#bunny butt friday
ladyjanstories · 1 year
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Spread out your legs. Sit near those you love. It’s a good day to relax, especially since it’s BUNNY BUTT FRIDAY!
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dajana-natasha · 2 years
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Not just bunny parents, but bunny lovers too!
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
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🍑 happy fat femme friday: ass edition 🍑
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tetsuswaifu · 3 months
Slap Ass Friday
author’s note: i dont know if slap ass friday was a thing outside of the u.s. schooling system or the area i live in or not but basically a lot of people in the middle school would just participate in slapping their friends asses. or boys would do it to try and get girls attention (gross to think back about this and think its normal) but in these scenarios, these are actual couples and consent is involved except for suna’s. I thought i would make them into a highschool age type
let me know if you guys want more, feel free to leave a comment, like, reblog or hit up my requests, i havent posted or written fanfic in a long time so i appreciate it if youve taken the time to read this 🫶🏼
word count: ~1k
warnings: suggestive content, spanking, kissing, sexual harassment-minimal in suna’s
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・❥・ Bokuto Koutaro ・❥・
“KOUU!! This is the third time today! I’m pretty sure I feel welts starting to form,” you yelled and turned towards him, looking at him with playful, sad eyes. You jutted your bottom lip out in a slight pout. Your ass was stinging from the intense mark your boyfriend, Bokuto, had just left. He grabbed your hands and pulled them around his waist, just before doing the same to yours. Bokuto had rested his hands at the top curve of your butt, his thumbs giving you light traces right above your skirt’s waistline. His arms held you close, and the sandalwood and citrus aroma of his cologne smelled divine. His golden eyes held your gaze with nothing but pure love—one of the many traits about him that you gravitated toward and loved instantly.
He leaned into your ear with a smirk on his face. "Oh, please, we both know you like it, baby. Don’t even bother denying it.” He gave a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching before slipping his hand under your skirt. Quickly giving you a wet neck kiss while gently grabbing your cheek, he just slapped you. “I love you, Bunny-chan,” he said, kissing your cheek. You slapped his ass back before he could walk to his next class, smirking at his faux-shocked face.
・❥・ Kozume Kenma ・❥・
Kenma, you, and Kuroo stood in the corner of the gym, teammates scattered across the floor. Practice had just ended, and you were all getting ready to leave. Kenma's eyes fixed on his switch. The sound of playful slaps and laughter filled the air as his teammates participated in the weekly tradition. Normally, he would not include himself, but since dating you, he’d been thinking it’d be funny to surprise you by doing so.
You were engrossed in conversation with Kuroo, not minding the loudness around you—you were used to it by now. Kenma glanced up briefly, noticing the playful atmosphere around him. Without tearing his eyes from his game, he smirked slightly and decided to join in on the fun.
In one swift motion, he reached out and gave you a playful slap on the ass. The sound could be heard from the other side of the gym. It made you jump and turn to him, eyes wide with surprise.
“Kenma! You could’ve politely asked for my attention instead,” you said, smirking at him.
Kenma’s focus was already back on his game, shrugging, “I’m participating in the weekly holiday.” A smirk formed on his face, matching your energy.
You laughed in response, shaking your head, clearly amused. “Warn me next time, will you?” you teased back.
Kenma diverted his attention from his game, locking eyes with you, his golden brown gaze unwavering. “Where’s the fun in that?”
You and Kuroo had laughed, not expecting this mischievousness from Kenma. Even with his quiet, reserved way, he could still be a part of the fun—and maybe even surprise you once in a while.
・❥・ Kuroo Tetsuro ・❥・
You and Kuroo had always had a playful relationship with each other, often teasing each other in fun, light-hearted ways. Knowing what today was, you were going to take full advantage of the tradition. Today’s mission was to catch Kuroo off guard as many times as you could.
Throughout the day, you managed to sneakily slap Kuroo’s ass in various scenarios—between classes, during lunch, even during practice. Every time, he would react with a mix of surprise and amusement. When you ended up doing it in front of his teammates, they would all chuckle at the playful exchange between their captain and you.
Kuroo, being the mischievous strategist he is, pretends to be unfazed, plotting his perfect moment for revenge. As the day progressed, you had gotten a few more slaps in, leaving Kuroo with a smirk on his face as he bided his time.
It was the end of the school day, and Kuroo and you were both packing up your things and preparing to head home for the weekend. Kuroo had walked you home like normal, laughing and chatting as always. You had felt successful and triumphant from your considered “wins” of the day. When you both reached your home, you turned to say goodbye, thinking you had gotten away with it.
In that moment, Kuroo had slapped your butt swiftly, catching you completely off guard. You gasped and then laughed, “Oh my god, Tetsu!” now realizing you underestimated his timing. He grinned at you, leaning in to whisper, “Turnabout’s a fair play, babe.” Kissing your cheek and starting the walk back to his own home.
・❥・ Suna Rintarou ・❥・
You and Suna had been dating for a while now, but one of your classmates, Kenji, made it seem like he was oblivious to the fact. He wouldn’t take the hint, and it was right in front of his face. Even after telling him that she was with him, he was still persistent with his flirting and inappropriate advances.
During a break in between classes, you had been chatting with a group of friends. Kenji had seen you talking to them, thinking it would be the perfect moment to try his luck again and smack your rear. You were visibly uncomfortable and annoyed. Unbeknownst to Kenji, Suna and his teammates had observed the incident.
