#but I did see Michael Lindsay and Gavin walk in front of my car as I was pulling out of the parking garage lmao
heisttheblackflag · 1 year
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happy one year anniversary to San Francisco AH Live!
- Trevor recognized me in the audience from this tweet
- I asked in the VIP Q&A “if you had an unlimited budget what would you want to make?” Geoff was really sweet and said he’s already been able to make everything he’s ever wanted. Joe said he wanted to make a podcast about rocks. he clarified he wanted to be able to talk about like moon rocks and meteorites and stuff, but not before the entire rest of the cast absolutely shit on him and continued making fun of him for it for the rest of the Q&A
- Jeremy sang “Impostor” live and absolutely KILLED it, his screams were even better than the recording it was so cool
- they did a karaoke dance party as the very last thing of the night and almost every single person in the audience voted to do a song from hsm but the link didn’t work so we did Africa by Toto instead
- there was a cheesecake with a mic on stage and people kept sneaking bites until finally Joe shoved the whole thing in his mouth at intermission. when they came back Trevor and Alfredo started screaming
- Tim Gettys and Alfredo had a really tearful beautiful moment with Alfredo’s grandma on stage, it was genuinely really incredible and touching. and then later on she came back out to threaten a bunch of the other AH members as a bit. I’m obsessed w her
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staranon95 · 4 years
all the way down
a red hood au drabble
Gavin feels like he’s in a fog.
He hasn’t slept yet. Couldn’t fall asleep. Lindsay and Michael ended up taking him home to their place. He’d be no good on his own, and he liked staying with the Jones’. They make life comfortable.
He ends up leaving their second bedroom around four in the morning after two hours of tossing and turning. He drifts into the living room and situates himself on the armchair that looks directly out onto the street. They live in one of the older suburbs where the houses are largely one floor plus a basement.
Somewhere across the city, a masked man is sleeping off some serious injuries in Fiona’s flat. A man who has been confirmed to be Alfredo.
He remembers Alfredo. He’s never been able to forget Alfredo.
dEveryone thinks he’s moved on to an extent. It’s been five years, why wouldn’t he? He should be well adjusted, but what the others don’t know is that he would periodically visit the old crime scene shortly after Alfredo’s death. The site was cleared shortly after the fire once the investigation had closed. Then it sat empty for two years until some developer came along and built a new warehouse. Any clues left behind would be impossible to find, but still he visits that site.
He’s not in mourning, he doesn’t think. He did that shortly after Alfredo’s demise. He’d describe it as a restlessness. He’d describe it as a regret. He can’t really say what Alfredo meant to him back in the day. Alfredo was fun. He was a good kid despite only being a few years younger than Gavin. He was eager and loud and liked sending Gavin dumb videos on the internet late at night.
So then why does Gavin feel like his heart is going to cramp in his chest? There was nothing between them.
He ponders these questions and these feelings until the sun rises and his eyes feel sore and blurred. It’s around this time one of Lindsay’s cats makes an appearance. A long-haired stray that stretches out in front of Gavin before sitting neatly on the ground next to the armchair until Gavin invites her onto his lap. Lindsay is quick to follow.
“Hey, Gav,” she says, somewhere behind him in the kitchen. “Did you sleep last night?”
“Nah. Too much to think about.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. It was a strange fucking night.”
He wonders what’s going through Lindsay’s mind. She’s the one who brought him in. Did Alfredo not remember her? Maybe he didn’t recognize her. But they don’t know what state Alfredo is in. Maybe he knows them as the Fakes and not as old friends.
What if he doesn’t remember Gavin as Gav? What would Gavin do then?
He hums in response and cranes his neck around to look at Lindsay.
“I asked if you wanted some coffee.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. That sounds great.”
Michael sleeps in late that day, and Gavin feels a headache building in his temples.
“Any news from Trevor?” asks Michael once he’s had some coffee and food in him.
“Nothing yet,” Lindsay says. “We’re on standby. Fiona says Alfredo is up. She’s not talking to him, though, and he doesn’t seem like he’s going to run away.”
“Not with those injuries he’s not. Give it a few days. He’ll eat her out of house and home and then disappear into the night.”
“You think she can convince him to stay?”
Michael snorts. “Listen, I don’t doubt Fifi’s ability to play the part, but she’s not a gracious host.”
“I haven’t even been invited into her flat yet. What about you, Gav? She ever let you in?”
Gavin shakes his head. “I don’t even know her address. Can’t blame her, though. Otherwise we’ll all be crashing in at three in the morning.”
“Yeah that’s pretty true,” Lindsay says. “I would make an excuse every time just to see her. Like not even for work stuff. Just to see her.”
“She’s a private person that way,” Michael says.
“Which makes this a really big deal,” Gavin mutters. “Anyway. I think I’m gonna Uber back to my place. Take a shower. Take a nap.”
“You sure you’ll be good, boy?” Michael asks.
“I can offer you the ride,” Lindsay says.
“I am not taking you as an Uber. I just feel weird whenever I do. Let me know if anything changes.”
“Will do,” Michael says.
Gavin nearly falls asleep on the ride over to his apartment. He stumbles out of the car and walks to his ground floor apartment slowly. His apartment is quiet when he enters. There’s a dull ringing in his ears as he walks through to his bedroom. He doesn’t go for the bed. Not yet.
First, he draws down his black out curtains and turns on the bedside lamp. He pulls off his jeans and takes off his dress shirt and tosses them on the floor towards the laundry hamper. He kneels down on the ground in front of his dresser. He goes into the bottom drawer, pulling out jeans and folded pairs of pants. He installed a false bottom into his dresser when he first bought it. It holds few things. Just some secrets of his. His old birth certificate from England. A newspaper clipping of his old alter ego back before he was noticed by Geoff and Jack—the Tweety Bird Burglar. He still hasn’t figured out where that name originated, but he enjoyed it none the less. And then the one thing he hasn’t looked at in months. A sweater.
The sweater is old. Soft and worn with holes in the sleeves. It was a gag gift. Gavin went out to a custom print shop and had it made. On the back was a homemade logo—the Sauce, the affectionate name Gavin and the rest of the crew had for Alfredo. It was more or less the unofficial gift that welcomed him into the crew. After the accident, Gavin went to Alfredo’s place and took this with him before they had the place cleaned out and everything else disposed of.
He sets the sweater over his knees and rubs his hand over the faded and cracked words of the print.
Whatever’s going to happen now, Gavin doesn’t think he’ll be getting his ‘Fredo back.
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Haywoodstown: Chapter 9- Wait for Me
Summary: It’s a sad story. It’s a sad tale, it’s a tragedy. It’s a sad story, but I’ll tell it anyway.
It had been almost a century since the apocalypse, Geoff and his boyfriend, Jack, were struggling to make ends meet. But somehow, Haywoodstown mines was a thriving business, despite the fact that no one was ever seen leaving the mines. Geoff heard the legends of the mines and was curious to see how much was true. He takes Jack with him one night to go searching for answers. On their search, they run into a young man in a well-tailored suit. The man offers to tell them a different story from mines.
It’s a love story, it’s a tale of a love that never dies. It’s a love story, about someone who tried. And there was a railroad line on the road to Hell. There was a young man down on bended knee. And brothers, thus begins the tale of Michael and Lindsay!
Chapter: 9/10
Word Count: 2,175
Pairings: Michael/Lindsay, Ryan/Gavin, Geoff/Jack 
Song: Wait for Me II, Doubt Comes In
First / Previous / Next / AO3
“And Michael and Lindsay make it out,” Jack guessed.
“You sure? ‘Cause I did say this was this was a sad story,” Jeremy replied.
“Hm…” Geoff thought aloud.
“I have a theory on what’s gonna happen next. I just don’t want to be right.
“Well, we’ll see if you are.”
The group got to the railroad track. “So, is Michael gonna get on the train car first and he’s not allowed to check if I got on behind him? I think we’ll already know whether I’ll get behind him or not,” Lindsay said.
Ryan sighed. “No, I’m not making it that easy. You’ll have to walk along the track.”
“Think you can manage?” Gavin asked.
Michael and Lindsay nodded. “I think I can.”
“Alright,” Jeremy started. “Michael, you can walk beside me. Lindsay, you gotta walk behind.”
“Got it,” Lindsay replied.
“Ready whenever you are.”
“I’m ready,” Michael said.
“Me too,” Lindsay said.
“Okay. Just remember,” Jeremy said as he started to walk down the path. Michael quickly caught up to him and Lindsay got behind the two of them. “Meanest dog you’ll ever meet, it ain’t the hound dog in the street. He bares his teeth and tears your skin, but brother, that’s the worst of him. The dog you really got to dread is the one that howls inside your head. It's him whose howling drives men mad and a mind to its undoing,” he told Michael as the three of them walked away.
“You think they’ll make it?” Gavin asked Ryan as they watched the group walk away.
“I don’t know,” Ryan admitted.
“Ryan, you let them go.”
“I let them try,” Ryan replied with a sigh.
Then how ‘bout you and I? Are we gonna try again?” Gavin asked, wondering if their fight was truly over.
“It’s almost spring. We’ll try again next fall,” Ryan replied, remembering just how important the outside world was to Gavin.
Gavin broke out into a grin. “Wait for me this time, luv?”
“I will,” Ryan replied with a smile. Gavin reached over and pulled Ryan into a huge hug.
Jeremy continued to lead Michael and Lindsay out of the mines. As they walked along, Lindsay started calling out, “Wait for me, I’m coming. Wait, I’m coming with you. Wait for me, I’m coming too, I’m coming too,” from behind. This was enough to remind Michael of Lindsay’s presence.
“You got a lonesome road to walk,” Jeremy reminded Michael. “It ain’t along the railroad track. It ain’t along the black-top tar you’ve walked a hundred times before. I’ll tell you where the real road lies: between your ears, behind your eyes. That is the path to Paradise, and, likewise, the road to ruin.”
“Wait for me, I’m coming,” Michael and Lindsay said together. “Wait, I’m coming with you. Wait for me, I’m coming too, I’m coming too. Wait, wait.”
A mysterious black fog started to swirl around Michael’s head. “What the fuck is this?!”
“Wait. Wait...” Lindsay still called out from behind.
“Dammit, I don’t think this is one of Ryan’s tricks,” Jeremy said.
“Should we keep walking?”
“We gotta. If you guys get out of here, he can escape the fog.”
  “The Fates are trying to screw things up,” Jack said.
“Good guess, brother,” Jeremy replied.
“Don’t do this, Fates. They’re so close,” Geoff murmured.
  “What, what is this!?” Michael demands in his cloud of thick black fog surrounded his head.
“Doubt comes in,” the voice of all three Fates started.
“And strips the paint,” Mariel’s voice added.
“Doubt comes in.”
“And turns the wine,” Mica’s voice said, next.
“Doubt comes in.
“And leaves a trace of vinegar and turpentine,” Meg’s voice finally said.
“Where are you? Where are you now?” the voices asked. Michael began to quiver with fear. “Doubt comes in and kills the lights. Doubt comes in and chills the air.”
“Doubt comes in and all falls silent. It’s as though you aren’t there,” Michael said, quietly.
“Oh no,” Lindsay said as she heard Michael’s thoughts of doubt.
“Where are you? Where are you now?” Michael asked along with the voices.
“Michael, you’re shivering,” Lindsay started. “Is it cold or fear? Just keep singing. The coldest night of the coldest year comes right before the spring,” she called out, trying to break through Michael’s fog.
“I think the Fates heard what Ryan said in his panic attack and are using it against Michael,” Jeremy said to Lindsay.
“They probably think a heartless man is better than a spineless king.”
Back in the fog, Michael was still being taunted by the voices of the Fates. “Doubt comes in with tricky fingers. Doubt comes in with fickle tongues,” the voices said.
“Doubt comes in and my heart falters,” Michael said as he shook. “And forgets the songs it sung.”
“Where are you? Where are you now?” Michael and the Fates ask.
“Michael, hold on, hold on tight,” Lindsay tried again. “It won’t be long ’cause the darkest hour of the darkest night comes right before the dawn.”
Michael screamed in anguish and pivoted on his feet to turn around. The second he did, the fog lifted. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lindsay there. Lindsay gasped as her eyes met Michael’s.
“Lindsay. I… I don’t know what just happened…” Michael said as he began to tremble.
“Fates!!!!!” Jeremy yelled. The Fates then appeared in front of Jeremy. “I can’t believe you’d use Ryan’s panic attack against these guys!!!”
“It’s what Ryan would have wanted,” Mariel explained.
“He made us, so we know what Ryan would have wanted better than you do,” Meg taunted. Jeremy growled in response.
“We are his voices of reason, after all,” Mica finished.
“JUST LEAVE!!!!!!” Jeremy screamed.
“We’ll see you later then,” all three Fates said.
Meg walked over to Lindsay and patted her on the shoulder. “And we’ll see you later, too,” she said. Then all three Fates vanished.
“We… failed…” Lindsay whispered as tears began to trickle down her face.
Michael ran over to Jeremy and began shaking. “Jeremy. You could just let us walk back the way we were supposed to and we can pretend this never happened.”
“I…” Jeremy paused and sighed. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?!”
“’Cause if I don’t tell Ryan what happened, then THEY will. I’m really sorry, brother.”
“I…” Michael said as he began to weep.
“Michael…” Lindsay said, crying as well.
 “I’ve… I’ve dammed you…”
“Michael…” she moaned as she walked over to him. He pulled him into a hug and they cried together.
“I… I’m so sorry…”
“I still love you…”
“I’m sorry guys, but I think I need to take Lindsay back, now…” Jeremy trailed off sadly.
“Just… let me kiss her one last time…” Michael pleaded. Jeremy nodded and Michael and Lindsay’s lips crashed together. The pushed their tongues into each other’s mouths like there wouldn’t be a tomorrow, because there wouldn’t be a tomorrow for their relationship. They finished their kiss and pulled each other into a deep hug.
“I’ll love you until the end of time,” Lindsay told Michael as she held him close.
“And I will never love again.”
Jeremy gave a defeated sigh.   “I think we need to go back now,” he informed them.
Lindsay released her hug and stepped away from Michael. “Goodbye Michael,” she said softly as she turned and walked over to Jeremy.
“Goodbye… Lindsay…” Michael said.
Lindsay got back over to Jeremy and he shook his head. He then began to walk back to the mines and Lindsay followed behind. Michael wept more tears than he had ever wept before. He didn’t know how he would live the rest of his life without his love. He wipped the tears away from his face and sighed. He knew he had to go back to the surface alone, so he began his lonely journey home.
  “NO NO NO!!!!” Geoff yelled in anguish.
Jack’s eyes had begun to water. “Geoff…” he quietly said.
“There was a railroad line on a road to Hell. There was a young man down on bended knee. And that is the ending of the tale of Michael and Lindsay,” Jeremy concluded.
“THAT CAN’T BE HOW IT ENDS!” Geoff yelled.
“Geoff… do you feel something over this story?” Jack asked.
“YEAH! And I was rooting for Michael but he went and fucked it up!”
“Cause, here’s the thing, to know how it ends is to still begin to tell it again as if it might turn out this time. I learned that from a friend of mine,” Jeremy explained.
“Well tell us the story again and give it a happy ending, this time.”
“Geoff, I really liked this story, but he doesn’t need to tell it again,” Jack told Geoff.
“Well…” Jeremy started. Then he sighed. “That wasn’t actually the end of the story.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I normally don’t tell this when I normally tell people the end but, I like you two. The interactions with you along the way made this story fun to tell again. I’m gonna tell you guys how the story really ends, the true ending, ‘cause you guys have earned it.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, come on. I can’t wait to hear this,” Geoff said in excitement.
“So…” Jeremy began.
  Michael continued to walk down the rail road track by himself. It was the most depressing walk of his life. “Guess it’s back to the outside world by myself,” he said to himself.
He had almost made it the opening of the mines when he heard someone yell, “WAIT!!!!” He turned around and saw Mr. Haywood running after him. Mr. Haywood had almost caught up with him when he paused and grabbed the wall. “God… pencil pushing… has made me out of shape,” he wheezed.
“What, come up here to rub in the fact that you own my wife’s soul?” Michael asked with a scowl.
“No… not in the slightest,” Mr. Haywood said as he stood up. “I actually came up here to thank you,” he said, walking over to Michael.
“Thank me… for what?”
“For saving my marriage. Gavin hasn’t looked at me with this much love in years. And I haven’t seen him smile down here in, well, ever.”
“Well, I’m so glad your marriage is saved, because mine is destroyed,” Michael replied.
“I’m very sorry about that. I did not actually want the Fates to trick you like they did.”
“So, can I have Lindsay back then?” Michael asked with hope.
“No, I’m not going back on what I said. Everyone saw the exit requirement I gave you, and they know it didn’t work. If I go back on it, everyone will see me as weak. Was it fair to you? No. But, I can’t change what happened.”
“So, you did come here to rub it in.”
“No! I came up here to offer you a proposition,” Mr. Haywood said.
“Alright, Mr. Haywood, what’s your proposition, then?”
“Please, call me Ryan.”
“Okay, but what are you offering?”
“You’ll never be allowed to enter the mines again in your life…” Ryan started.
“Yeah, I’m already not really interested.”
“BUT, Haywoodstown will become your afterlife.”
Michael raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you basically asking me if I want to damn myself to Hell?”
“Hell is what you make of it. Haywoodstown doesn’t have to be Hell if you don’t want it to be.”
“And that way you’ll get to spend the rest of eternity with Lindsay.”
“I… I…”
“So… do we have a deal?” Ryan asked as he held out his hand to shake.
“I… Gavin told me to never make a deal with you…” Michael said, nervously.
“I talked to Gavin about this before I came to get you. He and Jeremy said they’d even play messenger for you and Lindsay. It will be like she isn’t even gone.”
“I…” Then Michael sighed. “I don’t really have anything else I can lose,” he said as he grabbed Ryan’s hand. They shook hands and sparks few off of the handshake. “Whoa,” Michael said as they finished the handshake.
“I guess you have to go, now. But, I’ll see you again in six or seven decades; not that long if you think about.”
“Are you kidding me?! Seventy years is a long time!”
“Eh, time blends together down here,” Ryan said as he shrugged.
“Well… I guess I’ll see you later… Ryan…” Michael said as he turned to walk away towards the exit of the mines.
“See you again soon, Michael Jones,” Ryan said as he waved goodbye from behind.
