#but I didn't have a suitable idea for the concept
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Finally created my own logo!
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Fun Fact: As Saiyans go, Raditz isn't just weak; He's a talentless hack. Nappa is much more talented at martial arts, but his skills are undermined by him being a complete fucking moron.
Raditz is our introduction to the particularities of the Planet Trade Organization - or, well, the Saiyans since the PTO didn't quite exist as a concept yet when he showed up.
Toriyama only came up with the PTO later in the arc. It's honestly kind of funny; Vegeta's referred to as the "Strongest in the Universe" a couple times in this arc because the idea for Frieza doesn't exist yet. The original plan was that the Saiyan race are the ones doing planet gentrification on their own initiative, but they were almost all wiped out by a meteor so if we take out Strongest in the Universe Vegeta, we'll put an end to it.
So all this stuff like the spaceship pods and Scouters that was original Saiyan equipment and methodology got retooled into being PTO equipment and methodology.
But I digress. We meet Raditz and he's unlike anyone we've seen before. He immediately starts shit with Piccolo because they're both assholes, and we see how he operates.
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He has a little doodad that reads off someone's "Battle Power" into a flat, easily digestible number that even a child could understand. This is the industrialization of martial arts, simplifying it into something that can be replicated and mass-produced.
It's the difference between teaching swordsmanship lessons in your dojo versus handing someone an AK-47 and telling them to go shoot the enemy.
This is the key distinction between the Saiyans and Earthlings, that made Goku - A Saiyan raised on Earth engulfed by their martial arts philosophy - so formidable. The Saiyans and by extension Planet Trade's culture is built on capitalist efficiency. Their warriors are carefully measured, analyzed, and matched with suitable challenges. They aren't trained. In fact, Vegeta scoffs at the idea of it.
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They're battle-hardened.
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They measure their fighters and quantify their abilities into a number, then select the right target that matches that number. Those warriors become stronger through fire and frenzy, rather than by studying principles of martial technique.
Consequently, upwards mobility doesn't seem to be a thing. Nobody in the PTO got to where they are by working hard and improving themselves. Every single one of them is naturally gifted, coasting by on whatever privileges their birth afforded them. Especially Frieza.
They aren't practitioners of an art. They're cogs in a machine.
Raditz believes these distinctions made Goku weaker.
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He has no idea. The limitations of the PTO's methodology is a recurring theme in the Saiyan and Namek arcs.
Raditz is a low-class Saiyan. By virtue of being a Saiyan, he's still unbelievably powerful compared to the terrestrial races of the worlds he's sent to. But power is all he brings to the table; He's an unrefined juggernaut who coasts by entirely on Big Number Go Brrrrr. Philosophically, Goku is unimpressed.
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Coming from Goku, that's a pretty sick burn. He's already lost to Raditz once; He knows how Big Number this guy is. But he can't bite his tongue at Raditz's oversimplification of his art.
As a fighter, Raditz delivers what he promised. All he has going for him is Big Number Go Brr... but it's a really big number.
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Raditz is impossibly strong, impossibly fast, and his basic-ass ki blasts are impossibly powerful. The gulf between Goku and an adversary has never been so huge before.
And yet, for all his power, he is repeatedly startled and befuddled by Goku and Piccolo's training and technique. These weaklings are breaking out abilities he didn't even know were possible.
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Raditz watching Goku power up the most basic ki concentration technique on Earth and exclaiming "WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!?" really tells you everything about the PTO's methodology, doesn't it?
Raditz falls for every trick and every shenanigan that these guys have spent their careers honing, forced to rely solely on tanking attacks with his tremendous Numbers.
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This dipshit hasn't even trained the weakness out of his tail.
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Goku was fifteen years old when he trained his tail and eliminated this vulnerability.
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Raditz is less proficient than Goku was as a child. This isn't even the PTO's flaws manifesting through Raditz, either. Nappa and Vegeta trained their tails.
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"LOL What kind of a useless clown doesn't train his tail?" ~Nappa, probably. Oh, wait. No. Actually.
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~Vegeta literally.
Raditz is limited by the philosophy of the Planet Trade and he's also on the weaker side of Saiyans, but he also sucks even without taking power levels into account. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. He reads someone's number to tell him in advance if they'll fall down when he punches them, and then he punches them if the number tells him he's clear.
Raditz isn't a fighter. He's a bully with a gun.
For his part, Nappa is a more advanced version of Raditz. His Big Number Go Brr is even bigger than Raditz's and he's familiar with more advanced techniques beyond "Throw this ball of ki at your face".
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As a front-line fighter, Nappa is unbelievably tough. Blow after blow and attack after attack, he never gives as much as it feels like he should. No matter what they do to him, he keeps getting back up and coming back, more bloodied and bruised than ever but ready for another round. He is unbelievably resilient.
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Fighting Nappa feels like an exercise in futility. You're going to have to kill this man to put him down because he'll accept nothing less. Even when Goku takes the field, he finds himself at a loss with Nappa's absolute unwillingness to take the hint and lose consciousness already.
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Nappa is a brick wall. Goku only finally manages to end this by breaking his spine so he can't keep getting up again.
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That is what Nappa brings to his table. Though it's worth noting that his Sisyphean endurance is something Vegeta shares as well. It's not unique to Nappa. Fights with Vegeta are every bit as much of an ordeal as this bout with Nappa was.
Saiyans are hard to put down.
Nappa's biggest weakness, however, is simple: Like Raditz, he's coasting on his brute strength. He doesn't pay attention to what's happening around him, and is easily blindsided by sudden attacks from other fighters in this brawl.
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Or baited into incredibly poor decision-making.
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For all his Saiyan might, the Earthlings would have killed Nappa well in advance of Goku's arrival, if he didn't have Vegeta to watch his back. I'm half-convinced the only reason he trained his tail is because Vegeta told him to.
Nappa is very much a follower. He does what he's told. He's honestly a better Saiyan than Vegeta in the sense that he. Like. Cares about other Saiyans? His kneejerk reaction when Vegeta suggests taking Earth's Dragon Balls is that he wants his friend back.
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And he's filled with eugenic fervor for the glory of the Saiyan race when he finds out what mixing Saiyan and Earthling physiology can do.
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Fun little side note: "Super Saiyan" was originally the term used to describe Gohan's hybrid abilities before it was recontextualized to mean something else on Namek.
It's honestly interesting to look at their interactions and realize that Vegeta is a cruel, monstrous, selfish bastard even by Saiyan standards. Vegeta is uniquely wicked within this culture of for-profit colonizing murderers.
But Nappa defers to Vegeta every time. Vegeta tells him, "No, you're wrong," and Nappa pivots to supporting whatever Vegeta just said instead. Nappa obeys.
But he doesn't listen. Vegeta and Nappa were following the action while Raditz was fighting Goku and Piccolo. They saw all of the strange anomalies that occurred, that Raditz couldn't comprehend. Vegeta spends this time thinking about what this means for Earth and re-evaluating his assessment of the foes to come.
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And he adjusts accordingly. From the moment they arrive at the fight, Vegeta pegs overreliance on the Scouter's readout for the vulnerability that it is.
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Like. He says this. He acknowledges that he understands. And not five minutes later:
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Even then, Nappa flat-out ignores The Numbers if he doesn't like what's printed on them.
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Nappa and Vegeta both disregard the printout this time, but in different ways. Vegeta observes that Earthlings suppress their ki, presenting a smaller number than their true ability. So when the Scouter says 5000, that means Goku's true level is likely well beyond that.
Nappa observes that Goku is probably weak so that's stupid and you're wrong.
Nappa just does things. He doesn't think or pay attention to what they're doing. He destroys a city as soon as they arrive, and Vegeta immediately lays into him for what a fucking idiotic thing to do that was.
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He's a beast on a chain, barely restrained by his deference to Vegeta. Powerful, seemingly unstoppable, but needing Vegeta to hold his hand and walk him through the higher concepts of combat and martial arts.
An absolute fool. But a Saiyan elite fool.
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I offer memes for one of my favourite fics (written by @lets-try-some-writing)
I made them simply because they wer funny in my head :D
orginal photos and flat colors under cut
flat colors
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and og photos
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-and rambling as usual, and weird/crack ideas that I don't regret in the slightest; you have been warned XD
I saw this slav totem somewhere on tumblr and my first thought was: "Autoway, Ironhide and Springer". At the same time I knew this would be very out of character for them in the middle of war.
My excuse why I did draw it in the end? One: How could I not to XD; and Two: Since orginal circumstances were not suitable, they didn't have a chance to be young and do stupid stuff. And then it enlightend me: WHAT IF THEY COULD?! And so I present to you a glimps of "these 3 were born after the war with quintessons" timeline. I decided to shove them into either some military high school or just military, but not on the war front, after all they are still warframes.
This "alt timeline" (if I can even call it that XD) exists solely for this one meme, just me having a thought "what if they could be teenagers and annoy their sergeant (what if it was Kup >:) ) without major consequences (e.g. cleaning washracks for a month instead of having your helm blown of). And the funniest thing, I have absolutley no idea what else to do with this concept, exept maybe the RGB trio being a menace in th military (I am not downloading tiktok so terrible yt compilations must suffice, sorry <:) )
For lamborgini twins - I really wanted do do something for -back then a brand new- chapter 43, but again Auto just didn't fit in there, be it scale or how things played out in the story, and so Prowl was shoved here against his will. This is probably how Sentinel views them and why he sent Autoway there, my only excuse XD.
