#bun kirby
winged-eggers · 1 year
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it’s 2023 and it’s high time I release my anime on main beams
conceptualizing Fumu as an entire adult is so surreal 2 me but such is the passage of time it is high time we accepted and processed this information
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stardustshimmer · 10 months
Decided to draw the little circus march from the Kirby anime intro bc I thought it was cute.
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Consider this some Hoshi no Kaabii appreciation <3
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turtleplushi · 8 months
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Got bored (without text under the read more thingy)
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mattis-flo · 1 year
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[ HnK / KRBaY redraws ]
felt very indulgent at the end. i plan to do more as i binge through the show and keep a backlog lmao
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KBASW Chapter 3: In the Heart of a Knight
~Earlier in the day 
“King Dedede’s going to fire your father!” Lalala exclaimed.
Lololo & Lalala had pulled Fumu and Bun away from the “town clean up,” rushing them back to the castle. The two siblings were tailing the twins as they entered the castle. Beelining straight to the throne room…
“Ya sure?!” Bun asked.
“Yeah, we’re sure the King called for them-” Lolo deepened his voice. Puffing up his chest, trying to do his best impression of Dedede. “Get down here, you bloody traitors: I'm dealing with all of you!” 
“He's probably mad that he can’t order monsters anymore, so now he’s taking it out on Dad!” Bun gritted his teeth. This hearing caused him to pick up his pace, running even faster, being the first to arrive in front of the throne room.
“Grr–, that sore loser…he’s not firing dad on our watch, right, Sis… sis-?!” 
“Sorry guys…I’m just tired,” Fumu quickly made her way beside her brother and the twins. Usually, she was the one to bolt in first when there was a sign of trouble… But this time, she was a lot slower…  
She joined the others at the throne room's grand door... she made her way to the front. Fumu creaked it open ever slightly enough for her eye to peek through. “ Come on, you guys-” she gestured. She expected the rest of the group to follow her lead, but they didn’t.
They just stood there gazing at her with concern... they were worried.
Bun looked towards his sister, “You could sit this one out if you’re tired.” The twins surrounded her… they took her hands, slowly guiding her down on the ground to sit. “We can take care of this!” The boy puffs out his chest confidently and bangs it with his fist. 
“But I-”
“Come on sis the King can’t order monsters anymore: this should be a cakewalk!”
“Yeah he’s right,” Lololo agreed. “He can’t do anything anymore!”
“And let's not forget we have the guy who defeated them all,” Lalala gleefully added, “Right, Kirby-” She turned around expecting a response, but there was none…It was at this moment the group realized… they had forgotten Kirby. “We left him in town -”
“Oh no!” Fumu exclaimed. “Guys, we gotta go-”
A booming voice had erupted from the throne room, causing the group to shutter. No doubt it was King Dedede... 
“ Meta Knight, he's in trouble!” Fumu led the group in; they quietly rushed inside, sneaking behind pillars. The kid crept and hid behind shadows until they were in full view of the scene.
Meta Knight stood before Escargoon and the king, with Sir Ebrum & the knight duo (Sword & Blade) watching from the sidelines. The prime minister caught a glimpse of Fumu and the gang huddled behind the pillars.
Looking towards Sword & Blade, the man pleaded with his eyes to aid children. Sleathfully, the two of them made their way to the kids, walking backward, covering them from the field of sight. 
 “You kids shouldn’t be here,” Blade whispers,“ Dedede’s already angry enough!”  
“But Meta Knight needs our help-”, Fumu retorted. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Sword commented “You kids really need to go before-”
“Yes, it’s true, sire. I came here as a double agent with the sole purpose of hiding my identity as a Star Warrior and as the true guardian of the warp-star so-”
Fumu's voice cut through the room. She was in shock and pure disbelief at what she had just heard pass through the Meta Knight's lips. 
“My dear, please calm down,” Sir Ebrum tried to console his daughter. Attempting to intervene, trying to avoid the situation escalating any further. “We’re trying in the middle of a meeting right now; why don’t you just take a nice walk-”
“Dad, move…” Her voice was calm, but hidden beneath the surface was subtle and potent rage.  
At that moment, Sir Embrum saw a ferocity in his daughter that he had never seen before. All his intentions of stopping her had vanished. Willingly, he stepped aside, allowing her to confront the old star warrior.
The grumpy old king turned towards his subordinate and whispered, “Ayo, Escargoom... Weren’t we suppose ta-”
"You wanna get in between that?!”  Gesturing to Fumu as she pressed onward to where the old star warrior was. Her eyes seemed lifeless, but that flame of rage quilled within them. 
"Ugh~" One look at them caused Dedede to snuff out all his previous anger and cave in. “Nope, not getting into that!” The king mulled it over until he fully conceded to the situation.
"Ya know, what let her have this-... whatever I was gonna say to old tin-can doesn't seem as nearly devastating as whatever Miss Loud-mouth has to say..."
~ Despite the on-lookers of the scene, it seemed like it was just them: her and Meta Knight.  
 “Meta Knight, explain yourself, now..." Fumu clenched her fist as tight as to contain herself. " I... thought I was the only one able to call on the warp star, and now you-"
She could feel all: the frustration, the betrayal, the hurt... it all built up in her throat until it became too much to bear.
