#but I can’t see my beverage from where I’m working in the collections room rn
Hmmm got some mountain dew purple thunder because I like to try them all, but I feel like it has a weird cinnamon kick to it
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years
What is the easiest website to pass time on? Tumblr or youtube.  What’s the last place you left early, and what was your reason? I don’t remember.  Do you take your medications in the morning or at night? Mid day/afternoon. Would you rather visit London or Paris? Paris.
Have you ever bought a youtuber’s merch? Nope :-)
Pick a flavor: pumpkin or apple? Pumpkin.  Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Water.  What kind of milk do you usually use? Almond or cashew.  What is the best type of donut? Sour cream glaze.  What was your last great garage sale find? I haven’t been to a garage sale in years.  Do you like thrift stores? Yep. When was the last time you ran into someone that you didn’t want to see? Can’t remember.  Was anyone rude to you today? Nope.  What is your town known for? The giant lookout it has.  Who is your favorite set of twins on youtube? I don’t have a fav set of twins I'm not one of those girls lmao.  Do you like to watch DIY craft videos? Not really. What are you regretting right now? Nothing atm.  Who was the last person who was rude to you? Dunno. Would you ever let the barista at Starbucks make a random drink for you? Nah I don't even really like Starbucks. Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks? No. Have you ever left a note in a library book? Nope. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair?  Night. What is the worst job you’ve ever had? Working in a giant boring warehouse for my dad’s company all by myself.  What is the best job you’ve ever had?
Just a babysitter I guess lmao, I haven’t had many jobs.  What job do you want to have? Teacher :) What are you passionate about? Music. Have you ever tried vlogging, and if yes, did you stick with it? I haven’t and I won't.  ^Same question with blogging. Have you? Nope not unless Tumblr counts. 
Do you have to alter a lot of your clothes? No. What country do you most want to visit? Japan. Do you have chronic pain? No. If you go to church, what is your favorite thing about it? Nothing lmao. ^and what is your least favorite thing about it?
Idk, a lot of people in the church can be very judgemental.  Did you go to church this week?
Nah. What is something that’s bothering you right now? That I know I have to get up super early for class tmo.  Are you happy right this instant? I am very content, yes. What’s your favorite fall beverage? Chai latte or pumpkin spice cappuccino. 
Do you exercise daily? No hahaha.  What do you do for exercise? Shit all.  Is your room/house cluttered? Nope. Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, or dorm? Dorm. Were your college years the best years of your life? This is my first college year and so far it is.  What was your favorite class in high school? History.  Which class in high school did you hate the most? Math. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Nope. What color is your lava lamp? Don’t have one. Do you have an inspiration board? No but I have one filled with things that make me happy.  Where do you store old photos? Idk, on my phone? Do you have photos on the wall in your bedroom? Yep. Favorite scent for a candle? I love fall scents.  Would you ever film a youtube video with no make-up on and messy hair? I wouldn’t film one PEROIDT.
What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? I have these billowy homemade silk pants n they are for sure my most comfortable pants. Do you cry a lot? Yes, I have been calming down lately though.  Do you keep up to date with the latest technology? Yes.  Would you ever want to live in a big city, like New York or Chicago? Maybe, idk though.  What about a big city sounds appealing to you? How you have access to pretty much everything you could want there. Do you wish you had more money to do the things you want to do? Don’t we all.  Do you prefer college-ruled or wide-ruled? Whom? Pencils or pens? Pens. Favorite ink pen color? Red. What are you craving right now? Nothing. Do you have a sweet tooth? Sometimes . Do you need to lose weight? I could do with losing a few pounds but I don’t need to.  Do you need to gain weight? No.  Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? I don’t have a fav.  Have you ever won a prize at the age guessing booth? The WHOM?
