#but I think my thoughts weren't *too* jumbled
aro-wan · 2 years
Hi!! Just saw your blog and wanted to say that no, if I remember correctly, he never explicitly stated his sexuality. I always hc that he is attracted to pretty and talented people lmao, bc Blaine was both pretty and talented, and I always took the little playful head nod to Rachel in the “I want u back” deleted scene as another, pretty and talented people is what he likes sorta deal. But again, there wasn’t any explicit confirmation so I think it’s safe to hc whatever. Hope that helps!
Hi!! I didn't think he came out and said it either. I've been thinking about how the framing shows that Seb is all about sex and living while he's young (yes, that was on purpose) and how that doesn't really give us a lot about his character. I also think it's kinda funny how this is supposed to be "bad" when Seb does it but not when Noah does it (which is an entirely different kind of bad since he's a minor or barely an adult getting with much older women but I digress).
Anyway! I've been thinking about how Seb could be one of three things. (1) Seb could be bi/pan/(another of similar theme) as you point out. This could also be noticed in the "sexual tension" between Santana and Sebastian in "Smooth Criminal", which I think can exist even if they both swing opposite ways because acting and getting into the song are things. (2) Seb is "gold star gay" and doesn't use SAM and is into men. (3) Seb does use SAM and identifies as aromantic as well as either of the above options.
As someone who is aroace and doesn't really see how monogamy is supposed to work long term, I think Seb could easily fall into the aro umbrella, especially with the way he is written in a lot of fics. Aromantics experience little to no romantic attraction, and the way I've found him in a lot of fics is where he has only experienced this attraction towards Blaine, which is nice as a trope of sorts, but I feel like it fails Seb on a level to not address this. Does he not date anyone else because he isn't attracted to them and doesn't see the point in a relationship with them? Does he try dating but feel like it's just a friendship with more work that isn't fulfilling enough to keep up? Does he try dating but feel guilty/bad that the other is more "into" or feeling "more" about him than he them?
[When I tried my two brief relationships, I felt guilty because they were a lot more "into" me than I them. I don't experience romantic attraction, so I don't really know how someone would feel about only feeling these feelings for one person. This is my extrapolation.]
Anywho, thank you for responding! <3
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xreader-writing · 2 months
"Do you regret it?" | Five Hargreaves
Summary: Y/n and Five, drunk at the end of the world .
Pairing: Five Hargreaves X Fem!Reader
A/n: Is this small? Yes, but I decided to post it to ease our broken hearts for five now
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"Do you regret it?" Y/n says with her head resting on Five's shoulder.
He was drunk, but not as drunk as she was.
"Of what?" He says trying to sober up so he can understand her.
"Of meeting me." Y/n says and Five laughs at the thought, they grew up together, and after everything they've been through, she asks that kind of question.
"Do you want to know what I regret?" Five says, taking her hand.
"I regret not making you happier, not marrying you, and our retirement not working out." He says and laughs at the end. Y/n lifts her head from Five's shoulder and looks at her upset.
"But you make me happy!" She says with him words a little jumbled and Five smiles softly.
"No, I don't make , I just drag you into every mess I get myself into I'm terrible, grumpy, and I don't understand anything about feelings, I'm sorry." Five says taking Y/n's hand and intertwining his fingers with hers.
"Yes dear?"
"I wish I had married you." She speaks softly and Five smiles closing his eyes.
"I would also love to see you in a white dress." He says imagining her in a beautiful white dress.
"But maybe in another universe... we got married, right?"
"Or maybe you found someone better for you." He says it jokingly, but it hurts to think about love with someone else.
"As if anyone else would put up with me like this."
"You say that as if you weren't the most incredible woman in the world." He gives her a little kiss on the head and keeps his mouth there with his eyes closed.
"Maybe in another universe you would end up with Lila." She says this, and Five frowns.
"I'd rather be killed."
"But if I wasn't in this universe?"
"Well, then my life would be nothing but sadness." Five can't even think about the possibility of living a life without his Y/n by his side, and if there is such a universe, where his Y/n isn't there, he wants to stay far away from it.
They were silent for a while, and Five couldn't help but imagine their wedding, it would be just the way she wanted it.
"Would you prefer to get married in the church or outdoors?" Y/n asks and Five smiles
"She was imagining that too."
"Which do you prefer?" He asks, squeezing her hand tighter.
"I'm not sure."
"Well, I would like it to be just the way you dreamed."
"What's your dream wedding Five?" Y/n says with and Five's smile widens.
"One where you're the bride and I'm the groom."
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
My person (Charles Leclerc)
Your brother's best friend is sure you were made for eachother
Note: english is not my first language. Most times I read a brother's best friend trope, it's usually the reader going after the boy, so I felt like doing things a little bit different (also, my brain got a bit jumbled because I was wondering about the perspective, and in the end I went with reader being Joris' twin). Also, I always feel a little bit of impostor's syndrome whenever I post these tropes for which I've read many great pieces about it, and I never know if my ones are good enough to be posted but we're going with it
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
Most people thought having a twin brother was bitter sweet because while you had to share everything since the womb, you had a brother so there came a time where you wanted to have different toys, different rooms and different styles.
Different friends, however, was never a question. Even with different interests, you and Joris often came as a duo, so both of your friend groups were pretty close.
"We're going to Charles' apartment to watch the football game, are you joining us?", Joris asked, throwing himself on your sofa and partially occupying your personal space, "Marta is going to be over and I think she's taking Chiara with her, too".
You don't remember a time where Charles wasn't in your life. Your brother knew him since they were in kindergarten and so there wasn't a memory where he wasn't involved. Which brought you to the last time you were with him, just a week before.
Charles spent the afternoon with Joris at your brother's apartment, wanting to relax and game for the rest of the day.
"It's Y/N", Charles said as he gave Joris his ringing phone, your caller ID prompting him to pick the calk up right away, "can you come and get me, please?", he heard you faintly as Joris got up straight away, listening to whatever you were telling as he put on his trainers and jacket.
"Y/N needs me to pick her up from the café - turns out her date thought she wouldn't mind going home on her own", Joris rolled his eyes, "it will be quick, you're good on your own here?", he checked with Charles, "sure", the driver assured, unpausing the game and carrying on.
Another date and another disappointment for you, Charles thought. While you weren't as close as his brother was to him, he still knew about your life as much as your other friends, and lately you had been looking for someone, your person, you claimed. Luck had yet to join your search as every date you went on seemed to go between bad and awful.
If he had the courage to come clean about his feelings, maybe things would be different. For a while, yes, you were Joris' twin sister and that was it. You were a cool girl and he didn't mind spending time with you or having your hang out with their group, but things changed when you went to university.
Maybe it was your glow up, although you never needed one to catch his eye in the first place, but year after year, you grew to exude confidence, your natural beauty enhanced as you turned into a charming, caring and kind young woman.
Since he didn't want to ruin the bond you had, he watched it all happen from the sidelines. How happy you sounded whenever you had a date later in the week, whenever a cute guy came up to you in the club and how you squealed "I think this one might be the one!" as you excused yourself and declined dinner invitations from the group for a date.
He heard the door open and then close, footsteps approaching the living room as he paused the game just in time for you to sit on the sofa, "what's up, Leclerc?", you nudged his shoulder.
"I'm good, how are you?", he quesioned, "I guess that one isn't the love of your life either?", he semi joked.
"He was certifiable, at the very least", you began as the boys chuckled, "Hey! I'm qualified to make such appreciation! He kept talking about himself and he was borderline sexist, but then he said I would be fine going home on my own? I don't know, it was a mess and I can't believe I even experienced that - I'm going to pretend it was a fever dream", you shrugged your shoulders, "I was expecting to spend the afternoon with him - thank Goodness I didn't, - and the construction work at my place is still going so I don't have anywhere to go, I'm sorry if I'm crashing your afternoon", you gulped.
"It's fine, it's nice having company other than us two playing and screaming at eachother", Charles smiled as Joris shrugged his shoulders, "you're already staying her until the building work is done", you brother offered.
"I wasn't asking you, silly; you're my twin, dealing with me it's something that comes with the job", you winked.
When it came to dinner time, the three of you decided to have take out, your brother calling the restaurant and scheduling a time for him to pick it up, "I'm going to shower", you said as you got up from the sofa, heading to the guest room you were staying in.
By the time you got out, your heard Joris shout that he was leaving while you put on some comfy clothes for the evening in. When you went to the balcony so your towels could air dry for a bit, you sat in the padded chair, looking out to the sunset.
He would come, you thought. It wasn't particularly a manifestation or a "throw it at the universe" kind of thing, but rather something to reassure yourself. You were worthy of the standards you set for yourself and there was someone out there for you, and he would come.
"Hey", Charles stepped into the balcony, coming to sit in the chair next to yours, "a cent for your thoughts?", he smiled softly, the warm yellow and orange light hitting his eyes in a glowy hue.
"Do you believe that the right person for you is out there?", you shot softly.
"I know she is", Charles gulped, "Oh, confident!", you giggled softly, "but it's nice, better than being sulky like me".
"I'm not sure how much better it is. I know she is out there, but it's a little more complicated than just going up to her and tell her that", he played with hia thumbs.
"So you're chickening out?", you quirked your eyebrow, partly teasing him but genuinely curious about it. You didn't have enough fingers to count how many girls tried to approach you and befriend you with the only goal of getting into a friendship circle that would lead them to Charles, and he could probably chat up anyone he wanted, so it was hard for you to understand how he didn't have the love of his life with him yet.
"It's not chickening out if you think it might cause some issues with your friends, I think. I'm being prudent, that's all", Charles tried, wanting to take the opportunity to try and see where you stood. Girls were usually sharper than guys, so you said many times, maybe you'd take the hint.
"If I knew who the love of my life was, I would go to him and never look back. I know it sounds silly, but I wouldn't want to be away from him a second longer, it would be quite shitty if he was in a relationship", you mused, "but if we were really meant to be together - if it was a both ways kind of thing - he would know it, right? Goodness, sound a bit like a romantic sop, don't I?", you chuckled, "but I would fight for him, for us".
Charles felt inspired before he felt a little angry. Here you here saying you would fight until you found your person when he was right there. If it really worked as a both ways thing, you'd have to know and feel the person you kept looking for was him. He broke into a full belly laugh as he stated at you. No make-up, hair sitting in its natural wave and comfy clothes, you never looked so beautiful to him.
"Would you let me fight for us, too?", he mused quietly but loud enough for you to hear, "would you want me to do that?".
Giggling at him, you could only shake your head at his words, "I know this sound silly - Joris teases me enough about it enough", you groaned as your hands covered your face.
"I'm not joking or teasing", Charles clarified, turning to face you on the chair, "All I want is for you to look at me the way you look at them", Charles stated, "whenever you talk about your dates before you go on them, you're so hopeful that that guy will be the one, you look forward to it like it will be that time, and you never looked at me that way when I constantly make efforts to hung the stars and the moon for you and stand there hoping they get to you".
His confession took you off guard. Charles just admitted he liked you, in a way with words that was more elaborate than what any of your dates had ever told you combined.
"I thought you were being nice?! Was this some sort of plan?!", you quesioned immediately. He had been around you your whole life, you surely would've noticed it, wouldn't you?
Charles chuckled in a way you found a smidge belittling, "it wasn't a plan! Y/N, I have not been planning this or doing some strategy, it just happened out of nowhere!", Charles bit back, "like you said, the person for me is out there and she's you!".
The noise from the door pulled both of you out your discussion, your brother's singalong voice announcing he was back with the food.
Dusting your sweatpants, you stepped back inside the living room, shaking off the jitters you had as your brother scrunched up his face, "is everything okay?", he asked.
"Of course, I'm just hungry and you drove like a grandpa here", you bickered back as Charles joined you at the table, "I'll get the cutlery and plates from the kitchen", you mumbled.
The dinner was eaten quietly on your side, Charles and Joris making most of the conversation as you exchanged a few looks with the Formula One driver, your twin brother seemingly obvious as he carried on as usual, "I'm going to bed", you said after helping tidy, "are you sure? We were going to watch something on TV?", Joris asked you.
"I'm getting a headache, so I'll pass, good night boys", you gave them tight lipped smile.
In the bedroom, you changed into your pyjamas and finished your night-time routine and got under the sheets, Charles' words replaying as you looked at the ceiling.
"Y/N? Are you joining us or not? Do you have any plans?", Joris insisted, "you've been weird lately", he pointed out.
"I'll join you, yes, just need to get my hoodie and then I'll be good to go", you scrambled out as your heart beat faster inside your chest.
Joris offered to drive to Charles' apartment, getting there when Riccardo, Marta and little Chiara were alresdy inside with Charles.
"The rest of the group couldn't come, so it's just us", Riccardo said as he noticed your expression, "what a shame, more food for us!", you smirked, sitting next to Marta and playing with the little girl on her lap, "hello, my love, hello!", you cooed in the voice you only had for babies, "look at you so grown up! You get more beautiful everytime I see you", you smiled, tickling her chin softly as she giggled loudly.
"Who did the roast potatoes last time we got together?", Joris stepped back into the living room, "I did", you stated as you grabbed one of the toys on the coffee table, ready to sit down on the floor so you and Chiara could play together.
