#but ALSO her career is such that I think that she'd have developed more of A Thing about the hair/makeup than even being dressed
aquilamage · 1 year
on one hand I don’t wanna be that boring bitch who keeps writing the nonhuman characters as humans but also what is the bug equivalent of “Mothiva will strip down (and/or have her hair/makeup not done) in front of Zasp without any thought, warning, or feeling to it?”
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
@sensei-venus I just got a chaotic af idea for gremlin!Reader. What if she had a cryptic pregnancy? (cw: birth scene, blood)
Like she never knows or even suspects it at all. Then one day when she's home alone, she starts having this awful tightness and pain in her belly and pelvis. Then it passes and she thinks it's okay, but it continues to happen again and again throughout the day. She hates hospitals and doctors so she refuses to go to one and tough it out.
When she realizes it's labor ain't and contractions, it's too late to do anything about it. She has to push. So as the boss-ass queen she is, she delivers her baby on her own. She pushes a good five or six times before he slides out onto her bed. She struggles to sit up but does it anyway to get her baby in her arms, pat his back, and get him breathing. He starts crying so loud that it shocks her. She gets him cleaned up as best she can and lays him on her chest, hoping to calm him down.
All these little baby delivery things she's learned from listening to Moon's midwifery stories. So naturally when things calm down a bit, she calls Moon and is like "Hey, so I just had a baby."
And Moon is like "Haha, that's so funny, Reader."
"No, I'm serious, Moon, I need you to come here now."
She speaks with a certain urgency that's far from her normal, playful tone. It's how Moon knows she's serious and she grabs up everything in her kit and goes to Hawk and Reader's house. Luckily she knows where the spare key is hidden and she gets inside. She finds Reader in her bedroom with the tiniest baby she's ever laid eyes on sucking on her tit. The room is a fucking mess, especially the bed sheets since they're covered in blood and other bodily fluid. Reader doesn't have anything to cut the umbilical cord with so she and the baby as still very much attached.
"Oh my god, how did you... oh my god." Moon can't contain her shock. She's only ever heard of cryptic pregnancies at this point in her career and she never imagined she'd encounter one.
Moon knows about Reader aversion to hospitals, so she doesn't even bring it up. She doesn't want to stress Reader out more than she probably already is stressed out. So she calmly comes over to sit beside Reader, gathers up the messy sheets, and throws them aside so they can at least get some clean sheets in there.
"Sometimes it's hard for first-time moms to get babies to latch on," she says, watching the tiny baby hungrily suckle on his mama's tit. "How'd you manage this?"
Reader kind of shrugs. "I don't know... when he started crying again, I just kinda knew he was hungry and did it."
Reader's voice is so soft and it's a different side of her that Moon hasn't seen before. She's still their gremlin of the group, she's sure, but Reader is so tired after the surprise labor that she really can't expect more of her. Still, Moon takes it as a sign that Reader is going to be a great mama despite not being ready for a baby whatsoever.
As Moon does everything she needs to - cut the umbilical cord, clean up Reader, check the baby - they talk about how this all happened. Reader explains how she had no idea about any of this, she never even had a suspicion. Then she tells her about how much it hurt, how scared she was, and how when she finally realized what had to be happening, she just had to do it. Moon tells her how proud of her she is for staying calm during the whole ordeal and how strong she is. Having a baby is a lot on the body and labor is intense, but she's done so well.
While she's checking the baby, he gets a little fussy when taken away from his mama. However, as soon as Moon starts talking to him, he calms down. He knows that sweet voice. This is one of his mama's friends.
Moon brought everything she could possibly need for the occasion and she's happy to report his good health. "He appears fully developed and perfectly healthy. Good job, mama."
She also brought a number of baby things for Reader, like a few clothes and a blanket, so she wraps him up to stay warm as soon as he's all checked out and cleaned up. Things calm down again and the pair talk about everything they can about having a new baby around. Then they hear the front door open and shut.
"Hey, babe! I'm home!"
It's Hawk. And it's at that moment Reader remembers how she never called or texted him about what was going on. She just took right to taking care of her baby boy and getting Moon over there.
Of whom, Moon jumps up and assures Reader she'll handle it. "I'll go tell him gently." Then she disappears and there's some light greetings to be heard.
Then Reader is pretty sure she hears Hawk faint.
Moon comes back in, grabs something from her bag, and exits again. She uses a smelling salt to bring Hawk back to reality and he jumps up.
"I could have sworn you said, with all the seriousness I've ever seen from you, that Reader had a baby."
"That's exactly what I said, Hawk."
She explains the situation to him before anything else happens.
When he brings her to the bedroom, he doesn't faint again. Instead, he goes straight to Reader's side as quickly and quietly as possible. "Jesus Christ, are you okay? Is the baby okay? I didn't even know you were pregnant- well I guess you didn't either based off of what Moon said, but still. Holy shit."
Reader states at him, then laughs. It's that chaotic laugh he fell in love with and he wonders what the fuck is so funny in a time like this, but also he's relieved because she's feeling well enough to laugh.
"We're fine, Eli... he's perfect."
She smiles and looks down at her baby boy in her arms. He stares up at them, taking in his pretty mama and handsome daddy. He's dressed in a green onesie Moon grabbed on her way out (I think she keeps all sorts of baby stuff to give to parents she works with in baskets she makes for them because she would so do that). It's a little big for him but it keeps him warm and that's what matters right now.
Hawk takes his little hand and holds it, staring at him with a still shocked but happy smile. "Hey there..."
While they're having their little moment, Moon starts filling out the birth certificate. She looks up ever so often to check on them, only to find Hawk holding Reader as they just admire their little one. It's so cute of them.
She stands up and brings the certificate over, showing it to them. She explains what they have to do and ends by saying, "You don't have to have a name for him now. Figure that out when you know."
"I think I know," Reader giggles, looking back down at her baby boy with a smile.
Hawk kisses the side of her head. "What's that?"
"Mason... Mason Elijah Moskowitz."
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panlight · 27 days
hi! i love reading the discussions you have about twilight. i was wondering, what do you think Bella’s career would be if she cared enough to have one? ik Stephanie said teacher, but that seems really ooc for Bella tbh. can’t see her wanting to be a housewife for long either, especially when recipe grows up and leaves. i could see her as a writer maybe, though im not sure about the type of books she’d write (vampire romance ?? 😭). also maybe something with book stores or libraries. teaching seems like an extroverted job, and she’s the opposite of that.
You're right that SM said that Bella had planned to become a teacher. She said that her mother's career was the one thing Bella admired about Renee, but that Bella wanted to teach older kids, so like high school. But I agree with you that doesn't really seem like a Bella thing to do. Bella doesn't even like high school students while she IS one herself, I don't see her enjoying that kind of work at all.
Although to be fair I know lots of people who sort of had a vague idea about "becoming a teacher" because they didn't know what else to do with their area of interest (in this case, Bella's love of reading) but then when they took their first education classes in college they were like "yikes, nope, not for me." So this might have happened to Bella eventually.
I definitely feel like the bookstore idea is more her speed. She's actually pretty organized and practical so I think she could run a small business no problem, and she does seem to take some pleasure in keeping things running even though she shouldn't have had to do so on behalf of her parents. It would probably be more fun and rewarding for her when it's a choice. Could totally see her dabbling in writing on the side but feeling like "oh it's not any good" given her self-esteem issues, but eventually a friend (Jacob? Angela? maybe even Mike or Jess but I don't feel like she'd trust them enough to show them her writing) would encourage her to try and publish.
