ATTENTION IY AND KAMISAMA KISS FANDOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Red Winter Trilogy is a masterpiece especially if your into Inuyasha and Kamisama Kiss or Japanese mythology in general. You guys won't be disappointed!!!!!!
Here's some more stuff:
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I will say that this offer is a big project and that nothing is guaranteed until Annette and her team have reached their pledge goals and have some stuff finalized. Already though, some of their purchasing offers involving this hardcover have been fully met. By the time I got to this, they had only 2 offers for the hardcover open, so this is a limited time thing!!!!!
You guys can go to KickStarter here where Annette Marie is making this offer:
Tags: @serial-doubters-club @intoevernightfanfic @keichanz @clearwillow @disneysooner @inukag @ruddcatha @lavendertwilight89 @chit-a-to @born-for-eachother @sailorbabydoll92 @artistefish @lostinfantasyworlds @stillunderyourbed @katerinu @mamabearcat @swaggingtomboy @zelink-inukag @xfangheartx
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always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
So Mizi and Sua were basically "you are the only light in this dark world for me" while Ivan and Till are like a one sided "I will drag myself into the abyss for you" while Till and Mizi are a one sided "I will let you blind me until I cannot see anymore" and there are no normal relationships in this Korean YouTube animation-music project
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krissis-averted · 10 months
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happyheidi · 7 months
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The Tiffany lamp I’m trying to buy second hand from a lady. She’s such a beauty!! IN LOOOOVE
There’s another seller who’s buying it :(😩😩
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johnwickb1tsch · 21 days
ahhhhhrghhh hold up
imagine don john in a ZORRO AU
like you are betrothed to him and he's SUCH a fucking dick and you kinda hate his guts
you have a thing going with el zorro and you have NO IDEA it's really don john...
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sleepingingarden · 25 days
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cosmicmolotov · 17 days
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we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you… a man… thanks for your time
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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man i always draw the best ones in the art i dont mean to share
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shentheauthor · 4 months
Jumps on the bandwagon
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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some notes about luminous stones + enigma stones for the rewrite (to tired to add more notes onto this post now so maybe tomorrow)
(totk rewritten project)
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h7jfangirl · 7 months
TGS UPTADE (Chapter Cover) ✨🎩
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I love this one, I think it's my favorite cover until this point.
Jekyll has his old outfit I LOVE THE REFERENCES
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When I saw this cover, my first thoughs of it weren't the most pessimist, really
The colors are soft and lighter, and the place looks beautiful and peacful, it gave me nostalgic vibes but I mostly felt... Comfort
So I though this chapter would be the star of the final redemption arc of Jekyll's and Hyde's relationship, the chapter where all their fight would finally end for good and start to actually accept themselfs and work together as a team
I interpret Hyde's expression as a "Wait what!?" Reaction to actual self-love coming from Jekyll, and read the name of this chapter as something of "We are a team! We are together in this! So if one of us goes down, we are going down together! I would never ever leave you alone!" Like a thing of friendship or Brotherhood even.
But after reading the Comment Section in the page, I finally notice that something was off in the cover, a simple detail telling that this may not be a 'end of the conflict' type of chapter
And that simple detail...
It's Jekyll
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I really hope he goes insane in this chapter, like ACTUAL insanity, I love when a calm character goes through a 'madness arc' and sadly I don't see it often so I WANNA SEE SOME GOOD SHIT.
Jekyll is grabing Hyde's clothes very strongerly, you can feel the anger on his grabing and how close he puts his face towards Hyde's.
His body says "I'm about to kick this asshole's ass"
But the thing is that he is also... Smiling. You can't see his eyes but there is a shadow on them that you can tell something it's not okay, something it's wrong with Henry but not in the "Poor victim" type that we always had see him before, on the whole comic
But in "This man is dangerous" type
So, with that grin and his body looking agressive towards Hyde, you can said Edward may be in danger in this chapter.