"Don't sit down!", your brother yelled, "sorry, but you can't sit down - Charles needs help with the potatoes and he doesn't know the recipe like you do", he reasoned as you got up, trying not to show how much you didn't want to be in the same room alone with Charles. Watching football while having dinner with your group of friends was one thing, spending one on one time with Charles after what he said to you the last time was another.
"Hey", you said as you stepped into the kitchen, "Joris said you needed help, what can I do?".
Charles smiled a little, maybe at the irony of your quesion, "I don't know what seasonings to use in these", he said as he showed you the vegetable with the ones he already cut up.
"Okay, do you keep the spices in the same place?", you asked as he nodded, encouraging you to use his kitchen like it was your own.
Opening the cabinets and grabbing what you needed, you started mixing the ingredients and cutting up the ones you needed to, "can you get me the olive oil, please? I can't reach it", you asked and Charles complied, "thank you".
"Is this how this is going to be? Interacting like we haven't known eachother since we were little and like I haven't poured my heart out to you?", Charles said, arms crossed as he rested against the kitchen counter.
"I wasn't counting on you saying all of that, I was so caught off guard that I haven't been able to think about anything else in my off time!", you offered, setting the knife down on the chopping board.
"It's not like people have speeches ready and give of warnings when they're about to confess their feelings for someone... I myself wasn't expecting to do it until the words came out of my mouth", Charles gestured as if he was vomiting, "what do you expect it to be like anyway? People have to warn you they have feelings for you and ask if you want to hear it?! Is that what you want?".
"I want to feel loved, appreciated and valued. I want to be with someone that reminds me that I'm beautiful, that I'm smart and I'm wonderful. I want to share my life with someone who has no trouble with me wanting to have both career goals and family goals, I want someone who supports me as much as a support him, who is willing to do silly things because I enjoy them and who loves me for me, flaws and all", you let out in one go, "That's what I want".
Charles eyebrows climbed on his forehead, "Are you insinuating I can't give you that? Is that why we haven't spoken since that evening at Joris' place?".
"I'm saying you're my brother's best friend, and no matter how much I think you can do it - because you make me feel like that just from being my friend, imagine if we were dating -, I don't want to risk whatever we have, all of us", you gestured to the living room where the rest of the group was.
"Y/N", Charles pleaded, "you don't think I've thought about that? I didn't do it on a whim like you think I did, I've been sitting on this for quite a while, actually", he clarified, "I will respect whatever you decide, okay? But can't just sit and pretend that you don't want this thing between you and me as much as I do, because we could be so good-", he was interrupted as Marta crossed the corner and stepped inside the kitchen, "Charles, can I heat Chiara's soup on the microwave?", she asked with the small tupperware on her hands.
"Sure, here", he guided her as you resumed to seasoning the potatoes, putting them on the tray and then in the oven, "the game is about to start, hurry up!", Joris yelled.
"I'll just wash this, and that too", you took the tupperware's lid as well as the utensils you needed for the dressing.
"I need to cool it down a little, maybe in a bigger bowl", Marta said as Charles helped in getting the bowl from the cupboard as you set the utensils aside to dry, "Merci, Charles, off we go then", she said as she waited for you both to leave and go to the living room so she could follow you.
"Come here, sweet cheeks", you clapped at Chiara, taking her away from your brother's arms and putting her in the highchair so she could eat comfortably, "auntie Y/N is going to give you your delicious soup, yummy yummy", you smiled.
Charles couldn't help but take in the sight, how you made Chiara feel like she was the only person in the world as you smiled and spoke to her, finding a million and one ways to get her to eat the soup in the bowl.
The food was ready by the half-time break, so you all helped with bringing the food to the table, eating it as the team you were supporting ended up winning the game.
"She's knocked out", you pointed out to Riccardo, Chiara asleep in the little makeshift cot you made on the sofa with some pillows and blankets to make sure she was warm and secure.
"We can clean up, you guys go home and take this little princess to sleep in her own bed", Charles smiled, stroking the little girl's cheek softly as he watched her peaceful expression.
"You don't mind?", Marta wondered as the three of you nodded, helping the parents gather their daughter's belongings so they could leave, hoping she wouldn't wake up and make it harder for her to fall back asleep.
"Sweet dreams, petite fleur", you cooed as Marta cuddled Chiara into her chest, squeezing her small hand softly before they walked out of the door.
"These need to go on the dishwasher", you sorted through the plates and checked if they were safe to go on the machine as your brother help you.
"We should probably get going", Joris said, not wanting to overstay your welcome, "do you need anything else, Charles? Otherwise, me and Y/N will leave you to it", he said.
"Actually, me and Charles need to talk, if that's okay", you looked at the driver, catching him by surprise before he nodded in agreement.
Joris didn't dwell too much on it like you thought he would, "so you need me to come and pick you up or...?", he trailed before Charles saved you, "don't worry, I've got her", he stated.
When Charles accompanied your twin brother to the door, he was blunt and honest, "She's my sister, but there could be worse guys than you", Joris offered as Charles narrowed his eyes, "Oh, please, do you think I'm that blind? I've seen the way you look at her and how you always go above and beyond for her - she's just being too stubborn about it to see it, too. Still, if you ever break her heart or cause her any tears of sadness and anger, you're going to wish I didn't know so much about you", he threatened, although it didn't go as planned as they both laughed, "I trust you, there wasn't anyone I would trust like this", he sighed, "you're just lucky you have brothers, otherwise I might've taken revenge on you", he nudged his shoulder.
"I bet Lorenzo would enjoy a cuddle every now and again if you'd like", Charles giggled before he showed his seriousness again, "I just want this to work out between us, I think she's my person, you know?", he mused, realising how cliché and whipped he sounded, "I'll take care of her, you don't need to worry", he assured.
Charles closed the door and walked back to the living room where you sat down on the sofa, legs covered with one of the blankets, "I- thank you for staying back", he smiled, pointing with his eyes to the spot next to you silently asking if he could sit.
You opened the blanket so he could sit next to you and you could both keep warm, "I want to apoligise for not saying anything the last time we spoke, and for how I've handled this", you began, "I'm sorry, Charles", you said earnestly.
"Apology accepted", he nodded, "and did you just stay here to apoligise?", he quesioned.
"I- I thought we could have a date, sort of anyway", you mumbled, "and I could also tell you how I feel about you since it seems I owe you that with what you've told me", you looked into his eyes, "it wasn't that you were ever off bounds or anything like that, I never cared for those supposed rules, but it never occurred to me", you blurted and Charles quirked a brow, "shoot, that's not what I meant, ugh", you grunted as he soothingly rubbed your thigh, "what I meant is I always thought you'd never look at me that way - I'm Joris' twin - so I just took all of the affection I had for you and put it in a friendship feelings and all of the things you did for me, I thought you were just being nice because you're a nice guy", you clarified.
"Does this mean you're letting me treat you like you deserve? Because I plan on making sure you feel and know you're wonderful every single day", he smiled charmingly, confident words contrasting with his shy attempt of lacing your fingers together on his lap.
"How can you be so sure we are eachother's person?", you couldn't help but mumble, even if the butterflies in your stomach were dancing like they hadn't been in a long time, "I just know, and I'll help you see it, too", he smiled, kissing your knuckles before he pulled you to his chest, finding something to watch on the TV.
You both watched reruns of one of your favourite shows, pointing out little details you loved and talking about any topic that came to mind, and once Charles' body warmth and his touches along your arm caught up to your system and lulled you to sleep, your head finding it's spot on his chest as he smiled down at you, your beauty never ceasing to amaze him as he noticed every mole, freckle and scar on your face from up close.
Even if he didn't want to move, and that it wouldn't be the first time he slept on his sofa, he reasoned that he should at least offer you his bed. Softly stroking your cheek, he coaxed you to wake up, "I'm sorry for waking you up, but we can't sleep here", he whispered, kissing the side of your head, "you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the sofa", he offered as you stretched a little bit, removing yourself from his chest.
"If you promise you won't do any funny business, we can sleep in the same bed", you yawned.
"Of course I won't, Y/N! I would never do anything you didn't want to, I-", Charles panicked, not wanting you to think he was trying to take advantage of you.
"I'm only kidding, I know you won't", you assured, arms pulling him to stand up with you as you walked to the bedroom after turning everything off, "I trust you, Charles, completely", you smiled.
To him, it meant the world.
You felt his heart race when your hand landed on his chest, "I need a t-shirt, though, this is not comfy to sleep in", you reasoned as he looked for one on his drawers, "here, you can get ready here while I get ready in the bathroom", he smiled, kissing the top of your head before he stepped inside the ensuite.
After you swapped so you could brush your teeth, you were both undoing the bed, pulling the sheets back over you and having eachother.
"I really want to kiss you right now, but I don't want to cross any boundaries", Charles admitted as your heart raced in your chest, "I'd really like that, you can kiss me if you want", you consented.
Charles leaned to rub your nose in his before kissing your lips softly, allowing you both to revel in the feelings that had been put in labelled boxes at the back of your minds.
Parting your lips to breathe, you cupped Charles' cheek, your palm tickling from his facial hair as your thumb rubbed his skin, "I think you might be right", you mumbled, licking your lips, "about what?", he mused, "about the fact that you'll help me see it too", you smiled.
The next morning, you woke up with Charles looking at you, "Good morning, Y/N", he greeted, "See? I didn't pull any funny business", he wiggled his brows chuckling.
This was a sight you could get used to.
"Good morning", you smiled, "did you sleep well?", you wondered, pulling closer to him now that you were awake.
"I did, did you?", he asked and you nodded, cuddling closer to him and basking in the feeling of just being there.
"We are going to take this as slow as you want", Charles whispered against your forehead, leaving little kisses and pecks on your skin, "but I want you to know I'm all in".
"I'm all in, too", you whispered, "I can't promise you it will be a straight line - or that I won't spiral out every now and again because hey, it's me -, but I feel really good about this, you make me feel really good", you blushed as you kissed between his eyebrows, "having said this, not all of us have the day to do some training and sim racing, and I'm one of them. I have to go home to change and then head to the clinic", you pouted slightly.
"How about I make us some breakfast first, then I'll drop you off?", he suggested, stealing a peck from your lips, "hmm, sounds good", you hummed.
"Were you expecting us to be surprised?", Marta said as she and her family arrived in Charles' yacht, the three of them seeing you and Charles kissing at the table.
Throwing your head back in laughter as Charles walked up to help them inside, you shielded your eyes from the sun with your hand, "at least pretend you are", you joked.
"Oh my Goodness, I never thought you two would become a thing? Does this mean we can finally stop hearing your disgraced love life stories and Charles' complaints about who you went on a date with?", Riccardo belted out, catching the attention from a couple on the yacht next to the one you were sitting on.
"To be fair, that's how I noticed it", Marta began, "Charles didn't complain anymore about how he was alone and that the universe wasn't working on his favour", she smirked, greeting you two.
"We have been keeping it down low just to see how things would go", you blushed at getting caught and steering the conversation elsewhere once Chiara babbled at you, "Oh, baby girl, hello!", you cooed, pulling her into your arms.
"Soon enough you can get one of those, I bet your kid would be very very cute", Riccardo nudged Charles' shoulder, loving that the group now could have a few teasing moments and themes at your expense, all in good fun.
"What a warm welcome!", you heard your brother yell, a fake angry and ironic tone noticeable in his voice, "First, no one is here to greet me with a glass of something to drink or even a helping hand to step in", Joris clarified, "then I'm presented with a conversation about my sister's and my best friends sex life, which I don't want to know about by the way!!", he said as he came up to you, kissing the side of your head, "I'm happy she's happy, and that you're all happy together, but no talking about that, please!".
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pretzel-box · 25 days
Might I humbly request more streamer au Sebastian?? I don't have a specific prompt so honestly do whatever you'd like!
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Tags: Doubt, Comedy, Teasing, Slightly Fluff, Streamer AU
Words: 1,6k
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You glanced at the message on your screen, your eyes narrowing in playful suspicion.
Even though it was just a jumble of words on the flat screen, you could almost hear the amusement behind the way Solace wrote your username. It was a name that carried a bit of a past, a digital footprint that had followed you through your early streaming days. Your father had given you the nickname "Jellybeanie" when you were young, and it stuck, especially during your awkward teenage years when you thought beanies were the pinnacle of cool fashion. There was a bit of irony there, considering the sheer volume of cringe it represented. You had done everything to erase that phase from existence, deleting your weird selfies, throwing the beanies out and pretending you’re too cool for silly headwear—except for the username. Somehow, it had become part of your identity, both endearing and a little bit embarrassing.
"Don't judge it, Shoelaced_Seb42," you shot back with a grin, your fingers flying over the keyboard as the heat of the moment pulled you in. You could only imagine what kind of story was behind his own name. Maybe it was a wordplay with “shoelace” and “Solace,” but “Seb42”? That was anyone’s guess. There had to be a story there, too—everyone had one.
His reply came almost instantly. “Careful, doll. I don't want to reveal my edgelord side in front of a cute bean like you.”
