#but I will lower my pride and my head actions wise I can do that words tho?
professorsta · 2 years
Eye contact and verbal vulnerability are stupid difficult while cutting the eye contact off after the heartfelt moment to actionably punctuate your sincerity by bowing seems a lot more agreeable to me personally would it be ridiculous for someone located in California to start bowing? Asking for uh- not for me, someone else, don't ask who
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mysticarts · 6 months
Yujin Drawings! (Plus a ramble)
decided to do some drawings of Yujin!
If you guys don't know Yujin, She's one of my many LMK ocs! Yujin is a Emperess of the Eastern empire in China, a empire that has been standing for generations. All people of any kind stay there. (She's Also PIF biological sister)
Anyway, time to ramble about Yujin's charater-
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Lets start with Yujin herself.
Yujin, in the LMK series, is a person of royalty. She's intelligent, tactical, a person who overworks herself, very much like her sister. However, Yujin is not only intelligent, but she's powerful too.
When Yujin was younger, again, was a Celestial Maiden along with PIF. However, younger Yujin was a confidence and courage fueled girl, leading Yujin doing unspeakable actions without thinking of the consequences.
Due to these actions, Yujin got banished from the Celestial realm. Yeah, it was that bad. When Yujin was stuck down on the mortals plain, she met others who seemed like outcasts. One of these friends were Macaque
Again, back then, Macaque was a much more cautious guy. But this cautiousness rubbed off on Yujin in the best way possible. Yujin's much cautious now.
Anyway, the next topic I'm talking about is femininity, and how I tried to properly add it to Yujin's charater. I'm not a writer, but I want to be a good enough one for my art. So if you feel uncomfortable with this, feel free to pass through this-
Yujin's never really been considered pretty before. But she knows that she is pretty. Yujin likes to dress up, wear make up, shopping etc. But Yujin isn't afraid to get her hands dirty when necessary.
At a certain point in life, while she was still in the Celestial realm, Yujin felt....lost. She saw all the other maidens around her prefect things she never seem to get right. They where all the same, yet so different, to the point Yujin felt outcasted. So what did she do? She started to wear what she wanted.
Yujin wanted to stand out, she wanted to be appreciated and accepted from others including herself, that Yujin started to do reckless actions to be noticed. Of course, it took a lot of time, a lot of talking to others and herself that Yujin realized: the only person who can fully accept you in yourself. So that's what she did.
To when her husband died (that's right, i aint name dropping but design dropping soon-) to when Red Son was born, to deal with that amount of truama on her shoulders, she had to accept that it wasn't her fault.
Overall personality wise, younger Yujin was a hot-headed girl who was competitive, and was a petty loser. But she cared for her the people around her, because those where the only people she felt accepted by. The Yujin now is still hot headed and sometimes stubborn, but her pride has lowered, she's more cautious, but she still loves to have fun.
Now, let's get talking relationships!
First off, Hui Ying!
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Considering Hui Ying is the daughter of one of whom Yujin considers a sworn brother, Yujin treats Hui like her wn daughter.
Yujin sees how smart Hui is, how her determination and ambitious nature makes her have great results, but takes away her early years.
Yujin dosent want to watch Hui just toss her life at endless work, so she encourages hui to go shopping with her, go dancing, go to fast food places, basically outside. Yujin wants Hui to savor in New surroundings and areas, as not everything Hui thinks is actually correct.
Hui Ying sees Yujin as one of the best people in her life, and usually calls her Auntie Yujin. Hui Ying never had healthy female figures in her life, but Yujin changed that. Yujin didn't tell Hui who or what to be. She encouraged Hui to follow hearts desires, but to keep in mind on what her wants.
Tai Yang
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Yujin notices that Tai Yang got his dad's friendliness, but also got his mother's craving for destruction or chaos.
Tai Yang is mostly quiet, and can be short tempered, but he's not afraid to grab a deal if it presents himself.
Tai Yang reminds Yujin of when she was younger, a person who's courage and ambitiousness can lead them to recklessness. So, Yujin brings Tai Yang down to earth, telling him it's okay to express himself.
As quiet as Tai is to Yujin, he does care about her a lot. He even calls her Auntie sometimes. Tai is very thankful that someone besdies Hui is trying to see through his eyes, to try to feel how he feels.
Anyway, that's all! Feel free to ask about Yujin, and if you want me to do any other of my ocs, don't be afraid to ask!
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
PREVIOUS RESULT: "Thank you," first things first, you thanked your saviour, your teammate.
“Ah, by all… yeah, you’re surely not the one who needs to thank me,” your gratitude was met by awed eyes, their owner breathing out a sigh before opposing your intention with a shake of head. “We’re in deeper trouble than that, at the moment…”
“You are.”
Amani’s voice demanded your attention, astonished by its deficit when called before. Turning your head around, you’re caught by elven eyes that scrutinised your insides, seeking the gear that’s missing in your throbbing head.
“I’m expecting a report, Laefen,” colder than the winters that awaited you up north, Amani’s voice cut through your nursed pride with knives aiming to rip and shatter. You were no longer standing on a pedestal, but fallen underneath, the others watching you battle against shame’s shadows.
“Nothing big, ma’am, just a little siren.”
One ray came to your aid – a man whose simple words summoned thunderstorms against his empty head. Challenged to war, Amani’s lightning changed its target, and your long breath came in quiet prayer for his quick demise.
“Nothing big? Are you serious, Laefen? You’ve not reported on the peril to camp, you’ve not reported on the abnormal forestall fauna to camp, and you’ve proceeded to eliminate the target without any orders given as to your further actions. The list of all your breached responsibilities is getting longer by the second!”
“And what would you suggest me to do if I did report back, talk to her?” huffed the rogue, rolling eyes while his posture adopted a defensive stance – that is, with arms covering a chest still hidden by some rests of leather. “Invite her out for a drink? She was about to eat us both, you know!”
“Sirens don’t eat elves, Laefen, have you never studied?” Amani’s pretty face disappeared under a slap for a few seconds. “She was likely hunting for new partners.”
“Oh, even better! Always wished to become a fish, how about you?”
The question is addressed to you, yet you’re not given time to answer.
“You should’ve run to alert us before killing her!”
“If I could run, my dear Leader, I’d be with you in seconds. But my friend here can assure you that I wasn’t in the right mind to do so. I wasn’t in any mind to begin with!”
“He’s right,” you intervened, making your voice known, too. Rightfully disappointed, however, Amani lacked full context for the situation, and couldn’t judge in fairness what occurred. “Laefen was bewitched by the siren’s song before we even figured out who was our foe. He wasn’t able to retreat until I sealed his conscience with a shield.”
“Then why didn’t you alert us, either?” her eyes moved onto you.
“Because he’d die,” you answered, simply.
Silence was your recurring host, and you enjoyed their presence. They spoke of arguments you’ve won, leaving your opponent without words to speak against your reason.
Amani, thoughtful, lowered down her gaze.
“…Alright,” she finally concurred, for – without doubt – she was a wise elf that never gambled facing logic. “You should’ve told me a full chronology of the events right from the start, Laefen. Why did you pointlessly argue if you had fair grounds to act at your discretion?”
“What can I say? I hate being saved,” with a shrug, the elf just smiles.
“Of course, it’s against your job description. I’ll expect you to not argue with me further on, or it’ll reflect on your work report,” still slightly confused, the woman passed onto softer notes that stung like little bees in aching promise. “That also goes for you,” she then turned to glare into your two depleted oceans, where magic had been drained dry. “As an academic, I’m expecting you to keep away from trouble, and inform your superiors.”
You nodded. You knew it wasn’t quite your place to help – your capabilities were solely regarded as additional aid if things went sour, and only in self-defence. You weren’t thought of as a fighter, nor you were expected to protect another soul. What you did today was, without doubt… unnatural.
“It was not her place,” Hibiscus stepped onto soft sand, her walk aerial and solemn. “She was an intruder… a monster to these lands. She was causing pain, and was in pain, too.”
“We could’ve helped her…” murmured Ashna somewhere close. You heard their voice with one ear shivering from their warm breath: while Amani spoke, the young elf slipped a little closer. Their hand landed upon your shoulder, soft with a grip tightened by worry. Its touch soothed the tension of your muscles; you felt calm coming back despite the drumming of your anxious heart. It was their fault, but they made you happy.
“It would’ve been extraordinary hard,” Hibiscus shook her head, giving the elf a glance. “She was too lost and too desperate. All beasts go wild when Mother has no place for them.”
“But you’re not saying it’s impossible.”
“…No, I’m not.”
A sigh, but Ashna quickly threw away the thoughts that threatened to destroy the mood, a shy smile shining towards Laefen.
“I’m glad that you’re alive,” they said, meaning each word.
“Still here to serve,” chuckled the cheerful man.
“Well, given that we’ve been left with everything resolved already, it’s our priority to get some rest before dawn,” taking lead, Amani caught everyone’s ears, and her eyes made sure even the most rebellious listened. “Hibiscus, please transport the body to our camp: we’ll give it a look tomorrow morning. Laefen, scout the terrain for other threats – REPORT any oddities.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Laefen’s sigh foresaw his mistake not to be forgotten lightly. Grumbling on the matter under his nose, the elf was quick to disappear amidst the shadows, swallowed whole.
“Everyone else, to sleep,” commanded the Leader, and the shore delved into a new silence. You watched Hibiscus call the roots of trees in aid; you watched them accurately wrap the body in living wood, passing it over grass where satyr steps left mark. You caught a glimpse of M still lingering between the bushes, their goals unknown. Yet who could even tell a human’s thought?
And, over anything, you still had a warm hand keeping you company, a pair of eyes gleaming like stars trapped from the sky and caged in mortal form.
“I’m also very glad that you’re okay…” they finally dared vocalise a feeling that brought sadness to their beautiful expression. “You should’ve called me, it was so dangerous, I… I thought I’d lose you for eternity. That’s too long.”
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
A gift for @thenegoteator :D
It took a Temple to raise a child, and Mace Windu was very much aware of this. However, it did not explain what Ahsoka Tano was doing at his door in the middle of the night. Ahsoka had deep bags under her eyes, which wasn’t too much of a surprise considering the current living arrangements of her lineage. While little Luke and Leia were relatively well-behaved newborns, they were still only a few weeks old. If their human caretakers didn’t wake up at every single little whimper, then the togruta with the superior hearing certainly would.
“Do you want to come inside?” Mace asked, not letting his confusion show. He was used to people coming to his door at the oddest hours.
“If—if I can?” Ahsoka replied as if only now becoming aware of her actions. In this, she reminded Mace of her Grandmaster and the many nights Mace had found Obi-Wan coming to his doorstep during the first months of Anakin’s stay at the Temple.
“My door is always open, Padawan,” Mace said – and watched her wince.
So there was the problem.
“Caleb is currently sleeping in my bed as Depa is away,” Mace explained. “So please keep your voice down. I don’t want to wake him unnecessarily.”
The boy had already had a hellish enough month behind him, he needed all the rest he could get. Even though the war was officially over, enough planets refused to surrender, drawing out the battles until they had nothing but children left to sacrifice. It weighed on Mace’s shoulders, making him wonder whether he wasn’t too old to carry such burdens still.
Ahsoka nodded and followed Mace inside. He couldn’t recall whether Ahsoka had been in his room before, but from the way she eagerly looked around his quarters, taking in the sight of old instruments, books, and holos, he guessed she hadn’t. Well, at one point in their life, every Jedi had set a foot inside Mace’s quarters, so this was bound to happen sooner or later.
“Do you want a cup of tea?”
Ahsoka tore herself away from the sight and looked at him with surprise. “I—yes? That would be nice.”
“Then I will make a cup. Do you have any preferences? I believe I even have Obi-Wan’s favorite blend here.”
Mace had no idea whether he had bought it or if Obi-Wan had just left it here from himself when he came over. Knowing the other man, it was likely that the latter was the case. For a man claiming to be so very polite, Obi-Wan could be a right brat.
Mace’s kitchen was small, with only a few cabinets and one shelf, two cooking tiles, and an oven. He wasn’t much of a cook himself and preferred to eat in the cafeteria with everyone, frequently taste-tasting what the Initiates had prepared. He selected two uneven cups Depa had made for him when she’d been young from the shelf. Why she had decided to pick up pottery of all hobbies was beside him, but he supposed that she found the motion soothing. Devan did enjoy parkouring through the lower levels and Echuu was quite content playing the guitar to calm himself.
Perhaps Mace should focus less on why all three of his Padawans had decided they wouldn’t follow him into theatre so they could continue to make fun of him. Setting the water to boil, Mace searched through his cabinets until he found Obi-Wan’s favorite blend. The fruity tea was far from the blend he preferred, but Mace prided himself on being a good host. While he waited for the tea to finish steeping, Mace enjoyed the quiet of the night. For all that there were few sounds as dear to him as that of people walking, or in the case of some younglings and few selected Knights, running, down their large hallways, Mace could appreciate the quiet when the world came to rest.
With two finished cups in hand, he returned to the living room, where he found Ahsoka curled up on the sofa, no longer studying his quarters for any hidden secrets.
“Thank you,” she said when she accepted the cup from him. She held it in her hands as if to warm them, letting the steam hit her face. She breathed in once, twice, finding her rhythm again. Mace waited until she’d calmed enough to speak up.
“What brings you to my door, Padawan Tano?”
Ahsoka flinched and appeared to make herself even smaller as if attempting to vanish. When it became apparent that it didn’t work, that silence hadn’t been what she had sought him out for, she let out a sigh. “You keep calling that.”
“Calling you what?” Mace asked, his brow raised, playing oblivious.
“… Padawan.”
“Are you not? I was under the impression that you had returned to the Temple.”
“I did, but I still left,” Ahsoka replied. “I left and I was convinced that I had to leave and that it was good that I did. I still think I had to leave the Temple behind.”
“Then why are you torn?”
Ahsoka’s hold on her cup tightened and so, perhaps in wise anticipation, she set it on the table and buried her hands in her robes instead, hiding their twitching from view. Mace could trace all her mannerisms to her teachers and couldn’t imagine what it must be like to purposefully rip all those pieces from yourself when they had become so ingrained in your very being. Even Dooku, who’d fallen so far from their beliefs, had been unable to fully rid himself of Yoda’s lessons. Maybe it was for the best. Hope had become a scarce commodity during the war, yet Mace considered the possibility that in a decade, they wouldn’t be imprisoning a Sith anymore.
“But am I still a Padawan? A member of this Order?” Ahsoka asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she shook like the leaves on the trees in the courtyard.
“Has your Master told you anything different?”
Ahsoka paused. “…. No.”
Seeing that realization was settling within her, Mace nodded. “Then you should not doubt him. You are a Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and you will remain one as long as you live by our tenets.”
That teased a startled laugh from her. “Compassion for all except people who cheat at push-n-pull?”
As if transported back ten years, hearing Anakin say the same, Mace snorted. “The similarities between you and your Master astonish me every time. Yes, Padawan Tano, compassion for all.”
This seemed to calm the youth as she reached for her cup again and emptied it slowly. “It’s good.”
Mace smiled into his own cup. “I’d be insulted if it wasn’t. Obi-Wan forced me to memorize all the steps for making it.”
The then young Knight had been frazzled, and Mace honestly couldn’t tell what it had been about and had forced Mace to learn how to make this tea until he’d more or less collapsed on Mace’s sofa, completely knocked out until morning when Anakin had picked him up.
“He does do that,” Ahsoka agreed. “I think this is the only thing anyone can make reliably now.”
“Sleep-deprived much?” Mace inquired.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. “Like you wouldn’t believe. I love Luke and Leia dearly, but they are demanding and need a lot of attention.”
That was honestly kinder than Mace would have described newborns at her age.
“There is a reason why we usually don’t have children this young in the Temple,” Mace said. “They are very handful. Do you get enlisted to help very often?”
Ahsoka shook her head. “No, Obi-Wan, Skyguy, and Padmé got it covered, and I’m mostly just helping out somewhere else.”
She trailed off a little. This, perhaps, was another issue, but one that could be equally easily dealt with.
“Thank you then for going where you are needed,” Mace told her.
Ahsoka blinked. “Huh?”
“You will grow into a specific role someday, Ahsoka, and that needs time. Do not feel as if you need to earn back your place in the Temple. You don’t need to earn yourself a home you have always had. For now, trust me when I say that everyone you’ve helped is glad that you were there. It is an admirable quality to have a sense of where you are needed. Do not see it as being the odd one out.”
This was the hardest lesson to teach and learn, the fact that there was a path out there for you, but that it took time to see where it would lead. Too many of their Padawans now felt utterly lost without the structure the war had provided them with.
“Oh. I guess if you say so.”
“Yes, I do say so,” Mace agreed. Then, eyeing Ahsoka’s empty cup, he added on, “do you want another?”
“No.” Ahsoka yawned. “I think I might best head back.”
“You can also sleep here if you want, and don’t mind Caleb hogging the blanket. I won’t go to bed tonight anyway.”
Ahsoka squinted at him as if attempting to discern whether he was lying. “Are you sure?”
“Ahsoka, go to bed.”
Clearly feeling better already, she saluted and, after Mace showed her his bedroom, made herself comfortable in it. She took off her shoes and tossed her robe over a chair before climbing into the bed. Ahsoka had barely laid down when Caleb already turned around to curl around her, clinging like a little monkey. After a moment’s apprehension, she relaxed and was fast asleep. Stealing one last glance at the two Padawan, Mace returned to his living room, looking through the incoming reports.
Hectic as the aftermath of the war was, as much effort as caring for their children was, Mace wouldn’t trade it for a single thing in the world.
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
james potter smut alphabet
james potter x fem!reader
a/n: that took from 9:45pm-12:pm then 7am-9:20am THAT TOOK SO LONG OMG
i’m sorry if it’s bad
warning: literally pure sex smut all that jazz
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
that man is the softest dom, literally the DEFINITION. he gives u so many kisses, he praises u, he will shower with you, wash your hair, gives u his clothes LITERALLY THE BEST.
“mhm jamie, too tired” you murmur. your body melting into the mattress as you speak, all worn down. “but, love.” he pushes your hair behind your ears, pulling you up. “gotta get you all nice and clean f’me.”
he pulls you up, his calloused hands gripping onto your thighs, bringing you into the bathroom. the shower already nice and warm ready for the both of you. he’s holding you under the warm water to the point where you might collapse if it wasn’t for his grip.
“you did good love, so so good all f’me.” he says sponging kisses on your forehead, both of his hands on your lower back holding you.
“i love you, my sweets.”
“you’re the only one f’me.”
you were so tired, so vulnerable just allowing james to take care of you because that’s all he wanted to do.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his biceps, simple. he does A LOT of quidditch training to get to his strength. he also takes pride in being able to just fuck you against the lockers from his strength. it also inflates his ego when he catches you staring at his biceps. or when he’s taking you underneath him your gripping his biceps like your life depended on it.
“james- fuck.” you moaned into his neck, his lips sucking dark hues into your collar bones and his left forearm resting right beside your head and his other gripping around your waist.
he started going slower, but deeper. he hit a new angle inside of you almost hitting your cervix. you let out a strangled moan gripping his bicep almost digging your nails into the flesh.
his head dipping out from beneath your neck to slot your plush reddened lips with his.
that man and you’re THIGHS. he’s a thigh man don’t tell me other wise. whether ur in your school skirt, jeans, leggings, underwear ;) his legs AND HANDS always divert to the soft plush skin of your thigh.
your ankles insticntly went to lock around james’ head, he had been in between your thighs for hours on end without a stop.
“james- i’m gonna cum.” you breathed out in a moan. his hands squeezing at the flesh on your thigh, they were reddened and begging to lightly bruise from him doing those similar actions for the last hour and a half.
“cum darling, cum for me.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
so, esentially speaking theres wizard potions to block out pregnancy. so he would be CUMMING INSIDE OF U. not nessesarily a breeding kink but he likes when your full and stuffed with his cum. he also loves to cum on your chest or thighs because he likes the contrast to your skin and he think it makes you so utterly pretty.
the wave of euphoria and stars dancing across your vision had almost come to an end as your boyfriends thrust got sloppy and rigid.
“pretty girl where do you want it, where do you want my cum?” he panted to you, close to his release.
“i want you to cum inside me jamie, please. fill me up.” you let out a small moan at his constant friction when you felt ropes of seed shoot into you, he rode out his orgasam then pulled out. you clenched around nothing as he came face to you cunt.
he pushed his fingers into you, a small moan leaving your mouth as you made eye contact with him.
“gotta keep you all nice and full, yeah?”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
there’s nothing he would want more than a lap dance. you in you your lingerie you had just bought giving him a little show after one of a quidditch wins. 
“mhm, sit f’me.” you whispered into his ear, placing him to hit at the end of his four poster bed.
“and what have you got going on darling? a suprise?” he said, leaning against his two hands watching you pry at your tie and slip it off.
slowly unbuttoning your school blouse, flinging it on the floor. he lets out a small groan at the sight of you almost naked in your skirt. you walk towards him shuffling onto his lap.
“you did win after all, and winners get rewards.” you said circling your hips onto his clothed cock .
“fuck... the things you do to me.” he groaned into your ear as you continued.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m gonna be honest i don’t think that much when you first get together. i mean there’s been ladies he’s a marauder but he’s only ever wanted to you so i feel like he just gets to know your body really well and he sort of just has instincts. like during your first time there’s those little awkward moments but you both make it run all good and smoothly
“s’gonna hurt y/n.” he murmured to you, situating himself in between your legs as you lock your ankles behind his back.
“i know, but i want this. i want you. i need you inside me.” you whisper in desperation for him, needing to feel him.
“you ready?”
“mhm, please.”
he slowly started to slide into you, when you let out your first hiss of discomfort, he slotted his fingers between yours and slightly halted his movements.
“keep going jamie.” you encouraged
he slid his way into your cunt until he was fully in.
“move please, i need to feel you.” he did his first pulse, light movements when you let an involuntary moan escape the threshold of your lips.
“mhm- jamie, keep going.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
missionary bc he just wants to see your beautiful face, against the quidditch lockers so he can just hold you against them or doggy bc he likes to choke you or pull you up so he can see your back arch for him.
you heard the bang of metal as james took you against the quidditch lockers and you tried to muffle your moans against his lips.
“gotta- gotta be quiet love. wouldn’t want anyone to know what we’re doing in here.” he panted into you ear. he continued as he angled your leg higher, hitting you g-spot as he continued his pace.
“james fuck- so good. so fucking good.”
“you look so fucking beautiful like this y/n.”
“j-james i- i cant hold on much longer. s’too much.” you moaned and whimpered from the back of your throat.
“pretty girl cum for me.”
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
there’s 2 kinds of sex with james, giggly super soft lovie sex. not necessarily making jokes but just giggling because he just tickled your side my accident or accidentally bumping noses. or there’s big dom daddy james where it’s very PASSIONATE but he’s very dominate.
his hand ran down the depth of your curves, a little giggle bubbling through your throat. he looked at you with a cocked brow, repeating his action as his chin rested on your stomach a small smirk on his lips.
you giggled again, your hand running through his hair. you brought his face to your lips as your finger tips danced under his jaw.
he giggled at your actions as well, also seemingly ticklish under his neck.
“you’re so distracting james potter.” you groaned as he continued to pulse through you while giggling at you.
“i’m distractingly beautiful y/n y/l/n”
“quite insuffer- fuck!” you were caught off with a moan as his fingertips danced on your clit. stimulating you.
“hmmm darling, cat got your tongue?”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
so james has that thick mangle of tresses on his head, so i feel like he’s quite cleanly shaven, maybe just a bit of a stubble? but i feel like he would shave not only to make it more comfortable for him but for you seemingly easier and more comfortable.
i don’t think he would care if you were shaved or not, as long as you were comfortable your natural body hair is not stopping him from going down on your or having sex with you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
ROMANCE KING ILL SAY IT ONCE ILL SAY IT TWICE ILL SAY IT THREE TIMES IF HE COULD EVERYTIME HE WOULD SPREAD ROSE PETALS AND CANDLES AND LIGHT FIRE PLACES AND E V E R Y T H I N G. during the whole thing your hands would e interlocked with his, chests pressed against eachother, eye contact, soft touches, soft kisses and mumbles of praise like whew.
“jamie- what’s this?” you asked, your eyes scanning around the room with floating candles and rose petals on the floor.
“well i figured i’d make it special, i dunno.” he murmured shoving his hands in his pockets. you turned towards him with a grin your face.
you grasped his face between your palms lightly kissing his lips before speaking.
“a real sap you are potter, my sap.”
“correct, 10 points go y/h.”
“thanks professor potter.” you teased before leaning in to kiss his lips again.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he would A LOT and you would catch him A LOT. somwtimes u aren’t always there but u know what is there, a picture of you and his hands and he makes due when he needs too. but normally he just goes to you because he would rather anyways but sometimes there are bigger priorities then his random hard ons.
“y/n- fuck me...” he moaned, his hand pumping his cock in one hand and the other gripping his bed post, knuckles turning a shade of white.
his only thought being the way you looked under him, on top of him, infront of him, you’re beautiful beautiful body. you were currently occupied helping mcgonagall with extra transfiguration while james was in need... of you.
you had finished early, waltzing into james’ room like normal except you were met with a familiar sight of james pumping his cock in his hand while his head was slightly leant back and his jaw was slack.
you cleared your throat, crossing your arms and a smirk on your lips with an eyebrow raise. “couldnt wait atleast an hour could you?” you teased, walking closer.
“well now that your here, could you lend a hand?”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
james has a daddy kink😐 literally that’s one of his most prominent kinks. i mean your his angel, his darling girl he would do anything for you i mean he just wants to make you happy. and i mean you calling him daddy while withering under him just makes him 😁
“daddy... please.” you begged him.
“ive been a good girl. i promise!” you were almost yelling at him, wanting him to understand.
“sweetheart we’re you a good girl when flirting with sirius?” his face got seemingly close to yours, asking you the question while raising one of his eyebrows.
“no daddy.” you said, embarassed. you had been waiting for james attention all night long but instead he was stuck all up in detention for a prank against snape.
and then when he finally arrived to the common room he barely spared you a word, so you did what you had to do to grab his attention and... it worked.
“so tell me baby, whyd you break the rules?”
“i just wanted your attention daddy! i just wanted you!”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
i think his fave would be the dorms in the bed. but the prefects bath is a very close second. and he surely doesn’t mind the common room or broom closets that are very open to public where you both could get caught in comprising positions.
you heard the slosh of the water beside you, as you moved your hips onto james’ submerged underneath the prefects bath water as u straddled him.
his hands came to steady your hips as your buried your head in his neck, and continuously grinding your cunt onto james’ dick.
“fuck angel... just like that.” he moaned while tightening his grip
“f-fuck jamie-“ you whimpered in his ear, clawing at his shoulders.
