#but I am a bit biased with DC so
quibbs126 · 2 years
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Someone’s probably already done this, but I decided to try and up the brightness and other stuff (I don’t actually know how to do that, I just sort of guessed by messing with blending modes and upping the brightness on the HSB thing on Procreate) on the new costumes preview and got this
I had done it to see Dark Choco’s costume, and ironically his the one I can see the least. Probably because it’s the darkest
But yeah, I am very excited for these costumes
Now I just need to figure out how to get more Rainbow Cubes
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Edit: so I looked up how to mess with contrast in Procreate, and apparently that’s by using curves, so I messed around with the original image and ended up getting these
Apparently there’s a background in there (oh wait yeah there is I’ve just been staring at the brighter one for too long. That’s on me). Also I think these are better when it comes to the actual colors
If I get anything better I’ll just add it in to the post
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nightwings-robin · 1 year
Alfred could win a fight between Magneto and Professor X if he had Bruce’s help
No, no see because Bruce fights mainly with gadgets and his intellect. But what are most of his gadgets made of?? Oh right, metal. And what could counter-act his intellect? Telepathy. Oh yeah and he has martial arts skills too but whatever...
I know it's basically a meme that Bruce could take down anyone if given enough "prep time," and I know he's fought and won against telepaths (not sure if he's fought magnetism users before) but I still think he and Alfred would lose against Mags and Charlie.
Feel free to disagree.
based on this post
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
C: Hi there! Even if I've been reading dick Grayson(and in turn batfamily) fics for a few weeks now, I've never actually watched/read DC stuff because even if I liked superheroes, I'm not invested enough to read the actual comics. The most I watched was the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon(which I love). I was brought into interest cause I was brought in through crossovers of other fandoms (which may be hated by some/many😅)
To give myself context, I tried to read around for Robin, and imagine my surprise there's more than one? Which, okay mantle thing I guess. But in the end, Dick Grayson caught my attention(not rlly for his looks and design, but more of his heroism and entire personality and affect in the DC world). Which leads to looking at other tumblrs and I love reading yours and when you answer the asks cause it's so much easier for me to understand the kind of person Dick is and how he interacts with the world.
Sorry for this long context, but I just want maybe your opinion, what if your opinion in the combination of how Dick Grayson should be written for him to Thrive
- Should he stay in Gotham, being in with the batfamily more? Soloing in Bludhaven? Staying with the titans? Or others?
- what about his romantic relationships? Who should be is one true one(based on canon gfs), or maybe stay single? (Just gonna be biased, but I've only knew about dickbabs and dickkory (but I heard he has other girlfriends and I've remember reading he was almost married...a few times??) but dickkory had always been for me)
- What about mentally wise? (Of course, I do think Dick needs a long vacation because of all the trauma that he has to go through), but even if I like the idea of Dick being admired for his looks because he deserves it, but I do rmbr posts that he is uncomfy with this(sexualisation, Def only staying true to the person he loves (then there's the whole...Tarantula and more thing)
Tbf, I do think is a little bit of all is what makes Dick, Dick. Haha
Sorry for the long ask, feel free to not answer because i just needed to get this out😅. I know it's actually bad I'm reading fics without canon knowledge for personality, but your posts makes me understand him more that I understand what's real and what's fanon in fics (that makes me..ugh.. but I read anyway for plot cause i don't know better)
But thank you anyway for reading this and I love your content!
(last one for this ask I swear: I've been seeing stuff where Robin name is actually Dick's mom calling Dick that. Then it's passed down as a mantle starting from Jason without Dick consenting. I tried to read at wiki, maybe I missed out but I can't find anything. Is it true? Does the other bats (except Bruce and Alfred?) know the actual meaning? Because as much as I love Dami, the whole bloodson, birthright to take the mantle of Robin beside Batman give me ugh feelings if it's true) :C
First of all, thank you so much!! I'm so happy to hear you like my stuff <333!!
I think it's fine that you started in the fandom since I sort of started out that way too lol. I had only watched Teen Titans Animated show and Young Justice before I got into fanfics and my first comic I ever read was actually Teen Titans (2011) which was Tim's run. It's been a journey.
Dick's personality was also what captivated me so here I am!
"Should he stay in Gotham, being in with the batfamily more? Soloing in Bludhaven? Staying with the titans? Or others?"
That's a really good question and a complex one. Ironically, for being such a people person, Dick seems to be doing best when he's by himself. When he's soloing, he has a sense of freedom and independence that he's been craving for a long time. The whole reason he left Bruce was because he felt like Bruce was suddenly treating him like a kid, like someone to look after, when he had been treating Dick like a partner the whole time. When Dick feels like his independence is being stepped on, it unsettles him. This is another reason why the Tom Taylor run and Dick's relationship pisses me off but that's for another time. As much as he likes Gotham, he loves Bludhaven. He thinks it's a dirty, crime-filled city, sure, but he loves it there.
He's a little crazy like that.
He doesn't have the same attachment to Gotham that Bruce does. Instead he feels that for Bludhaven.
The only reason I'm saying Dick is better off staying alone than with the Titans is because of his leadership mentality. There's a comic that I forgot the name of but Dick teams up with members of the Justice League and they trapeze through a jungle under the orders of this corrupt military general. He teams up with Arthur and automatically starts commanding people to which Aquaman tells him off, saying this isn't the Titans. Dick is genuinely sorry and backs off. For a minute. But immediately goes right back into command mode but Arthur lets it go, realizing that Dick's not conscious of it and that his behaviour is automatic. "Too many leaders" he calls the situation in his head. For Dick, the Titans have become a responsibility now. He loves them like crazy but they look up at him automatically for directions and order and he's gotten so used to leading them that it's his go to mode.
He just likes doing stuff without someone hovering over his shoulder or having to take care of others.
"what about his romantic relationships? Who should be is one true one(based on canon gfs), or maybe stay single? (Just gonna be biased, but I've only knew about dickbabs and dickkory (but I heard he has other girlfriends and I've remember reading he was almost married…a few times??) but dickkory had always been for me)"
Yeah, I've actually loved almost all of his romantic relationships. I hate Dickbabs but every other one has been fantastic. Kori was great for him.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #618
Dick says it again here. He used to envy Roy's freedom. He's also said in another comic that he fell in love with Kori for her freedom.
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Secret Origins (1986) Issue #13
You're right, he has gotten almost married a few times
The first time was with Kori
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #100
But then
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #100
their pastor gets vaporised and body-controlled Raven feeds the soul of one of Trigon's children into Kori and she goes crazy but she recovers but it's a whole ordeal. In the end they don't get a chance to complete their marriage. They were spectacular together though. The only reason their wedding didn't go through is because the Batfam writers wanted Dick back so they took him from the Titans' writers and they needed a big dramatic scene to cut him off from the Titans. Another reason why Barbara was deaged and created as a love interest- to gatekeep him in the family.
