#but Lucy I’m so sorry your author wrote you like this
I’ve had lucille for 154 pages and GOD lucy if I could give you a new author I WOULD you deserve it and I’m so sorry
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Hi sweetie here are some q's for your fic author ask game!
3 10 14 17 19 29 30: Is there a fic,written by someone else, that you would love to do a remix of? What is it and why?
:) :) :) :) :) :)
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? "sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine)" & "i can't let go when something's broken" are my two favorites :3 (and maybe also the kiki's delivery service au, that one was just so fluffy and cute and sparkly)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? i'm surprised by how many people really seem to love "when i don't touch you" tbh! the mechanics/worldbuilding is vague at best in my opinion and i leave a lot of stuff ambiguous because i just wanted to tell this story of missing someone and needing them and fate and destiny. i am always surprised & very very grateful for the compliments that fic receives!
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? i wrote "sorry about the blood in your mouth" constantly thinking about how it would look if it was being filmed. that one is my most cinematic, i think!!
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? the last vcr was sold in 2016 :)
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs. from chapter 2 of "oh my, love is a lie":
Steve taps on the pink highlight around Eddie’s profile picture. It looks like Eddie uses his instagram stories like a diary, posting his various thoughts throughout the day. The first story is a poll: “Would you fuck Jeff Bezos to end global warming?” Steve doesn’t vote. The next three stories are just memes. The next slide is a picture of a bowl of soup with the words “good soup” and after that is a picture of Chrissy’s cat with the caption “this eldritch creature lives in my house.” The last slide shows the results from the original poll, an overwhelming amount of people having apparently voted “no” on Jeff Bezos. Eddie’s added the words “dang, can’t believe how selfish you all are.” That makes Steve laugh, just a little. 
Steve shuts off the screen on his phone and sets it down on his bedside table. He takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes, yawning. Then, he reaches over and turns out his light, before sliding down under his covers and falling asleep.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.) a scene cut from "sorry about the blood in your mouth":
“Max,” Eddie says, cautiously. “Is there something bothering you?” 
“No,” she snaps, still not turning to look at him. She’s torn between wanting him to go away and wanting to tell him exactly what she thinks right now. 
“Max… I know you’re feeling angry right now. Is it because Steve left? I know that you feel better when he’s around and—“
“What, you think Steve is, like, my emotional support dog or something?” She can’t keep the anger out of her voice, even though she’s really trying. “Yes, I love having him around because I love him and he’s one of my best friends. I don’t need him here to do my job. This isn’t Steve’s fault, by any stretch of the imagination.”
“Okay,” Eddie responds and she can hear some confusion in his voice. Max finally turns to look at him and she can see his eyebrows scrunching up as he furrows his brow. She can’t help but wonder how it’s possible for one man to be so deeply and irreparably stupid?
“I’m mad at you, asshole,” she finally admits, jabbing her pointer finger into Eddie’s chest.
“Me? Why?” Eddie rubs at the spot on his chest where she’d just poked him.
“Because!” She throws up her hands. “How is it possible for you to be so fucking stupid? For ten whole years!”
“Huh?” Eddie’s confused frown deepens.
“Jesus Christ, Eddie. Who do you think this story is about?”
“The story? Of the movie? Uh. Lucy is you, Max. I wrote her for you.”
“Lucy isn’t me,” she says, like it’s obvious. “I’ve been madly in love with Lucas since I was thirteen and I tell him so every single day. Try again.”
“Yeah, but nothing! Eddie, what—if I’m Lucy, who’s Delilah?”
“Lucy is you and Nancy, Delilah’s El and Robin.”
Max snorts. “Okay, that’s a little funny.”
“I thought so.”
“But Lucy isn’t me and Delilah isn’t El. And neither of them are Nancy or Robin.”
“Yes, they are.”
“What—no—Eddie,” he can hear the exasperation in her voice now and now she’s talking with her hands, moving her whole body around like she does when she thinks the person she’s talking to is being a humungous moron. “You’re Lucy. Steve’s Delilah.”
“No,” Eddie says immediately.
“Um, yes! Just like you’re Ricky and Hector and Ronan and Jamie and Peter and Steve’s Brad and Tim and Adam and Martin and Matt.” She lists off the characters from his books.
“What? No.”
“Eddie, you’ve been writing a love story for you and Steve since the beginning,” Max tells him. “Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one here? Of the two of you?” Under her breath, she adds, “how is Steve the one who’s known all along?”
Eddie’s head snaps up to look at her then. “What.” It’s not a question. “What did you say?”
“I said,” Max says at a normal volume, enunciating, “How is Steve Harrington the one who’s known everything all along?”
“What does that mean?” His voice is getting increasingly desperate, pleading. “Max, what do you mean?”
Max rolls her eyes. “Steve’s been in love with you since you were twenty years old. He’s been waiting for you to figure out your shit. He’s read all your books. He’s watched you date other people and he hasn’t dated anyone. He’s waited for you, Eddie. He’s waited for you to decide what you want.”
Eddie can’t feel his hands. His feet are tingling, like they’ve fallen asleep. He can’t breathe. “He’s been waiting for me?” It comes out as a whisper.
“Yes, but…” Max trails off, looking at him with pity in her eyes. “When he left, I told him to stop waiting. I told him he deserved to be loved by someone who was brave enough to really love him.” He looks at her, an accusation in his brown eyes. “I didn’t think you were actually fucking stupid! I thought you were making a choice. I didn’t realize you really didn’t know that you could have him.” She rolls her eyes. “Didn’t he kiss you at the Golden Globes? And you left with that musician anyway. Even after that, Steve still waited. And didn’t he confess to you three nights ago? Didn’t he tell you what he wanted?” Max kind of looks like she’s on the verge of tears now and Eddie’s pretty close behind her.
30: Is there a fic,written by someone else, that you would love to do a remix of? What is it and why? oooohhhhhh, i don't know! all of my favorite fics are absolutely perfect as they are, but! i've read a kind of bring it on steddie au that i completely lost track of, but i think it would be fun to do like a real, proper bring it on au where eddie joins the team reluctantly and falls in love with head cheerleader steve. hijinks ensue. i can't think of a specific fic that i would remix tho!
thank you <3 :3
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gralunaisland · 2 years
I’m honestly not that surprised that gruviugh is being made canon in 100yq. Mashima painted himself into a corner. For Gray to wind up with anyone else juviugh would have to be completely removed from the story in such a way that she couldn’t get back to him. Trapped in Edolas, or held prisoner, or even dead. She’s unfortunately too popular a character for him to consider it, so poor Gray has to suffer because of poor writing/planning. And even though I understand it I will forever be salty because we could have had GrayLu instead
Mashima’s Lose-Lose Situation Because of gr///via
First of all! Thank you so much for your patience and I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond.
Bonnie, when I tell you I searched for hours to find a post of mine where I talked about the stuff you mentioned here, I really did TvT. Oh well, couldn't find it.
Edit: wow I found which post it was months late. It was in this one, my “Why I Ship GraLu” of all places @_@, more specifically, the section I talk about it is right before I explain why GraLu is better endgame than gr///via.)
You bring up such a good point, and I absolutely agree with you! In that long-lost post of mine, I said Mashima basically cornered himself into a lose-lose situation with writing gr///via.
On the one hand, he could scrap gr///via (rightly so) and give Gray a healthy relationship with someone else (*cough* Lucy would've been the best but the Big Four exist so of course she's unavailable *cough*) or even just keep him single and happy, which is always an option! You don't need a love interest to be an interesting, happy character!
BUT then his very loud gr///via fandom would riot in the streets and probably boycott Fairy Tail altogether, dragging its name through the mud everywhere and anywhere they can. It would make it seem to his Pro audience that he baited them and strung them along (when in reality, I think it was the Pro audience who strongarmed Mashima into making gr///via canon (and not just a gag ship) in the first place, so really, it's both their faults).
On the other hand, he could keep gr///via (a travesty) and make it endgame and keep Gray in a soul-sucking, mind-numbing, psychologically-manipulating-and-devastating relationship with juvia. This would be easier for Mashima because he wouldn't have to change his currently consistent way of writing of the two of them, because, since Gray by now has basically been brainwashed into being juvia's groupie, it would, like you said, Bonnie, take a severe shift in the story to make him snap out of it (so deep is the hole Mashima has dug for himself). I'd say juvia's death would be the only feasible way for Gray to escape juvia because from the way Mashima wrote her, her literal undying "loyalty" belongs to Gray only.
BUT then he would be severely undermining his legitimacy as an author (more so than he has already from allowing the horrendousness that is gr///via to exist in the first place). I wouldn't even say disappointing the GraLu fans would be the biggest problem with the whole situation, because GraLu fans don't tend to be so vocal and demanding with their ship because they see the direction Mashima is yanking Gray's romantic storyline in, and they've accepted it by this point. But keeping juvia as the end-goal of Gray would seriously disappoint any FT fan who actually cares for Gray's happiness. I wouldn't say every gr///via fan thinks juvia is actually the right pick for Gray, as some of them have admitted to me that the way juvia is now isn't very healthy, but they can't help but ship them. But those of us who want Gray to not be in the toxic relationship would be very discouraged by the decision to make gr///via endgame. It puts a huge damper on the enjoyment, at least for me, of the entire anime just for her and her antics to exist.
All in all, you're absolutely right that Mashima wrote himself in between a rock and a hard place. It just would've been best for him and for everyone if he'd either kept gr///via as being a blatantly discouraged gag ship, and then went on to keep Gray single or give him someone better to date, or if he'd never introduced juvia in the first place.
But here we are. Thanks, Mashima.
Anyway, thank you so much for sending me such a thought-provoking ask! I hope my ramblings were entertaining to some degree. :D
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neptunesfullbuster · 4 years
Hi 👋 how are you? May I request please request platonic team natsu x teen reader who is quiet and keeps to herself and it comes off as her disliking people rude but she is just socially awkward. I wasn’t sure if you wanted details so I added them just in case 😅 - Ruki
- welcome to fairy tail!
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summary ; you bump into an odd group of mages while heading home who welcome you into their family.
pairing ; platonic!team natsu x socially awkward!gn!reader
word count ; 646
warnings / genre ; none,
authors note ; details are always appreciate so thank you! i wrote this as a scenario/drabble how reader meets team natsu, enjoy!! (i dont think the title fits but it’s all i could think of so meh) reblogs are greatly appreciated
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You couldn’t help but stare at the guildmark that was placed on your forearm, occasionally rubbing your hand over it. You glance out at your rowdy guildmates, chaos was something you never got a break from, but for some reason you didn’t mind it. For never being in a guild before, you liked it; it felt nice having a place that you could call home, no matter how many times it was destroyed. 
You had been apart of Fairy Tail for a few weeks now but hadn’t bothered to try and befriend anyone. It occasionally caused odd looks and whispers that made you cringe. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to make friends- you weren’t sure how to begin a conversation with any of them, you felt intimidated. 
The sun was beginning to set, casting a beautiful orange hue across the city. Drinking the rest of your drink, you decided it was time to head home for the rest of the night. 
The streets of Magnolia were calm and quiet. Families were already settled at home for the evening. You couldn’t help but glance at a happy family eating dinner, smiling and joking with one another; a ghost of a smile fell on your face.
“You popsicle!” someone yelled down the street, catching your attention. You decided to check out the person who shouted such an interesting insult. 
Walking down the street, you noticed a group of mages approaching ahead. Two were arguing, calling each other the oddest insults, which you figured was the source of the yelling you heard moments ago. 
You would much rather avoid the conflict of interacting with them, but there was no other way home, so you had to walk past the rowdy bunch. Though in your attempt to ignore them, you ended up tripping and falling on your face, catching their attention.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You mumbled a few curse words, pushing yourself up to sit on the ground instead of laying on it. The blonde girl wandered up to you. 
“Wait a second, aren’t you our new member? I’m Lucy!” She cheered, sticking out her hand to help you up. You sheepishly smiled at her and went to grab her hand, but someone pushed her to the side.
“Hey, yeah! Your the emo one who doesn’t talk to anybody. You seemed a bit frightening but now, looking at you, you don’t anymore. What’s your name? I’m Natsu.” He smiled at you, ignoring Lucy, who was scolding him for what he said.
“I-I’m Y/n.” you stuttered. You were a bit uncomfortable because Natsu was leaning over top of you. There wasn’t much distance between you both. 
“Natsu, back up, would ya? You’re making her uncomfortable.” A guy pointed out, his arms were crossed, and he held a scowl on his face. 
Natsu rolled his eyes but still moved back and stood up straight, sticking his hand out to you. 
“Well, welcome to Fairy Tail Y/n!” He cheered. You hesitantly grabbed his hand, and he pulled you up effortlessly. Natsu moved to your side and threw his arm over your shoulder. 
“That’s Erza, Wendy, Carla and Happy! Oh, and that’s Gray.” Natsu pointed to each person introducing them, though hesitant when he got to Gray, making him scoff. “We’re a team!”
Natsu once again grinned at you. You couldn’t tell if you were heating up because of him and his body heat or if it was your nerves. You softly smiled at each of them.
“I’m sorry, but what was your name again?”
“Oh, I’m Y/n.” 
“Y’know you should join us on our next job. You seem kinda new at this.” Erza offered you. A few nodded in agreement. You were surprised at how quick they were to welcome you. 
“Of course! The more people, the better!” Lucy added, causing you to smile.
“Yeah, um why not?” 
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nalu-love-4-life · 3 years
Dragon Swan Song
Author’s Note:
It’s been a very long time since I wrote a drabble on Tumblr for NaLu. But I have had an itch lately to write something for them, because I haven’t written anything passionately in a very long time, and what could be more fun to jump back into writing than to write about my OTP?
I hope you all enjoy this short NaLu drabble where Natsu is a knight assigned to protect the princess, Lucy!
The skirt of my dress flowed freely around my ankles as I paced back and forth from the end of my bed to the chamber doors. A feeling of impending dread was steadily building in my stomach and each time I stopped to take a breath the anxious knots only seemed to pull tighter. The late morning sunlight streaming in from the balcony created patches of heat on the cool stone floor. While the warmth on my skin brought brief comfort, my thoughts were still troubled and they swirled in my head, going ‘round and around, making me dizzy. My pacing stopped only when I heard a low rapping on the doors behind me.
“Excuse me, Princess. I’m coming in,” a husky voice called.
I swiveled around and straightened my back, and hastily tucked a couple loose strands of hair - which had fallen over my face - behind my ear. After clasping my hands together with a firm grip, I answered, “C-come in!” There was a momentary pause before the doors opened and a familiar mess of pink hair peaked into view.
Natsu, I thought with a soft sigh. I could already feel my worries sliding off from my shoulders. As he stepped into the room, I could see his firm build. He stood almost a foot taller than me and his skin was tanned from spending long days training in the sun.
“Princess Lucy, is everything alright?” He asked. “I could hear your footsteps from the other side of the doors. Is there something on your mind?” His voice was deep and sincere, but the formality of his speech felt strange.
“Y-yes! Everything is fine, really. No need to worry. I’m just overthinking some plans that my father had proposed to me this past evening.” I did my best to brush his concern away with a smile and a curt wave of my hand, but the crease between his eyebrows remained and his lips did not move from the slight frown they were set in.
“Hmm,” he hummed aloud. “Well, though I believe you’re telling me the truth, I cannot take your words at mere face value.”
“Huh?” I questioned.
“You don’t look like you’re in full health, Princess. So I will do my own inspection to make sure you are feeling well,” he said in a raised voice while peering down the long hallway. I waited with anticipation as Natsu quietly shut the wooden doors. He paused, and I watched his shoulders rise and fall as he slowly breathed in and out. When he turned around and looked at me I could see the glimmer of mischief dancing in his onyx eyes.
“Natsu,” I said. “What are you doing? It’s the middle of the day. We could be caught!”
He smirked, briefly flashing his sharp canines. A jolt rippled down my spine and my heart beat faster in my chest.
“We’ll be fine, Luce,” he said. Natsu took a couple steps closer to me. He had a confident air about him. “Anyone who was around thinks I’m simply checking on the princess to make sure she’s feeling well. Nothing wrong with that, right?” He raised his eyebrows and the devilish flare grew in his eyes. My knees wobbled underneath the intensity of his stare. As he entered further into the room, the sunlight illuminated the details of his face. I couldn’t help myself from studying him.