Suna, known for his calm demeanor but sharp tongue when provoked, had stepped in. He calmly walks over with his teammates behind him, walking tall and intimidating. With a piercing gaze, Suna firmly tells Kenji to back off and to respect your boundaries. Kenji was taken aback by your boyfriend’s assertiveness. He tried stuttering off excuses before Suna’s teammates reinforced his warning with their presence.
Kenji closed his mouth, realizing he crossed a line he shouldn’t have. His face was turning red from embarrassment and humiliation. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, walking away quickly with his head down. You were grateful for Suna’s intervention, you thanked him with a relieved smile. Suna reassured you that he would always have your back, no matter what.
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tetsuswaifu © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to @tetsuswaifu
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daisybianca · 2 years
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x femalereader
summary: your boyfriend was finally returning back home tonight.
warnings: mostly angst, fluffy moments, mentions of sexual activities, teasing
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HE WAS RIGHT. It was definitely colder now. You should have packed a “poofy” jacket.
Daniel’s way of saying “poofy” as he pouted his lips together replayed in your head.
What a dork.
You tucked your hands inside the pockets of your denim jacket and pressed your shoulders together to bundle up. The slim black work pants you were wearing provided minimal wind chill protection, but you forgot to do laundry last night and this was the only pair left. Unless you were planning to show up to a client meeting in jeans. You weren't planning on losing your job anytime soon.
The sun was setting in the background and the sky was doing its magic again. Behind the historic building that towered the city, the pastel purple and pink hues splashed the late autumn sky. Every single purple and pink color was somewhere up there, even the ones that didn’t get a dorky crayola color named after it.
As you got to the steps of the apartment, your phone buzzed in the butt pocket.
Darn it, your hands were just getting warmer.
Danny Bunny: So sorry, but you are going to have to do dinner without me.
With a soft sigh, you stuffed the phone with hands back in the tiny jacket pocket. The text clearly impacted your mood because you were annoyed at your stupid jacket pockets. Why did anyone even bother stitching a pocket if it was only going to fit a third of a normal human being’s hand?
“Just try to look at the bright side.” Danny's ’ voice echoed in your head.
Biting your lips, you ran through the positive scenarios of not having Daniel around. No company for dinner meant that yoy could eat anything for dinner and get away with it.
Thoughts of cinnamon toast crunch and frosted flakes ran through your mind as you seriously contemplated each option as you opened the front door of the apartment. The familiar, but faint scent of leftover morning coffee lingering hit your nose.
You dropped the keys on a small table by the door and dragged your body to the living room. You threw your work bag on the floor and immediately went over to the thermostat.
Daniel was going to kill you, but was it your fault that he was gifted with body heat and you weren't?
You always freezing and having Daniel around was like having a personal space heater, but he hadn't been around the past few months with all those races he was trying to win. And,you were the master of guilt tripping him.
You grabbed your phone and texted back.
Me: I hate you, I miss my heater.
You did. You really did.
You settled on frosted flakes for dinner because you were craving the cereal milk after a bowl of corn flakes.
Yoy also finished the last of the remaining oat milk in the fridge.
You know how people say, TGIF?
Well, in this case, thank god it’s Friday because your fridge needed restocking and you could finish that on the weekend.
When Daniel wasn’t around, it was hard to find time to do anything. Without him, you resorted to what your life was like before he came into it. You resorted back to binge watching random Netflix documentaries and going to bed at 9pm. On days you felt extra adventurous, you would head out to the gym, but that was very rare.
When your boyfriend wasn't around you simply... simply lived kind of mechanically. As if you were a robot trying to survive and live an average, safe life.
You rolled into the couch in the living room and laid there blankly staring at the plain ceiling.
Yesterday, you were hoping that around this time, you and the F1 driver would be getting take out for dinner and bet on who would orgasm first before the food arrived. Loser would have to wear their underwear to answer the delivery guy.
Last time you two played, you gave him the best head ever and he lost before you even got fully undressed. But, he kept on arguing through the entire dinner how he purposefully lost because he didn’t need anyone seeing you in your underwear.
Sure, Danny. Whatever you say.
You rolled to the side and faced the empty TV screen. You thought you had turned it on, but you must have dreamt of doing that because you fell asleep after the last blink in the sweet memories of you and Daniel.
Your eyes were too heavy to lift as you were still coming out of the sleep haze, but you certainly knew that voice. Your heart was already thumping, it recognized it too.
“Babe,” Daniel whispered. This time his warm breath tickled your ears. His lips pressed against your forehead and you groaned.
“I hate you.” You muttered and rolled over to the otherside. Your eyes were still pressed closed and you sure as hell was not going to wake up to greet him with happy arms. In your mind, he was a traitor.
“I’m sorry, (y/n).” He was always the first to apologize.
“She’s mad at you,” You managed to get out with all the thoughts screaming inside your head.
“She still loves me.” He replied like how someone would answer “yes” to the question if the Earth was round.
“She does not.” You lied.
“She does.” There it was again.
“Actually, she wants to go back to sleep. That way, she doesn’t have to look at your face.”
His smile turned into a full grin. “You are so fucking cute when you are lying.”
You felt my cheeks growing hotter.
No, (y/n). Daniel is the enemy. Remember, Daniel is the enemy.
Yoy pressed your lips together and narrowed your eyes at him, trying to kick the childish voice out of your head.
“I want to kiss you.” Your boyfriend whispered like you were playing footsie underneath the Thanksgiving dinner table.
You couldn’t resist that.
Yoy closed my eyes and leaned your head forward and felt his soft lips against yours. When yours mouths opened, you tasted coffee in his breath.