Michael wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to feel anymore when he left the mines. He had basically just damned himself to working endlessly in Haywoodstown mines in his afterlife. But, he would get to spend the rest of eternity with Lindsay. When he really thought about it, he guessed he could say that it was worth it in the end. He left Haywoodstown, smiling. He knew he would see Lindsay again, one day.
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bellshellsrage · 7 years
Magical Difficulties
[DISCLAIMER: I don’t own AH or HP in any way. ]
Word Count: 2,736
Pairing: AH x OC
       It’s the first day of the school year. What adventures await the motley crew?
                                 Chapter 2: September First
      Rummaging through my trunk one last time, I frowned. Something was missing, but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. My wand was in my pocket along with my list of required items for the year. I glanced to the side as my cat jumped up beside me, her tail twitching in annoyance.
“Alright, Salem. What am I forgetting?” She meowed at me and left me to my own devices. “You’re no help!” I called after her, getting an angry meow in reply.
“Sweetie? I found this in the hall.” I turned to see my mom in the doorway. She was holding my black and yellow striped scarf, and I grinned.
Crossing the room, I nodded. “Yeah. I knew I was missing something important. Thank you!” She handed me the fabric and she smiled slightly.
“All set? Do you have everything now?”
I glanced at my trunk again before nodding and closing it. “All set! My friend Jack is coming to pick me up so you don’t have to worry about the traffic around King’s Cross.”
“Oh. Okay then. Do you need help with anything?” Her voice wavered slightly.
I shook my head. “I’m good. You know, I’ll only be gone for-”
“Renee! Your friends are here!” My dad’s voice carried through the house, along with the muffled voices of our visitors.
“Go on and have a good year.” My mom smiled as she hugged me.
Geoff appeared and grinned as he grabbed my trunk and disappeared again. “Salem! Time to go!” I called as I followed down the stairs.
Jack was standing in the entryway, my silky black cat in his arms. We waved at each other before I hugged my dad.
“You’ll call when you get there, right?”
I wrinkled my nose slightly as I shook my head. “Phones don’t work at Hogwarts, Dad. But I’ll send an owl as soon as I can.”
With one last wave, I left the house and got into Geoff’s car. He drove off as we all talked about what was to come this year.
Stepping onto the platform, I was instantly surrounded by all of my friends. Most were still saying goodbye to their families and I smiled as I found our car. Ryan was already in there, and he grinned when he saw me.
“Hey! Welcome to the fun car.”
I nodded as I looked around. There were plenty of seats, and no one except our close friends would be sitting with us, making it a safe place.
“I love it. How’d you and Geoff pull this off?”
Ryan gave me a sly look. “I have my ways. And he has a lot of friends outside of Hogwarts.”
“Should I be worried about your “ways”, Ryan?” I glanced at him as I sat down across from him.
He chuckled darkly as the door opened and the train car started to fill with everyone. Jeremy and Matt were already laughing about something while Gavin and Michael were bickering. The girls all grinned as they swept me up and away from the growing group of guys.
“Come on! Get away from the stupid boys!” LIndsay laughed as she and Meg pulled me.
Larry scowled. “I’m not stupid!” The others started to say differently and he frowned.
“Leave him alone.” Neal muttered as he sat off to the side, a book already in his hands.
Alfredo stepped into the car and everyone turned their attention to him as he closed the door behind him. “Hey guys! Am I the last one?”
“The Sauce has finally arrived!” Andy called.
I laughed and waved before looking over at Trevor. “Hey, Trev! Your twin is here!”
“My brother!” Trevor cried in an anguished tone. “I am so very glad that you are here!”
Alfredo laughed and waved at me before sitting with Michael and Gavin.
The train started to roll, making all of us smile and set in. Small conversations were started, but I didn’t join in. The view was always amazing as we sped further away from the city, and I sank back into my seat as I watched the world go by. Salem had finally left Jack and opted to curl up on my lap, purring as her eyes closed.
“The view keeps getting better.”
I jumped slightly as Jeremy spoke from where he stood in front of me. He motioned to the seat beside me and I nodded.
“How was the rest of your summer, J?” I tried to keep my voice low as to not wake up the black bundle on me.
He shrugged. “It was alright. Managed to talk the parents into letting me stay for the holidays. How about yours?”
“I couldn’t ask them. I’ll try in a letter.” My tone was soft, but had an underlying edge that said that I wasn’t happy.
“Why couldn’t you ask?”
Turning my head from him, I sighed. “My parents like to keep me close. If I wasn’t a witch and they had a choice of where I went to school, I would live with them forever.”
“Man… That sucks. Smart move asking when you’re already out of reach.”
I scowled. “Can we not talk anymore? At least about that?”
“Yeah... “ An awkward silence filled the air between us. “So that view huh?”
His nonchalant tone made me laugh, which woke up the sleeping cat and made her jump down. Jeremy smiled as I shook my head, his grin making my heart leap.
“Anything from the trolley, dears?”
We all jumped up and crowded around the sweet old lady, practically clearing her out as we chatted with her. Geoff asked about her hip, Jack patted her back with a warm smile, and I hugged her after she handed me my sweets. When she left, her cart and spirits lighter, we all settled back in. The only sounds were wrappers and the occasional question of ‘Can I have some?’ followed by a muffled ‘yes’ or ‘hell no’.
Time went on and we got closer to the magical school. “Alright. Get your robes on, folks!” I called as I stood. “We’re almost there.”
Suddenly, the room was filled with excitement and mayhem as we all rushed to get ready. Some accidental punches were thrown as we all tugged on our long, black robes over our Muggle clothes, which range from hoodies and jeans, to sweaters and heels.
“Oi! Get off my robe!” Gavin screeched.
Michael growled. “What is your robe doing on the floor?!?”
“Boys, boys!” I called as I went over to them. “Why don’t you just kiss and get it over with?”
Both of them pushed me away slightly, trying to ignore the others as they agreed with my question. “Come on, we all know you two love each other!” Matt grinned.
“You shut your damn mouth!” Gavin scowled as Michael silently grew red.
I patted their shoulders lightly. “You know that we’re just joking.”
“You started it!” Kent shook his head at my statement.
I glanced around. “And now I’m finishing it!”
We all quieted down again, waiting for the small station to come into view. The sun had gone down, and the only speck of light was the full moon. My heart ached for a moment before everyone stood and gathered their things. The train slowed and another spot of light appeared as we came to a complete stop. Rushing out, I waved to the tall man who was waiting to welcome the first years.
“Good evening, Hagrid! Save me a cup of tea!”
He grinned, his voice booming as he called over the heads of the other students. “Will do, Renee! Good to have you back.” With that, he turned to usher the small children to the boats.
“Come on, the carriages are filling up quick.” Trevor rose his voice above the murmur of the crowd. He reached for my hand and guided me through the crowd. When we got to the wooded path, I hid my smile as I saw the thestrals that pulled the carriages. “You’re with the girls I guess.”
I glanced at Trevor’s crestfallen face before squeezing his hand. “We’ll have plenty of time together this year.”
“I’ll take your word for it. See you at the castle.”
I watched as he climbed into a carriage before glancing at the front, where Kent stood. He turned and met my eyes with a sad smile before walking away. The girls weren’t there yet, so I took the time to say hello to the creatures at the head of the carriage.
“Hey, guys. Long time no see.” I kept my voice low and forced my hand to not reach up and pet them, knowing that most people didn’t see them like I could. With a sad sigh, I climbed into the carriage and waited the few short minutes for the rest of the seats to be taken.
“Did you say hello to them?” Steffie half-whispered, noticing the reflective look on my face and how quiet I was being compared to the others. I nodded and she sat back. I listened to Meg and Steffie talk while Lindsay and Ashley struck up their own conversation.
I sat alone and watched the horizon, gasping when the castle finally came into view. “Guys… We’re here.”
“Fucking finally.” Meg grinned. I smirked and got ready to jump out as the carriage came to a stop.
“Thanks, guys!” I muttered without a second thought. Lindsay heard me and shot me a worried glance. “I’m fine, Linds. Let’s go eat.”
Ashley lead the way as we joined the guys. Kent and I hung back and I glanced at him as we walked up the stone stairs. “They look healthy.”
I nodded. “Hagrid must be taking care of them.” We fell back into step with the rest of our friends and I grinned when we walked into the Great Hall. “Man, it’s great to be home.”
“Hell yeah it is!” Geoff agreed as we sat beside each other. Kent, Jack, and Matt sat around us, and I searched the room to find the others as they sat with their houses.
Michael, Gavin, Alfredo, and Ashley sat just behind us. I laughed and made faces at them, which they returned tenfold. Behind them, Ryan was glaring at everyone as he sat beside Larry, with Neal across the table from him. I tried to catch his eye, but he was on the lookout for the bullies from the alley. I couldn’t see the Slytherin table, but I knew that Steffie, Meg, and Lindsay were holding their own against Jeremy, Trevor, and Andy.
The doors opened again and the first years were paraded in to be sorted. There were a few Hufflepuffs that joined our table, and they were as timid as I was when I started. One girl was sitting on the other side of me, her long hair covering her face.
“Hey, I’m Renee and welcome to Hufflepuff.” I greeted, my voice soft. She smiled slightly and I glanced at the four guys sitting nearby. They introduced themselves and the girl said her name. “Well, I know that we are all looking forward to this year. How about you?”
She was about to reply when the Headmaster drew our attention to the front. “Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!” I grinned as I clapped. “This year, the last surviving members of the War are leaving us, but first, we have to learn new things and celebrate those around us.” Her voice shook, and I felt her eyes on me. “Here’s to a new, wonderful year!” We all cheered as Headmaster McGonagall rose her hands to calm us. When we were silent, she smirked. “Bring the feast!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, overflowing platters appeared on the long tables. A smooth string of music started to play as we ate and talked, most forgetting that we have food in our mouths as we told stories about the summer.
“Wow. That must've been a real bummer.” A monotone voice cut off a story about a dog that was hit by a gnome. I jumped as a figure appeared to go with the voice.
“Ray, if you weren’t dead already, I would kill you.” I shook my head at his indifference.
He was wearing a hoodie with the hood covering his dark hair. I glanced at the black spot on his chest where he was clawed, causing his death. “What’s with the new kids?”
“This literally happens every year.” Geoff replied. “Or is your dead-ness starting to affect your memory?”
“Very funny.” His face shifted and he stopped smiling. “I’m fucking dead not stupid.”
I shook my head. “No one said that you were stupid.”
“I don’t like seeing the little ones.” Ray muttered before he disappeared.
Jack and Geoff exchanged knowing looks before digging back into their meals. I sat in silence for a moment, deep in thought.
“Hello, earth to Renee!” Matt waved his hand in front of my face and I blinked.
“What? What’s up?” I questioned, noting that the hall was quieter.
“The feast is over. Time to go.”
I nodded and stood to follow before I shook my head. “I’m going to go down to Hagrid’s.”
Matt stopped and gave me a worried look. “You sure? Want me to go with?”
“No, you go on ahead. I’ll be there.”
He nodded and started to walk away before he stopped again and turned towards me. “You know that you can talk to me, right?”
I smirked. “Yeah, Matt. I know.”
He seemed satisfied with my answer and left. I sighed as I took in the silence of the giant building around me. The stones all told their own story, as did the paintings that covered the walls. Walking into the night, the stars twinkled in greeting as the trees waved. The air was cool compared to the stifling atmosphere of the hall when it is filled with students. I smiled to myself as I walked down the path leading to Hagrid’s hut, the faint glow of candles inside guiding me.
After I knocked, the giant man swung the door open. “Renee, how good it is to see you!” he wrapped me in a hug before welcoming me into his home. Fang jumped up and lumbered over to slobber on my legs, making me laugh. “How did you enjoy the feast?”
I took a sip of my tea, not wanting to answer the question yet. “Ray showed up.” I muttered, hiding my expression behind my oversized mug.
“He usually does at some point.” Hagrid chuckled before he saw the tears welling in my eyes. “What’s on your mind?”
I took a deep breath. “The last of the War kids are leaving, but Ray can’t. He was one of them and he can’t move on like the others.” My breath was ragged. “And he said…” My voice broke as I refused to continue my sentence. “I can’t help him, and it hurts.”
“Oh, dearie. The first days back are always tough for him, and the professors. And me. But we get through it the only way we can; by helping others.” Hagrid’s voice was tender as he spoke and calmed my anxieties.
“Thank you, Hagrid. I should be getting back.” We stood and said our goodbyes before I walked away. The light from his doorway never left, and I smiled knowing that he was watching to make sure I was safe.
When I got back into the castle and into the common room, I was surprised to see that the trio and Matt were still sitting by the fire.
“Matt told us where you went, so we decided to stay up.” Kent supplied, answering my question before I could ask it.
Jack stood and crossed the room. “You’ve been crying.” His tone was laced with worry.
“She always cries on the first day back for different reasons. And I bet I know the reason this time.” Geoff watched me.
I shook my head. “I’m tired guys. Can I just go to bed?”
They were all silent for an uncomfortably long time before Geoff nodded. “Yeah. We all need sleep.”
I mentally thanked him as we parted. Salem was curled up on my bed, and after I changed, I snuggled in beside her. “Night, Salem.” He offered a quiet meow. “Night, Ray.”
“Goodnight, Renee. See you in the morning.”
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tinypeckers · 7 years
Ticket Outta Loserville (8/?)
Pairing(s): Gavin Free/Michael Jones (Mavin)
Words: 1,599
Summary: Michael Jones really, really hates Geoff Ramsey and the rest of his popular gang. Will that change after Michael finds himself going on a date with Gavin?
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Gavin’s face lit up as Michael came closer. Michael ignored Ray’s indignant ‘what the fuck’ behind him and forced a smile to his face that didn’t quite match Gavin’s in enthusiasm.
“I thought you’d never make it,” Gavin said as he took Michael’s hand. Michael stared down at their linked fingers, too shocked to respond to Gavin. “Is it because you had to pick up your car from the garage?” Michael’s head shot up then. Gavin’s eyes were mischievous as he led them through the halls. Michael was quick to nod.
“Yup, now it’s good as new.” A lie, obviously. His car was as ancient and slow as it had always been.
“Uh-huh, if you say so.” Gavin winked as he opened a door for them to walk through. Michael looked up and read the door number. It was one of the many unused classrooms in their school, closed for various reasons that ranged from budget cuts to probably mould.
 “This isn’t my classroom, I have math first.” Michael untangled his and Gavin’s hands. Gavin rolled his eyes and pressed against Michael’s back in encouragement. Michael hesitated, looked over his shoulder to see that the hallways had already started to thin out. He looked back at Gavin who only pressed against his back more insistently. Michael squeezed his eyes shut, just in case Gavin had planned the ultimate trick and he’d be sprayed or dunked with something gross, and stepped in. He stood for a moment, felt Gavin brush past him and walk further into the room. Michael waited and waited, and waited. When he wasn’t doused, punched or laughed at Michael chose to open his eyes.
 The classroom had a few desks and some sun-bleached plastic chairs left inside of it. The teacher’s desk had been removed but a blackboard remained, covered with rude words and crudely drawn dicks. There were some cupboards at the back of the classroom, all opened and filled with aging textbooks. Then there were the people, Gavin’s friends. They were all staring at him. Gavin had sat next to Geoff and left a chair beside him. He pat the plastic and gestured Michael over. Michael caught the gaze of Barbara, then Mica and finally Ryan. He saw neither anger nor glee in their eyes. Their emotions were unreadable. Michael avoided Geoff’s gaze in particular and, with his head down, made his way to the chair Gavin wanted him to sit in.
 “Gavin, look what I picked up at the mall yesterday – it’s right up your alley,” Barbara said. Michael heard her get up, saw her feet as she came closer. He witnessed the flash of a gold purse as she passed it to Gavin but he didn’t dare lift his head. Gavin gushed beside him then there was the sound of a zip being pulled open. It glided so easily, so unlike the bag Lindsay had got last week. She’d bought it from some cheap clothes store, had saved up her money for weeks to afford it and still its zip was utterly useless. Yet here was Barbara with a shiny, fully-functional bag that she’d just ‘picked up’. Gavin’s elbow came in and out of Michael’s view as he studied the bag.
“Yesterday? It looks like you’ve had it for months – how much did you buy?” Gavin said. Scraps of paper fluttered to the floor by Michael’s feet. There were so many they covered almost all of the floor space that Michael could see. Michael almost choked when he saw the total on one of them.
 Barbara only huffed and snatched back her bag. She zipped it up hastily and stomped over to her chair again. Michael let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
“I didn’t buy that much, it was just a few things here and there,” Barbara said.
“We went to every store in the mall,” Mica said. She yelped as she was pushed. Mica barely managed to save herself as her hands shot underneath her and grabbed her chair. Michael flinched at the slapping sound it made. He almost shot from his chair when Gavin clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“You all right love? Your neck broken or somethin’?” Gavin lifted Michael’s chin. The classroom behind him faded into Gavin’s front garden as Michael looked into his eyes. He could hear the fountain, the gentle trickle of the water.
 Gavin pulled away and Michael saw the classroom fall back into place. Gavin rubbed at his neck to separate his wet collar from his skin.
“Geoff, why’d you do that?” Gavin turned to face his friend. Geoff shrugged, though the corner of his lip tipped upwards slightly.
“I don’t want none of that mushy shit here, I know you’ve got yourself a new boo but the rest of us are depressingly single,” Geoff said. He lowered his water bottle and placed it onto the ground.
“Oh Geoff, don’t be so grumpy.” Gavin leaned down and snatched the water bottle. He aimed it at Geoff and pressed gently into the side. Water squirted Geoff’s face and he sputtered while Gavin cackled. Even Michael somehow found it in him to smile.
 “The date went well then,” Mica was looking at Michael. He caught her eye for a second and then looked to Gavin. Gavin smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh, it was a great date! Did you see my insta? Michael bought these little sandwiches and oh, they were so tiny,” Gavin said. He held his hands as though he still had one of the sandwiches with him. Michael zoned out as Mica and Gavin got into a heated discussion about why sandwiches tasted so much better when cut into smaller shapes. His phone buzzed inside his pocket but he left it, knowing it was his friends wondering if he was still alive and in one piece. They’d ask what was going on but honestly, Michael didn’t know how to answer that. Nobody was talking to him and it seemed Gavin had brought him here just to show him off, like an exhibit in a museum. Michael wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
 Michael started to zone out as Gavin and his friends got into a heated discussion about this week’s plans or something Michael was sure didn’t concern him. He stared at a random spot, thinking about how his life had lead up to this. It was only when the spot moved when Michael realised he’d been staring at a person. Geoff Ramsey, in particular.