“you’re doing amazing pretty girl, keep doing- fuck- you feel so good around me.” he praised you while groaning.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
“so fucking tired.” james muttered walking into the common room after a two hour detention with filch.
he saw your body displayed on the vermillion couch, very opening that his body could just rest on yours while you were in a conversation with remus and sirius.
he quietly sprawled his head on your lap, his arms arranging around your waist as he gor comfortable.
you mindlessly started caressing his hair, and pulling on the tuffs lovingly, that was until you felt a hard pressure pressing against your calf that you remembered james’ small dirty secret.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t feel like he would be into hurting you? like slapping, knife kinks, seeing you hurt i don’t think he would find that arousing he would more just be concerned because he doesn’t like to see your hurting. i think he would still like spankings but i don’t think he would slap you in the face or anything.
“so y/n, d’you think you’d try it?” sirius asked you, while your eyes paid more attention on the potions text book infront of you.
“try what?” you muttered, clearly disinterested in the conversation.
“knives in bed.”
you brought your head up to look at him, cocking an eyebrow confused at his question.
“um, probably not. i don’t know that’s an odd question pads.” you muttered turning your attention back to your potions book.
“but wouldnt that like... hurt her?” you heard james say in a concerned and confused tone to sirius.
“could if you wanted too, but it’s more of the thrill.” sirius replied to james.
“no, i don’t think i want the ‘thrill’ m’good, thanks.” he agitatedly replied to sirius and looked at his own book.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
i feel like he would like both equally but he’s more of a giver at heart. it’s kind of whatever happens in the moment because when your thighs are wrapped around his head it’s like heaven but your pretty lips wrapped around his cock? also heaven.
your hands braced his thighs as your plunged your mouth deeper onto his girth, trying to take him all in while breathing for your knows.
“you take my cock so well pretty girl.” he praises to you, his hand in a makeshift pony tail holding your hair away from your face.
you went back to his tip, kissing and swirling your tongue around trying to catch your breath before pushing your mouth onto him keeping a fast past.
“i’m gonna cum-“ he groaned and his own release shooting ropes of cum down youve throat cut him off.
he slowly rid out his high as you continue to suck and then swirled your tongue around the tip and opening your mouth to show that you had swallowed his release.
“good girl.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like he changes pace a lot? sometimes it’s really fast, and deep but sometimes very slow and passionate and deep and loving. he’s a man of many talents and whatever the mood is he can keep that pace.
his hand had one firm grasp on your waist as he pounded you from behind and the other gripped the root of your hair.
“you gonna be a messy little girl?” he taunted you through gritted teeth
“y-yes.” you muttered through moans.
he had just lost a quidditch match to slytherin and you offered a solution.
something nice and rough.
and that’s exactly what the both of you wanted.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
i feel like they would happen from time to time but i feel like he would be more into proper sex because you are literally his only priority like getting you off is all he cares about so maybe there’s a quick a few times but definitely not all the time.
“shh if you’re not quiet someone’s going to walk walk by and hear.” james taunted you, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head dug into his neck trying to hold back your moans.
“james- i- i cant s’too much, too much.” you said while biting your lip, unable to see much do you the darkness of the broom closet.
“well sweet girl that’s what happens when you get needy during school hm? is my pretty little slut gonna cum all over my cock while anyone could walk in?” he began to mock you.
“mhm- yes.” your lip becoming dry and chapped from all the incessant biting, “please can i cum?”
“go on, cum y/n.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
i feel as long as it wasn’t hurting you or it ended up with you or him like getting with other people he would try it?
“are you sure, m’scared i might hurt you.” james murmured while tying your hands up to the bed post.
“m’fine, promise.” you assured him, that night you were trying something new. both of you had previously talked about ties and bondage and you wanted to try it once to see if you’d both like it.
you pulled on the ropes a bit making sure they weren’t cutting off the circulation of your wrists.
“see? m’good jamie.”
“ok but if something happens tell me, i don’t want you to hold back because i might be enjoying it you’re not.”
“james i promise.”
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
that man happens to be a QUIDDITCH PRODIGY. HE IS A SEEKER. WHICH MEANS HE CAN LAST AWHILE. i believe that he would stop when you wanted to stop, like he could fuck you all night if he wanted too.
“one more darling, one more f’me.” his voice hoarse from the previous three rounds.
he wanted to know if you could go any more, ready to stop at any time.
“one more?” you said breathily to him.
“just one.”
“yes daddy, i want you, please.” you plead to your bespectacled boyfriend, you began clenching around nothing feeling empty again.
“mhm please, please i want you.”
“alright darling, no need to fret. m’right here.” he assured.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i think he’s more like “why would you need those when you have me.” type of guy. like i don’t feel like he would have them even for punishments he would rather do it himself, even because he would feel closer to you like he’d rather fuck and tease you then silicone (bruh 😭)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
i feel like you would do more of the teasing because he would automatically become obdient to you. if he was teasing it wouldn’t be for long because he would fuck himself from watching you squirm and tease you.
his palm rested on the inside of your thigh, tracing little shapes as goosebumps rose onto your skin.
“nervous, darling?” he teased in your ear while you were trying to converse with peter about arithmancy homework during dinner at the great hall.
“james. stop. teasing.” you said through gritted teeth, your legs squirming at his fingers grazing your panties.
“but you’re so beautiful like this, about to make a mess during dinner? think that’s polite y/n?” he mocked you, he loved that he had that effect on you.
you turned towards his face that was almost touching the shell of your ear.
“if you keep doing this i won’t fuck you for a month.” you whispered, venom like words leaving your throat.
his sapphire eyes quickly widened as he moved his hand by the cap of your knee. you smirked as he was almost frantic by your words.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he wants the whole hogwarts castle to know that you’re his so he is loud. he groans, he moans, he dirty talks, he moans your name like he is EXTRA with it. sometimes you almost have to shush him but he’s not having any of that.
“james, hush! you’re going to get all the prefrecfs scrambling around the room if you’re to loud!” you said covering his mouth, feeling him smirk against your palm.
“but darling, that’s the whole point. don’t you want everyone to know who you belong to?” you flushed and pulled your hand away from his face.
“that’s what i thought love.”
“you know sirius will never let us live this down, bet he can hear from the common room.”
“then let’s give him a show, shall we?”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
cockwarming. if you’re being a brat that’s one of the ways he’s gonna punish you, while he’s working on a prank and his arm is just around your waist to make you stop squirming.
“if you’re going to be a brat angel, i’m gonna start treating you like one.” he murmured to your squirming figure as he tried to figure out a new prank on snape.
you were sat on top of his cock, clenching and squirming almost begging for him to touch you.
“jamie please i need you, please, please please.” you begged him, yet no avail. a determined look on his face as he was scribbling on the parchment.
he swatted your bum, you jolted a bit at the sudden friction of his hand and began to whine.
he looked at you, a dark look in his eyes which shut you up immediately because you knew what that look meant.
“hmm, so you can listen to the rules? good girl.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
that man is big and thick and he KNOWS HE IS. i’d say 8inches hard?
you rested your bum on to your calves before scooching up to this belt buckle as he was standing, holding a faux-ponytail of your hair between his calloused fingers.
“are you sure, y/n? you don’t have to if you don’t want too.” he looked down at you, puling your eyes to look in his sapphire ones.
“m’sure james.” you assured him, undoing the buckle and swiftly pulling down his boxers and uniform pants at the same time.
his shirt discarded on the floor earlier, his dick slapping his clenched stomach. he was already hard from your teasing and grinding earlier.
your eyes widened at his size, nervous how you would fit it all in your mouth.
“what’s wrong darling?” he started to get concerned at your frozen state.
“nothing.. y-your just, so big.” you said looking at his cock and hearing a chuckle in the backround.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
i feel like it’s pretty high but it’s always depending on you, he would rather die than force you to do anything if you weren’t feeling it or just didn’t want too. so if you’re up for anything than so is he.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if it’s during the day i don’t think he would get that tired, but if it was during the night and he just finished aftercare i feel like you would lay on his chest if he hadn’t worked you hard enough and you guys would just talk about anthing. but if you guys did a lot of rounds and you were on the verge of slumber he would just kiss your hairline and praise you as you fell asleep.
“my good girl.” he said while kissing your forehead. “i love you so so much, you’re the only one for me.” his hand dragging against the arch of your back, the only thing seperating him from your skin was the shirt he put on you.
“my sweets, does everything for me. how could i have gotten so lucky.” he whispered on the shell of your ear.
“hmm, jamie been asking myself the same thing.” you murmured, sleep almost pulling you under but not enough for you to reply to him.
“goodnight james. i love you.”
“i love you more, my sweets.”
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saintorchid · 3 years
Stuck on you
Eat, Sleep, Teach, and Kill was (Y/N) routine each day as a sorcerer. The mind-numbing routine varies each day, giving (Y/N) a little enough reason to stay in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. However, there is a blond man who makes her time on earth worthwhile. 
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hello! I am back from the dead with a new fic. I kinda went overboard with this ahahahaha. As always this is smut and...
!!!!!!MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!!!! IF YOU DO I WISH BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW ARE HOT. (I’m serious and you will be blocked). 
Eat, Sleep, Teach, and Kill was (Y/N) routine each day as a sorcerer. The mind-numbing routine varies each day, giving (Y/N) a little enough reason to stay in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. (Y/N)’s worries clouded her mind each day. The next curse, future meetings with the staff on campus, the insufferable Gojo Satoru, and the biggest of them all, her students, overall it was exhausting.
In a world so cruel and children so innocent, it broke her heart to see the unavoidable responsibilities placed on her students. “They don’t deserve this; they are just children burden with the problems caused by the elders of the Jujutsu world.” However (Y/N) took that extra step extra mile to provide a better life for the students. Their lives were similar to an hourglass. A single grain of sand represented a day of her students' life. Their days were limited; time is the ultimate enemy for these children. How cruel.
As a teacher, you taught your students about jujutsu sorcery and taught your students how to remain human. Kindness, compassion, patience, and many more emotions, make us human. If you could do anything for these students, teach them that it's okay to be human. They are not dispensable emotionless soldiers used by the elders.
The sun shone through the window of the building you were in, basking you in a warm glow. It was an off day for everyone. The students and staff were free to leave campus to have time for themselves. Looking out the window, you see your students carrying beach towels in their swimwear.
A pink-haired student spots you in the window and calls out your name. “(L/N)-Sensei!!! Would you like to join us for a beach day! It will be fun and relaxing! We're staying at Gojo-Sensei’s villa!” Itadori yelled at the top of his lungs while showing off a bright smile.
You smile back, waving and answering your student's call, “I would love to, Yuji!” The students listened eagerly for your response, hoping you would join them.
“However!” A collectible groan came from the students. You laughed and gave them a bright smile, “I am a teacher, and I still have responsibilities such as grading your exams on the subject of curses we learned last week!” The students now had a pained expression on their faces and now slightly moving faster into the car to avoid the following few words that will come out of your mouth.
“But!” The students now had their heads sticking out of the packed car. “I would love for you guys to bring me back a seashell or some kind of souvenir! If it’s not too much to ask!”
A babble of replies came from the students while the car was slowly moving out of the parking lot, “You got it (L/N)-Sensei!”, “I’ll bring you all the seashells!” and “Bye, Sensei!! Have a nice day!”
You smiled, feeling your heart become full of love and adoration for your students. You would do anything to protect the remaining innocence they had.
You looked at your watch, still seeing that the time was 9:17 am. You still had a few more papers to grade, so you decided to finish grading them in your office and head out for the town to buy some groceries and other personal things.
You head to your office that’s right next to principal Yaga’s office he wasn’t in, so that made you breathe a little easier. You settled on your desk and started to grade your students' exams. Lost in focus, a knock on the door alerted you. You thought it was principal Yaga asking about the last meeting notes; however, you noticed the sight of a tall blonde man with an empty stare. Nanami Kento was your senpai back in your high school days. The man was a realistic person. His harsh truths and criticism never failed to pain you nor your student Yuji. A perspective entirely different from yours; however, despite his straight-to-the-point attitude, he still respected you. And you were enamored by the man who stood in front of you. His words did carry some truth, but that didn’t stop you from engaging in conversation with him and showing him the world through your eyes.
A smooth voice broke your focus from eyeing the man’s toned chest. “Is there something on my shirt?”
You immediately apologize, “Oh no, sorry! Um, anyway, what can I help you with, Nanami-san?” Quickly diverting the conversation back to Nanami. Hoping that he didn’t catch you ogling his chest. He noticed but still took some pride in knowing that you were staring at him. Nanami was quite fond of you. The two of you shared many things, such as your love for castella cakes that were sold at a hole-in-a-wall bakery the two of you once visited together. He appreciated you and the work that you do. Though he doesn’t know why you put so much effort into teaching, he enjoys watching you teach your shared students.
“I had a question about next week's staff meeting, so I came by to ask Principal Yaga about it. Do you know where he is at?” Nanami's voice went through your ear and settled in your lower stomach. You subconsciously squeezed your thighs, hoping that the light blush on your face goes unnoticed by him.
You reply, hoping that he would overlook the faltering in your voice. With all your confidence, you reply, “ I do not know where he is at, but I think that he has a meeting with the higher-ups from Kyoto.”
Nanami ponders on your answer and accepts it. “Ah, I see; well, sorry to bother you, Enjoy your day off (L/N)-san.” Nanami leaves and shuts your office door. Hearing his steps slowly fade into the air, you finally take a deep breath.
You had worries; however, one thing that clouded your mind was Nanami. You enjoyed his presence; actually, you enjoyed everything about him. You have loved him since high school. However, you don’t know his thoughts on love. You and Nanami have shared deep conversations about life but never love. It felt wrong to talk about love since the two of you were sorcerers, and your days are numbered. Still, that didn’t stop you from loving him; you just loved him in silence. You used small actions to your advantage. A cup of black coffee or his favorite sandwich from his favorite bakery, These small actions kept you sane.
You finished up the remaining exams and headed towards the school's parking lot. It was still early, so you decided to start your day. You got into your car and headed towards the shopping center in town.
You first head into a clothing store picking up some cardigans and tights since your last pair ripped while heading to a meeting with the higher-ups. The next store was a beauty shop. You picked up some lotion, face wash, and some perfume since you were running low. After a few more stories, you were about ready to leave, but your eye caught something. A store called “All for You”. It was covered in red lettering neon sign. Intrigued, you walked towards the store, not knowing what it contained.
You entered through the doors, immediately noticing the lingerie on display. You admired a set of purple lingerie, wondering how it would look on your body. The fabric is hugging your curves, your breasts covered by the transparent lace, the garter belt that would caress your thighs. A voice broke your focus; it was an associate heading towards you. “Pretty, isn’t it? We currently have a sale going on in the store its buy one get one 50% off the whole store. If you see something you like, don’t hesitate to ask one of us for help!” Her honey-coated voice filled your ears. You thanked her and began to roam the store. You noticed a few more sets, but they didn’t catch your attention like the purple lingerie set they had displayed at the front. You then landed in the back of the store and immediately froze up.
There were adult toys on shelves, a wide variety of dildos, vibrators, and more toys meant for one's pleasure. You looked at the toys observing their traits “vibrating”, “sucking”, and “thrusting”. You haven’t thought about sex nor masturbation in so long. School and the students always took up your time. It left you frustrated and stressed out. You haven’t masturbated either. Your fingers could only do so much but still left you unsatisfied and horny. Another associate came up to you.
“Hi Ma’am see anything you like?” The associate asked.
The thought of having an orgasm clouded your mind. You hadn’t had one in so long. The pebble of your nipples hitting the cold air, your puffy clit desperate for attention, your whole body was shaking due to the oncoming orgasm.
You shook out of your daze and answered the associate. You were about to spill your orgasmless life onto this associate, hoping that they would help you in some way and not be uncomfortable.
“Um, well, I don’t know where to start, but I am a teacher, and it's been challenging to have some time for myself, especially pleasure-wise. Is there anything you would recommend?” You mentally prepared yourself for the associate response.
The associate smiled and proceeded to show you an array of toys hoping that one of them would bring you the pleasure you needed.
You looked through the array of toys until the associate showed you “the best for last”.
It was a black vibrating egg. Its design was sleek and had seven different modes.
“This is one of my personal favorites. The more you squeeze, the more intense it gets. It has me orgasming under five minutes.”
You looked at the toy and decided fuck it, why not. You told the associate that you would take it.
She smiled and asked if you would like to buy the purple lingerie set since it was a buy one get one fifty percent off deal.
Without hesitation, you said yes.
You left the store with a new lingerie set and wireless vibrator. Maybe today was the day you can combat the stress plaguing you since you enter the jujutsu world.
You now walked to your car happily with today's purchases.
The campus was empty due to everyone leaving. The peace that covered the campus like a morning dew was relaxing. Days like this were rare, so you always took a second before heading towards your room to breathe in the fresh air.
You entered your now-empty apartment. You decided to do some chores and put away the things you bought. You decided to relax and catch up on some reading. However, there was a black bag on the kitchen table that teased you. You chose to keep on reading, but the words seemed to crash into each other like waves on a stormy day. Thirty minutes had passed, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You placed your bookmark on the page you couldn’t finish. Now with the black bag in hand, you walked into your bedroom wishing for something, but you didn’t know what you desired. You just hope whatever it was, worked.
You took out the items and laid them on your bed. You admired the lace on the lingerie set you bought. The removal of your clothes was of the utmost importance. A pile of work clothes piled around you. You turn around to face the mirror that also acted as your closet door. You take a look at your body. You never thought you were beautiful, just normal. Stretch marks kissed along your thighs, scars from fighting against curses made their home on your skin, and the curves and rolls that appeared were normal. You appreciated your body for keeping you alive.
Little by little, you placed the lingerie set. The bra covered your breasts and pert nipples, the panties hugged your hips, the long knee socks with frills made your legs even more delicious, and the garter belt with heart hoops added to your confidence. You posed in your mirror, enjoying the confidence the set gave you.
A box was open, and its contents covered your bed. You sat down, observing the toy in hand. It was slim and sleek. You read the instructions getting the general gist of it. It was rechargeable which was excellent. You heard stories from your female colleagues saying that they are immediately turn off when their battery-powered vibe dies on them while they are on the precipice of an orgasm. Thankful that this vibrator had a rechargeable battery.
The purple panties were now covered by a wet patch that has been slowly growing. Turning on the vibrator on the lowest setting, you teased yourself. The vibrations kissed your nipples and lit up your body in the smallest of touches. The vibrator moves across your body, sending your clit signals that it needed to be touched, to be teased, to bring you a well-deserved orgasm. The black vibrator in hand teased your covered pussy closer to the place that desperately needs to be touched. You moved it up and down your panties which were now soaking. You placed various pressure along your clothed pussy but never touching your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into your vibrator. Your other hand was fondling your breasts and teasing your nipples. A soft moan escaped your lips.
You were soaking. You cursed yourself for not putting a towel down, but you didn’t care. Your body felt like it was on fire.
Your hole was clenching around nothing. It was painful. You weren’t a virgin; you had someone nightstands to help relieve your stress from your early days as a teacher. Some of them managed to bring you into an orgasm, but it was futile. A connection is what you wanted, not meaningless sex. Then you thought about the blonde sorcerer that came into your office earlier.
Nanami was a handsome man with a body big enough to cage you in. Hands bigger than yours. His expensive cologne is filling up all your senses. You wanted him. Thinking about his hands slowly thrusting in and out of you, stretching you out to prepare you for his pre-cum covered cock. Drool slowly escaped your mouth. Moans and whimpers were becoming more frequent.
You placed the sleek vibrator inside your needy pussy while moving your panties to the side. Your pussy clenched on it eagerly, and the vibrations became even more potent. You tried to hold onto the self-control you had left. You decided that it was too much and wanted to take it out, but you realized it was stuck. Now panicking, you tried to reach inside, but your insides were covered in your juices. You couldn't take it out now in the process of thinking of resolutions; your doorbell went off. You froze. You were a horny mess; who could it be at this hour, you said to yourself.  
You grabbed your robe, covering your tantalizing body. A strained “Coming!” came out of your mouth. The vibrations were getting more robust, and you quickly decided to deal with the person at your door and resolve your problem by yourself.
Opening the door and seeing a 6-foot tall blonde sorcerer was now your second most significant problem.
“Sorry for coming so late. I came to return your bread…basket.” Nanami’s voice was now filled with worry seeing your flushed face.
He pulls you in closer with a firm grip. Your body is now indulging in his presence. “Are you okay?” He then proceeds to place his strong, callused hands on your face and forehead.
His hands-on you caused your pussy to clench, which the vibrator go to the following setting a more robust setting. A moan escapes your mouth.
The moan reaches Nanami's ears lighting his body up. Nanami looks at you with shock. Having no sanity left, you needed help, and you decided to ask Nanami to take out the toy that has been terrorizing your pussy.
Still in his grip, you looked at the blond who held you reasonably close. His scent reaching your nose was making this even more dangerous for you.
With a strained voice, words came out, “Nanami, please, I need your help, and I feel comfortable asking you for h-“
Your body betrayed you focused on reaching pleasure. With hurried words, you continue. Nanami's concern for you was even greater. You decided to get straight to the point for your own sake. “Nanami, please help me. I have a…”
You mumble into his toned chest.
His face reaches face level with you. A heavy blush covered your face. “What was that? I can’t hear you (L/N)-san.” A small smile tugged his lips, but it went unnoticed by you. The man in your apartment was making you go crazy with each passing minute.
With the left overconfidence, you plead to Nanami to help you.
“Nanami, please help me. I have a vibrator stuck inside me, and I can’t get it out, please. My body feels like it's on fire.” Nanami looked at you and realized the severity of the situation.
Nanami hasn't been in this situation before but seeing your trembling body in his arms; there is always a first for everything.
With no questions asked, Nanami picked you up while you directed him towards the bedroom. Carrying you, he saw the left overpacking of the vibrator, making a mental note of it. He carefully laid you on the bed.
“Nanami nggghhh, please.” Your body is now squirming on the bed, and the robe you had on was slowly coming undone.
Small flashes of your skin appeared in Nanami’s eyes. The bulge in his pants was becoming more prominent. Everything was too overwhelming. Your heart couldn’t take it anymore; the love you had for Nanami Kento was about to be spilled on his hands. Nanami reached to undo the robe that contained paradise but stopped.
“(Y/N) I am asking you for your permission before we continue? Do I have it?”
The respectful man was going to be the death of you. With all the strength you had left, you got up and immediately began to switch positions. Nanami followed your lead. He was now leaning against your bed frame while your legs wrapped around his waist.
Now trying to scrape the confidence you had left, you looked at Nanami, whose tips of his ears were now bright red.
“Nghhhhhh Nanami, you have my consent.”
Nanami reached for the robe once again, undid the loose knot, and internally groaned. He knew you were beautiful. Gojo would show him the women he had from one-night stands. They were beautiful women, but Nanami’s definition of beautiful was different. You are the definition of beautiful. He loves your kind personality and how you find a reason to live no matter how small it is. The set hugged you beautifully, and Nanami began his ministrations.
He pulled you closer, kissing your jawline to your neck. Inhaling your scent was like an aphrodisiac. His cock felt your wet, soaking pussy. He began to touch your nipples through the lace admiring the craftsmanship. You slowly started to hump him hoping for some kind of release.
He felt the pressure on his cock, which almost made him come. He immediately grabbed your waist, stopping you from attempting another thrust.
The look in his eyes made you squeal. His low baritone voice came out of his mouth. “If you keep doing that, I don’t think I could control myself.”
“Then lose it.”
Nanami’s hand ripped your panties off your body, freeing his piece of paradise. You felt the ripping of your panties, but you didn’t care. His callused hands teased your clit, and you let out a whimper. Your voice was addicting, and Nanami wanted to hear more. You were plenty wet, more than ready to take in Nanami. His cock was slowly becoming painful, but he proceeded to tease your hole. He inserted one finger and immediately feeling your pussy clench around it. The vibrator now moved into another level of intensity. You immediately arched your back, giving Nanami a view of your breasts that were now freed from your bra. Moans were now spilling from your mouth.
Nanami brought your body closer to suck on your breasts. Everything was becoming too much for you. You felt his groans while sucking your breasts. Nanami then entered a second finger. He felt the toy vibrator that has been plaguing you. He needed to take it out; why was he doing all of this extra stuff. You felt ethereal in his hands. Your moans fueled his ego and caused him to have a hard-on. You worked too much, and Nanami knew he shouldn’t be the one talking, but you deserve it. You deserve everything.
Nanami’s hands were now doing a curling motion in your pussy, hitting your g-spot every time. You told Nanami that it was becoming too much. He just went faster. Your legs began to shake, feeling your lower stomach catching on fire.
All of a sudden, the vibrator was now out of your soaked pussy. The building of a powerful orgasm now began to dissipate. You whimpered at the loss of Nanami’s fingers that were stretching your pussy deliciously.
You closed your eyes to catch a breath before assessing your next move. While you were doing that, Nanami reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. He grabbed the condom that Gojo placed as a prank; however, this one time, he was grateful for his senpai. He took out the condom with one hand while his other hand was still keeping you steady. He throws his wallet on the nightstand with a condom in hand and bright red ears.
You thought about your loss of your orgasm, and you were so close, so close to reaching cloud nine. Nanami broke the silence but for a good reason.
Your eyes immediately open; that was the second time that Nanami had said your name.
Nanami gulped. He was staring at your body. Your bra was still on you, but your breasts were free from the constraints. Your garter belt and thigh-high socks were still on by some sort of miracle. But your panties were gone giving Nanami his private view of your dripping pussy.
You began to cover yourself, but Nanami interrupted you. You slowly put your hands to the side of your body. Nanami was someone who made you feel safe and protected. You trusted him, and He trusted you. You weren’t going to betray that.
Nanami thought about the words that he would say to you, but his eyes were slowly taking your body in. He spoke, trying to ignore your body, but he would never call it a distraction. You were a ray of light that kissed his face in the morning.
“(Y/N), I know you asked me to take out your ‘problem’.”
He used ‘problem’ because he didn’t want to scare you away or embarrass you even further. You look at him with such soft eyes, his heartbeat against his chest. This unknown feeling began to creep on him. He has (Y/N), a beautiful woman, and his heart was going crazy on top of him. He continued talking.
“However, I have a solution that would leave us both satisfied.”
He then shows you the condom that was in his hand. You looked down to see his cock begging to be freed. He then asked you for your consent, and as soon he finished the last syllable, you said yes, yes, yes, as a prayer for only him to hear.
Nanami slowly pulls his pants stained with your juices down, which allowed his cock to be somewhat free, his boxers still covered it. He was about to reach for the band of his boxers but felt a hand slowly grasp his cock through the fabric. His breath got heavy. You slowly palmed his covered cock noticing the wet patch of pre-cum. You looked up for permission, and he nodded. You grabbed the band of his boxers and pulled them down. His cock sprung up, hitting his chest. Pre-cum was slowly going down his veiny cock. You began to wrap your hand around it, maintaining a steady rhythm and applying different pressures. Nanami hadn’t had sex in so long, but it never felt like this. This was different. He unknowingly thrust his hips upwards fucking himself in your hand. You then brought your other hand to play with his balls slowly. He was breathing heavily. The grunts and moans that slipped out of his mouth only fueled your passion for finishing Nanami off. Nanami realized the dynamic he was in and immediately told you to stop. He saw the pained expression on your face and began to explain himself.  
