#bushel of plums
arctic-hands · 4 months
I can't eat plums anymore without wanting to cry over the poem of the father who went out of state to get fresh plums for his daughter who just attempted suicide
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metamorphesque · 10 months
you seem to know an awful lot about poetry,, think you can help me out?
i remember a while ago i read a heartwrenching poem of a young women recovering from suicide when she asks her father for a specific fruit that was out of season in their particular region, so he drives across state lines to acquire it.
its been bugging me all day sorry if this is random
It's from "Cherry" by Mary Karr
When Daddy comes in, he carries you to bed. Is there anything you feel like you could eat, Pokey? Anything at all? All you can imagine putting in your mouth is a cold plum, one with really tight skin on the outside but gum-shocking sweetness inside. And he and your mother discuss where he might find some this late in the season. Mother says hell I don’t know. Further north, I’d guess. The next morning, you wake up in your bed and sit up. Mother says, Pete, I think she’s up. He hollers in, You ready for breakfast, Pokey. Then he comes in grinning, still in his work clothes from the night before. He’s holding a farm bushel. The plums he empties onto the bed river toward you through folds in the quilt. If you stacked them up, they’d fill the deepest bin at the Piggly Wiggly. Damned if I didn’t get the urge to drive to Arkansas last night, he says. Your mother stands behind him saying he’s pure USDA crazy. Fort Smith, Arkansas. Found a roadside stand out there with a feller selling plums. And I says, Buddy, I got a little girl sick back in Texas. She’s got a hanker for plums and ain’t nothing else gonna do. It’s when you sink your teeth into the plum that you make a promise. The skin is still warm from riding in the sun in Daddy’s truck, and the nectar runs down your chin. And you snap out of it. Or are snapped out of it. Never again will you lay a hand against yourself, not so long as there are plums to eat and somebody-anybody-who gives enough of a damn to haul them to you. So long as you bear the least nibblet of love for any other creature in this dark world, though in love portions are never stingy. There are no smidgens or pinches, only rolling abundance. That’s how you acquire the resolution for survival that the coming years are about to demand. You don’t earn it. It’s given.
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fjorests-of-wildemount · 11 months
He harvests words like wheat, golden and waving susurrus in the breeze. Crisp, juicy apples of feelings drip down his chin as he smiles, speaks; bushels of heart-full, hands-held, arms-full.
This life he's stolen, like a thief darting fervent through the rows of ripened corn, ears open to the sound of rushing, rushing. No time to stop lest someone find he doesn't belong.
He kisses sugar-liquor-sweet one soft finger at a time, plum-dark, wine-stained. The berry lacquer lips. The gently puckered brow. Pressing secrets into skin kept secret, sighs and soft catches and murmurs, murmurs on the breeze.
It's bountiful, this harvest he never deserved. Never earned. Only kept for his own when he found it. Another man's life. A good man. An invention. 
Caleb kisses softly along Essek's silky silvered hair turned gold-edged in the amber light. Essek hums, content, the barn cat whose luck has led him to the softest patch of hay in the loft. Warm and cozy and weightless in Caleb’s arms. Ephemeral. A single breath could scatter it to dust.
He listens mostly to the rhythm of Essek’s voice as he whispers honey on the air. Caleb catches it in his mouth, sweet and sharp and slow. Sometimes Essek kisses like a man bound for the executioner's block. Caleb takes those kisses, too, though he treasures them less than the ones that drip honey and molasses in spring.
Together, entwined, no one may sunder. A harvest ends, a season wanes, but Caleb will find gold in winter, too.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
These are all the things I want to grow and have the seeds for this year, though some things are missing from this list. I still need more soil, most of the produce goes to the senior center so if anyone wants to throw me 3 dollars for a bag of dirt it goes to a good cause, I also save seeds and distribute them to neighbors and some of the people at the senior center. This blog is my only income source as I am an unpaid live-in aide for an elderly woman. No pressure though. Also if anyone just wants to put gardening discussions in my inbox I am totally up for that!