You felt a flutter in your chest, something warm and annoyingly familiar. Damn him for knowing exactly how to get under your skin—and damn you for liking
While you had no problem flirting with Solace during your nightly gaming streams, your real-life roommate was a different story entirely. It was a cruel twist of fate, really. Your fans always talked about how well you and Solace—a famous streamer with a massive following—got along. They called you "the perfect duo," and more than a few shipped you two. They didn't know the irony of the situation. Because in reality, when you weren't "Jellybeanie_", there was no Pressured_Solace, just Sebastian.
The Sebastian who would leave his empty coffee mugs all over the apartment. The Sebastian who would blast his music at ungodly hours, regardless of how many times you'd told him you needed quiet for your recordings. The Sebastian who seemed to have made it his life mission to be the most insufferable person you'd ever met.
You had moved into this apartment months ago, both of you, lured by the promise of a prime location and cheap rent—only to discover that you couldn't go five minutes without bickering over something mundane. The Wi-Fi. The thermostat. The last of the milk.
"Seriously, Sebastian," you muttered under your breath the next morning after your midnight chat with Solace, staring at the empty carton of milk your roommate left in the fridge. "Is it too much to ask for you to throw this out? Or better yet, buy more?"
Sebastian sauntered into the kitchen, tousled black hair sticking up at odd angles, a lazy grin on his face. "Morning to you too, sunshine," he said, ignoring your frustration completely. He tossed his phone onto the counter and grabbed a can of energy drink from the pantry. "Did you see my note?"
You rolled your eyes, exasperated. "Yeah, I saw it. It was crumpled up in the trash. Nice touch."
He just smirked, leaning back against the counter as he cracked open the can. "You know, I think you secretly love our little banter," he said, taking a sip and watching you with those infuriatingly bright eyes of his. He was definitely teasing you, his tone wasn't like Solace his…Sebastian was the ungodly opposite, annoying, mean and insufferable.
"Love is a strong word," you shot back, fighting the urge to hit him with the empty milk box. He had this way of getting under your skin, making you react, and he seemed to take endless delight in it.
When night fell and the cameras turned on, it was a different story. As Jelly you felt like you were seeing a different side of life by spending time with Solace. The witty banter, the playful teasing over the text messages—it felt real. More real than the stupid arguments with your roommate over dish duty or who got to use the bathroom first in the mornings.
You’d been doing collaborative streams with Solace for months now. What had started as a random pairing in a popular online game had quickly turned into a regular thing, and your viewers loved it. There was a chemistry there—an undeniable spark that had even you questioning what was real and what was just for show.
And the more you streamed together, the more you found yourself looking forward to those late-night gaming sessions. The way he made you laugh, the way he’d check in to make sure you were okay if things got too intense in-game. There was a kindness to him—a depth that you didn’t see in the Sebastian you shared your living space with.
“So, Jelly,” his voice crackled through your headset, bringing you back to the game at hand. “What’s the plan? You gonna carry us to victory, or should I start writing my will now?”
You chuckled, glancing at the chat as messages flew by. Your viewers were eating this up. “I don’t know, Solace,” you replied, your tone playful. “Maybe I’ll let you die first and then come in for the save. Would make for great content.”
He laughed, a sound that sent a small thrill through you. “Always thinking about the content. That’s why you’re the best.”
You felt your cheeks warm at the compliment, a smile tugging at your lips. Damn him. Why did he have to be so... nice? And why did you have to like it so much?
It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time your stream ended. You stretched, feeling the fatigue settle into your bones. As you stepped out of your room, you were startled to find Sebastian in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge.
He looked up as you entered, a frown on his face. “Late night?” he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You rolled your eyes, too tired to muster up a proper retort. “Like you’re one to talk,” you muttered, grabbing a water bottle from the counter.
For a moment, there was an awkward silence, the kind that seemed to fill every corner of the small apartment. Then, out of nowhere, he asked, “Do you ever… wonder what your online friends are like in real life?”
You blinked, caught off guard by the sudden change in tone. “What do you mean?”
He shrugged, looking uncharacteristically thoughtful. “I mean, it’s easy to get along with someone when you’re just a username and a voice on a screen. But in real life… things are different.”
You studied him for a moment, unsure of where this was coming from. “Yeah,” you said slowly. “I guess you’re right. People can be… different.”
He nodded, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before he turned back to the fridge. “Anyway, good night,” he said over his shoulder as he grabbed a snack and headed back to his room.
“Good night,” you replied, watching him go. You couldn’t help but wonder about the sudden shift in his demeanor. The whole conversation was just a giant question mark and you didn't understand where the sudden question came from.
A week passed, and you couldn't stop thinking about that night in the kitchen. Your streams with Solace were becoming more frequent, and with every passing game, you felt that connection deepening. It was confusing. Especially after Sebastian's words from last week, you actually don't know much about Solace. What he looks like, what his job is, if he has a partner…God he could be a 65 year old man named Josh that drives a truck and eats Hamburgers every day for lunch. He could be anyone.
And then, one fateful night, everything changed.
You were streaming a new co-op game with Solace when a message popped up in the chat from a mutual fan. “Wouldn’t it be crazy if Jelly and Seb were roommates IRL?”
You laughed it off, typing a quick response. “Yeah, imagine that chaos!”
Seb responded with a chuckle, “We’d probably drive each other insane.”
But the thought lingered. Your eyes drifted over to his username again—Pressured_Solace. You hated the feeling of having a crush on someone who was out of reach, someone who had not a face and not a real name. And it crushed you not to know if you would ever know more about him. Wondering if all the flirting and the jokes were just a facade for the streams or if he actually tries to get close to you.
Your sudden silence must have been noticeable because Solace his voice came through your headset, concerned. “Jelly? You okay?”
You swallowed hard, trying to compose yourself. “Yeah, I… I just thought of something.”
“Like what?” he asked, sounding genuinely curious.
“Nothing,” you replied quickly, too quickly. “Just… something funny. I'll tell you later.”
But as you ended the stream, you knew there was no way you were going to let this go. Not without finding out the truth behind Solace.
The stream ended, the microphone turned off and you leaned back into your chair, fumbling with the cables of your headphones.
“Solace?” Your fingers moved on the glowing keyboard, texting him on discord. The most healthy thing was confrontation instead of confusion and you collected your courage to ask him for a picture.
“What's up, Jellybeanie!~”
“Can I get a picture?” It didn't take long till he replied with a spoiler-covered picture, adding a secretive emoji that holds a finger in front of their mouth. Your heart skips a beat, anxiety and excitement rushing through your mind and you click on the image with shaky hands.
It was a fish. He trolled you.
He send another picture.
And in a single moment, it hit you hard.
And you screamed.
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natti-ice · 7 months
The Truth Will Set You Free- Tom Riddle.
Pairing: Tom riddle x fem!reader
Summary: a mysterious letter reveals Tom’s biggest secret.
Warnings: angst, written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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"YOU'RE MARRIED?!?" She yelled at him, watching the color drain from his face gave her the answer. Tom closed the book he had been reading peacefully as he lounged in a plush chair in his dorm room.
"What are you talking about, dear?" He swallowed, he saw Y/N holding a piece of paper in her hand, confusion and anger in her facial expressions. He had no idea how this could have got to her, barely anyone knew about this.
"I received this letter this morning" she started, showing him the paper she had been clutching onto for the past twenty minutes. "I don't know if this is some sick joke or if you've been lying to me this whole time. Tom, is it true?" She didn't know what to think, when she got the letter she thought it was someone trying to play with her. But as the letter went on it seemed too real
"Tom and I were wed the summer before his sixth year. Once he graduates we shall start a family together, I believe you deserve to know since there are talks of your attachment to him. Just know, this is how it has to be, he cannot be yours."
Reading this brought a sharp pain in her chest, she thought she knew the man she loved. She knew he had his secrets, but she wouldn't think he would withhold this from her. Her emotions were all jumbled into one, she didn't know what to feel.
"It's true," he said in a hushed tone, his head hung low like a dog being scolded. "You weren't supposed to find out this way"
"Like this? Or was I not supposed to find out at all?" Okay, it seems her anger has gotten the better of her
"Please let me explain, Y/N" Tom begged. His usual stoic demeanor had completely vanished, he had never let his emotions show this way, it made him feel weak.
"I don't know if I want to hear it, Tom. How could you do this to me?"
"I didn't do it to hurt you" he raised his voice as he became angry at himself "I figured if you knew, you would want nothing to do with me" he admitted
"You're probably right about that" she said sarcastically
"Y/N, please don't joke about this" he warned "if you'd let me, I'll explain to you everything that happened. Only the truth" his eyes met hers he could see the pain in them, that shattered his heart. When he met Y/N he knew he had found the only person in the world he could truly care for. She broke down every wall he tried to put up with ease, there was no way he could let her get away.
"Fine, go ahead" she whispered as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat
He sighed, calming his brain before proceeding to tell her about something that has eaten at him every day for the past two years. "At the end of my fifth year, my mother put me into an arranged marriage. I fought and fought to get out of it, but no matter what I said I couldn't get out. She paired me with some pure-blooded floozy who couldn't last a day without her father's money, the day of the ceremony was the worst day of my life. My mother expects me to have children with that girl and I honestly couldn't care less about that stupid girl." Talking about her put a bad taste in his mouth, he hated her with every ounce of his being.
"I just don't get why you didn't tell me" Y/N said during Tom's pause
"I didn't tell you because it's a part of me that I hate. Having my name attached to someone who I will never love, isn't something I'm proud of. When I met you, it was like that terrible situation was in the past and you were my future. For years I have been trying to find a way out of this marriage. I plan to divorce her as soon as I'm done with school." He felt slight relief as he finally got this off his chest, it always weighed heavy on him.
Y/N stood a foot away from Tom, as he explained his story her heart broke more, she had never seen Tom in such pain before, and it definitely wasn't a good feeling to watch. "What about your mother?" She asked
"I don't care about that woman! She hasn't a motherly bone in her body, once I'm done with school I'll never see her again" His hatred for his mother ran deep, Y/N knew he never liked his mother. She understood why, if she was her mother she'd probably feel the exact same way.
"Y/N" Tom reached for her hand, wrapping both his hands around her, bringing it up to his mouth gently kissing the back. "I am very sorry I never told you about this, I've never been good at telling the truth but that's no excuse. I promise you, you are the only person I will ever love." This is the truest thing to ever leave Tom's mouth
God, he's so beautiful she thought, searching for any trace he was lying to her. Sometimes she felt foolish thinking about how much she loved him, his hold on her was so strong. But she wouldn't change a thing.
"I'm so conflicted right now" she admitted, "but I believe you, you swear you want nothing to do with her?"
"Cross my heart, I would never dream of being with her" he brought his hand up to Y/N's cheek, slowly stroking it with his thumb. "You are the only person I want to marry" he whispered
"Good, because I don't think I'd like a life without you" she slightly grinned
"What if, when we're done at this tragic place, you and I run off together? We won't have to worry about anyone else, it'll just be us living our life together" Tom suggested
"That sounds like a very thought out plan, dear" she smirked "perhaps I might take you up on that offer" she leaned in, slightly pecking his lips
"You really have to get those papers signed, Tom. I am no one's mistress" she half-joked but he knew she was serious.
"Anything for you my dear"
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
Tw: episodes and stuff, uh thinking simeone is coming to get you or something
Teen reader that has episodes and they think that someone is coming to get them and they only way you can calm them down is like holding them?? Just comfort basically with Ben, Liu, and jeff, bc yes
Btw love your writing😊😊
Summary: Being comforted by creeps during an episode by having them hold you
Genre: Fluff, minor angst
Warnings: Mentions of episodes/general unhappy emotions
Credits: Ben, Liu, Jeff- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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You had plans to play video games together that day since Ben was off work
And after video games, you were gonna read comics
Ben had went up to the library for a little bit to get said comics, and came back 30 minutes later
You had said you'd be in his room by then, but you weren't
He wasn't too concerned though, maybe you were just a little late
So he sets the books down on the floor next to his bed and heads over to your room
It is completely empty, and it looks like you had been trying to move somewhere fast by how disheveled the room was
He opens the door a little wider to step into the room, hoping to look for you when he hears a sharp gasp come from the bathroom
He raises a brow and steps over to the door, knocking and waiting for a response
When he doesn't get one he begins to get a little concerned "Y/n, are you ok in there?"
He then hears what sounds like a gun cocking, so he phases through the door without warning
When he does, he is immediately shot at by you, but of course the bullets go right through him
After maybe 3 shots, you drop the gun and begin to sob uncontrollably
You are curled up in your bathtub, knees to your chest and shaking violently
Ben comes to sit in the bath with you, hesitating before beginning to rub your back
"Woah, what's going on? What was the gun in here for?"
You try to speak but it all comes out jumbled and fast "Iwasscaredsomeonewasgonnagetmesoihidinthebathtubandgottheguntobesafe" You take a long breath "It was so scary!!"
Ben did not understand a word of what you had said, but he's not gonna make you repeat it because of how stressed you are
So he instead straightens out his legs and makes his form more physical and solid, so he can drag you up into his lap and cradle you
"Hey, let's calm down ok? Whatever happened, I'm here now, so you don't have to be scared. I promise" He says as he begins to wipe tears from your face
You already begin to calm down, your breathing slowing and the tears almost stopping entirely
A few minutes pass before he speaks again "See? You're alright. Barely even crying now" he says with a smile
"Come on, let's go play video games now. That always helps me feel less scared."