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s all about you tonight; you can do it next time.”
The thought of next time made you giddy. You said okay with a smile. You were driving Nanami crazy he doesn't know how long he will last, but he’s savoring every moment with you. Nanami proceeds to lay you down. Your body was a blank canvas ready to be coated. He looks into your eyes then your lips. You slowly brought your lips closer to his lips, slowly exchanging breaths. Nanami kissed you. It started slow but slowly becoming intense. Your tongue began to lick Nanami’s lips; Nanami noticed this and opened his mouth, letting you explore before he took over. His tongue was meshing with yours. You moan into the kiss, hoping it won’t end, but this was just a tiny part of the night that the two of you were going to share.
You pull away, noticing the string of saliva that connected your lips. Nanami looks at your glossy swollen lips. Imagining how they would look around his cock. How would you take it? Would you kiss it first? Give it small licks? Thoughts of you were slowly filling his mind, you, you.
He was shaken out of his daze due to you kissing his neck. He pulled back and told you to lay down once again. He then left a trail of kisses from your forehead to the tip of your nose to your swollen lips. Kisses were littering you, and it just felt so right. He noticed that your bra was still on. He sucked and licked your nipple until it became hard. You brought your chest towards him, enjoying the feeling of his warm mouth sucking your nipple and teasing it with his tongue. While Nanami lifted your back off the bed, he used his free hand to unhook your bra. The bra all of a sudden became loose on your body. Nanami gave you a look, and you immediately tossed your bra to the other side of the room.
He continued kissing and sucking your breasts. They were made for his hands and his only. Nanami was biting harshly on the skin of your breasts. He was leaving love bites, and they looked good on you.
“Nanami, please, I want you, please fill me up; I-I need you.”
“Not yet, my darling. I still have some things up my sleeve.”
He moved down towards your body, bringing his face next to your aching pussy. He began to kiss your clit before eating you like it was his last meal on earth.
“Nanami, N-Nanami, oh god yes right there”
Nanami was enjoying your praise. Then not one but two fingers immediately entered you. You were feeling the stretch and the movement of Nanami’s fingers once again hitting your g-spot. It was all becoming too overwhelming. The fire in your lower stomach began spreading, and it was getting bigger.
“Nanami, I’m so close, please.”
Nanami saw the desperation on your face. He took pity on you.
“Before I continue, you need to do something for me.”
You, of course, said yes to anything that Nanami wanted.
“I want you to call me Kento.”
Baffled by his request, you all of a sudden got flustered.
Nanami was now waiting for you to say his name while teasing the insides of your thighs.
You whispered his name for you and God to hear it.
“What? I couldn't hear you, come on, sweetheart, I know you can do it.”
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
You were saying his name like it was a spell, and it worked.
Nanami lowered his head next to your ear, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
Nanami lowered his dress pants and boxers even further. He grabbed the condom and ripped it open. You saw him placed the condom on his cock. He was a good 7.5 inches, but what worried you was his girth. His cock was pretty; it had a pink tip and some very prominent veins.
“Are you ready?” Nanami chuckled in amusement, seeing you stare at his cock.
“Yes, Please be gentle with me.”
Nanami smiled and said, of course. Always such a gentleman.
He then lined himself up to your hole, which has been clenching for who knows how long.
Nanami got the first inch in, feeling you immediately clench around. “God,” He thought to himself, “She’s so fucking tight.”
“Sweetie, you gotta relax. Can you do that for me?”
You nod due to you slowly reducing into a babbling mess. You did your best to relax. However, you couldn't focus on anything, only his fat cock stretching you out.
He was finally in, and it felt like fucking heaven.
“I'm gonna start moving, sweetheart’ You think you can handle me?”
Your response was quick, Yes, Kento, anything for you. I’m yours.”
He smiled. His face was covered in a layer of sheen sweat, and his mouth and throat still had remnants of your juices from eating you out.
He began moving slowly, feeling all of you around him. Each of his thrusts was met with a mixture of each other moans.
His pace is now a little faster, rougher. Your hands were squeezing the blankets beneath you. Feeling your tight pussy clench around him almost made him come. He decided it was time for both of your to reach enlightenment.
His hand reaches for your puffy clit, which immediately made you scream.
“OH GOD, Kento, please, I’m so close it hurts.”
The orgasm that was slowly building up felt different; this one felt stronger.
“I’m close, sweetheart; you can come whenever you want; I’ll be there right behind you.” Nanami Kento, the love of your life, was helping you reach an orgasm. It felt like a dream, but it wasn’t. He is abusing your needy pussy, trying to get you closer to an orgasm, and it was working. Your body was on fire. The knot in your lower stomach was about to burst. You couldn't take it any longer. Nanami now was stroking your clit with a little bit more speed and pressure.
“Kento, fuck I-I’m coming.”
Nanami felt an even tighter squeeze and fucked you through your orgasm. Nanami is stroking your clit to the point it was coming almost unbearable.
You tried to speak up, but your body betrayed you. You squirted on him, even soaking him further in your juices. Nanami saw you squirt and thrust even harder. Your pussy had a vice grip on him. Not even a second later, he moved in you as hard as he could and came. He collapsed on top of you. His cum was still leaking into the condom. He had been pent up for quite a while now.
The two of you felt like you were in heaven. Still connected, Nanami faced you, giving you a soft stare. You look back at him, trying to find the words to say, but Nanami spoke first.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you managed to make a home in my heart. Every day, even if I see you for just a split second, I’m happy. My heart beats faster every time I think about you. Your endless devotion and love for teaching and your students amazes me. What am I feeling? Can I ask you that (Y/N)? What is this feeling that has been plaguing me since our high school days?”
His response was so innocent, and your heart nearly exploded with all kinds of positive emotions.
“Kento, That’s love. It's what keeps us humans sane. Love comes in all kinds of forms; it's versatile. I have endless devotion and love for my students because they are just children who haven’t experienced what it's like to be a normal child. I want to protect the remaining innocence they have. It’s okay to have emotions, especially one like love, Kento.”
He looked into your eyes then to your lips. He kissed you with such fever, and you happily reciprocated.
“Then will you stay with me despite our days being numbered due to our professions,” Nanami said those words with such honesty it just made you fall in love with him even harder.
“I’ll stay with you, even if our days are numbered. Let’s enjoy what we have left together.”
“I like the sound of that.”
You replied, “Me too.”
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 15)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Big White Lies
Next Chapter: 土御門天皇 (Tsuchimikado)
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 15: Shadows Fall
You numbly sat down on your bed. The room was dark. Your Phoenix brand, silent, a dull sepia stain on your inner wrist.
It hurts a lot.
“He’s no different to the power hungry elders of this corrupt society after all huh.” You were disappointed. It was dumb of you to give your heart away to him. Especially to a man who was already planning on taking in concubines, this early into your “relationship”.
You checked your phone to see the notifications. Mai and Miwa were looking for you, saying that you have dinner out with them in a few minutes.
'Ah, that was supposed to be for tonight' you thought.
"Sorry can't go, feeling unwell. You guys go ahead." You texted back to them as you slumped on your bed.
After a few minutes your door slammed open. "Where have you been?!" Mai asked, but stopped talking upon seeing your red rimmed eyes. Miwa peeked out behind her. "Are you okay y/n?" She asked.
That question absolutely crushed you. You started sobbing again, not being able to hide your shaking shoulders. The two girls filed in and closed your door.
"We are ordering take out. Miwa go ahead and cancel that reservation. We will stay in tonight." Mai said. "Right!" Miwa worriedly replied as she pulled out her phone and made the call.
"I'm not here to baby you. You will tell me what happened, okay?" Mai demanded.
"I need a few minutes" everything looked so blurry through your tears, Mai and Miwa only looked like unfocused blobs of dark green and bright blue. Literally, the only way you could distinguish the two girls at this point was by their hair color.
They couldn't get much out of you other than you talking about how Kamo-san never liked you in the first place and how you pushed yourself onto him.
The girls held you as you cried. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. "But both of you looked great. I'm sure Kamo senpai really liked you though?" Miwa questioned out loud.
Mai just nodded her head. "I said it before already. Both of you act like you're so oblivious to each other's affections. But I do agree that you put more effort into the relationship. He always turns down your request for dates off campus. Even an outsider could see that."
"No, no it’s not that. You guys know how the big 3 clans operate. He just felt that I was a suitable wife to bear his heirs. They're jumping at the chance to use me to get a blood-manipulator jujutsu shi who may also possibly inherit my psychokinesis technique. I don't want to stay in a relationship without any love in it." You whispered.
Your voice was all gone after you sobbed for hours. The fight and energy just drained out of your body.
They couldn't say anything to that as it was your relationship with Kamo and not theirs. That night, they slept over in your room, the three of you squishing into your queen sized bed and plushies.
On the other hand, Noritoshi had woken up from his nap, bedhead and red rimmed eyes and all. Clearly remembering all your painful words. He looked over to the side, staring at the Jade dragon pendant atop his bedside table. A small pink letter resting beside it, one that you had given him days prior.
‘Dearest Toshi,
You must be exhausted from all of your extra tasks given to you by your clan as of the late. I hope that it gets better soon, I’m here if ever you want to talk about it or if you need any help with that. My family and I are open to supporting you in your endeavors, though you haven't met them yet. Hiroki nii is especially excited to meet you, I can already see the both of you getting along quite well. Whenever you’re ready <3
Have a good evening.
Love, Y/N.’
He felt tears burn behind his eyelids.
“It was too sudden, I couldn’t even understand half the things she said to me earlier,” he murmured to himself. He racked his brain, trying to recall the things you said. It was mostly a blur to him.
Something about what he and his father talked about yesterday. That wasn’t an issue, it was mostly clan duties as per usual.
Also, how he never liked you. Well, he hasn’t confessed yet, but he couldn’t see why you’d bring that up out of nowhere when everything was still fine 2 days ago.
Concubines. The talk on concubines. Why did you- Oh. “... from yesterday” Noritoshi’s head was getting clearer and clearer. You must have misunderstood the conversation he had with his father, and left before it finished. It didn’t sound pretty now that he thought of it.
He had that single-minded goal of pleasing his father and the elders, but somehow you got tangled in the mess.
He sighed frustratedly. It always seemed to be the case with you jumping conclusions about him, didn’t it? Now he has to clear it up with you before it gets too bad.
You woke up the next morning feeling and looking like utter shit. Mai and Miwa had to dress you up and drag you out of bed.
“There’s only one thing you can do now Y/N.” Mai said as she straightened out your collar. “Get over him.”
Huh. Easier said than done.
There was a drastic change in your behaviour towards Noritoshi. The name "Noritoshi-senpai", that you had always cheerily called out, was replaced by a short and curt "Kamo-san" whenever conversation was necessary. Also, you don’t look into his eyes anymore.
You avoided him as much as you can, thanking yourself for knowing his schedule so well. Not hesitating to turn and go around in another direction if you ever saw him approaching from a distance. Because of this he rarely sees you on campus.
It hurt Noritoshi badly to see you act this way. He never realized just how warm you were with him until now that it was all gone. He tried to catch you during your breaks, calling out your name with the same tenderness he always had. But it was in vain as you ran away from him.
Todo and Momo wisely chose not to make any snide comments, upon seeing how downhearted Noritoshi was in the following days.
Everybody avoided eye contact with both of you if and when you had to interact. It couldn't be helped. The tension was like a fine piece of glass waiting to shatter.
The pain in your heart didn't subside at all. You've taken to staring at the mark on your wrist.
'Did I successfully reject our bond?' You wondered hollowly.
Sometimes you half expect your mark to start flashing wildly, like whenever you and Noritoshi have off days with each other. But this is the first time you've seen it so… silent.
You wrapped it up with more darker velvet strips and ignored it.
It was the opposite on Noritoshi’s end. He would lie in bed and stare at the mark that is dangerously bright red and hot. It almost felt painful, like someone was searing a brand onto his skin.
He wrapped it up in gauze bandages and put salves to soothe the mark. But it was never enough. He needed you back.
During one afternoon, you just finished an English lesson with one of the windows who teaches at Jujutsu High. You stood up from your desk and turned to see the man outside of your classroom.
"Y/n, are you free for lunch?" Noritoshi had obviously sprinted as soon as his lessons had ended. “We need to talk.” All 4 of you looked up to see him outside the classroom, as composed as ever. But he looked terrible.
There were shadows under his eyes, and he seemed to have gotten thinner. The shitty side of you was cruelly happy. Good that he’s like this, because he lost his toy. Good on him. But your heart was sad, yelling at you to go back and take care of him already.
"Ah I'm sorry, but I've got lunch with the rest of the 1st year's here." You politely declined. Trying to school your face into a neutral expression.
"I insist." He firmly stated. He looked over to the other students. "You don't mind if I borrow her do you?"
You inwardly scoffed at his poor choice of words. The stupid arse still thinks I'm his belonging apparently. Something to be borrowed and used.
But Mai stepped up. "If she doesn't want to hang out with you then she doesn't." Miwa was fidgeting worriedly. "Now now." She started.
"I really wanted to have lunch with my fellow 1st years, if you could please excuse us Kamo San." You hastily uttered, pulling Mai's arms towards you while turning away. The other first years followed your lead.
But Noritoshi was determined. He quickly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to slap it away and flinch from him. Everybody froze.
You were clearly trembling, which made Noritoshi lower his hand and step back. "I'm sorry y/n." Whether the apology was for holding you without your consent or for everything that happened, you painfully let it slide. Silently bowing to him, then quickly walking away with the others.
Noritoshi could only watch wistfully as your figure disappeared from his view.
"The nerve of shitty men," Mai angrily stuffed her mouth with eggs from her bento. "Thinking they own women, that they're better than us. It was like this with the men in my family as well. Bullying and kicking aside the weaker women."
You sadly poked at your food. It was katsudon. You ordered it ahead of time from the cafeteria, wanting to perk up with a favorite dish. But today it tastes so bland. It wasn't the cooking that was off. Just that you had no appetite.
"Wouldn't you want to talk it out with Kamo senpai, y/n?" Miwa asked. Truth be told you were adding fire to the problem. You just dumped your anger on Noritoshi and kept rudely cutting him off before leaving him.
But your pride and broken heart didn't allow you to go back to him. "I don't think there's anything left for me to say or do to be honest. I'm not in the mood to face him. At all." You lied.
Mechamaru surprisingly spoke out, "Love is a fickle thing. And it's a fact that women are more in tune with their emotions than men are. But I think you won't regret it if you give him a chance. Kamo Noritoshi isn't a bad man."
Mai huffed. "Whose side are you even on?"
"There are no sides. Just two idiots who are madly in love with each other." Mechamaru dryly replied.
Your heart clenched, but you stayed silent, not denying the fact that even after you pushed him away, you still loved him.
"Let's talk about something else shall we?" Miwa hurriedly changed the topic and started discussing the homework to be done.
Hiroki was both the best and the worst brother you could ask for. Because he chose this time to surprise you with a visit at Kyoto High, claiming he wanted to see how you were doing with classes and that he would stay for a while.
Secretly, he wanted to meet and gauge Noritoshi, only to find out that the both of you have just broken up. You brought him into your dorm room to have a chat and some snacks.
“WHA?! YOU- You ended things with your soulmate?! You were together for like what?! 4 Months?” His jaw dropped as you told him the entire story.
You gave a drawn out sigh. “Hiro nii, I’m done. Like… He… I dunno anymore. To be honest I broke up with him in the heat of the moment.”
“Tsk, you’ve always been led by your emotions. That’s why you’re so reckless half the time sis. You didn’t even try to talk it out with him.” He asked as he opened a bag of chips.
You stayed silent and reached for chips. Chewing and ignoring him.
“What’s with you and bottling all your pent up anger only to toss it onto the poor guy? Didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.” he tutted.
You whirled on him angrily. “They just want me for my power. Then they’ll let him off with like a dozen women around him. What the fuck is there for him to explain?!”
Hiroki looked way too calm. “Who are 'they'?”
You paused. “The Kamo family.”
“Are you 100% sure Noritoshi was in this only to use you?”
“Like 99.99%...” you trailed off. Hiroki eyed you knowingly. “That 0.01 percent chance of him loving you. You considered it, even though that’s a small ass probability sis. But hey, that’s your man. If you want him out, our family’s got your back. I’ll beat him up for you if you need me to”
You shook your head at him.
Hiroki sighed, “Though with that concubine thing, I can see it happenin’. Clan heads are desperate to have a son with the inherited technique. The Gojo clan just got lucky with Satoru. We dunno if it’s normal in the Kamo clan though. But with you as his soulmate, he shouldn’t need any. Somethin ain’t addin up…” He got lost in thought.
“You won’t know until you talk with Kamo himself.”
You sadly continued eating your chips. “I hate it when you’re right.”
The next morning Utahime urgently called for a full student body plus all available jujutsu sorcerers on site for a meeting.
You and Hiroki stumbled into the room, almost late, pushing against each other. The other students looked curiously at the man who was fighting you for space on the couch.
You jabbed him in the gut and put a leg over his. “Uhhhh y/n who is that?” Mai asked.
Your cousin shrugged your leg off of his, stood up and said his greetings, “Hello, I am Tsuchimikado Hiroki. Alumni here at Kyoto Jujutsu High. Semi-grade 1 sorcerer. Pleased to meet you all and thanks for taking care of my lil sis- ah I mean cousin.”
“Ohhhh” Miwa took a closer look. You noticed Noritoshi glancing over at you. Todo walked up to him and pointed a finger, “Tsuchi’s relative? Then what woman is your idea-”
You used your technique to immobilise Todo and forced him to sit down in a daze. “Sorry for my rudeness, senpai. You can have that convo later.” You knew it would take too long if this starts again.
Hiroki looked affronted, “It’s rude to point bruh.”
Utahime clapped her hands to gather your attention as Principal Gakuganji appeared on the podium.
“Thank you so much all for coming into this meeting on such short notice. Especially to the alumni and other available Jujutsu sorcerers. Let's get straight to the point: I am here to announce that War is coming.”
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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author-morgan · 4 years
Hello, dear! Best wishes to you, I hope you are doing well. If you take any requests about m!Eivor, could you please write the story about how he saw in his dream (or Valka trip) a reader and fell inlove with them, but then met them in real life? A bit of magic never disturbs. ;D Thank you, I love your writing!
here you are! hope you enjoy and apologies for the wait! guest appearance by Havi!
m!Eivor x fem!Reader 
IT IS A rare thing when King of the Æsir comes to Fensalir of his own volition —leaving behind the golden hall and his score of warriors. He walks at the edge of the water through the tall grasses with Huginn resting on his shoulder and Muninn flying overhead. His gaze lingers ahead to a figure clothed in white, picking flowers and herbs. Frigg —a smile pulls at his lips— my queen. Huginn leaps into the sky when he pushes back his dark hood, stepping closer to where his heart and troubled mind have led him. 
“Havi,” you greet, having foreseen his arrival and the reason for it. Rising from the patch of white blooms —Baldr’s brow, you named them, after your beloved son— you brush the dirt from your hands and smooth down the front of your white gown. He stands before you as few have seen him, vulnerable and seeking guidance for a storm brews in the depths of his mind. The clouds gather, shadowing his clear blue gaze and giving him the countenance of a man walking the path to self-destruction. It is a look you do not like to see in any man, especially your husband. 
He does not explain his coming —long has the giant, Vafþrúðnir, dwelled in your husband’s mind for no other reason save the claim he is the wisest being in the nine realms. Taking Havi’s hand, you lead him to a bench at the edge of the fen-water, thinking of ways to dissuade him from a needless battle of strength or wit. You peer up at him from beneath your lashes, thumb running across his knuckles. “You are ever wise, husband–” Havi’s lips kink into a half-smile at the praise though it falters a moment later as you continue “–but Vafþrúðnir is the all the wiser.”
Two ravens with dark feathers shining like an oil slick in the pale sun come to perch —Huginn sits proudly on Havi’s shoulder, Muninn on yours. If it is only concern Havi has for the movement and dealings of the mighty Jötunn, then his ravens would suffice, but the look he wears is not one of mere concern. Muninn croaks at your ear as though he agrees with your thoughts. You reach up, stroking the feathers of Muninn’s underbelly. “Send Huginn or Muninn in your stead,” you supplicate, watching the crooked smile creep up onto his lips.
“Sweet Frigg,” Havi says, bemused by what he considers your concern, “you doubt me still.”
“Only because you do not see what is more than ten steps ahead of you until you arrive,” you admonish. Havi is wise in his own right, though at times, his temper tried to outweigh wisdom and reason. “You have your doubts,” you tell him with a soft smile, no other knew Havi as you did —sometimes he wonders if you know him better than he knows himself, and oft times the answer is yes, “else you would not visit my dwellings.” He looks away, shaking his head with a soft smile, unable to deny his wife and queen knew him well. You raise your hand to his scarred cheek, bringing his gaze back to you. “Go, dear Havi,” you breathe, “yet know I will not soothe your wounded pride.”
He rises from the bench, and you follow —both ravens leaping back into the watercolor sky. “When has my queen ever done so?” Havi steps closer, his rough hands cradling your face. You tilt your chin up, accepting a kiss as payment for your counsel. 
THE GOD OF Thunder and your step-son comes to Fensalir asking you to tend his father. Havi has been distraught for days after visiting with the Nornir, and Thor believes his beloved step-mother and queen are the only balm for such distress. You go to him in the twilight hours, finding him sitting atop the world with a distant and troubled look. He pays no mind to your approach, save moving to the left on his great throne to make room for you to sit. “What ails your mind, dear Havi?” You ask, sitting at his side —fingertips following the scar on his cheek, brushing through his close-cropped golden beard now tinged with the first kiss of silver. 
Havi turns his head, looking upon you in despair, but there is something else in his solemn gaze too —defeat. He pulls your hand from his cheek, thumb stroking the back of your palm. “Have you foreseen what the Nornir have?” 
Thor had not dispelled the reason behind the storm brewing within his father, but upon his question, you know what is troubling him —for the doom of the Æsir has plagued your thoughts and waking dreams. Though perhaps a worse fate lay ahead should you beget what visions fate had bestowed upon you. Havi is not one to accept his foretold ruin without first attempting to thwart the threads of fate. Information could be a dangerous thing. The difference between poison and medicine often lay within the dose. Sighing softly, you slip your hand free of his gentle grasp. 
“I cannot reveal what I have seen, nor am I privy what others have foreseen.” You lay your hand on his scarred cheek, bringing his gaze to you. The spark in your eyes gives him hope and eases his mind. Sweet Frigg, he thinks, ever the cure for my madness, my rock in a tempestuous sea. Havi covers your hand with his and leans toward you. The rough hair of his beard tickling your cheek before his lips brush against yours. “Have faith,” you breathe upon parting, resting your forehead against his. “Ragnarök shall not be our end.” It is a promise. 
“EIVOR!” WALLACE CRIES, helping his sister bring an injured woman into the longhouse of Ravensthorpe on a stormy night. He rouses from sleep and hastily puts on his tunic, greeting the hunters while rubbing his heavy eyes as they adjust to the dying firelight from the cook-fire and braziers. Eivor does not expect to see a woman supported between the siblings —head lolled forward with blood dripping from her arm and side. It takes him a moment to spur into action, but he takes Petra’s place and leads the injured woman to his chambers, helping her to the straw-and-rag stuffed mattress. 
Kneeling, he brushes aside the hair clinging her to face and freezes, eyes wide. “Frigg.” He breathes the name without a second thought and feels his heart clench. This woman is but a stranger, and yet a part of him has always known her. He is sure of it. Eivor presses his hand against the gash at her side and looks over his shoulder to Petra. It will take more than a cautery iron to heal this affliction. “Find Valka,” he tells the huntress. She nods, bolting from the longhouse as Wallace brings a basin of water and torn pieces of an old tunic. 
Valka comes with her poultices and cordials, kneeling bedside. As soon as she looks between Eivor and the injured woman, the Seer knows. Eivor Wolfsmal may be attempting to escape one knot in the tangled threads of fate, but he cannot run from them all. A bloody hour passes, but when the Seer takes her leave, she tells Eivor the woman will live, for the gods have smiled upon her, just as they smiled upon him. 
GROANING, YOU BEGIN to wake with a pang of hunger and thirst —the dull throbbing in your ribs is only a distant pain. The bed beneath you is soft, the wool and pelt blankets warm. The scent of cloudberries and honey linger in the air, reminders of a home no longer standing and a place you frequent in dreams. A rough hand curls around your wrist, jarring you into alertness, suddenly aware of the unfamiliar surroundings and the man sitting bedside in a disheveled tunic with partially unbound golden hair, hardly awake in the morning hours. “Havi?” You whisper. His is a face you know well —from his kind blue gaze to the scar on his cheek and the curve in a once-broken nose. 
He stares at you. He knows you. Eivor knows the curve of your lips, the gleam in your eyes, even the whisper of your voice. Sweet Frigg, his mind murmurs again and a strange feeling of relief overcomes him —as though a lifetime search has finally come to a close. “Eivor,” he corrects, ripping himself from the dream. Petra told him how they found you in the forest, stumbling away from the largest wolf either hunter ever seen. “They say you fended off a wolf on your own.” Spoken like that, it sounds a heroic deed —you left the beast for dead near a ravine, but the wolf had almost done the same to you. “What were you doing out in such a storm?” He asks, raising a tired brow. 
“Searching–” you sit up with a groan, holding onto your linen-bound side “–for home.” One of his hands covers yours, the other pressing against your lower back. Beholding Eivor, though, you realize your search has ended —you do not know him, but the feeling in your gut and the lightness of your heart in his presence tells you this is home. Dear Havi. Dreams and fate have led you here for a purpose. 
Eyes darting over Eivor’s features, you smile, offering your name. He repeats it, lips kinked. Your name is just as sweet on his lips as Frigg’s, if not sweeter. A moment passes, the silence hanging in the early morning air broken by the low croak of a raven perched in the rafters above your resting bed. Eivor glances up at Sýnin —the raven can sense something too. “You can stay here,” he notes, softly and without hesitance. “Ravensthorpe can be your home.” 
The generous offer makes your heart clench and brings tears welling up in your eyes. He smiles, and now you are certain your searches have finally ended. You pull your hand away from your side and Eivor’s hand, lifting it to his scarred cheek as you’ve done hundreds of times in dreams. Unwittingly, he leans into the touch —he’s done this before, and he recognizes the gentle caress of your thumb as it runs over the jagged scar. Eivor sighs  —all of this and you are familiar. 
Driven by memory, he rises to his knees, seeking your lips with his own. The tickle of his beard on your jaw and cheek is a warning, but you do not shy away —you’ve known him for a hundred lifetimes, and this is only a reunion. Eivor’s lips move against yours, both his arms loosely sliding around your waist. You smile against his lips, fingers combing through his golden beard. There are no sparks, for there is already a deep flame kindled between you both —one that cannot be extinguished in this life or the next. The threads of fate come together, and two halves are made whole. 