Supernova sunchokes
Red pontiac potatoes, kennebec potatoes, lehigh potatoes, purple viking potatoes, red norland potatoes, also sweet potatoes
Brown sugar tomatoes, amish paste tomatoes, orange hat tomatoes, yellow stuffer tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, bosque blue bumblebee tomatoes, bonny best tomatoes, orange icicle tomatoes, sart roloise tomatoes, sweetheart cherry tomatoes, honeycomb tomatoes, barry's crazy cherry tomatoes, kentucky beefsteak tomatoes, and of course PRAIRIE FIRE TOMATOES
Corbaci peppers, ajvarski peppers, sugar rush peach peppers, albino bullnose peppers, binquinho peppers, lemon spice jalapeno peppers
Armenian yard long cucumbers, sumter cucumbers, bushcrop cucumbers, spacemaster 80 cucumbers, green apple cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, dragon's egg cucumbers, poona kheera cucumbers, pick a bushel cucumbers
Rosita eggplants, listda de gandia eggplants, shikou eggplants, casper eggplants
White soul alpine strawberries, seascape strawberries
Strawberry spinach, malabar spinach, thousand head kale, scarlet kale, blooming kale, orach, slobolt lettuce, merlot lettuce, bronze lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, bibb lettuce, aqua large leaf watercress, swiss chard five color silverbeet
Moonshine sweet corn, glass gem corn, fiesta corn, Incredible R/M sweet corn
Great northern beans, dwarf taylor horticulture beans, jade II beans
Red burgundy okra, jing orange okra
Autumn buckskin pumpkins, long island cheese pumpkins, flat white boer pumpkins, seminole pumpkins, rouge vif d' etampes pumpkins
Gumball mix radishes, china rose radishes, de 18 jours radishes, golden helios radishes, purple plum radishes, diana hybrid radishes, pink dawn radishes
Chocolate cherry sunflowers, autumn beauty sunflowers, evening sunflowers, russian mammoth sunflowers, florenza sunflowers, lemon queen sunflowers
Peach melba nasturtiums, whirlybird nasturtiums, orchid flame nasturtiums, tip top alaska salmon nasturtiums, tip top rose nasturtiums
Gill's golden pippin squash, honeynut squash, candy roaster squash, delicata squash, early prolific straightneck squash
Jolly jester marigolds, mexican mint marigolds, safari scarlet marigolds, orange flame marigolds, colossus bicolor red gold marigolds
Purple coneflowers, black eyed susans, moss roses, coleus pinto mix
Double tall mix strawflowers, copper red strawflowers, king size orange strawflowers
Pampas plume celosias, eternity mix celosias
Desert king watermelons, lemon drop watermelons, royal golden watermelons, tigger melons, kajari melons, golden crispy melons, golden jenny melons
Purple dragon carrots, melbec carrots, uzbek gold carrots, koral carrots
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howlingday · 1 year
Can you do the self-defense with fruit sketch from Monty Python please?
Yang: So you've done it, right? With a boy?
Ruby: Mhm.
Yang: ...What's it like?
Saphron: I think it's overrated.
Winter: SHUT UP, YOU!
Winter: Good evening, class!
JNRO: Good evening...
Winter: Where's Pyrrha Nikos?!
JNRO: She's not here.
Winter: I can see that! What's the matter with her?!
Jaune: I don't know.
Nora: She's probably sick.
Winter: SICK?! She should eat more fresh fruit! (Cracks neck)
Winter: Okay! Self-defense! Tonight, we'll be carrying on from last week, when I taught you all how to defend yourselves when attacked by someone armed with a piece of fresh fruit! (Cracks neck)
JNRO: (Groan)
Jaune: You did fruit last week!
Ren: And the week before.
Nora: For the past nine weeks!
Winter: OH! So you think you know it all then, huh?!
Oscar: W-Well, why don't we try something new? Like if someone attacks us with a stick?
Winter: WITH A STICK?! OH, OH, OH, so we want to learn how to defend ourselves from a stick, do we?! Aren't we getting all high and mighty?! Fresh fruit not good enough for you, is it?! OH, OH, OH! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, LITTLE LAD! WHENEVER YOU WALK HOME TONIGHT AND SOME CREEP TRIES TO ATTACK YOU WITH HOMICIDAL INTENT, USING A BUNCH OF GOOSEBERRIES, DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!
Winter: Right! Now, let us begin with the passion fruit!
JNRO: We already done the passion fruit.
Winter: What?
Ren: We already did passion fruit.
Nora: We did oranges, apples, grapefruits-
Jaune: Whole and segmented.
Nora: Passion fruits, durians, tomatoes, plums, pineapples, and magoes in syrup!
Winter: ...What about bananas? We haven't done bananas, have we?
JNRO: No...