The old scar that ran down his right cheek stopped at his jawline, and another stretched across the right side of his neck. The rough skin healed a bit darker than his normal shade, which only made them appear more prominent. His cheeks were dusted a soft rose giving him a healthy and youthful likeness. Light freckles speckled the bridge of his nose and under his eyes, but if you weren’t looking close enough you wouldn’t think he had any at all. There was a bit of dirt on his forehead and his hair was in mild disarray, so he had probably been training in the courtyard or tending to the horses in the stables earlier. My eyes continued to scan over his face. I didn’t want to miss a thing.
“Like what you see?”
“Huh?!” Startled, my concentration broke and our eyes locked.
Natsu chuckled and closed the little distance that was left between us. His smile was warm. “You’re cute when you get lost in thought,” he muttered bringing his right hand to rest on my cheek. It was as if there was fire in his fingertips. His touch was gentle, but every one set my skin ablaze. I could feel the rough callouses on his palm that had formed from years of hard work wielding his sword and perfecting his skills.
“Don’t tease me like that,” I pouted. My hair fell loose around my shoulders as I turned my head to the side.
“Aw, come on, Luce. I was being serious,” he whined, but the slight twitch at the corners of his mouth gave away his amusement. A gasp escaped my lips as I felt two strong arms circle around my waist and pull me forward. Our bodies pressed together and the palms of my hands rested on his chest. All I could think about was how firm and strong it felt.
“Natsu th-this is embarrassi-!”
“You really are beautiful, Princess,” he murmured. His voice was low and tender and every word sounded so sincere. I really admired that about him. Though sometimes he could be honest to a fault, it was just another one of his many charms.
He used his hand that was on my cheek to brush the hair from my face and place it back behind my ear. “There they are,” he said. “Hey, Doe Eyes.” A quiet chuckle rumbled in his throat.
“Hi,” I whispered almost breathless. Natsu smelled like warm linen and earth, with a hint of something sweet, like honey or vanilla. I wished that I could bottle that scent so I could revisit it whenever, but did my best to focus so I could at least commit it to memory. His dark eyes held me as a willing captive and I couldn’t tear myself away. As frustrating as his teasing could be at times, I was never more at ease than when I was enveloped in his embrace. Whenever it seemed like everything was turning upside down and I felt as if I could float away at any given moment, I could always count on him to tether me and bring me safely back to solid ground.
His face relaxed as he scanned over me. “Now,” Natsu said clearing his throat. “Are you gonna tell me why you were pacing so much? Your footsteps were so loud, I bet everyone in the castle thought an ogre was stomping around in here.” Natsu’s eyebrows lifted and his lips puckered ever-so slightly. I could tell he was holding in laughter.
“How dare you!” I huffed and pushed against his chest so that he would relinquish his hold on me. “And just when I thought you were being genuinely sweet for once.” I crossed my arms over my chest and marched onto the balcony.
There was a cool spring breeze and the sky was bright blue with thin white clouds floating lazily overhead. I positioned myself so that my arms rested against the thick metal railing that overlooked the castle garden. All of the flowers were in full bloom and their many scents mixed in a harmonious melody which filled the air and swirled around me. I took a deep breath in to fully appreciate the wonderful aroma. As my muscles began to relax the sound of heavy boots came closer to my turned back.
Natsu stood quietly beside me with his back leaned against the railing. He craned his neck to the side and looked across the castle grounds. “You always did enjoy the garden, didn’t you?” He asked, although it seemed like it was more of a statement to himself. “Even when we were kids, if you were ever upset you’d always go someplace where you could see the flowers.”
I glanced at him from the side. “Of course I like the garden,” I sighed. “The flowers are pretty, it’s always quiet, and I can lose myself walking around in it. I can pretend like I don’t have a care in the world—like I can do whatever I want—be whoever I want—love whoever I-” I stopped myself and turned to look at Natsu. He was smiling at me, but it was small and there was sadness underneath. Natsu shifted his eyes away from me and turned around so that he faced the garden. His broad shoulders slumped forward and his weight pressed down on his forearms that he’d rested on the railing.
“Do you remember that day?” He asked. “When we met?” I ran my eyes over his face, trying to discern what he might be thinking. “You were picking daisies in the far corner of the garden to make a makeshift crown, and I was running from Makorov ‘cuz I accidentally tore a hole right through his trousers with my sword.”
“As I recall, you caused that tear because you were sparring with Gray again over who was going to get to eat the last slice of Miss Mira’s strawberry shortcake that she’d baked earlier that day,” I mocked. “But then Erza knocked your heads together, claimed it for herself, and ate it right in front of you! So neither you nor Gray got any cake and you were both punished for fighting—no sweets for a whole month!” I raised my hand to cover my mouth as I laughed.
“Y-yeah… Erza’s scary,” Natsu muttered.
I stood with my hands on my hips and gave a disapproving stare. “I haven’t forgotten how you ran straight into me and crushed all of my daisies before I could make that crown, by the way,” I said. “And you caused me to fall face first into the dirt and ruin the new dress Father had gotten for me, too,” I huffed. Natsu grimaced and rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his hair.
“Uh, yeah, sorry,” he said. “I remember getting an earful about that too.”
I scoffed in mild amusement. “It’s fine. To be quite honest, Father always ordered the most stuffy dresses back then, anyway, and the one you ruined was particularly stifling to wear,” I said. “Especially when I was out in the garden.”
“Well, I wish you had said something back then before Erza chewed me out for that in between mouthfuls of cake,” Natsu laughed.
“Why would I when it’s so amusing to see how you and Gray shake like puppies when she scolds you?” He pretended to pout at my taunting which only made me laugh more. “Miss Erza’s not so terrible, you know,” I said gaining my composure.
“You only think that because you’ve never had to fight her. After one training session I can barely move for days whenever she’s put in charge of combat practice. She’s merciless!” He whined.
I giggled and Natsu turned his head so he could look at me. His eyes were serious when they met mine. Something about his steady gaze threw my stomach for a whirl. “W-what is it?” I asked.
Natsu shifted his weight and stood tall. His stature blocked the sun and cast a shadow over me. To someone else, he might seem scary using his full height to his advantage like this. But to me, he was no more threatening than a dragonfly.
“Lucy,” he said. His voice came off stern but his eyes were almost pleading. “Tell me why you’ve been so stressed lately. I won’t continue to pretend like I haven’t noticed.” Natsu took my hand in his. I could feel his thumb tracing gentle circles over the tops of my fingers. Unlike before, he kept a respectable distance between us and was careful to hide our clasped hands behind the railing.
We couldn’t risk the groundskeepers or any other castle attendant seeing us, and the balcony was a very public spot. Any affectionate display witnessed by the wrong person was sure to circulate through the castle grapevine, and there would surely be repercussions to face. I knew this, of course, but I still felt my heart longing.
Author’s End Note:
I hope you all enjoyed this first installation of this NaLu drabble as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sorry to leave you all on a bit of a cliffhanger there but it was getting much longer than originally intended haha Should I continue it and make it a real story? If you want more please like, comment, and/or DM me and let me know what you think! And make sure to follow me on here on tumblr for any updates on this story and so you don’t miss any other Fairy Tail NaLu drabbles or fanfic posts/art or story reblogs!
❤️ nalu-love-4-life
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Rainy Days (Part 4 of 4)
Link to AO3 -----  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Summary: Emma and Julian are in charge of the London Institute for a week and find a box that once belonged to Cordelia Carstairs and contains poems written to her by James Herondale. The story switches between Emma and Julian and oneshots about things that happened in Jordelia's life to inspire the poems.
Sorry if the formatting for the poems is messed up, I tried.
Thank you all so much for reading this story, I really enjoyed writing it <3
“Daisies must have been her favorite flower or something” Emma says as they look around the room. Looking now that was a very obvious statement. Even some of the blankets neatly folded on the end of the bed had daisies embroidered on them. The wall paper was lined with a daisy print and on the box itself was intricately carved flowers. There are also some very old flowers that were carefully pressed and put in the box next to the poems. They were afraid to touch them for fear that they would fall apart. 
“Yeah, maybe I will do a painting of her when we go home,” Julian says thoughtfully, “I should include some daisies if I do.” 
“I’m sure it will be great,” Emma says thinking of his other paintings. He has done so many great pieces that if he was a mundane she was sure his work would be in an art gallery. The institute itself had turned into a sort of gallery these days, some people visited just to see the murals Julian painted on the walls.
They both were laying back on the bed and Jules had his arm around Emma. This was a nice day off after the busy day they had yesterday, they had run into some demons by the river and were outnumbered. Luckily, Emma is the best shadowhunter of their generation. Her wielding Cortana was definitely a scene he wanted to paint when he got home. The grace of her movements when she was fighting was like a dance, he could never quite capture the movement with a set of acrylics. 
He checked his watch, they had plenty of time before Jem and Tessa would get here. 
“We should read another poem,” he suggested. “They are kind of interesting to see what they said to each other 100 years ago.”
“Ok, I will,” she says, reaching into the box again for another poem. There was one titled Rainy Days.
“That seems fitting for today,” Julian says, glancing out the window. Emma reads the poem aloud.
Rainy Days
Outside the sky is dark and gray, The rain falls in puddles on the ground, We are in the library by the fireplace, Listening as it down pours all afternoon.
The heat of the flames warms the room, You by my side warms my heart. Even on the darkest of dreary days, You light up everything by being there.
Now you are asleep next to me, While I write about our day. I'm starting to think that I quite like, These warm and rainy days.
It was another rainy spring day in London, the snow had just melted and it was still very cold out. You could hear the wind blowing all around outside, it was quite the stormy day. None of the merry thieves or their family members would be venturing out today, they too were curled up by a fire, just like Cordelia and James. 
James now looked at the sleeping Cordelia on his lap, she looked so at peace. Her soft red hair was undone and free from it’s unusual style, he combed his fingers gently through it. He thought about the day they had had. Today was very good weather for writing. With a notebook in his hand he began to come up with ideas. 
“Good morning,” Cordelia says, sitting next to James at the kitchen table. She poured a cup of tea and looked out the window, it was raining very hard and forming puddles in the street. 
“Good morning” James responds, reaching for some breakfast, “Looks like any plans for today are cancelled”
“I think it is far too cold to go adventuring in London,” Cordelia says with a shiver, it was almost spring but they still had many cold days ahead of them. 
They finished their breakfast talking about rain and what crazy things their friends have been up to lately. Christopher had been working on a new invention, Mathew caused some trouble at the Hell Ruelle, nothing much different than usual. They then decided to head upstairs to the study where they could sit by the warm fire and play a game of chess. 
“Shâm-Mât” Cordelia says, winning her 12th consecutive game in a row. James just laughs as they reset the board for another game. There isn’t much to do and he is still holding on to hope that he can win at least one round.
“You're too good at this,” James says with a smirk. She has always been brilliant at battle strategy, she could outsmart any opponent she faced. He looked at her with a smile as she planned her next move, her face was full of concentration. He could feel her plotting his demise. 
They played chess until it was time for lunch, the sky was still gray with rain clouds. They then decided to venture to the library to look for a book to read on this cold and rainy day. James walked over to put more wood on the fire while Cordelia went to look for a book. They settled on the couch by the fire, Cordelia leaning her head against James’s shoulder while he read from an old volume of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. There were a lot of Dickens novels in the library mostly from James’s parents' fascination with the author. Will and Tessa were both staying in Wales for a week and were not at the institute, it was just James and Cordelia. 
She began to fall asleep and he smiled as he see the book on the night stand. He grabbed his notebook and began to write. 
So now James was still sitting on the couch trying to write a poem about the letter but he realized the poem wasn’t what he should be writing about, he spent the whole day with Cordelia and she was more fierce and interesting than any storm. 
“That was very fitting for today,” Emma says, putting the poems back in the box. She looks at the time quickly, Jem and Tessa would be there soon. 
“It must rain here a lot,” Julian says, “I miss the beach” They laugh, they would be back in LA soon enough to deal with the chaos that ensues there. 
They had just renovated the institute more and had been busy painting more murals on the walls. They also updated their computer and Jules got a laptop which made some things easier and more organized. 
They hear footsteps coming down the hall and Tessa looks into the room. 
“I see you found James and Cordelia’s room,” she says with a smile. 
“I haven’t been here in years,” Jem says looking around the room. Tessa was looking at the box in Emma’s hands. 
“I see you found Cordelia’s jewelry box,” Tessa smiles as though she is remembering her, “She is an ancestor of yours, she was a Carstairs before she married my son.” 
“James, right? Did he write poetry?” Emma asks. Tessa looked a bit confused.
“Yes, he did. But I thought I had all his notebooks saved at my house, did you find one?” 
“We didn’t find a whole notebook but we did find a few poems he wrote to Cordelia.” Jules says. Emma opens the box and pulls out the pieces of paper. 
“I always wondered where the ripped out pages went, I always assumed they were just rough drafts that got tossed away.” She paused for a moment, “did you two happen to find a book called The Beautiful Cordelia. I have been looking for it for a while now and I know Cordelia had it.”
Emma pointed over to the shelf they had originally found the box on. Tessa pulled out the leather bound book that had The Beautiful Cordelia across the top in fancy calligraphy and a small “by Lucie Herondale” on the bottom. 
“Thank you,” Tessa said, holding the book. Jem was looking at something across the room. 
“Hey, did some of our stuff get moved up here too,” he asked, picking up a stele. 
“I think so, did you find something?” Tessa asks. 
“This was Will’s stele,” He says, handing it to her and looking slightly incredulous. “How much of our stuff is still here?” Tessa laughs.
“Leave some for the other generations, we don’t want to fill our house with 100 years worth of clutter.” 
They all turn to leave and go get something to eat. They would never forget the poems they found, the remnants of someone else's rainy day, of another time period far away yet so near to them. While the day was dreary, dark, and wet, never let the weather depict whether there is a storm cloud raining on your day off.
Cordelia looks at the poems one more time with a smile before placing them in her new jewelry box. It had been an anniversary gift from James. It is wooden with her name and intricate little daisies carved onto it. The box truly is beautiful. It had been raining so she took the opportunity to organize a bit but now the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds. 
James walked over and kissed her on the cheek while she latched the box shut. 
“ We were invited to a picnic in the park, just the usual group. Do you want to go?” He asks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
“That sounds lovely,” she says, standing up from the bed and carrying the box over to the shelf. She puts it between The Beautiful Cordelia and a book of persian mythology her mother had given her. She slipped on her shoes and took James’s hand. They walked off happy as can be, standing in the sun for a change instead of being stuck inside on those rainy days.
Tag list: @fortheloveofthecarstairs  @thehotfaeriethreesome  @shadowrunner2000  @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @surrounded-by-exquisite-clutter @gabtapia  @niathesanctuary-bolastair-kanej
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list :)
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Eternal Hearts Liveblog, pt 1
Special thanks to @missn11​, who is probably mortified their name is associated with this travesty of a post, for letting me get my filthy little hands on this piece of embarrassing VTM history.
Okay guys, time to do the thing that’s gonna get me cancelled by fifteen-year-olds in the year 2032:
I’m gonna liveblog Eternal Hearts.
I once promised myself I would never make a rape joke, but today I break that vow because even the rape scenes are (sometimes) just that fucking ridiculous that I had to make fun of them.
This book is just.
In the first twenty-four pages alone we have:
A guy is confronted by a locked door, so he whips his dick out. Everyone else acts like this is completely normal.
A guy meeting Final Death because a politician sat on his face. RIP in pieces Noah.
A mortal setting herself on fire, waving her arms around and running at a bunch of vampires yelling “DIE, YOU BASTARDS!”
A guy using his dick as a key ring. (Yeah, it’s the locked door guy.)
Lucita given the Hallowe’en treatment, in that she’s covered with sewage -- but sexy!
Daddy kink on top of the Washington monument.
Only some of the above makes sense in context. Some of it is as baffling in context as it is out of context.
This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read. Nobody told me about this when I went in holy shit.
Time to open this sucker up!
