#but Lucifer takes pity on him anyways
demonictacobeard · 7 months
Lucifer dragging Adam into the hotel, a month after he became a sinner, by the back of his shirt: It was funny at first, but when you get killed the 30th time it’s just bad for the fallen Angel brand
Adam, his ears flat against his skull: Fuck your brand, it’s already gone to shit with you as the representative. Do you really think your kid is going to let me in there after everything I did to her family of sinners, and try to save my wretched soul
Lucifer: I don’t know why you’re putting quotation marks around that, you summed up your soul very well to me. But I know Charlie will take you in, because she believes in second chances
Adam: I don’t know how when she was raised by you. Bitch do you even believe in this crap?
Lucifer: Not at first, but she changed my mind. I believe in her. And she was right! She did it, a sinner was redeemed into heaven. That snake sinner you killed is now causing mass molting in heaven because the angels are having a crisis of faith
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
I've never sent a request before, but I'm fiending for more adam, like anything, anything at all
Benefit of the doubt
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Angst(?), Not exactly fluff at the end but it gets better, typical Adam TW’s, reader low-key high-key has a complex about being loved, this is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader. (Also Y/n isn’t used, which also surprised me, the author, LMAO)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1760
A/N: Hi! Thanks for the request! I haven’t had a chance to write something that was originally my own idea in a while, so this was very refreshing! I’ve had this idea since I’ve watched the show so I hope you enjoy it!
I’m entirely up for making a small series from this oneshot, but I would need to know y’all’s opinion on it! (So don’t feel scared to let me know if you want some more of this idea in my Request box/the replies on this post!!)
Also Adam may be slightly OOC but please just chalk it up to him not yet getting his ego’s dick sucked 24/7
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, let me know if you do!
Proofread but of course could have left mistakes!
You’ve existed for almost all of human existence, Almost.
You were the 4th being to be created during the time of Eden. But unlike the other 3, you weren’t human. In fact, you technically never lived before. An honestly hopeless existence, yet it was so beautiful in every way. But for what purpose? Well…
You were created shortly after Eve ate the apple, before she and eventually Adam committed the first act of sin that caused evil to latch onto humanity like a leech.
The reason for your existence was simple. To be Adam’s new spouse, except for when after he died. From the very moment Eve bit the fruit of temptation, it was already decided she would hold no place in heaven. Adam was given mercy due to him not possessing any knowledge of the fruit Eve had shared with him, he trusted her wholeheartedly. Which is exactly why heaven gave him mercy… no, pity would be a better choice of words.
Upon your creation you learned immediately of the happenings before your existence. About Lilith and Eve, and about Lucifer
And so, after Adam and Eve were casted away from the Garden, they continued to live their lives, fostering the existence of mankind for the rest of time. And when they eventually died, Adam was given pity while Eve was thrown to the wayside, the vast unknown.
You thought it was finally your time to experience existence with the one you loved, the one you were made for. Of course you never would know life as he did but surely your life never-after life could be just as meaningful as his.
How excited you were, how completely enamored by the thought of it. But there was a problem with that, Adam had grown into a new person, he was meant to of course, he was human. But he had grown selfish, abhorrent… insecure.
You understood why, to be betrayed by not one but two of his wives for the same person. You couldn’t possibly imagine what he could be feeling. Before you were to meet your future husband, Sera informed you that he had asked for a mask, and once on, he has refused to take it off.
That didn’t bother you, it’s irrelevant to your love for him. You've only heard descriptions of his features. Short Brown hair, gold eyes, bushy eyebrows, some scruff on his chin. All in all, he sounded perfectly fine, ordinary even. But even then it’s his choice to wear the mask, so you’ll respect it.
Finally, the time he arrived in heaven, and when Sera finally introduced you, his new spouse, the one to whom would be by his side for the rest of forever.
He rejected you outright.
“What?” Your breath hitched as you stuttered over the word, the sharp inhale of your lungs through your mouth flicked through the air.
Sera looked just as shocked as you but she quickly regained her composure “What is the meaning of this Adam?”
“If you think I’m going to let my life get fucked over by another one of your “gifts” well, you’ve got another thing coming!” He crossed his arms and shook his head defyingly. “I’ve already learned my lesson with those last 2 bitches.”
“Adam I’m sorry that happened to you but I would never-“ almost like lightning his finger shot to your mouth, shushing you.
“Save it, Sweetcheeks, I really don’t care what you have to say, so just stay there and look pretty, k?” His hand fell and grabbed the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks together, his LED mask flashing a sharp smile.
You saddeningly looked down at the clouds below you.
“Adam!” Sera’s voice sounded through the air, still soft but firm, she continued, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Divine judgment allowed you to be the first human soul in heaven, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I expect you to give your new spouse that same grace.”
Slowly your eyes looked up at Sera with a soft smile. Adam only groaned “Ugh, Fine but don’t be fuxking annoying, capiche?” You nod your head quickly.
“Very good, glad we have it settled.” Sera gives a quick smile, “now, I have some business to take care of so I’ll leave you two alone to get to know one another” With that, Sera flew away leaving the both of you alone.
The silence was thick in the air, the only sound being the occasional wind breeze blowing past. The sunlight creeps in through the clouds painting an orange sky above you both. In every sense of the word, it was perfect.
It was almost funny. You had waited so long to finally meet him, your true love, the one you were made for. All the things you dreamed about, the laughs you’d have together, the warm embrace of the person who you loved. But now… you didn’t know what to say…
“I’m… happy to finally meet you.” Your voice is quiet, almost non-audible. “I’ve been waiting for you since… well, forever…”
He doesn’t respond. He seems to be transfixed on something below you both. You train your eyes on whatever he’s watching only to see the dark cavernous abyss below you. Finally he breaks his silence.
“The fuck is that?” He asked pointing down, a sound of genuine intrigue hidden behind his abrasive voice
“That’s hell?” You stated confused “where would-be sinners will go to be punished, didnt you k-“ you suddenly realized that perhaps Adam really didn’t know what hell was. It was only created relatively recently, after Eve and Him ate the apple, of course he wouldn’t know. “it’s also where Lucifer-“
“Don’t fucking say his name.” Adam spoke, his voice rough in his speech. LED mask putting a harsh frown on his face. “Let’s get one thing straight M”Kay babe, if you’re my “new spouse” that’s something you should remember.” The “new spouse” was said with a tone clearly meant to mock you.
“Ugh, It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” He groaned before a wicked smile crept onto his mask “Sooo, that means he’s going to be stuck with all the wasteful beings of existence, HA fuxkin’ hilarious. Guess that makes them the losers and us the Winners!”
His laugh filled the air, the sound was like music to your ears, sure maybe it wasn’t really what you’d hoped he’d fine funny, but you loved it all the same but eventually his laugh died down
Silence again… in admits of all of it you suddenly was sparked with a thought “oh!” Adam looked confused at the random exclamation. “I had almost forgotten… I brought you something, as a welcome gift or was it a nice to meet you gift? Both? Eh, it doesn’t matter but the point is-“ you suddenly snap your fingers.
Golden light began shining, the light seemed like liquid hot magma as it moved and molded slowly into a shape. Light seemed to be overlapping and churning into itself, forming your desired outcome. With one final snap of your fingers, the gleaming gold liquid took hold, and quickly hardened to a solid.
The object that had formed quickly fell down, landing in your arms with a light thud.
“I’m still learning this creation stuff, so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect but-“ you hold out the object in your arms as an invitation to grab it “I learned from Sera that you liked to play guitar when you were alive, so I thought you might like to have one here…”
Adam looked at the instrument in your hands. The base color was gold, the neck was pearly white with gold strings. To be honest it looked more like a harp then anything, like if a guitar and a harp had a baby.
Silence again. Did he not like it? Did he hate it? You go to pull it back to you and apologize when suddenly it’s ripped out from your hands.
“Holyshit, this is sick as Fuck!” Adam immediately started playing some rifts on the new guitar. The sound wasn’t what you were expecting but you guess Sera was right about his talent with the instrument. The whole time his mask had a wide and sharp smile as he mimicked guitar sounds with his voice, the occasional laugh leaving his mouth.
“I’m really glad you like it” you say, a sigh of relief leaving your body.
Adam looked at you, one you missed. He saw how relieved you were, how nice you were being. No person who supposedly loved him ever gifted him something, well, one other did. Someone he trusted and loved more than everyone, anyone. But look how that ended, with them being removed from the garden, away from an eternity of happiness until he died. All from someone giving him what he thought was nothing but love, a gift.
But he could see that this was different, you were different. When Eve gave him the apple, she didn’t explain what it was or why she wanted him to eat it, even when he asked her she didn’t explain. But with you, you had not only given him something you knew he liked but also expressed the reason behind it. Yes, you were different, even Adam could see it.
“Anyways, thanks for the axe, I guess…” Adam for the first time was stunned, but quickly he continued “What was the thing that Sera chick said about me and “divine judgment” or whatever the fuck? That she gave me the “benefit of the doubt…”
You were a bit confused but continued listening, “I guess I should at least try to give you a chance, since you got me this sick ass guitar an’ shit.” Your face lit up, you about began to speak before you were, once again, shushed “B-B-But-” his finger tapped your lips with each repeated syllable ”-only a chance. If you betray me like those last 2 bitches then you’re done, got it?”
To say you were overjoyed would be an understatement, a smile quickly plastered across your face as you quickly nodded your head
“Alright good, so uh, what do ya say about showing me the best places to get a bite to eat around here, I could really go for some ribs right about now.”
“ I’d… love to, thank you Adam”
“Yeah don’t mention it Sweetcheeks” Adam quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you two began walking.
Maybe you will get your eternity of happiness.you can only pray you do.
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keikakudom · 6 months
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I decided to make a HH AU cause...y'know....anyway.... now introducing
Reset Resort! A Hotelier Vox AU
- you already know, it's a hotel Vox AU.....but not quite what you're thinking. Kind of a swap between Alastor and Vox, it focuses on the butterfly effects of this single change, rather than a full reversal.