Winter: RIGHT! Now, how to defend yourself from a madman armed with a banana! It's quite simple! Catch!
Jaune: (Catches)
Winter: First, force him to drop the banana. Then, you eat the banana, rendering him unarmed! He is now helpless!
Ren: What if he's carrying a bushel?
Winter: SHUT UP!
Oscar: What if he has a stick?
Winter: SHUT UP! Now, you, Mister Artichoke!
Jaune: Arc.
Winter: Arc! Right, sorry. Come at me, and mean it this time, for Brother's sake.
Jaune: (Raises banana, Charges, Screaming)
Winter: (Drives cutlass into him, Takes banana)
Jaune: (Falls to the ground)
Winter: Next! You eat the banana! (Eats banana)
Jaune: (Isn't moving)
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tewwor · 29 days
tenderized ( accepting ) — @fangmother
There’s a gleam of triumph as her hands work ceaselessly. One holds a nectarine still, while the other works a parring knife around. Side to side instead of vertical. “Taken me decades to learn this darn trick,” she notes absently, sticks the tip of her tongue out to the side in concentration. “Apparently… If you cut it this way, helps make removing the pit that much easier—” With a quick twist, both halves of the yellow-orange fruit part without much resistance.
“Ah-ha! See?” Kingfisher exhibits both sides with a wide, plum red accented smile. “Here, have some. Practically got an entire peck— or is it called bushel? Basket? Whatever— got a bunch of them to share.” Bite sized slices are cut in the cradle of a hand; the motion of it well practiced to come away without a single nick.
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fanforged · 6 months
qian knows the ebb and flow of the days like her own heartbeat. they all go about their business, the afternoons' tasks drawing constellations across the village, into the fields, down to the water, into their homes. the warriors take to the dojo, and qian can hear the rhythm of maneuvers as she shuffles back and forth between storage and kitchens. she hoists a basket of melon to her hip, and pauses — she isn't alone.
she catches the movement out of the corner of her eye, a figure half - obscured by bushels of plums and cabbages. she lets the fruit topple to the wayside as she lunges forward, graceless but ruthless, and catches the culprit by the wrist.
the excuse falls on unsympathetic ears. if anything, it only causes her to tighten her grasp. " then i suggest you learn something else. "
@thiefed said : it's the only thing i know how to do.
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pavitraprabhakars · 1 year
when daddy comes in he carries you to bed is there anything you feel like you could eat pokey? anything at all? all you can imagine putting in your mouth is a cold plum one with really tight skin on the outside but gum-shocking sweetness inside and he and your mother discuss where he might find some this late in the season. mother says hell I don’t know further north I’d guess the next morning you wake up in your bed and sit up mother says, Pete, I think she’s up he hollers in you ready for breakfast pokey then he comes in grinning still in his work clothes from the night before he’s holding a farm bushel the plums he empties onto the bed river toward you through folds in the quilt if you stacked them up they’d fill the deepest bin at the Piggly Wiggly damned if I didn’t get the urge to drive to Arkansas last night he says your mother stands behind him saying he’s pure USDA crazy fort smith, arkansas found a roadside stand out there with a feller selling plums and I says buddy i got a little girl sick back in texas she’s got a hanker for plums and ain’t nothing else gonna do its when you sink your teeth into the plum that you make a promise the skin is still warm from riding in the sun in daddy’s truck, and the nectar runs down your chin and you snap out of it or are snapped out of it never again will you lay a hand against yourself not so long as there are plums to eat and somebody-anybody-who gives enough of a damn to haul them to you so long as you bear the least nibblet of love for any other creature in this dark world though in love portions are never stingy there are no smidgens or pinches only rolling abundance that’s how you acquire the resolution for survival that the coming years are about to demand you don’t earn it its given
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Today's breakfast menu: Toast with plum sauce, hot chocolate or coffee, and poached eggs. Early fall we were blessed with 6 bushels of damson plums at an AMAZING price. After washing the plums, we pitted them, cooked them down, and then used a sweet little machine called a Victorio Strainer to turn those yummy cooked plums into plum "sauce"...and THEN we cooked it down some more. The end result is a sweet, rich, absolutely amazing spread that is 100% natural and has no added sugar. A wonderful taste of Europe for a fraction of the cost. :)
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(A recipe)
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Tis the season when neighbors drop off ENTIRE BUSHELS of apples even though I LIVE ALONE and WHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO EAT THE- thanks jim i love you too tell the kids i said hi
Anyway, make and eat this. Vegan/gf suggestions included, I guess.
