububububububububu”
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samueldays · 5 months
So there's two Norwegian songs called "the crow song" (Kråkevisa) among my acquaintances, which are both about a guy shooting a crow, both with several verses padded out by bum-bum-ba-dum chants that vary regionally, and this was of some confusion to people arguing how the song is supposed to go. :P
Start of the shorter one:
Høyt i et tre en kråke, sim sala bim bom ba sela du sela dim, høyt i et tre en kråke satt.
(High in a tree a crow, na na na, high in a tree a crow sat.)
Start of the longer one:
Mannen han gikk seg i vea skog, hei fara, i vea skog Der satt det en kråke i lunden og gol, hei fara, fal du ril du ral du ra.
(The man went to gather wood in the forest, na na na, in the forest, a crow sat in the glade and crowed, na na na.)
A tangent. In English one hears the common magic words "Hocus pocus", possibly derived from Latin hoc est corpus, and "Abracadabra", of unknown origin.
Both of these are also used in Norwegian, the first one often extended to "Hocus pocus filiocus" (filioque), and the above "Sim sala bim" is a third, which some speculate is derived by similar means from a different source: Arabic bismillah.
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A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any grapes?"
The man said: "No, we just sell lemonade
But it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's all home-made!
Can I get you a glass?"
The duck said, "I'll pass."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
"Bom bom bom bom bom babom"
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
Hey! (bam bam bam), got any grapes?
The man said: "No, like I said yesterday
We just sell lemonade, okey?
Why not give it a try?"
The duck said. Good bye
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "Look, this is gettin' old
I mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold
Why not give it a go?"
The duck said: "How about - no."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand:
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any grapes?"
The man said: "That's it! If you don't stay away, duck
I'll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day stuck!
So don't get too close!
The duck said, Adios
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any glue?"
"What?" "Got any glue?" "No, why would I - oh..."
"Then one more question for you:
Got any grapes?"
And the man just stopped
The he started to smile
He started to laugh
He laughed for a while.
He said: "Come on, duck
Let's walk to the store
I'll buy you some grapes
So you don't have to ask anymore
So they walked to the store
And the man bought some grapes
He gave one to the duck
And the duck said: "Hmm, no thanks
But you know what sounds good?
It would make my day
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Has any lemonade?"
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
A duck walked up to a corner store And he said to the woman, running the store "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The woman said "No, it's a corner store I mean grapes aren't really what we're known for We've got some grape drinks?" The duck said "They kinda stink"
Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (Bum bum bum bum bum ba-dum)
When the duck walked up to the corner store And he said to the woman, running the store "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The woman said "Oh, it's you again, duck I already told you you're out of luck We've got some grape gum?" The duck said "I'll take none"
Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (Bum bum bum bum bum ba-dum)
When the duck walked up to the corner store And he said to the woman running the store "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The woman said "Look, I'm trying not to shout But please either buy something or get out! We don't sell fruit!" The duck said "I'm kinda cute"
Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (Bum bum bum bum bum ba-dum)
When the duck walked up to the corner store And he said to the woman running the store "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The woman said "That's it! The next time you ask for grapes I'm gonna tape you to the wall with this duct tape Do I make myself clear?" The duck said "Yes, dear"
Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day Bum bum bum bum bum ba-dum
When the duck walked up to the corner store And he said to the woman running the store "Hey! (Bum bum bum) got any grape chapstick?" "What?" "Got any grape chapstick?" "Actually we do But you don't have any money do you?"
"Do you think you could... Do you think you could... Do you think you could... put it on my bill?"
Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (Waddle waddle)
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as things I've heard at band camp
Race: *singing* oooooooohh I'm blinded by the liiigght! No I can't sleep until I see herrrr tits
Albert: *punches him*
Finch: *after being taught what slay means* Okay what else should I know? Yas queen? Is yeet still a thing? No? Good because I never understood what it meant
Davey: my back is killing me tmt
Race: lol your boyfriend railed you too hard huh?
Davey: it's because I have to carry 40 pounds worth of drum and the rest of the band on my shoulders, asshole
Spot: hey can you hit that? (About something that needs to be hammered into place on the bottom of his drum)
Albert: *confused, moves his drumsticks to one hand and punches it*
Spot: with your stick, idiot
Denton: please get tall black socks to wear with your uniform. It looks stupid if you have black pants and black shoes but every time you take a step you can see the sliver of your white ankle
Jack: *just loud enough so the entire room can hear* white??