Hey, you needed the caffeine kick.
You also tasted the Red Bull liquid.
Your man was supporting his team and you were so proud of him, even though you weren't particularly a Red Bull girl.
Even though you was positive it didn’t work like that, your tongue found his and playfully teased around it. When he pulled away first, you were a tiny bit upset.
Okay, you were very upset, but you sure weren't going to show him that.
He clearly saw the discontent on your face and smiled. “God, I missed your taste.”
“I missed yours more.” You argued.
His eyebrows arched at your desperate thirst response. “You know what else I missed the taste of?”
Then, his eyes shifted across the couch. His eyes looked in the direction of your legs, more specifically, the space between them.
There was your guy. He was back.
Daniel slowly got up from the carpet and sat on the edge of the couch. He slipped his hand into your plain boybrief pyjamas and his finger grazed my cotton underwear.
You already knew you was soaking wet just an inch lower from where his hand rested. And moments later, he found out too.
Keeping his eyes glued on yours, he slowly moved his fingers until yoy felt the warmth of his hand through your cotton underwear. You let out a soft moan from your throat that you couldn’t even control.
This wasn’t fair. You wanted him so much.
You reached out a hand to grab a hold of his forearm. Underneath your grip, you felt the tensing of his individual muscle fibers against your skin, twitching and fighting the urge to rip off your underwear.
“Hey,” Daniel spoke and his velvet voice echoed around the empty walls of our tastefully decorated minimalistic apartment.
“Yeah,” You replied with as your mind was going crazy about the fact that he was really trying to tease you.
“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?”
There was a strange moment of silence before yoy both erupted into laughter.
Your happy sounds were echoing around the entire floor.
Other than the fact that this might have been the worst “let’s have sexy time” comment he had ever said, you treasured moments like this. These were the times that lingered around you memories for a really, really long time.
You got up from the couch and tore his hand away. “Okay, Mr. Ricciardo. You definitely hit an all time low with that comment. It really sucks out all the intimacy.”
Daniel moved his body closer to yours and kissed your cheek. “Ironic, it was supposed to get me sucking your pussy.”
The way he said pussy sent chills down your spine. You were getting ready to jump on him any moment now.
“I mean, technically… you can still do that." You replied, nonchalantly.
He smiled and pressed his lips against yours. Your lips went at each other like you were in high school again trying to show off who was the better kisser. It was sloppy, wet, messy, and a lot of biting. It was still perfect.
By the time your boyfriend pulled away, you were both panting to catch your breaths.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and planted a sweet peck on your neck. Yoy wrapped my arms around his neck and he already knew the cue. His arms dug underneath your back and knees. He effortlessly got up from the couch, holding you close to his chest.
Yoy looked up at him speechless as he casually walked you through the hallways and kicked the bedroom door open.
It was dark here too, minus the moonlight filtering through your bedroom window placed on either sides of the bed. He walked over to your massive bed and gently placed you down.
You bit your lip and Daniel dropped his cap first, revealing a messy bed of hair underneath. In one quick motion, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the floor. His pale skin glowed. The moonlight reflected off his broad shoulders and firm chest.
Your heart wouldn’t shut up. It was like you felt that for the very first time. It was Daniel Ricciardo after all...
His body snaked over time and pinned you down between his legs. Each hand tightly gripped your wrists. The heat from his body was pouring down yours. He arched his neck and placed a kiss on your forehead. Then, he moved over to the tip of your nose, your lips, yours chin, and then down on yours neck. His warm breath tickled you. But you liked it. You loved it, to be exact.
“I’m sorry for being late." Daniel paused. "I genuinely apologize for that and I'm truly sorry, angel." He placed a soft kiss on your lips, like he wanted to taste you gently one more time before attacking like a hungry animal. "But, I’m not apologizing for how I’m going to ruin you tonight."
requests are always open for my wags <3
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stargalaxxy · 11 months
hahah, let’s sayyyy this story is based on…..
Passed traumatic experience 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
☆*:.。. o *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*o .☆
Micheal Afton x Reader
Warning: maybe angst if you squint ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
It was a Friday night and you had just awoken from a nap. Looking at the time on your clock it was 9:45, you mentally cringed at how long you napped for. Pulling the covers away from your body you stretched, as your feet touched the carpet floor of your room.
Looking over to view your window you noticed you left your window open, it was not out of the ordinary. As fall had made its approach, you were finally getting the sweater weather that you’ve been dreaming about! Humming a sweet tune as you walked to the kitchen for water, you were in such a happy mood nothing could take this away from you.
“Maybe I could invite Micheal for a game or two?” You hummed creating a plan for the night to make it even better. You had always invited Micheal for a game night, as you two would spend all nighters on retro games. And had a (un)healthy amount of competition for street fighter games. You had to admit those times spent together has brought you to develop an embarrassingly large crush on the man. Those nights of when Micheal fell asleep on your shoulder after a long day of working at his father’s restaurant. Has created many sleepless nights for you, as the memory would replay that very moment over and over again.
You have always thought about confessing your feelings, but the weight of rejection always won. You couldn’t help but fear the worse, it would sometime play in the back of your mind creating the worst feelings possible. You sighed as you entered your kitchen, you noticed your cat and smiled at him. “Hi pretty boy~” you cooed, however your cat seemed interested in another thing. “Hmm, what’s wrong honey? You look like you see a ghost” you chuckled as your cat continued to dead eye stare at the wall. Turning on the lights you walk over to where he was perched and look in his direction. Your attention was soon taken as well.