“Like what you see?” Geoff smirked. “Hey Gavin, I think your boo is interested in me instead.”
“What? Michael, you slut.” Gavin gasped. Michael shook his head violently.
“No, god, I’d never be into Geoff.” Michael said. He smacked his hand over his mouth when he’d realise what he’d said. There was a beat of silence, a moment where Michael’s eyes flashed before his eyes. He saw the library, saw hours and hours of him playing video games and just as much time of him eating junk food. What a wasted life.
 Then Gavin and all of his friends started to laugh. Hard. Gavin doubled over in his chair. He grabbed Michael’s knee for support and Michael held onto it when Gavin almost slipped. Geoff pouted over dramatically. He pushed his lower lip out so that it wasn’t cute, simply awkward looking.
“Hey, I’m a catch!” Geoff protested. He pointed an accusing finger in Michael’s direction.
“Sorry but you’re not my type,” Michael said. Geoff scowled.
“No, clearly. My nose isn’t big enough.” Geoff said. Gavin shot up and frowned at his friend.
“Geoffrey, you’re being an asshole.” Gavin accused. Geoff’s smirk was back and he even started to chuckle with the others.
 Michael was sure that their mini-argument would have gone on for much longer, but the gang was interrupted by the sound of the bell.
“Well, I guess we better actually attend a class,” Ryan said as he stood up. He grabbed his bag and reached for Barbara’s too, offering it to her once she had stood up.
“But I don’t want to,” Geoff whined. He slouched in his plastic chair and slipped against the material until his ass was hanging off.
“Suit yourself but I’m not retaking so that you have someone to hang out with next year,” Ryan said. Geoff huffed but he let himself slip off of the chair completely. He landed with a thump and when he stood, Geoff rubbed his ass. Gavin looked to Michael as everyone started to file out of the classroom.
 “So, want to walk me to my class?” Gavin said. Michael raised one eyebrow.
“It would be weird if I didn’t, we have the same class,” Michael said. Gavin scoffed.
“I was trying to be romantic, Michael.” Gavin shoved Michael’s arm. Michael got up, picked up his bag and shook his head. He chewed his lip as he thought about what to do next. He watched Gavin grab his own stuff but, before he could stand, Michael offered Gavin his free hand.
“Yeah, well, try harder.” When Gavin grasped his hand, Michael yanked him up and pulled him quite roughly out into the hall. He almost lost his grip when they were bombarded by students going to their own classes but they managed to stay together. They received a few odd looks from their fellow peers and they passed Kerry at one point, whose face screamed horrified, but Michael ignored it all. He hated Gavin Free, truly he did, but this was kind of fun. He could get used to it.
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aplaceforrtprompts · 7 years
Would some angst* w/ treyco? Some unrequited love? *Hardcore angst
Word Count: 985
“You know you could stop with the doe eyes and just ask him out,” Michael teased as you watched Trevor record AWHU.
You elbowed your coworker, “I am not giving him doe eyes.” You turned back to your monitor, focusing on setting up the game you guys would be playing shortly. You couldn’t help it though, as the screen was loading, to let your eyes wander back to Trevor.
You sighed and looked over at Michael. He gave you a sympathetic smile and pat your knee, “If it means anything I think he likes you too.”
You wanted to deny it but Michael slipped on his headphones and you looked back. This time Trevor was looking back at you with a smile. You flushed even though you tried your best to hide it behind your monitor.
For weeks your pinning went on. It didn’t help that every time you caught Trevor staring at you, he flashed that smile of his that made you weak in the knees. You had it bad and soon enough it wasn’t just Michael who had caught on.
Michael nudged you and you looked over at him. He nodded across the room and you caught sight of Trevor staring at you. He quickly looked away, pretending to be engrossed in a conversation with Matt.
Geoff caught you staring and looked in the direction you were before rolling his eyes and sinking further into his chair, “If you don’t ask him out soon. I’m going to come back from my sabbatical just to do it for you. You’re so lucky I’m on my sabbatical though.”
That brought a smile to your face, “Yeah. Yeah.”
“Really though, I don’t get that you two just keep giving each other eyes. ‘ey Trevor!” Gavin called over to the tall brown eyed boy who looked up like a deer caught in headlights. “Y/N has something to ask you!” He pointed to you.
You wanted to slap him but you kept your cool and shouted over at Trevor, “Gavin thinks I can’t fly in GTA. He says it’s only him or Jack. I said you’ve seen me fly and can you just tell me I’m right.”
A look of relief covered Trevor’s face, “Gavin, you dip, Y/N can fly circles around you.”
“Told you,” you gave Gavin one of his smug looks as he mumbled something about being a chicken.
After the heist, it was time for lunch. You stayed behind while everyone else went out so you could catch up on a few emails.
As you pulled out your salad you heard someone clear their thought behind you. You spun around in your chair and saw Trevor hovering by you.
“Hey,” you greeted, your stomach knotting up as the smile grew on your face.
“Hey,” Trevor returned the grin back to you. “So Gavin told me you wanted to hang out and you’ve just been too shy to ask. I have no idea why but I’ve been meaning to ask you myself. Are you free Friday night?”
You were stunned, unsure if you really just heard what you heard. You wanted to wring Gavin’s neck but at the same time, you were so happy this was actually happening. “Yes! I’d love to!”
“Great. I’ll text you the details,” Trevor seemed to relax, “Well, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Later!” you waved as he turned and exited the room.
The next two days you chatted with Michael about how excited you were. Michael even helped you plan out an outfit, with a little help from Lindsay. You also smacked Gavin upside the head for outing you like that.
The time had come and you made sure you were at the right place three times before stepping out of your car.
You brushed off your dress as you proudly walked into the bar.
“Oh, speak of the devil! Y/N!” Trevor waved you over.
You were a little confused by the group surrounding him but you shrugged it off and went to Trevor. Trevor flashed you a bright smile, placing a hand on the small of your back as he introduced you to his friends.
You greeted all of them. You slowly grew at ease with Trevor’s friends, joking with them and swaping stories.
Not long after did Trevor receive a text. He excused himself and went to the front door. A pretty blonde came in and Trevor wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Your stomach knotted but it was when you watched as the two of them shared a more than friendly kiss that you felt like you had been punched.
“Who’s that?” you managed to ask and nod over to the couple.
You already knew the answer but one of his friends confirmed it, “Oh, Angela? That’s Trevor’s girlfriend. So cute. They’ve been together for a few months now. Oh, what about you, Y/N? Special guy? Gal?”
“I- No. I actually just remembered somewhere I need to be. Thanks,” you threw a few dollars on the table for your drinks and rushed out before anyone could react.
Tears were already in your eyes, stomach gnawing at itself as you slipped out the back of the bar.
You climbed into your car and sped off before you had to face Trevor. You drove to as fast as you could over to Michael’s.
Lindsay answered the door and you broke down, blubbering. The tears started pouring as you choked out a mangled version of what just happened. She hushed you and pulled you inside as Michael came down to see the commotion.
“I’m going to kill him,” Michael’s fists balled up.
You shook your head, “I think it was a misunderstanding. He has a girlfriend.”
“Fuck. Y/N, I’m so sorry. We should have never pushed,” Michael’s anger subsided as he came over to join Lindsay into pulling you into a tight hug.
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ganglylimbs · 7 years
A Cup Of Sugar
Pairing: Gavin Free/Lindsay Tuggey/Michael Jones/Meg Turney
Summary: Gavin gets new neighbors. This is how his life changes. 
Notes: So, I’m late again with another story for Mavinseg week. This one is a combination of 3 seducing 1 and Go Big or Go Home. 
Warnings: Neighbor AU, abstract amount of time. It’s also the longest one sot I’ve written. 10,855 words
Edit: I forgot to say, if you would like to buy me a coffee, please do!
The neighborhood was a small one, quiet with neatly manicured lawns and white picket fences. It was close enough to the nearest city, and to the nearest community college, that getting groceries wasn’t too much of a trek but far enough away that the prices were reasonable cheap. Gavin was no social butterfly, but even he knew most of his neighbors. He knew Burnie and Geoff from down the street often have BBQ competitions during the summer. He knew their wives, Ashley and Griffin, put up with because they love them. He knew not to disturb his grumpy neighbor Gus during Saturday mornings, as he’s most likely to be recovering from a hangover. He was friends with the rowdy but strangely nice group of college boys who live across the street from him. Though the guy scared him and was a bit weird, Gavin was even on friendly terms with Haywood who lived three doors down and to the left of  him. 
And of course he was well aware when quiet, funny Ray Narvaez Jr., who had previously lived to the right of him, moved to another city to live with his girlfriend. It was practically the talk of the neighborhood for two weeks. Gavin, being the guy’s next door neighbor and sort of friend, got used to the coming and goings of cars as the realtor showed off the house. Two months later, when the talk had slowed down, as did the cars, Gavin had mostly forgotten about it.  
Gavin had just gotten back from a long shoot, paying the cabbie and thinking of the nice hot bath he was going to take, when the sight of a moving truck parked in front of the house next to his made him pause. I guess they sold the house? Which Gavin thought was weird, considering he hadn’t heard anything about it, especially with the way the neighborhood loved to gossip.  
Not wanting to be caught awkwardly staring, Gavin finished paying the cabbie and quickly walked into his own house. Once the door was closed, he briefly thought about what he should do now. It was customary that he introduced himself, right? That was the social norm? So should he go over and say hi? Gavin didn’t really see the point in that and besides, it would require him to bring something (he can’t cook and after his disastrous try at meeting new people by bringing wine to the surprising-nonalcoholic Ryan, he was warily of trying that route again). So...maybe not.
What if they wanted to come over here and introduce themselves? Gavin looked around. His house was neat enough (?) and Gavin was great at faking small talk. But the thought of new people coming into his space slightly frightened him and Gavin found himself hoping it didn’t come to that.
So his best course of action was to meet them at the next block party, where they could be distracted by other people and no expectations would be placed on him. Nodding to himself for coming up with such an excellent plan, Gavin went to start that bath.
Of course, Gavin should have taken in the fact that it was spring and while they lived in a fairly warm place, Geoff and Burnie usually waited till they were sure that the cold weather wouldn’t come back before bringing out their pits.
So it wasn’t till a month later, when Gavin heard a knock on his door, that he realized he had no idea who this strange woman was on his doorstep.
“Hi there!” Gavin had to admit, she was cute. Shorter than him, and plumper, with bubble gum pink hair, she seemed to shine with happiness. Her smile was wide, her eyes bright, and Gavin couldn’t help smiling back at her.
“Hi?” Gavin asked, hyper aware that he was still in his shirt that he slept in last night and the hastily put on pajama bottoms.
She stared at him for a second before blinking. “Oh. Sorry. I guess I should introduce myself. Lindsay Tuggy, I recently moved next door.”
Gavin shook her outstretched hand, purely out of instinct. He was a bit shocked that this was his next door neighbor. If he had known that he may have gone over sooner-yeah no. No he wouldn’t have. “Gavin Free.”
“Nice to meet you.” There was that bright smile again and Gavin could feel his face getting hot. “I know we’ve never met before and I’m sorry if I’m bothering you and how awfully cliche this is, but could I borrow a cup of sugar?”
Gavin was a little taken aback. “Oh, um. Sure? Sure. I could go get it...or do you want to come inside? I have some tea I made up. It’s probably not hot but I could heat it up again. Or maybe some water-do you drink water? I don’t have a lot of other drinks-”
“Water is fine.” Lindsay broke in, chuckling a little.
Gavin smiled back at her, relaxing, and let her in. “Ok.”
Lindsay followed him into the kitchen. Gavin noticed her looking around as he got her a cup, fiddling with it for a few seconds as he tried to think of a topic. Small talk. He could do this. “So...you recently moved here? From where?”
“Oh from uptown Austin. Finally decided it was time to move in with my partners, to our very first house.”
“That sounds nice.” Gavin handed her the water. “What’s your partner’s name?”
“Partners. Meg Turney and Michael Jones, the loves of my life.” She beamed again and Gavin caught the dreamy look in her eyes.
He couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed that such a cute and nice girl was taken by not one, but two people, but quickly shook that off. “You sound really fond of them.” He noted.
Lindsay nodded. “I’m serious when I say I’ll probably spend the rest of my life with them.”
“Wow, I’m a bit shocked. But happy for you!” He quickly added on. “I can’t imagine finding someone to live with me, not to mention two people.”
“Oh, you can’t be that bad.” Lindsay teased.
“That’s because you’ve only known me for five minutes.” Gavin pointed out. “Trust me, I’m terrible. Can hardly take care of myself.”
“Sounds just like me! I’m so lucky I met Michael and Meg. I probably wouldn’t have made it this long without them. I’d burn water and I tend to throw my clothes everywhere. Michael threatened to break up with me the next time he trips over my shoes.”
“I’m horrible at making food too.” Gavin replied. “The last time I tried to make food for myself, I nearly burnt my kitchen down.”
“I almost did that too. Thank God for take out, right?”
“Absolutely. Gets a bit expensive though.” Gavin laminated.
“Well, maybe I’ll bring you some of Michael’s food. He’s great at feeding me. And Meg is fabulous at baking sweets. Which reminds me.” Lindsay looked over Gavin’s shoulder, at the clock on the microwave. “I should probably get back with that sugar.”
Gavin quickly straightened up. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you.”
Lindsay flapped her hand at him. “Don’t worry about it. Meg can wait a few minutes.”
They were walking back to the door, saying their goodbyes, when Lindsay caught sight of Gavin’s cat slinking around.
Lindsay immediately stopped, squealing. “You have a cat?”
“Yeah. His name is Smee.” Gavin looked over to where Smee was giving them an unimpressed look, sat atop Gavin’s couch like a King on his throne. “I’m guessing you like cats?”
“I fucking love cats. Unfortunately, Michael hates them and refuses to let us get one. We do have a dog, but that’s because Meg had Penny before we started dating her.” Lindsay had already set her plastic tub of sugar down and was quietly calling to the cat with little kissing sounds.
“Woof. That sucks.” Gavin said as he watched her, instantly feeling sympathy. His old apartment hadn’t allowed pets. It had been freeing, to buy his own house and get Smee. Less lonely too. “I love Smee, though he can be a little minge pot at times.”
“Minge pot?” Lindsay questioned, smirking up at him.
“It’s a word.” Gavin defended. “And Smee is the mingest cat. He sometimes gets grumpy and swipes at me. Or wakes me up at three am because he went mental.”
“Sounds like the cats I grew up with.” Lindsay gave up on trying to call Smee over to her. Gavin blames the way her mouth briefly turns down into a pout for the next words that come out of his mouth.
“You can come over some other time?” He offered. She tilted her head at him and Gavin looked away. “If you want to, that is, and play with Smee a bit. He’s usually more relaxed and willing in the morning, after being fed.”
Lindsay was silent for a brief second before breaking out into that sunny smile that Gavin’s was starting to associate with her. “That’s sounds awesome. Michael will certainly be grateful anyways.”
Gavin waved goodbye to Lindsay from his doorway, a piece of paper in hand with a date for when Lindsay would next come over. As soon as he shut the door, Gavin felt some panic starting to set in.
What had he done?
Flowers had started to bud as spring set in and Lindsay had visited him four more times. Most of the time, it was to play with Smee and lightly talk with Gavin (those visits usually lasted no more than ten minutes) but she also had a habit of coming over to borrow something from him.
Mostly sugar.
“I’m starting to suspect you're taking advantage of me.” Gavin brought up one day as he handed her a full cup (neatly labeled Lindsay because if they were going to do this, Gavin was going all out).  
“Would I do that? Me?” Lindsay fluttered her eyelashes at him. Gavin gave her a look and she laughed. “Ok, so maybe I’m being a little lazy. But at least it gives me an excuse to come talk to you.”
“You don’t need to make up an excuse.” Though Gavin was flattered she wanted to. He had half-thought that he had scared her away with his extensive talk of cameras and editing when they had talked about their jobs one day (though Gavin had to admit, she almost had him running for the hills when she casually mentioned she worked for a big name company. As the bloody CEO).
But she had stayed. And listened. And asked questions. And wasn’t that strange? Gavin wasn’t used to people being interested in his work. Yeah the people he worked for, and Dan, and his parents were, all to different degrees. But the people around here? The second Gavin dived into anything more than “I film slow motion”, people had a habit of tuning out.
Lindsay didn’t and Gavin was grateful for that.
So no, Gavin was more than ok with Lindsay popping up now and again. Dare he say, even looking forward to it.
Lindsay shows up for sugar and Gavin provides it without argument.
There’s a knock on Gavin’s door and Gavin eagerly opened it. Because either it’s a package from his company or Lindsay and Gavin was looking forward to both.
Instead, what he was met with was the sight of a grumpy looking guy, with freckles and glasses and short boyish hair and Gavin could feel his heart thumping loudly. It was like meeting Lindsay for the first time all over again, only with less blinding smiles.
“Are you Gavin Free?” The man asked. Or, well demanded.
Gavin could feel his shoulders hunching, mind racing to think about who he had pissed off. His company was happy with his latest video, he had cleared up that thing with his ex months ago, and Dan hadn’t inappropriately hit on anyone for a while. Nothing coming to mind, Gavin hesitantly nodded. “Yeah?”
If possible, the man’s frown deepened. “This is so fucking stupid.” He muttered before straightening. Gavin could only blink at him in confusion before the man continued. “My name is Michael Jones and I’m here to borrow a cup of sugar.” He paused before, almost reluctantly adding. “And some cold medicine, if you have any?”
Michael Jones? That name sound familiar-wait, cup of sugar? “Are you Lindsay’s boyfriend?” Gavin asked, eyebrows raising.
Michael rolled his eyes. “Has that idiot never mentioned us before? Yeah, I’m her boyfriend. Can I get that medicine?And sugar, I guess?”
Gavin licked his dry lips before letting Michael in and leading him to his kitchen. “Lindsay mentioned you. I just, uh, wanted to confirm? I guess.” He gave Michael the sugar before heading to the cabinet above his kitchen counter, rooting around for any left over cold medicine he may have had. “Did she send you over? Is she ok?”
“Yeah.” Michael’s voice was coming to the right of him. “Fucking idiot got herself sick and now I have to take care of her. Why she wants the sugar, I don’t fucking know. We have sugar at home.”