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Liveblog under the cut!
You’re in for a ride, and it’s the edgiest, unsexiest ride ever.
First thing I notice: Eternal Hearts is, in fact, written by a woman. Which may mean that if she wanted to scare the shit out of her female readers, she'd know exactly how to do it.
(^ I wrote that back when I thought I was gonna traumatise myself by reading this. OH BOY)
Next bit, the rape book is opened by the following foreword:
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What follows is an essay that basically boils down to "no! :D but we wrote it anyway!”
Partway through that is this quote:
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We’ll come back to that quote later. Several times, I predict.
Aaaand we open straight into a gang rape scene! Oh joy. And there’s church spires, to make it extra edgy.
Oh but then they give her the Kiss so she enjoys it! Yay!
She's a shovelhead.
They never mentioned THIS part of the Sabbat recruitment process.
and now she's underground and buried and being raped again? Somehow. Like somebody’s got their entire goddamn fist in there. While under six feet of dirt. I know someone’s got their entire damn fist in there because the Shovelhead’s thinking about how somebody got their entire goddamn fist in there.
(Yeah this is the bit I had to make jokes about because it was that fucking ridiculous. I started this out trying to be respectful. I failed. Miserably. I just can’t fucking do it this is too -- too -- Eternal Hearts-y.)
Like the author just turned to the other people in the credits page and pitched this idea: “guys. Hear me out. What do you think is scarier than being raped or being buried alive?”
“idk what?”
“being raped after being buried alive!”
“That’s a GREAT idea!”
(”Lucy didn’t even break the rules as much as I was willing to let her” Remember that quote? Thank god for that.)
Jean - for that is our poor Shovelhead's name, RIP - seems only mildly concerned about the rape. and the fact it’s still happening.
Like yeah, serious talk, putting my respectful hat on: to be fair, everyone responds to trauma differently. You know how I respond to trauma? I make jokes about it. Like I’m the kind of person to say “what are you gonna do, STAB ME?” for the lols when a guy is pointing a knife at me.
Okay, respectful hat back off, back to edgy humour.
Anyway she’s being fisted by somebody while also six feet underground, somehow, and daydreaming about the guy she’s stalking and about how she’s in love with him, hmm, maybe he had something to do with it? She’s not entirely sure.
(ETA: So an anonymous Discord friend was reading my liveblog and said this:
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and I laughed so hard my dog actually pawed at me because she was worried.
Yeah, I’m going to hell, but at least I know I’m taking you guys with me.)
Anyway she starts digging her way out, and I guess she’s still being fisted while she’s digging her way out???? IDK they didn’t say it stopped??? Like that’s gotta make digging your way out difficult.
And then cut to Lucita!
Walking past a protest outside a sex shop. There’s a bunch of Christian protestors outside because they’re bored or something. We get straight back into rapiness with a Dominate:
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Damn Lucita, if jizzing your own brains isn't the hottest image you can give a guy, I don't know how what is.
Lucita decides to snack instead of raping him, but does sexually assault him by taking his dick from his pants and leaving it in his hand when he’s unconscious.
Lucita walks into a meeting at a brothel. There are “slaves”. I’m not sure if they’re sex slaves or if they’re actually ghouls, but then again, this is Eternal Hearts so probably both.
She expects Pieterzoon to be there, but he's not. When the others start talking like he's missing, she is completely unconcerned and immediately starts talking as if she knows he's missing.
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They move on. Pieterzoon has paid Lucita to assassinate Marcus Vitel. Good fucking luck with that one. Everyone at the meeting is trying to stop her from doing it. Lucita’s like “tough shit he’s already paid me bitch is gonna die”.
Also the Brujah woman present is apparently this scene’s titillation or something because the author loves to remind us about how tight her clothes are and how she's "seductively cuddling" people.
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no fucking kidding
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I like how the VTM universe goes out of its way to avoid using the terms “son” and “daughter” to avoid the Unfortunate Implications when people inevitably start fucking their Sires
and the author’s like "nah fuck that let’s daddy kink it up.”
Oh and he does it ON TOP OF THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT!! Like gang rape in a churchyard wasn’t edgy enough I guess.
the author can't go a paragraph without reminding us that sex exists and everyone is utterly sex crazed. The bit I blacked out above? That was Lucita daydreaming about hiring a prostitute. Like that’s not erotica, erotica is arousing, this is just voyeurism.
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Lucita apparently hasn't yet noticed she's in a porno.
Somebody makes a joke about the Christian protestors gang raping the prostitutes outside. It’s a Ventrue. Of course it is.
Apparently the slave (I guess the word “ghoul” isn’t sexy enough) in the above screenshot is a fucking senator. Pun not intended. She soothes the cranky Brujah by suggesting they get somebody called Torres deported? I have no idea what that has to do with Lucita assassinating Marcus Vitel, but there's almost certainly going to be fucking involved.
(ETA 23/1/21 -- I regret to inform you all that there wasn’t “fucking” involved so much as gang rape. Never mind.)
Lucita and the Brujah guy almost start stabbing each other (so much for that soothing), but somebody has just set the brothel on fire so they have to GTFO.
The mortal senator can't quite fit inside the escape tunnel because her skirt is huge and keeping it on is apparently more important than not dying of smoke inhalation. But it’s okay, she manages it.
The skirt will be important later, unfortunately.
They come to a locked door in the passage. Oh no, whatever will they do?
Will they take a key out of their pocket and unlock it?
Nah, that’s too fucking sensible.
The Brujah that tried to punch Lucita whips out his dick.
He actually fucking does that.
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Weird flex, but okay.
(ETA 21/1/21 -- I just realised... what if it’s somebody ELSE’S penis he just whipped out? Like the thing was actually just chilling out and he pulls it out the way somebody else pulls out a cucumber. It’s not attached to his body, it’s just THERE?)
Everyone is completely unfazed by this. Both by the fact he whipped his dick out, and the fact he uses it as a fucking key ring.
Like. Is this a habit of his????? APPARENTLY IT IS.
(ETA: Anonymous Discord friend says:
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They end up in a sewer.
Garinson keeps a key to a sewer on his dick key ring.
(”Lucy didn’t even break the rules as much as I was willing to let her” yeah I just remembered another place more fitting for a sewer key)
The senator suddenly threatens everyone with a lighter!!
After the kindred are done laughing their ass off, she covers herself in whiskey, sets herself on fire and charges them.
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I'm sorry but the way it's worded - pin wheeling, cringing - just makes this the funniest shit. It gets even funnier when you remember they’re knee-deep in water. Ever tried to run in water? It’s. not exactly easy. So presumably she’s tripping and stumbling the entire time and somehow still on fire as she does so.
A kindred tries to escape by clawing his way up the wall. He falls. The senator assassinates him by flinging her skirt over his head and sitting on his face. That part of her is also on fire. The skirt and her thighs are on fire.
And I guess they’re obviously not thigh-deep in water any more ‘cause the poor fuck doesn’t survive this.
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what a way to fucking go: death by fire pussy.
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Everyone panics, except Lucita, who's like "fuck this", cuts off her head, puts out the corpse, then, uh. uses it as a shield against the remaining flames. as you do.
(Between that and the above screenshot, there’s graphic descriptions of what, exactly, the fire is doing to the senator, and how said senator doesn’t give a flying fuck that fire is kinda hurty because she hates vampires that fucking much.)
Lucita meets a Nosferatu who offers to guide her from the sewers. On the next page, we have an illustration of Lucita, in sewage, looking up at the Nosferatu.
You couldn’t possibly make that picture sexy, could you?
Welp the artist went “Challenge accepted!”
So I wanted to show you guys the picture but I didn’t want to get too banned from Tumblr for an Eternal Hearts liveblog, so I went to my friends for help. One of them, @intimidatethevoid​, answered the call to arms:
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This is awkward.
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And so she bestowed upon me this glorious, but also cursed, image:
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Her shirt’s somehow come off. And she isn’t wearing any knickers. Hence the Filthy Frank sticker.
And that’s gonna wrap up part 1 of my Eternal Hearts liveblog!
For more, like this post in secret shame so that none of your followers have to see it. To cancel me, send angry anon messages and death threats to my inbox.
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What I’ve Done
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Dean x Reader
Warnings: It’s a dark-ish one, angst, language, spn level gore, spn 15x19 spoilers, fluffy end
Summary: It’s the final showdown, Sam, Dean, Jack and the reader against Chuck. But Chuck somehow gets to the reader controlling her every move.
DTRH Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: Italics is the reader.
a/n #2: This has been bugging me for a few days, I wrote this in like, 2 days. Feedback is much appreciated.
“Y/N?” Dean asked.
Sam, Dean and Y/N were face to face with Chuck.
Her face was totally blank and emotionless.
“Three versus one, don’t you guys think that’s a bit unfair.” Chuck says in an evil tone. “How ‘bout I take Y/N on my side and make the odds fair.” He gestures y/n to join his side.
She walked over to Chuck’s side. Dean looking offended and hurt.
“Dean, it’s mind control. Look at Y/N.” Sam says.
“Her eyes have a red color to them. Sam, I can’t hurt her.”
“Which is why I picked her. I knew you wouldn’t hurt her; she wouldn’t hurt you. I’ll love the outcome of this story.” Chuck says, looking confident once again. “Y/N, get him.”
Her eyes flashed red; her sights set on Dean.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there, fight him.” Dean tried to get to her as he backed away from her as she advanced him.
She doesn’t respond.
Dean! Please get away from me!
“Y/N, Please!” He begged. Turning to run in the forest to try to lose her.
“Now, Sam. Let’s have some fun.” Chuck says eyeing Sam.
 She was still fairly close to Dean as he tried to give her the slip in the forest.
“Please, baby, please.” Dean began to panic. Unsure of what to do.
But she caught up. Grabbing a fist full of his shirt and coat. Landing a hard punch to his face. Breaking the skin, cutting his cheek immediately from the force.
“Y/N, Please I know you’re in there. I know how strong you are. Fight him, he’s got nothing on you.” Dean tried again.
I’m trying Dean, it’s God after all. Now, fight back and get away from me!
But she kept punching him.
Dean’s face now swollen, a black eye, split lip and cheek as he struggled to breathe.
“Y/N, I love you baby. I know you must be fighting hard.”
Dean, he’s too strong, you have to kill me. Fight back. SOMETHING!
“But I can’t live with hurting you,�� he says, as if he heard her plea.
“I love you too damn much sweetheart.”
Dean, please!
Y/N began to hesitate, she was winning.
“Y/N?” Dean questioned.
“Dean, please get away from me.” Y/N forced out, fighting Chuck.
“You’re almost out of it baby, keep fighting.” Dean urged.
“I have no control over my body Dean,” Y/N says as her hand that had his shirt and coat moved to his shoulder.
“I know it must be hard baby, I’ve seen you fight some tough things. Me included you can fight anything.” Dean continued.
“Y/N, Fight him!” Dean shouted.
She felt Chuck’s power taking hold. She grunted and groaned in the pain it took to fight him.
“Finish him!” Chuck yelled from the edge of the forest.
The red flashed over her eyes again, and her free hand drove itself through his chest, his heart in hand.
She pulled her hand from Dean’s chest, dropping his heart to his side. Dean fell over with a thud on the forest ground.
“NO!” Y/N Shouted with such force. She forced Chuck out.
“This is for Dean, you son of a bitch.” Jack says.
Jack brings his hands to Chuck, drawing his power from him. Making Jack a new God.
“Dean.” Y/N choked as she crawled to him.
He laid lifeless on his side in a pool of his own blood.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.” She cried.
Sobs tore through her as she let out a pained cry. Falling to her knees.
Jack ran over to Dean and Y/N, Sam in toe.
“Jack, can you---”
“I’m way ahead of you Sam.”
And with a snap of his fingers, Dean takes in a breath of air. His chest wound healed. As if she didn’t just rip his heart out.
On her knees next to Dean, she has her face in her hands crying fiercely.
Dean, without saying anything, brings her to his arms holding her close in his embrace.
Despite her trembling in his hold, he kept calm for her sake.
“It’s okay sweetheart, I’m right here.” He soothed in her ear, over and over again.
 She laid her head down to sleep that night. But is plagued by the images from her fight with Chuck she can’t forget.
“I love you sweetheart.” She heard Dean whisper.
She remembered the feeling of her hand driving through his chest and grabbing his heart. She remembered all of it.
She knew it was a nightmare, when Dean was standing before her, a blood red blotch on his shirt where his heart was ripped out. With an apologetic smile on his face, holding his hand out for her to hold.
She tearfully shook her head before she fell to her knees to cry.
She shot awake clutching her blanket, trying to shake her nightmare.
I have to. She thought. As she got up out of bed and out of her room. She made her way to Dean’s room.
She quietly opened his door, slowly entering.
She can see his sleeping form in the dark room, the only light coming from the hallway.
Miracle’s head perked up as she woke him up, but doesn’t bark or make any noise, sensing she’s upset.
Tears began to well up in her eyes.
He’s okay. She thought with a sigh of relief.
And she sniffled.
Dean stirred, feeling someone in his room. And hearing a sniffle behind him.
He turns to sit up and face her.
“Y/N?” He asks, confused yet concerned. “What’s up, are you okay?”
“Dean,” she says, holding back cries.
He gets up out of bed, concerned for her.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong, what’s got you crying?” he asked. As he got to her, hands on her shoulders.
She stood at chest height to the eldest Winchester, she flinched at her minds eye tricking her in seeing a blood red blotch on the chest of his shirt. She turns her head away.
“Talk to me sweetie, what’s got you upset?”
“Nightmare.” She breathed.
“Lets hang out for minute.” Dean suggests.
He walks her out of his room and to the Dean Cave. Thanks to Mrs. Butters, the TV is fixed and fully functional.
He knows that watching some movies, like comedy’s, cartoons, would help take her mind off of bad hunts. And after the events at the lake with Chuck, he knew what her nightmare was about without even having to ask her.
He pops in one of his personal favorites, Caddyshack.
Y/N and Dean sat side by side on the couch, but that only lasted for one millisecond. Once Dean sat down after popping the movie in, he takes Y/N by the arm and guides her to lay at his side for a little cuddling comfort.
It didn’t take long for the walls to break at his embrace.
“It’s okay baby, I’m right here. Nothing’s going to hurt your or me, anymore.” He soothes.
One movie turned into three. She calmed down after the first movie, crying on and off during Caddyshack. She would move off of Dean some so he could change the movie.
During, Bounty Hunter, he felt her relax against him and her breathing had evened out and slowed down some. He looked down and seen she fallen asleep against him.
He heard a pair of footsteps enter the Dean Cave.
“Dean.” Sam whispers.
“Hey Sammy, what time is it?” Dean asked, wondering why Sam’s up so early.
“It’s after 5 in the morning. Have you two been up all night?”
“Not really, she had a bad nightmare that had her crying. Thought I’d sit up with her watching some movies.”
“You two are perfect for each other, how you guys can keep each other in check.”
“I wouldn’t want to mess this up.”
“You wouldn’t Dean, if anything, it’d be making it stronger and better.”
“I suppose.”
“Is she asleep?” Sam asked.
“She is.”
Sam doesn’t say anything, he hurries to Dean’s room. Knowing the type of blanket that Dean has that Sam caught her cuddled in after a bad hunt that had Dean in the hospital. She slept in her room but with this blanket of Dean’s.
He came back to the Dean cave, draping it across the two on the couch.
“It may not be comfortable, but you need sleep Dean.” Sam suggests.
“I’m sure I’ll crash here in a few.” Dean says. He yawns not long after admitting he was tired.
He let his eyes fall closed, and he fell asleep holding his girl.
Sam only shook his head with a smile at Dean. He left them be, but Miracle joined them by sleep by the couch next to Dean.
FEEDBACK IS FUEL! Let me know what you thought, Like, reblog or send an ask what you thought, if you want to be added to a tag list. Anything. :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @akshi8278​, @jayankles​, @jeaniespiehs20​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 1/29/2021
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drethanramslay · 4 years
26, 58 and 61 for ethan x mc please? like angst in the beginning but fluff in the end. thanks!! i love your fanfics btw i read it like 100 times and i can’t seem to get over it.
