#but I'm still putting it because it's what most people use to describe angels with tons of wings or eyes
daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
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pixel art is fun. might do more of it in the future
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ozzgin · 10 months
I can order a yandere cute (kawaii), who maybe because of his cute and innocent appearance managed to get close to his beloved, but maybe this boy is not only cute and has a very disturbing past...
When you described a cute yandere with a messed up past, all I could think of was Kanato from Diabolik Lovers. This one's less of an asshole though. Hopefully. I also wasn't sure what you had in mind for 'disturbing past', I may have gone overboard.
Cute!Twisted! Yandere x Reader
Children will say the strangest things. Such as the marriage promise you’ve received from the little boy you befriended a long time ago, when you were rather young yourself. Yet sometimes the words aren’t entirely devoid of meaning. He definitely hasn’t forgotten his intentions, and your current fiancé is a mere delay to his plans.
TW: mentions of abuse, obsessive behavior, violence, small age gap, death
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He still remembers the day you met, so clearly and vividly. His most cherished memory. 
It was particularly cold despite the sun and his feet were hurting. He didn't have the time to put any shoes on, he ran out the moment he'd heard the sound of glass breaking. 
Mother was so scary when she'd get upset. The bulging eyes, the screaming mouth, the wild hair scattered over her face, darkening her features.
What if she were to follow him outside? No, she was never mean in front of others. Then again, the street was empty...He bit apart the skin on his fingers in panic. 
"Isn't it a bit late for pajamas?"
His eyes darted up and met hers. A girl somewhat taller and older, holding a basketball under her arm and staring intently, visibly confused. He was, after all, shivering outside by himself, barefoot and in sleeping garments in bright daylight. He blushed in embarrassment. 
"I snuck out for some fresh air."
"Rebellious already, huh?" She smirked and walked over, dropping herself on the sidewalk next to him. "I'm (Y/N). Do you live in the area? We could hang out when you feel like it. No need to sit by yourself."
She pointed to a house unexpectedly close. Has she always been nearby? Then again, he was never allowed outside. Besides the spontaneous escapades in order to avoid the burning rage, he didn't see other people much. It had always been him and Mother. 
For his own good, really. At least that's what Mother used to say. When she wasn't angry, she'd cry and hold him tight, telling him how much she pities him between hiccups and candid sobs. A vile creature like him would surely be mocked by the rest of the world. Not his fault, the poor little angel. Alas, his miserable fate still had a glimpse of hope, because Mother would never abandon him. He would always find acceptance from her all-forgiving heart.
And yet, there was always the seed of suspicion in the depths of his mind. Her sweet, soothing words felt like a hot slap over the blooming wounds already adorning his body, shaping a paradox.
Then he met you. You didn't seem to be disturbed by his presence. The following days, whenever he approached you, you'd welcome him with the same warm smile. Just like you promised. He couldn't find the ridicule he'd so often been warned about.
The puzzle pieces didn't fit together, and it became painfully obvious once Mother confronted him about his secret outings. Somehow her wrath had faded. Her shouts were mere waves echoing from somewhere distant, only grazing by his ears. She must've noticed his indifference, too, because she began rummaging her pockets for the basement key. Perhaps an old fashioned discipline would have helped him regain his voice. But the dark, cramped walls of the basement no longer frightened him. During his time spent outside, he had discovered a fact of stunning novelty:
He didn't have to listen to her. Staring into her ferocious, bottomless pits, he only found the reflection of (Y/N)'s face. Her peaceful, loving expression, devoid of pain, or fury, or punishment. 
His little hands reached for the box cutter.
"It's you that has to go downstairs, Mother. You're a liar. I hate liars."
Was it the right choice? His small outburst had ultimately cost him your company. That evening he politely called emergency to let them know his Mother had gone mad. And so they dispatched a couple of officers to investigate the gruesome cadaver, sprawled along the stairs with too many gashes to count. They shyly investigated the basement, and a social worker carefully inspected the little boy's abundant markings. This couldn't have been a suicide, but the tearful, frightened eyes of the child kept them from pressing further. Whoever had stepped foot into their home that day most likely did him a favor. Nonetheless, he was now essentially orphaned, requiring an adult, and was swiftly shipped to the first available relative.
He didn't have the time to meet you one last time. A shameful departure given his final meeting: completely inebriated with ardent affection, he dared to present to you his innermost wish. One day he'd marry you, he was certain of it. You chuckled and extended your pinky finger reassuringly. A sealed deal. 
All he had was your name and your promise and God, how dearly he clung to them every night, every passing year. His true glimmer of hope.
You're scrolling through your emails, waiting for the bus to arrive, when a gentle tap on the shoulder startles you. Behind you is a young man, although the soft, feminine features give him more of an androgynous appearance.
"May I help you?"
"You're (Y/N), aren't you?" he bats his eyelashes expectantly. 
"I am, but how do you-" 
You gaze at the stranger intently. The big, innocent eyes, the childish demeanor, there's a certain familiarity to it. Who could it be? Suddenly you're overwhelmed by nostalgia. 
"It's you! How many years...? And you haven't changed one bit!" You laugh merrily at the sight of your shy, quiet friend, all grown up. 
"H-hey now, surely I look more mature this time." He tries to emulate a somber frown as a way to prove his adulthood. "Do you have time? I'd love to catch up."
He missed you so much. 
"Right now is a little difficult, but I'll tell you what. Why don't you come over to our place in the near future?"
"This way I can introduce you to my fiancé!" You flash him your phone in order to exchange numbers, enthusiastic about the surprise reunion.
He vacantly stares at the lockscreen depicting an unknown man holding you close to him. When he searched for your name online, he didn't find anything regarding a relationship. He didn't expect this. He shouldn't have expected this. His fingers tighten around the small velvet box in his pocket. 
Did you forget your promise to him? Or was everything a lie? No, you wouldn't...you couldn't...He fucking hates liars. But you're not one of them, are you? You're not like Mother. No, no, no, no. Breathe. It's his fault. Of course, naturally. He vanished without a word and you must've thought he abandoned you. How careless of him. How terribly rude to blame you for his mistakes. It's okay, it's alright. He'll make it up to you. Sweet, darling (Y/N). 
"Are you okay?"
He looks up and notices your worried face. 
"Me? Yes, definitely. I was just a little surprised. Hehe. Who would've thought?" He grins and winks at you. "I have an even better idea! Why don't you two come to my apartment instead? I never got the chance to congratulate you for your engagement."
"Gosh, haha, don't worry about i-"
"Please. Pretty please?" He pouts dramatically, holding onto your coat, and you blush slightly at the adorable display. "It's my way of thanking you for the nice childhood memories."
"You really have your way to convince people, huh?" You ruffle his hair and he lowers his head, enjoying the touch. "I'll let my fiancé know."
"Such a cozy place you got yourself!" You beam at the lovely atmosphere of the room. Everything is bright and inviting. 
"Uh huh. The ladies must love you." Your fiancé follows up in agreement, snacking on the fancy appetizers. 
The young man places a tray on the table and hands you both a glass of sparkling wine. 
"Do you live alone? I refuse to believe you don't have a girlfriend." You joke and turn to your partner. "He was a real loner back then. Never saw him around other kids."
"Don't out me like that, (Y/N)!" He pinches your cheek humorously. "As a matter of fact, I do have a girlfriend."
Your fiancé raises his eyebrows, encouraging the boy to continue with details, while he gulps down the pleasantly aromatic drink. Must be expensive. 
"Then why didn't you bring her here? I want to meet her!" You whine. 
The man fiddles with his glass, observing the air bubbles that rush to the surface. 
"You already know her."
Distracted by this knowledge, you stretch for your own glass and accidentally grab the one belonging to your fiancé. Before you can bring it to your lips, your head swings to the side and you can instantly feel your cheek throb, numb from the abrupt impact of someone's hand. 
"Don't fucking touch it!"
Your childhood friend is standing before you, equally shocked by his act. He stares at his reddening palm and his face twists in terror.
"I-I'm...Oh God...I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I just, I didn't know what else to do. You have to understand, please. I'd never-"
As you listen to his erratic apology, you hear the wheezing coughs of your fiancé. His breathing is irregular and he scratches his throat, unable to verbalize his struggle to you. A white foam begins to form in the corners of his mouth. You try to get up, but the man's fingers dig into your face, forcing you back on the chair. 
"Shhh shhh, it sounds uglier than it actually is. Trust me. Do you see now? I had to be a little rough, otherwise you would've gotten hurt. Hey! Look at me." He cups your cheeks with both of his hands, squatting in front of you. "Let him settle down. It won't be long."
Your vision becomes blurry.
"He needs an ambulance. Please. What did you do with the drinks?" You manage to blurt out.
