#but I'm 90% sure it's in romanian so I can't read it :
kindlythevoid · 5 months
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Part One, Part Three, Part Four
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solo-by-choice · 8 months
alright, so would my fave survive castle Dracula? For the sake of @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula I'm doing Josh Lyman from The West Wing myself. Although I've only seen the show once and am not super... sure of my ability to remember enough minutiae to do this but I'm trying anywayyy
uh, no. He'd die. lol.
He wouldn't take the crucifix. He's not a superstitious person for the most part so I think he'd just find everyone freaking out about him going to the castle to be ridiculous. He's also Jewish. If he did take the crucifix, it would be to get the lady to stop bothering him and then he certainly wouldn't wear it.
He is technically a lawyer. I guess. He doesn't practice law, though, and I don't think he ever has. I suppose he could, but you know what let's not get into this because then I'll start questioning what an American from the late 90s/early naughts is doing in this story... (If Josh were from 1897 I suppose he'd be from Europe in the first place, but not England, and I'm having trouble imagining Dracula going to all this trouble to move to idk Poland or whatever.)
So maybe Josh doesn't make it past the shaving scene.
If he does, I think he might be able to keep alive for a while. He's good at talking; he could keep Dracula entertained as a conversation partner. The biggest issue might be his documented inability to be civil with people he doesn't like. He might be better at faking it with someone who has a (metaphorical) gun to his head, but we have no data on that kind of situation.
I doubt he'd put up with Dracula's weird touchy-feely habits. I'm not sure what he'd do about it, but I just don't think he'd be as fun to toy with as poor Jonathan because he wouldn't have Victorian manners preventing him from calling Dracula's behavior out. Which of course means Dracula won't put up with him as long.
If anyone's expecting him home on time, it's Donna. And presumably his boss is either Leo or Bartlett. (Sorry I'm thinking too much about transposing the cast of west wing into Dracula rather than assuming everything is the same in Josh's life which I think is how you're supposed to do this. So whyy is the deputy white house chief of staff bringing real estate paperwork to a count in Romania? oh nvm) Unfortunately I'm betting none of these people know shorthand, so Josh can't try and send them secret messages.
I do think Donna would recognize any letter that wasn't written in Josh's voice, but what good would that do them?
Does Josh get eaten by the Girlies? I guess the real question is whether Dracula saves him. I don't think Dracula would find Josh as fun a plaything as he did Jonathan. By this point Josh has probably started loudly demanding to be allowed to leave, is climbing the walls in boredom in every way but literally and has read every English book Dracula owns and taught himself basic Romanian. Josh's no genius, but he's smart and has the energy level of a working dog. He needs enrichment! Anyway Dracula probably thinks he's really annoying and maybe he lets his roommates bite him.
Unfortunately for him, Vampire!Josh is also annoying. But if they could get past that, Josh could do a great job running Dracula's take-over of his new country. Wants to be the guy the guy relies on, after all. America won't know what's hit it.
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I am dying for more content about Vladimir and Stefan, Stefan in particular. I barely see any for him :/. I'm Romanian myself, from Transylvania even, and it's so rare to see Romanian characters in big projects. It doesn't help that there's barely anything out there from the fandoms since it's generally minor characters. I agree with the other anon (I think they were anon and I'm 90% sure it was on your blog, but I can't find the post rn) about the accent. It's way too Russian 😂😂😂, tho I suppose it's meant to be the classic vampire accent. What do you think the boys do in their free time? Do they have any hobbies?
I just want more Volturi and Romanian coven content.
Pleaseeeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭
So I've answered this a few times but other than plotting against the Volturi,
Vladimir thoroughly enjoys reading. Although they're very old books and usually not in english. Very dated languages. You'd be certain he knew Latin.
Stefan is an art collector but very picky. Or atleast he was a collector. The art remains in the property that the two own and can only hope it won't be burned to the ground by the volturi. It means the two don't do packing and whatever they have is simply what is left of their belongings. He isn't necessarily opposed to the occasional book but generally isn't a reader. Whilst it isn't a hobby, Stefan is often caught reminiscing about the good old days before the Volturi and times with his mate.
Also I'm pretty sure I know which post you're referring to and i don't think it's mine but I have seen it before. I can't remember who it was. Don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but I really like their accents 😅 The actors were really passionate about the accent and I can't help but appreciate the little things like that.
Also sorry it took me so long to get to this one! 🤦🏼‍♀️
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