“Hey, (y/n) wassup? Ready for me to kick your butt in street fighter~?” Micheal’s teasing voice came through the other end of your phone, as you pulled on the cord still eyeing the black dot on your wall. Twisting it through your fingers you nervously looked around for a weapon.
“Yeah yeah, uhm, heeyy Micheal, uhm, would you like to come over maybe..” You stuttered as you shooed your cat towards the crawling dot. But you cats interested soon died, “huh, what’s up are you okay?” Micheal’s worried voice would have made your heart fluttered. If it wasn’t already bearing fast from the scattering insect on you wall, “uhm, yeah, I’m fin- ahhh! Get it get it!” You almost through your phone at it when it flew towards the kitchen isle. “Woah! (Y/n)? (Y/n)?” Micheals voice was muffled as you had dropped your phone, in favor of running to the other side of the kitchen. “H-hey, I’m coming over! Just stay put okay!” That’s when Micheal hung up the phone making his way to your house in a hurry.
Micheal arrived knocking on your door as he waited for you to come and let him in. He waited for a few seconds before he heard rushing feet, you had unlocked the door and pulled Micheal inside. “Woah! Hey what’s up? You call me and start freaking out-“ he was cut off by your hush as you pulled him to your kitchen. He saw you looking around as if heads were floating around you, the simplest thing such as a dust bunny made you jump. “Nooo, I lost it!” A groan escaped your lips, “lost what? What’s wrong?” Micheal was loosing his patience from asking the same questions and getting no answer. You stopped and spun to look at him, “the bug!” You pointed to where it was before which now was gone. Micheal could not help but look at you as if you were talking in a foreign language.
“Huh?” As the expression soon turned bored, you nodded your head once again looking around. “It was huge! L-like this big-“ you demonstrated using your fingers, “it flies too! It nearly touched me!” You squirmed as you paced around. “I think it got in through my window-“ you gasp, “do you think it touched my face!?” You patted your cheeks as you whined getting antsy just thinking about it.
You looked to Micheal still giving you the bored expression, he chuckles dryly as he sighs. “Soo, you brought me here too..?” “Kill it!” You finished as you got behind him, hiding behind his form and holding onto his black hoodie. He huffed, as he looked away walking to your kitchen as he looked around you stood there watching him. “So lemme get this straight-“ he began as he lifted objects to find the bug. “You call me acting all scared, had me thinking you were being attacked-“ you jumped making a sound as you saw it on your microwave. As Micheal followed your sight and went towards it, “scaring me almost half to death thinking you were hurt when you left the phone.” His calm voice continued as he slammed his calloused hand down on the bug making you jump. How easy he made of disposing it made you shrink back in embarrassment, as Micheal made his way towards you. Towering over your form as you looked away as he showed you the squished bug in his hand, “over some bug?” You nervously tapped your fingers. “Well, when you put it like that…” “(y/n)” his voice sounded like a parent as you sighed.
“M’sorry, I really didn’t wanna make you worry. I guess seeing bugs still get to me, even as an adult..” you looked down apologetically, Micheal shrugs his shoulders. “I’m not mad at you being scared, I’m mad at how worry I got, I guess..”
You tilted your head. “What do you mean?” Micheal was now nervous, “I guess when I heard you so scared on the phone.. I really thought that, I was gonna loose you” Micheals voice began to waver as he continued swallowing the lump in his throat. “I guess, I don’t know, the idea of you getting hurt, scares me. I only have you, and I can’t afford to loose you too” hearing ‘you too’ finally struck as to why Micheal seemed on edge when going through his rant. His brother and sister, you held yourself really feeling awful for making him worry. “Micheal, I had no idea, I’m so sorr-“ Micheal shook his head, “naw, don’t worry about it. You didn’t know your fears are valid, even over tiny bugs~” Micheal, grinned teasingly as he showed you the bloody corpse of the bug on his hand. “Eww~ haha-” you laugh having a hold on Micheals wrist to stop him from moving closer. “S-still, I’m gonna work hard on this so I don’t worry you anymore” Micheal smiles, as he wraps his arm around you. “I’ll need to help then, you’re gonna need a knight to save you after all~” his teasing nature hasn’t changed much. It never failed to make you smile, “hah, sure~” you push him away as you stood close together.
The moment felt to similar to your romance shows, where the characters kiss. Was this that moment? Was Micheal gonna kiss you? Should you kiss him? Should you confess? What do should I do??
Just then you were staring at the twitching antenna of the dead bug, as scream escaped your lips as you jumped back. Laughter erupted from Micheal as he almost fell over laughing, having to hold himself.
“Holy hell! Haha! I’m sorry babe haha!” Micheals laughter made you huff. “Hey jerk! What happened to, my fears being valid!” You huffed hitting his broad shoulder. “I know I know!” He looked up his laughter finally coming to a close, “but hell, your face love!” Never mind he was going in for a round two…
You huff crossing your arms, “oh, doll, I know you love me~” he looks up to you, a chuckle coming out, his eyes squinted as a smirk played on his lips as he admired your pouted face.
“Yeah, maybe..”
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Micheal my beloveddd _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
I kinda made him a teasing jerk in this haha, but I like it sooo <3
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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wwhatevenisthis · 1 year
it's bunny butt friday 🐰🍑
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rabbitsoverload · 1 year
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Bunny butt Friday!!
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bunjovibunny · 1 year
Bunny Butt Friday. Brought to you by Bun Jovi's buns buns...
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ladyjanstories · 1 year
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Enjoy the sun, if you can, however you like. It’s Bunny Butt Friday!
