#but I've had this composition idea for maybe 5 years at this point?
sin-cognito · 1 year
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@drabbletale HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ♥♥♥
I hope you won't mind me drawing a little cover art for your fic Sparks, since I've been wanting to do that pretty much ever since I read it for the first time! You know how much I love this fic!! ♥
Everyone, please go check out Sparks, by Drabbletale!!
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scribefindegil · 1 year
authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Yayy! Thanks Mary! <3 After agonizing it for a while, my top 5:
The Real World (Mob Psycho 100, post-Mogami arc) is absolutely my favorite fic I've ever written. It's some of my best prose, I'm really pleased with how concise and focused I was able to keep it despite touching on so many characters, and it let me distill down a lot of my thoughts on the themes of the show and why it's so important to me. And I wrote it during the absolute worst stretch of the curse, painstaking sentence by painstaking sentence over the course of half a year. I am so so so proud of it.
Fisherman's Knot (Gravity Falls, post-canon fic focusing on the Stans, their deeply-entrenched mental health issues, and their eventual recovery. Also there are selkies.) At 104k words, the longest piece of writing I've ever finished. Writing it was a journey; I took a long break but I'm so happy and proud that I managed to come back and finish it and that there were still people who were as excited as I was to get to the end. The response to this fic blew me away; it started out largely as a coping mechanism to deal with my own poorly-treated mental illness and I feel really honored that my writing resonated with so many people dealing with similar things. I grew so much as a writer over the course of it. Both the big moments of catharsis--Stan's glitter and Ford's realization by the harbor--were things that were so powerful and electric in my head that I worried I wouldn't be able to put them down in words that did the feelings justice, but I did!
Bloom (Discworld, a Glorious 25th of May fic set a few years after Night Watch) Everyone who sets out to write a Discworld fic is undertaking an extreme act of hubris, because not only are you trying to emulate a specific writing style, you're trying to write like Terry Pratchett, which as we all know is basically impossible. Still, I think I hit some good resonant Discworldy notes in this little piece and really nailed the Themes I was going for. Periodically the Tumblr post version gets a little burst of notes and it always makes me really happy that people are enjoying it.
First And Final Orders (Mob Psycho 100, Dimple character study) Hi. Have you heard of ring composition? I love ring composition. It is my single favorite literary device (and I love a LOT of literary devices), so I had to include one of my fics that makes heavy use of it. I also love pointing at a piece of media and going "Hey. Hey have you thought about how there's kind of some Discworld themes here? What if we thought about the Discworld themes together?" And ALSO i love DIMPLE!!! I hope this fic helps explain why.
Casualties (Gravity Falls, missing scene from the finale) So the reason this fic makes this list isn't so much its quality (though I do still really like it!) but the fact that it was my first-ever completed fanfiction. I'd idly poked at the idea of writing fic a couple times before but never made much progress. I hadn't actually done any creative writing for years at that point. I came to fandom late due to a combination of being scared of the internet and, when I did check out my real-life friends' fandom blogs, feeling like everything was so focused on shipping that there would be no place for me and the kinds of stories I cared about. Gravity Falls changed that. I'd made friends and felt like part of a community for the first time. I'd read fanfic that I loved and that focused on the sorts of relationships I really cared about. And so finally I decided that even though it still felt really scary, maybe I would try my hand at actually writing and posting a fic of my own.
360,000 words and 54 works later, I still think it was a pretty good idea.
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taffywabbit · 8 months
for a while now i've had some kind of weird curse where the creative part of my brain just completely stops functioning if i try to arrange a cover/remix of an existing song. basically i'll say "i love this song! i wanna try putting my own spin on it!" and then i realize i have like, nothing to actually add to the conversation and also can't fully reverse-engineer the funky compositional tricks involved that helped make me so obsessed with it
it's happened with songs from games like 4 or 5 times in the past couple years (examples off the top of my head include BEAST BASH from SLARPG and, much more recently, Enemy Retreating from Undertale Yellow) and usually i'm having an ok time until i get stuck analyzing one specific chord or technique, overthink the progress i've already made, and inevitably give up with only a few bars of actual music once i realize my obsessive analysis has robbed the cover of anything interesting or unique compared to the original song
ANYWAYS i think i might have figured out a workaround and that's that i need to like... get crazier with it from the start? i need to change the overall beat/style, or at least make the song noticeably faster/slower and in a different key, to kinda switch off the part of my brain that's like "ok, the goal is to copy. i gotta be really accurate and scrutinize every note OR ELSE i will get a bad grade in Perfectly Replicating An Existing Song, because that is the objective now for some reason instead of having fun and getting silly with it". bonus points if i have the song stuck in my head thoroughly enough that i can do the bulk of the work without going back and comparing it to the original song. i THINK this might be the key. i'm not sure. i have no idea how people have entire youtube channels dedicated to doing like 95% faithful covers and rearrangements of songs because apparently i am just not wired that way, but i CAN do remixes if they're different enough for me to not get stuck in my own head about it
but yeah i realized this because i recently jumped back into working on a cover of a Muse song i started back in September, and it occurred to me that all of the above things definitely factor into why i'm having so much fun with this, yet struggled with those other abandoned projects. maybe eventually i will have a good idea for how to mix those up more thoroughly and do them justice too but for now i'm just glad to know i'm not ACTUALLY cursed lol
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I've finally had the time to read through your Pokemon Team characterization! Gen 5 was when I realized that, maybe the Pokemon team and the arrangement actually had something to tell about the characters, but reading through your characterization made me realize that perhaps that already happened a lot sooner than I thought! Thank you for writing all of those, I had fun reading them.
