#but I cant write 1 page for school
mortalchild · 1 year
have to write 6 papers this week. college is hell.
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roughdaysandart · 5 months
Rough Day Comic 0-1 "Other Talents"
Based on Rough Day by @no-droids
SERIES GEN WARNINGS: non-canon typical gore/blood, violence, light language, implied nudity, implied trauma (Blood, depression, anxiety, bullying, sexual), typos and general lore errors possible (plz lmk if you find any I enjoy accuracy)
See end for bonus content and credits.
TRACK 1: REPROGRAM (only track til end credits)
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Up Next: CH 0-2: "Rules and Habits"
"And yet, only when she was absolutely certain he wouldn't see ...shed let that nagging curiosity get the better of her, make an exception...and-"
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Well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for, sickos! I'm so proud of what Ive learned and been to accomplish these past few weeks (digital-art and writing in general), and have so much gratitude for all of the wonderful people who have followed along and encouraged me thus far. Most of all, thank you to the wonderful @no-droids for creating the fic in the first place. I cant wait to continue posting what's in store these next few (probably) years.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you'll consider checking out my homepage for updates, sneek peeks, more depravity, the star wars mega-pinterest boards, and the unofficial soundtrack! 💗
Next chapter coming.....whenever its ready...in-person school is aboutta start and im going to pace myself and figure out how to balance going in person for the first time in a year...workin' and well...life, which includes this depravity and you all 💗!!!
Cheers, Sweet Girls. 💗
-M (@roughdaysandart)
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Credit to @saradika-graphics for the amazing dividers!
Credit to all of the talented artists making covers of the songs I link!
Credit to Brittany Broski for introducing me to RD/Ao3 this late in my life
Credit to...anyone else my mushy brain forgot (lmk ya'll)
credit to my drug-induced psychosis?
Sweet Girl was drawn on the cover before her design was finalized, and so her clothing as well as her body are not exactly the same as how she appears in the series.
On page 5, Din is supposed to be laying in the cockpit's main compartment listening to the closed door, not in the mini hall where the ladder resides.
on page 9, there is a spelling error (talens--> talents)
On page 12, the rendering of the Crest's hull is a bit too wide (most dramatically apparent by the fresher door's length), the hull should be a tad more narrow. In addition, the flooring coloring is somewhat inaccurate, needing to appear more metallic instead of similar to the roofing textures and colorings
On page 12, the handle of the fresher door is supposed to be on the left side, not the right.
Speaking of the handle: I understand that manual doors are somewhat uncommon in the SWU, and it would be inconsistent for the Crest to have one when the cockpit and cot doors are auto, but I wanted to stay consistent with the descriptions in the original fic. In chapter 2, SG is described to slide open the door with her hand as she sees Mando standing outside. But I didint want to just purley stick to the fic's details and ignore in-universe discrepancies, so i thought of how this somewhat odd/niche detail could still make sense in this setting. I figured that with the inclusion of a control panel within the fresher (seen in later chapters) in addition to the one bewteen it and the cot, the option of an automatic function would presumably still be available aside from the manual one (which could be there for the purpose of giving the user a speed or distance preference or to avoid pinching etc.)
on the page beginning with "to say the least", the mini-halls' roof is suppposed to have a window. Therefore, the lighting of the space is somewhat innacurate.
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
Hello, I would like to request a request, young maleficent and fem reader, I apologize if I wrote something wrong, English is not my first language
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pairings: maleficent x fem!reader
summary: The VK's getting in detention after their attempt to steal the book from Merlin's office was supposed to be unbearable, but the presence of a certain detention monitor made it all more bearable for Maleficent.
genre: fluff with a bit of angst
one-shot; wc: 2.2k
main masterlist maleficent masterlist
a/n: it’s like 1:54 a.m here and i’m tired but i cant sleep and i really wanted to get this one out before sleeping, this isn’t proofread so i apologise in advance for the mistakes
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After getting caught sneaking inside Merlin’s office, Maleficent and the rest of the VK’s were sent to detention the next school day.
The crew begrudgingly made their way into the far corner of the school, it isn’t the first time they’ve been sent to detention, but that fact doesn’t make it, this god awful room any bearable.
Strangely enough, the detention room was unusually quiet that day, it would often be filled with villain kids who got themselves in trouble. Uliana continued to bitch about the unfortunate results of their failed plan to embarrass Bridget during Castlecoming.
As they sat inside the room, they waited for whomever was going to keep an eye on them, waiting to make that person’s life a living hell for the next 2 hours.
“Ugh, I couldn't even wear the gorgeous dress I bought for the dance, ugh” Maleficent complained.
“No one even asked you to go with them, so why bother?” Hades countered, rolling his eyes.
“Well, for your information, I don't care about the company...asshole. I just wanted to come and ruin some girls' dresses, set stuff on fire…or something to make that boring ass party any bit interesting.” Maleficent fired back.
“Oh please, you wanted to go there just to gawk at the goody goody” Hook interfered, tired of the bickering happening between the two.
“I beg to differ-” Maleficent was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
“And speak of the devil” Hook sighed leaning back on his chair, plastering a fake smile towards the smiling girl.
“Good Afternoon! I will be your monitor for today!” The girl, Y/n, said flashing everyone a smile making them dread the next 2 hours, except one horned girl.
“Just today?” Maleficent inquired, changing seats to be near the girl. The royal blushed slightly and stuttering “well- i-” she cleared her throat “i am not sure who will be with you tomorrow” she said staring into the black haired girl.
“Well, that’s a bummer, and here I was hoping we could spend more time together. '' Maleficent feigned disappointment, knowing that the girl is too soft hearted to let the matter go.
“Oh! rest assured that i will ask the headmaster to be on duty tomorrow, if that will make you happier” The girl said smiling towards the girl who silently clapped her hands, muttering a small ‘yay’.
The two girls stared at each other before getting interrupted by a cough coming from Hades.
“Hellooo, we’re here too, but if you want the room all to yourselves we can arrange that” Hades said sarcastically, ignoring the burning glare coming from Maleficent.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I just got a bit ... .uhh….distracted.” Her cheeks tinted red “But, as much as i’d like to let you leave, the headmaster said that you must write” the girl paused before reaching towards the stack of book, before pulling out a piece of paper and turning towards the blackboard and writing:
“I mustn’t sneak and steal from the principal's office”
“...this for at least 4 pages....front and back” the girl still smiling, her positive nature never falling off, not even noticing the sudden drop in atmosphere.
The VK’s looked at the girl as if she had grown 2 heads.
“4 pages!?” Uliana screeched.
“Front and back….what the fuck” Morgie continued.
“Yes and no magic” Y/n said, showing anti-magic cuffs given to her by the headmaster.
“No magi…you’ve got to be kidding me” Hook scoffed, even if he himself didn’t have magic, the others could’ve done it for him.
The horned girl simply shut her mouth, not wanting to say anything rude towards the sweet girl she’s been after for months. Maleficent took a deep breath before plastering another smile and standing up, approaching the lovely girl that stood in front of the class.
“Darling?” Maleficent said, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen from the royals perfectly styled hair.
“Yes?” Y/n said shyly as her cheeks returned to the red hue it held before except this time, much darker.
That small action from the girl she had a crush on made her forget about the others in the room and simply stared at the girls captivating green eyes, that is until a piece of paper was thrown at them along with a “get a room!!” coming from Hades. Maleficent glared at her so-called friend, raising her hands to curse but Y/n had grabbed it whispering “No magic allowed” Maleficent resigned slowly putting her hand back down, but looked at her friend with a fiery glare.
“Darling, as i was saying, do you think maybe just for today you can spare us and let us…use magic” Maleficent said using her flirting skills.
“This is actually disgusting me so much” came from Hook but the two girls ignored him or simply didn’t care enough to listen to him.
“Uli are you seeing this?” “I don't care.”
“Well, i’d get in so much trouble if the headmaster were to find out i let you use magic” the girl reluctantly said, torn between following the rules and impressing her crush.
“What he doesn’t know won’t him, right, Darling?” Maleficent pushed.