PREHEAT OVEN to 375F. Does it need to be higher in the mountains? Maybe!
5-6 cups of chopped up apples. Approximately. Peels, no peels, whatever. If in doubt, more apples.
2-3 cups of chopped up plums. Or more plums. Chopping plums is tedious, so I stopped at 3.
1 lemon's worth of juice. How much juice is that? Idk, just slosh some in.
Sweetness. This is all personal taste. I used half a cup of honey and it was a GOOD CHOICE, but sugar will do the job, or - dare I say - maple syrup? Taste test while adding. Or just let the fruit do this part, if you are Minding Your Carbs (although if you are, maybe not this recipe?).
1-3 tsp salt. I didn't measure. Follow your heart (by which I mean "consider your blood pressure").
Spices. I threw cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice in my spice grinder, turned them into powder, and dumped in like 2 tbsp total. If cooking for extremely white people, make it like 2 tsp instead.
4 tbsp-ish flour or flour equivalent. In hindsight I wish I had used cornstarch.
MIX ALL THIS TOGETHER IN A BOWL, then let it rest for five minutes. Do not require it to clock out during this break. You are not a Wal-Mart manager (unless you are, in which case RESIST YOUR CORPORATE INDOCTRINATION and let the fruit answer its texts in peace).
While the fruit is chilling out maxin relaxin all cool, get another bowl and:
2 cups oats, I guess? One was definitely not enough. You can probably more oats if you're worried about not enough oats. Or almond flour, if oats are a no.
1/3 ish cup brown sugar.
Another 1/3 ish cup granulated sugar.
1/2 to 3/4 cup flour or equivalent, unless you used a flour type thing instead of oats, in which case no.
MORE SPICES and/or salt if you like.
Mix these together. Adjust amounts until they look like a bowl of dusty, sugary oats.
8 tsp (1 stick) butter or butterquivalent. This should be cold. Cut it into wee pieces with a regular knife or a pastry knife and rub it into the oats mix until it's all evenly distributed and it looks like granola.
Get the fruit back from its break and dump it in a 12-inch baking dish or two smaller dishes or maybe pie plates or whatever.
Put the topping on the fruit.
BAKE at 375F for 50ish minutes.
Eat it.
You're welcome.
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hxmxgx · 22 days
guys I was being so normal but then I remembered a post about a girl who got home from the hospital after attempting and her dad asked if she wanted anything and she said plums but she lived in Texas and they were out of season so her dad drove to like Nebraska and told a guy selling plums "look, I got a real sick girl back at home and she's got a hankering for plums" and the next morning she woke up with a bushel of plums next to her bed and she decided she could never leave her father and I can't find it so plleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee if u have it share it
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wordsilikeeeee · 1 month
“When Daddy comes in, he carries you to bed. Is there anything you feel like you could eat, Pokey? Anything at all?
All you can imagine putting in your mouth is a cold plum, one with really tight skin on the outside but gum-shocking sweetness inside. And he and your mother discuss where he might find some this late in the season. Mother says hell I don’t know. Further north, I’d guess.
The next morning, you wake up in your bed and sit up. Mother says, Pete, I think she’s up. He hollers in, You ready for breakfast, Pokey. Then he comes in grinning, still in his work clothes from the night before. He’s holding a farm bushel. The plums he empties onto the bed river toward you through folds in the quilt. If you stacked them up, they’d fill the deepest bin at the Piggly Wiggly.
Damned if I didn’t get the urge to drive to Arkansas last night, he says.
Your mother stands behind him saying he’s pure USDA crazy.
Fort Smith, Arkansas. Found a roadside stand out there with a feller selling plums. And I says, Buddy, I got a little girl sick back in Texas. She’s got a hanker for plums and ain’t nothing else gonna do.
It’s when you sink your teeth into the plum that you make a promise. The skin is still warm from riding in the sun in Daddy’s truck, and the nectar runs down your chin.