And Whirl is here solely for laughs, gigles and "what if he met the twins" scenario XD. If they met somwhere just before discovering the ring I'm guessing they would get along like a house on fire XD
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT!! Please please please!!
Yandere!prince who fell in love with the lady in waiting of the princess he is supposed to marry
A forbidden love that he is ready to do WHATEVER it take to make it happend
Why would he marry a princess when there this being who can but the queen of fae to shame with theire beauty ?
Yan! Prince x (neutral-f/m) Lady-in-waiting reader
I've actually written fics similar to this concept! This one is about a princess and a crown prince, the crown prince was supposed to marry another noble of higher status but the crown prince and priest found a way to make you the wife instead! (fem! reader)
This one is about reader being the former Empress' lady-in-waiting with the crown prince snatching reader from his brother's grasp! You were supposed to marry his brother (a knight) but he broke his legs and gave him the illusion of choice by becoming a priest instead. (gn intersex reader)
And as for this concept...
mmh... I can see the Yan! Prince going feral over you... you are the most beautiful woman (right?) he has ever laid his eyes on, even more than the garden of flowers he fancies so much! What do you like? What do you dislike? He wants to know everything about you this instant. He needs to.
I don't have much to say but yeah, Yan! Prince is capable of doing anything, even going as far as convincing everyone with the stage he prepares for you. Oh, you are a guy? Just keep up with the farce and no one will know though he would wonder why the princess had a guy dressed as her lady-in-waiting... were you her fucktoy or what? That irritates him and you are not spared with his gentle ass.
I'll use Erickson again for this idea (hehehe crown prince...). Erickson, falling in love with you? The crown prince? Say goodbye to your kneecaps or ankles once he gets his hands on you.
So how does he annul this whole wedding? With the help of his twin brother, they'll both dig or make scandals that will trample the princess family's reputation. It's nothing hard for two people of status and power after all.
Now that her reputation is tarnished, the prince's family will annul the wedding and he'll convince his mother to take you in as one of her ladies-in-waiting. He'll praise you and coax her mother into taking you in, anything, as long as you get to stay under the same roof as him. You bet your life would be a living hell the moment you upset or piss him off even just for the slightest.
Next would be having your hand in marriage. This will be tough, considering his status as the crown prince. Should he convince the former Empress to make his brother the next Emperor instead? He doubts she'll allow it as the prophet's dice had chosen him to be the eldest despite being born second.
If he can't do that, then all he has to do is make a stage for you, a fake family of reputation that was at the edge of a downfall, convincing rumors of you circulating around the citizens and a load of lessons about the royalties' history.
Now that you are completely perfect, suitable to be his suitor, this nation's Empress, another problem spurts out. Noel, his brother, has also taken a liking to you.
Seriously, of all the affections he had received, he wishes to have you as well? He sure is a gutsy bastard, perhaps he should strip him from his status as a knight to teach him a lesson?
The same turn of events happened again, Noel's legs were broken, he was sent to the church and you were wed to Erickson, everything was smooth perfect.
Depending on Noel's love for you, if it was high, it'll reach the same conclusion, with him coming back to overthrow Erickson in the name of the church and God. The only difference was that you did not share that much fondness for the two of them, alas the ending had you died without any last words to them.
If his brother didn't love you that much, he wouldn't return and you are forever stuck with him until he dies. (yup, you don't get to die first, magic is not as hard as it seemed.)
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justcallmecj · 20 days
Alr, unfortunately I am like, 20 minutes late for this but I'm posting it regardless. I made some art of Zarina, my Touchstarved oc, with the Li and I just barely missed the time to have posted them on her birthday.
Anyway, September 6th is Zarina's bday (and mine) so these are a series of Zarina hanging out with our favorite characters and having fun!
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This one is actually my favorite. I got adventurous and tried some special lighting since this bg is a nigh time one. And, surprisingly enough, it did work! In this image, I totally imagine Zarina being shell shocked at being princess carried, since no ones done this with her since she was a small child.
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I loved this base for Zarina and Kuras, but then realized that there are no bg in the game where this will make reasonable sense, so tbh I have no clue what Zarina is pointing at. Sooo, use your imagination! Also, Kuras has such a complex design (they all do) so I'm happy I was able to simplify it while also getting across the same vibe. (pretty proud of that gold on his chest honestly)
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Mhin took a bit of time to do. The angle is new to me and was hard to translate their clothing as such, however, I got it in the end. I tried to add that signature red they have in their eyes, like how I do with the emotes I've been doing, but it just didn't look right for some reason. But this is what I ended up with and I'm fine with it (even if they look a tad bit dead inside)
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Vere is actually the last one I did, finished about 10 minutes ago actually. I had a lot of fun doing him, but to be fair, I have fun drawing Vere all the time. I wish I had the skill/confidence to do those shear parts to his sleeve but I just didn't. Maybe another time. Vere seems to be quite peaceful and content in this art and I'm glad since that was the look I was going for! Also, why are they at the Seaspring? Their waiting for Ais to come back, of course! (Totally not bc there was no other suitable bgs from the game.)
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And this was the first one I did for this series. I honestly love this one, just like the Leander one, for a different reason. The concept is so fucking funny. I imagine that, bc Zarina is so physically weak and has no combat experience, she gets in a lot of trouble. And while due to plot reasons I can't discuss yet, she would be fine in the end and come out nearly unharmed, the others still step in when they find out. The idea of Ais picking her up like a wet cat to drag her away from trouble tickles the corner of my brain, y'know? And she looks so dejected!
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
reaction to the lipstick trend (pt.2) ㅡ park hanbin, junhyeon, kamden
boys planet trainees x gn!reader
genre : fluff
pt. 1 here
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• P.Hanbin
at first, hanbin bring that trend up as a joke... but he didn't expect you to be so hyped up about it and to run to find the lipstick. he's not complaining tho, he thinks you're cute when you're excited about something. even more if the something is peppering his face with kisses.
when you came back, you had two different colors. you plopped on his laps, sitting sideways, as you showed both of the colors.
"which one do you prefer?"
an idea bloomed in hanbin's mind. you know, there are basic principles for an healthy relationship. one of the main point is to trust your significant other. however, you made a mistake by trusting hanbin, because he was literally going to scam you in order to get more kisses.
faking hesitation, hanbin chooses the pinkish one.
you fell into his trap with no problem, applying the lipstick on yourself with hanbin telling you when it was good since you had no mirror with you.
your attention went back to him, and with no hesitation whatsoever, you started planting soft kisses all over his face. they were longer than a simple peck, to make sure the stain would be visible enough.
hanbin closed his eyes, a shy smile that he tried to refrain on his face. you started with his nose, then moved down to his chin, back to his cheeks. he savored the feeling of your soft lips on his skin as you kissed his jaw. your kisses ended up going to his forehead and you finished, looking at his pleased face.
hanbin didn't open his eyes yet, thinking you would kiss him more. when he felt one of your hand ruffling his hair, only one of his eyes popped open.
"you're already done?" he asked.
"yes! i think you have enough marks on your face."
"could've let you kiss me all day" he muttered inaudibly as you grabbed your phone. it was okay, he had a plan anyway.
"should we record now?" you said and he nodded.
you recorded the video the same way it was done on tiktok, and you sat with him to review it, making sure it was good enough to post. you loved it. hanbin loved it. but it isn't about love right now, it's about being a fraud. hanbin was a fraud but that is a okay, because scammers also deserves a love story!
"i think we should do it again because the color isn't suitable with the light of the room. it's not pretty enough with the color of my hair neither. when i think about it, maybe we should try again with your other lipstick."
everything goes according to plan because you were completly oblivious to his stratagem. you simply grabbed something to wash away the stains on his face and the color on your lips. he let you cup his face while you softly brushed a tissue against his skin to take off the previous kisses. that's how hanbin, a mastermind, succeeded in making you do that trend three times in a row in order to have more kisses.
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• Kamden
"i would rather stand naked in alaska cornered by a hundred people than do this."
you felt like your jaw dropped to the ground when kamden replied this to your request. sure, you knew he would be reluctant, but not that much! he just couldn't take this seriously, the whole concept sounded stupid to him.
"so. you want me to sit here in front of a camera while you reapply lipstick but you fail just for the sake of failing and i use my finger to do... whatever they are doing on that tiktok and then i have to look at you like i'm.... yeah no. do it with your teddy bear or something."
you whined at his brutally honest opinion, a bit shocked considering the fact he spit his venom with a straight face.
"what? it's cute, right?" you insisted, sure he was going to change his mind for you. he looked at you as you gave him dejected puppy eyes. kamden scoffed, looking away. there was no way he's falling for this. no, he was stronger than this. in his opinion, intimacy was supposed to stay... intimate. why would people on the internet have to see this kind of content from you two? plus, it just ruins a moment to turn on a camera while he's with you. it's staged. it's not natural.
you sighed in defeat, realizing there was really no way in hell kamden would do this.
"right... that's okay, i'll ask a friend to do it with me."
"yeah, just do tha- what?"
an alarm has been triggered in kamden's brain. if you did this with a friend, wasn't it weird? and what friend were you going to do it with?