What’s your favorite movie that you remember seeing in the theater? I saw the new Halloween movie Sunday and I loved it!! What was the name of your very first imaginary friend? Link from tloz was my first imaginary friend, I never made him up but I would always say I was hanging with my boyfriend Link hehe.  Do you know anyone who has ten cats? No, sounds like a dream though. Have you ever had a cat? Yes I love them very much <3 Have you ever had a dog? Yep, miss her always.  Have you ever any other kind of animal? Fish, frogs, chickens, ducks and I had a rabbit for a short time too.  Have you ever had a pet rock? Nope I didn't go through that stage.  Which Olympic sport would you most like to be a pro in? Have you ever played this sport? Swimming and yes I used to swim competitively every summer for most of my childhood/ early teen years.  What were you voted in the senior class polls? Most likely to become famous and most likely to fall asleep in class haha.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school? My French n math teacher, I also really liked my bio teacher too, I was taught by lotsa awesome teachers.  Do you own a bobblehead? No. What’s on your desk? My Mac, keurig, a couple binder, a phone, a mug full of pens and pencils, a case of thumbtacks, a mug full of makeup brushes and other beauty tools and a glass of water lol.  Do you love someone who treats you like a piece of shit? Nope don’t love that.  Isn’t loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way horrible? Of course.  What’s your favorite DIY Halloween costume that you’ve seen? Not sure.  What is your favorite gender-neutral name? Alex or Lee.  Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names? A little bit of a mix.  What is your favorite type of braid? I have no idea what it’s called but I've been seeing this braid trending lately and it’s so beautiful.  What is your favorite spice? Cajun and curry.  Favorite Spice Girl? Idk. Favorite Cheetah Girl? ^ Backstreet Boys or *N Sync? *N Sync  Were you a boy band fan? Yep. What decade were you born in? 00. What is your favorite coffee shop? Harbour grounds or Tims.  What is your favorite tattoo that you’ve seen? Not sure, I got one today and i’n in mad love w/ it. What is something you have too many of? Clothes.  What collection are you thinking of starting? None rn. Do you collect anything now? If so, what? I collect crystals n weird/random trinkets I find. When was the last time you painted something? Last year during senior year. Do you have any disabilities? I have t1 diabetes if that counts.  Do you have any unique or hidden talents? Not really. Do people call you gifted? Sometimes, depends on who you're talking to about me. Do people call you unique? Yes, quite often.  Do you get bullied? No. Do you own a dreamcatcher? I have one back home.  What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? Dynamite, garage, the X-store, and I can’t think of two more I love oops.  When was the last time you went to Michael’s? Never been there.  Do you knit or crochet? Nope. Do you enter craft projects in your county’s fair? ^ What modes of transportation do you use? Car.  What is your least favorite chore? Not sure, probably washing dishes.  What is the best gift you have ever given someone? No idea.  What is the best gift you have ever received? My Mac book hehe. Have you ever made a decision that you regret? Not really, I am not someone with regrets.  Do you make your own greeting cards? No lmao. What color feather boas do you own? None. Do you use colored hangers? All mine are white.  Do you organize your clothes by color? I only do that with my underwear.  What time does your alarm go off in the morning? 8:30 mon, weds, fri n 7:40 tues n thurs. What was your favorite toy as a child? My n64 and gamecube ,barbie dream house and littlest pet shops.  What do you want to name your first child? Lucy :) List ten favorite girls names. Fuck no bAby. List ten favorite boys names. ^ What season do you want to get married in? Spring or summer I think, I kinda want an ethereal eleven wedding with lots of green nature.  Is your Pinterest cluttered? No it’s extremely organized haha. Are you a trendsetter? You could say that. Do you want to be a trendsetter? I’m indifferent.  What was the last great book you read? Not sure. Are you a free spirit? For sure.  Has anyone called you a free spirit? Yes. Do you get more compliments or insults? Compliments.  Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Probably.  What is your favorite insect? Orchid mantis.  What bugs scare you? Big spiders, maggots, earwigs and other grubs.  What was your favorite vacation? I loved Disney world but also had a great time in P.E.I this summer.  Who picked your name, your mom or your dad? They both agreed upon it after meeting someone with my name. What is your first and middle name? U ain’t need ta know.  What were some other names your parents were considering when they had you? Cece or Virgina lmao.  What are your siblings’ names? ^^ Do you own any Lularoe leggings? Nope. What was the last thing you bought online? A moisturizer from Sephora.  Do you enjoy public speaking? Not at all. 
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onseraphimwings · 7 years
+100 things i hate about me
Name x
Birthplace x
Current Location finland
Heritage x
Eye Color brown
Hair Color some kinda red right now
Hair Length a bit past my shoulders
Height 158 cm / 5′2″
Weight enough
Figure average i guess
Righty or Lefty righty, yo
Zodiac Sign cancer sun, libra moon, gemini rising
Introvert or extrovert in the social sense? i swing between the two quite a bit
Meyers-Briggs Personality type estp
Clothing all black, preferably, versatile, casual
Hair updos are life
Music what does that have to do with style?