He's also gotten married to Barbara before the retcon though.
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Batman Family Issue #11
But here they were forced to by Maze and they went along with it and tricked him. At the end though, they just grab a bite to eat.
Ngl I actually would've supported this marriage. I really love this Barbara. Yes the age difference is a bit much but whatever, I still like them.
Dick and Barbara have gotten married in an alternate timeline.
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Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle Issue #2
yeah, definitely didn't like this one.
Dick's also gotten fake married to a woman because Batman and Dick thought she was killing her husbands after marrying them so Dick married her to see if it was true.
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Nightwing (1996) Annual #1
I liked her. She wasn't the killer and Dick did a fantastic job raising her son but even though she loved him, he didn't love her and they divorced amicably. I wish I could see more of her and her son though.
To be completely honest, my favorites for Dick are Kori and Bea.
Bea was a fantastic partner. She was understanding, loving, caring, and responsible. She was there when he was Ric Grayson and just loved him for who he was.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #53
If Kori's truly out of the picture, then Dick really should've settled down with her.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #57
She and Kori, they don't tell Dick what to do or who to be. They let him be free which is why I loved them an extraordinary amount. I'm a sucker for soft moments and Bea and Dick are couple goals.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #62
They give him the freedom he craves.
"What about mentally wise? (Of course, I do think Dick needs a long vacation because of all the trauma that he has to go through), but even if I like the idea of Dick being admired for his looks because he deserves it, but I do rmbr posts that he is uncomfy with this(sexualisation, Def only staying true to the person he loves (then there's the whole...Tarantula and more thing)"
I think Dick does need a break. His life has been a series of unfortunate events but despite all that, I think he loves it that way. Dick loves the thrill of adventure. It's the heart of who he is and why he became robin. The excitement he gets when fighting or doing crazy stunts - he loves all of it and that is his coping mechanism. I guess in order for him to thrive, Bruce needs to stop dumping all his trauma and stop expecting him to be there for him at all times of the day. Dick keeps getting dragged back to Gotham to take care of Bruce and his problems and he would go in a heartbeat but he's much happier wacking his own goons in Bludhaven. But since Bruce is so codependent on Dick, this pattern's not gonna stop anytime soon.
Truth be told I also like Dick being admired for his looks. I don't like him being called out by it though. First of all why would you comment "hot booty" to someone? It's degrading and humiliating even if you think it's a compliment. Some things are better left untold. But regardless of what people think, Dick will always be pretty and everyone in the DC universe knows this. Heroes, civilians, villains - they're all attracted to him on some level because he's so beautiful. And honestly? I'm all for it! Because that boy is the prettiest human in existence and he deserves that recognition. Just not vocally or physically.
The best thing is that Dick's beauty has no bearing on his mentality toward people. This man will choose one person and stick with them forever. He values intimacy and trust and love in his relationships which is why he's so attached to each one. This plays a massive role in his relationship with Kori. He would never cheat. Actually in all the future comics, after his spouse passes away or leaves, he never remarries. The only one exception was Batman Beyond (2016). The only one and he remarries Barbara after his wife passes away. Aside from that he remains a single parent. That's how dedicated he is.
"I've been seeing stuff where Robin name is actually Dick's mom calling Dick that. Then it's passed down as a mantle starting from Jason without Dick consenting. I tried to read at wiki, maybe I missed out but I can't find anything. Is it true? Does the other bats (except Bruce and Alfred?) know the actual meaning? Because as much as I love Dami, the whole bloodson, birthright to take the mantle of Robin beside Batman give me ugh feelings if it's true)"
Yup Dick's mother called Dick Robin.
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #0
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Robin (1993) Annual #4
Here's a couple but there are more instances of his mom calling him Robin.
Dick had no idea Bruce passed on the Robin costume. He finds out through the newspaper because Bruce is pissed at Dick. Like he's so mad that when he told Dick to leave, Dick actually left.
You know how there's a saying about not being able to take back words of anger? Bruce is feeling that heavily. He already had suspicions that Dick wanted to leave but before Dick could tell him, he fired him so he wouldn't have to hear those words. But Bruce is super mad that Dick left anyway. So what does he do? He makes the first boy he sees Robin.
And Jason finds out Dick was Robin when he confronts Bruce why Nightwing knows Bruce's identity. And that gets Bruce more mad because he's now feeling guilty which is when Dick comes to confront Bruce.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
But instead of meeting anger for anger, Dick expresses his hurt. About how they were partners and then talks about his life after leaving Bruce.
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And Bruce loves Dick. His best friend, son, brother, and partner for nearly 11 years. They raised each other and despite his anger, he smiles in pride and love.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
Look at his smile!! He's so proud of his son.
And that's when Dick stops pulling his punches.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
Bruce looks so wrecked. The guilt and sorrow is tantamount to his pain.
Then Dick asks Bruce why he choose someone new.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
So Bruce tells him. But Dick and Bruce's relationship go way deeper than just friends or family. They know each other. They revolve around each other so Dick calls him out.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
And out comes the truth
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
But Dick has always been the bigger man and instead of letting Jason become some sort of spite move, he turns Robin into a legacy.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
He passes it down like it was meant to be passed down. Because let's be honest here. The Robin name and costume is Dick's. If he wanted to, he could've taken it back, Bruce be damned. And that was one of Jason's fears.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
But despite Bruce's words to Jason
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
He's not sure himself.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
But it's only with Dick's approval that he becomes Robin which is what Bruce is thanking at the end.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
And this has been a sort of tradition.
Dick approved of Jason being Robin, he endorsed Tim, and he made Damian Robin. The only exception being Stephanie. This is why Dick feels a heavy sense of responsibility over the robin predicament. He created the tradition. He approved, supported, and mentored every robin that walked in his colors and name. That's why he feels the burden of it.
I don't think any of the other robins know the meaning behind the name. Maybe they do. But ironically, the one who wasn't robin is the one who knows the meaning of it.