“Well…” the girl was still conflicted between the good and the bad.
“If you let us, then maybe you and I can go on a date this weekend?” Maleficent said, trying to convince the girl. It was cruel to use this to convince the girl but, whether she let them use magic or not, the girl would’ve still taken her on a date.
“A date?” Y/n’s eyes widen looking down, her whole face turning red.
She was fully considering it this time, but inside there was this disappointment that her crush would only be willing to go on a date with her for the price of something else.
Y/n looked back up at Maleficent this time her smile was sad and the red hue on her cheeks were gone.
‘Have i said something wrong?’ Maleficent said.
“You don’t need to worry about the date, Maleficent, you can use magic this time and i won’t tell the headmaster” Y/n said with a new found professionalism in her voice.
“Please, sit back down and progress to the task at hand Y/n said before pushing past Maleficent to get to her own seat, opening a book and starting her own work. Meanwhile, Maleficent stared at the girl with a sad and confused look on her face, but she still went back to her seat, continuing to stare at the girl.
“Nice going…Mal” Hades said from behind her.
“I swear to god, I will curse you to eternal sleep if you don’t shut up” Maleficent said, turning to grab Hades' collar and threatening him. Hades raised his hand in feign surrender holding in his chuckle.
“Ugh. Whatever” Maleficent groaned before magic-ing her pen to start writing.
“Mal! Mine too!” she heard Hook said gesturing to his own paper. Maleficent waved her hands and Hook’s pen started writing on his own as well “Thanks!”
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That night Maleficent had stayed up all night long ranting about Y/n to Uliana, the sea witch forced to stay awake and listen to her friend complain about her ever so tragic love story.
“I just don’t get it, Uli, why did she suddenly become cold earlier, I was about to score a date!” Maleficent stressed.
“Well, you basically-” Uliana started only to get interrupted by the girl, who was, by the way, walking back and forth their dorm waving her hands around.
“OH MY GOD!! MAYBE I’VE BEEN READING THIS ALL WRONG AND SHE DOESN’T LIKE ME!” Maleficent yelled, turning and looking at her friend, horrified.
“Jesus Christ! Mali, you basically implied that you’d only go on a date with her ONLY if she allowed us to do magic, not because you actually like you.” Uliana explained finally rising from her bed and approaching her distressed friend.
“But I do like her” Maleficent muttered.
“Yeah, but does she know that?”
“I suppose not.” Maleficent sighed, defeated as she plopped down her bed, Uliana following along, comforting the horned girl.
“How about you ask her out, for real this time” Uliana comforted as she let the girl rest her head on her shoulder.
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The next day in detention, Y/n had kept her word and was there on duty, but only this time she didn’t utter a word to them, just giving them their task of the day, which is extra homework of Virtues and Values. Today no one complained about the work as they were weary of Maleficent's temper that day, so they just sat and did the work, well, except for Uliana who made Morgie do hers.
Once Maleficent finished her work, she neared the girl who was, quite obviously, avoiding her.
Y/n, noticing someone approaching her desk raised her head, only for her to put it back down.
“Maleficent! If you’ve finished your work, you can just put it down here and you’re free to go” Y/n said with her head still down, refusing to look at Maleficent.
When she was met with silence, Y/n looked up and saw Maleficent’s eyes filled with hurt and hesitancy as if she wanted to say something.
“Are you feeling alright?” Y/n rose to her feet and rounded the desk to touch Maleficent’s face, checking for fever.
“Oh my god, Maleficent! You’re burning! We should get you to the Medical wing!” The now worried girl said as she gathered her things.
The VK’S in the background laughed at the situation but Maleficent didn’t care as she stared starstruck at Y/n.
“Mal!” Uliana whispered-yelled to her friend, signaling to the frantic girl.
“Wait Y/n! I’m not sick, don’t worry!” Maleficent grabbed the girl's forearms, stopping her from panicking.
“But you have a fever!” Y/n insisted.
“I don’t…i don’t” Maleficent reassured, but the latter wasn’t convinced and tried to touch Maleficent’s face once more but got stopped.
“Uhhh…that’s what's making me burn up” Maleficent chuckled as she distanced herself a bit from the girl.
There was a continuous chuckling in the background from the boys.
“What?” Y/n said confused.
“Yeah…don’t worry about it”
“Are you sure?” Y/n asked wanting to be sure, her fri- schoolmate was ok.
“Yes, but there is one thing you can do for me, Darling.” Maleficent said with an unusual insecurity in her voice.
“Oh! Anything!” Y/n urged the girl to tell her what she can do to help her feel ok.
“Go on a date with me” Maleficent breathed out, her tone hopeful.
At that, the other girl's demeanor deflated.
“Oh…umm, I really can’t let you use magic today, Maleficent, I can't risk the headmaster finding out, I'm sorry” the royal apologized as she moved past Maleficent.
Maleficent felt heart broke at that, she knew how she worded it yesterday wasn’t really…ideal, but it still hurt.
“I don’t mean it like that, Y/n.” Maleficent hurried to explain “Would you like to go on a date with me this saturday?”
Y/n stared at the girl, dumbfounded by the sudden turn of event, her cheeks getting back its red hue.
“Are you serious?” The girl asked, fully turning towards the black haired girl “This isn’t a prank? Or a way for me to let you use magic during detention?” The girl wanted to clear her confusion, as she didn’t want her heart broken in the hands of someone she really did like.
“Non no, none of that, i’m asking you on a date because i’ve liked you for so long and i thought i made it obvious but apparently not, so here I am, officially asking you out” Maleficent said as she walked closer to the girl and held her hands.
“What?” The other girl was dumbfounded.
Maleficent chuckled at the reaction “ Would you, Y/n L/n, like to go on a date with me this saturday?”
“Oh my god, I would love to!” Y/n replied, hugging the girl. Maleficent stumbled back a bit, not expecting the hug from the girl but once she gathered herself together, she hugged the girl back tightly.
The sweet moment lasted for a second, before the sound of applause covered the room.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking with me” Maleficent said, irritated at the interruption. Meanwhile, the other girl had completely forgotten about the presence of the rest and grew embarrassed at her actions, so she hid behind Maleficent.
The applause suddenly stopped when Uliana grabbed Hook and Hades by the ears and dragged them out of the room with Morgie following, handing Y/n their homework at the exit.
“I’m so sorry about them” Maleficent apologized, facing the girl who had looked at her with a furious blush on her face.
“Oh, you look so cute, Darling” Maleficent cooed at the girl, causing her whole face to turn red.
“I really really like you, Maly” The girl suddenly said.
Now it was Maleficent's turn to blush.
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dirtybitfic · 1 month
Reality- pt.1
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Matt x y/n - Matt was your creative writing professor throughout all four years of university , he made lectures interactive and fun making him your favorite professor , throughout having him as your professor you caught feelings for him , now that you have graduated you think about reaching out....
( didn't proofread cause I didn't have the energy so I apologize if there are any typos)
Y/n pov-
Ive been having the time of my life on vacation with my best friends , we graduated this past spring so we decided to plan an amazing trip to Greece .
Im more than happy to be done with school for the rest of my life but ... I find myself missing one class in particular on this trip . Every time I sit down to read or write about my day or even as I write the book i'm working on , I think back to my creative writing teacher . Ive always loved writing wether it was my dreams as a kid or crazy stories my mind would come up with I found it made me happy . After having Professor Sturniolo for four years he made me fall involve with literature and writing even more . The day I graduated he told me he was so proud of the student I had become in his class , he loved my determination and creativity , and he loved watching me blossom into the hopefully soon to be author I am .
I grew to love him and a professor but also I slowly felt the feelings blossom for him throughout the years . I mean he's young , he was only 23 my freshman year and 19 year old me was foaming at the mouth walking into that lecture hall , His fluffy brown hair, Peircing blue eyes, tattoo scattered arm and deep but calm voice god he was just perfect.
Im three glasses of Santo down while writing a few chapters of my book but start to read over it a bit and feel like its missing something but I cant quite figure out what. Thats when I remember Professor sturniolo told me I could email him anything I write in the future if I ever needed notes or help , he is a published author after all . I search in my notes for his personally email he gave me and start up an email .
