#but after much thought i'm ready to be back! so hi 🥺 missed y'all
I finally did it. I finally rewatched the finale. I'm not ready for the next (and last) season y'all 😭😭
You don't even understand guys :'D they're married :')
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
I LOOOOOOOOVED this episode SO SO SO MUCH!!! Well, these episodes, I suppose. They were both so good, though very sad 😭😭💔. Gabriel will always be missed :((. But seriously, the ending was pretty happy with the sad parts thrown in to give it ✨flavor✨, and the wedding was just freaking beautiful <3. It was everything we've been waiting for :'), and more <3.
Now, onto the individual parts!
Marjan, Paul, Mateo, and Nancy!! We didn't see too much of these guys this episode, but they were so great :'DD. I just love how happy they are for their friends in the wedding too :'). Also they all looked AMAZING!! Serving fr 🥰. love them all so much <33.
Tommy (and Trevor)! They were amazing :')). They're so sweet <3. And oop, do I smell another wedding/or at least plans/talk of one 👀👀? That would be cool :D. And Tommy does deserve it, if that's what she wants :'). As does Trevor! Also, TOMMY ABSOLUTELY A T E WITH BEING ALIVE 😭😭😭💔🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️!!! It was so beautiful <3 such a great song, and the perfect ending for the season. It honestly would've been an amazing end for the series, but I'm glad we'll be getting more to see how things work out for the others more xD. I love them so much <3.
Owen!! Poor Owen man :'((. Everything with Robert was just rough. I'm glad Robert got to go out on his own terms but gosh :((. Also, I am SO GLAD Owen got Carlos to back down 😭😭. I know it wasn't just him but gosh am I happy he went after him xdd. Those are his boys, and Carlos especially needs him now (though of course he'll never replace Gabriel) :'((. Gosh, it just sucks xddd. But yeah, I'm so glad he was there for him, and TK, and everything worked out <33. Also him as best man and seeing Gwyn at the wedding was just beautiful :')). And also again xD, that haunted/haunting look at the end in silence as Robert died/had just died, then calling 9-1-1 o.o. Wow, amazing <3. I love him <3.
Judd and Grace! The BESTIESSSS!! And when I say besties I mean the ones who are the best <33. I do wish Judd was being a bit more patient with Wyatt, but I get it :'(. It's hard to see someone you love like that, especially when Judd sacrificed so much for him and is a very push through it guy. But he learned, and he got better, and Wyatt did a little bit too :'). He's improving, and I'm so happy for him <3. For both of them :')). Also, Grace!! Our girl!! Being an icon as always <333. As I said in my liveblog, she's just perfect for Judd (as he is for her), always managing to bring him back down to earth and calm him down - when they don't need that fire of course lol, in either of them. But seriously, they're just amazing for each other, and they were so sweet this episode <33. Also Charlie is adorable as always 🥰🥰. I love them <33.
And finally. . .
TK and Carlos!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY'RE FINALLY MARRIED!!!! MY BOYS ARE FINALLY MARRIED :'DDDD!!! And they deserve it so much <333 🥰. They had to go through so much to get here, especially Carlos this episode/these past two episodes 😭. But they did it <333. Seeing TK support Carlos through everything was amazing, especially since we've seen the other way around. And just seeing Carlos lose it. Seeing him be unhinged. Seeing him out everything on the line because of his emotions, his grief, his need for justice, and almost losing it. But he didn't <3. He had TK to be worried about him, and Owen and What's His Face and the Texas Rangers Guy to stop him and pull him back from the edge. All because TK knew him, and wouldn't let him do that to himself. And I'm so glad it all worked out okay <333. Carlos's scene with Owen, and the tribute to Gabriel, was beautiful <33 and his re-proposal to TK was beautiful for a whole different reason :'D. As was TK being there with him both times he was up, and when he watched the video of Baby Carlos <33. And gosh, that wedding- so beautiful. Just perfect. Their vows are literally the most beautiful vows ever, my gosh 😭. Sorry to everyone else (fictional characters mainly) xD. But seriously, the emotions, for them and for me and all of us, they were just amazing :')). And the dancing!!! They're so silly and lovely your honor :'DD. And of course, the song <33. The way they cling to each other, and draw comfort from each other, especially regarding those missing <33 - it was amazing. And the way they included Andrea, checking on her and being with her and comforting her <3. And how TK asked Tommy to, for his husband :'))). And of course, just how much they love each other <33. You've been alive together for a long time, but now you will be being alive as a married couple :')) it's forever, now, and that's just amazing 🥺😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Also, AAAAHHHHHHH THEY'RE ON THEIR HONEYMOON!!!! :DDD We only got a brief glimpse of it but they look great and they look so happy 🥰🥰 I'm so happy for them lol <3. They've through so much, enough, thank goodness they finally just got there xD. Anyway. They are the best ever, and I will never get over them, ever <333. I love them so much 🥰🥰❤️ <3333.
Overall, this episode was absolutely amazing, a perfect wedding episode (well, besides having quite that level of sadness lol), and a wonderful finale :'). I love this show so much y'all. And, real talk here, I'm not ready for it to end. But I will do my absolute best to, while acknowledging the final milestones and appreciating things extra since it's the last time, not get stuck in the sadness and just enjoy this next season <33. This season was amazing, and I'm so excited for the next one :'))). Also once again they all looked amazing at the wedding and them just dancing around and being cute and sweet and silly was amazing xD :')). I love them all so much <3333.
So, yeah! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 18: In Sickness and In Health
It was absolutely amazing. I'm so glad everything worked out in the end, pretty much, and I just loved it. I'm so excited for the next season!
I'll be here next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 5
I'm so excited. This season was amazing, and I can't wait to see what they do with the next one! I'm sure it'll be even bigger and better, and I'll love it.
See you next season!!
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Ryan: Pamala gives Renee flowers everyday, i wish you would do that too.
Sophie: okay.
Sophie: [gives renee flowers]
Renee: Huh?
Sophie: I don't know, i'm confused as well.
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