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hers1ut · 1 year
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Secret Seduction
- Warnings: Smut, Gun play, Angst, Strap on, Alot of dirty talk, Hot angry Nicky
- Words: 1107
- Pairings: Str!pper Fem Reader X CEO!Mafia Nicky Nichols
When losing your best friend and not seeing her until you were 20. You didn't expect her to be here at the club you worked at, You being her favourite dancer aswell. But will she remember you. Like you remember her.
Y/N's pov:
It was a Friday night and I was getting ready in my dressing room. Today is the day I'm gonna tell Nicky who I really am, but scared she'll freak out and leave me and never come back. But hopefully that doesn't happen.
Nicky doesn't know I'm actually her long lost best friend. I only realised it was her because she signed with her last name. Nichols. I always loved that name, kinda wanted to be a Nichols one day. But that would've never happened.
However she only didn't know who I am because I go by. Bunny, us dancers have to hide our identity for privacy reasons so I picked that name. Because she'd always call me that as a kid. It was a cute nickname tho, I loved it. Everytime she called me it, I'd get this weird feeling. Butterflies, I think that's what you call it.
Even my outfit was a bunny, I thought it'll be cute to match the outfit with my name. i wore a sparkly red lacey two piece, black fishnets, paired with black heels and a cute bunny tail to match and black bunny ears. I also had a mask just for that extra secrecy. My makeup was dark with a red lip to bring it out.
It was now 11:00 pm and time for me to go on stage. Slowly walking on red lights beemed in my face. As I See Red starts playing, i slowly walked over to the pole and began my dance.
Pushed close to the pole my fingers glide over the metal as my head tilts back, my fingertips sliding down my neck. Turning around i slide down the pole gliding my hands up my body lifting my hair, my eyes catch hers a smirk plastered on her lips as she leans back in her chair, eyes scanning over my body. Looking back at her lips she mouths "hot" followed along with a wink. I bit my lip back at her before sliding on to the floor, my butt proped up in the air bouncing when i hit the floor. Sliding back up off the floor i grip the pole standing up and tilting my head back again and swinging on it. As the music stops i look back at Nicky once more mouthing "find me after this" before stepping off the stage.
Walking towards my dressing room to freshen up someone grabs me, pressing their lips to mine. "get the fuck off of me" i shout pushing away the stranger. "Bunny calm down its me" Nicky spoke. "Nicky" i say with a soft voice "yeah princess" "you looked so hot out there sugar, when can i see this beautiful face of yours" she replied trying to lift off my mask. "not yet you know the rules Nicky" i laughed. "yeah i know but i like breaking the rules" her hands sliding up my curves pulling me closer to her capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. "ok ok thats enough let me go freshen up" i spoke lightly pushing her off me "ok but dont be too long, i'll wait for you sugar" smiling at her before walking into the dressing room.
I decided to change my outfit to a black version of the one i was already wearing and touched up my makeup. Heading back out i couldnt find Nicky anywhere "she went into the red private room" one of the security guards said i just nodded and walked to find her.
Arriving at the door i just walked in to see Nicky there leaned back in a chair manspread holding a bottle of vodka. "Bunny your back come here" she says while moving her finger in a 'come over here' gesture. Shutting the door behind me i slowly walk over to her sitting down on her lap i groan feeling the toy through her pants. "be a good girl and you can have it" "but what if i dont want to be good" i wine "well then i'll punish you" she smirks "oh really?" "Yeah I'll punish that pretty pussy of yours" she says sliding her hands down to my thighs gripping them. As a small moan escapes my lips.
"Now your gonna do what i say okay bunny" she whispers in my ear. "Yes" I reply "Yes what?" "Yes Nicky" i whisper "good girl" she says sending shivers down my spine. "now take that mask off for me sugar" my heart starts to race hearing them words, 'fuck' i thought to myself. She cant know who i am, this wont go well. "i- i cant, remember.." i stuttered "oh but you can baby" she spoke trying to lift the mask. "Nicky seriously i cant. You wont like me no more if i do" i say turning away. "Thats not true i'll always like you" she says grabbing my chin turning me to face her. "okay" here goes nothing. I look deep in her dark brown eyes my hand on my mask. 3.. 2.. 1. "y/n.. " she says in confusion "Nicky i can explain" she pushes me off her and takes out her gun. "Nicky please I'm sorry" "I haven't seen you for 20 years and now your a stripper care to explain y/n"  i dont answer her. Fear covers my face as she comes closer holding the gun in my face "fucking answer me y/n, did you forget that i was a mafia leader baby huh?" "Nicky when I- when i saw you. i was too afraid to say something so I thought pretending to not know you was.. better" I say with my head down.
"Y/n you could've told me and not make me believe this lie" she spoke. "Do you hate me? Are you gonna kill me now?" I say as a tear falls from my eye "No I'm not gonna kill you, but I am gonna make you regret what you did. So on your knees princess" she spoke pointing the gun in a downward position pushing me down to the floor.
A/N: sorry I haven't posted in awhile i haven't had much motivation but I will try to post sometimes.
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hannibalzero · 3 months
do you think Nyanakin takes photos of master bunny-wan for bunny butt Friday?
I’m not sure because if Nyanakin says anything he will be attacked
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Requested by @zestychili I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for using my prompt list
"if you're going to cry I have to go punch someone" 19
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here" 20
You were having a great shift today, honestly, it was shocking to you since the week has been awful but knowing that you were going to come home and Eddie would be there made the shift so much better automatically, there was nothing that was going to make this a bad day. How foolish you had been when you thought that before.