And you snap out of it. Or are snapped out of it. Never again will you lay a hand against yourself, not so long as there are plums to eat and somebody-anybody-who gives enough of a damn to haul them to you. So long as you bear the least nibblet of love for any other creature in this dark world, though in love portions are never stingy. There are no smidgens or pinches, only rolling abundance. That’s how you acquire the resolution for survival that the coming years are about to demand. You don’t earn it. It’s given.”
excerpt from Cherry by Mary Karr, context being after a suicide attempt at age 13
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graphicpolicy · 1 month
Peach and Plum: Double Trouble is a fun graphic novel for young readers
Peach and Plum: Double Trouble is a fun graphic novel for young readers #comics #graphicnovel
Peach and Plum are up to their stems with a bushel of new problems, from babysitting troublesome twins to helping a trio of lost ducklings find their way back home.These five short stories and five mini-comics will have newly independent readers hungry for more. Story: Tim McCannaArt: Tim McCanna Get your copy in comic shops! To find a comic shop near you, visit http://www.comicshoplocator.com…
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fleetsummers · 8 months
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with @zackastor   | the daybreakers : fleet checks in with zack about the mission, and gains a middle name
fleet summers So this is the war room, hmm? -Fleet doesn't bother to knock, since Zack's bedroom door is standing open; from the looks of it, the room isn't exactly somewhere private, with all sorts of their extra, more valuable equipment stored around in it- I figured I might as well come report in on what I've been doing. I'm used to having somebody to account to. -despite all of this, Fleet stays in the doorway, watching Zack at his planning desk; he looks so official, preoccupied, almost a different person-
Zack Astor -Zack is slightly bent over the desk, where a plan of the farm is layed out, various markings peppering the paper. He looks up when he hears Fleet's voice coming from the doorframe- Come in. -Zack straightens himself out on the chair, but doesn't rise- How is the orchard coming along? Any more yield?
fleet summers Some. Those late plums you mentioned -- they're not sweet, but I can cook with them and dry them -- and almost a bushel of persimmons. -Fleet comes further into the room, coming over to the table to peer politely at the plan of the ranch- You're working on the traps and things? Fortifications? I found a bunch of root vegetables run wild, that's gonna be useful.
Zack Astor Good. -he makes a quick note, turning around to properly face Fleet- Yes. Weak spots, where to set traps. Root vegetables are good. Need any help digging them up?
fleet summers I think I'm okay to do that. It almost goes faster when it's just me. If somebody could help me with sorting and storing that would be good, though -- somebody else who's not needed for all the big guns stuff. -he puts his hands behind his back, locking one over the other wrist, a little awkward for some reason he can't quite tease out- We broke down the compost bins and got all the rats out. If we're looking for somewhere to bury anything valuable, that might be a good place. The compost is pretty gross and nobody would willingly go look under it.
Zack Astor Mh. Good. -he narrows his eyes slightly at Fleet, taking in the rigidness of his form. He turns back to his plan, making another mark on the map- That all, kid?
fleet summers I guess. If you're busy.
Zack Astor -he doesn't look up from his work- Close the door.
fleet summers -Fleet trots over and does that, going over in his head whether or not he should mention what he wants to ask- 
Zack Astor -he finally looks up again, putting his pen to the side and leaning back on the chair- What's going on?
fleet summers Nothing! -he hears himself and rolls his eyes, snarling up a corner of his lip and a tiny sneer- Sorry. Habit. I'm just ... this is new. I'm used to us being us in town, and even there, everything was really... -he shrugs at the repetition, a little irked at not coming up with a better word- ...new. But this is a whole different configuration, and you're -- you're in charge of this, Zack, you're in charge of our lives. That's a lot of responsibility. 
Zack Astor -his gaze is fixed on Fleet as he listens, unwavering. His fingers tap the edge of the desk- So, you're having doubts. You don't think I can handle that responsibility?
fleet summers What? No! It's not that at all, I think you can handle it better than anybody. I'm- -he presses his mouth to the side, looking at Zack with his eyes scrunched a bit- I want to be helpful. I want to be an asset to what you're doing here, your work, and I'm worried that I might end up being a detriment. A distraction. I don't want to be that. -Fleet gives a sharp exhalation- You know what, I'm probably embarrassing myself even thinking any of this.
Zack Astor -the weariness inside his gaze fades and seeps out of his muscles. He hadn't quite expected that, clearly. He let's out his own long breath, taking a few moments to respond- That's what you were worried about? That you're going to distract me from my work? Do you think I will act reckless because you're here? -he doesn't sound judging, though his tone is not readable-
fleet summers Stop thinking it's something bad. I'm not trying to find weak spots in you, Zack. I'm thinking about me. -Fleet scrubs his palms against his hips, antsy- I don't want it to get to a point where I'm an annoyance to you.