[taglist:  @kvitravn @vanillabeanlattes @nemo-my-name-forevermore  @withered-poppies @ananriel @britishhotassassin @maximalblaze @khaoskrossed @theelvenvalkyrie @xxdearlybeloved @elizabethroestone @elluvians @letsloveimagines @finick94 @wallsarecrumbling @kitkitvm @thedragonqueenfan @callmemythicalminx @edelaen @dynamicorbit @itseivwhore ] if you’d like to be added to my Eivor taglist, just let me know!
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bluemusickid · 4 years
𝓕𝓮𝓶𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Conwoman!Reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex (do not recommend, pls be wise) Ransom's hurt ego/pride.
A/N: I love Ransom so much. I'd probably let him get away with murder, which is probs wrong since I'm a law student. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! Also the writing is crap and not at all intelligent, I just needed to let off some Ransom steam. ^_^
I post my stuff here and on AO3, nowhere else. 
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You took a sip of your martini. Perfect. The one thing about these high end resto-bars was that they never went wrong with their martinis. Always the right balance of sweet and intoxication. If only you could always afford these places.
You didn't mean to sound bitter, oh no no. Life has worked out better than expected. Your way of life got lonely sometimes, but survival of the fittest was the way of life, right?
In your experience, doing what you did, you realised that men were very literal creatures, always thinking linearly. Most of them lacked any depth to their thoughts, their way of life. The rich ones? They were as deep as an above ground pool. Throwing money every chance they got, flaunting their first row seats at the operas, trips to their villas in the French Riviera and what not. Their wives had no idea, always doting after their perfect husbands, with their Himalayan Birkins.
Imagine the surprise these men felt when you took what was most precious to them; no, not their families or children, but their money. A woman, no less. A woman who they had considered a damsel, in need of pearls and diamonds, and their strong strapping arms and care. And they didn’t dare report this. How could they? As far as their wives were concerned, you didn’t exist. You snorted. Good riddance, and all that. 
That’s why you chose him.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
He wasn’t a different one, that's for sure. A pretty boy with arrogance dripping off of him like he had just stepped out of a swanky prep school. He screamed rich kid, with his perfectly coiffed hair, right to his buffed fingernails. 
This should be easy, you thought to yourself.
You walked passed him, swaying your hips ever so slightly. Your look for tonight was carefully calculated: bait for a good, prize catch. There were many men there, sure, ordering crates of champagne for their "business associates".
But this one was different. He didn't pay heed to you as you made your way towards him, placing yourself next to him at the bar, nor did he check you out like most men did. He simply took a swig of his drink, focusing hard at something in his phone. Weird. You chose to give him the benefit of the doubt, calculating his next move. Surely, he'd ask to buy you a drink. He was just playing hard to get, you were sure. His next move stunned you, however.
He got up, slid a 100 dollar bill on the counter, and walked away, his jacket slung over his arm. You blinked, not really understanding what had happened. You ordered a red wine, quite perplexed. This was perhaps the first time something like this had happened, and it quite perturbed you.
You didn’t have time to dwell on your thoughts, however, as the bartender slid a coaster towards you.
“Mr. Drysdale sends his regards.”
You frowned. Drysdale? The famous real estate mogul? Man oh man, this was gonna be good.
You smirked as you read the scribbles on the coaster. To think you thought that he was gonna be different. Oh well. Room 537 it is, then.
You made your way to the room, checking your makeup and spritzing on a bit of perfume on the way. Standing outside his room, you knocked three times before the door swung open to reveal a treat.
Mr. Drysdale, sans shirt and his tight dress pants. Yum.
You composed yourself and entered the room, remembering the fact that you had a job to complete.
“So, that’s your game?” you asked, setting yourself down on the settee by the minibar.
“I don’t play games.” he said, pouring an amber liquid from the crystal cut decanter.
“Then why bother giving me your room number?” you drawled, accepting the glass.
“I know you wanted me to chase you. Knew it from the moment you entered. But that’s not how I work. I get what I want, and I wanted you.”
“A real charmer, aren’t ya?” you said dryly.
“Let’s cut to the chase sweetheart. You want me, I want you. Simple.”
“How can you be so sure that I want you? I could have just come up to confront you or something.”
“Yea, right. That dress says differently. You know what you want and you were going after it. I just skipped a few steps along the way. You’re welcome.” he smirked, raising his perfectly shaped eyebrow at you.
“So now that your plan has come into play, what do you suggest we do?”
He grinned and took a swig of his drink. Placing his drink on the counter, he took your hand in his and pulled you up, pulling you tightly to him.
Leaning towards your ear, he rasped, “I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk.”
With that, Ransom didn’t waste any more time. He picked you up bridal style and tossed you on the bed, without any preamble.
“Last chance to leave, kitten. Whaddaya want?”
You gulped. You wanted this, you needed this. You didn’t bother answering him as you pulled him down by his tie, lips melding against his as you held onto his collar. He was surprised by your sudden attack, but reciprocated equally, if not with more ferocity.
Lowering you onto the bed, he yanked the thin straps of your dress down, sucking at your pulse point, his hands caressing your body. You moaned, feeling his actions go straight to your core, lighting you up from within. He pulled the dress down with urgency, freeing your breasts from their confines.
Taking a hardened nub in his mouth, he swirled it around his tongue as his hands wandered lower. He was about to pull your dress up, when you stopped his wandering hands, pushing him off you, as he looked at you, bewildered.
“What the-!” he began but you quickly silenced him with your lips, your hands working double time to undo the buttons of his shirt. You deepened the kiss pulling him by his tie, while grinding against him ever so slightly. He broke away from the kiss, panting; his eyes wide, an unknown emotion swirling in the midst.
“Oh sweetheart.”he growled, “You’ve awoken the beast, now.”
With that, you were lost in a frenzy of movements. He nearly ripped your dress off, throwing you on the bed, caging you underneath his body. Lowering himself, he nipped and sucked at your neck, your collarbone, your breastbone, his voracious tongue leaving fire in its wake. You gasped, fingers making their way to his messy locks. What had started off as a game, a new target, was quickly becoming something more, and that thought scared you.
Eyes on the prize, sugar. Let him lead.
His tongue was drawing circles on the tattoo at your abdomen, while his fingers were at your core, his thumb lightly nudging your clit. Jesus. Your hips moved of their own accord, tugging at his hair in silent plea. Looking up, he saw your need and whispered lasciviously, 
“I’m gonna make you scream till all the other floors know my name, sweetheart. Just need to get you nice and ready for me. Wouldn’t want to break my promise now, would I?”
With that, you felt your entire focus shift to your core, as his intrepid tongue drew patterns on your clit, his digits moving within your wet channel. You groaned, tugging on his hair, bringing him closer to where you wanted him. You felt your walls tightening, the coil in your belly ready to unwind. He withdrew his fingers, moving up swiftly, gazing into your indignant eyes.
“Only time you’re gonna come is on my cock, sweetheart.”
With that, he thrust himself inside you, your walls engulfing him. Luckily for you, Ransom didn’t do sweet, slow thrusts. He set up an unrelenting pace, spearing into you, his shaft reaching places which no man had been able to reach before. You groaned, closing your eyes, your head jerking to the side, unable to handle all the sensations he was invoking.
Grasping your chin, he turned you to face him. “Eyes on me, sweetheart. I wanna see how good you feel while I’m taking you apart.” he rasped.
Something in his voice made you break; making you almost feral. You pushed on his shoulders, catching him off-guard for a minute, enough to push him on his back and straddle him.
Leaning down and catching his lips for a kiss, you whispered, “You should have the best view for a show like that, then.”
You sunk down on him, moaning loudly as you engulfed him to the hilt. Holding onto his hands for support, you began riding him for all your worth. Ransom watched on with awe, his eyes mesmerised by the sight of you; your eyes closed, mouth slack with arousal and your breasts bouncing with each bob. 
You were quickly reaching your peak and Ransom could feel that too. He planted his feet down on the mattress, thrusting upward, meeting you thrust for thrust. Your thighs started quivering, an intense pressure building up with each thrust.
“Come on, come for me, kitten.” muttered Ransom, through gritted teeth.
You threw your head back, screaming as you reached your peak, raking your fingernails across Ransom’s chest. As your walls clenched around him tightly,  Ransom grasped your waist, holding onto you as he thrust upwards, chasing his end. 
Leaning down, you took one of his buds into your mouth, swirling your tongue around as you met his eyes.
“Come for me, tiger.” you said huskily, tugging on his lower lip.
Ransom grunted and cussed loudly as he poured himself into you, his grip on your waist tight as he held you in place till he filled you with every last drop. Rolling off him, you watched him catch his breath, slowly drifting off, his arm encircling your waist as he went deeper into slumber.
After a few minutes, you checked on him, just to be sure. He was out cold.
You smirked. Alright. 
Time to start Part 2 of the Plan.
Ransom woke up, feeling satisfied and smug. Yet another conquest down. He didn’t understand why women played these games women loved to play with him. Smirking, he looked over to look at you, but was surprised to see your side empty.
He frowned. Getting up, he checked the bathroom. Empty. 
She left without even giving her name. Ahh, well, not the first time this had happened. Moving to check his phone, he noticed his wallet open, with all the cash missing.
Oh, so that’s why she left. Wow, what a surprise, he thought. Good thing she didn’t leave a name, for she was no more than a common whore, he thought, puling on his pants. 
He was sorely mistaken though.
As he walked past the attached common area, he saw something which made him stop in his tracks.
The safe was wide open, with all of its contents gone. Every last thing.
He stormed into the area, his anger surging with each passing second. He couldn’t give less of a fuck about the goddamn valuables that were missing. But she had taken something which had taken him 3 fucking years to get. 
She had stolen the documents; not just any documents, but the very ones which would have bought the Langleys’ silence and their company, making Ransom a very, very rich man. All gone, because of a quick fuck.
The bitch had stolen his ace of spades. And he would make sure that she would suffer. 
Ransom would make her pay. By hook or by crook.
A/N: Eeeeek, I was too nervous to put this out ughhhhh. Also, I have a taglist now, if you’re into that sort of thing. 😅  (link is also available in my bio)
Tags: @donutloverxo​ @ozarkthedog​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @readermia​
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
(Can be found on my AO3) Requests- Open
Chapter 5 is under the cut
The quiet babbling of the child was concealed by an aeroplane noise being broadcasted from the adult’s mouth. “Here comes the aeroplane,” Ethan had interpreted making an engine noise before moving the green plastic spoon with Rose’s favourite food around in front of her giggling face. Rose, following the movements of the spoon,
had opened her mouth wide in excitement, giggling when Ethan had placed the spoon into her mouth and watched as she clamped her mouth closed around it. Being careful, he slipped the spoon out of her mouth before grabbing a dirtied tissue beside him to dab away any spillage falling out her mouth. The father was silently thankful that his child wasn’t much of a fussy eater, only at the start she was until she realised that ‘hey I’m getting food’ crosses her mind.
Repeating this process whilst making funny faces to make his child laugh, Ethan had glanced at the clock just above the doorway to the hallway to see the time. “Hey Rosemary, how do you feel ‘bout seeing our neighbour. Hmm? You want to- it seems you do with that bright smile of yours.” He discarded the small bottle of baby food into the bin and threw the spoon into the sink before returning to his jumping daughter. Brushing his hand soothingly over her blonde head, he picked her up from under her arms and cradled her into his arms. “Time to get changed.” He spoke more to himself than his intrigued daughter as she stared up at him with her eyes filled with curiosity.
Heading up the stairs, Ethan took the time to think about the actions of the day. He had his tests done, as well as his daughter’s. Next thing he had spoken to two of his neighbours, one refusing to give up on thanking him and the other being quite quiet yet showing her gratitude through her doll. He even got her name which he will try his best to remember since he hadn’t got a clue when there next meeting will be. Then things went slightly downhill but at soon rose when he had been pushed into Heisenberg’s shenanigans. Who knew the Lord was suffering from some memories- maybe he shouldn’t be so harsh on him? He still functions like a human, just has some ‘upgrades’ to him. But, don’t they all.
Pushing open the door to his room, Ethan laid his daughter down on the double bed within his room and moved towards the set of drawers that held a television. Luckily, he was allowed signal to television programmes (even though there were only 2 he was allowed to reach). A sudden image of Lady Dimitrescu watching the child programme crossed his mind, letting him push out a dry chuckle. “I should maybe go see them soon. Maybe the daughters would like to play with Rose?” Looking back at his daughter seeing her move the fabric under her fingers drew a loving smile from the father. “Yeah, they’ll be curious about you alright.” Dragging out a plain white shirt from his drawers, Ethan threw his blue one off and replaced the white one onto his body. Fastening the buttons, he looked over at the body mirror that stood by his wardrobe on the other side of the room near the door to the bathroom and hummed. “Rosemary, talk for tie or stay silent for no tie.” The child looked at her talkative father and clapped, babbling words in her on language. Ethan took the sign and walked back over to the drawer, rummaging through the top ones for a black and blue tie. Taking the black one, he wrapped it around his neck and left it hanging untied.
Dropping down, he opened the bottom drawers to bring a pair of dark grey pants out and a black belt out. “Be right back Rosemary,” Ethan had walked towards the bathroom and left the door open slightly so he could still hear his daughter. He was quick to swap pants, walking out the bathroom whilst buckling his belt up through the pants loops and starting on his tie. Having her father walking around a lot had the baby giggling. Shooting Rose a funny face with his tongue stuck out, Ethan watches her roll about of the bed with her eyes lighting up from the sun glistening through the window. “I look like I’m about to go on a date,” He gave himself one last look in the body mirror before returning back to his daughter, gently picking her up as he let her fiddle with his tie.
His last sentence had been jumbling in his mind as he ascended down his steps to grab his shoes. A date? No no, this wasn’t a date. Just a get together as an apology. That’s it! An apology meal made by Heisenberg and himself. With Rosemary. Like a famil-
A sudden tightness wrapped around his throat as Rose pulled on his tie hard. A small choking noise came out from him as his face scrunched up. With his eyes going slightly wide in pain and shock, he helped his daughter release the tie from her tough grasp and placed her on the ground as he scanned over his shoe choices. Going in simple trainers wouldn’t do- it would look weird with his outfit. But going in smart shoes, that’s what you would wear on a date and this was NOT a date. Taking his trainers, Ethan tied the laces into sloppy bows and picked up Rosemary after, being wary of her grabby hands.
Looking himself up and down then looking at his pride and joy, something seemed off. Missing. “Urgh don’t do this brain. Now what’s missing?” Looking between the two, Ethan felt Rose once again grab his tie. “You’re so grabby today, what’s going on, oh. Right.” Priding her hands off him once again, Ethan made his way to the lounge room and looked at the couch. There was a stuff monkey there sitting next to the television remote. “Ah ha! Do you want him? yeah you do. That’s why you’ve been grabbing papa the whole time.” Ethan progressed onto the stuff animal and grabbed it by its body, handing it to his little Rose who was about to reach for his tie again. Seeing her favourite teddy dangling in front of her face, she had her hands reaching out for it and her mind went completely away from the strange material that she was once holding before. A sense of relief washed over the blonde before handing it to her, seeing her face light up with enjoyment. “Time to head to a meal now. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out wrong” He kissed the top of her head and walked out the room into the hallway once again.
It had been two days since getting back to a somewhat normal life. To think these were the entities he was once trying to kill, them doing the same Vise-versa all because of Mother Miranda. “She’s dead,” A whisper came from him as he approached the door handle to the outside world. “We are out from there.” Twisting the metal knob, the sudden darkness of the outside world was glazing his eyes. Dark clouds swarmed the sky, the sun setting behind them fearing the uprising moon and their army of stars. Looking around as the door shut behind the males, he walked off his porch. The crisp cold swept over his body, making him slightly regret not bringing a jacket with him. However, that didn't matter, his daughter was luckily wrapped up in a long shirt and a really woolly jumper gifted from her mother. She was settled all in warmth.
Taking the left on the dirt road, he followed it around the circle going clock-wise. The house of Heisenberg had gradually grown larger in size as he gained closeness upon it. An unsettling feeling set into Ethan’s stomach as he remembered seeing the boarded-up windows- which were still boarded up at the time. The garage next to it seemed to be closed although the smell of car petrol did not go unnoticed. Holding his daughter closer to himself in one arm, Ethan stepped up to the two floored house and walked straight to the door. Looking to see if his daughter was uncomfortable, which she wasn’t luckily, he raised a first and knocked against the spruce door with a small horse engraving on it. ‘Huh, strange’ Ethan thought, letting his fingers trail over in engraving after knocking three times. ‘How strange, I have a lion engraving on mine.’-
His thoughts and finger trailing were pulled away from the door as it had swung open, revealing the scuffed-up host of the dinner wearing a tank top that had turned grey with splotches of grime and rust. He had a sizzling cigar in his mouth and an annoyed expression on his face for all eyes to see because of the lack of a hat and shades he would usually wear. Soon however, from not seeing his ‘sisters’ dress, he took a step back and tried to wrap his head around what he was seeing. “Erm,” Heisenberg was the first to make a sound. He took a quick look at Ethan, seeing as his white shit he wore nestled nicely against his forearms and his pants highlighted his legs and calf muscles. “T-Totally didn’t...forget?” The cigar that was hanging in his mouth had dropped onto the floor, seeing the other dressed in a formality way.
Biting his lower lip straining a smile, Ethan had struggled to hold in his laughter as he watched the others eyes move about to not stare directly at him. Hunching over being wary of Rose, Ethan let his laughter loose feeling excitement bubble up in his stomach. “You kno-haha. You know,” He spoke, finding it harder to keep his laughter contain to sensible giggle, “I wouldn’t have expected this.” He made a motion with his free arm, the arm moving up and down as though he was presenting Heisenberg to his daughter.
Feeling embarrassed at the given situation, Heisenberg went to protest. “Well- it was shot notice, okay? I’ve been busy and today has been long.” The Ex-Lord defended, biting the inside of his cheek as he glared at the father who had finally loosen his laugh to a soft chuckle. Nodding, not trusting his mouth anymore, Ethan silently agreed at what the Lord was getting at.
“Yes. Yes. You’re quite right. However, it was you who asked for me to come over.” A sigh left Karl’s lips; his shoulders deflated as though a bubble of tense had just been popped within his blades.
“Alright, c’mon. Come in- I need to go wash up.” Moving to the side, Karl let Ethan in along with his little Rose looking around at her new surroundings. From what Ethan could tell as he heard Karl shut the door behind him, the place was rather fitting for Karl’s aesthetic. Unlike his, Karl’s first floor was fully open. However, it seemed the structure was the same, just without the walls. The floor was made from spruce wood, with the four walls being painted in a forest green. He had a love seat along with a couple of arm chairs that surrounded a coffee table with a television in front. Ethan guessed Karl had no idea how to use his television seemingly there was ‘CAUTION’ tape wrapped around it. Pinned on the walls however, there were many tapestries, all different colours and images printed on them. He was surprised he couldn't smell any sort of chemicals in the air, meaning the shorter one was most likely spending all his time in the garage rather than the actual home itself.
“Your place is surprisingly comforting.” Ethan had turned to only just see Karl walking up the steps to the second floor. With a shrug, Karl leaned over the handrail.
“Eh? Tis alright I suppose. Much prefer my factory but it is what it is. Be down in a few.” He called before ascending up the stairs leaving Rose with his little Rose to scout around the room. It was a comfortable temperature, not to cold, not to warm. Being careful, Ethan placed Rose on the floor seeing that there weren’t any hazards about and let her crawl on her hands and knees.
“One day you’ll start walking and I’m going to lose you,” Ethan spoke, watching his daughter fondly as she took off in a sprint crawl away from her father. “Hey, where are you going,” He called out, chasing her as she wondered about thinking her father was chasing her because they were playing a game.
Up on the second floor, Heisenberg had entered the shower fully striped. Letting the water run down his body, he leaned against the wall pointing his head down. “Fuck,” He whispered, dragging a hand down his face. He felt like a complete douche for letting the night slip his mind. Here he was, with Ethan fucking Winters downstairs, as well as his daughter with him. Karl wasn’t even ready for this, everything felt like it was moving too quickly- “What am I thinking,” He breathed out heavily.
Ethan wasn’t his- they couldn’t be moving too quickly with anything. They weren't dating, and that thought hit Karl like a compressor. Grabbing the shampoo, he squirted it into his palm and lathered it up in his palm before scrubbing his scalp hard with it. A soft groan was released from his throat as he hit a certain spot with his fingers coming tangled in the knot of his hair. Pulling hard, a soft pant of a moan left his lips, forcing him to lean back up and crane his neck back. He felt exposed to the cold air, before untangling his fingers from his mess of a hair and tilting his head back under the running water to get rid of the shampoo quickly. He didn’t want to leave Ethan waiting too long.
Going against the idea of using conditioner, He grabbed the body wash after squeezed it into his hands. Throwing the bottle down, he ran his hands over his body harshly. The feeling of his thick hands running over his own chest down to his happy tail had no right t be as exciting as it was. He didn’t understand, was it because Ethan was downstairs? Did he want Ethan to catch him like this? Impurity thoughts channelled through his mind, leaving him in a panting mess. A sudden grasp came to his dick below, making him second guess his fantasies flashing through his mind. Looking down, he saw his hand grasping his dick, the hand moving down to reveal the flushed red head begging for attention. He was uncut, both at the top of his dick and around his lower regions. He didn’t have time to shave, or even find a doctor to circumcise himself. Why should he? He didn’t have a reason to.
Letting go, he watched the skin cover the needy head before going back to washing his body. This was not the time to be getting hard whilst his main guest was downstairs with his little one for the matter. Maybe at a later stage he would do the unimaginable when alone but not when he had guests. Karl knew better than to go ahead and jerk himself off whilst people were about, he learnt that the hard way when being caught by one of his Soldats in the past. Scary time. Ones he prefers to not remember.
Making sure his whole body was clean, he rinsed off the bubbles and turned the shower off. The coldness of his home hit him; he wasn’t use to the temperature just yet. His factory had always been boiling, he loved the feeling of the heat trapping him. He missed the place already- it hadn’t even been 3 days since he last saw it. Wrapping a towel securely around his waist, he left his bathroom not bothering to pick up the dirty clothing he had worn previously and walked towards his bedroom that was very clean. He hadn’t slept there; no he was too busy in the garage part of his hoe. The place was somewhat a safe space already- he felt a little at home there. His bed was untouched, the floor being free of any dirty clothing. Looking about, he walked towards his drawers and opened them up to see a collection of shirts and pants. Grabbing the first things he saw; he unwrapped his towel and let it drop. He didn’t really think much about drying his body fully before pulling the shirt on. It was a brown shirt and dark blue dress pants. Fastening the buttons up on the shirt, he rolled the sleeves to rest just above his elbows and dragged the pants on, finding a bit difficult to pull all the way up. However once up, they fit fine upon his waist. The feeling of wearing something much different to his usual attire was- awkward. He felt like he was about to go to Lady Dimitrescu wedding or something, although he would go in the most unkempt clothing to annoy her. But he had to, he saw how Ethan was dressed. He was well kept, nothing like Karl. Ethan was just-
Ethan was the most perfect creation ever to be created.
“You’re going to look hot for Ethan,” The encouraging words to himself helped him a little to feel safer in the clothing he chosen. He just wouldn’t expect to ever be dressed like this but here he was, prancing around his room thinking about the possibilities that could happen in the next couple of hours. Downstairs he could hear the laughter of Ethan once again accompanied by Rose’s happy cries.
“Huh, this feels like a family moment,” He chuckled to himself as he began to walk away from the bedroom. To hear noise filling the place that wasn’t the dead, but rather people who were alive- this was the closest Karl had ever felt to be a part of a family. The word brought a strained smile to his face. A family. Him and Ethan, and with the little brat to be a family. “Bad Heisenberg, no thinking about shit like that,” He scolded himself before descending this time down the stairs to overlook at Ethan on his knees who were making what seemed to be a toy in his hands, dance for his daughter. “Seem to be enjoying yourself there Ethan,” He spoke, rounding off at the end of the stairs to walk towards the father and daughter who were in the middle of the whole room.
Ethan gave Rose the toy and stood back up, dusting dust off his pants. “And you seem to be having fun dressing up for me, is it?” The teasing tone in his voice did not go unnoticed by the former Lord, a smirk rising onto his features. A deadly glare casting through directed towards the father.
“I could say the same for you darlin’. Even went with a tie. how cute.”
“Alright mister, you got me there. So, what you thinking about cooking good looking?”
“Well, I was- w-what?” The rhyme from Ethan’s words had made Heisenberg feel warm. A fluttering feeling casted over his whole body as he stood in front of Ethan, little Rose between both of their feet. Although he was sure Ethan was just teasing, his words felt real to hear.
“I didn’t say anything, so what we doing,” the words fell quickly from Ethan’s throat, an embarrassed look invading his face as he crossed his arms and tried to give a smug smile to play his words off.
“Yeahhhh, sureee.” Heisenberg watched the pale skin of Ethan's become influenced by a red shade, his nose slightly flaring. Grabbing hold of his shoulder, Heisenberg turned Ethan around and walked towards where the open kitchen was, being careful to not trip over the baby on the floor. ”So if I’m good lookin’, what does that make you buttercup?”
Ethan shook his head disapprovingly, looking at Karl with a raised brow. “It slipped out; nothing was meant by it.”
“Oh, but sweetheart, did it really though~”
“What are we cooking Karl?” Ethan had pretended to not hear any of the nicknames that came from his host- he didn’t want to show any reaction towards them no matter how much a daring grin wanted to be stretched onto his lips. He had to remind himself he only just divorced his ex-wife. He didn’t want to date and neither did he want to feel any sort of attraction towards his own former killers...but was Karl really a former killer- he did try to help him? That was for another time.
“You’ll come aroun’ one day. I don’t know what to make.” Karl leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Ethan’s facial features change every second, clearly not knowing what emotion he should really be showing at his words. ”You what?” He choked out, sticking with a dumbfounded look.
Karl threw his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know how to cook. I lived of cans Ethan, and coffee. It was either cans, or Duke for me.”
The air between them both became unknowingly colder. Ethan had to give himself a few moments to think. He did feel bad at what Karl just told him, to be living off a one-way ticket for meals or risk getting ill. The man in front of him really didn’t know anything about the outside world. “Okay, luckily I do know how to make food.”
“Like a house wife.” Karl piped up, running a hand threw his wet hair as it dripped water upon his shoulders wearing that sharp grin of his.
“I’m not a house wife Heisenberg.” Ethan began to search through the small fridge that was under one of the few counters in Karl’s kitchen. Looking through, he began to make a mental note to get the Lord to join him on a shopping trip to get food. Clearly the agents had spent more money on building fancy places rather than getting things for survival.