"what friend?"
"you mean 'who'?"
"yeah, who?"
"i don't know, maybe jay."
it was enough for kamden to change his mind. he pointed his finger at you, with a new found energy.
"bring that damn lipstick." your face lit up at his words.
"we're doing it?" you exclaimed.
"yeah, only if you don't post the video."
you nodded frantically. after you went to grab what was need for the video, you sat next to him. "you're ready?" you asked, "yeah, whatever".
despite his grumpy attitude, you weren't oblivious to the way he played nervously with his fingers when you planted the first kiss. you weren't oblivious to the fact that he was biting his inner cheek in order to not smile, either. you knew he liked it, otherwise you wouldn't have done it.
kamden knew he liked it as well. but how could he show it? it would be embarassing after all the fuss he made not to do the challenge. you guys filmed the video, and you respected your promise by not posting it online, keeping it to yourself. this was the day kamden realized he loved cheek kisses the best, and he waited for you to sleep to send himself the video secretly.
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• Junhyeon
you literally asked the wrong person. yes, junhyeon accepted your request, but there was something about him you forgot. junhyeon would combust if he didn't create a mess each day. even a little one, it was fine by him, but this menace could not go to bed happily if he didn't participate into chaos.
"how about i apply the lipstick on your lips for you?" he proposed. you didn't think about it twice, handing him the makeup supply. you felt the makeup on your lips as junhyeon was putting it for you. at first he did it right, but you noticed that little by little, a smirk appeared on his face and he started to go overline. pulling your face away, you jokingly hit his arm.
"what are you doing" you said, acting like you were mad even if you find the joke funny.
"what? isn't overlining the lips trendy?" junhyeon responded, acting innocent.
"yeah, act like it wasn't one of your jokes" you rolled your eyes still pretending to be annoyed.
"you were so pretty i couldn't stay focused, that's why" junhyeon explained in a dramatic tone.
you made an exaggerated grimace after hearing his cheesy words, hitting him once again. junhyeon's laugh ringed through your ears while you were catching a tissue to clean up your lips. he looked at you from afar, a smile on his face. junhyeon got up from the couch he was sitting on and went to backhug you. you put your hands on his as you felt his lips planting soft kisses to your jaw.
"i'll do it properly this time, if you still want to do it" junhyeon said, resting his head on your shoulder.
"is it another joke" you answered with a straight face.
you whined while he started laughing once again. hearing your complaints, he didn't let go of you to make you turn around and face him. then, junhyeon leaned in to kiss your lips quickly. "i'm kidding, i'll be serious this time. i want kisses too."
after that, junhyeon got kisses from you indeed, but not because of the trend.
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mikachacha · 1 year
Open relationship failure (Bada Lee x Model!Reader)
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Synopsis: After hearing the concept of open relationships, you and Bada decided to try it out since you thought that it was a good idea due to you busy with modeling while she's busy dancing and doing amazing choreography for lots of people. Instead of solving something, it just bothered you both and made each other extremly jealous.
Warnings: jealous Bada, language and steamy fic
(A/N: this idea came from my bestie @sun-nyy ❤ thanks bestie for helping my poor brain out 😫😫🫶🫶)
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You and Bada both agreed to explore an open relationship set up since the both of you are extremely busy due to you being a model and her being a famous dancer and choreographer. You didn't really mind since you're sure about your feelings for Bada and she's the same. It's just that sometimes it gets a little lonely, especially when you have to go overseas for your job.
It didn't pose as a problem at first, everything is going smoothly. You even help each other pick out suitable dates and stuff but then the further you went down the rabbit hole, the more bothered you got. You would often get jealous when Bada's gone out on a date with someone else and she looked like having fun. It didn't sit right with you but you shrugged it off and deciding to enjoy yourself with this set up.
"Fucking hell.. That's the third date this week!?! I swear Y/N is doing this on purpose.." Bada is shaking from how jealous she is as she saw the pictures that you sent to her. You're on your third date that week while she's there, jealous and ready to rip someone's head off. Bada groaned and looked at your side of the bed, which is currently empty as you're working abroad. She's had enough of this situation, she can't stand being constantly jealous and going out with other people that's clearly not her. She'd swear on everything she could swear on that she'll take a break from her work, take you out on dates and shower you with lots of affection so you'll agree to stop this open relationship situation that the both of you agreed on.
When you came back home from your work overseas, you were surprised to see Bada waiting for you at the airport. Normally she'll ask one of her friends to come pick you up or have a cab wait for you. It's a rare occasion for her to come pick you due to her busy schedule but you're not complaining. You think it's so sweet of her to come see you.
"Hi baby.. I didn't expect you to come and pick me up." You smiled and gave her a huge hug which she returned. Bada did miss you a lot and wanted to see you immediately so she decided to clear up her schedule so she can personally pick you up at the airport.
"I just missed you too much, beautiful.. You've been gone for more than a week and I'm dying from sleeping alone on that huge bed." Bada replied, a bit too dramatically which made you laugh and kiss her cheek. You did miss her too and you're glad that you're finally home so you can spend time with her. You already asked your management to give you some break from work so you can focus on yourself and your relationship. They didn't have any problem with it so you're free until you want to accept projects again.
"I have some news for you when we get home and we also need to discuss something." you told her and she nodded her head. She have a feeling that what you're about to discuss is this open relationship situation and she's just hoping that you're gonna ask to put a stop to it.
Bada just ordered your favorite meals when you got home since you looked tired from your flight and she knows that you'd rather cuddle than going out to eat. So she let you change your clothes, grabbed the comfiest blanket you own and put your favorite movie on so you can relax together.
"You mentioned some news to me earlier, love. What is it?" Bada asked as you were snuggled in her arms. You're wearing one of her hoodies paired with pajama shorts which Bada found so adorable. You looked up at her and had that look like you just remembered the best news known to mankind.
"So I asked my agency if I can take a break from modeling for a bit and they agreed. I can go back any time that I want since they said I deserved it." you told her happily and she smiles, placing a kiss on your lips before sighing happily but then she remembered the dilemma she's having about this open relationship set up you had so she looks at you and held your hand before she started talking.
"Baby I know it's my idea in the first place but can we stop this open relationship set up that we have? I know you're having fun and all but it's draving me insane! I get really jealous when you're on a date with someone else.." Bada asked and your eyes widened before you playfully smacked her shoulder with your free hand.
"Ya! About time that you ask! You're not the only one who gets really jealous, you know? Especially when you went out with Howl. Like what the hell, Bada?!" you couldn't help your outburst because of your pent up jealousy, especially when Bada went out with Howl. People likes linking them up together and you did not like that one bit. Bada was shocked at your outburst but then her brows furrowed before squishing your cheeks together.
"Why you adorable little bunny.. You're jealous with Howl but you got me wanting to rip my hair off when you went out with Aiki, then Hachi, then Monika like what the actual fuck??? Miss ma'am, I swore on everything I could swear on that if you go on another date again, I'd personally collect your cute little ass from wherever you are and drag you home." you were equally shocked at Bada's outburst before rolling your eyes and just kissing her on the lips, although a bit aggressively as you're still jealous and upset. Bada didn't seem to mind and kissed you back with the same intensity. You didn't even notice that the movie already ended as you were way too busy making out with Bada.
When you pulled away to breathe, she began attacking your neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin to mark you as hers. You pushed her off and began doing the same, you didn't care if she had to go to work with hickeys all over her neck. Much better in your opinion so everyone knows she's yours and no one elses. Once the both of you calmed down, Bada placed a soft and loving kiss on your lips, a silent agreement on taking the open relationship set up from your relationship.
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empresskadia · 8 months
Happy Valentine's day! I lowkey wanna write a drabble for today, but I have nothing planned out. But-
I think it would be cute to give the Spartans Valentine's Day chocolates.
John would be puzzled, like why? He doesn't understand the concept of celebrating love and affection to the world, it was just another day for him until you gave him the small box and told him "Happy Valentine's Day." John's seriously confused but accepts his partner's gift with a subtle nod, not wanting to dismiss your gesture. It wasn't until he noticed others at the base receiving similar tokens from their partners that his confusion deepened. Why were people exchanging gifts today? What made it so special?
It's Cortana who has to jump in and explain the origins and significance of Valentine's Day, how it's the idea of expressing love and appreciation, and how it's a tradition to exchange gifts on this special day with the one you love. This was so foreign to him but he tries to understand, at the very least for you.
John goes MIA for a solid hour, like you honestly can't find him and no one has seen him. So when he appears before you with a bouquet of wild roses and presents them to you, the first thing you notice are the thornless stems and John's dirty hands. It's clear he had gone out of his way to personally gather these flowers.
"Happy Valentine's Day," he says, presenting you with the wild roses. His typically stoic expression softened, John might not have fully understood the concept of Valentine's Day, but his actions spoke louder than words about his commitment to you.
Though Linda didn't fully grasp the significance of the day, she understood the origins, having overheard about it from Marines in passing. She'll blink when you offer her the chocolates, giving you a raised brow before taking them. Girl is 100% secretly excited about it, she's not going to boast or react over it but the rest of Blue team can see a bounce to her step.