“I’ve been the one guarding the warp star this entire time, so I’m gonna need proof before you go around claiming that you’re the real one!"
Meta Knight remained unmoved by this... calmly, he remarked. "Oh, but you are as well- perhaps I should have worded it better... I'm merely the original."
“Yes… Remember when you first picked up the Warpstar… and it was flashing green: I was transferring some of my ownership to you,” he explained.
“Transferring ownership?” Fumu thought back to when Kirby had first used it…  that warpstar flickered a pale green… it seemed plausible... Come to think of it, that was the first and only time that ever happened. 
“Though not completely… small doses.” Shamelessly, he continued on,” I needed to see if your bond with Kirby was stronger and that you were willing to stand by him, but thankfully, my trust in you solidified after Kracko’s attack it won’t be long now before- ”
"I still don't believe you!"
“You’ve always wondered how I knew so much about Kirby, correct?”Meta Knight retorted. “Well, here it is… As the original guardian of the warp star, I was given all the knowledge of Kirby's powers and abilities... Is that enough for you-"
"My apologies..." Meta Knight then tilted his head towards Fumu, seeing her tempered state. "I promise you're a guardian too... I didn't mean to make it sound like you weren't-"
"Meta Knight... can you summon the warp star too?" she interrupted.
"Um, pardon me?"
"I'M GONNA NEED More-..." Fumu was on the verge of tears. She began to breathe heavily as she stammered on, "More proof than to believe that the man I trusted... was lying to me all this time..."
She managed to pull herself together and continued, " You owe me that much." Fumu's eyes sharpened as if they were daggers... they had such contempt and disdain... for the man she once trusted... the man she once considered a friend.
The whole room was breathless. All eyes were on the lone star warrior. Everyone waiting for him to make his move... the silence alone was suffocating...
Suddenly, Meta Knight's eyes burned away their bright yellow hue and melted into a pure white. "Kabu... " His voice wavered as if it were a whisper. "Send in the warp star..."
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"Warp star~" Kabu cried.
The old sage answered the call without fail (even in his damaged state). It was as if Fumu herself called upon the warpstar... It zoomed across the sky, cutting through clouds and scurring through the castle halls.
It busted through the throne room doors, passing over Fumu, and went straight towards Meta Knight. The light of the warp star shone over him as if it were a scene of triumph and glory. But it was nothing of the sort... instead, the guilty star warrior stood there in utter shame.
"So you really are the original guardian of warp star," she said in disbelief.
There was no denying it now... he was telling the truth.
Bun stepped forward, and he couldn’t help but bud in.. he knew how important guarding the warpstar was to his sister... This was a slap in the face. She fought tooth and nail to defend it, and Kirby...
"That's right!" Lalala commented. "Fumu's been the one who had to stick her neck this whole time while you did the bare minimum!"
"Yeah, you barely tried to help fight off any monsters!" Lololo added. "You only got involved when it was convenient for you!"
Woefully looked at Bun explained Meta Knight. "Someone like me isn't fit to be Kirby's guardian..."
"Uh- Meta Knight..." Bun was taken aback by the knight's sad expression. It wasn't just that but his voice: he never heard a sorrowful tone from him before. It was almost as if his voice was about to cry... The twins sensed this, too... they couldn't help but stand down.
"So, pawned off Kirby to the first chance you got to fend for himself and threw me into this situation where I had to pick up the piece you left!? "
However, Fumu could not...
"No!" The knight trembled in response to the statement, then in sorrow, he responded, "No, I never meant to do that... I never wanted to do-"
""AND WHERE WERE YOU WHEN Kirby and I had to fight Nightmare!?" She snared at him. "I WAS SO SCARED... SOME GUARDIAN YOU ARE!"
~Fumu was just so tired... tired of all of this. She always had to be the responsible one... always had to be the smart one. She was kidnapped by the king and held hostage by Nightmare... and all the monsters she had to take on...
She put up with it because she thought she was the only one who could do it. The only one who could help and protect Kirby. That she had some sort of destiny, but no... it was all because this man couldn't do his job...He used her as a cloak to hide himself… while she did all his dirty work?
"You know what I think..." She gritted he teeth; her words were dripping with venom. "The only reason you couldn't look after Kirby is because you're not capable of caring or loving anything at all!"
The entire conversation had come to a complete halt... It was at this moment that Fumu knew she had gone too far... Even Fumu herself seemed shocked about what she said.
However, Meta Knight seemed unphased by this...His eyes were still a haunting ghostly white... He took a deep breath and let it all out, burying his emotions... as if nothing had happened.
He merely sighed and said, "I have nothing to say..."
"Wait, what!?" she said in shock. "Is that all you have to say for yourself!"
"You're right... You're all right... about everything." His voice sounded weary and weak as he went on. "And I refuse to justify the things I've done... or rather the lack of things I've done...Nothing I say will make up for it- "
Meta Knight then turned to King Dedede, who was frozen in his seat. Flabbergasted at what had transpired... "Uh, yeah, um... what's up?" He was taken back by being added to the mix again.
"There you have it... I, Sir Meta Knight, have manipulated a child to do my dirty work to hide myself as a double agent...this was all to accomplish and further my own selfish goals... SO FIRE ME!"