*email to profesor Sturniolo
Hi mr. Sturniolo ,
Im sorry to bother you , but I wanted to see if you could maybe read over my latest chapters of my book i'm writing . I trust that you will give me the feed back and guidance I need .
hope your summer is going well !
( inserts pages for him to read)
sincerely , y/n
After clicking send my stomach flutters with nerves , the books I write are... suggestive is the best way to put it . Dark romance is the style i've always been drawn to something about a stalker romance does something to me . When I was in his class I kept it classy with my writing style so having him read this type of work by me seems a bit inappropriate but then again he is no longer my professor so its not as bad .
I set my computer aside and fill my glass again and take a sip as I look over the beautiful scenery in front of me . I put my AirPods in as I start playing Young and beautiful by lana del rey . I close my eyes feeling the warm breeze blow through my hair as a smile spreads across my face . I could get used to this life , traveling around , writing in beautiful places just being happy while doing what I love.
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac comes on next and I stand as I slowly dance along to the music on the terrace and dramatically turn and grab the railing leaning back . It feels like i'm in a movie with how beautiful the scenery around me is . I hear the sound of an incoming email notification and my heart drops . I pause the song and sit back down looking at my computer seeing its from him . I take a deep breathe before opening it.
Good evening y/n,
I just started reading over the first few pages , your writing is amazing its filled with raw emotion which as a reader makes me more interested to keep reading . Would you be up or able to call once I finish fully reading what you've sent I think it would be a lot quicker for me to just tell you on the phone my feedback then type it out in an email.
Sincerely , Matt.
As I read over the email again just to make sure I read it correctly my heart literally falls to my ass . Im embarrassingly eager to talk to him on the phone . I decide to send him and email saying id love to call and left my number at the bottom .
I sit in the chair buzzing with nerves waiting for my phone to ring. I zone out looking at the water for god knows how long before I snapped out of my trance by my phone ringing. I look to see its a California # meaning its probably Matt.
I shakily pick up the phone and put it on speaker .
"Hi y/n its so nice to hear from you" his voice rumbles through the phone " You too I know its probably very late in California so I'm sorry for emailing you so late" I say shakily as the nerves fully take over my body." oh no please done apologize i'm actually in Italy right now so its not late at all" he says and I gulp Italy isn't too far from here meaning were probably in the same time zone. " oh god even worse ...I bothered you on vacation didn't I?" I ask now feeling terrible for bothering him. " No no trust me your fine i'm taking sometime here to get inspired for some upcoming books i'm writing so really its no bother at all" he says ending it with a warm chuckle that makes me smile. " well thank you again for even taking the time to do this I really appreciate it " I say sweetly " of course so lets talk about these chapters so far , I love the base line I think you've written dane very well , the detail you write about him makes it easy for me to envision him and get a feel for the character , ivory is written even better I mean she almost reminds me of you , but I think its missing some fear aspects . What I mean by that is Dane is her stalker and is following her around and entering her house without invitation so I feel like she should be more scared and fight back more than you have her , I feel like she's a bit too ... calm about the situation. I think if you add in that fear hes distilled in her it will help a lot with their character and relationship growth throughout the rest of the book but other than that I think the writing is amazing so far . I really am happy you came to me for help , I know I could be a little hard on you guys but I really did care about seeing you grow into the amazing writer I know you can be" he says and I cant stop smiling , hearing his kind words and praises have my stomach twisting and my heart beating a mile a minute. " I knew something was missing thank you so much this feedback really did help Mr. sturniolo " I say and I hear him chuckle " Of course and please call me Matt no need for the formality , you probably need to get some sleep I could imagine its very late in Oregon " he says and I smile
" well it is but i'm actually in Greece right now so i'm not to tired" I say " Oh wow then I guess you're watching a beautiful sunset right now , its beautiful here I can only imagine how amazing it is there" he says as I sigh and smile " It really is beautiful , the way it reflecting off the water is the best part " I say as I stand up and walk over to the railing looking out at the beautiful colors filling the sky " show me " he says and I furrow by eyebrows in confusion " what do you mean ?" I ask nervously " Face time me I want to see how beautiful it really is " he says calmly . " O-okay " I say as I hit the face time button and it connects almost instantly , I flip the camera quickly as I show it to him but instead of looking at it with him i'm staring at how fucking hot he looks . " wow your weren't lying its amazing " he says as his eyes move around taking in my view " I know , this place really makes the U.S seem dull and boring " I say as I still cant stop admiring him . "Sadly I have to agree with you on that " He says smiling . He flips his camera showing me the sunset he's currently seeing. " Oh my god ... its beautiful especially on a vineyard god I cant even imagine " I gasp as I take in the view . " It really is something huh" he says behind the camera . "mhm" I hum back smiling . He flips his camera back to his face and reluctantly so do I as I go to sit back down in my chair. " So are you in Greece all alone ?" he asks and I shake my head . " No i'm here with some friends but they've left me alone so I can write a little bit" I say and look into his beautiful eyes through the screen. " Ahh well that seems fun , a big trip with friends is always a good time " he says smiling taking a sip of wine . I admire him as I sigh and smile "Yeah its fun I just... I know i'm only 22 but I feel like i'm too old to be going out like they want to you know , its an every night thing " I say and he shakes his head laughing " trust me you are not too old y/n , you should be going out and having fun ... your young you gotta take advantage of it " he says and I smile " yeah I guess your right " I agree and he smiles before looking slightly behind me . I turn around seeing two of my friends standing by the back door smiling " WHO IS THATTTT " one of them yells and I smack her as she approaches . " No seriously hes so hot " my other friend says smirking . My face gets so red I look like a tomato . " Im so sorry Matt .... I should probably go but thank you again for the help " I rush out nervously " Of course y/n feel free to reach out anytime i'm more than happy to help " he says with a smirk that has me about to pass out in my chair . " Sounds good , have a good night " I say smiling " You too gorgeous " he says before hanging up. I gulp as I realize what he said before he hung up and my heart literally beets so loud I can hear it in my ears and feel it in my head.
" Guys seriously ... That was my old professor " I say as I turn to them still red in embarrassment . " WAIT LIKE ... PROFESSOR STURNIOLO THE ONE YOU NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT" she squeals and I nod . " Oh my god y/n whatttt ... he called you beautiful " she gasps and I hide my face in my hands . " I knowww " I say in a high pitched voice embarrassed. " Okay but like ... a FaceTime is crazyyyy , how did that even happen?" my friend ally asked and she sat down Callie doing the same. " well I emailed him asking if he would maybe read the recent chapters of my book and give me some feedback because I was struggling and then he emailed back and said it would be easier to call instead of email his notes so I gave him my number and then he told me that he thought my writing was great and a couple things I needed to add and then somehow we got to talking and he said he was in Italy and I said I was here and then he said something about how he was watching a beautiful sunset and I told him I was too then he asked me to show him over FaceTime so I did and then you guys came out and yeah " I rambled as they reacted with facial expressions and small gasps and squeals .
" No fucking way I mean girl ... he's gotta be into you I men he fully initiated the calls and shit andddd kept the conversation going after giving you the notes so like ..." ally says making me smile and blush . "Oh for sure he definitely wants you " Callie says smirking and shoving my shoulder . " No he doesn't y'all are reading into it to much" I say as I roll my eyes. " Y/n he called you beautiful ... be so for real right now he definitely likes you " Ally says and I cant help the smile that spreads across my face. " Okay I mean yeah but ... he was my professor we cant go there" I say and shake my head " Oh yes you fucking can , you graduated he isn't your professor anymore " Callie says making me laugh " okay whateverrr now lets go out I need to get drunk " I say as I close my computer and head back inside to get ready.