Now if this is all happening in a world where she did marry Edward and become a vampire, then the Cullen money would make this bookstore thing super easy, barely an inconvenience. Edward would just buy the cutest bookstore and have Bella take over, but it would feel kind of hollow, like she's just "playing bookstore" because she didn't have to try. And of course Edward would get her books published under a fake name and . . . you know, maybe that's how Twilight exists in the first place.
Libraries are also a good option! I am myself a librarian so I speak with some authority on this, haha. I think Bella would do great with some of the behind-the-scenes work like cataloging (which was my previous job) or collection development (Selecting and Buying the stuff, which is my current job) or maybe even shelving books, but she'd HATE the more customer-facing stuff like programming, circulation, reference. At my library even those of us with behind-the-scenes jobs do have some time on the service desks helping patrons, and as an introvert it's not my favorite but most library jobs start there. Almost everyone I know got their foot in the door of the library with some part time circulation desk job and then worked up to something better and I don't know if Bella makes it past that hurdle. The library is about being there for the community and meeting THEIR needs; a bookstore she could set up to her own tastes.
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the-starkindler · 4 months
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So here are my takes on what some of the ScarVi kiddos will look like as they grow up and go about their careers. Headcanons below, as developed with @kourabiedes in our many ramblings together.
Carmine - I tried the crossed bangs, but she just looked too young with them. I opted for a slightly more mature sideswept bang and an elegantly tied back coiffe for her duties as eventual Caretaker of Mossui Town, and by extension, Kitakami Hall. Koura has a lot more nuanced headcanons for this one, so I'd best let her tell you all about those... Kieran - Like, his sister, I ditched the fuckass bangs. He is pretty, but unlike his sister, he doesn't really know or flaunt it. Over the course of his friendship with Alanna (who is a Galarian native and former Champion Challenge semi-finalist), he has become quite curious of the region and has decided to take on the challenge for himself. He begins his journey at a familiar dojo... Penny - So Koura and I both agree that Penn is very Trans coded. So we leaned hard into it and I went hardcore femme with her adult design. We though for a long time about what she'd do career-wise, and it dawned on me very suddenly that she'd be a perfect fit as the new Director for Naruva Academy. She is very professional and put-together in her business life, but is absolutely still a cave gremlin when she gets home with her vee-vees. We also have some very very specific speculation about her parentage that we'll share, but her design elements will be a hint for the very astute among you. Arven - A chef rarely leaves their hair down when in the kitchen (it is actually against the rules in a professional setting if you don't know lol). Arven has gone for a more practical ponytail, but still keeps his luscious locks. He does gain renown for his efforts in nutrition and cooking, but not in the way that someone like Kofu or Katie does. He is more interested in the health benefits of his meals, and shares some lab space with Alanna when developing and testing new recipes. Alanna - She is my half of the "Juliana" in this situation. Koura and I have kind of split her into two halves; one for my trainer Alanna and one for her trainer, Robin. Alanna is sharp, competitive, put together, and very social. Robin is much more the "gremlin" archetype. She explores every possible ravine, mountain, and cave. She doesn't really do people. Alanna finds and trains Miraidon, who is the central 'raidon in the story, whilst Robin finds a full-strength Koraidon from the get-go. Alanna eventually becomes a professor of what she dubs True Evolution; as in evolution in the way we know it in the real world. Not only that, but how the crater and Terastal energy affects living forms. This latter subject has been a collaborative effort with long time friend and mentor, Briar. Alanna takes after both of her parents pretty equally. Her mother is my Galar trainer, Blair, and Raihan b/c I like him. He's fun. We don't need no Florian. Mostly because we just straight up didn't think about it, oops. Screencaps of Robin and Alanna in our gameplay at BB
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brian-in-finance · 18 days
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Check out why so many famed actors use Backstage
Trusted since 1960
Founded in 1960, Backstage has a storied history of serving the entertainment industry. For over 60 years Backstage has served as a casting resource and news source for actors, performers, directors, producers, agents, and casting directors.
Over that time, Backstage Magazine has also appeared on numerous TV shows, such as “Mad Men,” “Entourage,” “Glee,” “Oprah,” NBC's “Today” show, Comedy Central's “@Midnight”, NY1's “On Stage,” and “Saturday Night Live,” as well as multiple mentions on shows like “Inside the Actor’s Studio,” “Girls,” and appearances in films such as “13 Going on 30,” the Farrelly brothers' “Stuck on You” and Spike Lee's “Girl 6,” and even a mention in Woody Allen's short-story collection “Mere Anarchy” and Augusten Burroughs' novel “Sellevision” – and Backstage has received accolades from multiple Academy Award-, Emmy-, and Tony-winning actors and directors. (Plus, the hit musical “The Last Five Years” even includes Backstage in its lyrics: “Here's a headshot guy and a new Backstage / Where you're right for something on every page.”)
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"I still get Backstage emails 'cause I still subscribe to Backstage. [Backstage is) kind of the Bible in the beginning, which is amazing. Samuel French and Backstage go hand in hand, you know? You go there for your plays when you're in classes, and then you get your Backstage."
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Brian’s Note: The following story originally appeared in April 2015. Most recent update is December 2020.
The Gorgeous Determination of Caitríona Balfe
Caitríona Balfe is on the move. That's been true most of her adult life— especially the 10 years she was modeling for Victoria's Secret, Dolce & Gabbana, and others—but as she sits on the rooftop patio of a West Hollywood hotel in mid-March, she mentions that she's pulling up stakes from Los Angeles.
"It just feels silly to have an empty place for 10 months until I figure out what I'm doing with my life," the Irish-born actor says. "I've rented the same place for the last four years and now I have to give it up." Her apartment is being razed to put in condos, but her departure from L.A. is extra poignant considering this is the city where Balfe journeyed when she decided to put aside that successful modeling career and focus on the vocation she'd always wanted: acting.
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Photo: Luc-Richard Elie
"I've moved so much since I was 18," she says. "I mean, l've lived so many places. New York, I lived in for almost eight years [while modeling], and that's been the longest of anywhere since I left Ireland. But L.A. is where I came and said, 'OK, this is what I wanna do with my life.' "
She refuses to think of her move as a permanent one, though. "I'll be back," she declares, "but it feels really sad. My little apartment, it's got so many memories."
Balfe's sadness is no doubt mitigated by the fact that part of her need to move is due to the precipitous rise in her fortunes. She'll soon be flying to Scotland to shoot the second season of "Outlander," which returns to Starz April 4 to conclude Season 1.
When last we saw Balfe's Claire, the resourceful British nurse who comes home after World War |I only to be inexplicably teleported into the 18th-century Highlands, she was half-naked with a knife to her breast. Don't worry: Claire will get out of that scrape, but more perils await-to say nothing of the emerging multi-era romantic triangle developing between her, the Scottish warrior Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan), and her 20th-century husband, Frank Randall (Tobias Menzies), who wonders where she's gone.
Based on the much-beloved Diana Gabaldon novels and developed for television by "Battlestar Galactica" rebooter Ronald D. Moore, "Outlander" is an ostensibly lush period-piece-within-a-period-piece drama that's consistently richer and thornier than its romance-novel trappings suggest. And much of the credit goes to Balfe, who had managed small parts in films such as “Super 8” and “Now You See Me” before landing the central role in this adaptation.
In person, Balfe is far less imposing than the steely Claire, who has to weather the dangers of being a woman in sexist, violent Scotland in the 1740s. Cast late in the preproduction of “Outlander”—Moore has mentioned in interviews how hard it was to find the right Claire—she didn’t have time to consider what the role would do to her life. “I’m so bad on social media," she confesses on this warm afternoon, nestled underneath a cabana. "I had set up an account on Twitter maybe a year or so before I got this job and had, I thought, a lot of followers — 250 or something, and most of them are my friends. Within about a month or two, it was thousands of people — and my phone, I didn't know how to turn off the alerts, so it was just going all the time. That was the beginning of the awareness."