"Wait, what... I kinda had a whole list I was gonna go down of stuff ya were guilty of..." The king gestured to Escargoon to pull it out.
"Yeah, and I wrote a lot," the snooty snail started to unveil his lengthy scroll. "Let's see now, there's-"
The list was cut into ribbons: Meta Knight's eyes were now scorching red. Fearless with in sword hand, he pressed onward toward Dedede and Escargoon. Galaxia began to glow in a golden fury...
He went up the steps to Dedede's throne; the king and his lackey began to shiver to hold each other for dear life. The enraged warrior loomed over them menacingly as if he were some sort of apparition from hell.
"OKAY. OKAY, YA FIRED! YA FIRED: JUST PUT THAT SWORD OF YOURS DOWN... ALREADY!" the king hopped down his chair and rushed straight to the exit. "C'MON ESCARGOON, WE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO."
His slimy sidekick followed, "You're, Highness, wait... weren't we going to!" Then he peered at the knight's crimson eyes and was immediately silenced.
"WAIT FOR ME!" he shouted. Running out after the king.
And just like that, they were gone.
And with that, Meta Knight withdrew his sword and walked back down as if nothing had happened. He looked over to Sword and Blade with eyes once again flashing a pure white hue. The knight gave a brief but solemn bow to his subordinates.
He held his gaze with them: it was a conversation that was told in silence. Then, in return, the duo gave a bow back... however, they did not raise their heads back up, their armors shaking. So much their little clatter could be heard throughout the room.
"My purpose here is finished away ... you shall have your wish: you will not see me again."
Lololo and Lalala gasped, "Wait what!?"
"You're leaving..." Bun yelled at him furiously. "Ya coward... to think I looked up to a guy like you!"
"Meta Knight!" Fumu cried out. "Hold on a minute, there's no way that's all you have to say!?"
There was a long pause, and silence filled the room... Their eyes locked into each other. She waited for him to say something... anything to justify his actions.
But instead, the retreating knight looked away in shame. He took a glance around the room once more. The kid's eyes were full of hatred for him... and he had accepted all of it.
"I bid you all a very fond farewell..."
He grabbed the end of his cape... wrapping and spinning around himself. Shadows began to shroud his body. Twirling into a curled-up ball, shrinking ever so small up until... poof, he was gone.
"GRR, FINE THEN GOOD RIDDANCE!" she shouted as she stormed off.
"Sis, wait!" Bun chased after her, with the duo following them.
"Children, wait... You don't know the full story!" Sir Ebrum tried to call out to them. "This is a big misunderstanding... I need to explain to her... Sword, Blade, surely you two can follow him-" The prime minister looked over only to find the two frozen. "My word, are you two alright?"
"We can't..."Sword answered. Unable to finish looked at Blade
Then he blurted out. "He's going somewhere...we can't follow-"
~Meta Knight had successfully warped outside of the palace. Now, standing at the drawbridge of the front gates. Nostalgically, he gazed back at the castle, recalling his time there.
He looked towards the water in the moat, staring at his distorted reflection. "Hmph... I guess they were right... I do bring misfortune wherever I go," he sighed beside himself with guilt. "I shouldn't have let myself get so close to them... At least I know they won't miss me... they'll be safe from-"
"Gah-ow!" A strong aura passed through his body. "C'mon on, keep it together...you've endured this long... you have to hang on... a little A-AGH!." Now, the aura overtook his whole body... the magical binding on his wings (which he put on himself years ago) was starting to break.
"Come on, you have to hold on..." he clutched at his chest so hard to suppress the pain. "At least for-"
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A gust of wind had blown past him, knocking away several waddle dees into the moat. Splashing the water in front of his face. It was a brief second, but he saw it; it was the starship, and the pilot was none other than-
With great speed, the old soldier chased after it like a bat out of hell. The ship was about to take off. If he doesn’t stop him, now he’ll be airborne into space.
Desperately, Meta Knight raised his arm out towards the launching ship. "Sweet Nova, I hope I can still do this..." Then, from his right hand, he emitted a dark aura from it. "Gah!" Once again irritating, the wings on his back. His voice wavering, "Keep it together!"
Soon, the same dark aura surrounded the ship... forcing it to stop dead in its tracks... and land. Then, with his trembling hand, Meta Knight balled his hand into a fist, and *SNAP*, he shut it off completely. He compressed his arm with his cape, trying to numb the sting.
The shutdown caused the cockpit glass to open immediately and out emerged Kirby. He hopped out of the starship, his face tethered to the ground. Immediately, Meta Knight rushed to his side.
"Kirby, Are you alright!?" exclaimed the knight. He scanned him up and down, making sure he wasn't hurt. Then he noticed a slight bump on his forehead. But other than that, he was fine. The worried knight gave out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank heavens you're safe..."
He paused, changing his voice from concern to stern. "Kirby, what Void's name were you doing... YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!?" Gently, he brushed his forehead. "You're lucky I stopped you on time! With that force and velocity, you would have been in another galaxy by now."
“Kirby? "Immediately, Meta Knight backed away. "Did he just smack my hand away?" Still taken aback by what just happened... this was so unlike him. Something was wrong... Once again, he shifted his tone gently, asking him, “Kirby, did something happen?"