Spot: I'm going crazy
Race: crazy? I was crazy once-
Spot: shut the fuck up
Myron: ... They put me in a room. A rubber room
Race: a rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy? I was-
Spot: oh my fucking god
Davey: oh my god I forgot sunscreen I'm gonna get cancer (*is actually extremely high risk for skin cancer* I'm not projecting you are)
Spot: ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bigga digga dat
Davey, joining in: bap buh dumb dumb bap duh dumb da dumb da dumb
Spot: biggadadiggadadiggadatdiggasatdatduhdadat
Davey: bum ba dumb bom bum ba dum. Bon da dum da dum da dum dig gah dig gah dig bom bab dum bom bom bah dum, bap-
Buttons: what kind of cult-
Crutchie: I know you're a freshman but word of advice, just ignore the drumline
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hellthethird · 9 months
Aconteceu pra caralho!
Eu venci. VENCI OUTUBRO. Eu devia ter chegado nesse peso em 27 de outubro, mas não cheguei. Por preguiça, comodismo e revolta comigo mesma. Agosto não tinha sido bom na minha rotina saudável e setembro pior ainda. Em outubro, eu estava de saco cheio. E isso resultou em todos esses atrasos.
Mas agora é real. EU VENCI. Deixei outubro para trás. Porra, porra! Isso me deixa tão feliz, tão motivada! Deu certo, está dando certo! Tenho real esperança de também vencer novembro antes mesmo do Natal.
São só dois quilos até 95 - meu objetivo principal, minha vitória essencial, de 115kg para 95kg no ano!
E, de 95 para 93, são só mais dois! Quero dizer, se tudo der certo, se meu corpo continuar cooperando e eu fazendo minha parte, isso acontece em quatro dias! Imagine! Chegar quinta/sexta feira e BUM, poder me despedir de novembro, também?
Eu deveria ter chegado aos 93kg em 24 de novembro, quase um mês atrás. Será que vai? São três grandes marcos para ir. Um já foi, faltam dois <3
Outubro: 97kg.
Novembro: 93kg.
Dezembro: 89kg.
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pansy-placebo · 2 months
🎵Mr Sandman🎶
🎶Bring me some sand 🎶🎵
*bom bum bum bumm*
🎶Give me a bucket of your sandiest sand🎵
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stanfordprepped · 11 months
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"You coulda had a bad bitch, non-committal Help you with your career, just a little You're supposed to hold me down But you're holding me back And that's the sound of me not calling you back!"
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"Why men great 'til they gotta be great? Don't text me, tell it straight to my face Best friend sat me down in the salon chair Shampoo press, get you out of my hair Fresh photos with the bomb lighting New man on the Minnesota Vikings Truth hurts, needed something more exciting Bom-bom-bi-dom, bi-dum-bum-bay."
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itskeej · 2 months
Bom bom bam bom bam bom bu bum bo ba bum bum bum
(I'm stuck in an abandoned hospital)
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amogus.... poor fella. i got you little guy, follow me
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allysimonelli22 · 1 year
Ser mãe é uma dádiva! Ser escolhida por Deus para gerar um lindo bebezinho é realmente uma das coisas mais lindas no mundo, você se doa de corpo e mente, e carrega aquele nenenzinho dentro de seu ventre por longas 40 semanas aproximadamente, quando nasce: e vc vê o rostinho pela primeira vez, então tudo muda, você nunca mais estará sozinha, e ter alguém que depende de vc e precisa de vc, isso te gera uma preocupação extrema, e agora? Será que eu vou dar conta? Todos falam como é lindo a maternidade e como é bonito gerar aquele bebezinho, mas não falam que a maternidade é extremamente difícil, cansativa, preocupante e extremamente solitária, então você: mãe, precisa mudar, a jovem que vc era antes deixa de existir e vc se torna, mãe! Ninguém te dá um manual de instruções mais esperam que vc não erre, que vc seja a mãe perfeita! Bom! é normal errar é normal ter medo não tem um jeito certo de ser mãe, é puro instinto, você e sua criança vão se adequar uma a outra e quando menos se espera, bum! O tempo passou, e como ele passa rápido, e aquele frágil nenenzinho cresce. Com a maternidade vem as adversidades mas também é satisfatório: quando você vê o seu nenezinho aprender a sentar, os primeiros passos, as primeiras palavras, a ir a escolinha e tudo! tudo! Vai valer a pena! Você esquece os medos a solidão e o cansaço, o amor que você vai sentir será maior que tudo no mundo.