Homicidal Liu
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Liu, being a caretaker is almost always swarmed by kids
He tries his best to keep up with everyone, making sure they're taken care of and happy, but sometimes it's hard to get to everyone
It was mid-afternoon at this point, and he had thought that maybe he had some time to himself when he realized that he hadn't checked in on you today
Logically he knows that you are old enough to take care of yourself, but he still likes to check in and make sure you're ok
So he gets up and heads to your room, but when he arrives you aren't there
He thinks that maybe you had gotten out of bed to get food or something until he hears a shifting noise from the closet
With a piqued interest, he heads over and opens one of the doors cautiously
It takes him a moment to realize that you are on the floor, curled up in a ball with your head under your hands, and violently shaking
He frowns and crouches down, lowering his voice so he doesn't startle you "What are you doing in here? Are you ok?"
You shake your head but don't say anything, you can't
As a caretaker, he is told any necessary medical information about the children so he can do his job better
So he is aware that you can have episodes sometimes and how he can help
So seeing that you are currently in one, he begins to take off his cardigan, setting it to the side and pulling you into his lap
Once you are settled, he spreads his cardigan over you making sure you are all covered
He begins to stroke your hair and shush you, telling you that you are safe and that no one is coming for you
Once you are calm enough to communicate, he asks if you'd like any water, and if you'd like to stay with him for the rest of the day
The choice is yours as to what you do, and he will respect your decision either way
Jeff The Killer
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Jeff is a very naturally protective person, so he told you early on that if you ever felt like you were in danger that you needed to come find and tell him about it
He doesn't care what he's doing, you are always the most important thing
So when you feel the anxiety creeping in, you immediately head to his room to tell him about it
He is asleep, and is a very hard sleeper at that, but you know he'll be upset if you don't at least try to wake him up and tell him
So you crawl over to the side of the bed he's on and shake him a little
After a few moments of shaking him, he begins to wake up, squinting and sleepily asking what you want
You explain that you think you're about to have an episode, and he sighs loudly
He doesn't like being woke up, but he also really cares about you
So he sits up, rubs his face and beckons you into his arms
You silently crawl onto him, and once you are comfy he lays back down
"You know there's no body comin' to get ya" he mutters into your head
"I know, but my brain doesn't" you whisper
"Well just know that I'm scarier than anybody that could want to take you. Even if there was someone coming for you, I promise they'd never even get the chance to finish getting the idea through their head before I take care of 'em." He says
He then covers your eyes with his hands "Now go to sleep, nerd. I'm tired"
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peacheeeliz · 1 month
005. wooyoung's emojis (1.5k wc)
blue = twitch chat
red = among us chat
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milfhos: thought you weren't going to play this game again 😒😒
"Haha, so did I," You sigh. You were currently talking to chat, waiting for everyone to join the lobby. "But Yeonjun thought it would help Yunho and I 'work it out.' Yeah, okay."
Back when Among Us was really popular, the four of you played only that and nothing else. Always hopping into lobbies with each other and fellow streamers, screaming at each other during meetings, or simply doing tasks and remaining unbothered. You guys were the big Among Us streamers of Korea, all until it lost its popularity. After that, you all went into your own different directions and haven't touched the game since.
heartzfrombora: wait but i like how the war is going
"Right!" You exclaim, letting out a laugh. "He just doesn't see this stuff the way I do," you exaggerate, placing your hand on your chest with a sly smile.
strwchaos: I'm loving the yucloudz interactions tho idc if you guys 'hate' each other
Your eyebrows scrunch together at that last comment. "You know I still don't understand this whole yucloudz thing. But, I guess I've never understood ship names," you shrug it off. "But! I can get behind one ship name: Twocloudy."
strwchaos: some people just really like the interactions between you two and created a shorter name that's easier to say lol
strwchoas: i do think some weirdos are actually shipping you two tho... so be careful
milfhos: wtf is twocloudy
"Me and Giselle, obviously," you say, but your chat is just more confused. "Cloudie and Aeri. Aeri. Air-y. Get it?" You laugh, but now your chat is just disappointed. "What? I think it's great, you guys don't know what you're talking about."
faepurity: i'm telling giselle you said those corny ass joke
gigigibaby: i love you but no..
strwchaos: i'm leaving
You laugh again, eyeing the game's lobby to see if anyone else has joined. It looked like everyone else had joined, so you turned deafen off to hear the chaotic jumble of everyone talking over each other.
"Why are we playing this again?" Taehyun groans. "I thought the Among Us life was behind us."
"I thought so too, but I also thought it'd be a nice way to bring us all together again," Yeonjun responds, his eyes busy setting up the settings of the game.
"Was the empires server not enough for you?" Ningning asks next. "God, I don't remember anything about this game. I'm going to die first."
"Yeah, well two specific neighbors don't know how to behave," Yeonjun continues. "Well, one neighbor. The other is just innocently naive."
"Hey," Yuyu pouts. "You were my teacher, man. You should've taught me how to not shoot people with a bow."
You laugh, actually agreeing with Yuyu for once. "He's got a point, Junnie."
"Oh, you shut it," he responds, rolling his eyes. "Okay, I was just thinking we play for a couple of hours? Does that sound good for everyone?"
"Seems excessive, but sure," Giselle answers, sighing. "I better get imposter first, I want to kill Y/N for her stupid Twocloudy name."
"They already told you?" You exclaim, laughing.
faepurity: I TOLD YOU I WOULD
Before you could say anything else in the lobby, the game starts, and everyone turns deafen back on. You wait nervously for your role to be revealed, letting out a breath of relief when you get the Crewmate role.
You run around in your little bean body, simply doing tasks and ignoring everyone else. You stick by Winter and Beomgyu for a while and do a few tasks together, so you know they're clear. Lights are sabotaged and you try your best to stay together, until Hyuka's body is found.
"Okay, motherfuckers, who killed my child?" Yeonjun's voice is serious, despite the fact his 'child' was only killed in a game. "I walked into electrical to fix lights, and the report button popped up instantly."
"You didn't look to see who else could've been there?" Soobin questions, eyebrows furrowed. "The killer could've been in there, man."
"Well, for one, the lights were out," Yeonjun states, finding Soobin's accusations suspicious. "And two, lights were sabotaged. Someone could've walked in there at any minute and found me with a body, doing nothing but wiggling if I didn't report this body."
"Well, Beomgyu, Winter and I have been together this whole time, so we're good," you say, glad to be cleared.
"Yuyu and I were together for a hot minute there," Sungchan explains. "Buuut, I did lose him in electrical just before lights were sabotaged..."
"Wait, what, no," Yuyu exclaims, flustered by the implied accusation. "I split off from you before going into electrical, and I stayed behind to watch cams."
"I did see that the cams were on before lights went off," Taehyun adds. "But that could've been anyone."
"No, it was Yuyu," Giselle states, sticking up for her cams buddy. "We were in there together for a bit until lights were called."
"We don't have a lot of information, so let's just skip," Soobin says, voting instantly.
"Remember, guys, there's still two killers out there," Yeonjun says, voting as well. "So be careful."
Everyone votes and the meeting has passed.
"Who the fuck voted for me?" Yuyu exclaims.
"I've got my eye on you, man," Taehyun whispers, before everyone deafens and gets back to the game.
You stick with Beomgyu and Winter again, continuing tasks, hoping to get a task win. It takes a while for another meeting to be called, and when it does, three more people are dead: Giselle, Ningning, and Taehyun.
"Oh my God, guys," Yuyu starts, almost out of breath. "It's Sungchan, I swear to God, it's him. I watched him kill Taehyun right in front of my eyes."
As Yuyu rants, Sungchan just stays silent before he votes. A famous Sungchan tactic to leave the decision-making to everyone else.
"Look, he's not even saying anything," Yuyu continues. "It's him, guys, I swear to you."
Yeonjun is next to silently vote, but he doesn't stay silent for long. "Yeah, I totally watched Sungchan do medbay earlier, sooo. And we've been together this whole round."
"I was also in there when Sungchan did medbay, so, bye-bye Yuyu," Giselle says sweetly, quick to vote out her old cams buddy.
"You do not have to tell me twice to vote out Yuyu," you laugh, voting instantly.
Within seconds, everyone has voted, and Yuyu's little bean body floats out across the screen and into space. The next round starts, with only one imposter left.
"I'd like to see the last imposter get the rest of us all on their own," you tell chat, letting yourself finally stray away from Winter and Beomgyu. You had to at least give the imposter a chance; plus, you were bored now that all your tasks were done.
milfhos: i can't even tell who it is man
strwchaos: are you kidding it's so soobin
faepurity: idk it could be giselle and she sold out yuyu to make herself look innocent
You're too busy walking laps around the map to pay attention to chat, running into your friends every now and then. You find Beomgyu and Winter again at some point, dancing together under the cameras as Yeonjun watches from security.
You eventually break off from them again, heading back to the cafeteria to see if any bodies were hiding in the top half. But, of course, trying to be a good crewmate would just bring you bad luck as Soobin finds you up there and is quick to kill you.
You stare at your screen with a shocked expression despite already having your suspicions towards him. You accept your fate, flying around as a ghost to keep an eye on your friends until the chat beeps in the corner.
yuyuhoes: at least i didn't kill you :)
cloudiey/n: 凸( ` ロ ´ )凸
mysticaeri: omg that's so cute
yuyuhoes: i can't take you seriously with that emoji omg
cloudiey/n: i can't use wooyoung's emojis leave me alone
yuyuhoes: wtf is wooyoungs emojis
cloudiey/n: i've said too much
As you close the chat, your body is reported and another meeting starts. It seems Sungchan was killed sometime after you were, as his name pops up with yours.
"I found her up in cafeteria," Yeonjun says, not having much information about this find.
"It must've been there for awhile because we haven't seen her since we danced on cams," Beomgyu shares, voting as soon as possible.
Winter joins him silently, letting out a quiet giggle as she does. Yeonjun follows suit, voting quietly as well. This leaves Soobin confused.
"You guys are so creepy, I hope you know that," he lets out a sigh, almost accepting fate. "Can you at least explain?"
"Well, Beomgyu, Y/N and I were together almost the whole round, so we're all clear," Winter starts. "And Yeonjun cleared Sungchan against Yuyu earlier, sooo."
"Ah, fuck it, fine," Soobin says, voting. "Not like I can plead my case now."
The other three laugh as Soobin's body flies off into space, ending the game as a Crewmate Win.
"Okay, that was actually fun," you let out with a light laugh. "I don't mind playing for a couple of hours now."
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synopsis ⤏ you're trying to peacefully build your starter house on the empires server when your neighbor so rudely (accidentally) kills you, starting the biggest war on the server just one day in.
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
[You held the knife right to Ramos' throat, ignoring Mirabelles panicked yelling. Mind craft?!? MIND CRAFT?!? WHY WAS THAT HERE!!!]
"I-I didn't!! I didn't do anything please!! P-please!!" [He looked between you, the knife, and Mirabelle.] "I-I came here with Mira to warn you, r-right??"
[You grin evily. Leaning closer to Ramos' face, the rain running down your cloak not helping your image.] "Oh you did~ Didn't you? And how do I know you didn't get Mirabelles mind as well~?"
"Loop!!" [Mirabelle yells.]
"I-I didn't do anything!! I p-promise I-I, I-"
"Oh you didn't do you? Oh, and I'm sure it WASN'T you who started meddling in everyones minds in Jouvente!!"
"I-I, I--"
"LOOP!!!" [Oh that was, a tone you had NEVER heard from the Housemaiden. You turn to look at her, she looked furious. You faulter.] "Let Ramos go!!"
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[. . . . . You back away from Ramos. They stumble back.]
"Now say sorry."
"But Mira-"
"I said say sorry."
[You shudder, stars. You had never seen her like this. You look at Ramos, they're terrified. You sigh, and force the words.] ". . . I'm sorry Ramos."
"I-it'sfine. . ." [They mumble out, getting to their feet.] "I. . . S-sorry."
"Do not apologise, Ramos. Loop, look at me,."
[You look over to your Housemaiden. With a hand on her hip, she gently bonks you on the head.]
"No mind craft, see? I'm fine." [She says with a huff.] "Now can we please be productive?"
"Right. Sorry, Mirabelle." [You say, looking away. Stars. . .] "So, what happened."
[Mirabelle looked to Ramos, they took a breath before explaining.] "Alright, w-well, I got back from my jog, went inside, saw Isa in the common area, gave him a hug and felt a tingle- No no no let me finish!! I'm fine I promise!!"
"You better be." [You mumble, stepping back again.]
"O-okay, okay so, it was mind craft being spread from Isa to me, but, well, y'know, I can do some of that too! And I remember that mind craft needs some time to latch on? If that makes sense?"
"Go on. . .?" [You say, impatiently. Mirabelle gives you a look.]
"R-right. Well, I uh. . . I ran outside, found Mira practicing with her sword, and uh, a-asked her to hit me over the head."