In response, the little one began to shake uncontrollably as if the answer was too terrible to explain. Attempting to speak, but no words came out. Then he was able to muster a little peep, whispering under his breath, "Poy-away.."
"Go away," the little boy shouted.
The pink puffball finally raised his head; he was covered in tears, his eye swollen from the crying. All the color from his face was flushed out of him. The glimmer of his eyes had disappeared, and his brilliant smile was destroyed. It was a heartbreaking scene that Meta Knight was all too take in.
It was clear to him now: Kirby was attempting to run away again... far away with his starship... he had just ruined his escape plan. (No wonder he was upset with him.)
Even though Kirby had tried to run away before, this was completely different... the child's spirit was utterly broken. The happy-go-lucky kid he had known seemed to have vanished.
"If he was ready and willing to fly away to another galaxy... he thought. "I can't even imagine what drove him to this state." He tried to reach out to the child again but avoided his touch.
Instead, the little astral tried to turn back and scurry off into his starship again. But he was stopped by Meta Knight's arm blocking the way. "Sorry, kiddo, you can't keep running away from your problems, you know?"
Kirby then jumped attempting to float over it but was gently patted back toward the ground by the knight's hand once again.
Desperately, he tried to slap away Meta Knight's hand once again. Failing desperately shouted in frustration, "Let go, let go, let go!" Trying so hard to escape his grasp, little arms wouldn't let him reach.
"It's alright, Kirby... you can cry now."
As soon as he said that, tears began to flood again... his mentor started to gently pet him... In response, Kirby took hold of the knight's glove and pressed close to his face... encouraging Meta Knight to comfort him more.
Without missing a beat, the man wrapped his cape around the little boy’s shoulder and pulled him in for an embrace. This whole time, Kirby just wanted to be comforted... as soon as he was given a safe place... he just let it all out.
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"Waa- waah!" he cried. Granted, he was crying all day, but this was different. This time, he wasn't alone... Meta Knight was there.
"You're going to be okay now... you're safe..." he gently said. With each wail & sob, he encouraged the baby to let out all the hurt he was feeling. Lightly rubbing his back to let him know he was there.
And with. each cry, all the color had returned to the astral face, and finally, all his pain had been released. But screams had left him breathless... he began to hyperventilate again.
"Take it your time... You're doing fine..." Meta Knight reassured him. "Just listen to the sound of my voice... try to breathe with me, okay."
Slowly, he introduced deep breaths for Kirby to mimic. He reciprocated and was able to follow his lead. "Good boy, you're doing so well..." and praising him with each one.
As his breath became more stable, the little star warrior became more aware of his surroundings. The warmth of the Meta Knight’s cape, the softness of his glove that brushed up against his forehead, the gentleness of his voice…
But the most striking thing he could sense was his heartbeat. He snuggled himself closer to hear its sweet melody... It was the warmth and comfort he’d been desperately searching for... all this time. They held a tenderness that sounded so familiar to him… it's as if he heard it in a dream.
Though it came from the most unlikeliest of sources... Meta Knight.
A stranger, a man full of secrets... Shouldn't he be the most distrustful of him? After everything that happened today, shouldn't he be? Wasn't Meta Knight the one who wanted him to be a star warrior? He barely even knew the stoic knight...
But despite all that, something in his heart told him... This is where he should be... And so Kirby allowed himself to trust Meta Knight's kindness... feeling cozy and safe in his arms.
~But he knew him(Kirby)... Meta Knight knew him.
The old star warrior had all forgotten the aches and pains he had felt earlier. All that mattered was him... all that mattered was Kirby. As he continued to calm and coo the baby in his arm... a million things began to flood his mind:
~"When was the last time I held you in my arms like this... It feels like one eternity ago…" He thought to himself. "One day, when you're older... will you resent me for not being there... will you grow to hate me too... it's too late for regrets...It's all my fault that I'm in this lowly state... "
~Recalling everything Fumu had said...all of it was true. “Do I have the right to comfort him like this…” he thought. “Am I even qualified to do this?" He felt so undeserving... He already knew he wasn't worthy to hold this ball of light in his arms... he lost that privilege years ago.
 ~"Had I not tried to play the hero back then… maybe we wouldn’t be in this position. To watch you from afar… to hand you off, to be raised by another; to be reduced as a stranger to you... It's a pain that I can't even begin to describe... Perhaps this is my punishment..."
With every fiber of his being, he tried not to cry... he needed to be strong (for Kirby). But the tears couldn't help but escape his eyes. And held his child even tighter... as if it were his last.
"Everything I've done up until now was to prepare us for this- to prepare you for... But still, I can't, why can't I... how do I say goodbye to you...my little heart."
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To be continued...
AT LONG LAST CHAPTER 3: Sorry it took so long, you guys...
I know my grammar and writing are sucky, I know... that's why it takes me so long to post. (I reread it over and over, and still, I end up with some mistakes) I tend to write when I feel panicked and it calms me down. (That's why it's sporadic at times... sorry about that)
And know it's a long chapter, but every time I tried to cut it... it just didn't seem right... (plus, I didn't wanna leave you guys on a cliffhanger)
~So yeah, long chapter!