After a long night of drinking , dancing and laughing with my friends and random people we met throughout the night , Im stumbling up the stairs to our place with all of us giggling like school girls . " Y/n you should totally text him " Callie giggles and I laugh " No I may be drunk but I still know that would not be a good idea" I say and they all giggle " Oh come on you've wanted him for 4 years and he called you beautiful there's no way he'd shoot you down" ally says and I trip making us all laugh. " Shut the fuck up i'm not gonna do it " I say back but the thought runs through my head . " I mean you can send him a picture of this sunrise and say something like , this view would be better if you were beside me " she says and I burst out laughing " That is terrible like level 10 cringey " I say through gasps and giggles. " Okay yeah it was pretty bad but like send him a pic of it and say , is it as beautiful there or something" Callie says and I think about it " You know what okay fine ill do it" I say as I tussle through my purse grabbing my phone and taking a picture sending it to him then the " is it as beautiful there as it is here" .We all steel when I hit send and I throw my phone back in my bag .
" Alright i'm going to bed , my head is spinning right now" I say as I stumble to my room . I tear off my uncomfortable shoes and outfit and use a makeup wipe to get a good amount of my makeup off . Then flopping into bed way to exhausted and drunk to put pajamas on . I hear my phone ding so I fish it out now my purse seeing its a text from Matt . I open it and see its a picture of a sunrise with a text that says " Its pretty but not as breath taking as you" I gasp and throw my phone down giggling . I think of what to text back and decide to let my intrusive thoughts win " Thats a naughty thing to say Mr. sturniolo I was your student after all" with a smiley :) . I giggle at my text but my heart drops when I see the bubbles appear . " Key word was , ive always thought you were beautiful y/n I just kept those feelings hidden for the sake of being professional " his text read and I gasped . No way he just confessed to finding me attractive for these past four years . " Are you fucking with me ?" I text back . " No I mean every word I said , you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" he texts back and I scream into my pillow . " Well if we are being honest here ... i've had the biggest crush on you , the entire time I was in your class I couldn't keep my eyes off of you" I text back letting the alcohol fully take over . " Oh really , how many times did you fantasize about me during class?" he asks and I get nervous " every single day to be honest" I text back and 4 seconds later my phone is ringing . I pick it up giggling .
" Y/n " he greets " Matt " I greet back and I can hear him groan " Such a dirty girl for fantasizing about your professor " his deep morning voice says through the phone and I literally have to cover my mouth son moan doesn't slip out . " mm I have no shame about it " I say back smiling like a maniac " Oh I bet you don't , care to share any of these little thoughts you've had about me ?" he asks in a breathy tone making me clench my thighs " mmm I don't know, How bad do want to hear them? " I ask in a drunk but also seductive voice " Very bad " he answers back and I smile " Well i've thought about how you'd be in bed even had day dreams about it in class " I said and I could hear him groan " Oh trust me I know ... the way you'd look at me with your thighs clenched tight told me all I needed to know" he says with a deep chuckle . " y-you noticed that? I ask in a squeaky tone . "sweetheart I notice everything , you really think I didn't know you wanted me come on you made it so obvious" he says in a deep condescending tone making me clench my thighs as wetness pools between them . " I ... I didn't think I was that obvious " I say feeling embarrassed " No need to be embarrassed , I though about you too ... so so many times I wanted to take you over my desk but I couldn't ... but now now I can say whatever I want and there will be no consequences" he practically growls through the phone . I let a small whimper escape my lips and I can hear him groan . " God y/n you have no idea what you do to me" he groans and I whimper . " I could say the same to you Professor " I say in a teasing manner but I hear him mutter a fuck thinking I wouldn't hear it . " when do you get back to Oregon " he asks and I giggle " why ?" I ask " Just answer the question sweetheart " he says and I gulp " Friday" I answer and I can hear him click his tongue through the phone " You live alone ?" he asks and I gulp again " y-yes why" I ask again now feeling very nervous now. " How would you feel if I said im about to redirect my flight home to land in Oregon and stay for a couple days?" he asks and I can practically hear the smirk on his lips through the phone . " I-I yes I mean y-yeah id be okay with t-that" I answer back stuttering like an idiot as my stomach does summer salts. " Good now thats settled , ill be landing on Sunday that sound okay to you sweetey" he asks and I nod my head before realizing he cant see me . " Y-yes sir fuck I mean yes matt s-sorry force of habit " I rush out and I can hear him chuckle "Oh trust me I don't mind you calling me sir , sounds so good coming out of your pretty little mouth" he says and I moan unintentionally . "Well judging by the subtle slur to your words im guessing you haven't gone to sleep yet so ill let you go but well talk soon okay" he says " Mmm yes sir , goodnight " I say as I roll onto my side and get comfortable " Good night gorgeous sleep well " he says before ending the call .
Oh the girls are gonna freak about this when we all wake up .
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
coming from one of those "born in mid 2000s and is now suddenly an adult, making everyone feel old," people, do you have any resources to learn how to bullshit your way through getting a job with zero experience. cause i cant even put like "babysitting" or anything since covid prevented literally any teenage-typical jobs and i kinda dont know what to put on a resume beyond the university im currently attending and the high school i graduated from. and they still dont teach you this in school even though we've complained for years 😭
Okay my chilluns, listen up. This is how to bullshit your way into a basic 1-page resume even if you think you have absolutely dum-dum-diddlysquat to put on it. I completely feel you, as it's hard as hell to get a job even in the ordinary course of things, and especially when everything seems to want 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree (and still pays like shit). But you gotta be persistent anyway. So here follows the step-by-step guide of How To Resume:
Open a new Word (or other word-processing software of your choice) document.
Pick a nice, professional-looking font (for the love of God, no Comic Sans). Times New Roman is fine; you don't have to overthink it. My own CV is currently in Perpetua, because it's a nice serif that looks crisp and a little different, but it is still clean and readable. Garamond or Cambria or other starter typefaces are fine too. Make sure it is the right size, usually around 12pt.
Put your full name at the top, centered, in BOLD CAPITALS. Increase the typeface size a few more points on this, to make it stand out and to make it take up space.
Underneath this, in regular-sized text, put your contact information: mailing address if you're comfortable sharing it, or if not, at least your phone number and email address. Use a school email if you have it, and not some weird/in-jokey personal email.
Start a new paragraph. In a slightly smaller font (italic if you want to make it look classy) write a few words about yourself. This should be something like I am a [Major] student at [University] looking for a part-time, entry-level position in [sales, retail, office, etc]. A [year] graduate of [High School] in [City, State], I am [prompt, reliable, detail-oriented, mature, friendly, etc] and a hard worker who is eager to gain experience and positively contribute to your business.
Start a new paragraph. Change the alignment from Center to Left. Create a new heading in bold underline labeled Education.
Under this, fill in your education (college first, followed by high school). Include the institution name, city, and state, the year you graduated or expect to graduate, any honors or awards, any extracurriculars, any grade-point averages if they're good (i.e. 3.0 and above), and your expected major in college.
Start a new paragraph. Create another heading: Experience.
This is where you put absolutely anything you can think of (in chronological order, most recent first and counting backward). Did you volunteer for something ever in your life? Put it down! (Title of work, dates, location, brief description of work). Did you do yard work for someone for a weekend? Put it down! Were you (or are you) part of a student club or organization in high school or university? Have you organized or taken part in any local initiatives in your community or neighborhood? Put it down! Basically, absolutely any kind of work, paid or unpaid, that might be relevant, regardless of how long it was or when it took place.
Under that, put the new heading/paragraph Skills and Interests.
Have you worked with Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Adobe, Photoshop? Put it down! People love that shit! Do you use social media and/or know how to work it better than the average grandma? Put 'er down! You get the idea. Think of anything in your daily life that can be put in Job Language and then see if you can do that. You are in university; do you have any projects, papers, or other things that you're proud of? Have you successfully managed a (gasp) group project? Do you make any kind of art? Are you a registered voter who has taken part in civic/political organizations, drives, or events? (If not, REGISTER TO VOTE! This is your angry grandmother speaking). All of that can go down. Even if it's not job experience per se, it's life experience and shows that you are someone who is engaged with the world and working to gain more.