Steven was the trainer that made me want to add Skarmory to my team. Raising it was rough since it's purely defensive, but I had a good experience having it. The Claydol setting the screens...I still remember my Emerald team almost getting defeated because my 10-years old brain didn't understand why his Metagross took less damage from my Blaziken. But yeah, Steven's Emerald battle was so much fun, and I agree his ORAS fight is kind of a downgrade.
I also like your analysis of Cynthia's team, and I very much agree with them. No matter what team she's using, she'll always be a challenge and difficult to defeat...that Double Team-spamming Spiritomb, I hate it. And the fact that I had to raise my own Garchomp just to counter hers in my Shining Pearl playthrough said a lot about how strong her ace is.
And your Hop team analysis...I love it so much! I think the story and characterization behind his team composition are more apparent than the others, especially because he takes center stage in Gen 8. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, I like it. He's one of my most favorite rivals alongside N and Hau, so I am very happy when you did a post of him.
I read through Whitney and the Poison specialists too, they're all great! This makes me want to request some as well, but feel free to take your time and do it whenever you want to. I was going to request N's BW final fight team and B2W2 seasonal teams but realized that'd be way too much to work on, so...Morty and Zinnia! For Morty, you can do his GSC or HGSS, or B2W2 version, your choice.
I'm honestly interested to see what your characterization analysis of their team will tell about them, especially Morty (other than the fact that Johto doesn't have that much Ghost Pokemon selection he resorted to the Gengar line).
There's a lot, so I'll respond fully under the cut.
In completely fairness, I'm making up a lot. None of this is confirmed, but the idea is to showcase that you can make stuff up, and that's the basis of developing a character back in those times. Gen 5 was the first character-centric game where they really had a lot to work with, and Gen 7, oddly enough, really emphasized character moments to the point you have a pretty effective idea. But before that, you just cobbled together, and I really wanted to see more of that than just the Red and Blue favoritism stuff, so I decided to try my hand at this. I'm glad it seems to be at least somewhat popular, given how some of them got a decent response outside of my immediate sphere.
I was kinda surprised that his first ORAS fight is exactly the same. Like, it's almost the same movesets. Which is kinda funny, the way things change just by mechanics and movepools. But yeah, I really love the Emerald team, definitely my current favorite fight.
Cynthia's generally tough. I haven't done the BW or BW2 fights in a long time, so I don't remember them too well, but I can't imagine it's any easier. And...yeah, my opinion on BDSP is low, but I think as a good example of "Cynthia is always really weak to setup," Cresselia swept both of her big rematches in my game. Cresselia is stupid good as a Calm Mind setter.
Hop's felt slightly like cheating because we know so much about him, but it seemed to go over well with Hop fans, so I'll take the win.
Whitney's...might have been my favorite so far? Because there's so little to go off of. Well...okay, no, Geeta's was my favorite because I have an ulterior motivation (being contrary), but Whitney felt the most cobbled together from stuff we don't know. Which I think was more fun.
I can do all three. No promises on turnaround time, but I'll give each a try. And hey, great news! Morty's in a similar bracket to Whitney, and I don't actually know much about Zinnia! So this will be cobbling together nonsense real good.
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kingskwing · 3 years
Hello!! M not too sure if ur busy with requests but I love your writing so I wanted to give this 'idea' that I've had for a bit now. If you don't mind, can I request a fic with Marius where he and reader broke up bcs he chose being the CEO of pax over the reader? It's really angsty ik but maybe with a happy ending? Thank you!!
ANON IM LIVING finally some good fuckin hurt/comfort || engineering major!reader inbound, it's also mentioned that the reader does commercial art, sorry 💔
Warnings: argument? They’re talking but it's a disagreement, breakup, SPOILERS for Marius’ story, kidnapping, Mild spoilers for Part 5, blood ment. and gunfire 
》 M.list
crisis control
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It started, as it ended, with an argument. Of course, the beginning was far less emotionally charged than the gentle, sinking wreck that came later, but isn't such the case with all things? When time and effort is put into something, a piece of yourself is put within. And, when it eventually shatters, the pieces are hard to pick up.
Being a student at Stellis University, admission to the campus art gallery was free. Your evening was uncharacteristically empty, so you decided to stop by to see the things your peers submitted for public view. On your way in, you waved to Professor Richter, having taken his class the year prior. 
You’d heard something about another Z piece being shown and kept an eye out for it, eventually spotting it and approaching. There was someone already there, so you stood next to them as you analyzed the piece.
“What do you think of the piece?”
The voice startled you and you faced the young man who’d been there before you. Taking another look at the piece, you spoke honestly.
“I don’t like it.”
“Oh? Why is that?” He seemed surprised.
“Now, I’m a mechanical engineering student, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but the composition and colors are just barely… off. They’ve got this beautiful spiral leading the eye to the center point, but there aren’t enough rigid structures for contrast. That, and this green in the bottom left quarter of the painting,” you gestured to it vaguely, “is slightly too warm for the tone. Then again, I struggle when color-picking for pieces, so it may be either a shared difficulty or a misperception on my part. Also, this stroke here, it’s far more textured than the surrounding area, setting a really strange feel for that specific area. How do you feel about it? It appears you like the artist, so I’m curious to hear your thoughts.”