Aww thanks anon ☺️ and thank you for the ask ❤️❤️
You can find the prompt list here.
#26-“Are you angry…?”
#58-“Where have you been?!” 
#61-“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have done that, you can look after yourself…I shouldn’t have…I’m sorry.” this prompt is in the form of a text message 
Author's note: okay anon I know you wanted a fluffy ending BUT, I decided to write it as a continuation to Hard for me i.e the prompt in which people demanded asked for a part 2
So forgive me for the ending
Word count: 1.2K
Warning: none, it's just angsty as hell
Cry for me
The next one week was painful. 
Ethan's confession in the lift had left Leah in a flux of emotions. On one hand she was joyous that he returned her feelings and that he was all in.
But on the other hand she felt gut wrenching guilt which slowly started eating away at her sanity. She was in a relationship with Bryce. She had a freaking boyfriend but that still didn't stop her from pining for Ethan.
She was so lost in her thoughts half the times, zoning in and out of conversations. Bryce could see something bothering her so he slowly formulating a plan to cheer her up.
"Hey Princess?" Bryce asked as they drove to the hospital.
Leah snapped her head towards Bryce. "Yeah?"
“Are you angry…? Did I do something wrong?"
"Of course not, queen B!" I am angry with myself and the world.
"I just... Can't see you so down and lost. You know you can talk to me, right?"
I don't think I can talk about how I am completely and utterly in love with my boss and the fact that he returns the sentiments.
"Yap I know. It's just been a stressful week, y'know?"
"What if we have a movie night today?  We can eat junk food and laugh on trashy movies?" Bryce spoke up as they got out of the car.
"That's exactly the thing I need. Thank you Bryce." Leah smiled at him and wrapped her arm around his waist, giving him a side hug.
Bryce gave her a breathtaking smile and wrapped his arms around her. "Anything for you Leah."
As they stood there, with their arms around each other in the parking lot, Leah failed to notice a pair of stormy blue eyes burning into her back.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- After changing into her scrubs and grabbing a coffee from the coffee cart, Leah made her way towards Ethan's office. June and Baz were sitting and drinking coffee, pouring over the charts while Ethan wrote on the whiteboard.
"Good morning team." Leah greeted them with a smile.
"Good morning, Leah!"
"Good morning, Dr. Garcia."
"You are late. Where have you been?"
Leah's eyes snapped to the clock above the whiteboard.
8:00 am.
"I was getting the charts. And I am not late. We start the meeting at 8am." Leah said as she placed her laptop and coffee on the table.
"Dr. Garcia, this is not your 9 to 5 corporate job where you enter and leave at a given time. You are a doctor and time should cease to exist because our patient's life is in the palm of our hands. Every minute you spend wasting time, that much is cut from our patient's life. Have you forgotten your Hippocrates oath?"
Leah wanted to answer back, but she bit her tongue. NOT worth it Leah, calm down. 
So clenching her jaw and swallowing down the humiliation, she responded in a curt voice. "Yes Doctor."
"Tardiness in not acceptable. Is that clear?" 
Baz interrupted, trying to diffuse the situation. "Ethan she wasn't even that lat-"
Cutting Baz off, his icy eyes bored into her angry hazel ones. "Dr. Garcia, am I clear?"
"Crystal." Leah spoke up, glaring at Ethan.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's how the entire day continued. When working the case they were like a well oiled machine but outside in the hallways, they would glare at each other as if they wanted to kill each other.
The tension between Ethan was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. They butted heads throughout the duration of the shift that even the staff noticed.
Leah felt like a ticking time bomb, threatening to explode. Anger, frustration and pain is a very dangerous cocktail together, and now she had all of them whirling inside her like a tornado.
I'm gonna fucking confront him. That son of a bitch has it coming. Leah thought to herself, her teeth grinding.
So when she saw Ethan head towards the stairwell, she followed him.
"Dr. Ramsey, wait up."
"If it isn't patient related, don't bother me."
Leah rushed after him and grabbed him by his elbow with incredible strength, causing him to stop and turn towards her.
"What has gotten over you Ethan?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." He crossed his arms and stood there, towering over her.
"You are a smart guy. Acting dumb doesn't suit you. Now, let's try again, what has happened that has made you so pissed with me?"
"Rookie, I'm not mad at you."
"Yes you are!! You said Rookie in B flat and that only happens when I have royally pissed you off. And last time I checked I haven't done anything wrong-"
"What you did wrong, was crash into my life. What you did wrong, was try to cheer me up on a bad day. What you did wrong, was comfort me in my pain. What you did wrong was have faith in me when I was in doubt. What you did wrong, was make me fall for you."
Leah's jaw dropped. What sort of backhanded compliment was that? Clearing her throat and squashing the butterflies in her stomach, she spoke. "Ethan you can't say things like this to me."
"Why not? It's the truth. I like you way too much for my liking." He said in a low voice.
Leah threw her hands in the air. "Because, I am in a freaking relationship! You had your chance and you blew it. Don't Gove me mixed feelings now."
"No now you will listen. You pushed me away. You said that you wanted space. You wanted my professional development. You wanted things to go back to normal. This is the new normal, okay? Accept it."
For a first time in a very long time, he looked helpless and guilty. "I was so wrong sunshine..."
Leah stuffed her hands in her coat and looked down at her lavender converse. She was at a complete loss of words. If things would have been easier she would have kissed him and hugged the sadness out of him.
But life is complicated. And everything has a price.
"So that's it huh? So..." Gulping Ethan continued, "You are over me?"
Her brain was screaming at her to say yes and to move on from the angsty and painful chapter of her life. But she could not get herself to say it.
"If things were not as fucked up as they were... Do you think we would be a thing?"
Sighing she patted his arm. "I think you are smart enough to figure that out."
Leah side stepped him and climbed down the steps and opened the door of the stairwell to find Bryce standing there, a deer caught in the headlight expression on his face.
Leah greeted him, curiosity laced in her voice. "H..hey?" 
Bryce immediately turned and started walking away fast.
"Bryce wait up."
This is some deja vu.
Bryce stopped and turned towards her, pain shining in his eyes. "Is it true?"
"That you have feelings for Dr. Ramsey."
Shit shit shit. An alarm went on in her brain which caused her to freeze up.
"I-" Leah started but she was interrupted.
"I heard everything."
Leah took a deep breath. Cat’s out of the bag. No point denying it. "Please don't jump to conclusions. I-" her pager beeped, signalling that a VIP patient had arrived and she sighed.
"I need to go now. I will talk to you tonight. Please don't do anything rash. I beg you."
Without saying a word, Bryce shrugged and walked away.
Why is does it feel like the two important men of my life walked away from me in a span of 2 minutes?
It was nine in the night and Leah was finally done with her rounds. Wearing her jeans and jumper, she tied her hair long black locks into a messy bun and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Letting out a breath, she gave herself a pep talk. Okay Leah... You have to make a decision. You are not Hannah Montana. You can't have the best of both worl-
Her phone pinged, interrupting her. She picked it up to see that it was a text from Ethan. 
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Letting out a sigh, she picked up her messenger bag and walked out of the hospital, only one thing running in her head.
Who do I listen to? My head thats telling me that Ethan will hurt me again and that Bryce is better? Or my heart which tells me that Ethan is my one shot at true love?
It was painful to write this 
Also the last part got 88 notes so lets get this to 90 notes so that I have motivation to write part 3 heheheheh 
what do you think will happen in the next part?
I love you guys 
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129 notes · View notes
bubblyani · 5 years
Valuable Witness
(Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
A Lucifer Morningstar One Shot
Request: Could I possibly ask you for another imagine where Lucifer embarrasses the professor, takes reader out of a class, and well smut •o• - @kittenlittle24
Rating: Mature
Author’s Note: I gotta say I love writing for Lucifer. This request ended up being really fun as others always were. Enjoy!
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“University? He works at a University?” Lucifer Morningstar’s inquiry was a loud one. He sounded quite offended. And that did not fail to attract looks of confusion from all those who passed by.
Rolling her eyes, Detective Chloe Decker drew in a deep breath.
“Yeah, according to the bunch of witnesses from the precinct” she answered. The dynamic duo stood before the gates of one well-known university in LA. An interestingly gruesome case had fallen on to their laps, and there they were following leads.
“Huh...” He said, amidst a many thoughts. Chloe watched the expression of her partner’s face transition from confusion, to sudden realization, and finally to pure satisfaction. “What an unexpected surprise indeed” 
Typically, the sight of carefree youth roaming about in their liberty, would excite the Civilian Consultant/Club Owner. But today, he seemed more quiet, more to himself. Even when they walked into the university premises. A silent Lucifer was nothing usual.
“You okay?” Decker could not believe she even had to ask him that. Scrolling through his phone, Lucifer looked up. “Me? I’m splendid” He said. Looking back, he stared at it a few more seconds, only to changed his mind, putting it back in his pocket. Nodding, Decker tried her best to contain her smile of disbelief. 
“You know...” she began, “Ella and I were talking earlier. And we realized how we still haven’t met your girlfriend yet” she said.
“Ah...” the partner flashed a grin, “...all in good time, Detective” he said. Chloe scoffed, shaking her head. “Right” she said. “What?” Lucifer asked, looking surprised. Opening her mouth, Decker paused. “No...it’s just that...” she began, “ I’d rather believe that you slept with a hundred women this morning alone, than to accept the fact you actually got yourself....a girlfriend!”
“Detective, How dare you?” Lucifer halted, as Decker walked away.
“It’s just not plausible” 
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“Ms. Platt...we have witnesses claiming Whitlock was last seen here. Would you mind if we ask some questions about that?”
“ I don’t know who even made these claims..” said Melissa Platt, the supposed head of administration of the University, “...but I can assure you we are not harboring any criminals here”
“I can understand your concern” Decker nodded with understanding, “But we would like to question some of the students-Lucifer...where are you going?”
Lucifer halted, turning to find the Detective and Platt staring at him while he attempted to exit the office.
“Sorry...but Nature Calls... “ he said, “Where is the little boys room by the way?” He asked the woman.
“All the way down to your left”
“Wonderful. Thank you” he clapped with relief, “Don’t wait up Detective” he said, leaving Decker to roll her eyes once again. 
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You did not regret going to University this late in age, even if it meant taking classes on a part time basis. It would never hurt to increase your work value with a bit more qualifications. All that you agreed to.
Yet, taking a one of those classes that was both compulsory and repulsive certainly screamed “a waste of time” . Scribbling down on your notepad, you sighed. The Professor’s manner of teaching bored you so much, you did not know what exactly to write down. Except “THIS SUCKS”. 
Ding! And just like that, you felt the phone make it’s presence known. Grabbing it instantly, you sneaked a peek. 
Hello gorgeous!
You smiled. It was him. Your boyfriend. Though your heart was lifted in an instant, you were also confused. 
You rarely text during work. Are you in trouble?  You wrote before you hit send.   Ding!
Oh no, I’m quite alright. He answered. 
Yeah right, you thought.
Ding! Before things got out of hand, You quickly turned the phone to vibrate mode.
Just wondering...which classroom are you in now? 
You raised your eyebrows, mind filled with questions.  
????  Now I’m really worried. Do you need help with something?
The buzz on the table signaled his reply. 
Oh, come on! Do tell!
Chuckling silently, you began to type in secret.
206...but seriously...what’s going on? 
Your finger almost hit ‘Send’, but the burst of the lecture hall door made you jump in your chair. Along with the others   “EXCUSE ME ..Excuse Me...Ah! So sorry for the intrusion...”
Your jaw dropped. It was no wonder the voice sounded familiar. For it was him, your boyfriend.
Lecture Hall 206 grew noisy within seconds thanks to 50 odd curious students. Taking confident strides through the crowd, Lucifer’s eyes quickly caught yours, eyeing you like a hawk. Hence you blushing with intensity with no hesitation.
“Omg...who is that? He is one fine piece” the young woman seated next to you whispered.
“Uh huh...” you muttered as if was your first time. Yet your lips slowly formed a smile. He was a fine piece. And you were proud of that. Not to mention a little heat building up on the inside.
“What’s on earth is going on?” The professor stepped forward from the Podium, “We have a lecture in session!”
“My Apologies Professor...Lucifer Morningstar, Civilian Consultant for the LAPD” Lucifer said, “We are here on an important investigation regarding a gruesome crime,  and Me and my associate believe there might be a Valuable Witness here that needs to be questioned...You there!” He said, pointing his finger forward.
Eyes widened, you quickly felt the entire attention of the room fall on you.
“M-me?” You stuttered. “Yes dear” He replied, as he began to walk over to you, “I’m afraid you’ll  have to come with me...” he said with a bit of authority, “...come on!” Although that last bit quickly turned playful.
“Lucky ...” your classmate shot you an envious look. Excitedly, you gathered your things together, stuffing them down your bag. 
“Wait! You can’t take her out like that!” The Professor barked at the two of you. “Well... I’m afraid these students are not children...” Lucifer loudly addressed him with a tone that may have hinted annoyance.
“Yes, but they are in my class! That’s it! I’m calling Security ” the man cried, reaching for the desk phone. Gripping on to your bag, you wondered whether complying to your boyfriend’s offer was a mistake.
“Alright..” Sighing, Lucifer walked down,”I didn’t really want to do this to you in front of everyone but...” hands dug deep in his pockets when he stood before the Professor.
“Tell me....Professor, What does a man like you truly desire?”
He inquired. His gaze allowed him to witness the eyes of the fuming man change. Finally hypnotized, he did not even fight with temptation.
He blurted.
The moment that escaped his lips, gasps of shock filled the room instead of curious buzz. “Oh my!” Lucifer smiled naughtily. Coming to realization, the Professor covered his mouth with embarrassment, “Oh no!”
“Oh yes...I guess your true desires just sprung out of your control, Hmm? But in front of your students? Oh dear...” Leaving the Professor to deal with his embarrassment, Lucifer made his exit, not forgetting to take you with him. 
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“Luci...” you whispered, “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere with a bit more privacy...”Lucifer replied nonchalantly, as you both made your way through the empty hallway, “Ah! here! Lovely”
And in an instant, you found yourself inside a Janitorial broom closet with your boyfriend, where you were finally able to let your reactions loose.
“Oh man...” you laughed as he locked the door, “I just can’t believe you did that! ” You said, with your hands on your waist.
“Well I hope you’re not upset” Lucifer said, slight concern in his voice that appeared out of nowhere. You scoffed.
“You kidding me? I hated that class. So that was really fun” you said, “But seriously,  what are you doing here?”
“Well, one case actually....”
“A case?” You asked, “But still you stormed your way in here to find me. Why?”
“Well...since this was your supposed University...I wanted to say Hi...”
Folding your arms, you raised your eyebrows with a suspicious smile. Unable to bluff, he sighed. “...and it’s possible that I missed you” he admitted, opening the wound that he tried so hard to close “It’s been too long since I last saw you”
You swore you heard hurt deposited in his voice. Which was quite rare for Lucifer. But not so rare for those who knew him well enough.
“Awww babe...” you began, “I’m sorry” you said, holding his hand with a sigh. “Things got a bit hectic with school and uh...didn’t really have time to stop by LUX” you said sadly, “...but come on! I bet it must not have been so bad huh? I mean it’s LUX” you said, reminded of the glamor and the abundance of the beautiful women that lingered there. Surely he was not serious.
“I just crashed your lecture, embarrassed your professor and brought you into a broom closet. How bad do you think it is?” Lucifer said, looking squarely in to your eyes. You nodded in acknowledgment.
“Point made”you said, “Which again, was incredible by the way”
“Well... I guess you can call it the Lucifer Boyfriend Experience” he said proudly with a smile. You gasped mockingly.
“Oh...I should be so lucky” you teased.
“You should be ...” he purred, taking a step closer to you “...you’re with me”
“Oh you-”
Your sarcastic response was more or less interrupted, as his hungry lips crashed into yours. It was evident that Lucifer wanted to kiss you. And you weren’t going to reject that need. Not after this long. Lovers reunited, bodies were pressed together, and hands busier than ever before.
“So...” you breathed, as his lips traveled down to your neck , “When you said you missed me, did that include fooling around in a broom closet?”