Growing up in the small Irish community of Monaghan, Balfe had considered acting from an early age. ("I was devastated that I wasn't a child actor," she says, smiling. But after traveling to Dublin to study theater, she changed course once she received an offer to model. It wasn't a secret passion of hers, but who turns down a trip to Paris? "My parents felt that I should finish college," Balfe recalls, "but l'm slightly headstrong, so l took their advice and I completely ignored it."
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Over the next decade, she lived in France, Italy, Germany, and Japan, her modeling inexperience hardly a detriment. "You'd be amazed how little information or training goes into it," she says. "When I first arrived in Paris, I was told to take a bus to the office. I left my suitcase — I barely spoke any French — and someone took me across the street, helped me buy a Carte Orange. They printed out five addresses that I had to go to that day, and then they sent me off." She still remembers at 18 riding the subway alongside 16-year-old aspiring Russian models, who knew no French or English, homesick and sobbing their eyes out. "That was just the way it was," says Balfe. "You become pretty tough. When I went to Japan, it was similar: They would drive you to their castings, but the minute you got a job, it would be like, 'Here's an address, here's a map. Good luck.' They don't have signposts in English in Japan, so the map and the address are not always very helpful."
Hear Balfe recount her early misadventures in modeling and you can't help but think of Claire, who's equally thrown to the wolves once she arrives in the 18th century amid people wary of the English in general and assertive women in particular. "Honestly, l've been in so many situations in my life where you just are completely displaced," Balfe says. “You have to adapt very quickly and figure it out. I definitely think that informs Claire a lot. It helped me understand her."
Did moving to Paris at such a young age teach Balfe that she can cope in any circumstance? "I think I didn't really realize that until many years later," she replies. "I have a great knack of not thinking about things and just going for it. You learn the hard way sometimes that you're able to get through, but sometimes it's quite tough when you're in a situation where you don't know anyone and you're trying to find your way around cities. But if an opportunity presents itself and it seems like a good idea, l'm just like, 'OK, let's do it, then I'll figure it out.'”
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The decision to reconnect with her acting ambitions was conducted just as boldly. Ready to quit modeling, she moved to Los Angeles because a writer she was dating lived there. He was the only person she knew, but she had read a Vanity Fair interview with Amy Adams in which she said she trained with Warner Loughlin. "I could walk to that place from my ex-boyfriend's house," she says, "so l was like, 'Well, I'm gonna go there because I can't really drive. I started from scratch. I didn't have any managers, I didn't know any agents, I hadn't acted in almost a decade." But she just kept taking classes, moving from Loughlin to the studios of Sanford Meisner and Judith Weston. "I think when I first got here, I had a nice little air of delusion: 'It's gonna work out,'" she says with a laugh. “You just don't know how."
And then came "Outlander." By email, Moore admits that he didn't know Balfe's work until her audition tape came unsolicited to his office from her agent. Once she was chosen for Claire, he made it clear how demanding the job would be. “I told her in our first meeting that this was going to be an even bigger responsibility and workload than the normal TV lead," he writes. "Because the story was being told from Claire's point of view, Cait was going to be in every scene, every day for months, which is an extraordinary amount of work, far beyond what most actors are ever asked to do."
Moore's warning didn't faze Balfe. Writes Moore, "After she met with the president of Starz... and it was clear that she was going to land the role, I walked her to the elevator and just before the doors closed on her, I said 'Your life is about to change forever,' and she gave me a grin that was both thrilled and slightly nervous. I never saw her hesitate after that."
She's never hesitated before. As Balfe prepares to say goodbye to L.A. (for now, she thinks back to her early days in the city, trying to convince casting directors that she was more than just a model. "I went on many, many, many, many auditions that were Hot Girl No. 2 — you wanna shoot yourself," she says, laughing. "But, you know, I'm very lucky that l was even getting those auditions in the beginning. And it toughens you up. At least for me, to have that fuel to prove people wrong—it definitely spurs me on and makes me wanna work harder." Then she smiles conspiratorially. "And shove it to them."
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Remember… I told her in our first meeting that this was going to be an even bigger responsibility and workload than the normal TV lead. — Ronald D Moore
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jesncin · 23 days
Hi there!! I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about what the process of being published was like for Lunar Boy? Were there any struggles you faced trying to get it seen? Any tips for others trying to get their work published? Thank you in advance and I love your work! :)
Hullo there! Sure! Unfortunately things have changed a lot since I pitched years ago so I don't know how replicable my publishing journey is nowadays. But I'm willing to share!
So! I always knew I wanted to write for kids, but in art school we were trained to be cape comic artists. Back then (if you can believe it), making middle grade comics was considered something that would sink your career. At that point in history, American comics was trying so hard to prove "we're not for kids!" that they left a chasm in the market for children's comics. Then Raina Telgemeier's bestselling books proved there was a hungry readership of kids and suddenly the trad pub industry is excitedly picking up middle grade graphic novel pitches (ironically, including cape comics).
I was studying my Masters in the US as this was all happening, and decided to use my time in the program to generate as many middle grade pitches as possible! The first one I made was Lunar Boy, but the story was so well received that it ended up being the one we pushed forward as a pitch and develop the most across classes. On Twitter there was this event: #DVPit, which is a pitching event for marginalized authors looking to seek editor interest on their pitches but also! To get agented. In its heyday (before Melon Husk ruined everything. This event is no longer on twidder sadly. Many pitching events have ceased to happen or are on hiatus from how unusable that platform is now) it was a fantastic event. I got agented on my 2nd try of the event, and it got the industry an early look at Lunar Boy and made them excited to see it out on submission.
My agent, Britt Siess, was extremely helpful with giving us feedback on how to refine our pitch. Not only did she give us story feedback, but I was surprised also by her comics feedback- that was more nuanced than I expected (little did I know that she's a huge comics nerd). She had connections to all the editors I was interested in pitching Lunar Boy to, and we were out on submissions right as we graduated with our Masters degree (during the start of the pandemic lmao).
I already had early editor interest in Lunar Boy which I think helped a lot with getting it picked up. I've been told that it helps to meet editors in person and get chummy with them before pitching to heighten your chances, but that wasn't really the case for me. I've never met my editor (Carolina Ortiz, I love her she's amazing) in person, but she did actually reach out to me long before we went out to pitch- on a Simu Liu tweet trend of all things lmao.
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(I didn't end up looking like evil boy band members in pastel clothes in the final book, I went for cultural clothes instead which I think is the more bespoke choice haha) Carolina reached out to me from this tweet and we actually talked back and forth about Lunar Boy, refining the pitch. I felt like she understood the story despite asking for big changes. I don't think she'd do something like this anymore, but I really appreciated it at the time (I wasn't even agented yet). All the editors I met in person for events like Editor's Day at school liked my art (and would even hire me for colorist work and the like) but they weren't interested in Lunar Boy. This was reflected when we finally went on submissions too.
We got a lot of rejections, vague language like "we don't know how to edit this" or "we already have a book like this" (??? press X to doubt). Compounded with all my interactions with editors in person, I felt like I was "marketable" as an artist but not as a storyteller because our stories were so unapologetically QPOC- with culturally specific queer identities to an already underrepresented identity. The editors that were interested in Lunar Boy had personal connection to the story (they were either also from blended families or QPOC themselves). But hey, you only need one yes to get a book deal. We ended up with Carolina as our editor and she's been our rock and champion for this book since the beginning. We were out of submissions in just a week (which is really fast in the industry).