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milfygerard · 6 months
Do you think Gerard's comics are good? I haven't read all of them. I felt like the story doesn't really wrap up well and make sense good in the Killjoy comics or Umbrella Academy but maybe comics are just like that. Maybe they were imitating other writers I don't know about and I'm missing context. What are your thoughts
anon i am so deeply biased towards gerards comics but YES i do think theyre good! I think lots of the critiques are fair but i also think it leads to the fandom kind of underrating him as a comic author at times and dismissing the work out of hand. I especially see this for umbrella academy and to answer your other question yes i do think some of it is a matter of missing context! TUA was never...really made to be a popular and commercial comic? The satire and style are very inside baseball, mostly about x men, as well as later leaning more into a silver age style of both writing and illustration (which is why im soooo obsessed w hotel oblivion guys its so goood its so good i swear)
When it comes to other comic runs, I'd say killjoys comics tend to be the messiest but they are also deeply meaningful to me wnd natuonal anthem is so fucking gorgeous and interesting (controversial but im a natam ending defender even if i think the comic itself couldve used another issue or 2 to push the character writing more). I think gerard has one of the better doom patrol runs, Including milk wars i'd put it up there at maybe 3rd or 4th depending on how much i let personal bias into the equation. However doom patrol is also very Like That just as like a superhero group and can be kind of impenetrable if you arent down for genuinely bizarre and sometimes seemingly nonsensical writing, its kind of apart of the teams DNA as the "worlds strangest heroes". Milk wars is soso good and maybe one of my favorite Comic Things gerard has made/been involved with but its also best with looots of comic context bc its playing w both doom patrol history and the context of where DC as a company was during the time of its release. Its still relevant in many ways but probably feels impenetrable if you arent already into comics at least a bit.
Gerards style def isnt for everyone (and they do sometimes get bored and cheese the ending a bit though i defs tend to like them more than other ppl do) but i do think theyre extremely good at what rhey do and im soooo excited for paranoid gardens especially bc 1. gerard has always taken an extremely empathetic and nuanced and honest approach to writing about mental health and mental illnesses bith real and semi fictionalized and 2. the artist on board is an industry mainstay and has made some fucking incredible work! I didnt love the first issue cover dropped and was worried i wouldnt click w the artstyle but after properly checking out chris westons style im really excited!!!! gerard time
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ultfreakme · 6 months
Cn I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them? Thanks....
Hey anon!!! Thanks for the ask!! Favorite fics...I've written. You've given me too much freedom by asking my why I like them I am so sorry for the wall of text about to hit.
To Veer The Tides
It's a fic for Kuroko no Basuke which is basically just me slapping the character names onto a WILDLY different fantasy setting. It's for Akashi x Furihata. An arranged marriage AU where Akashi is the son of an emperor who went too power hungry and wanted to consolidate 7 mostly independent states(provinces??) into one, but he was defeated by the remaining states and to control Akashi, he is arranged to marry far below his station to Furihata, son of a destroyed noble house which is under the rule of Kagami's state. So it's about Akashi climbing back to power with Furihata initially thinking Akashi is pure evil but he soon realizes that maybe Akashi and his family aren't as evil as the people believe.
I ended up doing so much research, world-building and character expansion. It's more political intrigue than romance, lol. I still love that fic to death, I think I honestly peaked there for world-building, at least. I wrote it immediately after reading and watching Mo Dao Zu Shi and being first introduced to the concept of cultivation as a magic system and really wanted to put all my faves in flowy robes and long hair.
I want to get back to it, but I've discontinued it because I am simply not qualified to right about Dissociative Identity Disorder, systems and alters. Akashi has a terribly stereotypical portrayal of it in canon and I thought maybe I could research enough to write that, but I just, I don't know any systems and I felt like if I can't respect it, I didn't want to do it.
But it's still my favorite in terms of the world and aesthetics I had going on for it.
2. Tell Me Your Story (I'll Tell You Mine)
My current baby. The one I incessantly post about and draw for. Single-handedly over saturating the kyoshi warrior sokka x blue spirit zuko market. It's set in the canon world but I had to do so much research for this one too. I learned a lot, I think, while writing this. Big lesson being never ever write in present tense but if you're 200K+ words into it there is simply no going back RIP.
It started as just a silly romance because I thought it'd be funny to have Sokka and Zuko be completely oblivious to who they like. But as I began plotting and writing, it transformed into me projecting all my issues with colonialism and using the ATLA setting as base to dip a little bit deeper into the themes the show itself brings up, and some issues that it doesn't. Like, how colonialism uses your own culture against you, how it makes you fear who you are, makes you do things you don't want.
I deliberately chose that title because lots of indigenous communities in the world have lost their stories because of colonialism. Oral traditions and tales that are forgotten because people were killed and forced to never repeat them, forced to forget their languages. And that, really got to me. How colonialism slowly strips you of what makes human beings what they are; stories, art, music, dance, etc.
So this fic ended up being about how colonialism steals from you, uses what is yours AGAINST you and how it is important to embrace who you are and fight back.
3. Tell The Neighbours I'm Not Sorry
It's for Jon and Jay from DC Comics and Superfam. I wrote it when I was seeing a lot of biphobia against Jon and racism against Jay. As a bi asian, even if it was towards fictional characters, it was getting to me. People kept talking about how there's a specific way to be bi. Why did Jon never have a crisis about being queer? Why did Jon and Jay move so fast? Is Jay manipulating Jon just to get what he wants? It was all filled with a lot of stereotypes and biases.
Superman comics especially often taken up real world issues and puts it into the story. So I took all my anger and frustration from the biphobia and racism and wrote it into a fic.
It's about how there's no one way to being queer, and about how immigrants and non-white people are immediately classified as some kind of 'other' and 'bad' with zero grounding. It's also a little bit about colonialism on Jay's end. It's so charged with me going "FUCK IT!" and still somehow came out okay as a fic and I think I like that I managed to turn my anger into something productive.
4. An Itajun fic I have not published and am still writing
It's my first JJK fic! It's an absolute mess in my drafts right now but I really like it, it's very fun for me. Junpei starts seeing and sensing curses far earlier because of built resentment from his bullies going too far and severely injuring him, his mom finds out and they move to Yuuji's area of Tokyo to get away from the school since they won't do anything about the bullying. Yuuji and Junpei run into each other and meet early at school. So the dynamics are kinda reversed, where Junpei is the one who is into the world of curses first while Yuuji has no clue, but they slowly interact and come together, forming a tight bond.
Junpei trusts no one and is dealing with all this curse nonsense trying to understand what it means. Yuuji is seemingly happy and chipper but he's going through tough times because his grandpa got hospitalized. It's both of them supporting each other and making sure the other isn't alone.
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #10
10. UNITED KINGDOM Olly Alexander - "Dizzy" 18th place
Decade Ranking: 35/153 [Above Last Dance, below Monika Linkyte]
Gotta love the commitment to the art here, it's really giving:
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I'm getting ahead of myself, but yeah I fucking loved "Dizzy". It was a really good entry that of course, was never going to get a single televote. They exist, and this is one of them.
But first, let's get the unfun bit out of the way: Olly Alexander was bullied. I'm not going to address that any further. Those responsible need to dc from the internet, because it clearly brings out the absolute WORST in them.
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In these times of overwhelming negativity, I find it important to be POSITIVE whenever possible, so here we are - 'Dizzy" was far from perfect, but I love it nevertheless. SOMETHING GOOD to come out of Olly's miserable ESC journey.