Now, everybody agrees that the place we were shown it's actually part of Jekyll's mind, a memory actually. So, I think that somehow Jekyll and Edward will both go inside their memories, to see what were the events that lead them to this specific moment
Maybe with Frankestein's help, in a intent of her to understand the experiment's true nature, also trying to help Jekyll and Hyde to they can finally understand it too (THEY ARE TAKING A THERAPY SESSION TO A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL)
They go both inside their own memories because the transformation got worse, and now their body is unconsious, so it would be only Jekyll and Hyde alone inside their mind, finally being able to stand in the same room at the same time, and netheir of them knowing what will happend outside, now that Frankestein knows their secret and the mob it's still out there
So of course, Henry wouldnt have someone who could help him and calm himself, so he is blaming Hyde for the situation as Hyde avoiding the accusations and also blaming Henry too. The rest of the chapter would be about them looking at their memories and reflecting about their actions
But of course, I can imagine two final scenarios happening, based on the scenario shown on the cover actually happening. They finally go together to see a old memory, and they are both close to the cliff, seeing the place
So, Henry finally has the conclusion of blaming Hyde for all the situation, and snaps angst him, deciding to end this just right there, now that he is able to touch and feel Edward's skin as if he had his own body, as a another person he can fully touch
So there is two options:
Jekyll's grabs Hyde's clothes and makes both of them jump to the water, accepting the death as a end but making sure to drag Hyde with him as well, so it feels actually worth it. Of course this being a moment similar to Hyde's ephifany when he is told that he could take down Jekyll as well.
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But of course, in this case we'll see Jekyll's perspective to this words "Taking you down with me" (I love how similar they are, even if they turned out to be so different from each other, somehow they are still the same person)
Or, there is this other option. Jekyll actually dosen't jump to the cliff but instead, he shove Hyde to the cliff in a intent of murder him, being mostly like a metaphoric suicide rather than a direct one (Because they are the same person after all). The reason why Jekyll is also jumping in the cover may be a symbolic jump as "Going insane/Jumping the cliff of sanity" for doing something so brutal that the normal and sane Dr Jekyll wouldnt do... Push a person on a cliff, to kill them. So not only this would be a intent to kill Hyde but at the same time accidently murder the person he used to be, the good Dr Henry Jekyll
(Jekyll also jumping can be more like of "how he feels" rather than something literal, he feels atrap and his only company is Hyde, and I dare to say he is the person Jekyll hates the most at this point).
Of course, in any scenario, nethier of them would actually die (yet) because there is like two chapters left to finish this comic, duh
But I like to think about the Second Option. Because it could also explain those spoiler images Sage share in their social media a while ago
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There it was another one with Jekyll with a lot of bottles around but I couldn't find it.
Because I think it would fit in. After pushing Hyde on the cliff Jekyll goes out and takes back the body's control and fix the angry mob problem, thinking he has done right in killing Hyde, when actually you can see that he dosen't has his normal eyes anymore but now has Hyde's bags in him (Of course, it could be for the fact that he climp up the society to get in the roof, but I don't think he would like to being seen very tired) meaning that Jekyll has change, in a more hyde-like way. Hyde is not death, and Jekyll's actions will have more consequences, as long they keep fighting each other there will be no end to their problems.
So, this is the tgs UPTADE. I like everyone in the fandom started to make theories like crazy and I love every single one of them.
Sorry for my bad english hehe bye~
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snailsnaps · 2 years
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sneak peek?? maaybeeeee
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pageofheartdj · 8 months
*deep exhale* It makes me so emotional to think that Lucifer lost hope after he was thrown into Hell, denying him to see the best of humanity. And Lilith took this as an opportunity to inspire and lead people!
And Charlie cares for her people like her mom and sees the best in them like her dad. And now she wants to protect them, possibly what her mom is doing, while giving her dad back the light!
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miyakuli · 3 months
So far all my theories went wrong lmfao too sappy for the show I guess xDDD
Stolas losing his statut / powers Blitz rescuing him and then hiring him as secretary Stolas discovering what it is to live "normally" and testing new things he never did before And then starting a real relationship from there with Blitz And getting domestic all the time
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detectivehole · 1 year
congrats to japan for having the funniest translation of "Invader Zim" imo. it's a single sound off but it makes all the difference... to me
Invader Jim
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floridianfireflyfaith · 2 months
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Baby's first OTP, anyone else? 😭❤️
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