- Most things are kinda(?) the same. Except the hotel is not as run-down and quite more successful. As if S1’s hotel started with S2's reputation and building. It's also more modern/sleek and closer to your typical strip hotel.  Much more busy with additional residents coming in and out. Think Vegas-style. It has way too many amenities than necessary, and it's actually an enjoyable place to hang out , but the message for "redemption" might be a bit....lost.
- It’s supposed to be a place where Sinners can (lightly) indulge in their vices without risk of falling into a soul-binding deal on their road to recovery.
- In this AU, movement between Sinners/Winners has been proven. NOT redemption yet. With this “concrete” evidence, Vox considers it "purely a business investment" to sponsor the hotel.
- Because of this "proof", Heaven has granted Hell/Charlie a grace period of an extra year with no exterminations, so long as they continue to monitor the process and Hell provides further progress and evidence of redemption.
Vox is there for the start up of the hotel with Charlie. He sponsors her project with his reach and expertise. His personality is much more subdued, his TV persona taking center stage, except for rare occasions. His temper is not as bad as in-canon. AKA, he’s much more fake and corny in this AU.
Charlie is slightly more mature and realistic in this AU. She studies redemption seriously and notes behavioral patterns/is much more patient and careful with the process. With Vox being extremely efficient and taking over the managerial/facility side of the resort, she is able to dedicate her time fully towards the redemption of sinners and being a therapist. She is still overzealous sometimes because she knows that if nobody else will show enthusiasm/push sinners to do better, then nobody will.
- Vox tried to manipulate Charlie very early on when they first met, and Charlie ended up realizing his kindness was just for his own benefit and has been wary of that fact ever since.
- Their relationship is like: she knows he’s reliable and will do everything she asks, but is doubtful/sad that he’s ingenuine. Vox thinks Charlie looks at him with pity and absolutely HATES it, but he still plays carefully so he can do a repeat and build up her trust again. Doesn't like Vaggie for a similar reason. They just think he's another misguided sinner in need. Neither have fully grasped the idea that most Sinners chose to do-evil(which he certainly has). 
- Vox holds a contract with Lucifer. What for? Well... let's say that they're on good terms and are friends. They meet with each other once a week (where Lucifer gets social interaction and updates on Charlie). 
I already have sketches for Alastor and Vaggie planned out in this AU~
It's less of a full "reversal" and more so one swap and the butterfly effect that follows. This AU has been my brainchild for a few weeks, so PLEASEEE I'd love to answer any questions or asks....
My AU tag is #au: reset resort
All information can be found under there! Until I make a masterpost or something.
Old design under the cut:
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temis-de-leon · 1 month
Gn!MC with chronic joint pain
Characters: Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor (x reader, separately, could be read as romantic or platonic)
Main Masterlist
Anon request: Could I request the brothers with a gn!MC with chronic joint pain? Sure, medicine makes it feel better when they take it, but it never 100% goes away and the meds aren't without side effects. On a good day, they can function relatively normally even if they do certain things at a slower pace. However, on a bad day, they can hardly get out of bed or do basic tasks (brush their teeth, lift a coffee cup, use a hand towel, etc) without difficulty, and require a fair amount of support when flare ups happen
A/N: I'm pretty sure Google thinks I'm the one with chronic pain
Although he’s the one who spends time with you the most, it took an embarrassingly long time to notice how significant your winces and fatigue were. After all, his initial belief was that humans were naturally weak.
He thought he understood why you stayed too long in bed from time to time or why your brows would frown when you grabbed your backpack if it was especially heavy some days.
You’d say you couldn’t help it whenever he teased and of course, you talked with frustration each of those times, so he learnt to ignore it; just like you tried to do.
Then came the day when he crushed you in the hallway while running away from Lucifer. The only thing he could do before both of you fell to the ground was twist your body so he could act as a cushion, but even that wasn’t enough.
You started to complain before he had the chance to ask for payment for his ‘sacrifice’, but it wasn’t just words or berating; Lucifer was already doing plenty of that.
It was a mix of gasps and moans of pain that stopped both brothers in their tracks.
The only reason why the eldest didn’t obliterate the younger demon on the spot was because the guilt was already eating him alive.
He helps you with no asking needed, carrying your backpack to and from school, helping you put on your coat or making you breakfast, although it’ll most likely be burnt.
He’ll stop if it makes you feel useless or incapacitated on days when you are mostly okay, but if you’re barely able to lift your head off the pillow, you can bet all your money he’s laying right next to you ready to make you some company, even in silence.
It will take him some time, but, eventually, you will have his undying support.
Being as distracted as he is, with his eyes glued to a screen most of the day, wasn’t an excuse for him to ignore all the pill bottles in your bathroom cabinet or the way you sometimes couldn’t keep up with him when he was excited and walking too fast.
He feels like a horrible friend when you tell him. He should’ve known!
You will have to explain the whole situation to him in the comfort of his room, moments after he requests your presence for the testing of an arcade shooting game that will, for sure, make your arms sore for the next few days.
Although you assure him you can still play, just not for excruciatingly long periods and on lower difficulty, he still feels like he failed you in some way.
Sharing his interests with you will never be enjoyable as long as it has the possibility of causing you pain.
Fortunately, he knows countless games where long-range movements are not required and you can have fun anyway: visual and choice-based novels, turn-based RPGs, social simulation games…
He especially likes the choice-based ones. From your views on morality to romance and friendship, each important interaction with the characters or the lore helps him know you more and more as the game progresses.
It doesn’t stop there, though.
He will also try, not so subtly, to find games, shows, comics and manga where you can relate to the main character in one way or another.
It could be seen as pity, but that isn’t his intention at all. You should enjoy the media you interact with! Either heroes or villains or something in between, you should have someone you can understand on the screen or paper.
Since observing you and everything related to you is an enjoyable pastime of his, it doesn’t take him long before he figures out your medication schedule. At first his beauty-driven mind thinks your pills are vitamin supplements, but then he notices the headaches, the stomach issues and the exhaustion; no doubt side effects.
It is on one of your worst days when he knocks on your door asking to spend the evening together. The only thing you can do to greet him is throw a weak peace sign from beneath the blankets and that’s when he pouts and frowns in worry.
He hopes you trust him enough to talk about it in case you want to keep it a secret and, if not, why would he treat it like a taboo subject?
He may be the only one who straight-up asks with absolute normality.
Changes are not noticeable at first seeing that he already liked being around you and dotting on you before knowing anything, but rest assured he will be there if you ever need him.
On days when you feel like you can’t take care of yourself, the only thing you have to do is send him a message.
Whatever you need, he will do.
From drawing a bath so you don’t have to stand up while holding the shower head to applying dry shampoo on your hair so you don’t get out of bed at all. He will also do your skincare routine and even your makeup if you're up to it; brush your teeth and your hair and organize your room while mindlessly chatting with you.
His favourite shared activity is painting your nails since you don’t have to move at all and you still enjoy each other’s company.
The rest of the brothers need to remind him from time to time that you aren’t a doll for him to dress, but he won’t ever do something that makes you uncomfortable in any way.
He doesn’t really notice until it comes up naturally in conversation.
You’re both in the kitchen, getting a snack to hold on until everyone is ready for dinner, and he starts talking about a new workout plan he is following in the gym. A famous bodybuilder posted it on his Devilgram account and he was too curious not to give it a shot.
Although he can do it on his own, he likes to spend time with you, so he innocently asks if you want to go with him someday and try it, even if it’s a watered-down beginner version.
It’s not like you can’t go to the gym, but the number of exercises you feel like you can do is limited and you need to be mindful while doing all of them. Hell, even at home you need to be careful with some of your movements, doing simple chores like making your bed or washing the dishes.
You remind him how you cook too, usually doing one-pot meals and trying to use your body as little as possible; there are human influencers (highly recommend) that show specific tricks to make cooking easier for people like you, after all.
Luckily, he understands immediately, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to give up.
Unbeknownst to you, he researches specialized exercises and routines, as well as food, made to alleviate pain and strengthen your weakest points.
It isn’t a definitive solution, and certainly not the best, but it’s the thought that counts and he’s genuinely trying to make your life more comfortable and pleasant; not so draining.
He won’t push if you decline his offers and options (he’ll never force you to do anything, even if it benefits you), but will be extremely happy if you accept.
He never asks, but you never have to tell him either, he just knows.
Your pain reflects in the way you move and live your day-to-day life, slower than the rest of them and always taking precautions, medicating yourself periodically even if sometimes that isn’t enough.
All of them have dinner in your room when you’re feeling way worse than usual and each time his memories can’t help but go back to that fateful evening in the attic.
He willingly and excitedly caused you abysmal pain back then, but he doesn’t want to imagine how underestimated his measurements are.
You suffered, yes, but all of that happened in the past.
Asking you what exactly hurts and what makes it worse won’t help his guilt at all.
Now that he can help you, he won’t do anything but.
Being who he is and liking what he likes, he has a trustworthy list of mattresses and pillows that he doesn’t hesitate to share with you.
He knows better than anybody else what a well-rested body can do to the mind and, although it may not help much, he insists you try at least once.
Going shopping for something like this and doing it with him is a double-edged sword; while he couldn’t be a better critic, there’s also the possibility of him falling asleep on one of the mattresses on display.
And you know perfectly well you aren’t going to be the one dragging him back home, so inviting Beel as well is always the best choice; especially since you can hang out after shopping knowing that you will have your purchase delivered.
If you still feel like you aren’t getting any rest, he will use a little bit of his magic to make you fall asleep more easily without waking up in discomfort.