At the core lies a really, really good song. I'm biased, obv - basic Synthpop IS my safe zone, and "Dizzy" is basic synthpop that perfectly articulates what I want / am missing from my intimate life.
"Why don't you make me DIZZY FROM YOUR KISSES
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Take my hand AND SPIN ME
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Round and round 'till this MOMENT NEVER ENDS
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It's unabashed in its hopeless romanticism, in it's naive optimism and in it's tragic, inevitable conclusion.
Okay, now we address the performance. The vocals, let's get that out of the way, we're not good, but they weren't detrimental enough for me to care. They were a step up from Mae, and the overall packages was still enjoyable, so whatevs.
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The staging though, ho boy I have all the opinions. The bottom line is that i LOVE it but I'm also shocked they went with something so... QueerTube coded?
I don't CARE that it was on-stage seppuku.
I don't CARE that it was the raunchiest thing in the goonerverse.
I don't care that it served "Inclusivity, but only for queen men".
I get it, I understand, I accept it. Single Gay Men such as myself and Olly often deeply crave unrequited emotional affection, tenderness, a lover's gentle caress, but as Gay Men have learned to repress those cravings and not speak of them. Including to others.
So instead, we often default to the easiest alternative: Grindr, and all the depravity that comes with it. Kinkster-tinged debauchery as a form of escaping the lonelyness we feel in our hearts.
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AND THAT, I think it was what Ted Uni Dom King were intending to convey with their staging. It's a tragic, but poignant combination of inner brittleness and outwards brutality and vulgarity that is so painfully real for so many (too many) strong codependent homosexuals.
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Ironically, he took the Sexual Thing way too far, bless. 😍 Literal cowgirling in a family show <3 If the objective was to score televotes they definitely shouldn't have went there. Inclusivity is achieved through including everyone, not by specifically showcasing your marginalized group (hopeless homosexuals => so, me). Considering that the majority of the viewing audience this year were wine mom karens and their tory husbands, it didn't go down quite as well, but like who cares? "Dizzy" pissed off all those that spend their afterlives within the nine circles of hell: bigots, karens, tories, pearl-clutchers, zionists, bleeding hearts, keyboard warriors, eurosnobs and LBG-without-the-T Cigarettes. Press their (nonexistent) hearts, King.
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Also, I refuse to call the staging bad, because "Dizzy" frankly, was a bit basic as a song. It NEEDED to go big and take a huge risk, and it took it, fuck the consequences. It showcased a boldness that I can respect.
Furthermore, I just love the concept and how it flows? Like yeah it was erotic, but it was still doing with a sense of aesthetics. The showerroom shenanigans, the shaky cam, the topsy-turvy angles. Olly DESPERATE search for some level of intimacy from his collective of xwitter oomfbots. This was a much better representation of eroticism and desire compared to say, Sekret. (then again, I think "Sekret" borders on harrassment ♥) It suited the song and made it better.
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So in this end, yeah. This entry is for me and people like me and NOBODY ELSE lmfao. 😂 Its low placement in the televote is also a massive defeat for the contest, but that's a whole nother discourse and I refuse address that. I'm still looking for a kind, cute beefy himbot who wishes to make me dizzy with his kisses, so DMs are open for applications. The only requirement is that you like Sebi...x
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shoheiakagi · 8 months
AUs i’m not sure that i’ll ever write, so i’ll make a post with headcanons part 1: rockstar!abc boys:
hmr is an entertainment company with ceo mikoto, manager kusanagi, soloist totsuka, hip-hop duo yata and kamamoto, and the abc boys forming a rock band (anna is a trainee who isn’t set to debut yet). the agency is originally small and at the verge of bankruptcy. their artists and trainees would have to share cramped dorms, stuffy studio rooms, and aggressively promote their music via social media and sometimes even handing out flyers advertising their concert in the busy streets of shizume
i am being biased but i can see shouhei as the lead singer. he just has a very charismatic and outgoing personality that fits as the frontman of the band. although eric is definitely not the type to sing, i like to think he offers some vocals only because his japanese va has a nice voice lmaoo. chitose can also fill the role of the sub vocalist, but i like the idea of him being the playboy main guitarist. fuji is the drummer, bandou and dewa are the bass players, while eric also plays the guitar
the abc boys originally start out as an underground rock group with a small, but loyal fanbase. slowly but surely, they see a growth in their popularity with them doing numbers on their newer music, tickets selling out in big arenas, being invited to multiple award shows, and even winning some big awards.
thats not to say the boys end up becoming this squeaky clean, bubblegum pop boyband. a good chunk of their popularity comes from their rebellious, bad boy image. vulgar lyrics and music videos, multiple controversies such as rowdy parties that end up destroying whatever hotel room theyre renting, chitose (accidentally) scorning indie singer maria, diss tracks about other artists, getting into fights and other scandals, etc.
the boys are two years in their career when one of their rival companies debut a pop girl group. and unlike the boys, this girl group’s debut is highly anticipated since they’re from an established and rich company with other popular artists as their predecessors. so its no surprise that the group’s first mv and pre-release track debuts with high numbers
the girl group is composed of four members. each member is inspired from celebrities/characters from different media based on physical character traits or personality traits:
miyako: the eldest and the lead vocalist who is known for her ice princess like visuals. off camera, she is the easy-going mom friend of the group who comes from a wealthy family with a background in business. inspo: jisoo from kpop group blackpink, donna troy/wondergirl from dc comics, and kuchiki rukia from bleach
izumi: main rapper and self-proclaimed leader of the group. blunt and aloof, izumi is hard to impress and has a fondness for punk fashion and music. inspo: dinah lance/black canary and artemis crock from dc comics/shows, nana osaki from nana, with a little dash of jennie from blackpink (jennie’s onscreen personality during music videos)
kaoru: main dancer and lead rapper. a tomboyish girl who loves to have fun, but has a bad temper and can be kind of a bully. inspo: buttercup from powerpuff girls, lisa from blackpink, artemis crock and raven from dc
sakuno: the center and the main vocalist of the group. as the youngest and most soft-spoken of the group, she learned how to use her girlish charms and looks to get what she wants. inspo: nana komatsu and a bit of reira from nana, bubbles and blossom from ppg, jennie and rosé from blackpink.
despite the genres of both groups being completely different from the other and the girls being a newer group, it doesn’t stop the media and their fans from constantly comparing them, with the boys being one of the biggest groups around and the girls rapidly gaining popularity.