Last paragraph and heading: References. Ask a few trusted adults who know you well and aren't related to you, such as a favorite high school teacher or a university faculty member/degree advisor, if they'd be willing to serve as referees. Put down their full names, titles/place of work, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Voila! You have a full page resume, probably even a little more if you're lucky. Proofread, make sure the spacing is even and the alignment is right, it doesn't look weird, the text is a consistent size, it's all the same color, there are no glaring typos or grammatical errors, etc. etc. Save it as a PDF.
Boom. Done. You are now a Job Hunting Maestro.
If you get an interview, you don't need to pretend that you have tons of experience or that you're something you're not, but you can present what you ARE in a positive light anyway. Don't apologize for yourself or play yourself down pre-emptively; be confident about yourself and what you can offer. You're a college kid looking for your first part-time job, COVID prevented you from a lot of normal teenage work experience, you're willing to work hard and learn new things. Here's your resume. What would be a good time to talk again.
Good luck! I believe in you.
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nutzworth · 6 months
its been a whole month. but you know what time it is? thats right.
DAY 6: MARCH 17, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour 20 minutes (WEAK.) pages read: 1359-1592. 233 pgs slur count: 9 + 3 = 12 (dave, john x2. r slur) silly count: 11 + 1 = 12 (wv about his drawings) (i REALLY feel like i missed some... but whatever.) piss count: 2/3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (dave pissed in his shower)
THOUGHTS: ok i didnt think a lot this round cus its like nearing midnight on a school night so im reading for funsies ok
act 4 has the story bouncing around way more than it did in previous acts. i saw a lot of the exiles today. and a lot of TROLLS! the exiles are so fun today i saw some pm and ar lore and wv pm ar all fought and then they had a meal. and wv and ar are trying to win over pm but she dont care. the WOMEN. panel. so good.
somethin else i reaaally noticed this time around is HOW GOOD HUSSIE WRITES! seriously these kids are talking so naturally its insane. i really like it. theyre so cute. they talk like me and my friends and its really good. hussies a really good writer guys
why did dave say that "i should probably text [john] soon. cus. i love him" why did he say that? and rose's "I know." why? what? im sure this has been read into like a million times but it feels so OUT OF POCKET. why did he SAY THAT? why does rose KNOW? what is anything.
today was the introduction to rose's exile and land. the land of light and rain. the combination of the land and the weird cursive exile and the weird loneliness and silence just really... it really creeps me out ok. "A mother does what's best for her children" with the empty dock with a cut rope and the martini. ugh. "There are footprints in the white sand." oh my god. IT CREEPS ME OUT. its SO QUIET it freaks me. augh. i love you rose
DAVE PEED THIS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the next (and last) on the piss counter is in the middle of act 6 so were gonna be sitting pretty for a damn while. daves kind of a freak to be real. he says "voyeurbot" and "little girl" in the same sentence. why did he say this?
PA HARLEY. PA HARLEY ON LAND OF WIND AND SHADE!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!! oh oh aaaalso jade mentioned her penpal (JAKE!!!) and it got me a little excited. teehee. i looove jake english you dont even know
ummm dave entering the game... hes not in yet. but hes toying with his big machines and he got his totem and the object out. his egg. yeah. i didnt realize he was just playing with all this stuff and hes not even in the medium yet. craaaazy
WE SAW TEREZI THREE TIMES TODAY! THATS SO MUCH! SHES SO CUTE! i literally love terezi i always forget but i love her. shes so cool and silly and cute and the best. her convo with rose (her first one?) is so funny and awesome and ahh i love terezi. she says that the two of them were destined to be hatebuddies cus theyre both seers. ahhh
she also mentions some god tiers during that convo which was crazy. seer of mind. page of breath. knight of blood. maid of time. hussie just had this stuff on lock huh. why TAVROS'S classpect? not like vriskas? i dont know man.
karkat was so dumb today i cant even talk about him. he showed up twice and fumbled so bad. girl you havw GOT to stop being mean to people and yes that includes yourself. i really like karkat too i cant lie. hes so dumb so sweet. i love you karkat
jack noir just straight up gives pm a hit list for her king and queen for no reason. i mean yes there is a reason hes like "lol i do this to everyone wouldnt it be crazy if she was the one to get me their crowns lol" why does he do that? does he just have swords and symbols on lock? hes literally crazy
rose does her cool knitting needle in the monster thing. DAVE AND KANAYA CONVERSATION! i love them bad. rose and tavros is also funny but tavros types so much like a tool i can hardly stand it. im gonna be real i dont really like tavros. hes just not my style sorry
thats it sorry for not reading for a month. maybe ill do more this month haha. maybe maybe not. we will see ;-) thanks
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djservo · 11 months
that time of the month again... how did your october reading go? i saw you hit your reading goal! are we increasing it to push or just enjoying the moment? what's on the winter horizon
IMO !! we both hit our goals right? I feel like I cheated bc half of these reads were lil bite-sized afternoon reads but whatevz, october was fun!
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High Risk: An Anthology of Forbidden Writings edited by Amy Scholder & Ira Silverberg
I found this buried in the back of a bookshop for like $5 & saw that old copies are selling for like $25+ online?? wild! I lucked out! I loved the variety featured here, poems and prose and short stories and essays, a lil bit of everything for everyone. I've shared this exact sentiment before I'm sure but I really do love these types of anthologies because it exposes me to so many new authors/artists I wouldn't have so easily come across otherwise, and this collection was particularly fruitful. my favorite bit was probably 'Dear Dennis' by Dodie Bellamy, which is from a collection of letters written from the point of view of Mina Harker from Dracula and it's just as fun and zany as it sounds. this particular letter is addressed to Dennis Cooper which makes it even more fun for me hehe here's a particular (NSFW) passage I was super charmed by and keep thinking about
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The Complete Eightball 1-18 by Daniel Clowes
ohhhh daniel... with a collection this big there are bound to be some misses + the cynical sarcastic gen X 'everyone's an idiot & society is stupid' voice/punchline got predictable and grating after awhile, but it's still a treat to see the progression of his art and storytelling. Ghost World + Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron were featured in here so it was really nice to reread them bc I already loved them both but this time I was able to appreciate the artistic details and stories even more. especially Ghost World which I read around high school and it left a more superficial "haha bitchy teenage girls me as hellll" impression whereas this time around I was surprised at how emotionally gut-punched I felt at the end. so beautiful and touching
A Season in Hell and the Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud
I was craving some poetry + Dennis Cooper has referenced Rimbaud as an early inspiration so I thought i'd give a try, and I totally see the influence with this sorta meandering self-loathing nature mixed with this sensuous + bursting understanding of life. poetic stream-of-consciousness mumblecore. the beauty's kinda stained for me by racial slurs and general weird racial undertones but what else can I expect from a white french man from the 1800s i guess! the length is short enough (hardly 100 pages) to not have to commit to it very long at least
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
I am sooo shocked at how into this I was + I wonder if this would've been the case if I'd read it in high school under a teacher's direction bc while I've enjoyed books I've been assigned to read and analyze academically in the past, the vibe is so different when you're reading something on your own and processing/interpreting things by yourself, more limitless in a way. and I think because of that freedom to move around and stew in and envision things way I wanted to, I really had fun with this!! I think reading it at my age, so removed from school, also made it more shocking in the sense of realizing these are literal children.....??!?? so crazy silly funny scary to think about... these poor boys who desperately need therapy... also the copy I had included introductions by Lois Lowry and Stephen King which were basically nostalgic odes to literature and the stories that shape us as and the way we interpret the world as young readers and I really had a moment like...wow... books really are so powerful like truly....