Taglist: @hatchers-hoard @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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scekrex · 6 months
I shall greet you with a good morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night/midnight.I hope this pity request of mine shall be noticed or seen at once
I just wonder how about a angel reader that helps during the creation of Eden like when Adam was created Reader couldn't help but befriended with the poor lonely mortal every day and every moment he has and the creator likes seeing that his angel is accompanying his first mortal creation while he was making the soulmate of the insignificant mortal who keeps talking about different that is seen around the garden of Eden they even named animals but i must remind you that this time Adam was still a kind soul and Lucifer on the other hand was quite jealous on the mortal and angel(reader) interaction since he's been admiring reader for such a long time so timeskip when both of Adams spouses left him there is his only friend angel hugging him comforting him and ended up sleeping together
-i hope this wasn't much of a bother to you dear writer and be careful have a long life always take care of your health!who knows who your death might be anywhere near anyways i highly appreciate that this pity request of mine reached your attention so this is where I shall end my poetic request your fan:P
By sleeping together I assume you meant physically sleeping and not sex - if I misunderstood let me know. ALSO MOM WAKE UP I HAVE A FAN HOLY SHIT dzcuehcz
Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language & angst
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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If you were to be asked how existence was before god had created Adam, you weren’t to respond with ‘boring’, because it never had been boring. But with Adam created, it was much more entertaining, that was for sure.
The creatures Adam had started to call ‘animals’ at some point had been cute and entertaining, they had been fun to observe and figure out, the ones with fur were so soft to pet. And yet the human that lived in Eden was far more interesting - how could he not be? Adam, as he had been named, was a kind one. And you were proud to say that you had been the first of the angels to interact with him. You visited the human every day, spent the time with him when God’s tasks ran out - after the first time meeting Adam that had happened a lot. Father had made it clear that he liked the bond that slowly formed between the both of you. Yes, Lucifer was his favorite but that didn’t mean he hated all his other children, he even encouraged you to interact with the creative human he had created, to support him and keep him company.
Adam was quite the sight, he was not only very handsome, he was also a charmer. The brunette human was attentive, he was quick to notice and compliment even the smallest changes of your appearance. You had put in some extra effort to clean your feathered wings? The first man was there to tell you how glorious your wings were looking. Your hair was looking a little messier than usual? Adam would make sure you were doing okay and that your messy hair didn’t mean you were stressed. God had created Adam after his very own image and it showed, the man was the definition of kindness and pureness and you adored him for that.
The sun was shining down on you, providing comfortable warmth for you, the human and all of God’s other creations. Lucifer’s curious eyes were observing your interaction with the human from a nearby tree. You were laying in the grass, Adam’s head was resting on your chest and he was as relaxed as he could be when he pointed to a little creature with beautiful wings that landed on your nose, “Look Y/N, a butterfly.” You chuckled softly at his casual way of naming the new found creature that would now be called butterfly. “Its wings look almost as beautiful as yours,” the brunette added with a soft hum and watched as the newly named creation flew away. One of mentioned wings came up to caress his cheek, the softness of your feathers against his skin made Adam close his eyes in comfort. “You’re such a charmer, Adam,” you offered the first and so far only human your warmest smile. The tall brunette hummed, “I am just stating how things are, it only makes sense for God’s children to look beautiful.” Your hand gently pushed some of his thick brown hair out of his face, “Is that the reason for your divine looks?”
Adam opened his eyes to look at you, his brown eyes provided just as much warmth as the sun, that you were sure about. Because whenever the first man looked at you, you couldn’t help but feel adored and appreciated and those feelings made your body feel warm and fuzzy.
Lucifer didn’t like the closeness the both of you shared, he didn’t understand why you took such a liking to the first human at all. He was a mortal, a thing created to fill the place God had created, he was just one out of many creations and he surely wouldn’t remain the only of his kind for very long, Father had made plans to create a partner for Adam after all. Why couldn't it be Lucifer resting on your chest as you enjoyed the beauty Father had created? Why Adam?
Lucifer would never understand what the brunette had to offer that he hadn’t. There was a reason why he was Father’s favorite after all. And yet you were petting Adam’s hair and not Lucifer’s. Yet you rather spent your days roaming around Eden with the first human instead of spending your days behind heaven’s holy gates with Lucifer. It bothered the angel, it bothered him very much.
When the sun set and night rolled around, Lucifer took off and went back to heaven, you however stayed in Eden with Adam. “You see the little sparkles surrounded by darkness? Those are stars,” Adam mumbled, his eyes were falling shut again and again and yet the mortal refused to go to sleep. Why sleep when he could enjoy your company a little longer? “Yeah,” you hummend, “Why so?” The brunette shrugged, “It feels right to call them that, they glow even though darkness surrounds them constantly, they bring dimension to the dark night sky and yet they don’t shine bright enough to hurt your eyes, they feel comfortable just like the word ‘star’ does.” And that made sense, you guessed. Father had given Adam the task to name things and the first human was doing a great job so far. “You are a star too, Y/N,” he then added and you looked at him, his head still resting on your chest. Your wings came up to wrap around the human, providing warmth the sun couldn’t since it had set a while ago. “Because I shine in the dark?” You were referring to the white feathers of your wings that looked like they were glowing in the dark just like the stars were. Adam though shook his head, “No, because you feel comfortable.”
Adam didn’t remain alone for very long and while that caused your visits to reduce since he now had proper company, it didn’t shrink the bond you two had built, you remained just as close as before. But with more time that you spent in heaven, the more you realized Lucifer’s odd behavior towards you and the grudge he seemed to hold against Adam for no reason at all. “I simply do not like you spending so much time around the human, “ the blonde angel spoke, his words were sour and his body language only underlined the honesty of his spoken words. “He was not created for our entertainment.” You however simply shook your head lightly, “Father said he appreciates me spending time with Adam, he thinks it’s a good influence and while Lilith was made from him for him, Father sees no problem in me continuing my visits, he even encourages them. I understand that you are worried, Lucifer,” you rested your hand gently on his shoulder, “But Adam and I get along really well.”
But oh how things took a bad turn, no one had expected Lilith to turn down Adam and seek comfort in Lucifer and neither did anyone expect Eve to eat the apple and leave Adam just like Lilith had done before.
As soon as you heard the news you made your way down to Eden to look for the brunette first human. You found him near a lake, your lake to be exact, Adam had named that one lake after you because it was the place you and him spent most of your nights. It was surrounded by trees and yet it offered a perfectly clear view of the sky. A family of ducks lived near that lake and given that those ducks had feathers that reminded him of your wings - one of them was a purely white duck - he had named this spot after you. So it was obvious he would seek comfort at your spot. “Adam,” your soft voice made him look up, you stood next to where he was sitting, tears were standing in his eyes and his cheeks were red - so were his puffy eyes. You sat down next to the lonely human, carefully lifted him in your lap and pulled him in a tight hug, your wings wrapped around the human's body in comfort. Adam clearly needed some comfort. “I heard, I’m so sorry.” The human remained silent, he hadn’t had the strength to talk about what had happened and you understood, it must be very hard to lose the one that had been created for him and only him twice in a row. “I will stay for as long as you need me,” you whispered as you gently patted his back on slow motions. The poor soul was hurt so badly that you were able to feel the damage that had been caused by both of his women turning against him. “For the night?” he asked with a broken voice as tears leaked from his eyes, you nodded. “For the night, “ you assured him, “And for the following day as well, if you wish so.” His fingers dug into your robe, he held onto you as if he was afraid to lose you too and given the situation you understood.
The first man must have been quite exhausted from all the crying he had done because it didn’t take the brunette very long to fall asleep in your arms, and you stayed. You stayed at Eden for an entire week, and you only left after that week because Father had asked to speak with you. Adam was left with your promise to come back and that promise you fulfilled when you returned to him only a few hours later. From then on the human refused to let you leave for very long, he was too afraid you would turn against him as well, but how could you when he was the most perfect thing Father had ever created? No. You would keep him from more damage, guide his soul until he was ready to join you in heaven. And with Fathers blessing, that was your task for the following years.
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denpa-dere · 11 months
prompt 10 for luci!!!
Prompt: “What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” with Lucifer
Warnings: Alcohol/Drinking
Okay, so, maybe you two had formed the bad habit of egging each other on. Not that he'd ever admit to letting anyone, let alone some little human, get under his skin and sway his judgment. No. He was Lucifer, first-born of the seven lords of hell and Avatar of Pride. As the prince's right hand, he had an image to uphold, always. 
But between you and the prince's foolish encouragement, he was drunk.
The evening had gotten away from the lot of you, having fun and drinking on Lord Diavolo's dime in celebration of another RAD project successfully brought to completion. As the night drew on and the crowd thinned, some of the other demon brothers with weaker constitutions trickled out of the upscale bar, heading for home. You waved off Beel (saddled with an unconscious Belphie) when he offered to walk you back to the House of Lamentation. You could handle yourself, you reassured him. 
Besides, it was rare to see Lucifer in such fine form: disheveled, face flushed, laughing raucously. He slouched over the bar, covering his face with one hand, trying to compose himself, and it was so- for lack of a better word- human that it made your heart swell. 
You excused yourself for a quick trip to the restroom, wanting to collect yourself before seeing what else the night had in store. Fairly drunk yourself, you started to psych yourself up. Yes, obviously between Diavolo and Barbatos, Lucifer would get home safely no matter what state he was in. But you wanted to be the one to take him home. The thought of speaking alone with a more loose-lipped, candid version of him excited you a little too much. 
You caught your reflection in the mirror and paused, dismayed. Maybe it was the harsh bathroom lighting, but you looked tired, older than your years. A cold weight settled in your stomach. You adjusted your hair and tried to shake off your sudden burst of insecurity. You were thinking too hard. 
You had been gone for just a moment, but returned to find your seat at the bar taken by a beautiful demon. Even after all this time, the natural beauty of most demons still sometimes stunned you. The demon leaned in close, speaking to a very animated Lucifer and laughing coquettishly as he described something you couldn’t quite hear. You felt the air punched out of your lungs and numbly made your way over to gather your things. 
"Hey, it's getting late, I'm going to head back," You said, throat dry but still smiling. Only Barbatos seemed to hear you. You bid him farewell and made your escape. 
You felt stupid. How arrogant were you, anyway? You may be friends, you may live under the same roof, but you were still just you. 
You heard your name called and turned, squinting in the darkness. It didn't take long for Lucifer to catch up with you. 
"Why didn't you say you were leaving? You shouldn't be walking alone this late," He scolded you. 
"I did," You replied with a thin-lipped smile, "You were busy."
He racked his brain for a moment and then chuckled, "Ah, that. I swear, I can never find a moment's peace."