"Won't make a difference."
He rests his gaze on your features for a few moments, admiring them dreamily. 
"It breaks my heart when you're sad like this. Didn't I say this is an engagement celebration?"
Without breaking eye contact, he pulls out his treasured box and opens it in your lap, revealing a ring.
"I know I disappeared without a word, but I truly had no choice. This is my way of begging for your forgiveness. Not a day went by without thinking of you, (Y/N). I, heh...I actually got this many years ago. Just carried it in my pocket in case I ever found you again." 
He giggles awkwardly, stroking your cheek protectively. 
"So don't cry. I've kept my promise after all, didn't I? Aren't you proud of me~?"
By the time his little speech ends, the room has filled with silence. Your fiancé is slouching on the chair, still and quiet. The young boy picks up your limp body, humming cheerfully. 
"You'll be the prettiest bride in the world.
Mine and mine only."
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tsukiyo-7 · 8 months
societal taboos are funny that way. enjoying fictional mass murder, torture, blahblah? no proooooblem. demon dean was fun, boyking Sam my beloved, cas should've murdered MORE angels actually, spn is my favorite show etc.
consensual adult siblings (also fictional) incest? IMMORAL u heathens.
I think it's just because people don't act on an actual real moral compass or rational thinking but more on the very narrow and black and white basis "this makes me uncomfortable therefore is bad".
The general audience is used to blood, gore and sex, but everything is always filtered in a specific cultural lens; if before we had more variety and wiggle room in what the media portrayed, now most of the mainstream is the offspring of the U.S.A. and these illusory "western values" that, as European, I firmly believe are made up bullshit (but that's a discussion for another time).
Anyway, in this specific lens that I'm sure you can guess what it is, if and when incest is contemplated it's always cishet, between twisted motherfuckers (allow me the scientific term lol) or used for shock value and generally described as an unfortunate affair. And people can be okay with that, it disturbs them, sure, but they can move on with their perception intact. Look at the success Game of Thrones had.
The problem with Wincest, I think, is the fact that for starters we're put in a place in which Sam and Dean are the good guys. Your perception of their actions is increasingly altered as you progress, although they murder a worrisome amount of people, you still end up rooting for them. In the second instance, a relationship between them would be queer in a way people aren't used to seeing because they're not quirky or kinky or wholesome and their entire personality and story doesn't evolve around their identity. They're just some dudes, albeit a bit weird, probably perceived as peak masculinity, if the popularity of the show among the military is anything to go by. And finally, their love is destructive yes, but infinitely tender; they care for each other to an unbelievable extent and there's no denying that even if you don't ship them romantically.
You're forced to acknowledge the fact that something can exist beyond everything you've always been taught and believed in so far and that makes people more uncomfortable than a depiction of abuse ever will.
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strawb3rrysweetheart · 2 months
Hi again, I'm the one who requested the Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! reader! Loved it! (Which is why I am here to request another!
Once again a Lucifer fic. (He has my heart)
Lucifer x reader who is ethereal looking(also who has unique features) So to describe her, she was an albino when she was human and she just so happened to keep most of her albinism even in her afterlife. She is quite pale with white hair and red eyes. (And for gojo reference, white eyelashes and eyebrows) She has pinkish speckles on her face and body which looks like freckles. (It is lol) Tailbone length hair, her nose and ear have a natural pink hue to them. Also she's short :/. I just wanna see how he would react when he meets her and how his crush develops. Please and thanks❤❤❤
CW: reader is a POC because albinism is most common in africian areas :3, brings up readers human life at first to explain why she acts the way she does, reader used to be a christian. reader loves horror movies
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When I was born, I had albinism. It caused issues with my family. My dad was convinced my mom had cheated on him, but to his suprise, the paternity test proves, that I was in fact, his daughter. Even if we didn't look alike. My pale skin in contrast to his darker skin. Growing up I got called a lot of names. I mean all because of my condition. Other kids on the playground would call me freak, old hag, freak of nature, and well anything they could think of. The heavily christian kids thought I was a spawn of satan because I had red eyes. It was so strange because I went to church! Just like them! And I envied the people without my condition so hard. I prayed everyday I'd wake up normal. I just couldn't handle this existence I had been cursed to. They all see me like a freak. For what? Being born? The genes in my blood? Why, its not my fault I existed, yet because I exist, now I was a target of constant bullying. Once the bullying went way to far.. They decided I was too much of a freak to just leave alone. They started hitting me. I'd come home with bruises everyday. My parents decided to home school me, to save from the bullying. But I never forgot.
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Now that I'm dead, Life is different. To my joy, people in hell all looked off, different. I mean you could tell I had, had albinism in my past life, but I fit in more. It wasn't used against me. Yet one thing still bugged
me. Why was I even here? I never sinned, well besides envy. But that shouldn't count! God gave me a condition that ruined my life. And yet somehow he thinks its fair to punish me for his own cruel action. It doesn't feel right. Fuck god. If he
n's gonna curse me to an existence like this, then I'll find a wa\y out. So.. I started searching, for anyone.. anything, that could get me into heaven. I stumble on an ad for this hotel.. It had said it was a chance for redeemtion! And it was free, which was good because I hadn't had a job here in hell.. Eventually I make it there, and knock on the door. A pale looking blonde lady opens the door. "Hi!! I'm Charlie!!! Are you here to live in the hotel??" She basically squeals, she seems very excited. "Uh.. yeah" You say awkwardly. She lets you in, and you meet all the hotel residents. There's a tall-ish dude with multiple limbs.. I think his name was angel? A snake, A deer, A cat, this short girl, vaggie? I think? Charlie, and a shorter dude named lucifer. Whatever.. 'friends' aren't my concern.. My concern is getting to heaven to prove my point to god. You follow Charlie to your new room, and put your stuff down. As soon as you put your stuff down, you politely ask Charlie for some space. She agrees, exiting the room. God I hope that this whole.. ordeal isn't as interactive as its been so far. You start unpacking and then you walk out of the hotel room, waving to lucifer. Look if I was going to make god understand my problem, might as well befriend his worst enemy, right? Lucifer waves back, and to my dismay, he walks over. "Hiya!! So you're like new here.. Right?" He asks, he seems nervous. Why is he nervous? He's litterally satan. "Uh, yeah" You reply, matching his nervous energy unintentionally. "So.. why do you wanna get redeemed?" Lucifer asks, not holding your gaze for very long. He seems figety. "Uh.. just think I was an okay person, a bit envious, but fine" You shrug, not wanting to give away your entire life story to the literal devil, who could betray you at any point. "Oh! Well yeah, thats not.. bad, thats good! I-I mean not good that you're envious- but its not the worst? Its okay.." Lucifer feels the need to backtrack on everything. Why is he so nervous? Whatever..
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It had been a few months now. Everyone is nice enough. Its more interactive then I would've perfered, but whatever, they're nice and we're kind of close now. Lucifer has been acting even more strangely to me. He fidgets, backtracks, and stutters like usual. But he also blushes, gets me gifts, and well just gives me the most attention..
"Uh.. (Name)??" Lucifers voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Oh! Sorry, Uh, whats up luci?" I ask. Me and lucifer are the closest. Hes the one I truly consider a friend. His cheeks tinge red at something, persumably the nickname. "Just asking you if you wanna have a movie night at my place.. but not like in a weird way! Just a friend way.. unless you hate movies.. or me.. uh it can be your place. or mine" He backtracks as usual. I giggle. "I'd love to. Horror movies pleaseee" I say, horror movies are my favorite. Lucifer nods a bit too quickly, and pulls on his collar. "Of course! You can cuddle on me if you get scared!! Unless thats weird.. Was that weird" He laughs. God he's so awkward.. I (love) like him. "Nah, you're chill luci. Nothing you do is weird" I smile. Hoping to give him comfort. He smiles, his blush redder then normal. Before he grabs my hands. I out of habit attempt to jerk away, but stop myself. "I-Its a date!! Date... uh.. date but not like in the romantic way... hah. I'm holding your hands too long aren't I?" He asks, his palms are sweaty but I don't mind. Mine are too. Symptoms of anxiety I guess. "A date, I'll get popcorn. And no, you're fine" I snort at him, his awkward smile, the glances away from me, the way his cheeks redden at me not pulling away. "No! Uh.. no, I can get popcorn, I'm the king after all, they like, kinda have to give me good popcorn.." He says, trying to seem confident, yet failing. He can be prideful around everyone.. I don't know why he's extra awkward with me...
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I put on my favorite horror movie. I snort at lucifer in his duck onesie. Sitting on his couch. Many pillows and blankets around me, with the bowl of popcorn on my lap. "What?? You don't like my onesie?" Lucifer asks, mock offended. He sits down next to me and eats some popcorn. "Oh you look gorgeous.." I giggle.