The Wolf Plays by Brad Fraser
I cant lie, I picked this up bc I was so entranced by the photoshoot Keanu Reeves and Carl Morotte did for the live performance they starred in hehe. it feels redundant to be like 'this would've worked better on the stage.." when reading a play bc Obviously it was Meant for performance/the stage, but IDK I've read screenplays that were so layered and full of life from dialogue to stage directions that it felt as if I really were witnessing a production of it whereas here, the direction and characters were so sparsely written that it was hard to imagine it being any more fleshed out for the stage. to be fair, Fraser himself admitted in the introduction to Wolfboy (the first/main play out of he two featured in this collection) being rushed and rough around the edges so oh well, I'm just glad to have gotten this out of my system now or else it would've plagued me
Castle Faggot by Derek McCormack
so strange and bewitching. I love how it plays with form in a kinda taunting way. blank boxes where you imagine the picture that's being drawn out n stuff like that. I think I'll need to read it again to flesh out my thoughts but with it fresh on the mind, I'm tickled by its way of weaving anger with absurdity. in the afterword convo between Dennis Cooper + Zac Farley, Dennis recounts a story about Derek where they were hanging out at some mall and Derek spotted Nicholas Brandon (the guy who played Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and without a word Derek made a beeline to Xander and just stood closely right behind him on the escalator staring at him intensely and Dennis was equal parts humiliated and terrified bc he'd never seen this weird dark obsessive side of Derek before + that was basically how he felt about the book as well. thought that was neat and somewhat clarifying LOL
PHEW im pooped. NO i will NOT be increasing my reading goal for these last 2 months, lest I strive farther than my capabilities/motivation yet again!!! I tried a few Fil-Am/Filipino horror fictions in october but none of them really clicked for me and i didn't want to commit to something I felt lukewarm about so I'm planning to read some (non horror) Fil/Fil-Am books this month. I realized in October I read almost every form (poetry, fiction, graphic novel, play) except nonfiction wtf! my bread and butter! so I'll probably look for something stimulating buried in my pdfs somewhere
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izakiisdead · 2 years
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Hello !! I'm izakiisdead (izaki for short) and I write fan fictions,one shots and scenarios. I go by he/him pronouns. requests are on my bio, just click the 'ask me anything' button. I will only post 2 times a week (friday and saturday) if im feeling generous I might do 3 post a week !!
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Make sure to specify what character, what AU, what do you want me to do and gender of the reader. Remember I only do male/gn reader !!
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
→˙˚ 𓆩☆ What I will write !!☆𓆪 ˚˙
>Male reader 「M!reader」 and Gender Neutral reader 「GN!reader」
> Male x M!/gn!reader
>Sfw (Safe for work ♡) and slight Nsfw (Not safe for work ☆)
>Characters from video games and anime (video games and animes will be listed down below)
>Crossovers, different AUs and poly relationships.
→˙˚ 𓆩 ☆ What I wont write !!☆ 𓆪 ˚˙
>Female reader 「F/fem!reader」, because I want this to be a place for m!reader and nb!reader because theres not much out there.
>Weird (in my perspective) kinks.
>adult x minor (this includes teacher x student)
>angst (my heart cant handle angst too well but time will tell when i finally have the courage to write angst)
>crazy yanderes (but soft yanderes are fine)
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Anime ✰
>My hero academia (MHA)
>Assassination Classroom
>Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no yaiba (KNY)
>Ouran High School Host Club (OHSHC)
>The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
>Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Video games ✰
>Final Fantasy 15 (maybe some ff7 if you guys want some but ff15 bcz idk much about ff7 LMAO)
>Yandere Simulator (including those non existence male rivals and yandere kun bcz I LOVE THEM)
>Genshin Impact
>Mystic Mesenger
>Ensemble stars (maybe ? idk)
>Stardew Valley
>Street Fighter IV
Non video games or anime ✰
>Vocaloid (including genderbends)
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
(click on the underlined text to read/check out !!)
>Nagisa boyfriend scenarios part 1 !!
> Soft!Yandere!Itona Horibe x Oblivious!Male!Reader
>Masky x GenderNeutral!Reader x Hoodie
>Karma Akabane x GenderNeutral!Reader
>Headcanons : Denki Kaminari x Idol!Male Reader
>Nightmare Comfort ! Sam x Male reader !
>B-BUNNY EARS ?!?! Team 7 x Bunny!Male reader
>Festive Love. Naruto Uzumaki x Silent!Male Reader
>Headcanons : Ken Masters x Male Reader
>''I'll love you either way !'' Sam (stardew valley) x Trans!Male reader
>Headcanons : Denki Kaminari x Ghost!Male reader
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I think thats all ! If you're wondering about AUs, any AUs are fine !! :DD
By the way ! this rule page will be changing once in a while, it depends !
-izaki out !
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xinnabon · 2 years
# TIGHNARI x gn!reader
cw. plants vs zombies mention, burnt boiled egg, pet name mention.
not doing requests but you are free to leave one of your ideas/requests in my inbox. though, i will be doing those in the future because i cant pile up these requests to school stuff in my tasks. definite goal not to burn out LMFAO.
a/n: i'm still on hiatus HA. been almost 2 months since i wrote sum romanceyyyy. this one is kinda goofy but anyway hi i reincarnated into a better xin yeellloo!!!!
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#1. overprotective. i think whenever you have a really contagious disease or state you are in, trust me, he's the type to lecture you and warn you strictly to not go too far out.
#2. in the other hand, he gets really affected if you show him the slightest physical type of touch on him. he'd lose of thought and just look upon you keeping his composure.
"you're smart enough to take care of yourself, i know it. but why go across the forest? there are multiple of creatures that can be lurking down there that can easily hurt you and you decided to stroll around as if it would be fine--"
close. your close. placing your hand on top of his and its warm. you couldn't really understand most of what he's saying but you just want him to be close to you. even he couldn't understand himself now that he's losing himself.
he then lets you slip off this time.
#3. honestly, if you introduced him to something dorky that doesn't have a logical reason, he'd go all out. as in all out.
"plants vs zombies? really...? do you seriously think plants can actually fight zombies? haha-- no. there are no such thing as zombies. and plants have a purpose to grow on ground and do--"
bonus: he secretly gets involve.
#4. after a few months of dating, he can't believe that he managed to deal someone as unreasonable as you. even it dumbs him out if you have weird theories about things.
"can you burn boiled eggs"
"what... no... its most probably going to be rotten--"
#5. brings you all sorts of flowers he found out in patrol. maybe his love language is either acts of service or gift giving. he'd take time planning those gifts and prepping it in one piece. he'd like to settle in his creativity after a while.
#6. ever since you two met, he'd write on his journal about all sorts of things about you. he finds you interesting. he writes what you two did together, slight details on you he observed, even he'd get carried away talking about you to the point its about 5 pages long.
#7. dove. he likes calling you dove. he isn't so precise about why but maybe it just felt like you had a sense of freedom in you.
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bbbutterfingers · 2 years
thank you for fighting on the front lines of the amelia watson propaganda here on tumblr; your art lives in my head 24/7. I've been stewed in enough detective brainrot to the point where I've written multiple rambling and long-winding explanations about her to my friends on discord, these things gain a larger wordcount in 5 minutes than an essay for school does in a month. i didn't even watch the streams at the start of writing them. i cant stop i feel like im slowly descending into hell.
and you don't think to share those multiple page dissertations with me, your #1 source for amelia watson?
i'm waiting.