“You seemed like you were having a good time,” You mused, continuing your walk home, “You should have stayed.”
You obliged, letting him turn you to face him. Maybe it was the alcohol, but tears were beginning to prick the corners of your eyes. He regarded you with an expression you couldn’t quite place- pity? That was your uncharitable interpretation, anyway.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked, sounding somewhat offended, “Do you have better things to do than stand to be in my company?”
You clicked your tongue. Of course he would go there.
“No, Lucifer,” You sighed, feeling too raw to argue, “That’s not… I didn’t want to intrude if you were, you know, feeling a connection or something.”
Awkward and ineloquent. Nice. You could feel him staring into the side of your head but refused to look up. Your face burned. This wasn’t going how you had hoped. You sped up a bit, wanting to be home and done with it, already. You could sleep it off and pretend this didn’t happen, that he didn’t just see how transparently you were wounded.
Lucifer blatantly bit back a laugh and you bristled at his condescension. Whatever you thought was between the two of you had never been spoken aloud. It now laid vulnerable and dangling in front of your face, and he was laughing at you. Perhaps wishful thinking had caused you to misinterpret things. That cold weight in your stomach grew heavier.
“Is that- are you jealous?” He asked, incredulous. You didn’t reply, keeping your gaze straight ahead. His eyes widened.
“You are,” He said, reaching for your hand but catching the sleeve of your coat, “Stop, stop, stop.”
“You forget yourself,” He said, a bit more sober than before, “And our pact. You are mine, does that mean nothing to you?”
Fuck, now you were crying. This pressure was too much, the dam was about to burst.
“It means everything to me,” You choked out.
He took both of your freezing hands in his, “I have been around for a very long time,” He said, as if soothing a child, “You are the only human I have ever made a pact with. The only one I have ever trusted with that sort of power-”
You huffed, “I’m not talking about pacts.”
“I know that,” Lucifer said, silently pleading you would not have him elaborate. Not here, in some cold, dingy street. Not now, too drunk to give you the confession you deserved, “But what part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?”
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hazbinhotel-bitch · 8 months
The Day They Met: Alastor x (Name)
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(Name) was in front of this rundown Hotel that was sad looking in her own personal opinion; sad in the sense that this was meant to be owned by Lucifer's daughter, Charlie Morningstar. The over all consensus to a lot of demons and sinners not many took Charlie serious due to unusual kindhearted nature that she always had. (Name) was here to see if this place was worth trashing down with her articles that so many people bought or to just leave it alone and let nature takes it course. In all honesty she though this concept of allowing sinners and demon a second chance was a rather interesting concept, refreshing really, and she was interested to seeing if the cause would even work down in hell. Demons are not easy to convince especially those who have been here for decades an dare so accustomed to their evil doings, that the idea of being redeem are useless. Although (Name) is considered a newer demon with a mortal soul.
(Name) knocked on the door waiting at door inspecting her claws as she waited. She could hear the sound of yelling and glass smashing and a bomb going off. To say the least the first impressions was not look good; it was starting to look like this place was a lost cause for sure. The door opened wide to see a disheveled demoness with a forced smile.
"H-Hi! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, the hotel to the road of redemption" The blonde demoness attempted to sound happy.
(Name) stood there with a blank expression as she saw a small petit cyclops demon being thrown across the room and smashing into something like glass. The blonde demoness' eye twitched in stress as her smile started to falter. (Name) couldn't help but feel a little bit of pity for the princess of hell.
"It's road to something" (Name) said forcing a pitied smile as the blonde demoness slumped in defeat. "It's not that bad... You are dealing with Demons and Sinners alike, you can't expect everyone to behave"
(Name) attempted to be a little encouraging. It was just sad to see someone fail so miserably, so she felt bad and her humanity was still intact so she felt like she should be somewhat encouraging towards Charlie Morningstar the princess of hell.
"I.... I guess" the demoness said with awkward smile "Anyway, Please come in! Let me show you around!"
The demoness seemed in higher spirit as she grabbed (Name)'s arm and pulled her into the hotel building. (Name) allowed Charlie to drag her around. As Charlie started info dump what the Hazbin Hotel was all about that was when they they stopped by a man that (Name) knew all too well... It was Alastor the Radio Demon and Overlord.
(Name) watched him as he approached Charlie. Using his radio cane to push (Name) away from the princess of hell, his red eyes were twitching with annoyance. (Name) held her expression to be neutral even though she felt rather intimidated by the man. He was an Overlord that had a rather fearful reputation and backstory, he was defiantly not a demon lord to make enemies with.
"And who might you be, darling?" he stated arching a pointed brow as he looked own at the stranger "and why are you here?"
"(Name)… I'm just passing by" she stated as she smiled politely as her eyes glance at Charlie briefly "I'm what you call a new soul here to Hell... I am simply looking for a second chance"
Alastor didn't seem convinced as he started at her with slight suspicion while Charlie over took the conversation with unbearable optimism as she talked (Name)'s ear off about how start her road to redemption. Alastor cleared his throat and raised his brows as he held his signature smile as he stared (Name) down.
"You said your name was (Name)… correct?"
She nodded
"...That name is rather familiar..." he said tapping a finger to his chin as he leaned forward to tower over her for intimidation "You're that Sly Fox journalist that has been causing some discourse in the other districts"
His smile got bigger. She felt a little intimated so her smile wavered a little as visually straighten her shoulders a little as let out a soft chuckle.
"Well... Only because I have to make a living somehow while I'm here in hell. I simply report the truth, that has never changed in my morals... Now if some people are not tough enough to face the truth than they deserve what they get" she stated as she flicked an eyebrow up.
"I see... so let me ask you again Little Fox... Why are you here?" he said as started to show some of his demonic abilities "and I doubt it for redemption"
(Name) stared at him and scoffed a little as she tried to cover the intimidation she felt with fake confidence.
"You are correct... I am simply here to write an article"
--------- ---------
Next chapter: Here
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Could I request the brothers calling them the hottest demon they've ever seen while others are watching?
Omg yes! It was actually pretty funny to write! You can tell I love Levi here- anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Calling brothers hottest demon you had seen
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⊱ we all already know that Lucifer's ego is massive so if you want to make it even bigger, go on and he'll be so full of himself for the rest of the day
⊱ and oh boy do it in front of his brothers and they all ehem Satan and Belphies ehem will give you stares saying "what did you just did-?!"
⊱ it doesn't matter if you tell him that in private or in front od his brothers
"Thank you, I really appreciate that you think so as well."
⊱ and then he gives you one of the cockiest smiles of his
"So subtle..."
"You don't have to be jealous, Satan."
"Me? Jealous of you? Pfft, never!"
⊱ Satan IS jealous, he just won't admit it, he won't give his older brother that damn satisfaction after all
⊱ Lucifer on the other hand is more confident for at least the next week thanks to this and if he can, he gladly will remind his brothers how you called him
⊱ but he'll compliment you as well, after all you deserve it after boosting his ego so much
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⊱ Mammon always called himself 'THE Mammon' so you thought that he'll just brush it off like it's nothing
⊱ and while that's a little true he also already has a weak spot for you and you're saying things like that in front of his brothers
⊱ he still tries to act like it's nothing even tho his face says completely otherwise
⊱ it just goes double for him when you say it in front of his brothers and not in private
"O-Of course I am! I AM 'The Mammon' after all! People say that to me all the time!"
"It would he more convincing if your face wasn't so red and if you wouldn't stutter so much..."
"Sh-Shaddup Asmo!"
⊱ now he calls himself 'THE hottest demon Mammon' around you and his brothers to mark that you called him that and no one else
⊱ he becomes a little more clingy towards you then he's usually and his only excuse is that you probably want to hang out with the 'the hottest demon' anyway
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⊱ it's obvious if you know Levi at least a little bit that if you call him the hottest demon, he'll get REALLY emberrassed
⊱ and if you call him like that in front of his brothers, his face will literally burn
⊱ but you apparently decide to do it either way- can't blame you honestly
⊱ similar to Mammon except it doesn't go double for him, it goes triple for him is that how you say it?
"W-Wha-Whaaaat?!!?!!!! Y-You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue!"
⊱ and don't even expect to see him in the nearest month, he has to process what just happened and once he does, he needs to get over it so count next 3 months for that
"Okay, that's it. My introvert heart can't take it! I'll just go to my room... I'll need like a week- no, a month- or 3 months!"
⊱ you really didn't knew he could run this fast as he did now... and by the look on his brothers faces, neither did them
⊱ it's not like he doesn't enjoy being called like that, he just thinks you're either making dun of him or saying it all out of pity
⊱ you better go to his room to calmly explain and erasure him and he may leave a little earlier than he planned
⊱ he still becomes a blushing mess any time he or someone makes him remember it, but as the time passes he starts liking it even if he still goes red like crazy
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⊱ you may think that Satan wouldn't he moved by compliment like that but you're so wrong
⊱ you better say it to him in front of Lucifer or else he'll definitely make you repeat it just to shove it into his face
⊱ he actually blushes a little but does his best to hide it with some politeness
"I- *ekhem* Thank you very much. It's good to know you have a good taste."
⊱ he definitely will mention it every time the eldest brother of his will let his ego show way too much
"You must have a hight ego calling yourself like that even tho YN clearly called ME the hottest demon they had seen. An I wrong, YN?"
⊱ definitely wants you to repeat it as much as you can especially in front of certain demon and often will ask your i to to agree with his words
⊱ he'll also tease you about what you called him if that will put a blush on your face
⊱ whenever he's pisses at someone that he's already in his demon form and person before him is regretting their whole life, just remember him what you called him and he may let them run
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⊱ you could already guess that Asmo won't be emberrassed, quite the opposite actually and you were absolutely right
⊱ when you do it in front of his brothers, everyone in the room knows that he won't shut up about it for at least next month
⊱ after those words left your mouth, be ready for him to spoil you with cuddles and kisses all around your face
"Oh my, you're so sweet darling! Of course I heard it s lot already but I'm stilo happy to hear it from your lips~!"
"Asmo! Whatcha think ya doing?!"
"Spoiling then with affection they deserve, obviously!"