As you spoke, his eyes flitted across the painting, brow set in thought. “First of all, you said you were an engineering major?” 
You nodded. “I do my own art on the side, much more commercial than this.”
“I see. You wanted my thoughts and I let myself get distracted,” he smiled. “I do see the extra texturing on that stroke, it does make the area discordant, but I disagree with the rest. I believe the color works well with the piece and that the spiral composition isn’t erratic enough to warrant the contrast you spoke of.”
“Tastes are always different... It's fun trying to see it from your perspective. Wait, I don’t think I told you my name,” you laughed. “I’m Y/N.”
He took the hand you extended and shook it firmly. “Y/N, huh? Good to meet you! I'm an art major at a school-hosted art gallery, so I expect to see you at the upcoming STEMfest next Saturday. What's your booth number?”
“You just assume- not important. 41B, why do you ask?”
“Great! See you then, I’ve got to go. And bring some of your art!” The man was walking away by now, leaving you confused in front of Z’s painting.
“What? Wait!” You ran around the corner, only to see him opening the gallery doors. “You never gave me your name!”
It’d been a long day at STEMfest, entertaining kids and networking with professionals, but the art student from the week before was the most exhausting thing about your day. You recognized him as soon as he passed your stand. All seven times, in fact. He kept side eyeing you as he talked to every booth worker in the B section except you. He’d approach your booth, you’d reach for your portfolio, and he’d smile as he walked straight past you to talk to someone else.
Only when everyone began packing up did he finally approach you.
"Hey, artsy engineer," he smiled, lifting a box from your hands and following you to where it needed to go.
“Are you always this much of an ass?”
He was visibly surprised at your candid words and looked almost worried, but then he pouted when he saw the disbelieving grin on your face.
"You scared me, I thought you were really mad!" He nudged you with his elbow, a playful scold.
"Hmm, I should be, shouldn't I?" 
His answering 'nooo' was too adorable to resist.
He was easy to spend time with, the sun setting quickly while you two discussed art, history, engineering, and the general ways of the world. You'd been caught up in a conversation about whether or not planets feel like they're dancing when you saw how orange the sky had turned.
"Marius, it's getting late. I hate to leave you, but I ought to get home."
“Allow me to escort you to your car, my liege.” His exaggerated accent made you laugh.
“Ah, I walked,” you grinned.
“My car it is then!”
"Say, Marius, didn't you mention an upcoming day off? I'd like to go to a cafe with you sometime. 
His whole body seemed to lift up, eyes sparkling in the evening sun. "I'd love that, can I pick you up?"
"Of course, if you let me pay."
“Hmm, you can’t stop me.”
“I’m sure I can.”
“Is that a threat, Marius?”
“I would never.” His grin was blinding, so much so that it almost distracted you from the gleaming sports car he led you to.
“What major are you in again?” you asked, breathless. His car was beautiful, cutting edge and intelligently designed.
“Art and Art History, why?”
“Ah, so it’s daddy’s money,” you muttered cheekily before entering the vehicle.
You laughed upon hearing him sputter, relishing in the wide, flustered smile he flashed when quickly opening his car door to face you.
“I bought this myself, I’ll have you know.”
“Just teasing, Marius,” you lightly hit his arm before he started driving. “Wait. I must have blacked out the last couple minutes, you’re a near stranger and I’m in your car. Oh my god, that’s so irresponsible. You’re not going to kill me, right?”
“Ahaha! That’s for the coffee date.”
You froze for a moment, caught between a smile and a worried frown. However, before you could decide, he winked at you, prompting you to hit his arm again, harder this time. 
“Hey, dear engineer, if you’re going to refuse to let me pay for coffee, I get to tease you as much as I like. It’s only fair.”
You directed him towards your dorm hall, joking and smiling the whole way. Of course, his position at Pax was revealed when you asked his last name to put his number in your phone, having recognized him from online headlines. However, that didn’t deter you from happily confirming the pickup time for your second date.
He noticed everything, even if he didn’t realize it sometimes. Your heart swelled every time Marius complimented something new you’d bought, and despite his teasing about you adding his photo to your phone case, you know he was more flustered by it than you were. Every time you refreshed your phone wallpaper and lockscreen, every time you wore a new fragrance, every time you acted out of the ordinary, he noticed, be it passively or consciously.
Walking around Stellis was common for you two, stopping at every ice cream shop to try their novelty flavors. However, no matter how many bizarre ones there were, he got your favorite flavor for himself. He claimed it was because he liked it too, but you didn’t fail to notice that if you didn’t like the flavor you chose, he’d “share” his cup by giving you the entire thing. Surprisingly enough, seeing your face pucker at a flavor that was just too “out there” wasn’t his favorite part about ice cream joint hopping with you. No, his favorite part was messing with you. Early on in the relationship, Marius would often swipe his thumb across your lip to wipe away ice cream. You were too flustered to realize you weren’t enough of a messy eater to warrant such an action. Eventually, you caught on, checking in a mirror after eating and watching him pout when you didn’t let him.
“Marius, if you’re going to touch my lips, you may as well go all the way,” you shrugged, walking ahead of him.
He didn’t waste a second catching up to you and searching your eyes for sincerity before pulling you in for a light, teasing kiss.