As the movie plays, Lucifer jumps at every jumpscare. Its incredibly funny to watch the big bad king get scared of a few jumpscares.. He ended up burying his head into my arm. "You scared luci?" I tease him. "No!.. no.. yes.. sorry I lied" He mumbles, not enjoying being seen as the weak one. He shoves popcorn into his mouth to avoid further conversation. "Lucifer, I'm not gonna make fun of you.. Do you wanna watch a different movie?" I ask. Lucifers eyes light up. He nods and takes the remote. Changing it to a romance movie. I smile as the king himself uncurls himself from my arm, watching the movie with intrest. I personally think the movie is incredibly boring, but he's having fun, and thats enough for me. I watch the movie with him, holding his hand and squeezing it. Lucifer blushes, eyes widening. Hes such a dork.. I eat popcorn as lucifer rambles about how sweet the love story is. "If only we fell in love like that.. UH!! I MEAN.. uh HAH! What a good joke right!!" He laughs, forcibly. My eyes widen, blush teases at my cheeks. "Uhm.. lucifer? Do you wanna tell me anything?" I ask. Still squeezing his hand. "Uhm.! Do I have to?" He squeaks out. I nod. "Well I'd say so" I chuckle. He sighs playfully. "Finee... Uhm. I have a massive crush on you and I love you and I really wanna hold you and maybe uhm... kiss.. you!" He says quickly. I snort, giggling. "I like you too luci" I say softly. My fingers caress his hand. He smiles like a school girl. "REALLY?? Uh-.. I mean, of course you do, I'm like, the hottest" He grins, trying to seem cocky. "Oh yeah, the hottest" I smile, and kiss his forehead. He blushes deeply and nods. Letting out unintelligable noises. Maybe I finally have found love. Maybe its all worth it. Maybe I do desserve love.
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ladykiller-yt · 2 months
C:"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."
A:"Because I would kill you first if you tried."
C:"Impossible! That would require mercy, and you have made a monster out of me."
A:"We are both monsters, Crowley. We are two big fish in a small pond. Now, we can fight until one of us succumbs, or..."
The Archangel rose from the white chair, walking over to the long glass table, running a finger over it provocatively, and then walking over to the Duke of Hell's black chair, standing behind him, leaning close to his ear.
A: "...we could make a little fish together...we are different from these people, Crowley...we are better than them."
He put his hands on his shoulders, applying pressure, then on his neck, squeezing it lightly.
A: "That's why I missed you so much...you're the only one I couldn't crush like a miserable ant..."
Aziraphale sucked the side of his neck, feeling the demon panting beneath him, and he liked it. But Crowley didn't give in to these provocations and got up from his chair, trying to get away from the angel.
C: "What do you still want from me?"
A: "Your love! You still love me, don't you?! Deep down in that cold heart, you know it!"
C: "No one could build such a hateful union."
A: "And if I forced you?"
C: "With what? With one of your magic tricks? That's not love!"
A: "With this!"
The Archangel stood naked before Crowley only snapping his fingers.
C:"Oh shit..."
A:" The body you were begging for... I am willing to start over, we could make a truce if you would just make me yours right now, on this beautiful glass table."
Aziraphale sat down on the table, spreading his legs in front of the demon.
C:"I don't want you that way anymore, Aziraphale."
A:"Well, I can change that."
C:"What happens if I refuse your proposal?"
Aziraphale climbed down from the table and sat naked on Crowley's lap, feeling the latter's arousal growing. He once again leaned in close to his ear.
A:"I will make you lose everything you have, everything you love. I will make you crawl back here and ask for mercy. I will make you beg for mercy."
Crowley pushed the angel down towards the table, turning him around violently, the same way he grabbed his hands and put them behind his back, holding him still.
C: "Well then... I strictly imagine that now I must violate your most intimate and masculine cavities."
In one stroke he penetrated him without hesitation. They had just started hours and hours of unbridled sex, without pauses, without brakes and without mercy.
After hours of fucking, few things had survived inside that office. The beautiful glass table was destroyed, the floor cracked and some plants overturned. The two were sitting on the white leather sofa, Crowley with his red hair disheveled and staring at the floor and the archangel next to him, lying down, while he rubbed a foot on his leg.
C:"It was an unfortunate decline in events."
A:"You didn't seem so sorry just now."
C:"Yeah. It seems that no matter what I do, I have a weakness for angelic flesh and especially...yours."
A:"What a cold and distant way to describe something so beautiful and spicy."
C:"Listen there doesn't have to be a war. Let's return to our original status. Neither side goes to war and we are committed to maintaining this fragile state of mutual peace."
A: "What about us? We just had the best sex in the world. It would be a shame to pretend nothing happened, don't you think."
C:"I'm sorry Aziraphale but this can't work between us. Not like this. I... think it's best for both of us to respect our positions. I can't afford to succumb to your charm and flattery ever again."
Crowley got up from the couch to go find his clothes but Aziraphale's hand stopped him.
A: "If you leave right now I will turn all of Heaven against you. I will have no mercy for your damned soul. I will erase your existence from this earth before you know it."
C: "Let me go Aziraphale!"
A:"If I can't have you, no one else will have you."
C: "So be it!"
Crowley left the office slamming the door, shattering what little glass was left.
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ambyandony · 8 months
Bruno Buccellati - Monster AU Profile
(hopefully screen-reader-friendly edition with detailed image descriptions)
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Bruno Buccellati, something much greater than a human, with more power than you could imagine.
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Preface about species type:
In this AU, Bruno is an angel—a Catholic-aligned, Biblical angel to be specific—of the highest order, having inspirations and traits from depictions of both Seraphim and Thrones. The intricacies of Religion in the Monster AU are hard to get into, but as a general idea, understand that most major theistic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Shinto, as well as many native religions and other theology e.g. Greek, Norse, Finnish) all 'coexist' to an extent, in terms of actual mythological legitimacy. I'm not going to get into all of it, just know that Buccellati being a Catholic-aligned angel doesn't mean there aren't also, say, Jewish-aligned angels. It's complicated. Being a thematic combination of a Seraph and Throne, Bruno's true form is largely incomprehensible to the average human, and he has incredible, yet limited, divine power. He's "from" "Heaven", but unlike what one might expect, he's not much limited by a 'divine law'; he has no strict morals that he must adhere to, and perhaps he doesn't necessarily have a directive on Earth. The circumstances for his existence as he is here are a little complicated, but, simply put; in a sense, he's just here to keep an eye... or several... on things.
Details related to Angelicism:
Forgive me but— he's basically the Aziraphale to Abbacchio's Crowley.
Trying to 'save' or 'redeem' him. He knows there's still good left in him. The, uh, getting him to join the mafia thing is... questionable, but we're not gonna get into all that.
Both Buccellati and Abbacchio recognised what each other was the moment they set eyes on each other. Their energies and auras were clear and visible to each other. Abbacchio naturally turned to retreat initially, but Buccellati recognised the good he saw remaining in Abbacchio and instead of letting him leave, offered redemption. And maybe some part of Abbacchio knew there was good left in him, because he accepted.
He uses his human form most of the time as it doesn't make much sense for him to use his true form when most can't properly comprehend it and it would really just freak people out.
He also has a '''true voice''' to go with the true form. It can't really be effectively described as it's, like his true form, fairly hard to comprehend, but if words had to be put to give a general idea; imagine a voice that is actually a collection of several different simultaneous voices, heavily distorted, completely understandable communicatively despite being so hard to process.
When enraged or when he generally just loses his cool, sometimes the true form will slip through, which often occurs with both visual and vocal distortion, but may also only appear as vocal distortion.
The true voice and form are both pretty terrifying no matter who's experiencing it, especially as he's a high-order angel, thus incredibly powerful.
Sometimes uses a bit of the True Voice intentionally to intimidate people. Most people around who have caught snippets of it generally end up writing it off as "that's just Bruno being Bruno", which, to be fair, it is,
He has an... Aura. I'm not talking about the Stand Aura; he at times appears to have a sort of golden glow around him, particularly around or behind his head. You can actually see it, at least, and the longer you look, the clearer it gets, it's just hard to pinpoint what exactly you're looking at.
If you catch sight of him just out of the corner of your eye, his true form will be perceived instead. But because it's hard to comprehend, it essentially means he can't really be seen at the edge of someone's peripheral (unless the person in question happens to have some kind of special eyesight) and it ends up looking a bit like catching a movement or shadow out of the corner of your eye.