"It was funny! Sorry~"
[Ramos rubbed their shoulder.] "I-It's alright Mira, uh, s-so, well that kinda jumbled my head enough so I could use my own mind craft to dispell the one effecting me. Then, well, me and Mira went to grab you."
[You tap your foot. Great. Just, great.] "Why does this have to happen again."
"A-at least, we got to you first! Right?" [Mira says, trying to stay cheery.] "Now as long as you're safe we can figure this out!"
"Right you are~ Mirabelle~" [You say, like nothing ever happened.] "And Ramos, I am sorry. Thank you for getting me."
"O-oh! Uh. . . Thanks." [They say, looking away.]
"Now, shall we see how Isabeau's doing?"
"Right away, Loop?" [Mira asks, concerned.]
"I want to see what's up in person. I promise, I wont let him touch me."
"If you're sure. . ."
[You weren't sure. But you had to see. The three of you walked back to the inn. Ha, don't let him touch you? What a reversal! To think he always thought you didn't want to be touched, yet, it's true now!! Ha!! Haha!!]
[Ugh. Mind craft. Why was it here again? Alright, if it WASN'T Ramos who caused it? You knew it could be spread by touch, so who would have had physical contact with Isabeau. Any of your party, realisticaly. Jan the innkeeper. . . Wait.]
[Nuuuullllll are you around at all~ My faaaavorite time looping headmate I could soooo use your help~ I KNOW you were the one in charge this morning and oh I don't remember a thing! It's quite serious you know, Mind craft~]
[. . . Stars. Stupid. Fine then be that way. You'll have to make do.]
[Coming around to the homestead, you notice that Isabeau is standing outside the front door looking down. He looked normal, if not a bit worried. You breathe in, and out.] "If I could talk to him alone? You can stay near, of course."
"I-if you're sure." [Ramos says, worried.]
"We'll jump in if there's trouble! Okay?" [Mira sounds confident.]
[You nod. And start walking to the front door. He didn't notice you untill you were a few paces away, he looked up, and smiled.] "Hey Sif!"
[You stop a few feet away.] "Hey Isa, everything alright?"
"Yeah! Well, kinda? Have you seen Ramos?" [He gets up and walks over to you.] "They were acting kinda weird earlier."
[You take a step back.] "Nope~ I wanted to talk to you about him, by the way."
"Oh? Is there something. . ." [You take another step back as he walks to you.] ". . . Uh, everything alright?"
"Not really. Could you just, stand over there?" [You say, you could hear the tension in the rain.] "Have you been feeling alright?"
"Yeah! I've been feeling great!" [He stays where he's standing.] "Though we don't wanna get a cold from the rain, right?"
[Questions, questions. . .] "I'm just worried, well, have you seen anyone else at the Inn?"
"Apart from those three this morning? Nope! There was a bonded-couple around this morning, but they left really early."
[This morning?] "Who were those three again?"
[He tilts his head.] "That traveler, remember? Silver hair? Her name was Vixul, by the way. I think she knew those two who were bickering but that's just a guess."
{That girl. Ask about that girl.}
[You twitch a little. Hello to you too, Antimatter~] "Oh? What was she like!"
"Oh she's nice! From some place far off, said I couldn't guess her country even if I tried!" [He replied with a laugh.]
{Antimatter? Really?}
[You need a nickname, Antimatter~ Hmm, couldn't guess her country?] "She didn't. . . Do anything weird, did she?"
"Weird?" [He shakes his head.] "No? Sif, are you sure you're okay?"
"Oh I'm great, Isa, don't worry about me~" [You say with a smile.]
". . ." [He looks away, clearly something on his mind.]
{. . .}
". . . What's wrong, Isa?" [You ask. Still not taking any steps forward.]
". . ." [He sighed.] ". . Do you even like me?"
"W-what ah. . What brought this on?" [You say, trying not to panic.]
"You don't, do you. . ." [He gripped his arm.] "Not, you anyways."
"W-what, what do you-"
"You never liked me did you!" [He looks, looks REALLY upset!] "I-it's been months since I said I love you a-and you keep avoiding me!!"
{It's true. Siffrin did not want to talk about their relationship. They were terrified.}
[OF WHAT!!!] "T-that, I-, I'm sorry Isa I, I just have a lot going on and-"
[He yells.] "That didn't stop Mal!"
{That's enough. He's being controlled, loop back-}
[You ignore it.] "I- What?!? What did, it. . ."
[Isabeau took a step towards you.] "The only one who's been close to me was Mal! And you all said it was scary and dangerous!! A-and I'm starting to think you were just jealous!!"
[W-what. What. Mal?? what is he talking about?!?!]
{Leave. Go away.}
[You are NOT kicking me out of front!! You take another step back.]
[Isabeau continues.] "Mal has been the ONLY one to be there for me! To really, really be there!! A-and, and I just want to know if you love me too or if it's all fake!!!"
[T-this, this isn't real. Haha. It's not. He's-]
{Effected by mind craft. Please leave now.}
[You didn't.] "I'm, Isa I'm sorry I, uh-"
[He's crying, he- his right hand is bleeding?!?] "It's fine!! Just say it!! Just say you don't love me!!"
{Go. BACK!}
[You shake, that's, that-] "I-isa, I, I-"
"It's fine!! It's fine!!! At least I know one of you has the courage to kiss me!!"
{Loop back. Loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back-}
"W-what did, did, you, a-and-"
"What does it matter!!" [He's crying harder.] "I, I- I'm--"
-Loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back loop back LOOP BACK LOOP BACK LOOP BACK!!! PLEASE!!!!!}
[You can see him choke on his words. You smell, y-you smell-] "I-I'm, sorry--"
[You smell burnt sugar.]
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
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Amelia Shepherd x ace!fem!reader Warnings: mostly fluffy but definitely some mentions/discussions of sex, ace representation wooooooo, some explicit language Word Count: 1.1k Summary: You come out as asexual on a date with Amelia, and you're worried about how she'll react. But it turns out that maybe honesty really is the best policy–for both of you.
*Reader & Asexuality. Asexuality is a spectrum! No one person's ace identity is the same as someone else's. If you're ace and don't see yourself represented in the reader's perspective here, just know that your identity is still so valid! It's just impossible to encompass the beautifully wide range of what it means to be ace in one story or one perspective.
"Oh my god," Amelia said, eyes wide. "I'm so sorry."
"No, no, no!" you reassured her, touching Amelia's arm lightly to keep her from pulling away. "I like kissing you. I like you. I think I would probably like more, but... I just– I don't know. I wanted to be up front."
Amelia looked skeptical, no longer the suave, sure woman she'd been moments before.
You tried not to sound desperate. "It doesn't have to mean no sex, I don't think. For me, it just means that I'm mostly, generally uninterested. But not necessarily? God," you cursed. "I feel like I'm fucking this up."
You looked at the ground, trying not to feel panicked. You could count on one hand the number of people you'd been really, truly attracted to in your life. Amelia was one of them. You felt Amelia's hand slip into yours and looked up, equal parts hopeful and afraid.
"I've, uh, never been with someone who's asexual," Amelia said, clearly trying to put both of you at ease.
You returned to your walk on the waterfront, dusk closing in around the two of you.
"I like you, too," Amelia continued nervously. "I mean, I really like you. But I'm very much a sexual person, and I don't want–for either of us–for this to get too far and..."
"Yeah," you replied. "Me too."
"So," Amelia said, smiling and trying to lighten the mood. "You're ace! Tell me about it!"
"Well," you started, thoughts jumbling around in your head. "I like women. Romantically anyway. Sometimes sexually, I guess? I don't really know. I've never..." You paused and blushed. "I've never actually had sex." You shook your head and let out a shaky breath. "Shit, you didn't need to know that. Sorry."
Amelia squeezed your hand. "Don't be sorry."
"Anyway," you continued, scared that if you stopped you wouldn't start again. "I masturbate sometimes so, like, I know I at least enjoy the sensation, but... real life always felt unnecessary, like it was overcomplicating things. There just aren't many people I look at and think, Yeah, I could see myself having sex with them. But I don't know for sure because I've never done it, and I don't want to lead anyone on. And I'm scared because the only other person I've felt that about, well, we were both super religious and it wasn't safe to be out so we weren't out. To anyone or even to ourselves, really. And I always let her take the lead in how far we went because I was so scared that she'd misinterpret anything I did and think I was gay. Of course, I was, but I didn't know that at the time..."
You stopped and looked out across the darkening bay. "I'm sorry," you said, rubbing your forehead. "I'm rambling now. This is probably too much. I'm a lot."
"I'm a lot, too," Amelia commented, playfully jostling your shoulder. "I'm just not as brave and up front about it as you."
You avoided eye contact, sure that if you met Amelia's eyes you'd see what you were dreading: that Amelia was no longer interested, was just a nice person, continuing the date and the conversation out of kindness.
"Hey." Amelia interrupted your thoughts, tapping your hand. "You said the only other person you've thought about sex with."
You stayed quiet.
"Does that mean you've thought about with me?"
You flushed a deep red and stared at the ground. Amelia smirked, finding your embarrassment adorable.
"Hey, there," she said, smiling, bending down in front of your bent head to meet your eyes. Amelia put her hands on either side of your head, pushing your hair behind your ears and lifting your chin.
"Hey," Amelia continued, grinning fully now. "I am one of the two people in the world that Y/N finds attractive. I mean, talk about knowing how to make a girl feel pretty."
You smiled quickly, taking Amelia's hand as you continued your walk.
"And I've thought about it, too," Amelia added. "Just so you know. A lot."
You flushed again and chanced a glance at Amelia who, if anything, seemed more excited and into you than before. You couldn't believe it.
Stopping you with a hand on your wrist, Amelia leaned down and kissed you, running her thumb back and forth along your cheek. When she pulled away, you were dumbstruck.
Amelia searched your eyes, as if she were trying to decipher a foreign language.
"Do you like that?" she asked.
You nodded a little too enthusiastically. "So much, yes."
"So I have a proposition," Amelia said, turning around and wrapping her arm through yours as you turned back.
"Okay," you prompted, savoring the feeling of Amelia so close to you.
"I say we try. I think we should try having sex. Only if you're up for it, of course. And all along the way, you can decide what you like and what you don't. And we can stop at any time. I promise I won't be upset. That way we'll know."
You stumbled through your words. "I'm not... experienced, so–"
Amelia turned to you and raised her eyebrows. "Y/N. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I know what I'm doing. And if you don't enjoy yourself, you can be sure that you would not enjoy having sex with anyone. Because I'm really good."
You ran a hand through your hair, your face reddening, and a smile creeping across your face.
"I'm kind of excited actually."
Amelia jumped and shrieked. "I know, right!? I've never been someone's first! God, I can't wait to blow your fucking mind!" She pulled herself back down to earth and cleared her throat. "Unless you don't want to or you don't like it, which is totally fine. But I really hope you do because you are so hot." She said this last part more to herself than to you.
You smiled at Amelia's happy little dance. You were really, truly excited. Nervous, too. But excited. Riding high on the moment, you put one hand on the side of Amelia's face and wrapped the other arm around the small of her back.
And you kissed her. You kissed her. Your stomach did somersaults as you felt Amelia's hands on your waist, felt Amelia's mouth deepening the kiss. You kept going, surprised at how good Amelia's tongue felt in your mouth, how good it felt to hold the back of her head in your hands.
There was no one around in the dim early night, just you and the wind and the water. Amelia pressed her body into yours, and you could feel the buckle of Amelia's belt pressing into you. Your body took you off guard as you whined into Amelia's mouth, a noise that had never come out of you before. Amelia pulled away, running a hand over her lips and looking smug.
"You like that?" Amelia asked, already knowing the answer. You nodded, panting like a dog. You had never felt like this before. Almost hungry. It scared you a little.
"You want more?"
You surprised yourself by nodding even more vigorously.
"Yeah," you said, breathlessly. "I think I do."
Amelia grinned and bit her lip, taking your hand and leading you away.
"Where are you taking me?" you laughed, face flushed, electricity running between Amelia's hand and yours.
"Bed," Amelia replied, nearly dragging you as she sped to the car.
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judasbreed · 2 months
sorry for sending a double ask :( i had more ideas for my franco x reader - reagent reader has an odd infatuation with Franco, but they’re not sure why, it’s an itch in the back of their brain and they swear they recognize him from somewhere, maybe reagent reader is from NY too? Easterman always tells us to “forgot any familiar faces” that we see in the sleep room, saying that “they’re a new person now.” I think this has been engraved into our reagent and now our reagent has a blurred line between familiar faces and new faces- hence why they linger around Franco so much because they’re torn between what they’re being conditioned to forget, and their very real memories.
this is so neat! thank you for requesting :D! i deleted your first ask on accident, so if this isnt quite what you wanted please let me know!
Franco Barbi with an Infatuated Reader
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Ever since your first trial together, you hadn't been the same. He had pulled you in like a moth to the flame, and dug his way in to your head, Planting a question which echoed in your brain like a mantra. "Where have I seen him before?"