Even over a year into your relationship with the young CEO, his eyes still lit up whenever you agreed to go somewhere with him and his heart soared whenever you invited him places. Yes, he had a hard time balancing his busy schedule, but that just meant any time spent with you was made all the more precious.
When you moved in together, he was hard-pressed to keep his smile down when you played music while showering or working on projects. Some days, when you thought he was out, you blasted songs that made him tear up from trying to reign in his laughter.
He teased you for days each time.
Moving in with him allowed you even more insight into his true self, the bashful, playful Marius who hides his artistic prowess behind a famed pseudonym: Z. He regularly showed you his pieces as he worked on them, leaving room for teasing when he kept works from you. Secrecy from Marius was relatively rare, so whenever it had to do with art, you poked and prodded him to show you what he had hidden underneath the veil over his easel.
“Goodness, Marius, is this how you see me? I’m flattered! It’s nice to know that under all that suave, you’re still a total simp.”
“No! Noo, don’t look at that, babe! It was supposed to be a surprise,” he whined, voice becoming clearer as he quickly approached the studio. His face reddened upon seeing how genuinely enamoured your eyes were as they scanned the piece. “Ah, well, you’ve already seen it. I suppose all that can be done…” He walked behind you and sat at the stool. “... is to work on it with you.” An arm wrapped around your middle and Marius swiftly pulled you into his lap. His chest rumbled with laughter against your back at the yelp you let out and he gripped you close as he could. In an instant, his breath was on your ear. “Isn’t this more comfortable than me hiding things from you?”
“Nope!” You shuddered at the odd feeling against your ear and worked to calm the heat in your cheeks. 
“Aww, come on! I’m warm and loving, among other things-”
“Oh my god, one more word and I’m moving out,” you laughed.
“Babe, you’d never do that to me,” he pouted, turning you in his lap and resting both hands on your waist.
“No, I wouldn’t, Marius.”
“Good,” he chirped, eyes quickly shifting back to his regular dangerous humor before he lifted you briefly, rose up, placed you on his stool, and made for the door.
“Marius Von Hagen!”
His home was filled with all kinds of laughter that day, from huffs of humored disbelief to mirthful peals.
Though your time together was easy and delightful, things fell through after a little more than two years of dating. Your heart hurt watching him burn himself out day after day, coming back after a long shift at Pax to spend time with you and to paint in his studio. Time after time, especially after the forgery mess and the encouraging words of Sven Phillips, you pushed him to follow what he wanted. He was performing as Pax’s CEO to prove something to his father and lost brother. While you wished his reasons for it were healthier, your issue did not lie specifically with Pax. No, your concern was his willingness to give up art in exchange for recognition of his ability to keep Pax running. Was his self-esteem truly so low that he’d drop everything important to him when he could easily get recognition for something he was passionate about?
Unfortunately, you got your answer.
“Marius, you know what I’m going to say.” The moon was high in the sky; you’d woken when Marius turned on the light to get to his studio.
“Then don’t say it. I don’t have time to do this again, I’m exhausted and haven’t gotten a chance to work on my piece all week.”
“That’s exactly it, though. You’re always too tired to do anything you enjoy! I know you’re busy at Pax and with your secret engagement, but you need to take some downtime or drop something. Your art fulfills you too much to let it fall by the wayside. I’ve respected your secrecy regarding where you go between Pax, SU, and here, so I don’t have any info on how rigorous it is. So, as far as I know, the one thing taking the largest toll, both emotionally and physically, is Pax. Something needs to give."
"No, I'm handling everything just fine. Stop bringing it up."
"You take ten minute naps instead of resting well! Your art screams for some kind of break, you need to make a choice, Marius!"
He was quiet for a good minute.
“Then… I choose you,” he whispered.
Silence fell.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” You knew what he meant, but your heart had fallen to your feet and it needed time to catch up with your mind.
“I choose… to drop you.” He was crying now, but you were too shocked to shed a tear.
“...Are you sure?” you asked.
He was surprised at your composed tone and quickly wiped his eyes, visibly holding sobs in. “If I’m honest, the thought has crossed my mind. I’ve done well managing my time between you, Pax, my art, and my side gig this past year, but things are heating up and I can’t… I can’t give you what you need.”
“What I need?” Your voice broke. “Marius, it’s what you need. I would never say this to anyone else, but I know you better than you know yourself at this point, and I’ve seen, felt the way everything falls away when you’re in your studio. Z is a beautiful thing you’ve created for yourself and it’s lucrative enough to keep plenty of your lifestyle afloat. Every time you tell me about Pax, your eyes age decades. I love you, Marius, and you love your art, but this constant striving to prove yourself is killing you.”
“Proving myself? I don’t have anything to prove,” he said lowly, brows furrowing above his red-rimmed eyes.
The quiet was deafening.
“Marius, I… I respect your decision.”
He seemed to snap out of his mild anger and started tearing up again, but you missed his hand reaching for yours as your head was down and your gaze was on the floor.
“I’ll pack some things, feel free to send the rest over when you catch a minute,” you said, voice breaking again. Turning toward the bedroom to gather your essentials, you let a tear slip and he let his hand drop.
He was sitting quietly in his studio when he saw you putting your suitcase into your car. It was only when he saw your head rest on your steering wheel and your shoulders shake that he let his own cries loose, moonlight glinting off the tears that fell and his sobs rang into the empty hallway.