He's an angel, yes, a divine being, not a human. However... he still had his parents. How does that work? Well, sometimes circumstances like this can occur. Sometimes, a baby may fall deathly ill. The parents, helpless to improve the situation by their own abilities, turn to praying for a miracle. The baby isn't given much time left to live, then suddenly, miraculously, recovers, as if they had never been ill in the first place. The child's soul may have been substituted with an angel as the original soul had to move on. The child will be raised as a human, and will watch over their human parents once they have the cognisance to recognise their own true nature; somewhat reminiscent of a less-sinister changeling. This may be the case with Bruno.
Perhaps one of the many reasons he is so opposed to drugs in the way that he is; he was sent to trade places with a human and to protect the human that would raise him, but his human father's death was ultimately caused by drug dealers, and Bruno was thereby unable to protect him in that situation, interfering with his purpose for being on Earth.
Again, yes, he's an angel. But this doesn't mean he must be perfectly virtuous and nonviolent. He unsurprisingly frequently uses violence as a means to an end. While violence isn't typically his first answer to most problems, he will never hesitate when he feels that it IS the answer.
Details about Buccellati:
Generous and welcoming to those in need. Very nurturing and protective by personality. You Do Not Mess With His Men.
Particularly protective of his human men. Humans are so... fragile. Plus, Fugo joined him first, that's his firstborn-
Loves to play up the whole 'angel' thing when he gets the chance. Likes to use the sort of "Old English" equivalent of Italian (so, Latin, I suppose). 'Be not afraid, child...' ...Fugo gets on his case for grammatical errors frequently.
Has an instinct to know when his children men have broken something (generally an object). This generally allows him to show up near-immediately after something's been broken to lecture whoever broke it about being more careful. In some extreme circumstances, it can be used to call on him for backup—preferably, just try not to have the thing you're breaking be your bones.
Being a literal divine being doesn't save him from being a Suburban Parent stereotype. Stupidest dad jokes you've ever heard that are so unfunny that they're ironically funny, and the irony eventually gets lost and they're just ... funny. Live laugh love! Man I Love Fishing! Turn that frown upside down—
It's really hard to sneak things by him. Even when he turns his back, he seems to know if you're doing something you shouldn't be. He jokes that he has eyes in the back of his head... but is he really joking?
Very kind when he can afford to be. Civilians love him! He always finds it so funny when people are like "Thank God you're here!!" or "You're a godsend/blessing!" because he's like... 😏 that's right
Hates drugs! Winners don't do drugs! This hasn't changed.
Oh dear! It appears that this daughter, which is not mine, is a demon! I can fix one of those problems by becoming her new father.
Yes there's Bruabba but it's really more queerplatonic than anything as Buccellati doesn't feel a full grasp of romantic 'love' and Abbacchio isn't ready for romantic love after suffering the kinds of loss he's suffered, so their relationship is blatantly not-platonic but doesn't reach fully into 'romantic'.
He's trying so so hard to control these kids but every day it's just another thing where Fugo's having a mental breakdown and Narancia's eating the asbestos in the wall insulation and Mista is getting way too close to Abbacchio with that silver cross necklace WHO LEFT THE OVEN ON
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hra-official · 2 months
Greetings and hail!
...so this is Hercynia. It's a lot prettier here than the stories of the Crisis that I've been told make it out to be, but I suppose corporate censorship has its upsides if it allowed you enough peace and quiet to rebuild and flourish like this.
Ah, shit, where are my manners - this is callsign Angel speaking, please forgive my rudeness. For legal reasons I should probably disclose that I'm a member of MSMC 796th detachment "Heaven's Fury", but I'm not here on any business. Quite the opposite, actually - I needed some time away from those HA bootlickers idiots, and what better way to spite them than by heading here for a spell.
I'll admit I'm not as educated as I'd like to be on Hercynian history - I grew up on Pyxis (one of Carina's moons; it's a ways from here, and IPS-N folks don't talk much about you), and I completely understand why y'all might be reticent to remind the galaxy that you still exist, especially after what HA did to y'all. (I apologize for continually bringing it up - I'm not really sure how to talk about it tactfully, or if that's even possible.)
I guess what I'm asking here is, well... tell me about Hercynia. What is used to be pre-Crisis, what it is now, what you hope it will become in the future. Something more than the same old horror story that I keep hearing from my coworkers and corporate propaganda. (If I'm allowed to know, that is - I completely understand if that's not the case and I'm overstepping boundaries.)
Yours among the stars,
MC Phoenix “Angel” Michaelis-Landers, MSMC-796-3
What Hercynia was before first contact is still an open question: what we know is what we have gleamed by old artifact and osteomemetics stashed in the deepest recesses of the earth, and every so foten new ones are discovered which futher call into question what we thought. Even what little we have learned paints a fascinating picture: the Egregorians of old did not conceive of themselves as we do; to them there was no rigid distinction between person and non-person, between "civilization" and "nature". Overminds like Endeavor were not their chiefs, but "spiritual" leaders whose guidance transcended factional distinctions. I put "spiritual" in quotes because no sources from that time describe religious beliefs like any seen today or in any other part of the known galaxy; it is unclear if they would have even understood the concept of "worship". I'm not going to touch on what contemporary Hercynians of either species think of that in relation to our current modality of existence: it is a hotly debated topic; but I'd like to reassure you and anyone else reading that it is precisely that: a debate.
As for now... well, it's a strange new world: we went from being alone and tightly held together by pur collective fight, to suddendly not needing to fear for our lives but also needing to contend with knowing and being known by the rest of humanity.
For some, this is the best time to be alive, for others this new contact feels like a sort of cultural agoraphobia, but either way, we're all anchoring ourselves by finding a way to contribute to rebuilding now that we are finally able to.
Some, like me and my colleagues at HRA, are most concerned with finding a way for our people to prosper from the newly opened contact with the rest of civilization, and work tirelessly to find an opportunity to prosper in anythign we have.
Some yet are taking to the stars, out of wonderlust, curiosity, or in a few cases because they've been fighting so long they just don't feel at home doing anything else, and so decided that they might as well help their famileis and friends by sending back their earnings as mercenaries.
In conclusion, this is as bittersweet a time to live on Hercynia as there has ever been a time to live anywhere. We did it, after all, in spite of all the people that didn't. Despite the many difficulties and tribulation still ahead of us, it's hard to be sad.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
BatDR: Joey's Final Scene is Weird (+ Ink Demon Audrey AU I Guess)
I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this thought but I keep thinking about it, so, some thoughts!! Grain of salt as always since I've mostly osmose'd the game through friends and cutscenes, so there may well be significant things I've missed.
In BatDR, the initial vibe is that Joey Drew has turned over a new leaf, and finally found a better person in himself as a father. It's a good direction for Joey -- rather than trying to be accepted by people who do not owe him forgiveness, instead moving forward and being better for someone new.
But... there's a lot of evidence that isn't quite true. Joey's response to letting go of his hatred for Henry wasn't to admit what he'd done or to end the cycle or even apologise, it was just.... to put an invented Allison Angel in there -- because of the existence of Allison, we know the hellish experience we see in BatIM is what Joey figured it was probably fine to leave Henry looping through after his supposed change of heart. And his imperfect attempts at creating a child apparently only get to see him as an uncle -- only his perfect, special Audrey is Good enough to call him "dad." Maybe Joey genuinely is a little better (it's a pretty low bar) and loves her with a sincerity and humility he wasn't able to find before, but... a decent part of that seems to be because she came out right, because she made him happy.
Thren described it as the "authentic Joey Drew experience" and I love that framing; we all KNOW everything he did in BatIM, everything he's responsible for -- but he's charming, and he loves the player character so much, and it seems like... he must be better! When Joey Drew likes you, Buddy tells us in DCTL, it's the best feeling in the world. And.... I don't think Joey's lying, it's just that loving Audrey (just Audrey) doesn't actually make him a kinder or better person.
One of the places that stands out to me the MOST is his final scene.
This scene is DELIGHTFUL on its own but becomes EXTREMELY WEIRD ONCE YOU PONDER ANY CONTEXT AT ALL -- Joey stands before the Ink Demon, his greatest failure to be kind to a "grinning thing" that once wandered Thomas Connor's office before being locked away in the infirmary, and refers to it as an "evil face" before telling Audrey that she's special, more special than those cartoons he once brought to life, that she's his greatest creation and his family whom he loves, and that they shouldn't dwell on the past. NO WONDER THE INK DEMON MURDERS HIM??? What must it be like to hear your creator tell someone else that they got all the love you were denied, that they were better, more important, and you're still a monster? JOEY YOUR SON IS RIGHT THERE HE CAN HEAR YOU
Part of me thinks this is REALLY GOOD. I'm honestly into the idea of Joey believing himself to be a changed man when he's still falling into old habits, and the idea of a narrative that seems on the surface to be a redemption, when closer inspection reveals it to be just, seeing Joey's biased story, is such an interesting idea? But, since the story itself doesn't really acknowledge it, just glossing over every point to the contrary with a more sincere-seeming emotional beat, it ends up feeling kinda discordant with the story we DO see. As if it were an accident. No one, not even the villains, calls Joey's change of heart into question -- when the Ink Demon pushes back, it's not with justified anger at being openly dissed, but just because the demon's Evil and Audrey has to fight back against it. The idea of Joey as an unreliable narrator of every one of his scenes in BatDR is conceptually cool, but emotionally jarring; I feel like I need an entire extra fic of Audrey coming to terms with the idea that her father really did love her, but maybe he wasn't actually a better or kinder person in the end (and what if Memory Joey could actually face his mistakes in a way her IRL father never managed to....).