Makeup usually minimal, sometimes not. i like dark things
Body Art a few small tattoos
Car none
Decor love minimalist, but unfortunately my place is a mishmash of things
Right Now  
Current mood kinda bored
Current music nylon beat - elämä on lyhyt
Current taste coffee with hazelnut milk <3
Current hair loose
Current clothes grey dress with leopard dots and a black cardigan!
Current annoyance that i’m bored :D
Current smell coffee
Current longing someone special
Current desktop picture hummingmint xD
Current fingernail color natural
Current likes sunlight! walks with the dog. violife smoked cheese.
Current dislikes idk, i don’t think about things i don’t like that much
Current favorite article of clothing idk. i need new clothes xD
Current favorite place to be out & about
Current time you wake up in the morning 10 am ish
Current favorite word díky!
What are you...
Thinking of that i should resume today’s czech studies
Remembering nothing
Doing nothing T.T
Planning convincing my mom to sponsor my ticket to prague xD
What were you doing  
1 hour ago i was out walking my dog
1 day ago probably wasted time here
1 week ago i was in romania doing stuff! <3
1 month ago probs just hanging out with the boyfriend
1 year ago crying that my life was miserable lololol
5 years ago feeling stuck in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere
10 years ago felt stuck and constrained by high school and everything
Your favorite  
Music depends. right now i’m kinda into finnish rock music
Cartoon lol, i don’t really watch any, save for the simpsons occasionally
Font LOL
Color gold, copper
Song pää kii - apinoiden planeetalla
Flavor chocolate!
Scent i loooooove givenchy’s ange ou demon <3
Magazine none
TV Show none
Book love is a hound from hell by bukowski
Movie the royal tenenbaums
Language japanese! and finnish xD
Food soba noodles
Beverage COFFEE
Fruit i like them all!
Vegetable right now: celery, zucchini, aubergine, cucumber 
Season spring
Subject in School none
Weekend Activity dancing and wandering to random places
Ice Cream Flavor mint or licorice
Pizza toppings zucchini, mushrooms, lots of olives
Cola or Other
Coke or Pepsi ... neither
Fried, Scrambled, or Poached ... i’m vegan xD
Pancakes or Waffles
Dogs or Cats
Coffee or Tea
Iced or Hot
Looking out the window or into the room
One Pillow or Two
Chocolate or Vanilla
High Achiever or Easy-Going
Single or Taken
Pen or Pencil
Gloves or Mittens
Planned or Spontaneous
Food or Candy xD
Matches or a Lighter
Typed or Handwritten
Walk or Run
Elevator or Stairs
Walk or Drive
Facing into the restaurant or away from the other people
Eating alone, with one friend, or with lots of friends
Home or "Out"
Alone, with one friend, or with a group?
Who Would You Like To...
Hear From a few of my friends
Never Hear From Again a friend i’ve left behind
Look Like me but better >:)
Be Like idk. me but more mature.
Meet awesome people!
Get to Know no one in particular, but i’d like to make new friends
Learn from / Study With my dog
Teach depends on what i have to teach xD
Do you...?  
Have any tattoos (where?) yes, the runes for dagaz and hagalaz on my hands and a star on my left ankle
Have any piercings (where?) nope
Have any scars quite a bit, in random places
Get along with your parents? yes and no, but better these days
Get motion sickness very rarely
Think you're a health nut no but my friends think otherwise xD
Type with your fingers on the right keys what does that even mean?!
Play an instrument nope. just my voice xD
Play an instrument well no
Sleep with stuffed animals sometimes
Have a significant other yup!
Have a dream that keeps coming back NO way
Believe there is life on other planets maybe. but even so, we’re unlikely to encounter them
Read the newspaper sometimes
Read the comics sometimes
Read the sports pages sometimes
Check the weather forecast yes
Go to restaurants alone yep
Consider yourself tolerant of others i do
Like the taste of alcohol sure xD
Drink yes, various things
Smoke nope
Swear yep :<
Sing yep
Sing in public yep
Sing in the shower yep
Laugh yep
Joke all of my life is a joke
Read sometimes xD
Exercise i guess
Diet sometimes
Cook yep!
Believe in astrology yes and no
Read your horoscope no
Believe in magic yes and no
Believe in miracles it’s a miracle i’m still alive
Go to church yeah! especially abandoned ones
Have any secrets sure
Have any pets not really, my dog lives with my dad
Have any children no
Have any brothers or sisters yes, one sister
Work .... no :<
Have a college degree kinda
Chat to strangers who instant message you i used to when i had aim!