Marius felt he could breathe easier without the need to keep up a relationship, but he didn’t feel good about it at all. He knew where you were coming from, and you were right. However, despite his self-awareness, he couldn’t let go of Pax. He was tired and sad almost constantly and any reminders of you hurt his heart.
Z's works were considerably more gloomy now.
Marius heaved a sigh upon exiting his car, entering the very cafe he’d taken you to two years prior. Ordering his drink went slower than usual since he was caught up in his own thoughts, eyeing your regular order listed on the menu with tears burning to escape. In the few months he’d been apart from you, he hadn’t made any effort to reach out, unsure how you’d respond to a continued friendship after he’d selfishly picked Pax over you. Hell, he’d considered dropping art altogether if it meant he could have you back in his life, but he knew it was too late and you’d never accept that course of action anyways.
He’d only just sat back in his car when he received a call from Vincent.
“Sir, someone’s hacked into Big Data. They’ve uploaded a video-”
A call from Luke interrupted Vincent, and the rest of the assistant’s words went unheard over the ringtone.
“Hold on Vincent, I’ve got to take this.” 
The case the NXX was working on at the time was highly sensitive as they were trying to find alternate ways to indict Heirson until more information pertaining to Opaline village was found.
“Hey there Raven, what seems to be the proble-”
“Marius.” That was odd, Luke almost always referred to him as King when discussing NXX matters. Marius straightened in his seat. “Drop everything, you need to come to the NXX.”
“Has it got to do with the Big Data hack? Something about a video?”
“Yeah, but it’s far more serious-”
Marius sighed, not wanting to put up with another Big Data breach, not when he was thinking about you. “I’ll be right there,” he interrupted, hanging up without paying heed to Luke’s cries for him to wait and listen.
Marius regretted not letting Luke finish. Maybe, if he had waited, he wouldn’t have been so stunned seeing you struggle against the bonds tying you to a chair in that godforsaken video. The other members were discussing who at Heirson could have captured you and who was confident enough to do such a thing, but Marius was glued to the screen. Every time he looped it, he noticed something else. The cut on your brow. The bruise on your lip. The blood staining the edges of the ropes keeping your wrists in place. The fear in your eyes. In all the time he’d spent with you, he’d never seen you afraid. But now? Seeing how terrified you were? He was scared.
Marius hit the play button to loop it again, causing Artem to close his eyes and grit his teeth. He couldn’t listen to the person onscreen struggle any longer while the voice behind the camera made their demands, despite not knowing the hostage. Rosa covered her ears, closed her eyes, and allowed Luke to pull her into his side, the detective's eyes set in anger at the captor and pity for Marius. To everyone’s surprise, it was Vyn that snapped.
“Marius Von Hagen! Do not play that video again.” Marius paused the video but did not turn around. “I am aware of your feelings towards them,” Vyn gestured to the screen, “but you fail to consider the others. Rosa is terrified, Libra and Raven are both upset, but none come close to how I am feeling. It was enough to watch my former student struggle in terror once, but to hear it over and over is a special kind of torture. Remember, Marius,” the young man flinched at another use of his name, but remained facing the screen. Vyn placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “You’re not the only one who cares for Y/N.”
At last, Vyn pulled lightly on Marius’ shaking shoulder so the young man would face him. Hearing your name after so long, especially with the situation at hand, broke him. Marius let his tears flow freely, keeping his sobs to hiccups and whimpers in Vyn's ear as the psychologist pulled the younger man into his arms.
The others were surprised, having never seen Marius so vulnerable.
The young heir did not show up for work that day.
The team toiled day and night for around a week trying to find you. Marius, being less capable with computers, felt useless. He resorted to pulling strings from above, reaching through connections to identify the captor, the location, anything. Finally, they narrowed down the possible locations to just two dock warehouses. Luke needed to be onsite to figure out which location you were at, so the team split in half. Marius didn't listen to the decisions on who would go where, he simply started preparing his gear.
"King? You don't even know where you're going," Rosa said, concerned.
"I'm going south. I don't care who comes with me, but I know they're at the southern dock."
"Intuition, huh?"
"Something like that," he smiled. Rosa noticed his eyes were afraid, but opted not to comment on it.
Vyn took Rosa up north, just in case, but Luke trusted Marius' gut and went with him to confirm. Artem, being the sharpshooter of the group, joined the party heading south to provide extra cover.
Artem entered the driver's seat of one of the NXX's unregistered vehicles (provided, of course, by Marius), not trusting Marius' judgement enough to let him drive. Streets passed quickly, the commercial buildings shifting to the lesser-known outer edge of the city.
The more Marius let his mind run free while he sat in the backseat, the more his grip tightened on the firearm in his lap.
Upon arrival, Luke called Vyn to let him know your captor was indeed holed up at the southern location, in case he and Rosa could drive down and provide support. The detective put away his signal tracker and drew his gun, joining Artem and Marius in quietly traversing the yard. The tracker wasn't made for pinpointing an exact location, but it was precise enough for them to know you weren't being held in the warehouse, leaving the storage yard out back.
Artem and Luke were quietly conversing on comms, updating one another on any sectors cleared or noises heard. Marius was uncharacteristically quiet, only chiming in when he cleared his own sections. 
The process was slow, but it picked up speed all at once. Gunshots went off in Luke's section, prompting Marius to rush over. Upon arrival, the young CEO hesitated. He looked between your captor and the open container behind the man. Seeing the man who captured you, injured you… Marius saw red. However, hearing a muffled noise from within the storage container caused him to stay back, momentarily caught in the middle.