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cosmosrival · 2 years
thoughts on reze csm (are you excited to see her in the anime)
shes an adorable and very tragic character and i love her a LOT. shes my mippy my squimchy babey and my daughter and denji is my son in law
i know fujimoto emphasizes on how denji is gullible and easily led on by women a lot and reze is no exception, but i genuinely believe that she is the only one who romantically fell for DENJI as they spent time together. (denjipower is NOT a romantic relationship btw!)
i love their dynamic, she's actually more unhinged than he is (have u noticed how polite denji is compared to her... its so so cute. the part where they're at school and she's the one leading him around and showing him stuff even though she didn't go to school either... the part when they're playing class and she's like What Does This Say! and he's like Pick Me!!! Pick Me!!!! I dunno!!! and shes like It Means Big Ass and he's the one to call her a perv like ITS SO CUTE TO ME MAN i feel like the dynamics were reversed a little, u'd usually see an anime girl call the anime boy a perv...idk to me they make SO MUCH SENSE) and i think denji needs someone like that. like her specifically. they're on the same page but she's just a bit more experienced and isn't easily shaken up and enjoys spending time with him just because she likes him
when fujimoto made reze say "i'll protect you denji" i KNEWWWW that she'd be the most perfect romantic ship for him. i know that it's tough to tell because she ultimately betrayed him, but im certain that she loves him because she still went back for him no matter what. she was ready to take the blame and make up to DENJI not chainsawman for what she did.
but then makima caught her like a mouse since she was a clear example of a healthy relationship for denji and in order to manipulate him further without fail, reze had to disappear. ITS VERY TRAGIC and i love love love makima's writing all throughout part 1 and especially how frightening she was when confronting reze. the imagery fujimoto used was also amazing and i cant wait to see it animated, as well as the ending song that reze is going to get!!!!!!!! praying that she gets eve PLEASEEE
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vriendenboekjes · 1 year
I was tagged by @quimerical to answer 15 questions and tag 15 people to do this as well. thanks so much!!! <3
1) named after anyone? my second name is after my maternal grandma :) my brother's second name is my paternal grandpa's so we're even. I think his was for a hope of better family relations on that side but unforch that didnt really happen but MY grandma RULED
2) last time you cried? uuuuhm i had just gotten feedback on my thesis chapter and it was a bit too much to handle
3) do you have any kids? i do not
4) do you use sarcasm a lot? not really i think? Sometimes for humorous effect but lately i think ive gravitated more towards dry statements.
5) what’s the first thing you notice about people? walk walk fashion baby. no but i think hair? i love looking at hair and hairstyles so that's why i think i pay attention to it. Also what colours they're wearing.
6) color of your eyes? greenish. i guess in english you would call it hazel but in dutch there isnt really a word for it as far as im aware
7) scary movies or happy endings? dependsssss. on my mood. I think a lot can be said for either.
8) any special talents? not really.
9) where were you born? the hospital in a city.....
10) hobbies? i play lute and guitar :) taking care of my plants, going for walks, and i love to sing but im not good at it, im also learning mandarin online and it's really fun!!! but also slow going. And hypothetically i love to read even though i haven't really had the time for it lately. I also really want to get back into writing and other forms of art, but i need to build up my confidence/rhythm again. Also sudokus and other puzzle books and lately ive been really into i think it's called code breaker? You get 3 letters that are assigned a number and then you have to figure out the other words on the page and which letters correspond to which numbers etc. Also in the colder months i love textile/fiber stuff like knitting and needle felting but NOT when it's warm out.
11) any pets? my parents have a dog :)
12) what sports do you/have you played? nothing these days but i used to swim, do ballet, jazzdance and contemporary. I tried tennis and hockey (sooo bad at it) and kickboxing for about half a year but decided that wasn't for me. Also I had a gym card for a while and that was pretty fun!
13) how tall are you? about 1,73
14) favorite subject in school? im assuming school means high school here? i loooved english class but i'll be honest a big part of it was that i had SUCH nice teachers. Harder to say in uni. I think most of my major-specific courses were quite nice. But the best time in my life was when i just had an internship and i had soooo much time on the side to do other fun things. The country was kind of going in and out of lockdowns during that time so there wasn't THAT much to do but at least i had lots of time to read.
15) dream job? i don't dream of work but uhm maybe this isn't really the point of the question but talking semi-realistically I think programming for a festival could be really nice. I think it's such a nice puzzle of overarching theme, then how does the performance/installation fit with that, then maybe a talk on the side. A few years ago for above-mentioned internship I had to put together a fictitious program and it was so much fun to think of all the possibilities and how to engage the audience the best way.
tagging: @xiaoguiwang @pussykech @brigittefitzgerald @stardewvgf @wulfhall @farhanqureshi @pinkloving @lynchiangf @engulfes @morqwen @soulmvtes @pumpkinspicedlesbian and 3 other people i cant think of right now...... no pressure to do this of course and if i havent tagged you but you want to do this please tag me!!!!
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hanisentries · 11 months
Hani Entry #1 <3 11/10/23
My names Hani and I hate the DPS. I've been struggling to attain my drivers liscence ever since I became a legal adult, and I hate it. Where I live the city is not walkable at all. I bought apple cider today when I went to the store. I loved apple cider when I was little, so I hope I love it just as much now. I am praying that I will be able to get my driver's liscence before we go on turkey break for my college and work. One of my besties is coming all the way from Chicago to come see me and I've missed her so much, I cannot wait to see her. These entries are a culmination of my thoughts throughout the day, or perhaps only the end of the day when I get to write. My favorite color is purple so I hope there is a way for me to change my page color to pastel purple. I hate being broke, I work full time and live with my mom and I am still broke. I don't know how long I can leave my wallet with this brokeness disorder. College is obliterating me, anyone else in the same boat?  I know I procrastinate quite a bit, but this work load is insane. I haven't been able to take my lab class for chemistry which is the only reason why I want to major in Chemistry ( for the fun experiments) and its making me very sad. Today I cried after about the 394762th failed attempt at getting my driver's liscence. I just came home and plopped on my bed and started bawling. I went to the store with my mom, its a nice one with food area's and all ( I love the sandwiches they have). When we got to the register the boy taking care of our items kept smiling. I see him there every time I go with my mom and I always wear my older brothers dusty sweater when I go (quite literally every time). The cashier is really tiny and adorable, he's shorter than me (he looks like he could fit in my pocket and he has a braces smile). When I was crying about my liscence I thought of his face and it made me cry more, because I thought at least he probably has his driver's liscence and I don't :< I know how to drive it's just, every time I think all of the mechanical issues with my moms car are gone, a new problem pops out on me, not allowing me to get certified. I got my permit again though (its not that useful, I cant drive by myself). I don't want to go to school next semester but my Colombian mom would whoop my ass, so I should probably register for my classes tonight before they fill up.  I really do think having a black cat would solve all of my problems but i'm allergic I hope every one reading this has a great night, may all of your fuzzy blankets stay warm and all your pillows fluffy. I love gummy worms. (I think he like's gummy worms as well, he spoke to himself once at the counter and said "ooh gummy worms!" ) That was adorable. I need to make more money, I will continue to clock in at my clinic. For the good of the people/patients and my wallet.
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thechickenthatdid · 1 year
Introduction Blog
Hi my name is Christopher Saito, you can call me Chris or Saito. People only call me by my last name because there was 2 other Chris's at my school.
One of my favorite things is an anime called bleach. Anime is a Japanese cartoon that is created through drawing. In a sense a stop motion picture's but with drawings. I love this because beside showing a plot of a story, it also shows the creativeness and the articulate skill the publishers have.
Personally, I can say confidently that I can semi write well. IF we are looking at a scale form 1-10, I would say that i am a solid 6 or 6.5. I know I can be better at writing, but there will be sometime where i surprise myself about my writing. Although, I would not say that I am the best at creating papers constantly that would consist of skills deemed as "college level" writing. Example of this would be having a back to back paper that is about 4-8 pages long. The work i would submit would either deteriorate in quality or just flat out be trash.
English is technically not my first language, but i totally forgot how to speak Tagalog. So no point, but its a neat fact to know of me.
I am pretty comfortable with technology for the most part. Sometimes there is a point where I cant tell if it is the computers fault or user error. That happens very rarely though.
I personally would prefer word, to be my word processor. I just like it, similarity how people like IOS over Android.
There is noting else that I would like for you to know, beside the point that my first impressions of you is that you are very kind welcoming, and overall a good person. I ca not wait to have you as my teacher!
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calowlmitygoddess · 1 year
Ill fill the writing meme because i love talking about myself lmao
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? Standart arial, and don't care, tought i tried the comic sans trick a few times
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil? Probably not, my handwriting is terrible, actually unreadable to anyone but myself. Ive used to write on papper back in highschool when i had to write basicly everyday, now i havent touched a pen in ages.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? No standart ritual aside from needing music, anything else distracts me. The two songs i listened the most while writing is Respite on the Spitafields by ghost and Sacred Worlds by Blind Guardian
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? Can't think of any rn :^
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? I dont think i have any
6. What is your darkest fear about writing? That it all will be meaningless/no one will read what i do
7. What is your deepest joy about writing? Doing Something TM the whole, creation aspect
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go? No dialogue, just write a piece of someone going trought their day, ive wrote a small exercise a while back that fit this.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know No. Unless i hear a Noise TM then they are very real
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you? All my unfinished things haunt me daily. So much promise and so far nothing real. I had to write a thing to help let go of their ghosts
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? Only when it fits the narrative. I dont like killing characters whitout a major reason, usually thematic, otherwise it feels cheap.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules. Have the skill needed to make my Big Project reality, Have it reach some form of Good greater recognition/popularity, the last one i would keep for later.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? Hard topics in general, big issues, relationships in any realistic way.