Talk to strangers on the bus LOL NO
Wear hats in winter, yes
Like yourself most of the time
Wish on stars hardly ever, really
Like your handwriting i don’t feel either way about it
Trust others easily not really
Like puns YES
Have a good sense of humor ofc
Take walks in the rain sometimes!
Do you prefer  
Staying home
Going out
Eating out
Entertaining at home
Large parties
Small parties where you know everyone
Quiet evenings with a few friends
Being alone
Leisure Time: Do you like to...
Go out, anywhere!
Go dancing
See a show
Rent a video
Listen to music
Go for a walk
Watch television
Surf the web
Chat with friends online
Meet people for coffee and conversation
Go to a party
Stay home
Sports and recreation: Do you...
Play on a team
Play "pickup" games
Work Out
Creative outlets: Do you...
Paint or draw
Sculpt, do pottery, mold clay...
Build scale models
Collect... (what?)
Write (what?)
Compose music
Choreograph dances
Develop software
Have you ever...?  
Eaten an entire box of Oreos
Thought about eating an entire box of Oreos
Baked a cake
Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner for a group
Eaten sushi
Been on stage
Gone skating
Made homemade cookies
Gone skinny dipping
Dyed your hair
Broken a bone
Been hospitalized overnight
Had your name appear in the newspaper
Published a story, poem, novel...
Played a game that required removal of clothing
Gotten drunk or extremely intoxicated
Been arrested
Changed your name
Changed your "look"
Changed who you were to fit in
Traveled outside the country
Memories - The Past
Last Thing You Bought sugar-free red bull
Last Interesting Thing You Did went to romania!
Last Interesting Thing You Heard: can’t remember
Last Interesting Thing You Said nothing that i can recall rn
Last Interesting Thing You Saw: my dog
Last Thing You Touched: keyboard
Last Thing You Had To Eat oatmeal!
Last Thing You Had To Drink coffee
Last Thing You Watched On Tv ice hockey game between sweden and finland xD
Last Book You Read jane eyre
Last Music You Listened To nylon beat
Last Movie You Saw .... probably an old finnish one my dad was watching
Last Movie You Saw On The Big Screen sing
Last Person You Called On The Phone my mom
Last Person You Talked To Online my darling!
Last Person You Emailed a friend
Last Time You Cried last month
Last Time You Smiled today
Last Time You Laughed today xD
Last Person You Hugged my darling <3
Last Person You Kissed my darling, ofc The Future   Miscellany   What is...   Moods  
Where do you see yourself in five years? far away from here
Describe your Dream Career traveling and exploring new things on a regular basis
What do you want to be when you grow up? anthony bourdain xD at some point, i would also like to be dead
What country would you most like to visit? idk. too many to mention.
Where are you going to live? when i settle down? hopefully far away from here...
How many rings until you answer the phone? 2 or 3
What's on your mouse pad?  i don’t have one xD
Do you like thunderstorms? yeah!
Do you like snow? most of the time, yes
How many houses have you lived in? 5-10
How many schools have you gone to? i think 5
Do you like to drive? i do!
What color is your bedroom carpet? i don’t have a bedroom... but i have 3 carpets, one is green, the second is off-white and the third kinda grey
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing (not person) with you what would you take? a machete
What was the best time of your life so far? NOW
The last thought you go to sleep with probably something awesome that happened that day
Your first waking thoughts coffee!
The first feature you notice in someone you just met their face and body language
Your best physical feature idk. i’m cute in general lolol
Your greatest fear that i won’t get anywhere in life and i’ll be misrable
Your biggest weakness my loved ones
Your strongest attribute i’m self-assured and independent
Your greatest accomplishment having made it this far and having enjoyed myself along the way
Your most cherished memory really, there is no one memory. and while i have lots of good memories, i don’t spend too much time thinking about them.
I Hurt rarely and even when i do, i don’t want to show it
I Love y’all! haha.
I Hate it when nothing is happening
I Fear that this moment will vanish and i will lose everything
I Hope that the above is an irrational fear
I Feel feelings y’all
I LIsten to my dog snoring
I Hide when people start demanding too much from me
I Drive at night, on empty highways, as fast as possible
I Play a game, it’s called insincerity~
I Miss him.
I Learned that my dog is scared of a lot of things
I Know i’m in no hurry to figure things out.
I Wait for myself to get sleepy.
I Need sleep!
I Want sleep!
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