“Given the circumstances...” he replied, pushing the neckline of your turtle neck top down,”..taking you home would just be long and torturous..Ah! Why won’t this stay down?”  He snapped for your top got in the way of his kisses to your impatient neck.
“If you must know, I came here to study.  Not to-” you weren’t so lucky to finish sentences today, not especially when he shushed you with his kiss once again.
“Well then...I wonder how will you dress if I were to visit often...” he asked, lips brushing against yours. “Probably something that you can tear off easy ...” you replied with a hint of sass, to which he kissed you back with a growl.
Unwilling to watch him suffer, you quickly stretched upwards in order to take off your turtle neck top. Evil victorious laughter filled your ears when you threw it away, causing him to attack your neck. With his grip on your waist like iron, your eyes fluttered with ecstasy as his lips roamed about the sensitive spots that made home on the crook of your neck, collarbones and exposed cleavage.
Moaning softly, you threw your head back. “Oh I missed you wanting me this much” you said, with his fingers strategically unhooking your bra.
“And I missed you...” he growled, biting your lower lip softly. You groaned in frustration.
“Uh...pants off please” you purred, hunching forward enough to take the bra off you.
“Oh...Polite as always...” Lucifer cried with glee, his kisses making rough contact with you while he leaned in, unbuckling his pants. 
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The idea of straddling your lover who ‘claimed’ to be the devil, always aroused you.  Hence it was your favorite position.
Settled on the small table firmly, his hands cooled your bare back as he held you. Holding you tightly while you moved up and down, with him inside you. The key fitted in perfectly, every second that you took him felt complete. And you were reminded of it. You realized how much you missed it. Curse busy schedules, you could not believe you spent so much time away from this. You could not believe how long you managed to survive without his eyes constantly washed all over you this way.
“Lucifer” you breathed, “I’m almos-“
“Right there with you darling-ah!” Muffled cries filled with frustration were shared by both of you, as you felt him finally reach his peak, filling you up with his release. Biting softly into his shoulder, your cries grew softer until they were barely audible. To which he responded by breathing on to your neck, making your skin feel hot.
Panting heavily, you pulled away to take a good look at your lover. “Well...” you began, feeling him press his nose against your chest, “Didn’t think ‘keeping it down’ would be this difficult” you said to the distracted man, who seemed to be greatly occupied with showering the curves of your breasts with his kisses. Humming with relish, you felt him indulge you; as his lips took the chance to speak it’s mind to the bosom that teased him so earlier. As you ran your fingers through his hair, you swore you felt his kisses specially utter how much he missed them.
“Thank you...by the way,” you said, softly, urging him to look at you “I promise I’ll be the loud as you want at your place” you said, biting the side of your lower lip. A surprising laugh exited you the moment his face lit up in an instant. “Oh...I’m liking this promise” he said. Chuckling together, you both kissed in agreement, clearly equally happy with this reunion.
The closet door flew open with a loud noise, forcing you to yelp. Holding you tightly, Lucifer turned his head to find a shocked Chloe Decker standing there fully armed.
“Lucifer!” She cried, putting the gun down. Turning to fully face her, Lucifer stood proudly revealing lipstick marks all over his bare chest and opened shirt, skillfully keeping you modest while you hid behind him in just your skirt and nothing else.
“Ah Detective...” Lucifer said “I’m afraid Tinkle time turned a bit elastic”
“Detective?” Your eyes peeped over his shoulder”Oh shit” you groaned, curling up behind him.
“What?” He turned back confusingly, “What’s the matter?”
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“And this...is Detective Chloe Decker” Lucifer said, gesturing to his partner, to whom you extended your hand without hesitation. It was trying to hide your embarrassment, after stepping out of the closet, finally dressed and decent. But introductions were due anyways.
“It is so nice to finally meet you Detective ” you said, with eyes twinkling “But I’m really sorry..this was definitely not the way I wanted us to meet for the first time ”
“Well it’s Lucifer so...I’m not surprised” Chloe replied with a reassuring smile, as if she could sense your sincerity and the guilt that was hidden in your voice.
 “True...” you chuckled along with her, “..talk about dramatic huh?” You said, pointing at the closet behind you.
“Ladies... “ Lucifer said, as he cleared his throat, “Really ...how dare you?”
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iyatsumu · 4 years
Unlike Any Other; Tooru Oikawa
Genre: Fluff, Schoolmates AU
Word Count: 2.4K
Author’s Note: Hey hey hey!! I was feeling restless so I wrote this fanfic earlier this morning and just finished it, so I’m hoping ya’ll enjoy it. Please continue to support my oneshots as there are more to come! Stay safe everyone and here’s to falling for Tooru. 
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The soft creak of the metal door of the school's locker rung in your ears as you grabbed a few books and stashed it into your backpack. It was free period before all your classes were over so you decided to stay in the library for the time being. The library was the only quiet place during the afternoon, it's either most of the students are in their club rooms or are waiting by the cafeteria for the gates to open so that they could leave the school premises. It was just like any day in Aoba Johsai. You made your way through the busy hallway towards the school's library. At least by staying there, you could also catch up on your readings for classes and study ahead for the next lesson for each class. Or so you thought. "Oikawa, I'm giving you the last warning. If you don't remain silent, I have no choice but to have you exit the library." The librarian spoke through the intercom, her message directed towards a certain Tooru Oikawa who was probably somewhere behind rows of bookshelves. 
Just when you thought you could be at peace, the school's pretty boy happened to be at the same place as you were. Technically, Oikawa was not that annoying, it was his fangirls. The guy is gorgeous and talented, especially in volleyball, thus gaining a huge fanbase, not only in the prefecture but all over Japan. Wherever Oikawa went, a swarm of his fans would surround him and the guy was too soft to say no to their persistent pleas of wanting to take pictures or give him gifts. By the end of the day, he would have a few paper bags of food in his hand and a bunch of letters in his bag. You sighed and simply headed to the isolated parts of the library which was behind a few rows of dusty old books that were nearly torn and worn out. However, you were not the only one who liked this specific spot. As you walked closer to the table, your eyes fixated on a tall, lean figure who was surrounded by a bunch of girls. You immediately knew that it was Oikawa. Pursing your lips, you settled at a different table which was not too far from them but also enough distance to not eavesdrop on their conversations. ___ As you were writing down a bunch of notes for the lessons, you couldn't help but notice the awkward tension in the air. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you were sure that someone, somewhere must've been feeling very uncomfortable for a while now. You shrugged off the feeling and stood up, heading towards one of the bookshelves close to Oikawa. The aisles in the backrows usually had the best books for classes, and they help you a lot when you were studying. Not everyone knew about most of the teacher's textbooks being stored in the library so not much people head to the backrows for it. Dust coated the tip of your finger as you ran it along the spines of the books, searching for a specific textbook for your class tomorrow. You could hear Oikawa's voice, it seemed uneasy as he was trying to get the girls around him to leave him alone for a while. "U-uhm, I have to study." "Don't you have any lessons you need to catch up on?" "Let me finish this chapter in the textbook then maybe I can come with you girls?" It sounded like he was having a hard time for the girls to get off his back. Feeling sorry for the guy, you head back to your table and grabbed your things. You walked back towards the row of dusty books and grabbed the ones that you needed and headed for Oikawa's table. You dropped the old books on the table, all the dust flying out which made the girls sneeze and itch their noses. You then settled your things beside Oikawa and took a seat beside him. "Hey babe." You said and Oikawa stared at you in confusion. The guy was pretty smart, but when it came to finding ways to fend off his fangirls, he was dumb as a brick. You raised your eyebrows in a threatening way and he must've got the signal. Oikawa snakes his arm behind you and pulls you closer, placing a soft kiss on your temple. His fangirls were shocked at the scenario that played out in front of them, and finally deciding to leave the poor guy.  As soon as they were out of sight, you pushed him away and moved your chair to the side, creating a safe distance from Oikawa. "Why did you do that?" He asked as you flipped through the pages of the book. "I could feel your uneasiness from my table, so I figured I'd help a poor soul." You answered, your gaze still focusing on the learning materials in front of you. A soft smirk crept up Oikawa's lips. "Well, thanks for that. But, are you sure that's all that was behind your little heroic gesture?" He teases and you furrowed your eyebrows. Placing your pen on the table, you snap your head to face the obnoxious guy beside you, a stupid smirk on plastered on his face. "For someone who can't even keep his fans in control, you sure have a huge ego." You spat and Oikawa laughed at your retort. He never knew someone could resist his teasing. All his life, girls turned their heads to appreciate his radiating beauty, but you were something else. He liked challenges, and you definitely seemed like one. ___ It's been a week since your encounter with Oikawa and his fangirls, and you've been avoiding every way possible of bumping into him. The guy was everywhere, and that made it hard to stay clear from him. There were times that you could hear his voice from the hallways since you were in the same year as Kyotani, however he was in a lower class than you. You would often hear him share a conversation with Kyotani as they were teammates in the volleyball club, and when during those times, you would bury your face in a book. You didn't want him to see you because he would pester you again especially with that stupid kiss that he placed on your temple. However, Oikawa had already acknowledged your presence. He's been looking for ways to talk with you again but, he needed the perfect time to do so. Knowing his massive fanbase, some of them were too obsessed, and if they found out about you, they'd probably find ways to eliminate you. Packing your things, you slung your bag over your shoulder and walked out the classroom. You were a part of Aoba Johsai's dance team and with the annual 'Miyagi Prefecture High School Sports Festival' taking place in the school, your team was assigned to perform for an opening ceremony. As you were on your way to the practice spot, Haruto, who was one of your fellow dancers walked up to you and initiated a conversation. Haruto was a good friend of yours, and he was a really good dancer too. "Hey Y/N, are you ready for our practice? You're in charge of the choreography today right? Akari won't be with us for a week so she said she'll catch up with us once she's back." Haruto said and you nodded. Akira was another one of your teammates, usually both of you were the people in charge of the choreography, but without her, it would probably be tougher to work on. Akira was a very talented dancer and choreographer, she always had great ideas for the most creative and powerful dance routines.   "Yeah, it's going to be tricky but I could always ask you guy for ideas." You said and entered the gym. The gym had the biggest stage in the school and the group needed as much space for the routine you had in mind. "Are you sure we'll be able to work on our choreography while avoiding balls?" Haruto teases and confusion washed over your system. Avoiding balls? Why'd you have to avoid balls? "Oh, I see you're here darling." Oikawa. It was Oikawa Tooru. How could you forget that the boys' volleyball club occupies the gym after school hours? Just when you thought you've been doing well to avoid him; he shows up in the exact place you didn't want him to be at. "You know, I thought you were pretty bold when you helped me with my fans, but I never thought you'd also be at my practices." He messes and you facepalmed. Damn, how could you have let it slip your mind.   "I wanted to see you get smacked by Iwaizumi when you messed up." You answered and smiled at him; the coldest one you could pull off. Iwaizumi, who was beside him laughed, clearly amused at how you were able to counter Oikawa. "Don't worry, we'll try our best to avoid spiking towards you guys." Iwaizumi said and pulls Oikawa away. The two boys headed over to the club room, probably to get changed as you and Haruto got up on the stage. Both of you settled your bags on the floor and you grabbed a black hoodie and a matching black jogging pants. You headed towards backstage to change into your dance practice outfit. Afterwards, you walked back out and stuffed your uniform into a separate compartment. Grabbing the pair of Adidas superstars in your bag, you slipped it on and tucked your school shoes under your bag. "Hey Y/N, you look good." Lucy said as the other members started arriving. From the other side of the gym, you could see that the team was already having a meeting with their coach. You shook your head and diverted your attention towards your own group. ___ "Okay, cue the music." You instructed and a few seconds later, the music echoed throughout the gym. Everyone moved to the beat, formations changing here and there as everyone tried their best not to mess up the routine. Sweat trickled from your forehead as you tried to control your breathing to match the music. You've practiced the routine for roughly 2 hours and it was slowly getting darker outside. Everyone was tired but that was no excuse. The school's dance team had been representing the Miyagi Prefecture in dance competitions around Japan for years, and it was because each member worked so hard each time. So today was no exemption. From the corner of your eyes, you noticed how the volleyball team's pace slowed down. It was as if the game was slowing down, but you had no idea why. Focusing on your dance, your body matched every beat of the music and a smile crept up your lips. Deep breaths echoed through the gym as the music came to an end. You were able to finish the choreography within two hours and another hour for actual memorization of the routine. Everyone was exhausted and you were proud of the effort that everyone displayed today. You dismissed the group and headed to change your outfit, the hoodie was all sweaty and it reeked of sweat too. After changing, you started packing up, your shoes were tucked into your clip-on mini shoe bag and the rest of your clothes were stuffed into your bag.
As you got down from the elevated stage, Oikawa approached you, his signature smirk playing on his lips. You rolled your eyes at him and attempted to walk away from the charming guy that stood in front of you. Despite how much you would deny it, you were attracted to Oikawa. However, you would never let yourself fall on your knees for him, Oikawa possessed the visuals of a radiating young deity, but he was no god. You could never imagine chasing after him, because you knew you never stood a chance, especially with his huge fanbase. "You looked really good up there darling." He said and a tinge of pink colored your cheeks. Oikawa Tooru complimented you, tis was beyond imagination. Who knew this narcissistic jerk was capable of compliments? "Did you enjoy staring? Liked what you saw?" You teased and continued walking, Oikawa adjusting his pace to keep up with you. Oikawa would admit it, he liked you since that day you encountered in the library. He admired your badass personality and comfortable vibes. It was as if he could act however he wanted to be when he was with you. He didn't have to be afraid of showing you his playfulness, he didn't have to hide his deepest thoughts, he was comfortable with you and he could let himself feel vulnerable when you were around. "In all honesty, I think I did. Expect me to be waiting for you after your performance with a bottle of water darling." Oikawa said and you laughed at his words.   "You know Oikawa, I'm not like your fangirls. I will not be easily swooned by your words." You said and Oikawa placed his hands on his hips, his head falling backwards. "I know darling. You're unlike any other. That's why I like you." He said and at that moment your heart exploded into tiny pieces. Oikawa and his dumb words always found a way to make you feel jittery. But you would never give in that easily to him. "You know, you should stop flirting so much Oikawa. It makes you seem like a heartbreaker, even if it's unintentional." You pointed out and Oikawa snorted at your comment. "You're the only one I flirt with darling." Oikawa said, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers with his. You sighed and didn't bother untangling it because he would just grab it again. "Stop messing with me Oikawa." You said and grabbed your phone to check on your messages. "I'm not, and for a second year, you're pretty confident in calling me without a senpai at the end." He says and you smiled, facing him and flicking his forehead with your index. "And for a senior, you're stooping on low levels to flirt with a junior." You countered and all he could do was laugh. You were unbelievable in his eyes; no girl could ever resist him the way you do. It riled him up and it made him want you even more. "I like you a lot Y/N. Just know that, you want to grab some dinner before heading home?" He offers and you smiled at him once again. Oikawa Tooru had your heart, but you would still play hard to get for a little while. Besides, free dinner was always good. So, both of you walked towards a nearby restaurant to enjoy some food, Oikawa's fingers still intertwined with yours. --The End--
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evans713 · 4 years
date night / chris evans
part two of busy morning
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author's note: finally wrote the piece i promised @sweater-daddiesdumbdork love you💕
warnings: fluff, smutty undertones?, bad writing, not edited, i'm nervous about this one, don't know how good it turned out
fun fact: it takes me forever to choose the photo or gif because i want it to show the essence of each plot, okay not so fun, bye
Y/F/F means your favorite food, i wanted every one to have their own because it's a special moment
song: darling i do by landon pigg & lucy schwartz
Y/N blushed profusely as she left a howling Chris back at the kitchen. That man had no filter with her and as much as she loves it, she couldn't afford to get distracted. It did motivate her to work harder and faster to get back to her man and her good boy. 
She took the sticky note Chris wrote for her and stuck it at the bottom of her monitor. "Couldn't even thank him for breakfast." She muttered. 
"That kiss was thank you enough, doll." Chris' voice got closer to her.
Y/N saw him walking towards her with a glass and a jug of water. "One more dirty word coming from you and you can sleep by yourself tonight." She threatened. She was distracting her so much but she wasn't mad at him. Never.