This was a pleasant surprise and she honestly didn't expect her partner to go out of their way for her. Linda makes it a personal mission to find something to gift you, yes she could have Roland help her buy something, and get it to the UNSC infinity, but she also wants it to be special. Maybe she could make you something with a piece of her armor? Or find something you might like during a mission?
Poor Fred was stuck with paperwork when you happened to bound into his office with a box of chocolates. He's surprised and curious when you present him with the gift, giving you this adorable head tilt when he opens it. Did he miss something? Was today an anniversary he happened to forget? The confusion is pretty evident when he asks "What's this?"
When you explain it, it clicks that he's heard about the holiday from commanders before. Honestly, the day slips his mind, it had never really held much significance to him and he only remembers it exists every once in awhile. Despite his initial confusion, Fred's expression softens into a grateful smile as he thanks you for the chocolates.
However, his mind was already racing, searching for a way to reciprocate the gesture. While he couldn't immediately think of a suitable gift, he recalled Roland mentioning that the UNSC Infinity's Memorial Park atrium was holding a dance that evening and he could do a public event for you. The idea formed in his mind, that it was a thoughtful way to show his appreciation, and a shared experience at the dance might be a meaningful way to celebrate Valentine's Day together.
I will say when Kelly finds out about the dance being held in the Memorial Park atrium, she is on her way to find her partner. Like full-on sprinting through the ship [it took Fred a minute to realize who just blurred by his office in a rush, asking if he's seen her partner.] So before you even start searching for her to give her the chocolates, Kelly has already found you first.
She was so ready to ask about this dance thing and what was going on until you gave her that sweet smile and handed her the box. Her expression transformed from eager anticipation to surprise and then delight when she opened the chocolates. Her eyes held most of her emotion, they almost seemed like they were glittering and she smiled when you explained the reason behind the gift and the upcoming dance.
Of course, she accepted your invitation with a tease, that mischievous glint in her eyes. Unbeknownst to you, she had already set aside a gift for her partner when she learned about the holiday a week beforehand from Commander Palmer. It was a small token of her affection, carefully chosen with Roland's help to express her appreciation and love.
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synchodai · 15 days
Your last post has made me so curious about your opinion on Jace being viewed as a worthy heir to the Iron Throne. I do think that is a very fitting label for Jace but you say you disagree? Please elaborate.
[This is mostly tangential, but I don't really believe anyone is a "worthy" heir in a monarchy. Kingship isn't a prize for the good guys nor is it a right. It's an inherited office of concentrated (and often stolen) power. Nobody takes a test or campaigns to prove their "worth" to the throne, and there are only ever two ways to "earn" it in ASOIAF: conquest and familial relations. Fire and blood.
Disregarding the nebulous concept of a "worthy" king, let's look at Jace as a leader in general. Because that's how most people are really approaching this, right? They don't really want to bother with the oppressive systems of power that maintain a feudal monarchy and just think about who's "worthy" based on who they would personally vote for when having these kinds of discussions. Never mind that the point of monarchy is no one votes, but for the sake of answering the question, let's pretend.]
Some fans do talk about Jace as if he was showing such extraordinary potential and he would have been the heir that was promised were it not for his untimely death... and I have to disagree with that.
We DO have a character in the series whose narrative purpose was to be the dashing, promising, and perfect king-to-be who died before his time — and his name was Baelor Breakspear. So I think it would be a good idea to compare how the books handled and portrayed the two.
Like Jace, Baelor also didn't have the conventional Targaryen look and faced pushback because of it, but unlike Jace, Baelor was an experienced and studied man in his late 30s. He had proven himself as a ruler by administering his lands, fostering political ties, fighting in battles and tourneys, and raising a suitable issue.
In both the book and the show, Jace is an untested teenager. He was the Prince of Dragonstone in name but never in practice. He made key alliances for the blacks but they were never fulfilled, and every other decision he made (sending dragons instead of ravens, sending Aegon and Viserys to Pentos, and the dragonseeds) was in the interest of short-term gain with little thought given to their long-term consequences. I wrote a bit about it here.
Baelor's most famous piece of dialogue shows him being honorable before he tragically dies fighting in defense of righteous Dunk. (Book) Jace's most famous line of dialogue is calling Vhagar a "hoary, old bitch." Still iconic but narratively speaking, they just don't share the same archetype.
That's not to say that I think Jace would be a horrible leader. I imagine he would be as competent as a Jon Snow or Robb Stark, both of whom came to power at 15 during times of conflict. Like them, he'd be well-intentioned and have his share of wins, but he would have a difficult time earning the respect of his men and would be absolutely miserable throughout. All three young men definitely have the potential to grow into effective and good rulers in their own right, but because they are in such unstable positions, they don't get the privilege of learning from their mistakes. Jon and Robb's tenures were very short as they were both ultimately betrayed, and that's how I foresee how Jace's reign would end as well unless he does something drastic and truly unorthodox.
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pandorasword · 1 year
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Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Hiii 💌 sorry it took so mad long! I had busy weeks and even lack of inspirations. Hope that you still enjoy it and thank you so much for the request!
The night market
❒ words: 2.5k+
❒ summary: In which Chaeri and Jungkook sneak out of the dorms during the trainee period
❒ genre: Fluff; Slice of life
❒ warnings: mentions of poker
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April 2013
Chaeri had been in a sour mood all day. 
She had sulked from the time she woke up for breakfast, to the hours spent practicing choreography for their debut concept, and even when she came back to the dorms. 
That's why Namjoon was surprised when he leaned in to kiss her temple goodbye and noticed her smirk instead of a scowl.
The bad temper seemed to have slipped away from her, which would usually make him suspicious that she was up to something; a troublemaker without equal.
But when Chaeri met his gaze, her eyes were so gentle and pure, he told himself she likely just grasped the situation and wasn't angry anymore
The day before, the older members of the group received an unexpected invitation from some staff members to join them for a friendly game of poker. Excitement filled the air as they discussed the invitation among themselves, looking forward to a night of camaraderie and friendly competition.
However, as they considered the nature of the game, they collectively decided that it wouldn't be suitable for Jungkook and Chaeri to participate. Poker involves betting and gambling, and they felt it would be more appropriate for the two youngest members, who were still in their mid-teens, to abstain from such activities, who had not been very cooperative with their decision. Jungkook had quickly given up on the idea; Chaeri had given everyone a hard time until just before.
The living room's chandelier flickered and dimmed, reminding Namjoon he needed to get a new bulb soon.
"You know I'm sorry," he said, gazing into her eyes "But it's an evening for..."
"Adults!" Taehyung, ever the bratty he was, came up behind them on his way out of the dorms. 
"Aged or nearly so", Namjoon added with an apologetic smile.
Chaeri rolled her eyes at Taehyung's comment but didn't say anything.
"It's okay, enjoy yourselves"
"We will" Namjoon said, eyeing Chaeri with a look of worry "Chaeri," he spoke in an authoritative yet caring voice, "I know you’re mature, but please remember to take care of yourselves while we're away. Lock all the doors and windows. There are snacks in the kitchen—help yourself but be mindful about how much junk food you eat."
Namjoon's gaze grew more serious. "If anyone comes to the door, don't open it unless you recognize them. Your safety is the most important thing; if anything feels wrong or if you need help, call one of us right away - me or any of the oppas. Don't hesitate to reach out, okay?"
He smiled and patted her on the head. "You'll be fine, Chaeri. Jungkook is here with you, and I trust both of you to look out for each other. Have a good evening, and we'll be back before you know it."
With a nod, Chaeri watched as the older members of BTS filed out of the dorm, leaving her - and Jungkook who was in the other room - alone.
Chaeri was not about to stay in, especially when the others had treated her and Jungkook like kids. If they were old enough to debut in the entertainment industry, they were old enough to play poker. 
Once the sounds of the boys straying in the alleyway had become faint, she made her way to the room, where all of them slept on bunk beds every night.
Jungkook was perched atop one of the beds, his head almost brushing against the ceiling. He had a comic book in his hands and was studying its black-and-white images.
Chaeri watched him for a moment, debating whether to tell him what she was planning. Jungkook always followed what the older members told him to do, perhaps with a little convincing she would be able to persuade him to join her.
She tiptoed up onto the creaky lower mattress to get a better look at Jungkook, who was sprawled across the top bunk. He snapped out of his comic book when he noticed her looking at him "You're bored" he said.
"Utterly and completely bored—can you tell?" She sighed
"Since the hyungs are gone, we have access to the TV. Want to watch a movie?"
"Actually...I had something else in mind"
Jungkook looked at her curiously, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"They left to play poker and did not allow us to go with them. They said we're not allowed to play because we're too young. It's not fair"
""I still don't understand what you're trying to say. What's on your mind?"
"I was thinking...we could sneak out and find our own way to have fun," Chaeri suggested, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at her suggestion. He glanced nervously around the small dorm, as if the others could appear at any second to catch them in the act. "But what if they find out? They told us not to leave the dorms"
Chaeri shrugged, a devilish grin spreading across her face. "Isn't that all the more reason to do it? They treat us like children all the time. We deserve to have some fun on our own"
An eagerness was slowly growing within him and he nodded in agreement."Okay, let's do it. But...where are we going to go?"
"To play poker!"
Excitement pulsed through Chaeri as she and Jungkook slipped out of the dorms and into the cool night air. They walked briskly, eager to find a club or bar where they could play poker.