“Damn, back to last names huh? I must really be in trouble with you mister.” Suddenly, a flying tomato came flying at him and hit him in his head. “hey! That was uncalled for.” He spoke just barely managing to catch the vegetable as it bounced off his head. In return, Ethan shrugged and continued to rummaged through his fridge picking out certain items. Karl stood and watched, not complaining about the side view he was getting of Ethan down on his knees-
“Where do you keep your spices?” He asked a she stood back up, shutting the fridge with his foot and looking back to quickly check on Rose.
“Cupboard above you.” Karl answered back, also looking at the baby who was smashing the toy monkey onto the floor. Karl had to sniffle his laughter back, slightly proud of the baby’s destruction.
With a quick bang of the cupboard, Ethan had pushed all the items he got out towards Karl. Leaving them by the shorter one, he went to o wash his hands in the sink. “Karl, can you grab a baking tray, grater and rolling pin” Ethan asked as he wiped his hands down on a towel.
“Ethan, have you forgot I don’t cook?”
“Rolling pin looking like a cylinder, grater looks like-” Karl had begun to laugh at Ethan reciting and describing what kitchen equipment looks like. Banging a closed fist onto his chest, Karl swept stray hairs from out of his face.
“Ethan I’m joking.” Before Ethan could even get annoyed at Karl, Karl had already started to move about the area with a happy jump in his step, glad that Ethan was slightly annoyed at his actions. He loved getting a rise out of the other, it just added on the things he loved-
Loved...yeah. He was in love with Ethan. He wasn’t going to complain against that.
“So, what we making papa?” Heisenberg asked, looking at the ingredients all laid out by all the cutlery he was sent on a quest to gather.
“We are making pizza.” Ethan answered back, already starting on making the pizza sauce from scratch.
“Pizza huh?” Karl ponded out loud, watching as Ethan began to use the grater and great cheese.
“Yes. You can start rolling out the pastry if you want. Grab the rolling pin and use the flour to make sure the pastry doesn’t stick to the counter top.” Giving a playful salute to Ethan, who rolled his eyes out and gave a soft kick to the others leg, Karl stood by Ethan and sprinkled flour on top of the counter. Clapping his hands by Ethan to watch the flour dust go poof in his face, Karl was already moving onto laying out the pastry from its packet on top of the flour.
He was given a sharp pain on his ear as he looked quickly at his attacker with furrowed brows. Ethan had flicked the man on his ear shell and stuck his tongue out like a child. Karl’s ear had swiftly turned red but it didn’t bother the lord much really, it only made him eager to try tease the other. “Gotta try harder sweetheart,” Karl spoke to him, rolling the pastry out and flipping it every now and again.
“Nah no can do. I can’t hurt you.” Ethan called back, moving the cheese and grated away from him before grabbing the baking tray and laying out parchment paper on it. Karl gave a scoff at Ethan's words, stepping away from the pastry and instead standing behind Ethan. Like a snake, Karl wrapped his arms around Ethan’s torso and stood on his tiptoes to look over Ethan’s shoulder.
“You can’t hurt me~” He whispered in his ear, tightening his grip on the father’s torso. In return, Ethan swallowed a lump in his throat and turned, flicking Karl on his nose. The pinch of pain made Karl recall backwards and rub his nose.
“I think I just did. Oops.” Ethan turned back around and picked up the pastry to lay out on the tray. “Want to grab a spoon?” He called behind him, waiting for a response as he worked on stretching the pastry in the tray.
Thinking for a moment, Karl went back to leaning against the counter with his arms crossed right bedside Ethan. “What’s in it for me?” He asked, as he simpered looking pleased with himself.
A ragged sigh came from Ethan’s mouth as he turned and copied Karl’s actions by leaning against the counter. However, he didn’t cross his arms. “How about, you get me the spoon and you’ll get a reward.”
“What is this...reward?” Karl leaned to the side, getting closer towards Ethan’s face. The hesitation from the other left plenty of time for Karl to come up with a total of 6 different ways he could be rewarded for getting cutlery- and none was safe for Rose to hear.
Wetting his lips, Ethan smacked his lips together before speaking slowly and a notch deeper than his usual tone. “The reward will be...a day shopping with me.” And all previous ideas flew out of his head. Karl pulled away from Ethan and pouted.
“That sounds shit.” He spoke, becoming grumpy over the fact of shopping. He had seen Villagers do it in the past, buying things. It just looked, none eventful.
“That’s not all.” Ethan held back a grin as he watched Karl become curious again. “I’ll let you hold my hand the whole day.”
“DEAL!” Ethan watched as Karl sprinted off to a drawer and opened it up, grabbing a large spoon and skipping back to Ethan with it in his hand proudly. “Better keep to your side of the deal now papa. Don’t you be forgetting it.”
“I won't forget- I don’t even think you would let me especially with the way you just acted.” Just to hopefully annoy the Lord, Ethan got him in a headlock and with his knuckled, rubbed them against the top of Karl’s head watching him squirm in his grasp.
“Oh C’MON!” He shouted, pushing out of Ethan’s grip and showing him away. Ethan finally let loose of is laugh and grabbed the counter for support. The sight of Ethan being happy made Karl soft. It was a fuzzy feeling with him. ‘Butterflies...that’s what this is’ he thought trying his best to sketch the view into his mind forever.
“Okay! okay,” Ethan wheezed out, “Back to making the pizza.”
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sekceesimps · 4 years
A Rose Made of Chains Ch 2
a/n holy crap! thank you guys so much for all the nice comments and positive feedback about this story. This is the best Christmas gift ever. Hope you enjoy! Chapter 3 out tomorrow (Tuesday) night. 
Sincerely, Coffee
teaser.     Ch 1    Ch 3
teaser for part 2,    Ch 4,     Ch 5
Kurapika (aged up) x reader x Chrollo
warnings: This chapter does get very violent and angsty. If physical branding and torture triggers, you please don’t read  
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Don’t scream. Don’t scream. You silently chanted to yourself after waking up from a horrible nightmare. For once you wake up before your torturer has a chance to dump water on you. There were no windows or other sorts of indication about the time. You analyzed your surroundings. For whatever reason, you felt motivated to fight this time. Your “room”, if it could even be called that, was made up of a small charred blanket on the ground to act as a bed, a rickety looking bucket, and a sturdy chair being held up by thick gray shackles. Just looking at the iron chair sent shivers up your spine, it was where most of the torturing had been taking place after all. You had tried using your nen ability when you had first gotten here, but it had proved futile, as it seemed that there was something that forced zetsu upon you. It wasn’t like your nen could do anything  to escape to begin with. You had no issue with being a manipulator. You were an incredibly talented and special user according to Kurapika himself. Your nen ability was being able to manipulate and influence the movement of light. It made you incredible with stealth and diversions to help your friends, but terrible at actually being able to fight back. Your ability was too weak combatively, it was kind of why you were even here in the first place. Mumbling, you continue looking for a way out as your mind goes back to the day you were taken. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
That day had started so beautifully. You had woken up to sweet humming from Kurapika as he lazily flipped through the pages of a book. After passing out on the ground next to his hotel bed the night before, he had graciously pulled you up next to him. His long arms hold you close to his warm body, making your face flush, an action only reserved for lovers, but he did so nonetheless with you. 
“Good morning, Y/N'' he greeted and put his book down. You’ll never forget the joyful glint in his eye, one that was becoming less and less common to see, as his face nuzzled into your neck. It was times like this when you wished that you could just tell him that you were his soulmate. Unfortunately, you couldn’t do that to him now. He was busy planning on what to do with the spiders. You had helped him with this plan, but he often made it clear that he didn’t want your mind to be burdened with the violence of his future actions. “Can you go to the store? We don’t have much food left and I’m tired of eating junk with Gon.” he mumbled against your neck. 
“5 more minutes,” you whined and cuddled closer against him. His warmth was intoxicating and the heavy smell of lemongrass that came off of him made you want to stay next to him forever. You don’t want this moment to end. You never get to see Kurapika smile and you’ve never seen him so vulnerable as he is in the mornings. You’d never admit it out loud, but you love to fall asleep on the ground next to his bed, knowing full well that he’s much too polite to leave you down there alone. 
“Get up, lazy” he answered and untangled his arms from your body. You know the two of you aren’t dating, but it sure did feel like it on mornings like this. “I can’t come with you today  because Leorio wants me to help him with something. Make sure to get breadsticks! Oh, and don’t forget to get something sweet for Killua” he snaps you out of your thoughts.  
“Alright alright. I’ve got it, do you need anything else,” you remarked as you dragged yourself out of the comfort of his bed. It creaked softly at the shift in weight. He shook his head and wished you goodbye. 
You never made it to the store that morning. After you had left the hideout, you stupidly decided that you wanted to take the scenic route to get groceries. Unfortunately, the scenic route at 8 in the morning is also a dangerous one. With no one out on the streets yet, safety in numbers dwindles down to ominous empty and open areas. Soft footsteps and the feeling of eyes burning into your back were felt as you made your way quickly through a quiet alleyway. You had thought nothing of the dangerous feeling until you were shoved onto the ground. You were a hunter, a natural born fighter too. However, you weren’t wise enough to anticipate an attack and bring a real weapon. It honestly didn’t come as much of a surprise when you had been quickly overtaken by three shadowy figures. You were quick to spring to the defense and had managed to give up a small fight until the tallest figure muffled your screams with a large cloth. Being pinned to the ground and knocked out was not what you had expected on your peaceful trip to the store. I’ve got this, you thought to yourself as your vision blurred and you slipped into the black abyss. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Finally! You shriek in your head. You had found a small curved nail in the corner surrounded by dust. If you could just use it to break the padlock on the door you’d be out of your dingy room. Your inner clock was warning you that it was almost time for the water wakeup. An even better but more risky idea suddenly popped into your head. It’s going to be risky you think, but I’ll have to fight my way out of here if I have any chance of leaving. You clutch the nail in your sweaty hands and lay back down on your “bed”. The door handle lowers slowly, slowly. Creak, the hinges squeak, you close your eyes, pretending to be asleep. Footsteps come closer. You jolt up before the man can react. Surprise and luck on your side. With one sharp movement you stab the nail into the short man’s upper thigh and run as fast you can. You would have made it out too if a new woman hadn’t grabbed your collar and knocked you to the ground.
“Feitan, did you let this little mouse out? She looks a little lost.” you looked up at her serious face. Her lovely pink hair smoothed up into a ponytail. With wide and begging eyes you  pleading with her silently to let you go. She looked past you and glanced at your torturer instead, who was grumbling on the ground with his bleeding leg.                                
“I’ve got it from here.” he replied as he got up. “Time for something new anyways. The little mouse isn’t screaming as much as she used to.” he made his way over to you and grabbed the collar of your shirt roughly from her. You make yourself as limp as possible, trying to stall your impending doom. He was a small man, so it surprised you by how much strength he had as he dragged you back into your room and secured the heavy ropes onto your arms, securing you back  into your chair. 
This time he pulled a dark brown belt  and fastened it around your head and stuffed it into your mouth. You let out a muffled yelp in protest to this intrusion. This man had done so many unspeakable things to you. You had been burned heavily, close to drowned, had fingernails ripped out, but each time you had prided yourself on staying as strong as you had. You were unbearably tired of fighting. It had been so long since you saw the sun. You would give anything to have rays of light touch your skin again. 
“I have to admire your strength. Many don’t last as long as you have. Will you join the phantom troupe? Will you join us?” your torturer asked curiously. You shake your head in a vehement no. “That’s a shame. I hope the boss doesn’t mind that I do this.” he replies nonchalantly as he takes out his many knives. This time though he has something different. This time, he has an iron. 
You barely flinch at this point when he begins expertly cutting up your skin. There was a certain art that was in the way he opened up your delicate flesh and created such pain and terrible marks. For what seemed like hours he did this, ripping apart barely healed wounds, creating new ones, all the while he smiled and kept asking those four annoying words. You briefly considered entertaining him and saying yes. No! You refuse to do that. 
He removes the belt that acted as a makeshift gag, asking those four words again, “Will you join us”. You boldly spit your blood onto his face and smile wickedly. This seems to egg him on as he takes a lighter and begins warming up the iron. You hadn’t seen it before. It was beautifully shaped and at the very end you saw what looked like a… no. It couldn’t be. The more you looked at it, the more your stomach hurt and rage began building in your chest. At the end of the iron was an expertly crafted 12 legged spider. You hadn’t realized it but the rage had turned your eyes into the most passionate crimson. A shade that you refused to show anyone who wasn’t trusted. Your torturer smiles, “The boss always liked those eyes”,  as he quickly shoves the leg of your pants up to leave your thigh bare and open. The iron was sure to be hot now. The reality of the situation was setting in as the man tugged your gag off and said happily, “be as loud as you want”, before he shoved the iron onto the area beneath your soulmark. Pure pain, white hot pain blinded you. Your only form of agency now in this hell was to be quiet. You knew that sleep was taking you again as your vision darkened and your head nodded off as you passed out. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Panicked breaths tore through the silent room. Your ragged gasps for air breaking the peace of the pitch dark stillness. As your eyes slowly adjust you try to calm yourself, you focus on your soulmark and the level-headed blonde that has the matching one. It started to feel like reassurance but now it’s become a mark of pain and conflict. 
“How are you feeling?” a calming baritone voice spoke through the darkness. As he steps forward you take in his menacing appearance. He was tall and had the funniest looking coat you’d ever seen. It was fur and looked expensive. His whole appearance and tone just screamed wealth and power. He was a man who was clearly sure of himself. He’d come to visit your torture sessions several times before already. Each time he would stand close to the shadows, just out of sight, but still close enough for you to catch a glimpse of his outline. He never said anything, choosing to watch you instead. His smoky gray eyes are always on you and drinking in your appearance. 
“I’d feel better if you just let me leave” you whimper softly. The ropes that a spider had secured on you when you had gotten here were digging roughly into your skin. You felt like your aura was constrained and it was hard to breathe. 
“You know I can’t do that darling,” he all but purred, the pet name setting your face on fire with blush. “all you have to do is say yes.” he continued, coming closer and closer to your face. You do your best to move away from him. “Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer. It truly is a shame that we had to meet like this.” he had his finger raised now and languidly stroked the less bloody side of your cheek. 
You whimper softly at his movement. His intense ashen eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. “All you have to do is say yes and all of the pain can go away,” he grinned down sweetly at your pitifully shaking form. 
Your tangible fear seemed to edge him on as he got closer and closer to the side of your face. “I don’t want to,” you stated in a last attempt of defiance. 
His warm breath was fanning across your bloodied cheek. “Oh, but you will.” He remarked casually before leaning down further to your flushed body. 
His lips were soft and they had meshed well against your own dry ones. This was the first sign of  comfort you had been given in your time here. You refused to kiss back at first, but he was right, you would give in. As he politely nipped your lip, asking for permission to take it further, you couldn’t help but take it as a sign. A sign to cling onto any warmth you could get. You had no idea if you would see this man named Chrollo again. A part of you screamed that you were betraying your soulmate, but the hungrier and more desperate part of you cried to let him comfort you. 
You pulled your head back. “I’m sorry. I don’t know anything about you.” you mumbled and bit your lip. Missing the warmth that the raven looking man had provided you with. 
He smiled sadly and sighed, “That is unfortunate. I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after that. We have some time to get to know each other before you join me.” He backed away from you and let a hand linger in your H/C hair. Pressing his lips lightly against your hand, he let you go and left the room. The heavy door slammed shut and the lights flickered off as he left. 
Wind, you thought to yourself. He smelled like the fresh and intense wind that came after a hurricane. He tasted like a small dash of sugar and fresh fruits mixed in the best tarts. You determined that you liked these new feelings. They weren’t foreign but they were still unfamiliar to you. You want to experience more, but that would hurt your soulmate wouldn’t it? You yearn for him with all your soul, but your body can’t help yet yearn for the raven haired man who offers you protection. The ghost of comforting warmth lingers on your lips as you start to feel uncertain about your future here in the spider’s den. 
a/n hope you enjoyed the tieback to the teaser and first appearance of Chrollo. The reader and Chrollo are going to have a very complex and intricate relationship that will be explained much more later. Next chapter will be in Kurapika’s POV and will be the last chapter until we hit another milestone. thanks everyone! 
Also very sorry about the formatting. I don’t understand spacing at all, I hope it doesn’t bother anyone too much. 
askbox is open if you want to talk or leave requests. 
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handmaid - 21
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, sexual content (18+)
A/N: CHILDREN SHIELD YOUR EYES!!! for those over 18, hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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I love you.
I love ... you.
Some words have the power to affect you and touch you more than an actual touch. I, love, and you are words as simple as words can be, they’re overused and sometimes used in ways that shouldn’t be used. They’re harmless. However put them together and suddenly you have a sentence that can haunt you or provide you with the best of feelings that can be experienced by someone. 
I love you. He’d heard that particular phrase several times at different times in his life, the first being with the very first girl he fell in love with and the last being with the last girl he would ever fall in love with. Love is such a pure emotion in its own, no hatred, no jealousy, no selfishness and the fact that it came from someone as pure as Y/N, it was just ... the best thing someone could hear. She loved him. Him, out of everyone. She loved him and he was speechless. The mob boss who constantly controlled the room and everyone around him, who always had the last word was speechless at the hand of the handmaid. Soft power, she embodied soft power and this was a pure demonstration of that trait. 
    - I’m so sorry ... I don’t know why I said that, you’re engaged to Gwen and I respect her so much. I ... - she was lost in her rambling. Why couldn’t she have kept her feelings in the darkest corner of her mind? Why would she tell him that? She shouldn’t have and before she could return to her quick apology and cover up what she thought to be a dagger and conversation stopper, he had pulled her chin towards his to kiss her delicately. She should’ve pulled back, part of her knew she should’ve pulled back but he was too much for a good kisser and she was too much involved into it for her to actually delve onto the consequences of her actions. 
   - If I knew you’d do this, I would given you a bag much much sooner. - was she wrong to be feeling this way? After all, no one is really capable of controlling their feelings, they’re just responses caused by hormones and the brain to various stimuli . She can’t choose them right? Then if she can’t chose she should at least feel guilty. This was Gwen’s husband to be, the same Gwen whose family supported her education and kept her alive all this years. But then again Gwen was never gonna love Sebastian, no, she wasn’t even gonna try to be his friend yet that didn’t mean it gave Y/N the right to commit adultery. Could it even be considered adultery if he wasn’t married yet? No, it is adultery and she shouldn’t commit adultery with the man standing in front of her. - Are you alright, angel?
   - I should go to bed. - she got on her feet, looking down at her cozy socks instead of his beautiful baby blues. - Good night, Sebastian. 
She had to get as far away from him as possible before she did something something like getting under him. How is she supposed to fall out of love with someone if she’s under him? Why would she tell him she was in love with him? Was she daft or did she have a dying wish? Locking the bedroom door behind her, she slid down the dark wood door, hand on top of her chest. How rude of her to just leave him there. He had been nothing but a sweetheart to her with pretty much copying her Christmas tradition in less than a day to make her happy, and let’s not even mention the bag that was compared to real estate. For shame, she had kissed not once, not twice but several times the very much off the market mob boss. Yet again, why should she care? Why should be so worried if Gwen was not? If his wife to be didn’t care and was more than happy to go around with as many men as she wanted despite the wedding ring on her polished finger, why should she care about who was with Sebastian?
Oh Sebastian. She had just left him there looking like a lost puppy. How could she do this? He had gone all the way to make her happy, he respected her and was the only person in her life so far who had actually been interested in listening to her opinions and actually ask her what she wanted. She owed him an apology, heck, she had been playing go and pull with him for quite some time so she owed him more than a apology. Yet again, why did she not just have her fun? If Gwen can have her affairs then why couldn’t she delve into her own passions with him? He clearly seemed willing but it’s wrong. However, what is right and wrong when you’re in the mob? There’s always a fine fine line between right and wrong. There’s no right and wrong, that’s what she used to hear from Mr. Forrest, only darker and lighter shades of grey. 
Did she believe that? She didn’t know. Different authors had different opinions and she herself din’t believe she would ever know the answer. What she knew was that before she realised what she was doing, she was walking barefoot against the hardwood floors and stood in front of the door of his bedroom. She knocked on the door with a less than willing strength. He didn’t take long to open the door, standing with his dark sweatpants and grey tee shirt. Y/N’s words escaped her, what was she gonna say? Couldn’t be stupider than telling a soon to be married man that she loved him. Should she start with an apology? Should she try and joke? No, she clearly wasn’t good at joking. Why wasn’t she speaking? She could feel him looming, eyes burning onto her face. 
   - Got something to say, angel? - there was a weird shift in atmosphere as she looked up into his beautiful cerulean eyes. There it was once more, the same pull accompanied by those characteristic sparks she had heard and read about. What is the point of going against the pull? It’s like facing two magnets and try to ensure they don’t stick together, eventually you tire yourself off. Finally, Y/N was tired and pushing her morals towards her friend into the back of her friend, she leaned in. 
Sebastian was caught off guard but he wasn’t one to complain, specially when it was her. His hands rested on her natural waist, pushing her body towards his. She could feel the warmth of his hands through her shirt, the sort of warmth that only he could provide and as such she held him closer, closer than ever before, ensuring he wouldn’t leave or become a figment of her imagination. Her hand slide into the curly mess that was his hair became whenever he didn’t pay attention to it. 
She didn’t consider herself an experienced kisser, in all honesty, she wasn’t experienced at anything relationship wise so once his tongue made his way into her mouth, stroking the roof ever so lightly she couldn’t help but choke in a moan, hand pulling at his hair. This seemed to incite him as he bit her lip, hands slowly descending to her lower back and her bum, giving it a little squeeze which made her smile through the kiss. 
   - You’re gonna run away from the again, angel? - he swiftly pulled back, closing the door behind them. 
    - I reckon that I care to choose to stay. - Y/N smiled, knowing she would regret it later but later is later and now is now and she’d rather be in the now. He leaned in to kiss her again, fingers toying with the much too short t-shirt of her sleeping garments. Part of her wished he would just take it off, wanting to feel his warmth all over. She would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about him in lewd ways or how he looked under the pristine suits he always wore. At that thought alone, she couldn’t help but feel her cheeks heat up. 
With a decisive grip, she held onto the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head. What she came into her view was something that would water the mouths of everyone. She knew he was a good looking well built man but she wasn’t expecting him to be that ripped. Her hand slid down from his hair to rest onto his chest. 
   - I don’t think it’s a fair deal you seeing me with my shirt off while you’re fully dressed, angel. - stress spread through her whole body and she wondered if he was going to like what he saw once she removed her tee-shirt. She was almost entirely sure that she was not up to standards to please a man like him. 
   - Alright, turn around. - Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows at her request but decided to comply, turning around. After checking he was staring at the door and not at her, she pulled her shirt off throwing it to the floor where it pooled near his.
    - You are the most stunning thing I’ve ever come across. - she heard his raspy deep yet deeper than usual voice against her ear as he took a long stride towards her. 
His arms circled around her smaller figure and Y/N was sure she could feel her heart beating faster and harder on her throat when his hands ghosted over her chest, tightening around her perked bud. This sole action made her gasp loudly which caused him to softly hum in content against the back of her neck, moving the hand that circled over one of her breasts and running his thumb over the perked bud once to watch the young handmaid get goosebumps and squirm under his touch. Screw having power over a whole entire city, he would throw it all away so he could have this sort of power over her. 
    - You like when I touch you. Don’t you, angel? - He stated rather plainly with a hint of pride and she adverted her eyes from his hands. Her mouth opened to speak yet it closed as quickly as it opened once he pinched one of her buds without any prior warning. She tried her hardest to prevent a moan to slip out thinking it would make her sound like a desperate teenager but there was no stopping her quivering and shaking legs. He seemed to notice this, pulling her from the ground and laying her down on his bed. - Do you want to do this?
    - Yes. - she nodded her head furiously, worried that if she took a beat he would disappear in thin air. She stood there in his bed, head slightly raised as she watched every single step.
His eyes were darker than usual, a far cry from the baby blues that took over his iris and the stretched fabric on his crotch was a tell sign he was trying his best to control the situation which only made her more aroused and she could feel the wetness coming from her and sliding down her thighs which every once in a while rubbed against one another. 
He took his sweet time unbuttoning and zipping down his trousers as he stares down at her, wondering if he was having yet again one of his delusion dreams. However, her harsh breathing was much too real to be just a dream and her touch was much to intense to be a fantasy. He pushed his boxers and his trousers down past his knees and climbed onto bed, hovering above her, hands on either side of her head. 
Y/N was rather new to the whole array of sensations she was feeling yet all she knew was that she wanted to feel him, she wanted to touch him badly yet all her body seemed to be writhing under him, awaiting for release. However, he lost no time in getting rid of the white shorts as quickly as he could. Her eyes were gazed onto the ceiling, much to shy to actually look at what was happening. 
When he pressed down with his index finger on her clit and, skilfully, pushed aside her underwear, she found herself gasping lightly as she felt his warm roughed finger trace up and down her folds and then, to make it more torturous in a twisted pleasurable way, he adds another finger, circling her little bundle of nerves masterfully while his other fingers slip along her folds, slipping just enough for him to feel her soaking entrance.
   - Sebastian ... - she managed to blurt out, clinging to the arm whose hand continued to tease her masterfully and she herself was if she had hold onto him to get some relief from these new emotions or to stop him completely so she could regain her senses. 
  - It’s alright, angel, I’m here. - he smirked down at her, leaning close to her heated face, lips almost painfully touching. - You are so wet, so frustrated. I could just stare at you for hours.
   - Just do something. 
   - I am doing something, angel. Maybe I’ll just stop doing it ... - he answers , removing his fingers from her soaked folds and placing them in his sinful mouth, licking and sucking on them rather loudly to make her even more flustered, if that was even possible. 
Y/N stared at him as she tried to even out her breathing and calm down her beating-heart, thumping as hard as a rabbit thumps their small pawed feet on the grass. She thought she had read sinful things, she thought she had seen sinful things but nothing compared to watching his lick her juices off his fingers. Sebastian hummed and wrapped his tongue around the tips of his fingers. Once finished, he removed them with a loud pop. 
  - After all you did run on me ... several times - he added smugly, proud of the control he has holding over her head. - You’re lucky I adore you, angel. 
He pushed her stomach down on the bed, his hands, parted and one either side of her head, supporting his body height as he fit his knee in between her legs, slowly spreading her thighs apart, never for a moment leaving her gaze or letting her eyes wander anywhere else but him. He could just die happy looking at her like that.
Wrapping her spread legs around his waist, she could already feel his thick hard cock pressed against her entrance, making her choke out a moan and a few whines, both from anticipation, need, and pure unknown of what was going to happen next. She was sure she had never felt something like that before, so powerful yet needy at the same time. Stretching her arms to wrap around his neck, she buried her head against the soft sheets of the bed to which he smirked and leaned. Slowly, he pushed into her and she gasped, parting her lips just barely enough to let out a throaty moan. It was a weird feeling, painful but with the power to be something else and as he slowly continued to fill her the brim, she couldn’t help but let out moans and cries of both pleasure and pain as she felt him stretch her completely and that pain morphed into more of an unspeakable pleasure.
