#but I’m gettin there :]
drunkenmantis · 2 years
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He is so normal
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squidflavoredsoup · 20 days
fiddlestan maybe i thinks
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also just mcfucket
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bunieboo · 2 years
Can get my feelings hurt today
I won’t give a FUCK tomaro
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panicfast · 5 months
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the sillies …..
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glittter-skeleton · 1 month
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I’ve got a bunch more fiddauthor stuff waiting to be coloured, but I wanted to get this one out quickly because yes, Fiddleford is the healthier alternative but my man’s started a cult. He’s also not even remotely normal.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Howdy My Beloved
(I’m so down bad for him it’s horrifying)
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LMAOOO mostly mutual howdy love
speaking of howdy iv been seein cowboy/Wild West aus for welcome home and I decided to dip my toes in it a lil while I was hyper KXHDGDH
cw poorly drawn guns and messy sketches
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I was just gunna make Home a sheriff’s buildin’, but I thought it would be cooler if he was a big bad spooki
also howdy’s lil bugdega is both a convenient store and a restaurant/bar (same building, all shopping stuff at the front while the restaurant is in the back) howdy can make a mean beef n cheddar KDHHFH
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spooksicl-e · 9 months
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new year, old john watson doodles^^
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housecow · 4 months
so. i’m going on a cruise relatively soon.. already having to plan excursions based on activity levels and weight limits to things 🫣
anyways. goal is to eat and return heavier than i was
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bugdotpng · 7 months
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trash page shrine in honor of my healing meal comprised of beer and gas station chinese food
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megadoomingir · 2 months
It has been..........
7 months.......
What has become of you, mdg? What will become of Stop Me??
As of right now I know it’s been much longer than 7 months. I’m sorry for that.
I’m an anxious person. When I started writing Stop Me, it was because I was angry. I didn’t start posting until it was over 80 chapters long. I had some recognition for my story Redeem the Stars but this was different. It was longer and became more personal. I started feeling the pressure of people wanting more. People reaching out with personal messages. Telling me how good the writing was. Telling me how it messed with them emotionally. All I could think was ‘yes, this very human and personal experience I’ve given to this character would disturb anyone’. And then the fanart happened. And someone stole full ideas and lines from my story to pass off as their own. And amongst all these internet things, I was dealing with IRL problems and people, while not realizing I was being treated poorly by said people. A lot of that has changed now but I’m struggling.
And then I remember everyone here, wanting more of my story, to see how it ends, the last episode and then the movie itself, and I feel frozen. It feels like pressure to me. Pressure to produce. Pressure for it to be good enough. I feel put under optics and on a pedestal and every time I try to step down, people tell me it’s fine, it’s ok, take my time, no worries. But that doesn’t take the pressure away.
So. What’s become of me? I’m learning every day to try to tackle the little things. I’ve surrounded myself with plants, some rare, some unique, some that just make me happy. I’m reminding myself how much magic is really in the world. I’m trying to be better, not just for other people but also myself. I opened a Kofi, after much wonderful advice and suggestions, but I’ve been afraid to post about it here. Again, because ‘what if I’m not good enough?’ as that weighs on me every day. But I’m trying. Some days there are hiccups and steps back. Other days I remember how capable and powerful I really am and that I don’t give myself enough credit. I’m ok. And I’m learning that on the days that I’m not, that’s ok, too. I’ll get through it.
And what’s become of Stop Me? Nothing. Nothing has changed. I still intend to finish it. I still think about it all the time and how I want it to be perfect. I have a personal deadline now. In 2026, it will have been 10 years. 10. Years. Since one of the best things happened to me and one of the worst. I need to finish Stop Me for me before then. I know I can do it. It will happen.
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sturnioloho · 1 day
i love the idea of waking up with chris and seeing him adjust his dick in his boxers while he’s getting dressed
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rystiel · 3 months
gonna be honest i feel like half the maxley posts i see are so out of character they’re practically ocs. however the posts are fun so it’s fine
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crochetedcandy · 8 months
My grandma is getting rid of her floor loom and offered it to me. The only issue is I have never even seen a loom in person. She got it 30 ish years years ago but it’s been sitting in her basement for I don’t know how long, so I don’t know what shape it’s in but I did find a listing from someone who has the same loom (X). Apparently it’s from a fairly local company and there’s only a few of these specific looms?
Im very excited to try weaving and have been watching Dolores Jacob’s Learn How To Weave playlist on YouTube and a handful of other videos but if anyone has any advice? Other YouTube playlists or books I could check for at the library?
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thesilliestcryptid · 4 months
holy shit i just realized i’ve been a magpod fan for almost three years
(since november 2021)
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spiderware · 3 months
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Day 27 - comfort
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project-doomsday · 10 months
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