My big tip for getting into the trad pub graphic novel industry is to study the market. A lot of people mistaken publishing as a vessel or platform for their untold story, when really it's a business we compromise with. Pay attention to trends, book deals, shifts in the industry, read your peers' books, everything. Research is key with getting your foot in. Lunar Boy may look like an out-there book, but at its heart it's a story about culture shock, trying to fit in, along with family and friendship problems. In trad pub especially, locking in to sellable tropes and trends is key. Find clever ways to innovate and work within those limitations at the same time. Be open to feedback and changes. I know so many people are held back from getting book deals because they're too attached to their story. It helps not to be phased by rejection and or take things personally. I've been very desensitized to talking about books like a business, since that's what it took for someone like me to make it out there.
I hope that was helpful!
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
Hi Rose 🤍 My baby fever is off the charts rn!!! So can I get a hc of any of the RE characters as a baby/toddler in a daycare pls?
Ps: Ik I said any but Chris fs was a FAT baby and Leon was a mama’s boy (thinking about that one audio rn and im sobbing 🥹)
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⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 ⦒
characters: leon s. kennedy, ashley graham, ethan winters, ada wong, chris redfield, claire redfield, carlos oliveira a/n: thank you maya for requesting bby!! my queen!!! also look at me getting too into this, i love these characters so so much! check out re character's reaction & their s/o's dog ! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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You are right! He is a mama's boy!!
On his first few weeks of daycare, Leon would cry the longest every time he's been dropped off.
Has a hard time adjusting to daycare, but gets used to it after making a few friends (notably chris & luis)!
He is always telling his friends and teachers in daycare about how his mama did this... mama did that... Leon is super proud of her.
Also Leon's the kind of kid who plays with cars, crashes them together and starts clapping (Not much different from the present)
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Teacher's pet just because she's always respectful, and sharing toys with her classmates.
Oftentimes, kids take advantage of that and take her toys.
Because of that, I think she's often neglected by her teachers since the other troublemaker kids need more attention, so to speak.
She would be friends with Claire as Claire would not hesitate to snitch on other kid's bad behaviour to the teacher.
Ashley loves little Sylvanian Families and play-doh - I see this developing into a slime making hobby as an adult!
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I'm getting the quiet, nerdy kid vibe for Ethan.
Toddler Ethan loves to collect trading cards, he doesn't necessarily know how to play the game, he just likes the glossy look of them.
I feel like he'll have trouble making friends in class because they don't understand what the cards mean to him.
Poor kid just wants someone to talk about Pokemon with.
Gets very excited about dinosaurs and will play the game "Who can name the most dinosaurs?" knowing he'll always win.
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Don't mess with Ada, or she'll have you regret it.
Even as a toddler, she would always get her way. Always be the first on swings.
Ada, even as a kid, enjoys her solitude and hates for that to be broken. She enjoys playing LEGO uninterrupted.
I can see her hating loud kids like Chris (And that's totally not because Chris trampled her LEGO town one time and she'd held that grudge for life)
Younger Ada teaches the other kids bad words, but somehow she is never caught, and never gotten in trouble.
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Fat baby (he's just built this way)
'Accidentally' steals Claire's NERF guns, and feigns ignorance when he's confronted.
Big troublemaker at daycare. Teachers are always chasing him down but toddler Chris runs really fast.
100% Captain America enthusiast. He admires the act of serving his country, and that lead him to choose a career in military.
NERFs guns for life - I see him messing around and shooting the dart at other kids (especially Claire, usually to get back at her for snitching on him to mum)
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Younger Claire, who also inherited the Redfield attitude, takes no shit from anyone.
If Chris shoves her, Claire would shove back. And that may have resulted in a lot of sibling fights.
Strong believer of justice - Will pick fights with anyone, even big kids and adults, if she sees injustice.
Brutally honest kid - when someone asks for a compliment, she would say "That shirt makes you look fat" without batting an eye.
Alike Chris, she loves NERF guns (they often like the same guns, so it almost always turns into a brawl at the toy section)
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Carlos, is the number one reason of all teacher's migraines in his daycare.
He is the class clown, so anything he says gets a reaction from the other kids in class (often disrupting them)
So the moment Carlos speaks (he is still focusing on whatever he's doing), the class erupts in laughter.
Toddler Carlos is the kid who mashes the music button on a toy repeatedly. A cheeky smile on his face, very entertained by it.
Also I see toddler Carlos on the trampoline a lot, often trying to jump as high as he can. Even though he is most definitely too young to be on the trampoline.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @sporeghost @httpsuguru @emilzke @daydreamrot @navstuffs @custard0nut @ovaryacted © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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sonobeunitsarecool · 25 days
Yuno's birthday timeline convo
Shidou: Thank you, for keeping Shiina-kun company and helping her during her treatment. It's thanks to your aid, Kashiki-kun, that I can help. Both her, and myself. Even if something were to happen to me, so long as Kashiki-kun is here then I can rest easy. Yuno: No way, I could never. I can't really do anything on my own. Helping Shidou-san is about all I can do. It's just a pretense of make-believe nursing. Shidou: No, Kashiki-kun has a real knack for this. You're perceptive, able to keep a cool head, and you have the guts for it. If you haven't yet decided on your prospects for after graduation, how about aiming for a career in healthcare? Yuno: Really? ...hahah, c'mon. I don't want to think about anything like the future. 'Sides, my current involvement in people's lives... I can't find that funny.
Oh? Yuno's being set up as a possible pillar for the others to lean on, particularly if something bad were to happen to Shidou. It's a part to play, and a heavy mantle. It seems to have many similarities with what is known about her story; it was something that is an "adult's task", and yet, she's performing more than admirably. I don't think she's quite sure why she's doing all this to help out the other prisoners, since she appears to have more of a knack for knowing the emotions behind other people's actions and words rather than her own. I may just be projecting, but it reminds me of alexithymia. Yuno seems to downplay her helpfulness and capabilities, dismissing the future as something dull and unsavoury to think of ("I think 40 years would be just right", much?). She has a lack of care for the future, a type of "who gives a damn" attitude, and a desire to fill that lacking "warmth" that appears to be akin to chronic depression. It's not an actively suicidal type, but more... if Yuno got executed in Milgram, I don't think she'd panic, and give a bitter, cutting remark to Es. It's also interesting how Shidou is also setting Yuno up as a makeshift nurse. He doesn't seem to treat her like a child, unlike those not too much younger than her, acknowledging that working in healthcare could be a field of study that she may have an inclination towards. I had thought that Shidou would more or less develop some kind of god complex in trial 3, based off of some of the lyrics in Triage. Here though, he's attributing much of Mahiru's recovery to Yuno, but still seems to set her at more of an arms' distance. Perhaps he's too deep in "doctor mode"?
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WIBTA if I told my mother her book covers are bad?
I (20s F) used to design book covers for my mother, who is a self published author. I've recently stopped, both due to time conflicts because of work/school, and because it was a pain working with her (she never knew what she wanted and I would have to BEG her to give me enough information to work with, but then would ask for random additions to completed covers because new ideas suddenly came to her head; would give me deadlines for covers to be completed and then complain if I was doing personal hobbies instead of working on her cover even if the deadline was weeks away. also I don't know if this will be relevant, but yes I was paid for all covers I made for her). I did a handful of covers for her over the past few years, all of which she said she loved and would excitedly show to anyone she could. However I recently noticed she'd had some of the covers I'd done for her remade by a friend of hers. Some of them are Fine (not the best, I think the friend just throws stock photos into Canva) but others are very bad. Not quite Chuck Tingle bad, but close.