But I wanna focus in on one odd other odd thing Joey says to Audrey.
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This doesn't quite feel like it goes with what's happening to Audrey -- she has no real reason to be genuinely tempted by the Ink Demon or to believe that her past dooms her to this (Joey Maybe You're Projecting); she's just reasonably freaked out that a big monster subsumed her into himself. It sounds like it's a line from some other scene in a different story, one where Audrey has always been the ink demon and this statement would have some emotional weight.
AND MAN LIKE........ ACTUALLY THAT SURE WOULD SHIFT THE TONE OF THIS SCENE, HUH. Maybe that would actually be really good in a different way???? lets think about this
Joey regretted his actions and, just as Allison had seen the good in him, he sought the good in the Ink Demon -- no longer trying to force his perfect Bendy, but just to give it a choice to be something else. And after many many tries, he was able to give the demon a piece of his own soul, make the demon something almost human. That's Audrey. the ink demon can be trans as a treat
The demon that exists in the cycle is, like Joey, a memory. It's literally a representation of the past, it speaks to Audrey because it's her own memories, and it starts to take over Audrey as a resurgence of her grudges and anger from when she WAS that creature. She has a reason to have conflicted feelings here.
All of Joey's exhortations to not let the past define you, telling Audrey "you don't have to be this" when she becomes one with the demon -- these suddenly actually apply to her instead of just Joey projecting his own baggage onto her. When he says that she's his family and that he loves her, in this version, it wouldn't be just because she's better than his other creations; it's reaffirming that a love he'd failed to show for a long, long time still applies even when she's big and weird and angry. That family is more important than perfection. It's a resolution, finally, to one of his biggest failures in BatIM.
It would change the scene tremendously; Joey could say a lot of the same things and it would have more genuine emotional weight because it's no longer him ignoring and dissing the ink demon in favour of this shiny new person who makes him feel a lot better about himself, but him specifically refuting how he'd felt before, and saying "I love you so very much" to someone who maybe... really needed to hear that, actually.
The struggle between Audrey and the Demon also becomes emotionally relevant -- it's her grappling with whether she's willing to reset things, or to fall into the same cycle of mistreatment.
Other potential benefits to this change:
Baby Bendy showing up at the end has weird vibes when you know that it's a form the Ink Demon was forced into as a prison, actively doesn't want to be in, and escapes whenever possible... but if the Ink Demon is a representation of Audrey's past resentment, it seems a little less troubling that he could become the cute cartoon once Audrey is at peace with who she is and how she came to be.
If Audrey explicitly has a piece of THE SOUL OF JOEY DREW within her, then there is an immediately intuitive reason why Wilson would need her in order to control the Ink Realm -- and also why she realises that it's hers to influence in the end. I think you could already sorta headcanon this with what we got, but with how important souls were in BatIM and DCTL, it'd be nice to have them come up again.
Anyway I think that's.... enough for this post. Some Joey thoughts and AN AUDREY AU I GUESS!!!
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sadlittleratboy · 3 months
People don't like hearing this but as much as "mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility" is true and should be considered, it's also a way of thinking that can cause a lot of damage.
I'm a qualified mental health professional, and I'm also mentally ill myself. Sometimes, I would even say most often, people expect a level of responsibility that just isn't feasible. When you're manic you are out of control. People with DID can't control their switching or alters. People with psychosis cannot control hallucinations and delusions.
We'll get on meds, you say. You aren't exactly wrong, but do you realize how easy it is for people to fall through the cracks? Mental illness can look like drug use (and can come along with drug use and be dismissed for that reason). Healthcare can be expensive and not available to everyone, but most importantly, many people in deep mental illness believe they're fine. They think they don't need meds, or aren't mentally ill. The whole thing about delusions is that YOU BELIEVE THEM.
Imagine this. Someone tells you that an inherent part of your reality is not the same as 99% of the population's reality. This is just as real and inherent to you as the color of the sky or the way gravity works. A client once explained to me the first time they saw the angels they believed sent them radio signals. This was my client's baseline, but we'll get to that idea later. The details were vivid, like they were describing a nature walk. It was so real, because to them it was. It happened. They saw it. They felt it. If I were in that position, I would have believed it too. How do you challenge that? It's hard. People don't understand and they give up.
Now, back to baseline. A person's baseline is how they function when they are "well". Baseline is your peak performance. For most people, the baseline is to not be mentally ill, and this is the baseline a lot of people strive to achieve. What people don't get is that sometimes your baseline is not the average, your most well is considered faulty. My mania makes me out of control, but medicated my baseline is asymptomatic. I have a coworker whose baseline still involves symptoms, but they're manageable! Often times when treating a mental health condition the doctor's goal is as close to the average baseline as one can get, and for some people as close as they can get is still pretty fucking far. My client changed meds several times, but they never stopped believing in the angels or getting the transmissions. There was symptom improvement on some meds, their baseline was not the same as being unmedicated, but delusions and hallucinations were their normal. I had a client that believed they were the queen of Scotland. Fully medicated, happy as a clam, they would tell me every week that their rich uncle was coming to pick them up this week and take them back to Scotland. We live in bumfuck West Texas US of A. Those clients never stopped being delusional, we just found long term safe and happy solutions for them.
So yes. Mental illness is often your responsibility, but responsibility does not always look like the perfect conflict free ideal. It was my responsibility to apologize for my manic behavior, but I couldn't do that while manic. I couldn't control my rage or my impulses. I was being responsible and seeking help, but that takes time. The only way I could be responsible was to apologize a full month later when I was depressed. Luckily the people in my life were understanding. I put them through hell for sure, but the occasional hell I put them through was nothing like the hell I lived in. Many people take responsibility through apology and explanation because that's all they have.
And for when someone is genuinely incapable of changing, when they cannot comprehend that there is responsibility to take, their mental illness becomes OUR responsibility. We cannot function as a society if we don't take care of each other. You cannot ask somebody permanently wheelchair bound to stand up. You can't ask somebody whose blind to describe the scenery. You can't expect someone with a severe mental illness to not affect the world around them with their symptoms. It's not easy and it's not fair, and the burden should be on the system much more than us as individuals (and yes, the system is broken, some people cannot and will not get the help and care necessary), but empathy and understanding go a long way in this world.