"Him" referring to the newest prime asset, Franco Barbi. Not any less deranged than the other prime assets- but there was something different about him. Perhaps this was a side effect of the treatment, or something Murkhoff had planted in you when you first arrived, but it had been haunting you for weeks. You had met him before... you could swear it. By design, therapy had left your memories a jumbled mess. Any remnants of your past came to you in short spurts, and you weren't even sure those where real, but Franco... he was so vivid. Something so simple quickly became an obsession for you, and Franco took notice. You where following him around like a dog- weren't you supposed to be running from him? He didn't get it. At first, Franco assumed you had it out for him. He thought you where destroying his product for fun. You'd volunteered for his trials so often, he thought you where just making fun of him. He'd notice how you liked to stare at him, and it'd drive him mad. "The fuck are you lookin' at with that smart fuckin' mug! Do you think you're better than me?" he'd cry, making quick work of you with his lupara. However, Franco wasn't too dumb. Eventually he'd become suspicious. You didn't even try to complete the trial anymore, you just followed him around. To him, this could only mean one thing- You had the hots for him. He wasn't shocked, but it only made him want to toy with you more. He was convinced that you where totally obsessed with him (which wasn't too far from the truth). You'd give anything just to talk with the guy, Surely he'd have the answer for you, but that task was about as difficult as it sounds. Any attempt to question him was met with anger, filth, or the barrel of his lupara. He wasn't taking you seriously. The most you'd gotten out of him was info about his father, but that was only when he was trying to intimidate you. Your obsession would prove to be your demise. Your grades in trials suffered, and the doctors where growing more concerned of your progress, but you didn't really care. Nothing was more important to you than figuring out that whiny manchild. Where have you seen him before?
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yawneneteyam · 2 years
gorgeous (8) — so furious.
— GORGEOUS, an avatar smau ( by yawneneteyam ) masterlist
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— gorgeous, so furious !
neteyam felt relieved as soon as he saw y/n. she seemed happier, less up-tight than she was the last time he saw her. he decided to ignore what kiri and lo'ak had been saying about her making him jealous, chalked it up to her having a bad day.
y/n sat closer to neteyam than she usually would, their chairs almost touching as they finished their assignment together.
"are you gonna miss me when we don't have to work together anymore?" neteyam asked her with a smirk on his lips.
"you wish," y/n scoffed.
"I'd like to think you'll miss me," he smiled, "I'll miss you,"
y/n had to stop herself from swooning then are there. there was something endearing about neteyam not knowing the effect he had on y/n. she thought it made him that much more attractive.
they sat together for way longer than they needed to. neither of them wanted to leave, creating excuses to stay with each other for longer. neteyam began to notice small things about y/n the more he saw her. the way she had a laugh when she was comfortable, one for when she wasn't. he felt almost honoured that she felt comfortable around him.
"oh shit," neteyam picked up his phone, a photo of his younger sister lit up his screen. "tuk is calling, do you mind?"
"answer the phone stupid," she laughed.
neteyam chuckled before answering the phone. y/n could hear tuk's voice through the phone.
"teyam!" she exclaimed.
"hey tuk, what's up?" he smiled as he spoke.
"will you be home tonight? I want to get ice cream with you"
"yes, I'll be home- not sure when, but we can get ice cream" he nodded. y/n's face lit up watching neteyam talk to his littlest sister. she knew he was a good brother, but he was so sweet with her. "I have a question for you,"
"what are you doing on your phone at school when you're supposed to be grounded?" he smirked, putting his head down.
neteyam was met with silence and three quick beeps on the other line. tuk had hung up on him. he and y/n burst out in laughter. they weren't spared from dirty looks across the library.
"she is actually such a troublemaker," he shook his head.
"she sounds so cute," y/n chuckled.
"yeah, but she knows it!" he exclaimed, still whispering, "it's not a good combination"
"I can imagine,"
they forgot their work for a little while, talked about their families. y/n could tell that they were neteyam's greatest joy. he loved them so much. they eventually got back onto the topic of their work, but only for a few minutes before neteyam's phone rang again.
he flipped it over to look at who was calling before letting out a sigh.
it was a'korai.
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"did you want to get that?" y/n asked, holding her breath, "I dont mind,"
"not really to be honest," neteyam laughed awkwardly, "shes been texting me all day,"
"oh really?" y/n didn't mean to sound too excited, but the sound of neteyam's distain at her calling and messaging him made her happy.
"yeah," he stretched his arms behind his head, the bottom of his t-shirt riding up- y/n tried to not let her gaze linger on his v-line, "one of the other guys in our class gave her my number and she's been messaging me all the time" he explained. "it's not that she's not nice, she is!" he jumbled, not wanting to sound like too much of a dick, "but.. I don't know, we're not really friends? so I'm not sure why she's texting me all the time and now she's calling me? like I don't know what I'll say to her, what are we even going to talk about?"
y/n started to laugh at neteyam. kiri was right, he was oblivious. "neteyam, did you ever think that she might have a little crush on you?"
it was like she was watching the cogs in his head turn, or watching a computer reboot. "no," he shook his head finally, "no way,"
"oh yeah," y/n laughed, nodding her head, "she likes you,"
"you think?" it was like he was shocked that a girl could possibly have feelings for him.
he was so stupidly gorgeous in this moment, y/n really was down bad. "definitely," she nodded.
"well.. I don't really like her like that," he shrugged.
"that's fine, you dont' have to"
"I should probably keep my distance then, yeah? don't wanna make her think anything of it," he asked.
the thought of saying 'yes, keep your distance' flashed across y/n's mind. sabotage, that's you're neteyam. as much as she wanted to, she knew that she couldn't. y/n wanted him to be happy. "I mean, do whatever feels right.. you know?" she shrugged.
he stared at y/n for a little while before speaking. it made her heart race. "thanks," he smiled.
"you're welcome?"
"come on," neteyam closed the lid of his laptop and began to pack away his things. y/n looked up at him in confusion.
"come on to where?" she asked with a soft laugh.
"we'll you're not gonna have lunch unless I make you, so we're going to get lunch" he shoved his car keys in his pocket. "let's go," he gestured to the door with his head.
"nope! let's go," he cut her off, not letting her object.
y/n sighed before closing her laptop lid, "fine,"
"don't 'fine' me, young lady" neteyam began to pack away y/n's things for her, "now move it,"
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— gorgeous, so furious ! new chapter! no angst between neteyam and y/n, this is a soft fic I promise. I also cannot handle writing angst, I am a fluff girl first! I hope you're all loving the story, the amount of people reading it is crazy to me- so thank you <3
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avatar-anna · 1 year
The Cutest F****** Thing
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just some fluff with latina!reader and harry (one of my personal fave couples tbh). enjoy!
Harry Styles x Latina!Reader
"What do you think, bubbie? Do I look okay?"
Harry looked up from his phone, his cheeks flaming when he heard your nickname for him. He'd never been with anyone so verbally affectionate before until he met you, but he was finding that he didn't mind it one bit. He loved it, even.
When he tried to respond, his throat went dry, his words getting caught up and jumbled there. You were still facing yourself in the mirror propped against your bedroom wall, but when Harry had failed to say anything, you turned around to face where he was lying across your bed.
"You look lovely," he finally managed to say, but even he could tell he sounded awkward.
You grinned at his bashfulness while playfully putting your hands on your hips. "Are you speechless at the mere sight of me?"
One of the first things Harry had loved about you was how easily you diffused the tension in him, how you instantly made him feel comfortable no matter what. He still felt a little sheepish that you managed to render him speechless. Harry wasn't a dick, but he could admit that he normally didn't get this nervous around girls, but even after a couple dates he still felt like the ground was unsteady beneath him whenever he was around you.
But he also had a feeling that you liked how flustered he got. "I am. You look incredible in red."
Now it was your turn to blush, your cheeks matching your red leather jacket. You walked over to where Harry had yet to move from his comfortable position on your bed. When you straddled his waist, his hands were quick to find your thighs.
"Would you say I look inc—red—ible?" you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Harry grinned immediately. He never thought he would meet someone who was dorky as he was, yet you gave him a healthy run for his money. And he absolutely adored it. "You are just the cutest fucking thing, you know that?"
His hands began to creep up your denim skirt, and when he gave you a look, you were leaning down to kiss him. Your hands reached for the long, silky strands of his hair, twirling them around your fingers. You and Harry hadn't been together for very long, but you were crazy about each other. He was just so sweet and so tender and unlike anyone you'd ever met before. You just clicked, and you were so happy together, you hoped you never stopped feeling giddy around him.
Which was why you couldn't help but get lost in him.
Harry's hands sent fire licking down your spine as he continued to pull kiss after kiss from your lips. He took your bottom lip between his own, sucking on it like there was nothing else he'd rather be doing. And when he had his hands on you and yours were in his hair and scratching his scalp to make him hum with pleasure, there was no place you would rather have been either.
"We're gonna be late, bubba," you said when you were finally able to catch your breath. Harry had moved onto your neck, and you felt like you had to stop him when you felt him bite down a little too hard. "We're supposed to meet your friends."
"It's okay if we're a little late," he said, his lips forming the words against your skin.
You pulled him back then, holding his hair firmly in your grip when he pouted and tried to kiss you again. It was hard to resist him when he looked like that—hair tousled, mouth red and smeared with lip gloss, eyes covered in a lusty glaze and devouring every inch of skin not totally covered up. On principle, you tried not to give into him, though it wasn't easy. This time, however, you managed to stand your ground.
"We can't be late. I don't want to make a bad impression."
Harry frowned for an entirely different reason, then. "Do you think my friends won't like you?"
You shrugged, but Harry could tell it was more than that. You weren't an overly confident person, but you were sure of yourself, something Harry had come to admire about you. He didn't think meeting some of his close friends would make you nervous, but apparently it did.
Harry kissed your forehead, holding your chin between his fingers so you would look him in the eye. "They're gonna love you, I promise."
"How can you be sure?" you asked, letting you little seeds of doubt rise to the surface.
You didn't like to compare yourself to Harry's previous girlfriends, but sometimes it was hard when everything he did was open to public perception. And the truth was you were rather different, not quite fitting the bill of his normal type. That part didn't bother you, you knew what Harry felt for you was genuine, but sometimes you got in your head about how others viewed your relationship.
"Because they'll take one look at the way I look at you, and they'll know how perfect you are for me," Harry said simply, like he had no doubt in his mind that that was what would happen. "If anything, I'm sure they're worried about making sure you like them. I've talked you up quite a bit, you know."
His confidence filled you with warmth and caused you to surge forward to kiss him again, but not long enough to be flipped around so that he was on top of you. But you made sure your appreciation and gratitude was felt as you kissed him, your fingers delicately tracing the planes of his cheekbone.
"Does that mean you won't be nervous to meet my family?" you asked him, speaking softly against his cheek as you peppered it with kisses until he couldn't help but grin.
"Fuck no. My stomach drops just thinking about it," he said, though it only sounded like he was partly joking.
You giggled, kissing his cheek a couple more times before standing up and straightening your skirt. Once your clothes were tugged into the correct spots again, you offered Harry your hand. He took it, standing up to hold you in the circle of his arms so you had to look up at him.
For his talk of nerves, he didn't actually feel nervous, he realized. Harry was excited by the prospect of meeting your family, of taking that step of being that much closer to you. He knew things were moving a little fast, but he wasn't scared by it. Right then, all he was certain of was that he wanted to dive head first into any challenge as long as you were by his side, and he wanted his and your closest friends and family to know it.
Harry looked at you intensely, his gaze sending a flutter to your stomach. You didn't know what it meant, but you figured you could wait to ask until after you met his friends. They'd been waiting long enough, you thought.
"We should go," you murmured, tracing the side of his face with your index finger.
"I know," Harry said, but he didn't even make an effort to move. "Promise we'll end up right back here when we get back?"
You smiled, smoothing his hair back as you did so. "I thought you were going back to your hotel."
In the grand scheme of things, you hadn't been together for very long. No matter how strongly you felt about each other, both of you tried to take things slow. Or tried to make a show of it, anyway before letting a date turn into spending the night or spending the night turning into two or three.
"I like your place better. It's cozier."
You rolled your eyes, but you didn't say anything to object to him staying the night. Instead you tugged him by the hand toward the door. "I think you're just scared to show me how messy you really are all by yourself."
"I happen to be the tidiest twenty-two year old you'll ever meet," Harry said as he shrugged into his coat, a gray one with black stripes. "I just like sleeping somewhere that feels lived in."
Your eyes softened a little at his confession. You knew he didn't love living out of a suitcase and in hotel rooms. Every time he came to visit you, you suggested staying at his hotel so he could make it to whatever meeting or event he had to get to the next morning with ease, but he always politely declined. You lived in a hovel compared to what Harry was probably used to, yet every time he was there it felt natural, like he was your roommate instead of the one you actually lived with. But that was everything about being with Harry. It all just felt so right.
"Can't argue with that, can I?" you said, looping your arm through his. As you stepped out of your apartment and locked up, you asked, "Do I have permission to ask about embarrassing childhood stories if I feel awkward?"
Harry shook his head with a grin spreading across his face. Not because he cared if you asked about what he was like growing up, but because you were just...you. He kissed the top of your head, taking in the scent of your shampoo before pulling back. "You can ask whatever you want, whenever you want."
Your eyes lit up immediately. "That's bold of you."