I love my mom, and she loves writing. It's been her dream to pursue a writing career for decades, and I want her to succeed! But no matter how much we say don't judge a book by its cover, a good cover can mean the difference between readers snatching a book up immediately and skipping over it without a second thought. Especially for self published authors who can't pull readers by name alone. I think it's important to note that she has explicitly asked for my help in this regard in the past (in addition to helping her design her website/developing an "brand" identity for her). She self admits to having no artistic eye and not knowing the difference between what looks "good" or "bad" (yes I know these are subjective, but you could slap a stock photo on a white background with comic sans and she wouldn't understand why that's not a Good cover she should be paying possibly several hundred dollars for) and has asked for my help both when I was a teenager with an interest in art and in the past few years as I'm currently in college for art and design. However she hasn't asked for my help recently, and that's where I fear I may be TAH. If this was her hobby I wouldn't care at all, but she's actively trying to make a career off her writing, and I believe some of her covers (in addition to things like poor web design and other miscellaneous stuff) reflect poorly on her because they look unprofessional, lazy and just. bad. From the way she's spoken in the past, I think she doesn't care/doesn't want to focus on anything that isn't actually writing, and while I understand that sentiment, I think it'll do more harm than good to her career. If it weren't for the issues mentioned above, I'd offer to work with her again.
WIBTA if I told her these covers were bad, despite her not explicitly asking for my input?
What are these acronyms?
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Cancer Ascendant
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This are my thoughts on the Cancer ascendant which both me and my mom share!
I wrote it using she/her pronouns because I was observing just my mom and I's experience with this placement, and I'm lazy to change it. Might edit that later.
Note: I'm not a professional astrologer, just an astrology enthusiast!
• When she desires something, it's in an emotional and sensitive way. Her desires could be seen as irrational or impractical because they come from the depths of her subconscious.
• She could mix her own desires with other people's or what she feels other people want for her.
• When she gets angry, she gets overwhelmed by emotions. She might cry out of rage.
• One of anger's function as an emotion is to protect the self when someone is trespassing its boundaries. She might get the most angry when she feel unheard, unseen, walked all over. She could be like, "what about me? what about my emotions? are they unimportant?"
• Can also get angry for someone else who's having their emotions walked over, ignored, unvalidated.
• Protective, she can get in anyone's shoes and doesn't want them to feel bad.
• But could protect herself from getting overwhelmed by so many emotions by shielding herself from other people's emotions. This would make her way less empathetic.
• Might have difficulty asserting her own will, declaring "this is my life!" because she's very empathic and might feel bad for leaving others "out/behind" when in reality she'd be prioritizing her own drive and motivation.
• Driven to take care of people, maybe not just anybody, but can have some people she takes care of in her own way. Could be the mom in the friendgroup.
• This might be farfetched but: her most primal side (mars/1H) could desire what's related to the past (past-lives, past generations) or tradition (family, cultural conditioning). Could want what her past self, immediate family or previous generations couldn't have/do. Might empathize with them and desire to get or do those things herself.
• For example, if women of her family and ancestry had to repress what they wanted in order to please a man (father, husband), then she might desire to do things differently.
At 10° (Capricorn) - Me
• Especially her desires regarding her career could be seen as irrational or impractical. (When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet but for lions in Africa 🧍‍♀️Now I'm more into holistic healing which most people see as bs).
• She might find it hard to chose a career path without being influenced by other people's emotions (like parent's disappointment or dreams for her).
• She has lessons to learn (Saturn) regarding cancer-rising struggles, so she'll find limitations in this area (her desires, assertion of the self).
• Could be admired for her caring and nurturing side. Looked up for not making others feel left-out, empathize with anybody, protect her friends or be a safe-space for others. (I've been told it's easy to talk to me, like I understand them, or they feel peaceful around me)
• When not developed, could be known for being too emotional, irrational, not assertive, seeking validation in others. Could protect herself by shielding herself from other people's emotions, cutting off her ability to empathize, so she might be seen as cold or uncaring.
At 13° (Aries) - My mom
• Might have an easier time asserting her own will.
• Might come off as agressive when she tries to be assertive. (Most of the time, when my mom just wants to give advice she comes off as scolding, so she always has to say "I'm just telling you what I think, I'm not scolding you").
• Has iniciative to go after her desires no matter what other people might think, but obviously prefers to feel supported. (My mom made the decision to leave her stable jon in order to start something new related to coaching people, help them in their wellbeing journey. She would've done it with or without my dad's support).
• When angry, might see red 😅
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khunyuki · 3 months
soshiro and kagami deprive hours
Sorry it took a while, anon! Ermm... i'm not quite sure if i'm answering this correctly but it's 🔞, right? If so, i'll be giving my own interpretation on this so I hope you like it!
So you guys already know how Soshiro and Kagami got engaged at an early age right? That means they've probably gotten a lot of bridal/groom lessons already (especially for matters in bed😉).
We can say that in their relationship, Soshiro was the first person to develop the feeling that made him sexually attracted to his partner. This man has been deprived of that type of affection and was sexually frustrated ever since he was a middle schooler until their current ages y'know! He's practically a saint from the amount of self control he shows whenever he's with her😩. That's why this guy decided to be a fuckin' bully🤭
From the very start, Kagami knows what she's supposed to do if Soshiro ever initiates intimate contact with her. This girl would let him to whatever he wants to do with her if he just made the first move but there's actually a big problem... Nobody told her about sexual innuendos so she doesn't really know how to take a hint even when he does insinuate😭 She's also has a pretty old-fashioned way of thinking where boys must make the first move always. That's why she never really had sexual fantasies cuz she's only focused on getting married to him, on her career, on her family, and making sure her mental health doesn't try to jeopardize her life.
So I guess this is where the deprive hours starts? After their first time, these two must've done it multiple times already. Soshiro likes teasing her, and he also like experimenting, so he tries to think of many ways to spice things up. It starts from changing positions to find their favorites, to doing it anywhere in their apartment, to using various toys. He prioritizes pleasuring her and vice versa but sometimes, it just wasn't enough. They always want more of each other🤭 Depriving her did cross his mind but never did he act on it until he got jealous once more.
By depriving Kagami, Soshiro was also depriving himself but this man is a saint and has been controlling his desires for years, so he can do it for longer. When Soshiro starts his plan, he knew he'd be very entertained. Her reactions always amuse him when he's teasing her normally but what if he's teasing her sexually? How exactly would she react and how long would it take before she couldn't take it anymore? Soshiro couldn't help but lick his lips in anticipation.
For starters, Kagami would be very confused when he starts leaning close to her, she'd close her eyes expecting a kiss, when he was just actually reaching for something. He would be telling her a story about the outing he was invited to by the Third Division when his hands start to subtly touch her thighs and breast before removing it once she starts to squirm, smiling innocently. Then they'd be having a heated make out session on the bed but before things could escalate, he'd be turning off the lights and telling her goodnight, leaving her hot and bothered. Kagami would be receiving dirty text massages from him saying how much he loves her and what exactly he wants to do to her when they meet, making her aroused the entire day before heading home to see him just his usual self. When they see each other at work, if either visits, he'll find a way to get close to her to whisper some very scandalous stuffs to say in public then leave her so flustered. These are only a few examples cuz he definitely did a lot more than this🤭
She would probably last for about a month or two before she snaps and tells him to stop. It didn't get to her at first but from the amount of times it happened during that timespan, it definitely wasn't a coincidence. Now, there's two ways that could happen here.