   - God fuck ... you’re tight. - he shut his eyes, groaning as he felt her walls contract around him, stilling his movements.
   - Fuck ... - she groaned, moving her hips from side to side which made him groan loudly, eyes snapping open. 
   - Don’t do that unless you want me to fuck you against the window so that the whole of the Upper East will know who you belong to. - those words came out like threats but the way she milked him made him smirk. - You do want that, don’t you, angel? Maybe some other day. 
  - Just move, please just move ... - she pleaded with whatever control of her voice she had left and with a crooked smirk, his hands slide down to her hips which he grabbed. Subtly, he yanked them up until he slide out of her womanhood completely before ramming himself back in, making her moan sharply and hide her face against his chest in an attempt to muffle her moans.
Y/N quivered and whimpered in his hold, shaking her hips with both excitement and pleasure as he repeated the same motion time and time again. His thrusts  heavy, hard and fast, and as both of them gradually started to reach their end, became sloppier and messier but still powerful enough to rock her body and the bed along with it. She could feel herself getting closer, closer and closer to some sort of unknown release until finally she felt as if her body went through a tiny explosion causing her walls to tighten around him and Sebastian, in turn and along with her orgasm, came within a few seconds after her. 
He slid out of her, rolling on his side while Y/N stared at the ceiling, still lost in what sounded like static and white like vision, breath returning to normality along with her body. 
  - Are you okay, angel? - he questioned, watching her roll on her side so she could look at him.
  - Peachy. - she breathed out, arms lifting up with whatever strength she had left to wrap them around his torso. Nuzzling her face against his chest, sleep soon came to both of them. 
The morning came soon after, tiny and weak rays of sun filtered through the windows into the mob boss’s bedroom. However, it wasn’t the light that woke them up but the incessant knocking on their door. Sebastian raised his head from his pillow, cursing whomever was knocking at the door.
Grabbing his boxers from the floor and quickly putting them on, he strode towards the door, pulling it open so hard that it could’ve removed it from the hinges hadn’t they been well placed.
   - Amelia, what is it? - he almost growled at the housekeeper, she however was unbothered by it, much too used to him at this point. 
   - We have a situation, Mr. Stan. 
   - What situation? - he asked in a much more polite tone of voice, noticing Y/N was watching them like a hawk in confusion. 
   - It’s Mr. Daniel Forrest ... he’s downstairs. 
   - How is he downstairs? No cars are leaving from the Upper East. 
   - I don’t know, sir. He is here however to take Miss Y/N to Mr. Forrest’s house ... for Christmas. He is rather impatient. 
   - For heaven’s sakes ... - he kicked the side of the door. In all the times the weather just had to get better right now, turning around to look at the girl still barely awake in his bed, he let out a sigh. He couldn’t force her to spend Christmas with him. All she wanted was to go home. - Angel, get your things, Daniel Forrest is here. 
   - Dan is here? - she perked up, duvet wrapped around her body as she collected her garments from the floor. - But I thought ...
   - Well, he is here and I don’t think he’s gonna leave unless you leave with him. Isn’t that what you wanted? - isn’t that what she wanted? She questioned herself as she got dressed, surely it was. She wanted to spend Christmas with those who had taken care of her, right? 
   - You must come with me then. We always have one more plate at our table and the house is awf ...
   - I have to work, angel. I don’t get days off, I told you that. 
   - I know and you can work there. It’s fine, I’m sur ...
   - Y/N. - he interrupted her. - Just go and get your things. 
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld @captainchrisstan @lookiamtrying​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​​ @stuffforreferences​ @thebadassbitchqueen
375 notes · View notes
orbitariums · 4 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟐)
part one
hi everyone, thank you sososososooooo much for all the outreach, i really appreciate it!!! i may be making a second taglist, so look out for that if you didn’t get a chance to be added to the first one (tumblr has a tag limit but there r ways to work around it, that’s why i had a limit as well!!)
thank u for reading!! stay safe <3
taglist is closed!
word count: 7.3k
warnings: age gap, sex work, smut, dirty talk 
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
    Steve had never slept so well. He woke up that morning feeling like a brand new person. Rather than obsess over the meticulous, filthy details of the chat, which he knew would make him squirm now that he wasn't in the moment, he recalled the pleasure he felt and the relief he felt when he had finished. He thought about the connection he had made with you, how much he wanted to talk to you again, wanted to try another private session.
    But of course he thought about the sexual aspect of it. How could he not? He had cyber sex with a stranger, a stranger who made him come twice in the span of half an hour. A stranger who he was incredibly attracted to, both physically and personality wise. He found it hard to grasp that you were so comfortable revealing yourself in such an intimate way to strangers online, especially the way you had last night.
     And he admired it, even though it was so new to him. Because surprisingly, although he was the Captain America, quite literally the face of America, he could never be as bold as you -- sure, he had shared himself with you, but he was in his comfort zone and this was new to him.
        You on the other hand, shared yourself with thousands of strangers every night. Morally, he wanted to question it - he grew up in a very conservative time period. But he couldn't, because he had taken part in it and he had so much respect for what you did... it took courage. He understood the whole female liberation thing and the fact that you were taking control of your own body. So, he loved this for you, and for everyone else who did this kind of work.
    So the morning after that rare night, he found himself thinking only of you. In the shower, while he ran his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes, he got flashbacks to the way your robe opened as you slowly revealed your body. He felt himself get hard again, though this time he could find temporary release with just his hands, pumping himself to quick and easy release in the heat of his hot shower, throwing his head back and picturing your lips replacing his hands as he shut his eyes.
      At briefings that morning, everyone noticed Steve's change in spirit. He was less antsy, less to himself. He even smiled a few times, even looked better, like he had actually slept. It was like a few months worth of stress and an urge for intimacy had been lifted off his shoulders.
    "You look great Steve. Did you take my advice?" Tony asked after the briefing was over.
By the look on Tony's face, he already knew the answer to that question. Of course he hadn't heard Steve, the walls were soundproof (and for good reason, because if they weren't, he probably would've disturbed the whole tower), but he could sense it in how different he was acting.
    "What advice?" Natasha looked over her shoulder, curious to know.
    "Oh nothing, just guy stuff," Tony flipped his hand dismissively, and Natasha raised her brows,
    "Do I even wanna know?"
Before Steve could answer, his cheeks getting red at the idea of getting found out, Tony replied with quickness,
    "Last time I checked, I was just talking to Steve."
    "Carry on with your very important, top secret conversation," Natasha joked, narrowing her eyes curiously at Steve and Tony before leaving the room.
    "So. How was it?" Tony grinned, leaning in excitedly as he propped his legs up on the table.
     Steve went silent for a few moments, a serious look on his face before he broke out into a relaxed grin,
    "Honestly? It was amazing."
    Tony slammed his hand down on the table in victory, a big grin taking over his features,
    "Yes! That's what I'm talking about! I was hoping you'd enjoy it. I thought you might be a little prudish about it."
    Steve ignored the offhand comment and just chose to focus on the positive, nodding slowly and folding his arms over his chest,
    "I gotta thank you Stark. It definitely wasn't something I'd expect to be my thing, but I guess you learn something new about yourself everyday."
Steve surprised himself with that comment. Stark was actually right. Steve would've never in a million years thought he could be someone that would take part in anything revolving around cam girls, much less the action of masturbating with someone he hardly knew. He didn't even know it was a thing to begin with. He was both shocked, and a little anticipatory to see that he was actually learning new things about himself. He didn't expect that from him.
    "My pleasure Steve, I take pride in my work," Tony replied, referring to his "therapy." A beat passed, and Tony exchanged an expectant look with Steve, who replied with a confused face, eyebrows furrowed together.
    "What?" he asked, and Tony wiggled his eyebrows up and down.
    "You know..."
    "I don't," Steve responded, raising a questioning brow. Tony rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat,
    "The girl, genius. How was she? Who was she? What'd you do? All the details, my friend."
    Steve gulped. He had been thinking of you all morning, but he hadn't spoken about you yet, and he was kind of glad he had someone to share the details with. Out of respect for you, he didn't want to get too descriptive, but he would at least share his feelings about you.
    "Well, she was real sweet. Calls herself Moonrose Haze, such a pretty name. She's gorgeous, really enjoys what she does, which I liked about her. I really like her, you know? I think we had a real connection. I've been thinking about her."
    "Yeah well, don't get too attached. You know how that can go," Tony patted Steve's shoulder, and he nodded understandingly.
    Of course he knew that he couldn't get too attached. It could be dangerous for both you and him. For starters, you didn't know who he was for real, and he didn't need you knowing. And because he didn't know you in real life, he didn't want to get hung up on you. He already didn't have time for an actual relationship, bringing the internet into it would be a whole different thing.
    He didn't want to get too sucked into it, he didn't want to be brainwashed into feeling strongly for you before he really knew you. But he didn't feel that way at all right now - right now it was more of a feeling that he was glad to know you, glad to have made the connection he made with you. He liked you, and you were on his mind, but he wasn't obsessed, wasn't unable to think straight. He just felt nice and warm inside, that's all. It wasn't anything serious, not yet.
    "Yeah, I know. It's nothing to be worried about. I'm just glad to have met her, you know? She's so charismatic and hard working, she works two jobs outside of this one. I really like her personality. And we—" Steve cut himself off, starting to blush, unable to hide it on his fair cheeks.
     Tony leaned forward, knowing this would include the gritty details,
    "We..." Steve looked down as to avoid eye contact with Tony, who chased it even while Steve stared down at his shoes. "We - well - she... helped me." Steve cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed to bring up the memories that made his entire body feel as if it were on fire. He continued, "Helped me, you know... (he lowered his voice here) get off."
     "Yowza!" Tony hooted, and Steve's face could never be more red. "Steve, you truly surprise me everyday."
    "It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced before," Steve said, a bit more composed now. "I mean, it was- it was... she was incredible. I know she's a performer, but it felt so real, so intimate. And I think she enjoyed it too."
    "Wait, don't tell me she joined in on the fun," Tony raised his eyebrows, genuinely surprised, and Steve's head jerked up as he realized he had sort of revealed more details than he'd meant to.
    "Well, we-" he began stammering, but Tony just cut him off with an impressed smile.
    "My god. I would never expect it from you! Honestly, I'm proud of ya, Cap. You seem to be feeling much better now."
    "I do," Steve answered with finality, and Tony nodded.
    "Glad to see I could be of assistance. You can always come to me for these type of things you know. I've got all kinds of tricks up my sleeve."
Sure he does, Steve thought, watching as Tony walked out of the room. Now he was thinking of you once more - specifically when he would see you again.
                                                                                                                   ✺ ✺ ✺
    You started out your day not so different from Steve. You had great sleep that night, thanks to the powerful orgasm that practically lulled you to sleep, and thanks to meeting Steve. You liked him, too, thought about him with a smile on your face. You were in your apartment, a cheap, shabby apartment which you refurbished to your heart's delight, decorating with new furniture and plants however you could.
    It wasn't the most luxurious space, but at least it was yours. And it was what you could afford living on your own in California, where you were from, and paying partially for your schooling. You made good money as a cam girl, but most of that went towards school and your clothing business. You were a busy woman.
    As you logged on to girlsonfilm.com that morning to check stats and messages, you were met with memories from the night before. It was hot, sure, but you really, really liked Steve. You had lovely connections with some of your customers, but something about Steve was different. He was new, and almost naive, and had a personality you found adorable. He was mature and appropriate, and you liked that about him.
   As always, you were careful. Being a cam girl meant you had to be safe and smart. With Steve, you felt secure enough, but you were always careful with new customers. Once again, it wasn't anything serious... yet. Still, you felt a little lighter on your feet throughout that day.
     You were usually in good spirits, outgoing, determined and smiling, but today you just seemed a bit - lighter. Less worried about certain things like finances or your multiple jobs. It was your best friend, Aaliyah, who noticed the change in your demeanor. She tapped you on the shoulder as you sat in your last class of the day, which was at noon.
    "Yeah?" you asked, turning your head towards her - you had been sort of looking out into the distance beforehand, thinking all those happy thoughts that stemmed from last night with Steve.
    "Earth to YN? What's up with you, you're all... dreamy," Aaliyah hissed urgently, wanting to know everything.
     You laughed, looking down at your desk and bringing your arms together, shrugging your shoulders up and down,
    "Dude, relax. I just had really good sleep, I'm in a good mood."
    "Bitch. I know you're lying, you're my best friend of seven years and you think I can't tell when you're lying? Who has you looking so incredibly happy right now? I need to know so I can threaten them if they ever hurt you!"
     "Okay, the fact that you're already assuming it's a person is amazing," you chuckled, turning to face her, pushing your hair from your eyes.
Aaliyah knew how you felt about relationships - you weren't exactly looking for one as you were so busy to begin with, and you'd had bad experiences in the past. You pretended like they didn't hinder you, but pretending only worked for so long. But Aaliyah was always the first to ask about your relationship life anyway - she wanted to see you with somebody who would treat you right, the way you deserved.
    "Well? Is it?" Aaliyah prodded.
    "No," you shook your head a bit too strongly for Aaliyah to be convinced, and couldn't help but break into laughter at the way she glared at you, eyes narrowed and arms folded across her chest. "Okay, okay. I may or not have done a private session last night."
    "Mhm," Aaliyah lowered her voice - she was the only person who knew of your secret job, and she took your privacy very seriously.
    "Anddd, I may or may not have met a new customer," you continued slowly, Aaliyah repeating her hums. "And, we may or may not have... had sex? I don't know, it was - virtual, completely online."
    "But, you do this often," Aaliyah replied, not understanding the depth of the situation because you often engaged in sexual acts for or with your customers in private sessions.
    "Yes, but this time it was different. I felt like... I dunno, like my whole body was on fire. I felt like I was totally in control, and you know, I'm in control other times, but this guy didn't really know what he wanted, so I took the lead. And it was fucking great, I kid you not, I was shaking afterwards. It all just felt so visceral and so fucking real and so, so hot. And... it felt intimate."
     "Woah, woah, woah, this is sensory overload right now," Aaliyah raised her brows, impressed with the story and with the person you were talking about. "Intimate how?"
    "Like, I just felt really safe and connected with him. I was nervous, I wanted to keep him. I wanted to talk to him again. He was so polite and mature and so... just nice. Oh my god, and he tipped me like, hundreds. He was extremely generous."
    Aaliyah was nodding, even more impressed,
   "That's what I like to hear! What's his name? What'd he look like?"
    "His name's Steve. And, I dunno what he looked like, he had his camera off. Probably some white dude, but honestly he was very handsome sounding. So like, a handsome white dude."
You sensed a shift in Aaliyah's nature, and looked over to her.
     "What?" you whined.
    "This man couldn't even turn his camera on while you were popping pussy for him? Yet y'all had an intimate connection?" she raised her eyebrows, very straightforward.
You pouted,
     "Intimacy doesn't always have to have rules. I get a lot of customers who don't show their face. I'm sure he has his reasons. Besides, it was nice not to have a dick shoved into the camera for once."
The both of you chortled at that, but then Aaliyah went back to business.
   "No camera on? He's married with kids."
    You made a face and frowned, a crease showing up at your forehead,
    "Don't say that! I like him."
     Aaliyah let up a little, because she knew you were being serious, and leaned back in her chair.
    "You like him?" she asked, and you nodded, biting your lip,
    "You really like him?"
     You rolled your eyes,
    "Asshole, I don't really like him. I just, think he's cool. And I'm glad we met."
     "Okay, good to hear, 'cuz you don't know him and we don't wanna go too fast, girl. You've got options in real life," Aaliyah concluded, and you nodded,
    "It's nothing serious. I just like him, that's all. And last night was nice, that's why I feel so refreshed today. You don't have to worry about me. This isn't gonna become like the movie Her."
    "Ha," Aaliyah snorted, catching the reference. A beat of silence passed between the two of you, before you broke it suddenly by jerking your head to her to share an urgent detail you didn't want her to miss.
    "He fucking came twice!" you whispered loudly. "In the span of thirty minutes!"
Your eyes were wide and brazen, and your lips were pursed tight. Aaliyah blinked slowly, taking in the information.
    "Oh wow."
    "I know. And his moans, oh my god. And he said his dick size was three fingers long," you held up your hand and cusped the three fingers you had used - ring, middle, and index. "Literally huge!"
      "For your sake I hope it's true, if he's got you this hung up," Aaliyah smirked, and you laughed breathlessly, realizing how intense you had just gotten.
    "My fault. Don't mind me," you returned to your work now that class was getting started, but the two of you were consumed with giggle fits.
                                                           ✺ ✺ ✺
     Steve actually had put you down on his calendar - mentally, at least. He obviously couldn't drop everything just to spend time with you, but the late times of your shows and his current availability made him feel inclined to use his free time to share with you, at least that week. He almost tried to downplay how much he wanted to see you again, how anticipating he was, because it wasn't like him to feel excited, to smile to himself at the thought of anything.
     By the time you went on live again, on a Wednesday night, both you and Steve were filled to the brim with excitement. You wanted to talk again, and Steve wanted to see how you performed on a regular live. So that night, he took a shower, got tucked into bed like he had the last time, and signed on to girlsonfilm.com, which he typed into the browser with jittering hands. He was actually... excited. Something about this was giving him a taste of a feeling that was once rare.
    He typed in your name at the search bar, not even taking a second glance at the other livestreams on the screen (more because he was avoiding looking at so many naked bodies at once). You had already started by the time he came on, and you'd been awaiting his arrival.
    This time, your setup was different. You were in your "office", a small room in your apartment that served as a workspace for your clothing line, a homework/study area, and a place where you could do your work outside of school. But tonight, like many other nights, it operated as your cam room.
     It looked like a strip club, complete with glowing neon lights that shifted colors, an assortment of heels and alcohol bottles behind you, and a disco ball hanging above your head. There was even a sign on the wall behind you that read your name in fancy writing. You leaned forward on your laptop to see who had signed in, a smile reaching your saccharine, glossy lips as the name you were waiting for popped up on screen.
    "Steve!" you cooed girlishly, pushing your hair behind your ear subconsciously - you wanted him to see your face. "How are you?"
Steve, who was figuring out the chatroom, commented below in response, eager to hear your voice. A grin had made its way onto his face at the sound of your excitement to see him.
Steve - GrantRoberts
Hi. I'm great, how are you?
    You bit down on your lip, intoning,
    "Well, better now you're here! Guys, this is Steve, he's new here. Say hi."
     Steve skimmed past the comments from her devoted customers saying hello, and you continued with your show, seeming oodles happier now that Steve was on. You already gave it your all, now you would give your all and more.
Steve didn't even need you to do that much to sate him though - looking at your skimpy outfit was enough. You were dressed in a sheer, glittery white lace corset that highlighted all of your assets, with garters on your silky thighs to match.
    Then you were wearing these insanely long stripper heels, and boy did Steve have a thing for heels- you wearing them made him nearly salivate. Your lips were painted a sultry red and the rest of your makeup was dewy and glittery, with gems and glitter dust stuck to the sides of your eyes.
You looked ethereal, and the lucid background just made things even better. He was already hard upon looking at you, especially when you shimmied up close to the camera and showed your entire body, your hands running up your thighs and sides in slow motion.
    "You guys like my outfit?" you smirked, twirling slowly for the camera. "You know, I love being a dancer, but I get so lonely sometimes. All these guys coming through, but no one to really pleasure me. You know?"
    Steve swallowed hard. You were talking to everyone on the live, but looking directly into the camera, an intense look in your eyes. Tonight you were playing out the recurring strip club fantasy, which lots of your customers enjoyed - Steve was new to the whole thing, but he got the gist and story line right away. How could he not with how intensely he was focusing?
    You laughed a little, a sultry but brief laugh that made shivers run up Steve's spine. Right now, though you were glad Steve was there, you were in full work mode, pulling all the levers. You were focused, and Steve knew that you weren't only occupied with him. But he even liked that, liked your work ethic and your ferocity.
      "I guess I was just wondering if one of you were man enough to take me," you continued, starting to really pile on the dirty talk and the persona.
You kept showing different angles of your body, letting your customers admire you. You turned around, strutting slowly, one leg in front of the other, your heels hitting the ground. Steve's eyes widened at the shape of your ass as you faced the other way, head tilting as he admired your features.
He wasn't the kind of guy to worry about a girl's body type much, and he certainly didn't only focus on your body, but how could he not in this case? You were drawing attention to your every asset, and he was realizing just how much he liked them on you.
    Then you slowly twirled around, facing the camera again and lowering yourself down on your knees.  You pouted softly, as if you were feeling conflicted.
     "But, I haven't seen anyone here who's man enough to take care of me. I have needs too," you sighed, looking down at your nails, which, perfectly, were long and glittery acrylics. "Gosh, and the pay here is lousy. Some guys are so cheap, you wouldn't even believe it."
Kaching. Tokens being added left and right after you said that. You smirked, gazing into the camera for one minute, Steve catching your pixelated gaze, before you kept going. Steve added tokens as well, probably more than all that had been added in that moment. He was impressed by your strategies, and he knew that paying would make things progress.
    "I'm just so lonely and bored sometimes," you slowly removed the straps of your corset, revealing your chest. You ran your hands along the lace that was still over your breasts, licking your bottom lip. "Hmm. But I think I'll need more help to remove my top.
More tokens. More talking, more tokens. And soon enough, you had taken off the corset (garters left on, as per special request from many of your customers), and you were naked in front of the camera. Steve felt himself throbbing beneath his boxers, and stroked his length over the fabric.
    "Wow, you guys are great," you cooed. "And so much better than some of the other guys who come through here. But not good enough. Poor old me, looks like I'll have to pleasure myself, hmm?"
You wiggled your eyebrows up and down as comic relief while you opened and closed your legs very quickly, giving just a peek of what you knew they all wanted to see.
Ashton — asherw9 guyz, she clearly needs help spreading her legs. can we all do better? + 10 tokens
You giggled,
"Thank you Ashton. I really do need help spreading my legs for you, so I can get all nice and ready. So, tokens or bust."
Soon enough, you had them voting on toys to use as you went through an assortment. All of them were glass dildos with different designs. Each vote was a certain amount of tokens, and they eventually came to a consensus. Steve only voted so he could pay you, he had no idea what he actually wanted to see, nor any idea of how dildos differed from one another.
You smiled when you saw that he had voted, raising your brows at the option he had chosen,
     "Steve, you naughty boy. You wanna see me use the biggest one?" Steve blushed— he didn't know any better. But you were smiling, and reading the other options. "It looks like a lot of you wanna see me use the big one. I'll give you like, another minute to decide."
     A flood of votes came in and you read them over, smiling as you held up the biggest option.
     "This one it is!"
And there you were, giving a tease show as you danced sensually on the floor, wrapping your body around as you removed the bottom half of the corset. Soon enough, your entire body was completely revealed and you were spreading your legs open, your fingers dancing along your clit as you prepared yourself. Soft but sultry music played in the background, but all Steve could hear was the sound of your progressing pants and moans, which were soft and quiet.
     He had his hand wrapped around himself, finally out of his boxers, and he was stroking at the same pace that you were circling your clit with your fingers. He spread the precum peeking out from his tip down his erect length, pumping himself slowly as he watched you. He let out a strangled moan as you diligently slid two fingers inside of yourself, your face contorting as you felt them against your walls, reaching all the right spots.
"I'm so fucking wet," you whined, pumping your fingers in and out faster now. You were even more getting tokens and comments by the minute, Steve being the best contributor as he could with only one hand available.
He felt a hint of shame pang in his chest as he realized what he was doing — pleasuring himself online to someone who was doing the same thing for the hundreds of others watching. But in your case, it was for work. For a moment, he almost felt like a perverted loser, pumping himself to you in the dark — but he bounced back after remembering who he was, and after feeling himself throb inside his hands. He wanted to be able to enjoy himself, he shouldn't make himself feel guilty about it, so long as it was rightfully done.
You sighed loudly as you transitioned from using your fingers to the dildo.
"Guys, this thing is huge," you giggled slightly, but that giggle morphed into a pleasantly surprised moan as you began to slide it inside of you. Your slick arousal coated the toy instantly, making it much easier. Your face said it all, as did the whiny pitch in your voice. "Oh fuck."
Steve couldn't control himself. He came quickly once again, but continued stroking himself as you continued. And once again, his release felt cathartic, like he was filling in something that he had long been missing, and only you could bring him to this point. He couldn't do this himself before, not without you.
He wanted so badly to be in a private room with you, to share this moment with you and only you, where you could hear his voice and he knew the two of you were alone. But he knew this would have to do for now, his hands working his cock as he watched you thrust the dildo in and out, your moans growing louder and less contained.
    You watched the dildo disappear in and out of you, slipping in with ease because of how wet you were. The sounds it made were criminal and arousing, sounds of your slick against your walls. Your mouth fell open in an o-shape as you watched how well you took it despite its size, admiring of yourself and even more turned on, pushing it deep inside of you.
"Fuck, it feels so good, I'm so fucking wet," you whined, biting down hard on your lip, closing your previously ajar mouth.
Steve watched how well you took it with eyes that were glazed over, wishing it was him instead of a glass toy, wishing he could stretch you out and be that deep inside of you. He groaned to himself, mumbling expletives as he felt his orgasm build up.
"Oh my god, I'm close," you groaned some time later. You threw your head back, bringing your hand to your clit to assist your orgasm. You had been going at it for the past fifteen minutes, putting off your orgasms until you couldn't any longer. Steve was mesmerized, fists practically clenched around himself as you brought yourself to climax. "I want you to cum with me," you moaned. "Oh fuck, yes."
Your moans nearly became shouts as you came, toes curling in your six inch heels. You tried to grip the carpet around you, but to no avail, and you found yourself coming recklessly while the dildo was still inside of you, taking it out just moments after your orgasm began.
You were dripping all down your legs and thighs, the spot on the carpet beneath you completely drenched in your arousal. Steve had came again, and again, his cock twitching and spurring at the sight of you. The longer you rode out your high, the longer Steve rode out his — and needless to say, he could keep up.
You took in deep breaths as you got caught up, leaving your legs spread for your viewers' pleasure. As per one request, you lead your fingers to your slick heat, spreading yourself open so everyone could see, a smirk on your face.
     Once Steve had come down, he decided to type something in the chat.
Steve - GrantRogers
Thank you, this was wonderful.
You snorted at Steve's response — always so polite and proper. You closed your legs and crawled up closer to the camera so they could only see your face and your upper half.
    "I hope you guys liked that. I don't think I've ever used that one before, but trust me, I will be using it again. Thanks for the suggestion," you winked. "You can join me next week for a giveaway! I'll be selling my panties, those purple butterfly ones you guys love so much?"
You watched as the comments flooded with praise and excitement, and chuckled,
     "Yeah, those. So check in next week on how to enter, rules and more. I hope you guys enjoyed today, thank you so much for being the most beloved members of my little strip club here. See you later!"
