#but I think that's because I always had a hunch that AFO fabricated it all
airanke · 6 months
Seeing people frustrated and sad and even angry about the recent MHA chapter (regarding Shiggy) makes me SO HAPPY about one of my plot points in STIL, because it directly addresses the thing that people are understandably frustrated about with Shiggy.
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redrobin-detective · 6 years
For the Prompts: What about Izuku with AFO the Quirk going to class after the events of Kamino Ward?
Hey so lets say this prompt occurs a little bit before AFO Izuku visits AFO in Prison prompt. I have um given this AU many thoughts
Izuku shouldn’t be here. He doesn’t belong here, not anymore, not after what’s he’s learned about himself and his family. There’s been many times when Izuku has stood in Yuuei’s halls and doubted his place. What good could a quirkless hero be? Could he actually make a difference without a quirk? All alone, he chuckles bitterly as he grips his arms tightly. How ironic that he’d been more worthy as a quirkless nobody than he’d been after the revelation that he’d had a quirk all along. 
His breathing hitches as he can feel the beginnings of yet another panic attack creeping up on him. He should leave, he needs to get away from this place of heroes and go somewhere else. But where can he go? He’ll still be a monster with the most dangerous quirk imaginable. He squeezes his eyes shut, maybe he should go into police custody, let them lock him up along with his fath-
“Oi, Deku,” Izuku startles and hunches his shoulders as Kacchan stalks closer. A week ago he would have looked Kacchan in the eye and demanded the respect he felt he was owed. Now, he buries his gloved hands in his pockets and tries to disappear into the floor. “Stop fucking hiding, class is about to start and lazy hobo teacher is looking for you.”
“Oh uh Kacchan I wasn’t-” Izuku is cut off by Kacchan wrenching his shoulder around and gripping him tightly by his arm, pulling Izuku close.
“Don’t bullshit me Deku as if I haven’t known you my entire goddamn life. Where’d your balls go? To think I was actually starting to respect you and then you turn back into a stuttering loser all because of your dumbass dad who hasn’t been shit since day one.”
“Kacchan,” Izuku wobbles, not listening to his old friend’s words but staring at the hand digging into his arm. There’s fabric between the hand and his skin but the creeping dread and uncertainty is there anyway. “L-let go, I don’t want to accidentally…”
“What? Steal my quirk? Well go ahead, Deku,” Kacchan growls, changing positions so his hand is wrapped around Izuku’s wrist. “Take it. I fucking dare you.”
“I-I don’t want to,” Izuku says, trying to pull his arm away but Kacchan’s grip is strong.  
“You don’t want to what, speak up nerd, show me what you showed me at the Sports Festival, against Stain, against the stupid League. What don’t you want?”
“I don’t want to be like him!” Izuku shouts back, finally wrenching his arm away. “I don’t want to change after all I went through when I was quirkless. I want to be like All Might, like Aizawa-sensei and I want to save people. I don’t want to hurt the people I care about with this power!”
“You’re such a moron, Deku,” Kacchan sneers, stepping back. “If you feel so strongly about it then there’s no way you’ll end up like him. Having that bastard’s quirk doesn’t make you’re like him. So stop your whining, own your power and kick your old man’s saggy potato ass.” That said, Kacchan turns around and stalks in the direction of the classroom. In a daze, Izuku follows behind like he’s always done with Kacchan. But this time feels different, this time, his friend was leading him where he needed to go. He’s pulled his hands out of his pockets by the time they reach 1-A.
“Midoriya! We were very worried for your well-being, please answer your messages if you are going to be late!” Iida shouts.
“Dude that fight on TV was insane and everything they’re saying about you is so messed up. You’re still awesome no matter what quirk you have,” Sero interjects.
“Deku! Come inside, don’t go hide, we’re here to help you!” Uraraka says tearfully as she grabs his hand without a trace of hesitation and drags him inside. Despite the fact that the bell has rung, Sensei allows his classmates to swarm him and shout out encouragements and ask how he’s doing. Not one of them is looking at him any different than they had a few days ago when he’d just been the crazy quirkless kid trying to be a hero. Maybe he still was that person despite the revelations of the last few days.
 “Thanks everyone, sorry to upset you,” He murmurs as he sinks against Todoroki’s shoulder. “It’s just been a lot.”
“We know that but don’t worry, we’ll be here to get you through it,” Tsuyu adds and Izuku is warmed by the chorus of agreements. Perhaps the best thing is when he hears Kirishima comment that Kacchan took an awful long time going to the bathroom only to be brushed off with a lazy excuse about getting lost. Maybe its okay that some things are changing, a lot of it is for the worse but maybe some of it is for the better. 
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