First, She'd be all pouty and whiny but if he still decided to play innocent, she'd be the one making the move by dragging him to their bed and stripping him. Her arm strength is one of the strongest so he wouldn't be able to move even if he wanted to. She'd tell him just how mean and unfair he is, as she sucks him dry, licking the tips, massaging his balls, and taking everything she could in her mouth. Then she'd ride him while complaining about him over and over as he tries to hide his grunts from how amazing she felt like that. He's not one to take a defeat and he could take charge in the middle but he'd definitely let her do him like that again if he gets to see her frustrated yet elated face as she bounces up and down on his dick.
Second, he still tries to play innocent but she's only at the borderline of snapping since she just suggested to sleep in separate rooms that night due to how upset she was. That made him feel guilty and he tries to make it up to her but got the door slammed on his face. He decided he'd just sneak beside her later then once he thought she's fallen asleep, he hears something inside. It was quiet but he would hear squelching and her calling his name in a low voice. He never opened a door so fast to see her touching herself, making her surprised as she thought he was asleep. He'd punish her for touching herself without permission then edge her. He still hadn't forgotten his task at hand, he'd bring her to the edge over and over and over again until she couldn't take it anymore. She's be in tears begging him to finally let her release and he will. He'd overstimulate her after edging her for so long.
And the rest is up to your imaginations~
If you ask him, will he do this again? Maybe😏
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llovelyclouds · 1 year
notes on pyrrha dve
heres all the relevant info i took note of on pyrrha during my tlt reread, in one place!
(you can find all the other posts from this project here!)
Gideon’s cavalier, first gen, founded the second
greek mythological orgin of the name pyrrha
also, pyrrhic victory
notes from gideon the ninth:
G1deon & Pyrrha's room in Canaan house includes a drawing of a chimaera that Gideon describes as "familiar" and a picture on the wall of John and his pals (presumably) with everyone's faces scribbled out with a thick black marker. Also guns (gtn. pg. 205)
notes from harrow the ninth:
presumably lead the development of her and G1dieon's trial at Canaan house, as Mercy refers to it as "Pyrrha's trial" (htn. pg. 97)
 The reason G1deon is named the Saint of Duty (htn. pg. 177)
Asked Wake to kill G1deon quickly (htn. pg. 205)
Was most likely the one conscious in G1dieon’s body when Harrow caught her fucking Wake in Cytherea’s body????? (htn. pg. 216)
"I will remember the first time you kissed me- you apologised- you said, I am sorry, destroy me as I am, but I want to kiss you before I am killed, and I said to you why, and you said, because I have only once met someone so utterly willing to burn for what they believed in, and I loved him on sight, and the first time I died I asked of him what I now ask of you / I kissed you and later I would kiss him too before I understood what you were, and all three of us lived to regret it- but when I am in heaven I will remember your mouth, and when you roast down in hell I think you will remember mine" -Wake's note (htn. pg. 252)
All the lyctors and John loved her (and also thought she was super hot) (htn. pg. 274)
Augustine developed his smoking habit to impress her (htn. pg. 275)
Was ten years older than Augustine (htn. Pg. 278)
G1deon & Pyrrha liked Alecto despite the fact that the other lyctors (at least Mercy and Augustine) didn't (htn. pg. 479)
Mattaius Nonius fought G1deon, and seems to owe Pyrrha a debt (htn. pg. 455)
"We compartmentalised from the Eightfold Word, just like you and your girl- though I'm an accident, and he took more from me than got taken from you. I was able to go underground, even from him."- Pyrrha (htn. pg. 494)
notes from nona the ninth:
Used to be a cop, made detective, knew Gideon from "way back" (ntn. pg. 74)
"'You should be draining and replacing her fucking brain fluid,' said Pyrrha. 'When Gideon and I designed that trial, I used to crack his skull and sieve it myself, just as a control variable. It's aggregative. I doubt you're testing her white blood cell count either. The only other people I put through that damn trial were Mercy and Cris, because only Cris didn't mind being trepanned on the regular. Fucking around with souls is the problem, Sextus… you can't ever get data on souls.'" - Pyrrha, discussing when Cam & Pal "overlap" (ntn. pg. 84)
"I visited her hometown back before Anastasia got settled, and it was grim as fuck then. Just spooky caves all the way down…" -Pyrrha (ntn. pg. 86)
"'Do they still do gravid carry where you come from?' 'On the Sixth, only for research,' said Palamedes. 'I helped at a birth once. Theres a lot of noise and run-up before the real thing happens.'" -Pyrrha and Palamedes (ntn. pg. 121)
"P- was great, but like, Ministry ties or no Ministry ties, a big part of her career was going around to the local high schools and telling the drugs kids that they shouldn't be doing drugs. She'd won medals for competition shooting back north in Hamilton, but we're not talking Jesse James. We're talking Hamilton."- john (ntn. pg. 191)
"She chose us that day, not her career. I always loved her for that. She'd adored being a cop." -john (ntn. pg. 191)
"and it was P- of all people who said, First things first. If they're going to let us fix the world, you've got to make them take us seriously. Get some leverage. If they want to make you into a bad wizard, be a bad wizard. We can write the history books to say you were a good wizard. Or at least an okay wizard. They're not going to listen because we talk nicely, they're going to listen because we scare the shit out of them. He said, Which goes to show you that only getting to NCEA Level 2 isnt going to stop you making waves in life, right." (ntn. pg. 271)
"Nona had thrown exactly two tantrums in her entire life. She couldn't remember anything about the first one, but Pyrrha had told her about it. Pyrrha had been laughing with her mouth, but not with her eyes: her eyes had been very brown and distant and uneasy, as though this tantrum had reminded Pyrrha of something her brain didn't want to bring back." (ntn. pg. 275)
She mentions disco?? how does she know what disco is??? (ntn. pg. 362)
"Gideon… G-, you died for nothing." -Pyrrha (ntn. pg. 390)
“I remember P- behind a barricade… not dead yet… telling me, John, run.” (ntn. pg. 406)
Died pretty immediately after Mercy and Augustine, but before G1deon (ntn. Pg. 407)
“Who are you, foreigner, that you know the mysteries of the Anastasian?” “I was here before it was the Anastasian,” said Pyrrha absently. “Painted a nursery. Mint green.” (ntn. pg. 453)
“Cass and Mercy and I worked on cell thanergy- we need thanergy, fresh thanergy, to activate…” - Pyrrha (ntn. pg. 471)
“And Alecto said, Pyrrha, he laid me down as an appeasement to them; he fed you to them as an appeasement to them; but he has never appeased me, and now all he has done was teach me how to die.“ (ntn. Pg. 476)
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saintsenara · 6 months
I am delighted reading the answers to the ship name game. I am sorry for the number of questions that I have filled in your inbox with. What do you think about Molly/Narcissa, Fleur/Ginny, Hermione/Luna (you once mentioned that they both have a similar stubborness and can quite rigid belief systems and intellectual inflexibility and Sybil/Rita- love the idea of a office romance where Sybil does the astrology column of a pop culture spinoff of The Prophet
thank you so much for the ask, pal - and i love receiving these, so please don't apologise!
narcissa malfoy/molly weasley
so, i genuinely back this one - like lucius and arthur and ron and draco, narcissa and molly are narrative mirrors, and narrative mirror pairings always slap.
above all, one key area of their mirroring is that they're simultaneously central to their family's arc across the canon series, and yet also excluded from their family more generally by the narrative.
molly, for example, lacks the daring streak which characterises the rest of her family who appear in the main cast of the series, is much more interested in social convention, and is estranged from the child with whom she is most aligned [percy] for much of the series; she isn't a quidditch fan [there's no conceivable reason why she wouldn't come to the world cup if she was]; she doesn't seem to have any friends or connections that she doesn't also share with arthur [whereas he seems to be genuinely popular among his colleagues at the ministry]; and she is almost never seen outside of a domestic context - and when she is, it's usually while shopping or doing other activities which are adjacent to the domestic sphere.
