#but I am handshaking you over having a muse with an obscure source material??
@dnangelic : ❛  oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.  ❜
Honestly he probably wouldn't have if what he'd overheard hadn't sounded… very illegal. Not that the laws were really something Maki paid any personal mind to really, but it was a bit unusual to hear what sounded like blatant talking about theft... heard from someone who couldn't be older than him by much.
He was fully intending on going about his business before this point, blending into the background as much as someone can despite a bright yellow jacket. But his curiosity got the better of him as he lingered near the stranger, unable to hide making a baffled face when he realized what he was hearing about. Sort of. Parts of it are not clicking. But what a jumpy reaction too.
It's rude to eavesdrop, his mind echoes back to him.
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"I'm...sorry, I think I heard more than you intended on sharing. Though it's not any concern of mine if it helps."
If he was going to commit a theft that was up to the police to handle. Not any of Maki's business. Might be a little fun to watch, though.
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