Zack Astor That wasn't what I was thinking. -there's something genuine leaking into his voice. His fingers tap against the desk, before he stops, pads of his thumb resting against the wood- I chose you to be here. When me and Ike talked about who should be here. I could've said I didn't want you here.
fleet summers -Fleet moves his hands behind him again, chewing this over- That's true. But you could've been having second thoughts about it. It's not that I expect... -he glances over at the bed, before catching himself and giving a tight smile, shaking his head once as he looks back at Zack, eyes clear and forthright- I didn't expect anything. But things could've changed.
Zack Astor -he takes note of Fleet's glance at the bed, his expression closing off for a moment; his own eyes flash to the bed, his jaw clenching.- So that's it, huh? -he turns back to Fleet, fixating him. It takes a few seconds before he forcibly relaxes his jaw muscles- I'm not having second thoughts. If I did, I would've sent you home.  -his fingers take up their rhythm again, and this time they don't stop as he speaks- I want you here.
fleet summers Okay. I probably shouldn't have brought it up. -Fleet's tight smile gets tighter, but wider, and he takes a step backwards towards the door, pointing at it over his shoulder- Leigh and me are heading out like you said, to check out that cache that the homesteaders here mentioned in their logbook, so. I'll see you when we get back, with a bunch more food, hopefully.
Zack Astor -he blinks, as if that wasn't what he expected. His fingers continue their tapping, faster, a quiet but steady beat filling the room, before it stops- Stay.
fleet summers -Fleet tips his head, considering, and lowers his hands to his sides, looking at Zack- All right. -he comes closer, towards Zack, then veers off towards the window, standing at it and looking down out at the ranch property- It's almost too bad we'll end up destroying this place. It's a good setup they had, whoever it was here before us.
Zack Astor -he takes a long breath as he watches Fleet, eyes fixed on his back, on that spot between his shoulderblades- Not like we could use it. Too far out. We're putting it to good use. -he presses the palm of his hand against his desk, finally standing up, moving towards Fleet but keeping some distance, staying near his desk- Unless you plan on starting a new life.
fleet summers Hmmm. I think about that sometimes. It's not realistic, of course, but tempting, isn't it? -Fleet spans his hand over the glass, moving his thumb to make an L to frame certain features on the landscape- The idea that you could have separate homes again and be with people out of a desire to be with people, not because it's the only way you'll survive.
Zack Astor Yeah. Wouldn't that be great. -his gaze fixed on Fleet's back side, Zack remains where he is- I'll move Viv out of my cabin.
fleet summers -Fleet goes still, then turns to look at Zack, his hand splayed on the windowpane, trying not to sound as breathless as he feels- Because of me?
Zack Astor -he takes a deep breath- Because of you.
fleet summers -Fleet turns back to the window, then reaches over to the pullstring and lowers the blinds before going over to Zack and slipping his arms around the other man, resting his head on Zack's collarbone wordlessly-
Zack Astor -he's equally quiet, reaching up to press the palm of his hand against Fleet's head, feeling the stubble prickle against his palm. His gaze flickers to the door, but he doesn't move-
fleet summers I can lock it if you want. Just in case.
Zack Astor No. -his gaze returns to Fleet and remains there. His thumb trails the line of softer hairs on the back of Fleet's neck- Stay like this.
fleet summers -he hums, locking his hands in the small of Zack's back- I wanted ... when I first got to Redwood and I met my family, I wanted to eventually - once I made him love me - I wanted to get Daddy to give me a middle name. Since he didn't choose my name, Mommy did. -Fleet bumps his nose against Zack's chest, mumbling into him, not his usual precise diction- Obviously that didn't happen.
Zack Astor Mh. -Zack doesn't stop his soft caresses, eyes fixed on the top of Fleet's head- That something you still want?
fleet summers Filipinos make everything more extra than it needs to be and that's one part of the culture that's pretty strong in me- -Fleet leans back enough to give Zack a droll look, shimmying his shoulders slightly- As I'm sure you've noticed. Technically they could've named me some combination of their names, so like ... Perlita and Cole? Colita, or Perco, or some insane thing like that. But I could take one surname from my mom as my middle name. Either Lopez or Liwayway. -he rests his head against Zack again, sounding a little hesitant and hopeful when he ventures- ...do you think one seems more like me? Thoughts?