"I've got nothing to hide," he said with a wink. "I'll tell you anything you want to know on the walk over right now."
Harry expected you to respond in kind, but you didn't. He wasn't sure if you were playing with him or not, but he looked down at you with raised brows anyway. "Do you have something to hide?"
Your grin was sly yet playful. Reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear, "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you bubba?"
His stomach flipped with excitement at the mere thought of having a future with you, but he tried to play it as cool as you were. Harry normally could play it cool but he was quickly finding out that he couldn't be anything else but a giddy dork around you.
"Yeah, I guess I will," he said, more than happy to wait.
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reidslovely · 1 year
being academic “rivals” with peter
rivals in quotes because you two obviously like each other but are choosing to hide behind witty banter till one of you builds up the courage to ask the other out
maybe you’re a total perfectionist and never really take breaks so you become really stressed out and finally reach a breaking point and peter is just like ‘baby :(’ and he just holds you + maybe takes somewhere to help you relax
I love this trope..because I am a perfectionist in my work. And though I have never really had an academic rival I do heavily relate to mirrorball by Taylor Swift. Anywho..I think this trope is so perfect for Pete! So picture this...
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Riding the subway home from your last lecture of the day was the most exhausting experience. Your earbuds were shoved uncomfortably in your ears as you stared blankly out of the window watching the tiled walls of the subway speed by. Your professors voice grating against your ear drums, it was almost enough to make you cry.
It actually brought you to tears.
Finals were coming up, and not only were you competing with yourself and your need to be greater you were competing with Peter Parker.
Biochem genius, your academic rival, and your..boyfriend. It's a funny story, a long story but a fun story. Long story short, too many long nights in the lab working against each other turned into long nights working with each other and helping one another gain points against one another.
No matter how much you loved him, and his dumb little face you had to do better on your finals than he would. A very nice vacation was riding on it: if you got the better grade you two would break open your savings and head up to a cute little cabin you'd been wanting to stay at. If Peter got the better grade you were going to spend a week in Vegas..both were a great option but one was more peaceful and less overstimulating than the other. Your head dropped onto your hand for a moment staring at the dunks in front of you. Your eyes looked up at the lanky figure in front of you and Peter stared down, he was obviously picking up on something you weren't. The subway cart came to a jolting holt you scrambled to your feet, grabbing Peters hand as he led you both out of the cart and up the steps. He reached down slowly pulling the earbuds out of your ears.
"Enough of this, relax." Peter says kissing your head softly. He tucked the earphones into your pockets as you neared his apartment. You felt your gut sink, you knew that he had good intentions but it also felt like he wanted you to fail. Once in the apartment you sat on the couch cracking your book open finishing up rewriting your notes the lecture now playing outlaid from your phone. Everything sounded jumbled and like one big sentence, why was this not sticking what was wrong with you? Why couldn't you get your brain to work? "Baby, c'mere." Peter's body weight drops down over the back of the couch, kissing your cheek softly. "Enough you've prepared enough, no more of this. You're burning out." "I'm not.." You deny the tears already building up in your eyes. He climbs over the back of the couch pulling you between his legs. Pushing books off to the table, and turning the lecture off. "I'm backing out of the bet." He says. "It was stupid. I thought it would be fun but it's put to much on you, so here's what we are gonna do." He speaks softly rubbing patterns on your back. You look up at him, tears finally falling. "We are gonna take our final on Friday and on Saturday morning we are driving up to that cabin and you are not gonna lift a finger okay? No studying, no research work, no spider-man things. Just us. Okay? You just have to promise me one thing?"
"Mhm?" You ask wiping your tears away. "You just do your best and show up. Can we do that?" You nod your head slowly resting your head against his chest, he lowered his head kissing your forehead softly. "Besides, I was gonna let you win either way." He laughs, the vibration off his chest bouncing joy into yours causing you to smile.
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All I Want For Christmas is You (Deadpool Edition)-CHAPTER ONE
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Logan Howlett/Worst! Wolverine
Rating: Explicit (MDNI)
Wade never thought he would be engaged again.
And he wasn’t.
Wade never thought he would be engaged again.
And he wasn't.
"Bub, if you don't move your ass out of my face—"
"You weren't saying that last night, sugar butt," Wade shot back with a grin, wiggling his hips just to be annoying. He was balanced precariously on a stepladder, trying to hang a glittery, excessively large tree topper. It was a special ornament to Wade because it was the first thing Wade had stolen for Logan after he saw it in the window of some fancy-ass home decor shop downtown. Wade knew that Logan would absolutely hate it, and therefore he knew he just had to have it. It helped that technically he was already banned from this particular store, because what were they going to do? Ban him again? You can't double-ban him.
Logan did call the cops on him for theft when he brought it home because he's an asshole, but that was neither here nor there.
The ladder wobbled as Wade pushed up to his tiptoes, and Logan's hand shot out and held onto Wade's legs to keep him from toppling over. "You're gonna knock the whole damn tree over," Logan grumbled, eyeing the ornament that Wade was determined to hang despite it being several sizes too big for the spot.
"But think about how majestic it'll look!" Wade finally managed to secure the topper, hopping down from the ladder with a flourish. "Voila!"
Wade took a step back, admiring their work. The tree was a monstrosity of clashing colors and mismatched ornaments. Some baubles dangled precariously from flimsy branches, while others were wedged in tight clusters as if a miniature ornament explosion had occurred. The base was an overstuffed jumble of tinsel, clashing with the bold, mismatched garlands draped haphazardly across its branches. The strands of lights, a patchwork of different colors and sizes, flickered erratically as if they were struggling to make sense of their tangled surroundings. At one point, Wade had seen a spark come from a few of the bulbs, but he was sure that wouldn't be a plot point that was of anything of importance (hint: it was).
The ornaments themselves were oversized, glittery baubles in electric blue and neon pink, intermixed with tiny glass figurines of reindeer and snowmen that seemed to be fighting for space on the same branch. A collection of homemade ornaments—some crafted with excessive amounts of glue and glitter, and all created by moi—were proudly displayed, hanging at odd angles. Among these were paper angels and beaded snowflakes that had clearly seen better days.
At the top of the tree, the crowning glory was the topper Wade had stubbornly hung—a massive, shimmering star that looked like it had been stolen from a Vegas showgirl's headdress. It was practically drowning in sparkles and sequins, casting a dazzling, if somewhat blinding, light that flickered across the room.
The tree skirt, a gaudy mishmash of red and green sequins, was barely visible under the heap of presents Wade had insisted on wrapping in overly festive, holiday-themed paper with garish ribbons. The whole setup was completed with a few hastily strewn candy canes and an abundance of stray glitter that would inevitably find its way into every crevice of their apartment.
Logan crossed his arms, his eyebrows knitted together in a familiar expression of disapproval. "It's an eyesore."
"An eyesore?" Wade exclaimed, feigning shock. "This is a masterpiece! You know, people pay big bucks for this kind of thing."
Logan snorted, unconvinced. "People like you, maybe. I've seen better decorations at a fucking dollar store."
Wade reached up to adjust a strand of lights that had come loose, his fingers deftly rearranging them until they were just right. "Well, I think she's beautiful. And if you will be a good Wolvie and actually help me, maybe later you can even stuff my stocking."
"You're fucking disgusting," Logan snarled.
Wade grinned cheekily, still fiddling with the decorations. "Oh, come on. It's Christmas. I'm just trying to spread a little holiday cheer." He glanced at Logan with a mischievous glint in his eye. "And I know how much you love my festive cheer."
"And by that-"
"And by that, I mean this sweet, sweet ass sugar gum drop," Wade crooned, tucking himself into Logan's warm, broad chest. They stood there for a moment, the soft glow of the Christmas lights casting a warm mirage of light over the room. Wade sighed contentedly, his head resting against Logan's chest. Logan didn't reply, but his arms tightened around Wade.
"You know, we should probably christen the tree properly," Wade remarked, eyes fixated on the flickering lights.
Wade was a huge fan of christening things. Everything had to be christened. Everything. New suit after it was destroyed in a particular marathon of rough sex after a mission? Christened. Logan finally upgraded from a flip phone to an iPhone? Christened. Just bought milk? Christened. 
Did it have to do with the fact that his boyfriend had a body sculpted by the gods and a libido that could match a rabbit high on an aphrodisiac? No, and actually, it's offensive that you would think Wade would reduce his boyfriend down to his sex appeal. What kind of monster do you think he is? Wade's relationship with Logan was multi-faceted, like a diamond with a thousand facets—
You know what? Fine. So what? Is it a crime that Wade likes to have long, raunchy, maybe a little masochistic, probably a little too rough for Disney, outdo-50-Shades-of-Grey-and-eat-your-heart-out-BDSM-etiquette sex with his boyfriend? It's not like Logan's complaining—well, except when he pretends to be exasperated with Wade, which is just part of his charm. Get off his ass, or maybe eat it while you're down there.
Wade's lips brushed Logan's ear as he whispered in a sultry, teasing voice, "Maybe a few strategic baubles to enhance the mood. I could even drape some tinsel over us like a sexy holiday blanket. Just me, you, some eggnog—"
"You mean that shit you made in the blender? I don't think eggnog is supposed to be that color."
"It's a festive green. Besides, I added extra nutmeg. Trust me."
Logan gave him an unconvinced look, clearly not buying it.
"Come on," Wade whined, turning around in Logan's arms and pouting up at him. "It's Christmas-"
"It's not Christmas, it's November."
"-I've even put up some Mistletoe. Are you really willing to disrespect the ritualistic customs of Mistletoe? What kind of monster are you?" Wade says aghast, clutching at the invisible pearls.
Logan didn't respond at first, his gaze scanning the room before flickering back to Wade. "I don't see any mistletoe."
Wade wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, his grin widening. "It's hidden. Wanna take off my pants and find out where?"
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sil3ntfr34k · 9 days
i’m begging you..please can we have yandere p1 hcs? <33
(mmmmm P1.... Guuhhhh,,, Anyway I dont think he'd be a full yandere so im gonna try my best)
Postal 1 Yandere Headcanons
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Honestly if you got this guy top even care about you, that's already a miracle. He's almost never outside in the pubic eye so he probably thought you were stalking him at first, which is now switched bc be stalks you now!!
At first he thought you were some kind of humanoid parasite since he couldn't stop thinking of you. Of course you're not in there all the time, but you started to stay longer than anyone else has. His mind is always so jumbled with thoughts of self harm and others harm that just the thought of you was sort of like a beacon
It started out with him asking you to come to his house more often since it was 'safer' as he says. Champ was there to guard the perimeter and he had all kinds of weapons. If anyone even tries breaking in, it would either be Champ or Dude's fault, but they wouldn't walk out alive. Just the thought of you being harmed or even killed was enough to send Dude into a short episode.
At some point he started to think of you as some sort of demigod. Not entirely angelic, but you weren't as evil as everyone else. You brought out his kindness again, and he wanted to keep you around for that. He knows he can't keep you trapped with him (even though he tries sometimes,,,), but he starts to break down slowly once you leave him alone again.
Desperately tries to not seem annoying or clingy, but he just can't help it. It's been so long since someone has made him feel anything other than scared or nervous. Around you Dude feels normal, even sharing some of his morbid facts with you about the human body and mind. You're probably a little fucked in the head too so you guys match each others freak almost perfectly.
More on the stalking, Dude hates not knowing where you are or what you're doing. He worries so much, as soon as a small bad thought enters his head, it immediately turns to you somehow and now he's hyperventilating and spam calling you. If you can, he lets you take Champ with you sometimes, just so he knows you're safe.
Takes candid pictures of you without your permission and knowledge. He doesn't do anything weird with it, it's just so he can look at you whenever he wants. Follows you around from a far distance so he can catch you in your truest casual form.
During particular bad episodes, Dude spam calls you so he can hear your voice. You've become such a bright, warm, comforting light in his life, he thinks he needs you to be happy. As long as you're around him, Dude fully believes you can cure him. You can imagine his frustration when it doesn't work and he's not immediately okay again.
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netesecretlover · 8 months
SOOO I WAS THINKING ABOUT SOME LOAK X HUMAN!FEM READER DRABBLE !! Just a random idea but I'd love to see some cute fluffy fuc about loak taking a liking to reader and has spent some time with her, and eventually his feelings grew but he doenst know how to confess without being a fumbling mess so he does that one scene from Love, Actually with the cards and all that with a hint of reader accepting it and saying right after "I kinda always knew" and Lo'ak js passes out HAHAHAHHA
You can do whatever you want and add some of your ideas too! XOXO
★ Starry Sky
Lo'ak Sully x humain!fem!reader
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丨Words: 3k
丨Summary: Growing up on Pandora with the Sully family, you share a routine of daily adventures. Lo'ak, secretly in love with you, struggles to express his feelings. Encouraged by his family, Lo'ak decides to finally confess his love under Pandora's stars. The outcome remains uncertain, but the enchanting atmosphere sets the stage for a heartfelt revelation.
丨Warning : pure fluff, some Arabic love quotes (only two), Lo'ak is so whipped for reader, first fic <3 Not proof read too
丨Notes : Anonym request ! I hope you'll like it, I started writing and I couldn't stop haha. I'm sorry if it wasn't what you asked for.