Artem came up on him from behind and noticed his dilemma.
"King! Luke has him engaged, get inside and help the hostage." The senior attorney's voice was authoritative, accompanied with a shove to the shoulder to snap Marius out of his stupor before Artem left to support Luke against his surprisingly competent adversary.
Marius rushed into the container, heart breaking upon seeing you scared of the shadow that appeared before you. You'd assumed you were being rescued due to the commotion outside, but gunfire isn't exactly the most comforting sound. Marius' voice, on the other hand, was the peace you needed to think clearly.
"Y/N, Y/N, babe, I'm so sorry this happened, I never thought being involved with you would make you a target," he rambled until he couldn't breathe, apologizing for every circumstance that led up to this and for every slight wince you made as he undid your bonds.
You hadn't even had the chance to get a word in, much less move, before he scooped you into his arms and sank to his knees, holding you against him like a lifeline.
"Ah, Marius, not there-" his arm was pressing on what you assumed was a broken rib, but he quickly adjusted and silently brought your face into his shoulder with his other arm. His own head mirrored yours, his whole body almost curling around you protectively.
He'd been taking shaky breaths the entire time, but now he was full-on sobbing into your neck. His arms kept adjusting to cling to you ever tighter as his tears wet your skin.
Luke and Artem had taken the man into custody by now and rushed in to check on Marius.
For a moment, they thought you might have been dead, what with how Marius was crying, but a defensive look from you quickly fixed that. In turn, your expression softened, gathering that they must have come with him to rescue you.
Artem and Luke had taken to gathering the hostile's equipment as evidence while they waited for Marius to have his moment. Speaking of, Marius had calmed over time and loosened his grip, but his breaths still shuddered.
"Marius," you said at last.
His head snapped up to look at you, eyes misty from hearing you say his name again after so long.
"Hey engi-dear." 
You laughed with him, heart equal parts light and heavy at the silly nickname he'd bestowed upon you.
"Thank you."
"What for? If I hadn't let myself get involved with you-"
You placed a finger over his lips. "I'd like to think the issue is that I wasn't with you, under your watchful gaze."
His watery smile lifted your spirits. Although you were still terrified from the experience, your love for the man before you was all you could think about.
"I missed you," he whispered. "And seeing you on that screen…" 
"Hey, I know. I'm pretty shaken up myself," you laughed lightly. "But," you cupped his tear-stained cheeks, "you still came. And you did save me, I can't see a better outcome than that."
"I never thought I'd say this, but now is not the time for banter."
"Thought I'd give it a shot, didn't know a few months were enough time to make a responsible man out of you."
His chest rumbled against yours in laughter as he lifted you from the ground, one arm supporting your legs around his waist and the other across your back, hand splayed to hold you upright.
He carried you to the entrance of the storage lot where two cars idled. The walk was quiet, both people needing a mental reprieve, until Marius broke the silence. 
"Hm, I know a wonderful psychologist to talk to about all this. Who knows, maybe he'll be able to cure your ill-timed humor."
"Mister Richter!" you exclaimed, seeing the professor himself over your shoulder.
His stern face lifted into one of relief, happy to see his former student alive and relatively well.
"Dearest Y/N, I'm so happy you're alright—" his gaze darkened as his eyes flicked over you, taking in your injuries. "It appears I spoke too soon. Let's get you a private physician, you don't need the hustle and bustle of a general care hospital after that."
Marius seemed to get impatient, hefting you up again with a little huff and pleading eyes.
Vyn smiled at the young man's irritation. "We'll discuss how regularly you'll meet with me to process the incident come next Wednesday," he smiled, walking off to his shared car where a young woman stood. She was unfamiliar to you, but waved with her own relieved smile nonetheless. 
A young man with brown hair and a windbreaker entered the car with Vyn and the woman, presumably for a bit more privacy with Marius. Your boyfriend placed you into the backseat with the utmost care before rounding the vehicle and entering on the other side while Artem started the car and prepared to drive you to a trusted doctor, Apothecary, an NXX sideliner.
You were thankful Artem was driving, in part because you'd met him briefly before, but mostly because you were able to spend the drive close to Marius. The entire ride was quiet, save for the sound of gentle kisses being pressed to the top of your head every so often. 
Healing was far from enjoyable, what with the lack of activity and regular pain. However, Marius' regular visits made it all the more bearable. He came as often as he could, even though he was using silence to avoid the elephant in the room. 
One day, well into his visit, you called his name. He turned to you, calling attention to his eyes. They'd been stormy since the rescue and you were confident you could guess why. Relationship stuff could wait, though. 
“I assume this is your ‘secret engagement’?”
He winced a bit, looked to the floor, and lifted his hand to soothingly rub at his own neck. “Yeah, yeah it is. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but I didn’t want to stress you out. It’s not the safest hobby, is it?”
“Of course it isn’t! But I can tell what you’re thinking, and my answer is no. I’d never have asked you to let the NXX go, what you’re doing is too important. Not only that, but being at Pax is a huge help and I realize why you were so adamant on keeping your position as CEO. Marius,” you grabbed his hand that laid on your bed, causing his gaze to flick over every movement of your fingers on his hand.. “I never should have pushed so hard. Regardless of your motivation, as your peer, as your... lover, I never should have presumed to know better than you. NXX aside, your reasons for sticking with Pax are valid, I just don’t want to see the other side of you crumble beneath the weight of a demanding company.”