However, their excitement was short-lived as they quickly discovered that every club they tried to enter turned them away, citing their age as the reason. They had no luck at the first club, or the second, or even the third.
As they walked down the dimly lit street, Chaeri's mood started to sour once more. She had been so sure that they would be able to find a place to play poker, but now it seemed like all their efforts were in vain.
"This is stupid," she grumbled, kicking a pebble down the pavement.
Jungkook glanced at Chaeri, seeing her frustration and disappointment. He understood her desire to prove themselves as capable and independent, but it seemed that their age was indeed a barrier they couldn't overcome.
"I know it's frustrating, Chaeri" Jungkook said, his voice sympathetic. "But maybe they were right. Maybe we are too young for this kind of thing."
Chaeri halted in her steps, turning to look at Jungkook with narrowed eyes. "Don't tell me you're giving up too?"
Jungkook shook his head quickly, holding up his hands in surrender. "No, not at all. I just think that we should maybe consider doing something else. Something that won't get us into trouble"
Chaeri let out a huff of frustration, but she knew deep down that he was right. They couldn't keep searching for a club that would let them play poker; they needed to find a different way to pass the time.
"Fine," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you suggest, then?"
Jungkook's lips parted in a smile, his eyes twinkling as he spoke. "Let's go to the night market!"
Chaeri tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "Night market? What kind of place is that?" She asked, intrigued by the unfamiliar term.
Jungkook let out a laugh and replied “It’s a huge marketplace at night! There are vendors selling all sorts of food and drinks, there are carnival-style games and rides, and some shops sell really unique goods. It’s one of my favorite places to go” He said as he hopped onto the nearest subway station platform.
Chaeri followed him curiously as she felt a spark of excitement light up inside her chest. She had grown up all her life in France, so any opportunity to immerse herself into Korean culture was highly welcomed. Jungkook began talking animatedly about all the interesting foods they could try at the night market, and she couldn't help but feel impressed by his knowledge of their native culture.
Deprived by her mother of her native culture and language, she had instead come to learn all about European culture; yet despite being Korean, by her teenage years she understood surprisingly little about her homeland.
As they rode the subway, he pointed out the city sights that caught his eye, ranging from ancient monuments to modern-day skyscrapers. Chaeri listened with rapt attention, feeling a sense of pride swell in her heart at seeing the city through an experienced local’s eyes.
Finally, the subway doors slid open, and they stepped out into the lively atmosphere of the night market. 
Chaeri's senses were immediately overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds surrounding her. Above, strings of multicolored neon lights formed a mesmerizing constellation, casting an ethereal glow over the bustling crowd below. The air was alive with the infectious beats of K-pop music, their rhythmic melodies intertwining with the joyful laughter and chatter of the visitors.
Chaeri walked beside Jungkook, her eyes darting from one intriguing stall to another. The tantalizing aroma of street food wafted through the air, mingling with the scents of exotic spices and sizzling grills. Her mouth watered at the sight of vendors skillfully flipping skewers of succulent meat and frying golden dumplings.
Although Chaeri couldn't read most of the Korean characters on the signs, she attempted to decipher them, occasionally stumbling over unfamiliar words. She wished she had a better grasp of her mother tongue; speaking for her was easier, though occasionally she stumbled over words or mispronounced them. She felt a little ashamed for not knowing more about her Korean heritage.
Throughout the evening, Chaeri kept tugging at Jungkook's sleeve to ask questions about certain dishes, inscriptions, and trinkets that drew her interest.
"Kook!" she exclaimed, grabbing his arm to halt their steps.
Jungkook turned towards her, following her gaze to a nearby stall adorned with an array of handmade jewelry. The owner, a skilled artisan, meticulously threaded delicate beads of various colors and designs, creating stunning pieces that sparkled under the glow of the market lights. Chaeri's eyes widened with fascination.
"Let's go check it out," he suggested, and Chaeri eagerly followed him to the stand.
As they approached the jewelry stall, Chaeri's eyes widened with wonder as she took in the intricate designs and shimmering pieces showcased. The array of jewelry sparkled under the warm glow of the stall's lights, casting enchanting reflections on Chaeri's face.
Jungkook could not help but think that at that moment, she looked more beautiful than usual and even blushed at his thoughts.
Among the captivating collection, Chaeri's gaze was caught by a small hairpin adorned with a delicate arrangement of tiny pearls and jewels intricately intertwined with strands of glistening gold wire. Mesmerized, she reached out and delicately picked up the hairpin, holding it up to the light to observe its craftsmanship. Every delicate detail seemed to tell a story, a testament to the artisan's skill and the beauty of the materials used.
"It's so beautiful," Chaeri breathed, her voice filled with awe. The combination of pearls, jewels, and gold created a stunning harmony that seemed to dance with the light. "I've never seen anything like it before."
When she lived with her mother in France, beautiful jewelry and accessories were never lacking, but she had never owned something so lovely
Jungkook couldn't help but smile, his heart warmed by Chaeri's enchantment. He knew he wanted to see her happiness bloom even further. "Do you want it?" he asked, his voice laced with a gentle eagerness.
Chaeri's eyes darted back to the hairpin, conflicted by her desire and the presumed cost that accompanied such intricate craftsmanship. She hesitated, her fingertips gently tracing the contours of the design. "I don't know... it's probably too expensive" she admitted
Jungkook, determined to make her dreams come true, reached into his pocket and retrieved a handful of coins and bills. His fingers swiftly counted the money. "I think we have enough" he said confidently, a hint of mischief playing on his lips.
Chaeri's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but inquire, "Where did you get all this money from?"
Jungkook's grin widened as he revealed his secret. "I collected it from the swear jar" he confessed, his voice filled with playful pride. 
Chaeri's eyes widened in surprise, remembering the times when their friends would playfully scold each other and contribute money to the jar as a lighthearted way to discourage swearing.
She couldn't help but burst out in laughter at Jungkook's brattiness, feeling proud for him for not following the rules for once. 
Jungkook's smile only grew wider at the sound of her laughter. He gave her a playful nudge with his elbow. "So, do you want it?" he asked again, gesturing to the hairpin. 
She knew it was silly to spend so much money on a hairpin, but she couldn't resist the temptation. "Yes, I want it" she said, her eyes sparkling with joy.
Jungkook slid a stack of coins across the wooden countertop to the stall owner, who bowed his head in gratitude and carefully nestled the hairpin in a small velvet bag. 
As she opened the delicate envelope and revealed the treasure within, Jungkook's eyes never left her. He watched in awe as her face lit up with pure delight, her eyes widening as she beheld the intricate craftsmanship of the hairpin. With a graceful movement, she secured it into her dark, silky hair, effortlessly blending tradition with modern beauty.
Using a small hand mirror, Chaeri admired herself, turning this way and that to catch the light of a nearby lantern. The soft glow illuminated her radiant skin, creating an ethereal aura around her. The hairpin, now nestled amidst her locks, sparkled brilliantly, accentuating her features and enhancing her innate beauty. It was as if the accessory had been tailor-made for her.
Jungkook found himself captivated by her, unable to tear his gaze away. 
In that moment, as their eyes met in the flickering light, time seemed to stand still. The bustling market faded into the background, and for an instant, it was just the two of them.
"Chaeri-ya, that hairpin you're wearing is beautiful. When did you get it?" 
Jin's compliment caught Chaeri off guard, causing her to falter in her movements. She momentarily forgot the lie she had prepared. "Um, I got it a while ago," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
Jin raised an eyebrow, a look of curiosity on his face. "Really? I don't remember seeing it before."
"I don't wear it often. Why are you so interested? It's just a hairpin. Do you want one too oppa?" she teased, returning to look in the mirror in front of her as she rehearsed for the umpteenth time the most difficult movements of the debut choreography.
"I was asking out of curiosity - You know.. the money from the swear jar was gone this morning"
Chaeri had to suppress a giggle, looking only for a moment into the eyes of the older member "Who knows, try asking Taehyung. I heard him say he wanted to borrow it." She had set out to make her best friend pay for the way he enjoyed the fact that he could play poker and she could not
"Aish, that little brat.. TAEHYUNG-AH!"
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @enchantingbrowneyedgirl | @ycuvi
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iconuk01 · 6 months
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"Let's all play Operation!" - by Freddie Williams II
Freddie Williams II made a memorable splash as the artist on "Robin" and "The Flash" and deservedly so.
When I asked for a Robin and villain piece, he asked if he could use the Joker, and since I couldn't recall ever seeing him do the Joker before (at the time I don't think he had), I was interested to see how it went. I suggested a few possibilities as to scenario, and he adored this idea in particular. (Artist have been kind enough to say I am quite good at suggesting scenarios which are fun for them as well)
And I think it's safe to say his gleefulness carried on into the quality of the work, no?
My idea was that as he's kidnapped Robin so often, the Joker would want to keep the magic alive (as it were). He wouldn't want Robin to start getting complacent or worse yet, BORED, so perhaps some theme nights for his captive, to keep at least one of them amused until Batman showed up, and if he didn't, well....
"Board Game Night" with a captive Robin seemed like a suitably Joker-ish concept, and what better than the old "Operation" game, with his own unique twist… Here he is setting up the game, maybe planning to invite a couple of henchmen to play, or Harley…
Freddie's take on the Joker is magnificent, that's REAL nightmare fuel right there!