Zack Astor -there is a slight twitch in his jaw muscles at the initial suggestions. He takes a moment to think, meeting Fleet's eyes at least until the other man droops his head again- Liwayway. -his hand slips down the back of Fleet's neck, coming to rest there, enveloping it- Fleet Liwayway Summers. That sounds like you. Not Fleet Colita Summers.
fleet summers -digs his fingertips into the muscle at the small of Zack's back, quietly thrilled- I like that one too. Do you have a middle name? You must, being from a venerable wealthy family and all. -after a moment he adds- My full first name is Fleetwood, you know. I don't think I ever actually mentioned that. 
Zack Astor Benjamin. Some grandfather or great grandfather's legacy. Zachary Benjamin Astor's a mouthful. -he huffs softly- You didn't. Fleetwood, huh? After Fleetwood Mac?
fleet summers Exactly after Fleetwood Mac! You've already caught on to how my family used to think. -Fleet laughs, just short of a giggle- I like the name Benjamin. The whole thing sounds very proper but I'll settle for calling you Zack Benji. -this time it is a giggle-
Zack Astor You mentioned your mom liked classic rock. -he grimaces slightly, though his gaze is soft when he hears Fleet giggle- Zack Benji, huh? So you're Fleet Liway? -his hand snakes down to Fleet's back and gently prods at the firm muscle there-
fleet summers Oh, no, no. It's the full Liwayway or nothing. Although to be fair ... I do give you plenty of leeway. -Fleet pushes against Zack, still giggling, then slides his hands up Zack's back as he tiptoes to kiss him, softly and joyfully-
Zack Astor Mh. You do. -he hesitates for just a second, the unlocked door prickling at the back of his neck, but then he leans in, pressing his hand against the small of Fleet's back to pull him in closer. When Zack pulls back from the kiss, he meets Fleet's gaze- You know I meant what I said before.
fleet summers About wanting me here? I know you mean it. And I don't mean to freak out. I understand, really- -Fleet nods over to the bed, then looks back up at Zack, holding gazes to keep things clear- About that, needing to keep things separate. It's all right. I think I'm a little jangled overall, with ... everything, so I wanted some extra reassurance.
Zack Astor Good. -Zack nods, not letting go of the other man or making any attempt to untangle himself just yet. The pad of his thumb strokes alongside Fleet's jawline- You're mine. Don't forget that. I'll remind you.
fleet summers Oh? I like the sound of that. -he smiles, but then draws his fingertips along the wrist of Zack's hand where it's brushing Fleet's jaw- Something happened to me once that was ... not as severe as being held by the Daybreakers, but it happened. And I got through it. I haven't thought about it in years but everything that happened with Daddy brought it up again so ... that's why I'm not as scared as I was before, because I know I'd make it. I won't be a liability. -Fleet's eyebrows draw together, slightly- I'm not grubbing for reassurance on that one, I'm letting you know. Because you're the leader of this.
Zack Astor -he nods, a quiet acknowledgement of Fleet's story. There is a tightening in his jaw, something flashing in his gaze. He cups Fleet's face with one hand- Alright. I know you won't. You know you won't. -his thumb trails over Fleet's cheekbone- You want to be here too.
fleet summers Honestly? I think this might be some kind of arc in my narrative that's a turning point for me. Coming to Redwood, Daddy getting bit, meeting you and getting to know you, now this? -Fleet nods, lifting his chin and squaring his shoulders- I do want to be here. I need to be here.
Zack Astor Good. -he pats Fleet's face with the palm of his hand- You're gonna be one hell of a weapon once we get out of this, kid.
fleet summers Mmm. Whenever you're ready to start that training, I am too. Sooner rather than later, I'd imagine.
Zack Astor Tomorrow. I'm gonna send Clint to dig up those root vegetables, so you don't have to worry about that.
fleet summers Okay. I have ... I've been using a crowbar, for a weapon. That crowbar. -he doesn't specify; Fleet had gone to Zack after that night when Cole had turned, and he'd had the gore-encrusted crowbar with him then-
Zack Astor I'm not just gonna teach you weapon fighting. Otherwise you won't know what to do if you loose it. -he remembers that crowbar well enough, and how tightly Fleet had held onto it- You wanna keep using it? The crowbar?
fleet summers I can keep hold of it. But you're right about being able to handle myself when I don't have it. -he snarls up the side of his face slightly- It's kind of sick that I wanna use it, isn't it. Or maybe it doesn't matter to anyone but me. Either way. I'll still keep hold of it.