⊱ he's going to be even more affectionate with you than usual for at least next 3 months
⊱ he'll definitely post some selfies with you, putting in description something like 'my sweet human just called me the hottest demon they had seen~ <3'
⊱ be ready that he'll always try to get your attention every time he can and just let me tell you that he can get a little grumpy if he won't attention he needs in the very moment
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⊱ Beel is probably the hardest one to guess but he does get slightly emberrassed
⊱ he doesn't really mind if you tell him this in private or in front of his brothers, his reaction would still be the same
⊱ when you said it, you catched him a little of guard so it took him a little bit of time to process what just happened but it doesn't last long
"...Thank you! Oh, do you want to try one of the cupcakes I'm eating right now?"
⊱ definitely offers you some of his food, he's eating right now or will take you out to some restaurant as thanks
⊱ he won't mention it again to any of his brothers since he doesn't want to make them feel worse or anything but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care
⊱ it still puts a big smile on his face whenever he remembers it or you say it again
⊱ he often wants to spend more time with you whenever he remembers it or after you said it, so expect to have tall demon following you like a puppy
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⊱ you thought that Belphie won't care so you brushed it off at first, but once the thought of saying it in front of his brothers came to your mind, you decided to realize it
⊱ surprisingly his reaction isn't as different if you would say it in private
⊱ when words leave your mouth tho, be prepared that he'll just mumble thanks and then excuse himself that he's tired
"Thanks... I'm tired now, I will go to my room and take a nap. YN, do you want to go with me?"
⊱ he often asks you if you want to take a nap with him so it's not that strange to you but he definitely won't turn his head towards you because if he did, you'd see his blushing face
⊱ when you somehow see his face and point it out, he'll say that it's just hot here and you should go to attic since there's a little bit colder
⊱ oh, what's that? You want to leave the bed in the morning? Too bad because he doesn't. You're staying in here for at least a day or untill someone reminds him that humans also need to eat
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realshadow01-blog · 7 months
*Pop* just like a candy apple! {Platonic Radioapple!}
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|| Hello! I just wanted to say hello again as I've been gone for almost two years, I think. :3 I wanted to start writing again, for some reason, and it's 2:43am. I am not sure if I would post this or not, depends if I feel like it.||
|| Sorry for the absence, and if any characters are ooc (out of character) too! I have watched all of season 1 - but I can't capture the characters personalities that well. And sorry if my grammar or wording is bad, I don't know that much English as I thought. ||
|| This is a tickle drabble/short fan fiction post, and I don't expect any - but I will be taking requests for drabbles and headcannons! ||
>> || Summary for introduction: I do not know much English, I haven't captured the characters that well, this is a tickle-based, short fan fiction and I'm sorry for my (almost) two year absence. And, I am taking requests for drabbles and headcannons (no art or fics :<) || <<
|| Warnings (I guess!): Tickles, Swearing ||
So, the Demon is back again! Back again with a new sense of humor and a new ruthless torturing method. The Radio Demon is back! He's returned, what does it mean for a certain rival? Or a few?~ The future will decide...~
It was a surprisingly quiet day in the Hazbin Hotel. Everyone was either out celebrating or having a full day in bed after they defeated the Angels. People were bummed out, injured and flat-out exhausted.
Lucifer decided to stay at the Hotel for a while, or at least visit often, and he was watching TV in the common room as he held his most prized rubber duck. Charlie was out with Vaggie, Angel and Husk were out too and pretty much the only people in the hotel were Niffty, Alastor and Lucifer.
Alastor was nowhere to be found, I mean, where would you expect an unpredictable being like him to be?
Nifty was off cleaning.
You already heard about Lucifer.
That changed when Alastor's shadow crawled around the floors of the hotel, until he emerged from thin air. His grin was as sinister and menacing as always, although something was off. It looked slightly strained. He was preciously annoyed by another Overlord, but we won't get into that, but it could be why... He then went to go find Lucifer, for some reason.
Lucifer was throwing his rubber duck against the wall and catching it like a ball, abandoning the television so all it became was simple background noise. He continued to throw the rubber duck until it hit Alastor in the face.
“Oops....” Lucifer giggled mockingly, not in the slightest sorry, but decided to apologize anyway to make matters better for him, if they were becoming bad. Although, Alastor, in return, grabbed the rubber duck and crushed it in his bare hand, sensing Lucifer's infuriated pity, despite Lucifer showing no emotion whatsoever. “Was that necessary, Alastor?”
“No,” Alastor's grin grew as he threw the shriveled rubber duck aside, his radio filter still as strong as ever, “but I wanted to. Doesn't that seem fair?~”
Lucifer groaned, annoyed. “What kind of shitty question is that!?”
“A reasonable question that needs answering.”
“Well, I won't fuckin’ answer!”
“As you wish.” Alastor's grin grew, but still looked a little strained.
Lucifer, funny enough, saw his strained grin and smirked.
“Is the demon cracking at something?~ Are you pissy about your wound from Adam?~” Lucifer retorted, giggling, which absolutely broke Alastor's patience and before either of them knew it, Alastor had thrown himself at Lucifer and pinned him to the floor, scribbling his claws into Lucifer's sensitive, tender sides, earning a surprised squeal and a string of squeaky laughter. “EEK!!~ FUHUHUHUCK!!- ALAHAHASTOR!!??”
Alastor had just smirked, moving his hands to random spots to keep the short king occupied, sneakily slithering his tendrils to Lucifer and restraining him swiftly as the tips of the tendrils restraining him tickled into the crooks of his wings - the 'wings pits' if you will. No matter what they're called, they sent Lucifer into hysteria.
Lucifer's screaming, wheezing and frantic laughter could be heard basically throughout the whole of Hell from how loud it was. Alastor only had the slightest issues with that, so he closed some doors to prevent people from coming in, if they did try. “ALAHAHAHASTOR- WHEHEHEN IHI CAHAHATCH YOUHUHU ALAHAHASTOR!!- GAHAHAHA!!?”
That wasn't the worst of it, oh boy...
The main reason the phrase “Lucifer's screaming, wheezing and frantic laughter could be heard basically throughout the whole of Hell” was used because it was the truth. Not only was his laughter loud, but Alastor had been devilish enough to broadcast his laughter live! :)
“Go on, Lucifer,” *Alastor smiled menacingly, voice hushed, “Make the microphone pop like a candy apple...~” He teased, leaving him to face the torture and humiliation for a bit.
hope this was good!! sorry if it was short, i was pondering over a draft from a year ago and I haven't written a fan fiction in a hot minute >.<
{This MIGHT have some more parts!!!}
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Hiya! It's me again, ya horn boi, that is just THIRSTY for your writing 😫🙏
I was wondering- when you're able and if this one shot idea interests you (don't write it if it doesn't, this is just my sick little mind needing some fuel because AO3 is down and I'm starting to tweak).
But I was wondering if you could do a little one shot set in the Deadpool x Wolverine au? Specifically Adam using his claws on Lucifer? (It doesn't have fo be stabbing or making him bleed if you're not into that, mainly just cutting his clothes off-)
They definitely start flatting together after the film, so I like to think that this takes place at the flat and Adams been drinking cause he's still depressed (if you've seen the film he has a perfectly good reason for this), so he basically spills his feelings to Lucifer, who then takes him to bed to sleep the alcohol off. The dirty stuff happens in the morning when Adam feel super embarrassed but Lucifer tell him he feels the same.
After been hated in his own universe, Adam just baths in Lucifers praises and touches.
They get a little rough but what do you expect from two immortals that have a pain kink-
So, that's basically it, just some soft love for Adam with a lot of filth mixed in.
I just need more beefy Adam with Logans cute hair ears- if Lucifer makes a comment on them I'll buy you a car for your 21st birthday-
Anyway- thank you! 🍳
I'VE FINALLY SEEN THE MOVIE!! I was waiting to do this one when I saw the movie and now I have.
Even though they had saved their world and everyone in it, Adam couldn't fight off the depression that still clawed it's way into his mind when the dust was settled and everything was over.
He was living with Lucifer now, really he had nowhere else to go he didn't know why he even bothered trying. It was still weird to him that the Adam of this world that died was the anchor being keeping it all together.
Adam wasn't that important, he could live in any timeline apparently.
Adam raised the bottle of whiskey to his lips and took a deep drink, he enjoyed the way it burned going down his throat. He wasn't sure now just how long he's been drinking but it's been enough to get a good buzz on.
Lucifer: Hey there- Woah, what's with the self inflicted pity party?
It was easy to see that Adam was drunk, that bottle was new but more than half gone already.
Fuck, that wasn't good.
Lucifer: Come on baby girl time for bed before we find out if you actually can drink yourself to death.
Lucifer gently reaches down and removes the bottle from Adams grip and sets it down before picking him up like he weighed nothing. Because to Lucifer he really didn't.
Adam held onto him and buried his face in Lucifer's neck.
Adam: You smell good.
Lucifer: Thank you it's called soap.
Adam: I ever tell you how much I love you?
Lucifer grinned: No, but why don't you tell me now?
Adam: I love you so much, but you've never loved me.
Lucifer was confused until he remembered the version of himself from this Adams world. So they had history there too....
Lucifer: I love you too.
Adam: You do?
Adams claws came out making Lucifer jump.
Lucifer: Woah! Watch the murder mittens cute stuff.
Adam giggled and that's how Luicfer knew he was fucking wasted. Adam never giggled especially over a silly joke he makes.
Lucifer laid him on the bed but Adam pulled him down and held him while he slept off his drunken stupor.
Lucifer: There are worse places to be than in between these perfect titties.
In the morning woke up to being held by Luicfer, his face got warm and he tried to get away.
Lucifer: What no morning kiss?
Adam groaned: Oh fuck me....
Lucifer: Well if you really want to.
He laughed nervously when Adam unsheathed one set of claws and it looked like he was going to stab him in the dick, but instead he used them to cut off his clothes.
Lucifer: Well this is a pleasant surprise.
Adam: I can change my mind.
Lucifer: Nope! Come here beautiful.~
The sex they had was a mixture of hard core rough sex and making love. Adam melted under his touch and soaked in all the praises that Lucifer showered him with as he pounded into him. The headboard was banging the wall like it was Morse code.