narcissa gets less development because she's a more minor character, but she clearly lacks the rebellious streak which both bellatrix and andromeda must possess in order to defy the wizarding world's gendered conventions so openly; she's not a death eater, unlike her husband and son, and is therefore excluded from both lucius and draco's main social circle; she doesn't appear to have any friends outside of her family that she doesn't know through lucius; and she too is found in canon primarily in a domestic or domestic-adjacent context.
i think that both narcissa and molly must, therefore, be quite lonely, and i think that something really quite interesting can be done with that - especially in a post-war setting, with narcissa trying to come to terms with the fact that the defiance of voldemort she set in motion ended with molly killing her sister.
fleur delacour/ginny weasley
ginny spending most of half-blood prince acting up about how fleur thinks she's so hot and so interesting is definitely giving bisexual awakening.
fleur letting ginny wear a really low-cut dress at her wedding - and not being bothered in the slightest that this results in ginny's rack being given a shoutout to the entire congregation by muriel - is also giving bisexual and interested.
i back it.
hermione granger/luna lovegood
flopping - she'd never stop going on about that damn erumpet ["luna it is not a snorcack!"] horn.
rita skeeter/sybill trelawney
i really, really back this one as something genuine.
both rita and sybill’s lives are based in pure artifice. their careers hang on an ability to know things - sybill to predict the future, rita to be informed about the top news stories of the day - which neither of them actually possess. sybill is a fraud. rita is a hack.
and that must be very lonely. which means that meeting someone else who shares that experience…
plus, both of them are characters who fall foul of jkr’s loathing of women whose appearance and demeanour deviates from her extremelynarrow criteria for acceptable femininity - sybill because she looks spacey and gaudy, rita because she decks herself out in glamorous frivolities - her nails! her handbags! - which can’t mask the fact that she looks ‘manly’ […!]. jkr’s opinions on gender can get fucked, and the women she spends the series obviously loathing getting fucked by each other is one way to achieve this.
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vriskaserketdaily · 9 months
its so hard to write vriska as an adult because she is So chronically a teenage girl. like a good 30% of her actions can be explained away with "shes a teenage girl"
yeah being 13 is just like that idk what to tell you
this is gonna probably get into "your experiences are not universal" territory but (pic unrelated)
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vriska is the kinda chick where, you weren't exactly friends with her, but you ran in the same circles of weird-but-not-too-weird kids. like, neither of you were popular but there were definitely two or three freaks lower on the social scale than her, and unlike you she was a huge bitch about it. anyway, you have a massive but not-unforseen falling out (she is a LOT) and end up going to separate high schools. years later you reconnect with a different friend from the same school, and as you're catching up with them her name comes up.
and your first thought is, "damn, she's still alive?"
let's say, for example, that this is kanaya and nepeta catching up. the trolls' friend group might not have been as freaky as my own, but there are FOR SURE two or three of 'em where looking back it's like "yeah, no way that kid isn't dead/in jail by now." and then, pleasant surprise, ten years later nobody's offed themselves BUT the guy you least expect (karkat) is now a father. go figure. anyway nepeta/kanaya gets curious and asks what the hell vriska is up to, since last she heard vriska was a pretty troubled kid and it'd be nice to get some closure on that front.
same old shit, somehow. except now the police can get involved, and basically her life is a huge mess. does she have a job? no. a degree? well, half a bachelor's maybe, but everyone else who hasn't made a trainwreck of their lives is either thinking about a master's or certified in some trade of choice. does she even have a car? . . . not as such. the perpetual mystery is how is she GETTING into all this insane and petty drama with the most QUESTIONABLE people like how is she GOING to these VENUES with no car??? WHERE is she meeting & dating this BIZARRE rotating cast of shitstain losers and rancid wannabe IG baddies?????
has she like, developed or grown in any capacity? well, now she's cool with tats and piercings and has a big ol anchor on her shoulder she got while dating a hot college chick as a high school freshman, but no, she is in no way a nicer or more mature person. anyway let's circle back to karkat being a teen dad WHAT??? how did THAT happen???
so to answer your question, i prefer to write adult!vriska as "that one chick in your old friend group who never actually grew up past middle school, to the detriment of herself and everyone in her immediate vicinity." the degree to which she completely wrecks her own/others' lives is up to you (i stop short of putting her in jail for vehicular manslaughter by simply not letting her have a car) and whether or not she Can develop into a stable, well-adjusted adult is Also up to you. personally i think she'd make an excellent fake psychic, but singer-songwriter, professional wrestler, vlogger/streamer, and independently wealthy layabout are all viable vriska "careers" (also, most miserable history major on earth, if you truly believe she would get a degree in l*beral arts). hope this helps!
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bcbdrums · 3 months
👛 your favorite rare pair?
♟️a character you feel is overrated?
🤍 a fandom you’ve only recently discovered?
thank you for the ask!! since you didn't specify a fandom, i'm gonna go two.
👛 your favorite rare pair?
For Kim Possible - Ron x Yori. Is it rare? I dunno. I never see it. Maybe it didn't used to be. But maaaaan I think there's SO much incredible character development potential there for Ron. I still think of Ron x Kim as endgame, but...could be interesting to explore the boy figuring out his life without Kim and with someone else for a bit. Ultimately to make him better for Kim. I don't say any of that against Yori, I just don't think she's the one in the end. And I also don't see him dumping Kim for Yori, more a thing of happenstance.
For Soul Eater - This was a hard choice. And I don't want to call a pairing with less attention but clearly an obvious pairing "rare." Like, Ox/Harvar doesn't get much notice but I wouldn't call it rare. So.... here we go. Spirit x Azusa. Hear me out... You've got two extremely driven, hardworking people. They went to school together. You have Azusa who's a bit of a feminist and so would naturally see Spirit's actions in a negative light, since on the surface he appears to treat women as objects at least as a teen, and then there's the drinking too which she likely wouldn't see positively toward academic/career success. Then there's Spirit who is in fact genuinely hardworking despite his faults, and he makes death scythe before her. She probably doesn't think he deserves it. There's also the age difference; Azusa is the youngest (except she's probably older than Sid, but she's younger than Marie and we know Spirit is the oldest so yeah). So Spirit probably did think of her as an annoying bossy tattletale brat. But thinking of them in the anime especially, stuck in the Death Room during those crucial moments... And just her time there in Death City after all those years apart. She'd have gotten to see Spirit shine. He'd have gotten to see her grown up and shining in her role. They're not kids anymore, a lot has changed, and they have so much in common now... This would be a wild one. This one would be hard work. This isn't some fall into lust/infatuation romance. This would be a relationship built on respect over time. But I can see it... There's some great art of this ship on the blog "Illogicat" sorry I can't tag it.
♟️a character you feel is overrated?
For Kim Possible - Wade Load. He's just the deus ex machina guy. He exists to give Kim a magical way out, and there's nothing else to him... Well, actually I see a LOT of villain potential in him. But in terms of people acting like he's an important main character... Well, yeah, I guess. Kim would have died many times over if not for him. But that's all he does... A quick phone call, magically he's already put exactly what she needs in her backpack without her knowledge somehow for that exact predicament that no one knew she'd be in... Yes, it's a cartoon, this is part of the humor, I get it. But the only real he interest he holds for me are his villainous tendencies that show up at times. But in his assigned role... Sorry, he ain't nothing.