at first, the boys don’t pay that much attention to the girls. they’re hot girls doing pop music, of course a lot of virgins are gonna eat that shit up. but the more comparisons they see by fans and the media, the more articles they see about the girls possibly surpassing them and being better than them, the more it gets to them. like wtf? why the fuck are they always getting compared to this group of privileged girls who gets everything handed to them on a plate?? unlike those snobby little princesses, they actually worked hard and earned their success. they actually write and produce their own fucking music, instead of sitting in the studio room and looking pretty, while someone else writes their lyrics for them
the girls weren’t too sure on how to feel about the guys at first. while they admired the fact that the boys were able to pave a path for themselves to stardom despite being from a broke company, they’re a bit wary about them. the boys have been involved in a lot of feuds, which got them on the bad side of the general public here and there. and sure, they don’t always start shit, but they always play dirty in response. some of the members don’t even have the best reputation with women, which doesn’t help their case
It also doesnt help that even though their fans are always beefing, theres still a large portion of them that ships members of both groups with each other. This helps to be a great marketing strategy by the girls’ company, making sure to have the boys name dropped frequently in articles or bios about the girls, comparing their success and labeling them as each other’s counterpart, which boosts their engagement.
but despite all the constant comparisons, both groups avoid the hell out of each other whenever theyre in the same public setting (i.e. music award shows). the guys think the girls are talentless posers who trying to ride on their dicks for fame, while the girls just want to avoid accidentally creating any dating rumors cause god forbid they accidentally glance at one of the boys or sit near them
it doesn’t take that long for the girls to sense some sort of animosity from some of the more vocal guys like bandou and even chitose to some extent, so the resentment soon turns mutual and the girls start to think that the guys are a bunch of lowlives
me being me tho, the tension between both groups soon turns into sexual tension between some of their members lmaooo
i envision the four girls to get with shouhei, chitose, dewa, and bandou, but if anyone is actually reading this and thinks differently, please let me know!
dewa/miyako: on the surface, they seem to be the most similar, with both of them having the more serious/strict image of their group. dewa thinks otherwise since miyako is way more outgoing and lenient with her members. he initially looks down at her for being part of an ‘artificial’ pop group, and thinks of her as an airhead, but is surprised to know that she does have a few things in common with him, such as their rich and smothering families. both are also 100% done with their friends’ antics.
chitose/izumi: far from the shy type, izumi is no stranger to promiscuity, having her share of partners in the bedroom. but between the scandals with her friend maria and many other female celebrities, and the way his group looks down at her group, izumi wouldn’t really feel bad if she wakes up one day to headlines about chitose catching std and his group being forced to disband. but after multiple attempts of flirting from chitose’s end, both form a superficial friendship and party together, which slowly turns into late night private conversations with cigarettes in their hand and a bottle to share.
bandou/kaoru: a hate to love dynamic, these two clash the most out of them all and are the last couple to hold hands, let alone get together. from their first meeting (which is coincidentally when they both caught shouhei and sakuno together), kaoru tells bandou how much of a loser he is and that he should pursue another career since his music is not it. bandou calls kaoru a dyke and that theres a reason why she’s the least popular of her group. both are quick to press each other’s buttons, unknowingly hitting some sore spots.
shouhei/sakuno: the romeo and juliet of the groups, they’re the first couple to get together tbh. although they both knew of each other and would attend the same music award shows, they formally meet each other through a mutual friend. although there was a mutual attraction, sakuno tries to bottle her feelings and keep her distance while shouhei tries to pursue her. they initially start off as friends with benefits since both have busy schedules, but the feelings are too strong and next thing you know, late night hookups at the other’s apartment slowly turns into secret late night dates at reserved beaches and restaurants. their interactions start the domino effect of the other members’ interactions.
other couples include fujieric who are in a slowburn ‘will they’ situationship, and mikototsu who are in a secret relationship
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batfoonery · 2 years
I’m sad tonight so have a stupid little headcannon of mine about how I think Damian grows up
Firstly, he cannot grow up this is Illegal that’s my spunky little guy!
But if he must (and I suppose he must)
Personally I don’t agree with DC’s tendency to make him Big n Bulky like Bruce.
Assuming Talia really did handpick certain traits, she probably would have leaned towards traits better for being an assassin. Like a more slender frame. Probably not as slender as Tim. If we chart it with Bruce n Jay being the Bulkiest and Tim being the most slim (but still very strong!) and Dick as the midpoint (aerodynamic but wider chest + shoulders) then I’d put him between Jay and Dick, but certainly a bit closer to the latter than the former.
I also am of the opinion that he’s the second most springy (flexible) after Dick.
So, I know with ballerinas the reason they have to start young is bc they have to start forming the flexible pathways (I’m not wording that right but the actual term eludes me rn) bc when you reach adolescence your joints start hardening into their final full adult spots and pathways. I’m assuming that the same applies to gymnasts.
Damian would’ve been a prime age for this development of sproingy joints. Tim and Jay were already teens, so although they have the ability to be damned good acrobats, they can’t develop the same range of motion that D & d have.
And yes, this would require developing the motions. But Damian likely already had learned techniques that required a particular level of flexibility in the LoA, and then when Dick was Batman (and in charge of training) I think he would have leaned towards more acrobatic skills. Both bc it’s useful and bc he needed a way to wear the kid out so he’d stop trying to escape and maybe take a nap for once. Getting bouncy kids (well. Not bouncy, but certainly Energized) to settle down by wearing them out by tricking them into doing cross wheels across the lawn is a classic older-sibling-stuck-babysitting tactic.
Overall this means his muscle tone would probably build in a way similar to Dick as well. Not totally the same! Part of our ability to build muscle is genetic—some of us are better at putting it in certain places than others
So where Dick’s generalized shape is like an upside-down triangle (or, if the artist is choosing to be particularly annoying about the poor guy’s rear then an unfortunate wasp figure—please that poor man’s back…. Shapely but reasonable is that really too much to ask for?) I think Damian’s thighs will be Thick like Bruce’s, making him somewhat of an hourglass (ass not as defined as Dick’s though) although the narrowest part of his waist will still only be slightly curved in (so not as severe as the description ‘hourglass’ typically invokes).
Height? No clue. Smaller than Bruce but not by much I’m guessing. Tall but not too tall and somewhat slender would probably help with assassin-ing in Talia’s eyes.
Although personally I think it would be really funny if he was second smallest (Tim reigning shorty supreme of course).
Features? No clue! Honestly kids can inherit so many potential features, who knows! I like when artists give him darker skin and Talia’s nose. But I’m biased bc I wish my skin was darker (I’m half Mexican half white and wow the pale is Blinding so unfortunately I am aware just how pale mixed children can be) and Talia is like. The hottest person in DC for me. I also like the green eyes bc it makes sense for him to have been exposed to the Lazarus pit, although I’m open to them having been a different color at birth for Angst purposes.
I just think there’s so many recessive traits that could pop up as he gets older. Or maybe he starts out being Bruce’s mini-me and then magically shifts into Talia’s boy. But I like the thought of him having something unexpected like one singular dimple on his left cheek—inherited from Martha and the Kane lineage but skipped Bruce (however Kate has the same dimple). Or maybe the droop of his eyelids recalls memories of Talia’s mother (not that Ra’s ever shared this info other than maybe once in passing when he first saw the baby).