It could be heard throughout the apartment, good thing Charlie was out for coffee.
When they were done they laid there basking in the afterglow of their euphoric blissful state.
Luicfer: Addie.
Adam felt his eye twitch at the nickname: What?
Lucifer: You're my favorite person.
Adams face got hot again: Shut up.....
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prince-liest · 1 month
Howdy, huge fan of your amazing writing. I was wondering in the world of "Knock, Knock! It's Your Worst Fucking Nightmare!", one of my favourite among your stories, how did Vaggie-Lucifer react when they got back to the Hotel and found everyone dealing with the aftermath of Sinner!Adam's visit? I think they may have /opinions/ about Charlie giving Alastor her soul, if temporarily?
Charlie probably texts Vaggie to come down pretty soon after (or even during) the end scene of the fic, once she has a moment to breathe about it, and I think Vaggie probably is uncomfortable with the realization that she genuinely feels really bad that this happened to Alastor. But I also think she would probably sublimate that discomfort into worrying about taking care of Charlie, who she feels much, much less uncomfortable expressing squishy emotions towards - checking to make sure her soul is okay after Alastor "borrowed" it, etc, etc. She's the main person in the hotel crew who hit pity as a reaction to the whole thing in a way that might hamstring her reflexive anger at the thought of Alastor borrowing Charlie's soul (especially when she sees the state he's in, and also finds out that it was 100% Charlie's plot to pull that off), so it's good that she ends up only learning of it after Alastor is already unconscious, because he absolutely would not abide that emotion directed at him and it gives her time to process everything.
Lucifer, on the other hand, was not allowed to be part of the story because he's to overpowered, lmao. So is Charlie, but Charlie has more restraint for reasons of caring deeply for her friends. I suspect that Lucifer would care less about Alastor and more about the fact that Adam is around, and possibly make a whole Thing out of Alastor borrowing his daughter's soul to ruthlessly slaughter someone who (maybe, for the sake of Lucifer's argument?) isn't actually a sinner, but... I also think he'd listen to Charlie when he realizes how much that whole direction of reasoning upsets her and is not in line with her perspective of it all.
Honestly, overall, I think both of these characters are very invested in Charlie's good opinion and also her happiness, and Charlie in turn is very invested in Alastor not being hurt more (physically or emotionally, as much as he'd contest the latter), so I doubt the situation would spiral out of control. Particularly given that it would be difficult to blame things on Alastor without completely denying Charlie's agency.
Anyway, thank you so much! I still really love that fic, so I'm delighted that people are still out there enjoying it!
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nifftysbadboys · 7 months
Listening to The Pitiful Children (BMC) and thinking about Vox. And my brain made the horrible connection that Lucifer’s VA is named Jeremy. Anyway AU where Vox, after losing out with Alastor, takes the Vees straight to the King of Hell himself to lure him to his side under the guise that he’s going to improve Hell the same way Lucifer tried all that time ago. Toxic yaoi ensues.
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satansaidnottoday · 8 months
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Twinning: part 2.
Part 1
Info: Human AU, Lucifer's Mc, Mammon & GN!Mc.
Summary: Mammon helps out with preparations for the party.
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Every day you make up at 3am sharp to start baking. Nonstop measuring, mixing, pipping, and decorating until it's opening time. Mondays are the only day off, the only day a week you close down the café and take time for yourself.
Yet today you're awake at 3am on a Monday, bending over a DIY starlight curtain. And for what? Some kids you barely know the name of? Pity for a man who probably makes three times more than you? You didn't even know this family two weeks ago. And still, you keep gluing strips of LED lights together. It takes about two hours to be done, but it's beautiful and completely worth it. It takes another three hours until you've finished hot gluing starts into constellations on a navy blue banner. You would hang it up behind the glittery letters that spelled out their names.
You needed to prep just one last thing before the day. You know two things about these kids, one likes constellations, and the other will finish a cupcake in a single bite. So, a space cake it is. You would make it with leftover sheets, fondant, and cream to reduce cost. Making all the decorations for free was a lot on your wallet already. You got ready to have breakfast before starting when the doorbell rang. You make your way down the stairs, expecting maybe a delivery or a neighbor asking for a cup of sugar.
Instead, you find a man with messily bleached locks and the biggest yellow-tinted sunglasses you've ever seen. You wondered how he managed to see on a cloudy day.
"Hey! What's up with the door? It won't open!" He asks, before looking you up and down. Probably surveying the glue and glitter covering your old clothes.
"We're closed today..." You say, ready to close the door on his face, until you remember where you knew him from. The one very loud teenager following Lucifer around. "Are you Lucifer's brother?"
"Ya, Mammon, remember my name next time, I'm not just someone's brother." He says, indignant. "What even happened to you anyways?"
You would feel offended if you had any energy left for that. "Your brother."
"What?" He lifts an eyebrow, and you barely see it through his glasses.
"I'm making decorations for the twins's birthday," you explain, asking yourself why you are even entraining him.
"Ah, Lucifer did say something about that. But it's like a week away, why are you doing it now?"
"Because today is my only free day," you answer, patience wearing thin. "And I still have stuff to do, so..."
"Wait, but isn't that part of your job? Decoration and shit." He looked at you with a confused face. You felt a headache building up.
"No, I just rented him the place," you said sharply and opened your mouth again to say goodbye, before he interrupted.
"Since you're already working on your free day, can I have a caramel late? With soy milk, please." He smiles.
You close the door on his face.
"Hey, wait! I'll pay for it! Don't leave me out!" You hear him scream, but you just turn around and start going upstairs. He doesn't stop at all, just screaming louder with every step you take. "I'LL HELP WITH THE DECORATIONS!" He tries again, and you stop to think about it for a moment. "COME ON! I KNOW THEM BETTER!" He did make a good point.
After some more consideration (and some more screaming), you turn back and open the door for him.
"You're unbearable." You say when he finally stops screaming.
"Unforgettable, you mean." He runs his hand through his hair.
"Does this usually work for you?"
He does a weighting motion with his hands. "Fifty-fifty."
You let out a deep sigh, starting to understand Lucifer. "I can offer café con leche and leftover cat croissants," you tell him.
"Can it be soy milk? Please," he asks, tilting his head on what you think is an attempt to look cute.
He sighs this time, with fake exasperation. He looks at you pleading. You start to close the door again.
"Okay, I'll take it!" He says, launching himself inside before you can close the door.
He, in fact, didn't have a single problem gulping down the coffee with whole milk. Nor eating three whole croissants before even speaking.
"You got a nice place, how much do you pay on rent?" Of course he started with that. No thanks, no sorry for screaming my lungs off in front of your house.
"I own it." That was your only answer.
"Shit, really? You must be loaded!"
"I'm not, I just inherited it from my grandma. I had to pour all of my life savings and get a loan to open up the café. So I'm less than wealthy, I'm in crippling debt." You take a sip of your black coffee, washing your worries down your throat.
"Damn," he said, mouth half full of croissant. "That sucks."
You nod in response.
"You looking for a roommate? I can pay rent when I get a job."
"So, you can't pay rent now?…" He shakes his head. "So you would live here for free until you get a job?" He nods. "I'll pass for now."
"That sucks too..." He doesn't stop eating to feel bad tho.
"You don't like living with your brother?" You question, taking away the empty plate of croissants.
"It's not that, I'm just tired of depending on him."
"So your plan was to depend on a total stranger instead."
"I didn't think about it like that, okay?" He leans on his hands over the table.
You laugh and his cheeks grow red.
"Whatever, let's make festoons or something." He says, trying to change the subject.
"Ah, I'm already done with decorations," you admit.
He immediately stands up from his chair. "Oh well, then I should get going so I don't mess up your schedule anymore." He said, leaning down to grab his jacket, you stop his hand mid-air, holding his wrist.
"I do need help making the party hats, though."
He lets out an exhausted moan, letting himself fall backward. You're both sitting down on the floor, surrounded by cardboard paper and glitter stars. You had a system where you cut out the hats and decorations, and then passed them to him to assemble. In an hour, he has managed to finish a total of three hats. You had nothing else to cut, so you scooted closer and started assembling yourself.
"Come on, only six to go," you encouraged him.
He begrudgingly sat up again and grabbed one of the paper sheets to roll it into a cone. "This is so boooring. And your music is all old and sad."
You refrained from answering, instead opting to make conversation.
"How are you guys liking the new neighborhood?" You ask. You really wanted to inquire more about their family dynamic, but figured you weren't close enough yet.
"It's... nicer than our last place," he says. "It's safer, you know. There's kids playing outside and shit."
You nod.
"And you have some pretty nice neighbors." He looks at you confused. "I hear they will make you coffee even if you're annoying."
He scoffs. "In exchange for physical labor!"
"Oh, come on, it's putting double-sided tape on paper stars."
"It's abusive," he retorts, yet keeps on taping the stars on.
"It's for your brothers, don't you want to give them a cute birthday?" You ask with a playful tone.
"Of course I do! What I don't understand is why YOU are so invested in this if Lucifer isn't even paying for it."
He looks at you expectantly. After a few seconds pass by and it doesn't seem like he will relent, you stop to think. He is right, you have no stakes in this. So what if the kids don't have a nice cake and personalized decorations, it doesn't affect you. And it's not like they would have nothing. A lukewarm birthday party has never killed anyone. So why even bother? You would like to pretend you didn't know the answer.
"Heeeey!" He snaps his fingers a few times. "I'm serious, why are you so invested in this?"
"Because of your brother."
"Belphegor or Beel?" He asks, looking confused.
"Lucifer..." You admit.
"What? Why? It's not his birthday."
"It's not but this matters to him," you drop the finished Ursa Minor party hat into the box with the rest.
"How do you know that?" He insists.
"Because he looks so fucking sad!" You explode on his face. He backs up a little. "Sorry..."
"What do you mean sad?..." He asks in a smaller voice than before.
You take a deep breath.
"He looks so sad whenever he can't give you guys something you want, I can tell he feels bad," you say, putting into words a thought you've had since the day you met. "I know this is important for him, so I want to help him out."