“You do?” Gavin looked over at him. Michael nodded. “Well she usually comes over to borrow some from me. I guess it’s more of an inside joke. She probably knew I wouldn’t remember her saying your name and so used that as a way to make sure I know she’s with you.”
“That or she’s a fucking idiot.”
Gavin frowned at those words. That was the third time he said that. It was hard imagining Lindsay, sunny Lindsay, with someone like Michael Jones. Even now, whenever Gavin glanced at the man, he was scowling at the room. Gavin hurried his search, wanting to end this meeting and becoming increasingly uncomfortable by the silence. He’d might have to ask about their relationship the next time Lindsay came to visit.
“So I only have a little of the off brand. It’s not much but I hope that it’ll do for now-” Gavin turned around and cut himself off as he tried to understand what he was seeing.
Michael was lightly petting Smee. He was still frowning but Smee seemed pretty happy enough for the both of them. Michael looked up to see Gavin staring at him. “What?”
Gavin shook himself. “Sorry, sorry. Just surprised, is all.”
Michael raised an eyebrow. “Surprised I’m petting your cat?”
Gavin shrugged, giving the man a small smile and hoping that it would calm Michael down. “Lindsay had mentioned that you didn’t care for cats?”
Michael stared at him. Then he slowly shook his head. “Of course she did.” He took the medicine and the sugar and headed for the door. Gavin followed, worried that he messed up.
As soon as they reached it, Michael spoke again. “I don’t hate cats.”
Michael looked back at Gavin, still frowning but there was something...sad (???) about it. “I don’t hate cats. Lindsay likes to joke that I do. Sure, I’m a dog person. But I don’t hate cats. I just know we don’t have enough time to take care of one and I refuse to get a pet and treat it like a toy. Lindsay understands that. But she still wants one, one day.” His mouth twisted up at that, a small smile and his eyes seemed to sparkle a little, like he was remembering something funny.
Gavin was having a little mood whiplash. Michael had, honestly, seemed a little hateful. Unpleasant. But what he was saying was making sense and Gavin gained a little respect for him. Plus, the way he said Lindsay’s name, like something sweet he couldn’t get out of his mouth and didn’t want to, had Gavin thinking maybe he had judge Michael too quick.
But just as he was thinking that, Michael’s smile disappeared. “Thanks for the medicine. And the sugar.”
“Ah...you’re welcome.”
With a nod, Michael left. And Gavin was left standing there, thoroughly confused about what had just happened.
Three days later and Lindsay was back at his house. The first thing she said when he opened the door was “I’m sorry about Michael.”
Gavin turned to the side to let her in. “Hey Lindsay, how are you feeling? Your voice sounds a little rough.”
Lindsay sniffed at him. Her nose looked red and her hair was messy but her eyes were as clear as ever. “What? Yeah I’m fine. I just came to apologize for Michael.”
“Why? Did he say something?” Gavin asked as he lead Lindsay to the kitchen so he could pour her a glass of water.
“No, he didn’t. I know because he’s Michael.” Lindsay said it like that explained it. And maybe it did but what Gavin wasn’t sure. Instead he motioned for Lindsay to continue. “And because it’s Michael, I know the asshole acted like, well, an asshole. I wanted to apologize for it.”
“He was pretty...intense.” Gavin agreed.
Lindsay sighed before sitting down in one of the chairs, sipping at her drink. “Yeah, he can be. But honestly, it’s just because he was worried.”
“He seemed annoyed at me.” Gavin said, sitting down across from Lindsay.
“Like I said, worried. I was pretty sick but because I was suddenly busy at work, I didn’t really pay too close attention to what my body was trying to tell me. I woke up Tuesday dizzy and ready to vomit. Meg is out of town but luckily Michael was there. And Michael can get pretty protective when one of us gets hurt in any way so you can see where this is headed. He’s annoyed I didn’t take better care of myself, annoyed we don’t have any medicine, and annoyed that he has to ask for help.”
“Oh.” Gavin said, relieved as he slumped in his chair. “I thought he hated me.” Gavin had been so worried that he had done something to upset Michael. Worried that he had somehow ruined the friendship he had with Lindsay because her partner hated him.  
“What?” Lindsay sputtered. “No, no. He doesn’t hate you. He thinks you’re cute actually-”
“What?” Gavin sat up.
“And if anything, he’s upset with me for making him look foolish in front of a pretty boy.”
Gavin was RED. He knew it, could feel the heat in his cheeks.
Lindsay smiled at him and if Gavin didn’t know any better, he would say that the smile was a bit devilish. “What?” Her voice was innocent. “That’s what Michael was most annoyed by, the fact that I told him he needed to ask for a cup of sugar. You wouldn’t believe the fit he threw. I had to argue with him for like, ten minutes. While I was sick.”
“Why?” Gavin moaned. He was a second away from dropping his head into his hand.
Lindsay shrugged, unbothered. “Because I thought it would be funny.” Gavin gave her a look. There was that smile again. “I had to entertain myself somehow.”
“You’re an arsehole.” Gavin grumbled.
“Yes, but I’m an asshole who got a good laugh when Michael slammed open the door, ranting about how silly he looked, standing on your doorstep, asking for a cup of sugar.” Lindsay leaned in, voice dropping down to a half-whisper, like she was sharing some big secret. “You know what he told me?”
Gavin was sure whatever Lindsay was going to say would make him blush again, but he leaned in.
“He told me that he felt like he was in some black and white film, like a suitor showing up on the doorstep asking for the hand of a delicate Southern Belle.”
And yep, there goes his cheeks. “He did not!” Not only couldn’t Gavin see the man he met yesterday saying those words, he wasn’t so sure if his poor brain could take it.
“Well, ok. Maybe not. But he did say he felt like some asshole from the 1950’s by doing that.” Lindsay was laughing. The cheerful sound was broken up by horrible coughing. Gavin sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do as he let it pass over.
“Are you alright?” He finally asked.
Lindsay nodded, taking in large gulps of her drink. “Yeah, I’m good. But I should probably go now, before Michael comes home. I promised I would stay in bed all day, no matter how boring it is.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Gavin gave her a little grin.
Before she left, Lindsay turned back towards Gavin, biting her lip. “I...I came over here to today because I wanted to let you know that Michael really is a sweet guy. Really. He’s romantic and fun to be around and. Well, I love him. And I know he didn’t leave you with the best impression. But he’s my partner and we’re friends and I...want you guys to get along.”
Gavin thought about the way Michael petted Smee, carefully, and the passionate response to why he didn’t want pets. “He certainly scared me, but if Smee likes him than he can’t be too bad right?”
Lindsay’s eyes went wide but she was smiling again. “He actually pet Smee?”
“And Smee let him.” Gavin eagerly agreed.
“He wouldn’t pet our old neighbor’s cat no matter how much Meg and I cooed over it!” Lindsay said, faux offended. “I can’t wait till he comes home to make fun of him for this one.”
To say his feelings surrounding Michael was confusing would be an understatement. When meeting with rude assholes or people that made him feel uncomfortable, Gavin’s stance on them usually didn’t change. But Lindsay seemed to be determined to make sure that they got along.
The next time she came over to chat, she brought along Michael.
It was awkward. Michael still scowled the entire time and Gavin remained fidgety. Lindsay was the only one who really talked, chatting excitedly about some big thing her company was going to do. Gavin tried his best to listen, but couldn’t get past the feeling of Michael’s eyes glaring at him. As they were starting to leave though, Michael caught sight of Gavin’s gaming system and they ended up staying an extra ten minutes, talking about favorite games and what new releases they were looking forward to.
The next time they come over, Gavin is out of town. This prompts Lindsay to ask for his phone number so they could text. Gavin doesn’t feel nervous when he hands it over.
Lindsay and Gavin send cat memes to each other. Michael asks that he not help fuel Lindsay’s cat obsession. Gavin starts sending pictures of Smee instead.
About the third time the two come over, it was unexpected and Gavin was slightly embarrassed by the pile of takeout he had yet to throw away. Michael took one look at it and then exploded. Started going into a tirade that embarrassed both Gavin and Lindsay. Then he left, leaving Lindsay to apologize. He reappeared twenty minutes later with home made food. Gavin took one bite and instantly forgave him.
It became, like, a thing between them. Lindsay would come over to pet Smee and Michael would feed Gavin some home made food. In between bites, they talked and Gavin grew to like the other man. Lindsay was right, he was really sweet. When you got pass the foul language and angry scowls that is.
Around the sixth time they came over, they brought another woman. She was beautiful, enough to make Gavin tongue tied. She had long purple hair and glasses, her makeup was spot on. She was thin looking, dressed in running gear. Michael introduced her as Meg. Gavin could only nod as his mouth had turned dry.
“So this is the guy you two have been sneaking off too.” Meg said, smile wide.
Gavin sputtered causing Meg to chuckle.
“We have not been ‘sneaking’ over here.” Lindsay admonish, but she was smiling too. “We told you where we were going. You were just too lazy to join us.”
“If by lazy, you mean incredibly busy than yeah. I was totally lazy.” Meg rolled her eyes.
“What do you do?” Gavin finally blurted out, having scrambled his brains back together in order to form a sentence.
“I’m a cosplayer.” Meg said. “I make all my own cosplay and have a Pateron going. I also make Youtube videos.”
“Wow, what do you cosplay?” Gavin asked. He never had the time or patience to cosplay himself, but he loved to look at what others did.
“Mostly video games. The last shoot I did was as Tracer from Overwatch.”
“Oh nice. Do you play?”
“Only occasionally. I usually play indie games instead. And Mario Kart!”
“I don’t think I’ve played Mario Kart since I was a teenager.” Gavin mused. He blinked as the three of them looked at him in shock. “What?”
“You haven’t played Mario Kart in how long?” Meg asked, sounding slightly offended.
“Um...I guess like, eight years?” Gavin said, confused.  
“Lindsay.” Meg said.
“On it.” Lindsay replied, already heading towards the door.
“What?” Gavin asked.
“I’m going too. We’ll need snacks and I know he won’t have any.” Michael butted in, already following Lindsay.
“What?” Gavin asked again.
Meg laughed and grabbed him, dragging him deeper into his own home, towards the living room. “We are going to play Mario Kart. You get the added bonus of watching me kick everyone’s ass in it.”
Gavin could only grin as they began setting up his game station. Lindsay returned with the game and Michael with the promised snacks.  Gavin thoroughly got his ass kicked by Meg but he wasn’t always last and delighted in the angry shouts Michael and Lindsay let out whenever they got screwed.
Mario Kart turned to beers and horrible movies and Gavin could honestly say he has never had so much fun in all of his life.
With the weather getting nicer, the Ramsey’s and Burn’s started their cookouts. Gavin of course was invited as was Michael, Meg, and Lindsay. The first one they attended, the neighborhood swamped around them, wanting to get as much information as they could. Gavin stayed a little away from the circle, knowing how tough it can be to be hounded with questions.
But after a few minutes, Meg had weaseled away to find and chat up Gavin.
“It’s good to see you.” She said. “I don’t think I’ve seen you anywhere but at your house.”
Gavin smiled. “I’m very...reclusive. I usually don’t have time to go outside and enjoy myself.”
“Shame. Michael has commented a few times about how your backyard would look lovely with a few flowers.”
“Michael likes to garden?”
“More like he likes to the act of being productive. He likes planting and pruning and watering. Don’t know if he actually likes the flowers. They do make a good background for photos though.”
“He really seems to like to work with his hands huh?” Gavin observed, looking over at where Michael and Lindsay were busy entertaining everyone. He noticed that Michael seemed to be hitting it off well with everyone. Lindsay was too, but he expect that of her.
Michael had a really nice smile. It showed off his dimples.
“Oh, I can assure you. He loves working with his hands.” Meg’s wink was raunchy.
It took real effort from Gavin to not spit out his drink. “That’s, uh. Good to know?”
Meg chuckled, taking a sip of her own drink. “By the way. What do you do for a living?”
Gavin, almost shyly, told her all about his work with slow motion. Meg asked question after question after question and Gavin found himself relaxing into a conversation with her. He told her all about him coming over to England at the recommendation of his mentor and setting up his business. That lead into a conversation about England and, after finding out about her stints in other states, California.  
Gavin found himself really liking Meg. She could make him laugh about anything.
This continued for the next few barbecues. Everyone would gather around the newcomers, Meg would somehow slip away and find Gavin, and the two would engage in conversation before someone noticed them. Eventually, everyone got bored of questioning Lindsay and Michael, and the next time they came to a block party, they were left alone.
For some reason, they always chose to hang out with Gavin. Gavin would be talking to Geoff about something and they would pop up and immerse themselves in the conversation. Gavin ended up introducing them further to people, including Ryan (Gavin pushed down the feelings of jealousy-and what was that about-at the way Ryan and Meg got along so quickly) and Jeremy and Trevor and Matt and the rest of the college boys. That lead to Gavin finding one of Michael’s weakness-the man couldn’t say no to a bet.
Later, Gavin would have to apologize to Burnie for the chaos that followed.
Summer was always a busy time for Gavin (well, every season was busy, Gavin was always busy but particularly in the summer). Summers in Texas always produced good weather, especially the light Gavin needed to film. As long as he drank enough water and wore sunblock, Gavin filmed as long as he could.
As such, his visits with his next door neighbors went down. He still texted them (Meg had given her own number to Gavin, with much blushing on Gavin’s side, and Michael soon followed saying he might as well) but he sorely missed their face to face chats.
Also, Dan came to visit.
Gavin ran his business as sort of a one-man band. He filmed, he edited, he dealt with demanding producers, he created the website, and he owned the camera. Gavin did everything himself. Expect during the summer, when his workload picked up.
Dan wasn’t as experienced as Gavin was with camerawork, but he had helped Gavin when the Brit first started up his business. After awhile though, Dan had to go back home to England to take care of his grandparents, leaving the business to Gavin. But Dan was welcomed back anytime he wished. The problem was, Dan didn’t want to live in America and give up his house back in England and Dan wasn’t entirely set on being a cameraman either.
So the two came to an agreement. Whenever summer came around and Gavin got a little overwhelmed, Dan would come live with him till work slowed down. Then Dan would go back to England until next summer.
Gavin welcomed Dan into his house one fine May day. While Dan started to put his stuff away, Gavin called the company he would be working with tomorrow to tell them he was bringing an extra guy.
While he was negotiating prices with the man, Gavin heard a knock on his door. He put the guy on hold and opened the door to find Meg standing there, looking pristine and with a polite smile on her face. Surprised, he let her in and told her he had to finish a phone call first. Meg just nodded and Gavin went about his business.
A few minutes late, Gavin finished the call and walked into his kitchen to find Dan and Meg staring at each other.
“Meg, good to see you.” Gavin grinned, walking forward to give her a hug. Meg hugged back, a little tighter than Gavin was used to. “I’ve see you met Dan.”
“He’s my best bet mate from England. He’s here to help me with work.” Gavin explained.
“Oh really?”
“Yes?” Gavin said. Something about Meg seemed...off. Meg was usually warm and friendly, at least to Gavin. It was weird to see her acting cold. “Is everything alright? Oh wait, you want a cup of sugar right?”
Dan snorted behind him.
“What?” Gavin questioned, turning to see his friend smirking.
“Nothing.” Dan replied, innocently.
“It sort of sounded like you were going to kiss me.” Meg jumped in, but she was smiling now. She winked at Gavin. “I wouldn’t mind getting some sugar from you.”
Gavin stammered as his brain disconnected. Meg shared a look with Dan before the two bust out laughing. After that, Meg seemed to warm up to Dan rather quickly as the three talked.
When Meg left, Gavin commented about Meg’s weirdness. Dan smiled at Gavin. “Looks like you got yourself a possessive bird there, Gav.”
Gavin gave him a look but didn’t commented. Probably just Dan pulling his leg again.
Expect Meg started visiting more often. Their visits were usually one every few days. Now it was like she found a reason to show up at Gavin’s house everyday. When Gavin asked, Meg just shrugged and said that Michael and Lindsay were out of town for a convention and she was lonely. It didn’t sound like a lie...but Gavin didn’t think it was the whole truth either.
Even when Michael and Lindsay came back, they just followed Meg to Gavin’s house. Gavin actually didn’t mind it, even with how busy he was, but it was weird. Lindsay was constantly touching him and Michael glared at Dan the entire time (more than usual, that is). Meg was the one to introduce them to Dan and Gavin didn’t know if he was imagining the way she put an emphasize on “friend”.
Dan took everything in stride, with an annoying little smirk. Like he knew something Gavin didn’t.
Gavin and Dan had just returned from a job out in California when Gavin got a text from Meg.
You want to have dinner with us tonight?
“Meg just asked us to have dinner with them.” Gavin told Dan, showing him the text.
Dan shook his head. “No. She asked you to dinner.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a date, Gavin.”
Dan’s smirk was slow to spread across his face. “B. I think she’s asking you out on a date.”
Gavin stood there blinking at him. “What?” He finally whispered.
“Gavin, they like you.”
“They do not.”
“They do. You should have seen the way they were all over you when they thought I was your boyfriend.” Dan continued to tease him.
“They weren’t.” Gavin knew his voice was getting a bit high. Dan just laughed at him and Gavin slapped Dan’s shoulder. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun. I’m telling you the truth. They like you and Meg just asked you on a date.” Dan said, matter-o-factly.
Gavin stared at his phone. “Do you really think so?”
“I do.” Dan gave Gavin a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Wear that dark blue shirt of yours, makes your eyes pop.”
Gavin is not sure what to expect when he goes over to the Jones-Tuggy-Turney house. He flipped and flopped over if this was a date or not. Had stared into his mirror, wondering if he was overdoing it with the shirt. He had an intense debate about whether to bring flowers or not.
Instead he brought a cup of sugar.
When Meg answered the door, she burst out laughing. Gavin could feel his cheeks burning (why, why did they always make him blush). “I...I hope this is ok?” He asked, holding out the cup. His eyes roamed over Meg. She wore a white, off the shoulders shirt, that ended out in a ruffle with black tights that hugged her calves. She looked good and Gavin was grateful that he decided to go dressy today. He supposed he should thank Dan later.
“It’s fucking perfect. Come on in.” Meg took the cup, leading Gavin further inside.
Gavin looked around. It suddenly struck him that, with the amount of time the three of them visited his house, he had never visited theirs.
It was nice. They clearly put some love into decorating the place. Pictures of the three of them decorated the walls, there were flowers in a couple of vases setting on top of tables (Gavin asked if they were Michael’s-Meg said yes), and an old clock sat in the corner. It sort of made Gavin’s house look bare.