Deus me deu a dádiva de conceber a minha filha, e graças a ela ao meu primeiro amor, eu passei pela pior fase da minha vida até agora, ser mãe te dá forças para lutar mesmo que tudo esteja contra você, sou grata a minha primogênita a minha linda Isabella
Texto: AllyS
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cloudbattrolls · 4 months
Public Works
Kasolm Varzim | Present Night
Kasolm yawned as they rubbed conditioner into their curly hair; didn’t want it drying out, especially now that it was definitely the light season. Heat drifted through the city like the clouds up above, settling in like the fluffy plant seeds that blew around, gathering on the streets and sidewalks.
They looked in their ablution trap’s mirror, nodded in satisfaction, and rinsed their hands off before wiping them on a soft hand towel that had a pattern of statues on it.
Then they walked out of it, stretching, and paused to take a look at their cat, who opened one green eye to regard them as they passed her resting place on one of their wall-mounted shelves. 
“Bella, you bum.” They said affectionately. “Why do I keep you? You do nothing but shed.”
The fluffy white animal did not dignify her owner’s response with one of her own, and simply closed the eye again as her plume-like tail twitched slightly.
“That’s what I thought.” They said, shaking their head in mock chastisement. “You can’t even be bothered to give me an excuse. Who taught you rhetoric, eh? Os jovens são preguiçosos.”
The whispers sounded in their ears as usual while they walked to their front door, but equally as usual, Kas couldn’t make them out, and the amethyst necklace kept the worst of it at bay. It was practically imprinted into their dark gray skin with how much they wore it.
They smiled as they opened their door and locked it behind them, though they noted it could probably use a new coat of paint in a few perigees: the current blue was flaking off a bit. It had been a while since they’d last called for carpenter droids.
They yawned again, walking off down the sidewalk. Not one of their livelier nights, but enough energy to keep their appointment. Just so long as no one bombarded them with too many questions, it would all be ducky.
The park wasn’t too far; they’d have taken a bus otherwise. They preferred not to, though: they stuck out like a fine painting in a public bathroom, being a purple cusp on public transport. Their size didn’t help either; squeezing into a crowded area when they were wide and tall had gotten them dirty looks at least a double-dozen times.
It didn’t bother them much, but it wasn’t as if the highblood enjoyed such resentment either.
Especially now. 
They were growing accustomed to keeping their powers at a low ebb - feeling only passing sparks of growth, feeling, thoughts - but it wasn’t perfect. Getting too overwhelmed or exhausted put them at risk of being a magnet for all that, and nosing into others wasn’t their thing to begin with.
Or causing some other loucura like the living painting incident to happen. No, thanks; they could do without all that.
Kasolm smiled when they reached the park, relaxing as they came closer to the trees and the laughter and screams of the playing pupas and the occasional lusus. Just a little further to go.
“Mx. Varzim!” Called one of the waiting trolls - a young oliveblood. “Everything’s ready.”
They looked over the canvas and paints that had been set up for them, as well as the bucket of water, and nodded approvingly.
“Bom trabalho, you lot.” They said with a smile. “Nice, very nice. Let’s hope the kids don’t think it’s boring, ay?”
The olive looked a little worried, and the two lowbloods with him who’d helped set up - a yellow and a maroon - shrugged.
“That’s up to you, ain’t it?” Said the maroon, blunt if not unfriendly.
“Sure is, mano.” They agreed breezily. “All right - hora de começar. Stand back and make sure no wayward caretakers or nothing gets close to the canvas, please.”
“Yes, boss.” Said the yellowblood with a sarcastic salute that Kas chuckled at. The olive looked at them in worry and annoyance; he needn’t have bothered. The other two had worked with them before, unlike him. They knew Kas to be as mellow as a sleepy lizard.
They walked over and took out their big paintbrushes from their sylladex, the kind for wide sweeping brushstrokes. Tonight, with its warm air and smell of blooming trees and flowers, wasn’t a night for subtle work. 
Not as the wrigglers of various ages and castes filed in, some with curious expressions, others looking more skeptical or even slightly hostile, a few regulars whispering in excitement. Some sat in the provided plastic chairs; a few of the midbloods and a lowblood or two took out their own.
A few pigeons and gulls flew around the group, and Kas hoped they didn’t steal the grasped packets of snacks in anyone’s hands or decide to relieve themselves on their heads. They also hoped no one’s lusus decided to snap at one; that had happened before and it had been a mess to sort out, even if no one had gotten seriously hurt.
“All right, crianças!” They called in their loudest voice, and the talking mostly died down. “What color should I start with?”
“No - gray!”
“Piss yellow!”
Kas nodded at all the suggestions, even the last one from a kid who looked incredibly smug about what he’d just said.
“Ah, sorry, mano, my favorite yellow is the kind when your eyes are all gummy with sleep and you wanna be back in recupe and not at schoolfeeding.” They said with mock sorrow as they shook their head, and several of the kids laughed and crowed in agreement.