Mammon stays silent, staring holes into you. After a few moments, he grabs the hat he was working on and keeps going. You both work in silence until they are all done.
"Well, you probably should get going now that we're done," you said, standing up.
He nods and follows you downstairs to the door.
"Thanks for the help, you can come back for your late tomorrow when the café is open." You hold the door open for him.
He nods again, but stays still, thinking. Finally, he turns to you.
"Thank you…" he says. You tilt your head, confused. "For caring for him, I mean. I try to, we all try to care for each other but, you know. He's the oldest and I guess we all expect him to care for us, so it's nice to know someone cares for him."
He quickly walks away, leaving you speechless at the doorway.
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Feeling decent now. I tried something new with the writing in this one. Let me know if you like it.
Thanks for reading!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
like real people do: satan
they've seen the world shift and change throughout their long, long lives, but if they could they would have given it all up just to be with you.
I knew that look, dear Eyes always seeking Was there in someone That dug long ago So I will not ask you Why you were creeping In some sad way I already know.
Satan knows all the books in the House of Lamentation like the back of his hand. He has read everything about every topic he can find, from constellations to human world history to records of the Celestial Realm (to fill in the gaps of what he only ever saw through Lucifer.) He consumes so much that one would think that he’s the Avatar of Gluttony, his thirst for knowledge proving to be the only thing that sets him apart from his brothers. He’s hardly unique otherwise, always the middle sibling, always the average brother, always mediocre. Although, nobody can say he’s any of those things when he receives a good test score, or when he slaughters his opponents in a debate (no, not literally), or when he answers any question his brothers throw at him about any nonsensical topic.
There is one person that seems to understand him better than most, even though he thinks he’s easy to understand. They get him, and they make him feel special, like he’s worth more than the demon he spawned from. Like he’s worth more than anger.
It’s funny, the fact that he gave his heart so willingly to a human. It isn’t like Satan to be interested in people at all. He isn’t like Mammon or Asmoedus who tend to jump from person to person (though, Mammon has gotten better at that since meeting them, Satan thinks with a stab of jealousy.) The human exchange student may as well be a sorcerer just like Solomon, because they have certainly casted a spell on him.
Damn, that was cheesy. He needs to be careful, he has a reputation to uphold. It doesn’t matter that his cheeks may be turning red or that his heart has accelerated or that his hands have started to shake and that he can tell he’s flustered because the words are blurred now but it's not like he can focus anyway because they are in his mind’s eye and lately that’s the only thing he’s been able to think about. It’s not very productive.
And so Satan slips a bookmark between the pages in which he stopped reading. It's a wooden bookmark carved in the shape of a kitty cat, wearing glasses with a book in its little paws. Satan turned a bright fiery red when they said it reminded them of him. Damn it, damn it. They were too sweet, he needed to get them out of his head so he could calm down-
The door to the library swings open, and his head jerks up at the intrusion. Anger flares in his chest as his brow is furrowed unpleasantly, but the expression fades immediately once he sees that it's them. They look tired, he muses with a soft smile, and they’re stumbling over to him like they hadn’t slept at all last night. RAD probably tired them out again, with Mammon skipping class and Beel eating the whole cafeteria and Belphie taking up their time to nap with them and who even knows what Solomon was up to around them. Satan feels pity when he realizes that they stayed after today, but the pity turns to anger when he realizes they stayed back with Lucifer.
Why was it always Lucifer?
Satan takes a deep breath as they let out an equally deep sigh. It doesn’t matter if they were with Lucifer before, because they came to him when the day was done. They told him that once, and he had not forgotten it. It was more than a win against Lucifer, it was a chance at winning their heart.
Average, boring, uninteresting him. He doesn’t feel special, but they tell him he is. They’re a smart human. He has no reason to not believe them.
The second they reach him, they plop down unceremoniously on the ground next to him. Satan jerks a bit, surprised that they didn’t pull up a chair to sit next to him, but before he can ask what they’re doing they slump against his leg and wrap their arms around his calf. He blushes, staring down at them with wide eyes and parted lips. They say nothing, and Satan is thankful for the silence (because he doesn’t think he can speak right now even if he tried.)
He leans to the side a bit, and takes a peek at their face. Their eyes are closed, and if Satan didn’t know them better he’d think they were sleeping. They look so vulnerable and adorable next to him, and he clenches his fists to keep from smiling too hard. He loves them, he loves them so much that he can’t even take it. They’re so sweet to him, so good to him. He loves being theirs. He loves them being his. He loves what the two of them have built over their time at the Devildom, and the fact that they came to him at the end of the day. They’re living in a house with him and his six other brothers, and yet they willingly came to him.
Satan feels special.
“Hey Satan.” they mumble, finally opening those beautiful eyes and staring up at him with a tired smile, “Mm...sorry for barging in on you like that. Just wanted to see you.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that.” Satan grumbles, placing a gentle hand on their head, “You seem tired, are you alright?”
“Fine, I’m fine. Lord Diavolo wanted my help with someone so I stayed back with him and Lucifer.” they sigh, leaning into his touch like the contact alone has taken the world off their shoulders, “I wish I could have gotten back sooner...”
“You’re here now. That’s what matters.” he replies, smoothing their hair back with a touch that no one would expect the Avatar of Wrath to possess.
No one except for them.
They hum, still leaning into his touch like he doesn’t have the power to break them, the strength to shatter them and all those precious little porcelain kitty cat figurines they give him whenever they see some at an overpriced human gift shop. The fact that they would offer him something so breakable is a sign of their trust, and when they brought him a larger one that they had hand painted themselves (with a green collar and his pact mark painted on its belly) he almost cried. Of course it had a bit of imperfections, but that only made it all the more precious because it was just so them.
“Mhm, you’re right. You always are.” they smile, looking up at him with a gaze so affectionate it captures his breath immediately, “You’re so amazing, Satan. So smart.”
He’s been digging through this library for as long as he could remember. If he didn’t have this knowledge, who would he be?
Satan would just be the one born from Lucifer. He wouldn’t be his own demon if it wasn’t for his knowledge, the only way he thought he could get people to respect him.
Because you proved him wrong.
Satan supposes he still has more to learn.
“If that’s how you feel...” he whispers, running his hand down the back of their head, “Then stay here a while. Please.”
“As if I would go anywhere else.” they say, pushing themselves up off the ground and standing in front of him, the candlelight of the library forming a mock halo around their head.
While Satan thinks they always look beautiful, he thinks they look especially stunning when they’re looking down at him like this.
“Good.” he smiles, hooking his fingers under their tie and yanking them closer, so close that they almost fall right into his lap, “Now kiss me.”
They laugh, a beautiful sound that reminds him of ringing bells, and they indulge him.
Satan’s not accustomed to others being gentle with him. He’s the Avatar of Wrath, a force to be reckoned with. His demon form is covered with onyx armored plates, and his tail is barbed and harmful. They know this. They know all of that, and yet they still cup his face like he’s precious. Like they should be gentle with him.
They kiss him like a feather brushing against his lips, their soft sigh of comfort making waves of heat crash over him. His mind is jumbled with the feeling of them and their steady hands, their free hand pressing down on his thigh. His arms wrap around them and this time he actually pulls them into him, lurching forward to kiss them better. They giggle, lips turning upwards in a cute smile that Satan feels with every bit of him.
He’s completely theirs. He’s entirely theirs for as long as they will have him, and he’s certain that will never change. Right now, at this moment, forever has no date. They might as well just kiss him for the rest of eternity so he can fall into their eyes and taste their lips and be filled with thoughts of them for all the time this universe has left.
Them, the cause of his yearning, has halted his craving just for now.
They press into him one final time before they break away, giggling quietly. They may be done kissing him, but Satan can’t deny the bit of disappointment he feels when they move to get off his lap. He doesn’t stop them.
They slide off of him as easily as they came, humming a little tune as they saunter over to the other side of the library. Satan’s eyes follow them, his hands sitting bunched up in his lap. If it were anyone else, he would have written them off a long time ago and returned back to his book. Knowledge is power. He lives by that small phrase.
How have they turned his life upside down? They have replaced his desire for knowledge with a different desire just by giving him a bit of their touch. He could chalk it up to his own weakness, being a demon that falls for any temptations that comes his way, but he knows that’s wrong. It’s them. It’s them and their voice and smiles and kisses, things he can have any time he wants them but are still unbelievably rare and precious.
They come back to him a few moments later, and it’s only then that he notices the creases in his pants from where he gripped them too hard. He wants them to touch him again. It isn’t fair.
“Read to me?” they ask, sliding into his lap again with the grace of a dancer as they hand him an old book. He almost snorts when he notices it’s a book of old Devildom bedtime stories, tales of evil demons that snatch up young ones when they don’t go to bed on time, masterpieces about fairy rings and all the delicacies they can create, and short stories about Hellfire Newts going on adventures with its friends. (Satan remembers that one being his favorites when he was still a baby, though he always insisted that Lucifer replace the newts with cats.)
“Of course.” he looks at them, eyes subconsciously flicking to their lips again, “...Can I kiss you again?”
Instead of answering verbally, they swoop in and kiss him a second time. He feels his shoulders sag with something that feels like relief. This kiss feels different, it doesn’t feel warm and searing like the last one but that isn’t a bad thing. They take their time with him, their lips dragging slower, and he feels a deep longing bubble up in his chest even though he’s getting what he wants.
It’s never enough.
They’re just like the books in this library, the room he spends most of his time in every day. They know why, too. He confessed why to them ages ago, when they were still just a random human and him, a demon that could destroy them. And yet they loved him, they fell for him wholly and completely, and Satan couldn’t be more thankful.
And so he pulls away with the book they selected in his hand, resting a hand on their waist.
“Relax, MC. I’ll read for you.” he murmurs, squeezing the soft flesh he finds there, vowing to cherish them for as long as he has them.
After all, no one understands him better.
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confusionocturne · 7 months
Something wrong [Hazbin Hotel]
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Warnings: Mental health issues, canon violence.
Other: 1.2k words, you can read it as either pre-platonic or pre-queerplatonic!