Zack Astor I don't think it is. -he feels Fleet's muscles shift under the palm of his hand. He regards Fleet's slightly twisted face- I still have the arrow I used on my brother. If you wanna use the crowbar, use it. No shame in surviving.
fleet summers -he blinks, faintly shocked at that revelation- Oh. Oh, Zack. -that does make him feel better, though, so Fleet leans back and pats Zack's chest twice in quick succession- All right. I'm gonna let you get back to what you were doing, I have to go find Leigh and get going. -he presses a kiss to Zack's mouth, soft-lipped but much more certain than before- I love you. See you when I get back. 
Zack Astor Alright. -he returns the kiss, pressing his hand down against the small of Fleet's back, before finally letting go- Don't take too long. -he waits for a moment, before pressing one last kiss to his forehead- Be safe, kid.
fleet summers I will. -he's about to leave, but then Fleet pauses, and pops his fist lightly against Zack's collarbone- How does this sound -- before everyone turns in tonight, we can do a walk around the perimeter and you can talk out anything you want to? About the operations here, and I'll just be a sounding board. I'll be back in time for that.
Zack Astor -he hadn't quite expected that suggestion, and he takes a second to think it over- Alright. Sounds good, kid. -he claps the side of Fleet's neck, patting it, before letting good. His tone gains a slightly commanding tone- Be back on time.
fleet summers Yes, sir. -Fleet lifts his eyebrows a bit, then heads out-
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malaisequotes · 9 months
“He hollers in, You ready for breakfast, Pokey. Then he comes in grinning, still in his work clothes from the night before. He's holding a farm bushel. The plums he empties onto the bed river toward you through folds in the quilt.”
Cherry by Mary Karr
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zencha · 9 months
Day 6 - Autumn fruit
death // endings, change, transition
I briefly mentioned it yesterday, but the cafe will be going on Winter Solstice break starting from tomorrow. I know, I know, it's been just about a week since I opened shop for the first time, but I'd booked consultations with a number of tea farms around my family farm, for research and development for the sake of the cafe, and they'd only managed to slot me in around the Winter Solstice period, so I decided I'd combine this business trip together with a quick visit home. I've not been home for a few years, and I certainly haven't told my parents about opening this cafe, so I've got plenty of news to bring home, for sure.
In the meantime, a travelling satyr merchant stopped by today with some seasonal produce. She told me her name was Lilah - she'd heard about the cafe from a couple of her pixie friends, and decided to stop by to check out the place. It seems that she gathers produce from all over and travels around to sell it for a living, and she ended up bartering a few croissants for a bushel of the last of the autumn persimmons. I was pretty excited by this offer - I haven't been able to go foraging properly ever since we opened for business, and it's been a bit of a struggle trying to stretch a menu with only witch-hazel and a couple of teas. The addition of persimmons promises some variety for our newer menu items, which is a pretty exciting development.
I never used to eat persimmons much as a child - our neighbours ran an apple farm so we always had plenty of apples, but persimmons were something far more exotic. The first time I had one, I was already considerably well-travelled. We'd been heading from one city to another, and along the way had stopped to help an old lady who'd been dealing with an infestation of giant rats in her farm. As thanks, she shared with us some persimmons from her crop. When I bit into a slice of that persimmon for the first time, I instantly felt like I was basking in the sunshine of a warm autumn afternoon - juicy, honey-sweet, the juice resting on my tongue.
Of course, a whole bushel of fresh persimmons would go bad instantly. But I've decided that since I'm going to be away for a while over the Winter Solstice, I might as well try preserving them for use in future food items for the cafe. Dried persimmons, of course, are a given - I strung up and hung a good half of the persimmons from the ceiling rafters once we'd closed for the day, and The Viscount Baxter helped me knot the strings tight. I've set up a ward to protect them from mold - hopefully in a month or so we might have some nice dried persimmons to experiment with.
The other half of the persimmons I've layered with some rock sugar in a large jar, and left on the bottom shelf of the pantry - I've heard of people making syrup with plums this way, and if plums can do it, why not persimmons? I can already imagine all the things we could possibly do with persimmon syrup.
Any new recipes, though, will have to wait until Winter Solstice! I'll come back hopefully filled with new ideas and ready to experiment. Until then, see you!
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