The phone rings and you quickly answer it, "Hello! This is Y/N, how can I help you today?" Every phone call is typically the same, the person calls and you answer it and then you two schedule their appointment and that's the end of it. But this seemed different from the beginning.
Soon after the traditional greeting you give, you are greeted by an annoyed sigh. "I see you still work at this establishment" Confusion comes over you, "Excuse me?" The person on the other line scoffs, "You're that forgetful? I thought they would've fired you by now with how brainless you are. I'll be extra clear this time I need to have an appointment Friday, April 15th at 6:30 no ifs, ans, or buts about it. Understood?"
You gasp hearing the nerve of this individual, never in the handful of years that you have worked here has anyone treated you this way and with how stressful this week has been tears fill your eyes quickly. Out of frustration or hurtfulness, you weren't too sure yet. You clear your throat to respond but before you could the voice on the other line speaks up before you. "You know what! Just transfer me to your boss. I think this job is too complex for someone so... simple-minded." You grit your teeth before saying "Of course" You transfer the call and are quick to gather your things and clock out. As you pass your boss's door they send you a sympathetic smile which helps reassure you that this person is just a ridiculous customer but your feelings have already been hurt. You rush to your car and quickly leave the parking lot to go home into Eddie's arms.
Your tires screech as you quickly park by the trailer and you rush to get inside. A sigh of relief leaves you as soon as you see Eddie sitting on the couch with cartoons on. "Hey, sweetheart!" He exclaims with a huge smile gracing his face and before he can say anything else you fling yourself into his arms. He holds you tightly and rubs your back trying to soothe you "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here" Hearing his words breaks you into a million tears. "Oh, Eddie it was awful!" Your words are muffled by his chest but he hears them clear as day.
He feels his jaw clench hearing and feeling your cries. "Oh sweetheart if you're going to cry I have to go punch someone and we both know this. Please tell me what happened? Did someone do this?" You shake your head trying to deny him but the more you try to deny it in your mind the more you realize how awful that customer was to you. So you tell him everything through the broken hiccups that leave you. You soon finish and take a deep breath, as you are calming down, Eddie feels himself growing angry. "How? How dare they say that about you!? Sweetheart, you are one of the smartest people I know and you're the most amazing person there ever was. I'm telling you, you are better than...than Jesus himself and I won't take no for an answer so go get that cute butt into your jammies and get back here so I can hold you tightly and we watch the latest adventures of Bugs Bunny."
All you do is giggle and smile for the first time in hours, you nod and rush to do as you are told. You knew today was going to be a good day and you knew it was going to be because of Eddie.
I believe Eddie loves bugs bunny and nothing will change that
If you enjoyed please reblog it means the world to me
Tagging: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @b-ritney
@tiannasfanfic @zestychili @eiightysixbaby @thefreak0fhawkinshigh
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archerinspace · 1 month
Fionna and Cake card analysis
Based on these cards, I wanted to give my thoughts on them since there was not much Fionna and Cake lore around the time the book was published (2016) and I'm forever searching for more. They'll be under the cut since this will get long but some of these things never cease to amuse me.
Note: All cards will be written out in text as well so if you have a hard time reading them, you can read them in plain text.
Fionna and Cake Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball Ice Queen and Lord Monochromicorn
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FIONNA THE HUMAN GIRL FIONNA is a feisty little fist-flapping female fool who fancies stuff like swordplay, slush-monster deflection, and Prince-Gumball-butt-saving. Fionna has one weakness- a blinding infatuation with yours truly, Ice King, which transcends the boundaries between her and fan-fictional Land of Ooh, in which I don't even exist, and the real Land of Ooo, in which she doesn't exist! Hey for a figment of my imagination, she's a real cutie. I mean, what a backyard, and what a front yard! (Girls, take note of her white bunny hat, semi-ironic athletic stockings and Mary Janes, all designed to appeal to my, AHEM, I mean YOUR predilection for postmodern, anime-stylin' fashion culture. Let it not be said that Ice King doesn't dig Kawaii!!!) But this chick is zilch compared to the incredibly hip ICE QUEEN, into whose frosty embrace Prince Gumball is destined one day to fall, frozen forever in a cryogenic icicle stupor. C'mon, his dopey dalliances with Fionna are obviously just a phase! Just like his flirtations with expressionist gummy sculpture and free-form candy-whistle jazz! But I'll save that Magnificent Wint'ry Wizardess ICE QUEEN till last! See, when I'm excited I get way ahead of myself!
Immediately I find it interesting this book refers to it as the "Land of Ooh" instead of "Aaa", a name that was said to be mentioned around the writers room or by some of the AT writers at some point.
I don't know how to feel about Ice King knowing about Kawaii or anime but it makes sense. I can only assume he enjoys Sailor Moon and eats snacks while saying 'me too usagi, me too'.
I don't know when this book was written but this just proves to me that early F&C stuff was just in very early S1 stuff of AT or at least from Ice King's memory that Finn openly had a crush on PB. I'm going to ignore his comments about Fionna being cute since it was later fixed in "Bad little boy" he wants to be friends with her which funny enough I guess he does in 2023.
He's not wrong that this is just a phase(looks at gumlee), though this is only the START of him going on about Gumball and how he should fall for the Ice Queen and generally bullying him.
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This card from 2014 also backs that up. I guess he's just mad and thinks Gumball thinks he's better than IK somehow...despite the fact he's writing the character.