That’s it that’s all! Agree, don’t agree, I don’t really mind either way. I just think it’s fun to think about sometimes.
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cdelphiki · 5 months
Same anon as before x
I'm so glad you appreciated my comment, I was a teensy bit nervous about coming off like a stalker but Jason and the three terrors makes me want to chew glass over how much I love it so figured I'd go for it anyway.
When I started reading this way back when, I had never heard of Mara or Athanasia (i was very VERY new to dc comics lol). I even want to say this was probably one of my first (?) ventures into DC fic at all and I was very much figuring out characters relationships and how they were all connected. Through it, I gradually fell in love with both the girls AND Damian (who i had seen very mixed and conflicting takes on at that point) and it made me want to read comics about them.
Fast forward several years and I am very firmly a DC fan and fanatic lover of all four of these babies thanks to you!
Also, please don't ever feel weird about taking breaks between chapters! Writing is hard, real life is worse, the life of a fic writer is a certified train wreck. Whatever the case, I am truly obsessed with your work so no hiatus will ever make me less interested or enthusiastic about this fic and its updates, no matter how long goes on between them...
All this to say, I'm with you till the end of the line friend! Even if that line is an IV line in a nursing home, I'LL BE THERE! ❤️
Okay no lie, I hadn't heard of Mara or Athanasia EITHER, this story bounced off an ask I got from an anon back in 2019 and I was like "oh who are these children" and ran with it. I'm so glad you love them!!!! I love them, too. I fell in love with Mara almost instantly upon reading her, at the time, ONE COMIC APPEARANCE where she had an UNHAPPY ENDING and i was like no i love this child I need her to be happy and loved 😭😭😭😭
And thank you 😭 With this one I had such a loooooooong break in the middle, I keep getting scared if I set it down it's gonna end up being 4 years again and I cannot let that happen LOL. I want it to be done so I can have it done! and I can read it start to finish!! I'll likely go through and do polishing on part II and III because I just feel like it's not as polished now as part I had been. Part I I wrote like 3/4th of it without posting at all, then did many rewrites before posting and I just think it's better writing. But maybe I'm just biased because it's new writing of mine and I tend to be more critical of newer stuff of mine than older stuff.
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idsb · 6 months
I know your boyfriend has family in the States and that’s a big part of why he can’t see himself moving to Australia but…has he even been there? It’s been your dream for forever, you fought so hard to make it good for yourself…it just seems weird that he hasn’t even seen this place that holds part of your heart if he also has part of it. I’m probably biased though because I was very much team cut him loose when all the shit went down before and I’m still genuinely unclear on why you took him back. Wish I had some advice on a good place to land in the US but DC is my favorite city (well, Arlington/Alexandria) and it doesn’t do it for you, so…I guess I’ll second Chicago…it’s my next favorite. Good luck bestie, whatever comes next you deserve to be happy.
Hi okay I am getting a lot of anons addressing this topic so I do want to explain bc like, I get this line of questioning.
So, I broke up with him while I was on tour with a band, the tour ended in New York and I stayed on the tour bus and headed to California with the band, because I didn’t want to get dropped off back to our apartment in NYC (as per the original tour plan) under those circumstances. On the way back to San Francisco, we stopped in Chicago for 2 days and I’m standing around in a concert venue while we’re there and who walks up to me but my boyfriend. Once he saw where we were he flew there immediately, and he took me outside and had a very, like, Betty moment and he just poured his heart out and sang me a song he’d written and apologized so profusely and begged me to give him a second chance. Albeit reluctantly at first, I did.
I think the person I am with now is almost a completely different human being than the one I was in a relationship with before, in the best way. You know how Chase Stokes is just so obsessed with and all-in and one of the girlies and biggest cheerleader ever ever ever for Kelsea Ballerini? Or how, a bit less so, Travis is for Taylor? That’s how it is and that’s how it’s been. He’s been so supportive of my every dream and every want and just would bend over backwards to make me smile and is so intentional and clear about those things. To the extent where he’d been paying my rent the first 5 months I’ve been here so that I could be here and be less stressed because he wanted me to have this, at like, extreme financial detriment to himself. And it’s not like my love is something someone can purchase, its more about the gesture and willingness to do that. He is so receptive to critique and is always trying to be better for me. I’ve never imagined being so loved or so supported by someone, genuinely. In my first 5 year relationship I would look at girls with supportive boyfriends like this and think about how that kind of thing was just not something that was in the cards for me. I look back now at how fulfilled I am with this relationship and can’t believe I used to feel that way.
To answer your question, he has been here! We came together in 2018 when we were just friends (he is the ONLY person in my whole life who has met The Australian, ha) and he was just visiting me 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately he didn’t get to be in Melbourne very long (we traveled a lot which I now regret) so I couldn’t really like, broadcast my love of it here onto him, but he has visited and he thinks it’s a great place. He just doesn’t feel any kind of emotional calling to it (other than me obv but I am physically capable of moving) that justifies being away from everything he’s ever worked for and loved in his whole life and every family member and friend he cares about (he’s relatively well adjusted with 90% of his family and fears them getting older, cannot relate at all). Which is, I suppose understandable even though I don’t like it or agree: I’d be giving up my dream if I left. He’d be giving up his dream and his life and his family and every friend he’s ever had.
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channel-01-clown · 9 months
☆ Hello!!! My name is Gwynplaine. I draw and write but I honestly mostly just use this account to shitpost and dump my thoughts, I'm on ig as 47clowner where I share my art (tho I haven't posted there in a while lol) so also follow me there :))
☆ I am a convert roman catholic from Pakistan, I'm pashto and also part afghan. I'm also chronically ill and queer so please be respectful !!!
☆ These are my current interests in no particular order, the ones that are colored are my fixations;
Most horror (ESPECIALLY TCM!!!)
I have no mouth and I must scream
DC (especially batman!!!)
FAITH: the unholy trinity
Resident evil
The cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Fight club
Better call saul/ Breaking bad
Mortal kombat
The man who laughs
Neon genesis evangelion
TMNT (I'm a little biased to the 2012 one bc it's the one I grew up with but i love all versions the same!!!)
Death note
Grand Theft Auto
☆If you have the same interests then please please please interact I would love to be mutuals !!!!!
☆ DNI: basic criteria, (ableist, racist, etc) proship, zionist, have anything portraying the devil in a positive light on your account or view the devil in any positive light or just like... disrespect Christianity on purpose on ur account, NSFW account, map or zoo
☆ Boundaries: don't sexualise me or my family in conversation (ur mom jokes excluded I'm fine w those ig), don't try to debate me on my religion or make fun of it, don't be passive aggressive for no reason and please just be direct with your emotions and boundaries, if I tell you I need space then respect that, if I'm uncomfortable answering something don't press further on it, if we're friends and I'm being affectionate towards you and it makes you uncomfortable then tell me, but please don't make fun of me for it, I'm always okay with listening to people vent however I'd appreciate if you asked first, I'm NOT open to debating my identity.