Freddie is, as others have noted, an utter joy to deal with as a commission artist and I can't recommend him strongly enough.
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johanaf1 · 24 days
House of dragon x reader (Idea)
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Hello, I must say that I am a fanfic reader on Tumblr because there is a lot of activity. Anyway, I thought of this concept for a story but I know I won't develop it. However, I like it, so I want to share it for anyone who might want to use it. I didn't make it as a direct request to a specific writer because if someone is going to develop it, I would like it to be because they liked it and not because it was requested. So here is the plot. If you decide to develop it, please tag me—I would love to read it. (You can also take just parts you like to create short scenarios or whatever.)
My idea is about a female OC or reader in House of the Dragons (I will use Y/n for convenience). Y/n would be the cousin of Viserys and Daemon (2 years younger than Rhaenyra), the daughter of Princess Gael Targaryen (the youngest daughter of Jaehaerys I Targaryen). Her mother would take her own life shortly after giving birth to her but not before sending her with a septa to King's Landing. The kings spent time with her until they died. Viserys was crowned king when she was 4 years old and claimed her as his daughter since he didn’t think there was anyone suitable to send her to.
Y/n grew up to be a great dragon rider and fighter, loyal to her family. Her dragon would be the fastest known. To compare, a normal dragon would be like a thrown stone, and Y/n’s dragon would be like an arrow shot by the best archer. She would be known as the “Ice Dragon” due to her cold demeanor, being Gael’s daughter (“daughter of winter”), and her resistance to heat being below average, which was ironic to many (I would like to pair Cregan Stark with Y/n).
Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Y/n would have been equally good friends. When Alicent began to resent Rhaenyra, Y/n would side with her niece (although she was 2 years older, she couldn’t see Rhaenyra as her sister). Y/n would be a magnificent aunt, admired by the children of Viserys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra, especially Aemond, who would fall in love with her in his childhood for being strong, intelligent, elegant, and kind. She would defend him from teasing about not having a dragon, reprimanding the others but not too harshly, saying things like, “Please, Aegon, you wet your bed today. You have no right to laugh.” She would also encourage Aemond by telling him that she knew he could one day claim a powerful dragon, which would motivate Aemond to claim Vhagar after learning that he mocked Rhaenyra’s children and called them bastards (which she also was) and everything that happens when he loses his eye. Y/n takes Rhaenyra and her children’s side when Alicent tries to attack Lucerys, she takes him in her arms, willing to defend him from her, whom Y/n has since called “Alicent the Mad” and “the green madwoman.”
She was present at Rhaenyra and Daemon’s wedding. She decides to leave with Daemon and Rhaenyra. When Aemond finds out that Y/n decided to “leave,” he becomes angry and also starts to resent all “the Blacks.” Y/n was walking with Lucerys and Jacaerys when they see Aemond again. He is paralyzed when he sees her; she acts as if nothing happened, not harboring any particular resentment towards him. But with just a look, she can tell he has changed a lot… for the worse. He no longer looks like the lovely nephew who needed her affection; he seems like a madman ready to attack at any moment. Nevertheless, she doesn’t let herself be intimidated.
Aemond greets her, “Y/n… it’s good to see you again.” Y/n feels displeasure at his lack of manners, “Aren’t you going to greet Lucerys and Jacaerys? It’s not very polite of you… although it doesn’t surprise me; after all, your mother didn’t bother to receive us properly. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I suppose.”
When the audience takes place to discuss Lucerys’ right to succeed, Y/n doesn’t even blink when she sees Daemon cut a man’s head in two. Something Aemond notices is that Y/n looks at Daemon with pride. During dinner, Viserys asks Y/n to show an ancient Valyrian dance. She is embarrassed but can’t say no, so she lifts almost all the young people (except Aegon and Aemond), takes Daemon’s hand, and gets him to stand to teach them the dance. When they seem to understand, she lets Daemon dance with one of her daughters, forming complete pairs. Aemond would stare at her, thinking of asking her to dance, but Aegon, who was closer, would do it first. She would give him a quick, not very happy look (as he was looking at her very morbidly) and decline, “Actually, I’d like to talk with my father a bit if you don’t mind, brother Aegon.” (She didn’t like calling him her “brother” but it was what she gained by being claimed as Viserys’ daughter.)
In the conversation, Viserys would ask if she’s still not engaged, saying he sometimes doesn’t remember many things. Y/n would smile and say, “I’m still young.” He would respond, “It would have been ideal to get engaged when Rhaenyra did.” She would watch her nephews dance intently, “Maybe it’s not my destiny to marry or have children…. Although my mother was born when her mother was 44, I’m still 28, so… who knows.”
Aemond’s wordplay about his nephews being “strong” didn’t amuse her at all. Before leaving with Daemon, he would comment, “I thought you would grow up to be better than this, a cowardly wordplay is not worthy of a prince.” Lucerys’ death would devastate her. She would go from feeling displeasure towards the Hightowers to feeling true hatred towards them. She wouldn’t agree with Jaehaerys’ death but wouldn’t hate him either. Part of her would feel that “they” deserved that suffering and would feel like a monster for feeling that way, but she no longer saw those people as her family.
In the Battle of the Pool of Swords, Y/n would accompany Rhaenys. Seeing Vhagar, Y/n would tell her they need to leave, initiating a swift flight without noticing that Rhaenys was heading straight to confront the great dragon. Y/n would fly back, shouting for her to stop while being close enough to hear Aemond giving the order “Dracarys,” she would shout desperately but notice that Fire Sun was in the way. “Aegon was the usurper, the culprit of this,” without thinking much, she approached the scene shouting her own “Dracarys.” She couldn’t stay long enough to ensure Aegon’s death but knew something: if she hadn’t killed that boy, he wouldn’t experience living without pain again. She took flight towards the clouds to hide from Aemond… Oh Aemond, if she detested Aegon, what she felt for Aemond was indescribable. She took the bow and arrow tied to her dragon’s saddle, binding one of her feet. When Aemond came to look for her, she would be standing on her dragon pointing directly at Aemond’s head. He would feel the piercing gaze, look at her pointing with such seriousness, giving Vhagar the order to ascend. Y/n would release the arrow upon noticing, but it would end up in one of Vhagar’s eyes. She would let out an angry “tss” before sitting back on her dragon, ordering it to fly as fast as possible. Aemond would shout her name while trying to calm his dragon, but it clearly wouldn’t stop for him. When Vhagar managed to calm down, Aemond would continue searching for Y/n among the clouds but there would be no sign of her, making him feel frustrated and… sad. His brother might be dead, but he didn’t care. It bothered him that Y/n was there and saw him kill Rhaenys. Every time he tried to be worthy, gaining her favor became more difficult. The only good thing is that without Aegon, he would have to be the King.
The second season of the series is a bit weak, so I don’t have anything specific from the episodes, but according to the book, I imagine during the confrontation at the Eye of the Gods, Daemon would try to distract Aemond. He would start mocking Aemond’s relationship with Alys, as Aemond kept bringing up that Lucerys and Jacaerys were Strong bastards and that he himself ended up involved with a Strong bastard. Knowing Aemond’s weakness for Y/n, Daemon would say, “If Y/n were here, she’d say you’re pathetic.” Aemond would practically growl in response, making Daemon smile and say things like Y/n would be his next wife, that he was so worried about her since he hadn’t had children, that he would always keep her pregnant, “I’ll fuck her every day. As soon as I have one of my children, I’ll put the next one inside her. She’ll stop being known as the Ice Dragon and will start being known as the eternally pregnant Y/n Targaryen.” (It sounds crude and disgusting, but the intention was to anger Aemond.)
Aemond would be enraged; in the end, this would make him more impulsive and less calculative, leading to his death. Y/n arrives at the Eye of the Gods to see Caraxes agonizing on the shore. There were also many remains of Vhagar. She would call Daemon several times, but not seeing any signs of life, she would sit beside Caraxes, crying silently and petting him until he died. After this, she would take care of Aegon the Third (he wouldn’t have been taken as a hostage here). Once Aegon the Second was poisoned, she went to claim the throne for her nephew. She was reluctantly received, and since they were the last Targaryens, they were treated rudely. Y/n endured the mistreatment, thinking her priority was to take care of Aegon and that she couldn’t get rid of everyone with her dragon since she would need allies and wasn’t sure who they were. This continued until Cregan Stark arrived. It was the first time Y/n saw him, but it was the first time in a long while that she felt she could trust an adult. She suggested to little Aegon to appoint him as Hand of the King. Cregan arrested anyone he found untrustworthy or suspicious left and right. He was a tough man, and his words could be even harsher, but he was honorable and reliable. Having Cregan at the King’s Landing made Y/n feel safe in a way she hadn’t since Viserys’ first wife was still alive. She really admired Cregan, who didn’t even dare to sit on the Iron Throne.
Y/n would convince Cregan not to sentence the sea serpent. She understood why Cregan felt it deserved a sentence, but she saw him only as a poor cowardly man. Besides, Aegon saw him as family, and certainly, there wasn’t much family left for little Aegon (this would be very similar to what Champiñón says in the book):
“Why should I ignore his faults?” (faults of Corlys)
“The best for Aegon and the realm is that he has a good relationship with his stepsisters.”
“The best for the realm is that the traitors die.”