Easily, you blew a kiss to the camera, and ended the show. At first, Steve was a little bummed. He was hoping for another private session, so he could talk to you a little more. But he understood that it wouldn't be today, and started to exit out of the site until he heard a ping! notification. He looked on the upper right corner of the screen to see that he had a new message.
moonrose — moonrosehaze hey! got a minute? click the link in the chat if you do!
Steve slowly clicked the link, hoping that it was what he was expecting and not some type of scam. And luckily, it was — it rerouted him to the same link as last time, giving him the option to hide his video and only use audio. He chose that option and you showed up on screen, in a silk pajama top and shorts, still in the same room as before, just not in the act anymore. Once he saw you, he grinned, and you smiled as well when he joined.
"Hey!" you exclaimed excitedly. "How are you?"
You typically didn't do this - usually customers reached out to you, not the other way around. But just because you weren't offering private sessions tonight didn't mean you couldn't still talk to a client. Especially a client who you happened to really like. And of course, the two of you were being careful, precautions still fresh in your mind. But you were enjoying your time together so far in this excited new beginning. There were no red flags and nothing to be worried about.
Steve laughed, his voice deep and almost cloudy - after coming down from two orgasms he felt dreamlike. His voice was warm and inviting, and you felt that awfully familiar buildup of an orgasm in your stomach, though it wasn't the same. Maybe more like butterflies, except instead of just being nervous, you were both nervous and turned on.
"Hi," he crooned, feeling his cheeks warm up at the sight of you. You were so enchanting and bright, even if you were behind a screen. You had a youthful glow that made you look and feel genuinely happy and vivacious. Even after just a few days, he found himself admiring you, and not just for your sexual prowess. "I'm great, how are you? You were amazing, by the way. That was... I've never seen anything like that before."
You giggled, appreciative of his constant praise, but it raised the question,
"I can't thank you enough. You've watched porn before though, right?"
At first, you thought Steve's innocence was only unique to cam sites, but now you were starting to question just how experienced he really was with this world. He seemed to know how to tip, and tipped very well. As for talking to you, he was charming and polite thus far, so he seemed to know how to interact with women who had jobs like yours - you hoped he was this kind universally, and not just to you. You hoped you knew him, the little bit that he was showing, not just a version of him that he was pretending to be.
Steve shifted a bit, smiling shyly to himself,
"Not really... do I sound that clueless?"
"No," you giggled, shaking your head, but he could tell you were just being coy, which made him smile.
"Be honest," he prodded you, and you laughed louder,
"Yeah, a little. But don't feel bad! That's a first. Usually guys your age are well versed in this sort of thing. It's... kind of sweet. And I like that you're new to this. It makes it easier to get you excited," you veered into flirting with him again, smiling gently into the camera.
"Oh yeah?" Steve questioned playfully, and you nodded.
"Oh, for sure. Listen, I'm really tired from my show so I can't promise anything like what I just did, but if you want me to pose for you or..."
You trailed off, but Steve was quick to jump in, shaking his head. He didn't expect anything from you at the moment, although he wouldn't mind, but if you were tired, then you knew your limits, and he didn't want to push them for his own sake. He knew it was your job, but he still had his own sense of morals.
"No, no, it's okay, hon'. You worked really hard just now, don't feel pressured to do something for me just because. It's nice to just talk to you anyway, you didn't even have to do this," Steve said calmly, and you felt your heart warming more and more with every word he spoke, especially when he called you "hon" — he gave you the energy of such a kind older man.
Of course Steve wanted to see something from you again - of course he'd cherish it, die for it. But he had been sated for the night, and talking to you was enough. Still in the back of his mind he questioned whether he should be talking to you like this at all - it was the second night you had spoken. But he pushed those doubts to the back of his mind for now - not now Steve, not now, he thought.
"Aww, thank you," you pouted out of happiness and appreciation.
    He acknowledged how hard you worked, and the fact that it was hard work. And he didn't have to be so gracious about it, so appreciative and the way he was. You were almost glad he just wanted to talk, even though you would've been willing to at least pose for him or dirty talk him to climax once again. What you'd do to hear his moans and hear his gruff voice in particular.
You continued,
     "I'm... I'm glad you liked the show. I'm glad you came, honestly. I know we've only talked once but I like you. I feel like we connected immediately."
Steve felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest that he brushed off as the typical butterflies that were spreading. He already addressed that this entire thing made him nervous in general, but he didn't think anything more of it.
"We did. Somehow, someway," he chuckled a bit awkwardly, and you smiled at his shy nature. "I'm— I'm really glad I came to. I was looking forward to this."
"So how was your day?"
"Honestly? I've been so much better since the last time. I mean, you really helped out. I feel like..." Steve took a deep sigh. "Like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders, y'know? What about you?"
"I know the feeling. I sort of felt the same way. Huh. Gosh, it's weird, it's not like we're-" you decided not to finish your own sentence, laughing as you brushed it off as silly. "Anyway. Today was great. Yeah."
"Yeah? You uh... take any classes today?" Steve asked, recalling how you told him about your life as a student and as an artist. He cringed internally at how awkward he was being. There was still that spark, but the two of you were both resisting conversation because you didn't want to face the reality of establishing a relationship with each other, even if it was just client to camgirl. It felt more personal. "I'm sorry," he chuckled to himself. "I'm not great with small talk."
"I mean, I'm sure - if I were a scientist, I'd want to be talking about, like, I don't know - nuclear physics. Environmental studies doesn't quite feel like your area of science," you giggled, and Steve remembered (though he hadn't forgotten) how he had passed himself off as a scientist. Maybe more of a scientific experiment, but it couldn't hurt to say he was a scientist, could it? He was surrounded by them after all.
Steve laughed, shaking his head,
"You'd be surprised how much I don't wanna talk about nuclear physics half the time. Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah," you propped yourself up, wanting to know what he wanted to know about you.
"You like this, right? Like, being, well-"
"A cam girl?" you furrowed your brows together and laughed, shaking your head playfully. "You can say it, don't worry, I don't bite. But uh, wow, I guess no one's really ever asked me that on here. I do, actually. I think a lot of girls on here like this job, but I really love it. It feels liberating, which is great. But it also pays my bills. So it's a balance between the two. I can kind of be whoever I want on here."
"So in real life, Moonrose is... not a thing," Steve concluded, and you shifted. "If you don't mind me asking." He just wanted to understand the dynamics of this job, how you worked the ins and outs - almost like an agent. You weren't that different from his colleagues.
Usually you'd be a bit more hesitant to answer such a question, but Steve made you feel comfortable.
"It's perfectly okay. I'm still the same girl, you know? So it's very much a thing, it feels like Moonrose is... a part of me. But it's just not the same way it feels on here, if that makes sense. It's an act, but it's really... just me."
"I like that. And I like that you enjoy your job."
"Now, can I ask you a question?"
A pause, then Steve answered. It couldn't be that bad.
"Sure," he nodded.
"Okay," you bit down on your lip. "What made you choose me?"
      You hated that question - "what made you choose me?" It left a bitter taste in your mouth. So many times, in your relationships in real life, you felt like you had to ask that question to get reassurance. To feel supported. But with Steve, it was obviously different. And right now, asking that question didn't feel so bad. You didn't feel like because he chose you, you were special. You felt like you were special before he even chose you.
Steve grinned,
"Honestly, I had been scrolling for a while, but none of the other girls stood out for me. And I came across you and you were smiling and you seemed happy. You talked to your customers like they were your fans. You just made it look so charming and graceful. It felt genuine."
"Thanks, I try. Well, I'm glad we crossed paths. It's nice talking to you, even if it's not for a private cam. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable, doing this-"
"No, no, not at all. I was hoping I'd get to talk to you too, so."
"Oh," you chuckled— you nearly snorted, pushing your hair back and laughing in tandem with Steve. Your awkward moments together were actually fitting and charming, and didn't feel "awkward" at all. You presented as confident, sexy and seductive Moonrose, but Steve brought out the dork in you, made you feel less like Moonrose and more like YN, in the best way ever. "Cool."
Steve liked this. He reveled in the quiet for a moment, just looking at you, your skin glowing, teeth showing when you smiled, everything about you was evocative. But he looked at the time, realizing he had briefings in the morning.
"Well, unfortunately, it looks like I gotta go. Got... labs in the morning, and stuff."
"Oh, yeah for sure, no, go ahead. Gotta get your sleep."
"You too," he encouraged you, almost like a protective figure. "Get some rest."
"Thanks." You took in a deep breath and took the leap you'd been wanting to take the whole call. You loved talking to Steve, but you had been thinking about what Aaliyah had said. You didn't feel as bothered by it as she had, but you figured it was worth a try. You could see if anything would change. And maybe it wasn't an "appropriate" statement, but you were taking a leap of faith. "Wish I could see you. You know, through your camera?"
At first, Steve's heart dropped. He definitely couldn't commit to that. But he knew it was fine, he didn't have to commit to anything at all. He just chuckled,
"Oh, not this time."
You nodded gently, understanding. It was like you told Aaliyah, plenty of customers didn't use their cameras. But you wished you could see Steve, see the face that matched that enchanting voice and those lovely words.
"I understand. Well, I'll see you... or, hear you, next time?"
"Yeah, doll. See you."
And with that, he ended the session, and closed his laptop. Much to think about. And all of it revolved around you.
ahh how are we feeling!! i made their dialogue a leeetle bit awkward bc i didn’t wanna make it super mushy. it’ll be slow burn but not agonizingly slow jus wait on itttt!!! let me know your reactions!!! tags will be linked in a reblog :)
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spacebatisluvd · 4 years
Rating: T, for references to torture/religious trauma
Summary: After Prime’s defeat, everyone tries to have dinner at camp.
This is fluff with a dash of angst! Hordak-centric.
A/N: I will be calling Wrong Hordak “Kadroh”.
“So, brother, how did you get to Etheria?”
Hordak didn’t look up. Entrapta and Kadroh had dragged him to the fire when everyone settled down for dinner. He was extremely aware of the Etherians’ eyes on him—some friendlier than others. “I’m not certain that revisiting the past is wise at this moment,” he said, trying to hide his discomfort.
“Gee. Why not?” the princess of Salineas asked.
He glanced up at her, ears twitching. Beside him, Entrapta wrapped her hair around his waist and shoulders. The gesture seemed almost protective. Looking around the fire, he realized that he knew the titles and powers of everyone gathered, but he only knew a few of their names. For a very long time, these people had been nothing more than obstacles to him. He didn’t hate them or resent them for their actions—he actually found himself feeling fondly for Adora—yet he could clearly tell that many, if not all, of the people around the fire hated him.
He lowered his gaze. Perhaps they did deserve an explanation. With a sigh, he said, “I’m still not fully sure what happened. I was separated from my brothers on the battlefield; a portal pulled me through and deposited me here. At first, I thought it was part of my punishment or maybe a test, but....” He shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense now.”
“Why would Prime be punishing you?” Catra asked, brows furrowed.
Shame still lingering, Hordak looked away and confessed softly, “I was...am flawed. I took pride in my work. I thought of myself as clever. Special. When Prime discovered the flaws in my thinking, he attempted to purify me—“
“Prime is merciful,” Kadroh agreed reflexively. Then he realized what he’d said. His eyes grew wide and he covered his mouth with both hands.
The boy beside him just threw an arm around his shoulders. “It’s okay, buddy. We know you didn’t mean that.”
Kadroh nodded, ears drooping. “Thank you. Brother, what happened then?”
“The purification ritual failed.” He couldn’t repress a shudder. “I do not remember how many times he tried—“
“Wait. You went through that multiple times?” Hordak looked at Catra, remembering chanting with his brothers when she underwent her own purification.
“Yes. My body gave out before I could be purified to Prime’s satisfaction. He recognized my willingness to serve had not wavered, so he allowed me the honor of dying in his service, rather than executing me. Then the portal sent me here. You know the rest.”
She swore under her breath and stood, beginning to pace. Adora stood too, ready to reach for her, but Catra stopped suddenly, glaring at him. “So, you went through a portal and ended up here. You were free! Why would you—? Why would you try to bring him here? Why didn’t you just, I don’t know—do literally anything else?”
Hordak looked at her, his ears drawn back, then he looked around the fire at the others. “Isn’t it obvious? If your god cast you out of heaven, what wouldn’t you do to be back in his grace?”
Kadroh was looking down at the ground, nodding softly. He understood. Everyone else just stared at him in horror.
It was Adora who broke the silence. Delicately, she asked, “You know...you know that’s...wrong, right?”
“Now? Yes. Prime was no god. Not a good one, at least. Not merciful, no matter what he told us. If I could go back....” He looked at the fire and sighed, knowing that was not an option. “I am sorry for the suffering I have caused. I thought....” He shook his head. It didn’t matter what he thought. He’d been wrong, and he knew that now.
He stood, facing Adora, and he bowed low. “Thank you, She-Ra. For freeing my people from him. I am in your debt. And in debt to Etheria. I know it won’t erase my past wrongdoings, but if there is something I can do to help restore your world, I will do it.”
When he straightened, Adora was rubbing the crook of her elbow and looking anywhere but at him. “Okay. Um. Let’s just...eat dinner and not talk about anybody being in anyone’s debt. Okay? Okay.”
She quickly sat down and began eating her food with remarkable speed. He looked at Entrapta, who shrugged. He sat back down, not really sure what to do with himself now.
Across the fire, the Salineas princess said, “Awkward,” under her breath.
The boy beside Kadroh cleared his throat. “So, Entrapta, now that the war’s over, do you think we can restart the Makers’ Guild?”
Entrapta exclaimed in excitement and the two of them began talking enthusiastically about their guild. There was a brief moment of tension when Entrapta grabbed his hand and said, “Oh, Hordak! Would you want to join the guild? Bow, can you imagine—alien tech and First Ones’ tech?! The possibilities are endless!” But, slowly, the mood around the fire began to ease, bolstered by their happy chatter.
As the evening dragged on and the air chilled, he noticed that Entrapta was shivering, but she was too involved in her conversation with Bow to retrieve a cloak for herself. With a touch to her shoulder, he murmured, “I’ll be back,” then started toward her tent. As he walked, he noticed that the Salineas princess was following him. He glanced back at the fire, where the others were too busy talking to take notice. “Princess.”
She stood in front of him, arms crossed. “Hmmph. You meant that? About restoring Etheria?”
“It is not in my nature to lie.”
“First Ones, you’re so weird—‘yes’ or ‘no’?”
“Yes. I meant it.”
“Good. You can start with Salineas.”
He nodded, remembering the damage that had been done to the seaside kingdom. “I believe I can—“
“Don’t care,” she said, already walking away. “Just fix it.”
His ears drew back; he was not fond of being dismissed. However...he started to think about the sea wall and the damage done to her kingdom. It should be easy enough to rebuild, with time and resources. He wondered, too, if the princess had ever considered building a desalination plant. The inland villages had rich soil, but the region suffered frequent droughts. A desalination plant and a proper irrigation system could make life a little easier for them. Why simply rebuild when he could improve it as well?
When he retrieved Entrapta’s cloak, he grabbed a tablet and stylus as well, already making plans. Back at the fire, he draped the cloak over her shoulders and settled beside her once again. Across the fire, Scorpia made a strange sound. “Force Ca—Princess Scorpia? Is something wrong?”
“No! Nope! Nothing wrong!” Her voice was inordinately high pitched, and one of her claws was pressed to her mouth. The tall, willowy princess at her side was staring at him and Entrapta intently.
He had no idea what to make of that. Before he could draw any conclusions, Entrapta drew the cloak around his shoulders as well, cuddling into his side. “Thanks!” she said, looking up at him, “I didn’t even realize I was cold.”
“You’re welcome.” He sighed, looking back at Scorpia in response to the strange sound she’d made. “Are you quite sure you’re well, Force Captain?”
She nodded vigorously, one claw pressed to her mouth. “Mmmh-hmmm.”
He eyed her suspiciously, but ultimately decided to let it go. Instead, he chose to let Entrapta’s happy babble wash over him as he drew up plans for Salineas. Hordak smiled fondly, happy to hear her voice, happy to be beside her, happy to hear her plans. Just.
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Eleven
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Chapter Eleven: Two Roads Diverged
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n and Ben confront each other after years of not seeing each other.
Warnings: Language, minor character death, violence, angst but that’s fairly obvious.
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: Without a doubt, this was the hardest chapter to write so far. I had to take periodical breaks because I was hurting my own heart 😂 The title is also inspired by the Robert Frost poem. The next chapter will be the last one that takes place during TFA and then it’s onto TLJ! (Excuse the uncountable amount of typos)
“Come on, Ben, where are you?” Y/n mumbled to herself, Yavin 4 was large and she was looking for one person. She didn’t know where her uncle had built his training academy and the pitch black night sky didn’t help her in her search. She wasn’t near giving up though, she’d fly the entirety of the planet to make sure that her brother was safe.
Use the Force, Y/n…
She almost steered the Falcon into a clearing of trees she was so spooked by the voice she’d heard. She turned around to see who had stowed away on the ship, yet found no one. 
Use the Force to find him, Y/n
She shook her head and turned back around, “I’m going insane, I have to be.”
Let it guide you to where you need to go...
Y/n growled, she’d seen and heard more ridiculous things, “Okay, Force entity or whatever the hell you are, we’ll do it your way.”
She shut her eyes, as she’d seen her mother do several times, and tried for the first time to let the Force guide her. Her hands rested on the controls of the Falcon as it hovered above an empty field, waiting for her captain to tell her where to go. Y/n breathed deeply as she tried to picture where Ben was, after a moment she saw the temple’s structure clearly and opened her eyes. She turned the ship left and sped towards where she needed to be. She couldn’t explain the intricacies of how she knew that she was near it, she just knew. 
Her dreadful suspicions were confirmed when she saw the flames.  
Y/n landed the Falcon far enough away that it wasn’t in danger of being catching on fire and booked it down the ramp. The smoke caused her to cough but she ran towards the collapsing building regardless. 
“BEN!!” she screamed, “Ben, where are you?!” 
Littering the ground were dead bodies of Padawans, the stench of death covered only by the overwhelming scent of the fire. Y/n began to panic as she checked the lifeless faces for Ben’s. She turned in circles, frantically scanning for any sign of her brother, or anyone still alive for that matter. After a few minutes of searching, a shriek rang through the air that caused her to whip around,
A young girl was running towards her as if her life depended on it, “Run!!” 
Y/n looked around confusedly as to what she was supposed to be running from, but found nothing. When she turned back to the girl, she was suspended in the air clawing at her throat manically. She looked like she was trying to scream for help, but the life drained from her face before Y/n could try and aid her. The girl’s eyes closed and she crumpled to the ground to reveal the culprit of her murder.
Ben stood behind her with an outstretched hand and a menacing glare.
Y/n stood frozen, shock overtaking her body as she watched her brother drop his posture at the sight of her. He jogged over to his sister, a concerned look on his face,
“Y/n, what are you doing here?”
As Ben approached her, she took a step back from him and held a hand up in self defense, “Ben, what the hell was that? What’s happened here?” 
“Luke,” he stated, “He sensed my power, he tried to kill me. He turned most of his students against me too.”
“W-What?” Y/n stuttered, “How is that possible?” “He’s afraid of what I can do,” Ben stated, full of pride and anger, “I’ve discovered more power than him or any other Jedi could ever dream of having. And he,” he pointed towards the burning wreckage “Tried to kill me in order to stop me from fulfilling my destiny.”
“Ben, that can’t be true. Y-your destiny is to be a Jedi, why would Uncle Luke want you dead?” 
“No, the Jedi are a dying breed, as they deserve to be. I’ve put an end to them, and Luke received what was coming to him.”
“Ben,” Y/n whispered, “What did you do to him?” 
Ben’s eyes bore into Y/n’s, adding to the intensity of their moment, “I killed him.” Y/n stumbled back, her hand shakily reaching up to cover her mouth. Her brother, her best friend, had killed their uncle and his students. She couldn’t even recognize the person standing in front of her, this wasn’t the Ben she’d grown up with. And while she hadn’t been there to witness what had transpired, she knew that he was telling her a distorted side of the story. It couldn’t have been that simple as Luke trying to kill his own nephew.
“Did you do all of this?” she raised her voice while pointing to the burning temple, “The fire? How many other Padawans did you kill? What am I supposed to tell Mom when she finds out you killed her brother?”
“Don’t go back, come with me.” “What are you talking about?” “Y/n,” Ben stepped towards her, she was in just enough shock to not back away from his presence, “We both know the gift you have, the power you hold if you just gave into it. Snoke could teach us both, if you come with me.” “Who’s Snoke?” Y/n asked.
“He’s wise, he’s opened my eyes to the true nature off the Jedi. He’ll take us both as apprentices,” Ben urged as twisted joy rose in his voice, “You and I could bring order to the galaxy together.” Y/n couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She knew that the Dark Side now surrounded her brother, she could see it in his darker than usual eyes. The way he spoke of murdering their uncle and the power he contained, it wasn’t Ben. But she refused to believe that he was completely gone.
“No,” she said, worry audible in her voice, “Ben, whoever this Snoke is, he-he’s messing with your mind somehow. This is not who you are,” she took his hand, “Come home with me, I’ll help you. Mom can help you. Just come back home.” Ben’s brows furrowed, his face hardened and he yanked his hand out of Y/n’s grip, “You’re turning into one of them, a Jedi.” He spat the last word as if it was poison, Y/n shook her head quickly, “Ben, I’m not a Jedi, I’m your sister and I don’t believe the things you’re saying. This isn’t my brother-”
“Your brother is dead!” he yelled. 
Y/n’s breath caught in her chest at Ben’s words, he looked like a mad man. Hair untamed, pupils blown in the worst way, jaw clenched and a threatening stance. Tears began to flood her eyes, there was no way to reason with him. 
“If you’re going to go down this path,” she cried, “Do not expect me to follow you.” She didn’t make it more than three steps when her brother took hold of her arm with a vice like grip, keeping her in place.
“If you’re not with me, you’re against me.” Ben whispered ominously.
Y/n looked up, taking in the possibilities of what might happen next. There was only one if Ben was only dealing in black or white choice making, and Y/n was sure it was going to break her heart. “Then I suppose I’m against you.”
The siblings stared each other down much like they had when they were bickering children, the temple’s flames spreading around them. Y/n had stupidly left her blaster in the ship, she had no weapons on her while her brother had his clipped to his waist. She looked down and saw her brother’s hand slowly move to his saber, as if to not alarm her to his plan. Ben didn’t give his sister enough credit for how attentive or quick she was, her eyes flickered again to his movements and snapped into action. She shot her hand out and summoned the freed lightsaber to her hand, igniting it quickly and raising it. Ben’s eyes swelled with rage, she’d been practicing using the Force while he’d been away and she wasn’t going to make it easy on him. Though he could see the anguish in her eyes at the though of fighting him, he could try and use her emotions against her to catch her off guard. 
His opened his free palm behind him, the lightsaber from the deceased Padawan flying from her hand and into his. Y/n saw it zoom through the air and as he ignited to raise the blue blade, she pried her arm from his grip and turned to meet it with her own. She’d only held a lightsaber once in her life, when she was a child and Luke let her try his out, much to Han and Leia’s chagrin. She didn’t have the training or skill that Ben did, but she was determined not to let her brother hurt her. She had to fight him, the person she loved most in the galaxy, even if it almost killed her.
Ben spun around with his blade with the goal of hitting her torso, but Y/n moved fast enough to block his hit. She walked backwards in fear as Ben moved towards her with an animalistic look in his eyes, like she was prey to be slaughtered. He raised his saber above his head and slammed the blade against hers with so much force, Y/n thought she might drop her weapon. She held tight to it and took a clumsy swing at his leg, which he easily dodged. He aimed again at her abdomen, a hit he almost made if she hadn’t thought quick and spun to her right, just as he’d done a moment before. Ben was her teacher, he was showing her how to fight without him even realizing it. Though the strikes he was trying to make were to kill, the ones she made were to block. Ben’s vision was compromised, the only end goal he had at the moment was to eliminate anyone who objected to his twisted endeavors. In that moment, Y/n realized that she may not be exempt from his delusions simply because she was family.
Ben growled as he swung his saber towards her legs, Y/n sprung into the air and crouched down when she hit the ground again to dodge the swing he took in the air above her. Ben swept her legs out from under her, Y/n fell on her back and watched as Ben lowered his blade towards her neck. He was going to kill her. She raised her lightsaber up to meet his and let out a cry as their eyes met, she’d never thought in a million years that they’d be in this position. She pushed the blade away and rose to her feet quickly, tears began to hit her cheeks. She began moving backwards again, closer to the flaming temple as they twisted their wrists to block each other’s hits. The heat that surrounded them was harsh, sweat began to bead and stream down their faces. After dodging another hit from Ben, Y/n kicked him in the stomach and caused him to fall back, but she made no effort to try and run from him. She’d seen what had happened to the helpless Padawan. She stood there amongst the flames, awaiting her brother’s next move,
“Don’t do this, Ben,” Y/n yelled, “I love you.”
He snarled as he stood up and came charging towards her, Y/n spun around and raised her blade to meet the one that come crashing down against it. They were facing away from each other, back to back and weapons raised, the flames closing in on them with only a tight path left to escape. Y/n was putting all the strength she had into pushing Ben’s saber away, but he was much stronger than her and she felt her body giving into it’s sadness.
“Don’t do this to me, Ben,” she whined, the lump in her throat practically choking her, “Please don’t make me do this.”
“There is nothing,” Ben hissed from behind me, “You could possibly do that could hurt me.” Y/n groaned as she tried to continue pushing Ben’s blade away from slicing through her chest, when suddenly a memory came into her mind,
“Wanna bet?” Summoning all the strength she could, she shoved up and pushed the saber away from her. She ran through the flames and they licked at her legs, she could hear Ben’s cry of anger and that was her cue to stop running. She turned around to see her brother sprinting towards her, a few hundred feet away, lightsaber drawn and furious. Y/n raised a hand up towards him and used the Force to shove Ben backwards, he flew through the air and landed painfully after slamming into a tree. 
Y/n’s eyes pooled with fresh tears as she waited a few seconds to see if he would rise, when he didn’t she ran to his limp body. She knelt down next to him, he was knocked out cold. She shakily placed her fingers against his neck to feel for a pulse, holding her own breath until she found his. Was she supposed to be relieved? Ben had fallen to the Dark Side, had tried to kill her in his manic state, yet it was her innocent brother that lay helpless in front of her right then. She took a few seconds to sob over him, thinking of their parents, their home, all the memories she cherished with him. He’d been the one to bring her to Han and Leia, she owed him everything for what he had done for her. He had given her a new life, one he would now be absent from.