“...I agree that the push to rethink my position could have been gentler, but you were ultimately right. You weren’t presuming, you did know better. I’ve tried and failed to find a better balance since I realized that, but… something’s missing. You’re missing.” His eyes met yours once more, purple hues gentle amongst his resolute expression. “Y/N, you brought something to my life that no amount of inspiration or... validation could ever match.” His hand moved from beneath your fingers to hold your hand in his, grip firm, but still loose enough to allow you to escape. “If you’ll allow it, I’d like to have you back in my life, in whatever way you’re willing.” He squeezed your hand, his eyes pleading.
You withdrew your hand from his, not missing his face falling. Quickly, before he could make any more assumptions, you lifted his warm hand to your cheek, turning to press a kiss to the heel of his palm. His eyes misted as you spoke, tenderly thumbing your cheek.
“Marius Von Hagen,” you whispered, “I’d be honored to come back into your life and resume my place as your lover. If you’ll allow it, of course.” 
He didn’t miss the teasing lilt behind your words. “Always making fun of me, eh, engineer?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond as the hand on your cheek pulled you in and Marius kissed you lightly. It was more breath than kiss, both parties feeling overwhelmed at the familiar feeling. However, that didn’t stop him from diving back in, pressing a flurry of kisses in varying lengths to your smiling lips. His lips slid over yours, pulling them in and releasing them seamlessly. His light, happy laughs echoed into the air between and around you both, mixing with the sounds of your own joy. He kissed you slowly, softly, deeply, absorbing all he’d been missing for the past months. Whatever Pax threw at him, whatever dangers arose, whatever stifled his creativity, he felt he could conquer it all with you by his side to pull him through.
Some time later, Marius was laying next to you, curled into your side. The quiet was comfortable, until you decided to break it. 
"You really should have told me about the NXX."
His face fell again, but you were right. "I know, there wasn't any real reason for keeping it from you-"
"So irresponsible, keeping things from your partner. You ought to be a better boyfriend," you chided, barely holding back your smile.
"Y/N! You had me worried! Again with the ill- timed humor, it's too soon to tease me!" His adorable pout was the only thing on your mind as you kissed him for the umpteenth time that night, relishing in his presence. 
Yes, he had a lot to figure out. But so did you, and it certainly felt better to work out the walks of life with someone you truly love by your side.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
I just got so excited because I saw that you were talking about Constellations by The Oh Hellos. Constellations is one of my all time favorite songs because the vibes are just. Beautiful. I've listened to a couple of their songs, but I remember that after I added it to my playlist I listened to it on the way to get new succulents. And then I found a pot with constellations all over it and I named the plant Nova. (Realizing that my url is very fitting.)
music is so much fun and it's always even more exhilarating to find someone that shares a similar interest. I feel like because music is so personal it feels too vulnerable to share with others, especially when it's a song that really resonates with us. Maybe that's why making playlists for your partner(s) or friends is so endearing to so many, because it's so vulnerable. That's you in song form! And you're just presenting it to them so casually and pretending like it isn't a piece of yourself you've placed in their hands to do with as they please. But that's not what you were asking about
I've had the song on repeat for the entire day its been since you sent this ask. Something about the composition of it just hnngg so good. My mind doesn't process lyrics great, so in all honesty I have no idea what the lyrics are talking about aside from the "constellations imploding in the night" and something about cymbals crashing. I'm sure it has a lovely meaning I just haven't looked up the lyrics so until I do I will simply be vibing
but there's something so appealing about songs where voices are overlapping like a choir. Don't get me wrong, music where there's only a few voices or just one that meld together and flow super smoothly are nice, too. But when they're all yelling together! And you can hear so many people at once all contributing to the same song! I think more songs should do this, so its always exciting to find one that has this element. Both choir-like vocals with music and without background music just give such good vibes.
I haven't listened to much more of their music aside from Soldier, Poet, King, but that one's a classic and I think everyone's heard it. That reminds me of a uquiz (linked) I took once where you were assigned one of those roles and I got the solider and I just sat there for a while like damn okay that's me to a tea but wow. Way to strip me bare and put me on display. This is wildly off topic hang on.
succulents! succulents are always good, though I've never named any of my plants. That does seem like something I would do, but alas, I have not. Perhaps it's because I'm so used to them being fleeting companions that I never bothered to solidify their presence. My mother is notorious for finding ways to kill the simplest of plants and my father never bothered with them, so I didn't grow up with them. Let's see if I can break that cycle and introduce some greenery (desert appropriate, of course) into this house now that I'm old enough to actually have that kind of responsibility. Oh also my sister doesn't seem to be great with them either, if her leaving the one plant she owns in a room she never enters and not doing anything with it ever (I don't even know if anyone's watering it but I do when I notice it needs it) is any indication. All the plants in this house depend on me but I have horrible object permanence and forget they exist because they aren't in rooms I'm in often!