Lindsay met them in the hallway, handing both Gavin and Meg a glass of wine. “You look good.” She said, looking him up and down.
“You do to.” Gavin replied, returning the favor. Lindsay had on a long-sleeve black sweater with a short pale skirt. Her black heels clicked against the wooden floors.
They made small talk for a bit, Gavin even met Meg’s little weiner dog Penny, before moving into the dining room, which was connected to the kitchen, the only thing separating them was a counter. In the kitchen, Michael was cooking. He looked over his shoulder at them and smiled. Gavin liked having those dimples aimed at him. Michael looked just as cute as the girls. He had on soft looking jeans and a light blue shirt, covered by a long brown jacket. His curly hair was covered by a brown beanie.
“I hope you like steaks? I figured I couldn’t go wrong with a steak.”
“I bloody love them.” Gavin reassured.
“Great, how do you want it cooked?”
“Medium, please.”
“Do you want to sit down?” Lindsay asked. “You look a bit tired?”
“I just got back from a shoot. Two days with very little sleep and I have to head out again Friday.”
Meg made a sound of sympathy. “I know that feeling. Back to back flights? It’s horrible.”
“Especially if you get the middle seat. The last time I had a middle seat, it was an absolute nightmare.”
“Tell me about it. One time I had a guy lean his head on my shoulder, using me as a pillow.”
“No.” Gavin said, aghast.
“And then he started reading my texts!”
“Ok, you two. We don’t need to be discussing flying at the dinner table.” Lindsay said.
“Yeah, we hear Meg bitching about it enough. We don’t need two of you doing it.”
“Aw, but Michael.” Gavin said.
Michael pointed his finger at him, grinning. “Don’t you Micoo me.”
“But it’s cute the way he says your name.” Lindsay chimed in.
Gavin ducked his head and quickly steered the conversation to what they had been up to that week. Meg told him about the cosplaying she’s building, Michael complained about this shitty electrical job that he had to do, and Lindsay told him her company was thinking of buying their competitor. Gavin listened, amused by the way they told their stories and the way Michael exaggerated, hands flying all over the place.
The food was served, along with more wine and water. Gavin eagerly dug into his food, openingly moaning. “This is as good as always.”
“I’m glad you like it so much.” Michael looked far too pleased with himself.  
“Hey, I made the potatoes.” Lindsay piped up. “Took me all day to peal too.”
“No you didn’t.” Meg said. She stabbed her fork at Lindsay. “This are instant.”
“Michael would never let us eat instant.” Lindsay said, sticking her nose in the air.
“I would if someone forgot to actually pick up potatoes and then had to go to the store thirty minutes before Gavin arrived.”
Lindsay pouted.
Gavin was grinning like a loon. He pointedly took a bite of the potatoes. “This taste delicious too, Lindsay.”
Lindsay stuck her tongue out at the other two.
Meg rolled her eyes before asking Gavin about his plans to attend the party the college boys were throwing. “The whole neighborhood is invited.”
Gavin shrugged as casually as he could. “I’m not good with parties, but if you guys go I will.”
That seemed to greatly please Meg.
The rest of the night went much the same. They swapped stories about their childhood and experiences in life, asked about parents and other relatives, touched on their dreams for the future, and even got into an argument about the way Gavin pronounced his words.
It felt comfortable and familiar.
Gavin helped them clean up, even going so far as to offer to help clean dishes, and all three walked him to the door. Gavin bit his lip before asking the question that had been on his mind for the whole night. “So...this was a date right?”
Meg’s smile was wide and soft. “Of course it was.”
Michael snorted. “You idiot. Yes.”
Lindsay giggled. “If you want it to be. I mean, I was hoping it was a date considering how much I like you and all.”
“Really?” Gavin asked, hopeful.
“Oh man, you should have seen these two.” Meg broke in. “They wouldn’t shut up about the cute neighbor with the amazing accent who I just had to meet. Lindsay practically threw away all our sugar at first so she could go over to talk to you-”
“I told you didn’t have to do that, Lindsay.” Gavin interrupted. Lindsay just shrugged.
“And Michael was an anxious mess for those first day, worried he had lost his chance.”
“As if you’re any better.” Michael pointed out. “The second you met him, you told us how much you wanted to ruin him.”
Meg wiggled her eyebrows at Gavin. “Oh I definitely did. And still want too.”
Gavin just shook his head. “So this was a date then.”
“Yep.” They all agreed.
Then they kissed him.
Meg’s kiss was hot. She clearly knew what she was doing as she pulled him closer to her, manhandling him into the perfect position so she could slot her lips against his.  
Michael’s was passionate. His hold was tight against Gavin’s shirt, his lips aggressive as they clashed with Gavin’s.
Lindsay’s was sweet. She wiped off a bit of Meg’s lipstick from his mouth before pulling him in. Her’s was shorter than the rest, but she left Gavin with a nip on his bottom lip.
Gavin was dazed as they all smirked at him. “So...a date next week?”
“Date next week. But you’re planning it.”
They continued to visit him, but now the visits had a lot more making out included in them. Lindsay would peck him on the check before crouching to scratch Smee. Michael would demand a kiss in exchange for his food. Meg would pull him into a kiss as soon as they saw each other.
Gavin noticed that they were very generous too. Meg brought flowers as often as she could and Michael made a comment about decorating Gavin’s backyard. Lindsay would look online for objects that he commonly needed in his field and order them for him (even if it wasn’t a part Gavin needed, he still kept it, grateful that she bought it thinking of him). Michael brought over games they could play together and the two often shared their games’ library.
Dan had been right in calling them possessive. They would lay their arms across his shoulders and waist, would sit or lean close to him, had even sat in his lap a few times. The first time Meg did this at one of Geoff’s parties, Gavin had to hide his face in her neck at the teasing he got. Meg had no shame, of course, and neither did the others. They kept up their physical contact. Gavin didn’t mind as much as he complained he did.
Gavin also noticed how much more he was going to their house now. It just seemed easier, with all of them living there. Even if it was arriving at their house so that they could go somewhere else. Gavin started to think of the place as his second home. Slowly, little by little, he started leaving his things there. Some socks, a book, his controller-even his phone once.
He startled himself one day upon finding an extra toothbrush for him in their bathroom. And after they started having sex, he left an extra pair of clothes and pajamas in their room.
Sometimes, when Gavin slept in his own bed in his own house, he thought about what it would be like to live there full time. To always wake up looking at Michael, curled around Lindsay with Meg at his back. What it would be like to add his things into the mixture, his hair gel mixed in with their makeup and his coffee cup sat next to theirs. He would close his eyes and imagine adding new pictures to their walls, ones including him.
Of course that was all his imagination as they had only been together for a couple of months. It was too early to be thinking of living with them. Don’t let yourself sink too deep, Free. He scolded himself. You don’t want to mess this up.
After all, they hadn’t even mentioned anything to do with moving in together. And Gavin sure wasn’t going to be the one to ask.
Fall came and went in it’s usual whirlwind of gold and red. Dan went home, a neighborhood wide prank war started by Jeremy was ended by Ryan, and Gavin was still dating his neighbors. Halloween came by and Gavin spent most of it swallowing his tongue at the sight of their costumes. Gavin felt a bit stupid next to them in his store bought wizard hat and long black cloak over a pair of jeans and shirt. Michael at least wasn’t as glamorous in his black cat costume but it fit him really, really well.  Gavin could see every muscle Michael has, every curve and dip, as the black velvet clung to his body. A long black tail swung from his backside and on his head were two cat ears.  
Lindsay had dressed as a Slytherin. She had the green scarf and wand she actually got from Universal Studios. She even wore the nerdy looking glasses. Gavin had to admit, her gray sweater looked really warm. Though he doubted she was as comfortable as she assured him she was with the short, short skirt she was wearing.
Meg absolutely stole the show though, with her Lara Croft outfit. Tight, brown short shorts with a cut off shirt that that showed off her stomach. Strapped to her thighs were realistic looking holsters. Meg showed them to Gavin earlier, explaining all the work she did to make sure they didn’t pinch into her skin. Gavin tried them out for himself. They were really comfortable. Her hair was pulled into a braid and black makeup was smudged along her skin and clothes to look like dirt. She looked perfect.
Geoff made fun of him for the amount of times he almost ran into a wall while looking at them.
Halloween passed and then it was November. Which meant Thanksgiving.  
“Are you sure you can’t go?” Lindsay asked him again.
Gavin watched as her and Michael walked around packing their bags. They were going to New Jersey to visit Michael’s parents and planned to stay from Wednesday to Sunday. Meg was out of town for a convention and wouldn’t be able to make it. Gavin had politely declined, stating that he too would be out of town for a shoot.
Gavin shook his head, uncomfortably aware that he was sitting on their bed, surrounded by their stuff. “I couldn’t get out of this one.”
“What asshole makes people work through Thanksgiving?” Michael grumbled.
“He’s a very...particular client. Everything has to be done by a certain timeline.” Gavin gave them a sheepish smile.
“Well, we’re going to miss you.” Lindsay told him, giving him a swift kiss.
Gavin helped them into their cab and waved at them from his doorway, watching as they drove away.
Thanksgiving Day saw Gavin sitting on his couch, watching the parade. “I don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving.” Gavin told Smee, the cat laying next to him in order to receive pets.
Smee gave him an unimpressed look.
Gavin frowned back. “It’s too soon to meet their parents anyway. We’ve only been dating for...five months? Way too soon.”
Smee licked his paw.
“Besides, the two should have their time together. Alone. I’ve been coming over a lot. They’re probably glad to be going without me.”
Smee got up, stretched, then walked away.
Gavin just hummed, looking back at the T.V. and watched as a large Snowman floated down the street. He idly wondered what he would tell them when Christmas time came.
It turns out he didn’t have to come up with any excuse.
Gavin didn’t enjoy working in the cold (he was used to England winters, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it). The shoot he was on (an actual shoot this time) made him work through not only cold, but rain. A terrible combination.
Gavin arrived home with a red nose and sore muscles. He spent the next day in bed, with a fever. Distantly, he was aware of Lindsay, Meg, and Michael coming to visit him. Gavin sniffed and coughed at them and they feed him soup.
It was Michael visiting him now, putting a cool cloth on top of his forehead. Gavin shivered and burrowed himself deeper into his covers.
He thought he heard Michael sigh and say something about how this would be much easy if Gavin was at their house. But Gavin couldn’t be sure as he immediately fell asleep, soothed by the sound of Michael’s voice.  
Spring came and things were still going great. January seemed to fly by.  Gavin had a mini heart attack when he looked at the date and realized that it was February 13th.
They laughed anyway at the cheap chocolates he gave them. Especially when he combined it with a mashup video of all the places he had had filmed them at. Later that night, they enjoyed another dinner Michael had made. In between mouthfuls of grilled chicken, Gavin asked a question that he’s idly thought about. “Have you guys ever wanted to get married?”
That cause the three of them to pause. Meg finished swallowing her food before nodding. “I’d love to get married, if we’re ever allowed to. I even have the dress picked out.”
Lindsay raised an eyebrow. “Do you really?”
Meg sniffed. “Of course. Don’t you?”
“Not really.” Lindsay replied. “I haven’t really thought about getting married. Not seriously anyways.”
“Same.” Michael said. “As soon as I knew I loved the both of you, getting married sort of went off the table. After meeting Gavin, that feeling doubled. I mean, gay marriage just got approved. Do you really think multiple marriage will happen in our lifetime?”
Meg sort of deflated at that. Gavin quickly said, “Maybe not in America but I’m certain some country will legalize it. Maybe England?”
“Ohhh, Gavvy, are you offering to marry us?” Michael teased, but there was an odd note to his voice.
Gavin looked down and picked at his food. “No. It’s not legal anyways.”
“What do you think of marriage?” Meg asked.
Gavin shrugged.. “My parent’s…it didn’t end well. I don’t have a very positive view on marriage.”
They ate in silence for a second before Michael jumped into a ridiculous story about something stupid that happened at work.
With summer came Dan and work and Gavin celebrating one year being in love. Gavin knew it was coming, had saw them celebrating each other’s anniversary. But it still surprised him when they took him out to the movies and dinner. He got a kiss from each of them and a cake.
Gavin enjoyed the time he spent with them because, as with every summer, he got extremely busy again. Dan and him were in New York to meet with another director, sitting in the lobby of an expensive hotel, when Dan asked him, “So how is everything going in lover town?”
Gavin snorted, rolling his eyes. “Everythings fine. Meg’s lovely, Michael is a pain, and Lindsay is cute.”
Dan smiled at him. “Sounds like you're in love.”
Gavin looked back at him. “I really am.”
“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this way.” Dan teased. Gavin stuck his tongue out at him. “But seriously, B, I’m happy for you.”
Gavin’s smile softened. “Hey thanks, B.”
There was silence for a second before Dan spoke again. “So when are you moving in?”
“What? It has to be hard to constantly move back and forth between houses, even if you are neighbors. I suppose you can connect your house in some way but I don’t know how that would go over with the rest of the neighborhood.”
“I..haven’t thought about moving in.” Gavin said, looking down at his phone.
“Gavin, look. I know you. I’ve been your friend for years. I know how you think. You want to move in, you want to spend the rest of your life with them. But you don’t know how to ask and so then don’t.”
“I do not.”
Dan gave him a look. “Gavin, I once saw a girl flirt with you, give you all the clues that she wanted to hook up, maybe something more, and you completely missed it because you didn’t realize that was what she was doing and was too shy to ask.”
“That’s not-”
“Or how about the time a guy came up to you and asked for a date and you told him it was November 6?”
“You can not use-”
“Or how about that time with the chief?”
Gavin slumped into his seat. “So you what? Think I’m being childish?”
“No. I think you're just being Gavin.” Dan said. “They like you, and you like them. What’s so wrong with asking them about moving in?”
“I don’t know, B? Don’t you think it’s too soon?”
“You’ve been dating for over a year. I don’t think it’s too soon to start at least talking to them about it. Just tell them you’ve been thinking about wanting to move in at some point. If they think it’s too soon, at least you have the conversation started and they know what you want.”
“You make it sound so easy.” Gavin grumbled.
“That’s because it is easy. Look, they can’t read your mind. What if they want you to move in but are waiting for you to say something?”
Gavin made a face at him. “When did you get so reasonable at dating stuff?”
“I’ve always been reasonable.” Dan said, sounding offended.
Gavin side-eyed him. “You once got drunk and ended up sleeping out in the lawn, where your girlfriend then had to drag you inside.”
“Sounds reasonable to me.”
“Once inside, you started crying and tried to break up with her because she had a Mr. Blobby mask sitting on the table left over from Halloween.”
“Like I said, sounds reasonable to me.”
Gavin took Dan’s advice to heart. Well, he did after agonizing over it for a good few days after getting back from the shoot. He finally mention it when playing games with Meg (both Lindsay and Michael were away at work).
“It would probably be easier if my game system was next to your game system, that way we don’t have to go back and forth with our games.”
“Totally.” Meg replied, not looking away from the screen.
Gavin felt like that was good enough.
Gavin was panicking. He was all smiles on the outside, but inside, he was full on freaking out. It was Thanksgiving again and there was no way Gavin was going to get out of meeting Meg and Lindsay’s parents.
It was going to be a two partner, apparently. Since both Lindsay’s and Meg’s family lived in Texas, so it would be easy to spend two days with Lindsay and then two days with Meg.
They were super sneaky about making sure Gavin was free. And by sneaky, he meant that they asked if he had shoots coming up and, because Gavin didn’t realize what month it was, he saw no need to lie.
Not even a perfectly reasonable “I don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving” can get him out of it.
So now Gavin had a couple of hours stuck in a car to dread about what could possibly happen. He wasn’t so worried about them not liking him as a fourth member of the relationship, he was sure if they were fine with their child dating two other people, one more wasn’t such a big deal. He did worry that they wouldn’t like him. Would they be ok with him? What if he offended them in some way?
But what Gavin was worried about the most was that this was all too soon. What would they think about bringing home a partner they’ve only been dating for a year?
But Gavin didn’t tell them that and instead just braced himself for bad outcomes.
Surprising (but probably only to Gavin) everything went well.
Lindsay’s parents were warm and positive and baked the best pie Gavin had ever had. They welcomed him home with open arms.
Meg’s family was intense. She had a lot of siblings and her parents practically grilled him about what he did, but in the end they invited him to join in on some family games and Gavin left feeling welcomed.
Gavin was...happy he went. And he could tell that the others were happy he was accepted too. For the first time, he wondered if maybe he wasn’t being stupid about the too early thing.  
For the first time in forever, Gavin thought about what it would be like if he brought someone home to England.
The Christmas tree was set up in the corner of the living room and Gavin was dragged into decorating it. They hung tinsel up everywhere and Lindsay seemed to want a snowman every five feet.
Gavin loved it.
There was something so nice about watching Michael squeeze everyone’s faces as he kissed them before starting to complain that it looked like Santa threw up in here. Meg would laugh and say that they haven’t even gone through half the decorations and Lindsay would pull out another endless string of lights.
At some point, Gavin knew they would bake cookies and try to build a gingerbread house. And later they would watch Christmas movies and Meg and Lindsay would try to put a Christmas hat on Smee while Michael yells at them and Gavin films it.
It was a happy time. It filled Gavin with all sort of feelings.
Gavin knows he can be oblivious sometimes. He’s been told that plenty by Dan. Geoff would roll his eyes when saying it and Burnie always laughed at him.  
But it still came as a complete shock to Gavin one fine March day when Michael came up to him, while they were at Gavin’s house, frowning. “So are we just not dropping enough hints or are you a complete moron?”
“Michael, why are you always so mean to me, Michael?” Gavin whined, though he took no actual offense.
Michael rolled his eyes but bent down to help Gavin, picking up the other side of a heavy camera case so they could put it away in Gavin’s closet. “I’m only mean because you ask for it. But seriously, what’s it going to take?”
“What are you talking about?” Gavin asked.
“About us wanting you to move in.”
Gavin almost dropped the case. Michael cursed. “What the fuck, Gavin? Are you trying to fuck up my foot or something?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Gavin quickly picked up the slack. As soon as they put the case away, Gavin turned towards Michael. “Wait? You what?”
“We. Want. You.” Michael gestured between Gavin and himself and Gavin scowled at him. “To move in. With. Us.”
“Thank you, I can hear.”
“So?” Michael said, crossing his arms. His foot started tapping against the ground.
Gavin bit his lip. “You guys really want me to move in?”