Also, this is why I'd like to thank you for still sticking around and reading... thank you so much to all of you. (Love you guys!)
KBASW Chapter 3: (Chapter Notes)
And I tried really hard not to villainize Fumu. Because she does have every right to be upset with Meta Knight... He was the adult in the situation... She was mad, but it all stemmed from frustration, betrayal, and hurt.
That's why I made her kind of in denial in the beginning because she had such a strong bond with Meta Knight. However, there was always that unfairness of her being the responsible one... It just reached its boiling point.
This is also why I had that little scene before going into the throne room to show that she wasn't in the best state of mind as well...
Plus she doesn't know the full story, yet...
Meta Knight's still hiding things... he's protecting them (Kirby & the kids) from something.. This is why his departure was a little abrupt... he's running out of time.
(Which is why there's a "Lord of the Rings" reference with " I bid you all a very fond farewell...": love the series :D)
Meta Knight does have a good reason for everything... But he also knows he's guilty! It was hard for me to write this chapter because I wanted to make him in the wrong & in the right.
Added the other kids for their reaction, too, so it wouldn't be just Fumu calling him out.
I also wanted to give a reason why Meta Knight knew so much about Kirby... so having him being the original holder of the warp star seemed to fit well... with my HC so yeah it's in there.
The solution to this was to make him accept everything she said. Meta Knight doesn't justify anything, but... it still hurts him to hear it out loud... This puts him in a distraught state which is why he is vulnerable and drops the apatheic act in front of Kirby.
At his core, he loves Kirby to bits and pieces. Meta Knight's reason for everything has always been Kirby... And it genuinely kills him that he had to stay away from him.
There is more to be revealed, but... it's a real tear-jerker reason. Angst train is still just getting started!
The line, "It's alright, Kirby... you can cry now." is a reference to "You can cry now" (an old post of mine).
Despite how much this chapter kept kicking my butt... this was my favorite chapter to write so far. I hope you all enjoy it!
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idrawpoyo · 6 months
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Anime Scene Re-draw
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purble-gaymer · 10 months
re: meta knight is allergic to scarfies
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mercyillustrator · 3 months
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So I made some memes for these guys as lunch table meme ( where y’all sitting meme and I don’t own this template btw ) to make it fabulous but as KRBAY version of this meme if I sit with one of the table it will be 7 XDD
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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zaphiyy207 · 6 months
Essence of Dreams
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
In which Meta Knight tried to solve FNAF lore in one day, ft. Kirby trying to explain his source. (Not clickbait) Spoilers, the theory went unfinished
(It's almost 2 months since chapter 2, I am in shambles. Next update will be much later but I promise it'll be lengthier.)
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qui-gg · 2 years
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Day 14: Sprout 🍉🥬🌸
First time drawing rbay fanart 😦
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Round 1B Wave 2:
(Anime) Knuckle Joe vs. Tiff and Tuff/Fumu and Bun (Both from Kirby: Right Back at Ya'!)
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(Anime) Knuckle Joe
Tiff/Fumu and Tuff/Bun
The winner will move on to the next Round! The 5% rule will not be in effect for this round.
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gethoce · 1 year
It's the funny joke day April 1st I can already see some epik pranks going on in the gsa [Also prob marx being marx but that's not important rn-]
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The second generation warriors are having a blast writing a fake love letter to Sir Arthur on this special day ~
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kallulily · 2 years
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KRBAY Ninja special part two!!!! The much needed return of Yamikage followed by two little guys!
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askkirbnfriens · 2 years
What was Kirby’s life as a toddler like?
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KBASW Chapter: 1 The Nightmares of Reality 
“Well I guess that’s the last of it!" jeered Gus.
He plopped the last of the piece of lumber. Putting it with the rest of the menagerie of materials they gathered. Everyone in Cappy Town was scrambling around, pulling from the charred remains of their homes… Trying to salvage whatever they could find.
After the Destroya attack, the whole town was left incinerated. What was left of their little village was a burnt, empty hollow husk of what it once was. Buildings and houses were charred, roads were uprooted, and the giant oak tree that once stood proudly in the middle of the square was gone. 
It's been a week since then...
But despite that, all the townsfolk were in good spirits, still pumped up on their success. Those who were there regaled their peers with the details of their journey. Extremely proud of their success… How they “went to the heart of NME’S lair and destroyed the place, they were heroes!” 
~Even though technically a good portion of them didn’t do anything but hey, it was still “a win” ...
But more importantly, hearing this gave the other cappies a can-do attitude. It was that type of infectious attitude that made them believe “we can do anything”, giving them the willingness to work.  Even the kids were helping out, especially Kirby. 
The pink puffball was in the middle of helping Kawasaki yank out his old pan. It was buried under the roof; it jammed in a small pocket of debris. Luckily he was small enough to wiggle his way in through. Kawasaki anxiously waited, praying it wasn’t still usable. 
Kirby emerged triumphantly out of the rubble. He waddled over with his pan; it was still in one piece.
 “Thanks, Kirby,” he said as he happily hugged his beloved frying pan. “I’ll make sure you're the first person to eat at my restaurant once it reopens!”