☆ BYI : I sometimes struggle with understanding boundaries, so please be clear on them and establish them firmly and if I disrespect them then tell me as I don't do it on purpose but I just. genuinely don't get it sometimes, I do talk alot so if it gets draining for you then lmk ofc and yeah if I ever do something you don't like then plsplspls just tell me, if I go a while without responding I'm likely just either drained or forgot, which I'm sorry for and I'll try to tell ppl more when it happens but also if I do tell you then pls don't try to text me till I tell you I'm feeling better or I interact first as it can be very overwhelming for me, I can be a bit awkward but if u want u can always dm me!!!!
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pallastrology · 1 year
“all the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect september is made.” - virginia woolf
happy september! i hope you’re all feeling ready for autumn 🍂 as a september libra i know i’m biased, but i just love september, the changes in the air and in the atmosphere too, its particular golden light in the early mornings and afternoons, crunchy leaves and crisp air… i start uni in a few weeks, and then it’s my birthday at the end of the month too, so i’m pretty excited. i’m looking forward to my birthday for the first time in years, and as my partner said, that in itself is something to celebrate and be proud of, so, here i am :-)
in august i mostly wrote about the angles - you can find posts on the ac-dc axis, the mc-ic axis, and how i go about interpreting the angles in a chart reading by clicking the links :-) i also wrote a little mercury retrograde survival guide since it’s that time of year again, which you can read here!
this month i have a bit more variety of topics that i’ve planned, so look out for posts on my tarot journey, a journal-style blog post, and posts going over some astrology basics, among others :-) have a lovely september everyone, i wish you all the best in what you’re doing this month,
kira xo
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distort-opia · 2 years
this is going to be a wild ask... i'm reading comments on this silly twitter post ranking DC characters by misogyny( joker is in the " do not perceive women" category), and i wonder " is joker misogynistic???". he abuses women, but not because of their gender, right?? I AM NOT EXCUSING HIM GOD FORBID 😭 but are you misogynistic if you abuse everyone equally?( awful sentence) he will beat anyone to death, he does not care. sexual comments he makes regardless of gender as well. can you be an evil egalitarian 💀 i think he shapes his words and actions in a way that will hurt the most and for women characters it does mean some misogyny. but i don't think he uses it from a misogynistic stand, rather from 'convenient social tool for hurt' stand. his whole thing is valuing everyone else as worthless in the same way.
Alright, yeah, a bit of a wild ask :)) Sorry for the delay in response; I've sort of answered this already when addressing Joker's potential racism, so I will link you to that answer here.
The principle is pretty much the same. Yes, Joker is an "evil egalitarian" at his core; he uses whatever hurts the other person, no matter what it is, or how it comes across. He doesn't actually believe it-- he doesn't believe in anything. His whole schtick is the fact he thinks nothing has any inherent value. However... that's when he's written well. Like I mentioned in that post too, there are plenty of instances in which Joker is a vehicle for the writer's personal biases which can obviously include misogyny, or used as a Deus Ex Machina of evil ("Oh we need a horrible thing to happen! What's Joker doing nowadays"). But Joker's relationship with Harley is the biggest elephant in the room in this department. It was undoubtedly an abusive relationship, and Joker has been depicted as genuinely sexist especially in relation to Harley (and Barbara too), though perhaps even moreso since Harley's redemption arc began. In order to write stories that frame her as triumphing over her abuser, Joker had to become this particular type of horrible person, so her victory over him would be more impactful -- despite this not entirely connecting with previous characterizations. And yeah, you're right that Joker's abuse is canonically not limited by gender (though lmao, what a sentence). He's been shown to act in similar ways to male henchmen in comics like Joker: Year of the Villain or Harley Quinn: 30th Anniversary Special, as he did towards Harley. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to him the gender of the person he's getting power over. He'll manipulate whoever he finds cracks in to his own advantage.
[sigh] However, the issue of sexism and misogyny in comics is such a big, insidious one. If you acknowledge that Joker is written with misogynist undertones, acknowledging everyone else is inevitable. Looking at the way Batman's character has been written certainly doesn't do him any favors either. His 'Brucie Wayne' playboy persona has treated women... less than ideal; and I'm not even getting into the whole "every woman he encounters is a love interest and wants to fuck him" thing. This is a famous and pervasive problem within DC comics (and not only)-- many writers are intentionally or unintentionally catering to a male power fantasy that a big segment of the fan demographic projects. You've got the skewering and inconsistent characterization of many female characters in the Batman universe over time (man, Poison Ivy suffered a lot), and the blatant oversexualization and "male gaze" problem in comic book art... to name a few. The issue of misogyny and sexism in comics has always been there, and is unfortunately a systemic one.
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plangentia · 9 months
If you’re looking for bookstores, there’s a used bookstore in SE, called Capitol Hill Books, which is very cozy and has a lot of character. I think it is a bit less touristy, though, so Idk if that’s what you’re looking for.
It’s a bit too early to see the cherry blossoms unfortunately, they are quite beautiful. Even still, the tidal pond is quite nice.
Also, if you’re taking the metro, Idk how universal this is, but in DC it’s a big thing that you’re supposed to stand on the right of the escalators, so ppl can walk down the left. That’ll be less consistent on some of the more touristy metro stations (like Smithsonian)—but it is something that will very much mark you as a tourist if you stand in the left (again, this might be universal for places w/ metros, I’m not sure, just a lot of tourists come from places w/ no metros).
Also, In my (incredibly biased) opinion, the people of DC are great. There’s such character there! Unfortunately I think the people of DC get a bad rap sometimes, in part because of the politicians who work in DC who the ppl of DC don’t have a say in, and also because there is a certain type of tourist (nowadays they frequently wear certain red hats) who kinda don’t rlly respect DC as a city where ppl actually live, and of course then they don’t get great interactions w/ the locals. But I love DC.
Also the architecture! Not just the monuments and big buildings like the Capitol or the Library of Congress, but also, the houses! I love DC townhouses, they are beautiful! (Just don’t ask what it would cost to live in them—DC housing is insane).
DC is so beautiful I love it so much and I am so fervently pro DC statehood you would not believe! I love DC and I love the people of DC and I think they deserve better.