Chris put his hands in innocence after placing the water near her desk. "I just need you wet- sorry, I meant hydrated." He laughed when Y/N's eyes widened. She took the first thing she saw, a pen, and chucked it at him as he tried making a swift exit.
"I'm not sleeping with you tonight!" She yelled after him. 
Chris could only laugh. It was so easy to get her riled up and shy at the same time. He hoped that after his purpose for that night, she comes around and lets him sleep with her. 
Taking advantage of her working most of the day, Chris started planning his surprise for the night. He went outside to the patio and thought of the possibilities. Both of them had set up a pergola and over time, they had hung plants. Since the surprise would most likely be at night, he instantly thought of what to do that she would love and added it to the list. 
It was going to be simple but he knew she liked simplicity. She had told him a million of times that all she ever wanted and needed was his heart. Of course he would love to offer her the universe. She only wanted him and he would always belong to her but a pinch of extra love wouldn't hurt.
Chris decided to get the stuff after preparing her some lunch. He knew she was so busy that she would most likely forget to eat. In the mean time he and Dodger cleaned up outside. Well he cleaned, the pup kept bringing him balls so Chris could throw them.
When he finished, he was drenched in sweat but satisfied. And it started to hit him was he was about to do. Should he call his mom, his siblings, your family? Was it the right time? He knew she wouldn't deny him. But today? What if she was still stressed about work? What if she only wanted to relax after?
"Should I do it, bubba?" The pup barked and Chris took that as a yes. He took his phone but his finger hovered over the contact number. Should he do it first and then let everybody know? Yes, he should do that. He didn't want to risk someone giving her hints. Because what if he chickened out at the last minute? Yeah, no. Her day wasn't even finished and if things didn't turn out okay, he didn't want the added pressure on her. Wow, no he was doubting if she would agree...
Chris felt his anxiety rocketing and Dodger felt that. The pup nuzzled his snout on his hands and licked.
"She loves you, you meatball. You'll do something nice so she can relax after a hard day and if the opportunity presents itself, you'll do it." Chris reaffirmed in a hushed whisper. He didn't want to risk her hearing him. "Thank you, buddy. Now let's eat something so we can get the stuff." He told Dodger.
Y/N started smelling something really good. She didn't know what time it was, didn't even had the time to check it but her stomach started protesting again. She would eat something soon. She would make the time. She hoped Chris would have some leftovers of whatever he was making.
Some more time passed and the smell got closer to her. Instinctively, she slipped her tongue to wet her lips. As she did so, she heard a groan from next to her. "Careful with that tongue, princess." 
"You are behaving awfully naughty today, Mr. Evans." Y/N retorted.
Chris laughed. "Your fault for being so sexy, baby."
"Now everything revolves around me?"
"Maybe not everything but my heart does." Chris smiled at her.
Y/N blushed. "Thank you for loving me, Chris." She whispered.
Chris set down the plate with food he brought to her and crouched in front of her, she noticed his damp hair and clean smell. "It's my pleasure, always." He promised and bent forward to kiss her. "I made you some tacos, real ones because I know you don't like the others." Both of them chuckled.
"It looks and smells so good, Chris. Thank you so much." It was her turn to close the gap between them. She tried making the kiss last without losing herself on him. "I love you, a few more hours and hopefully I'll be done."
"Don't pressure yourself for me, babygirl. I don't want you more stressed." Chris kissed her knee and stood up. He took her breakfast tray and kissed the top of her head. "I need to run some errands. I'm taking Dodger with me so he doesn't distract you and we'll be back in a couple of hours, okay?"
"Okay. Be safe. I love you."
"I love you too, doll."
Y/N finally finished. Edited and approved. Her shoulders slumped and she rested her forehead against the cool desk. She felt the tension slowly leaving her body and all she wanted was Chris to carry her to bed. 
But the house was quiet. She didn't think he and Dodger were back yet.
Getting up from her chair, she stretched her body and let out a big yawn. She took her plate, the glass and the empty jug to the kitchen. More yawns escaped her lips as she put everything in the dishwasher. Then went onto checking the garage and the lack of his car told her enough. She checked her phone.
'Hi, beautiful. 
We miss you.
We'll bring dinner home.
I love you, immensely.'
Y/N smiled at the text and took a screenshot of it, adding it to the album she created for texts from Chris she cherishes. Which reminded her to take the sticky note Chris wrote her in the morning with her to the bedroom. She took out a tin box from their dresser and carefully placed the note inside, smiling at the almost full box. She had lost count of how many boxes Chris has gotten her and that they had already filled up. Once Chris realised that she was keeping them, he promised her to get her more boxes and every time he saw one he'd think she might like, he got it. He also showed her his own stash that he kept in between the pages of his books.
She took her phone and typed her answer.
'I miss you too.
Drive safe.
I love you more.'
She put her phone aside and bribed herself to take a shower. Her bed looked so inviting but she wanted to get the work day's feeling off of her so she could fully relax. Inside, the bathroom, she had a similar conflict. Shower or bath. She settled for shower, she might fall asleep and drown. And Chris would be so mad at her if she died before him.
After the quick shower, she couldn't help it anymore. She was barely strong enough to take Chris' t-shirt that he had used to sleep the night before and pull it over her head. She towel-dried her hair one final time and she slipped underneath the bedsheets. She was out like a light the moment her head touched the pillow.
Chris was running around like crazy. It was later than he thought it would be but he had most of the stuff he needed. He was just missing the food but he could just have it delivered. Part of him hoped she was still busy. Not stressed, just busy so he could set everything up. But upon entering their bedroom, the sight broke his heart, making him smile sadly. At least she was resting.
Y/N was curled up in a ball, her head peeking from under the pile of sheets and blankets. She had most of her face buried on his pillow, clutching it as if she were clutching him.
He was about to step outside, not wanting to interrupt your sleep when Dodger slipped between his legs and jumped on the bed, going for Y/N's face.
"Dodge, no!" Chris whisper-shouted. He tried taking the pup away from her when he heard her giggles. 
"I missed you too, bubba." She said as she tried to get the pup under control. "I missed you too, love." She said to Chris.
"Sorry, baby. Didn't know he was going to do that." Chris winced when Y/N tried stifling a yawn. "Dodger, down. Let momma sleep." He got down and sat next to his legs.
"It's okay."
"Go back to sleep, angel. I'll let you know when dinner is ready."
"No buts," Another yawned escaped her lips, the soft sound making him chuckle. "Y/N, please, get some more rest."
Y/N didn't have it in her to fight him for once. She nodded and reassumed her previous position. Chris kissed her temple and she was back asleep. He didn't like seeing her so tired but for once he could use it. 
Chris didn't waste more time and first took the twinkling lights he bought. There was a lot of lights but he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her. It took him almost an hour but he hanged them over the pergola. He made sure they were working before moving onto the next task. 
Next, he moved their patio table to be in the centre of the pergola and left two chairs in front of each other before moving the rest of the furniture to the side. Then he took the box of red rose petals and sprinkled them over the table, being grateful that it wasn't windy. He knew how she didn't like flowers being cut so he got fallen petals from the florist downtown, glad to have found enough for the table and a small trail leading to it.
Almost show time. God, he was starting to get nervous. But he had to remind himself not to show it. She would see right through him and think there was something wrong. Yes, his face gave everything away and it got her concerned. 
He started the fire pit and turned the twinkling lights back on. He got the plates, glasses and cutlery they might need and set up the table. He grabbed the two candles he bought and lit them, making sure nothing was close enough to catch on fire. He really, really didn't want anything to go wrong tonight.
Everything was almost ready. He was only waiting for the food so he could go wake you up. He thought about changing his clothes but before he made up his mind, the doorbell rang followed by a bark.
"Bubba, shh." Chris went to the door and greeted the delivery man. They chatted for a bit while he made sure everything was delivered and then paid, thanking the man with a nice tip.
Chris stopped dead on his tracks as he had entered the kitchen. Y/N was standing on the doorway that led to the patio. She had a hand covering her mouth while she looked at everything he had done.
“I was thinking we could have a date night.” Chris’ voice sounded from behind her. She turned around and he noticed tears in her eyes. “You don’t like it?” He was starting to get nervous. Maybe his idea wasn’t as romantic as he had previously thought.
Y/N walked up to him, taking the food from his hands and placing it on the counter next to him before crashing her lips against his. Chris kissed her deeply and moaned at finally having her in his arms without restraints. "Like it? Are you serious?" She whispered against his lips, her eyes making sure to captivate his. "I love it. You are the most amazing man ever and I'm so lucky to have you."
"I'm so lucky to have you." Chris whispered and pecker her lips. 
"If I wasn't so hungry for food," She kissed his nose. "I'd be ravishing you."
"Darling, don't say things like that." Chris groaned. "You know they take me places."
"I'll take you to bed later, I promise." She winked and started taking the food out, being loyally followed by Dodger.
"You are tease, baby."
"I say the exact thing about you. You breathe and I want to jump you."
Chris laughed as they took Y/F/F and the wine outside. Y/N once more was transfixed with the set up of their date. She really didn't deserve her man. He was always so thoughtful. It was plain Chris. He was born and raised to be a gentleman.
He took the opportunity to set up the speakers with both their favorite songs and walked back to her. "Ready to eat?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and Chris helped her push her chair. "I can't believe you planned all this for me. How long did it take you?" She asked as she took her first bite, offering a small piece to the pup next to her.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." Chris winked, loving the blush slowly coating her cheeks. "I wanted to do something special for you after working so hard." He said, trying so hard to keep a normal expression on his face.
"Come on, Chris. You can't lie to me."
"I'm not." Now he was the one blushing. 
"I think you just want to get in my pants."
Chris let out a hearty laugh. "You got me."
Y/N dropped the subject. It was an incredibly sweet gesture and she knew there wasn't a malicious ulterior motive to his actions. 
Once they finished eating, Chris got up from his chair and offered his hand to her. "May I have a dance?" Dodger's head perked up but since there wasn't any more food involved, he ignored his humans.
She accepted his offer and stood up, coming to stand in front of him. Chris took his phone out and chose 'Darling I Do'. The song started and Y/N couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, making him join her. "Are you really trying to seduce me with a Shrek song?"
Chris laughed even harder. "It's a very good and very romantic song." He said as he pulled her closer to him.
"You are such an adorable dork." And he was, Y/N had mentioned liking the song the first time they watched the movie together and Chris had listened to it since then. 
Y/N closed her and rested her head where his heartbeat was beating frantically. Chris could even feel it and was trying so hard to get it back to normal.
"Y/N." Was he really going to do it? Was it the right moment yet? "Baby?"
"Everything okay? Your heart beat rate is starting to worry me." She whispered, her tone a tiny bit worried.
"Y-yes." He stuttered and cursed himself.
Y/N moved her head away so she could look at him better. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing." Chris groaned and closed his eyes. "Shit, okay." He gave a step back and saw the panicked look on his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
Chris took a deep breath and got on one knee. He took the ring from his pocket and looked up towards Y/N and saw his beautiful girl covering her mouth, her eyes gradually watering.
"Y/N," He started, willing his voice not to crack. "I have loved you for the longest time. I have loved you even before I knew I loved you. I'm thankful for you everyday. For getting the chance to show you how much you mean to me. I meant it, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You have shown me what being loved feels like. You have given me a home. And the best part is that you love me back. You have given me everything. And I'm still selfish enough to ask you for one more thing. Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me? I promise to do my best to make you happy." He finished
"You already make me happy," She started, willing herself to stop crying. "And there's nothing more I want than to spend the rest of my life with you." She was getting choked up. "Yes, Chris, I want to marry you." She said and cupped his cheeks, crashing her lips against his. She hoped her lips could support her words.
Chris stood up and pulled her even closer to him. Her lips tasted salty. Maybe it was her tears. Or maybe his. But it was perfect because she agreed. She accepted!
"I heard you right, right? You want to marry me?" He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears away as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose.
"Yes, Chris. Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife." She promised.
"The ring! Here." He offered the ring and Y/N finally took a good look to it. And it was beautiful. The diamond reflected the twinkling lights from above them and was nestled carefully around tiny diamonds, sitting on an elegant and smooth band. It was perfect and it was them. "Do you like it?"
Y/N put up her hand so Chris could slip the ring on her fourth finger. "I love it, it's beautiful." She said, admiring the way it looked on her, especially because it was a part of Chris.
"I wanted something as beautiful as you."
"And I got something twice as beautiful, just like you."
"Soon-to-be Mrs. Evans, can't wait to marry your dorky self."
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hi!! so glad i found your tumblr, i read your fics and loved them! especially "one of arthurs boys' im obsessed :) For some reason I really loved the scene with charlie and the girl!! just a question: do you know any writers like you? Im basically searching for more weasley family and especially percy stuff haha
Hi! I’m sorry it took me a while to reply -- it’s been a busy week. Thank you so much for your comments. I’m really happy to know you’ve been enjoying Must Be One of Arthur’s Boys -- it’s become very dear to me.
So, Weasley fic recs! Here are several, and if I know myself I know I’m inadvertently leaving out a lot of wonderful writers and fics, but I’ll do my best to recollect my favorites. (Percy recs at the end because I have a few specific ones.)
First of all, one of my OG inspirations and fave writers is the author startwearingpurple+ on AO3 (but she went by momotwins and WeasleyTwinMom on the old HPFF site). Many years ago she wrote a novel called The Unsinkable Molly Prewett+, which blossomed into a whole Molly/Arthur series+ that includes not only Molly/Arthur fics but also some wonderful stories fleshing out her OC’s from Unsinkable. Molly/Arthur is a woefully underdone ship, but to be honest it’s hard to compete with hers! I have basically accepted her Molly and Arthur as canon, and it made my own Arthur-centric fic that much more challenging because I had to make sure I wasn’t just co-opting her headcanons. Unsinkable is fabulously fluffy, and its sequel and other associated works are a bit more mature but also delightfully romantic. I swoon so hard for her Arthur, I love the depiction of 1960′s Hogwarts and magical Britain, and her OC’s are beautifully characterized as well.
Startwearingpurple also writes a bunch of next gen Weasleys as part of her Rose Weasley: Bounty Hunter series+, and I recommend those, as well! (Dad!Percy makes a few appearances in her Molly- and Lucy-centric fics.)
AND, bonus, since you like Arthur’s Boys, she has written a missing moment/ companion one-shot to my Ginny-centric chapter in that fic -- her one-shot is titled Permission+ and it’s lovely!
ALL WEASLEYS, including PERCY and RON:
I would be remiss if this list didn’t include FloreatCastellum @floreatcastellumposts, who has authored an impressive number of canon-compliant fics, many of which are Weasley-centric -- especially their Slice of Life One-Shots+, which concern the lives of canon characters, post-canon and into the next generation. But they also have a Missing Moments series+ set during canon events, and they really nail the characterization of (as far as I can tell) everybody. I haven’t read all of them, but I particularly enjoyed a couple of Ron-centric one-shots, Envy and I Have Seen Your Heart. They’ve got a couple of Percy-centric fics, as well. Their writing retains the style and charm of the source texts.
Cambangst+ is an exceptional writer, and his stuff isn’t necessarily Weasley-centric, but what I do want to comment on is his fantastic treatment of Ron. Specifically, I have been following his most recent novel After Destiny+, which is only published at HPFanficTalk. It’s about all the main characters -- most specifically the trio + Ginny -- moving forward in the immediate aftermath of Deathly Hallows. Let’s be real, canon Ron can be difficult to write, and so many people make him into a caricature of himself (even if they mean to portray him positively), but cambangst is not only fair to Ron by respecting his character and acknowledging his strengths -- he also recognizes and depicts Ron’s flaws and weaknesses, but not in an overblown way. He retains that sympathetic and relatable quality that always endeared Ron to me. Cambangst also writes a fantastic Bill.
1917farmgirl+ is a lover of the Weasley twins, and I’d recommend taking a look at any of her stuff, but especially The Ungrateful Dead+ and Passports Required+, which are wonderfully clever and original and will leave you with the best kind of Fred-related heartache.