"Poyo, poyo!" he cheered. Excited at the prospect of eating there again.
"Hey, can someone help me out?", Gengu asked. "My old sign is stuck!"
Before leaving, the chef thanked Kirby once again then,... Zoom, he was off on to help the next person. The whole incident really brought the town together. It was a chaotic but lively scene.
And at the center of all this chaos was Fumu. She was busy directing townsfolk around where to put everything. Looking and checking the quality of their findings. 
“Alright, everyone, let's get organized!” Fumu called out. Quickly she whipped out a pen and clipboard and started to write. She carefully counted: jointing down all the things they had managed to save amongst the wreckage. 
Soon her brother made his way toward the town square with two fists full of trash bags. Brugglingly dragging them across...Unlike the rest of the town, he was in a foul mood. Before he even had the chance to set them down.
“Bun, trash doesn’t go there-” 
“Aw, come on!” Bun whined, "Everything looks like trash right now!” Gesturing arms to the state of the town. Then he angrily yanked his two trash bags together and propped himself up beside them. Making a scene in the middle of town.
Everyone paused for a moment to watch the spectacle. "We've been working all day." he continued. "Can't we take it easy... my whole body's starting to feel sore!?"
Hearing this, everyone suddenly started to recall their aches and bruises too. They had indeed been working all day. And soon, work on the town halted all at once.
"Now that you mentioned it, my back starting to feel sore," Professor Curio called out. He started stretching and then.
"Ahh, my back" Curio sunk down to the ground. "I'm too sore to go on."
"Oh, me too...," Mabel said as she looked down at them. "At this rate, my calluses will have calluses." She dropped to the ground and leaned up against the remains of the old oak tree. "Perhaps we should all take a break."
"Mabel's got the right idea: we've earned it." Samo agreed. He made his way to sit beside her, with Mabel happily making room for him. The lively bartender was holding a big wooden crate under his arm.
He sat down and opened up the top. "I have some drinks I managed to find if anyone interested." It was filled with a colorful array of cold sodas and drinks. They shined beautifully under the boiling sun, like a trove of treasure. Making them look irresistible to any weary Cappy.
"I have some instants from the grocery store... might as well eat'em!" Tuggle soon joined in. He came carrying two boxes of food. They were filled with convenience store lunches and instant meals.
Soon all the townfolk dropped their things and took up Samo and Tuggle's offer. Lining up to get their free food and drink. Some of the other cappies started to take out snacks and share them with each other. They all began to walk away from the construction site and into the open field to enjoy their lunch.
It soon became a lively town picnic, much to Fumu's dismay.
"Wait a minute... we were making such good progress..." the young girl explained as she pointed at her clipboard. "We're almost done! We can start rebuilding soon-"
Mayor Len walked up beside her. "Fumu, I really appreciate your work ethic, but..." He gestured to the townsfolk. Everyone was comfortably relaxing and talking amongst themselves. Laying on the grass, taking in the sun... They were all dead set on taking a break. "I'd hate to be the one to put a damper on this!"
"He's right, dear!" his wife, Hana, chimed in.
She was all smiles carrying two bags of food and drink for her family. "Maybe, it's a sign we should call it a day: after all, it'd be a shame to waste such lovely weather." She leaned on her husband's shoulder. "Besides, we have all the time in the world."
"You know what, my darling... you make an excellent point!" he happily agreed with her. Taking his wife by the arm, he turned to the Fumu. "My child, lighten up; there's no more of this monster nonsense: problems solved, everything is fine now."
"Yeah, right... everything's fine." Fumu watched as the mayor was led away by his wife. She stared at them, laughing and chatting away: as if nothing was wrong. She soon became lost in thought, his words ringing in her ear.
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~Everything's fine he says but why don't I feel fine-
“ Yeah, lighten up, sis!" Bun joined her once again. He came over with two sandwiches and soda pops. He offered her one of the drinks. "Don't be a killjoy for once here, have some-?”
Swiftly she slapped the can out of his hand. "Oh, you just had to complain, didn't you?!" she scolded her brother. "Now they've stopped working!" She recoiled instantly after realizing what she had done.
Her brother wasn't having any of it, he snapped back. "Hey, what's your problem-."
That caught him off guard... a silence settled between them. Her body seemed lifeless after that, but he could see her shaking. It was as if she was trying to shrink herself smaller and a sight: he had never seen before...
His strong-headed, hot-tempered, fearless older sister; was-...actually, he didn't know what she was at that moment.
“Hey sis... are you ok-“
“You guys gotta get back to the castle!” two small squeaky voices cried out.
Lololo and Lalala had suddenly appeared: the twins zooming towards the siblings with great speed. Both looked panicked and out of breath.
"Woah, Lololo Lalala; what's the rush?"
"JUST HURRY; WE'LL EXPLAIN ON THE WAY!" Lalala was in a panic. Immediately pushing them to run. Causing both brother and sister to forget something very important... and they weren't the only ones.
"Hey, where's Kirby?" Buttercup (Cheif Bookem's wife) asked.
Everyone was about to finish their meals when they realized the little pink puffball was nowhere to be seen. Which was an oddity of init of itself; Kirby was always where food was. The first one to nap and take a break... But the little orb was nowhere to be seen.