TL;DR—Capital Hill Books-a nice used bookstore, v. iconic IMO, sadly no cherry blossoms yet, but still, the Tidal pond. Stand on the right on the metro to avoid embarrassment. DC is very pretty and great and I like it a lot.
thank you so much anon!! i'm really looking forward to visiting dc! yeah i think i'll just miss the cherry blossoms when i go in july, but i'll keep an eye out for any stragglers!
ahaha, i hate when people don't stand on the right on escalators so i'll be sure to carry that through to the us! (wasn't sure if it would swap, considering you guys drive on the right, whilst we drive on the left)
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
Hello footblr: hockey department! 👉👈 I saw on here a whileeee ago about you comparing crosby/ovechkin to messi/cr7. I always kind of compared ovechkin to neymar with them both being kind of flop artists (trophy wise) but crowdpleasers who really showcase their sport. (Also they’re both set to break Gretsky/Pele’s goalscoring records before they retire 😋 ) I didn’t grow up watching hockey or football so thats kinda my own uninformed opinion and I was wondering your thoughts. Is there a better Neymar equivalent in hockey that I can look out for? I haven’t watched hockey since leaving DC but I’m in North Carolina now so… really considering jumping on the bandwagon for next season. 
hi anon, i think this is one of my favourite asks i've ever received, so first of all thank you so much for this!
(the rest is below the cut if you want to read my analysis! sorry this is so long anon)
it's hockey season! ask me questions!
when i was comparing messi&cr7 to sid&ovi, i was mostly comparing the rivalry not the individual players. the rivalry is similar in the sense that since like 2005ish, they have been competing for the same titles not only with their club teams but with their countries and individually. they also have very similar play styles, messi as a false nine/cam who produces play and assists (as well as scoring goals) matches well with sid, who is a center who creates plays and assists (as well as scoring goals). cr7 as a winger who primarily scores goals, although he does assist and create plays occasionally (although more when he was younger then now), is very similar to ovi, who is also primarily a goal-scoring winger.
neymar, however, is kind of a thing of his own? i don't think there's any really good comparison for a skiller who is arguably the third best of his generation who is leading his country. the closest comparison i can think of is connor mcdavid, he is a skill player who is currently the best in the world, and he has the expectation to lead canada to greatness but he hasn't been able to play at international competitions for reasons that aren't his fault. if you are looking for skill players who play beautiful hockey with lots of tricks, may i recommend highlights from the sedin twins, connor mcdavid, connor bedard, and trevor zegras? they have some gorgeous plays and some impressive skills that are so fun to watch.
in terms of teams, if you are in north carolina now i truly recommend the carolina hurricanes! they are a really well built team, who plays gorgeous clean hockey with great defensive work. technically, as a team, they are the most fun to watch for me because visually, they are hockey tactics in motion and i adore that. stunning, stunning team to watch, and they are slated to do quite well so they will go far! i am slightly biased as i recently jumped onto the canes bandwagon while doing research for another friend here, so i have a lot of canes content on my blog if you scroll (or you can dm/ask me anything about them! honestly i love talking shop). if you're looking for a team with many blorbos you can obsess over, the pittsburgh penguins are a great team for that! many players you can obsess over, and shoutout to pensblr fr i love it over there they are so much fun to interact with. i always like to advertise the canucks on here, i think they are a fun team to watch! very high scoring, lots of skilled play although a bit sloppy. lots of drama, lots of goals, what more could you ask for in a team! and for one more option, the florida panthers are quite scrappy and surprisingly good, their entire team is like an underdog that somehow keeps winning! they're fun to watch and though i am not a fan, i am keeping half an eye on them after their playoff performance last year.
those are my recommendations! please let me know if you have any questions about teams or players, i enjoyed this so much! if you decide on a team, let me know if you want links to watch!
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fancoloredglasses · 1 year
[RERUN] Holy nostalgia!
(Thanks to Dark Detective)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and 20th Century Fox Disney. Please don’t sue me]
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Ah, Batman...campy, goofy, 1966 Batman...
A confession: I am not old enough to have seen Batman in its original run, but I grew up watching it in reruns. I fondly remember it feeling like a comic book with all the BAMs, POWs, CRASHes, and of course ZOWIEs during the fight scenes. Then I hit my teens and early 20s and realized how stupid it was.
Maybe it’s due to hitting my X0s that I can start seeing what they writers and actors were going for. Series creator William Dozier (who also was the narrator for the series) said he never read the comic before being assigned by 20th Century Fox to make a Batman series (something that a lot of the creative staff for DC movies have in common. I’m looking at you Burton, you Donner, and especially YOU, Schumacher!), but he realized that if he wanted to make a series that would appeal to kids as well as parents, he needed to go completely over-the-top!
And over-the-top it was! The problem was that within a few years the comic started steering away from the goofy tone and toward a tone that was more...if not grim then at least more serious. Unfortunately, the series set the tone for what Batman would look like on screen until 1989 (including Casey Casem’s Robin parroting Burt Ward’s “holy” addiction in Superfriends), and the characters were what people thought of when thinking of Batman, the Joker, and the rest until Bruce Timm and Paul Dini redefined Batman’s entire feel in 1992 (only to have Joel Schumacher nearly kill it in 1997)
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(Thanks to tenor)
But this isn’t about what Batman became, but what Batman was.
For all the jokes about Adam West’s “square Batman”, the fact that West was the only Batman with a beer-gut, the endless “Holy” exclamations...
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...the fact that Cesar Romero would do anything to be the Joker except shave, I do still enjoy the charm of the show, although there are a few glaring issues I have (and most involve the women of the show)
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Let’s start with “Aunt” Harriet Cooper. First off, both Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are orphans. Neither have any family that could have taken them in (hence why Alfred raised Bruce and Bruce raised Dick after their respective parents’ deaths), so whose aunt is she supposed to be? Plus, she has free reign of the manor (though apparently she doesn’t enter Bruce’s study) Do you mean to tell me she has never heard the Bat-phone going off and wondered why Bruce had a special phone that beeps?
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Then we have Barbara Gordon.
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AKA Batgirl.
Now, I get that Commissioner Gordon doesn’t know his daughter wears purple tights and fights crime, but Bruce Wayne is supposed to be the “World’s Greatest Detective” and even he doesn’t know who Batgirl is?!
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Finally we have Catwoman, who (if you count the movie) was played by three different actresses and no explanation was given.
And now we have the biggest issue I have (that doesn’t involve the women in the show). Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Chief O’Hara all refer to the GCPD as “the finest police force in the world” (yes, they may be a bit biased) However, Batman repeatedly tells Gordon and O’Hara to keep the cops out of his way. Moreover, when the police are involved, they come off as incompetent.
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This level of idiocy wouldn’t be seen again until 2012 when Gordon leads the entire goddamn GCPD into the sewers in The Dark Knight! If the GCPD is the finest in the world, the rest of the world must be Keystone!
(Thanks to laughland)
...no offense to the hometown of the Golden Age Flash...
Once again, if anyone has a favorite episode, let me know!
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