PERCY (my love, my life, perfectly imperfect in every way):
As for Percy, I’ve come across a few specific works that I really love. Right now off the top of my head I can’t think of many other writers who have a large body of Percy-centric work, but I can definitely get you started with a few specific fic recs (I also must admit to you that I don’t read nearly as much fic as I would like, especially when I’m on a roll with writing, so I myself am always down to receive Percy fic recs!):
Percy Take the Wheel+ by KittySmith @corwynnasmith -- I hate to say that I am not nearly as far into reading this as I would like to be, but the chapters I have read, I’ve loved. It’s a sad premise, but a wonderful portrait of the Weasley kids and their dynamics, featuring a three-dimensional Percy solidly based in his canon characterization. The love and respect the author has for Percy really come through in this.
Scorose+ has written a few Percy/Audrey fics, and I especially adored An Old English Tradition+, which features a lovably dorky Percy stuck under some mistletoe.
Reflector+ by Calebski -- Okay, I’m a Ron/Hermione shipper deep in my soul, and this is a Percy/Hermione, but damned if it isn’t a gorgeous romance (more gentle, quiet romances, please!) and a thoughtful, compelling characterization of Percy in love and finding his way in life.
Sinnersandsapphics has a series featuring (among other characters) bi and poly Percy, called the Polyverse+ on AO3, except over at HPFanficTalk she has posted additional Percy-centric fics and renamed it Percycule+. Her fics are thoughtful and funny, and her Percy is delightful and shipped with both Oliver and Audrey. He features in What Landon and Peters Missed, Odd Weasley Out (on hiatus but hopefully she’ll update soon!), and The Healing of Alicia Spinnet.
I’ll reblog and add more recs if any others come to me! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to shout about wonderful writers and spread the Weasley love. <3
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neptunesfullbuster · 4 years
hi there! omg I’m so happy to find someone in Tumblr who takes fairy tail requests 🥺 thank you thank you thank you! I was wondering if you would write a one shot with a f!reader and Natsu where they’re in a battle where he thinks the reader was hurt and he freaks out and goes ballistic? Gotta love angst right? But in reality the enemy could use hallucination magic and Natsu was just imagining it? And after it’s Natsu finding the reader okay and fluff?? I hope this is okay! Thank you 🥺
- hypnotic hallucinations
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summary ; a mission goes south and some mental damage occurred
pairing ; natsu dragneel x fem!reader
word count ; 1607ish
authors note ; god i finally got time to write this, i’m sorry for the wait!! also you are so cute omg! i’m so bad at writing fight scenes ahh so i’m sorry it might suck. one more thing i kinda of wrote reader as a earth mage, i hope you don’t mind it just made more sense to write it like that instead of not specifying what mage type she was. 
(what is this title and description ? it’s so bad ik but i had no clue what to title and the description could be so many things heh)
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It was supposed to be simple, get in, grab the necklace and get the heck out of there. However, nothing was simple when it came to you and your team. The client was an elderly woman who had been robbed by a group of bandits. They stole the family’s heirloom, which was a necklace that was worth lots of money. The woman gave you the ideal location of their camp and sent you away to retrieve it.
Your plan was for Natsu and Erza to enter through the camp and distract the bandits while you, Lucy, Gray and Happy went looking for the heirloom. You and Lucy would grab the necklace while Gray would keep watch. 
Well, that did happen. 
The camp was huge, but no one was there as if it was abandoned. It was apparent they knew you were coming, so you didn’t make a move to enter. 
“What should we do?” You asked. Your eyes scanned the area, you weren’t able to spot anyone, but the feeling of being watched wouldn’t go away. 
“Don’t move, not yet,” Erza told you, ready to attack if anyone jumped out.
“I think they are watching us,” you added.  
It was quiet and unsettling. You didn’t know how many men there were, nor did you know what they were waiting for, Natsu sighed beside you.
“If they aren’t going to do anything, why don’t we just go in?” Natsu started to walk towards the camp, but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back. 
“You idiot, that’s what they are waiting for.” 
“But I’m bored.” He groaned. It wasn’t the time for his whining. You had a job that was going a different route than expected. 
“Natsu, shut up,” Gray mumbled, which didn’t do anything besides pissing him off. 
“What did you say?” 
Suddenly men jumping into sight, ready to attack. If you were to survive this job, you were going to kill Natsu yourself back at the guild. 
“Y/n! Natsu! Go find the heirloom!” Erza yelled at the two of you while getting into battle.
The group held off some of the bandits while the two of you ran in. As you watch your friends defeat the bandits, you noticed that there was something off. 
“Natsu!” You shouted. Grabbing his attention, he stopped running and turned to you. 
“I don’t think they are regular bandits,” you told him, catching up.
He looked over your shoulder and watched what was going on. 
“Well, I guess we’re going to have to get out of here fast.”  
Inside the camp, it was empty and quiet. The only noise you could hear was your teammates fighting in the distance. It was suspicious you knew you weren’t alone, but you didn’t have time to worry about it. 
“Happy, since you can fly, see if you can see anything up high. Natsu and I will look on the ground.” You ordered. Happy nodded and flew up. 
A large cliff loomed over the entire camp, so you decided to see if there is a secret entrance by there. Natsu decided to search through the tents and small buildings. You didn’t how quiet it was. It made you uneasy you couldn’t stop yourself from peaking to see if you could see Natsu making sure he was okay.  
You ran your hands against the rock to see if there was a hidden area, but there was nothing. You sighed. Suddenly you felt something approach behind you. You got ready to strike and turned, but there was nothing. Confused, you decided to see if Natsu had found something. 
“Natsu?” You yelled, walking to the center of the camp. 
Happy flew down next to you, “I couldn’t find anything.”
“Maybe it’s in a different location?” 
“Y/n! Happy! Watch out!” Natsu screamed, running towards you.
A group of more bandits jumped out behind you. Happy quickly grabbed you and flew off, but one of the men was able to get a hold of your foot and swung you into the cliff. 
You groaned in pain, “Don’t worry about us!” you stood up quickly, running into action. 
It was two against four, not exactly a fair fight, but you had to make it work. Natsu was having an easier time than you. His fire magic was performing well against them while your earth magic wasn’t doing much. The enemy was quickly breaking through your vines when you tried to tie them up in them. 
You were able to trap one in a biome of rocks. It wouldn’t hold them down, but it would long enough for you to get rid of the other one. In the corner of your eye, you spotted a figure creeping behind Natsu. It had the same eerie feeling that you felt earlier. Natsu didn’t seem to notice it as it approached him. He was too focused on the enemy in front of him. 
“Natsu!” You scream, but he didn’t hear you. You had to move on your own. You quickly summoned large boulders around the bandit and collapsed them, trapping them like the other one. 
“Natsu!” You shouted once again, running towards him. 
“Watch out!”  
Natsu turned to look at you, but you weren’t there, no one was there. His eyes scanned the area; it was dark and gloomy. The air was thick, and he smelt, blood. He looked down. His body was completely painted in the dark red liquid. 
“Guys?” Natsu looked up. The area suddenly changed, people were scattered around dead. He was confused about what happened. You were all doing well and had almost defeated the camp. 
“Hello?” Natsu started to feel exhausted. The stench of blood was helping. He began to walk, but something grabbed his foot. He yelled and looked down. 
“Erza? Wha-”
“Natsu.” She choked out, using his leg to pull herself closer. Her body was covered in blood, and most of her armour was ripped off her body. 
She took a breath, “You could of done something. Why didn’t you?” 
Before he answered, she fell and stopped moving. Natsu knelt to her level. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Natsu!” A familiar voice screamed in the distance. It was clear they were in pain. He ran, jumping and almost tripping over bodies. 
“Yeah!” He shouted back. He knew that he was close. He could someone groaning in pain. 
Natsu spotted something moving behind a collapsed tent. “Hey!” He called out, running to it.
“Natsu.” They choked out in agony. It was you. You were sat against some rocks. The only thing keeping you up was the large spike that was in your shoulder.  
“Y/n.” He cried out, falling right in front of you, panicking. 
“No, no, no!” He didn’t want you to leave him. He wasn’t ready, nor was he prepared. 
“Natsu,” you mumbled. Your eyes were starting to become heavy. 
“No, stay awake, Y/n we’re going to get you outta here.” Natsu moved to your side and tried to unjam the spike that was stuck between two rocks.
“Stop! It hurts!” You screamed, Natsu immediately stopped. His eyes were becoming teary.  
“Please don’t go.” he choked, holding onto your hands’ tears now falling from his eyes.
“Why didn’t you help us?” You mumble, zoning out.  
“You could of prevented this, why didn’t you?”
“Y/n I-” 
Your eyes bore into him. You seemed empty like a zombie. 
“Natsu. Natsu. Natsu.” you started to repeat over and over again.
Natsu was confused, “What? What is it?” 
“Natsu, wake up. Natsu. Natsu, wake up.” you continued to repeat. 
His vision started to go blurry, and your voice began to sound like you were calling for him, but it seemed to get louder and louder. 
“Natsu, wake up!”
He shot up, his body was hot and sweating, and he couldn’t control his breathing. His panicked eyes search the room as his vision started to focus. He was suddenly in the guilds med bay. 
“Natsu?” He felt a hand be placed on his arm, and he quickly shook it off.
“Don’t what did you do to them!’ He shouted, trying to get up. 
“Natsu, it’s me Y/n.”
“What?” His eyes landed on your concerned features. 
“Y/n.” Natsu pulled you into a bear hug. His arms were tight around your figure, and his eyes were teary. 
“I thought I lost you,” he mumbled.
“They were messing with your mind.” you started to explain, trying to get him to release you, but he was budging.
“Natsu let go so I can explain, please.” 
“Natsu, your a sauna let go.” He let you but not fully while he was still holding your hand. 
“Hi.” You smiled at him, “It wasn’t real, these bandits were heavily into hallucination magic, and when you weren’t paying attention, one of them was able to sneak up on you and made you imagine one of the worse outcomes.” you explained
“What about the job?” he asked, tracing circles over your hand. 
 “Erza found the heirloom, it wasn’t even near there at all. She and Lucy went to return it to the owner. They explained what happened, and we got some extra reward money.” 
“You were gone.” He placed his hand over where the spike was impaling you. His face cringed. You put your hand over his and smiled at him moving his attention over to you. 
“But I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.” Natsu gave you a small smile and pulled you back into a hug.
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked. You could feel his head shaking.
The two of you sat there embracing each other until the rest of the team ran in to check on him. 
Natsu was clinging by your side the rest of the day and was not planning on letting anytime soon, though you didn’t mind one bit.
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thanatosangels · 4 years
Congraaats on hitting your first milestone, Mae!! 💕 We just followed each other recently, so I'm hoping to know you better! 😊 For the asks: 👀 What's your favourite ship/character from TSC? and based on that choice, can I pls get a 🥰 on the ship/character you've chosen? I'd love to read it! Thank you! 🥺
OMFG THANK YOU SM!!  You seem sooo sweet and i really want to get to know you too ahhh 💝💞💓 Also, i can’t apologise enough for how long this has taken - life got very busy and then i wrote it all but accidentally deleted it, so i’m really sorry!! <3 I hope you enjoy :))
👀 - I honestly can’t even pick one, but for the sake of writing purposes i’m gonna say Lucie and Cordelia’s friendship because i really want to write about them lol <33
“Jessie,” Lucie’s voice was hushed in the darkness of her kitchen.
“Jessamine,” She was shaking as she clutched the picnic basket between her hands.
Still nothing.
“Jessamine Lovelace.” There was more conviction this time, a feigned air of authority.
Jessamine materialised directly in front of her. “Lucie, darling, are you aware it’s three in the morning?” Jessamine’s bright eyes narrowed as she looked Lucie up and down, seeing her mud-caked boots, the hem of her dress sodden and heavy,  the hastily assembled picnic in her hand. “Whatever seems to be the matter?” Her voice held more curiosity than concern.
Lucie gulped, her nervousness a palpable taste in her mouth. “I need you to take me somewhere, Jessie.” 
 Jessamine looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “I beg your pardon?”
A deep breath. “I need you to take me somewhere.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. Angel, I hope this works.
“Little Lucie, have you lost your mind? I wouldn’t blame you, living in all this ruckus.” Jessamine was slowly circling her, inspecting her. “Or have you suffered a grievous head injury that’s rendered you unable to remember that I am a ghost. Does this mean i have to rouse Will? You do know what he’s like when he doesn’t get his precious beauty sleep.” Lucie could feel the bright ghostly eyes on the back of her head. “Oh! Perhaps you’ve had a spell cast on you by a nasty warlock and i simply appear human to you now-“
Lucie felt her already frayed nerves snap. “Oh, do shut up Jessamine! Listen to me for a moment.” 
A small, shimmering hand was brought to a translucent chest, an offended look on her pale, pretty face, but she did not continue her rambling. 
Lucie shut her eyes for a moment. She had been in the gardens of Chiswick Manor, her breath forming a mist in the crisp evening air that mingled with the dark-grey clouds overhead, Grace by her side. They had been trudging over the damp lawn towards their usual meeting place, the dilapidated house looming over them, broken windows like unblinking eyes, when Lucie had stopped short. Dread trickled down her body from her head to her feet like a bucket of ice water poured over her head, realisation dawning and anxiety gnawing. Cordelia! She had been meant to see her that afternoon, to go for a walk in the park and show her the latest chapter of the Beautiful Cordelia, but she had been so distracted by smuggling yet another book of dark magic from the restricted section that she had, simply, forgotten. She hadn’t seen Cordelia in almost two weeks now, and guilt rose like bile in her throat.
So, after Grace and Lucie had finished, she had rushed home and immediately packed a picnic of leftover strawberry and lemon tarts, ginger beer and lemonade, cake and cucumber sandwiches. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best she could do. Now she stood in her kitchen, face to face with her ghostly Aunt, about to do the unthinkable.
Lucie squared her shoulders, took another deep breath and whispered an “I’m sorry.” almost under her breath, and held her hand out in front of herself.
One of Jessamines delicate eyebrows arched up. “What are you doing?”
“Jessamine Lovelace, I command you to take me to Cordelia Carstairs.” Lucie put all the force she could muster, all the confidence she did not feel, into her voice.
“What?” Was all Jessamine said, an alarmed look on her face.
“I command you to take me to Cordelia Carstairs,” Lucie lowered her hand as she walked towards the ghost. “And i bound you to secrecy about my powers.”
Lucie stopped barley inches from Jessamine. They were almost the same height, Jessie just slightly taller. Lucie set her jaw, her pale blue eyes fixed on Jessamine’s shining brown eyes, her mouth in a hard line. She reached a hand up, to place it on Jessamine’s shoulder, desperately trying to still the tremor of her nerves…
And felt Jessamine, cold but solid, under her palm.
Lucie heard her suck in a small breath, bright eyes wide with shock, her mouth agape. “How….” She breathed.
Despite herself, despite the fact that this was only half the battle, a small smile played on Lucie’s lips. Hope burned in her chest, a warm feeling that fought the cold of the dead biting at her fingers. 
She felt that same cold wash over her whole body as Jessamine’s arms encircled her.
“Take me.”
And she did.
There was simply darkness, and then light.
Lucie found herself in the small, neat courtyard at the back of Cordelia’s home. Power thrummed through her veins and she felt almost drunk on the giddiness of it. Oh, what fun!
Jessamine nowhere to be seen. Lucie hoped she was alright.
She looked up, towards the window of Cordelia’s bedroom. At least, she thought it was Cordelia’s bedroom. Guilt sobered her as she realised how little time she’d spent here these past few months. Surely you should know your best friend’s - your parabatai’s - whole life inside out?
“Cordelia!” Lucie whisper-shouted, though she wasn’t even sure why she tried. Obviously Cordelia was not going to hear her from all the way up there. She looked around frantically, searching for something, anything, that she could throw at the window and alert Cordelia of her presence. She thought about the small throwing ax attached to her thigh, hidden under her skirts, but quickly decided that it was a horrendous idea.
Finally, she found a suitable pebble. She placed down her basket and took a few steps back, almost falling over a stone bench next to some flower beds. She steadied herself, measured the throw, pulled her arm back and let the pebble fly. 
It was a direct hit. Despite herself, Lucie was proud.