*Thunk *Thunk *Thunk
There was a loud hammering in the distance.
" I know that sound, Gengu said, "that's my hammer..."
Everyone followed the sound of the banging... It was only a hammer, but for some reason, there was something ominous about it. As if it was a prelude to something terrible.
The sight that awaited them was something they didn't expect. All the garbage and debris they left to clean was gone. Charred remnants of the town that still needed to be swept vanished. It was spotless...
The town was ready for reconstruction!?
What had happened was while everyone was away, Kirby continued to work. Cleaning up everyone's mess. Inhaling all the garbage and gathering up all the lumber by himself.
And at the center, Kirby was banging on the wooden log: a pitiful attempt to rebuild a house. Mayor Len was the first one to approach Kirby. "You didn't hear me call for a break: you can stop now-"
*Thunk *Thunk*Thunk
Despite his words, Kirby pressed on; as if he were in a trance. More people arrived at the scene, even more concerned now. Calling out to him: telling him "he could stop now."
*Thunk *Thunk*Thunk
But the little pink puffball would not budge: as if he were on autopilot. Hammering away, creating an unsettling requiem with it... Tuning them out.
*Thunk *Thunk *PING-
It was: Kawasaki; he halted Kirby's hammer with his frying pan own. The vibration of the metal finally made him stop; he turned to him and asked. "Kirby, what's wrong... why are ya still hammering away?"
The child slowly tilted his head to Kawasaki, meeting his eyes.
He finally got a glimpse of Kirby's face; he saw it. A dullness had come over Kirby's eyes. Dimming the brilliant blue of his eyes, the sparkle they once adorned it. The life of them was gone. A sight that made Kawaski quiver.
The small child looked away, lowering his head. And in a soft coo, he answered... "Po-yo...my fault-"
~Huh!? They were flabbergasted at his answer. And then, in response, Kirby gestured his little arms to the wreckage of the town... Tracing it back to what he was doing.
"What ?!" The Chief spoke out, "Who told you that-"
~Uh oh, they were the ones.
They were ready and willing to kick him out before Meta Knight came to the rescue with the Halberg. And here they were, treating him normally... pretending that little incident never happened.
But he remembered... Kirby remembered.
Everyone in the square gave each other that look -"OH MY GOD, how could we have forgotten that..."
"Kirby, you don't have to do that" Gengu swiftly swiped the hammer away from him out of shame. "Besides, we didn't mean it." He patted the little puffball's head, awkwardly reassuring him.
"Oh yes, you did!?" a snarly voice said. " Ya'll were practically ready to get the pitchforks and run'em out of town!" The sound of the voice came from the sky.
It was Tokkori; he had just arrived at the scene. He landed at the top of an old lamp pole (the remains of it). He continued on. "And you would have if Metal Head didn't come to the rescue with that big old ship of his."
"Kirby, don't listen to him: we didn't mean that honest... none of us meant it!" Samo was quick to shame Tokkori's. "Tokkori, apologize to Kirby!"
"Apologize, HA!" Tokkori answered back with even more fire in his! "What about all the times ya treated him like he had half a brain cell... not like guys were wrong but... I have never seen you guys apologize for that."
"Half the time you guys get tricked or side with Dedede!" He shrugged his shoulders. "You guys flop sides faster than a fish... " Tokkori began to chuckle. "You never apologized for that either...But then again it's not surprising, given how little he matters to ya..."
"Hey yeah, no good bird!", Tuggled called out. "STUFF IT!" He hucked a water bottle in an attempt to shut him up. Soon the others joined to silence him and get him away before he said anything else.
Tokkori was mad, but he was determined to prove his point. He went to the center of the square and flew even higher; so they could all see him. At this point, he was beet red, with anger ready to unleash his rage...
In a sorry attempt to disprove Tokkori's claim, the townspeople pushed Mayor Len to the center.
"You know what we were... we were, we were-." the mayor fumbled with his words. He was panicked; he looked towards the crowd hoping that someone could retort back.
They all turned around in unison. Not prepared for what they were about to see. What stood before them was no longer the fearless hero they had known, but a sad hurt little boy...
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The little child started to tremble with tears in his eye. He looked at the townspeople. In a small wavering voice, he uttered again, "Tell..." Taking a deep breath, he spoke again in a tone he had never used before, which shook the cappies, "TELL KABI!"
He wanted the truth: were they really going to throw him out? After everything they've been through. Would they do it again? He had to know... But none of them had an answer for him.
"What's wrong; cat got ya tongues," soon Tokkori wore a smug grin on his face. " Face the truth... A monster exterminator; that's all Junior is to you!"
"That's not true at all! " Mabel said in response. "We all love-"
"Kirby do this..., Kirby destroy this, Kirby suck up that, Kirby kill that, Kirby save us from that!" he mocked. "As long as he gets the job done, you don't give a hoot!"
He flew around the town square as if he was doing a victory lap. He enjoyed their seeing sad, shameful faces; as they all stood there in silence. But that wasn't good enough for him.
"Once he messes up again, you'll find another reason to kick him out: you'll see." He landed right on top of the mayor's hat; to take one final jab at all of them. " Or maybe not, since there's no more monster to fight... who needs him-"
In all his narcissism, he didn't even think about Kirby.