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After the Sky People were sent back to Earth, some humans were allowed to stay on Pandora alongside the Na'vi. Among them were your parents, two scientists who had always advocated for the Na'vi alongside Grace, Norm, and Jake. A few years later, you were born. Thanks to the connections your parents had with Neytiri and Jake, you spent your youth alongside the Sully family. You had established a small routine at a very young age. In the morning, you would wake up and have a quick breakfast with your parents. Then, grabbing your little pouch and bidding your parents farewell, you would hurry to join your friends. Every day on Pandora was an adventure for you.
Walking on the cool forest floor toward the village, upon arrival, everyone was already up. Some Na'vi went foraging, while others went hunting. Children sat around an elder of the village, listening to a story. You smiled gently and made your way up to the Sully family house.
As you approached the entrance, suddenly, Tuk appeared, running. She screamed with joy before Neteyam caught her and tossed her into the air. You chuckled slightly, catching Neteyam's attention.
"Oh, hey Y/N," Neteyam said with a smile. He held Tuk in his arms, and she also greeted you with a big smile. "Lo'ak! Your sweetheart Y/N is here!" Neteyam called to his brother.
Your face turned a shade of violet, and Neteyam burst into laughter. Sounds could be heard from inside the house—footsteps—and finally, Lo'ak emerged.
"Hi Y/N…" Lo'ak said with a shy smile. "I didn't know you were coming to the house today, not that I don't want to see you! I like seeing you; you're pretty, I mean, not that you weren't before! Yes—" Lo'ak stammered and spoke very quickly; you didn't quite catch the end.
"Kiri invited me to gather pearls together." You replied, smiling.
At that moment, time seemed to slow down for Lo'ak, his eyes lingering on every detail of your face. He seemed captivated, as if simply hearing your voice or seeing you smile brought him indescribable joy.
"Pearls, huh?" he repeated, searching for his words. "That's great. I mean, you'll surely look beautiful with pearl bracelets. Well, you already are, you know… beautiful, I mean."
A slight blush tinted Lo'ak's cheeks as he tried to compose himself, continuing to smile mischievously. His words seemed to jumble in his head, perhaps reflecting the confusion of his feelings.
You chuckled at the scene. He was cute, you thought. Neteyam and Tuk had stepped back a bit to give you some space. Neteyam sighed, looking at his younger brother; he had a long way to go, he thought.
At the same time, Kiri came out of the house with a handcrafted pouch around her waist. You gave one last smile to Lo'ak and greeted everyone before heading, with Kiri, towards the village's exit.
"Pearls, huh? That's great. I mean, you'll surely look beautiful with pearl bracelets. Well, you already are, you know… beautiful," Neteyam said, mockingly mimicking his brother. "You could have at least told her to be careful in the forest; you really have things to learn."
Lo'ak remained there, watching you walk away with Kiri, his persistent smile and dreamy gaze. Neteyam shook his head, looking at his brother with a mischievous smile.
"You are truly hopeless, Lo'ak. You look like a hopelessly in love teenager every time she's around," teased Neteyam.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Oh, leave me alone, Neteyam. You don't understand."
Neteyam raised an eyebrow, teasing. "Really? And what don't I understand?"
Lo'ak hesitated for a moment, then opened up. "It's just… it's been a long time, you know. Since we were kids. I can't quite remember exactly when it happened, but there's something about her that has always… captured my heart. Since our childhood, Neteyam."
His older brother looked at him with a knowing smile.
Lo'ak's smile softened. "Everything about her appeals to me. The fact that she's smaller than me makes me want to protect her, even though she can defend herself without me. She's so good with the clan's little ones, teaching them English and games from her world. There isn't a memory where she isn't present. It's like she's always been there, an integral part of my life. And today, seeing her, I realize that it hasn't changed. My heart still beats faster when she's around. It's… it's more than just an attraction, Neteyam. I think I'm really in love with her."
Neteyam looked at his brother with sudden understanding, his teasing demeanor giving way to genuine respect. "Well, little brother, maybe it's time to tell her. You'll never know if she feels the same unless you try."
Lo'ak sighed, knowing that Neteyam was right. "Maybe, but it's scary,
you know? What if she doesn't feel the same? She's human, and I'm… I'm just me." Lo'ak looked at his hands. "I'm nothing special; she'd probably prefer to be with another human, even if there aren't really any her age, or someone skilled in something."
His brother placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Lo'ak, don't talk about yourself like that. You know, she has admired you since she was little. The biggest regret you could have is never trying. Life is too short not to pursue what you really want. And who knows, maybe the love you've felt for so long is reciprocated. Have you ever noticed how she looks at you when you're not paying attention? It's like she's waiting for you to make the first move."
Lo'ak watched you disappear into the forest, a mix of apprehension and determination in his gaze. Perhaps it was time to let his heart speak, to share his feelings with the one who had held a special place in his life for so long.
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The golden rays of the sun filtered through the dense canopy of Pandora's forest, creating a mosaic of light and shadow dancing on the emerald-covered ground. Towering trees with twisted trunks and bioluminescent leaves stood majestically above the two friends, creating a mystical and enchanting atmosphere.
The gentle murmur of the breeze blended with the songs of exotic birds, forming a natural symphony that seemed to envelop each of your steps and those of Kiri. Vibrantly colored flowers blossomed along the path, attracting butterflies with shimmering wings. The endless shades of green in the vegetation ranged from the soft foliage of plants to the darker tones of lush shrubs.
As you walked, Kiri broke the silence with a teasing question. "So, Y/N, how's it going with Lo'ak?"
You smiled, reminiscing about Lo'ak's earlier awkward moments. "Oh, you know, the usual stammering and slightly awkward compliments. Nothing new."
Kiri joyfully chuckled. "He's so cute when he tries, isn't he? But seriously, between you and him, how is it really going?"
You pretended to ponder, picking up a few pearls along the way. "Well, we've been friends forever. But recently, it's different. Well, maybe it's me starting to notice something different in him…"
Kiri arched an eyebrow, smiling mischievously. "Different? Like what, for example?"
You blushed slightly. "I notice his awkward side, which I don't mind. He may seem immature, but when things get serious, he can be serious. He cares about the people around him, even if sometimes he acts on his own… but I don't mind that."
Kiri, instead of directly confirming Lo'ak's feelings, teased you with a mischievous smile. "Ah, love is in the air. It feels like the beginning of a grand adventure. What do you plan to do now?"
You shrugged, not quite sure what to say.
"Wait for him to make the first move, if he likes me, of course. But there are so many talented girls in the clan. Ti'avin, one of the best singers, and her sister who seems to float when she dances. I'm just human; I could never be skilled enough… I have this feeling that he likes me. Sometimes his lingering glances, how he hugs me when he's happy, and when he blushes. I really feel like he likes me, but I'm not sure."
Kiri, sensing the note of doubt in your words, shook her head firmly. "Well, listen to me, Y/N. You're amazing in your own way. Beauty isn't just in singing or dancing. It's in the way you walk through this forest, the way you smile when Lo'ak awkwardly compliments you. You are unique, and no one else can do it like you."
She gave you a friendly shoulder bump. "And don't underestimate Lo'ak. You don't need to compete with anyone. Just be yourself."
You looked at your best friend, your gaze reflecting gratitude. "You always have a way of lifting my spirits, Kiri. Thank you."
Kiri smiled. "That's what friends are supposed to do, right? Now, forget the doubts and let's quickly gather the pearls."
She pointed to a spot where a sparkling waterfall merged into a natural pool, creating an enchanting tableau. "And how about picking some of those flowers? They'll add a special touch to our pearl bracelets."
You smiled, grateful for Kiri's reassuring presence. You continued your walk through the forest, pushing away dark thoughts and letting yourself be carried away by the magical beauty surrounding you.
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During the week, Lo'ak seemed to be elusive. Whenever you approached him, he found an excuse and fled. Initially, you thought he was probably busy, but after five consistent days of lies, you began to be hurt by his actions. Several times, Kiri caught your gaze, which was devoid of any joy.
Had you done something wrong?
That was the question you had posed to your best friend. You could see the disappointment in her eyes. She reassured you throughout the evening until mealtime.
During dinner, the Sully family noticed Lo'ak's absence. He was there, but his gaze was lost. He hadn't even touched his food, which worried Neytiri. Kiri stared fixedly at her brother. At the end of dinner, before he could come up with an excuse to escape once again, she took her brother by the arm and led him in front of the house. She made him sit on the edge, feet dangling.
"Lo'ak, what's wrong? You look troubled," she asked with concern.
Lo'ak sighed, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "It's Y/N. I wanted to confess my feelings to her, but every time I try, I lose my words, or worse, I feel paralyzed. So, I run away like a fool. And I can see that it hurts her, but I don't know how to go about it."
Kiri looked at him with understanding. "You know, Lo'ak, Y/N might have already noticed your feelings. She is very attentive, you know."
Lo'ak lowered his eyes, a mix of sadness and frustration on his face. "I've tried, you know. I wanted to court her seriously and give her gifts every day, in the Na'vi way, but I don't know if that's what she prefers. I feel like I'm acting like a child, and I don't know how to tell her what I really feel."
Kiri gently placed her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Lo'ak, you are sincere, that's what matters. And maybe you can ask our old father for advice."
Lo'ak nodded, appreciating his sister's advice.
Kiri left, smiling at Lo'ak, giving him some space to think. As calm returned, Jake approached and sat next to his son.
"Is everything okay?" asked Jake, noticing Lo'ak's troubled expression.
Lo'ak sighed. "It's Y/N, father. I wanted to confess my feelings to her, but every time I try, I lose my words, or I feel paralyzed. I don't want to hurt her, but I don't know how to go about it."
Jake placed a reassuring hand on Lo'ak's shoulder. "Feelings are complicated, Lo'ak. But there's something I remember from a movie I saw back on Earth, before coming here. It was a movie called 'Love Actually.' There was a scene where a boy confesses his feelings to a girl with cards. Since you can't seem to speak, maybe that could work."
Lo'ak looked up, intrigued. "Cards?"
"Yes, cards. He wrote his feelings on cards, one by one. It was a sincere declaration of love, and it was beautiful because it was honest and authentic. Maybe you could try something similar, express what you feel through carefully chosen words."
Lo'ak pondered the idea, wondering if this approach could be the key to overcoming his difficulties in expressing himself. "It might work. Thank you, father. I'll think about it."
Jake gave him an encouraging smile. "Don't forget, Lo'ak, love doesn't follow a script. Be yourself, and it will all happen as it should."
Lo'ak nodded, grateful for his father's advice.
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Night fell gently on Pandora, painting the sky with shades of orange and purple. You stood at the edge of a cliff, contemplating the celestial spectacle unfolding before you. The stars shone with brilliant intensity, creating a magical tableau in the darkness.
As you lost yourself in the stars, a slight noise behind you made you turn around. It was Lo'ak, holding large cards in his hands. He seemed awkward, but his eyes sparkled with a determined light.
"Lo'ak?" you said, surprised to see him here.
Lo'ak stammered for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Y/N, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I… I don't always manage to find the words, so I thought maybe, cards could help me."
He carefully unfolded the first card, hand-written words displayed. "You are like the stars, Y/N, lighting up my life with your presence. Every time I see the starry sky, I think of you."
You read the words, Lo'ak's emotions expressed through each line. You looked up at him, and he continued, a bit more confident.
"When you're around, the world seems to slow down." You read before he changed the card. "Your smiles brighten my days, and your presence fills me with joy." Your cheeks began to warm.
"You are the most beautiful fate."
"You are the love of my soul."
These were such romantic phrases. Your heart was racing.
"I know I'm clumsy with words, but I want to tell you that…" Lo'ak lowered the card, looking at you with an intensity that reflected his deep love. "I see you with my heart, not my eyes. Oel Ngati Kameie."
You were moved by the sincerity of his words, remaining speechless for a moment.
"Lo'ak…" you finally whispered, a radiant smile lighting up your face. "It's beautiful."
Lo'ak offered you a shy but joyful smile. "I was afraid you wouldn't understand, that my words wouldn't live up to what I truly feel."
You approached him and gently took his hands. "Lo'ak, your words are perfect. And you… you are perfect."
Lo'ak stepped towards you, letting the cards fall from his hands, and embraced you. Your face was buried in his chest, and he held you a little tighter, the warmth of his embrace enveloping you.
The stars shone above you, silent witnesses to this magical moment. Then, without a word, Lo'ak wrapped his arms around your waist to lift you slightly. Your head was now at his level. His freckles glistened, and without saying a word, he captured your lips in a sweet and passionate kiss.
As you separated, you rested your head against Lo'ak's shoulder.
After a few moments in silence, you sat together on the edge of the cliff, your hands still entwined, and looked up at the starry sky.
"You know, Lo'ak, I had a feeling," you admitted softly, a teasing smile on your lips.
Lo'ak looked at you, surprised. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yes, but I wanted you to make the first move. And I'm so happy that you did."
You stayed there, marveling at the beauty of the night sky, sharing laughter, knowing glances, and silent promises for the future.
Your differences were just an insignificant detail in the infinite brilliance of the stars, a symbol of love that had finally found its way.
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