Mental illness is never their fault, and empathy is our responsibility, and before you start in about the parent or friend or ex that used their depression or whatever to manipulate and abuse you, refusing meds or help and the like, this is not about that. You need to be open to the nuance of the world. People need to take responsibility for their actions to the best of their abilities, but sometimes there is no ability to get the best of. These two things can exist at the same time, and they MUST exist at the same time for society to function.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
watching doctor who confidential onwards into season 2, and of course we reach some of the more... considered romantic-type episodes -- school reunion up through age of steel, because of sarah-jane, renette, and mickey
what i find interesting about the ways people describe the dynamics between the doctor and sarah-jane/rose/renette, it immediately becomes much more Alive than simply using the word "romance," which ultimately says nothing. people will throw around the word "romance" and then start talking about "well the doctor is possessive of his companions because he's terribly lonely," "well, rose thought she was Chosen to be special and save the world, but discovered that there had been many people before her who had subsequently (often) been unceremoniously left behind on earth once again without their consent," "the doctor cannot bear saying proper goodbyes to various companions, because it's too painful and so deliberately used to try and keep it casual," "the doctor knows what the companions don't quite understand, which is that they will always die and the doctor will always live," "sarah-jane had a bit of this magic and then was abandoned," "rose sees her future in sarah-jane," "renette goes into the doctor's mind and sees the loneliness there," "the doctor sees this person he knew as a girl grow up and then die in a very short space of time and it's tragic"
and that gives much more flavour to the various dynamics the doctor has with their companions. at one point dtennant describes different "relationships" without using the word "romance" and while I don't know if that was conscious, it's much more accurate and doesn't put a dynamic on the relationships that's quite... limiting. I think it's quite telling how much people tend to conflate the two words, because romance is unconsciously put on that highest pedestal, so if the relationship is intense it must be romantic, because... well romance must be intense (also, from what I've seen, not necessarily true)
it's not enough that renette encapsulates some of the doctor's worst fears (a companion simply dying because humans will always die, and there's nothing that can be done to stop the passage of time), or that she briefly caught a glimpse of some of the doctor's true loneliness and helped assuage/distract it for a little bit, before it all came crashing back tenfold, or that she as a human from a certain time period conceives of the doctors through terms like "angel," as if all of those things aren't intense
it's not enough that the doctor has left companions time and time again without saying goodbye, and that this has now been confirmed in nu!who as being because it's too hard to let them go every time and actually say goodbyes that have proper meaning, and the doctor consistently wishes for them a life beyond the tardis and sometimes they make the choice, but often it's the doctor's decision (most times without them even knowing) that now they're at a point to move on without the doctor, or doesn't need the doctor anymore, or it's too much/dangerous, or whatever that choice is based in. and that often in the past this choice has been related in them finding romantic relationships that have superseded what the doctor has to offer (skill issue, but then I'm aromantic -- I do acknowledge that the ponds is one of the only times this hasn't quite happened, which is funny because I too tend to become swallowed (with affection) into various couples to various degrees) and the doctor accepts this
once again, the worst quote came from stephen moffat, saying that in renette the doctor had finally found an equal because she was educated and cultured, which feels like a (probably not on purpose but still quite noticeable) slight against rose being able to be considered an equal -- rose who deliberately was introduced as a young woman who never finished highschool, and in the idea that romance is about... equal knowledge? equal education? unclear, but it's another example of all the talk about romance being quite waffly compared to actually describing what's going on in these narratives, which is a fascinating set of dynamics that can't be encapsulated by that word
also ofc in rise of the cybermen/age of steel mickey finally lets go of rose, and there was a description there about how mickey did read the doctor as this other guy who came in and swooped rose off her feet and had so much to offer -- but that makes sense, because mickey is a human man seeing his girlfriend prioritise someone who to them both looks like an attractive young man (who owns a time machine to boot). whether I would personally read mickey as thinking it's romantic, I don't think it matters much because mickey mainly just recognises that the doctor is more important to rose than he'll ever be, and it's a rare-ish example of the doctor taking precedent over another romantic pairing, which was quite interesting (also, again, from an aromantic perspective)
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quietbluejay · 3 months
Vengeful Spirit 1
(sample bits here) so Russ wants Loken to go back to Horus and figure out his weakness
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lol, lmao even
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this is some flavour of dramatic irony
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for a hot second i forgot about the mechas and thought this was a dude ew gross our knight pilot is married to his sister, who is a chaos cultist knight pilot dude is hunting these giant predators that ate 300 people yikes there's one survivor
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and knight pilot dude finally has the chance to kill his father yay he's now in charge of molech
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horus is now
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mcneill would like us to remember horus' many muscles
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o w o note from future bluejay: what was UP with all the references to murder what am i missing
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horus is still horus you know i keep forgetting that it's not actually canon that his soul got yeeted but this book is making it clear it was just bad writing uhhhhhhhh
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ohhh i don't like this at all also this horus definitely has a more casual way of speaking than before Vengeful Spirit's Horus would say fuck were it not for the unhinged ratings that allowed waves hand at so much stuff but no swearing
oooo 13th legion on molech given they're on the other side of the galaxy (…right???) i don't think they've been in contact with guilliman oh, nvm, it is in ultima segmentum
McNeill: "oriental inscrutability" is a genetic trait dude
okay a dude is climbing a cliff
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after a certain point, the purple prose cannot be contained i guess so this is an ex-librarian blood angel
oh wait we had a POV switch this was written very confusingly okay so ex-librarian is muscle dude's boss and is tired of his shenanigans muscle dude just really wanted to go diving oh wait nvm muscle dude is the captain there was more purple prose describing the dive managed to do icarus comparisons without actually saying icarus
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also mcneill at it again misusing terms they're not mendicants, mendicants are wandering these guys have a fixed abode
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oh??? another iron warrior loyalist?
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lmao oh okay so there were SM from all the legions stationed on terra and they locked up all the ones from traitor legions? i guess? and let out tubal because he passed the screening
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why couldn't we get this guy's story instead of Garro
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do the heresy-era space wolves ever do anything that isn't appointing themselves commissars
okay so what are the sons of horus up to
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ah human sacrifice at least he's not naked this time
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ah yikes ah they're going to turn gerradon into a twiceborn i always forget what the other canon term for this thing is ah daemon is here lmaooo
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uh uhhhh suddenly the daemon being a smartass is less funny
owo time for emperor and malc to speak
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malcador: btw the dark angels are heading to ultramar emperor: not terra??
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i'm still thinking about that AU where the civil war ends up three sided but not because Guilliman wants it to
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having had multiple primarch POVs….i don't know whether to laugh or to cry
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sjdkhflsdfh the Emperor may not have ordered Russ to descend on Prospero with fire and sword and completely remove the chances of having any decent force of SM psykers for the Imperium, but he's very cool with it
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man sucks to be Jaghatai do you think the Emperor ever got over him going "ok, well, that's stupid" about the Imperial Truth ah Lucius even when he's not here, he's here and you know what past me was so on the nose with that loyalist!lucius AU
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as you do
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oh no it's gonna be mersadie loken: this is the most depressing place i've been in my life
mersadie was put in the worst prison ever despite managing to escape from the murder of the remembrancers just because she was on horus' flagship
to be continued!
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eybefioro · 1 year
In the scene Nina confronts Crowley about his relationship with Aziraphale, I think what really hit him was the thing about "bit on the side".
I'm sure that wasn't the first time a human insinuated they're together; and for sure Crowley at least acknowledged some of his feelings (although he didn't see his own feelings the way humans saw).
So why did Nina's words shocked Crowley so much?
First of all it was the timing. After the Armagewasn't, they're almost free from heaven and hell. With that out of the way, they don't need to pretend to not like each other and to be fiends; other possibilities for their relationship appear, and with only four years and a pandemic I think both of them didn't consider everything and for sure still didn't talk about it.
And then there was the way Nina phrased it. It's one thing to assume they're together, but to say that Aziraphale is a "bit on the side" really hurt - not because it's particularly offensive, but because it sorta is true.
In the 6000 years they've been on earth, they spent most of it alone. Heck, Aziraphale put himself on danger only so that he could eat crepes with Crowley. They spent all those years meeting in secret, finding excuses to be together and hiding each other from Heaven and Hell. During all those years, they were eachother "bit on the side"; not being each others top priority, not being able to be together without danger. I think that's what really hit crowley; the realization that Aziraphale (and himself) deserve more than be a hidden second thought. It's offensive to think Aziraphale is a "bit on the side" but still somewhat accurate; Crowley still can't even describe their relationship, and ends up saying Aziraphale is just an angel he knows.
To top it all of, Nina finishes with "other people's lovelives always seem so much more straightforward than our own". And that's it ain't it? It may not be a human love, but the relationship between them is based in love. Their history is a love story; love for humanity, love for the world, for their lives, for each other. Crowley didn't really realize his feelings at that moment, he for sure knew at least some of them before. He realized that they deserve more, that they deserver openness, freedom and happiness together. To be an "us".
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le-panda-chocovore · 7 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "le-panda-chocovore "?
Oh I think I can actually answer that without rambling too much !! (<- took an entire week to answer the ask and select the fics, and I commented on each one of them lol) It won't be a Top in order of preference tho, there's no actual classment, it's just the ones I loved the most.
The Way I Behaved - EraserMic (MHA)
This fanfic gave me the inspiration to write my greatest work (still unfinished to this day) and literally changed so many things about me. It also made me discover a whole genre of music that I've never listened to before and with which I am entirely in love now. Prepare to cry tho, because this is deeply heartbreaking. It's a Villain Mic AU where Aizawa was never a teacher. And it is good.
What if Percy did become a God - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (based on the books !!! do not read if you just watched the show !!!)
The title says everything. This is not a happy story, you will cry, I promise. It's short, like a 1k word OS, it's really poetic, it's deep, it's beautiful, and also, it's painful. Humans were never meant to be gods, not even Percy. It's written like a poem, I read it so many times and it hurt me every time.
Demon and Angel Professors - Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens)
Not a fanfiction but a serie of short works about Crowley and Aziraphale and the people around them. A teachers AU very nice to read with many Original Characters (the students) who are all captivating and appreciable. The story is extremely queer-positive and neurodivergent inclusive and physical handicap representative, honestly, you want to read it. There's everything inside it. If you have chronic pain or if you're a closeted queer or even a curious ally who wants to understand their peers, this is what you need. The love is so pure it's overwhelming.