Even the one who’d spoken gave them a grudging hint of a smile.
They dipped their brush into it - turmeric and arrowroot powder, all natural pigments like ybe other colors - and began making bold, quick strokes across the canvas with little care for how or where they fit together.
“That doesn’t look like anything!” Called one kid, and Kas nodded in agreement.
“Not yet!” They called back. “Which color now?”
“Brown!” Yelled the boy from before. 
“Nice try.” Chuckled the purpleblood.
“Green? Blue!” Came the call from a few kids.
“Green it is.” Agreed Kas, and used a different brush to splatter the drops - crocus and indigo material mixed together - all over their existing strokes.
They added red, then black, then stopped for a moment. The canvas was now mostly covered in completely random strokes and splatters of paint; the whole thing looked like one of the abstract exhibits from their museum.
“Here comes the fun part.” The cusp said. “Now watch closely, and feel free to use your hands, ‘cause I don’t want anyone saying this is just illusion psi or voodoos. I got none of that. All I got…”
They dunked their paintbrushes in water, and put them aside, before reaching out a hand to touch the canvas.
The ingredients in the paints - parts of things that had once lived and grown - grew again, springing from the canvas and carefully weaving and blooming together into a cohesive piece of art, taking form into a cityscape full of light and color - all formed from carefully colored petals, leaves, and stems.
Music drifted from the canvas as well, the distant sound of dayclubs and street buskers. 
The sound of light season life.
“…is this.” Finished Kasolm with a proud smile as they took their hand away.
The kids broke into excited and disbelieving chatter, running up to touch the plants that burst into existence before their gray-hued eyes.
Kas stepped back, happy to let them pull on and even take parts of their work if they wanted. This wasn’t the museum; their park art was for the wrigglers, meant to be touched and played with. The flowers would die in a few nights anyway; they were just regular plants, despite how they’d been created.
They noticed the olive, too, was staring wide-eyed.
“I - I don’t understand.” He said. “Are you a psiionic?”
“Eh, close enough.” Kas said with a shrug.
“But you’re a highblood!”
“Don’t let it bother you, mano, I don’t. And I gotta live with it.” They said with a flippant tone and a shrug.
He looked…slightly afraid.
Kas softened a bit.
“I’m just an artist.” They assured him. “Don’t wanna be anything else, ay? Too stressful. Look at the kids, do they seem worried?”
Several of the children were throwing flowers at each other or feeding them to herbivorous lusii.
“No…” He said, his trailing off voice making it clear he didn’t put a lot of stock in that. Even though they doubted he was more than seven, at most.
“Are you worried about Kasolm?” Snorted Iolett, the maroon. “Don’t bother. I never met a more relaxed indigo. You think I’d work for some raging lunatic?”
“You would if they paid you good.” Shot back the yellowblood, Dakkry, and Iolett flipped him off as she went to clean up the canvas and paints, the former of which had been stripped mostly bare.
Kas laughed softly and yawned again. Reaching their limit, but hey, all worth it.
“Thanks, all.” They said with a wave to their helpers, the pair of lowbloods nodding back before returning to their bickering.
They didn’t bother worrying about the olive. Either he’d be a problem, or he wouldn’t.
They were just happy they’d found a way to use their powers without harm, a way that brought others joy and let wrigglers know for a moment that there was wonder in the world.
That made it all worth it.
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Hoje ela fica velhinha
e vai apagar as velinhas,
e eu aqui tão distante dessa linda aniversariante,
sabe quando você ama alguém,
e esse alguém
já tem o seu alguém,
e o que te sobra
é ficar distante,
no momento mais importante,
juro o que não entendo o que vem acontecendo,
se cada panela tem sua tampa,
porquê fizeram duas
para a mesma panela,
eu encaixo certinho,
mas ela já tem a dela,
como posso ser o sapato velho para os pés descalços,
se ela já tem os sapatinhos dela,
ela já é o tijolo inteiro,
como posso ser feliz sendo apenas uma metade de tijolo,
que raiva que sinto agora,
pois não vai ser pra mim
o primeiro pedaço do bolo.
Parabéns pra você,nessa data querida
muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida,
então como que é, é pique, é pique, é pique, é pique
é hora, é hora, é hora, é hora
Será que foi daqui que tiraram o nome daquele castelo do tio do Nino?
O que a feia merece, tudo,
com certeza toda a felicidade do mundo,
desculpem, não sou um bom cantor,
mas o que me falta em ritmo,
sobra em amor
Crônica poética de Jonas R Cezar
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