#but a moral opposition to leather in general is actually so mind numbingly brain meltingly astronomically stupid
kaleidoscopic-quiddity · 10 months
vegan moral opposition to leather is so fucking stupid like, listen, that animal is gonna be killed anyways, you are quite literally never going to convince everyone to stop eating meat/dairy/eggs/etc, and even if you somehow did it'd be ecologically disasterous, humans are an omnivourous species that can have a symbiotic relationship with the animals around them, but thats been fucked over by industrialisation, urbanisation, and capitalism, which are all things we can fix, instead of magically expecting most or all of the population to somehow abanon entire food groups that provide multiple nutrients and let both livestock and predator populations go wholly unchecked, which in turn will wreak havoc on agriculture and the ocean and the rest of the environment, so like if we're gonna be killing animals to eat them anyways, since its pretty damn important for us and them that we do at least sometimes, the fucking least we can do is use as much of the animal as is possible, which includes making leather out of it, which need i remind everyone is also far more sustainable and enviromentally concious than that microplastic pleather bullshit that barely lasts 5 years
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