Authors/Notes: Sooo... I wanted to write something for this fandom for a long time and finally got the time/motivation/ideas to write this down! I plan on doing a part two, if anyone here is interested. Also- Please do not hesitate to tell me if something seems wrong (especially surrounding Lucifer's mental health) or too OOC. That being said- Enjoy your reading!
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There was something wrong with Lucifer. Alastor narrowed his eyes in thought, staring at the fallen angel. Well, it wasn’t something to worry about, per say, but there was definitely something… Odd, something that wasn’t there before the last extermination. It was this look he sometimes had in his eyes while looking at the sky… Most of the times, he would immediately come back to Hell when someone approached him, but there were also times where Lucifer’s mind seemed to take a few more seconds to realize where he was, and this look would fall on the person intruding. The first time that Alastor was behind that look, he couldn’t help but freeze in his step for a second before continuing as if nothing happened. In his state, he doubted the King would have noticed, anyway. However, each time this faraway and angry look crossed his own, the Radio demon would feel uneasy, on edge. Seeing the light coming back to his eyes each time was a relief for his nerves, even if he would never admit it to anyone. This time should have been the same.
Alastor was entering the freshly created balcony when he saw Lucifer seated against the wall, looking forward. He sensed instantly that something was off with the king, as he didn’t react at all at his presence. The demon cleared his throat before walking in front of him. “What a pitiful sight, your highness! Do you not have anything better to accomplish today?” Lucifer continued to stare unseeingly, which made Alastor’s eye twitch in displeasure. He forced his smile to grow bigger, tilting his head in a menacing manner. “Deciding to ignore me, I see! How mature of you, your majesty, but it does fit well with your height!” He waited a beat, but only silence answered his provocations. Alastor swallowed down the uneasiness, masking it as annoyance. He will get a reaction out of the king, one way or another. He let his body elongate and twists. His antlers grew as the radio static becoming heavy in the air. “I strongly suggest that you stop this charade, Lucifer. Otherwise, I might just be convinced to do something… Regrettable.” One clawed hand approached the fallen angel’s throat, nearly touching it. “Surely you would not want that to happen, your majesty. What would poor Charlie do, losing her other parent…” The demon’s claws encircled the pale throat in threat. However, there was still no visible reaction from Lucifer. Alastor inhaled sharply, his uneasiness transforming in some kind of panic that he didn’t recognize. “You are asking for it, now, are you not? Well, it would be rude of me to refuse this!” With a vicious snarl, he closed his hand, his claws breaking the tender skin and drawing golden blood out. He squeezed more and more into the moveless body. If the king wanted to act dead to the world, he might as well be, for all the Radio demon cared! Until, finally, a gasp shook his victim, eyes growing wide and meeting Alastor’s gaze. A shaking hand came to rest on the sinner arm that was chocking him. Watching the life come back to Lucifer’s face caused a wave of relief in the demon, but it was quickly override with pure rage. Acting on instinct, he threw the king on the other side of the balcony, pursuing him instantly. “HoW dArE yOu?!” He didn’t even truly know himself what he was accusing Lucifer of, but the anger inside of him was uncontrollable. “SoMeOnE aS mEdIoCrE aS yOu ShOuLd PeR-” He stopped himself in shock, staring at the shaking mass at his feet that started crying silently. A small chuckle escaped the king’s mouth. “Thank you,” he said, looking straight at Alastor. Regaining his normal form, the demon looked back, eyebrows raised. “That is certainly an unexpected reaction, your highness. Do you truly wish to die?” For reasons unknown to him, Lucifer simply broke into laughter. Loud, miserable, laughter. The sinner’s ears winced at the sudden sound, his constant smile straining. After a while, the king sighed, looking at the sky, before answering the earlier question. “You have no idea.”
Alastor narrowed his eyes. “Why, if I may ask?” He couldn’t guess what the king reasoning was, and it annoyed him. Yellow eyes met his own again, a tired smile on his face. “Sometimes, Al, you’re just broken beyond repairs. No matter how much you try to glue all your parts together…” He sighed, closing his eyes. “It doesn’t matter what you try to do it with, really, if the base is constantly crumbling under its own weight.” Opening them once more, Lucifer looked at the stars. “You can only add layers upon layers to not show the void you became.” Alastor frowned as his smile struggled to find a way to express what he was feeling. For once, the sinner didn’t know what to say. After a second of silence, however, the angel continued. “But the layers crack. They always do. And you’re stuck in the void. That’s why I thanked you.” He smiled weakly at the demon, moving his eyes on him. “For getting me out of my own head.” The Radio demon tilted slightly his head while one of his closed a bit in confusion. “You do not seem too worried about the situation.” The king hummed.
“Well, it’s started to happen a long time ago… Gotten quite used to it, by now.” He shrugged, not knowing what to add and well aware that the sinner wouldn’t understand his view. To his defence, Alastor seemed genuinely astonished. “And you did not find anything more efficient than… Riding it out, waiting for someone else to take advantage of the situation?” Lucifer shifted, uncomfortable, and looked away. “Eh… Looks like it, doesn’t it? But, eh, hum… It wasn’t always so bad, you know, most of the times it’s pretty easy to get out of! When Lilith was here, it was definitely easier, but… I can’t ask any of you to replace her, so, yeah, sometimes I get stuck, but it’s okay! Really!” He didn’t even realize that he started rambling until the demon cleared his throat, causing him to freeze in embarrassment. “What did Lilith do that helped? Charlie would be happy to keep you grounded when needed, I am sure.” The angel deflated. “Yeah, but… She has already so much on her plate. I can’t just come back and be another burden! Asking her to touch me all the time, it won’t do-” As he kept muttering, Alastor thoughts about what he said. Touch helped, then. If he didn’t want to involve his daughter, then he will have to keep the king’s mind in the present. As much as he despised touch from others, that wasn’t what the king implied. Nodding his head once in determination, the Radio demon took Lucifer’s hand and pulled him to his feet. “Alright, your highness. However, if you truly want to keep your situation a secret from dear Charlie, you probably should rest in order to be in top shape tomorrow!” His smile had since regained his natural confidence.
The fallen angel blinked at him a few times. “Yeah… That’s probably better…” As he took a step in the direction of the door, he stumbled a bit before regaining his balance. However, before entering the building, he stopped to look back at Alastor, thoughtful. Lucifer opened his mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it as he closed it and stepped through the door, leaving the Radio demon alone on the balcony.
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hell-drabbles · 5 months
I imagine Companion will go back to human world but would treat Hell/Heaven like a vacation home after all the trouble is finally over and sorted
They'd like visit Hell occasionally maybe just during the Winter months or something like for Lucifer
Also what would Companion and Solomon's relationship be like if they had ever met?
I might write a Companion and Solomon piece now
What if Companion was alive in Solomon's time rather then Ra-On's
Dante Anon
Hmm that's assuming I have this Embittered Companion AU end on a happy note. I kid I kid, though I would imagine that instead of vacation home, it be more like visiting relatives on the Companion's part? It's not the place they're attached to so much as the people there.
Anyways hhohohoho I have thoughts!! Read under the cut, because I ramble.
Though, I wouldn't be shock if there were angels and devils that are trying to make excuses and events to have the Companion stay longer. They want the Companion to treat Hell and Heaven like a vacation home but the Companion has a lot of fun not giving them what they want. And it ends up sparking a weird rivalry between the angels and devils on who can get the Companion to treat their realm as a vacation spot first. That would be funny.
If anything, the Companion probably visits those places every once in a while just to make sure things aren't going to shit. Probably had a few scares that another war was brewing because of the amount of chaos happening in Hell and Heaven, but nope that's just their default state of being. Angels and devils are always brimming with the need to fight and fuck so they just express it openly, to the detriment of the buildings around them.
One of those "I care for them but boy am I not in the mood to handle what drama will come of it." Because there will always be drama. The Companion is cursed with that bad luck!
Hmm the Companion and Solomon interacting... Well, let's see, I would imagine hostility(shocker, I know right?) on the Companion's part because the first time they've met him would be when Solomon temporarily takes over Ra-on's body and that's a big no no in their books. Though, what is the Companion to do besides do their usual verbal threats? They can't just punch the problem out of Ra-on, because that's his body they're hitting.
And, well, obviously Solomon can't hate the Companion in any capacity because he's lived long enough to know that this anger is coming from care in their heart. He's got that kind of long lived wisdom to him that sort of pisses off the Companion because no matter what the Companion says, he won't flinch of falter at any of the words they say. He pities them and every other devil and even Ra-on. Solomon has basically endless patience and the Companion can't help but interpret that as him treating all of them like they're children. Like his years of experience automatically makes him obligated to teach them, so any advice he tries to give tends to snub the Companion the wrong way. Any advice given to the Companion when they're angry tends to translate to "There's something wrong with your way of life, your independence, so I'm gonna give you advice so you can correct that."
Because lord knows Ra-on tried to do the "protagonist gives life advice and wisdom when they have no experience to justify or explain it," to the Companion and it escalated to a huge argument. You know, when the dating sim protagonist somehow say the right words towards a love interest that is having their second act breakdown. The kind of words that are very much holier than thou but because they're the "right words," the love interest takes them in and is forever changed. So yeah, who is Ra-on to think he's in any position to give life advice to someone like the Companion who has their shit together?
And ho, if the Companion was alive during Solomon's time? Man, imagine some reincarnation bullshit where the Companion and Solomon were very close friends, where Solomon had a crush on the Companion at one point but they were lost to the sands of time or disease or an angel attack? Either way, the Companion is the Lost Lenore to Solomon and man did he spend a long time mourning for them. Solomon passes, lays dormant for who knows how long until Solomon reawakens again in Ra-on though his blood. He pities the descendant that has to undo all his contracts, has to inherit all the troubles that Solomon had left behind,
And then Solomon sees the exact face he thought was forever lost. Solomon can't say a word, can't even breathe.
And just as Solomon is about to run to them, to embrace them as he always wanted, the Companion glares, grabs this body by the shoulders and growls, "Who the fuck are you?"
Wouldn't that be a time?
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