Literally just characters vibing, introspection, Over the top stuff.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back? No one ever asked for a book to me but id have no problem doing so. Im the one people shouldnt ever lend any books because i am very careless and would likely end up dropping coffee or something accidentally on it
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends? I dont write in margins, but i did dog eared books in the past, and i use the jacket(?) of the book to mark my pages.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark? fuckenn... i dont remember tbh, again i use the jacket.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. I have a post with a bunch of lore about the dragon species, i cant find it tought. But they are mammals that lay eggs, have no gender, their society mostly resemble that of bees, they have no currency, and the watsonian reason the main character goes by gendered terms despite not having one is because she thinks the words sound nice
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. I dont think theres any passages that have interesting enough backstories.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? My dream since childhood was to write a book, ive always liked to tell stories, read and such, i would dictate stories that my mom would write down before i learnt how to do so. But then i got really into drawing and started to foucus more on that, and ended up shifting the foucus from writing text to comic making since every artist with ocs does that. I also changed foucus on projects faster than light, so i would write 2 chapters and give up the next day, or change the entire story the next week and such.
I stuck with comics as my goal for like the past 6 years, and only early this year i came to the conclusion that i really hate the comic making part of making comics, and that i like writting much better. Im very rusty+ the fact im not as avid reader as i used to, and the quality is not really good, but im having fun.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Wip, finish the wip, thats all i wanted since i was 10, what even is the point of this question.
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not? I just started writting 'seriously' so i dont want to quit just yet. Also i have a massive undeserved ego, i dont think even the most discouraging,awful negative review could make me quit doing it.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud? I have one google doc, with outline+ chapters as i write them, i used to have different docs for lore/outline/chapters but its easier this wau
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
In the inn i stay during the week and my actual room in my house are essentially the same place, Is my room, its messy and damp but its confy enough. My table is turned to the small window and during the morning the sun hist right in my face. The table is equally messy, with cups and glasses over it, pappers stained with coffee and tea cover its surface. My one company, a small succulent that rests near the window, and a carved small owl that i need to constantly clean because its constantly molding due to the dampness.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it? Idk what kind of prep work you would do. I just sit and write mate.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Godamn i cant think of any rn. Most of my Extremely well developed characters are from my BIg Story, but it literally doesnt exist anywhere outside my head yet, so idk what is and isnt relevant to it. For my current wip is a little harder since the characters are like less than a year old. idk...Orick looks like a cat person, i think he would like to own a cat.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place? I go "what would a person in this situation with this background do" and try my best to guess.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? Any character thats like a stategist or planner, because its hard to make them look smart without making it look like bullshit or predicting the future
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why? Meira. Her narration came very easy to me, guilt ridden but still professional and calm, also Big Gay.
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? I was never a very original kid, im a vampire that sucks the soul out of other things to fuel my own. My current Wip main characters are based out of HK characters they resemble nothing of. Im always on the prowl for new media to steal from be inspired by
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
Sort of. I've dreamed with plots before, and i usually do my best to remember, but while at the moment i wake up feeling like that was the best idea in the world, after a while when i think about it again, its just sort of nonsense
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
Literally Thank you to anyone who ever gave me the time of day. Im still a little haunted by those i dissapointed by never fininishing stuff but the fact that yall liked enough to make me feel guilty for giving up is also good in a way <3
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
'sometimes a dream is enough' - the last line from one of my favourite books. In context it drives me insane, it makes me rabid. But out of context its just neat
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate? Im a Drawer! also tried sculpting in the past. And YES, my current dream is to have an illustrated novel.
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go: No idea what an oxford comma is and at this point im too afraid to ask
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens? POV character being the protagonist, i just found it such a neat concept. Also the protagonist needing to be a Good Moral Character.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know? Dinossaurs, i wanna write a story about dinossaurs one day...
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you? Gay. Also very into dragons
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? I dont have any Weird habits i think? I can only imagine some kind of complain about how their current food sucks.
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up? Not to be dark in the funny meme but giving up would literally remove one of the things that give my life some form of meaning
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
idk how to write poems sorry
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charterandbarter · 2 years
End/Start of the year! Means it’s time for an end of year self rec list! If you want.
A top 3-5 list OR rank all the fics you have done this year in a full, completely arbitrary, ranked list of all the ones from this year! Would love to hear your thoughts on your own work :)
!!! BUDDY!!!!!
I didn't do much writing this year (grad apps,,,,why) but I can put some things in a list to kick off a brand new writing season!! So here: top three list of most fun i've had working on a fic this year! 1. Sunset Bridge, part 2 of the mirrors of god series (Persona 5/Death Note crossover, where Akechi was adopted by the Yagamis)
What a series. What an idea. 'Haha Goro Akechi and Light Yagami look the same' we said. 'They could be brothers', we said. 'Wouldn't it be funny if that were a thing', we said. And now we're 10 pages deep in an outline for the ages, both screaming and shaking and sliding down walls as we accidentally write the most Sibling relationship to ever sibling. A hug and a bow to Writeous for your wit, cleverness, and sheer brass balls to smush the Death Note timeline, which is a swiss watch of a thing, with Persona 5, a fucking 100+ hour free choice JRPG, but it has been so much fun writing these guys!! "Why do you resent the fact that you love your family?" and we keep getting different answers every time,,,,man. Man!! i legit cant say too much because godDAMN did we go crazy, but MAN!!!! 2. The Hippocratic Oath (Revised) (the premed!kaneki ken au)
I can't exactly say it was 'fun' to write this so much as it was meaningful to write this fic lol. Tokyo Ghoul was one of my first fandoms (back in...middle school holy shit), and I was chomping at the bit to play off of the anti-martyrdom themes rooting around in the og series for a while. Is it my best work? Debatable. Is it my most well-plotted? Depends on your version of plot. Did I go fucking batshit insane, black out, awaken to a 20pg outline, and subsequently drag Misery Man Kaneki Ken kicking and screaming towards some semblance of a recovery arc by (among other things) making him a STEM major? yes. and i regret none of it, because i tbh needed to write this fucker anyway (changed my major, gender AND sexuality!!! the fuck!!!). aaaaaa the paradox of 'do no harm',,,,,the problem never ends because martyrdom was never the solution from the start,,,,,,,the asymptotic condition we're all saddled with where yeah we're burdens on eachother but that's like cool and shit because it's not about deservin it's about living aaaaa anyway yeah only time i wrote a fic and got knocked flat on my ass into a different career track so yep it goes on here! i also decided to make every chapter 10k like a fool, so pray for me. oh vocaloid-stan kaneki we're really in it now,,,, 3. Flock Together (Persona 5/BNHA, an Akechi-in-BNHA au)
I have nothing big about this fic. It's fun to write a dumbass getting jumpscared by a child. Man makes One (1) good decision and is now a Babysitter. The child being Babysat is also ready and willing to throat-punch people. i cannot stress enough that I am writing this fic to make Eri go fucking insane, and for every chapter I post there are three scenes of eri just going fucking bonkers hitting kneecaps, swearing, and doing normal girl things like reminding people to wash their money because 'money laundering' is v important. stress ball fic thank GOD. don't worry about the plot shhhhhh i dont have plot dont worrrry about it-- but yeah!!! That’s my top three most fun fics this year!!!!!!! i’d like to @yellowocaballero, @ragnarokascendant and @bitemeilovewaffles to reply to this ask, if willing and able! lets celebrate what  we’ve made and make room for more to come!!
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