Honor and Vengeance on the High Sea - Zuko (ATLA)
Tbh this deserves to be published, it's a novel itself (I haven't finished it yet). The author reappropriated the Avatar universe to write something completely new. It's an AU where Zuko becomes a Pirate after his banishment and fights against the Fire Nation Navy, and eventually joins the Avatar's team. There's a whole work around internalized homophobia, the discovery of the self, acceptance, injustice, family trauma and everything. Original Characters are cool too. Chapters are long and very, very complete, you can see the author has historical and cultural knowledge.
Strength, the meaning of - Asano Gakuhou (Assassination Classroom)
I can't believe a fanfic about this total asshole made it to my top 10, but it is beautifully written. The progressive mental breakdown of a man who used to stand proud above everyone, the slow fall down to hell without even realizing it. There's also his son's POV here, which is equally beautifully written. I really hate the man and I don't like the fact that the end of AssClass completely disregard the consequences of what happened on the character's mental state, and reading how even him wasn't okay at all is very pleasant to read. That's karma my bitch.
Je suis assis - BokuAka (Haikyuu)
Yeah it's in french and on wattpad. It has been a while since I read it but I still remember the principal. It's a OS anyway so it's not very long (we didn't do that 20k words OS on Wattpad, this madness is only popular on AO3 lol). Since I'm sensitive to everything that is around handicap, it touched me. It ended up being cute and warm. Honestly I was more thinking of another BokuAka fanfiction but I couldn't remember the name nor found it online so I put this one.
25 - Riren (SnK)
Yeah yeah I know, pedo ship etc, but I was 14 and this is a High School AU where they're both 16 so, it's okay I guess. Yes the name of the fanfic is twenty-five. It's in french, it's on wattpad, and there's Eren's POV too. I don't know how I'm supposed to describe it... I think you have to read it, it's not actually strange or weird but, it's a whole experience.
Here there be dragons - Centennial Husbands (the Sandman)
This is the exact definition of love. What is love to me ? This fanfiction. Engagement, devotion, caring, this is it, this fanfic has the meaning of all these words. I had a hard time reading it because I hate ultra-long OS (I need CHAPTERS, give me a BREAK) but it was soooo enjoyable, and I was crying the whole time 'cause it's so pure and beautiful.
Palm to Palm - KaRen (Assassination Classroom)
Yes I am a part of the extremely tiny fandom that ships Karma and Ren (I do ship Karma with multiple people throughout the manga lmao) but only in THIS specific context. And this is beautifully written, I can't stop re-reading it. Also, the name of the ship makes me laugh. Karma and Ren relationship after losing Gakushuu -the boy they both love above everything else- is peak romance.
Le goût du chocolat - L x Light (Death Note)
I honestly don't remember a thing about this fanfiction except a single sentence, but I do know that I totally fell in love with it. It was one of my fave fanfic when I was full active on Wattpad, and I even archived it because I didn't want to lose it. I should read it again now that I found it again.
Alright that's 10 !!! Finally !!
Oh it was so fun to fall back into all the things I read before ! But it was harder than I expected because, well, I only have AO3 for 3 years and I've been on Wattpad for 7 years, but I started reading fanfiction even before that, I just didn't have any account back then. So, I kinda forgot about some of the things I read more than 4 years ago, and I couldn't find the gems I discovered when I was 12. Most of the books that made out to this list are my recent lectures, it's a bit biased I guess.
Anyway, thank you for the ask ! It was fun to analyze all my bookmarks and everything !
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
random hcs: k. akaashi (birthday) edition
mostly sfw. teensy weensy bit of nsfw utc (mdni!). even though i'm dedicating the whole month of december to my beloved daichi, i made sure to carve out some time for my kin and dec. 5th birthday boy, keiji akaashi.
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Night Owl™️
Has anxiety and is lowkey depressed, but both are well-managed.
The sarcasm is strong with this one.
More of a reader, but fancies himself a writer from time to time (and he’s good at it).
Has written 2 or 3 long ass smut with angsty plot fics on AO3; angst/comfort and mutual pining are his most-used tags.
Writes poetry, but has never told anyone.
Narrows his eyes at you sometimes when you're talking, which makes you think he’s suspicious of you or that he doesn’t like you, but in reality he’s intrigued and fascinated by you. That’s why he keeps asking you hard questions.
Doesn’t use emojis.
Shamelessly pedantic; says "well actually" a lot.
Stares out of windows at rain; looks like he's daydreaming but is actually having hypothetical philosophical debates in his head or world-building an entire novel he'll probably never write.
A regular at Onigiri Miya (may or may not have a crush on Osamu 👀).
Listens to classical music while reading/editing; it helps him focus.
Took piano lessons as a kid but says he's horrible at it now (he really is); still, he can't help but tickle a few ivories every time he gets near a piano; likes the way the keys feel under his graceful fingers.
Hooks you the fuck up with manga. You know about shit that happens before it's even published. And you're sworn to secrecy, which you honor. It's way more fun to see people's reactions after keeping spoilers to yourself for weeks or longer.
Drinks his body weight in coffee every week an inordinate amount of coffee.
Owns an old ass typewriter and a floral silk writing robe.
HATES Grammarly; thinks people should just learn proper grammar, damn it.
Falls asleep with his glasses on sometimes. Lying together, you notice his breathing has evened out. His heart rate steadies you. And you look up at him to find his chin resting above your head with a book lying beneath his limp hand on his chest, rising and falling with grace.
Speaking of, something about him glows when he sleeps? like he has this angelic aura about him, i feel like? Idk. Subtle and so finely tuned that you can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s like an exquisite detail. Understated. Graceful, even, in that whatever it is doesn’t jump out at you; without moving, he holds sway without you knowing it. And you can’t quite figure out why you can’t seem to stay away from him for very long.
He is hard to describe. What you see is not what you get with keiji. There are worlds - universes even - inside of him that no one else will ever see or comprehend, but you will feel them. They’ll have you falling, rapt by his gravity. And, like gravity, he silently holds things together, pulling you in with his emerald eyes every time he narrows them.
You smile lovingly and reach for his readers, easing them off the tip of his nose where they’ve fallen in his sleep. He’d probably blush if he knew how かわいすぎ (super cute) he looks with his black, rectangle frames lying nearly sideways on his pretty face. But you don’t tell him about it. It’s a secret about him that even he doesn’t know that you keep all to yourself. He’d probably stop falling asleep with his glasses on if he knew and, well, you want him to fall asleep with his glasses on just so you can carefully pull them away from his face. You fold them and place them neatly on your nightstand because you don’t want to risk waking him up by climbing over him to set them on his side.
He, on the other hand, will gladly lean over you to reach for his glasses, put them on, then kiss you on your cheek before burying his nose against your neck and breathing you in. He’ll shamelessly snake an arm around you, his nimble fingers brushing your bare nipple. He knows what he’s doing. His hands are grifters. Copping feels and ghosting over you while his gravelly, naked chuckle vibrates against your bare back when you squirm and moan. Your body resonates, your skin sings with the touch of his fingertips like a tightly wound and pitch-perfect string.
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smokestarrules · 2 years
Please explain warrior nun to me. I wasn’t interested at first but you make it seem so cool I want to learn :)
I WILL explain it to you. Saddle up because I'm prepared to ramble. There will be spoilers. If you'd like another summary w/o spoilers, let me know!
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First: our main character, Ava Silva. At the start of the show, she's a paraplegic and orphaned 19 year-old girl who is, quite literally, dead in the first scene. She is snarky, a little clueless but not innocent, and most importantly, she wants more than anything to live.
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This is Sister Beatrice!!! She's the love interest, technically, but she's not the only one (just more of an important character than the other), and she's also so much more than that. She is a prodigious warrior who fights for the OCS; The Order of the Cruciform Sword, which is a sect of Catholic nuns that fight demons for the good of the people. She is good at everything with the exception of Not Being Gay, which is, incidentally, the reason she was sent to a Catholic boarding school in the first place. Suffice to say, her parents suck.
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There's also a wide cast of incredible characters; we have (from right to left) Mary, who is The Coolest and also, somehow, more of an older sister figure than the actual sisters; Lilith, who's a bit of a bitch but we still love her, Father Vincent, who's also a bit of a bitch but we tolerate him, and then on the far left, there's Camila, who is simultaneously the Cutest and also the Smartest. (also not pictured here is Mother Superion, whom we also love.)
This show has so many good women characters. You will become obsessed with at least one of them. At least.