“I’m not going to give up on you,” she promised, “One day, I’ll bring you back home.” With that, she gently touched his hand, deactivated her lightsaber and ran towards the Falcon. Once she was in the air, she set course for a return to Chandrila and jumped to lightspeed. She wept furiously in the pilot’s seat at what her brother had done, what she’d done, how their lives had just taken two very unexpected turns. And while she had promised to bring him back, she knew it would be a long time before she ever saw him again. Y/n had thrown the lightsaber on the co-pilot’s seat when she’d entered the cockpit, she hesitantly picked it back up and examined it. Ben had committed horrible acts with the weapon, he’d slaughtered their uncle and his students, he’d tried to kill his own sister. She should have left it there, but something in her compelled her to take it. She had no intention of picking it up ever again, unless she needed to, though she felt safer holding onto it. She hid it in a deep pocket of her coat, and vowed to never show it to anyone. For the rest of the journey home, she sat with her knees to her chest crying.
Han and Leia were waiting outside when she returned. After making sure she was okay, they were both furious with her. They demanded to know where she’d gone, she lied and said that she hadn’t been able to sleep and decided to take a flight. She apologized, went inside and locked herself in her room for the day. 
A few days later, she planned on telling them the truth. But before she could, an X-Wing showed up outside the Solo homestead. It was Luke. He had survived somehow and broke the news to their family that Ben had turned to the Dark Side. Han yelled, Leia sobbed, but Y/n stayed silent. 
Han and Leia separated soon after that, Y/n chose to stay with her mother. Han had agreed she should, he was planning to return to a life of smuggling and didn’t want his daughter caught up in the business. Han took Chewie, Y/n and Leia took C-3PO and the Solos abandoned their home. 
Luke went into hiding.
The First Order rose to power.
The Resistance was formed.
For the rest of the galaxy, the war began at a certain point in time. No one knew that the war truly began on Yavin 4, the night that a brother and sister aimed their weapons at each other. —————
“You’re a monster!”
I stood silent, my tears freezing to my face as I stood face to face with my brother. There weren’t enough words to describe how I was feeling at the sight of him…Furious for having just killed our father, heartbroken over the fact that he had slipped further into the Dark Side, and determined to protect Finn and Rey from his wrath. 
“It’s just us now,” Ben’s eyes flickered to me, “Han Solo can’t save you.” The remark hit home, but he was about to learn that we could defend ourselves quite effectively. Especially after the events that had transpired through the day. 
Rey grunted and raised her blaster towards him before I could tell her to drop it, Ben raised his hand and she flew through the air screaming. Finn yelled her name just before she hit a tree and fell to the snow covered ground. I stood there watching in horror, Finn raced to her side and cradled her head in his lap.
“I thought you might appreciate that,” Ben said, causing me to flashback to six years ago when I’d done the same thing to him, “Irony can be cruel, can’t it?” I turned to him, a new wave of anger sweeping over me as I examined my brother’s state. His injury from Chewie’s shot was bleeding, turning the snow beneath his side to a red dotted pattern. “I didn’t believe it when I felt your presence,” he remarked, “I didn’t think you’d be so foolish as to come here.” “It was foolish of you to think I wouldn’t try and stop what you’re doing here,” I retorted, my tears had stopped for now to be replaced by rage, “If you think I’m going to let you get away with what you did, you’re insane.”
He took a slow step towards me, looking me over, “You’ve been training, you’ve kept your powers hidden, you don’t want anyone to know the truth.”
“Get the hell out of my head, Ben,” I growled, stepping towards him.  
“You hide it from your mother, you’re afraid that when she looks at you, she’ll see her son.” “Stop it.” We were circling each other, glaring and waiting for the other to make the first move.
“You don’t want your precious pilot to know, or else he may be afraid of you.” “I swear, if you don’t stop-“ “He was here the other day, you know. I searched his mind too, and the first thing I saw was you.” “You’re going to pay for what you did to him.” “And the one person who believed in you, the one person who saw what you could do and didn’t fear you-“ “Shut the fuck up or else-“ “Is dead!” I let out a cry, unclipped my lightsaber and ignited the blade. I surged forward with every intention of silencing him, but he’d been expecting it and met my saber with his own. We attacked and blocked each other’s hits at a dizzying speed, both of us had grown in our skillset over the past six years. We began to move through the forest as we fought, a few tree branches becoming collateral damage. I swung furiously, much like he had attacked me years ago while he stayed more calculated. I let my anger guide me in my attack, Ben had fucked my life up long ago but now, he had gone way too far. He’d captured Poe, he’d probably tortured him, he’d taken Rey, he’d injured her, he was planning to kill everyone in the Resistance and he’d murdered our father. I had every right to what I was feeling. We spun around each other, our sabers hit and we pushed into our stance, face to face,
“How are you going to live with yourself after what you did in there? You killed our father,” I snarled.
“Our father?” Ben grunted, struggling to hold his position for a fleeting second, “Ben Solo is dead. And he was never your father, you’re a worthless orphan who your brother should have left to die. You were never really a part of their family.” 
“FUCK YOU!” I exclaimed, shoving Ben backwards and sending him stumbling for his footing. He regained it quickly as I launched myself at him, me expertly swinging the blade and him perfectly dodging them every time. The worst part was, he looked almost pleased when I’d come at him. It was like he wanted me to keep attacking him. 
At one point, he slammed his blade down on top of mine above our heads and we grasped onto one another’s forearm. We looked like mirror images of each other with our jaws clenched and strained sounds escaping our throats.
“You want to kill me, don’t you?” he taunted, “I can feel your anger, you want to avenge him.” I groaned as we pushed against each other, putting all my strength into holding my stance,
“I should.” 
Ben panted, “That anger, you need to give into it. Y/n,”
The eye contact we made was softened at the mention of my name, for just a second we felt like siblings again. I saw him hesitate and felt his genuine need for my presence back in his life. It may have been six years since we’d last seen each other, but he’d trained with our uncle for years before that. It had been 12 years since we’d simply been Y/n and Ben.
“Join me. Don’t be afraid of who you are.” 
His words were, ironically, like waking up from a bad dream. I realized the position I was in; ready to kill my brother in a fit of rage, breaking the promise I’d made that night amongst the flames. This wasn’t me, this wasn’t going to be how I avenged my father. He’d been the one to inspire me to stop fearing the gift I possessed, his words had been what had swayed me. In no way was I about to let Ben’s blow me in the other direction. 
I did the unthinkable and deactivated my blade with Ben’s only a few inches from my face. He stumbled forward a bit but caught himself and stopped his saber from slicing my throat. I stepped back, breathing heavily as our eyes met again, he was expectantly waiting for my answer,
“No, I’m not this. Dad did believe in me, just like he believed in you and I won’t let what he did for me be done in vain.”
Whatever softness I’d seen in Ben’s eyes disappeared as soon as I’d mentioned our father. His scowl returned, the same one that had scared me the last time we’d fought. He let out a growl and came charging towards me, saber drawn. I barely had time to raise my weapon before an identical blue blade clashed against Ben’s from our side. I turned, coming face to face with Finn,
“Get to Rey.” Finn put all of his weight into pushing my brother’s saber away before drawing him away from me. I listened and ran back to where we’d started, back to where Rey still lay unconscious. I knelt down in the snow and lifted her limp torso into my arms,
“Rey, wake up,” I shook her lightly, ”Rey, Finn and I need you, c’mon, please wake up.”
After a few more seconds of pleading, she moaned quietly and her eyes fluttered open. I exhaled in relief, she quickly sat up and looked around,
“Are you alright? Where’s Finn?”
“I’m okay, but Finn’s in trouble, we’ve gotta go.” I replied, standing up and pulling her with me.
She looked down at my other hand and saw the deactivated lightsaber, “Y/n, you’re a-“ 
“Yeah, we’ll talk about it later,” I rushed, barely having finished my sentence when we heard Finn’s scream.
We ran through the forest until we were closer to Ben, his back was turned to us. Finn lay face down in the snow and I could see Poe’s jacket ripped up the back. I spotted something in the distance, the handle of Uncle Luke’s saber was sticking out of a pile of snow. In sync, mine and Ben’s hands went forwards to summon it but it didn’t budge. I strained a little harder, there was no way I was going to let Ben take it. It finally began to wiggle before flying through the air towards me...
And landing in Rey’s outstretched hand.
I dropped my arm and gaped at her, she looked equally surprised as she stared at the weapon. My shock turned to happiness as we looked to one another, I nodded to let her know it was okay she’d been the one to catch it. She returned the gesture and just like on Jakku and on the freighter, we were a team. Ben looked more surprised and confused than both of us combined. Rey gripped the lightsaber with both hands, raising her arms up and I did the same. Ben activated and spun his expertly, we activated ours, and it became a blur after that.
We charged toward him, our blades fitting awkwardly together as we danced through the forest. Rey was a bit more aggressive in her fighting, accidentally cutting through a few trees as she swung at Ben. It was shocking at how good she was considering she’d never used one, to my knowledge. We moved backwards as Ben attacked both of us, stumbling through a thin path surrounded with rock formations. When there was a brief second where Ben was determining his next move, Rey and I leapt onto the rocks and ran as he swung wildly at them. I jumped off when they reached their end while Rey somersaulted off as if it was as natural as walking. She was undeniably skilled and when we survived this, she and I would be having a long talk.
Rey cut through a tree (no doubt one we’d probably slammed through earlier in the Falcon) to distract Ben and we continued running. I could sense Ben’s frustration towards Rey, I didn’t know if he’d interrogated her or not but there was something strange between them. I struck Ben’s blade and shoved him backwards, only angering him further. He spun the weapon in his hand before coming at me, Rey was there to block his aim. As we moved deeper into the forest, I caught a glimpse of what was behind us. The base’s destruction was now reaching the surrounding land and the planet itself was beginning to crumble. Anxiety began to course through me as I realized that we may not be getting off the planet. 
Ben slammed his blade against ours and backed us up until we reached the edge of a now cracked piece of earth. The rest was falling into the core of the planet. Ben had both me and Rey pinned, one wrong move and our lives would come to an end. We both groaned as we pushed against the the crackling red saber, Ben moved his face closer to Rey’s,
“You need a teacher,” he stated loudly over the sounds our blades were making, “I can show you the ways of the Force.” Rey’s face changed to confusion, “The Force?” “Rey, don’t listen to him,” I grunted, “He’ll lead you to the Dark Side.”
She looked between the two of us and closed her eyes, concentrating on something. I was perplexed only momentarily until I realized that was probably how I looked when I meditated. I closed my own eyes and reached out to her through the Force, trying to pull her from going down Ben’s path. 
She reached back out and met me with no hesitations.  
We both opened our eyes and both ducked away from Ben. He turned to meet us and we both began striking his blade continuously, he was trying to calculate his next move but it wasn’t much use. He was outnumbered and outmatched, his hopes of winning were extremely slim. Rey struck and sliced off a piece of Ben’s clothing, before I jabbed him in the shoulder causing him to groan. He began walking backwards away from us, we didn’t let up as our blades crashed into each other’s again. I kicked him in the chest and he fell against the snow, Rey and I stood waiting for him to either stay down or try again. He moaned as he stood up and lunged towards Rey, leaving me surprisingly out of his attack. He grabbed ahold of Rey’s wrist and she cried out, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Rey forced Ben’s red blade into the snow and I took the opportunity to give Rey some insurance. I spun around and slammed my blade against Ben’s, making it almost impossible for him to even have a shot at hitting her. He growled in frustration just before Rey overpowered him and slammed her saber down against the hilt of his. It sliced through and the red disappeared, he was without a weapon. I backed away and Rey swung upwards, hitting Ben in his face and chest. My heart stopped as I waited for him to rise, Rey stood with her blade ready to strike again if he did get up. He looked up to us to reveal an ugly bloody gash across the right side of his face. Out of reflex, I almost went and knelt down next to him to help him. His dark eyes bore into both of us, but settled on mine, “I will find you, wherever in the galaxy your precious base is hidden, and I will kill you and put an end to your pathetic Resistance.”
I fought back my tears at the sight of him, he may have looked like my brother but Ben Solo would never do or say what he had. I’d held out hope for years that I could bring him back, I’d promised my mother I’d try…But it was more than apparent that Ben had made his choice a long time ago.
“Then I guess you were right all those years ago,” I replied, “My brother really is dead.” As we held eye contact, the earth began to crack and it split the three of us apart. Me and Rey on one half and Kylo on the other, injured and defenseless. I took one last look at him, committing the image to my memory before turning to Rey,
“Finn.” We deactivated our sabers and ran off into our half of the forest. It didn’t take us long to retrace our steps and find where our friend still lay. Rey cried out his name before we rolled him over, specks of ice decorating his face. We both began to weep over his body, it was unlikely that he would survive an injury this extreme. Then again, it didn’t matter. We had no way off of the planet. Rey rested her head on Finn’s chest and I put a hand on her back, feeling tremendous guilt for having dragged them into this. 
We were going to die at any moment now, my mother would lose both her daughter and husband on the same day she was reunited with them. I’d never see Poe again, never get to hold him, kiss him, love him when I’d just been given the chance. As I cried, Rey took my hand and squeezed tight, reminding me that I wasn’t alone. She was with me and I’d never been more thankful for her.
Just then, I heard a familiar set of thrusters and bright white lights washed over us. I looked up from Finn’s still form to see the most beautiful sight I could have seen in that moment.
The Falcon in all her glory with Chewie in the cockpit.
I joyfully sobbed and looked to Rey as Chewie landed near us. We couldn’t lift Finn between the two of us so we waited impatiently for the Wookie to exit the ship. He ran out and lifted Finn carefully in his arms, Rey grabbed the blasters that had been dropped while I handled the lightsabers. We rushed onboard and I began calling orders out,
“Rey, you stay with Finn,” I said, she didn’t need to be told twice, “Chewie, you fly and I’ll co-pilot.” Me and Chewie ran to the cockpit ad began frantically flipping switches and adjusting controls. The earth began to crumble beneath us and we took off at just the right time, one second later and we would have fallen in. We flew through the destruction and I had to bite back the tears at the thought of never getting to bury my father. His body in a matter of seconds would cease to exist, just like the planet. I was leaving him there in a sense and it crushed me.
I looked at our radar, “I’m picking up X-Wings behind us, job’s done. Now let’s go home.” Chewie growled his approval and sent us safely hurdling through lightspeed. It was then, and only then, did I close the door the cockpit and fall apart. My knees hit the ground and I sobbed, Chewie knelt down and wrapped his arms around me. The two of us sat there crying into one another, mourning my father in a way that only a few in the galaxy would understand. 
A/N: This is the chapter that changes the entire story, it sets a lot of things in motion too. Things that will be explained and explored in later chapters. GAH I’m so excited!! Also, every chapter going forward will have Poe in it. Hope you liked it! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
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fellulahh · 4 years
‘Mammon visits MC in the human realm and Lucifer gets jealous’ Part 22/???
Read Part 21 here!
Frustrated, Diavolo let out a sigh as he beelined toward the door. “I’m going to the hospital.”
“Is that wise, My Lord?” Barbatos questioned.
“I have to see her!” Diavolo cried desperately, “I don’t care if Lucifer’s there or that it’s his baby she’s having, I have to make sure she’s okay.” He insisted before disappearing out of the room.
MC’s body was writhing as Lucifer entered the room again. He immediately rushed to her side after seeing she was having another contraction. As soon as he appeared next to her, MC desperately grabbed his hand and clenched it as she threw her head back.
“Lucifer it hurts so much!” She winced as she squeezed her eyes shut.
“I know and you’re doing amazing.” He spoke nervously as he assisted her with breathing steadily. “It’ll all be worth it soon, my love.”
MC nodded her head quickly, trying to bear the agony that filled her body. Lucifer was right, all of the pain will be worth it once their baby is there - she just had to fight through the labour. The nurses were in and out of the room, checking up on her constantly. For what felt like hours, Lucifer remained by her side, stroking her sweaty forehead and whispering words of praise to her as she had contraction after contraction.
“You’re doing so well.” He breathed, gazing at her with complete pride.
“I’m scared Luci.” She whispered, looking up at him with big eyes.
He let a smile appear on his face as he held her hand gently. “Me too.”
Before she could respond, she was hit with more pain. MC let out a long groan as she held onto Lucifer tight. A nurse appeared in the room soon after, pulling on a new pair of gloves. “Okay I’m just going to check how far you’re dilated now.” She informed them as she approached the bed and slipped a hand under the sheet between MC’s legs.
The nurse remained there for a moment as she tested to see how far she was. “Okay,” she breathed, removing her hand from beneath the sheet, “it’s time to start pushing.” MC shot an anxious look toward Lucifer who incidentally reciprocated it. “I’m going to need you to sit back and take deep breaths.”
MC did exactly as she was told to do. Her heart was racing as she mentally prepared herself for the pain that was about to come. She shared a knowing look with Lucifer as they gazed at each other in silence. “It’s going to be okay.” He whispered.
“Okay when you’re ready I’m going to need you to start pushing.” The nurse informed her as more of them gathered at the foot of the bed.
Taking one last deep breath, MC tensed her whole body, wincing as she did so. Her fists clutched the sheets as she gritted her teeth. Lucifer watched her with a terrified expression. He couldn’t believe the agony her body was going through to bring their baby into the world. MC let out loud screams of pain as she could feel herself weakening with every push but she still persisted.
Her determination to see their baby was far greater than her fear of destroying her body. Lucifer continued to encourage MC push after push; the nurse was surprised at how quickly the birth was happening. One hour turned into two and as the baby began to crown, the midwife let MC know.
“Just a few more pushes, I can see the baby’s head.” She declared as she remained between MC’s legs.
The closer she was to giving birth, the more her body began to tear. MC’s body became limp as she cried out in pain, forcing herself to push. Lucifer was worried sick as her screams filled his ears. Something didn’t seem right to him.
“Just one more push should do it!”
“AHH!” MC cried as she gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut. Her nose scrunched as she tensed for the last time. All of the blood in her body rushed to her head as her skin grew red.
Lucifer had noticed how weak she looked as she writhed. Feeling a huge sense of relief as their baby left her body, MC flopped back onto the pillow letting out heavy breaths. Her body was limp and she struggled to keep her eyes open. Lucifer gazed down at MC with parted lips. He feel such an empowering sense of pride as he watched the woman he loved give birth to his baby.
His mind was soon distracted as he heard a small cry. Whipping his head around, his heart felt like it’d stopped completely as he saw their baby for the first time. She’d already stolen his heart - from the moment he gazed upon her tiny pink arms flopping about and the tiny feet that scrunched up he knew that he’d do anything to protect their daughter.
“She’s wonderful.” He breathed with a smile, turning to face MC.
His face fell though when he saw how lifeless she seemed. Worry filled his body as her tired eyes met his. “Luci.” She barely whispered.
“We’re going to require a transfusion and stitches.” The nurse spoke in the background.
Whipping around, Lucifer’s face grew serious. “A transfusion?” He questioned concerned. “What’s wrong with her?”
“A lot of blood was lost during the birth due to the tearing.” The nurse informed him, “She will require a transfusion and multiple stitches. This means she will need to stay in for at least the night.” The nurse must have noticed the terrified look he had in his eyes. “Please be assured that this is a perfectly normal circumstance, your partner will be okay. She’ll just need to stay here a little longer than usual.”
Letting out a long breath, Lucifer turned back to MC and crouched beside the bed next to her. “Did I scare you?” She asked quietly with a pained smile.
“You did.” He sighed as he began stroking her hair.
“What’s she like?” MC asked with the smallest excitement in her exhausted eyes.
“She’s beautiful.” Lucifer smiled down at her, “Just like her Mum.”
MC let out a long breath as she felt content. Although her body was aching and she was scared to even move, nothing could ruin the happiness that she felt in that moment.
Lucifer studied her face carefully, a proud smile on his face as he took in every one of her features. “I love you, MC.” He said seriously.
Slowly turning her head, she met his eyes. “I love you too, Luci.”
Diavolo rushed through the hospital with nurses by his side. From the moment he demanded to see MC, they obeyed every one of the Prince’s orders. The brothers were all in the waiting room and saw Diavolo and his posse rush past. Of course they weren’t allowed to go and see MC but nobody was going to stop the future King of Devildom.
Satan’s eyes widened as he saw him quickly make his way past, not even noticing the six of them sat there. He began to panic as he realised he was going to see MC. “What is he doing here?” He seethed to himself as he shut his book abruptly.
As Diavolo was lead to the room MC was in, he slowed down as he approached the ajar door. His heart was racing as he prepared himself to see the woman who stole his heart. But as he placed a large hand on the door, he stopped.
“Did I scare you?”
“You did.”
“What’s she like?”
“She?” Diavolo questioned to himself as his body remained frozen at the door as he listened to the conversation being held inside.
“She’s beautiful, just like her Mum.”
Diavolo still held back as he hovered by the door. He didn’t expect his heart to be crushed within seconds.
“I love you, MC.”
“I love you too, Luci.”
Hearing MC express her love for Lucifer triggered something in Diavolo. Although he felt absolutely devastated to hear her express her love for another demon, he couldn’t help but feel irresponsible for his actions. The future King of Devildom was about to march straight into MC’s birthing room all because he loved her. He had no regard to Lucifer who was offering his full support to her after absolutely fearing the day their baby would arrive.
“If you truly love MC then you’d leave us be - or would you really drive her baby’s parents away from each other?”
Lucifer’s words repeated in Diavolo’s mind, tormenting him. His body was riddled with guilt as he realised how selfish he’d been trying to win MC’s affections when her heart already belonged to another. And the idea that he had no regard for the fact that she carried Lucifer’s baby. As Diavolo let out a sigh, he removed his hand from the ajar door.
“You leave them alone.” A harsh voice spoke from behind him.
Glancing over his shoulder, Diavolo was surprised to see Satan stood in front of him. “Lower your defences, Satan.” He sighed, “I mean no harm here.”
“Then why did you come?” He asked impatiently, “you know she loves Lucifer.”
“I know that now.” He spoke quietly, his face turning to the floor, “my own ambitions have clouded my morals. I understand that her heart belongs to Lucifer and I will no longer be putting myself in the middle.”
Satan eyed him suspiciously. Was the Prince trying to deceive him like he’d deceived Lucifer?
“What brought you to this decision?” He asked cautiously.
“It matters not now.” Diavolo shook his head, “Now go. I wish to speak to them alone.” Satan was reluctant to follow Diavolo’s orders. “Go.” He repeated.
Hesitantly, Satan turned around before making his way back to the waiting room. He was silently hoping that he hadn’t just made a mistake by trusting Diavolo’s word.
As he watched the fourth eldest brother disappear round a corner, Diavolo let out a sigh before pushing open the door to the birthing room.
“So the word is true.” He put on a fake grin as he entered, “Your baby is here.”
“Diavolo!” MC breathed, elated to be seeing the Prince.
Lucifer was not so pleased. His entire body stiffened as soon as he heard his voice. He had to use all of his might to stop himself from transforming into his demon form as he was prepared to defend himself, MC and their baby.
“I’ve missed you, MC.” He smiled as he strode over to her bed, completely ignoring Lucifer who was stood by her side.
He leant over and planted a lingering kiss on her forehead before pulling away. Lucifer’s chest began to heave as he grew livid at the sight.
“How are you doing?” Diavolo asked softly.
“I need a few stitches and will have to stay here for a while but she’s arrived!” MC gushed quietly, “our baby girl.” She smiled as she gripped Lucifer’s hand.
She hadn’t realised that the eldest brother was glaring at Diavolo. “Congratulations.” Diavolo forced a smile, “to both of you.”
“What are you doing here?” Lucifer asked rather harshly. MC furrowed her eyebrows, confused at the newly accustomed angry demeanour he had.
“I wanted to see that MC was okay.” Diavolo stated.
“And she is.” Lucifer pointed out, giving him a look as to say ‘so you can leave now’
“What’s going on?” MC asked cautiously as concern fell across her face.
Before either of the demons could answer, the nurse walked over with their tiny bundle all cleaned up in her arms. MC’s eyes watered as they fell on their baby. “Here she is!” The nurse cooed as she passed MC their daughter.
“Ooh!” MC squeaked as she took their baby.
All anger vanished from Lucifer as he gazed down at MC holding their child in her arms. He’d never seen her with such an adoring smile. Even Diavolo couldn’t hide his happiness as he watched the new Mother.
“Okay we’re ready for your stitches - we need to get started right away, we’ve got the bed ready for your daughter so if you’re happy to we’ll get started right away.” The nurse interrupted them as she appeared by their side.
“In that case Lucifer, can I pull you outside for a moment?” Diavolo asked as the nurse began assisting MC.
Hesitantly, he followed his Lord’s orders. He gave MC a quick squeeze of the hand before disappearing outside. Shutting the door behind him, Lucifer wasted no time in interrogating the Prince.
“What are you doing here?!” He repeated his earlier words, “Did I not say to stay away from her?”
“I’m not here to argue with you, Lucifer.” Diavolo spoke in a calm manner. “I’m here to apologise. I’ve been completely ignorant to my actions over the last months and hadn’t realised how selfish I’ve acted. My yearning for MC clouded my mind and it made me desire unspeakable things - like driving your family apart.”
Lucifer stared at him, waiting for him to continue.
“I may not have known how dire my behaviour was before but I’ve realised now. MC could never have fallen for me because her heart has always been yours - I was just too oblivious to realise. All of my intentions were wrong and only concerned my own needs. MC should be with you. I know what I’ve done is unforgivable to you but I hope i may be able to offer a small consolation.”
Lucifer continued to listen intently.
“I wish to drop the pledge you have to me. That baby will need her Father and you won’t be able to be there for her for as long as you’re sworn to me, Lucifer.” He spoke very seriously. “She needs her Dad and MC needs her love. And for that reason I wish to give you your life back. It’s the least I could do.”
Lucifer was left speechless by the offer. He’d been serving Diavolo for centuries now and he thought he would do until his demise. He wasn’t sure how to react; lividity still fuelled his emotions as he stared at the Prince but it was the offer of a lifetime...literally.
“My Lord I—“
“I don’t want to hear a single word from you, Lucifer. I am ordering for you to take back your pledge to me. You’re free.” Diavolo declared. Lucifer could still see the sadness that the Prince tried to hide in his eyes. “I hope that one day you’ll see past my actions and allow us to be friends again.” He sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Lucifer’s eyes flickered over Diavolo’s conflicted expression. He wanted nothing more than to tell the Prince to stay away from MC but then his offer flashes across his mind; it was a huge sacrifice for him to make. It was the only thing Lucifer could ever need now that he has MC and their daughter. And he knew how fond she was over Diavolo.
“I wish to accept your offer.” Lucifer spoke quietly, “But only for her.”
Diavolo nodded. “I understand. Thank you.”
The pair of them shared an awkward silence before Lucifer spoke up. “How did you know she’d gone into labour?”
“Barbatos.” Diavolo answered, “He could sense it - he could also sense something being wrong which is why I rushed down here. I don’t know what I thought I was going to do when I saw her...” He sighed, “but then I heard you both confess your love and it made me realise what a monster I’ve been.”
Lucifer nodded, taking in his every word. “I see.” Letting out a big sigh, he met Diavolo’s eyes. “Thank you...for giving me my life back.”
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