“He’s a cowardly snake, acted in a moment of uncertainty for the realm. When Aegon III is on the throne, he won’t dare to do the same to Aegon II. The prince needs to preserve what little family he has left. He’s just a child.”
“An the sea serpent dishonored his ascension to the throne.”
“If you kill him, Aegon’s stepsisters will rebel against him. He doesn’t need to go through that. Innocent people shouldn’t die anymore.”
“There are worse ways to die princess.”
At this point, Y/n would feel desperate, and frustrated with the man’s level of honorability towards her, so her last argument would be more of a desperate attempt, hoping Cregan could take pity on her nephew:
“Then do it for me, for being the queen’s sister to whom you swore loyalty, for being the one who saved and took care of the prince you serve, do this for me, and never, ever, will I ask you for anything else. Just show me that you can be as kind as you are fierce, and I will grant you anything you ask for and is within my power to give you.”
Cregan would remain silent for a moment, making Y/n’s hope grow.
“What if I ask for your purity?” Y/n would open her eyes in surprise, feeling a bit embarrassed (since she didn’t actually dislike his request). She would smile with amusement, “I can’t give you what I don’t possess, my lord. I lost it the first time I rode my dragon at 11 years old. As you know, it’s a fast dragon, and it's size. I think those were the reasons I lost what many men yearn to take from ladies.” She said with a slight smile, although she had shared a bed with some men, she wasn’t lying. Her hymen had broken accidentally the first time she rode her dragon. Cregan would find her statement funny, “Some would say you wasted what rightfully belonged to your future husband,” he would say with a smile, to which Y/n would openly laugh, “Some are idiots, and [dragon’s name] is a good dragon, much better than many husbands.” Cregan would laugh openly, “I’ll try not to forget it. Alright, I’ll grant your request.”
Y/n would be surprised, even having forgotten she was asking for something. “I appreciate it, my lord. What would you like in return?” she asked, hoping she’d ask for the most logical thing for her: resources for Winterfell in the winter season. “All I want is you, all of you, forever. I want your hand in marriage.”
Y/n would feel her body freeze and then warm up in a way that seemed absurd to her, yet she would manage to respond, “A hand for a head?” she would ask with amusement, hiding her nervousness. “Alright,” she would answer without further ado, hoping that in the end, Lord Stark would back out because how would he expect a dragon (both his dragon and herself) to survive in the cold Winterfell?
On the day of the executions, Y/n watched as her fiance’ (she did not yet believe in the validity of such a commitment) honored the wishes of the accused to join the Night's Watch. He watched as, with a single precise movement, he cut off Gyles Belgrave's head, noting the ease with which he did so, which only proved his strength. However, Y/n would not stand still when it came to Larys Strong, whom she saw as one of the main instigators of the Greens. When Larys demanded that his crippled foot be cut off so that he would not continue to drag it after he was dead, Y/n spoke loudly, clearly and without hesitation:
“You have quite the gall to dare request any kind of favor, Larys. You were one of the main instigators in this war, conspired to murder your own father and brother, and dedicated yourself to manipulating the kings you supposedly served for your convenience. You deserve no compassion, nor do you deserve to die in such an honorable manner as Lord Cregan could give you. You condemned your father and brother to the flames, and now that same will be your condemnation.”
Y/n would call her dragon, who was watching everything from atop a tower. Everyone would know what she planned to do next. Larys would beg for mercy, but Y/n wouldn’t listen. Now she was the firm and unyielding hand. She would order to remove Larys from the accused who had joined the Night’s Watch, making her dragon understand the rider’s objective.
“Dracarys,” she would order firmly, watching without any kind of pity as the last member of House Strong burned to death.
Y/n would confess to Cregan that she had already shared a bed with a couple of men in her past during a walk around the castle. She would do this after Cregan started talking about their marriage and how they needed to prepare to go north. Y/n would say she hoped not to offend him but hoped he would retract his proposal since she wasn’t pure not only because of her dragon but also because of the men she had been with. Additionally, she would remind him that she couldn’t leave her dragon to go to Winterfell and that maintaining the dragon required many resources that Winterfell couldn’t afford to waste. Cregan would tell her that he didn’t care if she had been with men before. He would say it would be hypocritical to demand purity when he had a son waiting for his return. Y/n would be surprised by how easily he accepted it, “I’m surprised by how easily you accept my past, my lord, and I’m flattered that you don’t retract after knowing it. But still, my nephew needs me, and I can’t separate from my dragon. Dragons aren’t made to live in Winterfell.”
“Then we will create a place where he can rest. the basement will be warm enough for him to feel comfortable. he will be able to come and go as he pleases. If necessary, I will make an agreement with the king to obtain the necessary resources for your dragon. If you really want to accept my proposal, I will make the necessary changes for our marriage'.”
Y/n would be left speechless, thinking that she still had to take care of Aegon and how difficult it would be to adapt to the cold. After all, although she wasn’t very tolerant of heat, she couldn’t easily withstand Winterfell’s harsh winters. But despite all the doubts, she accepted. She couldn’t refuse a marriage proposal from a man like Cregan Stark just because of a few doubts.
After the wedding between Cregan and Y/n, many lords began to make agreements and do business with Winterfell since they had the most powerful asset to offer: an alliance with a house owning one of the last dragons.
Over time, Y/n’s dragon would be the last dragon in Westeros. Her children didn’t try to hatch dragons for Cregan asked them not to because having more than one dragon could be problematic for their feeding. Y/n’s dragon was passed down to her children and their children until it died of old age. Not only was it the last dragon, but it was also the only dragon that belonged to the North. The dragon’s skull would rest in the catacombs right behind Y/n’s tomb and statue, which was located beside Cregan’s tomb. Y/n’s children, as well as their descendants who could claim their dragon, learned High Valyrian but stopped being educated in the language after the last dragon died. Y/n was responsible for teaching them, but after her death, her eldest descendants took over. Y/n’s children would have Cregan’s hair and Y/n’s violet eyes, but their grandchildren were not born with visible Valyrian traits. The time when Winterfell had a dragon was the most prosperous in its history. Even when the dragon could no longer fly well due to old age, it remained imposing, and no one dared to challenge the Starks.
I hope you liked this plot/summary I must say that I'm also a writer, but only on quotev, I'm new to writing on Tumblr in fact this is my first post hehe. Actually, I don't know if I'll post my stories here because I don't know how to organize Tumblr master list and all that but I wanted to share this idea. I apologize if some parts are not understandable; my first language is not English.
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goattypegirl · 3 months
Hokay so I have reached the final boss of the dlc, I think. I say reached because I have not yet beaten it; I got to phase 2 once. This is going to be a doozy I can already tell. Super spoilers below.
First, the fight technically. First phase is like a schmixed Radahn; muscle memory is kind of helping but it might be placebo. It's probably placebo. Phase 2 reminds me of the twin princes, I can't say more than that because I got got approximately 2.3 seconds into phase 2. I think some people are going to be mad about the twin princes similarities, but I like how Fromsoft tends to iterate on ideas from previous games. I don't mean like overt stuff like patches or the moonlight greatsword, but like the guardian ape and the bloodletting beast, the lamenter and pinwheel, or leda and crew and gideon. Assuming I get to phase two sometime this calendar year, it'll be cool to see how they've built on the twin princes concept.
Story and lore wise, like I said in my other post, I knew the dlc was going to fill gaps but boy howdy I was not expecting them to be filled this way. So grain of salt, I'm not actually done with the damn game yet. My initial reaction was confusion, and I'll need to sit on it more, but I like it.
From what Ive gathered, ascending to godhood apparently requires a consort, a Warrior to the Thinker, the Red King to the White Queen, and so Miquella did something to Mohg's body to make it a suitable vessel for Radhan. (Maybe it's cause I'm a freak but I think it would have been cool to see that process. Who knows, maybe there's a cutscene into phase 3 where the body deteriorates back into Mohg.) Radahn 2 has a move where he casts bloodflame, and you can see horns peaking out of his cuffs and boots. Actually, whenever I've died he's spun around to face away from the camera. I wonder if that's intentional? In universe it's Radhan hiding his face because he knows something's wrong, out of universe the devs wanted you to notice the horns.
I know people are wondering why it isn't Malenia or Godwyn, and I think I can come up with some in and out of universe reasons why.
For in universe reasons why Godwyn isn't the final boss, maybe the night of the black knives killed his soul so badly it was unable to be retrieved, or because his body couldn't be killed. Maybe that's what castle sol and the eclipse thing was for, if it worked and Godwyn died a true death, he could be used as Miquella's consort. Honestly I didn't expect the dlc to feature Godwyn at all, the whole 'oh the scadutree is being choked by deathblight' thing felt like a reach, but there's something going on with Godwyn here. Don't think I didn't notice the two death knight fights have the Stormveil face in the back of the arena, or that their weapons reference a "surrogate corpse."
Out of universe Godwyn, the only thing I can think of is that Godwyns simultaneously an obscure character but also relevant to two game-spanning, ending-determining questlines, fia's and ranni's. Radhan meanwhile is a shardbearer in an area right next to the starting area. If you asked the average player who didnt really talk to NPCs or read item descriptions, they'll probably recognize Radhan and not Godwyn.