“I wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t.”
“Are you sure?”
“You don’t think it’s too soon?”
“After nearly two years? No?” Michael frowned. “If you don’t want to move in with us, just say so.”
“I do!” Gavin blurted out. He started fidgeting with his hands. “I do, I want to move in with you guys.”
Michael grabbed his hands. “Gavin, do you want to move in with us?”
Gavin took a deep breath, then looked up and into Michael’s eyes. “Yes. I want to move in with you.”
A slow smile began to spread across Michael’s face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I really, really do.”
Later, lying in their bed, Gavin would laugh and mention that he thought he had dropped hints about moving in.
All three of them looked at him with confused looks. “When?” Meg asked.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we would have picked that up.” Lindsay chimed in.
“W-w-with you.” Gavin said, pointing at Meg. He had to half-sit up in bed to be able to do it, but he did. “I mentioned it when we were gaming.”
Meg’s eyebrows went nearly into her hair. “That was your hint? Mentioning it once when we were gaming?”  
Michael just shook his head. “You’re unbelievable.”
“What? What?”
It took three days to move all of Gavin’s stuff to their house. Gavin won’t sell his house for another year (it’s a source of many arguments but ultimately they know it isn’t him having a backup just incase things go south-he’s just too lazy to get to it).
Two days after agreeing to move in, Gavin calls up Dan to talk about their agreement. Dan can still stay in Gavin’s old house during the summers until Gavin sells it. They all agree it’ll be pretty useful to have someone there to keep the house in good condition.
Dan is smug the entire time they talk. Gavin lets him be, because, well he deserved it.
At the end of it Dan tells him “I told you so.”
Gavin sighs. “I know, B.”
“You could have done this like a year ago.”
“I know Dan.”
A pause.
“Hey, Gavin?”
“I’m happy for you.”
Gavin smiles. “Thanks B.”
Gavin almost feels natural in their house. Sure, he’s been spending a good amount of time there since they started dating, but still. He woke up now in his bed, and ate food at his table, and played games on his T.V.
Their house had become his.  Gavin loves it.
He loves how Lindsay and he will fight for coffee as they leave for work, how Michael is yelling at them as he cooks them breakfast, and how Meg comes down to complain about them waking her up.
He loves how one of them will knock on the door to his office, making sure Gavin took some breaks while he working.
He loved surprising them with gifts, loves going to Michael’s work to give him food (it was shitty compared to what Michael could make but he figured he should return the favor), loves helping Meg with her cosplays.
Gavin loves being with them. And he knows they love him.
Gavin is nervous as he waits in front of the putt putt golf area. It’s his two year anniversary. The rest of them were on their way, Meg and Lindsay were picking Michael up from work. After golfing, they figured they could move on to go-kart racing. Or maybe ice-cream. They haven’t really decided.
Gavin checks his watch. He looks down at the little box he had in his hand. Then back up, smiling as Lindsay waved at him from where they were walking down the sidewalk. Gavin meets them halfway.
He gives all three a kiss on the cheek. Meg kisses back but her eyes are glued to the box. “What’s this? You got us something?”
“Yeah.” He practically pushes the box into her hands.
Meg raises an eyebrow but opens it anyways. As soon as she looks inside, she bursts out giggling before showing Michael and Lindsay. Lindsay starts laughing too. Michael shouts “What the fuck, Gavin?” but he’s also smiling.
The box was filled with sugar. Gavin took the box back, shaking it a bit as he began to explain. “So I know I’m not the best at commitment and I have a hard time...expressing myself and putting myself out there. And I’m sure you know my problems with meeting...parents.”
“You mean the time you lied to us to get out of meeting my parents?” Michael asked.
Gavin winced. “You know about that, huh?”
“It wasn’t very hard to figure out. Elyse mentioned that she was surprised we didn’t take you and then told us that you had been home all week.”
“Yeah, well, ok. So I have a thing about parents.” Gavin mumbled. He shifted the sugar around some more. “So yeah. I thought this would be a good...surprise.”
“Surprise.” He lifted the box up. Beneath the sugar were a couple piece of paper.
Delicately, Meg pulled them out. “Plane..tickets?”
Gavin nodded. “To England. If you would like, would you like to meet my mom?”
They meet his mom. She loves them. They love her.
Gavin is happy.   
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A Panacea [for the absent soul.] [AH OT6] [Chapter 2]
Title: A Panacea [for the absent soul.]
Pairing: AH OT5 [eventual OT6]
Rating: T [for abuse and neglect]
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Words: 1385
Prompt/Summary: [by @amberfret] Hi! If you’re doing requests, AH OT6: five guys are in an established relationship and they really like Jeremy who’s been working with them for over a year but who’s already in a relationship. They find out J’s partner is an asshole and help him leave relationship, but he’s been in such a shitty relationship for so long the other guys have to show him how he should be treated.
A/N: Gave you a cliffhanger so y’all could look forward to one last part. I won’t drag this on much longer, I swear. I hope you enjoy it! ~No One
The fact that the entire apartment was dark when Jeremy got home should have been the first sign.
Initially, upon pulling into the driveway, he had guessed that Travis had left for a while. But the other male’s car was still parked in the driveway, and there was nowhere super close to their shared abode that Travis would bother walking to.
The silence as he warily opened the front door should have been the second.
Even as Jeremy turned the lights on, everything was strangely in order. Nothing was out of place, everything was quiet… Perhaps Travis had gone to bed, or had seen how ridiculous he was being earlier.
Getting even slightly relaxed had been his biggest mistake.
“Jeremy, what the fuck took you so long?”
Jeremy’s heart nearly burst from his chest as Travis entered the room. Immediately, he noticed that Travis’ eyes were bloodshot, hair disheveled, and his speech was slightly slurred, indicating that he’d been drinking. “T-Trav, I was work-”
“I was working,” Travis mocked. “Nice excuse, but that won’t fly with me.” With a few angry strides, the taller male was stood in front of Jeremy. “What were you really doing?”
“I really was just working, I swear.” Jeremy wanted to move, but he felt frozen. “Trav, why would I lie-”
“You were fucking around with the rest of those Achievement Hunter sluts, weren’t you?!” Travis grabbed a fistful of Jeremy’s hair and forced him to look up at him. “Can’t keep your hands off ‘em, can you?!”
Jeremy tried to shake his head, but Travis’ hold kept him firmly in place. “I-I would n-never d-do that t-t-to you!”
With an angry yell, Travis threw Jeremy into the coffee table, his body twisting as a barely audible crack filled the air. “I see the way you look at them, Jeremy! I see you lusting over them!” He knelt to the floor as Jeremy rolled off the table, gasping for breath. “Why do you make me do this, Jeremy? I’ve done nothing but love you!”
“I haven’t fucking done-” Jeremy gasped in pain as Travis kicked him in the stomach, effectively interrupting him.
“I didn’t give you permission to speak to me that way, you piece of shit!”
Winded, Jeremy mustered his strength to get into a sitting position. “G-go to hell.”
“And what would you do without me, Jeremy?” Travis grabbed the front of Jeremy’s shirt and lifted him off the ground. “No one else could fucking love you. You’re nothing without me, Jeremy. Nothing!”
The short male went to retort, but was silenced with a punch to the face. It took all his willpower not to tear up. Not in front of Travis.
“You should be ashamed of yourself, you filthy whore. You’re lucky I don’t kill you for what you’ve done to me.” Travis dropped Jeremy from his hold, the smaller of the two landing on the floor with a dull thud. “Sleep out here tonight. I don’t want to be seen with you.”
Jeremy laid where he landed, his body throbbing in pain. He listened as Travis’ footsteps got quieter, until he heard the door to the bedroom close forcefully. Only when silence once again filled the apartment did he allow the tears he’d fought to hold back flow loose.
I didn’t do anything wrong.
Did I do something wrong?
I must’ve done something wrong.
I’m worthless.
The thoughts swirled around in his head, torturing his soul. He let out a choked sob and curled into a ball, ignoring the sharp pain radiating through his ribcage. Travis was right. I am a piece of shit… Jeremy didn’t bother moving from the floor, and let his eyes slip closed. I deserved this… I’m so sorry, Travis… For whatever I’ve done. Soon enough, his thoughts finally dissipated, and he finally settled into an uneasy sleep.
“Don’t let them see that bruise on your face.” Travis’ stare was emotionless. “Cover it up.”
“I-I can’t…”
Slap! “Find a way, Jeremy!”
Jeremy nursed his already-injured cheek. “I’ll just… tell them I fell down the stairs or something.”
“You’d better.” The taller male turned and walked towards the door. “I expect you home on time tonight, understand?”
“Good.” Without another word, Travis shut the front door.
Once he heard Travis’ car pull away, Jeremy slowly made his way into the bathroom. After removing his shirt, he gasped at the deep purple that had begun to form on his abdomen and ribcage. Though it would be hard to hide the pain from the guys, at least he could cover those. But the bruise on his cheek was angry and near swollen, and that one would be harder to explain. He shook his head; the guys could not know what happened. Even if he had deserved it.
Getting ready had proved difficult, as moving a certain way caused his pain to skyrocket, but soon enough, he was dressed and on his way to the Achievement Hunter office. Jeremy rehearsed a few excuses in his head, finally deciding on one, as he entered the building. Luckily, only a few people were there, and they hadn’t noticed them.
Jeremy had only been in the office for a few minutes before he heard Michael and Lindsay come in. He flopped his hood up and turned away, hoping that he wouldn’t be noticed right away.
“Morning, Lil’ J,” came Michael’s tired voice only moments later.
“Mornin’.” The exchange ended there, and Jeremy only hoped he would get as lucky as the others arrived.
His luck stayed until Geoff walked in.
“Hey Jer- What the fuck happened to your face?”
The slightly harsher tone Geoff’s voice had taken caused him to wince, which luckily went unnoticed by Geoff. “Oh, I just pulled a Gavin. Tripped on my way in last night and smashed my face on the door.”
Geoff raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it, but unsure of how to proceed. “Uh huh. Well, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jeremy feigned a smile. “It hurt a bit last night, but it’s not too bad today. I hardly even notice it.”
When Jeremy lowered his hood, he heard a hiss from Michael. “Dude, that looks bad. Do you need some ice or something?”
“No, I said I’m good.” Jeremy tried to keep himself from sounding irate; he knew they were only worried about him. But he deserved what he got, and they didn’t need to get involved.
“Just… let me know if I can help you with anything.” With a pat to his shoulder, Geoff walked over to his desk.
The short male nodded. “Will do, Geoff.”
Most of the day had passed without further mention of the anomaly on his face, though he knew Geoff was still suspicious. He hadn’t lied when he said his face wasn’t bothering him anymore, but the dull throbbing of his ribcage had become constant, and it was getting harder to keep from showing it.
Somehow, he managed to keep his increased level of pain from the guys, laughing along at jokes and jerking around as he usually did. But by three PM, he knew he had to do something, or he’d be found out.
“Hey, Geoff?” he inquired.
The tattooed male didn’t even look up from his computer screen. “What’s up?”
“We have any Tylenol? Headache.”
Geoff nodded. “I know Lindsay carries some. You should ask her.” He glanced up at Jeremy. “You sure that’s all?”
“Yeah, Geoff. I’m sure.” To avoid more questioning, Jeremy rose quickly, and instantly regretted his decision. His pain escalated from a seven to a solid ten, and he let out an involuntary gasp.
“Jeremy?” The older male rose, slowly walking near his employee. “What’s wrong?”
Jeremy only let out a whine as he tried to straighten himself out. He didn’t count on a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest, and he let out a yell as he collapsed to the floor.
He could see all sorts of activity around him now, but he heard nothing. All he could hear were his rapid heartbeats and rough, jagged breaths. He felt a hand on his shoulder that was accompanied by muffled yelling. The pain was too much for Jeremy to continue to bear, and he let his eyes slip closed.
Suddenly, the pain was gone.
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staranon95 · 4 years
not so baby driver
a red hood au drabble
“Lindsay, I know you think being an Uber driver is a lot of fun, but I am begging you. Please come home. We’ve got shit to talk about!”
“Sorry, Michael. I’m on the clock until at least 11. Which is prime bar hopping time.”
“We need to find Red and you’re still going on and being a fucking taxi.”
“Uber contractor, please”
At the sound of Michael groaning, Lindsay laughs.
“Just keep your ear to the ground.”
“Oh, will do.” She ends the call and gets her phone set up for her shift tonight.
Lindsay like driving. It’s peaceful in some regards and adrenaline pumping in others—depending on what she’ splaying as the night she finds herself behind the wheel. Is she going to play Uber? Or is she the getaway driver?
She started driving for Uber a year ago, only on the side and only casually. Two nights a week. That’s the way she likes to keep it. It gives her a break from her otherwise hectic life, following leads, driving the crew from Point A to Point B, listening to the police scanner for any juicy gossip. It’s a good schedule to keep, and she likes being an Uber driver. Some of her passengers are chatty and that sometimes makes for good intel depending on the person. But for the most part it’s just college kids she’s driving around. Another chunk are people from the airports, looking for a hotel to live in for a few days or looking to get home and sleep off the jet lag. There’s a lot she can learn from this job, about this city and its people despite the years she’s lived and worked here.
The first part of her shift goes by smoothly. Nothing big to report or be concerned about. It’s around ten that she gets an interesting visitor. She gets the ping when she enters the downtown area. The part that a lot of politicians say they’ll clean up but never do. The part that avoids being gentrified because so much goes on here. Lindsay has spent a lot of time here, especially in the early days of the crew.
Her passenger is standing on the side of the street, leaning against a lamppost as she pulls up. He has a red hoodie pulled up over his head, so she can’t get a good look at his face. But he comes in and sits very stiffly on the backseat of her car. He keeps one arm firmly fixed around his torso, and he’s quiet when he comes in—doesn’t offer a ‘hi’ or other greeting. Which is fine. Lindsay can deal with rude people. There’s a reason why she can rate her passengers.
“So, where are we headed today,” she says. She brings up the route on her phone and it looks like he wants to be taken to a residential side of town.
“Just taking me home,” he says. But his voice sounds weak and strained, and Lindsay become increasingly concerned about the arm he keeps pinned to his torso.
“Sure thing.”
She pulls onto the road, sparing as many glances as she can to the man in her back seat. She has a feeling in her gut that this is probably Red. It’s too big of a coincidence. The red hoodie obviously gives it away. But she wonders if Red recognizes her or not. She’ll try to play this cool.
She waits for an opening to even bring up how bad Red looks right now. When she makes a right-hand turn, she gets a groan from him as he tries to hold himself still.
“You know,” she starts. “If you need to go to the hospital, I can easily change the destination.”
Red doesn’t respond.
“Or, if hospitals aren’t your scene, I know some clinics that are off the books, cash places.”
“Don’t need it,” Red says gruffly. “Just drive me home.”
She’s quiet for one block before speaking up again. “Broken arm or broken ribs? Or both?”
Red says nothing.
“I get it, man. A lot of sketchy shit goes on in this town. But from experience, trying to be your own doctor isn’t a good idea.”
“You know, I didn’t pay for the advice when I got in this car.”
“I’m just saying. I’ve been where you are. I’m discreet, man. No judgement here. I got some good clinics in mind if you’re looking for one.”
Red must be in a lot of pain because he goes quiet. He’s thinking about it. And then he says, “Who did you have in mind?”
“Well, I know a residency doctor who sees patients on the side for a little extra cash. She’s actually really cool about these sorts of things, so she won’t go narcing on you.”
“Fine,” Red says. “Just get me there.”
Lindsay takes the time at a red light to change the destination so she doesn’t get asked why she didn’t bring her customer to their desired stop. Keeping everything official.
She’s known Kdin for a few years now—since they were college roommates and took different turns in life. Kdin is nearing the end of her residency, but she’s thinking of opening her own clinic. One of the types that will see you no matter what. She’s good in a pinch if you need some stitches, and the Fakes have always been solid customers of her.
Lindsay parks the car along the side of the road, next to a long row of semi-detached houses. “All right. I’m going to go up to her and explain the situation, and then we’ll get you up there, okay?”
“Fine. Whatever.”
Lindsay gets out and jogs up to the door. She holds down the doorbell for a solid second. It’s not too late. She shouldn’t be disturbing anyone at this hour.
Kdin opens the door, looking dressed down and ready to either game until three in the morning or crash on the bed. “Lindsay! What a nice surprise. What brings you to my neighbourhood?” She looks over Lindsay’s shoulder to her car, rightfully so since Lindsay is usually the one bringing the injured to her.
“Well, three guesses—”
“Is it Michael this time?”
“What? No, no. He’s much less reckless these days. Um, I was just doing my routes, you know, and I get this customer. I don’t know how bad it is, but he looked like he needed a place to get looked at.”
“Okay. Cryptic, but I get it.”
“Okay. I’ll go bring him in.”
“Sure thing. Uh, can he pay?”
“If not, I’ll foot the bill.”
“You’re too good for this city, Lindsay.”
“Yeah, well, someone has to be now that Geoff is retired.”
Lindsay turns back to her car and opens the back door nearest to Red. “Okay. Kdin’s good to see you. You need help or?”
Red resolutely slides himself out of the car, twists slowly to get his feet on the sidewalk and then use his good arm to pull himself out. He seems reluctant to receive help at all. He tries to stand up straight, probably to relieve the pressure on his ribs, but he still walks in that hunched gait Lindsay has seen far too many times.
They walk up the few steps to Kdin’s door, and Lindsay leads Red in. One of Kdin’s bedrooms has been transformed into a makeshift examination room. She’s already in there, still dressed in her PJs, pulling on some latex gloves.
“All right,” she says. “What seems to be the problem?”
Lindsay pulls back, allowing Red to have some privacy before she turns the corner and heads to the front of the house. She pulls out her phone and dials for Michael.
“You’re on speaker,” is his initial response.
“Oh, hey. Anyone else there with you?”
“Yeah, Jeremy and Gavin. What’s up?”
She hears Gavin in the background. “Hi, Lindsay!”
“Uh, well, you’re never going to believe who I just picked up.”
“It better not be some washed up Disney child actor again,” Jeremy says.
“No, no,” she says, keeping her voice low. “It’s Red. You know, the guy we’re looking for?”
“You serious?” Michael says.
“Yeah. He was pretty beat up, too, so I’m at Kdin’s right now. I think you guys better get here.”
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Shot by the Gods- The One in the Hole
Summary: A series of One Shots, Ficlets, or Drabbles from my Gods of LS AU.  What's a god to a non-believer who don't believe in anything? Not sure. But a non-believer to a god, is a nuisance. 
