#but I didn't have a screenshot on hand and. y'know. I forgot what they're called
hurricanek8art · 1 year
I'm really excited for Ahsoka Ep5 tonight, but my brain keeps drifting back to those ruins from the premiere and I gotta get it out in a post before the new episode probably takes over my every thought.
I love the ancient tech in this show. I mean, yes, the map is like straight out of Treasure Planet so I will always love it for that, but the tech just looks so Zeffo! I wonder if it was intentional. Like I think a lot of the design for Force-related stuff we see now is influenced by Rebels and TCW and stuff like the compass from The Last Jedi (which Filoni designed, so it basically all goes back to him) but the potential in-universe explanation for why this ancient Dathomirian site and technology seems so reminiscent of the Zeffo (to me at least) fascinates me.
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We know there's a Zeffo sage tomb on Dathomir, so the cultures had contact at one point. Did Dathomir intentionally take design influence from Zeffo culture, like how ancient Roman architecture took heavy design inspiration from Greek architecture for their building facades and then it evolved into its own thing? Or was there like a whole cultural exchange there? Were there Dathomirians that studied the Life Wind and Zeffo that dabbled with magick?! I feel like Eno Cordova. I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THE ZEFFO DANGIT. WERE THEY LIKE RAKATA/KWA CONTEMPORARIES OR DID THEY COME BEFORE? AFTER? DID ONE'S STUDY OF THE FORCE INFLUENCE THE OTHER? I WANNA KNOOOOOOOW.
(I could write an entirely different essay post about how much I love Fallen Order/Survivor, but the hyperfixation gremlin is focusing on Ahsoka right now so I can't articulate at this moment beyond I LOVE JEDI FALLEN ORDER/JEDI SURVIVOR)
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