For in universe reasons why Malenia wasn't the final boss, it depends on how you view Miquella's character, but I think it's because he knew making a consort would require killing his sister, and he didn't want to do that. That's just my hunch right now working on incomplete information, and you could probably come up with a lot more uncharitable reasons why he didn't pick Malenia. (Side note. If Radhan was chosen as his consort early on, and therefore needed to die, thats yet another potential reason why Malenia battled Radhan.)
Out of universe, the devs probably didn't want to lock the dlc behind the base game's super boss, and they were probably wary of making Miquella's consort his literal twin sister.
The dlc recontextualizes a lot of stuff especially about Miquella's character, and I'll need more time to think on it, but I think if Miquella could have ever been called a "good guy", it was long before the events of the story. He probably had good intentions going in, but the dlc as a whole is showing how power necessitates corruption and compromise. One literally cannot become a god until you discard more and more of yourself, your doubts, your fears, and your love. The Miquella at the end of the game wouldn't have had qualms over killing his sister.
Something worth examining is that Miquella's an Empyrean. We still don't really know what that means* besides that they're candidates chosen by the Greater Will to replace Marika. And like. Isn't that what Miquella is doing? Like was the transition from Marika to Miquella supposed to require such chaos and bloodshed? Is Miquella following along the Greater Will's plan? Mohg's body had to be modified into something unrecognizable in order to be a proper host, a proper puppet. Is Miquella doing the same? If so, what exactly makes him any different than Marika?
*the watchful spirit item description vexes me. I think about it every night. What the hell do you mean Empyrean grandam.
As a final, very petty note. The 'Miquella is pure evil, he's literally Griffith!' and heccin wholesome chungus gigachad Radhan bros are going to be fucking insufferable.
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
nyanyame nyanyajyuu nyanya do no nyarabi de nyaku nyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyan nyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame- or short about how I feel myself for the third wednesday in a row..) 
I’ll say again that I love your work, let’s go. 
1. oke, do your characters have an approximate age? I know you were already replying to a similar question, but you said that it would be a spoiler. soooo... how about now? are you ready to show your cards?? 
2. I remember ferry making headcanons on the voices of pafl characters. do you have something like that? like... are there any songs that you associate with adm characters voices? or maybe the vocaloids that you use would be suitable for this roles? 
3. I would like to know a little more about daily interactions between misha and andrey. what could it have been before misha got into a time loop? these two "hate eachother basically"(©my fav pic), right? was it something like the cold war and them trying to ignore each other's existence, accompanied by contemptuous glances? or maybe frequent and loud quarrels?? OR maybe they pretended that everything was fine and there was no tension whatsoever, but any of them often irritated the other one or threw caustic phrases in order to offend him???
4. and in general, how did this hatred arose? how did it begin? did something suddenly happen, ruining the calm relationship? accident?? or guys didn't get along from the beginning for some reason??? (god I love these two, I need to know everything *NotLikeThis NotLikeThis*) 
(I hope I managed to fit it into less space, huh? . . . okay, but this time there are four sketches! see? no need to hit me, enki, god, please, no!!!) 
(eh.. I kindly ask you not to take these..... concept arts(??) in full high, as well as headcanons(???) on misha's teeth and eyes of boiis(<зз), seriously. these are just silly things that I thought about briefly and my wife and I thought it was interesting (however, if you don't mind these ideas, I'd like to know what you think about them.....!! (*´∇`)ノ)) 
(and also, I had to greatly simplify the design of the dyusha's clothes for myself because... I spent a too much time, trying to copy the horror that happens in the canon art, but I SWEAR TO GOD I almost burst into tears, because nothing worked *laughter that turns into the start of a nervous breakdown*) 
(I.. should probably be very ashamed for the last sketch, and... to be honest, yes, that’s it, I’m ashamed. (IT'S ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE ANDREY IS BEING MOCKED INSTEAD OF HIM GETTING A SINCERE COMPLIMENT) but my wife made me show this to you, so...... *blinks twice*)
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i want to say they are around 20-25 yrs old
after thinking about this for awhile i cant think of any good voiceclaims for my characters..... but i might make one in the future now that i am reminded that that is a real thing
its like a love hate releationship but mostly hate
maybe ill reveal what happened between them in a future song or maybe not. it can also be kinda inferred from the current songs i think
the sketches are so cute!! you have such a fun and silly style and i love seeing my characters come to life :) ty
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bludazey · 10 months
I think it’s really interesting that so many people in the comments think a suitable punishment for Astarion would be just to get his soul back and feel horrible for what he’s done. Because like, that is not the same energy people have for Cazador. Like, guys, you do get that in some ways (not all) he is worse than Cazador? Like,,, guys,,, would it be enough punishment for Cazador if he suddenly got his morals back and just felt bad for what he did to Astarion? LIKE BOO HOO! You still did all this!! I’m just asking, how is this any different???
This is very interesting to me.
Yes, people compare Astarion to Cazador a lot in Hellish Rebuke. Particularly the idea that Astarion is now continuing this horrible cycle of abuse with Lilith, with him being a Vampire Ascendant Vampire Lord, and Lilith being his favored spawn.
If Cazador began to suddenly regret his actions, and feel any sort of empathy for Astarion's situation... perhaps his despair wouldn't be as satisfactory, or even enough. And here is why I think this is:
Lilith and Astarion have history, especially with the concept of healing, and regaining one's autonomy, as most players will go through given the Pale Elf storyline. I do think the romantic aspect of their relationship adds a new layer of complexity that Astarion didn't have with Cazador. Presumably, Lilith was an aid to Astarion during his healing and path to sexual freedom, and I do think it hurts more knowing that Astarion is the one breaking her, and taking away her sexual freedom. (This would be different if this was a random outsider as the abuser.)
Now, imagine Astarion realizes all that he has done, knowing their history. At least compared to Cazador, I do think the pain is multiplied here in Astarion's case.
And now, I ask you: If not this, what would be sufficient punishment? For Cazador? For Astarion?
(Thank you, this is making me ponder, and ponder, and ponder...)
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thejockout · 10 months
Update: It's been a while!
Hey all. Been quite a bit since I've been active here; lot of life stuff going on that's contributed to that, but most of it's resolved now and I'm planning a pretty active return to the scene imminently. I've got some announcements on that front that I'll try to keep brief, but I think anyone who's enjoyed my content in the past will be happy to hear them.
First and foremost, I'm going to be returning to file-making soon (end of 2023 or early 2024) with regularly scheduled releases. (My precise schedule is TBD, but I'm aiming to be release either once weekly or once fortnightly depending on how much of a backlog I can create.) I've got ideas/concepts for 20 files written out atm which would amount to either 5 months of weekly releases/10 months of fortnightly releases once written and recorded. But obviously some of those ideas might not work so well in practice/I'll obviously come up with new ones along the way too, so that number's in flux. I'm going to try to write and record ten before launching any of them, so that I don't leave a huge gap between them again. But I think you guys'll like them, there's something for everyone in what I'm planning to make. There'll be content like what I've made before, but sfw and nsfw, attending a variety of kinks I'm into.
Included in these releases are going to be updated versions of my more popular, previous files. At the moment, the files I am planning to remake are Chill Out, Bro; Blink's Good Boy; All Pups are Good Pups; and The Bigger You Are. Some of these I want to remake for reasons of audio quality, but others I straight up want to rewrite portions of to bring them more up to my current standards. I've run out of space on Soundcloud and a premium account is expensive, so I'm racking my brain for a better storage alternative. At the moment, Soundgasm is an OK backup, but I'm also considering just straight up trying Youtube/Tumblr's own audio system/Patreon's audio system on a free basis to see if they work alright. Speaking of which...
To support this expanded venture, I'm also going to be opening a Patreon + selling specific, exclusive files either by subscription to said Patreon or via platforms like Gumroad and other appropriate audio file vendors. I don't plan for all my content to be locked behind a paywall, of course. I'm planning some kind of dual channel release system where I have a certain amount of files that will be free, and then others behind subscription. But for those who don't like the idea of monthly subs, I'll be putting my Patreon-exclusive files on a third party purchase platform like Gumroad, Ko-Fi, or another suitable alternative. I appreciate that all my files previously having been free will make this annoying to some, but I am flat baroque... and realistically, each file being 4-10 hours of work (dependent on complexity) means that I really want to be seeing SOME income from this if I'll be putting a lot of time in. That's why at current, the final announcement I'm making is that:
I am now taking commissions. I've done 3 commissions in total at this point and had been keeping quiet about it while I didn't know what I was doing with the Jockout account generally, but I am now available to write and record custom hypnosis files for listeners. I'm hesitant to provide a flat rate because the cost of a file usually does come down to its complexity/length, but somewhere in the ballpark of 50-80 dollars is what I'm currently valuing the time spent on a file at, unless you want something crazy simple or crazy complicated that'll price outside that range. I'm in a Euro territory, so 50 dollars amounts to about 4 hours of minimum wage work here, which is pretty low for the amount of time a good file takes; but I appreciate that high barriers to entry are going to put people off, and I feel that way myself when commissioning. You can DM me here if you want to discuss a commission idea.
All in all, I'm pretty excited with what I hope will be the future trajectory of my page. I'm having fun learning more about hypnosis/exploring new ideas in writing, and I hope you'll all enjoy the fruits of that too! 'Til next time :)
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