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CAKE Fionna's feline funkster gal pal and adopted cat sister CAKE is an insufferable, dulcimer-playing furball floozy and a bottomless dispenser of cheap sassitude. Basically a smelly lowlifer, cake is roughly the size and shape of an overstuffed throw-pillow with legs unless she is, oh, I don't know, ANY OTHER SHAPE AND SIZE SHE WANTS! Because this weird whisker-head has stretchy powers! She can make her legs look like monster mutations made of molasses oozing from her cat torso! But so what, I mean, big deal!!! Ice Queen does way cooler stuff, right? Okay, what else about this fuzzy freaky Friday? Oh yeah. Cake got totally hitched to the majestic Lord Monochromicorn (who's way out of her league, by the way, I mean, lets get real!). But it's no secret that, like her sister, Cake would ditch that weirdo in a heartbeat for one lousy date with that paragon of perfection, the Ice Queen!! Seriously, that annoying cat is all about me, I mean, the Ice Queen. But what Fionna and Cake don't realize is that those two are ALWAYS in danger of obliteration at the mighty Ice Queen's perfectly manicured hands, and I'm tellin' ya, folks, it's only a matter of time until the ice pick falls!
I don't really know what to make of this one since I didn't expect him to be so mean towards Cake. I think(?) its a good thing he's vaguely aware of IQ being a self insert of him and that's some way to feel important while his brain continues to be a mess of hallucinations but at the same time he admits on IQ's card that he'd break boundaries to date/marry her and rule with an icy hand. So I guess he takes it a bit as a personal attack Cake is against her.
Also Simon is showing his age cause only my mom has ever used the word 'floozy' that I know of and that's pretty funny.
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Half decade Anniversary Part 4
Man scheduling these to post at a certain time is a pain in the butt.  Part 1 posted
part 2 posted
part 3 posted
part 5 Friday
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Baby Enderous is best, this drawing is really the only official thing I’ve made that shows her mom and a bit of her dad fr. She has a stuff bunny name Banny that she had since she was tiny.
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Silver family let's goooo! We got his two older brothers, his baby sister, his two moms and......... YEAH!
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wardenannie · 1 year
jealous tess showing joel he's hers ??? 👀
NS*W under the cut :)
She stares at him from across the bar. She's coming back from the ladies room. He's engaged in conversation. Smiling small and cocksure like he is wont to do around women. A young woman, blonde hair, blue eyes, cleavage... adequate. She's looking at Joel with big, moony eyes. Talking to him in a high, playful tone that is shrill on Tess's ear. Her smile is too wide, too white to exist in the post-apocalypse.
"Fuckin' playboy bunny ass bitch," Tess mutters under her breath as she crosses the floor towards the flirting pair.
Joel is a fine looking man, especially for his age. His fifties have been kind to him. And, even though Jackson has softened his angles some, he's still all planes and broad shoulders and obvious strength beneath his flannel.
There is an obvious hickey on his neck, just beneath his stubble. Tess left it there last night, a stark statement of mine. Apparently it isn't clear enough, because the blonde extends a hand to brush Joel's bare forearm, laughing, twirling her pretty golden hair.
Tess rolls her eyes, but the liquor is like fire in her gut, and it emboldens her to close the distance between them. She doesn't have the patience for Joel's games tonight.
She knows the game he's playing. Sometimes she plays it, too. But its never not infuriating to watch him with another, younger, prettier woman.
Gritting her teeth she butts into their quiet conversation. She sidles up against Joel's big body, pressing into his side, "Hey, baby," grabs his jaw and angles him in a slow, languid kiss that tastes of rum and homebrew.
Joel grunts into her lips, surprised initially, but then he kisses her back with enthusiasm. The young woman makes a sound of mingled disgust and confusion.
When Tess reaches for the crotch of his jeans he does not shy away. The alcohol has done away with most of their social inhibition. He's hard, of course. He's always hard for his Tess.
"Excuse me," the blonde says, snide. Her lip is curled, hands clutching at her purse. Cleavage puffed in offense.
With a long sigh, Tess breaks the kiss. Joel nuzzles into her throat, kissing and sucking the tender skin there as she combs her fingers through his silvery hair. Her responding laughter is light and confident.
"Can I help you, sweetheart?" They've earned themselves some attention now. Eyes on them. Joel and Tess never fail to make some sort of a scene on a Friday night. Tess, tipsy, is happy to give the town gossips a bit of a show.
"Um," The blonde stares at her incredulously. "We were talking, bitch."
Tess chuckles and forces Joel off of her neck. Her skin is a mottle of red from his lips and teeth and stubble. He keeps an arm wrapped firmly around her waist, thumb circling possessively on her hip. He gives the woman an apologetic smile. He was only using her to rile his woman up, after all.
"Honey I'm guessing you're new around here. Because everyone in the state of Wyoming knows who this man belongs to. And it isn't you, bitch."
The woman balks with a high-pitched noise of disbelief, she opens her mouth to escalate but Tess silences her with another throaty laugh.
"Nah, we're done here. You couldn't handle a man like him anyways, sweetheart." Tess slaps the counter, calls for another two shots of whiskey. Joel is on her again, murmuring incoherently against the shell of her ear. Tess shivers, leaning into him.
"Excuse me but-
"Get lost," Tess replies without sparing the woman so much as a glance. She kisses Joel again, lazy and hungry.
The bartender places two shot glasses on the counter and fills them with amber liquid. He grins at the pair as the blonde scoffs and stalks off back to the group she arrived with.
"Take it outside you two," the bartender says, only half-joking.