I hope Nova is doing well, because plants are so good and I love them dearly. I understand the apparent affection of giving/being given flowers but whenever I see it I'm just like :(( but you could've given them a living plant instead :(((. I know it's not for everyone but it's a silly little pet peeve I have.
also yay fitting url!! I think mine kinda fits me. It's The Original url i gave myself on every site I've ever been on, so it's probably like 5 years old at this point. And honestly probably started on pinterest, as i think that's where I first joined the internet. Everything else came later and I carried it over. Though I have changed every url on every site but Tumblr because I went through that "omg what was I thinking with that name gotta rebrand" thing that a lot of people experience a few years into their internet experience, but ngl i've warmed up to it a lot again. And I am highkey considering changing everything (like pinterest, instagram, etc) back to bookwyrminspiration so everything will match and be all nice. Because I do like it! It's fun!! I don't know where I got the inspiration part of it but I know I specifically said wyrm because I like dragons and book because my presence on the internet centers around reading.
and your url is really nice as well. i don't know if theres any meaning behind it but I love stars and space in general so I have a fondness for space-themed names. I looked it up to see if its a quote or something and instead I found your ao3, which I'm only mentioning because I see you've posted something on November 26 and I'm...still in the 25th! So I thought that was humorous.
I have gotten so distracted this entire ask, but to summarize Constellation by The Oh Hellos is an excellent song and I will continue to play it until I am sick of it. it's such a good daydreaming song too!! Well, all songs are in some way, but this one feels extra good! big noises and several voices!! i love it so much
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z-iridest · 4 years
Musical Muse: A Yusuke Kitagawa x fem! Reader one shot
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Yusuke Kitagawa.... Most knew him as the former pupil of Madarame, the infamous artist who plagiarized the art of his students. But, to you, he was your best friend since middle school.... Scratch that, your boyfriend since you both entered high school. Though going to two different high schools, the two of you helped each other through slumps as much as possible. In fact, around summer, he told you about the Phantom Thieves and even introduced you to them. Ann and Makoto had easily accepted you into the group, Ryuji, Morgana and Ren all following their lead.
After 2 years, Yusuke and you were living together in an apartment building in Shibuya. You practiced your music while Yusuke often painted beside you. Though, around Valentine's Day in your third year of being together, he hit a slump and was rightly frustrated. Knowing how he could get, you had gently tugged him away from his work to relax, only allowing him his sketchbook and pencil as the two of you went out together. "Dear, where are we going? I have to finish that art piece..."
"Yuse, I love you, but you are not going to get anything done staring at a blank canvas. We're gonna have a picnic at our usual date spot, and I'm going to play for you." You held up the violin case you were carrying, the instrument Yusuke knew was your favorite. He interlaced your fingers with his, trusting you as he always did. The two of you ate together while he looked for inspiration. After having your fill of the food you had prepared, Yusuke grunted, laying on his back as he watched the stars appeared in the sky.
"It's no use, my love. I cannot find inspiration anywhere I look." Yusuke groaned, making you giggle and move so you were above him, looking into the grey eyes you loved so much.
"Then maybe it's time you stop looking and start listening." You replied with a smile. His grey eyes blinked in confusion before he moved a piece of h/c hair out of your face.
"I'm not sure I follow, my beloved." Yusuke told you.
"What I mean is, I'm about to help you rise out of your slump. Now, come on, sit up." You took his hands and helped him sit up, though not without him kissing the back of both your hands in princely fashion. "I'm going to challenge you to do something you've never done before, Yuse. I want to close your eyes as I play, let your mind paint the picture for you. When I'm done, transfer the image in your mind to the page."
"Interesting... You're basically going to show me a new way of inspiration." Yusuke summarized, gaining a nod of agreement from you before you moved to your violin case. Your s/c fingers lifted the latches and opened the lid. Inside was the violin you had had since you were a child.
"I'm not sure if I ever told you about why the violin is my favorite.... Have I?" You asked, peering over your shoulder to find your boyfriend watching your frame closely. He shook his head.
"I don't believe you have, my darling." Yusuke answered, causing you to smile.
"It's simple. Just as many pieces of music have different emotions behind them, the violin can be played to express them all, from Happiness to Sadness, from pain to love... The list goes on." You told him before moving to his side once more to steal a kiss from him. His hand gently held your cheek, keeping his lips against your own for a moment longer than you had intended, but the kiss was sweet nonetheless. You smiled before standing to your feet, backing up a bit before getting into position to play your violin. With a deep breath, you began to play, noticing how your boyfriend had closed his eyes with the first note. You closed your own eyes as you played, conveying your emotions in the piece.....
By the final note, the both of you opened your eyes at the same time and locked onto each other, sharing a smile between you. Yusuke had that spark of passion in his eyes once more. After rising to kiss you in thanks, he sketched what he had seen in his mind. But.... Oddly enough, he wouldn't let you see it until the exhibition he had submitted it to. He had insisted that you go with him on Opening Night, so there you were, and when he finally showed you the piece....
Your breath was taken away. It was a portrait of you playing, but he had painted you in a way that seemed like the music you were playing was magical. Your eyes were opened in the portrait, as if you were looking at him with a loving look in your eyes. He wrapped his arm around you, holding you close as you laid your head on his shoulder. "The love in your eyes is what I felt listening to you play. The song you played held sadness, but I noticed that it turned to love and happiness at some point in the song.... I felt like you had written that composition just for me, my muse, that the song was about us. I wished to capture the beauty of the music in the painting as a thank you for always being by my side, and for making me the happiest man alive in doing so. I love you." You smiled up at him, sharing a kiss with him.
"And I love you, Yusuke Kitagawa." You told him before gazing at his newest masterpiece together.
(A Persona 5 one shot, send requests to my inbox for more)
@vivinightingale , it's an idea I've had for a while now, so I hope you enjoyed it most of all ^.^
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