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Essentially, Warrior Nun's plot depends on the use of the Halo, which is a literal Angel's Halo (or is it?) that fuses itself to the spine of one special nun, the Warrior Nun, who is then given the ability to see demons and also other various superpowers. However, because of its immense power, demons and other forces are constantly trying to seize the Halo for themselves, and due to a tragic series of events, a panicked nun has to give Ava the Halo.
Ava, who is dead at the time.
And it brings her back to life. Not only that, but it gives her the ability to walk for the first time since she was, like, four years old. Also, it gives her superpowers, too, but whatever.
So basically, Warrior Nun is about Ava trying to balance her will to live her life now alongside with the new duties that the OCS are trying to put on her. They can't take the Halo out, because it may kill her. Something something jesus parallels, something something taking the time to have the characters work things out for themselves, and you get this show. I cannot emphasize enough the character writing.
(Also it has one of the best sapphic slowburns I've seen in a show ever. They hit so many good tropes in such a well-paced manner. I can't even describe how well they're written. What the fuck.)
So. Watch Warrior Nun. We need a season 3!!
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lyriquette · 24 days
Old RWBY AU description from the Frosen Steel server -troublemakers AU - 12/10/2020
AU of singer!Weiss having two incredibly troublesome fans, a graffiti-loving prankster/streamer and the leader of a troll army. She's tired.
The Nail:
lilac — 12/09/2020 11:57 PM
So let's say the nail here is that Ozma and Salem didn't get into a giant war. Somehow their kids lived, so all humanity really needed to deal with is the Grimm without any evolutions on Salem's part. They're still a pain in the arse because the Grimm's strength and numbers are always a little bit less than humanity's.
lilac — 12/10/2020 12:14 AM
And in that background, we have Ruby Rose, a streaming traceuse, engineer, and prankster who recently unlocked her semblance much to Atlas's dismay. The logo on her stream is a goose with the caption "i am here to cause problems"
lilac — 12/10/2020 12:25 AM
Weiss is a famous pop star in Atlas - still lives in the Schnee Mansion. The Schnee Dust Company no longer existed in its full form; due to the more peaceful world, Atlas put a foot down on monopolies a couple years after Jacques took control and tried making the company as inhumane as possible to increase his profit margins. So he's currently wearing an orange jumpsuit. The family overall is much happier in his absence. Willow divorced the man and rumors say the most eligible bachelorette has been meeting someone clandestinely, drinking together. Which also happens to be part of the reason why Ruby is currently at Atlas lol.
lilac — 12/10/2020 12:30 AM
Weiss unlocked her Glyphs but has been using it mostly as fairly expensive special effects. She's described as the fairy of atlas (or whatever name you all can come up with - I'm bad 8l ). Myrtenaster does exist as the girl is a fencer on the side.
As well known as Weiss is though, her musical career has stagnated. Too many artists and singers saturating the market, and she hasn't had any inspiration lately since she's always been insistent on making her own songs.
lilac — 12/10/2020 12:31 AM
lilac — 12/10/2020 12:45 AM
Penny is still developed by Atlasian military but upon realizing Pietro has no intention on making a clearly real girl fight against the enemies of human, Ironwood was like "okay you're right." So Penny doesn't have any of the weaponry and was allowed to live like a child and go to school. She doesn't quite know what she wants to do (maybe lead a sentient robot uprising /j) after schooling, but her dads are open to her doing anything. Her hobby is music and programming, and she's been following the Angel of Atlas since her debut. She is Weiss's self-proclaimed number one fan but more importantly she's her friend. If there is bad stuff about her friend on the internet, she will drown people with a troll army. To Weiss's dismay, a lot of her fans just follow her for the flame wars Penny would cause on her behalf. Lol
Online Penny is super different from offline penny.
"When logic and reason no longer work, what do we do?!"
"Flame them to death!! "
lilac — 12/10/2020 1:20 AM
Ruby naturally is our walking, sometimes running, plot device. Wears a cape and a butterfly mask when she's actively streaming and has a button camera on her mask that doesn't work unless she physically wears the mask.
She learns about the Angel of Atlas and quickly falls in love with her work. Soon, super high places in Atlas are demonstrating large areas of grafiti depicting Weiss or a set of angel wings. Even the CCT tower gets the treatment.
Sooner or later, she declares herself the number one fan online which Penny takes offense to. Cue flame war between the two lol. Weiss had to log in to stop them from wrecking the local server with their war.
Essentially Ruby's chaos-loving followers versus Penny's troll army.
They eventually learn to not fight on Weiss's server. And instead find that holding flame wars on the sites and servers of Weiss's haters is a more productive thing to do. To the dismay of their leaders, eventually the trolls and chaos lovers become one happy family. The only thing that came out good was the chaos-lovers becoming Weiss fans…not for the music but because Weiss's name is now synonymous for troublesome.
"Thanks, guys."
"Sorry. orz."
"I'm sorry" (edited)
One day, Ruby goes to Weiss online all "maybe ill meet you in the middle of the night. just pop in."
Weiss: "so you're telling me to hire more guards."
Ruby: "don't worry. They won't be able to separate us. I'll be there tonight. ^_~"
Weiss: asdsddrfffssd
Penny: !!!
So that night Penny grabs a simplified form of Floating Array and installs it. She picks up a cat mask and uses FR to move past buildings like Spiderman.
Destination: weiss's home to protect her virtue
lilac — 12/11/2020 12:56 AM
So back to the streamer / troll army AU:
Penny goes off to the Schnee Mansion and is spider-manning her way there while wearing a cat mask. mission? Protect her idol's virtue from the red-wearing weirdo.
She arrives. Ruby's already spray painting a set of wings on the mansion.
"I'll protect Weiss from your foul clutches!"
"Who are you again?"
"I am Weiss's number one fan!"
"No that's me! You're that troll girl! I'm going to beat you down."
"What did you say to me? I'll have you know that I graduated in top of my class in the Atlasian Military, and I've been in multiple search and destroy missions involving the Grimm, and I have 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in antipersonnel warfare, and I'm the top hand-to-hand specialist in all of Atlas. You are ju-"
Ruby interrupts her with a paint bomb.
Penny is rainbow-colored now.
Cue angry shrieking and then awkward fighting because neither girl has fought before. Meanwhile….
Whitley: hello police ? There's two crazy girls fighting on our lawn…and there's paint and glitter everywhere
Weiss wakes up from all the racket. She sees the paint and glitter all over the house and lawn, realizes who the two probably are, and angrily pulls out a training epee. She runs out yelling. (edited)
Before long, she's sitting on top of the two because unlike Ruby and Penny she's had formal training. Her eye is twitching from the arts and crafts disaster that's become her home. She turns on the full force of her bossiness.
"I've been chauffering my mom and her infuriating date all day today. Then I had to deal with my manager and why i haven't come up with more songs. And then you both come wake me up at one in the morning, turning my entire home into a preschool art project! You WILL clean up the mess you made or so help me god…"
She just screams out in anger, making the other two hug each other in fear. After she stalks off, the other two notice their position and quickly pull away from each other. They then grudgingly work together to clean the lawn and house and repair the damage they made.
The police do arrive but are turned around by Klein who tells them everything is under control.
After they're mostly done, Klein invites the two to stay at the manor, since it's late and not safe - though for him, it's an excuse to have Weiss interact with kids her age in a non-backstabby-rival-singer way. Naturally, the two excitedly accept.
lilac — 12/14/2020 9:36 AM
Back to troll Penny, singer Weiss, streaming prankster Ruby:
Klein invites the uninvited guests to stay the night after they clean up the mess they made of the Schnee mansion.
The next day, Ruby and Penny were unable to get any sleep, mostly cause they are all "omg I'm sleeping in my idol's home." So come morning, they're both exhausted and meet each other in the hall. Penny and Ruby share a pleased smile behind their masks before they recall they're supposed to be hostile to each other, cause both of them consider themselves as Weiss's number one fan.
Klein sees them and leads them to the dining room for breakfast, where they find a delicious spread. Whitley's already there, kinda wondering why the crazy girls he called the police on earlier are eating here, but given Klein invited them, they couldnt be that dangerous.
As all three of them eat, Weiss comes in mostly in pajamas and some bedhead, clearly dazed and drowsy. For one, she doesnt even notice the pair on the table. Whitley looks at Weiss and the two girls with an amused face. Ruby and Penny don't even know what to say as Weiss just goes about her business, mostly like a zombie with Klein helpfully putting food on her plate and most importantly an industrial-sized mug of coffee. She just eats and drinks what's on her plate before going back the way she came.
Whitley watches on with amused anticipation.
The girls are wondering if she's deliberately ignoring them when they see her collide with the wall beside the doorway. Before they could ask if she's okay, Weiss just dazedly steps back and walks through the hall instead.
Whitley's giggling, and when the girls look at him, he just says, "every morning. Like clockwork."
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