Lucie shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her hands worrying each other in front of her. The ten or so seconds between the throw and the curtains drawing back felt like an hour to her. Then, Lucie saw Cordelia’s face through the darkness, lit by a candle she held in her hand, and relief washed over her.
She had been awfully panicked about accidentally waking Alastiar instead.
Then, the window was open and Cordelia stuck her head out of it. “Lucie? Is that you?” Her voice was hushed. “Are you okay? Has something happened?” Her words were spilling over each other.
“No! Nothing’s happened, Daisy, I am perfectly fine…” She trailed off, unsure how to start.
“Oh, well then. How kind of you to actually show up.” Cordelia’s voice was cold now, but Lucie heard the twinge of hurt in it and it made her heart ache. Cordelia moved to shut the window.
“Wait!” Lucie shouted, desperation creeping into her voice. 
Cordelia’s head popped back out again, her dark hair falling about her like Rapunzel in her tower. “Yes?”
“Cordelia, Daisy, I am so very, very sorry.” She spoke very, very quickly. “I know I have not been as good a friend as I should these past months, and I know an apology alone cannot fix that. I am going to be better, though. You are so amazing, Daisy, and you deserve only the best of everything in this life. I cannot promise to be perfect, which is what you truly deserve, but i can promise to be better and do my best. I love you, more than anything else on this earth, Cordelia and I hope you never forget that.” She paused, breathing like she’d been running, and Cordelia opened her mouth as if to say something but Lucie held her hand up to quiet her. She dashed over to the picnic basket she’d left lying and lifted it up so Cordelia could see. “I brought us some midnight - well, 3 o’clock - snacks, if you would like?” 
For a moment, Cordelia said nothing. Lucie’s heart fluttered in her chest like a hummingbird in a cage. Then, a wide smile lit up Cordelia’s whole face. “Oh, Lucie, you goose! I wasn’t that annoyed, simply peeved! Of course I will come down and have a picnic with you, darling, just give me a moment to get dressed.” She disappeared into the darkness behind her and shut the window.
Lucie felt herself grin uncontrollably as relief crashed over her like a tidal wave, making her knees so weak that she plopped herself down on the stone bench that had nearly upended her before. 
It was the first time she had smiled like that for a long while.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years
Kiss Me
Author’s Note: Hey guys, this is my first fanfic on here! lol I wrote this whilst I was super bored and it is 10000000000% self indulgent fluff but we’ll ignore that ;) hope you like it x
Summary: Y/n and Tom have known each other since Uni began, but knowing each other doesn’t mean they have to like one another...right?
Word Count: 2,970
“You broke his nose?” Tom whispered, pulling you into a classroom.
“He was harassing me! Speaking of which, kindly remove your arm.” You glared at the fingers wrapped around your bicep, wishing you could light them on fire.
“Y’know, you could’ve just told him to piss off.”
“And where would that have gotten me? A slap on the arse and a ‘see you later, cupcake’?"
Tom ran a hand through his hair, looking exasperated. It was your final year, and you honestly thought you were done with him after all that had happened last term. You’d made it clear enough you didn’t like him for the past four years, and if you could just get him to understand that, maybe you’d finally be able to graduate in peace.
“He’s in hospital getting stitches and his nose reset, I can’t believe you didn’t get suspended.”
You smirked, reaching for the door to make it clear you were done with the conversation. “You can’t get suspended if no one can prove it was you. It’s his word against mine.”
With a wink, you stepped out into the corridor and allowed yourself to get swept up into the crowd heading to lectures, the groan of a man defeated echoing behind you. Your history with Tom was hardly rosy; the first day you’d walked into lectures he’d kicked his feet up on the desk and asked if you were lost. You’d spent the rest of the year forcing him to dodge you when you’d promptly added phenolphthalein to his drink and given him the shits. Chemistry degrees were worth it when you knew what worked as laxatives.
But you were tired of having to constantly be on your guard, of trying to think of something sharp to say back in case he started on you in the halls. It felt like you were constantly hyper aware of where he was in class, just in case he tried to throw paper aeroplanes at you again, and even though you owed him nothing you were half hoping he’d show up one day begging for a favour just so you could turn him down. Needless to say, when his mate Harrison had started wolf whistling and making comments, you’d thrown the punch before you could think twice, half thinking it was Tom before the fist connected and the yell told you otherwise.
Suddenly, a hand waved frantically in front of your hand, wild black hair tickling your nose as you spat out the strands caught in your mouth.
“Abby!” You laughed, almost dropping your textbooks as she threw herself at you.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you suspended?”
“No,” you laughed “the Dean let me off because there wasn’t any evidence it was me. But you’re not the first person to ask that.”
“Ooh, spill!” Abby’s eyes sparkled as she pulled you along behind her and towards the chemistry block.
“Who do you reckon?”
“Holland? Again? That kid has a problem!”
“Yeah, but there’s only three months to go. We’ll get our masters and never have to see him again,” you sighed, rubbing your shoulders as you stepped into the heat of the science block. Outside, the air was wobbling on the brink of winter, the leaves not yet sure whether to fall or turn orange, and you regretted leaving your coat in your dorm room that morning.
“Still,” Abby slid into her seat “you shouldn’t have to put up with him.”
“If you’re going to talk about me, can you do it quieter? I can’t hear Dr Bowman and some of us want to pass exams,” the familiar voice huffed behind you. You turned around, one eyebrow raised, ready to snap back, when your eyes landed on Harrison. You hadn’t realised you’d done that much damage, stunned by the plastic cast and tape holding his nose in place. It was bloodied and he had a black eye, but he smiled weakly at you, wincing before it could reach his eyes.
Tom was watching you, his jaw set as though he had something to say. But before he could open his mouth, you cut across him. “I’m sorry I hit you that hard, Harrison. I…didn’t think it was you.”
Tom’s eyebrows raised imperceptibly, and you caught the narrowing of his eyes out of the corner of your eyes. He hadn’t expected that, had he?
“S’okay,” Harrison shrugged “I deserved it.”
“Well, even so. I didn’t mean to break your nose.” Before you could turn around again, Tom reached for your shoulder and stopped you, his brown eyes wide and, for a second, you thought desperate.
“Wait, who did you think it was?”
Abby kicked your shin beneath the desk, a silent warning to be careful, but something told you this wasn’t a trap. Maybe it was the slight choke to his voice or the way his fingers barely grazed your shoulder, but you felt a tug in your chest at the thought of telling him the truth. The silence seemed to confirm it for him, and he nodded once and settled back into his seat, not looking at you again.
For a second, you felt empty, the loss of contact leaving your skin cold, and you wanted to ask him if he was okay. But then you remembered the morning’s conversation and shook yourself for even feeling sorry for him.
When the class began to start, Abby passed you a note, her familiar scribble hardly legible and you were grateful for normalcy. There was that party tonight, someone graduating early and saying goodbye, and she was wondering if you were still okay to go. With a quick grin in her direction, you opened your laptop and lost yourself in the beauty of the equations, the weird look Tom had given you fading from your mind until you’d forgotten about him entirely.
When you stepped into the house that night, you were instantly deafened. The wild bass throbbed under your feet and someone had switched the normal lights for deep purple mood lighting, casting all the rooms with an eerie glow. People crowded into every corner, drinks in their hands and, given it was now almost midnight, on the floor as well. You hadn’t intended to come tonight, but the whole thing with Tom this morning had made you want to escape your dorm room for a little while.
Abby had helped you wriggle into the red skirt you’d had since you were eighteen and lent you one of her silky tops that you couldn’t stop touching, and even though you’d almost frozen to death on the way here, you’d thrown on some open toed flats that wound their way up your calves.
“I’ll get us some drinks,” Abby yelled over the noise, pushing into the living room. You watched as the crowd swallowed her up, and looked around to see if you could see anyone familiar. Pete from your Tuesday morning lectures was disappearing out of the back door with a girl you’d never seen before, and Bex from your writing society was standing with two boys and a girl by the stairs, talking animatedly and twirling her hair around her finger.
With a laugh, you sidled over as the boys disappeared and grinned at her, embracing her with one hand whilst she balanced a drink in the other. “Y/n! I haven’t seen you in ages! Have you met Lucy? She’s a fresher this year.”
“Hi,” you waved, smiling at the blonde girl in front of her. You were about to ask her what course she was on, when the two boys Bex had been talking to before returned, sliding round the side of you.
“Two vodka and cokes for the ladies,” you heard Tom laugh “and who did you – oh.” He froze, cup halfway handed to Bex, surprise dancing behind his eyes. “Wouldn’t have thought this was your scene, Y/n.”
“And what would you have thought my scene was, Holland?” you replied, glancing towards the small amount of space between you both.
“You two know each other?” Bex asked as she started drinking.
“Yeah, she’s the one that did this,” Harrison laughed as he pointed to his nose.
You grinned, dragging your eyes away from Tom. “Guilty.”
Bex raised an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on her face as she glanced between you and Tom. “I meant those two.”
“Oh, um, we, um…” you started, cheeks burning as Tom slid away and brushed your back.
“Chemistry class,” he supplied for you, velvet voice filled with mocking laughter. God dammit, what the hell was wrong with you? Tom fucking Holland came with two inches of you and suddenly you couldn’t speak? You mentally kicked yourself for letting him get one up on you and relief washed over you as Abby appeared with your drink.
“You look like you need it,” she muttered, clocking Tom.
“Abby!” Bex exclaimed, swaying slightly on her feet “You’re here too!”
“Yep,” she replied, and you could hear the sarcasm that laced her tone.
“You know what we should do? Since we’re all…friends and all that,” Bex grinned “Truth or Dare!”
Even in the darkness, you could sense Tom roll his eyes. “What are we, six?”
“Well I think it’s a great idea,” you shot back, seeing the hurt form in Bex’s eyes. You tried to tell yourself it was about backing up your friend when he turned to glower at you, but you couldn’t help but feel you’d taken back your lead.
“Alright then, y/l/n, you’re on.”
Harrison whistled, clapping his hands as he pulled you all into the next room. It was much quieter in here and you waved your hand against your face as you brushed a cobweb away.
“Alright, who’s first,” he grinned, falling to the floor and spinning a bottle he’d found tucked away in a corner.
“I still think this is stupid,” Tom muttered, and you couldn’t resist shooting him a glare from where you sat. To your surprise, as he looked back at you, there wasn’t a trace of the usual arrogance you normally saw there, and instead there was something that looked like…fear?
“Alright, Abby, you’re up!” Bex announced as the bottle landed on your best friend. “Truth or Dare?”
“Truth,” Abby answered, and Bex clapped her hands.
“When was the last time you had sex?”
Abby’s eyebrows shot up, clearly not expecting her to have gone so far so quickly. But this was Bex, the girl who’d gotten drunk and done a strip dance to Let It Go – anything was possible.
“Err…last week,” Abby answered flippantly, spinning the bottle. You wondered if everyone else could tell she was lying too.
As the bottle slowed, it crawled past you and came to a stop on Tom, who had conveniently sat opposite in the centre. Your eyes flicked up and met his, seeing the confident smirk reflected in the deep brown. You drew in a deep breath and squared your shoulders, waiting for Abby to ask the question.
“Truth or Dare?”
“Truth,” he replied without missing a beat. Abby’s eyes slid round the room, not sure what to ask him, landing desperately on yours. You took a breath and met him head on, surprising yourself when the words fell out of your mouth.
“Why are you such an arsehole to me?”
He grinned as Harrison wolf whistled and yelled “she got you bro!” around the room. But you didn’t move your eyes away from Tom, the alcohol buzzing through your veins making you more confident than you usually would’ve been.
“Are you sure it’s just you I’m an arsehole to, darling?” Tom laughed, his gaze fixed on you and you squirmed beneath his stare, heat flooding. Suddenly, it felt like nobody else was in the room as the two of you stared at one another, everybody else melting away whilst you watched his lips twist into a smirk.
“Answer the question,” you mumbled as Abby nudged you, giving you a ‘what the fuck?’ glance.
“Maybe it’s just easy,” he shrugged, and the moment was broken as he turned to spin.
You held your breath, watching as the bottle span in the silence, praying it wouldn’t land on you and you wouldn’t have to answer some stupid question. But of course the universe didn’t work like that, and you felt your heart begin to race as it slowed to a stop and pointed at you. Bex laughed, swigging from her bottle as you shifted from side to side.
“You don’t even need to ask the question, Tom, there’s no way Y/n would ever choose anything other than truth.” She grinned, and you wondered if it was too late to smash the frigging bottle over her head.
“Oh really?” Tom raised an eyebrow, and it was a challenge you couldn’t ignore. Maybe it was buzz in your head, or the high of the party but something made you sit up a little straighter and look him dead in the eye.
“Actually, I choose dare.”
“Good choice,” Harrison wiggled his eyebrows “I don’t think there’s anyone more qualified to give you one.”
“Go on then Tom,” you folded your arms as you leaned closer “do your worst.”
The over confident smirk vanished from his face as you settled back in your seat feeling triumphant. He chewed on his cheek as concentrated on you, his eyes narrowed and you were starting to feel a little unnerved by the staring. Just as you were about to call him out on it, his face cracked into a shit eating grin and his eyes flared dangerously.
“Kiss me.”
“What?” At first you thought you'd simply misheard him, but as he said it again you realised you’d heard him perfectly fine.
“You asked me to do my worst, and my worst is asking you to kiss me.”
You balled your hands into fists, trying to suppress the anger that coursed through you. The boy that had taken the piss out of you all year, tormented you, picked fights every chance he got had just asked you to kiss him and you had to wonder where he got the audacity. White hot rage flared in your veins but you forced yourself to think clearly, knowing that if you slapped him and then left you’d have lost your lead.
So instead, you cocked you head to one side and winked as you got to your feet, enjoying the way his eyes widened in surprised as you crossed the room and sat in his lap. Maybe the best revenge was to just piss him off.
“Like this?” you asked innocently, slowly lowering your lips until they hovered just above his own.
You felt the heat from his breath against your skin as silence swallowed the room, everyone clearly surprised at what you had done. All at once, you pushed your reservations aside and crashed your lips against his, not expecting it to last more than half a second until his hands slid into your hair.
You could barely think as waves of shock and desire coursed through you, taking you completely by surprise as he traced a finger down the hollow of your spine. You shuddered beneath his fingertips, biting down lightly on his lip, moving your mouth to match the rhythm as fireworks exploded behind your closed eyes. It felt like a thousand fires had erupted across your skin as his hands moved across your bare arms, and you were breathless by the time he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
“What was that?” you whispered breathlessly, glancing over your shoulder suddenly acutely aware that there should have been four pairs of eyes on you. But as you turned to look, Harrison was ushering everyone out of the room and you barely noticed as he sent a wink in Tom’s direction.
“You tell me, darling,” he replied, his fingers cupping your chin to turn you to face him “what do you want it to be?”
“I don’t know,” you breathed, feeling your heart still slamming against your chest.
“I do,” Tom sighed, entwining your fingers in his. “I know I’ve been an arsehole to you, and I hate myself for it. But ever since I met you you’ve been the one person who didn’t fall at my feet or let me say whatever I wanted. And at first, that drove me insane, but now…”
“Now you’re in love with me, and you didn’t know how to tell me,” you cut him off, whispering quietly into the darkness. All you could see was the shining light of Tom’s eyes staring back at you, shock filling them.
“How did you-?”
“I’ve seen enough romance films, Tom,” you laughed “and I know enough about myself to know that hating you wasn’t something I was ever capable of.”
“So you feel the same?”
A long silence stretched between the two of you as you placed your lips back on his and kissed him gently, a different kind of sweetness filling you up. At last, you pulled back and nodded, not wanting to say the words in case they sounded cheesy, but Tom didn’t seem to care, pulling you back into him like he was on fire and you were the only water around for miles.
As he intertwined his hand with yours and ran another through your hair, you felt whole, like a little part of you had been missing and you’d finally found it in the last place you’d thought to look. And as he kissed you deeper, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, you felt like you were floating, held in the sky by nothing more than your heart beat and the strength of Tom’s lips on yours.
Maybe breaking Harrison's nose wasn't the worst thing you'd ever done after all...
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