#but I almost have Sichuan Hot Pot maxed so it must wait til after
clarrolx ยท 1 year
can you give me some yusheng (shunde raw fish) facts please? he's my favorite but i didn't finish his event due to my weak team :(( thank you!!
Aaaaa!!! Thank you! For asking!
I'm sorry you didn't get to finish, but depending on how far you got some of what I'm about to say may be repetitive, sorry about that.
For others, Shunde Raw Fish is also called Yusheng in the event, and Hazel Grouse Soup is called Feilong. It's shorter to type, so I'm going to refer to them as that lol
During the latter half of the event, Yusheng and Feilong get body swapped, they both have a hard time controlling each other's bodys.
But it's when Feilong finds out just how strong Yusheng's body is that Yusheng shares that the reson he won't fight Feilong is because he once lost control of his strength and ended up drowning a whole village. He's been scared of his own strength ever since.
There's another reason as well. Once he fully accepts and uses the strength called 'The Dragon King's Will', his father, the current dragon king and leader of the Oceanids will pass on. Yusheng will get all the power and responsibility at once!
Anyways, that absolutely happens. I actually have the final chapter, before the epilogue recorded on my phone so I'll see if I can figure out how to upload it. It had a fully voiced song. The hype was very real.
Important because Yusheng tries to sacrifice himself at the end, but Feilong runs in and takes his place and dies and it was all very gay. Like if anyone wants to ship them, the material is everywhere
After everything in the event, we get to see that Yusheng has become the king of the oceanids. Also, mc was able to bring back Feilong by remaking the dish and using the Tale of Food. But it took a year, he also doesn't remember anything and immediately tries to fight Yusheng again lol
Other random facts I have gathered because I was lucky enough to roll him:
- He's a great cook
- He fasts intermittently due to the fish used for Shunde Raw Fish being starved for a bit for the dish.
- Yusheng has no qualms about using his sword for cooking, it's also good training to him apparently lol
- MC and Yusheng spar and train together.
- He rides dolphins around sometimes for practice balancing
- Both Yusheng and Feilong earned their way to becoming dragons. Though, Feilong was supposed to be a Phoenix but trained as a dragon. Sweet dumb boy.
Sorry this isn't super coherent and I don't have too much more. I haven't had the chance to up his affection much. I'll post the finale video soon, so if anyone wants to check it out.
Thank you so much for sending this ask. Please ask more if you want or jump into my dms, I don't bite ^^
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