"What I was just saying was the truth-" Then he saw it... The last hint of sparkle that once shone in Kirby's eyes vanished. And replaced with a haunted hallow shadow. And all that was left was an empty VOID...
For once in his life, Tokori he knew... he went too far.
"Kir- Kirby I..." Before he could even justify his actions, Kirby fleed the scene, disheartened. Pushing and shoving everyone out of the way, with tears in his eyes. Unable to face any of them.
Soon a mob formed around Tokkori.
“Tokkori, look what you’ve done now?” Mayor Len turned his gaze to him. Soon everyone turned their attention to the arrogant bird. All eyes were on him. As their stares became more intense… he became more anxious.
Gus grabbed him from the top of the mayor's head, "C'mere ya rotten canary ..." Squeezing the bird into his fist. "You've said enough!"
"HOLD IT, HOLD I-". He turned pale as a ghost. "I can fix this just, let me get him-AH!?"
It was Kawasaki... Sheepishly, he made his way to the center of the mob. "Are we really going to get mad at Tokkori for spitting facts..." His head was hung low, and his chef's hat crumbled in his hands. "The only reason none of us could say anything earlier is because it was the truth... we're just as bad."
He turned to the chief and asked, "Chief Bookem if a kid were to steal something from the store, would you arrest him..."
"Wait, what?" the chief was caught off guard by the question. "Of course not!"
"Why is that?"
"Well because he's a kid, ugh-"
Finally, everyone was able to grasp the reality of the situation. The truth is no one had an excuse. Kirby was their hero, their protector, but... had all forgotten that he was a kid. They failed him.
The chief knew exactly what Kawaski was driving at... they all knew, "Dammint this whole time we've been trying an innocent kid as an adult this whole time..."
"I realized that when I saw his little face, saying it was his fault." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "Only a little kid does that..." Kawasaki started to clench his hat even tighter. "If I see Kirby again: I promise I'll do whatever I can do to make it up to him... and give him all the food he can eat."
"We all knew he was a kid, but.... we were all just- I don't know, what we were thinking!" the mayor added. "We were so hard on Kirby this whole time and-" He clenched his fists. "AND FOR WHAT!?."
Ms. Hana started to tear up as she imagined one of her own kids in that position. And then she started to cry "If Kirby never forgives us, I don't blame him..."
By then Gus had already loosed his grip, enough for Tokkori to fly away, but he didn't. Instead, he just stayed there, still haunted by the image of Kirby. He thought of all the times he recklessly ran his mouth to Kirby.
Kirby had never said anything in his defense... he was so used to seeing him unaffected by his words. Believing he could get away with saying anything to him. But this time...
"I broke Kirby..."
Meanwhile, Kirby was running as fast as his little feet could carry him. Off to Castle Dedede to find the only person who could give him a semblance of comfort at this moment...
As he got closer to the castle, the heaviness in his chest increased; it overwhelmed his fragile little body. Desperate to take in the air: he began to hyperventilate. As he remembered the events that lead to his showdown with Nightmare. Reevaluating his relationship with everyone.
Remembering all the times his intelligence was questioned, remembering how quick they were to fall for Dedede's scheme and turn against him, and remembering all the times they made him feel like an outsider even though he was their "hero."
Boundless questions began to fill his head. "When I mess up, will they hate me again...", "If can't fight monsters anymore, will they make me leave...", "What am I going to do if I can't fight anymore...", "What can I do to make them love me again..."
"What am I worth: if I can't do anything!"
His heart hurt so much it was just too painful to bare. His worthlessness seemed all too true when they were ready and willing to kick him out... but one person could prove this wrong.
He needed Fumu; Fumu always made him feel better. She'd love him no matter what... Tokkori was wrong, right? He just needed to hear her say that she loved him, and that would prove it.
He was in such a daze that he didn't realize how fast he ran to the castle... his head was spinning. His vision was blurred, making him out of sync with his steps. It gave him a chance to catch his breath, but the voices in his head were relentless.
"So it was always Meta Knight, he just dumped this job on me!"
Kirby knew that voice... it was Fumu. He bolted toward's the sound of her voice. Just hearing it snapped him back to his sense. It was as if his hope was restored.
He saw her; she was with Bun, Lololo ,& Lalala. As he ran ever closer, his heart became fuller. Even some of the light he had in his eyes returned...
Just one more turn around the corner and then she'll-
"I thought I was the only one who could call on the Warp Star... but he could've- it didn't have to be me", she shouted. " I HAD TO PUT UP THIS ALL NONSENSE... BECAUSE HE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD LOOK AFTER KIRBY !"
Hearing that, Kirby stopped dead in his tracks. He started to cower back into the corner, hiding himself. He watched in horror as he saw her cry in frustration.
~please stop... (Poyo-yo-)
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At that moment, something inside him broke.
He thought she loved him and that he was special to her.
But the reality of the situation was... she didn't love him the way he thought she did.
This was a moment she'd come to regret. But a moment that would push Kirby even closer to his destiny... She was no longer the guardian of the warp star and never would be again.
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peppermintslol · 7 months
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I love the anime man like some episodes kinda suck but like the majority is enjoyable
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