Chapter: 10/?
Word Count: 2,423
Note: Takes place after Causing Chaos and after Cheating
WARNING: TORTURE albeit very poorly written since it's been a while since I've done anything like it.
Previous / AO3
It had originally been a good week for Ryan. He had gotten the man of his dreams, as well as one of his best reapers. Life, or well existence, was going pretty well for him. But of course, he still had a non-godly job to do. He was part of a crew, which coincidently happened to be full of demigods, and he had a terrifying mercenary persona to uphold. And it was about time he held up that persona again.
A man named Edgar had been trying to run all of the different types of “Fakes,” down. His effort was successful in disbanding the Fake Creatures. They had been giving Fake Attack trouble, and ran Kinda Fake into San Fierro. When he started to mess with Fakehaus, The Fake AH Crew stepped in saying that they were the only ones allowed to have a messy rivalry of any sorts with them.
The Fake AH Crew had set up a Gala hopping Edgar would get cocky and show up and make a scene. And of course, they were right. Meg was brought in to help Lindsay pull Edgar away from the crowd. Edgar was able to recognize Lindsay and a big scene was made. He shot Lindsay, causing a panic throughout the Gala, but Meg was able to keep Lindsay’s soul working and connected, saying it wasn’t her time yet.
Jeremy and Michael can in to corner Edgar. He tried to escape, but Jeremy used his past as a fighter to make him back down. Michael as soon as Edgar was in a corner, Michael knocked him out with a bat, saying that that was for shooting his wife. He went in to hit him again, but Jeremy stopped, saying it would have to be Ryan’s kill.
The tied a knocked-out Edgar up and shot him up with tranquilizers. They carried him into a car and drove him to an interrogation cell while Jack stayed behind to clean up the mess of the Gala. They unloaded a still unconscious Edgar tied him to and sat him up in a chair in an interrogation room. Geoff and Ryan stood outside the room and waited.
Michael and Jeremy finished up and exited the room. “He’s all yours,” Jeremy announced as he waved and dragged Michael away.
Geoff turned to Ryan. “You know why I called you away from your little boy and you’re doing this today?” he asked.
“It’s okay, Gavin was tired and went to bed. And I know I have to do torture someone again so I don’t go soft,” Ryan answered.
“I mean, I’m really happy you and Gavin are finally dating. Honestly not sure how I feel about you dating the reaper who has been screwing you over, as well,”
“She’s a friend who I don’t mind sharing Gavin with,” Ryan interrupted to explain.
Geoff rolled his eyes in response. “I don’t know how you can be open to a relationship involving her after what she did to you,”
“It was all a big misunderstanding that I brought on myself,” he interrupted to explain, again.
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” Geoff huffed. “The point is that this guy has been screwing with our allies.”
“And as annoying as they can be, it’s still better to have allies.”
“So, we need to take him down.”
“Alright, but that doesn’t explain why you didn’t just kill him on the spot, tonight at the Gala you held. Or do you just want me to practice my torturing again?”
“We think he’s using the likeness of something that’s yours.”
Ryan shrugged. “This guy could just be named Edgar and have a cow fetish. I mean, my little calf doesn’t do anything unless he’s told.”
“Whatever, I just want you to try torture again.”
“So be it. But if the likeness thing is true, I can’t guarantee he’ll make it out of my custody, alive.”
“That’s what I’m counting on.”
Suddenly, Edgar began to wake up. “Hey… HEY!!!! DID YOU COWARDS WANT TO ATTEMPT TO TEACH MY A LESSON OR SOMETHING?!?!” he screamed.
“I guess that’s my cue,” Ryan told Geoff.
“Did you put torture tools in there for me?” he asked Geoff next.
“Yep, you’re all set,” Geoff confirmed.
“GGGGGAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!”” Edgar kept screaming.
Ryan nodded and made his Vagabond mask appear on his head. He saluted Geoff as he entered the torture room. Edgar kept screaming and Ryan walked in. “Gods, you’re loud. If you really think the Fake AH Crew in immature, you should listen to yourself,” he commented, shutting the man up.
“Oh, they sent in the Vagabond,” Edgar attempted to taunt. “’What, is that supposed to do, scare me?”
“If I do, I do. If I don’t, well, it doesn’t change the situation you’re in.”
“My employees WILL get me out of here!”
“But, they aren’t here at the moment. While we wait for them, why don’t you answer a few questions for me,”’ Ryan suggested.
“What, you think I’m going to tell you why I’ve been messing with every crew with ‘Fake’ in their name?”
“Yes, I suppose that is a good place to start.”
“Well, I’m not going to tell you. You don’t scare me. And are you too stupid to know that you’re supposed to start with a smaller question first? God, how many people have you even tortured before?”
Ryan sighed. “More than you can count.” Then he walked over to the table with tools and grabbed a pair of pliers. “Did you know I just got into a new relationship?” he started.
“Are you too dumb to know you shouldn’t be telling me that?”
“I’ve been thinking about exploring kinks with my girl and boyfriend to keep things interesting in the bedroom,” he continued as he walked over to Edgar.
“And you told me you’re with a boy? Wait till I tell the whole world, the Vagabond is GAY!”
“Did you miss the part where I said girl as well? No matter,” he said as he sat down and began to untie Edgar’s shoes. “Some fetishes have never interested me before. But, I don’t know I don’t like something unless I try it,” he finished as he removed the socks and shoes off of Edgar’s feet, and grabbed his left foot.
“A foot fetish!? That’s stupid and gross!” Edgar chastised. Ryan rolled his eyes and plucked out his pinky toe. “I’ve cut my pinky toenails off when I cut my toenails. This is nothing.”
Ryan ignored him and moved on to plucking out his bigger toes. “Ow. Owww,” he whined as his toes came out. Finally, Ryan got to his big toes and began pulling it out. “Owww! OOOWWWWWW!!!” he wailed. Ryan finished yanking out the toe. “Fuck. That actually hurts more than I thought,” he heaved.
“Watch your language!” Ryan commanded. Then he dropped Edgar’s bleeding left foot and grabbed his right. “I’m going to ask you again. What is your problem with all of the ‘Fakes’?”
“Fuck… You…,” he breathed heavily. Ryan shrugged and grabbed his right foot. He began to pluck out the toes on that foot. When he got to the right big toe, he started pulling it out slowly. “OWWWW! FUCK, ALRIGHT!”
Ryan stopped pulling and looked up at Edgar. “Yes?”
“Fakes are all fake criminals. Just for show. They need to stop messing around and turning the criminal community into a big joke,” he explained.
“I see. While we try to have fun with the crimes we commit, we are all still, without a doubt, criminals.”
“Whatever. I told you what you wanted. Are you going to let me go now?” Edgar asked.
Ryan got up and went over to set the pliers back on the tool table. “Not quite yet. I wanted to test out a new, moving up the body, torture technique, and I have a few personal questions to ask,” he clarified as he grabbed a scooping knife off the table. “I was wondering if you’ve ever heard of Ed-Gar?” he finally asked as he sat back down on the floor in front of Edgar.
“Of course, I’ve heard the legend, why the hell are you asking me about that?”
“How much do you know about him?”
“Why does that legend, OW!” he was interrupted but Ryan digging the scoop into the side of his knee. He continued to wedge the scoop under the kneecap. “OWWW! He was the three-headed cow of the god of death, Vaga, from ancient legend! Ed-Gar would torture the masses and eat people until a hero or something came to stop him, I don’t know!!!!”
Ryan popped the scoop out the other side and scooped the kneecap out. “That’s preposterous. Ed-Gar only do… did what Ah… Vaga told him too. And Vaga normally wasn’t one to start conflict.”
“Your name is Vagabond, you would be the one to study the death god.”
“I know Vaga better than anyone alive.” The he moved the scoop onto the other knee. “Are you using Ed-Gar’s likeness?” he asked as he began to dig the scoop into the other knee.
“What do you think?!” Edgar yelped in pain.
“I’m asking,” Ryan began twisting the scoop in deeper, “for a CONFIRMATION,” he continued.
“YES, YOU FUCKING IDIOT, YES!!!” Edgar confirmed. Ryan popped the other kneecap out of leg. “Why is thing so important to you?” he wheezed.
“You’re clearly uneducated on the sweet calf. I told you, Ed-Gar wouldn’t do anything without Vaga’s orders.”
“Sweet calf? What are you even...”
Ryan ignored him and went back to the tabled and grabbed a regular knife and the pliers again. He walked back over to Edgar and turned his chair so that his back was facing him. He grabbed Edgar’s wrists and saw that his fists were balled up. He stabbed through Edgar’s hands, forcing him to open his hands. “Last question. Why did you choose to disparage Ed-Gar’s name by using it?”
“Why does it even matter?” Edgar asked. Ryan rolled his eyes and began to pluck Edgar’s fingernails out. “God, that hurts way more than the toes!”
“I’m waiting,” Ryan prompted as he pulled out another nail.
“Vaga told people back then that they should fear Ed-Gar!” Edgar argued.
“Vaga told people that because Ed-Gar was their punishment if they did wrong; so, people wouldn’t disparage him or the other gods,” Ryan explained as he plucked out another nail.
“What does any of that matter? It’s not like the gods are real!” Edgar exclaimed.
Ryan finished pulling out another nail, then his eyes widened once What Edgar had said clicked. He immediately dropped the pliers in response. “What?”
“The ancient gods aren’t real!”
Ryan stood up in anger and turned Edgar’s chair around to face him. “The gods are VERY real.”
“God, you really are stupid. They’re just something the ancient people made up. It’s all fake. Just like your credential as a criminal crew is fake.”
“You want proof the gods, especially VAGA, are real?”
“What’s a god to a non-believer who don’t believe in anything?” Edgar sing-songed to taunt again.
Ryan groaned and grabbed Edgar by the neck. He turned the both of them into smoke and they dissipated. Ryan brought him to the underworld. Ryan reformed wearing his mask and godly robes. next to Ed-Gar, who mooed happily; he was very happy to see his owner again. Edgar reformed. He was tiny enough to fit in Ryan’s hand. “A non-believer is nuisance to a god,” Ryan announced, in his booming god voice.
“What kind of drugs was I given?” Edgar asked, confused.
“There were no hallucinatory drugs in those tranquilizers. You were to be sober for your torture.”
“Then what is this if I’m not high?”
“Your proof that Vaga is real, and the rest of the gods by extension!”
Edgar rolled his eyes, “Yeah right. Like hell, I’ll believe the Vagabond actually is Vaga, the god of death.”
“Fool.” Then Ryan turned to face Ed-Gar. “Hey buddy, it’s good to see you.”
“Mmmmmooooo!” Ed-Gar replied, happily.
Ryan pet his far-right head. “I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long. You want a treat to make up for it a little?”
All three of Ed-Gar’s head nodded. “MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO!” Ed-Gar excitedly mooed. Ryan put Edgar up to the cow’s center head. Ed-Gar took it, happily and began to munch on his treat. Edgar screamed as Ed-Gar crunched him in his mouth. Ed-Gar swallowed his snack and all three heads smiled.
“I gotta go back to the human world.” Ryan told the cow. All three heads pouted. “I’m sorry, I have people I work with there, I have to go back. But listen, next time I come and visit I’ll bring my girl and boyfriend. My girlfriend is a reaper, so she’s used to the underworld. And my boyfriend is the newest Midas reincarnation. I know it’s not the same, but he’ll be under my protection.”
“Moooo,” Ed-Gar mooed.
Ryan gave him a pat on each of his heads. “See ya,” he gave the cow a quick side hug and poofed away. He reappeared in the torture room. He immediately walked to the door and exited.
Geoff gave Ryan an up and down look. “What was that?”
Ryan clapped his hands together. “Turns out you were right?”
“Alright, but that doesn’t explain where you took him.”
“Also turns out he doesn’t believe in the gods.”
“So, I decided to pay my pet a visit and, give him a snack.”
“Oh, well at least no need for body disposal,” Geoff joked to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, but I was thinking. Gavin’s probably sad that he can’t get a cat because Meg and I are both basically allergic, do you think Gavin would mind meeting my cow?” Ryan asked.
“You know what, Gavin likes animals. And if your three-headed cow is the best thing you got. I think he’ll like it anyway.”
“Excellent! I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow. I’m gonna head out so I can go cuddle. Good night,” Ryan waved as he left the torture area to go join Gavin and Meg in bed, seeing as Meg would be off from her human job by then.
Geoff yawned and went to lean again the wall of the room. He closed his eyes for a second, then shot them right back open when he realized something. “Did I just give the God of Death relationship advice?” he asked himself.
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tinypeckers · 7 years
Ticket Outta Loserville (4/?)
Pairing(s): Gavin Free/Michael Jones (Mavin)
Words: 1,436
Summary: Michael Jones really, really hates Geoff Ramsey and the rest of his popular gang. Will that change after Michael finds himself going on a date with Gavin?
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Michael was awoken by an incredible pressure against his bladder. He wanted to just roll back over and sleep but his body wasn’t about to let him. It was sleep and piss the bed or get up, piss and get back to bed. Michael, like many people, preferred dry sheets when sleeping. He cracked one eye open only to be met with darkness. His arm fell away from his face and then there was light. The light assaulted him like a knight assaulted a tower. It broke through his sleep-fuelled defence and brought with it the start of a hangover. Michael groaned and hit the mattress beside him. He forgot the pain in his head when his hand started to throb.
“What the fuck?” He looked past his hand to see Kerry lifting his head from where it had been laying against Michael’s stomach. Kerry rubbed his own head.
“Dude, why’d you do that? My head already hurts.” Kerry let his head drop once more, nuzzling into Michael’s t-shirt and pushing it up just slightly.
 Michael shoved him off, leaping from his bed. He tugged his shirt down to cover the slither of skin Kerry had revealed. He glared down at his friend. Kerry acted as though his personal person pillow hadn’t been ripped out from under him. He rolled onto his back laying horizontally across the bed. He stretched out across the sheets, yawning as though he lived there.
“Why are you in my bed?” Michael shifted from foot to foot. It felt as though all the liquid in his body had travelled south and now he really, really needed to pee. But first he had to deal with Kerry.
“You said I could crash here last night, remember?” Kerry rubbed at his eyes. Michael chewed upon his lip. He didn’t remember too much about last night, not after Andy took his shirt off. He liked to think he’d chosen to forget the rest of that debacle.
“Yeah, right – sure. Just, lay the right way shitbag.” Michael hurried towards the hallway.
“But I’m comfy!” Kerry argued but Michael was already out of the door.
 Michael kept at least one eye closed at one time, alternating between the two as he shuffled into the bathroom. His mom loved to bathe the house in natural light and right now Michael hated it. He shut the door behind him and only just remembered to put the toilet seat up. He let his head hang back as he pissed away the booze from last night. Michael thought about the party, how it had totally sucked until… until the popular kids showed up. Michael swallowed. Gavin Free had been at that party. Michael shook his head. There was something nagging at him, something about Gavin. Had he said something to him? Had Gavin called him out yet again in front of a party full of people? No, that wasn’t it. Michael had gone up to him, that’s right. He’d said something. Had he yelled at him? Called him names? No, Michael couldn’t quite put his finger on it…
 Michael’s head snapped upright as he realised what had happened last night. He remembered that their group had played truth or dare, that Ray had wet the bed when he was twelve and worst of all, he remembered what Andy had done once his shirt was off. Then there was what he had done. He shook a couple of times and pulled his pyjama pants back up. He didn’t flush the toilet or wash his hands with that new fancy soap his mom had just recently bought. Michael yanked open the bathroom door and rushed back into the hallway. He barely thought about the harsh light as he ran towards his bedroom. By the time he’d thrown open the door, Michael was short on breath and only a little dizzy.
“Kerry!” Michael yelled.
 Kerry leapt out of his skin. He’d been standing in the corner of Michael’s room, fingers caressing a Banjo figure Michael kept there. He’d knocked it over when he’d jumped. Michael forgot last night’s dilemma for a moment as he crowded into Kerry’s space.
“I-I was only looking, I-I swear.” Kerry held his hands up defensively. Michael picked the figure up and set it up. He took a moment to look at his collection, both to admire it and to check that Kerry hadn’t fucked up anything else. Everything was where it should be. His Banjo and Kazooie figurines stood proudly in front of the poster Michael had acquired from a comic con past. He even had figures of the other characters like Gruntilda, Tooty, Bottles and his favourite Mumbo Jumbo. They were all in their rightful place, nestled amongst the wooden jiggy he’d made in shop class and the little playdoh jinjo figures his mom had made for him.
“Don’t touch my shit,” Michael muttered.
 “Sorry, I was only looking.” Kerry took a step away from it regardless. “You really scared me.” Kerry rubbed at his arm. Michael rolled his eyes at him. Kerry looked pathetic wearing the clothes he’d worn the night before. His jaw had started to bruise and now he had a matching one blossoming on his forehead where Michael had hit him. His eyes were bloodshot and sporting matching bags.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I scared myself,” Michael laughed. “I had this dream where I asked Gavin Free out. Crazy, right?” Michael ran his hand through his hair. That was what it must have been. It had to have been a dream, not a memory.
“You did ask him out and he said yes, don’t you remember? It’s why we even did shots in the first place.” Kerry shivered at the thought. After the third he’d puked on Matt’s carpet and they’d tried to clean it with one of Matt’s mom’s little cushions she decorated the couch with. He still felt bad.
“Yeah, right, yeah I remember. He was probably joking, wasn’t he?” Michael walked back to his bed.
 He wanted to face plant into it and forget that last night had even happened. Michael was distracted by his phone as it lit up underneath his sheets. He’d missed a few calls from Lindsay and there were a couple of texts from Ray, mostly berating Michael for being a total drunk dick the night before. Michael forgot all about them when he saw that he had a facebook message.
 Gavin Free: Hi, I forgot to give u my address last nite. Oh, n u can have my number too ;) ;) xoxo
 “I guess he was serious.” Michael said. He skim read the address, he knew roughly where Gavin Free lived thanks to the kids at school who boasted about the parties there. Michael had never been personally invited. His thumb lingered over Gavin’s number. It prompted a menu that asked whether Michael wanted to save the number. Michael added it to his contacts under ‘that asshole Gavin’.
 “Are you going to do it?” Kerry sat down on Michael’s bed. He flopped down against the screwed up sheets. His arms spread wide across the bed and took up more room than Kerry deserved. Michael nudged one of his arms away and laid down too. He sighed heavily.