For Soul Eater - Crona comes to mind first... I likely wouldn't have thought so if not for the fandom obsession, but it's like... There's not much to Crona? Crona is sort of a....blank slate. For self-projection. Yeah... All Crona ever seems to get noticed for is "cute when shipped with Maka" and never acknowledged for the things that matter like, abuse by parent/"sibling" and madness (serious, serious mental health issues here) and we could use Crona to talk about those topics in ways that matter. I'm not saying it's not valid to make a ship cute because you like cute, absolutely nothing wrong with that. But there's other issues (I briefly addressed in a prior ask maybe even today actually) and it's just... Crona could be so important. But that's never what I see in fandom. Overrated for the wrong things, underrated for the right things. (And like, the fandom targeting random ppl who haven't read the manga to tell them it's bad cuz you don't like Crona's ending... Come on, fandom.) I'm keeping this extremely brief for the sake of post-length.
🤍 a fandom you’ve only recently discovered?
It's been some months now, but, Psycho-Pass. 😌 I have a Soul Eater crossover fic to thank for this (my GOSH if any characters ever belonged in another universe.... SE chars belong in Pyscho-Pass my GOSH). I'm stalled on season 3 though because there's no dub and I haven't had the energy for the sub in months.... But I've been itching to get back to it and heh I just may have energy now...
Psycho-Pass is an anime crime drama. Pretty gory actually, so for me I do have to look away from the screen at times (also - two SE voice actors star as the main characters!). Each season/movie jumps to a different point in time, but it's all one big connected story in the end. Season 1 is the best (so far) and my goodness... The themes are mature. If you enjoy deeply intellectual shows, you'll enjoy this. It's also a lot of mystery. I like the animation style too, it's really stunning.
Here have some amazing Soul Eater x Psycho-Pass crossover art because IT'S AWESOME.
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asmallmoon333 · 1 year
What do you think Light would be if not a detective?
I like to think Light would become an idol after getting scouted, then go into acting with the goal of using his newfound fame for activism. Very, ah, unlikely, I know. But its a fun thought 🙈
What's your non-detective career for Light?
Okay!! This is a fun question and I've been turning it around in my head for a couple days lol. Apologies in advance, my brain took this not as "what do I think/like" but as "how would I write this" and boom, I ended up overthinking it and making a couple of AUs....again. Hope it's at least amusing!
Actor AU. I actually really like this AU, entertainment-industry!Light sounds really fun, and I don't think your idea is unlikely! Now I don't see him as the sing-and-dance type of idol, but a model and then actor? Yup, I can see this, and I think it would be really fun to explore Light's propensity to live in an act, and make that not only his daily life, but also his career. So the way this AU would start is fairly simple: he'd be walking, and some famous person, probably Misa, would be doing a public shoot. The male lead doesn't show, so she'd point Light out in the crowd and make the crew add him to the shoot as her boyfriend. The photographer wouldn't protest cause Light is handsome, and MisaMisa is a beloved idol, so why not play along? Light would be annoyed but would also play along cause he's a 'nice guy' (and also cause they'd pay him, so easy money.) Plus they would promise not to reveal his face, which is key here. In Light's mind, it's an ego boost, so why not? But, of course, the pictures do get out, showing his face and 'devoted boyfriend act,' they're well received by the public. So now Misa won't shut up about him in interviews, starts to insist they're dating, and Light gets some small fame. He's the 'prince type,' and when Misa moves into acting movies, she wants him to have a role, and they give him something small. Light kinda doesn't want to, kinda does, but is mostly annoyed by the 'small role' thing and wants to show them he can do any 'stupid acting job.' And so he does do it, and plays the role very very well, and from there he gets popular. Light starts an acting career, he does it part-time alongside Uni (which is too easy for him, so he'd bored and has free time lol). The acting jobs also pay very well which is his main concern, since they'd help him get his own place. He also finds he doesn't hate it; it's more interesting than tutoring jobs at least. By this point, he's been typecast as the romantic male lead character or the second male lead, a prince type. Acting is easy for him, he knows what emotions to put on, and so the jobs are pretty easy for him while also building his fame. Eventually, he does this more full time as the roles get bigger, and as you said he also always speaks up for Just Causes in interviews. (to both build his reputation, but also to justify it to himself that he's going this for a 'good reason'). Light developed got a very clean public image, while in the background he's experienced enough shady things in the industry that he learns how to handle it and gets good at buring his opponents. He sees it as an interesting bonus to acting, lol. Now, here's where the AU gets fun; Light grows bored of generic romance movies, and eventually picks up more complicated scrips. Historical dramas, thrillers, etc. These are more challenging, more interesting, and he soon realizes he can slowly start letting his 'real' self out for the first time in his life, shocking the viewers with his 'realistic acting' in much darker media and roles. Then he'd revert to his good-and-humble prince self in public. He'll be known as a genius actor with a great personality. While internally, he'll also get catharsis by playing darker roles and exploring the emotions he was never able to in his daily life. The act becomes the truth, and the truth the act. It's a cool reversal! (Bonus points if L one day sees a darker movie of his and is watching very intently and goes "......he's not acting." And gets interested in Light. Boom, I shoved lawlight in there too!)
Politician AU Okay, now for a darker career path for Light, another AU that I really like to think about: Politician Light Yagami. But this one is actually not a 'If Light wasn't a detective' AU, it's one that takes place years in the future, after the detective bits. In this AU, Light did go to the NPA, climbed the ranks, and eventually he achieved his canon goal of being Director of the NPA. Probably in his 30s, a stupid young age, and everyone is in awe. And Light likes it for a while, he enjoys the power, but then he stats to slowly come to terms with the fact that crime is not the real enemy, its politics. That he can't fix the real problems just by getting rid of the symptoms (criminals) but that it's the sickness itself he has to eradicate. Light gets jaded over the years here, his 17-year-old naivety is gone, and he finds even the Director of the NPA has to bow down to other people (which he hates). But he tells himself it's cause he still doesn't have the power to enact real change. But, most characteristic of all? Light is bored, probably gets there within 3-5 years as the Director. It's boring now, he's reached the top, found it to be unsatisfying, so...now what? Another 20 years of this? Nope! Now, I don't know anything about the Japanese political system, but I know that Light Yagami, using his position as a political basis, would then run for some type of public office. He'd hand the NPA to a puppet he cultivated, and move on to more powerful positions, climbing higher and higher. His hands would get so dirty, and he'd do some truly horrific things, but in true Light fashion, he'd justify it as being 'for the greater good.' After all, the system is corrupt, and Light is "the only one who can fix it," and only by temporarily playing by their rules can he take charge. Or so he tells himself. But really, Light just lives for the thrill; the political enemies to outsmart, the people to set up, the 'bodies' to climb over, he lives on it, even while always telling himself it's for the greater good. And to his credit, he does make positive social changes (he needs social support in politics, after all) and he develops a great reputation in both his offices, and as his stint as head of the NPA (since crime went down in his hands.) People trust him, voters like him, and he looks great on a newspaper or magazine cover. He's also very clean politically, because no one can pin him down for anything. Only his fallen opponents know the truth, but even they doubt it sometimes. In this AU Light Yagami would climb to the greatest social position he could get in Japan....only to eventually realize that the victory of that bores him, too. So he'd have to come up with new goals, new methods, and maybe he'd even turn his eyes on neighbouring countries that are "chaotic" and "ruining his perfect vision of the world." (Let's squeeze L into the AU here, cause someone has to stop Light from starting World War 3.) Not sure how this would all end, but history would remember him as either a revolutionary, or a terrible dictator. The type of politician no one ever wants to see again.
And, well, there you go!! Two career paths that I can see Light pursuing, and best of all two stories that I think would be interesting to see unfold! Thank you for the fun question!
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