"Yeah, yeah," Tess mutters, and she knocks back the shot. Joel takes his as well.
"You wanna go home, big guy?" she murmurs against this jaw, palms flat on his broad chest.
"Nnng," he rumbles, "Can't make it home, Tessa."
She smirks, "You're gonna have to, the shit I got planned for you, Texas."
She leads him outside, around the back of the Tipsy Bison. A floodlight flickers over a dumpster. Fresh fallen snow crunches under their feet.
Abruptly, once she is certain they are alone. Tess seizes him by the front of his shirt and slams him up against the wooden siding of the building. It rattles, and above them a few small icicles are shaken loose from the eaves.
"Tess?" He breathes, eyes darkening.
She bites her lower lip as she contemplates just what to do with him. He's been bad, and that cannot stand.
She palms him through the front of his jeans. The line of him is thick, full, pressing into his fly in a manner which must be painful.
"You need to come?" She rasps, kisses his throat, his jaw, nibbles the shell of his ear.
Joel swallows thickly, hands cupping under her ass, threatening to lift her and flip her around so he can rut into her clothed core.
"Nope," she swats his hands away, and they settle on her waist. "C'mon. Home. Now."
"Yes, ma'am," She drags him home by his hand, her nails biting into his wrist the whole way so he knows exactly who is in charge on this night.
He was flirting with some blonde bimbo with the express purpose of getting her mad, and Tess has happily taken the bait.
They barely make it through the door before she has thrown herself bodily towards him. Crushing him against the kitchen counter in a firey kiss. Arms wound around the back of his strong neck. He laughs into her mouth, giddy and excited for what is inevitably going to be a wild night.
Tess slaps his chest when she pulls back, dizzy from kissing him, from the taste and scent of her man. "You."
"Me?" He feigns innocence. Eyes all big and puppyish. Not a thought in his pretty head.
"You think you're hot shit, Texas?" She scolds, dragging him back towards their bedroom. Their shoes are gone, and then their thick woolen winter socks. Tess is unbuttoning his flannel with flying fingers, and when she shrugs it off her hands are on him in a heartbeat. Caressing over his hairy pecs, then tugging slightly, punishingly. "Hot shit talking up that fuckin' bimbo out where everyone can see?"
"We were just chattin'," he argues, big fingers fumbling with the buttons of her shirt. "It didn't mean nothin', Tessa."
"Sure, sure," she shrugs off the shirt, undoes the clasp on her bra. But when he goes to cup her full breasts she swats his hands away. "Pants off. On the fuckin' bed."
He obeys. Stripping down to his skin. His dick is hard and thick at this thigh. Tess eyes it with open, predatory hunger.
He lays down flat on his back, hands behind his head on the pillows. Tess, now just as bare as he, climbs up his big body. She poises herself over his abdomen, crouching over him. Her fingers rake through his chest hair, up to his face which she takes in a single, small hand. Forcing his gaze to meet her own.
"You belong to me, Joel," she says, plain and simple and cool as ice. "Seems like you need to be reminded."
"Maybe I do," he gives a smirk.
She slaps him hard across the face.
He blinks, reeling and groaning in erotic pain simultaneously.
"You don't get to touch me," Tess orders. "You're gonna lay here and take it until I come. If you're good maybe I'll let you jerk yourself off when I'm done with you."
Joel moans, "So mean to me."
Tess has his cock in hand, thick, hard, velvet over steel against her palm, an instrument for her pleasure and nothing else, "Shoulda thought about that before you looked at another woman."
"I didn- oh fuckin' christ
She sinks down onto him. Letting him spread her wide. Her eyelids flutter and she breathes deep to keep all of her hunger under control as she settles a hand on his abdomen and rides him with slow, languid pulls of her hips. Joel reaches up instinctively to cup her waist, to guide her along his cock. She slaps his hands away.
"No touching," she scolds, breathlessly. He's big inside of her, stretching her wide and pressing against every secret, sensitive place she has hidden.
"Tessa," Joel groans, head rolling against the pillows as their flesh begins to slap with her increased pace. "Baby, I wanna kiss you."
Grinding her teeth, she rolls her eyes, fucks down onto him harder, more insistently, she begins playing with her clit in frantic, tight circles. Joel groans at the sight. "Don't fuckin' call me 'baby'."
"Baby, baby, baby, baby," Joel croons at her as the tension in her abdomen begins to mount, the heat intensifying.
She slaps him again, then she buckles forward onto his chest, groping at his pecs as she gasps and finishes with a rush of wet on his dick.
"Holy fuck," she gasps. She can feel Joel's hips moving now, lifting off of the bed, fucking into the tight post-orgasmic squeeze of her pussy like he might find salvation within.
"No sir," Tess sighs, and she slides off of him. It is pathetic how his hips rise, following the wet heat before she has fully slipped away and he falls wet and heavy against his thigh.
"Tessa," Joel moans, desperately horny. "Please."
"Fraid not, big guy," she chuckles, darkly. She's already settling in on her side of the bed.
Joel groans, and she can hear the wet glide of his hand on his cock as he sprints desperately towards a pathetic release. She doesn't stop him, just smiles at how desperate and needy she makes him. No other woman could do that, this, to him. He simply wouldn't allow it.
"Love you, idiot," she mumbles into her pillow. Booze settling nice and sleepy in her belly.
She's half asleep when he comes with a grunt, the collapses onto the sheets beside her. He kisses her neck, her shoudler, her cheek.
"Love you," he grouses, lazy and satisfied.
Tess smiles.
They sleep.
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