“Where would I even take him? He’s used to fancy restaurants and shit. That’s just not in my budget, man.” Michael barely earned enough to buy things for himself.
“Well, you could make a picnic or something and take him to that drive-in theatre. I hear they’re playing The Room tomorrow.” Kerry picked at the thread of Michael’s sheets.
“The Tommy Wiseau movie?” Michael slapped Kerry’s hand away.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s like only five bucks a ticket.”
 Michael mulled it over. He could do that, it would be pretty cheap. He could just make them some sandwiches using the stuff Michael had at home. He knew he had a few ciders hidden in the back of his closet to make sure the night wasn’t totally lame.
“I can’t,” he declared. “My car is a piece of shit and it hasn’t been cleaned in months.”
“So borrow Lindsay’s, I’m sure she won’t mind,” Kerry said.
“Should I really do it?” Michael turned to face his friend. Kerry smiled and then shrugged.
“It won’t hurt, right? He’s the one that reminded you, so he must actually want to do it. Besides, like I said – you’re gay, he’s gay. It’s a match made in heaven.” This time, Michael made sure to smack him directly across his jaw. Still, Kerry had a point. One date wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
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Minequest- Ender Eyes: Chapter 3- Where is Ryan
Despite Achievement Hunter collectively agreeing to never touch the Minequest mod again, Ryan decided one day to try and explore the mod again. Before he officially starts, the mod literally calls out to him and asks for his return. He accepts thinking it was just a new quest, passes out, and awakes again literally back in the Kingdom of Achievement. The rest of the hunters discover Ryan’s passed out body at his desk with Minequest up on the screen. They need to go back into the mod after him to bring him back. But, Ryan will not be the same when they find him.
Sequel to Minequest
Chapter: 3/15
Word Count: 1,503
First / Previous / Next / AO3  
The following morning seemed to be the beginning of a typical day at Achievement Hunter. Michael and Jack arrived to the office in a timely manner. Jeremy showed up soon after, followed by Gavin. Geoff was the last to arrive.
“Good Morning,” he greeted as he walked into the room.
Michael looked over to Geoff. “I’m kinda surprised you didn’t call us sluts, this morning,” he joked.
“Are you kidding me?!” Geoff exclaimed. H pointed over to Gavin. “Gavin’s girlfriend would probably be weirded out if he slept around.”
“Meg would be surprised if I was a bit of a tart,” Gavin said.
“Jeremy and Jack have wives,” Geoff continued.
“Who we love, dearly,” Jack added.
“Hell, you and Lindsay had a baby, relatively recently.”
“So, you decided to be nicer because the men of Achievement Hunter are faithful to their wives and girlfriends?” Michael questioned.
“It’s not me being nice, it just wouldn’t make a lot of sense to call you that. The only two of in Achievement Hunter who could even try be sluts at this point and me and Ry,” Geoff paused to scan the room for Ryan. “Where is the guy anyway? Is he in the bathroom or something?”
“I haven’t seen him this morning,” Jeremy said.
“Me, either,” Gavin agreed.
“Did he call in sick or something? Cause I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have anything else going on today,” Geoff said.
“No, he didn’t call in sick. And you may have forgotten if he actually did have something else going on,” Jack pointed out.
“No, I’m sure I would remember something like that so we could all plan around it.”
“I mean, you didn’t remember the girl from the RTX.”
“Okay no, don’t hold me to that!” Geoff interrupted. “First of all, she doesn’t work here. Second, she openly said she only expects Burnie to really remember her. Where did that even come from? Anyway, Ryan does work here, and as his boss, it’s my job to remember when he’s taking off.” He walked over to his desk, sat down, and rubbed his face. “Should I call him?”
“It’s not a bad idea,” Michael said.
Geoff nodded and pulled out his cell. He dialed Ryan’s number and waited for him to pick up. After a few seconds, a voice started. “Hello, you have reached the voicemail of Ryan Haywood. I cannot get to the phone right now, so please leave your name and number and I will get back--” Geoff hung up the phone.
“Was he not there?” Gavin asked.
“It went to voicemail,” Geoff groaned.
“Why didn’t you leave him one?” Jack chastised.
“Ryan doesn’t listen to that shit.”
“Well, what were we gonna do today? We can’t need Ryan for all of it,” Jeremy pointed out.
“Ryan’s in that,” everyone pointed out.
“That too.”
“Heroes and Halfwits, but I know Ryan’s in that. Play Pals?”
“This week was supposed to be a Battle Buddies week, so he’d be in that,” Jeremy explained.
“Any other ideas?” Michael asked.
“I’m gonna call him again,” Geoff replied in a slight panic. He called and it went straight to voicemail again. “FFFUUUCCCKKK!!!”
“Geoff,” Jack started.
“Running away from work isn’t like him. And if he is sick, I wanna make sure he’s okay.”
“So, go check his house for him,” Michael replied.
“I would. But the only problem with that is, I don’t know his address.”
Gavin’s hand shot up and he waved it about, excitedly, “Ooh, I do!” he cheered.
“And we can all go take care of sick Ryan,” Michael suggested. Jack and Jeremy nodded their heads in agreement.
“Guys, no. Only Gavin and I need to,”
“Geoff, please,” Jeremy interrupted. “Wouldn’t be good for Ryan to know how much his coworkers care about him?”
“He already knows how much we…” Geoff paused to sigh in defeat. “Whatever. It might be crowded, but I can fit all five of us in my car. Let’s go,” he finished as he got up to walk back to the door.
“If it’s too crowded for the lads in the back, we can always throw Gavin in the trunk,” Michael joked as he got up to follow Geoff.
“Oi!” Gavin protested.
Geoff rolled his eyes. “No, Gavin’s up front with me to help me navigate. You, Jack, and Jeremy can arrange yourselves in the back.
Gavin stuck his tongue out at Michael. “Suck my nob.” The rest of the group followed Geoff out to his car and loaded in the back of it with Gavin up in the front. After a thirty-minute drive, the group arrived at a townhouse complex. Everyone unloaded themselves from the car and followed Gavin to the right townhouse.
“So, is anyone gonna ask why Gavin knows Ryan’s address or…?” Michael began to ask.
Geoff ignored the question and rung the doorbell. A dog started barking, inside the home. Geoff’s eyebrows furrowed and he went to ring the doorbell again. Jack grabbed his arm before he could. “Geoff, wait a couple of minutes to let him get to the door.”
After a few minutes, nobody came to the door, and the dog continued to bark. This made Geoff ring the doorbell again, more furiously.
“Geoff, what if he’s not home?” Jeremy asked.
Gavin began digging around in his pockets as Geoff sighed. “I’m not sure what we should do.”
“Well, we don’t actually know if he’s missing yet, so it’s too soon to file a missing persons report,” Jack pointed out.
“My first thought was breaking in,” Geoff admitted.
“Why do you know…” Jeremy started.
“GOT IT!” Gavin exclaimed as he held up a key.
“What’s that?” Jack asked.
“A key to Ryan’s house,” Gavin said as he walked towards the door.
“Why do you have a key to Ryan’s house?” Michael asked.
Gavin stuck the key in the lock. “It’s Meg’s. She dog-sits for him when Achievement Hunter’s away, but she’s in Germany this week, so she gave it to me.”
“Oh, what kind of dog does Ryan have?” Jeremy wondered.
“Well,” Gavin unlocked the door and opened it. A large St. Bernard came barreling out the front door, knocking Gavin over, and ran to a tree in the front yard to pee. “BEOWULF! YOU KNOW HOW RYAN FEELS ABOUT YOU USING THE POTTY IN THE FRONT YARD!” The dog finished up, trotted back over to Gavin, and lowered his head. Gavin sighed as he got up to pet him. “It’s okay, we won’t tattle,” he reassured the dog.
“Guys, back to looking for Ryan,” Geoff called to the group to get their attention again.
“Right,” everyone said as they all walked in.
“RYAN!!! ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER CAME TO CHECK UP ON YOU!” Geoff yelled to see if he could get Ryan’s attention.
“Maybe you could try yelling louder,” Jeremy suggested.
“Or, we could split up to look for him,” Jack said.
“Good idea. Lads, you go look around upstairs. Jack and I will go check around somewhere else,” Geoff ordered.
“Come on, lads, let’s go look in Ryan’s bedroom to see where he, Meg, and Gav have their kinky sex,” Michael teased as he and Jeremy walked to find the bedroom.
“Oh, come off it,” Gavin whined as he followed behind them.
“We should check his office,” Jack said to Geoff.
“He likes computers and stuff, so that’s a good idea,” Geoff waved Jack along as they walked to the office, Beowulf followed behind. They got to the office to see a plain looking room with videogame posters on the wall. Beowulf walked over to the desk and whined as he rubbed up again a man sleeping at it. They took a closer look at the man and saw that it was Ryan, passed out at the computer. “Ryan, oh my god!” Geoff exclaimed as he ran in. Ryan didn’t move in the slightest. “Ryan, come on,” he said as he shook Ryan’s shoulders.
Jack walked in to Geoff and glanced at screen. He did a double take to make sure he actually saw what he thought. “Uh, Geoff…”
“What?” he asked. Jack directed Geoff’s eyes to the screen, which read Minequest. “Fuck,” he said, quietly. “LADS, I FOUND RYAN!”
A few moments later, the lads came into the room. “What, what is it?” Michael asked. He paused, spotting the passed-out Ryan. “Is he dead?”
“No, look at his screen,” he said.
The lads obeyed, and Michael and Gavin looked twice to make sure they were seeing what they thought they were seeing. “Shit,” Michael cursed.
“I--I thought we all agreed never to play that mod again,” Gavin stuttered.
“I don’t see what the big deal with a Minecraft mod is,” Jeremy said.
Gavin ignored Jeremy. “Geoff, what do we do?”
“I…” Geoff sighed. “I think we have to go back into the mod to bring him out.”
Most of Achievement Hunter groaned. Play the cursed mod again to go rescue Ryan’s dumb ass? It was another adventure that nobody really wanted.
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Causing Chaos: Chapter 1- Heist Gone Wrong
Summary: Fakehaus screws up the Fake AH Crew’s heist plan; Gavin and Ryan are separated from the rest of the crew in their escape. Gavin takes Ryan back to he and Meg’s apartment. When they get there, Meg gets to tell Ryan that she’s gonna work on helping him to get his man. He says she really doesn’t have to, but she suggests that maybe he and Gavin should cause trouble in the city for their crew. Ryan likes the sound of that idea.
Word Count: 1,551
Parings: Ryan/Gavin, Gavin/Meg, Ryan/Meg, Ryan/Gavin/Meg, Michael/Lindsay
Next / AO3
A good number of things had happened in the crew in the months following the reaper incident. The Jones baby was born; a healthy baby boy named Lucas. Geoff had decided, despite being the demigod of alcohol, that he wanted to sober up. Ryan was able to demonstrate his abilities as a god. And finally, Meg, the reaper who became Gavin’s girlfriend, moved into Gavin’s apartment.
Of course, Ryan wasn’t the happiest about the two moving in together because he still had his crush on Gavin, but he was willing to sacrifice his happiness for Gavin. Mag had caught on to this immediately and was tired of her boss giving up his happiness for his crush. As much as she loved Gavin, she still wanted her boss to be happy and get the guy in the end.
Geoff wanted to pull a new heist, now that he was sober. He also wanted to see if Ryan had any other god abilities that could help him on the heist. He gave Michael some time for paternity leave, but he was ready to try something new. Gavin also wanted to be more physically involved with heists, to he taught B-Team some more tricks and wanted them to try being hackers for this heist. He gave them back programs that would insure the hacking would be up to Gavin’s standards.
The crew gathered on Vinewood Boulevard to start off.
“Alright,” Geoff announced to start. “new crew, new heist. Everyone remember the plan?” the crew nodded.
“I’ll snipe any ground threats I catch from the roof,” Jeremy radioed in from the roof of a building across the street. Geoff flashed a thumbs-up and hoped Jeremy could see it.
“I got explosives in my backpack so I can blow up the vault once we get inside.” Michael informed the group.
“I got heavy lifting and intimidation,” Ryan added.
“And I’ll be going in to be collection boy and try to provide physical back-up as well,” Gavin announced.
Geoff shook his head. “I’m still not used to you being physically on the job with us.”
“To be fair, this is his first time physically being here with us. And I’m not counting when he went on that murder spree with Ryan,” Jack explained.
“Relax, Geoff,” Gavin waved his hand, “I gave B-Team everything they need to pull a ‘Gavin’ hack, isn’t that right?”
“That is right,” Matt from B-Team radioed in, “but you should have more faith in us.”
Geoff rolled his eyes. “Let’s go,” he commanded. Everyone ran into Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank, guns blazing. “ALRIGHT THIS IS A HOLD UP! EVERYONE GIVE GOLDIE WHAT
YOU GOT!!” he demanded. Many shared patrons started fishing out what they had in their wallets.
Jack strolled up to the counter with her own bag. “It would be wise if you gave me the money you had behind the counter,” she commanded the teller. The teller’s expression
warped into someone under Jack’s control, and she started doing exactly what Jack asked.
Michael and Ryan ran to the back of the bank to get to the money vault. “B-Team, can you hack the vault open?” Michael asked over radio.
Bank at the base, Matt tried to enter in the codes to unlock the safe. The codes worked for a split second, then the safe immediately re-locked itself. “I enter in the unlocking codes, but the safe just immediately re-locks itself. Looks like you’re gonna have to unlock the vault manually,” he admitted.
Michael sighed, “okay.”
“I thought you liked explosives and blowing stuff up was your job,” Ryan commented as he plucked the soul out of the guard they shot to get to the safe.
“I know, but I don’t want to put myself in as much danger now that Lucas is born,” Michael admitted.
“Don’t worry, everyone in this crew is immortal as long as they want to be,” Ryan winked from inside his skull mask.
Michael nodded. “Right, you’re the god of death. You probably have some control of when people die.” Then he began to work on setting up the explosives.
Back in the front, Jack and Gavin were loading up of money from the civilians. Geoff looked around and noticed someone was trying to call the police. “B-Team. Turn this place into a cellular dead zone,” he instructed.
At base, Matt nodded. “Larry, turn on the dead zone program.” Larry nodded and did what he was told.
Back at the heist, the civilians started to look at their phones, distraught. “Why did my signal just go out?!” someone yelled out. Others yelped in agreement.
“This is going well. now we just need Mogar and Vagabond to unload the vault safe and we can really get this party started,” Geoff said as he clapped his hands together. Gavin walked over to him and handed him his money bag. “Why are you giving your bag to me?” he asked.
“I’m gonna go help Mogar and Vagabond set up explosives,” Gavin replied as he started to run off to the safe.
“DON’T DIE!” Geoff called out.
“I CAN’T AND WON’T!” Gavin called back.
After a few more minutes of waiting, a civilian pulled out his phone again and started to call the police. Jack noticed this time and pulled out her phone. “Phone signal’s back,” she noted.
Geoff pulled out his phone to check as well, and sure enough, signal was back. “YO B-TEAM, I SAID SIGNAL DEAD ZONE!” he said over the radio, angrily.
Lindsay, who had just walked into B-Team’s room carrying Lucas, heard Geoff’s orders. “Well don’t just stand there, kill the zone again,” she ordered.
Matt tried to run the dead zone program this time, but all of a sudden, his computer flashed the Fakehaus logo. Then all of the computers in the room turned to the Fakehaus logo. “Fuck…,” he murmured to himself. “WE CAN’T RUN THE PROGRAM BECAUSE WE GOT HACKED!” he panicked into the radio.
Gavin shook his head from the vault room. “I had more faith in you guys. Who the bloody hell hacked you?!”
“Fuck,” Geoff sighed in a panic.
“IT WOULD BE WISE IF EVERYONE DROPPED THEIR PHONES!” Jack commanded the room. Every person in the room dropped their phone. She slumped over, after that. “I’m not used to manipulating that many people at once,” she huffed.
It was still too late. Jeremy saw LSPD police cars lining up outside the bank. He began to shoot at them, soon even more police cars then he could shoot came to the scene. “Guys I can’t shoot all the police cars,” Jeremy radioed in, panicked.
“FUCK!” Geoff yelled as police started rushing inside the bank.
Michael, Ryan, and Gavin had just finished off setting up the explosives. “I know that the police just got here, but maybe we can still use this to our advantage,” Michael thought out loud as police began to rush into the vault.
Ryan and Gavin began shooting officers down as they kept coming. “Geoff, I’m not sure we can handle this,” Gavin panicked.
“I don’t think… we can, either,” Jack responded.
“What do we do then?”
Geoff thought on his feet. “SCATTER!!!!!!!” he directed.
“I’m setting off the explosive now for my escape,” Michael told the others as he reached for the button.
Ryan panicked and grabbed Gavin, quickly. As soon as Michael hit the button to set off the explosives, Ryan turned into his black smoke, turning Gavin along with him, and floated away. They floated back to the penthouse. They turned back to normal as soon as they arrived.
“Blood hell,” Gavin coughed, “that felt so unnatural.”
“Sorry, I think it’s been over a millennium since I’ve done that with a human,” Ryan apologized.
Gavin nodded. “What do you think everyone else is going to do?”
“Honestly, I’m not quite sure. I can imagine Michael would take Lindsay and Lucas somewhere safe to hide, but beside that I have no guesses.”
“I see.” Then Gavin frowned, “do you really think hiding out at the penthouse is a good idea?”
“I guess we could scout out one of the crew’s safe houses,”
“Actually, I was thinking I could just good back to mine and Meg’s apartment. You’d be welcome to come along as well since we’re basically stuck together,” Gavin interrupted to suggest.
Ryan hesitated. “Are you sure your apartment would be safer?”
Gavin nodded, “the criminal world shouldn’t know where I live because I try not to bring the ‘Golden Boy’ persona home with me, despite the fact that I keep a golden gun or two there.”
Ryan nodded in agreement. “I can take you to your apartment.”
“We can walk there, and I think I’d prefer to walk rather than being turned into death-god smoke, again.”
Ryan nodded again and pulled off his mask. He shifted his clothes into something that looked civilian, and his hair and face from being painted, into short light brown hair and light stubble. “We should probably get changed, too.”
Gavin quickly ran to his room and changed into something less gaudy. He came out looking average in jeans and a tee-shirt. “Let’s go back to my place,” he instructed. Ryan nodded and the two of them exited the penthouse and began to walk to Gavin’s apartment.
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